#Capricorn astrology
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alfascorpiionux · 28 days ago
Ascendants: How to recognize them ~ part 2
Can you recognize which emoji is which ascendant?:3
Libra ascendant: these people are the social butterflies and charmers. You’ll find them surrounded by people trying to win their attention. They dress nicely and have a pleasant disposition. They have the iconic “charming smile” that they use to win people over. Fair-minded, diplomatic and balanced are also words that describe them well. Could fall into the trap of always wanting to seem perfect and/or wanting to please people. Depending on other influences, indecision, shallowness and passive-aggressiveness is also very possible with this placement, as they typically want to avoid conflict at all costs.
As body type: look for face symmetry, clear and glowing skin, typically medium-sized body with kind eyes and charming smile. As a native ruled by planet Venus, they probably put a lot of emphasis on aesthetics. This could translate to always dressing to the latest trands, decorating their homes nicely or simply a dislike for messy/chaotic or too minimalistic environments.
Scorpio ascendant: the most characteristic for this placements is “the stare”. When they look at you it feels like they can see the deepest corners of your soul and all your flaws and it’s unnerving. In fact, their very presence seems to add heaviness to any room. You might notice people falling silent when you insert yourself to a conversation. Rather than being charming and agreeable, your aura is intense and commanding. You might make people feel uncomfortable even when you don’t mean to. The planet of death, Pluto, is your ruling planet. You might find yourself faced with plenty of crises throughout your life that will force you to grow or to give up on yourself. You’re sharp, intuitive and an assertive communicator. People cannot help but take notice of what you say. Be careful how you use this power as it can invite lots of hostility if used improperly.
On a positive note, ledership skills are very possible. If you watch out for your overly-controlling tendencies you could make a strong and capable leader people can rely on.
Learn to let go and to open up again.
As body type: deep and thoughtful eyes, a hard stare. Sharp facial features, especially the jaw, a darker complexion.
You likely prefer darker colours of clothing. Black, darker shades of grey or blue. You could dress in a minimalistic fashion or opt for flattering even edgy or gothic styles. Your appearance could also change significantly throughout the years.
Sagittarius ascendant: the first words that come to my mind are “bold” and “loud”. These natives love having space to roam free and explore and are intellectually curious. They crave novelty and new experiences like a fish fresh water. It’s a necessity. They are definitely the friendly people that seem to float from one group of friends to another. Instead of staying silent they will voice their opinion even if they will come off blunt or insensitive. They definitely have a temper that they hide to a greater or lesser extent. Though they are friendly, they aren’t people pleasers and very much prefer honesty over shallow pleasantries. This definitely means ruffling feathers at least sometimes. Regardless of other placements, Jupiter definitely adds a touch of light-heartedness and positivity to this person’s aura.
On the downside, there could be anger issues, a love for drama, messiness or lack of structure in one or more dimensions of their life. Settling down could also prove to be hard. If they aren’t the type to play the field then at least they have high standards and/or don’t like their freedom being restricted or feeling like they are under somebody’s thumb.
As body body type: they could be athletic or if not there could be a fondness for working out/practicing some kind of sport or staying active in general. They are definitely the outdoorsy types so don’t expect they’ll stay cooped up in the house for too long. They likely have an open body language, relaxed posture and an approachable energy in general. Expressive eyes and youthful appearance is very possible.
As clothing, they prefer colourful styles or sporty/functional ones. They likely opt for versatile, comfortable shoes. Bohemian styles or statement accessories are also very possible.
Capricorn ascendant: meet the serious-minded and ambitious folk. Those natives always do more than just complete their assignments. They do them with overwhelmingly perfection. Teachers and older people might like you more than those of your age or you might just feel like you resonate with them more. There is definitely a strict and bossy side to your personality. You don’t like inefficiency, too much drama or even grammar mistakes, for that matter. You bottle up your emotions and let only a few select people close. You are organised and logical in your approach to life. You are always true to your word and people can always depend on you. A dark and sharp sense of humour may be present. You are strong-willed and typically very polite.
On a downote, watch out for your controlling, workaholic tendencies and much like the Scorpio ascendant, learn to be more open about your feelings in general. A more positive outlook on life wouldn’t hurt either. Not everything is black and white.
As body type: you could be lean or have a defined built. A good posture and serious eyes. You probably prefer classic or simple styles of clothing. You might have a preference for formal wear. You like comfortable shoes and looking sophisticated and put together in general.
Aquarius ascendant: meet the gypsies! These natives are inquisitive, rebellious and have a special flair to them that makes them stand out in a crowd. They are social and likely have many hobbies. They could be big nerds or just very good with technology in general. They are definitely the 70 year old grandparents that pick up a smartphone for the first time and know how to use is as well as or even better than their grandchildren. Because, well, “it’s just so obvious. You just click here and here.” They don’t like being ordered what to do and if someone adopts a commanding tone with this native on a regular basis, they’ll definitely fly away or wiggle their way out of any assignment really. Also, they hate being monitored when completing a task. It’s unnerving. Luckily, they usually put a lot of emphasis on doing their work right, even suggesting ways in which to make any project better, more efficient or interesting in general. If they respect you as a leader, they would do nearly anything for you even if that means lots of unslept hours, tears and hard work. The loyalty of this natives is very hard to gain but extremely precious. They can be real forces of nature for better or for worse. It’d be best not to be on their black list.
On a darker note, they could be very stubborn, impulsive and emotionally detached in personal relationships (most of which if due to their cerebral approach to life and/or inability to deal with emotionally-charged situations). They could be erratic and unpredictable and aren’t necessarily easy to get to know.
They are deeply loyal to a select few people and are total sweethearts to them, sometimes undeservedly.
As body type: they are on the taller side, perhaps lanky or just give the impression of being taller in general. They have a youthful appearance and at least one distinctive feature that makes people take notice.They might express their creativity through interesting hair-dos or tattoos etc.
Almost any style of clothing is possible, or a combination of 2-3 of them at the same time. Instead of following trends, they are trend-setters and don’t mind having all looks on them, even judgemental one, if it means their clothes align with who they are deep down.
Pisces ascendant: they have a softer and sometimes ethereal presence. You look at them and might think they are a poet or artist and could very well be right. They might be gentle or soft-spoken. Not the most social but people might just like them anyways. They are empathetic and sensitive people that would gladly give suport and heart-felt advice, only were they asked for it. They are diplomatic and easy-going. They can make friends easily as people are drawn to their giving and kind energy. There is probably a dislike for conflict or tense situations in general. They are not fond of overly competitive environments and having to convince any person of the rightness their opinion is frankly scary and/or overly burdensome for them. They’d rather ignore the problem or you altogether than keep getting into arguments.
On a darker note, there could be manipulative tendencies or lying, mostly as not to upset someone or having to admit a mistake they made in the past. It probably tears them apart as it is but admitting that to another person is a different matter altogether. Mood swings, naivety, emotional indecision, weak boundaries and victim mentality are also very possible.
As body type: soft and gentle features, expressive eyes, fluid movements, ethereal aura.
As clothing, they definitely prefer the softer, feminine or romantic styles. They might like to dress in a bohemian fashion or prefer lighter, pastel colours over darker ones. Comfortable shoes and sporty/homey clothing could also be to their taste.
Hope you guys enjoyed the “how to recognise” series of posts I made.☺️ If there is any placement you’d like more clarity on, I’ll be more than glad to offer my interpretation. I am open to receiving feedback from you and us having discussions on topics of your choice. Thanks for reading!💞
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shadowviixen · 1 month ago
Dear Capricorn Venus Babies,
My loves...
Don't... and I say it with my whole chest... Don't... Feel ashamed for wanting and desiring more, especially in terms of material wealth, material abundance, and stability in relationships.
That's literally an INGRAINED code in our chart... It's just who we are...
Per se, don't be ashamed of seeking a partner who can equally provide or provide more than you could to yourself. Don't feel bad for desiring a man who will prioritize you. As a big sister Capricorn Venus in the 10th house... Working hard, surrounding yourself in luxury, and being a natural provider for yourself and others while desiring material abundance... are just WHO and WHAT I am. It's just WHO and WHAT we are. And if you're like me, it'll either mean you seek a very traditionally loving and providing man or a man of equal (and/or greater) caliber.
SO NO! You... thinking you "deserve" princess and queen treatment... is NOT delusion. It's your birthright.
Don't settle. Love is great... but love can't feed you.
Your Big Sis SVXN 💋
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When I can see all of someone’s teeth when they talk and smile I always guess that have prominent Capricorn placements.
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* ˚ ✦Capricorn observation* ˚ ✦
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• Like any earth sign they like a timeless look or something fitting to their environment (messy environment messy look, clean environment clean look, picking up what I’m putting down?)
It also kind applies to when they’re looking for love interests.
• Very “old school” probably has a collection of some kind, maybe along the lines of retro memorabilia or collections of antiques (that they only think looks good) or they’re place looks bare because they could never spend money on “that pointless crap”
(I’ve almost met a lot of Capricorn placements who collects comic books.)
• They could never spend large amounts of money unless it’s apart of their “whole master plan” aka they will do anything to get ahead in their job or career even if it means hurting your feelings or taking your position!
That’s earths sign kinda of competitiveness.
• I personally feel like thrifting was invented by a Capricorn or the Russian mail order bride service, both ends mean business for one common thing, not love…. But money.
In some cases it means love.
• Capricorn in love is like a strong tree trunk if you appreciate it enough and have enough patience.
Can you stay all 4 seasons?
• Can you handle a Capricorn’s depression or seasonal depression because they rather get the bag than celebrate holidays including if they live far away from family.
•Free time for Capricorn means learning/ planning how to get more money when they DO have free time (which is never, they’re always busy) or tinkering around trying to make something (crafty) or fixing something that needed to be fixed 6 months ago.
They procrastinate a bit here and there.
• Just like a cancer they like they’re space and personal space but not carrying they’re home on they’re back like cancer, that’s what they lack and leads them to depression, dating a cancer can help them gain that nostalgia back for them but won’t solve there depression! (Don’t use water signs as emotional body bags.
• They do love the used, daddy issues, mommy issues people, because earlier on their life or childhood they had to grow up fast and never really shown love or proper love towards them. So they do the same.
Whata cycle Capricorn!
• They mentally think like a teenager but have a body like a 80 year old. Having back pains in highschool? And problems with they’re knees?
• Do you have crooked teeth? Deep voice? Sometimes raspy? Small face features but a long nasal cavity? Did you ever have those gold/silver caps in your teeth while growing up?
• The males are into older women, and women are into younger guys.
• Shy when it comes to love but very confident when it comes to money.
• Once when you have everything why do you feel like you gotta keep searching?
•How does it feel to chase something you don’t even know what your chasing?
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harmoonix · 11 months ago
Of course all Capricorn Suns have that serious face ALWAYS 😭/🤣
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Like "👁️👄👁️"
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starsworldd · 5 months ago
Saturn/Venus rant (I’m back!) 💖
hello all! i’ve decided to come back from my break. a lot of things have happened in my life since then but i am grateful to be here again! i’ve started college in a new state and have started living more independently obviously (besides my roommates hehe) but life has certainly gotten quicker and better for me! below are some pictures i’ve taken on my travels since my break :)
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a couple of updates regarding this blog:
as far as readings go, i will now have them open! they will be upped in price and i won’t be able to give them away as quick because god knows i have been selling myself short and overworking myself💀 the readings will still be high quality, more aesthetic, and detailed as i’ve always kept them. i will update my example pdf soon
i will try and get through my submission box however it will be very slow i will not lie. while i don’t mind the occasional personal astrological question here and there, i do from now on want to use my blog as a more general space rather than just answering to people’s personal questions. so i would prefer if people submitted post ideas instead for content they would like to see from me :)
now onto today’s rant! 💖
today i want to talk about a theory/conjecture i had about astrology and how the planets operate.
i believe that a planet at its best function will actually be able to achieve its opposite function in astrogical terms. let me explain:
♂ mars is an aggressive, personally-oriented type of planet. in our charts, mars shows where/how we change our fate despite certain circumstances not being in our favor or being in its easiest forms.
♂ when mars operates in a poor manner, this can lead to people being lazy, cowardly, or blind to where one can improve themselves or life situation.
♂ when mars acts in its best manner, it’s able to work quickly and efficiently which are already inherently martian traits, but when it’s able to work efficiently/quickly it’s end-goal is to bring endings and solutions to certain problems which is a venusian trait. venus rules over death, acceptance, and peace. mars in its best manner is also highly loyal and capable of great creativity sense mars makes things anew again (aries is literal birth and then scorpio is exploring our personal/collective limits which bring about new experiences and ideas in our lives) and creativity and loyalty are often associated with venus as well.
i will give another example: saturn.
♄ we all know that saturn is a planet that rules over boundaries, restrictions, and time. but it also rules over things like darkness/death, sacrifice, self-preservation, personal limits, legacy, and even creativity. though some of these traits are similar to what i listed above for venus, we have to remember that venus is about enjoyment and pleasure. it rules over death and creativity for a different purpose than saturn.
♄ saturn at its best levels up not only the individual but inspires those who are around the individual to level up as well. think of saturnian energy as a dark room, there isn’t a thing you can see. when there are people who have managed to navigate the darkness, to somehow find a light in a place that was once dark and unknown, it motivates us to find our own “light” in places that are dark for us in our lives; in this way, saturn at its best actually helps us find the light in our lives and works for the collective via inspiration.
♄ when saturn is at its worst, it is stingy, conservative, traditional, and just simply rude. i may have thrown a few people off with listing traditional as one of its worst manifestations but i will explain:
♄ even in a sign like capricorn which is known in the astrology community for having very traditional and consistent traits, we have to first think about how traditions are established. traditions are established through consistency but traditions become traditions because they were at one point in our lives something new and interesting. these traditions at one point provided us with substances or feelings that we didn’t know of before but actually improved our lives and eventually set a new standard. that’s why capricorn isn’t necessarily traditional imo; capricorn just sets a new bar or standard when it enters the scene and it therefore becomes traditional because we aspire to meet these standards ourselves. and this ladies and gentlemen is how saturn can becoming a guiding light in our lives instead of a “wall” at its best energy💰
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hope you enjoyed!
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yourstardarling · 1 year ago
Capricorn: The Cold Mother
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I learned officially the other day Capricorn is a feminine sign and needed some time to fully grasp this. I’ve always been confused as to how a sign associated with such a cold demeanor be feminine. Then I realized that Capricorn is the opposite of the mother sign Cancer, which means these two signs are expressions of our mothers.
Cancer symbolizes the caring devoted mother. Her water sign nature makes her emotionally attuned to the feelings of those around her. She takes care of her kids and guide their emotional development as they grow through the real world. Cancer cares for her family and can heal the emotional pain of those in need.
Capricorn on the other hand is the cold mother. She is the businesswoman who values discipline and consistency. With Capricorn being an Earth sign, emotions are often undermined. There is a suppression of them in order to build tough skin and a strong exterior. As we look at the symbol for Capricorn below, it is a sea goat which represents mastering control of emotional depths in order to climb higher ground.
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This makes a lot of sense as well as Capricorns are often associated with climbing mountains. Mountains symbolizing obstacles and problems that arise in our lives. So in order to face these obstacles, Capricorn must not let her feelings get the best of her. This in turn creates a family that isn’t really emotionally nurtured by her. She will provide the physical necessities though, due to her earth sign nature. However, the rest of sustaining of her children will need to be figured out on their own.
Demeter & The Cold Mother
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To undertand the nature of Capricorn more let’s look at the story of Demeter. Capricorn season begins on the Winter Solstice. In Greek Mythology, it is believed that winter has come due to Demeter grieving her daughter. Demeter is the goddess of agriculture and the provider of life force energy on earth. After Persephone has made her decent into the underworld in Autumn, Demeter stops providing sustenance to all life. The land becomes cold and barren. Animals hibernate and trees wither away. So all life stops moving and Demeter freezes the land in Persephone’s absence.
This is a simplified version of the story, but it helps us understand the nature of Capricorns. As they begin the season of winter, it symbolizes how Capricorns grow up in cold environments. These cold environments lacked life and nurturing qualities to keep them sustained. So Capricorns had to learn from a young age how to sustain themselves and survive in this cold world. They needed to learn to climb their own mountains and be more mature than their peers. Playing the role of the parent to keep themselves afloat. That’s why they are ruled by Saturn. The planet of maturity and discipline.
It is the reason why Capricorns themselves may come off as cold with their emotions. They just had to be in order to survive. Their emotions needed to be suppressed as to not upset a member in the family. They posses a lot of maturity, but being a child was taken away from them drastically.
That’s why the moon is debilitated in Capricorn. Emotions should be valued in order to have a nurturing family. Capricorn freezes their emotions in order to keep the peace in their family. Some Capricorns may feel frozen in time when it comes to expressing how they feel, but just like ice eventually these emotions will be melted away.
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A quote to Describe them:
“You say I'm like the ice, I freeze” - Brooklyn Baby, Lana Del Rey
A song:
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moonastrogirl · 2 years ago
Credit @moonastrogirl
Exalted house placements
Super Energy Placements
2024 Numerology - Predictions/Tips
Planets retrograde natal notes and tips
Rahu and Ketu
12th house signs Part 1 Aries -> Virgo
Signs of a weak personal planet + Remedies
Message for Water signs/Water/Moon/Pluto/Neptune dominant
Pluto in Aquarius - The rise of the underdog
Mula Nakshatra
Transits of moon + remedy
Call back your energy and power in 2024
💘 Some important tips for each Nakshatra : Never to do tips 💘
Debilitation in placements can be cancelled
Signs of a weak personal placement+ remedies (Vedic astrology)
Theory on healing your chiron placement
Vedic astrology
Vedic astrology- Knowledge and Tips
Mula Nakshatra
Transits of moon + remedy
Venus true nature The commander in chief
Identify and deal with enemies, opponents and nemesis - Vedic Astrology
Paris Hilton Chart - Moon-Rahu + Venus-Ketu dynamic
💘 Some important tips for each nakshatra : never to do tips 💘
Sun, the natural soul planet VS Ego Death
Jyestha nakshatra (in honour of jyestha season)
Rahu and Ketu 2 POV
Debilitation in placements can be cancelled
Vedic astrology and celebrities part 2 - Keith Lee VS Atlanta
Vedic astrology and celebrities part 1 - Gunna
Vedic transit
Rahu and Ketu
Can anyone be a vedic astrologer or write about vedic astrology ? (Personal opinion)
Exalted house placements
Vedic astrology introduction (personal experience)
Planets retrograde natal notes and tips
Chart online calculator of your higher self
Making more money using your Vedic chart
Signs of a weak personal planet + Remedies
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12th house - House of Rebirth
12th house signs Part 1 Aries -> Virgo
2024 Numerology - Predictions/Tips
Tropical astrology
Juno in Leo at 29 degrees in 12th house
Juno in Leo at 29 degrees in 7th house
The truth about Cancer placements/Stellium/4th house
The truth about Aries placements/Stellium/1st house
Theory on healing your chiron placement
Difference of leadership Cardinal signs edition
Appreciation post for Capricorn/Saturn dominant men/masculine people
Exalted house placements
Message for Water signs/Water/Moon/Pluto/Neptune dominant
Weird placements to embody proudly
Super energy placements
Let’s collectively leave astrology out of toxic patterns (tropical astrology take)
Words can be deceiving but energy ? Energy never lies
12th house - House of Rebirth
12th house signs Part 1 Aries -> Virgo
Escape the matrix month by month with astrology
Pluto in Aquarius - The rise of the underdog
Transits of moon + remedy
Vedic transit
2023 Saint Valentin Transit
Message for Cardinal signs/Cardinal dominant
Pluto in Aquarius/Saturn in Pisces
For all Cardinal sun/moon/rising/ mercury/venus/mars + Cardinal dominant/stellium
Synastry aspects to avoid or keep in check Friendships edition - Part 1
Asks - aspects, synastry, degrees, house
Sun, Moon, Mercury and Pluto in Scorpio in 11th house in a composite chart
Sun square MC
Moon conjunct Mars (baby making aspect) + Sun conjunct Mars in Libra
Synastry Sun in 9th house
What are you BIG 3 placements ? Asks list with several other astro bloggers
Vertex, Chiron, Midheaven (MC) and Imum Coeli (IC) at 0 degree
Venus in Leo transitioning 8th house
Mercury sextile Pluto
Indicators of having kids in a birth chart, fertility indicators and 5th house
Infertility indicators- Chiron, Pluto, Vertex and Ketu/SN in 5th house
Empty 5th house in Cancer
Synastry Moon in 8th house and partner’s moon in scorpio similar to a moon conjunct venus ?
Synastry Rahu/NN in 1st and Ketu/SN in 4th house doom to end ?
Human design chart
Jupiter transitioning the 3rd house
Moon based posts
Cancer Full moon January 2023
Cancer Full moon Update January 2023
Aquarius New moon January 2023
Leo Full moon February 2023
Pisces New moon February 2023
Virgo Full moon March 2023
Aries New moon March + April 2023
I decided to stop for now moon posts maybe I’ll do them against later I don’t know yet. Tho you have all the necessary information thanks to my previous posts to keep on using the moon cycle at your advantage.
Advice on spirituality
Advice for beginners
Blood Magic / Sex magic
Call back your energy and power in 2024
Escape the matrix month by month with astrology
Paid readings prices
Credit @moonastrogirl
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guided-by-the-skies · 10 months ago
Shadow Work Astro Observations | Time To 🦋 Break 🦋 BIG 🦋 Blockages ☆
On this day the full moon moves into sagittarius and venus moves into gemini. It's a great time to do shadow work considering the emotional aspects of the moon become aplified in sagittarius and it translates into AMAZING emotional drive for the next few days and the ability to break through emotional blockages.
However these observations do work all the time and for all signs ☆
I also personally believe that shadow work is harder now than at ANY other point in history because of the infinite distractions we have. Some of these observations come from ways of thinking about astro that have helped me work through BIG blockages. So hoping maybe they can have a similar effect on others.
🌚 Those who identify more strongly with their ascendant may find shadow work harder. Those who identify most strongly with their moon sign may find shadow work easier than average
🌚 Pluto, uranus, neptune, and moon in first, fourth, fifth, ninth, or tenth houses may find shadow work easier than most
🌚 INxJ types in the MBTI may find shadow work relatively easy
🌚 Capricorn is surprisingly good at shadow work
🌚 If you encounter emotional blockages, check what's transiting your 8th house (sounds really weird but it relates to the death tarot card). This house is all about new energy, destruction, and creation. So it can relate to clearing blockages.
🌚 Moon transiting any natal planets will influence the quality of your shadow work
🌚 9th house placements can make you reluctant to confront your shadow and liable to use distractions, especially venus, jupiter, and saturn
🌚 If the moon comes up in a tarot reading - especially if you are a water or earth sign - you are on the verge of a huge emotional breakthrough
🌚 If the moon comes up for water signs, check your 4th house transits for ideas on clearing blockages
🌚 If the moon comes up and you have ANY significant pluto aspects in your chart WHATSOEVER, check what's transiting them ;)
🌚If fire signs have emotional blackages with shadow work, now is a great full moon to break them ;)
🌚 Virgo and libra may find shadow work especially hard. Check the 10th house and your ascendant placement transits to see if there are any helpful aspects
🌚 Cancer is especially sensitive to the environment in which they shadow work and may benefit from lighting a candle or taking a long bath beforehand
🌚 If the moon and death come up together in a tarot reading KEEP TRACK OF YOUR DREAMS and any weird dreams. Seriously this one works ☆
🌚 If you dream on this night your dream will likely contain a clue for any emotional blockages you want to clear. Watch out for unusual and out of place objects and animals in dreams
🌚 You may find you make more progress in shadow work with the following signs at the moment: aquarius, pisces, scorpio
🌚 You can induce dreams and try lucid dreaming more easily on this night
🌚 You can find shadow work VERY hard if you have difficult placements in your 12th house. However, you can wait for positive venus, moon, and mars transits to this to try shadow work
🦂 Scorpio might find shadow work easier on the new moon as opposed to the full moon
If you break blockages as a result of ANY observations on this list, check your aquarius placements. I have both neptune and uranus in aquarius, these are very good placements for breaking blockages in a creative manner and I genuinely hope this energy can spread and maybe help others
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astro-tag-9 · 10 months ago
Hello :) I would like to request What fictional couple are me and my friend this time
my placements :Capricorn Sun, Scorpio moon,aquarius rising , Taurus mars, sagittarius mercury, Aquarius Venus, Jupiter scorpio , Saturn leo
his placements: Capricorn Sun, Aries moon, gemini mars,Aquarius mercury, sagittarius Venus, Jupiter capricorn ,Saturn Virgo
thanks a ton again💝
🖤Selina Kyle/Catwoman and Bruce Wayne/Batman🖤
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sonnyangeldreams · 1 year ago
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capricorn season! ♑︎
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shadowviixen · 1 year ago
Letter to Capricorn Venus
Dear Capricorn Venuses, For the love of God (if ever you do believe in one)... Don't! and I mean DON'T ever give into the social and peer pressure of falling in love and all that generic romance nonsense that others are trying to convince you with... You have high standards. You will need time to find THE ONE that's meant for you. AND NO... You're not delusional for wanting a true love that makes you feel safe, reassured, cared for, and loved. Your love is mature, subtle, stable, calming, assuring, safe, practical, wholesome, considerate... every other description that makes you feel as if your heart will never make you unnerved or afraid. And if YOU exist, then someone out there EXISTS just for you. So be patient, especially to my young Capricorn Venus girlies... Work on yourself. Love yourself. Feel secure of your own existence and provide for yourself to the point that you don't look for a man/woman by necessity but by choice of having a partner to grow with.
You are romantic and you deserve romance that's aligned for you
Take it from me and my experience. Sincerely,
A Capricorn Venus in the 10th house big sister
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Whenever I see people at work constantly grinding, staying overtime, and always finding ways to talk about work I believe they either have Capricorn placements or a Capricorn ruled 6th house.
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Air moons/Venus/11th house: will get with a person that no one in society understands, all your friends could think he’s/she weird or “not your type” but little do they know, the people who no one can read are they’re absolute favorite.
It’s a human puzzle piece for these placements to figure out! That shy loner, the weirdo no one talks to. That’s who they feel most comfortable with.
People with this placement might get a lot of questions about they’re love interest they have or get some interesting looks (good and bad). The relationship/situationsip is kinda in the limelight including if you make it public on social media, you will have people stalking your relationship no matter how hard you try to make it private.
Watch out for the lurkers…
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humnooshop · 1 year ago
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Happy Capricorn month! (December 22 - January 19)
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ophelyia · 2 years ago
Uranus in Capricorn
You are fortunate in that you have the capacity to have inspirations or ideas and be able to translate them into practice. You can take your unconventional ideas or inventions and through being prudent and reserved, and by being persevering translate the ideas into something practical. Freedom and independence are very important to you, and you are not deterred by others in going your own way, so you can persist and succeed.
Uranus in 7th House
Your partnerships are unique or unusual, usually possessing a wonderful rapport or a total lack of understanding. You and/or your partner are generally unconventional and you do things for their shock appeal. Plenty of freedom is desired in the relationship and there may be a lack of desire for commitment. In fact, maybe you search out special situations in your relationships that ensure little commitment. Perhaps you are most attracted to those who are already in relationships or who are otherwise unavailable. Because of the uniqueness that exists within your partnerships, it is likely that others will not understand them. You may not understand them yourself. You meet the most interesting and unconventional people in your life. Any need to control the other person in your relationships will probably lead to disaster. Partner and you will have to find your own comfort level regarding time and attention spent on the other. A lot of elbow room may be required. A relationship in which you feel you are free to grow is one that makes it possible for you to do so. Any limits or constraints placed on the relationship are likely to be met with a certain hit the road attitude. Sudden and unexpected turns are likely. Perhaps one person is required to be away from the other for long periods of time. This position may give many long distance, casual types of relationships. You probably seek a partner who provides the thrills and spills for you in your life. A partner who challenges you mentally and emotionally is desired. Your relationships may be lab experiments where you hope to learn who-knows-what. Someone who is inventive, individualistic, creative, original, out-going, eccentric or radical appeals to you. Your partner may possess considerable personal magnetism and occasionally a degree of genius, but eccentricities, erratic tendencies and even fanaticism may be present. Your approach to marriage may be highly idealistic or utopian and there may be an inclination to favor platonic unions. You want and need your partner to be your friend. Most of your relationships probably started as friendships. On the other hand, there may be a tendency to seek excitement in partnerships and a marked interest in romantic adventures may result in passing infatuations that can cause a rift with the marriage partner. The greatest threat to marriage may occur when one partner's capacity for self-development expands at a rate greatly in excess of the other's, so that one spouse may no longer be recognizable as the person they were when the marriage took place. For a successful partnership, you and your partner will need to develop the qualities of tolerance, cooperation, detachment and freedom.
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