#Pancake Detective
nimue-hidden-lake · 3 months
What is wrong with him!?
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lake-archive · 2 months
Judgment Be Upon Ye
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I'm practicing my skills as well as drawing Akechi. Expect more unless I forget.
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lotus-pear · 4 months
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ok gayboy
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akechi-stole-my-heart · 7 months
i maintain that the reason goro sucks at cooking is bc he absolutely cannot for the life of him experiment with it. he can follow instructions fine but if there's vague terms or if something says to eyeball it he's completely lost. that, and goro cannot stand having to do multiple things at once and will absolutely burn a building down because he wasn't keeping a close enough eye on the stove. this is what makes akira so good at cooking, on the other hand--he thrives at experimenting and taste testing and the chaos of the kitchen is something he lives for.
HOWEVER. goro is very good at following a step-by-step guide. he is extremely meticulous. he is capable of being precise with measurements. so once he's introduced to it, goro becomes an incredible baker. it even becomes therapeutic, a method of relaxing after a long day. akira hates baking for the same reasons goro loves it, but loves having yummy tasty treats, so baking becomes goro's forte.
unfortunately, being the friend who brings baked goods to every hangout means goro is not escaping the has-a-sweet-tooth allegations anytime soon.
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swing-crow · 5 months
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"I almost made it but..."
Found these in my folders. Big fan of this guy ngl
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pancake-breakfast · 2 months
Some ship names are magical. Like, on the one side, we've got Millionsummers, which sounds like this blissful, beautiful, slow, unending passion but is really about an emotionally distant god who unhealthy obsesses over his twin brother and the broken, murderous psychopath who wants to suck the god's toes and/or kill the brother so senpai will notice him, and then over in this corner, we have Payneland, which sounds like some sort of masochistic recipe for disaster but is really just a wholesome ship between two dead boys who've been the bestest of friends for 30 years.
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Whoms’t’ve has stolen this anon’s pancakes?
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bludcandiiecarouselzz · 5 months
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🐻🔎Ranpo Edogawa🔍🐻
<< Ranpo Edogawa stimboard with glasses, books, paper and bear pancake stims!! :D >>
🥨🐻🔎 🥨🐻🔎 🥨🐻🔎
Divider Here!!
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hellsite-detective · 7 months
Pancakes or waffles?
ah! my favorite of the two is pancakes, but i also do like waffles!
but if you were to ask me which of the two i wanted, pancakes would be my answer! i just love the fluffiness of pancakes, there’s something so comforting about it!!
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kevin-draws · 4 months
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fanart of [ pann ryder ], a very comfy-vibes original character by the good-vibingly musician-artist @mister-pancake ...
there are a few differences compared to the twitter version! just a few, though. you get a virtual cookie if you find them all
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rateatinginsulation · 3 months
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nimue-hidden-lake · 3 months
So I am playing and then this...
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lake-archive · 4 days
Scene 53
AO3 Link
Fandom: Persona 5
Character (main): Goro Akechi, Miyuki Ishikawa (OC)
Scene 52 - Masterlist - Scene 54
Miyuki… Most had a more than favorable image of her. After all, what could she possibly do wrong? She was nothing but short of perfection – An angelic smile, a polite way of speaking, a calm demeanor, a lovely face and most importantly… Part of a successful family, well known across Japan, a rich household if you will. She has been blessed on all ends, perfect through and through. However, it takes two playing the same game to realize that she is nothing but a fraud. And Goro knew it first hand. 
Usually no one set him off nor truly terrified him. Sure, in some situations he had been faced with less pleasant odds yet he was still in control. But not with Miyuki. She… Knew too much. Her connections allowed her to know more than the average person. But that she knew someone very high up personally, that was a shock which he had been met with out of literal nowhere. It hit him out of left field. And only shortly after did he figure out what she was capable of. He was aware of her power, given that she was, in fact, an Ishikawa. So whenever she approached him things could take a turn really fast, especially when alone. Last time he had been lucky, they were around. But this time? Her timing was unpredictable and just downright awful. 
She had seen him, right in the crowd and walked up to him. To most it looked like any other conversation and that smile graces her face. That slimey, disgustingly sweet smile. The one which made her try way too hard. That smile which made him sick to the stomach at any point. Anyone who knew her would probably puke from it. It was that disgusting to look at. Yet he never commented on it, keeping those thoughts caged inside his head. Not like anyone would believe it to begin with. They were all blinded, calling her an ‘angel’. But angels are nothing but a myth. They don’t exist. Though the public may want them to exist. If they only could see that this white dress of hers was tainted with blood… 
Well, at least she had not bothered to hide it right now. Instead the two had been going to a more isolated spot within the building. Apparently she had something ‘important’ to discuss with him, though that was debatable. And shortly after it may have been proven correct. Instead of speaking up first and foremost her smile faded and instead she trapped him behind a wall and herself, slamming one of her hands next to him, palm slamming against said wall. She may have been smaller than him yet he dared not to move, not knowing what would happen to him otherwise. All it would take was one sudden scream and it could all be over… And he wasn’t going to risk that.
“So so, Daddy’s little lap dog looks really busy these days.” Miyuki began, her smile having turned into a rather deformed grin. Her glare had shot up to Goro’s face, coming face–to–face with him, somewhat. These golden eyes may as well be the ones spawning from the devil. And that smirk was something else… The undertones are more than obvious. He hated it. He hated her face, all of it. Yet this expression was one of the worst… “You’re not slacking on your responsibilities, are you?”
“How I handle my work is hardly any of your business.” He countered, having to hold himself back from hissing. In fact his tongue could just barely keep it together. Yet if he said something out of line then—
“Haha, well, I guess you’re right. As long as you come barking to Daddy like a good dog~” She laughed, unable to hold it in even. Each word made her ‘sweet’ tone become more and more twisted, nearly cracking at points. “He’s pleased with your work either way, isn’t he?”
“Your point?”
“Hmm… I guess there’s none. Not really at least.” She laughed once more before backing away, at least a little bit. Her arm had removed itself from the wall at the very least. “Besides from you having a point to exist.”
The words irked him, they always did. Yet this was not the first time the two had the conversation to begin with. Yet she would not let him get a word out, not yet at least.
“I mean, a bastard kid like you should consider itself lucky. Serving a purpose and not ending up as a miscarriage? How fortunate~”
Each word coming from her mouth made Goro want to punch her stupid face in. Unfortunately she knew. Miyuki had always known. Her connections had reached that far. Ever since he met her she was like this towards him, treating him as someone less. She reminded him of his life every single time, not letting any opportunity slip. Insults were nothing uncommon yet he could handle it if it was towards himself. However, she always knew how to cross the line… 
“Though I still believe that your slut of a mother would’ve been better off with a miscarriage. Having you probably put her name even more to shame. Raising a bastard child while—”
“Didn’t I tell you to shut up!?” Yeah, that was something he could not handle. It made him drop his mask in an instant and let his fury show, one of the few instances. Yet he dared to not become physical, he never did. Though raising his voice would not be out of the question. She was pissing him off, she always did. Dragging him down was bad enough but his own mother? Talk about crossing a line… That bitch! 
“Oh, defensive now? Look at your ugly mug, little thing~” Miyuki laughed, of course nowhere near apologizing. 
Goro scoffed at this, trying to not let this get the better of himself. “What do you want?”
“Wanting to get rid of me already? I’m hurt~ … Just kidding.” She taunted, not holding back her smirk in any way. “But fine, enough about that. Your slut of a Mom is doing fine in hell anyways.”
“Watch your mouth.”
“So should you, bastard kid. You better give me what I want or you know what will leak across the internet~” Hearing this made him gulp for a moment, his face showing his annoyance however. That woman never knew when to shut up. Yet she continued as if it was nothing, as if she just hadn’t taken it too far. “Anyways, I’m curious about your friend from earlier. Luka, was it? Tell me more about him, would you?”
Hearing that had Goro in shock for a moment. What was this bitch planning now? “For what purpose?”
“I don’t have to tell you little foundling~”
“Then have fun—”
���You wouldn’t want me showing the press some of your papers, would you~?”
He froze, not daring to finish that sentence. He… Couldn’t argue. He knew that this would happen. She had the upper hand here. And he hated it more than anything. There was nothing he could do… Nothing. Absolutely nothing. “F… Fine… I’ll play along.”
“Good bastard kid. Looks like you got your uses after all~” Miyuki chuckled, using that sickening smile of hers to put emphasis on how pleased she was right now. “Alright, let’s get this started. Firstly… Who is this Luka guy? Tell me all about him~”
Scene 52 - Masterlist - Scene 54
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saturns-ninth-moon · 9 months
I’ve just been thinking about this scene (as normal)
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The protag doesn’t speak in the scene, but, importantly morgana does (well you know how that ends).
Does this mean Goro Akechi thinks that the protag sounds like Morgana because I would love to see a version of this game where Cassandra Lee Morris plays the protag.
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suusoh · 1 month
Johan leaves and tenma calls nina like “DID YOU KNOW???”
she has to calm him down and assure him that darling isn't in danger. no doktor we don't need to create an escape plan for the "poor girl", yes she already tried herself, no the darling is not manipulated or brainwashed, how does she know that? ... she also tried to rescue darling before of course.
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nocreativejuiceleft · 2 years
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i think that i should probably tell you this, in case there is an accident and i never see you again. so please save all your questions for the end and maybe i'll be brave enough by then. well, maybe i won't ever say what's in my head. no, i won't have to say anything, you'll say it instead.
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