tomkrohne · 2 years
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Who’s in Charge Here?
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thebotanicalarcade · 1 year
n244_w1150 by Biodiversity Heritage Library Via Flickr: A critical revision of the genus Eucalyptus,. Sydney,Gullick,1903-33.. biodiversitylibrary.org/page/39912703
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escents · 7 months
Eucalyptus Globulus
Eucalyptus Globulus essential oil is best known for its many purifying and cleansing properties. If you feel a cold coming on, Eucalyptus Globulus is the oil to have on hand. This oil can relieve headaches, fatigue, low energy and muscle aches. When inhaled, Eucalyptus can help clear breathing passages, making it a great oil for allergies too.
Price:- $28.00
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Buy Now:- https://escentsaromatherapy.com/products/eucalyptus-globulus?variant=31306135535727
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alenaalenaalena · 11 months
Спрей Aloe Vera Dr. C. Tuna, 115 мл - Farmasi | Farmasi
Спрей – це універсальний засіб для тіла. Унікальна рецептура на 85% складається з Алое Вера. Багатофункціональність цього продукту вражає! Ви можете використовувати його для швидкого зволоження епідермісу, зняття подразнення, обробки опіків та пошкоджень. Також допомагає відновити сухе волосся, зміцнити коріння, позбутися лупи та сверблячки. Застосовуйте його, коли шкіра потребує термінової…
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masscorporation · 1 year
Surprising Benefits of Using Essential Oils in Your Daily Routine
Mass Corporation offers the ultimate marketplace for purchasing all of your essential oil needs. From Eucalyptus globulus Oil to clove bud oil, their inventory is comprehensive and unmatched. Take advantage of this opportunity and shop today!
Visit us: https://www.uspmentholcrystals.com/products/eucalyptus-globulus-oil
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svanatural · 1 year
Eucalyptus Globulus Essential Oil
Enjoy the natural benefits of Eucalyptus Globulus Essential Oil. Our 100% pure oil is harvested from the leaves of the Eucalyptus tree and has a calming, slightly sweet aroma. Use it to promote relaxation, ease stress.
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Let's go back in time and meet Friar Globulus. Is it true that he unwittingly summoned a demon who swelled him into his present state? Or is he just greedy? In any case, he seems jolly enough!
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Witchcraft Plant and Herb safety
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🦋Research what plants you ingest and put into your teas. Some plants/herbs don't go together and become toxic
🦋Research what herbs you are turning to make sure it's not toxic [eg: poison ivy]
🦋Do not ingest any herbal remedies without consultation with your doctor and/or Herbalist
🦋Unless you are 100% certain what you have foraged is the correct plant put it back
🦋delightingintragedy's post on what oils to avoid while pregnant
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Some toxic and poisonous plants
Abrus precatorius - Crab’s eye, Gidee gidee, Jequirity bean, Rosary bean
Aconitum species - Monkshood, Wolf’s bane
Asclepias curassavica - Red-headed cotton bush
Asclepias fruiticosa - Gomphocarpus fruiticosa, Swan plant
Asclepias physocarpa - Balloon cotton bush
Acokanthera species - Bushman’s poison
Atropa belladonna - Belladonna, Deadly nightshade
Brugmansia species - Angel’s trumpet
Casabella thevetia or Thevetia peruviana - Lucky nut, Yellow oleander
Cestrum diurnum - Day-blooming cestrum, Day jessamine
Cestrum nocturnum - Lady of the night, Night jessamine
Colchicum autumnale - Autumn crocus, Crocus, Meadow saffron
Conium maculatum - Hemlock
Consolida species - Larkspur
Convallaria majalis - Lily-of-the-valley
Corynocarpus laevigatus - New Zealand laurel, Karaka nut
Cycas species - Cycad, Zamia
Daphne species - Daphne, Garland flower, Lilac daphne, Mezereon, Rose daphne, Spurge laurel, Winter daphne
Datura species - Angel’s trumpet
Datura metel - Downy thorn apple, Horn of plenty
Datura stramonium - Common thorn apple, Jamestown weed, Jimson weed
Delphinium species - Delphinium
Dieffenbachia - Dumb cane
Digitalis species - Foxglove
Duranta erecta/Duranta repens - Golden dewdrop, Sky flower
Euphorbia species - Euphorbia, Spurge
Gloriosa superba - Climbing lily, Glory lily
Gomphocarpus fruiticosa - Asclepias fruiticosa, Swan plant
Gomphocarpus physocarpus -  Asclepias physocarpa, Balloon cotton
Helleborus species - Christmas rose, Corsican Hellebore, Easter rose, Hellebore, Lenten rose
Hyoscyamus niger - Black henbane, Henbane
Jatropha multifida - Coral plant, Physic nut
 Laburnum species - Golden chain tree, Golden rain, Laburnum, Scotch laburnum
Lantana camara - Lantana, Shrub verbena
Lepidozamia species - Cycad, Zamia
Lobelia species - Cardinal flower, Lobelia
Macrozamia species - Cycad, Zamia
Melia azedarach - Bead tree, Cape lilac, Chinaberry, Persian lilac, Rosary tree, White ceda
Nerium oleander - Oleander, Rose laurel
Oenanthe crocata - Water dropwort, Hemlock
Ornithogalum species - Common star of Bethlehem, Chincherinchee, Giant chincherinchee, Star of Bethlehem
Rhodomyrtus macrocarpa - Cooktown loquat, Finger cherry, Wannakai
Ricinis communis - Castor oil plant
Solanum dulcamara - Bittersweet, Climbing nightshade
Solanum nigrum - Black nightshade, Common nightshade
Solanum pseudocapsicum - Christmas cherry, Jerusalem cherry, Winter cherry
Stropanthus species - Corkscrew flower, Spider tresses, Stropanthus
Thevetia peruviana or Casabella thevetia - Lucky nut, Yellow oleander
Toxicodendron succedaneum - Rhus, Rhus tree, Wax tree, Poison sumac
Veratrum species - False hellebores
Golden dewdrop
Black bean tree
Poison ivy
Strychnine tree 
Gympie gympie
Asparagus Fern (asparagus plumosus) (sprengeri)
Avocado (persea americana)
Blue Gum (eucalyptus globulus)
Buddist Pine (poddocarpus Macrophyllus)
Cacti :Bunny Ears (opuntia microdasy’s alkispina)
Column (cereus peruvianus)
Rat’s Tail (aporocactus flagelliformis)
Sunset (lokwia famatimensis)
Caladium (Angel’s Wings)
Century Plant
Crown of Thorns (euphorbia milii splendens)
Holly (ilex)
Ivy :Cape (tenecio macroglossus)
(hedera helix)
(senecio mikanioides)
Glacier (hedera helix glacier)
Gloire de Marengo (hedera canariensis)
Needlepoint (hedera helix sagittlae folica)
Jerusalem Cherry (solanum pseudocapsicum)
Mistletoe (phoradendron flavescens)
Philodendron :Arrowhead (syngonium podophyllum)
Black Gold ( ph. melanochryson)
Devil’s Ivy (Pothos) (scindapsus aureus)
Elephant’s Ear (philodendron hastatum)
Fiddle Leaf (ph. pandurae forme)
Green Gold (syngonium podophyllum)
Marble Queen (scindapsus aureus)
Ornamental Pepper (capsicum annuum)
Silver Vine (scindapsus pictus)
Split Leaf (monstera delicosa)
Sweetheart Vine (philodendron scandens)
Red (hemigraphis colorata)
Umbrella Plant (cyperus)
Azalea (azalea indica)Bleeding Heart (dicentra formosa)
Calla Lily (zantedeschia aethiopica)
Carnation (dianthus caryophyllus)
Castor-oil plant (ricinus communis)
Chinese or Japanese Lantern (physalis)
Crocus (colchicum autumnale)
Daffodil (narcissus)
DelphineumGladiola (bulb)
Hyacinthe (hyacinthus orientalis)
Jonquil (narcissus)Morning Glory (ipomaea tricolour)
Oleander (nerium oleander)
Pansy (seeds) (viola tricolour)
Peony (root) (paeonia officinalis)
Primrose (primula)
Sweet Pea (lathyrus odoratus)
Sweet William (dianthus barbatus)
Potato (green patches on tubers & above ground part)
Rhubarb leaves
Tomato greens
Black Locust (robinia pseudoacacia)
Buckthorn (rhamnus cathartica)Elderberry (not berries)
Horse Chestnut (aesculus hippocastanum)
Laburnum (laburnum anagyroides)
Privet (ligustrum vulgare)
Virginia Creeper (ampelopis brevipedunculata)
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More Links
Sources: Austin Health AU, Canadian Child Care Federation
🦋Poison info plants and mushrooms - Queensland
🦋Aggie Horticulture
🦋Guide to toxic plants - National Poisons Information Centre Ireland
🦋199 Poisonous Plants to Look Out For - ProFlowers
🦋Poisonous Plants: Poisons A to Z
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bumblebeeappletree · 14 days
Hannah is on South Bruny island, off Tasmania, an important refuge for some of Australia’s most vulnerable bird species.
All 12 of Australia’s endemic birds can be found on Bruny Island, including several endangered species. Hannah visits Inala Conservation Reserve to find out how they’re being protected.
Featured plants: 🌿
White Gum (Eucalyptus viminalis)
Blue Gum (Eucalyptus globulus)
Black Gum (Eucalyptus ovata)
Flowering Gum (Corymbia ficifolia syn. Eucalyptus ficifolia)
Yellow Gum (Eucalyptus leucoxylon)
Featured species: 🐦
Forty-Spotted Pardalote (Pardalotus quadragintus)
Swift Parrot (Lathamus discolor)
Learn more: https://www.abc.net.au...
This segment is from Gardening Australia Season 35, Episode 22 titled "Winter: Endangered birds & artful bonsai".
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lecritoire-victorien · 6 months
Liste non-exhaustive de plantes et de leurs effets pour enrichir ses récits
Plantes Médicinales
1. Lavande (Lavandula) : Apaisante, aide à combattre l'insomnie et le stress.
2. Millepertuis (Hypericum perforatum) : Antidépresseur naturel, aide à soulager la dépression légère à modérée.
3. Arnica (Arnica montana) : Anti-inflammatoire, utilisée pour soulager les douleurs et les ecchymoses.
4. Ginkgo Biloba : Améliore la circulation sanguine et la fonction cognitive.
5. Valériane (Valeriana officinalis) : Sédatif naturel, aide à traiter l'insomnie.
6. Sauge (Salvia officinalis) : Antiseptique, aide à la digestion et soulage les maux de gorge.
7. Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus) : Antiseptique, aide à dégager les voies respiratoires.
8. Gingembre (Zingiber officinale) : Antiémétique, favorise la digestion, soulage les nausées.
9. Thym (Thymus vulgaris) : Antiseptique, aide à lutter contre les infections respiratoires.
10. Camomille (Matricaria chamomilla) : Calmante, aide à la digestion et à réduire l'anxiété.
 Plantes Toxiques ou à Effets Particuliers
11. Absinthe (Artemisia absinthium) : Utilisée pour produire l'absinthe, a des effets psychoactifs controversés.
12. Datura (Datura stramonium) : Hallucinogène, extrêmement toxique.
13. Belladone (Atropa belladonna) : Toxique, contient de l'atropine qui peut être mortelle.
14. Ricin (Ricinus communis) : Contient la ricine, un poison mortel.
15. Ciguë (Conium maculatum) : Toxique, a été utilisée pour l'exécution de Socrate.
16. Pavot somnifère (Papaver somniferum) : Source d'opium, utilisé pour produire des analgésiques.
17. Aconit (Aconitum napellus) : Très toxique, connu comme "casque de Jupiter".
18. Tabac (Nicotiana tabacum): Contient de la nicotine, un stimulant addictif.
19. Jusquiame noire (Hyoscyamus niger) : Hallucinogène, toxique.
20. Lierre grimpant (Hedera helix) : Irritant cutané, les baies sont toxiques si ingérées.
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trial of Gaius Cornelius
date: 65 BCE charge: lex Cornelia de maiestate (illegal actions as tr. pl. 67) defendant: C. Cornelius tr. pl. 67 advocate: M. Tullius Cicero cos. 63 (Sch. 76-77) prosecutors: C. (or L.?) Cominius of Spoletium (subscr.) (ORF 143/144.II) P. Cominius of Spoletium(nom. del.) (ORF 143/144.II) praetor: Q. Gallius witnesses: Mam. Aemilius Lepidus Livianuscos. 77, princeps sen.? 70, cens.? 64 Q. Caecilius Metellus Pius cos. 80 Q. Hortensius Hortalus cos. 69 (ORF 92.XII) Q. Lutatius Catulus cos. 78, cens. 65 (ORF 96.V) P. Servilius Globulus tr. pl. 67 M. Terentius Varro Lucullus cos. 734 (ORF 91.II) other: two actiones, four days of defense
Cic. Orat. 225; V. Max. 8.5.4; Asc. 57-81C; Quint. Inst. 5.13.18, 6.5.10, 8.3.3, 10.5.13; Plin. Ep. 1.20.8; see also Cic. Brut. 271
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queen-ofnewyork · 11 months
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Review of YADAH's Green Tea Pure Cleansing Balm
YADAH is a Korean brand that cares about the health of your skin and the planet. They aim to make products from the best and safest natural ingredients. Their Green Tea Pure Cleansing Balm is designed to remove fine dust and oil in addition to heavy makeup, it’s designed in particular for sensitive skin. Key ingredients include 0.3% of green tea leaf powder (improves skin complexion, anti-aging, soothing, tones skin), olive fruit oil (moisturizing, anti-aging, healing, anti-inflammatory, anti-wrinkle, gently exfoliating), sunflower seed oil (moisturizing, vitamin-rich, anti-aging, treats dry skin), lavender oil (detoxifying, anti-acne, healing, skin toning, brightening) and tocopherol (strengthens skin, increases moisture, improves elasticity, moisturizing). This product retails for between $14-22 USD, you can get it here for $14.94 + shipping.
Olea Europaea (Olive) Fruit Oil, Cetyl Ethylhexanoate, Ethylhexyl Palmitate, Caprylic/Capric Triglyceride, PEG-20 Glyceryl Triisostearate, Beeswax, Helianthus Annuus (Sunflower) Seed Oil, Water, Phenoxyethanol, Butylene Glycol, Camellia Sinensis Leaf Powder (0.3%), Simmondsia Chinensis (Jojoba) Seed Oil, Ethylhexylglycerin, Citrus Limon (Lemon) Peel Oil, Citrus Medica Vulgaris (Citron) Peel Oil, Citrus Grandis (Grapefruit) Peel Oil, Citrus Aurantium Dulcis (Orange) Oil, Citrus Nobilis (Mandarin Orange) Peel Oil, Lavandula Angustifolia (Lavender) Oil, Eucalyptus Globulus Leaf Oil, Rosmarinus Officinalis (Rosemary) Leaf Oil, Tocopherol, Citrus Aurantium Dulcis (Orange) Flower Oil
To quickly note, I received this for free from Picky and YADAH in exchange for my honest review.
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The balm contains 100 ml (3.38 oz) and doesn’t have a noticeable fragrance, but it does contain many essential oils.
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The balm is pretty standard and doesn’t feel too heavy.
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It's pretty oily and does start to break down to a more liquid form pretty fast.
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It removes makeup very nicely and is non-stripping.
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It doesn’t leave any oil residue once rinsed off.
Recommended use is to place an appropriate amount on dry hands and face and gently massage into the skin. It’s easy to rinse off or remove with tissue paper. It’s recommended to follow up with a cleansing foam. This is specifically formulated for sensitive skin. After using, so there are many essential oils in the ingredients list so this product is not fragrance-free. The physical fragrance isn't very noticeable, however. The cleansing balm has a very easy texture to work with and despite having a fair amount of irritants, this is a very gentle product that is suitable to any skin type, even to sensitive skin as I didn't personally notice any irritation. The ingredients are all very helpful in the skin maintaining moisture without being stripping or leaving a film or residue behind. I found this worked really well to remove dirt and gunk from my pores as well, it's also been gentle around my recent nose piercing. It's great to use as a double cleanse, both steps really help you feel clean without leaving the skin tight. I'd recommend this to anyone with dry, sensitive skin with enlarged pores.
What I like: this balm is very gentle, non-irritating, non-stripping and doesn't leave any film or residue. It's effective at removing dirt and oil and makeup is really nice to help loosen extra dirt from the pores. What I don't like: while it didn't affect me, there are several essential oils in this which can be irritants.
Breaks down makeup easily
Removes dirt and oil effectively
Sensitive skin friendly
Doesn't leave a film or residue
Contains irritants
Would I buy this?
Rating: 8/10
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triciamfoster · 1 year
Essential Oils: Eucalyptus  Eucalyptus globulus
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The following information is from Essential Oils for Beginners: The Guide to Get Started with Essential Oils and Aromatherapy by Althea Press.
DESCRIPTION  There are over seven hundred eucalyptus species, many of which are used in the production of eucalyptus essential oil. Only a handful of these species are effective when used in aromatherapy. Of these, Eucalyptus globulus is most popular, and it should not be confused with E. radiata (sometimes nicknamed black peppermint essential oil), E. citriodora (lemon eucalyptus essential oil), or any other type of eucalyptus essential oil. Eucalyptus essential oil has a fresh woody, earthy fragrance, with a strong medicinal aroma and a thin consistency. When used in aromatherapy, it is considered a top note.  
ORIGIN  Australia, Brazil, Spain  
PROPERTIES  Antiaging, antibacterial, antifungal, anti-infectious, anti-inflammatory, antirheumatic, antiseptic, deodorant, expectorant, insecticide, mucolytic  
APPLICATION  Eucalyptus essential oil should be diluted 50:50 with a carrier oil prior to use. It is suitable for direct inhalation, diffusion, and topical application. Eucalyptus globulus is suitable for ingestion; other forms of eucalyptus essential oil are not.  
PRIMARY USES  Soothes arthritis, rheumatism, and muscle pains; eases sinusitis, coughs, bronchitis, cold and flu symptoms, and ear inflammation; combats candida, chicken pox, and measles symptoms; reduces acne; cleanses minor wounds; eases diabetes symptoms; boosts immune system.  Eucalyptus essential oil is used in manufacturing, as a fragrance for cosmetics and perfumes, and in antiseptics, ointments and liniments, cough drops, toothpaste, and other products. Some dentists use eucalyptus oil as a solvent for root canal fillings. It is also often used for treating chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and cancer.  In addition, eucalyptus essential oil is useful as an insect repellent and as a natural flea deterrent. When properly diluted, it can be used on pets as well as humans. It makes a fantastic addition to massage oils and lotions, household cleaning products, and bath products, including shampoos and conditioners. When inhaled, eucalyptus essential oil can be used to promote emotional well-being, and during meditation it is useful for focusing on relationships.
SAFE USE  Eucalyptus oil must be diluted prior to use. Add one part essential oil to four parts carrier oil before adding to any recipe or applying topically. Only use therapeutic-grade eucalyptus oil, and conduct a patch test using diluted eucalyptus essential oil prior to applying any product that contains it.
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svanatural · 1 year
Eucalyptus Globulus Essential Oil
Eucalyptus Globulus Essential Oil is a powerful anti-inflammatory, offering relief for sore muscles and joint pain. With its strong scent, Eucalyptus Globulus oil can help to clear the mind for better focus and concentration.
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very curious... who's your favorite inazuma alien character and what do you like about them?
ah its good to have asks from you! (you are very friend) you can send a message, there is no need for an ask, but its also good because i can show stuff from the guys im going to talk about................ because i like all of them lmao and i have some preferences from time to time but the favorites are always ozrock and rodan and the baran brothers. i was a big fan of ratoniik when i played galaxy for the first time, and im still a big fan of banda and longa (goalkeeper of ratoniik). Kazerma and the guys from Gurdon Eleven are other of my favorites. I obviously like a lot the Ixaal guys, so im not naming these. I also LOVE AND IM OBSESSED WITH ACROUS YOU HAVE NO IDEA and i try not to think about him because its my weakness. i love kings and aliens and kind kings and everything about him. i will try not to talk about him anymore. but DONT TALK ABOUT HIM OR I WILL DIE. haha i want to know what you think about him now. I KNOW ITS WEIRD because in the anime there is nothing ABOUT HIM BUT IN THE GAME THERE IS LORE. maybe you have seen it i will not talk about that because i will be talking for hours. i love him and globulus? i always make jokes about his name so i dont know if its correctly written (its like a weird form to say globo, thats means balloon on spanish) AND I ALSO LOVE HIS FATHER IREID I DONT KNOW WHY I JUST THINK HE IS COOL i love evil kings and aliens. the only aliens i dont like are the princess and her guardian, the yellow pixie. its a bit weird their relationship, i want to like them but i feel something is weird about them. i dont remember what is wrong with them, maybe i just misunderstood something. even with that! i love the THE GUY THAT GUY THE ONE THATS WAS IN A FORM OF A CLOWN PLUSH AND THE MANAGER..... I FORGOT HIS NAME........... but i love him. he uses any pronouns for me btw. I WOULD TALK ABOUT THEM FOR HOURS AND MY HEADCANONS AND STUFF BUT im busy. thank you for the asking it made my head happy i cant talk too much about them because nobody cares about galaxy. I DIDNT TALK ABOUT NAIADI because its hard for me to talk about them. sometimes i like them sometimes i dont. but i like the goalkeeper, he is like a nishikage beta for me. THE CONCLUSION: my favorite alien is probably rodan or acrous. i hope this text makes sense.
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adz · 1 year
Which leaves should be tasted and which leaves should be left alone.
Taste this leaf: Thyme leaf Bayberry leaf Baobab leaf Bearberry leaf Neem leaf Ashoka leaf Saw palmetto leaf Patchouli leaf Annatto leaf Oregano leaf Coconut palm leaf Kaffir lime leaf Plum leaf Anise leaf Soursop leaf Cranberry leaf Damiana leaf Indigo leaf Wild lettuce leaf Turmeric leaf Comfrey leaf Bamboo palm leaf Indian gooseberry leaf Cilantro coriander leaf Black walnut leaf Black currant leaf Holy basil leaf Curry tree leaf Sassafras leaf Green tea leaf Lime leaf Gardenia leaf Cotton leaf Licorice leaf Watercress leaf Horsetail leaf Raspberry leaf Fern leaf Stevia leaf Lavender leaf Tamarind leaf Elephant ear leaf Chamomile leaf Aloe vera leaf Coriander leaf Carob leaf Kigelia leaf Pomegranate leaf Burdock leaf Lemon balm leaf Coral tree leaf Eyebright leaf Nettle leaf Papaya leaf Five-finger leaf Eucalyptus globulus leaf Eucalyptus citriodora leaf Banana leaf Avocado leaf Indian long pepper leaf Catnip leaf Cilantro leaf Cherry leaf Watermelon leaf Epazote leaf Ground ivy leaf Papyrus leaf Bougainvillea leaf Henna leaf Hemp leaf Grape leaf Uva Ursi leaf Cubeb pepper leaf Bell pepper leaf Zucchini leaf Daylily leaf Galangal leaf Almond leaf Bee balm leaf Mustard leaf Bergamot leaf Coleus leaf Camellia leaf Ivy leaf Graviola leaf Rose leaf Clove leaf Gotu kola leaf Kalmegh leaf Kiwi leaf Corn leaf Kudzu leaf Blackberry leaf Sugarcane leaf Wheatgrass leaf Kratom leaf Khat leaf Bay leaf Yarrow leaf Butterfly pea leaf Bael leaf Sycamore leaf Jasmine sambac leaf Lemon thyme leaf Cacao leaf Fenugreek leaf Rice paper plant leaf Astragalus leaf Yellow dock leaf Chia leaf Chive leaf Bitter melon leaf Plantain leaf Yerba mate leaf Mulberry leaf Fennel leaf Honeysuckle leaf Palm leaf Elderberry leaf Bloodroot leaf Horseradish leaf Jackfruit leaf Pineapple sage leaf Devil's claw leaf Pomegranate tree leaf Hops leaf Durian leaf Passionflower leaf Cumin leaf Italian parsley leaf Dill leaf False indigo leaf Lemon myrtle leaf Valerian leaf Jasmine tea leaf Cowslip leaf Cinnamon basil leaf Chickweed leaf Lemongrass leaf Ginseng leaf Hyssop leaf Teak leaf Bishop's weed leaf White sage leaf Tulsi leaf Pothos leaf Betel leaf Tomato leaf Coltsfoot leaf Vetiver leaf Clary sage leaf Curry patta leaf Prickly pear leaf Moringa leaf Pandan leaf Allspice leaf Gymnema leaf Cassava leaf Ajwain leaf Breadfruit leaf Calendula officinalis leaf Dragonfruit leaf Ylang-ylang leaf Dong quai leaf Cascara sagrada leaf Sage leaf Feverfew leaf Cardamom leaf Black cohosh leaf Angelica leaf Basil leaf Calabash leaf Guava leaf Goldenrod leaf Acacia leaf Amaryllis leaf Cinnamon fern leaf Indian bay leaf Lingonberry leaf Ginkgo leaf Lemon verbena leaf Buchu leaf Barbados nut leaf Rue leaf Japanese knotweed leaf Cinnamon leaf Borage leaf Cleavers leaf Carom leaf Yucca leaf Arugula leaf Mango leaf African violet leaf Agave leaf Coffee leaf Persimmon leaf Cat's whiskers leaf Hawthorn leaf Rosemary leaf Fo-ti leaf Red clover leaf Hibiscus leaf Blueberry leaf Jamaican dogwood leaf Guarana leaf Kinnikinnick leaf Kelp leaf Cress leaf Spinach leaf Rubber tree leaf Chrysanthemum leaf Fig leaf Kava leaf Balloon flower leaf Spearmint leaf Elderflower leaf Citronella leaf Strawberry leaf Peppermint leaf Ashwagandha leaf Olive leaf
Never taste this leaf: Curly parsley
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