While I would not water down witchcraft or magic and say it is a means to an end, sometimes it is important to ask what you want out of it.
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"The Law of Assumption isn't a cult!" Mmm, are you sure about that?
Let's take a look at some red flags it checks off...
☑ The founder's ideas are considered infallible, despite the founder's incredibly dubious behavior.
☑ Claims that its beliefs can be traced back through the ages and cites known holy texts, but examination of these texts reveals that they really have nothing to do with the ideas promoted by the founder.
☑ Claims that modern science supports its claims, but examination of actual current scientific knowledge shows that it does not actually back them up.
☑ The beliefs and practices can supposedly never fail the followers; followers can only fail the beliefs and practices.
☑ Followers are told to suppress their doubt and their critical thinking skills. People who ask critical questions are shamed and invalidated.
☑ Fabulous results are promised, such as curing serious illness or becoming wealthy in a short time. But there is no reliable evidence of these fabulous results, and people who ask for it are shamed.
☑ Alleged "evidence" that this is all absolutely true in exactly the way its founder/follows claim includes unverifiable anecdotes and events easily explained through psychology or random chance, and the kind of photos that are very easy to stage, fake, or steal.
☑ Dehumanization. Everyone Is You Pushed Out effectively claims that other people lack true agency and interiority, and are essentially mere puppets you can control however you please.
☑ Followers are "free to leave," but there is still a powerful sense of shame, failure, and general wrongness attached to actually leaving.
☑ Ex-followers report being disrespected, abused, and suffering lasting harm from the way they were treated and from the beliefs they internalized.
☑ Ex-followers who talk about their negative experiences get invalidated and demonized, and are accused of harboring bitterness, anger, or jealousy.
☑ Questioning followers are told to completely ignore critics and ex-members.
It's not accurate to say that the Law of Assumption and its community isn't a cult because it doesn't line up 1:1 with something like Jonestown or NXIVM. Cults come in all forms, and the Law of Assumption and its community have more than enough to qualify. Don't believe me? Then don't take my word for it; start researching modern cults for yourself. The information's out there.
For anyone reading this: If you are leaving or questioning the Law of Assumption and need help, please see this post.
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Your ex is not your soulmate or twin flame or whatever, and you don't need to know what they're up to via tarot reading. You're just a weird creep.
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Hey folks - if you find yourself struggling with your faith, belief in gods, etc., that might mean that it's time to sit down and reassess what you believe and why you believe in it. Sometimes the reason you're struggling is because you've grown, and what you believed before no longer fits. Instead of trying to force yourself back into these beliefs, it might be time to leave them aside and find something that fits you better.
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Doctor: $140,000 a year
Furry artist on Patreon: $160,000 a year
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You forgot
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"Your ancestors are cheering you on" "Talk to your ancestors for guidance"
Oh, you mean
These ones???
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Because I agree, they're chill.
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If there's one conclusion I've arrived at after a decade and a half of being a witch, it's that some people you don't need to spend the time and energy to curse. You can just let them wreck themselves in due time, because eventually they run out of lives to ruin and soon enough they get to their own.
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Sometimes it’s perfectly acceptable to retaliate. If you kindly Do Unto Others as You Would have them do unto you…. And they still treat you badly.. it’s time to become their golden rule. They have done unto you and now it is up to you to fulfil the prophecy. They wanted this.. who are you to deny.
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Just because you don't do a type of magic (baneful magic, death magic, sex magic, curses, spirit work, etc) doesn't mean other people shouldn't.
If you don't like baneful magic? OK 👍 don't do baneful magic. But also don't harass witches who do. Their practice is not yours.
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O' Son of Amun and Mut,
Great God of the Moon,
Your rays hit my form,
bathing me in moonlight.
My arms are raised to you,
O' Khonsu,
so that your breath may enter my nostrils,
and fill my ka with strength.
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You can write down as many correspondences as you want, memorize entire lists from someone else's blog or book or whatever, but none of it will matter if you do not understand those correspondences. It's so critically important to ask "Why?"
Why is spirit purple? Why is love red? Why is chamomile calm? Why is quartz "all purpose"? Why does cinnamon speed up a spell?
Why, why, why?
What do you actually believe? And why?
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More pictures that remind me of Lady Artemis.
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sitting down in front of your altars and saying “i’m glad you all could make it to todays meeting” is a great way to start your daily vent session to your spirit team btw
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May Lady Artemis join you in your everyday life
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the feminine urge to reject humanity and return to nature
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something I’ve found really interesting about trying my hand at paganism (is that how you say it?) is that if you tell a Christian you have a different belief system than they do, it’s all “REPENT” but if you tell a pagan you have a different belief system than they do they shrug and go “baller, I’m glad you find comfort in that” it’s like???
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Go hiking. Fake your death. Become one with the forest. Elevate to forest god. The simple things.
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