#goals are getting enough to buy matching jackets for both of us
finalexpenses · 2 months
punches walls repeatedlt. i need a fucking job so i can get myself and my partner the fuck out of our respective hells
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zayneshottestgal · 2 months
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Sylus dating a girly badass🐦‍⬛
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Having a similar darker clothing style
Tries to suddenly match with you. If he sees you’re a fan of a certain brand/designer he will buy a few items that also suit his taste. If you point out how he didn’t seem to own pieces from that designer before and accuse him of copying you , he’ll tease and ask if you own the brand and can control who can wear it . he of course also buys you all the pieces you want from new drops and tells his henchman to keep a look out on any vintage pieces you’ve been struggling to find.
He thinks obvious matching outfits are too cheesy but also still has the desire to have that obvious sign that the two of you are together when out in public . Matching jewelry seems to do the trick. Matching rings and necklaces. If you have lots of ear piercing , and tattoos and tease him about the lack of his own . He would consider letting you pierce his ears. Tattoos he said he would think about ( he forgets).
“That designer you like is having a show here soon , is their space in your work schedule to go?”
“ do I think that jacket is too similar to your other one? I don’t see anything wrong with having a jacket that detailed if you think you don’t have enough clothes to go with it , we’ll go buy more”
“I left a gift on the desk in your suite consider wearing it tonight”
Having a detailed beauty regime
Most nights Sylus leaves you alone during your night routine but some nights he gets curious….. (*cough* clingy) . He seems like the type to have a effective but small skin care routine so your pamper nights look a little foreign to him
He teases you for it , calling you a true princess, a beauty rocket scientist , a professional beauty queen anything that flusters you and gets on your nerves . But honestly he’s happy to see you taking such detailed care of yourself and that you can still have your relaxing nights even at the n109 base.
He makes sure to keep all your things stocked and take notice of your preferences , which scents you like for soaps, which lotions you prefer to use , What goals you have for your skincare etc. he’ll read up on the methods you use and their benefits ( ex.dry brushing and milk baths) . He doesn’t want to ask and bother you but still wants to be informed.
If you suggest certain methods and products to add to his routine he will consider them sincerely. 9/10 he will implement them ,the 1/10 is if the method takes to much time or he just doesn’t like the product . But he trust your judgment full heartily and even comes to you for advice .
If you try to pamper him one day he will try to resist it but not for long . He thinks he should be the only one to spoil you but since you really wish to return the favor he cannot say no to you. I think he would be quite relaxed during the whole process, he doesn’t get to sit back and truly relax often ,so he’ll take advantage of it. He’ll try to thank you in a special way after especially since he has so much “extra” energy now.
“Is the beauty queen almost done with her routine?our flight in the morning is quite early.”
“Someone’s skin feels extra soft today ,any spare tips for a guy like me”
“What does this do? Hmm…that’s certainly interesting,they sell other varieties of this too right, do you only like this one ?”
Driving a motorcycle and having a sports car
Sylus likes that you also have a motorcycle it makes you more comfortable when riding on his . He also appreciates that if a deal goes bad you can drive the both of you home if he’s unable . He still keeps a helmet at his place so you don’t have to consistently take yours from off your bike just to ride on his. He makes sure your helmet is the highest quality and that your bike is in top shape .
If you have a sports car that you like driving around Sylus would have his men clear the roads in the east side of the N109 zone so that you could drive as fast as you wanted without traffic . He wouldn’t mind sitting in the passenger as you had your fun. He loved that you had that thrilling and adventurous side of you. He was proud that he had the resources to fuel that passion.
When you guys are parked for dates he has mephisto watch over your car . He never bothered doing that for his own car he didn’t care much if it got stolen/damaged he could buy another. But he knew your car meant a lot to you and was protective over it . “Your baby” as you call it. If it ever broke down and needed new parts he had the mechanic and new parts at the house within the next hour . He would not track you or have mephisto follow you around , all he ask is that you text him when you get home especially on those stormy nights . If you are leaving late at night to go back to linkon he insists on driving you himself just to make sure you get home safe . He’ll have one of his men follow you guys so that he can get home. The peace of mind is more then worth the trip.
“no one will steal your baby sweetie I have my men watching over it relax and enjoy the meal”
“ the mechanic said the new part was a perfect fit and that they can have it done within in an hour”
“No eating in the car because it makes a mess ? Sweetheart we’ve made worst messes in this car then just ketchup, I’ll hire a cleaner”
Caring for mephisto and the twins
You’ve grown to like mephisto and he seems to be warming up to you as well. Since he’s a mechanical bird you can’t really give him treats like you would a regular bird. But you still kiss the top of his head when he lands next to you and you thank him for watching over you when sylus can’t do it . Sylus will never admit but he is a bit jealous of his little crow . He made mephisto a custom bird stand for when he’s at your house so that he doesn’t have to perch on any old available surface . Sometimes mephisto lets you put bows on him. When he returns to Sylus to report to him ,Sylus slightly laughs at the bird with the big pink bow . “You’ve gone soft mephisto “ ( he’s projecting).
As for the twins sometimes when you’re back home at linkon or out on vacation with Sylus you bring them back souvenirs. They always appreciate them . They’ve gotten into the habit of waiting at the door when they know you and sylus are on your way home from the airport. You always hand them their gifts right away.
When you’re at sylus house and he’s busy with whatever ,you usually play with the twins. If they ever need any advice from a women’sperspective they always go to you . Even if they don’t need a women’s perspective just another perspective in general and it’s something they might be too shy to ask sylus they go to you. They truly see you as another leader and respect you just as much as sylus.
“ if I didn’t know any better I would think the twins were your henchmen”
“What were you and the boys talking about earlier, it’s a secret? Alright then”
“You want to take the twins AND mephisto with us on vacation. I guess since there’s room on the jet but don’t run back to me when they get you off track to see all the places you wanna go too”
(A.N) longest post I’ve written for love and Deepspace and it’s for sylus lol . I’ll make one for zayne too it’s wrong to abandon one husband for another . Let me know if you enjoyed it in the comments and what I can improve on . Thank you for reading .
-do not repost , translate my work (copy into A.I ) on to other websites . Please and thank you
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girlwithwolftatoo · 2 years
I have to go to this ballroom event and I was Just thinking about the reader and the moonboys having to go together and the moonboys see them in their poofy blue dress and cannot fathom how good the reader looks and they can't keep their hands off the reader.
I got my blue dress on tonight... (Sorry xD)
Okay, prompt I had in mind while writting this: the event you must attend is a high school reunion that you might find a little unnerving.
Marc Spector:
Accepts to go with you though he's not fond of parties. You asked him directly and he saw in your eyes the word "help" printed in them.
He doesn't ask you if there's an etiquete for the party and shows up in something half formal half casual. But when he meets you at the front door... oh my gods, you look so beautiful he feels like a pauper next to you.
Like you'd care, in your opinion he looks astounding even in his whities only.
Makes a big effort to keep himself away from alcohol. He just doesn't trust himself enough with self-control around it, and besides, his goal is to protect you.
Doesn't chat a lot with your ex colleages, he's not sure what to answer when they ask for his living. Despite that, his mysterious form and dashing appearence makes him the juicy gossip of the night.
"(Y/N), how did you get him?" asks someone who used to be a little acid towards you in school. You stare at Marc for a seconds and then smile. "I guess it was a lucky moon night".
Jake Lockley:
Of course he's going with you, and he's ready to throw a real pandemonium on your ex colleages' behalf because why not.
Dresses perfectly to match you, and of course you take the limo to the ballroom, making you the main star when you both arrive.
Jake's personality is a curious thing, either gets people revolve around him for he's magnetic and charming, or some others rather keep distance for they perceive something "dangerous" in him.
Not afraid to say out loud what he does for a living. "I drive and I punish thugs" (oh great, now everyone thinks he's a mafia member).
Dances along with you at any chance. This man loves music and anything, from a calmed waltz to a jolly and wild shake can be tamed by his sick moves.
Brings you refreshers and drinks, kisses your hand with devotional glares, talks to everyone about the wonderful and perfect little angel you are in his eyes... In a whole, he's your perfect charming bandit.
Steven Grant:
A party? With you? You want to go to a party with him? Like, you two? (He's surprised you want to do something with him -something that important, I mean).
Struggles a lot finding nice clothes, he doesn't want to look like a joke and make you feel embarrased for chosen him (poor boi self-steem is a hard deal), even buys a new jacket and tries to make it work. He looks fine, tho.
Panics inside but keeps a friendly smile outside. Grasps to your hand like his safeboat, and cannot stop wooing you for how you look tonight.
"I mean, you're always gorgeous, y'know, that dress looks astounding on you, it's so amazing, like straight from a fairy tale"
He's the one who remains silent during a group conversation, but if he's encouraged to talk, he'll share his thoughts with complete sincerity.
You better don't catch someone trying to make fun of him, or you'll jump to their throats and slit it, figuratively. "If Steven is too weirdo for you guys, them I am as weirdo as him and we're not welcome here"
You take him to the dancefloor, thought both are a little nervous. Finally, you feel so confident and happy together that you end up dancing, your head on his shoulder as he whispers how blessed he feels for having you.
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zeeckz · 4 months
This was really tough (I barely had any thoughts about them when you asked, I've been making most of them up as I wrote)
Somehow I think Kaz & EVA would team up most of the time to "scold" Big Boss for something he did, but the second Kaz does something wrong Big Boss is definitely supporting EVA even if he doesn't actually agree with her complaints (he'll let him know later, scoffing, and kiss him for forgiveness)
Well, I already said kazeva would ride motorbikes, so Big Boss clearly isn't an exception (not to the leather jacket/outfit and the matching helmet either)
He also gives me the impression to enjoy alone time rather than being surrounded by people, despite being in a leading position, so he's also going to isolated places with them
They kinda have to force him to write something worth reading on those postcards they send to David, if it was for him he'd just sign it as "-Boss" (not even "-Dad" smh) and call it a day (since they require his participation, otherwise he wouldn't do anything)
When it comes to the animal shelters, I feel he would pretend not to care as much as he actually does about animals, like just waiting outside while smoking his cigar, but the second he sees a Doberman, a German Shepherd (afaik the only specific breeds mentioned to be used as attack dogs in mgs) or a wolfdog (substituting actual wolves from the games) he's getting closer to pet it (depending on how doable it is, he might as well try to steal it)
He's the one who doesn't care about fashion as much as the other two, so, if anything at all, he'll only match the color palette or maybe wear a small, kinda discreet accessory (like wearing the same watch, buying the same lighter, or having a small sewn figure that matches his partners' clothing pattern, stuff like that), just so they don't bother him
Kaz and EVA are reinforcing each other's horniness just by being together, so I feel it's more likely they'll be questionably touchy in public (and I think they'd both do it to Big Boss, who's trying to keep them under control at least until they have more privacy; he doesn't like bringing any attention towards themselves)
For some reason I just imagined Big Boss buying ice-cream cones to them, so I will now accept this as his go-to way to treat them when going out; he doesn't look like the kind of man who'd buy flowers, chocolate boxes, jewelry, etc etc - ice-cream seems informal enough and a good way to keep them happy quite frequently
He also gets to have both of them licking the ice-cream in a rather indecent manner in front of him, but that's just a side effect and not his goal at all (he just wanted to cool down and eat something sweet)
Someone recently pointed out to me Big Boss seemed to show voyeuristic behaviors in mgs pw, so... These two being hornier than average... Y'know. Sometimes he just sits and watches as he smokes.
Tbh I already thought Kaz is into voyeurism and I'm not having too hard of a time imagining EVA being into that as well (just to a much lesser extent than them), so. Um. They can take turns.
And now that I accidentally ended up in this thread of thoughts - if it's the three of them, Kaz and EVA have to do most things at the same time or take turns, it doesn't work if only one of them does this or that (they'd fight) (they're into it anyway, just brings up a slighty dirtier side of them both and Big Boss is Not complaining)
I feel having EVA by his side would make it more likely for Kaz to work on music - yeah, she's not deaf and probably told him he's not much of a singer, but she'd also encourage him, maybe even sing herself, and Kaz would write little songs about things he likes about their trips and their little adventures as a throuple; I actually am not sure of what Big Boss' impression is regarding his musical skills, but I think he'd encourage him to improve himself (y'know, a very firm pat on the back and a few words while directly looking at him, then hold his jaw and a little kiss to get him going)
Now that I think of it. Big Boss seems more kinky than EVA, but less than Kaz. Do what you wish with that information
Anyway, back to the music - they visit music shops, second-hand shops from time to time and Big Boss is often forced to hold Kaz up so they can leave after several hours of him investigating all of the instruments, musicians and albums he's interested in (EVA finds this cute and enjoys seeing Big Boss holding Kaz like a sack of potatoes on his shoulder). Oh. Happens with fishing stuff too. AND trains. Specially trains.
It's kind of the same thing with EVA when they pass by a motorbike club, an exposition, motorcycle dealerships, and any other ride-related event (likewise, it's now Kaz who finds this cute and Big Boss is just the one who has to drag her out)
Since we're already doing this, they both have to drag Big Boss out when they find a gun shop (this isn't cute to either of them because he's stronger than them, he so badly wants to look at guns and he's not willing to leave). Also happens with any military or hunting related shop.
EVA sleeps between Kaz and Big Boss, who are faced towards each other. EVA just turns to one or the other depending on the day (yes, there's a really neat schedule Kaz did on Excel) (there are times they just wanna cuddle and Kaz will always click his tongue before saying "fine..." despite being more than okay with it, he's just mad the schedule is being ignored)
EVA will sometimes only wear Big Boss' shirt (which means, oversized) at home (wherever that is) - he couldn't care less about it, but Kaz finds it particularly hot and has a bit less of focus when this happens. EVA will also do this with Kaz's clothing, but it just doesn't hit the same, y'know. He likes it regardless, but the feeling is not exactly the same
Kaz is definitely teaching Big Boss how to use chopsticks. I assume EVA already knows, but I don't think she'd have the same amount of patience to teach him - she'd rather poke fun at their efforts and serve them food herself from time to time
Flirting is so ingrained in Kaz's & EVA's personalities that Big Boss sometimes asks them if they're genuinely trying to flirt with someone - they aren't, but always tease him about it when he asks
Regarding that, even though I already described kazeva as Bisexual Swingers, somehow I feel they'd remain in a closed relationship with Big Boss. I guess it'd be kind of a "just assumed that" thing, meaning Big Boss wouldn't actually mind them trying to add another person for intercourse, he simply doesn't actively look for that kind of experience (as if he doesn't already have more than enough with these two horny bastards) and they never really bring it up either (they're that infatuated I guess), just joke about it
I think EVA is the type to steal food from the other two while actively eating. Oh, we're having breakfast and I already finished? Too bad for you, I'm grabbing your marmalade toast. Out of your hand. After you already bit it. Big Boss just steals something back, but from Kaz. Kaz gets mad. He's the one who has to prepare more food. To get stolen. Again.
EVA is the one who repairs the motorbikes. Only her. You better not touch her damaged babies. It's her work. She Will hit you. She tolerates Kaz because he knows what she's talking about, but Big Boss can only help by bringing clean towels and food (and not touching anything else)
Kaz often tries to take them to hot springs whenever they visit a place with them - not just for nostalgia, but also as a way to have them completely relax for a bit
Okay, I hope this is enough!
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whennnow · 1 year
2023 Goals
January 11, 2023
Now that we've established that I didn't meet most of my 2022 goals, I am going to keep 2023's goals vague.
Vague Goal #1: SCA Garb (3rd quarter of the 14th century)
Yes, I have started getting into my local SCA community. I'm lucky to have found a large, active group that is friendly and willing to teach!
I want to start working on a medieval European/English wardrobe - specifically a decade in roughly the 3rd quarter of the 1300s. I'm still researching to figure out which decade. I'm planning on ordering a buttload of linen in January so I can make a shift, a veil and wimple, and some hose.
I won't fool myself into thinking I'll get any more sewing done this year in this era, but I would like to end the year with a solid plan for this wardrobe going forward. I'll probably do a capsule-ish wardrobe to keep things cohesive.
Vague Goal #2: Stashbusting
I know, it's everyone's forever goal. But I mean it this time.
With the exception of my SCA linens, I am not allowing myself to start any projects whose supplies don't come primarily from my stash. Obviously, if I need something to complete a project like trim or interfacing or something, that's okay, but no buying fabric just because it's pretty or because I want to start another project. Stash-based projects only.
Of course, this would be a very short blog post if I ended it here, so let's see what I have in my stash...
Stash Project Ideas (Not Goals)
Seriously, this is just an inventory of what is in my stash and what I have planned for it. These are NOT goals.
Regency Stash
5 or 6 yds of blue/pink poly dupioni, destined to become a Regency open robe and accessories, like a reticule or turban, and maybe also a pair of slippers. For the robe, I intend to use American Duchess/Simplicity 8941, which I already have.
Misc remnants, including two velvets and a dupioni that might become a bodice, and some scraps and trims that might become a turban or a dark blue bonnet.
1890s Stash
6(?) yds pinstripe poly suiting, to be used for a walking skirt and hopefully a suit jacket. If I don't have enough for a jacket, then I'll make a vest, but I'm really hoping for a jacket. Either way there will be black trim or contrasting black fabric involved.
An unknown quantity of white cotton, which has already been cut out for Edwardian (close enough) combinations, and I should still have enough for a proper 1890s corset cover.
An unknown quantity of light blue cotton, for bust and hip pads because white would be boring or something. Maybe part of a petticoat if there's enough fabric.
4.75 yds striped poly taffeta and 4yds of poly tissue taffeta, in almost coordinating shades of purple that I'm hoping can become a "dress" (aka skirt and bodice), possibly with the help of some white accents. Alternately, the striped taffeta could become a petticoat and the tissue taffeta will become some combination of a bodice, vest, belt, hat, and other accessories.
Misc Stash
Most of a yard of periwinkle burnout velvet, to make more fun lingerie to match the bralette I made in 2022, though I'll need to order more elastic.
1 yd of non-stretch burnout velvet plus elastic and findings, to make more lingerie using my purple cotton bralette and shorts patterns as a starting point.
2.25 yds brown/black flannel, which would make a cute skirt or something.
Roughly 2 yards of blue cotton canvas (left over from my 1890s corset) which would make a sturdy tote bag or two.
Various cotton pieces, which could become summery tops or shorts or both or something else entirely. I need to spice up my everyday wardrobe.
Well, that sums it up, I think. I've had some of this fabric since college or even high school, and I'd really like to use it - get it out of my stash and into my wardrobe. That way I can justify buying nice wools and maybe a little silk in 2024 for my medieval wardrobe, or some thicker wool for Regency winter-wear, or more fabric for 1890s stuff, or, or, or...
The possibilities are endless, but my budget and the space in my apartment are not.
Wishing you all a delightful new year!
Stay warm. Stay safe. Stay healthy.
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fairytheo · 3 years
enhypen as your boyfriend.
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boyfriend!enhypen x gen!reader. fluff. 1.9k. curse words. mention of bugs, food. not requested.
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🐈 ⸝⸝ HEESEUNG ˙𐃷˙
super-duper caring !!
he’s so whipped for you — he smiles just by thinking about you
also very giggly around you
LOVES lending you his beanies
(aka. you stealing them..)
+ you steal his earrings as well ! not that he minds
absolutely adores singing for you / he loves singing you to sleep :D
hold up, is being heeseung’s s/o just being his personal ramen cook 🤨🤨
he aaalwaays bugs you to play games with him (especially wii and nintendo switch lmao)
either that or you’re playing animal crossing while eating takeout at your dinner table
you’re the only person in the world who he’ll ever do aegyo for. 
he secretly enjoys it, but shhh you didn’t hear that from me
i think he likes calling you names like cutie, cutiepie or just a shorter version of your name <3 (if there is one !)
booping your nose is on his everyday to do list��☝️
lowkey therapist & boyfriend in one ngl
WAIT he loves making playlists for you two,, 
“y/n! i made another playlist, do you wanna listen to it? i made it while thinking of you.” <//3 
the type to write cheesy lyrics about you, then later cringes at his own writing bUT then leaves it like that because you like it !
you have his cover of lauv’s “i’m so tired” either set as your alarm or play it on loop everyday 
(random but for some reason i can picture him giving you a cassette with his cover on it just for the vintage vibes)
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🐈 ⸝⸝ JAY ˙𐃷˙
the mom-and-boyfriend in one ;] 
f a s h i o n  c o u p l e 
you are literally fashion icons. no disagreements. 
you have matching clothes or accessories ! even if it’s really subtle, the gesture behind it is super adorable <//3
cooking pt. 2 :D but this time there’s a gorden ramsay in your relationship
i can just SEE how you both two impersonate gorden ramsay while cooking which makes everything 10 times funnier !! checks every 5 seconds if the food is ready tho because he doesn’t wanna risk anything
never cleans up afterwards, either you do or no one does
since you’re both fashion icons your social media followers are going 📈📈📈
literally couple goals.
he loves taking pictures of you,, but also wants you to take pictures of him 
jay gets flustered easily so please make him flustered with sudden compliments, hugs, kisses, etc. !!
he’s also the only member i can really see calling you babe
confident but shy about pda at the same time ??? he’s both LOL 
you always tease him with his RAS moments and randomly quote them when you’re in the middle of a conversation with him lmao
random and idk if this fits here, but he likes making your lunch — leaves you encouraging notes too <3
last but not least: jokingly gets angry at you when he wants something from you, and you do the same thing back ♡
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🐈 ⸝⸝ JAKE ˙𐃷˙
sweetest and softest boyfriend to ever exist. i’m so soft for him JSHSHS
definitely calls you sweetie and darling. 100%. fight me if you think otherwise. 
shows you pics of layla everyday (it’s become routine for him >_<)
a tiny bit cliché BUT lends you his jacket whenever you’re cold (even when you’re inside !!)
random thought: jake puts his hands in your hoodie pockets...
it’s his personal goal to peck your cheek and forehead at least twice a day — gets pouty if he wasn’t able to do that ))):::
talks in english a lot because you love his accent !!
if you’re an english speaker, you’ll have conversations in english all. the. time.
if you’re not an english speaker, no worries, he’ll teach you !
+ reads you bedtime stories in english (jake’s australian accent >>>) 
dreams of travelling with you to australia <33  
if there’s a bug in the house you better know that jake will NOT be removing them and runs out of the house
WILL stay over at one of the other member’s houses untill that bug is REMOVED . 
so if you’re afraid of bugs as well,,, i’m sorry bae, but it’ll be your task to remove these little... creatures 😐
ngl you have more photos of layla than of him on your phone lol
(spams you with her pictures and captions them with “y/n!!! look!!! layla with a flower!!!! layla with a butterfly!!!!” it’s just so sweet aaa)
we need some “””drama””” so you make jokes about him being a “🥶💸🔥💪” boy a lot in your relationship LMAO
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🐈 ⸝⸝ SUNGHOON ˙𐃷˙
ice skating dates.
this has been mentioned in other headcanons a lot already but i just HAD to include it,,
convinces you to eat ice cream after your date LOL even if it IS winter
btw. fashion couple nr. 2 !!! 
ugh the visuals and the power you two hold,,,, i can’t,,,,,
has better clothes than you ngl so you share clothes lmao
it started with him lending you his sweatpants, but then you didn’t want to return them forgot to return them and BOOM 💥 here we are
extremely awkward and shy at first — don’t worry though, he becomes much more chaotic in the later phases of your relationship
he teases you SO MUCH. LIKE. SO MUCH.
always has small smile (smirk?) on his face when he’s about to make a cocky remark (so beware)
you tease him back just twice as hard which 1.) results in him in becoming flustered 2.) fails LOL
off-topic but he’d love a s/o that has a similar style to him ??? a more elegant, classy, dark style perhaps
when he’s away / busy he’ll send you some selcas and captions them with “how r u doing??” “did you eat yet?” “cheer up :P” 
kinda shy about pda but likes showing off too ???
i mean,, men... 🙄🙄 /lh
whenever someone mentions your name near him, he’ll just try to hide his smile while biting his lip (yk what i’m talking about???) and you’ll see his dimples and the affectionate look in his eyes and just AAAAA
the type of boyfriend that calls you love~
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🐈 ⸝⸝ SUNOO ˙𐃷˙
skin care routines with sunoo 24/7 🤝
he does your hair (if your hair is long enough to do different hairstyles with it ofc !!) 
send you daily weekly skin care products he thinks you two should try out / that’d be good for your skin <3
spa nights every friday at 9pm — he only lets you in if you wear a stylish pyjama LOL
you buy him peach items because they just remind you so much of him (。•́︿•̀。)
SELCA TIME !!! his phone is always ready !!! (apart from his storage maybe?)
loves to go on walks w u
does A LOT of aegyo,, 
and i know that you knew that this point will be in this headcanon.
for eg. instead of saying goodnight or bye he’ll just do aegyo for you not that anyone minds tbh
stages of sunoo flirting (?):
a — tries to compliment you (it sounds more like a flirty remark tbh)
b — realizes then blushes
c — cringes and runs away LMAO
playfully acts jealous, so you know it’s a joke but deep down he’s actually jealous
you two match each others vibes a lot — if one is sad, the other is sad as well
+ tells you your posture is bad when you sit like a banana or tells you to go to sleep early and when you don’t listen to him, he’ll show you an article that proves that (abc) and (xyz) is bad for you and says “i told you so.” 💀
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🐈 ⸝⸝ JUNGWON ˙𐃷˙
impresses you by doing kicks (does the kick cap challenge on tiktok and/or you play kick it by nct 127 for the funzies) 
poking his dimple is a MUST . 😩😩
though gets super shy when you kiss him and also if you buy him gifts !!
cheers you up whenever you feel down or are upset
compliments you a ton ))): will randomly come up to you and tell you that your fit is cute or that you look brighter today,,, little does he know it's because of him ;]
poking his dimple comes first, then hugging
the other members tease you two everytime you’re over LOL it’s like there are two koalas clinging onto each other
our yang garden gained another sheep +1
you two randomly play sheep,,,, like,,, everyday ???? sheep cosplays 👍
idk why ig it’s just fun to imitate sheep and go “mmmeEeEeeEhh” to annoy others
talking of that, even THOUGH he is a responsible leader he will not hesitate to do stupid shit with you
“hey how about we ring on that house there and yell “sheep for sale!” do you think they’ll open the door?”
“i don’t know... let’s find out!” 🤝
let’s just say that this didn’t end well..
also kinda bullies you (in a loving way ofc !!) pand teases you nonstop
either calls you asshole or love aHA
in conclusion: a very unpredictable relationship,, would 10/10 recommend.
very random but i feel like his love language is acts of service
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🐈 ⸝⸝ NI-KI ˙𐃷˙
oh look it’s our tsundere 😼
can’t go a day without dancing so you two have vibing sessions at 2am everyday ft. the others telling you to go to bed
you’re the only one that can make him soft lol
if you’re older than him, you would definitely take care of him like your own baby !! 
if you are the same age as him or younger it’d be awkward for him at first, because he isn’t used to taking care of someone younger, so he’d treat you as if you were his best friend at the beginning
you love to watch him dance !! it’s so satisfying,, LITERAL asmr.
pranks you 24/7. boy has NO mercy. will not care if the others will scold him later. he will do the prank smoothly (?) — doesn’t care about the consequences LMAO
probably sets your alarm to someone screaming or a cringy aegyo song <//3
wants to film dance covers with you !! you don’t have to be the best dancer either !! as long as you have fun ^__^ 
the other members find you really cute but are also vERY TIRED OF YOU,, two energized teens in a relationship was not a good idea ☝️
likes to randomly hold your hand and swing it around 
probably distant at the beginning of the relationship because a.) he doesn’t want to pressure you/make things awkward b.) he doesn’t really know what to do either ???
(if you’re not japanese or don’t know how to speak japanese) he’ll definitely teach you some japanese phrases and words !! introduce you to his culture as well :DD and he really wants to know more about your culture too <3
teaches you phrases like “sunoo is a dumbass” for the funzies LOL
randomly makes micheal jackson impressions,,, it’s hilarious LMFAO
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letarasstuff · 4 years
One kind of intern
(A/N): This was requested by @greenslifestuff :) It took me a week or two because I had to interact with my friends in order to get the inspiration I needed 😅 Summary: The team gets to work with a gen z teenager. Let’s see how that goes.
Warnings: Swearing and gen z humour
Wordcount: 2k
“Team, this is (Y/N) (L/N). She will be interning for the upcoming three months alongside this team. (Y/N), these are Agents Emily Prentiss, Jennifer Jareau, David Rossi, Derek Morgan and Doctor Spencer Reid and our Technical Analyst Penelope Garcia”, Hotch introduces a teenage girl to his team like this happens every day.
“Wait Hotch, we don’t get interns. What is she going to do, no offense, but getting us coffee or what?” Morgan eyes her suspiciously. She looks like any teenager grabbed from the street. A band t-shirt, a torn pair of jeans and a cup from starbucks in her hands. Nothing you would expect to even enter a federal building.
“No offence taken, Agent Morgan. I know having an ugly pickly bitch working with professionals seems weird. It’s just I have summer break and I thought it would be a good thing on my resumé if I already interned in the FBI, because I just graduated and I wanted to go to the academy this fall. But if you wanna do a vibe check with me first, that’s fine by me. Whatever floats your boat.”
The room falls silent. Then out of all sudden everyone turns to Garcia, who puts her arms up in defense. “I don’t even know half the things she said, ask her yourself.”
That’s how the BAU gets their first contact with Gen Z culture and let me tell you it is a wild ride, so buckle up your seats, drink your tea up because we aren’t going to make any stops.
“(Y/N), I need you to come with me. We are going to the M.E. getting the latest reports from our last case”, Morgan tells her while passing her desk. In the blink of an eye the teenager is ready, putting her denim jacket with various pins and bits of patches on.
“Derek, can we get starbucks on the way back? The pumpkin spiced latte is back on their menu and I am on withdrawal. Pleaaaaaasseeee”, she looks at him with a pouty face. Morgan smiles. “Ok, under one condition: We both get one, take awesome pictures and send them to the group chat and then we act like we didn’t get them anything, but we actually buy them their usual.” He got the hang of it pretty fast. “Deal, Sis.”
While they are in the car on their way to the M.E. the agent groans. “Ugh, road work ahead.” “Uh yeah, I sure hope it does!” Morgan eyes her from the side. His whole demeanor says ‘old and confused’.
“What was that, kid?” But (Y/N) begins to laugh. “Don’t you know vines? Short dumb and funny clips people made?” It’s safe to say that this afternoon he learns to speak in vines, getting on Rossi’s nerves because nothing makes sense anymore.
“Ok, I heard you wanted to become a profiler. So I thought I would show you some old cases and then you try to figure out the profile. I’ll present them to you like I do to the team, alright?” JJ and (Y/N) sit in her office, safe from curious eyes. “As right as the law, Ma’am.” 
“Good, this is a case from several years ago. It happened here in D.C. Three men were murdered execution style in the middle of the night in an alleyway. They were all from different backgrounds. The only connection between them was that they were evicted for some form of sexual harassment or assault. The UnSub also had a signature: A shot into their groin while the men were alive.”
Unfaced by the presented facts (Y/N) pops a piece of gum into her mouth. “It do be like that.”
“What?” “I mean, it’s obviously a woman. She experienced any harassment or assault herself. She also has excess to the files, I assume she works as a paralegal, since most of them are women. Female serial killers are extremely rare, but they are better organized. The only thing left to say is good for her getting revenge.” The blonde looks at the teenager with wide eyes.
“I-I guess but you know you can’t say anything like that to Hotch, do you?” She asks concerned. “JJ, I’m dead inside, not dumb. I know this.” But the agent shrugs. “Good. Though I really want to see his face.” “Mood.”
Penelope Garcia is the closest one to relate to Gen Z culture, since a great part of her time is spent on the internet. She happily learns about all the phrases and their meanings as well as the newest trends and hypes.
“Purp is sus, I tell you”, is heard from the lair into the hallway. Spencer and Derek look at each other with concern on their faces. “Do you think they are alright or do we have to-” “IT’S A SELF REPORT I SWEAR PENNY! YOU WORK WITH PROFILERS IN GANDALF’S NAME!” Spencer’s question is answered by that.
“Baby girl, crazy girl, are you doing good? Do you need help or something?” The older one asks warily. But it’s drowned in another screaming match. “I TOLD YOU PURP WAS THE IMPOSTER BUT YOU HAVE TO TELL THEM I VENTED WHEN I DIDN’T! I WANT ALL TIKTOKS I SENT YOU BACK!” “YOU DON’T DARE TO REVOKE MY TIKTOK PRIVILEGES!” “WATCH ME GARCIA!”
“Whoa girls, what about taking a break?” Morgan tries to diffuse the situation. “Yes, I think JJ got new pictures of Henry and Emily brought cookies this morning”, Spencer adds.
The girls, who mere seconds ago were ready to jump each other's throats, look at the other one. “You get the cookies and I go to JJ, deal?” (Y/N) asks. “Deal!” Without sparing the boys another glance they run out of the lair. Their devices are still lit up. A red figure shines into their faces. ‘AMONG US’ is written underneath it. “I think we get too old for this stuff, don’t we Reid?”
Spencer always thought he was young. Of course, his mind is older, but physically he is not that old. But the intern proves him wrong. And boy is he wrong.
“Spencer, is there anything interesting to know today?” (Y/N) takes a seat on his desk, distracting the genius from his paperwork. It is a common occurrence for her to go to him to ask for a fun fact.
“Do you wanna learn something about sloths?” His knowledge (or the writer’s) on this subject is astonishingly big.
“Spill the tea, sis.” “Did you kn- What? But I don’t have tea to spill. And I don’t wanna spill anything, I-” Reid rambles in confusion.
“It’s just a saying, Spencer. There is no deeper meaning to it then ‘Tell me everything about it’. You know, it’s mostly used for gossiping, but I don’t really like to gossip. That’s why I use it in a different context. You got it?” (Y/N) explains it to him in a soft manner, knowing her generation can be complex.
“Yeah, I think I do. Thank you for telling me. I really like the phrase. It has a nice ring. What about you spill the tea about all the phrases you know and I tell you some things from my knowledge?” “I think you got yourself a teacher, genius. But now tell me about the sloths, I love them.”
A few days later Rossi catches her doing some weird moves. “Are you having a seizure or what is your problem, youngster?” Even though he tries not to show it, David took a great liking to (Y/N), thinking of her like a granddaughter. Still, most of her actions confuse the hell out of him.
“I’m practising a dance for tiktok. My friends and I worked on a choreo we wanted to film later. Come here, I can show you.” And that’s what she does in the conference room. The teenager walks him through every move of the choreo, explaining the meaning to it and how it correlates with the song.
“And then you move your arm like that. Exactly like that! You did a great job, David! Are you sure you don’t want to come with me later? We can make you your own account and name it ‘Grandpa-on-tiktok’. You can promote your books over there and it’s a way to float with the trend!”
Seeing her this excited Rossi can’t do anything but agree to the idea. Also, he secretly liked doing the dance thing. It made him feel young again.
“(Y/N), you said you graduated this summer. But your file said you are 16?” Emily asks her one boring day filled with paperwork and countless cups of coffee. “It is what it is”, she mindlessly answers, too focused on filling out the work in front of her.
“I mean yes but how?”
“Emily, smart people exist. I know, coming from me hits different, but here we are.” Finally (Y/N) puts her pen away looking at the raven haired woman.
“What are you talking about? I can’t really follow you.” The more the intern says the more confused gets Emily.
She sighs. “I don’t want to leave you on read here. I kind of am smart somehow. Apparently I was smart enough to skip a grade or two. But it’s no biggie. Many peeps do this, so I don’t sweat it.”
“Even though I feel like you are selling yourself short here, I know you are an incredibly intelligent person. Someday you will be an awesome profiler and any team will be lucky to have you. I really hope we will be the lucky team. But I’m still not sure if this is what I should say in this context.”
“Emily, you are goals. This fam is squad goals. I really hope to be a part of this someday”, (Y/N) admits. “I’m sure Hotch will do his best to get you on the team, you became a great part of it. I can’t imagine a future without you.”
Sadly Prentiss has to get used to a time without the team’s beloved intern. On her last day (Y/N) knocks at Hotch’s door.
“Hey, I wanted to say thank you. The time with you and all the others was amazing and I learned so many useful things for not only the academy but also for my daily life. I really had a glow-up here”, she says after coming in.
Hotch motions towards the chairs in front of his desk. “Take a seat, (Y/N). I got something for you. See it as a compensation for not getting paid for your internship. You really did great work and a better job than some agents, who are doing theirs for many years already but don’t know half the stuff you do. You are a valuable member to the team.”
“Wait, you speak in presence tense. I leave you all this afternoon, you know that, do you?” But the Unit Chief only gestures to a white envelope on his desk. Quickly the teenager takes it and reads it.
“Are you serious Hotchner? Because I will cry you a river if you joke”, she threatens him.
“I’m dead serious, (Y/N). Even though half of your talks are difficult to understand, the other half is twice as useful and important. Additionally to that, you are like a fresh breath of air that the team needed. That’s why a place here will be available for you as soon as you graduate from the academy. I trust you that you will pass with flying colors, I had to promise that to Strauss.”
“Of course, Hotch. I swear on my Animal Crossing Island that I will do my best and more. Thank you so much”, she leaps into his arms.
The others watch the interaction from the bullpen, pretending to not get teary eyed. Their favorite Gen Z Kid will come back to them after all.
Spencer Reid
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the-original-skipps · 3 years
Fluffy Alphabet A-Z
Sano Manjiro aka Mikey
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Note: Thank you so much for 100+ followers. I wouldn't have been able to get his far without your support. I'm super overjoyed and glad that you guys take the time to read my writing. I love you all very much as promised I hope you enjoy the fluffy alphabet! 💗
A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
> Mikey likes to go for rides on his CB205T and he likes to bring you along. He just loves the feeling of the wind passing and your presence behind him. Maybe sharing some snacks while you both watch the sunset or the starry night sky, talking about random things. He just generally likes being around you even if you're both just sitting in silence.
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
> He admires your determination and strong will. Since Mikey is mentally weak, he admires those traits in other people. No matter what you'd always be there to scold him or comfort him. It reminds him of his older brother.
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
> Mikey instantly knows if you're feeling down, he just senses it. He'll bring you somewhere where they could both be alone maybe a park or he'll drive somewhere and sit you down. Mikey won't force you to tell him what's wrong but if you do he'll be listening intently. He's not the best at comforting people but makes sure to let you know that he's here for you.
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
> Now this is a hard topic to answer. Mikey has pictured a future with his s/o, living in peace after all the rush during his teenage years. However, he doesn't see it happening because he knows it's best if he keeps his s/o away from him in the future.
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
> I'd say he's both but mostly on the passive side. He lets you take the lead since he doesn't know much about being in a relationship. He'll be given advice and teased by his close friends but he'll keep their words in mind.
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
> Mikey is pretty stubborn and doesn't like losing. If it's a petty harmless arguement, if he's wrong then he'll muttering an apology to you and completely forget about it. It's difficult to get into a serious argument with him unless it's something concerning him or Toman. Say the things he needs to hear even if himself doesn't agree with you. Then he'll leave to give himself space and think about things. Be patient with him because eventually he'll come around.
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
> Mikey is very grateful for you being by his side even though he thinks he doesn't deserve it. He appreciates every gesture you do for him from the big things and to the little things such as making him lunch or fixing his hair or just being by his side when he feels he's losing himself.
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
> Mikey doesn't hide things, if you ask him something he will directly answer you. He has no trouble talking about a past event since it already happened. Even though he doesn't want you getting involved with Toman, he still tells you about how they're doing or what they're up to. The only things he wouldn't share are his true feelings and his dark impulsivities since he doesn't want to scare you.
I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
> Just by being by Mikey's side you are a positive influence on him. It will take a long time but little by little he tries to open up about his true feelings and tries to rely on you more. Everytime you sense he's distancing himself, you would have to drag him back and knock some sense into him.
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
> Mikey is definitely the type to get jealous easily and his childish tendencies tend to come out. If he sees you getting too friendly with someone he'll keep staring until he's had enough and say "(Y/N) is mine, hmph!" With a cute pout on his face. Be sure to coddle him afterwards because he might give you the silent treatment.
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
> Mikey has no experience whatsoever. He has no idea how kisses work. It'll be super rare to get a kiss from Mikey since he's not used to being affectionate. If you're lucky he'll peck you on your cheek or kiss your hands occasionally. Your first kiss with him wasn't planned. Both of you were alone and you were just admiring him as he talked and pressed a light kiss on his lips. He was instantly shocked by what you did as he traces over his lips with his fingers but inside he's feeling all warm. He never knew kisses from you would have this kind of affect on him.
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
> It took long time for Mikey to realize that what he felt towards you was more than just friendship. He confessed this to Draken and he replied "huh, obviously you like them you idiot. Hurry up and go tell them." In which Mikey replies by telling Draken to do the same for Emma. It happened when he came to pick you up from school one day on his motorcycle and brought you to the riverside. "I finally understand what I feel, (Y/N). I like you... You don't have to give me an answer right away, I'll wait however long it takes..."
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
> Another hard topic to answer. When Mikey fell for you he fell hard. As much as he wants to spend the rest of his life in peace with you, it won't happen. That is until he goes through "certain changes" and let's say he did. You'll be riding with him on his motorcycle on Christmas until he stops at a certain place. He'll start talking about his past and the times you've spent together. Then talking about how much he appreciates you and thanks you then pops the question. The wedding will be small and privately held with only people close to him and you are invited.
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
> It is known that Mikey gives nicknames to those who are close to him. It depends on what your first name is. He'll most likely you use the first syllable of your name plus -chin, -cchi or -chy. Only when he's serious will he use your real name.
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
> Honestly, it can be really hard to tell unless you really observe Mikey. You would notice he stares at you longer, or everytime your name pops up in a conversation he's interested. Draken is definitely the first the notice this change in Mikey and teases him for it, while Mikey denys it. The others will slowly start to notice this too. Especially, when he bought an extra taiyaki and gave it to you. Takemichy's jaw dropped at the scene.
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
> Mikey won't be announcing to everyone that he has an s/o. However, if someone asks he'll answer honestly. I wouldn't use the word "brag" but he will say nice about you to others. For Mikey, intimate gestures such as kissing are only between the two of you. If someone catches the both of you, Mikey wouldn't be pleased.
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that's beneficial in a relationship.
> You wouldn't have to worry about anyone trying to flirt with you or trying to hurt you not when Mikey's around. Mikey cares deeply about you and would give his life to protect you. You wouldn't have to worry about other people trying to flirt with Mikey either since you already have his heart, he'll simple brush them off. He's loyal.
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
> As I have mentioned earlier, Mikey has no experience with relationships. You would have to teach him things. Still there will be moments that might seem simple to others but to you, you know it's a way Mikey shows his love for you. For example, draping his jacket over your shoulders or buying an extra snack so you could have some too. If he's not busy with Toman matters, he would want to spend his time with you.
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
> Mikey would genuinely support your dreams and passions, telling you to never give up on them. He believes in you with his whole heart, and he knows you would be able to make your goals come true.
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
> He would like to try things he never experienced before with you, like taking pictures at the photo booth or going shopping for matching keychains. That being said, what Mikey likes the most is the constant reassurance that you're here for him. Routines like going riding on his motorcycle or just talking with you, it what he like most. He's scared that one day you'd leave him so these mundane routines assures him.
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
> You would think Mikey is the forgetful type but he actually pays attention to things. He'll notice you eyeing a certain item in a store or if you're lying to him. He genuinely cares about you and would like to know everything about you, even the shameful parts. Mikey has a hard time with emotions, he may not fully understand your troubles but he'll assure you that he'll be there for you.
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
> For Mikey to actually want to establish a relationship with someone. It means he sees you as an important person in his life. However, certain things would have to come before you such as his family and Toman. It is something you would have to understand when dating Mikey.
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
> Whenever he looks like he's spacing off during Toman meetings while he is paying attention to what's happening his mind can't help but wander towards you. About what you're currently doing or if you're at home safely. Before he starts the engine of his bike, or has nothing to do he fiddles with the keychain on his keys. It's the matching keychain you both have.
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
> Mikey is not known to be the most showy when it comes to showing his affections. It's the little things he does for only you, that shows how much he cares about you. Mikey secretly likes the affection you give him even if he denies it. It surprises him everytime you hug him or kiss him but he never stops you or tells you to stop. Just don't do it in front of Toman. Even if he doesn't want to, cuddle him as the big spoon and it'll make him really happy. Since he's so used to keeping a strong facade, cuddling with you gives him the impression that with you maybe he doesn't have to do that.
Y earning - How will they cope when they're missing their partner?
> Mikey will still act as the strong charismatic leader of Toman, where nothing fazes him. He won't outwardly show that he misses you but you can tell by the way he fiddles with his matching keychain or stares off into the distance that he misses you. He might even unconsciously blurt a quiet "I miss (Y/N)...."
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lenghts for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
> Mikey is willing to give his life away to protect you. Just you being with him is dangerous enough who knows who might be out to get him and easiest way they can do that is by getting you. If your safely is at risk even he likes you he would have to break up with you, keep you away from the danger. Because he utmostly cares about your well being and if anything happens to you, it will destroy him.
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xpeachesncream · 4 years
acquainted | thirteen
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> series masterlist | series playlist <
summary: the biggest goal of a grad student is to get through school in one piece - no petty drama involved, no sweating over the little things. however, that plan almost always never follows through. sometimes, you can’t help but fall into the most unthinkable, unexpected traps and learn the hard way. like, exhibit a: being unable to resist your engaged, substitute teacher, kim seokjin.
pairing: jungkook x reader x engaged!teacher!seokjin
genre: grad school au, student life au | fluff, angst, smut
words: 3.0k
warnings: cussing/mature language, lots of crying, overthinking, insecurities, questioning feelings/thoughts, your bestfriends are your ride or dies!
notes: happy valentine’s day my loves! 💗
tags: @laurynne5 @yiyi4657 @miinoongi @teamtardis-notdead@bluesharksandfish@photographic-girl @yonkoghan @moonchild1​ @thebeebi​ @brightcolorsoffendme​ (pls msg me if you would like to be added to the taglist!)
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Class comes by quick and you're dreading it. You're dreading it so much you consider skipping out. But, you don't; Simply because you don't want to show that this has defeated you. That Jin has gotten to the best of you. Although right now, you'd probably slap that shit out of him.
You stray clear from any spots you think Jin would find you at, parking at a completely different lot on the opposite end of campus. Jin also isn't in the best of moods, being that his parents came down for an unexpected visit just to give him an earful while getting ready to head to the office to prepare for another business review coming up. Not to add that Grace's mom texted him a very long, unfriendly message last night. He expected it, but he just didn't wanna deal. He sounded like a broken record telling everyone they just didn't work anymore, and that he wasn't going to force himself into something he didn't see himself in.
Yes, he's sorry for the way that he acted. Yes, he fucked up for not doing this the right way. Yes, he fucking gets it. Leave me the hell alone.
After all, all he wanted was you. And it killed him that you hadn't returned his calls, or answered his texts. He just wanted to hear if you were okay. He just wanted to see you and reassure you. Apologize for not owning up to your relationship, because it does matter to him. It's the one thing that truly does.
You walk into campus once your friends have texted that they've arrived. The four of you make your way into the classroom, your head hung low. The rest of the three greeted Jin just for common courtesy, but he knew he wasn't going to hear anything from you. He looked at you, noticed how tired and sad you had looked and his heart instantly broke. He wanted to hug you right then and there, kiss you. Let you know you two would be okay. If that was still something you even wanted.
Jin does his best to get through class, but he's not sure if he could do this anymore if this is how things were going to be. You barely looked at him. You didn't send any of those cute, small smiles his way. You didn't giggle. You didn't do anything besides stare at the paper beneath your hands and write.
When class ends, he waits to see if you'd say anything. You don't, even though you're still one of the last to leave. He watches as you hold onto your books tightly, Ryujin waiting for you to catch up at the door. It's not like you hated him or anything - you could never see yourself hating Seokjin. You could almost say you loved him, you had fallen in love with him. And that's what sucks the most because now what? What do you do with those feelings right now? After everything? God, you wanted him. But there were so many questions racing through your mind, the most important being if you were worth sticking around for. If he would actually be in this with you and stick around.
You and your friends head over to the library to get some work done, but you excuse yourself to buy a cup of hot chocolate and a snack at the campus coffee shop a bit of a walk away. There was a line, surprisingly, but it wasn't too bad and you ultimately decided this was worth waiting in line for. Once you had ordered and gotten your food, you stepped outside to take a sip & enjoy how good it felt to have hot cocoa on a cold evening. You begin to slowly walk back, the walk being a little dark and lonely being most students had already left campus for today.
"Y/N." You hear behind you. You know that voice all too well. You turn behind you to see Jin trying to catch up with you.
"Not doing this here." You say as you try to walk away, but he gently grabs your wrist and turns you around. It hadn't been long but you missed looking at his face this way. You missed his touch. You missed him.
"Can we please just talk for a minute?" He asks softly, letting you go before anyone sees.
"We don't have anything to talk about right now."
"Yes, we do." You shook your head.
"I don't wanna do this right now. Please, I just need some time."
"Y/N, I care about you a lot, you know that right?" You feel your tears welling up because you wanted so badly to just throw yourself on this man right now, and hug him tightly and tell him you love him. But, you just needed your space. You needed to give him space.
"Not now." Is all you say. "Look, we can talk when the time is right. Just not now."
"When is that going to be? I miss you." He says almost at a whisper. "You know it's you."
"Jin—" You say, shaking your head and placing a hand out in front of you before stepping backwards.
"Hey, did you grab what you needed? We have to go." You hear Taehyung say as he grabs your arm. You knew he was just pulling you out of the situation with a lie and honestly, you couldn't thank him enough because you weren't sure how else you could handle Jin right now. Not without breaking down.
"Yeah." Jin stares at both you and Taehyung. "I'm good."
"Cool." Taehyung swings his arm over your shoulder before turning on his heel to walk away with you. "Night Mr. Kim." He throws up the peace sign as he leads you back to the library.
"Thank you." You say, leaning into his body.
"No problem." Taehyung gently caresses your arm as you both walk back to the library. "You okay?"
"Yeah, I'm just not ready to talk to him yet."
"Maybe you should at least hear what he has to say."
"I don't know, Tae." He shrugged.
"Look, things are kind of messy right now, but I have to say, he looks like he's still focused on you throughout this mess. I think that should at least mean something."
"I guess." Is all you can say. Taehyung doesn't say anything else as you approach Jimin and Ryujin. You and your friends stay until the library closes, getting a lot of work done together.
"You sure you don't need any of us to stay with you tonight?" Jimin asks before you all split ways to get to your cars.
"I'll be fine."
He nods silently. "Let us know if you need anything." Ryujin and Taehyung nod reassuringly behind him.
The ride home is quiet, besides the random downpour of rain that begins to fall as you near your apartment building. The rain was soothing to you, and all you wanted was to be in bed, listening to the rain pound against your window. As you start tidying up your apartment and getting ready for bed, your phone starts to vibrate on the bathroom counter.
After tonight, you're still not sure why he's calling, but you're afraid something might have happened to him in this rain since the call ends, but another one comes through right after.
"Let me come see you. Hear me out, please." His voice slightly cracks. It sounds like he had been crying, or at the very least, trying really hard to keep his emotions in check. You feel terrible, and the last thing you want is for him to do anything irrational in this weather.
"Okay." Is all you say.
"I'll come pick you up in 20 minutes?"
"Sure." And the call ends. You're nervous and you feel your heart beating pretty quickly. You're not sure what to expect, or what to even say at this point. Is it even valid for you to feel upset for what happened? You weren't in Grace's shoes, nor did you end up getting the short end of the stick [besides the fact that Jin wasn't up front about your relationship]. You didn't really have a reason to be this way. However, you weren't sure where to go from here. You loved him, but how could you both just continue on like shit never went down? Like things are all fine and dandy when there's people angry and hurt? It seems like that would be fueling the fire even more. You both may never be able to rest. But part of you really wanted to keep being selfish, and you had no idea what exactly it was about this man that was making you like this. But, you wanted him in every way and it was frustrating. You just wanna tell people to leave you both the fuck alone and let it be.
He wants me, and I want him. So be it. I'm sorry.
You lazily throw on some clothes, hopping into matching grey sweats, grey hoodie and an added layer of a bomber jacket to go over it. He gets there a little earlier than the estimated 20 minutes in a hoodie, jacket and ripped jeans, his hair slightly dampened from the rain, making strands fall messily above his forehead.
God, this is unfair. Jin's duality is fucking crazy.
He simply looks at you before extending out his hand, asking for permission to hold yours before he drives off. You gently intertwine your fingers with his, his cold hands gripping tightly as he caresses the top of your hand with his thumb. The ride is quiet, and you find yourself overlooking the skyview of SF once again. He parks his car in the same spot he parked when he had asked you to come to LA with him, but he sits in his seat looking out quietly.
"What's on your mind?" You softly ask, breaking the silence.
"I miss you." He pauses while he tilts his head to look at you. "It hasn't even been long, but I miss you and I just want to be with you, Y/N."
"Do you really think this is a good idea? Us?" You turn in your position to fully face him. "Look at all the people that are hurt and angry at us. How can we just let it be?"
"I don't care. I really and truly do not care."
"Seokjin." You shake your head. "Don't say that."
"I don't. What else do you want me to say?" He shrugs. "The only person that matters to me is you."
"Your parents—"
"It's my life, they can't do anything about it." He sighs. "Y/N, what's going on?"
"I'm just scared. I— I know it's a little late for this but I'm scared. I don't wanna hurt anyone else, I don't wanna make anyone else upset." The tears began to pool against your bottom lid. "Jungkook—" He sharply turns to look at you once more. "Jungkook came to my house the other day and I felt terrible."
"He's not talking to me."
"See." You begin to cry. "I don't wanna ruin your relationship with him any further. He's your brother."
"He'll be fine."
"And how do you know that? How do you know things will be okay between the both of you? You had such a strong relationship with him. I shouldn't be getting in between."
"Stop." He says, gently wiping your tears from his seat. "He'll need some time but I know we'll be okay. Y/N, please just listen to me. I don't—" He sighs again before he looks down at his jeans. His head continues to hang low as he begins to speak softly, his voice slightly cracking. "I don't want you to throw us away because of everything that happened. That's the one thing I've been terrified about."
"Are you genuinely terrified of losing me, or of being alone?"
"What? How could you ask me that? Of course I'm terrified of losing you." Silence. "I love you, Y/N. I don't think you understand how deep my feelings run for you." You almost gasp at the statement, but you simply look at him. You only questioned how he felt because you were certain you had fallen in love with him. You were certain that you had gone past those boundaries and that you loved Seokjin. But you weren't sure if that was the case for him. He had never said it until this moment, even though he had beat around the bush, telling you how much you meant to him and how much he wanted to be with you. But he had never said he loved you until now. You were beginning to think you were just the excuse - the excuse to get out of a failed engagement. He lifts his head once again, tears streaming down his cheeks. "Please don't tell me I'm the only one who feels this way." You begin to cry a little more, seeing the look on his face when he says what he says.
"I think we should sleep this off." Is what you respond with, even though it's not what you actually want to say. You want to tell him yes, you love him too. Yes, you want to be with him. Yes, fuck everyone else.
But it's not that easy, for whatever reason.
He doesn't object though, he doesn't try and argue. He doesn't try to act all crazy and make you feel a certain way or say a certain thing. He just nods, even though he can't really look at you.
"Just know that I've meant everything that I've said up until this point. I love you so much, Y/N. It's insane how quickly I've fallen for you and what you do to me. I wouldn't want it any other way, and I don't want it if it's not with you." You look out the window, pursing your lips into a fine line to prevent yourself from loudly breaking down next to him. The tears won't stop coming down but you don't want to let him hear you. At this point, he doesn't say anything else as he starts up his car and begins to drive back to your place. His hand is resting on your thigh, gently caressing it up and down as if he knows you were silently crying in your seat. You couldn't get past the events that have transpired the past couple of days, and you just needed a breather.
Some time to be away, some time to be in peace. Some time to sit on your thoughts. Some time to just be.
You can't help but think about what things would be like if you and Jin continued on. You couldn't help it, that's just who you were. You'd imagine his parents looking down on you for messing with both of the siblings to a certain a extent. Jungkook ultimately just hating you for life. Jin's friends probably also questioning you.
The real question was whether or not your feelings for Jin would overcome that fear, that uncertainty, that anxiety. Even though you knew where you stood with him - was this really something you could get over? Was this something you could live on with? Knowing how you and Seokjin had come to be, hurting people along the way just to be selfish and be together.
You were pulled out of your thoughts when Jin stops his car in front of your building, leaning over to turn his hazard lights on. The rain is pounding incredibly hard right at this moment, and you're torn between going back upstairs or going back home with Jin.
It's fucking annoying. Your thoughts.
"Come here." He says, gently tugging on your jacket. You turn to face him, the tears still streaming down your cheeks. He clicks his teeth as he wipes your tears away, hating the fact that he's seeing you hurt right now. He couldn't stand it. "You know I'm always gonna be here right? Whenever you're ready." You nod. He leans in to kiss you on the lips, his hand resting behind your head and fingers tangled in your hair. When he pulls away, he rests his forehead against yours, keep his eyes locked on you before completely pulling back to let you go.
"I'll talk to you later, okay?" You say, almost at a whisper. He simply nods, watching you grab the door handle and dash into your building. You run upstairs and into your apartment, only to crash against the wall and cry out every emotion you were feeling.
"Y/N?" Jimin calls out softly, popping into your apartment after you had called him to come over. His jacket is soaking wet, and you feel terrible that he probably had to park a bit further from your building due to no guest spots being available at this time of night. He instantly drops his bag to the ground when he finds you curled up on the couch and wraps his arms around you. "What happened?"
"I don't know why this is so fucking difficult for me." You mumble into his chest. Honestly, Jimin knew the answer already. It was obvious that your feelings had gotten deeper than you had expected, you didn't have to tell Jimin that.
What was difficult was the fact that you hadn't been looking for love, nor were you trying to fall in love after Chance had passed. He knew the moment you did find something other than Chance, that's when things would get difficult. You had been longing for someone to touch you, to feel you, to want you, to care and love you, to bring about those feelings Chance once had brought. Seokjin might have been the closest thing to it and you didn't wanna let that go, not after you unexpectedly lost it the first time. No matter how much you tried to fight it off.
"Y/N." He says softly. "I think you fighting this off is just making it worse. You need to start being honest with yourself, no matter what that looks like."
"It's wrong, isn't it?" He shrugs.
"I mean, regardless of how it came about, I think what matters is how you feel about him and what he's starting to mean to you. Especially after all the shit you've been through with Chance's passing." He responds forwardly. "If you love him, then you do. There's really no hiding from it anymore. You both are here now."
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Where they take you on vacation - 7 Brothers + Diavolo
Found out the edits are made by @devilgram​ who has such a beautiful blog and posts so many Obey Me! things that are so cool! You did a great job with all the edits! <3
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Lucifer would like to take you to Romania, mostly because of all the stories of the great Wallachian ruler Vlad Tepes/The Impaler and wants to find out more about his ruthless yet effective methods of insuring no crime happens in his country ( and hopes they will work on his brothers too ).
Apart from the gorgeous landscapes from the mountainside, the possibility to go to the seaside, or see the different types of regional architecture ( like the unique Black Church ) from different cities, he’d also like to get a full experience of the language, the music, the traditions ( customs, clothes, foo ) and feel for a day like a native from the old ages. 
Even more, he’d find it very nice if you were to try out one of the traditional outfits, and would take a picture of you at the mountains, on a nice field, and put the developed picture in his coat, looking at it whenever he is working and misses you.
He can get pretty salty about the fact that there are still people who believe the Bran castle is Dracula’s true castle, instead of the Poienari fortress and wouldn’t hesitate to express his displeasure, but would appreciate the castle and everything displayed there nonetheless.
Also, would be the first to go to the Horror house, holding your hand if you get scared, and would feel incredibly proud that you trust him and feel safe around him, but would get such a kick out of using his demon form while at it, to scare the actors there.
His whole aesthetic draws people near as if they would actually approach a vampire royalty, which allows him to puff his chest out in pride, so hey, you’re dating a vampire now!
Would take you out at the fanciest restaurant, just to feel how the life at this place is.
Would love to take long walks on the beach at the sea, your feet in the water, holding hands, and just admiring the moon and stars while waves are your music.
You’d mostly stay silent and enjoy the atmosphere, but sometimes you talk a few words, and that’s when Lucifer is the most relaxed, calm and tender.
He would saying that he loves you with such ease for the first time in so long, and the kiss on your forehead would be so soft that it brings you more butterflies than any kiss ever could.
Lucifer looks so ethereal in the light of the moon, it’s almost like he’s glowing, and when you tell him, he’d actually blush softly, before chuckling and stroking your hair, not denying, nor agreeing with your statement.
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Mammon loves to spend money and grab it, so what better place than Las Vegas?
He’d love for the two of you to dress super fancy and flashy, in matching colours if possible, go gambling, scam people and experience the luxury night lifestyle, go to clubs, loud music and expensive alcohol and all that.
But Mammon isn’t all about the flashy and exciting night time, instead, he would mostly love to just see the world with you by his side, and his goals is to make you happy, to he does everything he can to go sightseeing with you and reads in advance about whatever places you could visit and tells you some fun trivia about the place, he’s treating you to the fanciest food and drink places, and would spoil you rotten when going shopping, loving to see you do a little catwalk for him every time you get out of the changing booth.
He’d definitely insist on buying super cute animal Pyjamas.
He’s a huuuuuge fan of the “His Queen/Her King” trope and loves showing you off as much as possible, so get matching Tshirts or jackets and he would be SOOO proud and would laugh confidently and proud all the time, his arm around you, saying how cool you two are together and all that.
He wouldn’t admit it out loud, but he honestly doesn’t believe he’s good enough for you, but when he sees how your dazzling smile is always directed to him and you cling on his arm whenever you watch the Lights Show on the big buildings, see the beautiful fireworks or watch the impressive singing fountain...Well, he can’t help but blush and kiss your forehead, feeling butterflies in his stomach.
He’s the kind of guy who would spam his DevilGram with either couple pictures in different places you visit, or just cute pics of you or you two messing around, and his account is actually very popular for the #CoupleGoalz trend.
At night, he would like to either cuddle with you and watch a movie, or go drive through the city at night, watch the night lights, and go on a cliff, stargazing and chatting openly about everything, because honestly, this guy is always dismissed and insulted by his brothers, it’s always a relief and a fresh air when he can be himself and just...Talk with someone. 
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Levi is the biggest weeb in the world, so the first place you’d visit together is Japan.
Anime conventions, wearing cute kimonos while going to festivals or roaming the streets of Kyoto or Akihabara, couple cosplay (Henry and the Lord of Shadows), buying merch of your favourite anime/manga/game, going to Vocaloid concerts, buying the newest Ruri-chan figurines, trying out new video games that just came out and so on.
Actually wants to go to a Pokemon cafe and fangirls SO much about all the cute pokemon themes there.
He would get you all the cutest Pokemon plushies, especially if you’re not all that into Pokemon but want to share that interest with him, so expect a Skitty, Vulpix, Shaymin, Eevee and all its Eeveelutions, Milotic plushie, while he would already be collecting plushies for the rarest Pokemons, but he’s incredibly happy that you want to do this with him.
He also gets an Ekans just for the Lolz and let’s out his tail, mostly for troll purposes, but it makes you laugh and he could swear his heart stopped beating and his cheeks were redder than ever.
He secretly got you a maid outfit and would love to see you wearing it, but he’s too embarrassed to actually say.
He would blush SO much seeing you in a kimono with a nice hair pin and a fan, while going to see the Sakura trees blossoming and you look like the Sengoku type of heroines from the dating sims he plays so much (to get experience and not fuck up with you), but somehow, you’re so much beautiful than any CG he’s every seen, no matter how gorgeous the art is.
He would get lots of packs of Pocky and despite not saying it out loud, would put a pocky in his mouth and you’d get the hint and munch on the other end of the pocky, in the end kissing him softly.
Levi.exe stopped working.
He would love taking pics of you alone, because you’re so beautiful, and would edit them to look as ethereal as possible, if you want, to even have fantastic backgrounds, and would take pride in how popular your DevilGram/InstaGram is.
He also changed his Lockscreen to have you with your hand in a half-heart gesture, while yours has him with the other half, so whenever he looks at the clock, or sees a new notif, he sees you smiling, with a cute kitten filter.
His Wallpaper is the two of you kissing, edited with a few hearts, sparkles and a little “I love you” written in cursive in a corner (you edited the pic and suggested you both use it, but he denied, so you changed it yourself for him too, while he was busy gaming, and he liked it so much that he couldn’t change it back to Ruri-chan.)
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Satan would choose England first for so many reasons!
He’s such a perfect gentleman and seeing everyone so polite and chivalrous there makes his heart bloom and would up his gentleman shills even more, wanting to impress you and make your heart skip with everything he does.
Loves to take you to different castles, see in real life everything he read in books and saw in movies or TV series, and he’s so mesmerised by the beauty of everything that he forgets he promised to be your guide, but his bright smile and the way his eyes sparkle in curiosity and glee make up for everything.
Besides, he’d definitely go back to you and explain in very precise detail the reason for his fangirling.
He’s a little nerd so bookstore dates are a huge YES, and more - CAT CAFES where you can read at your heart’s content. HUGE YES.
You’d both get our of there with tons of books that you will read together, cuddled up under the blankets while enjoying an aromatic tea that Satan prepared for you, together with some nice scones.
He’d want to go with you to Shakespeare’s grave, Dicken’s house, would like to see anything involving the Romantics and so on, since he’s in love with British literature.
Satan wants to go see the Harry Potter theme park so much, and would buy tons of merch for the two of you, and wants to go in full Hogwarts robes and wand with you.
Would take a gazillion pics of you together, that only you can see since it may ruin his reputation with his brothers for geeking out, but he’d love it if the universe was actually real.
He’d also take you to King’s Cross to take pic near the wall where you get to the 9 3/4 Platform.
And no trip to England could exist without a visit to Sherlock’s house, pretending to be detectives, and at Madam Tussaud’s Wax Museum to admire all the figures and potentially take troll pics with them.
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Asmo wastes no time in taking you to Paris, of course!
And the first thing you do is have a coffee at the restaurant located on top of the Eiffel Tower.
He would, throughout all the trip, take tons of selfies EVERYWHERE, and aeshtetic pics of either you alone, him alone, or together.
He’s a Devilgram and Devilr celebrity, after all!
Loves going to all the little cafes and drink a hot beverage with you while looking and judging all the passer-bys, how they would never compare to how beautiful and fashionable you two are.
He takes you to the Versailles Palace while wearing the most glamorous outfits, and despite all the pics taken, he will tell you stories of when he visited the place long ago, and more, will tell you of the paintings displayed, since he’s rather knowledgeable.
Asmodeus will take you everywhere, but first, the Lafayette Galleries, all while streaming every second there, to shop everyone how amazing the place is.
Would pics the both of you sooo many pretty brand clothes, new skin care routine and make up products, that you almost wonder where he has all the money from, especially to pay someone to carry them back to your place.
Would take you to a lingerie shop where he’d make you try on all the cutest outfits and would buy them all, especially because he thinks they will make you more confident and wants to make sure you never thing bad of yourself, because if you’re dating him, then you’re obviously the most beautiful being he’s ever seen, inside and out. (he doesn’t count here, of course)
His wallpaper is a selfie of you two smiling and making a peace sign, from the top of the Eiffel Tower, seeing all Paris in the background, at evening, with the beautiful sky and the night lights all over.
Would take you on a cruise on Seine, serenading and drinking a glass of bubbly champagne, admiring all the buildings and the happy people sitting on the banks of the River, enjoying the scenery.
And of course, there’s no perfect trip to the City of  Love without some very tender and sensual love-making, with so many compliments, praises, soft touches and gentle kisses from Asmodeus, followed by a relaxing bath with milk, honey and rose petals, scented candles, bubbles and ambiental music, and of course, a lot of cuddling all night long.
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Beelzebub would want to go to Italy, since it’s the country with the best human food, and what better place to eat it them its home country?
Would actually love to go sightseeing with you and seeing all the pretty stuff there is.
He appreciates the architecture, statues and paintings of every historical place, loves to find out more about the country’s history and traditions and would like to take scenic pictures of all the places you visit...
And make a couple album where he puts pics with either you alone or together.
It’s his most treasured possession and nobody except Belphie knows about it, and while he is happy that his brother is happy, he would say it’s so cheesy.
Would have fun when doing the classic “Pushing the Pisa Tower” picture, would like to sing when you go on a Gondola ride in Venice, and pretend to be a gladiator at the Colosseum, while you’re his Caesar.
If you get him a necklace or a keychain, he’d never take it off and has it as his lucky charm, kissing it whenever he misses you or wants the day to go good.
After he understands how the food is made, he’d want to make it himself, so you cooking together would be so cute and fun, and the way you see the love and tenderness in his eyes as he looks at you laughing, while your face is covered in flour...
He’s such a precious and soft baby, and he loves you so much.
Also, he’d love to carry you around just for fun and because he loves holding you close to him, so either bridal style on on his shoulder, you say it, and he’s gonna do it.
Will also like to take lots of short videos with you two, just fooling around, giggling, laughing, making jokes, kissing, pretending to be kittens, having flour fights and all that, since they’re beautiful memories and whenever he’s sad, he watches them and he forgets the reason he was sad in the first place.
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Belphegor would take you to New Zealand, because he saw how beautiful and green the landscape were, thanks to the Lord of the Rings movies, so he wanted to see what would be like stargazing on such a flowery field, or sleeping in a Hobbit hole.
He’s pretty sleepy all the time, but that doesn’t mean he wouldn’t take you to see the big cities as well, eat out, shop for souvenirs and so on, but his heart is taken by the simplicity and peace the countryside and forests hold.
Belphie would actually like to have his head on your lap as you stay at the bottom of a tree and read, much like Froddo Baggings would, waiting for Gandalf.
It’s a guilty pleasure of his, but he wants to see ‘Gandalf’s’ fireworks, and when a festival like that happens, he’d hold your hand tight, having a soft smile on his face and a tender look in his eyes.
Despite not saying it very often, he will confess his love for you.
It’s barely above a whispers, but it’s genuine.
It’s simple, small, but meaningful and beautiful nonetheless.
As you stargaze on the field, he’d tell you the names of all stars and constellations that you can see, and would tell you some trivia he knows about them.
Would take a few pics here and there, but his favourite one is one where you two are on the ground outside, both your heads on his favourite pillow, while looking at each other, both of you having such genuine and pure love in your expressions.
If he ever wakes up earlier than you, and likes to troll a bit, he’d get his tail out and tickle your noes, smirking at how cute your half-asleep reactions were, but would play innocent when you ask about it, only kissing your nose to make you forget and reassure you that it was only a dream (it wasn’t).
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Diavolo is so easily excitable, despite his age and title for the next Devil Lord, but honestly, he wants to take you to Iceland to see the Northern Lights that you spoke so fondly about.
There are so many pretty things to see in the Devildom alright, but none of them quite as fascinating to him as how the sky lights up with so many different and beautiful shades of green, blue and pink, it’s almost unreal!
Who would have thought that the Human world could hold such natural wonders?
He could have sword you were a witch or something, and just wanted to impress him with your magic, as if charming him wasn’t enough, but this beauty makes him behave even more like a child, leaving him speechless and breathless.
Diavolo would kiss and hug you, spinning your around so many times, if you allow him, you forgot to count, which is his way of thanking you for showing him this place and he’s honestly just so happy that he can share this precious moment together with you.
You tell him some old stories about how they say the ancestors’ souls watch over everyone from up there, and that even the animals who died have their souls there, living in peace and quiet.
Despite knowing it’s obviously not true, the tales humans come up with are so creative and make so much sense to their beliefs, he’s genuinely fascinated by all these old stories and would like for you to tell him more.
Iceland’s landscapes are also to be taken into account, and Diavolo will take thousands of pics of you literally everywhere, just because you’re so cute and he’s so damn happy and wants many memories together.
Would like for you to take a selfie with his phone, while at the Northern Lights, and would make Lucifer frame it so he can have it on his desk whenever he’s working, and whenever he gets bored, tired, or just misses you, he’d gaze fondly at the picture and would occasionally kiss it.
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octupus-on-the-moon · 3 years
A table
~It's been done *laughs in Dr. Frankenstein*. After a lot of sweat, cursing and repeatedly flipping of my laptop and tablet. A new part of a nightmare is ready. It's a bit longer because of my absence and I hope I can keep my motivation up~
《 Previous - Masterlist - Next 》
Ninth part of nightmare
Word count: 1,814
Pairing: Bucky X Reader
Warning: Non I guess. Just some fluff and a burned gratine.
Bucky opened the door, awaiting the cold, baldness of the walls. To end up being surprised by the green he saw everywhere.
He totally forgot the little plants, y/n bought for him. They really made a difference. A welcome one. His clenched jaw and frowned eyebrows disappeared.
After taking of his jacket, he took an empty glass and went around pouring some water in all the colorful pots. He cursed under his breath, after he spilled some water for the second time. Mentally making a note to buy a watering can. Without noticing that his dark thoughts lifted and the silence around him was a welcome one, rather than a threatening menace.
Barnes looked at his wristwatch. It was still over an hour, till y/n would come back from college. He felt a sting of joy in his stomach.
That was new, Bucky wondered. It was probably just the excitement of finally having something to look forward to, instead of enduring one day after the other with the same maddening routine.
In the meanwhile, he could be useful and cook lunch. Y/n would be hungry after college and he had promised to cook the next time. Bucky looked in the fridge and cupboards. Potatoes, cheese and bacon. Exactly what he needed
Y/n had 30 minutes of lecture left, till she was free. She really wanted to go back to her little room in James’s apartment after the first class, but Monday was full of important courses, so she somehow managed to convince herself to stay.
The short call with James lifted her spirits considerably. It was his stoic way of talking, as soon as she showed a bit of interest in him, that made her feel warm inside. Her thoughts wandered off. To him. To the unpleasant night and how she finally saw the scared child he was. But then they went off to his blue eyes and the little crinkles around them when he frowned.
He must have been quite a look back in the forties.
Of course she had seen the photos in the Smithsonian, but she pictured him in a classier way. With a fitted suit and a fedora hat, walking down the street stealing hearts. Maybe a girl at his side and his eyes constantly lingering around her, as if she were the whole world and more. At the thought of it, y/n caught herself picturing a girl just like her, beside his tall figure.
That made her stop and turn back to reality. It was not a good sign. Or maybe it was. It felt like forever, since she let someone into her life and James was pretty much the last person she would have thought of. But she also did not expect her father being a criminal and her whole existence a facade.
Life was full of twists and turns lately. Some good, some bad. Maybe it was time to let something good happen.
“Ms. y/l/n, could you resume the discussed topic?” The professors sharp tone ripped y/n out of her train of thought. This will be the longest 30 minutes of my life, she thought.
A quite knock on the door distracted Barnes from intensely starring at the oven. He decided himself for a simple potato gratin, that would hopefully suite y/n’s taste. With is heart beating a bit too fast he neared himself the door.
And there she was. Her hair a little mess. A bag casually hanging around her shoulder and a beam as bright as the sun itself.
“Will you let me in or just keep starring?” Her playful greeting made Bucky’s heart stumble and without wasting words he stepped aside. He made another mental note. His gaze is not to be trusted. “How was therapy?” she asked letting her bag slide to the floor entering the kitchen in on smooth motion “Who of you two bit off the other one´s head first?” It took Bucky moment to get out of his trance.
“I….. We…. It went good” Barnes cleared his throat closing the door behind him “But she got a little suspicious about me deciding to cooperate” Y/n was drinking a glass of water leaning against the counter and once again Bucky could not get his eyes off of her.
“I did not think about that. We should have done one thing at a time. But I guess it´s too late now. Oh! And it smells amazing” she replied signing over to the oven. The quick hand move, the way her voice floated in the air, that one fuzzy hair in her face, everything captured him. “I…” A sharp smell tingling his nose interrupted Barnes. It came from the hot oven in the middle of the kitchen. His concentration fully gathered again, let him act quickly, reaching over for a rug and rescuing his gratin in the last moment. The crust was now a bit darker than needed but it was still acceptable.
“It´s a burned potato gratin” Barnes darkly commented, placing the form in the center of the already ‘set up table’.
“Hey, don´t be so hard on yourself. It still looks amazing”
“I´m not being hard with myself, I´m blaming you. It wouldn´t have burned if you wouldn´t have distracted me” Bucky’s eyes were glimmering amused.
She gasped overly dramatic, laying one hand on her chest “Me?”
“Yes. You” He broke out into a smile, without wasting another thought he reached over to her, brushing that fuzzy string of hair out of her face. Y/n’s giggle stopped for a moment at the closeness between both, making place for a shy smile, her eyes searching the floor. Barnes retreaded himself, feeling a heavy stone inside his stomach, as he realized how intimate the gesture was.
She did not expect him coming so close, her heart was already fluttering and was about to explode at his touch. Then he moved away causing an emptiness inside her. The same emptiness she always felt since the day of the notification. It was the last time she felt truly fulfilled and at ease, she had dreams and goals. Then everything changed. Life suddenly was a landscape of grey. Every task dull and meaningless. Time passed. She soon enough noticed that the emptiness would stay and the grey would only flourish.
Then the nightmare happened. And the already grey landscape had now even dark shadows to be afraid of.
James moved away to cut and serve the gratin. Giving her a little time to calm down her heart beat and ‘take a seat’ on the kitchen counter. After another heartbeat of discreetly observing Bucky serve the plates, y/n decided to break the silence “James”
He looked up with a shy grin “Yes?”
“We really need to get you a table”
“Is it really necessary?” Bucky and y/n were standing in front of the furniture store. Bucky incredulously, Y/n exited.
“Well at least I am not going to keep eating on the floor and, or the counter. My back is literally hurting from eating the gratin”
“Yes, it’s true. But. I…” Barnes closed and opened his fists a few times weighting his options “Okey. I guess we can take a look around” She nodded enthusiastically leading the way into the shop, James sighted heavily and followed.
The store was more or less deserted, which relieved Barnes. He didn´t like being in a already overwhelmingly filled hall with an ever more overwhelming count of people in it. The exit routs were explicitly signed which calmed his anxiety a bit more.
The most urgent thing for y/n was definitely the table, which led them to the dinning room section.
“I feel like a mafia boss” Y/n declared sitting down on the front side of a heavy wooden table. The chair, throne-like, up-holstered in a red velvet.
“Yes. A very scary mafia boss” Bucky jeered from the other side of the aisle.
“Hey! I can be scary if I want to”
“Jupp, as scary as a teddy”
She got up from the huge seat and walked over to him “Have you ever started into the cold dead eyes of a teddy bear?”
Bucky thought for an overly long moment “No, I haven´t. What about this one?”
“James. That’s a plastic table and it isn´t even a good quality one. In half a year, you will need to buy a new one” grabbing his arm she dragged him away “Come on these place is gigantic, we can find something better”
Yet, they didn´t. Every table y/n suggested was rejected by Bucky and vice versa. It was mostly to big, to small, to pompous, to dull, to much seats, to little seats and so on.
Both had almost reached the end of the section, when y/n suddenly dragged Bucky over to another exemplar. It´s design was simple, a glass top and a blond wooden frame with matching metal legs. Four chairs coated in a clear fabric rounded the dining set.
“This one. It´s the perfect size and I think I saw stools that would match, for the counter” Y/n sounded near desperate. Bucky took his time to look around the table. He was searching for something specific on it.
The price tag.
Y/n had picked out the most beautiful and practical tables, but the price was often more then exorbitantly high, which led Bucky to refuse all her suggestions. And the same happened with this one, it was by far the best table she had found today. It would look amazing between the plants, near the window, the chairs comfortable to sit on, in the early mornings to drink coffee and read the paper. It was a shame the table was out of Bucky`s scarce budget.
“I don´t know” Barnes commented “The chairs will get dirty pretty fast” Y/n´s face dropped.
She really didn´t expect it being so hard to satisfy Bucky´s furniture taste. Y/n thought that given Bucky´s cloth taste, he would have somewhat the same taste for furniture. Modern, comfy and in style with the room. Yet, every piece he had found acceptable was old styled, plastic or just straight out in a horrible color “You really liked that plastic table didn´t you?” She sighted.
For the break of a second Bucky frowned disgusted, then he nodded convincingly. But it was enough for her to know, what was keeping them from agreeing for a piece of furniture.
Every single table he elected was not because of its design, colour or material, it was because it was cheap. For a moment y/n felt bad. It was selfish of her not thinking that way, even though she truly believed that she didn´t have a rich complex, sometimes she did forget that not everyone had unlimited resources.
“Maybe it´s time for a little break. I think I saw a popcorn stand outside” Bucky’s conflicted face lit up a bit at her words.
All rights reserved.
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Tags: @ginger-swag-rapunzel
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You're So Warm (ii)
Pairing: Max Phillips x Reader
Summary: After his meeting with Y/N, Max is grappling with the fact that he couldn't turn her into a vampire. He invites her back to his office to continue what he started.
Warnings: Language, SMUT! Fingering, oral (f receiving), fucked on Max's desk. My first time writing smut so probably shitty writing? No editing, we die like men.
part i part ii part iii
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After a week of Max's tireless efforts, things at the office had finally started to quiet down. He had taken care of the people that needed to be taken care of and he had put legal at ease with some quick solutions about their little problem. However, Max's mind was still racing. He couldn't stop thinking about her. He could still feel her skin burned into his. No one had ever held as much power over him as this little mortal did. He was going out of his mind pondering what she had done to make him feel like this. It couldn't have just been her warmth. He could have gained the same sensation from a microwave. There had to be something else. He couldn't gain control of himself anymore. He couldn't stop himself from becoming distracted by thinking of her. The thing about all of it that had truly gotten under his skin was the fact that he couldn't find the willpower to change her. Every time he nearly bolstered up the courage, he thought of her heat and he couldn't bring himself to do it. This had to stop. He was in control. This was his company. He made the rules.
He paced the floor of his office, hands resting behind his back. Max glanced eagerly at the small clock on his desk. She would be here soon and he would take care of things. At exactly 5:00 on the dot he saw her skitter into the office and towards her desk. He stopped pacing and stood by the windows of his office to study her movements. Max's gaze became predatorial as he watched her set her bag down and smooth out her skirt. She was very gentle with her things, putting them in their proper place. His tongue shot out to lick his lips as he intently studied her hands. Before she could sit down, he flung his office door open and stepped outside. "Miss Y/N?" His voice startled her, causing her to jump. "May I speak to you privately for a moment?" She nodded and watched him turn and walk back into his office.
He was waiting for her just inside the door frame. When she stepped in cautiously, he pushed the door closed and motioned for her to take a seat. She did so promptly, twiddling her thumbs in her lap. She found herself unable to look up from her hands. "It's nice to see you again, Y/N." Before he approached her, he quickly shut the blinds on his windows so that he could proceed freely.
"It's nice to see you again, too, sir." She said in that same shy voice. He ambled towards his desk, stopping when he was in front of her. She realized she was avoiding eye contact and looked up. "May I ask what this is about?" He smiled at her blunt question and began to unbutton his suit jacket.
"Of course." She watched him peel his jacket off, fold it neatly, and place it on his desk. Max placed his hands in his pockets and put on his kindest smile. "Do you remember what happened the last time you were here?" This made her skin tingle as she remembered.
"Yes, sir. I do." She had only dreamt about it every night since. He nodded and walked around to the other side of the desk.
"So do I. And do you remember why I asked you into my office that day?" He placed his fingertips on the surface of the desk and leaned forward, waiting for her answer.
"I believe you mentioned a promotion, sir."
"That's right, I did. Good memory. Of course, we didn't exactly get around to discussing the promotion, did we?" She began to feel flushed as she shook her head. "I would like to finish our original conversation, if that is alright with you." She let out a small breath.
"Of course." Max gave her another warm smile which she offered in return. He began to unbutton the sleeves of his tight dress shirt, rolling them up to his elbows. She swallowed thickly as she watched his fingers. She couldn't deny that she enjoyed the way he looked as he showed off his powerful forearms, his shirt tight against his frame.
"As I have said many times in the past, what we sell here is dreams, right? We help people achieve more. That's why they buy from us because we are giving them something that is bigger than themselves." His hands moved fluidly as he spoke, illustrating the point he was trying to make. "Of course, I need people on my team that are going to help me achieve that goal. That's why I want you, Y/N, in a position with a little more power. I can tell that you are a dreamer. You are someone who believes in what we do and that is one of the most important things I can ask for. There is something very special about you." Max wished she knew how true his words were. He wasn't just spouting his normal sales bullshit. There was something special about her and he wanted her on his team. So, why didn't he want to change her?
Y/N watched him intently as he spoke, hanging onto each word. She found herself enchanted by him, feeling her heart twinge when he told her she was special. Max let out a sigh and came around the desk to sit next to her. As she watched him come down to her level, she felt a warmth begin to grow between her legs. When he sat with her like this last time all she felt was nervous, but something had changed in the last week. There was something more electric and tangent between them now that made her ache. She wondered if he could feel it, too.
"I like you, Y/N. You're a very capable young woman. I want to see you succeed." Warmth radiated between their bodies and Max could feel his resolve slipping away. "Is that something you want?" It was now or never. All she could do was nod, her breath trapped in her chest. He took a deep breath and moved closer, scooping her hand into his. His head was immediately swimming with a million thoughts that he tried to push away. Her neck was so close now. Just one bite and all of this would be over. "I want to help you." He whispered, leaning over so that his lips were hovering right above her neck. "I want to make you better." Finally, he pressed his lips against her neck and the feeling consumed him. Her pulse was beating wildly against him, the warmth of her skin shooting straight down to his cock. He felt himself twitch as he breathed in her scent. Without a prayer to stop it, he felt his aggression melt away into need as he began kissing the crook of her neck. She closed her eyes, leaning away to give him better access. His lips explored her, taking in everything. He let his tongue press against her before sucking her neck lightly, leaving purple spots in his wake. He then brought his hands to her face, bringing their lips together. She let out a small whimper as his tongue played across her own. In that moment, he allowed himself to say what he had been denying all week. "I want you." All she could manage was a small nod and he laughed at her pitiful attempt at consent. "What was that?" He pulled away from her.
"I want you, too."
"Good girl." That was exactly what Max needed. He brought his lips back to hers as his hands trailed down to her breasts. Y/N let out a moan as he pinched her nipples, which were already hard. He travelled beneath her shirt to gain better access. He growled sharply at the feeling of her warm, pliable flesh beneath his hands. They both stood up, needing to be closer. Max's eyes drank in the sight of her as he wasted no time ripping her shirt off over her head. She wore a black lace bra which did a terrible job of covering her. He bit his lip harshly as he admired her.
"Was this for me, sweetheart?"
"Yes." She mumbled, her answer inaudible as she looked at the floor. Max took her jaw in his hand, pulling her up to meet his gaze.
"Speak up." He demanded. "Confidence is key, darling." She laughed lightly.
"Yes. Ever since you kissed me I've been dressing up, hoping you'll notice me."
"I already notice you. It's not just that, is it?" She shook her head as he looked at her. "You wanted me to fuck you. A kiss wasn't enough, was it? You needed to feel me deep inside of you, making you scream my name as I make you mine. Isn't that right?" His words took her breath away completely. "I said, isn't that right?" He said louder now.
"Yes, sir." He nodded, grinning widely.
"Don't worry, sweetheart. I'm going to give you exactly what you want." Still holding her jaw, Max brought their lips together, running his tongue along the inside of her mouth.
Y/N grasped at him wildly, trying to anchor herself. He felt her spinning out of control and held onto her shoulders tightly. "Come here. Let's see how wet that little pussy is for me." He pressed himself against her back, leading her forward. He took both her hands in his before pressing them solidly against the surface of his desk, bending her over. Admiring her ass which was on display for him, Max ran both hands along her skirt.
Y/N folded her arms in front of her, resting her head against them as she felt him pull her skirt up over her ass. His hands were big, caressing her skin so nicely. Max hissed as he explored her flesh. Every piece of her body was warmer than the last, driving him insane. She wore a pair of lace panties that matched her bra. It was a nice touch that made him smile. He hooked a finger into them, pulling them aside so he could access her. He pressed his finger against her slit, drawing it slowly all the way down to her clit. The contact pulled a small whine from her lips. Max rubbed his finger back and forth against her folds, collecting her wetness. He brought his finger to her lips which she eagerly sucked clean. "See how wet you are for me? Do you want more?" She nodded frantically, his finger still in her mouth. He pulled it away, bringing his hand back down to where she needed him most. He teased her entrance with a finger, which made her moan. He pushed into her as deep as he could, moving in and out of her with ease. Her fingernails dug into her forearms as he added another finger. The sensation was electrifying as he moved quicker and quicker.
"Does that feel good? Do you like the way I finger this tight little pussy?" His words made her walls clench around him tightly.
"Yes, sir." He added another finger which made her mouth gape. He kept the same fast pace, groaning loudly at the feeling of her. She was warm and slick and her moans only invited him deeper. His cock was rock hard now, straining against his tight pants. He curled his fingers upward, hitting the perfect spot inside her. "You feel so fucking good. I love the way you feel." Max pulled out of her without warning, causing her to whimper at the loss of him. He knelt down behind her, bringing his lips forward to her slit. He kissed her sensitive clit, sucking on it lightly. She tasted exquisite, better than blood. Better than anything. He lapped her up eagerly, enjoying the way she dripped for him. His tongue flicked along her slit to her entrance, delving inside her. He bobbed his head back and forth so that he could fuck her with his tongue. She sounded heavenly, calling out his name as she rocked back against his face. One of his hands gripped her waist while the other worked at taking out his cock. Once he had released himself, he began lazily stroking himself in time with each thrust of his tongue, causing him to groan. The sound vibrated in her clit, making it nearly impossible not to scream. "How does that feel, sweetheart? Do you like my tongue inside you?" He asked between licks.
"Yes! Oh, god yes!" She gasped before biting down on her forearm. He smiled against her.
"Are you going to cum for me?" She mumbled a yes through her teeth, embracing the warmth that was building in her stomach. "Do it. I want to feel you gush on my tongue. And when you're done, I'm going to fuck this sweet little pussy. Do you want that darling?" She could only nod now. "Good. Then cum." It only took a few more long licks before she came apart against his mouth. He used both hands to hold her hips steady as he helped her ride through her orgasm. She twitched as she came down off her high. Max took his mouth away, standing up behind her. "Did you like that, darling?" She knew her voice was useless and stuck with a small nod. He leaned down, pressing his body flush against hers. "Taste yourself on my lips, sweetheart." She obliged him happily, turning her head to kiss him deeply.
Max pulled away, taking her with him as he helped her stand up. She leaned against him, not trusting her legs. Holding her close to him, he made quick work of clearing a spot off his desk for her. When he was done, he turned her around and helped her lay on her back. Max couldn't help but take a moment to enjoy the view; his human employee laying on his desk, legs spread wide for him. "Fuck, you look good enough to eat, sweetheart." He bit his lip, giving his cock a few strokes. She looked up at him through heavy lids, waiting patiently for him. He took a moment to pull her panties off, throwing them into his chair. He didn't want any obstacles. Max stepped forward, lining his cock up with her entrance. "Do you want me to fuck you, sweetheart?" She nodded eagerly. He didn't wait another second before slipping the head of his cock into her. He closed his eyes tightly as he tried to get accustomed to the warmth of her slick pussy wrapped around his thick cock. It was almost too much for him. She watched him get lost in the ecstasy. When he was ready, he pushed his hips forward until he was fully seated inside her. She moaned as she felt him stretch her open. Max brought both of his hands to either side of her head, steadying himself. Both of them were in silent awe at the feeling of being so closely intertwined. Her warmth enveloped his entire being as he stood there, buried deep inside of her. He opened his eyes, locking them with hers as he pulled slowly out of her before pushing back in. "You feel so good. Fuck, Y/N! You're driving me fucking crazy." Standing back to his full height, Max played with her clit as he pumped slowly in and out of her. She became lost in the pleasure, knowing nothing but him. He began to quicken his pace, thrusting in and out of her harshly. He rubbed her clit in time with his thrusts, causing her hips to jerk upwards against him. He brought a hand to hold her hip down tightly against the desk. "Do you like that? Like when I rub this aching little clit? Am I going to make you cum?" His thrusts became faster, delving into her even deeper now which made her cry out. Their skin smacked together crudely, the sound echoing around the office. They knew that everyone outside could surely hear them but they didn't care as they both felt their orgasms building. Max's thrusts became sloppy as he got close. "Fuck, I'm gonna cum. God, you're going to make me cum so hard, sweetheart." His words were all the encouragement she needed as his fingers worked her clit aggressively. She released around his cock as he worked her through her orgasm. He gritted his teeth tightly as he gave her one last sharp thrust before pulling out. She brought a hand up to stroke his cock hard until thick ropes of his cum coated her stomach. She continued to stroke him as he came down from his high, milking every drop of cum he had onto her stomach.
They both panted heavily, heads spinning from the pleasure. Max tucked himself back up, zipping his pants as he went to find something in his office to clean her up with. He was lucky enough to find a box of tissues in the corner and made quick work of wiping away the mess he'd made. When she was certain she wouldn't pass out, she sat up and Max helped her off the desk. "That was amazing, Y/N." He commented as she picked her panties up and slid them on. "I've never felt anything so extraordinary." She rolled her eyes a bit and walked towards the door to retrieve her shirt. He watched as she finished dressing herself, crossing his arms.
"You flatter me, sir." They both let out a light laugh. She turned to leave and Max reached out to grab her wrist before she could.
"Where are you going?"
"Wasn't that all you wanted?" He was taken aback by the question. Had he come across as that much of an asshole to her?
"No." She raised her eyebrows at him. "I want you to be my personal assistant." She shook her head, trying to gather her wits.
"Right ... the promotion." He smiled warmly.
"Do you accept the job?" She contemplated the offer. This definitely wasn't what he'd had in mind when she came into his office, but especially now he knew there was no way he could bring himself to change her.
"Yes, of course." She replied with a grin.
"Good. I'm glad. I'll debrief you on your duties tomorrow but for now, you can go home early. I think you've worked enough for today." She giggled at this and nodded. She turned towards the door, taking a deep breath before opening it and letting herself out. Max watched as she disappeared, his head spinning. For the first time in his life, he had met someone who was a better human than they were a vampire. Right then and there, he knew he would do anything to make sure it stayed that way. Maybe Max didn't mind losing control after all.
Tags: @zeldasayer @talesfromtheguild @ithinkhesgaybutwesavedmufasa @bobafvtt @lannister-slings-and-arrows @madadlorian @otherthingsinhead @readsalot73
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nfldunn · 3 years
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     𝙸 𝚆𝙰𝚂 𝙷𝙴𝚁𝙴—𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖎 𝖒𝖆𝖙𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖊𝖉     roswelltask 002     ( @rocketfm )
Full Name:   Gunner Raleigh Dunn
Reason for name:   Mostly stereotypical toxic masculinity, Gunner’s father wanted a “strong” sounding name for his son, believing that it would make him strong.
Nickname(s):   Gun, Dunn, QB, Midas
Date of Birth:   November 1st, 1988
Age:  32
Gender + Pronouns:   Cis-Male, He/Him
Place of birth:   Rockport, Massachusettes
Parents:   Sandra Burns-Dunn & Brock Dunn
Siblings:   N/A
Relationship with family (close? estranged?):   Estranged. Only currently speaks to his cousin who lives in England, as far as biological family is concerned.
Pets:   N/A
Height:   6 feet, 1 inch
Build:   Athletic, Muscular
Nationality:   American
Ethnicity:   3/4 White, 1/4 Filipino / Spanish / Catalan / Basque / Chinese
Distinguishing Facial Features:   Jawline & Strong, Sometimes Messy Eyebrows
Hair Color:   Dark Brown
Usual Hair Style:   Messy, usually with a minimal amount of product because he runs his hands through it a lot.
Eye Color:   Dark Brown
Complexion (freckles, acne, skin tone, birthmarks, scars):   Lightly Tanned, Almost-Olive Skin. A few scars on his hands and also spread over his back and shoulder.
Disabilities (physical or mental, including mental illnesses):   Anger Issues & Intermittent nerve issues in his injured shoulder that can, at times, leave him in a sling from pain.
What do they consider their best feature?:   His Biceps
Worst they’ve ever been injured (what, how did it happen)?:   While the injury that ended his career was by no means the only time he’d been injured badly enough to put him in the hospital, it is the only injury that truly left him with a lasting impact. It was during an important game for the season, when, upon one of his teammates getting their hands on the ball, he’d made the decision to tackle a member of the opposing team because he was in the best position to do so, and save the ball from the other team. But the momentum from the tackle had sent them off the field, and upon realizing where they were heading, he’d shifted his and the other player’s position in the air so he took the brunt of the impact when they collided with something on the sidelines. The impact, mostly focused on his shoulder, effectively shattered the bones there, and he’d needed to be surgically pieced back together like a jigsaw puzzle.
Favorite outfit:   Decently tight jeans, white t-shirt, and a leather jacket
Glasses? Contacts?:   N/A
Personal Hygiene:   Two showers a day - one when he wakes up, and one after his daily workout. He also has a skincare routine that he does every day, twice a day.
Jewelry? Tattoos? Piercings?:   He doesn’t usually wear jewelry, but he does have his ears pierced. He has a large tattoo that covers most of his back of a tree - with an intricate root system beneath the “ground” that’s visible, that says “no tree, it is said, can grow to heaven unless its roots reach down to hell.” He also has a tattoo of a raven on his non-injured shoulder, with a dragonfly right next to it, and delicate script forming a bracelet around his left wrist that says “you say i killed you - haunt me, then.” because the man is a classical novel nerd. And, finally, he has a roman numeral ‘thirty two’ tattooed on his ribs, near his heart, for his jersey number.
What does their voice sound like?:   I’m not even gonna try to explain it, okay, it’s low and gravelly and y’all can listen to it yourself if you really wanna know. The mans straight up sounds like he’s got a sore throat 100% of the time.
Style of speech (loud, mumbler, articulate, etc.):   He generally speaks fairly quietly - loud enough to be heard, but generally on the quieter side, unless he’s pissed and starts yelling.
Accent?:   Classic New England accent. But he also has a tendency to drop the ‘g’s from the end of his words, in a more typical Southern habit.
Unique mannerisms/physical habits:   He has a habit of flexing his hands into fists whenever he’s thinking, but generally, he doesn’t have a ton of habits that are unique to him.
Left handed or right?:   He’s ambidextrous, meaning he can use both of his hands equally as well, and doesn’t have a particular instinct towards using either of them.
Do they work out/exercise?:   Almost obsessively. He works out every single day, and usually can’t be caught dead skipping a day.
Known Languages:   English, French, Filipino, & Spanish
Zodiac:   Scorpio
Gifts/talents:   He has always been a very talented football player, a natural almost as soon as he’d started playing, and is also quite gifted at chess, though that’s something that no one really knows about him.
Religious stance:   Agnostic/Athiest, if not a bit antagonistic towards the idea of a higher power.
Political stance:   Liberal, but like with most things, he doesn’t speak of it in public, so no one would really know. Many people in the past assumed he was a conservative because of the sport he played, even though it couldn’t be further from the truth.
Pet peeves:   Quiet, easily intimidated people.
Optimist or pessimist:   Pessimist
Extrovert or introvert:   He has a “switch” he can turn on and off as the situation needs. He’s generally an introvert, but when put into a situation where being an extrovert would help, he can put on an act to become one without much struggle.
Relationship status:   Single
Sexual orientation:   Bisexual
Ideal mate/qualities they look for in mate:   He generally gravitates towards stronger, more dominant personalities, though it’s been so long since he’s been in a relationship that it’s generally not something he even thinks about anymore. Someone who’s outgoing and can spar with his prickly mood swings is usually who catches his attention, though.
Ever been in love?:   Once, and while it ended amicably enough, it ruined his views on relationships.
What’s their love language?:   Both physical touch and gift giving.
Most important person in their life?:   It’d been his grandmother at one point in his life, but now that she has passed away, he doesn’t really have anyone - a bit of a lone wolf type.
Level of education:   College degree in Classic Studies, with an emphasis on Classic Literature
Profession:   Sports Reporter at Rocket Radio Station
Past occupations:   Professional Football Player
Dream occupation:   N/A
Passions:   Football, Reading, Chess
Attitude towards current job:   It keeps him occupied for a little every day, and is about as close as he’s comfortable getting to his past career, which he appreciates, but he’s not exactly passionate about it.
Spender or Saver? Why?:   He’s a little bit of both. He doesn’t have to worry about money, mostly due to smart investments back when he was famous, but he doesn’t necessarily go around just spending money to spend money. If he wants something, he buys it, and doesn’t really have to think much on it.
Which is more important – money or doing something they love?:   He’s never had to choose, because the thing he loved made him money - but if he had to choose, if he could only have one, he’d choose doing something he loved.
Phobias:   N/A
Life goals:   To fade into oblivion, now
Greatest fears:   Intimacy
Most embarrassing thing ever to happen to him/her:   Gunner, for the most part, has no shame - so he generally doesn’t find very much, if anything at all, embarrassing.
Something they’ve never told anyone:   His animosity towards his father had started forming at a young age, mostly culminating in screaming matches between the two when he was a teenager, and that was why he left Rockport for college and never even considered turning back.
Biggest regret:   Not trying to make a long distance relationship work with his high school boyfriend, when he left for college.
Compulsions:   N/A
Police/Criminal/Legal record:   Nothing that actually landed on a record, but he did spend brief stints in “Family House”, a place for kids (mostly deemed “out of control”) to go when they couldn’t manage to get along with their parents, essentially giving them a safe place to go outside of their home and to give both parents and child a break from the tension, as a substitute for the foster system, but he only ever spent a few days there at a time.
Vices:   Alcohol
Hobbies:   Chess
Favorite color:   Charcoal Grey
Favorite smell:   Motor Oil
Favorite food:   Steak and Fries
Favorite book:   Pride and Prejudice
Favorite movie:   Uncut Gems
Favorite song:   (I Just) Died In Your Arms by Cutting Crew
Coffee or tea?:   Coffee
Favorite type of weather:   Thunderstorms
Most prized possession:   His collection of Super Bowl rings
Most used word or phrase?:   Fuck
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weheistin · 4 years
hunger like a storm
finally. a short little fake ah crew snapshot, inspired by this art from @bara-kick . crossposted to ao3.
the fake ah crew didn’t necessarily deal in undercover ops and theft by stealth. their track record spoke for itself: big, loud, intense, and dramatic. that was their modus operandi, and it wasn’t about to change.
but sometimes, for the big scores, you needed to do a little recon while undercover. and geoff had found what could potentially be their biggest score yet.
the asshole in question lived out on the coast in pacific bluffs, right off the freeway, in some fuck-off fancy house that was all square and modern and ugly as hell. (money couldn’t buy taste, he figured, but still. it was a shame.) from what they’d gathered from the blueprints and security measures (matt had told him it was laughably easy to hack into securoserv’s databases, which was a problem. he’d immediately had him set up a new system so he could wipe them out of theirs. just to be safe.) this guy had a big ass safe in the basement level of his home. the protection of the safe in the house itself was minimal - they’d be able to hack in, no problem - but it was the rest of the place that proved tricky.
well, it proved tricky until fiona let him know that the rich asshole (and geoff should have remembered his name, but he didn’t) was throwing some charity ball or something, and that she’d gotten a pair of tickets for them.
(fiona was a blessing and he was so glad she was working with them and not anyone else.)
geoff had assumed that he and jack would take the tickets - that’s how it always used to be; they made a damn good team and played off of each other brilliantly in undercover situations. but when the time came, the ground team didn’t include him: michael and jack would be attending the gala, with ryan providing support and intel from a boat just far enough away to not be seen with the naked eye.
“you’re way too recognizable, dude,” michael told him as he straightened his tie in the mirror; lindsay had helped pick out outfits for them both earlier that week, and he’d only seen them now. it was weird, seeing michael without his wolf jacket. “me ‘n’ jack, though? we should be fine. it’s ‘cause we’re not the figureheads.”
he didn’t want to admit it out loud, but michael had a point; he was about to try and argue that anyway, just to be a bastard, when the door to jack’s room opened and she stepped out and his heart caught in his throat and then stopped.
she wore high black heels - they probably added a good six inches to her height and brought her up to average - and a floor length red dress that seemed to get darker and almost sparkle the closer you got to the hem. the straps or sleeves or whatever they were were meant to be off the shoulder, and for the first time in their years of friendship, he noticed all the freckles that covered her skin - probably from growing up in texas. her hair was in the same style it normally was, but the curls seemed a little more tame, and her lipstick matched the red of her dress.
but the real killer was the slit in the fabric, which went up and up and up to the top of her thigh, teasing the smooth, pale skin of her leg the whole way.
jack laughed a little and that’s when geoff realized he’d been caught staring. he blinked a few times and let his gaze travel back up to her face, and her smile was almost radiant - it would have been if he couldn’t see the hint of teasing she’d hidden in it. she twirled once, quickly, and held out her arms. “how do i look?”
“jack, you look so good,” fiona said from where she was curled up on the couch with her phone. “seriously.”
michael nodded. “i never thought i’d say you look hot, but you do, man. holy shit. you clean up nice.”
she flipped him off with a smile and reached for her pistol where ryan had set it out for her. he’d called it plan b, and geoff was hopeful there wouldn’t need to be a plan b. the goal was get in, fuck with the security system a bit, get out, and send in a crew for the actual heisting later. no gunfire necessary. still, he’d rather her go in prepared than not. and no one would question a pistol at a party in los santos.
“what about you, geoff?” jack asked, looking at him pointedly as she made sure the safety was on. “what do you think?”
geoff cleared his throat and rubbed at the back of his neck with the hand that wasn’t in his pocket. “you look good. knock ‘em dead tonight.”
“you know i will.” with a wink, she hiked up the skirt of her dress - that alone was enough to give him a minor heart attack - and revealed the black holster on her right thigh. she slid the pistol into it, gunmetal against soft, warm skin, and shivered a little as she did; geoff had to turn away and focus on ryan and his sniper rifle to calm himself down, because the thought of that, let alone the image, was a lot to wrap his head around. she had to know what she was doing, right? how much of a tease she was being?
“okay. we’ll be back as soon as we can. we’ll keep in touch with matt on comms.” ryan tapped his ear, and geoff heard matt’s ayo! from across the penthouse. “i hope whatever’s making you weird is gone by the time we get back. michael, you got the flash drive?”
“alright, let’s go. you’ll be fashionably late by the time we get there.”
“be safe!” fiona called after them as they left, and as the door shut behind them, he fell on the couch next to her with a groan. she just laughed and patted his shoulder a few times in sympathy.
“does it make it better or worse if i tell you i think that was intentional on her part?” she asked, and geoff’s distraught noise made her laugh even louder. “that’s what i thought.”
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The Goonies: Facets of Film
A film isn’t ready for shooting the minute the script has been written and the parts have been cast.  
This is pretty obvious: there’s a lot of steps to go through before a project can fully become a film: cameras, lighting, music, sets, special effects, costumes, and tons more that have to go into piecing together a coherent narrative in a way that makes sense using editing and other filmmaking tricks, turning filmed sequences into scenes that tell a story.  This is a usage of the production design of the film: using the elements at the filmmaker’s disposal in order to build the ‘film world’ and make it realistic enough that the audience buys it for a while.
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This is where the production team comes in.
The job of the behind-the-scenes crew, everyone from the director to the production assistants, is to create this ‘film world’, in any way they can, using cinematography, costuming, special effects, lighting, and everything else at their disposal to convince the audience for a brief period that what they’re seeing is real.  These elements, when used well, can capture the attention of an audience and turn a ‘good’ film with a solid story and characters and turn it into a cinematic classic, all through the clever use of movie magic.
And, of course, aside from looking good and being believable, these ‘facets of film’ are also used to tell the story.
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These elements, cinematography, sets, etc., are used to highlight the plot and characters to the audience in the most efficient way possible.  Although it’s true that some films accomplish this better than others, the best films use these ‘facets of film’ wisely, conveying information to the viewers in ways that make sense, making a film more understandable and enjoyable.
In other words: today, we’re going to talk about what makes The Goonies a movie instead of just a story, and asking ourselves one simple question:
Does The Goonies use its ‘movie magic’ well, or not?
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Let’s take a look, starting with something that can seem kind of simple: cinematography.
The Goonies isn’t exactly an ‘arthouse’ film.  By that, I mean that to the average movie-goer, there’s not much in artistic shots: the movie is focused on getting to the point.  But that doesn’t mean it can’t look good while doing it.
Cinematography is a hugely important feature of film, one that is often overlooked.  Audiences tend to underestimate the value that a camera, the ‘eyes’ into the film world, actually has: how the camera ‘looks’, and therefore allows us to look at a scene can be hugely impactful.  Such is the case for The Goonies.
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There are a few shots within The Goonies that everyone just remembers.  The first time the kids lay eyes on the pirate ship, their final goal, is a hugely memorable moment, when the camera switches from the open-mouthed, awed expressions of the Goonies to the hugely impressive pirate ship, entirely built as a set for the film.  Other shots, like the reveal of the bone-organ, or the first shot of Sloth from behind, his chained hands held up against the light, stick in people’s minds: or the simple but effective shot moving to focus on Mikey leaning over his porch railing.
These shots are certainly strong and memorable, but they also convey a lot of interesting information to the audience all at once, which is very important.  In one split second, the viewers understand the magnitude of the discovery of One-Eyed Willy’s pirate ship, the terror of the dead body in the freezer, the miraculous recovery of the jewels to save the Goondocks, the relief of Mr. Walsh tearing up the contract and throwing it into the air.
These shots are designed to evoke emotions in their audience, giving us a perfect viewing point into the film’s world, allowing us to ride alongside these characters and experience what they’re experiencing: the fear, the joy, the laughter and the excitement, and the camerawork more than achieves its goal.  The cinematography is effective without being showy, showing off when it needs to, and being simple and small when it fits the tone better.
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A big portion of the film’s appearance is for sure in the cinematography, but honestly, there’s not much point to good camerawork if there’s nothing to shoot.  Thankfully, the production design of The Goonies doesn’t disappoint.
Every setting in this film feels solid and lived in, from Mikey’s house to the beat-up old restaurant, to the caves, and, of course, the pirate ship.  Richard Donner and Steven Spielberg (Director and producer of The Goonies, respectively) had, at this point, a bit of experience with the special effects department, and it shows in the film’s final look.  Spielberg’s iconic Indiana Jones style sets and effects are echoed here in the cave sequences, with booby traps, skeletons, and the claustrophobic, dirty caverns convincing the audience effortlessly of their authenticity.
The entire film is a visual delight, with the production design clearly putting forth a lot of effort into making the movie look good, from the pirate ship to the prosthetics on John Matuszak to bring Sloth to life.
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Despite the magnificent sets, there isn’t actually much in ‘visual effects’ in the film itself (especially once the octopus scene was cut), besides the prosthetic effects used for Sloth (very impressive in their own right).  There are a few notable scenes: the floor dropping out from underneath Mouth (achieved by attaching a cable to Corey Feldman’s belt and collapsing the set floor underneath) being one of the more impressive of the various Rube Goldberg booby-trap setups throughout the entire film, and the cave collapsing prove to be a few of the most visually impressive effects in the entire film, furthering the story along and making it look believable.
There are other important visual things too: the costumes on the characters (Brand’s exercise wear, Data’s big, baggy trench coat with his inventions underneath, Mikey’s jean-jacket, Mouth’s Purple Rain t-shirt and Chunk’s Hawaiian shirt) all serve as legitimately distinct clues to tell kids apart in clumped together shots, but also works well as character building, coding in different outfits that match personalities, and even the props that kids have with them are hugely telling.  These include Mikey’s inhaler, Mouth’s comb, and, of course, Data’s inventions, all elements that immediately tell the audience something about their personality without having to come out and say it in words.  
In short, the visual storytelling of The Goonies is pretty darn competent.
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But the visuals can only do so much.
The score of The Goonies (by Dave Grusin) works perfectly to form the backbone of every scene, from the merry tune that plays over Data’s inventions to the thrilling soundtrack that plays over the Fratellis’ escape at the beginning of the film.  Every scene hits its mark thanks in no small part to the music in the background: reflecting character emotions and putting the audience right in with them, emphasizing huge moments like One-Eyed Willy’s pirate ship and playing up to smaller scenes, like the wishing well.  
It also serves perfectly to underline what’s really important: the performances.
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There’s more to a great movie production than sets, special effects and music.  In the end, no matter how impressive, the production of a film doesn’t really amount to anything if the characters aren’t believable.  The movie really rests on the shoulders of the performers: it’s on the actors to try to sell not only their surroundings and story, but the characters themselves, making an audience buy into the fact that they are real, and going through these experiences.
In The Goonies?
The entire cast steps up to the plate.
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Sean Astin’s performance as Mikey is 100% wholehearted and earnest, genuine and inspiring.  He is believable as the leader, and as a child with big dreams and big ideas, without being so wide-eyed as to be unrealistic, with a realistic way of talking that siblings around the world recognize.  Jeff Cohen as Chunk is larger than life, over-the-top for every moment of screen time, constantly energetic in both terror and excitement, convincingly portraying a kid who’s scared out of his mind, but sticks it through for the sake of his friends.  Ke Huy Quan easily persuades an audience of Data’s intelligence and charm, quirky behavior lining up with a ‘boy genius gadgeteer’ personality that is tempered with moments of irritation and frustration, as well as a gutsy streak that gets a little overshadowed by the antics of the others around him.  Corey Feldman as Mouth is similarly believable as a snarky kid with too much attitude.  Despite every character’s flaws, each actor manages to make each performance overall likeable and charming.  Thankfully, this doesn’t stop with the kids.
Josh Brolin is believably exhausted and somewhere between childish and grown-up as Mikey’s older brother, Brand, pulling off an even mix that makes him believably grounded, but still able to be swept up in the adventure.  Kerri Green as Andy isn’t given a lot to do, but she’s still entertaining and charming with the material given to her, much like Martha Plimpton as Stef, who delivers her snarky, sarcastic dialogue extremely well.
The heroes aren’t the only ones turning in great performances.  Anne Ramsey is incredibly, and memorably, threatening as Mama Fratelli, and Robert Davi and Joe Pantoliano are entertainingly intimidating as Jake and Francis Fratelli, bickering amongst each other and getting smacked around with utmost believability, despite the ridiculousness of the situation.  John Matuszak is wonderful underneath the prosthetics as Sloth, who, while never a villain, doesn’t officially become a hero until further into the film.  Aside from these, the movie is full of little performances from other players, and everyone fills their part remarkably well.  
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Every character in The Goonies comes across exactly as they should: as characters in a kid’s adventure story.  Each performance is perfectly suited to each character: not at all subtle, but energetic and entertaining.  They are kids on a mission, with complete sincerity and consistency in their performances that help the audience to pretend that this is all real.  
These performances are the cincher, the final step, the part that people remember and the element that solidifies this film as a family classic, continuing to entertain people over thirty years later.  
In short?  With people like Richard Donner and Steven Spieberg working behind the scenes, it’s not much of a surprise that The Goonies was an example of efficient filmmaking and visual storytelling.  It’s a fast paced adventure story, a roller-coaster on film designed to take the audience along for the ride without asking any questions, and in that, it greatly succeeds.  
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The Goonies seemed destined for greatness from the moment it first released, with all of its ‘facets of filmmaking’ falling into place to create the perfect family adventure film, but, of course, that wasn’t an accident.  Every movie is the result of a lot of hard work from a lot of different people, and The Goonies is no exception.
Thank you guys so much for reading!  Join us next time where we’re going to be discussing the behind-the-scenes story of The Goonies in ‘Facets of Filmmaking’.  I hope to see you there!
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noona-clock · 5 years
The Risk - Part 5
Genre: Fighter!AU
Pairing: Park Seo Joon x You (Female!Reader)
Warnings: Disgustingly cute fluff and also one curse word
Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 | Words: 2,935
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Over the next year, Seo Joon made (basically) good on his promise not to ever get punched during a fight. He had gotten kicked a couple of times, but after you had appeared in front of him with very raised, very angry eyebrows, he had reminded you that you’d only made him promise not to get punched.
You hadn’t said anything about getting kicked.
So, obviously, you had made him amend his promise right then and there.
He trained incredibly hard during that year, working especially on his reflexes to make sure you wouldn’t ever have to see him get hit -- punched or kicked.
Before meeting you, he had already trained hard and had an uncanny ability to stay focused on his goals and work until he achieved them. But after meeting you, after hearing just how much you disliked watching him get hurt, he stepped up his game.
In the span of that year, Seo Joon fought in six other matches (not including the match he won the night he officially asked you to be his girlfriend), and he only got hit somewhat badly once. But that had been in his abdomen, not his face, so you had been a bit easier to console.
Also in the span of that year, Seo Joon had done his best to make you fall in love with him, though that was both unknowingly done and took way less than a year. It had only taken three months, in fact.
After the first month of your relationship, Seo Joon had waited for you outside of your class, just like he had on the day you’d first kissed in the garden. But this time, he was holding a rather large bouquet of flowers, all different kinds but all the same color -- your favorite color.
When you’d opened the door of the building and seen him there, your cheeks had immediately turned beet red. The friend you’d been walking with had smirked wildly and poked your side, teasing you about the tall, handsome stranger waiting for you with flowers.
“What are these for?” you’d asked shyly once you’d approached him, a bashful grin curving your lips.
“You have been my girlfriend for exactly one month,” Seo Joon had replied, unable to keep himself from smiling down at you as you brought the bouquet up to your nose. “I thought you deserved some flowers, at least.”
Your response had been, “You didn’t have to buy me flowers.” But those had just been your words. Your smile had been far too wide and, frankly, cheesy for you to actually think that.
So, Seo Joon had done the same thing after month two. He waited for you outside of your class holding a bouquet of flowers, this one even larger and more beautiful than the last. Other students had noticed him, and he’d even heard someone wonder out loud if he was Park Seo Joon, the MMA fighter.
He’d tried not to react or even look in the person’s direction because this was about you -- not him. If someone came up to him to ask for an autograph or a picture... he might actually refuse. You still didn’t care if it happened when the two of you were together; in fact, you encouraged it because his fans were a big reason he had been able to make a career out of what he loved to do.
But anyway. Back to our scene.
The second you’d seen him standing there again, holding yet another embarrassingly big bouquet, you’d bit your lip and speed-walked over to him.
“What are you doing here?” you’d asked as a smile had formed on your lips. You’d immediately slid your arms around his middle and stood on your toes to greet him with a quick kiss.
Before Seo Joon had the chance to answer your question, a loud catcall whistle filled the air. You’d whipped your head around and cried out to the friend you’d been walking with every time he’d come here.
“I’m so sorry,” you’d chuckled after turning back around to face him, your cheeks incredibly pink.
He truly wasn’t sure when you looked more adorable than you did when you were embarrassed -- happily embarrassed, that is. Not embarrassed like ‘I want to crawl into a hole in the ground and stay there forever’ kind of embarrassed.
“I know I should buy you flowers more,” he had told you as he’d handed you the bouquet. “And not just on special occasions. But today, it’s officially been two months since you said you would be my girlfriend.”
You’d smirked and shot him a playfully quizzical look. “I don’t think two months really qualifies as a special occasion.”
“It does when you’re my girlfriend,” he’d murmured before placing a quick kiss on the tip of your nose.
And since you had been so embarrassed -- and since you’d pointed out that a monthly anniversary wasn’t actually an anniversary -- he’d done it again on the third month.
But... this time... it would be a special occasion.
Seo Joon zipped up his jacket before reaching over and grabbing the bouquet, hoping the frigid air outside didn’t nip at the petals as he stood to wait for you.
His breath blew soft, puffy clouds in front of him as he walked to the building he’d become all too familiar with over the last three months, and he checked his watch to make sure he wasn’t running late.
Today was not only the three-month mark of your relationship, but it was also the last day of your final exams for the semester -- hence the special occasion thing. He had thought about taking you out to dinner, ordering your favorite dessert, maybe some wine? But then he’d decided he should probably let you choose. You were the one who had been studying and taking tests for the last month, so he would cater to your every whim tonight.
(Let’s be real though: he catered to your whim every night. Seo Joon was definitely one of those boyfriends. He practically worshipped the ground you walked on. 🤷‍♂️)
Just as he came to stand in his usual spot, the front door to the building swung open. He heard a handful of students let out a relieved sigh, chattering about how glad they were the final -- and semester -- was finally over.
His brow furrowed softly, but before he could start worrying too much about you, he spotted you walking out the door. You quickly said goodbye to your friend before hitching your bag over your shoulder and heading toward him.
A tired but still very happy smile played at your lips, and you let out a soft sigh as you snaked your arms around him. You slid them underneath his jacket, pressing your cheek to his chest as you tried to steal his warmth.
“How did your test go?” he murmured, holding onto you with his free arm and rubbing your back soothingly.
“Fine,” you sighed. “It’s over, so that’s all that matters.”
He placed a kiss on the top of your head, and he expected you to pull away then... but you didn’t. So he didn’t.
And then after at least a minute, he asked, “You’re not going to ask me what I’m doing here? Or what the flowers are for?”
You let out a negative hum, shaking your head just the tiniest bit before you snuggled against his chest even more. “I don’t care today, I’m just happy to see you,” you muttered.
A smile played at Seo Joon’s lips, and he squeezed you once before moving to turn you and start heading toward his car. “How about we go do something? To celebrate?”
“Sure,” you replied quietly, sticking to his side as the two of you ambled down the sidewalk.
“Anything you want,” he announced with a squeeze of your shoulders. “Dinner, movie, shopping...”
Seo Joon heard a soft sigh escape your lips, and then you said, “Can we go back to your place? Order takeout and just relax?”
“If that’s what you want to do, then that’s what we’ll do,” he replied.
You stopped walking then, tilting your head up and raising your eyebrows at him.
“Well, right now, I want a kiss,” you told him.
A smile quirked at Seo Joon’s lips, and he bent down to grant your request without a moment’s hesitation.
“And I want my flowers,” you added, reaching over and taking the bouquet from him. “Thank you for them, they’re so beautiful.”
“You know why I got them, right?” he asked quietly.
“Besides the fact I finished all my exams?”
“In addition to,” he confirmed.
“I’m guessing... it’s been three months?”
Seo Joon moved to kiss you again as a reward for being so smart, and you smiled against his lips.
“Are you really going to bring me flowers at school every single month?” you asked with a note of amusement in your voice. “You really don’t have to.”
“I know I don’t have to,” Seo Joon replied. “But I want to. I want to make sure you know how I feel about you. How important you are to me.”
“But then what do I do?” you asked as Seo Joon reached into his pocket to get his car keys ready.
“What do you mean?”
“To show you how I feel about you and how important you are to me? I haven’t done anything,” you pointed out with a slightly pouty lower lip.
“Now that is not true,” Seo Joon countered. “You came to my match.”
“But that was three months ago!”
“So? You coming to one match is definitely equal to me bringing you flowers multiple times,” he said. And then, because he knew you would try to argue again, he added, “I’m a guy. Guys don’t need to be reminded as much because just the fact a girl is still with us is enough. Every day when you wake up and decide you still want to be my girlfriend is how you show me I’m important to you.”
Just as the two of you approached his car, right before you broke off so you could each get into your respective seats, you paused. You quirked a brow up at him.
“Did you even know you were this romantic?” you asked with a barely hidden smirk.
“No,” he answered, chuckling softly and shaking his head. “Only for you.”
“How did I get so lucky?” you mused.
“I ask myself the same question all the time,” Seo Joon whispered before he gave you one more kiss.
About fifteen minutes later, Seo Joon dialed the number of the nearest Chinese takeout restaurant while you put your flowers in a vase in his kitchen. And, yes, you’d had to buy a vase for his apartment because he hadn’t previously owned one. Is that surprising?
As he ordered way too much food over the phone, he watched as you stepped out of your shoes, shuffled over to his couch, and flopped down onto it, practically face-planting into the cushions with a soft groan.
Once the restaurant employee supplied him with the total and said it would be delivered in about half an hour, Seo Joon set his phone on the counter and went over to join you.
“I think my brain is on its last leg,” you told him as he carefully slid onto the couch to lie down next to you.
“No Scrabble tonight, then,” he murmured, fitting himself behind you and sliding an arm over your waist.
“No,” you chuckled. You instantly settled into his hold, letting out a very content sigh as he pressed a kiss to the back of your shoulder. “All I want right now are cuddles.”
“Then cuddles you shall get.” As if he hadn’t planned to do that already. 😉😏 “We have a full half-hour before the food is delivered.”
“Only a half-hour? No, I was thinking more like cuddling all night,” you replied. 
“Ooh, all night,” Seo Joon smirked, nuzzling your neck and nipping your skin there. “I like the sound of that.”
You let him press lazy kisses along your neck and shoulder for a few moments, and then you asked in a quiet voice, “Can I? Stay over?”
He knew you were nervous because, while you’d been to his apartment countless times by this point, you’d never actually spent the night. But for him? He’d been waiting for you to bring it up for weeks now. He hadn’t wanted to push you by asking you himself, but he would’ve let you stay at his place practically from the very beginning. Not for that reason, but just because he liked having you around. He imagined seeing you when he fell asleep and again when he woke up would just be... heaven.
“Of course, you can,” he murmured, his lips brushing over your skin. “You’re welcome to stay over any time you want.”
You turned around in his arms, a fairly giddy smile on your lips before you pressed the tip of your nose to his. “How very accommodating you are.”
“Hey now,” he began in the sternest tone he could muster. “I’m not this way with just anyone. Don’t go around telling everyone you see they can come and stay at my place.”
“I wouldn’t dream of it,” you giggled. “You really think I’d want to share you? Absolutely not.”
Your words made Seo Joon’s heart flutter more than he would ever care to admit out loud, even to you. “Good,” he grinned. “I don’t want to share you either.”
You let out another giggle before tilting your head, pressing your lips to his over and over again.
“Can I tell you something?” he asked in-between kisses.
“Mhm,” you hummed. You kissed him one more time before settling back, allowing him to look at your face as he spoke.
“I’m really proud of you,” he said, his voice soft but filled with earnest adoration. “You’ve worked really hard, at school and at work, and I just want you to know that I’m proud of you.”
“Well, thank you,” you replied with a very bashful grin. “I’m proud of you, too.”
Seo Joon smiled over at you, bringing one hand up and tracing over your cheek with his thumb. He searched your face, taking in every single feature, every single inch of you he could see...
He had planned to say this tonight, yes, but he hadn’t quite worked out the logistics. He hadn’t been sure if he’d wanted to make some grand gesture or something, but... right now, just lying here on the couch with you, he knew this was the right time.
“Can I tell you something else?” he asked again, his voice even softer this time.
“Yes, of course,” you chuckled gently.
He looked into your eyes for a few moments, and just before it felt like you were going to urge him to say whatever it was he wanted to say... he said it.
“I love you.”
Your eyes widened, and before he knew it, your lips were on his.
“I love you, too,” you murmured, still kissing him.
And, good grief, if Seo Joon had ever been happier, he sure couldn’t remember when it had been.
“So...” he began, plastering a very angelic smile on his face. “Does that mean you’ll come to my match this weekend?”
He had told you he loved you because he meant it, yes, but... it was also the best way he could think of to invite you to the fight in a couple of days. There hadn’t been one since the one and only match you’d gone to, but he knew you weren’t looking forward to them.
“Seo Joon,” you scolded once you pulled away from him. “Of course, I’ll be there! I told you I would. I won’t like it, and I’ll be anxious the whole time, but I’m still going.”
And you did go -- to that match and to the six other matches Seo Joon had during the first year of your relationship. You didn’t like it, and you were anxious the whole time, but you still went, just like you said you would.
As I mentioned earlier, Seo Joon only got a hit a couple of times during all seven of those matches. He had trained harder than ever to make sure he didn’t have to worry you, and, if he was being honest, the opponents he’d faced hadn’t been much of a challenge.
Overall, that year had been pretty excellent. One of -- if not the -- best of Seo Joon’s life so far. His career was still at its peak. His relationship was stronger than ever. He fell in love with you more each day, and he knew without a doubt that you were The One he was meant to be with forever.
Truly, he felt like he was on top of the world. Like nothing could go wrong.
He should’ve known better.
As soon as he saw his manager’s name on his phone screen, he should have known. There was no way he could have known, but after hearing it, it felt like it was so obvious. Like it had just been waiting in the wings for him. Inevitable.
“Hey,” Jang Ho greeted tersely. Not his usual tone of voice.
“What’s up?” Seo Joon asked.
“I just got the schedule for your next match.”
“Yeah? When is it?”
“It’s next month,” he told him. “And... you’re fighting Martinez.”
...Oh, fuck.
The only fighter Seo Joon had ever lost to.
Part 6
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