#global communication day
manasastuff-blog · 17 days
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"World Post Day"#trending#viral
World Post Day Importance is often overlooked, but its impact on global communication is undeniable. In This, we delve into the untold story behind postal services and how they have shaped the modern world. From connecting communities to facilitating global trade, postal services play a critical role. We'll explore the history, relevance, and future of postal services in an increasingly digital world. Whether you're interested in communication, and logistics, or just curious about the significance of World Post Day, this will give you insights you won’t find elsewhere. Stay tuned to learn how postal services continue to influence everyday life, even in a tech-driven era.
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robotpussy · 8 months
since Ghana passed the anti LGBT bill I keep hearing more and more about how hate crimes are increasing, not just in Ghana but also in places like Kenya too. days after the bill was passed, a Kenyan woman was attacked because some men stated she "dresses like a man" - Kenya was also considering passing a anti-lgbt bill (although the supreme court did rule that doing this would be unconstitutional.) but just as Ghana was considering passing the bill for years and it eventually was, it could still happen in Kenya.
screenshot of the tweet underneath the cut. tw for blood and bruises
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snakeskinass · 1 year
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in so much pain right now, knowing it doesn’t even approach what gazans are experiencing at the moment, doesn’t approach what the loved ones of the israeli victims of the attacks are feeling. just tremendous sadness and anger.
all i want to do is talk and be with other jews who love being jewish, are proud of their jewish heritage, and who feel (and have felt) alienated from israel. i want to be with other jews right now and have a space to talk about our anger at israel and its ethnic cleansing of palestinians and how we can do something to fight back against this violence, this injustice, because it’s what our jewish education has instilled in us to do. and i want to be in a place with people who feel supportive of our concerns of rising anti-semitism, who understand that though we do not support israel - or any ethnostate for that matter - we probably have loved ones, or loved ones of loved ones, who live in israel and have been impacted by this violence. the global jewish community is so small that even if you don’t support the state of israel, you probably know someone who lives there and is affected.
and you know that israel is an apartheid state, you know that what israel is doing and has done to palestinians is heinous and goes against the geneva conventions, you know the power imbalance at play and that the most powerful country in the world financially backs israel and its crimes against palestinians. and there’s clarity in that, in the ethical stance you must take against injustice like that. in that way, things are simple.
but then you think about your great-grandparents and their parents, refugees who fled from pogroms and who ended up in the US. if they had remained in the pale of settlement for a few more decades, they probably would have been murdered. and if not, they likely would have sought refuge in israel after the war. and you think of your great-grandparents in new york, who housed refugees from germany in the 1930s, who were outspoken against fascism and saw their people murdered abroad and tried to live righteous lives and who had a dream of a jewish homeland and bought israel bonds to make try to make that dream a reality. these are people, my descendants, who wept with joy and relief in 1948 when israel came into being, the same year as the nakba.
and now you’re 29 in 2023 and don’t really believe in a jewish homeland anymore because you don’t believe in ethnostates. and your 94-year-old grandmother hates bibi, has been disgusted with israel for decades now, and feels like the dream of israel, the dream of her parents and grandparents, has failed. but was that dream of a jewish homeland ever valid in the first place?
you think of all of this, of the legacies of colonialism and the shoah and the nakba and all this suffering. you think of diaspora, of intergenerational pain, of memory, of who has power now and who had power a hundred years ago. and you want an outlet, a jewish community who Gets It, but you split with your previously long-term reform synagogue, the temple you became a bat mitzvah at, because you and your family were so disgusted by the zionist words of its new rabbi. and you are so thankful for and supportive of organizations like if not now and jewish voice for peace, orgs that are standing with gaza and against harm to civilians during this time, but then you see the term “jewish supremacy” used in a post to describe the actions of israel, and you think, have we completely lost the plot???
and if that’s the inside of my head right now, i know that must be the inside of the heads of so many other jews worldwide. and so when non-jews who aren’t palestinian either say that you are complacent in palestinian genocide if you admit that things, for you, are complicated, you shrivel and turn inward and think, who could i possibly share my feelings with? and if i can’t somehow share my feelings, how can i make space inside myself to properly speak up for justice, to work against israeli apartheid and attain equal rights for palestinians?
things are simple and they are complicated, but if things are both simple and complicated, they must just be complicated. i hear myself and think i must be going insane, but there has to be a scenario in which saying things are nuanced is not a cop-out or an excuse for genocide.
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raffaellopalandri · 6 days
Book of the Day – The Age of Sustainable Development
Today’s Book of the Day is The Age of Sustainable Development, written by Jeffrey D. Sachs in 2015 and published by Columbia University Pres. Jeffrey D. Sachs is a world-renowned economics professor, author, educator, and global leader in sustainable economic development. The Age of Sustainable Development, by Jeffrey D. Sachs I chose this book because I often mention it when I present the…
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sefaradweb · 5 months
Sephardic Studies Program
🇺🇸 The Sephardic Studies Program at the Stroum Center for Jewish Studies has rapidly become a global hub for delving into Sephardic history, culture, and the Ladino language. Situated in Seattle, home to a vibrant Sephardic community for over a century, the program aims to preserve and rejuvenate the rich heritage of Sephardic Jews. Partnering with local institutions, it has curated the Sephardic Studies Digital Collection, a treasure trove of over 2,000 items including Ladino books and archival materials. Through research, teaching, and community engagement, the program fosters a deep understanding of Sephardic traditions. The annual International Ladino Day, a highlight of campus activities, brings together diverse voices to celebrate Ladino's past, present, and future.
🇪🇸 El Programa de Estudios Sefardíes en el Centro Stroum para Estudios Judíos se ha convertido rápidamente en un centro global para explorar la historia, cultura y el idioma ladino de los sefardíes. Ubicado en Seattle, hogar de una vibrante comunidad sefardí por más de un siglo, el programa tiene como objetivo preservar y revitalizar el rico patrimonio de los judíos sefardíes. En colaboración con instituciones locales, ha curado la Colección Digital de Estudios Sefardíes, un tesoro de más de 2,000 elementos que incluyen libros en ladino y materiales de archivo. A través de la investigación, la enseñanza y la participación comunitaria, el programa fomenta una comprensión profunda de las tradiciones sefardíes. El Día Internacional del Ladino, un punto destacado de las actividades en el campus, reúne voces diversas para celebrar el pasado, presente y futuro del ladino.
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The Nature-Inspired Journey of Emperor Hirohito
Walking in the Footsteps of Hirohito: A Greenery Day Exploration The story of Greenery Day which has a name change to “Showa Day” takes us back to the youthful days of Japanese Emperor Hirohito, a man whose passion for marine biology and nature shaped the celebration we honor on April 29. Showa Day is the revamped name for Greenery Day, honoring Emperor Showa’s fondness for plants, also known as…
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steelajeeg · 7 months
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Molly Super Strength
- from Molly My Instant Superpower
- artist Kenny Wong
- by Pop Mart
One Day One Shot
Another gorgeous little piece of art from Kenny Wong and Pop Mart. The whole My Instant Superpower is phenomenal, but this one was an instant buy for me. As in I had to track it down outside of the blind box. I also lift weights, and I love designer toys. So I bought 2 - one for home, and one for my office.
*One Day One Shot is a marathon where we share a single picture of something new once a day, every day. So check back in for more.*
[Instagram link for this post]
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zoldyckd · 1 year
weird day
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pokemonblog · 15 hours
Pokémon GO November 2024 events include GO Battle Weekend, Harvest Festival, November Community Day, Simply Groundbreaking, Into the Wild, Pokémon GO Wild Area: Global and Max Out: Finale
Niantic is continuing to announce new events and content for Pokémon GO. Read on below to learn more: https://twitter.com/PokemonGoApp/status/1849496690409210135 Please be aware of your surroundings and follow guidelines from local health authorities when playing Pokémon GO. Upcoming events are subject to change. Be sure to follow Niantic on social media, opt in to receiving push notifications,…
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pipinfuse · 5 days
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From Analysis to Action: Combining Technical and Fundamental Approaches in Forex Trading
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iakshaysrivastav · 10 days
Join the Fight Against Hunger: World Food Day 2024
🌍🍽️ Join us this #WorldFoodDay2024 as we unite for a hunger-free world! Learn how you can help build sustainable food systems and make a difference in the global fight against hunger. Let’s create a future where everyone has access to safe, nutritious
Every year on October 16th, the world comes together to observe World Food Day. It is a moment to reflect on the global efforts to combat hunger. We also aim to ensure food security for all. Established in 1945 by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, this day reminds us of the progress we’ve made and the challenges we continue to face in eradicating hunger and…
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BRAC 's Ultra-Poor Graduation (UPG) program
BRAC ‘s Ultra-Poor Graduation (UPG) program organized a tree sapling distribution campaign in 2024 for the members of Mirganj, Bagha, Rajshahi. The campaign was supported by the Global Community Organization , Bagha, Rajshahi.
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handwashingday · 13 days
Maintaining and improving hand hygiene behaviors remains crucial beyond public health emergencies.
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The October 15th, Global Handwashing Day 2024 theme reflects an important question, “Why are clean hands still important?” 
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clearallcathy · 16 days
death to america
#not prompted by anything in particular the thought just came to me and i nodded and decided to put it out there#every day i am at a risk of seeing the most problemless people talk about their 'problems' online.#this is mostly done by a very specific type of american which i am sure you can picture well#but an uncomfortable amount of americans think that the world revolves around them and that their social norms are the global standard#while simultaneously fetishizing every single foreign culture they get their hands on?#the process involves insane watering down of the culture in question AND wholly ignoring the people who are a part of it also.#i watch travel video people occasionally and too many of them are. like this#this is a complex topic that is not meant to be explored in tumblr post obviously but it just annoys me more everyday#i dont like the way that theyre everywhere and engaging with foreign things through an American filter. its like microdosing colonization.#trying to dictate how things work and how they dont even though they had no part in their creation or even in their development sometimes.#this is sort of referring to jfashion subculture communities but applies to a lot of other things#i just see people arguing on social media about what this or that subculture is about and its like? Why do you think youre an authority#on this topic?#of course anyone has a say in anything but talking about some things like you own them feels so disrespectful honestly.#jfashion wise specifically its just weird. they will be like jpn (subculture member) are like this and like that and say that this or that#makes you a poser and such but then you see the jpn people online and it is literally just Not That you know?#i cant speak for japanese people Obviously but i need to say i find it very weird. to do this to any foreign culture really.#like you say youre a part of this and that you know so much. but you clearly know nothing about this community. you do not interact with it#like please have SOME shame.#it should be common sense to not act as an authority about something you dont know very well.#.txt
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mediaheights · 1 month
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World Pharmacists Day, organized by the International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP), a WHO partner, is a day to recognize and celebrate the crucial role that pharmacists play in building healthier communities everywhere.
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