#go easy on me but let me know what u think- i know its messy
bratkook · 9 months
deep six: dancing with death. (m) jjk
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part one. part two. v-day drabble
pairing. biker!jk x reader genre. smut, fluff warnings. infidelity (but its ok i promise), protected s*x, oral, jungkook is kinda whiny and that itself deserves a warning, they're just fluffy and mushy and love each other they just dont know it yet word count. 12.2k summary. you've always known to stay away from the tombstone patches, told they were the enemy, that you'd be betraying your club if you chose not to listen. but an unsuspected friendship makes you think that maybe not everyone was as bad as you were made to believe. author’s note. hihiiii, this is a prequel to the deep six series! aka how jungkook and oc start their friendship and have it blossom into what it becomes in part one of deep six. i truly love these two so much, something about their forbidden love and how jungkook is tough and dangerous but oh so sweet to her makes me fucking melt!!! ok hope u enjoy it bye ily muah
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The world is a constant blur, days merging, memories hazy and bleeding together in your mind. The only time you enjoy the blur is now, sitting on your bike as you flow through the streets. Exiting Cobra territory made you feel free, the streets widening up the further you got, allowing you to cruise without the fear of getting swiped by a careless driver. 
Your eyes fall shut briefly, taking a slow breath as you try to push the earlier feelings away. Minho was having a bad day, a deal he had hoped to make to start running ice falling through, the man in charge deciding to go with a neighboring club instead. It wasn’t your fault the man thought Minho was too hot headed and messy to not find a way to mess this deal up, wanting a club with more reach, more connections and reliability than the Cobras could offer. That didn’t stop Minho from treating you like it was your fault, doing what he did best before barking orders at you to go for a run, desperately needing alcohol to drown his emotions. 
The earlier fear still rattles you, leaves your fingers trembling slightly as they clutch the handles and accelerate. He couldn’t hurt you here, and that's all the comfort you need at the moment, finally pulling into the familiar parking lot of the bodega. There’s a few cars parked inside, a lone scooter tossed by the sidewalk, and a shiny black bike parked by the entrance. 
You eye it for a moment, always checking for visible tags that let you know if the bike belonged to a club that had the Cobra’s high on their hit list. It’d be easy to act dumb if it was, no identifying items on you, knowing better than to roam the streets without Minho with a serpent stamped on you. 
When you find nothing you decide it’s fine, knowing you were on a time crunch to get what he wanted. With another slow breath you step off your bike, already feeling your earlier nerves fade away as you enter your comfort space. It seems odd to consider it one, but something about the buzzing fluorescent lighting and peeling laminate made you feel like an individual. 
Music plays through a portable speaker by the cashier, the worker greeting you with a smile that you return before you turn down your favorite aisle. That’s when you spot him again. The Deep Six member in the same spot he was in the last time you saw him a few weeks ago. It had been a close encounter then, not realizing who he was with your boyfriend standing outside. But his arms are revealed to you now, markings on his skin making it clear what club he belonged to, leaving no room for confusion. If that somehow wasn’t enough the giant patches on his vest and the glimmering rings on his fingers spell it out, literally. 
You approach him slowly, not sure if you trust him but not fully on edge like you were before, knowing Minho’s watchful eyes weren’t observing your every move. Without the ticking bomb a few feet away you allow yourself to slightly relax in the presence of him, assuming he had no idea who you were, clearly too focused on his candy selection. 
Sure you were on a run for Minho but you always pick something up for yourself. A small smile is already on your lips as your eyes land on the sour straws, ready to pick your flavor of choice, only to find it completely empty. Instantly you know the culprit is the man next to you, remembering the way you had reached for the same candy last time you saw him here by chance, and as you turn to stare at him you see his palms cradling four packets of the sour straws, a teasing smile on his face as he meets your eyes. Greedy. 
“Sorry,” he breathes out, sounding anything but, trying desperately not to laugh and failing as he makes his way to the front to pay. You don’t even respond to him, admitting defeat as you settle on the green apple flavored ones before you return to your earlier task, finding a case of Minho’s favorite beer and paying for it. 
The heat welcomes you once more outside, loading up the beer and candy into the saddlebags on the side of your bike, already forgetting about the candy thief from inside. 
“Hey, Snake!” A voice cuts through the air, making you freeze as you search for it, finding the Six standing by the shiny black bike you had spotted earlier. He reaches into his pocket, still smiling as he pulls out the blue raspberry sour straw packet, tossing it your way with ease. 
You catch it with both palms, momentarily stunned at the small gesture and at the fact that he clearly knew you were associated with the Cobras. The rumble of his engine snaps you out of it, smiling slightly as you look up at him once more, a breathless thank you escaping your lips before he is smiling back and peeling out of the parking lot. 
When you live the life you do, constantly on edge with a paranoid boyfriend questioning everyone’s intentions, it's hard not to let his way of thinking affect your own. Even as you sit back at the clubhouse, holding onto that packet of candy, you can’t help but wonder if maybe the Six’s seemingly sweet gesture was a trap. Maybe he was testing to see how gullible you are, stupid enough to interact with him, to use you to send a message to the Cobras. It wouldn’t be the first time. Minho’s reign made you an easy target, knowing you had a lot of enemies that would love to make a lesson of you. 
It's been so long since anyone has shown you genuine kindness with no strings attached, and as you finally enjoy your treat, you can’t stop the warm feeling of hope in your chest that maybe not everyone was as bad as you were made to believe. 
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You don’t return to your comfort space again until two weeks later, on another run for the club. Minho seemed to think if he gave you pointless errands to run you’d be satisfied, content with the loveless relationship and mundane everyday life. It was his way of keeping you on a leash, making you follow orders and letting the lead slacken up, only tightening it back up to remind you he was all you had. But you’d take the small moments of peace wherever you could get them. 
The lot is empty today as you pull in, the only car belonging to the worker inside. The moment of solitude only lasts for a minute, a loud rumble cutting through the air as another bike pulls in beside you. You tense up immediately, whipping your head to assess the situation, spotting the familiar Six too lost in his thoughts to realize you were here. He furrows his brows as he takes off his helmet, adjusting the large rings on his fingers before he glances your way, jumping slightly when he notices it's you. 
You eye him curiously, hands coming up to the key in the ignition, ready to start it up and tail out of here if he made a move. Minho had made a claim of some other club trying to ambush a deal earlier today, an unlucky hangout being the only one hurt, but without an identifying patch it left him on edge more than normal. So far the Six didn’t make you feel like you had to be wary, but you couldn’t be so sure. 
He seems to sense it, his arms raising up in surrender as he stays on his bike. “It’s okay snake, I don’t bite.” He smiles at his own stupid remark, but it slowly falls off his face when he sees the stoic expression remains on yours. “Seriously though, I’m just here for some smokes and a treat. I can go somewhere else if it really makes you this uncomfortable though.”
“Why aren’t you somewhere else to begin with?” you bite back, still not trusting that he wasn’t trying to trap you. 
Jungkook just sighs, hand coming up to ruffle up his helmet hair. “It’s nice to get away sometimes. This is neutral grounds, you know as best as I do that anything club related done here is a death wish.” He lets you process his statement, seeing the way you continue to eye him, your gaze tracing along the patches he wears. The large tombstone taunts you, torn and a little rugged on the edges, showing just how long he’s been wearing it. “Why aren’t you somewhere on your side of town?”
You purse your lips, looking away from him as you pull your hand away from your key, getting off your bike, deciding this conversation was better to have inside your little safe space. “Like you said, it’s nice to get away sometimes.” You hook your helmet over your handle, reaching the bodega’s door and holding it open as you look back at him. “You coming?”
He seems to snap out of it, quickly hopping off his bike and jogging your way, saying a quick greeting to the worker before going down the familiar aisle. He smiles when he sees you next to those damn sour straws. 
“Those must be your favorite huh?”
You give him a quick glance, seeing the smile on his lips before you turn back and grab a packet of the candy. “They are, so try not to take all of them at once again.”
He lets out a soft laugh, reaching forward and grabbing a couple of the same. “I gave you one last time, which says a lot because I don’t really like sharing.”
“A Six that doesn’t like sharing? That’s not surprising.” Your words are light, a small smile tugging at the corner of your lips as you turn around and continue roaming the aisle. 
“Not as surprising as a Snake trying to tell me what to do.” The crinkling of plastic fills the store as he rips open his packet, taking a bite of a sour straw as he tries to hide his own smile when you give him an eye roll. 
“I’m not technically a Snake,” you mutter out, finger tracing along the chocolate bar you were contemplating grabbing. It wasn’t a lie, you didn’t wear the patch, you weren’t granted the perks of being a part of the club, nothing you said held any weight on the decisions they made. You weren’t a Cobra, you just belonged to one of them. Though that didn’t seem like the wisest thing to tell him, you knew the history between Deep Six and the Cobras, and telling him you belonged to Minho of all people would put you high up on his list of people to hurt if he had bad intentions to begin with. 
“Oh? You just like to hang on to the back of one then?”
“Something like that,” you sigh, deciding not to grab the extra treat, turning to look at him fully once more. “Are you gonna keep calling me a snake?”
His tongue prods along his cheek as he looks down at you, eyebrow slowly cocking up. “What would you rather I call you?”
He nods slowly, letting your name settle into his mind before he was reaching his hand out, the golden glimmering rings spelling out SIX shining in the light. You eye his hand for a minute before grabbing it in a gentle handshake, seeing the way he smiles before saying his own name. 
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Jungkook was proud of his club, wore his patch with pride, did everything he could to show his loyalty. So why was he starting to tell white lies to his brothers, making up excuses to justify why he was going to the bodega on neutral grounds directly after finishing a job. He knew what would happen if they knew who he was talking to, slowly befriending. His only rational excuse was the fact that you had said you weren’t technically a Cobra, and although he’s not sure how well that would hold up to the rest of his members, it was the only excuse that helped ease his guilt. 
He was currently sat on the small sidewalk outside of the bodega, elbows leaning on his knees as he glanced around the empty lot. You had been meeting here once every week or so. He had started to take note of the typical times you’d be sent on runs of your own, choosing to coincidentally run into you at the same time. You had yet to arrive today though, leaving him waiting for fifteen minutes, wondering if maybe you wouldn’t be showing up today. 
Just before he decides to head out, you pull into the lot on your Dyna, a smile on your face when you spot him sitting on the sidewalk like a child. 
“You’re late,” he calls out, grabbing a packet of candy and tossing it your way when you get off your bike and head towards him. 
“Sorry, I wasn’t aware we had a time set for our little play dates.” You open up the candy, taking a bite and shutting your eyes at the sour taste. Jungkook laughs at your expression, patting the sidewalk beside him for you to settle into. 
“I can’t be left unsupervised, you should know this by now.”
You laugh now, taking a look at the bodega and the surrounding area. “Nothing seems to be destroyed, I think you do just fine unsupervised.”
He leans back on his palm, raking back his dark hair as he stares into the sky in thought. “I tend to cause psychological damage, not too big on destroying property.”
“Got it. So you torture people?”
Jungkook chuckles, turning to look at you slightly, a small twinkle of mischief flashing in his eyes as he smiles. “Exactly.”
You can only laugh, not exactly sure how truthful he was being with his little joke. The both of you made an effort to not discuss the intricacies of your clubs, not entirely sure what it was that you both did for them, knowing things would get too messy and tangled up if you did. Instead you talk about yourselves, knowing small anecdotes of each other’s childhoods, recounting stories of when he took a few tumbles on his bike when he was just starting to learn to ride, ones of you before the life of the Cobras was all you knew. 
It was a brief moment of normalcy, being able to talk to someone else, laughing over dumb jokes while sharing candy. It made you forget how twisted all of it was until you returned back home. 
Jungkook just appreciated having a new friend, someone to talk to about things that didn’t have to do with his club. He just wished he could talk to you in moments that lasted longer than the brief bodega hang outs. So as you both finish up, loading up your bike with the items you were told to come pick up, he takes a leap of faith. 
“Hey, can I—uh. Can I have your number?” He looks uncharacteristically shy as he asks this, one hand rubbing along the back of his neck. “To arrange our play dates,” he adds jokingly, a small smile on his lips in hopes of softening the blow of potential rejection as he reaches for his phone and hands it over. 
You freeze instantly, staring at his device as the voice in your head tells you not to, screams that this would get you in trouble. But the hopeful look on his face is enough to shut it up, grabbing his phone with a nod. “Sure, but uhm, I can’t text often.”
His brows furrow slightly at the tone you use, watching the way you type in your number and text yourself. Something about it made it seem like you were nervous, and the only thing he can assume is that the people you were around would grow curious over who you were texting. 
“Why? Scared your Snake friends would be pissed that a Six is texting you?” His tone is playful, but as you hand him his phone back, the look on your face makes his smile slowly fade away. 
“My boyfriend, specifically.”
Jungkook feels his heart drop at the revelation. He knew you were most likely involved with a Cobra, having seen you the first time you met on the back of one’s bike—more specifically, Minho’s bike. He had just assumed you were Minho’s chosen girl for the day, but if you were mentioning a boyfriend now, Jungkook could easily piece together who exactly that is. 
The third cardinal rule of his club replays in the back of his mind, “Never get involved with a Cobra”. It makes his head hurt, desperately trying to find a deeper excuse, a loophole to allow this to continue. It shouldn’t mean anything, you two were just friendly, barely even toeing that line as it was. But just knowing you were spoken for, by the leader of the Cobras especially, made the guilt he already felt for speaking to you get worse. 
But he does his best to shake it off, drowning out his thoughts as he takes his phone back and shrugs. 
“We’re just two people who share a love for sour straws, but if it makes you feel better you text me whenever you want.”
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You don’t text him for a while, the fear of your tiny little secret being exposed keeps you from responding to the text you had sent yourself from his phone. There was also the small feeling of guilt festering in your stomach, feeling like you had lied to him by keeping your relationship a secret. All he had assumed from the get go was that you liked to hang around Cobras, but you noticed the way his face had changed when you mentioned a boyfriend, and you can only imagine how he’d react if you told him your boyfriend was the leader of the Cobras. 
You find yourself staring at your device any chance you get, hidden in the bathroom of your place, lounging on the couch in the clubhouse, until you finally get the courage to send the first text. It makes your heart race, saving his number under your best friend's name, changing the emoji at the end so you know the difference, going as far as putting his messages on do not disturb. Clearly hiding, keeping him a secret. 
Jungkook knows it's wrong, because he’s keeping it a secret too. But once that first text was sent, they never stopped. He responds when he has time in between club duties, knowing you’ll reply when you get a moment alone. Your messages are short, random conversations that never crossed any lines, but he meant what he said, taking full advantage of having your number to coordinate your play dates. 
The guilt you feel slowly fades away with each passing day, becoming comfortable in your ways as you let him know what days you’ll be on that side of town, and before you know it, your hang outs become your favorite thing. You slowly start to consider Jungkook your friend, another rare slice of peace in your messy life. It makes you feel like your younger self, excited to speak to a cute boy and laugh until your cheeks hurt. 
And it should make you feel icky to have these thoughts about someone who wasn’t your boyfriend, but your relationship with Minho had been romantically dead for years now, not able to remember the last time he did something for you that didn’t solely benefit him. So you choose to enjoy the small flutters in your stomach that occur around Jungkook, allowing yourself to sit closer to him each time, friendly touches beginning to get more courageous while still toeing the line. 
Jungkook doesn’t mind it, he thought you were pretty and would let you trace the patches on his jacket or analyze his tattoos up close if that's what you wanted. You were the one with a boyfriend, who was he to tell you what was right or wrong for you to do, he wasn’t one to judge or pull a morality card on you considering the things he does in his club. It was all mostly innocent anyways, even now as you stand a good few feet away from each other, respective candy in each other's hands, attempting to toss them into your mouths. 
It was innocent. 
“God, your aim is horrible!” you laugh out, feeling the candy hit your forehead and bounce right off. 
“What are you talking about? That was a clear headshot.” He has that charming smirk on his face as he says it, tongue flicking against his lip ring while he laughs too. 
“You’re not trying to kill me Jungkook, we’re trying to see who wins first.” You swat the remnants of sugar off your face as you reach into your own bag for a piece of candy, motioning for him to be ready. He gets into position, slightly bending his knees and angling his head back with his mouth open, ready to catch whatever you throw. With a small snicker you grab four small pieces of candy, aiming right for his face with one eye shut and sending them flying. Jungkook is totally unsuspecting until suddenly, he’s being pelted all over his face, his eyes squeezing shut at the shock. 
“Dude,” he laughs, eyes finally opening up to spot you cackling away, perfectly content at your little stunt. 
“Okay, okay sorry. For real this time. I got it, I can feel it in my bones.” Jungkook should tell you no, say you wasted your turn and deliver payback, but you look too happy right now for him to do anything but smile and nod as he gets back into position once more. He sees the way you bring your hand close to your face, shutting one eye to try to aim, tongue slightly poking out in concentration before you toss the candy across a few feet of distance. 
Jungkook doesn’t even register that the candy successfully landed in his mouth until you’re gasping in shock. That’s when his eyes widen, his mouth shutting as he begins to chew, standing up straight and feeling his heart start to warm at how proud you look at having beat him. He closes the distance between you, extending a hand out for a high five that you gladly give him. 
Now that you’re closer, you see all the sprinkles of sugar on his face. It dusts along his cheekbones and the top of his nose, looking like small freckles on his skin. You give him an endearing smile as you cup his face and swipe it away from his skin. You do it without thinking really, tips of your fingers gently flicking away the evidence of your tiny prank. 
Jungkook’s chest tightens at the soft gesture, eyes wide as he watches you, too scared to move, almost like it would startle you or make you come to your senses and remember he was a Six. He chooses to just focus on how soft your hand feels against his cheek, how sweet you sound when you say he looks like a mess, your eyes filled with what he hopes is the same adoration he has as you look up at him, a lot closer than you need to be.
Jungkook knows all the sugar is gone now but you’re still there, thumb rubbing along his cheek, tracing the scar under his eye while your gaze lands on the piercing on his lip. He holds his breath when you look up at him once more, and maybe it's his wishful thinking but he swears the way you look at him tells him to make a move, so he does. Slowly at first, wanting to give you a chance to deny his advances, but you meet his lips before he can close the distance himself.
The innocence is gone now. Jungkook had felt something brewing with each of your interactions, chalking it off to pure friendliness, but he knows a small spark had been lit the second you started speaking to each other. 
The kiss burns, the guilt and betrayal to his club clawing at his mind but he doesn't care, welcoming it as he deepens it, sliding his hand into your hair and focusing on the way you let out a soft breath as he does so. It makes your mind spin, your hands gently looping around his neck to bring him closer. You don’t have time to think, too enveloped in the way his piercing feels against your lips, how his fingers softly rake through your hair, how he takes a deep breath when you kiss him back harder. 
It's brief, a small moment of weakness led by temptation, but you can’t deny how you both feel exhilarated, wide eyes and smiles on your faces when you pull back. "You taste like candy," you giggle.
“Your favorite,” he mumbles, still close enough to nudge the tip of his nose along yours. His voice is low as he lets reality settle, slowly inching back, his eyes meeting yours and seeing the small clouds of panic start to form around you. Reality seems to be hitting you too, fear of what would happen to him if Minho ever found out, or what would happen to you if he even had an inkling. A small harmless crush had just passed over into dangerous territory. 
“Hey,” Jungkook starts softly, hand gently coming to rest on your shoulder to bring you back to the present. “It doesn’t have to mean anything.”
“No, but it does,” you groan. It did mean something, it didn’t matter how small it seemed, but you know the kiss meant something. Your small panic had nothing to do with being unfaithful, you knew Minho cheated on you with any girls who were willing to show their loyalty to the club, and if it kept him off of you then you didn’t mind it. You were scared to put Jungkook in danger. “It means something and my boyfriend’s crazy, he’ll kill both of us if he finds out.”
“I know he is.” He shrugs, looking directly at you, seeing the shocked look on your face at his admission. 
“You know what?” you whisper. 
“I know he’s a psycho. I kind of put two and two together when you mentioned a boyfriend. It is Minho right?” When you nod slowly, still unsure how to respond he just continues speaking. “But look, I know. All of it. I know I’m not supposed to be speaking to you, let alone kissing you and enjoying it, but it happened. I know it’s wrong, that I should feel bad and I don’t, but I also know where my loyalties lie within the club and what rules I’m willing to bend. If you’re saying it means something, then it does.”
You can only stare at him, feeling the clouds of panic start to fade. “But I'm telling you, I know what's at risk and I won’t be using it to harm you.”
“I mean…it is both our asses on the line,” you mumble out, still feeling his hand on your shoulder. He smiles at your words now, making you slowly smile back. 
“So, we’re taking it to our graves?” His voice is light again, the playful tone you were used to back. When you nod he smiles wider. “Cool, should we kiss on it?”
Jungkook laughs when you shove his shoulder with a cackle, rolling your eyes as you step back, walking back into the bodega to get what you came for. “You’re so unserious. Get away from me.”
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The issue with this imaginary line being crossed is that it leaves you thinking “what’s next”, constantly wondering just what else you could get away with. One kiss shared turns into two which turns into five, given so casually it feels like second nature. It seems like both of your guards have dropped now, more at ease with each other, touches getting as bold as they could in public. 
“Are you sure my skin isn’t gonna burn off?” you joke, laughing when Jungkook gives you an eye roll. His jacket is in his hands, shaking it off before he’s swinging it around your frame, helping you slide your arms into it. He had jokingly said it would swallow you whole, and you honestly just wanted an excuse to be closer to him so when he suggested you try it on you couldn’t deny him. 
“You might burst into flames, so just drop and roll baby.” He snickers when you playfully glare at him. Jungkook looks down at you with a smile, his hands smoothing the collar before he’s taking a step back to admire how the large leather jacket looked on you. The patches cover the arms and back, his first initial, last name and rank displayed over the left breast pocket, something your finger comes up to trace absentmindedly.  
“I don’t know, the jacket suits you. You sure you don’t wanna become a Six?”
“Very funny Jungkook. They’ll be putting a Cobra on my tombstone when I’m dead.” 
He waves you off, reaching into his pocket to pull out his phone. “Let me live in my fantasy world, yeah?”
“Your fantasy world involves me being a Six?” you giggle, looking up at him with a sly smile.
“Don’t kink shame me. Now smile for the picture,” he sings out, bending down as he extends his arm out, ready to take a selfie. You had yet to take photos of you both, too scared to be caught by Minho, but you allowed Jungkook to document your newly formed friendship as much as he wanted, knowing he had less to worry about when it came to snooping. 
Your arms wrap around him, the tombstone patch on display as you both smile widely for the picture. He looks at it with a cheeky grin, mumbling out how cute he thought it was before putting his phone away. 
“Do you need the usual for your run today?” he asks, knowing Minho always had you stocking up his alcohol. 
“Not today. I’m technically supposed to be locked inside our place. A few Cobra’s headed out of state this morning for a meeting.”
Jungkook hums, having briefly heard of an arms deal happening out of state, he just hadn’t been aware it was the Cobra’s doing. “Why didn’t you go with?”
“Too risky.” You lean back against the textured wall of the building, still cozy in his jacket. Minho loved to have you right by his side at all times, so if he said it was safer for you to stay here then you wouldn’t question him. “He has to make sure his prized possession stays safe.”
Jungkook laughs, slinging an arm around you and bringing you to his side obnoxiously. “Well you tell him I have that covered.”
“Jungkook, he’d cut your tongue out. Stop it!” you cackle. 
“I’d like to see him fucking try,” he grunts out, enjoying the way you playfully swat at him. He’d like to think he could have Minho’s head served on a silver platter if he ever got close enough to put his hands on him. 
“What about you? Any fun club plans after our playdate?”
Jungkook sighs, a smile still on his face. “Nope. I’m officially clocked out.” Your laugh is felt against his side, only making his smile widen. “I just have to stop by the clubhouse to grab something before heading home.”
“How far is the clubhouse from here?” You’re looking up at him with a twinkle in your eye, your smile still as sweet as can be, but he senses some undertone that he hopes he isn’t imagining. 
“Not far, about 20 minutes. Why? You want a tour?”
That was all he had to ask before you were following his bike down the busy streets on his side of town. His jacket is still on you, providing you with a small sense of security, knowing if anyone spotted you they’d assume you were with him. It leaves you at ease, entering the secure lot of his clubhouse, coming to a stop beside him and glancing around as you take off your helmet. 
It’s empty, a few cars parked around that looked like they were in need of repair, but no other bikes or lingering people. Jungkook steps off his bike, motioning for you to follow him, excited at showing you his favorite place. 
As you follow his lead you instantly see how different Deep Six’s clubhouse is compared to the Cobras. The space is taken care of, decorated thoughtfully, a space made for business as well as hanging out with their friends and families. Touches of the club are nestled around, a large Harley on display on a far wall, a frame showing the timeline and evolution of their patch tucked between other photos, and the most obvious and slightly obnoxious ode to the club comes in the gallery wall displaying all of their mugshots. Cute. 
“It’s nothing fancy,” he mumbles, spreading his arms out as he stands in the middle of the main room. A brown tufted leather couch is right behind him, a giant pool table behind it and a fully loaded bar to the right. 
“Compared to ours it sure is.” The Cobra’s clubhouse was made for business only, the meeting room was kept in pristine condition while the rest of it was only made to be nice enough to house drunken members and whatever hangouts were in the process of joining. 
“Really?” When you nod he just frowns, approaching you to grab your hand and pull you along, trying to show you more. “I’ll show you my space.”
“Your space?” you wonder, smiling when he squeezes your palm lightly, leading you down a hall to the right. A few doors line both walls, different ranks tacked on the middle of them, coming to a stop in front of one that says Road Captain. You had never really paid attention to his rank on his jacket, never really caring to read anyone’s rank in general, but seeing it displayed on this door let you know just how deep his involvement in his club was. 
“Only ranked members get private rooms.” He sounds almost bashful as he says this, grinning before opening up the door and switching on the light. A desk is on the right, paperwork neatly stacked in piles, a dresser is along the other wall with pictures tacked onto a cork board right above it. His bed is in the middle, sheets a dark gray and neatly made. It’s nestled between two windows on either side, letting in the slowly setting sunlight. 
You step into the room, walking to the dresser to look at the photos he has tacked up. He looks younger in some of these, hair messier and longer, no piercing or tattoos yet as he leans on his bike, another member attempting to put him in a headlock. They’re all club photos for the most part, the only one standing out is a photo of a teenage looking Jungkook holding up a diploma with what you can only assume is his parents beside him. 
“Cute,” you mumble out, smiling as you turn back to face him. It was odd to feel this calm around him, so used to the faint ticking heard in your head, reminding you that you were running on borrowed time, forced to interact in small bursts. With Minho completely occupied, the ticking disappears, allowing you to fully enjoy the moment for what it was. 
“I didn’t expect you to be sentimental like this,” you tease, smiling at the way his eyes narrow at you as he approaches, his tongue poking at his cheek as he fights a smile. 
“I’m full of surprises,” he murmurs, standing a foot away from you now, peering down at you with an aura of playfulness surrounding him. Your hands reach out to gently play with the material of his shirt, tugging him even closer. Jungkook could feel the tension, the same slowly growing tension that had been brewing with each day spent together. He can only watch as your hands slowly trail up his stomach, gliding up to gingerly rest against his chest. 
He wanted to kiss you, wanted to feel you gasp against his lips, but the last thing he wanted to do was make you feel like he had suggested showing you his clubhouse to be a total sleaze. Jungkook knew the line had grown blurry, kisses and touches shared with ease, but he wasn’t bold enough to assume you’d be okay with taking anything further. So when you decide to make the first move, leaning up to ghost your lips over his own, he can only hold his breath, eyes fluttering shut when you softly press them together. 
Your hands rest on his shoulders now, holding yourself steady as you kiss him, feeling the way his body melts into it. You pull away with a soft smack of your lips, inching back slightly. “What other surprises do you have?” 
Jungkook holds in a groan when you start to pepper kisses on the corner of his mouth, trailing them down his jaw, gently nipping the skin of his throat right below his ear. You giggle when he shudders, his hands gripping your waist, fingers tightening around you. 
“If you let me, I can show you.” His voice holds a tinge of unsureness, wanting for you to be okay with this without sounding pushy. But Jungkook had been thinking of this since your first kiss so he couldn’t help the desperate tone laced between each syllable. 
“Show me. Show me whatever you want,” you whisper, hand coming up to cup his cheek, looking up at him through your lashes. When his eyes meet yours he finally lets his resolve crack, attaching your lips once more in a heated kiss, finally feeling you gasp against him. 
Jungkook is a little ashamed to admit how easily this was affecting him, his heart already racing in his chest, stomach fluttering with each shared moan, bulge growing in his jeans when your hand slips into his hair and pulls. His hands slide down the material of his jacket you have on, pulling it off your body and tossing it aside without a care. He feels you smile against his lips at the action, clearly enjoying the way his hands roam along your body, desperate to touch you in ways he wasn’t able to before. 
It’s an eager dance to his bed, blindly stepping back as he guides you to it until your knees buckle against the mattress, giggling as you flop onto it. Your arm rests back to hold you steady, other hand gripping onto his shirt to yank him back over you, reattaching your lips in a heated kiss. 
Jungkook laughs into the kiss, his arm wrapping around you to haul you further up the bed properly, slowly pushing you back until you’re flat against the bed. His body settles over you, the cute visual of his hair framing his face is the first thing you see when your eyes flutter open as he pulls back. His eyes are hooded as he stares at you, his hand coming up to gently cradle your jaw, thumb rubbing along your bottom lip as he smirks before dipping back down. 
He kisses the corner of your mouth, following the same trail you had left on him earlier, smiling against your skin when you shudder as he nips your neck. Slowly, his hands slide down your body, fingers toying with the hem of your shirt and tugging it up to reveal your stomach. 
“Can I take this off?” he mumbles, eyes peering up at you for confirmation. When you breathe out a yes, he slides it further up, helping you slip out of your shirt fully before you’re settling on your back again. A thin bralette covers your boobs, lacey cups revealing a glimmer on your nipples that has him tilting his head in curiosity. 
You catch what he’s looking at, smile spreading on your lips as you reach up to touch his jaw, finger gently tapping along the small mole he has below his lips. “I’m full of surprises too,” you mumble, smiling wider when he boldly cups your chest, thumb swiping at your pierced nipple through the lace. 
“I can see that,” he mumurs, voice low and raspy, making your stomach flip. He looks at you once more, brow cocking up in question as his fingers toy with the fabric. You nod your head, knowing what he wanted, allowing him to slip the straps off your shoulders before he’s sliding a palm under your back to properly unclasp your bra, giving himself the perfect view. 
Its hard to ignore the small burst of confidence that surges through you when he groans, eyes hooded while he leans down to pepper kisses down your chest. It had been such a long time since you’ve felt truly desired, since you’ve been kissed delicately, had hands touch your skin so gently it tickles and leaves you breathing out a laugh. So you relish in it. You shut your eyes and enjoy the way Jungkook presses wet kisses to your skin, you let yourself gasp in pleasure when he wraps his lips around your pierced nipple and sucks. 
Your hands instinctively slip through his hair, fingers yanking his thick strands as he hums against your skin, tongue flicking along the piercing. Jungkook feels the way you jut your chest further out, back arching at the sensation. A deep groan escapes you as his palm comes up to cup your other breast, the cool feeling of his rings sending a shiver down your spine. 
He smiles as he pulls back, cocky with eyes twinkling with mischief as his fingers playfully dance down your body. 
His eyes are locked with yours as his fingers reach the waistband of your jeans, teasingly dipping past it as he lifts a brow in question. He needed clear boundaries, not wanting to cross any lines. You find it cute, how despite the fact that you’re laying here, chest heaving with anticipation, eyes surely wild with desire, he’s still wanting to make sure. 
“Can I?” He repeats his earlier question, features soft as he waits for your answer. 
“We need to even out the playing field first Six,” you tease, smiling when he chuckles and points to his shirt. You nod, staring up at him from the bed as he kneels up, staring right at you as he reaches behind his neck and yanks the shirt off of his body. 
Your blood warms up further at the sight of him, seeing his muscles flex under his tattoos as he straightens back up. Jungkook tilts his head slightly, biting on his lip ring as he fights back the smile at your clear admiration. The black marks his skin, some tattoos looking darker than others, showing you just which ones were recent additions. 
The owl on his chest looks the brightest, edges still crisp, shading looking rich in the skulls beneath each wing. They seem to move as Jungkook takes a breath, snapping you out of it as you look back into his eyes. 
“Is this even enough for you?” he jokes, smiling wide when you nod in confirmation, your eyes following his movements as his hand returns to your jeans. You watch with bated breath as he unbuttons the top, slowly pulling down the zipper before his hands hook into the waistband and starts to tug. Your hips lift from the bed to help, allowing him to pull them off, tossing them to the side along with your shoes and socks. 
You can feel your stomach flipping with nerves, the worry of doing something new with someone new, the small clouds of insecurity rolling in, wondering if you looked good in this angle, if maybe Jungkook preferred you to look a certain way or wear cute underwear with bows on the front instead of the black regular cotton ones you currently have on. 
It all settles down as he drops lowers, eyes looking up at you as he presses kisses onto your hips and slowly tugs your underwear down, clearly not paying any mind to them. A trail of goosebumps blossom down your thighs, following your underwear as he pulls them off too. He stands up once more, eyes swimming with want as he sees you. 
“Let me get a good look at you,” he murmurs when he notices the way your arms begin to want to cover yourself up at being fully exposed. He thinks it's cute how shy you seem now, eyes bouncing away from his as he takes his time drinking you in. With your eyes diverted, he thinks it's a great time to dive in, his hands coming down to grip your palms while his face nudges its way into the crook of your neck to kiss your skin, smiling at the way you gasp and laugh at the ticklish feeling
“Jungkook!” you giggle, feeling his hands pin your own down on the bed, his mouth traveling down your body as he guides your hands into his hair, letting you know he wants you to keep playing with the strands. Your finger twirls his hair around, feeling him smile against your skin as he descends once more. 
“Everything about you is so pretty,” he mumbles into your stomach, eyes peering up at you while his hands return to your hips, slowly sliding down to your thighs to grip the flesh. Wet kisses smack into your skin, leaving a trail on each hip and down your thigh until he’s suddenly biting. He laughs when you gasp, your fingers tugging his hair on instinct when you look down with a shocked expression. 
“Looked so good you had to take a bite?” you joke, smiling down at him, feeling the fluttering in your stomach when he winks. 
“Oh I need more than just a bite,” he groans, fingers tightening their hold on your thighs before he presses a kiss directly onto your mound, slowly sticking his tongue out to gently flick along your slit. 
Jungkook loves the way your breath gets shaky as you exhale, a soft moan of his name reaching his ears when he gently parts your folds and teasingly flicks against your clit. A part of him knows this might be the one and only time he’ll ever get to experience you like this, the only time he’ll see you flush on his bed, gasping for more as your hips roll into him. So he wants to store every moment in his brain, keep it locked away until the next time he misses you. 
“Fuck Jungkook, that feels good,” you moan, fingers locked in his hair, keeping him close as he ravishes you. The praise makes his ego grow, lips wrapping around your clit and sucking with the perfect amount of pressure. It makes your stomach tense, short little zaps of electricity flowing through your body with each flick of his tongue. 
“Good, I just wanna make you feel good.” He leans back a bit, admiring the look of your sodden folds for a moment before he's letting a glob of spit drip from his mouth directly onto your clit. He bites his lip as his fingers spread it around, coating his digits as he circles your entrance. His eyes meet yours again, brow raised in question, smiling when you nod in response. Slowly, he pushes forward, eyes focused on your reaction, seeing the way you bite down on your lip as his finger sinks in. 
Jungkook tries not to let his mind get carried away when he feels your walls fluttering around his digit, already imagining how you would feel around him, feeling his cock aching in his jeans as he sinks a second finger in to properly stretch you out. With each thrust of his fingers his mind wanders further, the need to see you falling apart leading his mouth back onto you, the combining sensation making you moan louder. 
The stretch of his fingers has your head spinning, eyes falling shut as you mewl on his sheets, fingers raking through his hair. “More Jungkook, please,” you whimper, not able to get enough of him. 
The desperation lacing your voice makes Jungkook’s heart flutter, ready to comply with anything you want. He moans against your folds, a third finger adding to the delicious stretch. The wet clicks of his fingers thrusting into your drenched pussy fill the room, and it's the greed living inside of Jungkook that makes him want to thrust into you faster, make it so that all you can hear is the sound of your pleasure. 
Your breath hitches in your throat when he curves his fingers upwards, tickling the sweet spot that makes your eyes roll. That’s when you feel the familiar cool sensation of his rings once more. You were used to feeling them on your arms when he playfully pulled you around, used to the feeling of them on your cheeks when he gripped your face before kissing you, but feeling them against your cunt each time he thrust his fingers forward, it made your body burn up with lust. There was something about having the name of a club you were told to stay far away from pressed against you salaciously that only made the waves of pleasure you feel crash over you even harder. 
“Mm, close Jungkook,” you whine, your free hand sliding up your body to tug and pinch at your nipples. Jungkook peers up at you from between his thighs and the visual of you playing with yourself while he ate you out has him making a mess in his underwear. He doesn’t even care how easy it is for you to make him this needy, knowing you were enjoying yourself because of him was all that mattered. 
“Wanna feel you baby,” he mutters out, lips shiny with your arousal, fingers scissoring inside of you, feeling the way your walls tighten around him. Your hands grip his hair tighter, making him hiss, a breathy laugh hitting your messy folds when you guide his mouth back onto you. 
Jungkook knows you’re right on the edge, the craving for your release making you arch your back, moans of his name slurring together with pleas for more more. All it takes is a few more flicks of his tongue for your climax to crest, the prettiest moan he’s ever heard reaching his ears as you gush around his fingers. 
“There you go, good girl,” he groans, pulling back as he licks his lips, staring at your trembling body with eyes swimming with lust. His thumb replaces his mouth, rubbing your swollen clit, enjoying the way you writhe at the slight overstimulation. 
“Ah, ‘Guk,” you whimper. And the new nickname has him smiling, loving the way it sounds coming from you so much he almost doesn’t want to stop. It takes your small hands coming down to grip his wrist for him to finally pull away, your soft giggles of enjoyment coming to a halt when he slips his fingers into his mouth. 
“Told you I needed more than just a bite,” he teases, making an absolute show of licking his fingers. “What about you, are you satisfied?”
You lift yourself up with one arm, the other reaching forward to grip his belt loop, tugging him closer as you look up at him through your lashes. “Mm, no I don’t think I am.” His abs tense when your finger trails along his skin, toying with the button on his jeans, slowly popping them open and pulling down the zipper. 
“Then I need to fix that,” he mumbles, tongue flicking his lip ring as he stares down at you, watching the way you reach down to palm at his bulge. Your face lights up at his words, a smile spreading on your face as he helps you tug down his jeans, obviously eager. Jungkook’s smirk only deepens when your eyes widen once you finally release his cock, a small gasp escaping you at the size of him. 
Pearly beads of precum collect at his tip, swollen and aching for your touch, so when you finally grasp his length and swipe your thumb along the bulbous tip he lets out a deep groan that has your core clenching. 
“Fuck, babe.” He grunts when your palm starts to slide up and down, his eyes focused on the way you slowly inch forward, your tongue peeking out to gently lick his tip. Jungkook knows he’s in trouble, already feeling his body react to your touch. All you had done was give him a few teasing touches and his mind was already spinning. Its an inner battle as he watches you take more of him into your mouth, his jaw dropping at the warm feeling, hands clenching by his side when you moan at the taste of him. 
“Y/N,” he groans, “you’re gonna make me cum too fast.” You pop off of him with a wet smack, a saccharine smile on your lips as you giggle. 
“And that’s a bad thing?” Your head tilts as you question him, hand still lazily pumping his length. 
“It is when I want to fuck you first.” That makes your hand finally stop, brows raising in interest. Your free hand slides up his body, carefully cupping his face, guiding him down to kiss you. 
“Then fuck me, Jungkook. I’m yours,” you murmur against his lips, feeling him groan against you as he kisses you harder. You know what you mean. You’re his for the night, despite how strong your connection with him is, the reality was that as long as Minho had his claws sunk into you, there would never be a chance for you and Jungkook to delve deeper into this relationship. But this tiny bubble you were both in was enough for you. 
The energy is different than what you’re used to, the both of you smiling through the kisses, soft words whispered against skin as you help him take off his jeans. Jungkook’s laugh is infectious when you gasp at the sight of his thighs, the double headed wolf tattoo catching your attention immediately, praising it under your breath before he’s kissing you once more, telling you he’ll let you properly see it later as his hands grope your sides. 
“How do you want me?” you mumble, gently nipping his lip. 
“If it was my way I’d have you in every position I could think of. You tell me, baby.” If Jungkook let his selfish desires take over, he’d tell you he wanted you to ride him, let you bounce on top of him and use him while he got to watch your pretty face. But he can’t be that selfish, even if the small pestering voice in his head tells him that this might be his only chance to. Still, his eyes are soft as he pulls back, ringed hand caressing your face with a tenderness that makes your heart clench
“Can I ride you?” Your voice is timid, just above a whisper, but it makes Jungkook shut his eyes and groan. You see, he wasn’t corny, didn’t believe in fate or anything like that, but for a brief moment Jungkook's convinced this was meant to be. 
“Fuck,” he groans, leaning forward to rest his forhead against yours. “Yes, please.”
The way he begs makes your pussy ache, hips instinctively rolling up into his, enjoying the way he hisses, rutting his cock against your inner thigh. The beads of precum leak off his tip, leaving a small puddle by your hip, smeared around as he repeats the action. 
“O-okay,” you gasp, biting down on your lip as you peek at the visual, trying not to get lost in the way he teases himself. “Let me ‘Guk, wanna feel you.”
He nods, tendrils of hair tickling your face as he kisses you again before leaning back. You try not to stare but it's so hard when he looks like that, length hard and bobbing as he rummages through the drawer by his bed, a sheepish smile on his lips when he plucks out a shiny square packet. 
Your heart races in your chest as you sit up, coming onto your knees and crawling to the head of the bed, gently patting the space next to you. Jungkook’s quick to settle beside you, back leaning against the small headboard, large hands reaching to grab your hips and hoist you over his thighs. A small laugh escapes you at being manhandled, the toned muscles of his thighs felt underneath you, his cock poking at your belly from your proximity. 
Your eyes are glued to it, watching in awe as he pulls out the condom and carefully rolls it on, a small sigh meeting your ears. 
“Can’t wait to feel you,” you whisper, pressing a kiss to his jaw, your hand meeting his around his cock as you lift your hips just enough. His free hand finds your hip again as you guide his tip to your entrance, teasingly circling it, slipping the tip inside for a second before popping it back out, the two of you gasping at the feeling. 
“Mm, sit on it,” he groans, brows pinched together as he nudges his nose into your neck. Wet kisses mark your skin, his hand getting tighter on your hip when you repeat the action again before finally sinking further down. Your walls clench around him, the stretch making you whine. You had seen his size, knowing just how big he was, but now that he’s inside of you and you feel it, you pace yourself. 
It's unintentionally torturous, the warm tightness slowly enveloping more of him and all he could do was clench his jaw and grip you harder. Jungkook is patient, fighting every urge he has to thrust up or sit you down fully. Instead he murmurs praises into your skin, tells you how good you feel, how good you’re doing, that you’re almost there until you’re butt rests flush against his thighs. 
A shuddering breath hits his shoulder, your face coming up to stare at him properly now. He’s staring at you with hooded eyes, mouth slightly opened as he gasps when your walls flutter. 
“So big,” you mumble, kissing him gently, lips ghosting over his, hips slowly lifting an inch before coming back down. 
“I know, baby. Take your time.” He groans, kissing you harder, teeth clicking together in his haste, breathing into each other. Jungkook felt like he was dreaming, some sick fantasy teasing him while he slept, giving him a taste of you before reality would settle in and snatch it all away. But you don’t usually feel this way in his dreams, don’t dig your nails into his shoulder as you quicken your pace, your wetness dripping down his cock and pooling at the base. And Jungkook is glad that he prefers reality over his dreams for once. 
“Oh god ‘Guk,” you moan, skin slapping together with each rise and fall of your hips. His lips are coated in a sheen of spit, swollen from your kisses and gentle bites, but he gives you a smile, clearly enjoying your reaction to him. 
“Does it feel good baby?” he murmurs, voice deep and raspy at the edges, his hand sliding up your thighs, pressing into your tummy with a tilt to his head. “Feel nice and full?”
You shudder at his question, feeling the pressure of his palm, and you swear you can feel the tip of his cock nudging into it. “Y-yes, so good, so full. Just wanna fuck you forever.”
He hums, feeling your words deep inside of him. It makes him melt into the headboard, hand traveling further up until he has a handful of your tits in them. Jungkook plays with them a bit, finger pinching and twisting the hard buds, tugging gently at the silver bar, hearing you moan at the sensation. 
“You can fuck me whenever you want,” he grunts at a particular drop of your hips, the wetness aiding in your pace. 
“Mhm,” he groans, thumb rolling along your nipple, softly rutting up into you. “Just text me whenever you want it. Pretty face, delicious pussy, I’ll always be here for you.”
“You’re such a romantic,” you giggle, throwing your head back as you get lost in the motion. Jungkook laughs with you, arm scooping around your back to pull you closer, his mouth kissing up and down your neck, teeth grazing the surface with the urge to suck but he knows better. 
“Just for you,” he breathes into your skin, feeling you laugh again. 
It feels like nothing else matters, not the potential consequences to this, no worry about what this meant for your special friendship. All that matters is that Jungkook is grabbing you like he can’t get enough of you, kissing you like his life depends on it, not shy at all at vocalizing how good it all feels. 
“Wanna cum,” you gasp, cupping his face, seeing the way he focuses on your lips as you speak. 
“Yeah? Tell me what you need.” He bends his knees slightly, pressure on his heels as he fucks up into you. The jiggle of your tits makes his mouth water, caught in a daze. 
“Need you to touch me.” It's the softest plea, tone dripping and needy, making Jungkook nod immediately. He bites his lip as he trails a hand up your chest, over your neck until he’s cupping your jaw, his thumb rubbing along your lower lip. With a gentle tap, you’re opening up, eyes locked together as you wrap your lips around the digit and suck, giving him a teasing bite as he tries to pull it out. 
He smiles at you, bringing down his soaked thumb in between your bodies until it reaches home directly onto your clit. The sudden touch makes you gasp, bundle of nerves swollen and sensitive, and its almost too much. But he’s gentle, easing you into the feeling, only applying more pressure when you finally relax, falling back into the delicious rhythm you have going. 
Jungkook can feel the coil tightening inside of him with each pulse of your pussy, walls clamping around him on each lift, making an absolute mess as the arousal drips onto his balls. 
“More?” He quickens his finger, circling your clit faster, paying close attention to your reaction. 
“Oh, fuck. No, like that. Just like that.” So he does, jaw dropped open as he watches you get lost in it all, bouncing on top of him as fast as you wanted, using him just like he wanted. Your thighs burn but it feels too good to think about stopping, the beginning signs of your orgasm licking at your skin, encouraging you to fuck him faster. You can hear how messy you’re leaving him, the squelch of your pussy blending in with the moans and thumping of the headboard. 
“Close, fuck—ah,” you stutter and gasp, brows pinched together tightly, only able to stare at him as you start to fall apart. He looks at you in awe, breathing in time with you, matching each gasp and moan, thumb slipping around in your slick. It's the accidental flick of his that has you tumbling over the edge, nearly shrieking out his name as your high comes barreling at you. 
Jungkook curses under his breath as you tremble above him. Your hand curls into his hair, yanking him forward into a messy kiss as you moan unabashedly, his thumb continuing to flick along your puffy clit for another minute to work you through it before he’s clutching onto your hips and controlling your speed. You’re still twitching at the aftershocks, small sparks kissing your skin and leaving you in a comfortable haze as you tangle your tongue with his, pulling back with a smile so sweet. 
“I wanna see you cum Jungkook,” you kiss him again, teasing him as you pull away and watch him chase you for more. “Made me feel so good, want you to cum for me.”
Jungkook groans, nodding as he wraps his arm around you, pushing off the headboard until the air is whooshing around you and your back is meeting the sheets once more. He cages you in easily, arms under your back, cradling your head as he buries his face into your neck and surges his hips into you. 
Your breath leaves you at the change in position, legs wrapping around his hips, shuddering as his pelvis nudges your sensitive clit. He doesn’t care how desperate he looks, fucking you like he was starved of affection, the need to cum taking over all of his senses. 
“Fuck, you’re so hot.” Your nails dig into his back, scratching along his skin, making him groan into your ear. His thrusts grow more sporadic, shallow, losing their grace as your purposefully clench around him. 
“Oh shit, you’re gonna make me cum.” He whines, voice breathy against your neck, and you swear you’ll cum again. 
“Yeah? Cum for me, c’mon,” you whisper, grazing his back and tightening your walls again. He nods against you before he’s leaning back, giving you the view you so sweetly asked for. His thick brows are furrowed on his forehead, eyes heady with lust, and a deep groan of your name spilling past his lips as he cums. Your feet urge him closer as his hips stutter, rutting into you to milk his orgasm as he fills up the condom. 
The room falls quiet for a moment, the both of you catching your breath, hearts slowing down as the high settles over your bones. And then he’s laughing, flopping back over you and tightening his hold on your body. 
“Why are you laughing?” You giggle too, hands running through his hair as you smile in a love sick daze. 
“I don’t think I’ve ever came that hard,” he admits sheepishly, kissing your warm skin, leaning back with a childish smile as he kisses your nose and ever so slowly starts to pull out of you. The sound is filthy, core sensitive and messy, and when he fully pulls out you can’t help but close your legs. 
He simply laughs, hand softly rubbing at your calves before he’s getting up and disposing of the condom. 
You’re still in that same foggy haze from earlier, even as Jungkook returns with a damp cloth to clean you up, all you can do is hum in thanks as you melt into his sheets. It doesn’t take long for him to settle in beside you again, holding you close, hand tickling the skin of the thigh you have hooked over his hip. 
“You have such pretty legs.” It’s a soft compliment, almost like it wasn’t meant to escape him. But when you look at him with a sincere smile he continues. “If you were mine I’d beg you to wear skirts all the time just so I could stare at them, touch them—“ he grips your thighs playfully, smiling at your laugh, “I’d be able to flick it up so easily and fuck you in it.”
Your laugh is louder now, your hand playfully swatting at his chest at how quick he was to get raunchy. 
If you were mine. 
That phrase repeats in your mind, sounding like a sweet song that you’d never get tired of hearing. 
“I’ll wear one at the meet next week,” you promise, running your hand over his chest. You knew you’d be seeing him there, able to freely ogle at him with all the neighboring clubs gathered together in an attempt to keep the peace. You might not be able to interact like you usually do, but just seeing him was enough. 
Just as he’s about to reply, the sound of a familiar engine cuts the air. You freeze instantly, wide eyes staring at Jungkook, seeing the confused look on his face. He lifts a hand up, motioning for you to stay as he sits up straighter, ears perking up when he hears the front door of the clubhouse open up. 
“Stay here. They won’t come in here but I know they saw my bike so I’ll get rid of them.” You can only nod as he hurries into his clothes, buttoning his jeans in a haste and deciding to forgo his shirt and shoes as he all but runs out of the room, shutting the door behind him. 
The haze you felt earlier is long gone, anxiety settling into your bones once more, realizing just what sort of situation you were in. Jungkook seemed to think the golden rule of staying away from Cobras was fine with you, but who knows just what kind of loyalty the Six member in the other room holds. 
All you needed was one man hell bent on loyalty to come barging in, and you don’t even want to think of what would become of you. Your heart rattles in your chest as you sit up too, eyes glancing around the room to find your pile of clothes. 
You can hear them mumbling in the main room, Jungkook’s laughter sounding out as he jokes around with his fellow brother. You can only imagine what he’s telling him, maybe explaining why theres a second bike parked next to his, or giving his reason for being shirtless and disheveled at the clubhouse this late in the day. Whatever is going on, you know you shouldn’t wait around to see how it plays out. Being with Jungkook makes reality pause, fade away and leave you to believe that things were meant to be this easy. 
But that's not your reality. 
You knew you wanted this to happen, could still feel the butterflies in your stomach as you remember the way he kissed your skin. But you couldn’t let the line be crossed this far again. You’re not sure karma would be too kind to you the next time. 
As quiet as you can, you slip out of bed, carefully putting your clothes back on and looking at the desk in the corner. Before you overthink it, you grab the pen and notepad he has resting on top of paperwork, scribbling out a quick note before you’re returning to his bedside, yanking up the curtains and wiggling the window open to slip out. 
Back in the main room, Jungkook is sitting on the bar stool, Hoseok resting against the counter as they both joke around. Jungkook is thankful that Hoseok doesn’t seem to ask too many questions, knowing very well that he must have some girl in the room, but he wasn’t nosey enough to want to know who. 
“So you’re not gonna introduce your friend?” he jokes, giving Jungkook a coy smile, enjoying the way his younger friend blushes and shoves his shoulder. 
“No you weirdo, you fucking scared her by showing up like this. Why the hell are you here anyway?”
Hoseok cackles, pushing away from the counter and walking towards the meeting room. “Sorry, I didn't mean to be a cockblock. I forgot to grab some paperwork.” The way he says it makes it seem like it was work documents, contracts that needed to be signed instead of files detailing the amount of guns they’d be receiving in the next drop. He disappears into the room, returning a few moments later with the folder in his hand. “I’ll be out of your hair now.”
And he does just that, waving goodbye and stepping back outside. But as he approaches his bike he realizes the bike he had seen next to Jungkook’s was missing now. 
Jungkook is none the wiser as he walks back to his room, a smile on his face that falls when he doesn’t see you on the bed. The sheets are a mess, your clothes are missing, his curtains are drawn up and his window remains cracked open. He steps closer now, a white sheet of paper catching his attention on his desk. 
Thanks for the tour, I think your room might be my favorite<3 Remember, we take this to our graves. We’ll kiss on it over sour straws soon x
Ps. I’ll see you at the meet, I’ll be the one in the short skirt. 
Maybe it's the sick hopefulness he feels in his chest, but Jungkook can’t help but smile as he thinks this won’t be the last time afterall.
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lunicho · 5 months
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| kei | fuma | nicho | juju | yuma | jo | harua | taki |
warnings: spanking, breeding kink, and crying.
A - aftercare (what they’re like after sex) 
fuma is big on physical touch, after cleaning up a bit he loves to just lay own and draw circles on your body or play with your fingers or something like that. he just thinks you’re so so cute and he loves to just admire you for a bit before he starts the shower for you both. showering together after sex happens often and he loves to hold you close while the water runs down your bodies. he’s also big on cuddling after sex in general, like his hugs are amazing i just know it.
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B - boobs or ass (are they a boob man or an ass man?) 
he’s an ass guy, the type to kiss your ass before slapping it. he just loves having handfuls of your ass to hold onto while he moves u along the length of his cock. his grip on you is always super firm, he doesn’t slap your ass a whole lot but he always squeezes it.
C - cum (anything to do with cum) 
fuma has breeder balls,,, hear me out y’all.. he loves to fill u with his cum and see how messy it gets. he always rubs your belly as well,, he just loves it sm. loves it even more when he keeps  fucking you after and it spills out and makes an even bigger mess <3
D - dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs) 
he secretly likes when you’re more dominant, he thinks you’re so sexy when you demand him and boss him around. he also gets off on the thought of it because the thought of him being able to fully let go just excites him. also,,, sometimes he feels like crying when he cums but he holds it back,, but y’all ain’t hear that from me.
E - experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?) 
fuma is fairly experienced, he hasn’t had a lot of casual sexual partners but i feel like he’s been in 1-2 long term relationships in the past. he’s pretty experienced because of this but is always willing to learn more as he goes.
F - favorite position (what is their favorite sex position?) 
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he likes to be on the bottom, he loves when he can see you bouncing on him. his hands would run all over your body, mostly resting firmly on your hips. he also enjoys this position because its easy for him to kiss you. he finds it so sexy how you bounce on him and also grind your hips against him, its just overall so sexy to him. another reason he loves these positions is because he's able to thrust up into you easily when you get tired and he can see the way you crumble on top of him.
G - goofy (are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc) 
sometimes he full on bursts out laughing during sex like it's just something that happens from time to time but he's pretty focused and serious for the most part. he can be really silly, usually when you’re cockwarming him or when you guys are spooning and having conversation. he loves talking to you during sex so so much so its a huge possibility for him to crack little jokes.
H - hair (how well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.) 
i feel like he’s pretty hairy, i think that’s more just his preference. he may trim himself up just to do a little something but other than that he likes having hair there. overall he keeps it very natural and nobody asks but he likes when you’re natural too.
I - intimacy (how are they during the moment, romantic aspect…) 
he’s usually very very intimate, especially considering how protective and possessive he is on a regular basis. he’s romantic and loves feeling your skin against his. he’s always touching you so so lovingly as well and he treats you like his little princess.
J - jack off (masturbation headcanon) 
i feel like when he jerks off he more likes to thrust into his fist instead of stroking his length, i don’t know why i feel that way but i do. he also moans while he masturbates, like he doesn’t ever wanna hold back.
K - kink (one or more of their kinks) 
spanking - whether it’s a small tap on your ass or enough for him to leave you sore he just loves this so much. like i said he’s an ass guy so if needed he’ll lay you across his lap so he can lovingly bruise your ass :( he just loves how you jolt and moan and how pretty it sounds when you’re super reactive to him.
mutual masturbation - he loves the intimacy of seeing the way you pleasure yourself. he loves to be close by and just watch as you touch yourself. he also really likes when you get each other odd, arms crossed over one another as you both try to make the other cum. this is his favorite after a really long and tiring day as well <3
L - location (favorite places to have sex) 
he's a traditional guy, he loves sex in the bedroom. he just finds it easier and more intimate to be in the comfort of your own home and in the comfort of your own bed, he just likes it a little better that way. 
M - motivation (what turns them on?) 
a lot of things about you overall turn him on but i think one thing that stands out is your innocence and obedience. when he asks you to do something and you follow him so willingly and blindly he loves that so much. like if he’s like, “hey can you do something for me.” and you eagerly agree and just are so attentive to him and so interested in what he’s gonna ask he just finds it so cute.
N - no (Something they wouldn’t do) 
he’s not the degrading type, he may tease a bit but he never wants to talk down on you. i feel like he doesn’t want to run the risk of hurting you even slightly (other than when he spanks you,, or when he squeezes ur ass), even when it comes to your feelings so i feel like he’d rather just not degrade you at all.
O - oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc) 
he’s very focused on your pleasure and he loves giving you head BUT,, he really really loves receiving head. he loves when he can push himself down your throat and he loves when he can see you struggle to take him a little bit. when little tears prick at your eyes he swipes his thumb on your face to wipe them away. its just something about having you be so determined to take him and allowing him to go as far down your throat as he can.
P - pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.) 
on a regular basis i feel like fuma is slightly rougher, just with how harsh he is with his thrusts and the strength that he has behind them. it’s just what he naturally does but he can definitely be very very gentle and soft if you vocalize that you want him to be <3.
Q - quickie (their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.) 
he loves them sm, loves to quickly fuck you before you guys finish getting ready. he loves to make you cum 20 minutes before you need to be at work, like he just has so much fun with it and he loves the rush and pace of the situation.
R - risk (are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.) 
like i mentioned before, he likes to learn along with you and in order to learn you kinda have to experiment. he's a huge fan of experimenting and trying new things out with you. it keeps things fun and he loves trying new fresh things so he's very willing to take risks. nothing that can harm you though! 
S - stamina (how many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…) 
he can go for as many rounds as you need him to go for. he doesn't run out of energy quickly, especially considering how athletic he is. he knows the amount of time he needs to properly recover between orgasms and he knows how to occupy the time accordingly by doing other things with you as well. he's pretty good for going however many times as you want. 
T - toy (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?) 
i feel like he owns a fleshlight or one of those sleeve things with the texture on the inside if anything, he likes something to thrust into when he masturbates sometimes. i feel like he may get some toys for you, but only if you ask him to cuz he's skilled with his own hands and he's confident in his abilities. but he's definitely not opposed to toys, he just doesn't think to get them (but if u ask him to he'll find that he really enjoys bringing toys into the bedroom). 
U - unfair (how much they like to tease) 
only a little bit here and there, he loves to treat you like royalty and he loves to give you everything you could ever ask for. sometimes he’ll feel silly goofy and may tease a little bit but he gives in the moment you beg or whine.
V - volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make) 
he’s not necessarily loud but he is vocal, always praising you and letting out moans and groans. he makes sure that you’re able to tell that you’re doing good and that he’s enjoying the sex. he doesn’t hold anything back and he doesn’t want you to hold anything back either <3
W - wild card (get a random headcanon for the character of your choice) 
fuma will call you and talk you through your orgasms when he’s away. he’ll just guide you and tell you how much he wishes you were there with him so he could care for you himself. especially if he knows you love his voice he’ll call you late at night to help you sleep as well. he’ll just ramble randomly, knowing it soothes you. 
X - x-ray (let’s see what’s going on in those pants) 
he’s closer to average size when it comes to length but he’s pretty thick. he provides a nice stretch when he presses into you.
Y - yearning (yow high is their sex drive?) 
his sex drive is very in between but its likely that you’ll be needier than he is. you guys most likely have sex very regularly but not every day unless you’re that needy. he can go a little while without sex though.
Z - zzz (… how quickly they fall asleep afterward)
if im so fr he’s kinda like a grandpa so he falls asleep kinda fast after. he just likes getting all cleaned up and cuddling up with you after sex, he just feels extra cozy and warm so he holds you insanely close and dozes off like that.
a/n - i honestly don't know how i feel about this but lmk what u guys think!
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petrichor-idyllic · 2 years
Heyy first of i want to say that i really enjoy your writting! I think its incredible! I wanted to ask if you can write a minho x reader with she/her pronouns where the reader and minho meet outside of the glade? like in the scorch trials and when they arrive in save haven they slowly fall for each other? I hope this isnt too complicated 😅
(sorry english Isnt my first language 😬)
I'm loving all the post-tmr requests atm, it lets me add some variation to my writing :))
Though I'm slowing down on the longer pieces because they take so damn long, so this might not be as descriptive- sorry if it's not quite what you wanted.
This took longer than I thought it would to get out because I couldn't settle on a plot, but I think I got there eventually.
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SUMMARY: See above. Right Arm Member!Fem!Reader x Minho. Movie based fic for simplicity.
You've been a member of the Right Arm for a while, and things are finally starting to wind down in preparation for moving to the Safe Haven. Which is where you meet Minho. After things go wrong, you focus on helping those remaining, only to be surprisingly reunited with the boy you only met once- but haven't stopped thinking about.
WARNINGS: Inappropriate language, some violence.
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Somehow, you've survived this long.
Despite the odds, you're still here. You never thought it would happen, but now you're surrounded by like-minded people, and the end is in sight.
You're sat with Vince and Dr Mary Cooper, along with some random teenagers you rescued from WCKD's Mazes. You know, the usual. The three of you come from very different walks of life.
Mary is an ex-WCKD scientist who used to actually experiment on the kids you've spent the last few months trying to save. You were a Scorch-bound thief who tried to swipe Right Arm gear and got swept into the mayhem. Vince is kind of a mystery- he doesn't really like talking about his life.
When he caught you, you managed to prove yourself useful, and you quickly joined the ranks of the higher end of the Right Arm- despite being considerably younger.
You shuffle on the box you've decided to turn into a seat, looking over Vince's messy plans. It's basically a foreign language to you, but as long as it makes sense when he tells you what to do, you're not really bothered.
He's more stressed than usual, and Mary is running around like a maniac trying to sort out medical supplies before the move.
It's definitely not an easy situation.
But it's nearly over.
"(Y/N)! Vince!" You look over your shoulder, hearing Harriet's familiar voice as she approaches you in the distance- a group of unfamiliar faces behind her.
"Who the fuck are they?" You grumble to your boss. Due to being born and raised in the Scorch, you tend to be more forward and slightly less lenient. Especially towards new people.
"Not a clue."
The group approaches you, and Vince stands first.
Harriet seems pleased, and Sonya is talking to one of the boys, and it doesn't take a genius to be able to tell that they know each other.
Harriet has proved herself beyond useful and you put a lot of faith in her. She's a dedicated leader with sharp wits and a sharper tongue; not to mention she's incredibly intelligent- so why she's brought a group of strangers here without permission is beyond you.
"I thought the Right Arm was supposed to be an army," an Asian boy states, not yet caught on to Vince's presence as he walks towards them, with you reluctantly following.
"Yeah, we were," the group freezes as Vince speaks up. "This is all that's left of us."
You stand behind him, examining each of the group as they blankly stare at Vince. That's until you look at the boy that had previously spoken- who, for some reason, is looking at you.
He's handsome, about the same age as you and is well built. His hair looks suspiciously good for someone who has been through the Scorch. Then again, somehow, the majority of the group seem relatively unscathed.
"Lotta good people died getting us this far," Vince continues as you hold the boys gaze, only breaking eye contact when he looks away, finally cracking under the pressure.
"Who are they?" Vince finally asks.
"They're Immunes," Harriet responds,almost sounding bored. "Caught 'em coming up the mountain."
"You check 'em?" Your ends land on a girl. Her hair is short and she's pretty short- but she's sickly pale and almost a shade of purple. Something is definitely not right.
"I know this guy, Aris," Harriet points to one of the boys, "I trust him."
"Well, I don't. Check 'em-"
"Vince-" he grab his arm, stepping forward and gaining his attention, he looks at you as you point at the girl "-I don't know about you, but she ain't look like a Munie to me."
As if on cue, the girl gasps, her eyes rolling into the back of her head before she collapes. Falling forward, she crashes into the ground, surely conscious.
"Brenda! Brenda!" The elder of the group dives to her side and Vince looks at you.
"What's goin' on?" You shrug, but pull a pistol from its sheath attached to your leg.
The man pulls Brenda up, letting her head fall backwards as he cradles her.
"I'm sorry," she gasps, "I'm sorry."
"What's going on with her?" Vince asks- but you know. You were raised around Cranks. Hell, you were raised by Cranks. The Flare affects people differently; some people could go for months before even showing signs, and others were a couple of hours.
The scavengers and people you surrounded yourself with were picked off by the virus, one by one.
You know what it looks like better than anyone.
"I don't know," the man says. "Brenda, are you alright?"
Vince spots a bandage on Brenda's leg, peeling it away and revealing a bite mark. "Oh shut!" He dives back and your suspicions are confirmed.
You immediately point the gun at her. You're not risking everything for this random girl. Vince does the same. "Crank! We got a Crank!"
"No! No!" The group immediately splits, with one of the teenagers diving in and blocking Vince whilst the man is grabbed by two of your own men, yanking him away.
"Stay back!" Vince yells but the boy doesn't move.
"This just happened, okay? She's not dangerous yet." The boy tries to bargain but you just scoff.
"You shouldn't have brought her here!"
"I know."
"We let Cranks in here now, the Safe Haven doesn't last a week!"
"I understand," the boy continues to argue, but you're more than ready to end this, "Alright, just listen. Please. Please, okay? I told her that you could help."
Brenda is panting on the floor. Her body is limp and gasping. You feel bad for her.
"There's gotta be something you can do."
"Yeah, there is," you step forward, "we can put her out of her misery."
You cock your gun and the still restrained man keeps screaming "no". You suck in a deep breath, preparing yourself to pull the trigger when a familiar voice stops you.
"(Y/N)! That's enough!" Maty shouts from behind you. "Vince; let him go!" She marches over, repeating herself. "Let him go!"
The men do as she says and you lower your gun, even if Vince doesn't do the same. "She's infected, Doc. There's nothing we can do for her."
"No, but he can," Mary looks at the boy that was trying to bargain, making you and Vince exchange puzzled looks. "Hello, Thomas."
Like something out of a comedy skit, the other four teenage boys look at each other. And then, for some reason, look at you for an answer- which you don't have. So, you just shrug, looking at Vince.
Who also just shrugs.
"You know me?" Thomas asks as Vince lowers his gun.
"Interesting. It makes sense they'd put you in the Maze." Mary walks over to the sick girl. "Though, I must admit, I was worried they'd kill you after what you did."
"What I did?" Thomas manages to stammer out.
"The first time we spoke, you said you couldn't take it anymore, watching your friends die, one by one. The last time we spoke, you gave me the coordinates of every WCKD compound, trial and lab."
"He was our source," Vince looks at Thomas in some kind of awe.
"We couldn't have pulled all this off without him. Take her to the tent," Mary instructs the nearest guys, "and get these guys some warm clothes."
She instructs Thomas to follow her, leaving you and Vince with the confused group of teenagers.
He blinks blankly as they wait for a response. He looks at Harriet and Sonya before he looks at you, his mouth opening and closing like a fish.
"Deal with this."
"Wait, what?" Vince immediately turns around, walking away even though you're speaking to him. "Why do I have to deal with this?"
"Because I said so!" He shouts over his shoulder. "Just do it!"
You turn back to the boys, and the remaining girl, swallowing and composing yourself for a second- you're not a people person. You don't deal with people; Vince does.
But since Vince has decided to pussy out, apparently it's now your job.
"Are, uh... are you guys hungry?"
One of them shrugs, he has dark skin and a contagious smile. "Sure, I could eat."
"Alright, follow me, I guess." You turn around, the boys behind you exchanging another round of nervous glances before doing as you say.
You can hear the mumbling behind you, even if Sonya and Harriet have decided to tag along; mainly so they can bond with Aris and catch up. You can hear them explaining some basic things- stuff about Dr Cooper, how things work around here, the departure at first light, etc. Nothing you need to pay attention to, at least.
The boldest of the group becomes apparent pretty fast. "So, you help Vince run this joint?" The Asian boy from before sparks up a conversation, and you squint at him.
"That's right."
"How'd that happen?" You shoot a glare his way. "I mean, you look pretty young- compared to Vince and... uh..."
"Yep," he clicks his tongue as you remind him of the name. "That's the one. You don't quite fit in with them; a leader, a doctor, and a teenage girl- how'd that happen?"
"What's your name?" You ask, looking at him out of the corner of your eye. He's curious, that's for sure. You might as well learn the name of your interrogator.
"Minho," he states, "and you're (Y/N), right?"
"Hm, well observed," you hum, "can't remember the name of the woman who's saving your friend's life, but you can remember mine?"
This seems to catch him off-guard, and his bold demeanour slips for just a second. "Well, what can I say? It's memorable."
You reach a small table, signalling for them to sit down before you call someone over, instructing them to bring food.
"So, you gonna answer my question or what?"
"Trust Minho to start flirting with the first girl he sees," a boy you're pretty sure you heard someone call Frypan says, earing a sharp kick to the shin from Minho.
You scoff, deciding to ignore the comment as you take your own seat. "I'm a lowlife thief, to answer your question." Minho raises his eyebrow at you, silently pushing you to continue.
"Lived my whole life in the Scorch; everyone- family, friends, you name it -caught the Flare and died. I'm the last man standing. Used to fuck about stealing shit from WCKD, then ended up tryna swipe guns off of these assholes. Obviously, I didn't know it was the Right Arm, but Vince liked my uh... what did he call it? Spark? Whatever, doesn't matter- but that's how I ended up here."
Minho hums. "That's quite the story."
You shrug. "Not really. Ask anyone here; we've all got the same sob-story. Well, not you guys, I guess. Can't imagine what you've all been through."
Somehow, this leads into a brief conversation about the Maze and what the boys have been through, including actual introductions. The only girl, Teresa, has been so quiet you've barely even acknowledged her presence, until she stands up and walks away without saying a word.
The group eats, and eventually, you leave, choosing to let Sonya and Harriet catch up with Aris, and the boys settle down before moving again.
You find Vince, continuing your discussion of plans when he makes a surprising comment.
"You've definitely got his attention."
"What?" You perk your head up, blinking from your seat in the shade. Vince nods his head towards the Gladers, who have decided to take their seats on top of a slight hill. Minho, once again, holds your gaze.
He's not shy. That's for sure.
"See," he scoffs.
"I think you're looking too much into this." You look away, back to your plans. "I've done literally nothing to gain any attention."
"Yeah, well, by the sounds of things, these boys haven't really seen any girls, remember?"
"They literally arrived with two." He glares at you, obviously jokingly, which makes you chuckle. "What does it matter? Have you reached the low point of indulging yourself in teenagers' non-existent love lives?
"Ha-ha," he says dryly, making you genuinely grin at him.
You might not have known Vince long, but him and Mary are the closet you have to family.
Which is probably why what happens next hurts so much.
Teresa's betrayal happened so fast you could barely even process it and the entire thing is kind of a blur in your mind.
WCKD blasted through the remaining Right Arm like it was nothing. They killed Mary and kidnapped Minho, along with several other Immunes.
It was a hard blow.
Vince made the executive decision to leave you in charge of the Safe Haven. After the events of the betrayal, the remainder of the people either decided to help Thomas or retreat to safety. With Mary gone and Vince still leading the rebellion, you're now in charge of the peaceful Safe Haven.
Even if anxiety eats at you every day.
You're left entirely in the dark, waiting every day for Vince and the others to show up.
And every day ends the same; you're still in charge and you're still stressed.
It's shit, to be honest.
Just over six months pass, and you change a lot. You've gone from the slightly sarcastic nihilistic thief that Vince recruited to a well-respected leader who cares for her people.
"Ma'am!" One of your men bursts into the medical tent where you're cheering up a pregnant lady that you've befriended. Her partner got killed at the battle and you've become close, often helping her in the medical tent.
You look over at him, shock plastered on his face. "They're here."
You don't say anything as you rush out of the tent, the blaring mechanical beating sounds of the Berg come to a halt as you start to sprint across the sand. The doors of the Berg open, and for a second, you're thrilled.
Until you see a bleeding and unconscious Thomas. "What happened?" You ask as you arrive at the Berg.
Definitely not the reunion you wanted.
"He got shot," Vince struggles along with the help of Jorge and some random dude you've never met.
You rush them to the medical tent, enlisting the help of one of your trained doctors, who immediately assembles a small group to prep for surgery.
"You've grown up," you meet Vince at a secluded part of the Safe Haven, his back towards you as he soaks in the ocean in the distance. He doesn't even need to look to know it's you.
"I'm not sure I agree with that," you scoff.
"You have, kid. People have been gushing about you since I got back- you've achieved a lot."
"Still got a lot to learn, though."
"Don't we all?" A silence settles in, the shadows on his face are dark and his hair is much longer.
"What happened, Vince?" He looks at you, almost like he's in physical pain.
He explains everything. The struggles they've all faced that you weren't present to bear witness to and the losses. He explains that Gally is a boy that the Gladers used to know and he helped them into the Last City. Which is where they'd lost Newt and Teresa helped them escape, only to fall victim to the crumbling WCKD tower.
They're safe now, but healing isn't going to be easy.
You spend the next couple of hours letting Vince take over your duties, and showing him around. It's nice to feel the weight be lifted off of your shoulders, but some of the folk you've been tending to seem reluctant for you to pass the torch back.
Once night falls, and Thomas is up walking again, you catch a glimpse of the boys you'd met once. And for some reason, the urge to talk to them comes over to you.
"Well," you say as you approach from behind, "I honestly thought I'd never see you assholes again." You step over a box, using it as a seat.
"Same to you, shuck-face," Minho grins at you and you scoff.
"Yeah, I still don't understand your shitty Maze insults," you drop your head, smiling to yourself before pulling it back up again. "Seriously, it's good to see you guys."
"(Y/N), I'm assuming?" An unfamiliar boy asks and you nod as he holds his hand out for you to shake. "Gally."
"Ah, yes- Vince mentioned you." You take his hand in a firm grip, stiffly shaking.
"All good things, I hope."
"Please, he barely has anything to say at all."
Minho clears his throat, bringing your attention back to him. "Heard you've been running the joint, that true?"
"Aye, well, someone had to," you stretch slightly. "Can't complain, though- this place is full of people willing to do what I say."
"You letting the power get to your head, yet?" You jut your lip out at him and he grins.
The conversation is cut short as you listen to Vince's speech, watching as the boys get up one by one to carve names into the stone.
The boys seem to settle surprisingly fast, and with your status, your moments with them are cut to few and far between.
"Hey," you look up, the voice pulling you out of your daydreams. You normally spend the early mornings in Safe Haven sitting on the sand, letting the water splash at your feet hours before anyone else has woken up. Except this morning, you're apparently not the only early bird.
"Hey," you respond as Minho sits next to you.
"Do you even sleep?" He scoffs. You're normally the last person to go to bed and the first person to rise.
"Eh, depends on the day," you joke, sending a friendly smirk his way.
You sit in a comfortable silence for a while, until you clear your throat.
"I'm sorry about your friend," you say, and he smiles sadly. "I'm sorry about everything you went through. Vince has told me what he knows- Thomas has mentioned pieces, and it sounds horrible but that doesn't compare to the actual thing."
"Yeah, it's kinda weird, yanno? Feels like I've been on survival mode for so long, I don't know what to do with myself now."
"Yeah," you nod along, "I get that."
"What was it like? Living in the Scorch?"
"I'm sure Brenda and Jorge have told you all about it," you stare off into the sea, watching the waves roll over themselves.
"They've told me about their side of things- but Jorge has a whole group of psychos doin' his bidding until klunk hit the fan when we showed up. Haven't really told us anything about the Scorch."
"It was... Hard. Years of contact survival, moving one place to the next when someone got infected. It was just years of damage control that never really worked."
This became a routine. You and Minho would get up early, meet on the beach, and spend your time until the others woke up talking.
It's actually kind of nice.
Turns out, Minho isn't always sarcastic and full of wit; he's actually surprisingly emotionally intelligent and you confide a lot in each other.
You'd be lying if you said you hadn't started to develop feelings for the boy. How could you not?
You'd never had a crush on someone before. You didn't have time in the Scorch and no one stuck around long enough to develop much relationship. But this is different.
You're safe here.
And unbeknownst to you, Minho feels the exact same way.
"What the hell are you doing?"
It'd been weeks now. Minho gushed about you to the Gladers, who made nudging gestures and knowing glances to each other. They'd been pushing him to make an actual move for what felt like forever.
Though, they didn't mean to stand shirtless in the salt water at the crack of dawn.
"Goin' for a swim? What's it look like?"
"Dude, it's like five in the morning- I'm not fucking up my hair this early," you stand with your arms crossed, head tilted.
"Aw, c'mon, you gotta slim it, Captain- you're runnin' round here every day. Just tryna help ya relax."
"I'm plenty relaxes- No! Hey! Don't come near me!" Minho plows through the water, grasping towards you. "No! Minho! I swear to-"
You manages to grab your wrist, yanking you towards him and you shreik as he pulls you in with him. The water consumes you and the taste of salt is overwhelming.
"You prick!" You voice breaks as Minho laughs. He laughs with his whole chest, something you've never heard from him before. Scrambling to your feet, you catch him off-guard as you dive at him.
You both crash back into the water, he's submerged for a second but the water is shallow. He lifts his head, resting on his elbows to push himself up as he smiles at you.
You can't help but laugh as you hover above him, your legs tangled together.
Whilst you're having your fit of laughter, Minho just stares at you. You're the most gorgeous thing he's ever seen- like a Goddess in the flesh.
You look at him properly just as he leans forward. Pressing his lips to yours, you freeze for a second before melting into it, shifting slightly to sit on his lap instead. Your hands coming to his face.
"You know," he mumbles as he pulls away from your face, "I always wanted this. Safety- a place to actually call home. But I never thought I'd have this."
He scoffs. "I like you, (Y/N). I don't know what's gonna happen- I just know I wouldn't mind having you with me."
Instead of responding, you kiss him again, deeper this time.
And for this first time ever, you think; maybe things aren't that bad.
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This took me embarrassingly long to do so I do apologise I am running out of new ways to do this. Definitely not my best work but I decided to not make things too complicated since things move fast in the films.
I hope you enjoyed regardless :))
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intertexts · 2 months
since I can't talk about my favorite bits that made me go AUGH bc of things you dont know about yet. give me ur favorite bit. what was ur favorite bit in that fic. gimme the authors notes behind the scenes ramble
AUAUAUAUA.... u r so nice 2 meee godddd what the hell. exploding u💥💥💥!!!!!!!!!!! ANYWAY. OK. OK. AUTHORS NOTES.
things i included that i am VERY IFFY ON but nevertheless went for:
>i think there's like 70/30 odds that they (dakota) try to do the putting ashe's headphones with thank you scientist or smth blaring on him to try & bring him back thing. can't tell you if it'll work or not but it has to come up. nevertheless i think if u were stuck in yr head for a year with the fucking trickster u would appreciate some quiet!!!!!! & its just. idk man. that's what i'd spiral over. what if one day u wake up n u don't even like all the stuff u love anymore. etc.
>I'M ALSO TAKING. A REALLY FUCKING LONG SHOT by explicitly referring to wiwi as alive? honestly? like it's a 50/50, i think that all the stuff w/ the heart etc should continue to have thematic resonance, but also i don't know how that will work with the wisps when they..... return? (<- using this word in the loosest possible way i just don't know how else to say it. when theyre onscreen again??) i'm sure the wisp thing gets some resolution i have no doubt. and i don't know if "whisperer william" and "alive body traits" are mutually exclusive. idk. idk. we'll see!!
>i'm assuming tide will make another appearance b4 the season ends. idgaf if he shows in deadwood or not i fucking HOPE NOT but i just thought man. he Would come to bring them all back n take care of them. i think he and mark should get to have a really long slightly more. real? conversation on how much parenting fucking sucks and is stressful and terrifying and they feel bad at it.
MY FAVORITE BIT. goddd. iiii. ok. i have a lot of Thoughts on wingfics & idk. i guess i always think they're a bit too easy. u have wings that u Never Ever Let Anyone Touch Except Family And Lovers and u Let Someone Preen Them and what-- there isn't even any terrifying indecipherable swirl of emotions about it?? it isn't even scary?? (& also the whole Why Is It Good When People Touch Ur Wings. "because it is" okay??? and why then?? i also am guilty of this but at least theres like. two sentences about it.) & when there's hybrid shit & its like ok suddenly u woke up with Searing Pain in ur back and things writhing around in there breaking through yr skin and bone to get out and-- thats IT??? there isn't even gonna be any lasting trauma about it? you're not even gonna feel weird about being permanently Different now? it isn't even inconvenient and painful?? so ig that's like-- the core of this one, lmao. obviously i have. Thoughts and Feelings on the whole prime nonconsensually and irrevocably changing ur body defenders thing. like. of course. thesis statement of my blog. & i have thoughts about. being a vessel & not getting any say in it, ig. idk. i hate when people take my stuff without asking!! the idea of someone taking my ME without asking is like, viscerally terrifying 2 me. not unpacking that moving on etc.... my favorite bit is ig ashe having conflicting and messy emotions on liking the way it feels. freaking out and trying 2 stonewall it out & eventually just. letting himself have the good thing. oversharing 9pm time but idk... ashe is a little Like Me in that he was a fucking shut in & never had friends until he was a teenager and doesn't really. know much about it? didn't have much experience in it? so he's really satisfying to write not in a projection-y way but an ah! i KNOW what this is like i can write this correctly!! very scary!!!! very 24/7 butterflies in ur stomach!! OH. I LIED. ACTUALLY. my favorite bit is ashe unconsciously using words & such abt capacitors and voltage and electricity etc. bc of growing up with an electrician dad :] very very small and minor but i have a lot of fucking emotions abt it actually!!! anyway. yeag <333
other behind the scenes thing: in my head wiwi is freaking the FUCK out the entire time he is going shit SHIT SHIT i'm so fucking bad at this shittttttttttttt is this what it's like for dakota to deal with me. is this what i'm like. shit. what do vynce and dakota do. hes like. cartoon running putting down the tracks just in front of the train this entire time <33 this is important to me.
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xamaxenta · 5 months
I've got a shitty, evil cold and I want Ace like that, he gets to suffer along with me. (Includes regular cold stuff if coughing, runny nose, sore throat)
Ace is going through a day and not thinking the little cough he has matters enough to visit med bag, he probably just hasn't drank enough. At dinner, he tries both ale and water at dinner and it's not perfect, but he does feel a bit better and decides not to pay it any mind when he climbs into bed and passes out.
Marco comes to bed later, late evenings in the med bay you know, and notices that Ace is tossing and turning but he calms down when Marco runs a hand up and down his arm, and he chalks that up to a nightmare. He quickly gets undressed and tucks himself in near Ace, hoping his heat will get rid of any vestiges of a nightmare left.
Ace wakes up the next morning with a sore, scratchy throat, an annoying cough, and a desperate need to blow his nose. He stumbles to the bathroom, slightly lightheaded in a way he normally isn't, and blows his nose in what could only be called a honk.
Brain still trying to catch up with this whatever-the-fuck, he tries to breath deeply and ends up jumping straight into a cough fit, each exhalation tearing at his throat.
Ace moans, tired, tired, tired down to his bones despite just waking up. Swiping at his nose again, he goes back to the bed and chugs the red cup of water Marco must've brought for him.
He attempts to curl back into Marco's chest, but that makes one nostril all plugged. The other side does the same thing and Ace grumbles, moving to his back. There's little solace there, but better than the first two options, so he props himself up a little and falls back into an uneasy sleep.
Marco wakes up to Ace in the middle of a coughing fit, the bed jostling from the intensity. He's a little confused but mostly concerned, and starts rubbing soothing circles on Ace's back, using a bit of his flames to ease his partner's pain.
"Are you good?" Marco asks, surprised when he gets an armful of messy, sniffling, whining Ace instead of an immediate answer.
"I'm dying, Marco. Put me out of my misery, please."
Petting at black hair, Marco shakes his head. "No thanks. I'll get you some medicine instead and something soft to eat from Thatch, how does that sound?"
Ace whines again. "Can't you just use your flames on me? Pleeease. I feel awful."
"They don't work as well with colds, it's not like an easy to find and stabilize wound. I'll use a little bit and go get the food, okay."
Nodding forlornly, Ace lays back on his pillow. Chuckling internally at how cute his sickly Fire is, Marco taps Ace to sit up a little and tucks his own pillow underneath Ace's. Ace gives a small smile and Marco leans over to press a kiss to his forehead, letting blue flames dance over his lips and enjoying the soft sigh from below.
"Thank you Mar," Ace whispers, grey eyes fluttering shut, his breath slowing to an slightly more even cadence. Marco ran his hand through Ace's hair one last time before tugging on his shirt and going to fulfill his promise.
HIS SICKLY FIRE aawawawhdowyrowhr this is so. Cute sO cute
U know im always weak for how domestic and in love you make Marco and Ace, like its their best phase of their relationship just past the honeymoon part and its the utmost trusting phase? Like when theyre fully settled into their relationship as partners its really lovely
Ive only just beaten my sickness from three weeks ago so i hope you feel better soon Angel 🥺💕
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hertwood · 5 months
Please elaborate on ttpd being a sargewood album 👀
hi thank u so much for caring abt the rot in my brain 💖
ok so. mayhaps i am talking out of my ass here, i havent rly fathomed the whole album yet, and there are songs i associate w/ a variety of ships/fic ideas. BUT more songs fic sargewood than any other ship so. allow me to explain.
this is all speculative to taylor swift’s life so its not #confirmed but allegedly this album is abt leaving long term relationship she felt trapped in (joe), and then rebounding in a short term fling (matty). if we look at these songs through the lens of joe=f1 and matty=indycar, therefore kyle, this is how i fathom these songs in a sargewood way.
OBVIOUSLY this does not work for many of the songs, but for the ones it does it is so compelling. also she broke up with matty anyway and he allegedly SUCKS so i’m only rly considering “early relationship” songs here.
Fresh out the slammer is probably the best example: leaving a relationship and immediately knowing where you’re going next. if logan doesn’t have a future in f1, indycar /is/ the place to go, and kyle is his connection. if he gets dropped, you KNOW kyle is one of the first people he’s calling 
Fresh out the slammer, I know who my first call will be to
NEXT SONG lets talk Florida!!! the original song I claimed as sargewood for obvious reasons!! ofc, its great bc Florida is there home state. But if we can go back to joe and matty for one second (i’m sorry)
In So Long, London, London not only represents the place, but also Joe and their relationship. I did not come up with this, but I saw people on tiktok saying that while joe=london, matty=florida. the entire song is abt being trapped monotony of her old life (london/joe) and escaping to the new exciting florida(matty).
this fits logan just as florida proper—he can always go home and relax to take a break from the stress of f1. BUT if u wanna see it in a sargewood way--they can both escape their stressful racing lives, come back to florida, to EACHOTHER. this song makes me insane abt them fr. I also like to hear “fuck me up, florida” as “fuck me in florida” AND YOU CAN TOO
I need to forget, so take me to Florida I've got some regrets, I'll bury them in Florida What a crash, what a rush, fuck me in Florida
LAST SONG i’m using for this thesis, but i’m not ruling out fathoming more as sargewood through the joe=f1 matty=indy/kyle lens. it’s a long ass album, i’m employed, i can only do so much
this fathoming was key to me liking this song. HOWEVER while the last two can be fathomed as sargewood in general, fortnight fits a specific fic idea i have where i need to explain some lore first.
logirlie historians will know how after the 2020 f3 season, logan was in a sort of a limbo career wise before he got the call from williams and we know where it goes from there. in this time he was testing for indy, thinking his european racing career was basically over.
so the fic idea. kyle & logan have always had a bit of a ~non platonic connection~ but neither has acted on it due to the distance etc etc. but in this short period of time (a fortnight, perhaps 👀), when its looking like logan might be heading to indycar, the dam breaks and they have a short fling that is more serious than either will admit after, when it ends when logan goes back to f3.
The ACTUAL fic would be years later, where logan leaves f1 and goes to indycar in 2025(?). years have passed, and they've stayed friends this whole time so it /should/ be fine, but now that the distance is no longer an issue all those old feelings come bubbling right up to the surface. they could, of course, just communicate and get together easy peasy but that wouldn't be a fun fic would it? of COURSE it'd be messy.
I haven't written anything, it's more of just a nebulous concept rn and idk if it'll ever go anywhere but it is ALL i think abt when listening to fortnight. The florida and car reference in the bridge is just the cherry on top
And for a fortnight there, we were forever (Back in 2020/2021, what we had was real)
Run into you sometimes, ask about the weather (We talk sometimes (2021-2024) like it's normal and nothing happened)
Now you're in my backyard, turned into good neighbors (Now (2025) we see each other all the time and pretend it's all platonic)
I love you, it's ruining my life (My career would be so less complicated if you weren't in it)
Move to Florida, buy the car you want But it won't start up 'til you touch, touch, touch me
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drawlfoy · 1 year
I can't tell you just how heartbroken Wonders of Ohio left me. I've only ever felt that way with one other fic, and even then WoO topped it. Unlike WoO, the other fic had a very clean cut ending to it (they both died at the end rip) so I wasn't left to my own thoughts about what could've happened after. Which might be why WoO has been absolutely haunting me for the past two days, it hasn't left my mind at all. I think about certain moments, the ending, oh god ESPECIALLY THE ENDING, AT LEAST once an hour. I get that familiar feeling of my throat drying up and my eyes begin to water when I think about it. Another reason being the way you write. I was able to immerse myself into the story and imagine what I was reading in my head, one specific case of this I remember was when Draco made Reader and himself late to school. When he was fidgeting in the passengers seat, his hair unkempt, I could almost see him. I imagined draco with his messy platinum hair, wearing a muggle polo shirt because its just so posh rich kid of him, nervous as he leaned over the middle compartment into the backseat as he performed that glamour spell. I've never been very creative and imaginative but with your writing it was easy for me. It reminded me of how I was able to do the same when reading the Harry Potter books, being able to almost live in that universe in my head was so refreshing. Anyways this is really long, SORRY, but when I saw that you also had a Tumblr (as I originally read your stories on AO3) I just had to look. I scrolled through your page for a while and I gasped when I eventually saw that you posted what you started on writing for a continued ending? (I don't know how to phrase it I'm sorry 😭) I read it and while WoO is still breaking my heart over and over again, I think I'll be able to think about it for longer than 5 minutes at a time without bursting into tears now. So thank you. 🩷
AHHH i’m so upset bc i typed out a whole response and the fucking tumblr app (count ur days staff) deleted it urghhh
anyway some points i’d like to hit (apologies for the length but i just wanted to give this the response it deserved):
1) first of all THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHABKYOU this was genuinely the highlight of my whole year. people like you are the reason i write and i’m being so genuine when i say that this message is like the kind of stuff i dream about getting as a writer. so in conc i’m kissing you on the mouth you didn’t need to but you wrote all of this out and for that i’m forever grateful
2) some thoughts on the ending: first of all IM SORRY lmaoo. i’ll let u in on a little secret: i actually originally planned on a completely different ending where y/n ended up using the box right off the bat and went back to england and spent the last half of the fic learning magic and interacting with the golden trio crew/the malfoys. i told this to a few writer friends and they made me realize that it wouldn’t be as useful in actually answering the silly question that i based the whole fic on (what would draco do if he was plopped in the middle of muggle america?). i decided then that i really was more interested in learning how draco’s character would develop as he came to love someone who was fundamentally differently from him (and didn’t first go through a change that departed from her basic character traits). from then on i realized that a happy ending wouldn’t involve either of them giving up their world at the end of the summer, since they needed to grow up a little bit (and at that point i was old enough to find the idea of giving up your entire life for a relationship at 18 completely terrifying). hence the sad ending…but i think in the long run it means that they end up having a much healthier dynamic later on!
3) if you want to know about what happened after the deleted scene you found: i left the ending so open because i always thought i’d come back to write another series where i explored what happened after, but i don’t think i’ll end up doing that so i’ll tell you what i was planning. i always imagined y/n eventually going to england after graduating and getting established in her career and learning magic (because like literally who wouldn’t if presented with that option). draco is just kind of like a stay at home husband who’s just psyched to be there.
4) thank you so so much for your note about how immersive WoO was!! i’m ngl i’ve always struggled with incorporating imagery into my work. i spent my formative years avoiding anything i considered to be purple prose and that really reflected in my writing. i’m not a super visual person so if i could mention the 3 details i think are important in each scene and could just get on with the meat of the plot, i would, so i’m so thrilled to hear that it was able to give you that experience as a reader despite the fact that i’ve always been worried that i can’t 🥹 thank you again for telling me all of this bc it genuinely warmed my heart i know that this is a little disjointed but oml this like made my day
ill stop talking now because i’m gonna get even more incoherent okok but thank you!!!!! <3
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thatbitchsimone · 1 year
I also love Angelica and think she's so great - there's another video on her youtube where she says people should only lose their virginity in their 20's - what do you think about this? I agree with her sentiment to an extent and I do think as a woman I was put into many situations that make me feel used now and I am sure this can negatively affect men as well.. I just kind of felt ashamed/worried after watching the video because she said that having sex very young can negatively set you up for life and I agree to an extent but I think there's more nuance to it than a 20 minute youtube video can express.. And also I think the problem more with me is I didn't know to express my boundaries or communicate and people took advantage of that sometimes.. and just how women are socialised etc etc
i was just gonna watch that video but it looks like shes deleted all of those videos (which sucks ass bc she had an amazing video about the tumblr nymphet community and its parallels to nambla and how it has negatively affected us that got seduced by that little subculture back in the mid 2010s) so unfortunately i cant answer this properly bc i dont have the full context and i dont have her arguments etc but i can still give some of my immidiate thoughts on it so here we go
i think losing ur virginity/wait with sex until ur in ur 20s is probably ideal tbh and i would absolutely encourage it for anyone who is in their teens rn and havent had their sexual debut yet. main reason being that u will be old enough to understand sex and its risks and effects and u will have had time to figure ur own body out more and u will most likely have at the very least basic level emotional intelligence and maturity that is required to have safe and healthy and enjoyable sex. like u have just finished puberty and just left teenagehood behind which is a messy and confusing and rough lifestage for all of us and ur now entering adulthood and have gained some perspective etc and u are way more in tune with urself (at the very least compared to when u were a teen) and both ur body and brain will be developed enough to be able to handle sex and have a realistic attitude around it and while ofc u can still be manipulated and u may still be somewhat naive it wont be anywhere near AS easy to manipulate u as it would have been earlier bc thats just how it is. u might still be vulnerable maybe sure but if ur vulnerable now u were even MORE vulnerable when u were a teen. its just how it is. thats how growing up works. u will probably have a way easier and more enjoyable sexual debut in ur 20s bc u will have a headstart in so many ways both physically and emotionally.
BUT im not gonna pretend like its that black and white and simple. Many girls (and boys but im focusing on women here) have perfectly normal and healthy sexual encounters when they are teenagers and i rly dont believe that sex will just automatically traumatize and harm u when ur a teen bc lets be real here, the key here is that u explore sex with UR PEERS, boys and girls within ur own age group, NOT ppl that are 20+ when u are like 14-16. when ur a high schooler and u want to explore sex u do it with other high schoolers. ppl ur own age. I think its perfectly fine and normal to have sex when ur a teen, but that is assuming u are having sex with other teens. NOT ppl that are like 5 years older than u. thats when actual impactful long lasting harm becomes highly likely. feeling like u got used and heartbroken by a boy in ur school aka a boy that is ur peer and ur own age will hurt and suck and will leave an impact on u but its a very different impact than the one u will be left with if u felt taken advantaged of by someone much older (not a teen). the dynamics are whats important here i think.
sex and relationships are messy and yes u can always get fucked up from it thats just how it is. u cant avoid it. u just need to be able to handle it and maybe ur not ready to handle it until ur like 25, thats fine. dont do it then. like if u dont think ur ready, just wait until u are. if ur like 15 and feel ready then go ahead but STICK TO PPL UR OWN AGE when ur that young. u gotta be equals. period.
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i-luvsang · 1 year
hihi :D. i'm back to do some crazy rants ig since i can't sleep :,). ig i'll just pick up where we left last time?
which is the hair colours! so i saw they dyed yunhos hair blue... AND THEY DID A MESSY JOB AT IT TOO? like in the idol radio pic you could still see a line of like blond hair?? i just know his hair is fried.. they should've kept it blonde urgh. also my neobong... apparently he told at a fansign his hair isn't finished yet? now, i have my theories! like 2 years ago yeo said he wanted to split dye his hair mint and pink. so that's what a lot of people are thinking, and that could be possible ig? but yk what i would love to see? GREEN AND BLACK!! like yk the billie eilish hairstyle with the green roots? OORRRR like the 'hidden' hairstyle where the top is like black and the 'hidden' part of his hair is green and he has like green bangs/fore pieces. i think they're gonna let the green fade tho. TALKING ABOUT NEO...
I'M PICKING UP WHERE I LEFT TALKING ABT GETTING INTO NCT. i am in love with taeyong!! LIKE OBSESSED!! DELUSIONAL OVER THIS MAN!! he's so so so fine!!! like tyong pls come home the kids miss you :(!!! my faves have not changed from last time ig, but i'll say my biases from each unit just bcs i can ig? nct 127 is obv taeyong!!! my nct dream bias is haechan and for wayv it's xiaojun. i'm not rlly counting in nct u bcs the line up is different each cb yk. and if u wanna count in djj it jaehyun, that man is so fine AHDHS. that's all i had to say abt kpop. i haven't rlly been keeping up with a lot of kpop content these days tbh, i've been watching criminal minds :)!
and since ik you have a blog for criminal minds etc i'll rant a bit abt cm here too? i'm at ssn 13 right now so i'm almost done :,). i just finished the eps where that annoying ass lady split up the bau and tried making changes and they secretly team up to catch this serial killer that kills these women and sells like the pics of it and they end up saving the daughter of this dude with a lot of power and he ends up funding the bau etc. i'm so excited to finish cm soon but also not? but i feel like it's kinda time too since i've been watching it for so long. i had to take breaks watching it bcs school and struggles with paranoia so it took me a long time to get back into it again. but now that i'm watching it again i'm so happy bcs i missed the show so much. i think that was my rant since i have nothing else going on rn, i'm a homebody who does nothing more than to sit in their room and watch kpop content, tv shows and read 😭 thank you for listening <3 — 🎧
hello !! you know i love the rants babe !!
i completely agree that they should have kept the blonde. i was excited when i thought they could have a new color but after concert pics with the blonde and the not so great dye job for the blue i'm wishing we could have kept the blonde too :,) but no for sure, he said something like being on the third bleach round or something like i'm crying for him rn akfhakjf
and YEAH NO BECAUSE I WAS TALKING ABT THIS WITH OTHER MOOTS AND- i really really like the idea of the mint green and pink bc like thats so fairy coded and hes so fairy coded and like i also def prefer a mint green to whats going on right now (tho its growing on me mostly bc yeosang just always looks so freaking good). and like i dont think i'd like the idea of the green and pink if it were the split dye like one side pink one side green but i feel like it was supposed to be the top of his hair being pink and the bottom green which could look so freaking good and adorable. BUT UHHH NOW THAT YOU MENTION THE GREEN AND BLACK, BABES THAT IS TOO GOOD you're a literal genius. they probably will just have it fade but i'm praying they do something like that with it sorry to your hair yeo LOL
I SEE I SEE taeyong is definitely a very easy man to simp over. yeah i never count nct u LOL fahfkjsdf but i see you ! i'm understanding, my sister is a haechan stan HAH i just love making fun of him its in my nature as a renjun lover. honestly i'm barely an nctzen anymore BUT i still enjoy dabbling in their content and convos about them like this from time to time it feels nostalgic and nice. i've always been more of a dreamie so i've been passing through neotown more lately with their comeback approaching.
oH MY GOD CRIMINAL MINDSSS my comfort show fr AHAHAH i'm a little crazy. fun fact emily prentiss is my gay awakening !! i'm actually rewatching it rn i'm still on ssn 10 tho lol. ngl i only vaguely remember that ep rn i will be reminded when i get to it LOL. i get you tho omg like it's so long and it's exciting to get through esp if you've had to take breaks like that so valid !! but also i never want my favorite things to end LOL but i mean here i am rewatching it so it's not a huge deal anymore khfkajsd i'm glad you've felt happy watching it tho !! that's awesome.
but babe you are literally me that is legit also the only thing i do, we are twinsies fr. you're welcome for listening and ty for sending it in !! you know i love to hear from you <333
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iloveyouw · 2 years
27 Oct 2022
i was hoping to meet u this week before TI cos weekend i not free liao, but if u dont have the capacity to meet is okay too. i enjoy mapling with u anyways.
im clean todayyyyy https://howlongagogo.com/date/2022/september/22 easy peasy
anyway if ure worried that i will find someone else then i can dont go, if u help me thats more than enough, maybe i go find some counselling. i keep saying but i dont dare to call sia idk why. :/ 
anyway i hope u read what i sent u in the afternoon. and just now when showering i was thinking like last year oct we prolly were at eggslut, and how u write down our mini dates then i thought to myself like, why did i not see that u also like me sia i was so stupid eh wie. but i really like like like like u alot back then alrd. then somehow bloomed into love and then became messy. i just want to love u sia ok but we can focus on the how now rather than the too lates. 
also, u are nothing like the other guys wie. NOTHING. initially maybe the infatuation or whatever nonsense was like the same la, yknow when u first meet a person and u get all sorts of butterfly if u like admire them. but with u it just stuck on all the way. dont know what about u but at the same time also know what about u. u never once judged me and undermined me or look down on me lor. and it was unconditional lor the kind of love u showed. u supoprt me all the way too.. maybe thats why. and ure funny and charming. plus ure rly rly good looking. 
i hope one day the thoughts will stop eating u up, i dont need things to go back to the way it was, we can create new magic, new future but i want to do it with u.
we dont have to rush things wie, i just hope im helping u a little by little. at least let me be with u and travel to u and buy u food. then we can talk about our future another time. idk im rambling. anyway i alrd thought of what i want to send u today. 
Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind
Tumblr media
 do u want to watch this with me? 
also im not really tired, today and yesterday had hard time falling asleep i think cos i start taking the pill again. and the blood ive been bleeding i think its a pimple that burst. so nothing to worry about.
anyway, i give u 2 days to prepare urself cos we are going out friday to eat whatever u like (even if u cant fin) and do whatever u want. its a wiewie day. let me take u out?
lets do 2 days worth of things in 1 night although it will never be enough yknow, 2 days 2 years 20years its never enough. i need 20000. and theres nothing i wont do that allows me another day another minute with u. i wish we met 21 years ago.. thats 21 years of my life wasted not being with the love of my life... but its not too late right, we can do 21 and more from here if u like.
also also i hope that ure not tired of reading my thoughts cos its v all over the place and probably arent any help but i hope u see the change in me ><
also also, help or not, i just want to tell u everyday how much i love u ^~^ 
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mssjynx · 3 years
Mic: ON
dreamnap oneshot 3687 words warnings: steamy!!  ao3 link
“Sapnap. Don’t send it.”
Dream’s warning voice held a lot more threat than usual coming through Nick’s headset, and he suspected it was because the two now shared a house. He was all too aware of his friend’s presence only two doors down, and had it just been the two of them, Nick probably would have already given in and saved himself an ass kicking. Dream was a noticeable few inches taller than him, and definitely stronger though Nick would never admit it outloud. 
Nick was good at picking his fights.
Or he was, usually. 
But with Dream in one ear, and Quackity, George and Karl in the other, he was tiptoeing the line of a very pissed off Dream. The three idiots had been egging him on for the past half hour, begging him to send the video since the moment he’d mentioned having it. And he wasn’t actually going to send it, he just really enjoyed stirring Dream up and he knew the other three found it just as funny. 
“Sapnap! Sapnap! Sapnap!” Karl’s chanting overlapped the other two voices, Alex making odd monkey sounds as George laughed himself into hysterics. 
“Send it, Sap! You have to show us, you have to.” George’s words were gasped out between wheezes in his comically high-pitched voice that appeared whenever he was losing his mind laughing at something. 
Nick knew that if any of them laid their eyes on the video, they would never ever get over it. 
He’d captured the valuable video the night prior when Dream had overslept an alarm that he’d set for a recording session with the Among Us crowd. When Nick had crept in there to wake him up, a task he dreaded after the first time he’d done it and successfully pissed Dream off for two full days, he had been met with a sight he never thought he’d see. It was too good to resist flicking out his phone and capturing the moment. 
Dream had been splayed out across the bed, three pillows tucked under his back and his head tipped back off the mattress entirely. A trail of dried drool stained his cheek and his slack mouth was releasing a mix of whistling snores and little snuffling sounds as he slept. His fourth pillow was clutched to his chest in a grip that made Nick feel bad for it, white knuckles making Nick gulp as he crept back out of the room and returned to his Discord call to pass on the disappointing news. 
He had intended to keep the video to himself, locked away in his phone for a later day of humiliation. He hadn’t intended that later day to be the day following but he made the mistake of mentioning the beautiful video and it had all gone downhill from there. 
Karl, George and Alex were relentless when they wanted something, and to say they wanted to see this video was a huge understatement. 
“We need to see it, Sapnap, it’s worth the risk! It’s worth it!” Alex pleaded. 
“The risk!?” Nick snorted, offended by the lack of care. “I’m gonna get my teeth kicked in, Quackity! The risk is my impending death.” 
“It’s worth it, it’s worth it!” 
Karl and Alex were a terrible influence on each other. 
“Guys, Dream’s scawy,” Sapnap said, hoping his baby “uwu” voice would soften Dream’s heart. He knew that whether he sent it or not, Dream was going to kill him for taking it in the first place. 
“You haven’t seen ‘scary’,” Dream muttered and Nick shot a weary glance to the door of his office. There wasn’t even a lock. 
George whined, adding his own baby voice to the mix, and Sapnap could practically see the stupid pout he was wearing when he begged, “Please, Sap. He won’t actually kill you!” 
Dream’s scoff was dry and humourless, “Oh, I will,” and Nick could hear the exhaustion that layered his irritation. He’d been up for over twenty hours editing his upcoming video and keeping the guys company in their streams. He knew that Dream was ready to collapse into bed the second he could, but the risk of his pride held enough weight to keep him upright for the time being. 
Nick almost felt bad for him, except he remembered the horrific photo that Dream had shared with their chat less than a month earlier. 
This was only payback; well, it would be if Nick was actually going to send it. But he was better than that, he was the bigger man and he also valued having all of his teeth and an unbroken nose. 
With a sigh, he reached to click delete on the keyboard to remove the video from the textbox. The ominous ‘Sapnap is typing…’ that sat at the bottom of all of their screens had only added to the excitement (and anger), but he knew that they’d had their fun and it was over. When he tried to snatch up his water bottle at the same time, his device unbalanced in his fingers and the thunk of it hitting the carpet was accompanied by the little “shwoop” sound of a message sending. 
Every voice except Dream’s exploded in the call and Nick froze in his chair.
“Oh god,” he whispered, dropping his bottle and scrambling for his phone. “Oh, no, no, no- I didn’t- It was an accident, I dropped my-” His voice was drowned out by Karl and Alex’s cheering, hysterical laughter pouring from George’s end. Dream’s icon vanished from the call and the slam of a door opening reached Nick’s ears.
Dream’s footsteps were loud and angry.  
“Guys, guys, GUYS!” His bedroom door burst open and Nick threw off his headphones, ripping the cord from his PC as he stumbled out of his chair. The look on Dream’s face made Nick genuinely fear for his life as he backed up away from Dream. 
“Oh my God, he’s so cuuuute!” Karl cooed. George howled with laughter. 
Nick had messed up. He had royally screwed himself, and today was the day he was going to die. “Dream, Clay. It was an accident, I was going to delete it and I dropped my phone and- I wasn’t actually going to send it, I swear. I promise. Pinky promise? What if we hug and make up?” Words tumbled off his tongue with panicked desperation but Nick knew a losing fight when he saw it. “Dream?” he tried weakly when Dream stepped forward, but the stoic glare didn’t shift. 
He could hear Alex calling Dream’s name, futile attempts at rescuing Nick from certain death. But the laughter that drowned him out only sealed his fate.
He was completely and totally done. 
Dream lunged for him and an embarrassingly high-pitched scream ripped from Nick’s throat. He bolted to the bed, clambering over the mattress with his eyes on the open door. But his chances were shot when a rough hand grabbed his ankle, yanking him backwards and off balance. His face slammed into the mattress, cutting off his yelp, and he barely managed to squirm over onto his back before Dream pounced. 
“You’re done, Nick,” Dream snarled, and Nick knew that it was his turn to be mortified. He caught Dream by the upper arms, straining as he kept Dream’s hands just inches away from his own shoulders and face. “You’re such an asshole, I told you not to send it!” 
“I told you,” Nick gasped, his arms aching as he turned his face away from Dream’s clawing fingers, “I didn’t mean to!” 
Dream growled, glaring down at Nick for a second before spitting: “Liar.” and throwing his weight to the side. Nick lost his grip and within seconds Dream had hooked an arm around his back, pinning Nick’s head between his arm and his ribs. The wrestling training Sapnap did back in middle school leapt to the front of his mind as he got his arms around Dream’s middle and tried to push him back. They both grunted and yelped, jabbing fingers into sensitive spots and cursing as they wrestled and fought. 
From the computer, the other three were cheering them on, placing bets back and forth. Except they were all betting on Dream and Nick couldn’t even blame them as he scrambled on top of Dream’s back for half a second before he was thrown off.
A jab to his stomach knocked all the air out of him and in seconds he was flat on his back with his arms pinned either side of his head. He gasped for air, face hot and red from exertion as he blinked his dizzy eyes up at Dream. 
He made a weak attempt at getting one leg between him and Dream, hoping to plant a foot to his chest and shove him back, but Dream shoved his knee down into the muscle of Nick’s thigh and a shot of pain at the pressure cut his escape attempt off.
The grin on his face made Nick’s head spin faster, though he didn’t know whether it was fear or adrenaline that flipped his stomach like a pancake.  
“Dead,” Clay declared, proud and smug as if it was at all a fair fight. He was six foot two for Heaven’s sake. 
“Shut up, you’re such a dick,” Nick spat, craning his head off the mattress. The grip on his wrists tightened and Dream pressed them harder into the mattress, leaning his weight into his knee. Nick yelped in pain, wriggling in a weak attempt of dislodging his roommate. 
Dream scoffed. “Shouldn’t have sent the video, should you?” His sneer was twisted with a satisfied grin and Nick would have been relieved to see that he was more smug than angry if that smile didn’t trigger every fear sensor in Nick’s body. 
“Well, look- Ow- You got me now, so… you don’t have to, uh, kill me or anything! Wouldn’t want you to go to prison now,” he says, awkward chuckle leaving his lips. He hears Karl and George lose it from the computer speakers, quiet but distinct enough to heighten Nick’s irritation. They weren’t helping him at all.  
“No chance.” Dream narrowed his eyes. “I want some sort of compensation. You have to let me post whatever I want from your twitter,” and the crooked grin he wore told Nick that his revenge would be far worse than the five second video of Dream snoring. 
“No way,” he said, shaking his head and yanking on his arms. The taller man leaned his weight onto his wrists and Nick gave up on fighting. “Get off me, Dream.” 
They both ignored the three amigos cheering in the background, this time for Nick’s demise.
Two-faced assholes...
“What’s your password, Nick,” Dream asked, cocking his head to the side with his sly grin. He was, humiliatingly, completely at Dream’s mercy and his stomach twisted at the thought.
It was definitely the first time that they’d been so close to each other; Nick had never been able to see this much detail in Dream’s face. For a moment, he got distracted by the little scar that marred the right side of Clay’s top lip, wondering when and how he’d gotten it. When his lips twitched down into a confused frown, Nick snapped back into the moment with the realisation that he’d been staring at Dream’s mouth. 
He snapped his focus back up to Dream’s eyes, unable to miss the way his brows were creased with thought, and pushed a defensive snarl onto his own mouth as he glared up at Dream. “It’s not happening,” he said bluntly, hoping the embarrassed red of his cheeks could be passed off from their wrestling. 
Dream’s frown deepened with annoyance. “What’s your password, Nick?” he repeated, pressing his thumb hard into the inside of Nick’s wrist. He watched Nick’s face with an intensity that definitely hadn’t been there a moment ago, murky green eyes flickering over Nick’s features as searching for something specific. 
“Kill him! Kill him! Kill him!” 
“George, you dick!”
“He’s from Florida, man! He’ll do it!” 
The pressure on Nick’s inner wrist made him grimace and when Nick forced out a rough: “No, Clay,” he squeezed the other wrist harder, pinching the skin. The jolt of pain mixed with the tingle in his fingertips; Nick sucked in a deep breath and bit down hard on his bottom lip as he desperately tried to think of a way out of this situation. 
His train of thought was slammed to a stop when Dream’s eyes snapped down to Nick’s mouth like a magnet, time screeching to a neck-breaking halt. For a moment, neither of them moved. Dream’s grip loosened on Nick’s wrist but he didn’t even consider moving away, unable to focus on anything other than Dream’s gaze locked on his mouth and his own heartbeat slamming in his chest, in his throat, in his head. 
His lip slipped out from between his teeth, and out of reflex, he flicked his tongue to soothe the sting, and he could not ignore the way Dream sucked in a breath sharply through his teeth. Nick watched his pupils swell and he couldn’t say anything about Dream’s pink cheeks because he knew his own were just as warm. 
And then it was like a flip was switched. Dream clenched his jaw, eyes flicking back up to Nick’s with a clarity that caught him off guard. “Fine,” Dream said, voice low and even. He stuck his tongue in his cheek for a moment of thought, and Nick tried desperately to keep up with the hidden thoughts behind Dream’s eyes. “Have it your way.” 
Those words ran through Nick’s mind just once, before one wrist was released. Before he could even think to make his escape, rough fingers caught him by the jaw, tipping Nick’s head back as a grin flashed over Dream’s lips. 
Then those lips were on Nick’s. 
Dream kissed him and he kissed him hard, sinking his teeth into Nick’s bottom lip without waiting for a response. The jolt of pain dragged a grunt from Nick’s mouth, and he pressed it up against Dream’s, allowing the thumb on his chin to drag his lips apart. Clay kissed him hard and deep and hot and Nick gave it back just as rough and unforgiving. 
His free hand jumped to the back of Dream’s head, threading fingers through loose blonde hair as he tilted his head up into the kiss. He craned his head up off the mattress, nipping at Dream’s tongue when it flicked his top lip. With a fistful of hair in his hand, he smirked into the kiss and yanked hard, dragging Clay’s mouth off him so he could gasp in a breath of air. 
It was only a moment before Dream caught Nick by the wrist, shoving his hand back down into the mattress. Except this time, he slipped his fingers up, interlocking them with Nick’s as he kissed him. He pressed his tongue past Nick’s lips, growling at the sharp bites Nick delivered in return. 
He’d forgotten about Clay’s knee on his thigh until the pressure vanished, Dream instead using his knee to push Nick’s leg to the side. It only felt natural to drag his knee up, dragging his ankle along the backside of Dream’s legs and pulling on the back of his thigh.
Even when they were kissing, they were fighting. Nick tried to press up against Dream, squirming and yanking on his wrists all the while trying to chase Dream’s tongue back into his own mouth. “Dream,” he growled when the Clay once again blocked Nick’s tongue, shoving his head back down against the mattress.
“Shut up,” Dream snarled, shifting his knee up the mattress between Nick’s legs. It wasn’t close enough and Nick’s underwear was too tight and too hot for him to handle. He bit back an irritated whine, and blushed at the smirk on Dream’s face. 
“You’re such a dick,” Nick bit, squirming when Dream put both of his wrists together and with one hand, held them both down. His other hand caught Nick by the jaw as he scanned the Texan boy’s flushed face and kiss-worried lips, holding him still despite how Nick shifted and fought, wanting to get his hands on Dream’s shoulders, in his shirt, in his hair. 
He was frustratingly intoxicating and Nick could not get enough. Dream who smelt like heat, like sweat and aftershave. Dream who dug his fingertips into Nick’s jaw and chin, grinning while he tilted Nick’s head back so he could kiss him deeper. 
The tongue that pressed into Nick’s mouth was hot and greedy as it teased his own, and Nick could feel the smug glee that oozed from the man above him. “Takes one to know one,” he whispered against Nick’s cheek, before pushing Nick’s head all the way back and dropping his mouth to the curve of his throat. 
Somewhere in the back of Sapnap’s head, he registered that he could still hear the other boys. Their conversation, the video, the fight; it felt so much further away with Dream’s tongue abseiling down his neck, and numbly he wondered if the boys had forgotten they were there. 
The sweet trail of kisses that crept up the side of his neck were followed by a sharp bite to the skin just below Nick’s ear, and he couldn’t stop the cry from spilling from his mouth. Grinning lips and a cruel tongue smothered the stinging pain as Nick groaned; words of: “Fuck you, that hurt,” being followed by a moan he couldn’t bite back when Clay’s hand disappeared from his jaw and reappeared between his legs, pressing flat to Nick’s straining arousal. The flush of pleasure that wasn’t quite enough dragged a helpless whimper from his tongue as Nick tried to grind up into the touch only to have it vanish altogether. “Clay-” he moaned at the greedy sucking on his neck, loud and desperate and without a touch of shame. “Fuck, touch me- Please,” he gasped.
And that right there was his second screw up of the night. 
“Woah, WHAT!?” 
“FUCK, no, my ears!”
“Oh God, oh no, that’s- they’re not fighting anymore, that’s not fighting!” 
The clamour of voices exploded from Nick’s computer, their previous quiet conversation completely forgotten as all three men’s heads were undoubtedly flooded with scenes they didn’t want to imagine, ever. 
Dream vanished from on top of Nick within seconds, bolting to the computer as Nick scrambled to sit upright. His face was burning hot and he could barely catch his breath as he watched Dream smack a few buttons on the computer before rounding on him. 
His own cheeks were flushed bright red and the look of alarm would have made Nick laugh had their situation not been as embarrassing as it was for the both of them. “You didn’t mute your mic!?” Dream demanded and Nick stared back at him in disbelief. 
“What, was I supposed to anticipate that!?” he snapped back, squirming under Dream’s dirty look. He was still embarrassingly turned on from their… activities, and he had no idea what was even going to happen now. 
They were best friends who lived together, not horny teenagers who jumped each other when they got a little bit worked up! 
Dream rubbed his face with his hands, taking a deep breath and holding it. After a second of silence, he let it out with an exhausted laugh, shaking his head as he lifted it to look back over at Nick. “Well, that’s going to be an uncomfortable conversation,” he said simply, and Nick couldn’t help but laugh as well. What else was there to do?
“At least they weren’t streaming,” he offered and Dream snickered at the thought, tapping a few more buttons until the screen went black. Nick dropped back onto the mattress, hands on his face as he took a few breaths. His heart was still racing like crazy, and the pressure between his legs was starting to ache. 
When he pushed back up onto his forearms, dropping a hand to readjust himself as he lifted his gaze to Dream. Sharp, green eyes were locked on him, more specifically his hand, which paused in its movements under the intense stare. 
Nick watched with bated breath as a small smile twisted Dream’s lips, eyes dragging up over Nick as if considering all the things he could do to him. Wondering what was going through Clay’s head made Nick’s stomach drop and head spin. Dream slowly returned to the edge of the bed and Nick sat up further, unsure if he felt more scared of excited by the look in Clay’s eyes. He moved to drag his legs back towards him, but before he could get very far, Dream’s hands were locking onto his ankles, one hard pull dragging Nick to the edge of the mattress. 
He tipped his head back to look up at Dream, biting his tongue when Dream cupped his cheek, running his thumb along his bottom lip. 
“That’s an issue for another day,” Dream said, wetting his lip with his tongue as he tipped Nick’s head back further. He shifted back, arms barely holding him up as he tilted his head away from Dream’s hand. 
“Oh yeah?” he asked, a nervous laugh dropping from his mouth as he scooted back further. 
Dream nodded, grin unfazed as he crawled onto the mattress. A hand to Nick’s chest pushed him back onto the mattress, another hand sliding up the inside of Nick’s leg. “Yeah,” Dream said, ghosting his fingers over the front of his sweats and watching Nick bite back a whimper. “Kinda busy right now.” He dipped down, capturing Nick’s mouth in another kiss; this one sweeter and softer than any of their others. He coaxed a soft sound from Nick’s throat, sucking his bottom lip and drawing his tongue out to flick against his own. 
“Busy?” Nick gasped when Dream pulled back for a breath, both hands falling to the waistband on Nick’s sweatpants. 
“Yeah,” he said with a sly grin, “Really busy.” 
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opens-up-4-nobody · 3 years
#hmm sometimes i have a hard time gaging how worried i should be abt my behavior#like when i talk to ppl abt stuff they like nod along and agree like what im saying is normal#but i cant tell if what im saying is actually normal and im just being whiny or if theyre just nodding along bc its what u do when u talk#and like ultimately all that matters is if ur behavior is making ur life worst but like idk i tend to put up with a lot until someone else#is like: wtf that seems kinda not great#so like ???#like rn im laying here paralyzed thinking abt when im gonna go to the grocery store bc i have to get gas 1st#and literally the gas station is like 3min away but i am somehow ver much considering just opperating on no food bc i cant deal with it#and like i have to fill out reembursment sheets for a ton of stuff that was really expensive but if i even think about it its acutely#stressful and ive still not done it 2+weeks later#and i should ask my lab mate how we're getting to a conference this weekend but again if i think abt it i feel like im gonna die#and my apartment is a complete disaster area and im having stress dreama abt how messy it is but my brain wont let me clean it up#im just curled up at the bottom of my tiny self made fishbowl watching as the water trickles out a crack that my brain wont let me fix#if i just work harder i dont actually have to deal with my issues right?#i say is i continue to work 10hr days when i only get paid 29hrs a week#it has taken hr literally 4 going on 5 months to fully hire me and who knows how long itll actually take#bc they fucking suck#whatever... its only a few weeks until i go home for Thanksgiving... and then have to deal with how to get to the airport...#sigh... nothing can be easy#unrelated
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formulaonesmut · 2 years
Carlos Sainz -CHILI PEPPER 18+
A small reminder, im really bad in writing fluff so im sorry for the first part! I did writed smut before but never posted it, let me know what you think!
Warnings: dominance carlos, public fingering, teasing, slightly BDSM, unprotected sex, thigh/ass slapping, carlos getting called daddy, orgasm (both). PinV. SMUT 18+++
4.3K+ words
This is my work, and I do not consent for it to be shared to other websites platforms or apps nor can any of my original story lines re-written or continue by others, love all your support x
and a big thank you to @carlos55edits for helping me with everything! XXX
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It was a normal Saturday evening, hanging out with Charles, Daniel, Lando and carlos. We were outside by the pool, talking about the latest race Silverstone. Carlos his first win in Formula one. He totally deserved this one!.
Carlos was decide the formula one driver, a sweet caring person. Family on priority 1. Always driven to complete goals, and ofcourse formula one. His dream that came true. Carlos thought that he had everything he wanted. But when he saw you, he drowned..
A girl that supported him through everything, that didn’t needed a word to understand what he was feeling, and he needed someone that loved formula one.
There you were, the girl of his dreams.  But One point was missing.
The formula one love, you were a busy girl. Traveling for modelling. Its funny how you met carlos. You didn’t knew he was a formula one driver until 6 December 2021. You had a shoot for Ferrari, carlos and charles were there too when you shooted. And also did a  few pictures with carlos.
After that day, he invited you to the last race. He learned you everything about the sport and made you fell In love with it. not only the sport but also with him.
Yes you fell for him, pretty hard. He was the man you wanted, inside and outside.
Everyone knew that you were dating carlos, but that day.. 17 July, is a day you both never forget. Carlos his first ever win in formula one. And if it couldn’t be better, carlos his girl of his dreams became his.
There was one problem and It sounds easy but it wasn’t that easy, looking carlos in his eyes.. Making eye contact wasn’t that difficult because his brown eyes were always fixed on me. But when it came to point I could never looked him in the eye.
Carlos told me that Charles, Daniel and lando would come over today so I went out to give them space. When I came back home I saw them sitting by the pool. So I had the best idea to bring them drinks.
I quickly made a few cocktails, one without alcohol because lando doesn’t drink only on party’s. I putted them on a blade before walking out.
‘’hola hotties’’ I chuckled before handing them the cocktails.
‘’thanks yn, is this with alcohol?’’ lando immediately asked.
‘’no yours is without and the rest has a bit alcohol in it’’ I smiled before turning to carlos.
‘’text or call me when you need anything big boy’’ I told him before running my hand through his still wet hair
‘’where are you going Cariño?’’ he frowned, he sat on a big U formed couch, snuggled under a blanket, his hair was still messy because they were all day playing in and around the pool.
‘’oh I was going back inside, unpacking my package why?’’ I asked back. pointing to the boxes inside. I didn’t really bought something only a new red laced lingerie set and somethings I needed to pick up at the store for carlos.
‘’come on that can wait Cariño’’ he says, pulling with one hand on my arm, the other one hold the blanket up so I could join him
‘’are you sure, I don’t want to ruin your night with the boys’’ I said insecure. Its not that I don’t want to join but I don’t wanna be that girlfriend that is always taking his time away while he is with friends.
‘’don’t worry yn, you never ruin our night’’ charles spoke while smiling up to me.
‘’ yeah your amazing, the sunshine of our group we cant miss you!’’ lando chuckled before he putted his cocktail down.
‘’thank you’’ I mumbled softly before sitting down on carlos his lap, just a little bit to the side, my legs hanging over the side of the couch while carlos putted his right arm around me so I could snuggle against him.
The night goes by, we all drunk a little bit, not that much. (Except lando) Carlos his left hand never left my thigh that evening, his fingers tracing figures over my inner thigh while talking with them.
I tried not to think about yesterday evening. I really did my best.
You watched yourself in the mirror, carlos fucking you from  behind roughly. The mirror perfectly allowing you to see the powerful man behind you in ways you never wanted to change. You both could feel your orgasms building when he pulled your body up against his chest while he continued to thrust deeply and fast in and out you.
The new angle provided the perfect simulation to your G-spot. You watched your self in the mirror as his hand came down. Circling around and on your throbbing clit, finally allowing you to cum.
Your pussy clenched around him and drew out his orgasm as he came for the second time tonight inside you. One final powerful thrust before I felt his cum filling me, following by a few more as he trusted his hot cum into you, moaning your name, kissing your neck while praising you.
‘’stop moving princessa or you might feel a problem down here’’ carlos breathed in my neck before kissing your neck slightly.
‘’where were you In your pretty mind Cariño’’ carlos whispered before fixing his lips back on my bare shoulder.
I weared a short pink silky dress, shoulders naked. My body barley covered. Because I didn’t had anything to wear I had to wear a out’ going’’ dress. Carlos loved this dress, maybe that was why he couldn’t hold his hands off me.
It went silence for a few moments between us, the others not paying attention to us for a moment. Ofcourse he knows he is good in bed, but I never told him about my ‘flashbacks.’
‘’I got a flashback  ..  yesterday night’’ I mumbled before turning my head, burring it in his neck. my lips dangerly close to his neck, my breath on his skin made him getting goosebumps
‘’ Cariño.. ‘’ carlos mumbled, his grip on my thigh got stronger “ you were so good for me princessa’’ he breath out, my lips finding his neck really quick.
Carlos got also flashbacks from yesterday, blood rushing to his cock. Sweet lips on his neck didn’t make it any easier then it was.
‘’yn, you should stop princessa’’
I slowly lifted my hips a bit up, moving my ass over his tight crotch. For the others it seemed like I was adjusting on his lap but it was nothing like that, my ass grinding for a few seconds over his crotch, immediately feeling his cock growing.
‘’you think anyone will notice if I start fingering you right now?’’ he whispers, his Spanish accent was thick. It maybe sounds weird but when he is talking Spanish.. it does turn me on.
 my eyes going wide at his question, cheeks flushing red as my thighs rubbed against eachoter, the thought he wanted to finger me while we were with his friends..
‘’come on Cariño answer me, iknow you can be a good girl’’ he mumbles, his left hand sneaking under my dress. His fingers dangerly close to my core.
‘’i-I don’t think I can be quiet c-carlos’’ I whimpered, my hips slightly bulking up, trying to find any friction from his hand, his hand perfectly cupped my pussy.
‘’shut up and take it, or I might have to punish you later’’ he whispers before pulling me upwards, making me sit on his lap, my back fully pressed against his chest. my both legs fell becide his, he slowly opened  his legs making mine automatically spread further
Luckily we had a blanket over our legs, his fingers slowly pulling on my thong, his fingers playing with the fabric before shoving them aside.
‘’mhm Cariño so ready for this’’ he winked, charles’ his eyes shooting to carlos.
Their friendship is so strong that charles immediately knew what was happening underneath the blanket. His finger tracing from my entrance to my clit a few times, spreading my wetness. My head well thrown back in his neck, hearing him mumble things.
A shiver left my spine as  his fingers goasted through my soaked folds,  a sharp breath followed caught off by the gasp that left my lips, carlos his fingers were already knuckle deep inside of me without even a thought of a warning. A string of whimpers left my mouth making the others frown confused.
‘’you okay yn?’’ Daniel asked worried, ofcourse I was okay. I bit my lip as carlos founded a steady rhythm inside before adding a second finger, the stretch practically burning  at this point but the pleasure of the new founded fullness overrode your pain receptors.
‘’answer them’’ he whispered under his breath before speaking louder ‘’yeah  Cariño do you need something? ‘’ carlos asked, putting his best acting skills on to sound worried. His fingers slowed down for a second, but when I opened my mouth to speak his fingers touched that sweet spot inside me.
‘’just..’’ I slightly moaned as carlos his fingers hitted again that sweet spot inside me. ‘’having really really.. bad pain cramps at the moment’’ I smiled a bit, a bit proudly on my quick excuse.
‘’oh god im sorry, it sucks to be a girl huh?’’ lando chuckled, I slightly nodded as carlos his fingers started to speed up again, his fingers touching constantly that G-spot inside me
‘’yeah.. period time’’ I sighed, throwing my head back against carlos his shoulder, my bottom lip tucked between my teeth. 
‘’make sure your safe then’’ charles winked at carlos, who letted out a small laugh.
‘’im sure we will huh princess?’’ smirked before kissing my cheek he stilled his movements before pulling me a bit up, setting myself between his legs so he is hugging  me from behind. His legs pulled upwards to steady me between them. His other hand found his way down too, because his legs were pulled upwards, the blanket felt perfectly over his knee down to the ground. Giving him enough space to fuck me harder with his fingers. His thumb found my throbbing clit, making me shiver even more.
It felt like my world paused, his thumb circling over my clit while his three fingers were inside me. The stretch of his large fingers made me moan. ‘’fuck..’’ the moan was definitely heard by the others, all three of them looking at me. Except charles who was swallowing hard, not because of his drink. But because he knew all well what was really going on.
‘’sorry guys.. I think im gonna head to bed’’ I whimpered, carlos his fingers speeded up once again, his fingers pumping in and out me in a reckless pace. His thumb got replaced with his forefinger as he added  a little bit of pressure. He could feel how close I was, my pussy clenching around his fingers he knew my orgasm wasn’t far away.
‘’well guys we are going back home’’ lando spoke before Daniel, charles and lando got up carlos pulled his fingers out me, I pouted already missing the fullness.
‘’it was an amazing night guys!’’ carlos smiled.
 ‘’we should do this often, maybe I can bring my girl too’’ lando spoke, carlos jumped out behind me before hugging them goodbye
And within 10 seconds after they left, carlos easily picked me up, making me laying down on the couch outside, himself settled between my legs.
‘’your so fucking wet, I can see you dripping from right here.’’ Carlos smiled proudly, he exactly knew what he did to me. And he couldn’t say he wasn’t proud on that.
I closed my eyes when I felt his tongue running through my folds, licking from my entrace up to my clit, sucking it a little bit before licking back down.
‘’chilli.. please stop teasing.. I need you..’’ I whined, my hand gripping into his hair, slightly pulling on it.
His tongue circled around my throbbing and sensitive clit. When I felt his two fingers entering me again I moaned loudly.
‘’there you go hermosa, let me hear you’’ carlos hummed before diving back into my pussy, eating you out like a starved men. His puffy lips sucking on my sensitive clit while his two fingers were pumping in and out me, my walls already clenching around his fingers. He knew it wouldn’t take me long because he was already edging me the whole evening.
‘’look at me babygirl’’ he mumbled, his fingers curling to hit my G-spot, sometimes he knew my body better then myself.
I struggled with opening my eyes, and there he was. Looking up at me while eating me out, his lips red and swollen from sucking my clit while his fingers where still moving in and out me in a strong and fast pace. Making sure he would hit my G-spot every time.
‘’your clenching like crazy princessa’’ he smiled, pulling his face a bit away.
‘’what are you doing.. please chilli finish it’’ I whined, completely at his mercy.
‘’I will princessa, do you wanna cum then?’’ he asked me, his fingers still working inside me, I nodded heavily in response. 
And within a second his lips were back on my clit, sucking like crazy as his fingers sped up, hitting my G-spot every time. 
‘’I want you to hold your eyes open, I want you to look at me while you cum.. now you can let it go babygirl’’ he mumbled
So soon as his permission for you to cum was granted, you   letted your high take over. The walls  of your cunt contracting and squeezing his fingers, locking them inside. i barely could hear anything around myself. My eyes got closed, I couldn’t even hold them open. I came that hard that I felt like I was flying right after I cumed.
‘’that was … intense chilli’’ I breath out, completely blown off. He is an expert in going down on you. Something not every guy could do.
‘’Abierta’’ Open.
He held his 2 wet fingers for my mouth, I instantly opened my mouth, taking his fingers in my mouth before sucking them clean.
‘’anything you want princess?’’ he asked carefully, I saw his well formed tent in his basketball shorts. Got that has to be thight..  he caught me looking at it.
‘’you don’t have to- I mean, if you want but I can fix it myself-‘’ he startled, I interrupted him immediately
‘’I would love to ..’’ I paused, his eyes shooted up to mines’.
‘’to have you inside my mouth’’ I smiled. He quickly got up before helping me up.
His hands came down to tangle into your making a swift ponytail, when my hands flew to his boxer to pull him down he pulled on my hair. Making me stop.
‘’ask nicely princess’’ he raised his eyebrow almost laughing at me.
‘’please carlos.. let me fix you please’’ I begged him, slowly caressing his already harden dick through his black boxer.
‘’please daddy’’ I said with puppy eyes, he quickly nodded before letting me pull his boxer down, his cock sprung free against his abdomen.
He slightly blushed, he was already leaking pre-cum. He was so desperate for me.
‘’give me your hand princess’’ he smiled, I obeyed him as I gave him my hand. He wrapped his hand with mine underneath his around his member. As he started pumping up and down.
Carlos was massive, he was bigger then a normal guy.
‘’ stick out your tongue.’’ Carlos demanded me, so did I. sticking out my tongue, carlos grabbed my jaw, his fingers digging into my skin as he pulled me forward, sucking his cheek before making a bowl of spit, spitting in my mouth.
‘’don’t swallow, now use that pretty mouth and help daddy out’’ i blushed, carlos calling himself daddy was something new, and I couldn’t say I didn’t liked it. I leaned down, licked along his length before kissing the tip. You looked up at him, his head had fallen back, his chest was rising and falling quickly. I bought my head forward to take him into my mouth letting him hit the back of my throat immeadtiy earning a ‘’fuck princessa’’ from him.
It was hard but I could fit him. His hips were slowly bulking upwards to meet my movements.
‘’your mouth feels heavenly yn’’ carlos moaned out, letting me decide the pace. I slowly started picking it up, my head bobbing faster up and down, spit stringing down to the ground.
His breathing starts to quicken, his chest moving faster up and down as he cupped with his other hand my cheek. ‘’ I wanna cum inside you ’’ his words going straight to your core, panties already wet, thighs rubbing against eachoter.
His hips were bulking upwards as his legs started shaking, he immediately pulled me off his dick. The way he got to the last few seconds, edging himself to the limit and not wanting to cum.  
‘’mhm that was hot but I have to spare it to fill that pretty pussy of yours’’ he said when he catched his breath, his cheeks were shiny red. Lips plumped and legs still shaking a bit
‘’I still need to punish you. Are You in for trying something new?’’ he smirked, I nodded. He got up and pulled my panties down, helping me to step out them.
‘’give me your hands’’ he commanded. I sticked out my both hands, he quickly tied my both wrist together with my soaked thong.
I bit my lip, If I wasn’t turned on. I would now, carlos grabbed my waist, lifting me up before walking to the pool.
‘’what are we doing? Chilli?’’ I asked, my nails digging into his skin as my legs snapped around his waist.
‘’do you trust me yn?’’ he asked, his eyes fixing on mine, he stopped walking, waiting for my answer
‘’yes ofcourse I do chilli’’ I smiled, before leaning in to give him a small kiss.
He accepted it and smiled against my lips, the kiss was soft and quick, carlos walked with me in his arms into the pool, it wasn’t that cold but the contact with the water made me softly moan. He could stand in his pool,  but I obesely  couldn’t…
He softly pushed me against the pool, pinning me in the pool between him and the wall. He Cupped my boob in his hand, his thumb slides over my nipple, causing it to harden and become erect. His lips moves  down  below my ear and begins sucking on your skin , creating a mark, his hand kneads into your tit, his thumb roughly rubbing  your nipple, your breathing quickened immediately. 
He pulled me a little bit up, his left knee coming up to let me sit. My boobs just a little bit above the water. His head drips down as his lips find their way to your other tit, his tongue flattens against your skin as he licks down to your nipple, his lips wrap around it as he begins sucking on the bud, while still rolling your other nipple between his finger.
‘’chilli.. please I want you inside me’’ I breath out while he sucked on my erect nipple.
One hand left my tit, his head came up when he pressed his sweet lips on mine, the kiss was hungry and rough. Tongues fighting and slightly lip biting.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             he slowly grabbed my tied hands, pulling me with him to the un deeper place of the pool, that was about 50 cm deep. He made me sit/ half layed. My back pressed against the edge of the pool when he got above me. I softly moaned in his mouth when I felt his dick at my entrance, him teasing with the tip at my entrance with each guide of our bodies, my hand drifted down your body as you prepared him for how tight you would be.
We both hissed as he pushed himself inside me, bottoming out until his whole dick disappeared inside me. He stretched my walls just as expected.
‘’fuck, eyes here darling’’ he muttered between the heavy breaths, one of his hands were on your throat, his finger pads digging into the skin. Making your eyes rolling back.
‘’I said eyes here princessa’’ he corrected you, his hand that’s on your neck to hold you in place when the other one rested behind you on the edge of the pool.
It was hard to hold your eyes open when carlos started to pump in and out you, already squeezing him like crazy, you both knew your didn’t gonna last long. Every time carlos pushed back in he hitted your G-spot, making you already seeing stars.
He had you under his grip, moaning at his touch and begging him to keep going. His lips kissing and pinching at your skin as loud moans escaped your mouth, his trust became harder, the water splashing around us. 
Heavy breaths and moans filled the silence. Carlos leaned down, kissing your neck slightly. Not slowing his pace.
He kissed your neck, sucking a bruise under your ear before whispering
‘fuiste hecho para mi’’ you were made for me.
You got goosebumps, the knot in your belly grewed bigger and bigger, your walls clenching around carlos, finger pads digging into his shoulders
‘’carlos im gonna cum..’’ you moaned out, almost whining. His dick constantly hitting your G-spot when he fastened his pace.
‘’let it go princessa’’ he whispered, well moaning in your ear. And that was enough to send you over the edge, moaning carlos his name, nails digging into his skin as your legs tried to close around carlos his hips. Your second orgasm was way intense then your first one, your body shaking slightly.
‘’you got one more princessa?’’ he asked carefully when you came back to breath. You was speechless but more then ready for him.
You gave him a small nod, he picked you, turning you around, pulling your ass up so you were on hands and knees. He quickly settled himself behind you before entering you again making you shiver, whimpers left your mouth. you were so sensitive because off the overstimulation you were feeling.
He got quickly his pace back, hitting every sweet spot inside you, your pussy clenching around him making it even tighter then it was, he spanked your ass having you jolting forward. A load moan escaped your mouth when he slapped you again, harder this time.
He spanked you one last time before his hand smoothed your skin which was now displayed a handprint, belonging to him.  Carlos kissed your back softly when his hand sneaked down.  Playing with your clit making you moan his name.
‘’oh baby.. so tight’’ carlos moaned, his legs started to shake against your but. His trusts became sloppier, knowing that he is close too.
 Carlos his thumb still toyed with your clit, even when your wrist wrapped around his to pull him away from the overstimulation you were feeling, you were about to explode when your third orgasm washes over you it almost hurted, tears forming In your eyes, walls clenching around carlos as your body was completely shaking.
Carlos gave two powerful trusts before his orgasm approached, he moaned your name while stroking your back. ‘’you were amazing princessa..’’ he breath out before slowly pulling out you his cum dripping out you.
You letted yourself falling on the ground, totally exhausted when you came back to breath. You felt carlos picking you up, laying you down before laying a towel over you.
He leant down and gave you a kiss on your forehead.
‘’I will be right back okay?’’ he asked, you were completely off the world still trying to catch your breath.
‘’okay.’’ Your voice was quiet when carlos disappeared into his house.
You and carlos were addicted on eachoter, this was by far this was the best sex you ever had.
3 minutes passed before carlos walked back. almost chuckling at the sight of you, laying under a towel, completely blown off. Body shining from the water as your cheeks were red glowing.
‘’oh baby.. was I- .. to hard for you?’’ he asked carefully before untying your hands.
‘’it was perfect’’ you smiled, pressing a kiss onto his lips, hands still shaking.
His smile was big, but you could see that he was tired.
‘’so .. I have this’’ he gave you fresh clothes, a bra and thong and a big sweater of him.
‘’come on I will help you’’ he softly picked me up, carrying me upstairs, carlos putted me down on the toilet, making sure I peed. When I was done he helped me with brushing my teeth, before we went to bed. He gave me a sweater of his and got snacks before we watched a movie.
We both slept like babys after that.
Im not sure what I think of this part, besides the fact that this is my first time finishing a part. Is English not my first langue. Let me think what you want to see in the next part!
This is my work, and I do not consent for it to be shared to other websites platforms or apps nor can any of my original story lines re-written or continue by others, love all your support x
Should I make this a story?
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seita · 4 years
— better than (m.)
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pairing : iwaizumi/reader
wordcount : 3.087
genre : fluff, smut, pwp
cw : college!au, athletic trainer!iwaizumi
tags : implied age gap (hes 27 reader is in college- age nkt specified. he's older tho), size kink, dom!iwa, pussy job (a lil bit), multiple orgasms, sensitivity kink (if u squint), squirting, fingering, creampie, aftercare.
note : this was just an excuse to write about how iwaizumi is better than any other boy <3 thank u to @toshisins for beta'ing this for me <3
+ summary : you're so tired of dumb college boys who hump and dump, with no stroke game, and can never even try to get you off. that is, until you meet 27 year old iwaizumi hajime.
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When you first met Iwaizumi Hajime at the bar near your college campus, you noticed how good looking he was. Well, that was an understatement - he was tall, fit with tanned skin and a confident aura that made you weak in the knees.
You hadn't actually had the courage to approach him, however. Instead, you let some college boy buy you a cheap drink and take you home for some mediocre sex before kicking you out after not even 15 minutes of his reckless humping.
The second time you met him was at the same place. He was sitting at the bar, nursing a glass of whiskey that was almost empty. His back was to you and it gave you a wonderful view of his broad shoulders.
The mediocre lay from the last time you had been there attempted to chat you up again with false confidence, as if he had been the best fuck of your life. Naturally, you weren't having any of his bullshit - he tried to rub your clit like a scratch and sniff, forcing you to pry his hand away from it, there was no chance in hell you were giving him another second of your time. He definitely wasn't the type of guy who took rejection well, if not evident by the way he exploded and went off calling you a wide, colorful variety of names paired with numerous hurtful insults that had tears of humiliation filling your eyes.
“Hey now,” a smooth, deep voice had interrupted his very public spiel, “Don’t punish the girl for your own short comings, if she doesn't wanna fuck you again, don't you think that says more about your abilities as a man?”
The other man sputtered, muttering even more curses before storming out - probably not wanting to tussle with a guy who looked like he benched every second of his day.
There was something about Iwaizumi that just immediately had your heart skipping a beat over him. He was kind, a gentleman, and never seemed desperate or overbearing. He was confident and comfortable with himself and where he was in life.
You quickly learned that Iwaizumi was 27, almost 28 and worked as an athletic trainer so he traveled a lot.
For a while, your relationship seemed one sided with him. You'd text him and he’d reply but he rarely ever actually reached out to you. You tried flirting with him, asking him out for drinks, but it never seemed to pull him in.
It was frustrating. In basically no time at all, you had developed a stupid puppy dog crush on him. You felt like a middle school girl with a crush on a high school senior - like he was never going to give you the time of day. You were simply too young for him.
You eventually stopped trying with him, choosing to delete your message thread with him and continued on with your life.
You went through more college-boy hookups - all of them ending in disaster. Quite frankly, you were fed up with mediocre cock and being treated like shit when they were done with you. It wasn't a nice feeling, being kicked out after they didn't even bother trying to make you cum.
You couldn’t help but wonder what Iwaizumi would be like in bed. He was just so attractive, you knew he had gotten his dick wet more times than he could count. He definitely seemed the type who preferred relationships over hookups.
That's when it occurred to you.
You pulled out your phone and scoured your contacts. It had been a couple weeks since you spoke but you couldn't resist bugging him just one last time. You opened a new message thread with him and quickly typed the question that was now plaguing your mind.
“Do you have a girlfriend?”
It was the question that had changed the course of your relationship with him.
When you asked, it was like everything fell into place. Perhaps it finally relayed to him the interest you had. All that really mattered was the fact he suddenly began talking to you, starting conversations and even venturing into phone calls with you.
You lost all interest in those college boys you once hung out with and went home with to get laid. None of them made you feel the way Iwaizumi could with a simple text message. He was everything a girl could ask for and you were shocked he was single.
Which was why you were quick to ask him on a date, not caring if it made you look desperate -- you practically were. You would be damned if he went off the market while you were busy beating around the bush.
Going on a date with Iwaizumi was like a dream. You were so used to dates at sleazy bars for a couple of drinks just so they could hurry up and take you home for a quick fuck.
Iwaizumi took the time to take you on several dates -- dinner, movies, walks around town to obscure shops he thought you might like, before it finally led to the bedroom.
You had never been nervous with sex but with Iwaizumi it was different. The routine was dumb college boys who usually fawned over your tits for a few minutes before their hard ons became the center of their brain function.
You found yourself completely bare on his bed as he stood at the foot, fully clothed. The way his eyes raked across your body like a lion eyeing its next, delicious meal had you curling in on yourself shyly.
His lips quirked up as your arms came across your breasts, shielding them from his predatory gaze, “Oh now, you know better than that, don’t you? What kind of good girl hides herself, hm? Acted so eager for my cock all this time, now you wanna be shy?”
You gasp, cheeks flushing hot as you register his words -- he’d known you wanted him that badly all this time?
He clicks his tongue, “You didn’t think you were subtle did you? Bet you would have done anything to get your paws on my dick when I got off work early the other day, hm? Showed up at your apartment...you were starin’ real hard at me, I’m right aren’t I?”
You think that to that day, lashes fluttering against your cheeks at the memory. He was wearing loose gray sweats and a muscle tank top that showed his biceps flexing with every movement he made. Your eyes had immediately been drawn, however more down to his crotch instead. Where you could clearly see the outline of his cock through the material.
You had stuffed your little fingers in your cunt for hours that night, thinking about how big he looked -- even soft, couldn’t imagine if he was hard.
“Ah, there you go again,” he muses, snapping you out of your haze, “Maybe if you ask real pretty for me, I’ll give you just what you want.”
“Please,” you immediately gasp, “Want you so much Hajime, i-it hurts. Can’t stop thinkin’ about you…”
“It hurts?” he huffs, finally reaching up to pull his shirt off, leaving you to ogle his pecs and defined abs, which flex as he works on removing his jeans, “Needy little cunt hurts ‘cause you don’t have a nice, fat cock stuffing it full? Such a dramatic little baby. I just know your phone is full of some little college boys’ numbers...why don’t you give them a call?”
You shake your head, “Don’t want them! I just know they’re not as good as you, Hajime, please...please make me cum, I'll do anything?”
“Aw, those idiot little boys don’t know how to make a pretty girl like you cum, is that it?” he asks, climbing onto the bed, making the mattress dip beneath you as he slots himself between your thighs.
“No,” you pout, letting him spread your legs, hands under your knees to open you up to his greedy gaze.
“So compliant with me, you just need a real man to get you off, huh?” he smiles when you nod, “Don’t worry, I’ll take real good care of you.”
Oh, you knew. Just from the way he moved his hips against yours, parting your folds so the head of his cock glided from your clenching little hole, dragging your slick up to your clit -- you just knew that he knew what he was doing.
As you looked between your legs, you felt yourself gush at the sight. His cock was so big, long and fat, drooling precum over your slick little slit, making a mess. He wrapped his fist around his length, making you whimper as his fingers couldn’t even wrap around the girth of him. He slapped his cock against your cunt, groaning at the strings of your slick that clung to him.
“Such a messy cunt,” he sighs, making sure to spank your clit with the head of his cock, laughing breathlessly when your thighs jumped in response to the sudden stimulation, “So fucking eager for me, aren’t you?”
“Uhuh,” you sigh, arching your hips, “Want you to fuck, please, Hajime, need it so bad.”
Much to your dismay, he shakes his head, “Can’t just put it in, pretty baby,” the pet name makes you whimper, “It’ll hurt too much, want you to feel good, yeah?”
“I can handle it,” you breathlessly reassure, canting his hips upward once more to drag your clit against that ridge on the crown of his cock, “Jus’ put it in…”
He doesn’t respond this time but still makes no move to put his cock inside. You’re distracted, however, by the way he now focuses on playing with your clit. Using his cock, he drags the underside across the hard little bud, slaps it once with the tip and before you know it your body is seizing up and you cum.
You let out a string of curses, falling limp against the bed as he works you through the quick high.
“See, that was so easy,” he chuckles, “Those stupid little boys you’ve been letting screw you have no idea what they’re doing, do they? Little cunts so sensitive, I barely even had to do anything to make you cum.”
You’re still trembling when you come down, licking your lips as you give him a dopey little smile and a nod at his cooing. He can’t resist leaning down, and pressing his lips against yours almost desperately. You wrap your arms around his neck, holding him in a deep kiss while his hand finds its way between your legs, two fingers sliding easily into your slick little cunt.
You moan into his mouth, “Hajime ah! ...please, make me cum again.”
“Fuck, you’re so desperate for me,” he hisses through his teeth, “Clenching around my fingers so tight. If I crook my fingers...right here...I bet you’ll just…”
As if on cue, his fingertips hook on your g-spot and you squeal, legs kicking out as you gush around his fingers. He bites his lip and continues to fuck his fingers against that spot, watching your eyes roll back, mouth falling open in a silent cry as you cum for the second time in mere minutes.
“Y-You’re so good, Hajime…” you praise softly, “Fuck, please, give me your cock now!”
He laughs and sits up properly again, pulling his fingers from your cunt. He examines them for a second, slick with your cum and streaks of cream covering the digits before he pops them into his mouth with a moan, savoring the taste of you.
“Alright, baby,” he sighs after pulling out his fingers with a pop!. He grips you beneath the knees again and scoots closer until his tip prods at your entrance. You shudder at the feeling, “Relax for me, pretty girl, let me in…”
Iwaizumi begins pushing in, letting out a soft groan as the head finally buries itself in your cunt. You squeal at the feeling, pulling your knees closer to your chest. The sound of you moaning and whimpering just from his head has him throbbing almost painfully against your tender cunt.
“Almost there…” he huffs, grinning at the sight of your eyes rolling back, “Ah, does that feel good?”
“Yes!” you cry out, “Biggest cock I’ve ever had…’s full…”
“Yeah, baby? It feels so good to finally get your cunt filled with a nice, big cock huh?” he laughs when you nod eagerly, “It’s alright, baby. You won’t have to deal with any mediocre college boys anymore, yeah? This cock’s all yours now…you hear that? All yours.”
Your hand flies down between your legs, finding your clit. He watches with lidded eyes as you circle the little bud and squeal, keeping his hips still to let you cum around his cock nice and hard like you need.
“That’s it, pretty girl,” he hums, “Get yourself off, you know what you need...atta girl…”
You sigh happily at his praise, licking your lips and relax against the bed once more. He takes that as his hint that you were ready, pulling his hips back before roughly slamming back inside your sensitive cunt. It knocks the air from your lungs and you cry out, unable to hold back your noises as he fucks you senseless.
He uses his strength to keep you pinned, forcing your knees against your chest, leaving your cunt open and vulnerable to his pistoning cock. Iwaizumi is so big that the stretch burns every time he sinks back into you, the tip touching your cervix with every calculated thrust, making your entire body ache with the deep pain of it.
But it all feels so good, you’d never been fucked like that before. He knew exactly where to aim his cock, keeping his eyes fixed on your face to watch your reactions, gaze flicking down to where his cock stuffs your cunt full to watch you coat him in your cream whenever he grazes that sweet little spot deep inside you -- a spot no other man had ever tried to find before.
“Feel good?” he questions, though he knew the answer even before you cry it out.
“Ah, yes! Yes, yes, yes!” you sob, “I-It feels so good, Hajime! Fuck, you’re so good at fucking me! You make me feel like a virgin all over again!”
He grins, “Yeah, I know I am, baby.”
His cocky, confident response would have been a turn off with any other man, but with him -- it only made you moan. He had every right to be cocky, he knew just how to use his cock and it was exhilarating.
“You gotta cum again for me, pretty,” he pants, “Cum again, one more time, let go.”
Your throat burns from how much you scream for him, the messy noises coming from him fucking your sloppy cunt should be embarrassing -- you’ve never made such a mess before. You’ve never been so wet, creaming and gushing all the way down his balls.
He didn’t seem to mind, instead he seemed to only be turned on by it.
“I want you to squirt, can you do that for me? Make a pretty mess for me.”
You shake your head, “D-Don’t know how...Can’t.”
“Yes you can, baby,” he purrs, “I can make you, you know that I will.”
You didn’t but, you couldn’t help but nod -- immediately believing him and trusting him. He shifts his knees just slightly, changing his center of balance before his palm curls over your pubic bone, thumb effortlessly finding itself pressed against your clit.
The change in angle lets him hit your g-spot even more brutal than before. You’re immediately arching and crying out for him, eyes rolling back into your head as you feel your orgasm slam into you faster than you’d ever experienced.
Instead of slowing you down, he works you through it, keeping the same, animalistic pace and keeps his thumb pressed against your clit, the rough pad of his thumb has you ogling. If anything, the calloused hands of Iwaizumi proves to you how much of a real man he is, those college boys have nothing on him.
“Give it to me, c’mon,” he urges, clenching his teeth together from the effort it takes to keep going to this hard and fast pace.
“H-Haji…” you cut yourself off as you feel yourself get thrown over the edge again. This time, something feels different and you can’t help but sob, “Please! I-I’m gonna-!”
“That’s it, fuck!” he moans, pace stuttering when you squirt -- your cum splashing against his abs as you shudder and squeal, “Good fuckin’ girl, my good girl. Shit, where do you want me to cum?”
“I-Inside! Fuck, please! I need your cum!” you immediately sob, nails biting in his biceps where you reach out to grip him -- trembling and crying from overstimulation as he works towards his own high.
“You sure? Shit,” you nod, breathless pleas falling from your lips as he finally stills, spilling his load deep inside with a long, drawn-out groan.
Everything is still for a moment and then he’s pulling out with a hiss. You whine at the feeling of your cunt gaping, yearning for his cock again, as his cum leaks out.
He hums, “Sorry about that, let me get you cleaned up.”
You sigh, and close your eyes, trying to relax and let your body settle its trembling. He comes back and quietly works on cleaning the mess between your thighs.
“Alright, up you go,” he sighs, taking your arm and helping you to your feet. You whine and wobble for a second, making him laugh, “You good?”
“Y-Yeah…” you stumble a bit and lean against his dresser, looking for your discarded clothes.
He has his back to you as he strips his sheets. Suddenly, you feel shut out -- like you shouldn’t be there anymore.
He brushes past you to his closet, pulling out some fresh sheets. You feel silly, standing there naked while he gets ready for bed. You bend down and grab your panties, clumsily putting them on before moving to pick up your dress, where it’s crumpled on the floor.
“What’re you doing?” he laughs, “That won’t be comfortable to sleep in.”
“Huh?” you tilt your head to the side and he pauses fluffing his pillows.
“What...you didn’t think I was kicking you out, did you?” he asks and scoffs at the face you make.
“Well I...usually I…” you shift on your feet nervously and he frowns, walking up to you.
He cups your cheeks and makes you look at him, “Jesus, who have you been fucking?” he laughs and gently nudges you towards the bed, “Lay down before you fall over.”
Fighting back a smile, you do as you’re told and sit on the bed, watching as he puts on a fresh pair of sweats, waiting for him to join you. When he does, he immediately pulls you into his arms, pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
“Take a nap, and then we’ll take a shower.”
“It’s 11 at night, it wouldn’t be a nap,” you counter with a giggle.
“Well,” he sighs, “Take a shower in the morning then, and then we can go get breakfast, yeah?”
You smile and relax against him, “Sounds good.”
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seita © 2020 | all content and its rights belong to me. do not modify or repost
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dourpeep · 3 years
Sprout that last fic was amazing! 10/10 blushing like a school girl as I read it. Im not sure if requests are open right now so no worry if they are not but just wondering if I could maybe ask for something almost along the same lines (them trying to work as you please them) but plot twist just as they think its safe and do finish someone walks in and catches them. (Im a meanie and like to see guys flustered and embarrassed) but Diluc Zhongli and Xiao please
aforementioned fic
Flustered men,,, that's my life blood, and Diluc, Zhongli, and Xiao? The most stoic of them all??? SIGN ME U P
Not to mention I did write that one Xiao imagine where you're doing the do outdoors-
Caught in the Act
Summary: To be fair, neither of you noticed because you were too busy... Featuring: Diluc, Xiao, and Zhongli
Contains: ((NSFW 18+)) character x reader, caught in the act, (Xiao) outdoor sex, clothed sex (Zhongli) blowjob
Fun Fact: the location for Xiao’s is a real in-game place that's easily accessible and also poorly hidden. How indecent of you, Xiao—
The two of you have created a sort of schedule when it comes to intimacy. With the limited free time you both have, you make the most of it.
Luckily, today was one of the days where you were both at the winery with enough downtime for more than just a quick moment of privacy.
In the peace of his bedroom, you’re entangled in soft silken sheets, a leg hooked up over Diluc’s hip while he supports himself above you on his forearms.
The back of his hand brushes along your cheek, tracing your jaw before he leans in to capture your lips in a kiss. Already, you’ve shed your clothing, careful to keep his unwrinkled for work later. Chest pressing to yours, he takes you, moving slow. When you mumble for him to go faster, he chuckles.
“It’s alright. We have more time today.”
You try your best to quell your desires for the man above you, but the fire in your belly aches. He gently chides you but obliges.
His thrusts grow harder, each thrust making you shift up the bed. Deep and slow, he leans over you to meet lips. Each press is flooded with unspoken words.
It’s easy to get lost in the moment when every touch sets your body aflame and the way that such a gentleman can be so gentle but utterlyimpassioned. The way his body cages you in, filling your senses with everything that he is.
“Darling—” His lips drag against yours when he speaks, an arm wrapping under you to lift your hips just a tad.
Ghosting his touch over your hip and thigh, he reaches between you to help bring you to completion, keeping the steady rhythm he’d begun to make sure you can ride out the pleasure as long as possible.
Relishing in the way you moan his name and grip his arms, he starts a quicker pace enough to make you see stars chasing his own orgasm. Beneath him, you throw your head back and cry out in a soft plea.
There’s a quiet knock at the door, loud enough that normally you’d be able to hear accompanied by a voice.
“Master Diluc, there’s someone here to see you.”
The door opens and the unfortunate maid gasps when she sees the intimate embrace, making you jump and Diluc tug the covers over you both with a swiftness you’d otherwise be impressed about.
He works so, so very hard day in and out with battling the monsters and demons that plague the land. Similarly, your days are filled with commissions and battling for the materials you need to make your team and weapons stronger. It only makes sense that you meet him in the middle.
This time, however, you were fortunate enough to be able to convince him to help out with a treasure hoarder problem. It was a bit more difficult than usual, but nothing that the two of you paired with Xinyan and Zhongli couldn’t handle.
The area for the commission, though, was a tricky one, including two separate locations that needed to be cleared out. Zhongli is more than happy to accompany the young Rockstar to the secondary location while you and Xiao handle the other. Really, it should just be a quick thing this way.
Like you thought, it takes only a few flashes of anemo with your help before the treasure hoarders are chased out, but with the heat, you’re left sweating and tired.
“Do we have enough time to freshen up?”
The crystalline waters nearby are a godsend, cool and refreshing and—you turn to Xiao to see the way his shirt sticks to his muscles and how droplets of water stream down his arms.
So now, somewhere between Lingjiu Pass and Mt. Tiangheng, you’re hidden in a rocky alcove behind a waterfall, bodies flush together as he thrusts into you feverishly. You’ve both hastily pulled down trousers and shucked off unnecessary items adorning your outfits, left partly clothed.
The feeling of him so desperate to feel you is maddening.
Your bodies mingle, still tired and sweaty from the fighting, but you can hardly bother to care. Shifting, he hoists you up to wrap your legs around his waist and angles you to reach deeper. He hits the spot that makes you see stars and you cry out his name as you unravel.
Xiao’s pace grows sloppy with the way you squeeze around him, patience leaving with the way he’s getting close. His forehead presses against your neck when he shakily moans your name, thrusting up once more before releasing.
Breathing hard, he meets your lips for a kiss—
“I understand the appeal of partaking in activities that relieve stress, however…”
It’s unmistakable, the voice that speaks up.
Immediately, Xiao’s eyes snap open and his face explodes in color, nearly dropping you in his surprise. You’re glad that your bodies are mostly covered by the large rock you’re behind, but you doubt that Xiao would be very willing to accompany you and your team on a commission anytime soon.
It’s not strange to want privacy in your own home.
While Zhongli is busy with his job at the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor, he has ample time in the mornings and late afternoon to indulge in you. Those long hours are spent in each other’s arms, drawing every gasp and every moan from lips that seldom part.
“Zhongli, I want to make you feel good this time.”
Who was he to deny?
When your lips press to the base of his shaft, he lets out a groan. It’s deep, rumbling in his chest, and you squeeze your thighs together to help relieve a bit of the pressure. Another kiss is placed on his hip and you laugh at the way his cock twitches.
“Are you feeling impatient?”
His cheeks color, slight in afternoon light. “Perhaps.”
So you take him into your mouth, sliding your tongue along the length of him as you descend. He’s lost in the way the hot wetness of your mouth envelops him, watching you take what you can. You moan around him and his hips twitch with the vibration.
Every lick and suck has him clutching at the couch, willing his hips to stay still so that you may take your time with your ministrations. He wants to know how it feels to be entirely at your mercy, and you gladly take that in stride.
His eyes widen when you push yourself further down, your eyes squeezing as you focus on relaxing your throat and he nearly chokes in the way your lips finally meet his pelvis. He wants to tell you it’s alright, you don’t have to push yourself—but the way that you look up at him with slightly watery eyes sends a need through him.
One of his hands finds its way into your hair, keeping you pressed down against him longer. Once the feeling of you swallowing around him is bearable, he helps you draw back off, an apology on his tongue until you sink back and take him once more.
Surrendering to the feeling, Zhongli breathes your name, eyes closing as you suck at his tip. It’s a shock, coming undone just as the door to his home slams open, revealing a mop of messy red hair and bright blue eyes that settle on the sight of you kneeling between the geo Archon’s spread legs.
At least the harbinger has the tact to raise a gloved hand to cover his eyes as he backs out of the doorway and closes the door with the other.
“My apologies—I’ll return later.”
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poppy-metal · 3 years
tw: manipulation, cucking, semi cheating. im awful. brias armin has me in a chokehold i hate u @rekiri this is bc of u
When armin seduces you its a weird feeling like you’re falling for something you’re not supposed to. You know he has a girlfriend, and yet, when he tilts his head at you and goes “What about her? She’s not here, but we are” You can’t find it in yourself to disagree with him. His pretty face, his eyes, his words. 
Its easy to fall back into his bed and let him strip you bare, let him kiss down your body. He makes you feel so special, makes you cunt flutter when he presses a kiss to your clit and soothes it with his tongue “you’re so pretty. pretty thing” and his petal soft fingers sliding into your wet, open hole easily, the slick sounds of his infidelity filling the room and making you sloppy. “messy too” he adds as a throwaway comment, your juices dripping down his palm. “didnt realize you were so slutty. cute”  
It makes you whine and throb around him, reach down to spread yourself open for him, “just for you min” you promise in a breathy voice.
“aw. I know it is, angel” he smirks “you’re not very good at hiding it. but i like that”
and when he he teases the pink tip of his cock into you, sliding it in so slow, you ache and tremble, cunt sucking him in like you never want to let him go. there are tears in your eyes that armin has to wipe away, even if the sight of them just turns him on more. licks a teardrop from his finger as he fucks starts to fuck you stupid on his cock, hitting that gummy part inside your pussy that makes your eyes roll back and see stars.  “you’re pussies tighter then last time. I think you get off on knowing i have a stupid girlfriend? would you clench even tighter if i told you what a dumb mutt she was? that she’d probably rut her stupid cunt against my carpet while she watched me fuck you? yeah” he leans down and pecks your cheek, rolls his hips into yours, as your little pussy milks and gushes around him helplessly. “You like that. dirty girl” 
he makes you cum around his so hard it feels like you’re peeing, maybe you even are, you cant tell, it squirts out of and almost pushes his cock out with the force of it. Soaking his sheets, he actually chuckles meanly and fucks you harder not planning on stopping until he cums inside, has it dripping out, “you’re such a sloppy little whore. god, i think i like you” 
later when hes dressed you up and given you a condescending pat on the cheek with a kiss and a “ill call you when i need you” you leave with hearts in your eyes and his cum dripping down your legs. 
armin takes his time fixing his hair in his mirror before walking over to his walk in closet, where he opnes the door to reveal annie, his girlfriend, bound and gagged, and flushed and hot. Tears streaming down her face as armin stares down at her, emotionless. he presses the tip of his designer shoe into her clothed cunt, digs it in “dont piss me off again. next time, im making you lick me out of her”
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