#go where youre needed chakotay :’(
baylardo · 2 months
my real strugglers moment with threshold au in prodigy timeline rn is that like,,,,, im uniquely struggling with the idea of what to do with chakotay post-season two with where they left him,,,,,,,,, it feels weird to me that kathryn’s the one thatd be around more WHICH IS FINE but its just funny how Stay At Home Mom it makes her feel to me haha
like i have to canon compliantly explain why hed choose to go back out into the field rather than be home with his AU kids after having been seemingly lost for 10 years lol. inevitably both parents end up working again which is fine. maybe everyone thinks kathryn retiring early is out of character and it is because she finds out she’s COUGH and discreetly retires, only to get recalled lol.
what makes it even weirder is that the kids would probably be a bit less upset about him just continuing to work bc for them he was only missing for like a year or so(?) maybe chakotay just feels out of place and hes trying to find himself again,,,,,, something something kathryns baby she hasnt told him about yet SHRUG i never like the idea of playing the angle that hes any less of a father to the three kids hes not biologically related to tho :/
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bumblingbabooshka · 1 year
Me reading fics where Tuvok encourages other peoples’ romantic pursuits:
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#If Janeway came to Tuvok like 'I have feelings for Chakotay Tuvok and it's tearing me apart' he'd be like 'I understand completely. What you#have to do is completely eradicate those feelings.'#I think if Janeway came to Tuvok (pre that Episode where she gets a Dear John letter) and told him about how much she felt for Chakotay#Tuvok would be like 'hmm.........what about Mark =_=' and it'd send her into a spiral#Given that BOTH Janeway & Tuvok have said in canon that they pretty much consider holosex cheating (this is implied not to be a commonly#held view and I get how others would see it more like consuming porn)#I think Tuvok would 10000% made a comment to Janeway that's like 'wow I just never thought you of all people......well. I suppose that's#humanity for you.' and Janeway would run out of there so fast after being like You're A bso lutely Right Tuvok Tha nk You.#What do you do when your best friend and moral compass doesn't agree with you pursuing a torrid love affair with your first officer?#And when ppl have Tuvok BRING it UP to Janeway?? Specifically to encourage her to go for it?? Could not disagree more#If he's bringing it up ?? In MY mind it's to be like 'cool it with the workplace flirtation. you were on the bridge. Junior officers could#see you.'#and if it was anyone BUT Janeway I think he'd just be like 'I don't need to hear about this....if you don't want to eliminate all your#emotions I don't know what to tell you.'#Bonus: After Janeway gets that dear John letter and Mark's confirmed off the table Tuvok is still unhelpful#'I just don't know what to say to him...!'#'Why not just say you want to be in romantic relationship?'#'It's not that simple!'#Tuvok: (vaguely irritated and losing interest) 'Clearly.'#BUT...bonus for if you're Janeway and no one else....if you come to him with a complaint about your relationship there's a 98% chance he's#going to agree with you and say the other person was being unreasonable#Chakotay & Janeway: -get in argument-#Janeway: WELL. Let's see what Tuvok has to say.#Chakotay: DON'T call Tu-#Tuvok: (before he's even fully in the door) I have to agree with the Captain v_v#this is just my opinion of course...I know why he's used so much - bc he's Janeway's friend and the only high ranking person besides#Chakotay (who she of course is being paired with) who she would consider talking about her romantic life with#so even though Tom/Harry/B'Elanna are much better candidates to fill that role of eager-to-talk-about-romance they can't be used#so basically Tuvok's the only one left and thus is a bit ooc (in my opinion) such is the tragedy of Voyager#I only have such an opinion on this bc to get Tuvok content I must skim through many chakotay/janeway fics to discover he has four lines
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catgirljaneway · 10 months
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Janeway and Tuvok are my Roman Empire!!! Nothing in Star Trek can ever compare to Them for me ❤️
Her face??? I wanna die!!!
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stargatesimp · 3 months
Can I just talk about how much I love Star Trek friendships?
Shipping is fun and all, ship whoever you like! (Starship? I don’t know if that’s a term used in this fandom but if not it should be)
But I don’t think platonic friendships and platonic love are talked about enough. God I love adorable friendships in shows. Give me two best friends who would die for each other. Found family is where it’s AT.
VOYAGER: So. many. Good ones.
Janeway and Tuvok. Tom and Harry. Chakotay and B’lanna. The Doctor and Kes. The list goes on!
I just love them all dearly. Voyager has such a great found family dynamic. I grew up watching this show with my family every day after school and it holds such a special place in my heart. I could spend a million hours talking about it.
Not to mention DS9.
Sisko and Dax, Miles and Julian, Kira and Dax, Jake and Nog, Odo and Quark (best frenemies. Sheriff and outlaw)
DS9 is my absolute favorite of all Star Treks. The writing and development is insane. If you told me what these characters would go through after watching season one, I don’t think I’d believe you. Another one I could talk hours about but this post is long enough just listing the dang names.
Those two are the majority of what I rewatch, but man, the others have amazing ones too.
Enterprise was just Archer being a father to literally everyone on the ship. And him and Trip being another of my favorite friendship duos.
TNG is a classic, a lot of people’s favorites. I always loved Geordi and Data. Guinan and literally everyone. I think I need to go back and rewatch it soon to fully appreciate everyone in the crew.
And as controversial as it may be, I never really got into the original series. But obviously some great friendships there too.
But man, I love Star Trek. The feeling of hope it gives you, the despair, the moral quandary, the wonder and magic. The wonderful mix of witty and fun humor balanced with severe stakes and serious narratives. A balance I feel a lot of modern sci-fi lacks. And I just love the characters that go through it all together. The journey they take.
Tell me some of your favorite Star Trek friendship moments! Let’s talk about em.
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the-uss-wossname · 1 year
The thing about Star Trek Voyager is that even though it’s a bad show, you can very clearly see the bones of a good show. All the ingredients that are needed to make the show good are there except for good and consistent writing. Which is why it’s so infuriating and also so compelling.
The voyager cast incudes some of my favorite characters in all of trek. Captain Janeway? Tuvok? Chakotay? B’elanna? The Doctor? Seven of Nine? Harry Kim? They are all such compelling characters!!! The actors all put their heart and souls into the performances! It is so easy to make up good stories about these characters!
And then a lot of the plots are actually good and compelling they just tend to lose the thread halfway through the episodes! The premise of the show is FASCINATING and they underutilize it immensely! A lot of the things that Do get written end up serving as incredible commentary on the time and NONE of it is self aware at all!!! It drives me nuts!
Like. It is so easy to keep watching voyager to feed the good version of voyager that lives in your brain. It is an excellent exercise in critical thinking and seeing what works about storytelling. The sets, the make up, the sound design, is all Incredible and it’s so visually fun to immerse yourself in.
And like. It’s fun! It’s a fun show! They boldly go! They get into situations! They have really compelling character arcs! They pose interesting questions! Do they think any of this through or resolve anything? Hell no! But part of Star Trek is making you think anyway! And it is SO fun to think about voyager. It is so fun to be like ok this is what I would have done to make this episode work, or, what do you think they were actually going for here, or, this was accidentally a really good commentary on what it’s like to be biracial or traumatized entirely by accident how wild, right?
And like that’s why every voyager fan is so deranged yes (I include myself in this god bless) because it takes a certain kind of person to see this show and care about it and think about it. And it also just hits that perfect spot in the curve where there is so much potential and also so much content that was not delivered on to make it absolutely Perfect for fan interpretation and fan content.
Anyway reblog if you too look at voyager and go “I can fix him” lmao
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xchronicles · 1 month
My question is, what was the audience supposed to take away from the random little J/C moments in the grand scheme of the story?
This is where my J/C narrative whiplash stems from pt 2.
This mess (hall) here. What are these looks after she grabs his hand?? This isn't a normal 'how was your day' conversation. This is some serious silence™ cause it's not like she grabbed his hand playfully in a middle of a convo. They were silent, hand grab, continue to be silent with looks™. What are we supposed to think after seeing this???
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Then this weird af camera position/movomenet and blocking:
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What are we supposed to think with a shot that starts like this? That she's merely straightening his uniform? But why would she need to do that in the first place? Did he get dressed in her ready room or something (also where the heck is this scene at cause it doesn't look like the ready room)? Then, to have the rest of this scene be a smidge awkward, as if the scene didn't start with this shot is a weird choice.
And then... AND THEN you have this literal blink and you miss it moment where Janeway's being called to the bridge, but it's Chakotay's combadge that chirps.
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She looks away from his face to look at his combadge CUT TO
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Chakotay with no combadge CUT TO
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Chakotay with a combadge, meaning they must have swapped their combadges on the run; otherwise, it makes no sense, it's a mistake or a leftover from an earlier draft that wasn't fixed. But what the heck does this imply? We all know what it implies, but it's weird and can be read as a mistake. There have been mistakes like this in S2 with objects shifting positions from one shot to another.
But you tell me, what are we supposed to think when we see all these little moments, only to go back to the status quo in every other scene (not to meniton interviews)? The Indiana farm scene is the biggest one that doesn't match what we saw here, giving me the biggest narrative whiplash of them all. The J/C scenes often contradict themselves because, as I said and as was confirmed by the Hagemans when they said they could never give a clear answer, the romantic relationship is both trying to be and not be at the same time. It was purposefully written as such to make all parties happy, but this, in my opinion, doesn't work in favour of the story (in this department) cause it reads as inconsistent. It makes Janeway's behaviour inconsistent.
Sometimes I feel there was someone in Prodigy who went out of their way to insert moments like these, either to spite the decision not to give a clear answer or to make things even more confusing.
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tea-earl-grey · 3 months
Prodigy s2 thoughts/review (spoilers under cut)
my spoilerfree tdlr: this was almost certainly the best season of Star Trek and i love it so dearly. while i have a couple of nitpicks, there really was not a single bad episode in the whole season and i think this is the only bit of new Trek that's managed to be serialized while still pacing the series well, keeping up with pretty much all the character arcs (and there are a lot), and including lighthearted and heartwarming moments without sacrificing plot. it's a solid 9/10 for me.
i'll start with nitpicks/critique first since it's a much shorter list:
i think Solum was still a bit underdeveloped as a setting and it might have done better to explore a bit more of Ascensia's motivations for going to war but this could also be the result of me having not seen s1 of Prodigy in a few months and forgetting some things.
i'm someone who really really likes time travel stories and has written complex time travel stories before and even i thought some of the time travel logic was a bit convoluted and confusing. they brush it off in the beginning but i still don't really get how preventing the Solum Civil War (and thus preventing the Diviner from being at Tars Lamora and creating Gwyn) wouldn't make Gwyn and all of the Protostar kids paradoxes? if anyone has an answer here, i'd genuinely love an explanation because i want to like it but i can't work it out.
related a bit to this point ^ i really like including Ilthuran/the Diviner as a sympathetic character this season but i feel like we needed to see a bit more of him to really understand him and why he was so corrupted in s2 and see the Protostar kids (not just Gwyn) deal with how a guy who formerly enslaved them is now a good guy.
i think the set up to a potential season 3 hit the emotions perfectly with the Protostar kids serving as a bright beacon of hope and outreach in a time when the Federation is becoming withdrawn and insular (and that Janeway would facilitate that dream of exploration) but on a plot level.... i just don't buy that Starfleet would let seven kids and a single hologram have one of the fastest & most powerful ships in Starfleet just to train on when Starfleet had just lost so much of their Fleet in the Mars attack.
i think most of the characters had really good clear arcs this season except for Jankom Pog who was just kind of... there. this is a pretty minor critique because i'm probably attached to Pog the least out of all the Protostar kids and again it could also be because i wasn't paying attention to him that much but i wish we could have a bit of a more serious storyline with his character.
but all in all – those are pretty minor critiques because i don't mind if the plot gets a bit wishy washy as long as the emotional and character beats hit.
now things i really liked:
Dal's arc this season was so so good. i heard others talking about how he's great ADHD representation (especially for BIPOC kids) as someone who's intelligent and extremely skilled but really struggles in traditional education and despite seeming cocky/confident is often acting out of insecurity that he isn't really good enough or that the adults around him don't really care about him.
and i love how both Janeway and Chakotay serve as such great mentors!! Janeway for actually looking for ways to support him and show that she trusts Dal (and the rest of the Protostar kids) instead of punishing them for misbehaving. and Chakotay for that wonderful scene where he explains how there can feel like a push to always be at the top and be the best but the best thing in life is to find a place where you belong and can grow in healthy ways even if it means waiting to fulfill your ambitions (and what a good representation of healthy masculinity that is!)
and on that front. pretty much all of the scenes with Janeway and Chakotay were so lovingly crafted with how they both existed as mentors for the main characters but also had their own arcs and their mentorship reflected back on their own characters. i'm also not a huge j/c shipper (i like it theoretically, i'm just not that committed) but the loving glances they shared were Noticed.
i also like to think that the reason Janeway and Chakotay were so could at dealing with the Protostar kids was their command of Voyager's mixed Starfleet-Maquis crew and how they both know that despite Starfleet's ideals they often let down people who aren't Perfect enough (whether because of mental health, species, neurodiversity, etc). i'm specifically thinking about Tom and B'Elanna but i'm sure it also goes for Voyager's other crew that we don't see onscreen.
i love Gwyn. so much. i love how this season turned around expectations a little with Gwyn getting to have her Captain-y moments more so than Dal (through the series too, not just at the end) and her confronting her fear over her responsibility for an entire planet of her people who she's never even met before and insecurity that she's not really One Of Them.
i was also a little wary of Zero's arc this season at first because of how Star Trek tends to have "this autistic coded character is missing a fundamental part of existence and that's sad" narratives but i honestly think it was a pretty fresh portrayal of disability in that Zero in their normal metal body is missing senses that other people have and they enjoyed experiencing them in an organic body but going back to their metal containment suit wasn't sad, it was just a part of their life. and they even added a disability aid to their suit so they can still experience touch without all the "they're getting closer to being human" ableist shit that scifi tends to do. also their organic body using a mobility aid for a few episodes was Very Important to me. i might make a bigger analysis post of this portrayal later but i have to think on it.
i don't have much to say about her right now but i love Rok-Tahk so dearly and was overjoyed that she just got to be happy this season. every scene of her getting excited over science or another character commenting on how she's a genius was just so good.
Ma'Jel was also a fun addition and much needed to add a bit of common sense to the extremely chaotic dynamics going on. her and Zero Vulcan kissing at the end was extremely cute.
also every time either the Voyager-A crew would start saying "it's okay. we'll mutiny with you." to Janeway or Janeway got an order from Jellico (hey nice to see him btw! he's played by the same actor too!) that she immediately ignored, i was so happy. now that's my Captain!
i also have mixed opinions on the EMH in Voyager (mostly due to the last two seasons) but i thought he was great in here with a good balance of comedic scenes and some more serious moments. i did chuckle every time he started talking about his awful holonovels.
WESLEY CRUSHER!!!!! i'll be honest, i had a few ideas of characters that might make cameo appearances (i was banking on Harry Kim tbh) but for some reason Wesley never crossed my mind even though it makes SO MUCH SENSE given how his story in tng paralleled/was an inverse of the Protostar kids. instead of being a kid far away from the Federation who dreamt of of belonging somewhere safe, he was a genius kid on track to be a great captain and fulfill the Starfleet Dream TM but became lost and burnt out when he started to question if that was ever what he really wanted. both Wes and the Protostar kids dealt with self doubt and were dismissed at various points as Just Kids but they went in opposite directions.
i also just really love chaotic Time Lord Wes who's kind of forgotten how to be a person but is just doing this emoji 🤠 in every scene. the vibes were so impeccable.
also BEVERLY!!!!! as soon as Wes showed up i immediately made a post about how funny Janeway explaining All Of This to Beverly would be and then i was SHOCKED when it actually happened??? this show quite literally predicts my every want.
just everything about The Devourer of All Things was written specifically for me. the Loom were such good monsters (it's been forever since Star Trek did a straight up Scary Monster story). the explanation of all the different universes and timelines set my nerd brain on fire. the return of Janeway in a tank top. the snappy writing that also had some great character moments. the Doctor Who-ness of it all. i need to rewatch it asap.
the other episode highlight for me was Cracked Mirror for fun parallel universe exploits and getting to see Mirrorverse versions of Janeway and Chakotay. (there was even a Disco reference with the Agonizer!) it was predictable but the throwaway line to "Captain Tuvix" in whatever reality Rok and Zero ended up in almost made me do a spit take.
as someone who does genuinely love Picard (the show) despite its flaws, i am really happy how much was integrated into this season of Prodigy both with showing Beverly with a young Jack Crusher and with the attack on Mars being shown at the very end.
all in all – VERY GOOD SEASON. it gave me everything i wanted and more with only some minor nitpicks. and most importantly, i had fun in pretty much every single episode. i cleared my schedule on Monday because i thought i would be able to binge it all in one day but i simply had too much fun and only got through half of it. if season 1 of Prodigy was the best ever first season of a Star Trek show then this is maybe the best ever season of any Star Trek show.
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tilda-rothery · 3 months
My watch of Star Trek: Prodigy and the dynamic between Janeway and Chakotay has got me thinking about Sam and Jack from SG-1. Two completely different franchises that have a set of characters that would absolutely go to the ends of the galaxy to save the other.
I haven't watched all that much Star Trek, I will admit. But I'm getting there, I promise.
I have, however, watched Stargate more times than I can count (though it did end at season 8 for me) and there is an episode where Sam spends months trying to figure out a way to save Jack after he's stranded on an alien planet and Good ol' Dr Frasier (I love her, by far my favourite recurring character, hence why I use the name Rothery) asks Sam if her feelings are a problem because, hello, regulations and you can't have feelings for your CO Sam.
And then there's the time Sam gets stuck in an interstellar cloud, alone on the Prometheus and Jack can't do a whole lot to help her, so he ends up feeling entirely useless and Teal'c talks to him about how there was a time Sam felt very much the same when he was M.I.A once again on a different alien planet than the one mentioned above.
The need to do all that they can to save the other while probably feeling completely and utterly helpless, because where do you start?
And Upgrades people, let's not forget about Upgrades!
There are just so many instances but these are the ones I was reminded of when I watched Prodigy, because for me, the scenes with Janeway desperate to save Chakotay just vibed in a similar way. And yes, I need to watch more Voyager because I don't know the half of it yet.
The only difference in Stargate is that the feelings are acknowledged on screen by Sam and Jack, but we can just leave them in the room, sir if you want and pretend we don't have them, when we totally do. That's cool Carter, let's do that. Alrighty then...
And I forgot where I was going with this, it's late and I'm tired and now I am just rambling and not making any sense...
But I guess my point was who doesn't want someone that would travel through time and space to save your ass because the world is a better place with you in it, all because they love you so goddamn much?
And sure it can be platonic if you want, but with these two pairings it doesn't feel that way to me. But that's just how I feel about...
As a S/J shipper, thank God for Moebius and Threads.
...And I know in these shows there are instances where other crew/team members get equally stuck in stupidly dangerous/life threatening situations that require them to be saved (::cough cough:: Daniel), but it's not quite the same now is it, when there is no yearning present?
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miminmimikyu · 2 months
Prodigy episode 17-18: something something about Janeway knowing since her academy days that she’s wearing a device next to her heart that (with minimal modification) is a bomb. What even was the context for learning that trick : ‘D
Scariest thing in these two episodes might be Janeway saying she might retire to a farm in Indiana now. That's such a death flag even though I know she survives!! Then again, the back of my mind says : "we don't know what she looks like in Picard, so grievous bodily harm isn't off the table.."
Wesley noo, showing up in a room full of angry Vau N’Akat and tell them “stop!” ,that's the plan?
Oh I love it when they put the date on-screen and I can add to my mental timeline. So it's been months since the wormhole was destroyed then?
I knew we could count on young Ascencia to help everyone out!
Oh, my apologies to Wesley.. subjecting yourself to months of torture to trick the enemy into building all the technology you need!!! That was an incredible plan! Not to be a Whovian again but: Doctor coded <3
Zero and Jankom have a right to be angry though, idk if any random crew members on Voyager-A died in that attack but it seems more likely than not. Then again, Wesley did say this path was “without endless suffering” and not “no casualties”. Anyway this plan is definitely going too well…
For how much Wesley keeps talking about how “thought” is an incredibly important variable, he couldn’t predict that Gwyn would not leave her father behind. Well, I suppose that even with all those powers Wesley is still human.
(I forget how old Wesley was when his dad died. Maybe he’s so used to not having a dad that that legitimately didn’t occur to him. Because that would be a nice character thing that explains fallibility: he's been away from people too long, now there are some paths that he can't see because it gets harder to factor in other people's thoughts (feelings))
Janeway forgetting her birthday in Year of Hell and getting a present from Chakotay 🤝 Janeway forgetting the anniversary of Voyager’s departure and Chakotay giving her a present <3
How long has it been for Janeway that Chakotay’s was missing? How long has she been searching that she's considering retiring now that she's found him?
“With what you and I’ve been through, it does take patience” does it?? DOES IT??
EMH and Holo Janeway interacting!!!!! That was so sweet! (also so sad, since Holo Janeway is fated to blow herself up before she ever leaves the Protostar ;_;). But if we’re naming differences between Janeway and Holo Janeway liking all his holo novels is probably a big one. Oh, and now the role reversal has made it weird.
Doctor, you say you’re not a covert operative but I’ve seen Renaissance Man.. Notably that also was a story where Captain Janeway was so done with the doc and was veery not on board with socialising with him, so that makes Holo Janeway's admiration even funnier. At least Vice Admiral Janeway is getting along with him better now.
(btw I still don't believe he's on a first-name basis with her, like he implied to the Protostar kids in episode 1. iirc I haven't heard him do that in front of her? but it's so like the doc to play their relationship up to impress some newbies lmao)
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(i know it's the fatigue but the novel in progress probably isn't helping)
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Is this why there was a callback to Endgame two episodes ago??? Janeway you can’t use the Endgame strategy on her and offer up your brain as bait ,Ascencia probably read your file!!!!
The EMH is doing a Renaissance Man isn’t he? Fuck yeahhh he’s doing a Renaissance Man!!
I love this show, even the Loom get to be portrayed as living, feeling beings by introducing that scared and mistreated one in captivity!!!!!
Well, Ascencia didn't meet Chakotay so unless they have a final showdown I think she really is laser focusing all her Federation hate on Janeway and not giving him a second thought except when taunting Janeway
Oh my heart just grew 3 sizes:
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I can’t believe there’s only two episodes left ;_; manifesting Gwyn finally catching a break after 2 series of shouldering all that guilt. Carefree smile time carefree smile time carefree smile time
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leohttbriar · 3 months
Voyager “Deadlock” coda fic: Harry and B’Elanna talk
Time was not fixed or stable, warped as it was by its intimate relationship with everything else. Or maybe: it was fixed and stable, just fixed into an intimate relationship with things that shifted under time’s skin. Its information radiated out of all things that changed it beyond recognition and—Harry was its fool? Or its waste? Or however the quote went. He liked Shakespeare—but he also didn’t. 
Tom had left Harry to his strange mood at breakfast, running off to his shift so he would arrive at a perfectly timed 15-minutes early. To annoy Chakotay, he had said with a grin. To prove my point. 
I’m not sure there is anything else you need to prove, Tom, Harry had felt the need to press. 
Yes, well, and then he had darted off. 
Yes, well, Harry had said to himself, picking at his breakfast, now in a mostly empty room.
Something he understood about Tom—something he felt in Tom he had no desire yet to admit to having within himself—was that unbearable certainty that no one was telling the truth. Not to him. Ironic, for Tom, when he’d been having a lot of fun misleading the whole ship weeks ago. For Harry, this was not disproven. 
The table at which he sat was facing the observation windows—Voyager was back at top-speed heading home. Or it was standing still. Matter of perspective? He shook his head. 
“You going to finish that?” B’Elanna asked, dropping in front of the stars and grabbing his mug of coffee. 
“Please,” he said, gesturing for her to take it, but she had already started drinking. 
He watched her face—the way she wasn’t watching him as she chugged the coffee and set it down and put her chin her hand and looked down at the table-top.
“So,” she said, not looking at him. “How are you holding up?”
“Good,” he replied. “How are you, B’Elanna?”
She just nodded. 
Harry turned away from the troubled line on her left cheek, her nose scrunching up in a way he’s certain she didn’t want it to, and looked back out the window, beyond her shoulder. He didn’t want to be lied to. 
“I’m not sure I am where I am, B’Elanna,” he heard himself say. Then he gripped the table edge, hard, and added with a cringe, “Sorry, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean—“
“Like you feel as if you’re having delusions or you’re having trouble rationalizing the very real spacetime paradox we all lived through?” B’Elanna asked, leaning back in her chair, crossing her arms, still not looking at him but responding honestly. 
Harry took in a quick breath and said, “The second one I think.”
B’Elanna nodded again. “Yeah,” she said, moving her jaw silently. “Only you didn’t live through it—must be especially strange for you.”
Harry tried to trace her logic and failed. “That wasn’t me. I don’t remember it.” 
B’Elanna nodded. Again. 
“Everyone I know died.” 
“Well, I don’t remember that,” she said.
Harry frowned at her. “You’re mad I’m not him.”
She looked at him. She rolled her eyes. “That’s not how this works, Starfleet. You are him. This isn’t some philosophical riddle. You aren’t a ship being rebuilt. What things qualify Harry Kim, hmm? Particles? Memories?”
“Clearly I don’t have all his memories because I don’t remember dying.”
“So you think if you forget something about your life now you’ve fundamentally changed? What did you have for breakfast a week ago?”
“Breakfast and dying aren’t equivalent.”
She dropped forward, hands on the table. “Aren’t they, though?”
“No, they’re not, B’Elanna.” He folded his arms. “The things you feel you have to know aren’t always true, you know?”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“I just mean you’re so…” he watched her mouth twitch. “It’s okay to be affected. By terrible things. You don’t have to minimize this.”
“Well you don’t have to fix it,” she snapped. 
“No, that’s your job.” 
“I know what you’re trying to do, Harry, and it’s ridiculous. You’re real. That’s it. Why are you letting yourself being unsettled? What do you want this to confirm for you?”
Harry bit at the inside of his cheek. He glanced meekly at the replicated breakfast on his plate—he used one of his replicator credits for it, thinking it might help him to feel less unnerved. 
“I’m not sure I was built for strange,” he said. 
“Captain Janeway said that’s what being in Starfleet is: strange experiences.”
“She’s right.”
“Well, maybe I’m not fit for it.”
“And yet here you are.” 
He pushed back his food and stood up rapidly from his seat, hands dragging down his face in frustration. 
“It feels like she replicated me,” he confessed. “She replicated me and that baby. She just willed it. Punched in the code. Got us here—existing.” 
B’Elanna stood as well and then sat on top of the table, legs swinging innocently, face turned to the ground. 
“Harry,” she said, sounding grim. “Can you live with it?”
“What?” he sounded shrill. 
“There’s another Harry, drifting in space, possibly frozen and possibly going to remain that way until the heat death of the universe. I let you go. Yet here you are. Can you live with it?”
Harry put his hands on his hips, glanced at the stars, thought about how long one can survive in the vacuum, how short. “Obviously.”
“Then what do you need?” 
“I’m just trying to make sense—“
“No,” she said. And Harry saw tears in her eyes. “You’re not. The logic is already there, Harry. You can’t rationalize this any more than what’s there. It’s real and true. You weren’t replicated. You are exactly as you were. You feel strange about it because it’s strange. Because you walked through a rift in the continuum. Yet here you are. What do you need?”
“What I always need,” he said, pathetically, throat hardening like a salt on the shore, chest filling with short and inadequate breaths. “Someone to say it’s okay.”
B’Elanna, pink-faced and teary-eyed, smiled like a thorny rose and said, “It’s okay.” 
Harry couldn’t help it. He stepped forward and pulled her into his chest, wrapping an arm around her shaking shoulders, and pressing his own stinging shut eyes into her hair. Her hands lifted to lay across his back and he held. 
“I’m sorry for dying on you,” he said. 
“It’s okay,” she mumbled into his shirt. “You’re still here.”
“It’s strange.”
“It’s okay,” she said again.
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ask #1 do you think Janeway would ever confess her feelings to chakotay
I actually think there's sooo so much of what they understand about their feelings for eachother that we never see on screen. Theres some really lovely moments in the novels in that vein (Read Isabo's Shirt. no really. youll enjoy it 😘)
But setting Beta canon *aside* and working under the assumption that they do not ever talk about feelings during the shows run
I can believe that piece easily. Until Hunters she considers herself engaged to Mark. thats an easy way to justify getting emotionally close to her first officer (for the support and companionship they both need) but never going further with it or discussing it.
And after Hunters is there ever a good moment? for the rest of the series, Chakotay is coping with the trauma of knowing all the maquis in the alpha quadrant were massacred. Something that we see BElanna struggle with but we never see Chakotay's side. We never even see Janeway learn about it.
Theres a metric fuck ton of other trauma these two go through during the show run - the Hirogen enslave and torture the crew for a whole month. Janeway grapples with depression or ptsd or whatever you interpret Night as being. Being assimilated. Memorial. That encounter with the Dauntless. oh and then of course Timeless...
Timeless seems to acknowledge their feelings but subtextually. there still is a lot left unsaid. even if I headcanon that they did have "dessert" in that episode, I think it would have been just a sexual release of the tension between them. Theres being aware that you have mutual feelings. theres acting on them... and then there is actually talking about it. And I suspect that they are both extremely aware of them and think it is only going to make it harder if they talk about it (however right or wrong they are about it).
Regardless, Timeless ending the way it does is another opportunity to spook them both back to opposite corners: not only do they not make it home but Janeway becomes painfully aware of what could have happened in that alternate future. so lets load that onto her heaping high pile of things she feels massive guilt about. Thats not a person who is going to feel free to open up about their feelings. whether it be viewed by her as something she doesnt deserve (for stranding the crew) or something that will be an added burden on Chakotay (to be her partner and her subordinate? perpetually? thats HARD) or on her (potentially needing to be responsible for his death if it happened due to her order? Thats also hard!).
My own timeless theory is that she comes to see these feeling she holds for him as toxic to their goal. she wanted to be back home and able to embrace a chance with him badly enough to overlook the clear risks of the slipstream flight. thats got to weigh heavy on her. This crews lives are in her hands and hers alone. she has to put them first. (And he KNOWS that deeply. establishing a longstanding situation where they both know about theyre feelings. theyre free to act on them and possibly have in the past. but neither feels able to begin talking about them)
The long and short of it is i can easily see them never discussing their feelings during the shows run. acting on and acknowledging them sure, but talking about them, nope. no talking here. (that also would explain his dating Seven in the final season. being in limbo with someone emotionally for that long is unsustainable)
But your question was whether they ever talk about it ever.
I think they definitely do. but it would be a huge thing to approach. theyve hurt eachother. theyve been wounded by the long mission. they are gonna have massive things to adjust to when they get home. (Ex fiance has a preschooler and wants to be friends. all the maquis are dead. family and friends have grown and changed. A whole devastating war happened without them there. Basically I think theres ALOT of more important things theyre gonna need to figure out after Voyager. And they'd do what theyve done for 7 years and lean on eachother. I think they might just wind up in a situation where they only talk about their feelings after theyve all but moved in together.
(God if two characters ever needed couples therapy without technically being a couple it would be these two. Starfleets counselors probably have a field day with everything the Voyager folks are dealing with)
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fate-motif · 3 months
i’ve found it that sometimes getting the hater shit out the way so you can fully enjoy something is the best way to be whole in your emotions so without further ado, here is my prodigy s2 hater shit i’m so sorry for this i still think it was one of the best seasons of star trek since ds9
i would have appreciated maj’el’s heel-face turn to have been a little more coherent than “we survived together so they can’t be that bad” + “zero is cute”. i don’t know how they would have found the time, but i just think her change of heart came a little too sudden.
petty nitpick: i understand her name is a reference to majel barrett but i believe it would have felt a little more natural if her name had just been majel since vulcans can have one element names okay, and maj’el really stands out in a series of names like t’pol, t’pau, t’pel, etc. like, it feels more like funky scifi-cation.
i can’t believe i’m saying this but so much of this season would have been improved if there had been more voyager characters. the emh was a decent choice for guest role (he was certainly very convenient), but it really wasn’t the best thematically. the ideal choice would have been b’elanna, to me, as chakotay’s best friend. also, i appreciate wesley, but the ideal guardian angel would have been kes guys. okay? the voyager that was left behind? one who would care about the desperate in the delta quadrant and would really care about chakotay’s survival?
(sidenote: there was a moment i was convinced that adreek’s death was going to be undone when the time paradoxes became resolved and i just thought harry would have been the ideal pick for chakotay’s fellow castaway, given their history in timeless, but apparently i was wrong and i’m glad harry is not dead and crystallized at the bottom of a cavern)
once again they skimped development for poor jankom pog. like, disappointed as i am that they didn’t develop rok, she got their development last season. jankom doesn’t have development in either season! season 3, you better deliver! not just for jankom (he’s becoming besties with the guy who told him his last name is a slur??) but because tellarites are so underdeveloped? why did he want to be polite at first? that plot thread was dropped so unceremoniously. it really is a shame.
the alternate universes episode would have been more appropriate in a show where the episodes reach 50 minutes. we barely have time to feel much about being in a timeline where janeway’s dead before we’re catapulted to another, and the mirror universe detour not only contradicted the ds9 mirror universe state of events, but just felt like a corny excuse for us to get the closest thing to physical intimacy in jc when the real thing would have been completely fine. that said i forgive them for the stupid evil whale gag. that was hilarious
i concur with what other people are saying. i doubt the versions of ascencia and ilthuran after the events of s2 would grow up to become the vindicator and diviner we know, and their decision to follow the wormhole and commit atrocities is just as paramount to the creation of gwyn and rediscovery of the protostar as the fact that the protostar needs to be on tars lamora. for that matter, solum needs to be in a state of devastating civil war 52 years in the future for them to capture the protostar and outfit it with the living construct. so is solum still doomed to destruction? are we supposed to accept that, even in the face of the destruction of reality? wouldn’t gwyn be more devastated by that knowledge?
i think i prefer s1 better than s2 in terms of serialization. maybe i wouldn’t feel this way if we’d gotten weekly releases and a midseason hiatus, but s2 felt incredibly dense, to the point of being exhausting to get through at the very end of the season. 
listen i understand picard put prodigy in the worst possible bind, where the status quo for the next twenty so years is going to consist in an apartheid state for synths and the leadership of starfleet will be responsible for the death of so many romulans. but i feel that janeway miraculously pulling an insane amount of strings to give an entire starship to kids who barely got a chance to stay at the academy is stretching my suspension of disbelief. maybe say that she’s made an argument for stashing the prodigy away because it’s so unstable, and promise it to the kids once they’re through the academy, and so we can have a very understandable timeskip until they are actually crewmen? 
while i think it’s very consistent with voyager that janeway and chakotay’s affection is very physically restrained in public, i feel like it was bordering in comical how much they were holding back in a show where they no longer have the limitations they did on voyager. actually, scratch that. i didn’t need them to kiss. i needed them to explicitly say that they were in love. that was what was needed to actually commit. and they didn’t do it?? dal and gwyn got to kiss last season twice but we can’t have janeway and chakotay profess their love?? come on.
damn it i was promised chameleon dal and we did not get him!!!
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stitching-in-time · 3 months
Voyager rewatch s3 ep16: Blood Fever
Oh my god it's this one!! Somehow I didn't expect it to be this early, either- I remembered it was in season 3 somewhere, but up till now, there's only been the smallest hint of set up for Tom and B'Elanna as a pairing, and then boom! A fuck-or-die episode! Voyager writers really love hitting us with the insane shippy episodes out of nowhere!
I gotta say, my otp having a fuck or die episode is something I will never be able to be normal about. Is it stupid? Yes. Pon farr being contagious is so stupid, but they do their best to make it reasonably plausible- we've got a Vulcan on board who has a crush on B'Elanna- what if he accidentally initiated a telepathic bond with her while he's going through pon farr, and then she got pon farr too? Sure! Let's do that! A fuck or die situation is a perfectly normal way to introduce a pairing for the first time! (It's not, it's crazy, how is this episode even real??)
But actually, it's a smart story device for their characters, considering they both grew up with emotionally unavailable parents, which usually makes people extremely resistant to sharing their true feelings, and more likely to push away the people and things they want most. Putting them into a fuck or die situation was an efficient way to get them to admit they have genuine interest in eachother without dragging it out forever. Up till now, Tom/B'Elanna had barely been a thing, storywise- they're friends, mostly because they're both friends with Harry, so they hang out together sometimes and do occasional projects together. We've had a few instances of Tom casually flirting with B'Elanna, and her just as casually shooting him down, but that's about it. Certainly nothing yet to indicate that either of them had serious feelings toward the other.
So they go on their away mission to gather a mineral they need from some abandoned mines on a jungle planet, wearing even more form fitting uniforms for rock climbing (because of course they have to have tighter clothes for the horny episode). B'Elanna seems to be acting a bit strangely, but she's in charge of the mission, so Tom and Neelix just go with it. Then Neelix's rope breaks as they climb down, and he gets injured, and B'Elanna uncharacteristically yells at him. Tom tells her to chill, but that pisses her off more, she bites Tom on the face, and storms off. (And for those of us who remember our Klingon lore from Next Gen, we know that biting someone on the face is a mating ritual. Imagine your crush admitting they like you, like that. This episode is insane!!)
Somehow, when Tom contacts Voyager to get help for Neelix and tell them what happened, Tuvok figures out that B'Elanna caught Vorik's pon farr. When Tuvok and Chakotay go down to rescue Neelix, Tuvok explains to Tom that B'Elanna now has fuck-or-die syndrome, and they have to find her and get her back to Voyager before she dies. They catch up with her in the cave, but there's a rockslide, and of course, Tom and B'Elanna are trapped alone together. And then we get some of the most insanely hot scenes in all of Star Trek.
I'm the first person to admit that Star Trek is usually terrible at romance, and even worse at sexytimes- I can't think of a single Next Gen ep where a scene that was supposed to be sexy didn't land somewhere between 'meh' and 'I just threw up in my mouth a little bit'. And I love Next Gen! They just didn't know how to be sexy, at all. Somewhere between Next Gen and Voyager, though, they figured it out. We've already had some hints of it with all the Janeway/Chakotay they've been throwing at us, but they really went for it here with B'Elanna and Tom, and it worked.
Robbie McNeill and Roxann Dawson having off-the-charts onscreen chemistry certainly helped, but the writing here actually gave them a lot of layers to work with. There's a very erotically charged scene of a messy haired, tank top clad B'Elanna making overtures to Tom, but because Tom actually is a good person, he refuses to take advantage of B'Elanna having fuck-or-die syndrome, even though he's been trying to hit that for months. So then, to diffuse things, Tom asks B'Elanna if she's telling him he's impossible to resist, and he gives her the smuggest, goofiest grin, which, of course, she can't give him the satisfaction of admitting to. She backs off, and they continue on their trek through the caves, and it's honestly the most adorable thing he could have done, and somehow kind of makes me more insane for them??
Meanwhile, by their next scene, the pon farr is getting worse, so B'Elanna tries again with Tom, and this scene has lived in my head rent free ever since. It manages to be sensuous, and tender, and incredibly sexy, all at the same time. It's beautifully shot- the lighting is gorgeous and atmospheric, with the flashlights on their wrists providing beams of light that dance around their faces, and catch the dust swirling in the air around them. The camera is very close to them, they're sweaty and breathing heavily, they're looking into each other's eyes, finally admitting how attracted they are to each other, touching each other so softly, as they flit between holding back and giving in- the music swells when they kiss, and it's just... hot, hot stuff. A+, 10/10, no notes.
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And then the kicker, that makes all of it not only unbearable sexy, but unbearably angsty- when B'Elanna tells him she wants him, he looks sad, and says he hopes she'll say that to him and mean it one day- and we realize that a) he doesn't believe that she actually likes him back and b) this sad motherfucker is in love with her, and doesn't want their first time to be a fuck or die, he wants it to be special and meaningful. Oh my goddd. These writers are sadists, and they wanted us not only to ship it, but to suffer for it. And it worked!!! I did!!! Almost three goddamn decades later and these idiots are still my Star Trek otp!!! How?! In one episode?! One scene?! Diabolical!!! Thank god they were endgame, because this was torture!!!
So anyway, that was obviously not what B'Elanna wanted to hear in that moment, and she pushes him away angrily- the mood is ruined, which was what he wanted, but it also makes them both miserable. Thanks I hate it!!! I'm totally invested, after only one episode, yet again!!!
So then Chakotay and Tuvok find them and bring them back to the jungle, but they can't make contact with Voyager, so Tuvok basically orders Tom to go have sex with B'Elanna so she doesn't die before they can get her to sickbay. Tom agrees, but he's the literal worst about it - B'Elanna is all over him, and he says he doesn't know what to do. Are you kidding?? Thomas Eugene 'I lost my virginity at 17 and I have to tell everyone about it' Paris, that is a lie. Shut up. Kiss her back, you spineless weasel. He does finally get over the morality police in his head, and realize it's probably okay to have sex with someone you like who likes you, especially if doing so will literally save their life. But by the time he figures this out, it's too late- Vorik beams down, and challenges him to ritual combat over B'Elanna, which challenge Tom accepts, but B'Elanna chooses herself as her own champion (iconic tbh) and she beats the crap out of Vorik (he's okay though), which resolves both their pon farr symptoms.
We then cut back to the ship, where a few days have passed, and Tom and B'Elanna awkwardly find themselves in a turbolift together. After a minute of not being able to make eye contact, Tom comes out and says they have to talk about it, but B'Elanna sidesteps the whole thing by telling him she didn't mean anything she said while they were on the planet, so it's all fine. Tom is disappointed, and he tells her that if she was worried about her scary Klingon side showing, he didn't think it was scary, and he wouldn't mind seeing it again. She surprises him by telling him to be careful what he wishes for as she walks away, and it's an unmistakably flirty overture. Ship officially established! I'm gonna be insane about it forever!!!
Oh, and then the very last scene is Janeway and Chakotay finding a goddamn dead Borg on the planet, because of course we can't just have nice things like no recurring villains for any stretch of damn time, can we?! (I hate literally all of Voyager's recurring villains, especially the Borg, and feel that the show's best episodes are always with one-off villains, but here we are. Sigh.)
But the Borg aren't the point of this episode, my otp is. Even when I was too young to appreciate how sexy this whole thing was, the chemistry Tom and B'Elanna have together was still obvious, and I've shipped it ever since. And they actually developed it!!! This episode is historic just by virtue of being the start of an actual, canon romance between two lead characters that actually got developed and paid off, which was a Star Trek first back then. Sometimes I'm not sure what's hotter- this episode, or all the character development they gave them later, lol. But the bottom line is that I'm 100% here for it. Sorry not sorry for the annoying shipper I'm going to become as the series progresses. Two of my faves actually got together in canon, no one can be expected to be normal about that!
Tl;dr: Another insanely shippy episode dropped on us from out of nowhere, that unexpectedly delivers some well thought out character scenes that make it work. A sizzling start to Tom and B'Elanna's romantic arc, which develops through the rest of the series. A tropey, but well crafted, work of horny, horny art.
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thegeminisage · 1 month
STAR TREK UPDATE TIME. last night we watched ds9's "empok nor" and voy's "scorpion part i."
empok nor (ds9):
firstly, i love when we bring up o'briens war history. SECONDLY, i love when garak has problems
i also really really love nog, but cathy was right when she said it should have been bashir with them - he would have made the perfect hostage tied to the pole while the two of them fought over him. we've never really got a taste of the o'brien bashir garak dynamic and it would have been delicious
also, it's really funny that this station IS ds9, they just turned the lights off. i love budget genre television
and, of course, who can forget the failed government experiments frozen in a tube? this episode had EVERYTHING
i also thought o'brien and garak at the end were very chill considering. o'brien like yeah dude i really was attempting with my whole pussy to kill you and garak like yeah i wouldn't have it any other way can you tell the guy's wife that i murdered that i'm sorry and o'brien is like yeah dude no prob feel better soon see you around. like what is it about garak that encourages this kind of dynamic...he tortured odo and then they become breakfast buddies, he tries to kill o'brien and they brush it off, he did that whole thing (gestures to "the wire") with julian and julian still gives him hugs and a blankie when he has claustrophobia. you can say anything to this guy. he tells nothing but lies but won't accept hearing anything less than the absolute no-frills-attached truth
anyway, 10/10
scorpion part i (voy):
gimli as leonardo da vinci. janeway and chakotay being sweet to each other. janeway and chakotay fighting. borg. disembodied heads. tentacles oozing into orifices. cgi aliens. janeway appealing to the devil. action. drama. INCREDIBLE
three years ago i didn't even know your name today i can't imagine a day without you i'm going to HURL!!!!!!
chakotay like. hey we havent slept. we havent eaten. you need to do that. and shes like sorry can't! and then he's like we cant go through this space we will die. like i've been semi-borged i know how bad it gets i don't want anything to happen to you and she's like sorry we gotta! and he;s like i'll follow you but i can't support this path and she's like well damn i guess i am alone. AGGHGHGHG
like along with a huge dose of actually suspenseful and scary action (it is always is with the borg) AND the cool body horror (rip harry kim and his mommy issues) we also get this wonderful interpersonal drama...and like i absolutely get why she's not willing to wait in the delta quadrant for a safer way to do this to come along. because you could do that forever. i also get where HE'S coming from because with the risk of death so high maybe it's better to accept the facts...that's what he did in (draws hearts) 2.25 resolutions, and just like in that episode, she does not give up, CANNOT give up, because it means facing not only despair but failure - and in this case, failing more than just herself
shoutout also to the scorpion and the fox parable, which i'd never heard as fox but frog, because it is of course in that one show about the teenage canines
i cannot believe people had to wait months for this to have a follow-up in 1997. EVILLLL
next episode........we finally meet seven. i am Dying to see her
TONIGHT: ds9 s5's last two episodes, "in the cards" and "call to arms."
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Caretaker Part 1
Okay, so I just finished Caretaker, the 2 part season premiere of Voyager. It's been a while, so there's stuff I forgot was there. Some of it was good. Some of it was, omg. But let's see if I can post my review, which is a series of notes I made while watching. I hope for more discussion later.
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That thingy you're running into means you're screwed, Chakotay
Star Wars Crawl
Okay we start out with words on a screen. There’s this group of federation citizens called the Maquis who didn’t agree with Starfleet’s moronic treaty that are fighting the Cardassians and some say they are heroes and the Federation says they are outlaws.  Yay I saw the Maquis on Ds9!  I can’t wait to see more of them. (cough)
Scene 1: Maqui Ship. Chakotay and Maquis crew trying to outrun Cardassians.  Yay!  Chakotay is a really assertive leader here.  I’m excited. We have a coherent tetryan beam.  I hate those incoherent ones.
Wave hits them and light and we have Voyager credits.  Good theme song. Love the orchestra.
Scene 2: Federation penal colony.  In New Zealand?
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That's right, bitches, I'm here.
Janeway shows up at the penal colony to find Tom Paris who could maybe find the Maquis cause he served with them before they kicked him out just like Starfleet did.
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I'm really tough. I don't have Daddy issues.
She tells Tom he is an observer and he whines about being a good pilot. Except for the pilot error that got three people killed, oh nevermind. Just wait five minutes, Tom.
Scene 3 Tom is annoying on the shuttle to Voyager
Okay I have a question. Tom is wearing a Starfleet uniform. Why do observers still wear a uniform?  Don’t you need to earn that?
Also: Pretty Betazoid Ensign Stadi (don't get used to her) informs Tom that Voyager has bio-nueral gel packs.  They are so much more efficient.  Unless there is cheese on board.
Scene 4 Harry is nearly conned for first time on space station ds9. Harry's theory: get con artists off your back by buying everything. Tom saves him cause he's as big of a con as Quark.
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Oh, hey, is that Quark from Ds9 that other show you should watch?
Scene 5 Tom and Harry meet the Doctor
The Doc is super bitchy to them. I met he's gonna make stuff hard for Tom.
Scene 6 Janeway talks to fiancee
His name is Mark Johnson. Really. Unknown Truth: Tuvok's real last name is Smith. Anyway, the show has a few minutes to tell us who Mark is and why Janeway loves him. So they talk about her dog.
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Nice knowin' ya, Mark
Janeway's dog is named Molly. She is expecting puppies. She likes her doggy bed. I am officially more invested in her dog now.
Scene 7 Junior High mess hall
Doctor and First Officer Cavitt, two of the most nondescript white guys ever (doctor isn't even named), gossip with Harry about what Tom did cause it's junior high and oh no these guys don't like Tom what will he do?
Scene 8 Wonder why it's called the Badlands
Plasma storms, more coherent beams, stuff is fine. What could go wrong? What's that bright light?
Scene 9 Voyager go boom
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This is going to take FOREVER to fix!
Ship is transported 75,000 light years to the Delta Quadrant and they hit the breaks kinda hard. The ship is all messed up. So is Janeway's hair.
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Where is my HAIRSPRAY?
A couple of shots later:
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Seriously? It's hair magic!
Turns out that all command officers (including that pesky doctor and first officer) except Janeway and the entire medical staff are dead. What kind of bad karma does Janeway have? They get scanned and beamed off the ship.
Gonna stop here for a break so it's not so long. Stay tuned next time for Farmville and the evil corn on the cob lady.
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miminmimikyu · 2 months
Prodigy episodes 19-20
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This series has many moving parts on top of a time travel based plot that spans 40 episodes and yet it never needs to do to a “previously on…” Any reminders just appear organically.
Ascencia exhibiting peak “if I can’t have it no one can!!” behaviour
I really really like that Prodigy makes use of the current state of starflleet defined by Star Trek Picard to create this situation where the crew is alone!
Holo Janeway berating Chakotay took me by surprise!! She never did that with the kids
So Chakotay and the Protostar were lost 2 years ago, I missed that info! And the year the Protostar crashed onto Tars Lamora really is unknown! I was trying to figure that one out since episode 2, but they didn't know either!
But to get back to Chakotay’s timeline: so he left on the protostar in 2382, just 4-5 years after getting home!!! I’m absolutely fascinated by what possessed him to do that? I would have pegged someone like Harry or even Janeway as a person who couldn’t settle back into normal life and needed to experience horrors (, new) to distract from horrors (, old). Unless... something particularly bad happened around that time and Chakotay would rather take a deep space mission rather than hang around. On the plus side, that probably means while he lived on the island for 10 years he only lost 8 years compared to everyone else.
Oh no, Holo Janeway’s existential dread! I really wasn’t expecting that since she was so ok with blowing herself up at the end of S1. But I forgot that that time she wasn't losing 10 years of Chakotay. (seriously.. what happened during those 10 years?)
Omg omg omg it’s going to be a causal loop????? Maj’el mentioning the Bell Riots and First Contact in episode 3, Dal & co being the people who freed Chakotay in the first place… that’s all foreshadowing this??? :D
Of course there's Bad Future Solum and the info that Janeway dug out of the Protostar wreckage with Chakotay piloting the ship that doesn’t match up, but I suppose it’s more wibbly wobbly timey wimey than just one loop-- the Mirror episode (& Wesley's explanation) showed all those alternate timelines existing next to each other after all!
I think I forgot to write this for episode 9-10 but i was reminded of this again: it’s so brilliant to have the Prodigy kids helped by the OG Star Trek prodigy child Wesley Crusher!
This episode is really full throttling it on the visuals, woooow!! That visual representation of finding thr final wormhole!!!!!!!! magic!!!
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back to the future moment with that ripped cable!!!!
Holy fuck Murf ripped off a head!!!!jesus this battle is so tense! I almost thought Dal would be blasted to the past there! And Gwyn’s fight was so exciting. “Gwyndala our will is yours" ;_;
I like that this final confrontation ended with Ascencia's own actions taking her down: She focused too much on her revenge and own idea of what Solum should be and abandoned any sort of alternative. Her actions made life on Solum actively worse, thereby alienating people, who became unwilling to follow her (including her young optimistic self). But Gwyndala did get that support and she used it not to hurt Ascencia, but to disarm her. It is so beautiful that the first two people who came to her aid were the young versions of the two last survivors of Solum. Young Ascencia and Ilthuran saw what this revenge quest would turn them into (Ascencia saw first-hand and Ilthuran saw it in the damage he inflicted/would inflict on his own daughter) and that was enough for them to end the cycle. And after being disarmed, Ascencia's final downfall was not at the hands of Gwyn and her reclaimed heirloom, but it was that she still wouldn't let go of her revenge and it literally burnt her out!!
Oh my god I am only like 5 minutes into episode 20 and I'm already in pieces.. is this what it’s like to get everything you want??? (from a season finale)
(The rest of the episode I was just frozen in amazement)
"Once more into the breach!" I;m dying I'm dying The whales navigating!!!! The wormhole interior and those temporal echoes my mouth is open it’s so beautiful!! Holo Janeway copied to an EMH backup module!! That flashback montage aaahhhhhhfjdhhhhhhhhhhh screaming crying throwing up The final returning of the combadge !!!!!! being able to communicate with each other brought all of this together aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh cutting beginning of the S1 loop off with them touching the combadge i can't
Wesley looks just the right amount of excited-deranged when he says "Things yet to come.. wondrous and terrible things…"
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First contact with Solum!!!!!!!!!! Gywn finally gets to let go of that weight!!!!
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This made me let out one staccato scream of laughter. That better not be libellous, doc:
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Wesley going to see Beverly after who knows how many years is so lovely! And him meeting and smiling at Jack! At least was able to tell Beverly her secret to one person. But lmao this means even Wesley didn't/couldn't convince her to tell Picard. Also I guess the federation going to hell might have been the trigger for her to go into hiding properly.
I cannot picture Janeway retiring (she needs a break, yes, but giving up the stars?). But having her say “don’t we all deserve a new beginning?” when you know what’s coming is heartbreaking.
The Prodigy team has absolutely knocked it out of the park with the First Contact scene. What a contrast between Zero and Maj’el being so cute together and then the breaking news. Then the shutdown of the schools, ending scientific exploration and ushering the era of protectionism and turning back on the Federation’s ideals. It was like air leaving the room. What I like about this portrayal is that we've seen many horrible events in Star Trek but never from the point of view of people so young. They're watching as their entire future might be taken away from them.
(Tangent: and for what??? not that attacks like these are ever justified and if anything S1 Picard is big on “fear of the unknown makes people make the most stupid yet devastating decisions” but man… to torpedo your own people’s [Romulans] survival because you and your secret organization failed reading comprehension of a message in a language you don’t speak , then got mega racist about it? Such a stupid senseless thing to do. Which was the point. I know. Still.)
This turned into another tangent that got too long that I'll post later but Janeway putting the kids on the new Protostar and sending them away probably was the best thing she could have done for them... Too bad for Maj'el's Nova squadron friends...
I wonder if we’ll get to see what Vice Admiral Janeway and Captain Chakotay of Voyager-A (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) are doing in these dark times if we get a season 3 (!!!!!!!). If the Protostar kids are far away from the federation maybe they will only get a send off from them? Or an occasional message? Or will we actually see what the new status quo will make Janeway and Chakotay do?
Speaking of Janeway and Chakotay, ngl when I read months ago that J/C would be addressed in S2 I thought that their relationship would at least be verbally confirmed. But I do like the way the series portrays their relationship. To me they act like they've been in relationship for a while. I know they were already always in each other's personal space on Voyager but they seem even closer and more loving compared to then.
I'm not really into shipping and I'm also the first person to yell "PEOPLE CAN BE INTENSE AND PLATONIC" but the little things in their behaviour and the fact that S2 keeps paralleling them with Gwyn and Dal just screams "married for years" to me. (That Janeway POV shot in episode 11, what did we just walk in on?) I also get that in the end, this series is about the kids, not Janeway and Chakotay-- there's only so much you can do without overshadowing them. But it would have been nice to have an offhand mention that they're married, or that Chakotay lives at the farm when he's not on a mission (e.g. Janeway saying "You're back!" instead of "I wasn't expecting you"). (i mean I like the decision that their relationship is just existing quietly in the background, but i'm not a proper shipper. if i was i think i'd feel cheated)
ANYWAY Dal's arc!!!!!! my heart!!!! "Others came before me; others will follow."!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And captain Gwyn!!!! AAAAA. The three big character arcs this season were so nice: Dal's inferiority complex, Zero's exploration of their identity, and Gwyn dealing with her guilt and doggedness to fix everything herself to "deserve" a place to belong (-> accepting help and learning to lead and trust). Rok got her big arc in S1 but I can't wait to see more + what's in store for Jankom and Maj'el too!!
Prodigy is so good. I hope that Netflix realises what a gem they have obtained and lets it continue for many more seasons. This is seriously some of the best trek I’ve seen in years. So much care went into this series. It oozes love for Star Trek from every detail and yet it is something completely new!
Prodigy managed to tell a cohesive story over 40 episodes, carefully placing threads spanning 2 seasons, and having it come together in such a fascinating and satisfying way is incredible. The fact that this is a story that is so accessible to anyone who hasn’t seen any Star Trek, but weaves a complex story with an ensemble cast that hinges on legacy characters that nevertheless never overshadow the (new character) protagonists, is truly an impressive feat. I don't feel like a single one of the returning characters was there just for nostalgia's sake-- every single one ties into the themes of the story and plays a unique role in the kids' stories. And finally, the finale plants the seeds for the next season by seamlessly connecting to the events leading up to Picard S1. However, because the kids will be off exploring, you still have a sense of uncharted territory. Obviously I want a season 3 like you wouldn't believe, but I'm also so satisfied with how S2 ended that I don't actually mind the wait... if it means we get to see those "wondrous and terrible things" done with as much care as these last two seasons!
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