#glass orb necklace
sylverra · 25 days
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Shop Update!
Lots of nifty new items this week, check it out:
Lugh statue
Cernunnos Plaque
6" Fluorite point
Rose quartz & tourmaline glass orb pendulums
1" Rhodonite pyramids
Gold sheen obsidian palm stones
Labradorite point necklaces
Aqua calcite points
Fossil coral chips
Tree agate points
Rough green aventurine
Drawstring compartment bags
> See all our newest additions here <
Happy shopping! 💚💜
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tr4gictea · 1 month
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True Meaning: Prologue
Isekai teen!reader + Genshin Impact
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Tags: none
Including: Introduction to the reader
word count: 1,309 words
A/n: Imma be honest, I thought I posted this story on Wednesday but apparently I just saved it to my drafts 😭.
This is a series that I want to start if you guys want me to, if not then I will still be posting this story along with my regular one-shots, headcanons, and stories but not as regularly. But if do want this to continue leave a note down below so I know that you guys like this and want more content of this story. :P
True Meaning Table of Content ⋆౨ৎ˚⟡
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Your head was pounding, it felt like someone took a sword and stabbed it right through your head. Around you were tall trees with glowing blue flowers surrounding the bases of the trees. You don't know how you got here, one moment you were playing genshin in bed, then a voice called out to you.
"(Y/n), your soul is not of this world, you must move to the next," And all of a sudden you were lying on the muddy grass.
You got up and looked around, there was none in sight other than two slim foxes in the distance. Where were you? Exploring the area ahead you saw a small rock formation that looked like a little bear, and next to it was a bundle of lit candles. 
Continuing on you follow the stream next to you. On your way you pass by some small statues that you could compare to puppies or bear cubs. The path looked oddly familiar to you, it felt like you had walked down it before. You walk for about ten minutes passing by Japanese style gates before you spot an... electro seelie?! 
These only exist in genshin?! This cant be real! Wait. This can't be real, because it is a dream! That's why that path seemed so familiar! You smiled to yourself, proud that you “figured” it out. 
But if you are dreaming of the world of genshin that means you can explore the real Inazuma yourself! You've explored the Inazuma area hundreds of times so trying to find Inazuma City shouldn't be hard too. Plus the Raiden Shogun's home is so big that you could see it from miles away.
You walk down the path careful not to alert the hullichurl camps of your presence and make it to the village homes right outside of Inazuma city. When walking in you are greeted by a large tree with pink leaves falling down onto the ground.
As you pass by the villagers give you weird looks. They look you up and down then turn away from you. What's up with them? You wonder as you dust off your baggy black shirt that says 'return of the vampurrr' with a woman screaming at a giant cat and then shoving your hands in your teenage mutant in turtle pajama pants pockets. Wait, you have your sleeping clothes on. Maybe that's why they're giving you weird looks. The only thing that would maybe be okay for you to wear is the Vivienne Westwood Necklace you got off of amazon for 15 dollars. The orb in the middle of the necklace which was originally silver turned into a clear ball almost as if it was made of glass. Well, this is a dream so these people can deal with your choice of clothing.
You continue down the path and head up stone stairs where you see Yoimiya's firework shop and Hajime's blacksmith. He looks hard at work and for the first time you see him move away from the anvil and head to the fire.
I guess my dreams took a little creative liberty you thought as you walked past them. Everything in the city felt more lively than in the games. You saw more kids running up and down the streets, adults talking in groups, and even a pack of doushin traveling out of the city with Kujuo Sara leading them. You had a more creative imagination than you thought.
You walked by so many iconic places in the games that amazed you. Like the sango detective agency and Yae Publishing House. You even passed by Shouta, the little boy who's always offering stuff to the archons.
It couldn't hurt to talk to him and besides he had his hands clasped together and aggressively saying “pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease!” over and over again. "Whatcha doing?" You ask about appearing behind him. 
"I've heard that I can make a wish to the archon once I have placed the offering in the shrine. If the archon likes my offering, my wish will definitely be granted." he excitedly points to the shrine which has Konpeito candies placed at its base. He sounds exactly like he does in the game. You wonder how realistic your dream is. "I have brought all of my snacks here today, and I'd like to wish that the archon will cancel the exam tomorrow!"
"Have you gotten your wish yet?" You question. You know what he's gonna say but you're just curious to hear his voice lines.
"Hmm... It works about once in a dozen times... Last time, I wished bad luck upon someone who bullied me, and then he flunked his exam, haha!" He kept talking and brought up Yoimiya offering him fireworks and Itto as he describes 'big guy with the horns'.
Once he finishes talking he goes off script and asks "Why are you dressed like that?"
This question catches you off guard which causes you to stutter. "I, um well... I... bye." And with that, you turn on your heel and walk in the other direction leaving him with a confused look on his face. You didn't know how to answer that so you just left. Besides this wouldn't affect you as this was all a dream, you told yourself.
You continue walking past the Inazuma Katheryne staring lifelessly at nothing. You continued through Inazuma, still getting weird looks from the locals, but you finally made it to the place you wanted to see all this time. The Raiden Statue.
She was so much taller than she was in the game. Her hands were about as big as the two of you. The wings had glowing visions on them, you could only assume that the vision hunt decree was still in effect.
Looking at all the visions had you thinking about elemental power. If I'm here and not technically from this world does that mean that I can gain elemental powers by touching the statute of seven? Am I the traveler frfr?!?! As soon as the thought crossed your mind you raced to get to Ritou. You almost nearly catch the attention of some hilluchurls but are quick to get away from them. Arriving at Ritou you waste no time in looking at the shops around you and head straight to the Statue of Seven. It looks worn down and beat up. You go up to it and reach your hand out as the traveler did in the games and touch it. As you do, a crackle of electro power pops out of the statue and falls into your body. Looking down you see the originally clear orb of your Vivienne Westwood pendant now glowing electro-light.
"Woah," You reach your hand out and imagine a burst of electro coming out of your fingers and then... Nothing? Your hand remains the same and no elemental powers come out of you.
"Hmm... Maybe I'm supposed to say something... Uhh, aberacdabera!"
A large sudden burst of electro energy burst through your hands and hits a nearby tree, splitting it in half
"S-shit!" I hope none heard that...
"It came from over the wall, let's go around," 
Nope they definitely heard that, I have to go.
You set off running on the opposite side of the path you came up from. You snuck your way back into the Ritou market. And you spent the rest of your dream walking around Ritou until you started to feel tired.Hmm, that's weird, can you get tired in dreams? Maybe this is the dream's way of telling me it's over... But I don't wanna go... I still haven't seen Liyue or Fontaine yet... You try to steady yourself on a nearby tree when you fall over in exhaustion. Even if it was only for a day you still enjoyed your time here. Maybe you'd have another dream like this again…
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More Genshin Impact Stories *ੈ✩‧₊˚
True Meaning Table of Content ⋆౨ৎ˚⟡
This is a series that I want to start if you guys want me to, if not then I will still be posting this story along with my regular one-shots, headcanons, and stories but not as regularly. But if you do want this to continue leave a note down below so I know that you guys like this and want more content about this story :P
Thank you for reading <3
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zombholic · 1 year
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“dude you raided your closet for like the millionth time, you have cute things!” dina groaned trying to help you find a cute outfit for your lunch date with the doctor. “yeah but dina it’s a fancy restaurant! i have nothing fancy oh my god i will kill myself” you sat on the floor defeated.
“wait, wait this is so cute! and so simple what the fuck” she held up a small, plain black spaghetti strapped dress, taking the dress for her you quickly threw your pajamas on the floor and slipped into the fitted dress “dina i look like a slut” the dress riding up your legs making you pull it down only for it to ride back up.
“bro hello? where was this damn body hiding?” looking at yourself in the mirror you turned to the side to check if your ass looked good “where was all this ass y/nn?!” dina laughed slapping your ass in a friendly way “stop being gay weirdo” you laughed grabbing your makeup bag “can you get my jewelry? just like a few rings and earrings, should i wear a necklace?” you started to apply a small amount of makeup but enough to make a difference.
“yeah wear a necklace, show your tits” she joked handing you small sliver hoops, silver rings and a necklace with your zodiac sign on it. “wow can i fuck you?” dina bit her lips and rubbed her hands trying to be seductive “girl i will kill myself” she rolled her eyes before you both bursted out laughing at her stupidity.
“ok lightskin justin beiber, which shoes should i wear?” dina told you to stand up before grabbing a pair of wedged heel boots that stopped at your shins “but wear your slippers cause i don’t need you crashing while driving in those” she handed you the boots.
“girl you got legs for fucking days” and yes you did, long legs that stood out “i’ll invite you to my wedding if you behave” you messed with her before slipping in some slipper and heading out to your car.
buzz buzz
starting your engine you checked to see if it was dina trying to be annoying.
Hey Y/n, I’m about 10 minutes away from the restaurant. I’ll see you there Sweetheart ❤️
hiii doc, im heading out right now, cant wait 2 see you! 🫶🏼
parking at the closest parking spot you could find on a saturday, you quickly slipped into your boots, grabbing your one and only expensive black coach purse that your mom got you for your birthday you threw your keys in the bag. walking into the restaurant you approached the hostess stand “welcome to vue rooftop, may i get your last name for your reservation?”
oh shit
you didn’t know abby’s last name “i’m so sorry give me one second” you moved to the side to quickly text abby.
hey, what’s your last name?
Anderson, are you here?
forgetting to respond to her question you told the hostess the last name “ok ma’am please follow me to the rooftop and i’ll show you your table” she gave you a sweet smile, guiding you to a very fancy elevator that seemed to go up for a good minute “i’ve never seen an elevator be so fancied up” you commented making the hostess giggle “i know, it’s really nice, you’re with doctor anderson right?” you raised your eyebrows surprised she knew abby.
“yeah, i am! do you know her?” “yeah! she comes here all the time but never have i seen her bring someone else” you felt something explode in your stomach, your face heating up as you tried to hide your smile. finally reaching the rooftop she guided you to abby’s table “a waitress will be with you shortly, have a pleasant day” she softly placed the menu on your side.
your heart beating fast when you see abby, “hey sweetheart, let me get that for you” she got up and pulled out your chair for you before going back to hers “you look stunning y/n” you placed your phone down by the table near your glass cup “and you look amazing doctor anderson” she chuckled at the name “you can call me abby” “i know but whats the fun in that?” you shrugged, giggling as you looked down at the menu, abby’s blue orbs never leaving you.
you stared at the menu wondering what the actual fuck majority of it says, you being you the facial expressions said it all “you look confused sweetie, what’s wrong?” she farrowed her brows “i’m not dumb i swear but-“ you whispered to her not wanting the other tables to hear “what does this even say? i can’t read it” you huffed out a confused laugh “here, you can get the same thing i do when i come here” she closes your menu.
the waitress came by to take your guys order “oh and can we a bottle of bourbon please” abby smiled sweetly at the girl before handing her both of the menus “i get to choose where we go our next date” you laughed messing around with the ring wrapped around your index finger “and where would that be?” she looked you up and down.
basically eye fucking you
“chilis, my favorite restaurant” she giggled at your choice “you’re so simple” you puckered your lips giving her a silly look “not really, not reallllyyy” she raised her brows before a waiter came by to drop off the expensive alcohol that was basically your whole paycheck.
she poured you both half a glass of it, handing you your glass you twiddled with the cup, smelling the alcohol as you tried your best to hide your ‘fuck this is strong as hell’ expression “do you drink? i’m so sorry if you don’t, i should’ve asked you beforehand” she apologized profusely “no no, abby i drink but i like very fruity drinks, i’ve never had strong liquor before” you took the smallest sip from the cup almost before pushing it away slowly trying your best to hide your very expressive face.
abby laughed even harder “you’re so cute, i’ll drink it for you babe, i’ll get you sweet tea?” you nodded preferring that instead.
the waitress came by with the bill and placed it on the table “just flag me down whenever you’re set” she smiled before walking off “i can pay half of it at least” you took out your card, abby grabbing your hand and pushing it down, shaking her head “no, i said i would pay, don’t even think about it” you huffed “ok but can i at least tip her?” she chuckled handing you the book, opening your wallet you pulled out a fifty dollar bill and placed it in the book “you think that’s a good tip?” “i think that’s more than enough ms. generous” she smiled.
after paying you guys headed back down “do you want to grab something sweet? i can show you a great ice cream place” she put her black leather jacket on before you two headed over to her car “oh my god is this a vintage bronco?” you gawked at her black car, amazed at how intact and beautiful it is “yeah, i restored it myself, i have a thing for fixing older cars” she opened the door for you to get in “oh we’ll have to come back because i parked my car in the garage” you hopped in dying at the beige leather interior.
she pulled up to this small outdoor soft serve place, waiting in line you felt yourself getting shivery and cold, feeling your nose and fingertips get colder by the minute, abby taking a notice quickly slips off her jacket to wrap around you “how are you cold sweetie? it’s only sixty-five degrees” she rubbed your shoulders trying to warm you up, you giggled looking up at her “sorry, i just get cold so fast out of nowhere it’s so annoying because i can never wear anything cute” you fake pouted “my friends like to make fun of me and call me cold blooded because i’m always cold” you two giggled.
“c’mere” she wrapped her giant arms around your frame, pulling you into a warm embrace, her hand on the back of your head rubbing your hair.
after getting your ice creams you guys sat in her car, as she heated the car up a tiny bit for you “what flavor was yours again?” you were licking up your ice cream cone making sure nothing dripped onto her car.
abby sucked in the air watching you, jaw tensing up, eyes never leaving your mouth “uh, sorry uh” she let out a breathy laugh “i got strawberry shortcake” you looked at her with your big doe eyes, confused why she was acting strangely.
“you got something on your face” she wiped her thumb slowly against the side of your sweet lips “thank you” you smiled sweetly at her “oh shit” she checked the time on her watch “work?” you questioned “mhm, i’m so sorry sweet girl, i’ll drop you off to get your car then i’ll have to head out ok?” you nod a little sad the date ended already.
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AUTHORS NOTE: yall dont EVEN my adhd is hyping me up so much im already writing part 4 SHORTIES
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camthecatchameleon · 5 months
cranking the image description out for this one boys
lineups of the Crews from the two Legends of Avantris campaigns I’ve actually listened to with consistency (still not finished with EoM but I’m on 21 so I’m getting there dont worry) + artists notes
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Highly suggested that you scroll below the cut for this. (my handwriting is not the best + its small + some hidden design notes too :eyes: )
Image 1: Carnivalé LeCroux (not drawn to scale lmao)
(from left to right)
Hootsie: least fun to draw (Boring shapes) (draw the least). Typically I imagine her as a horned owl owlbear so her canon “eyebrows” flatten out and connect to her neck. I just think it gives her a nice silhouette. Frost: least fun to draw (cat). I’ve been drawing him with Chinese/vaguely East Asian-inspired robes because he’s from the mountail of Yulong and you can’t just give me a place called “Yulong” and expect me NOT to go ham on the east asian inspiriation. (east asian artist here.) Gricko: don’t draw nearly enough, most fun to draw (hair). I gave him a permanent cowlick on his bangs and I think the shapes are nice. Chunks ripped out of his ears are from Hootsie when she was younger and couldn’t control her strength. Kremy: most fun to draw (lizord), draw the most, did the most reference study for. I may love to draw lizards but crocodylidae are so uniquely shaped. Scrolling back through my ouaw posts and you can see I am still getting used to it. Torbek: most inconsistent, stupid machinery doesn’t make sense. The shape of his canisters and the collar with a keyhole both are from the first time I drew him, which was without a reference, and they just. Stuck. Gideon: Big boob indulgence, stupid machinery doesn’t make sense. Drawing him with awkwardly long hair, post-trauma fat, and smile lines is my favorite passtime. His marriage rings are on a necklace because they get in the way of punching clowns. Twig (pre-death): draw the least (can’t figure out her shapes). Drawing her fractured glasses and refracted eye is my favorite time.
Image 2: Witchhunters!! (I think my headcanon height difference is funny)
Shortest to tallest (briggsy and farryn are the same height):
Briggsy: Still figuring out how to depict distinction from Kremy (gator). So far i’ve got more spikes and a thicker neck and thats about it. I’m working on it. Farryn: fun shapes! skinny L. Ever since learning how to draw body fat I’ve never gone back its actually so hard to draw skin-and-bones skinny people now. Marius: least consistent (can’t decide how curly her hair is), armor L. Yes I headcanon he/she marius do you have a problem with that? Bat-like ears because heehoo. I just realized the symbol I drew on his chestplate looks like the Horde symbol from she-ra FUCK can you tell I don’t look at references? Jericho: most fun to draw!!! (draw the most). I like to draw virgil!jericho with four-pointed-star slits instead of just orbs with pupils because I think shapes are fun. Lethica: drew her wrong for WAY too long. I hadn’t paid enough attention to her actual ref and covered up her chest initially I’m so sorry queen. shes so pretty though. Although I do think its infinitely funny to headcanon that she actually looks pretty average. Tall women my beloved. Yorgrim: least drawn, Beard + Big indulgence. No seriously I’ve only drawn him twice. Hes awesome though soft rectangular shapes ftw.
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proxductions · 1 year
“Just and always a friend.”
summary: James Potter had always been a friend to you. Just a friend and nothing more. But were you sure? did you really mean it?
pairings: James Potter x Anyhouse!F!Reader
wordcount: _
warnings/notes: hey guyss 🤍 the usual warning brought to you, angst! i finally have the time to write one simple story to you so enjoy!
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She didn’t love him.
She didn’t love him, she didn’t love him, she didn’t love him.
She couldn’t. He was just a friend of hers.
She always said that to her friends who would tease her with a broad smile.
She had always said that to her older brother, who would give a roll of his eyes and give a mutter to her ear, “you definitely sure, rascal?”
She had always said that to him.
sometimes it was with a wave of her hand, sometimes it was lively Lily Evans who would roll her eyes at the string of words James would express to you. “Lay it off, James!”
But on the occasional day, you let it be. Always trying to ignore the whispers of ("Stupid James language!" Lily had called it) words he would use towards you. There were some memories of him that would always make your stomach lurch. A feeling that you didn't like.
When you were gifted a gemstone necklace for Christmas in your 5th year, you put it around your neck but struggled to securely clasp it.
You struggled.
Struggled, struggled, struggled.
You wished you had orbs behind your head because if you happened to have orbs behind your head, things like this could be easier to handl-
As if you were talking, your thoughts were interrupted.
James, James, James.
James Potter.
He strolled over to you, oblivious to the fact that you needed someone's assistance. He placed his rounded, beaten glasses, barely held together, on his head, causing his hair to be slightly pushed back. The only difference it made was that it got even more untidy.
You put your hands to your side, allowing James to clasp the necklace you've been struggling with. Despite the cold air engulfing you, you felt warm, and your cheeks grew warm too.
Instead of opening your chapped mouth to thank the boy, your eyes widen.
James’s warm hands had clasped your cold hands.
And you felt it.
Soft, barely there, the brush of lips against the back of your neck.
To this day, the ghost of his lips still lingers there, teasing you with the nagging question, "Are you sure you don't long for him? yearn for him?"
He was just a friend, nothing more. You would always say to yourself, assuring that it was just embarrassment when your cheeks grew warm as his eyes trailed over to you. Ensuring yourself that the quickening pace of your heart whenever he laid a hand on yours was just your own madness.
Mad? Ah, you sounded like a mad woman! Mad about what? And what was there to be embarrassed about?
Ignore it, ignore it, ignore it.
You had told yourself.
But you could never ignore James. Nobody could.
He was just a friend, and he was always a friend.
And those were the simplest of words you had forever regretted saying.
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innocent-cat · 1 year
Sort of, but not really, a crossover between The Legend of Vox Machina and The Owl House
Headcanons for how you think Vox Machina would react to having a member who is a witch (that suffering from a curse like Eda’s) from the Boiling Isles? Rather it’s about learning more about their magic or helping them manage their curse?
I love this idea, and i'm also trying to get through all the requests in one day so watch me do a magic trick guys
Vox Machina x TOH Magic Reader
Warnings - none
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"The fuck do you mean you have a bird curse?", Vox Machina x Reader
Head canons!!!!
OBVIOUSLY when they first learn about it they're all like
"Is there a cure??"
"Does it hurt you:(?"
(Only Pike Vex and Keyleth ask if it hurts you..)
(It's okay cus the boys are immediately asking about how to make the potion)
Once they realize that since you've settled for the potions, it's usually top priority to restock your potions when they go shopping.
"You sure you have enough?? We might not get another chance to shop!"
They're too caring for their own good sometimes
When your curse DOES erupt, Keyleth keeps you down with vines while they bottle feed you the yellow liquid.
Sometimes they'll purposefully not give it to you when you guys are going on some dangerous adventure so your curse snaps during battle.
real clutch when you guys are all about to die
Grrr woof woof
OTHER than that, you're a wild witch, so you have all kinds of magic.
Percy is he only one who's even heard of the boiling isles, unsurprisingly.
"Is it really a titan you all live on?"
"Yes. It is."
So so so many questions about it all.
You have a small amount of sludge with you for abominations, so you've been letting them simmer so they get bigger.
A lot of times they think you're weird for it, but you have to explain it for a few times till they have a "ohhh" kind of reaction
Scanlan defo bonds with you over your bard magic.
":O???? YOU TOO???"
You just kind of look at him confused until you laugh at his hand magic.
expect duets during battles so he can pitch in more.
Keyleth likes how connected you are with animals, she feels like it gives you two more to connect about
"Have you heard about what happened to Benard?"
"Which one? The wolf or the rabbit?"
"The rabbit. He cheated on Lani."
They also have you fix stuff a lot around the house just because you can control mud n stuff.
you 100% throw mud at them when they say stupid shit
"Yeah so this girl I f- god damn it- why?!"
Scanlan hates it, everyone loves it
You also lend a huge hand when it comes to healing.
literally pike 2.0 with your shields n stuff
you trick them with your illusion magic.
"Wait- i thought you were going to the woods?"
You look at Vax, staring at him for 5 seconds.
"Not again!"
They learned about your psychic ability recently when Vex asked about your necklace.
"What's that, birdy?"
You touch your necklace, rubbing the glass orb on the centerpiece.
"What are you doing?" (You said it in sync with Vex.)
"Its a Oracle orb." You smiled and went on a little rant about it.
they all call you birdy because of your feathery curse.
They defo make you predict battles and ask what theyre supposed to do about losses.
"Why would I know? Change it yourself, duhhh"
Keyleth loves your plant magic because when she speaks with your vines, flowers, grass, or trees they all sound and act like you.
"They're like your little babies! haha.."
lots of smiles and laughs from her.
You teach them how to make certain potions because you think it'll help them.
For example, you gave Vex a potion that'll make her more charismatic and she cleared a tab for all of you guys for free.
Could have been her natural charisma, but who knows.
i forgor about grog oops
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Plastic Hearts - (11)
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To make the feels shoot through the roof, I suggest to listening to:
He stood outside your door. His hand hovering over the wood before he pulled it back to set his hair again to then place a soft knock. He wasn’t usually like this, making a fuss about the small things. But as he shuffled his feet over your welcome mat, he couldn’t help but feel the weight of this moment.
He had never been on a date. He stopped himself.
Was this a date?
This was merely a casual catch up between friends, wasn’t it?
Wasn’t it?
You pulled out the hot tray of cookies from the oven when you heard the knock. You froze, to then quickly scan your place again, to make sure it was clean or didn’t have any embarrassing thing hanging around. You placed the tray on the countertop and tried to remove the apron which had decided to get into a knot.
So you yanked it over your head to then realize it would have messed up your hair, so you scurried to your room, to look into the mirror and make it was alright. When it hit you that he must have been waiting for a while now, so you ran back and composed yourself as you stood in front of the door.
All your life, you’ve longed for this and now it was finally happening. But then, as you listened to your thoughts it puzzled you.
You wanted to spend more time with him, but would that reason categorize this meeting as a date?
Did he think this was a date?
You weren’t sure and as your fingers wrapped around the door knob, your heart began to beat faster with anticipation.
He heard the click of the door knob.
You caught the smell of the sea.
His eyes widened as he saw you, your yellow dress reminding him of summer.
The blue of his eyes cast a spell, washing away all the nerves you felt.
The delicious smell of cookies drew him in, ones he had missed for so long, the necklace began to thrum and so did his heart.
Because there was magic in his veins, you could tell, by the way his very presence made you feel like he was a part of your …
It wasn’t just the cookies, it was you, it was that ever since he noticed, without you, he felt like he lacked a part of his …
He found your eyes and you smiled with the door open. Caught in a moment where the joy of each other’s faces was quite evident.
“Hi, Ken.”, you couldn’t help yourself from beaming.
He wanted play along, to greet you the way he would have done in Barbieland. But this was different. This was something new. So instead he got closer, to place his hand on your waist to lean down to whisper,
“Hi, Brie.”, to them place a kiss on your cheek.
"Thank you for inviting me.", he said as he straightened.
As you held the door open for his, you held on to the side of it, because you were sure your legs were going to give way, just like it had been in the janitor’s closet. He walked past you, his eyes taking in the details of your place but his gaze found it’s way back to you, you could see the stars that hung in his eyes as if he was looking at the moon for the first time. But it was also like he was putting you to the test, to see if his charm had an effect on you. You composed yourself but with every interaction you had with him, it was getting hard to feign indifference.
“So there’s been a change of plans, if you don’t mind.”, you led him to the living room.
“I’m just happy to be here.”, he responded as he perused through your artefacts and pictures.
He couldn’t believe it, this was better than a dream house. Your home had a personality that every wall, every glance, it felt like he was wrapped by your presence.
He picked up a liquid glass orb, it had a couple in it clad in winter wear with ice skates on. He felt you close to him and as you reached for the item in his hands, your fingers brushed and he didn’t care for the object anymore. He just wanted to hold your hand.
You toppled it to shake the snow globe and held it up for him to see the sparkles rain down. He let out a soft gasp as he cupped his hands around yours to hold it steady, his eyes entranced by this ordinary element but you could only focus on the shape of his fingers and how perfectly they fit around yours.
The joy in his face made you want to bring out all the knick knacks you had collected. Old radios, music boxes, kaleidoscopes, to spend an entire afternoon to show him all of it. But then you remembered what you had planned for the rest of this night. So as his eyes glistened entranced by the snow globe,
“I thought we could skip tea and head straight to dinner, I know the perfect spot.”, you said.
“Yeah, that’s alright.”, he said as he took a step back when he remembered the gift in his jacket pocket.
“Now that I know you have a liking for things like these.”, he placed the snow globe back on the mantle.
“I’m confident you might like this.”, he said it with a shy smile as he fished for something inside his jacket.
He took your hand and in it, placed a small teal velvet box that was shaped like a clam. His anticipation was evident so you didn’t delay to open it. When you did, an elegant natural pearl pendant sat gracefully in the middle. It’s sheen so glossy that it felt like it had never left the ocean waters.
He took the chain out of the box enjoying the feeling of seeing you happy because it made him feel like he was fulfilling his purpose. He was made for this and it was freeing that you let him express himself.
“I had been so afraid of the sea because all my life I’ve been comfortable on the beach. But there’s just something about the way the water catches the light that it’s mesmerizing, that I was sure I would overcome my fears to go for a swim. But I couldn’t.”, he narrated as he unlinked the clasp.
“So I went to the aquarium on my own and I realized how much of it I had missed. It was all right it front of me, every time I looked out at the waves and yet I was letting my fear dictate my every move.”, he held it up to you, asking for permission to help you with it. You nodded as you listened to his story and moved your hair to the side so he could place it around your neck.
“When I saw the diver pick up an oyster and bring it to the surface, to open it up and retrieve the pearls from within. I remembered holding it in my hand, this white bead that I had seen so many Barbies wear but nothing could come close to this. It was real and unique.”, you felt the edge of his fingers traced up the nape of your neck as he fixed the clasp. His soft breath sending goosebumps down your spine.
“It reminded me of you.”, he said sweetly, but your heart stopped. This felt like a dream, only that it wasn’t. You turned to face him.
“You make me glisten like the sea, make me want to become better and face my fears. But even in a world of plastic, you were real. I was a fool to not have seen you sooner, Brie.”, he frowned.
But your heart was full, he made it brim with happiness. So you slipped your hand into his and his fingers intertwined with yours.
“You’re here now.”, you said softly and he nodded like he wasn’t going to waste this chance.
“Now come on, I’ve got something for you.”, you smiled as you led him out the door.
@imogen-skye @ateliefloresdaprimavera @meowkid1000 @jokersgrf @linacool13 @oh-kurva @dreamsarenicer @memospacexx @haleysucks00 @ibetyouthinkaboutmefics @tempobaekh @fallingwallsh @whatafreakingloser @lcversrockk @imonmyvigilanteshh @constellationscharts @eddiemunson4ever @freyafriggafrey @neptunelixir @iamruiningmylife @floralsightings @ynbutbetter @lazyboikat @mrharringtonsbae @spookyscellar @harleyquinn03041998 @haydensith @thatgirljas13 @weasleytwinscumslut @bl00dy-murd3r @itstylersblog @papichulo120627 @lee-lee-23 @dazeglitter-blog @urmom24sworld @chaos-in-person @aremos @theoriginalwife000 @undercover-being-whack @puredreamagination @h-l-vlovesvintage @krazyk99 @agustdeeyaa @bluebear19 @porterport @urahara24 @wvndamaximilf
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Ah, I have more Sims 4 Krew screenshots! Frost, Gricko, and Torbek edition!
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(Ignore the change in shirts, I had decided that I hated the hoodie he was in when I took the closeup)
Frosty! This is actually an updated version, because I hated the way he looked before. Someone mentioned facial hair and glasses, and I decided to see if I liked any of them. These were the ones I liked best. Same with the hair. I feel like this hair suited him best (even though now he looks like Caleb Widogast from Critical Role)
Also the necklace he’s wearing is supposed to resemble that green magic orb he’s welding in his character art
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Gricko! I think I got his general vibe down? Idk. I kinda had to rush through him and Torbek because this motherfucker decided to cause my game to have an aneurysm, and it wouldn’t let me save until during character creation. But idk, I’m happy with him.
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Torbek! Another simple one, but I like him. I gave him a dog tag necklace to pay homage to the tanks on his back. Idk, I think I got the “greasy hobo” vibe I was going for (which is funny because he has the most game out of all these sims)
And yes, his name is Torbek Torbek. Because Torbek doesn’t have a last name and I needed one for the game. I think it fits lol.
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fillinforlater · 2 years
Public stripping by Momo would be a cool idea for a story if you're able to. Please and thank you!
Teased Promotion
Hirai Momo (ft. you and the crowd)
Length: 1202 words
Tags: stripping, public, public indecency, teasing, flaunting cleavage and breasts, how-to-get-promoted, dominant!Momo
(A/N: This request was in my ask box since January 25th... sorry for the long wait, but if you're still around to read it, I hope you enjoy this short, teasing piece xD)
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“Guess who asked for a promotion yesterday?”
Your boss has the weirdest entries. He always says a random phrase without greeting you or talking about the topic at hand. However, he is still your boss and most often, a very chill guy. You mostly go along with his antics, especially at such an important company banquet. 
“I have no clue to be honest, but it sure wasn’t me.”
“Ha, funny,” he laughs sarcastically, before answering the question himself, “It’s Miss Hirai, Momo, the one on stage right now.”
Of course you know who Momo is. Fierce in her gaze, fully focused on her case, unstoppable, ever since she stepped foot into the giant law firm. When someone meets Momo for the first time, they are allured, stunned even by her beautiful appearance and incredible body. Underneath her glasses are incomprehensible orbs and underneath her tailored suit are enormous breasts. 
As a co-worker, you of course meet Momo more than once, so you were shocked to find that the second impression she makes is far different. Behind her mouth-watering facade is a killer, someone who is ready to leap over you, take your position, your job, your life if need be. It’s impossible to get into her pants, she is completely immune to flirting or someone showing off. You assumed she was a lesbian at first, but even the hottest women in your firm get bluntly rejected. It’s all business for her.
Momo loves showing off her money, of course, otherwise she wouldn’t wear gold necklaces and watches all the time, but she seems to love a show of dominance even more. For her to want a promotion is not a surprise at all, so you wonder why your boss felt the need to mention it.
“I know her. I bet everyone does. She probably deserves it.”
“Yeah, but she did not want to negotiate with me. She said that she will make her offer tonight at the banquet when everyone from outside has left. I sent all the staff and sneaky journalists outside ten minutes ago, but she hasn’t done anything yet.”
“Maybe she is getting cold feet,” you joke and reach for a second champagne glass. You give it to your boss and you both wordlessly look up to the stage. Momo just stands there, behind a lectern. The crowd of noisy, tipsy and flirty coworkers quiets down when they hear her through the speakers. Even when she clears her throat it sounds dominant, degrading, demanding.
“Today,” she begins and even the densest person is now completely silent and focused on her, “I walked into the office of our dear boss and I did not want to leave until a deal had been done. However, he challenged me to something—and my God am I ready to accept it.”
You have never heard or seen Momo this passionate before. She was feeling herself, nothing in the entire building could be more interesting than her right now and she knew it. Even your boss mutes his phone and makes it disappear into the pocket of his navy-colored suit. Momo was about to shine, to burst, but no one had a clue how.
“Boss,” she continues, her gaze piercing through the tense air and right next to you, “I have a way to boost the morale of everyone here and make myself indispensable to the firm.”
Momo steps away from the mic. The spotlight follows her onto the empty part of the stage where she is not hiding her legs behind the lectern. The clacking of her heels onto the metal surface is the only sound your ears can pick up. Your eyes, no, everyone’s eyes widen, when Momo grabs the top of her tie and rips it off of her neck.
What the fuck?
Momo straightens herself with a smirk and you instinctively straighten your back in your seat. She effortlessly lets her fingers run down her upper body and twists the first button of her suit, then the second and stops—only for the briefest, tense moment. She pulls open the suit with such ferocity, the buttons fly off. Momo let’s the hang on her shoulders and throws her head backwards to expose her slender, perfectly sculpted neck.
Holy shit.
People shuffle all around you. They jump from their seats, shake their heads or open their suits as well to make sure this is not a dream. It’s unnecessary though, because Momo’s wild eyes sparkle and tell them: this is real. I am real. 
She spins around and sways, her hips moving to a song that is not there but that everyone can hear. Her opened suit travels further down, sadly exposing not her skin but a white, thin-striped shirt. Her back is still hidden, only the outline of the backside of her bra visible. Momo knows how to tease, how to make the crowd jump, and she is playing it out perfectly. 
The suit falls and the first cheers roar. They wake up for her, those horny coworkers. A male dominated industry for sure, but the women are left speechless as well. No one is safe from Momo. She turns back around, adjusts her glasses with one hand, fiddles at the hem of her dress pants with the other and gradually, painfully slowly bends over. 
She is showing her cleavage you imagine, but that god damn shirt is still blocking the view of her voluptuous breasts. Momo winks and sticks her tongue out, not to you, but to you, to anyone who is greedy enough to claim this wink as their own. 
Momo makes your head spin when she interrupts the slow, teasing movements to lean her upper body backwards to present her crotch while simultaneously opening the first button of her shirt. You jump as well, barely anyone is still on their seat. Some dare to move closer, some stay behind. You expect her to go faster, but no. Momo is taking it slow and feeling it.
Oh God, this woman!
Both hands are on her tummy; you imagine she is flexing her hidden abs underneath. Then they massage themselves upward to her bosom; you imagine her hard nipples being crazed even through her bra. At last, she finds her neck, touches it for a second and—this time, you don’t have to imagine things—she moves both hands under the next button and pops it free. And the next. And the next. And the next, the one above her black lace bra. 
The crowd goes nuts at the first glimpse of what Momo has kept a secret for everyone. Those that asked her out or tried to seduce her probably thought of a private session, their own victory to see the gorgeous, sexy Momo. They were wrong, bluntly. Momo wants all eyes on her.
More, fuck, more!
Somehow, your eyes fall down on your boss for a second. He is the last one still sitting, his suit open, cheeks red hot. He is fanning air to him, while failing to look unimpressed or demanding. He has fallen for Momo’s striptease and jumps the moment she opens her shirt to fully flaunt her tits. 
“She’s got you as well.”
“Shut the fuck up.”
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slymewitch · 7 months
Slyme’s stats
Hp: 65
Attack: 12
Defense: 17
Magic attack: 23
Magic defense: 18
Speed: 10
STR:+1 DEX:+1 CON:+2 INT:-1 WIS:+1 CHA:+1
Skills: Persuasion, Investigation, History, animal handling, arcana,
Slyme’s equipment
Mana Arnis, upgraded mechanical body (cannon, rockets, and blowtorch, rune slots), spellbook, coat, glasses, blue tophat, backpack of holding, journal,
Slyme’s inventory
a gold dreidel with gears spider legs and a tank of red liquid, weed, slime dye kit, cute pink bunny themed armor, flask of Sybjorn's Wonderful Brew of A Thousand Effects, empty gun, a bucket, popsicle, 18 healing potions, vampiric shield, arcane halberd, ring of heat metal, bracelet of druidic illusion, monocle of sigils, stareater dragon nest map, strange pendant, GAU-8 minigun, luck crystal necklace, 4 slime potions,
Slyme’s spells
Fireball, slyme’s water slash, minor healing, shield ward, levitation, summon light, speak to goats, bubbles, Tueux’s soap of persisting bubbles, gather experience, summon duskbolt, summon burgerbarian, water ward, speak to plants, lesser control, lesser lunar blast, summon raven familiar, lesser control magma, summon leafcrest, lightning bolt, water sphere, ice blast, electro orb,
Slyme’s recipes
Sybjorn's Wonderful Brew of A Thousand Effects, spirit sight potion, gorgon’s brew,
Slyme’s team
Golbat: level 24
Misdreavus: level 34
Joltik: level 29
Lapras: level 35
Level: 5 (next level 160 xp away)
Lives: 654
Gold: 0
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starillusion13 · 1 year
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Pairing: Wooyoung x f!reader
Genre: Angst, Fluff and Romance
Warnings: mention of stalking, cheating on the partner, hurt and crying.
W.C: 3.1k
Notes: Thanks to the people who joined this event and gave me the requests and loving my works. The event is for my and (Yeosang, Haechan and Taeil) birthday month so let’s enjoy together.
Network: @cultofdionysusnet @k-vanity
Request from @mybelovedwoo
Taglist: @mymoodwriting @justhere4kpop @vvshere
“You came?”, holding the wine glass tighter in your hand, you faced the person who is now standing in your very eyesight after one long year.
The man locked his eyes with your brown orbs which is reflecting the hidden brightness of the universe as if it’s the mirror to the bright light of the chandelier but the mirror is broken and it looks hurt. These eyes were the reason of the beginning of everything between you two and maybe the end.
Both of you are near the corner table of the big banquet hall, where you were still seated elegantly on the chair and the red slit long body-hugging dress is complimenting your look even more. The off shoulders part of the dress highlighting the beautiful diamond necklace around your neck with your hairs tied in a messy bun with a slight touch of a red lip tint making the perfect sophisticated attendee of the party. You didn’t mean to outstand in the party but your current situation made you call the spirit of the lost love within you.
The said man who was leaning to just the opposite chair at the table is in contrast dressed in a black suit with a white plain shirt inside with three buttons from the top remained unbuttoned. His hair is gelled but slightly brushed back to focus on the sharp jawline and the dark glint in his eyes. This sexy look for a party is always expected from the well-known businessman, JUNG WOOYOUNG.
“Didn’t know you will be here?” hearing this sweet voice after three months somehow sends a shiver through your body. You looked away from his intense gaze which you still feel is focused on you but you wanted to shrug it off. You chugged down the rest of the wine to prevent a single drop of vulnerable self, escaping your eyes. You want to look strong in front of him, to show him what he did really does not have an effect on you but guess, you are wrong for this. Seeing him again is breaking your hard shell which you tried to build all these times and you realize how he has a strong effect on you, despite not being in touch for so long.
The party has this sweet melody for a calm entertaining atmosphere which allows you to relax and have the business conversation in a peaceful mindset. You are deaf to the melody but is only ears for the voice in front of you to speak more.
 Mr. Park Seonghwa, the owner of the Star Enterprise and the host of the party who invited you has already discussed with you earlier on the upcoming meeting and how it would benefit your company. So, you were then left alone to your own thoughts before leaving the party early because you never liked attending all these parties alone but somehow now you have to. When this certain man came up to you smiling as if nothing happened between you two.
“If you knew then you didn’t have come right?” you wanting to play it all cool and stand strong on your ground and not let him to feel that he has broken you when he really did, the broken pieces are not even glued but where some are lost.
“Y/N, it’s not like that.”
“Woo, look if you really don’t want to see me then you could have ignored me but still you made your presence well aware to me by coming all smiling towards me.” You are barely holding yourself together and you are on the verge of breakdown.
“Do you really think I want to ignore you? I have so much to explain to you but you are not liking my presence and not even looking at me. Why are you acting like this?”
“Really? You are asking me why am I like this? Afterall when you are the cause.” You looked around the hall to see a nearby group of people giving you looks as if why you are speaking to this man so informally and not maintaining a proper decorum.
“Y/N listen-“
“Stop it Woo. Please don’t create a scene here. I should just have left before I had to come across you.” You looked him in the eye which shows the mixture of anger and hurt.
“What’s going on here Miss L/N and Mr. Jung? Is everything alright?” Seonghwa approached to both of you when you slightly raised your voice at Wooyoung. Seonghwa steal a glance at Mr. Jung to see his eyes are not leaving you even when Seonghwa, his closest business partner is standing beside him.
So, he asked again, “Do you guys need any help?”
Averting your gaze away from them you stood up and turned around to maintain a proper composure. You put a false façade of smile on your face and took a glance at Wooyoung before completely giving your attention to the host.
“Oh no Mr. Park, I was just preparing myself to leave but I just felt unwell, sorry to make you worry for no major cause.”
“It’s okay Miss L/N, if you don’t mind, I can drive you back home if you are felling unwell.”
“No need Mr. Park. Thank you.” You replied softly to the host.
Wooyoung interrupted the conversation before it goes any further, “Look Seonghwa, you have many other guests so you better go and take care of them, at least she does not need your help when I’m all here in one piece.”
Before you going to protest, he took a firm grip on your hand and dragged you to the back terrace of the building. Seonghwa just smiled at both of you in return when he is well aware of the relationship between you two because he is just not only Wooyoung’s business partner but also like a brother and a best-friend.
Finally, out under the night sky and in open air, you come to the cold air hitting your skin. The thin dress is not helping you to prevent from shivering and feel uncomfortable with him all alone. You just want to get back home, cry yourself to sleep and then try to forget all the memories of today meeting him.
The place is so quiet but the silence between you two is screaming loneliness and pain.
“Y/N look at me, please. I have so much to say. Please don’t ignore and push me away when all I want is to make you trust me and free myself from all the guilt.” The strong aura from him is nowhere to be seen now but in front of you is like a boy who is asking for forgiveness.
“What is there to listen? You don’t even trust me and literally judged me that day before leaving me all alone in that apartment and then never tried to contact me.”
One year back when one evening, Wooyoung burst into your apartment just to find out you and San sitting on the sofa hugging each other. He never intended to know what was the cause between you two but the anger laced in his voice proved that he was already pissed off with both of you before coming to the scene.
“So, she is correct. You both are cheating behind my back. I can’t believe you both can do this to me when I trusted you both the most.”
San tried to reason, “It’s not like that Woo. Don’t accuse someone without knowing their end.”
“Oh, now you don’t tell me what to know and what not when everything is just very clear in front of my eyes.” He glared to your way which in return just got a confuse look from you.
“If you wanted to leave then you could have told me. Why do you need to hurt me like this?”
“Woo. No one has hurt anyone here.”
“Stop it San. Don’t take sides now when you are also completely guilty.”
Woo ran his fingers through his black messy hair, “I just want to leave this place and never come back to see you both again.”
San ran after outside the apartment but you kept looking at the door just to join the pieces as what happened in last fifteen minutes. Why he acted so aggressively without letting any of you to speak and even looking at you like that which ne never did before.
“Yeah I know, that day ……..I should not have treated you both like that. I’m sorry.” You didn’t expect him to say sorry suddenly.
His one hand takes a hold of your upper left arm and the other hand which was still having a good hold on you loosened and replaced it to your chin to lift your face up. Standing with him and so close to each other, you hesitated to look at him but still his touch felt like before with full of comfort and warmth and you locked eyes with him. Your eyes travelled from his eyes to his sharp nose, his flawless baby skin on his face, his cheekbone and the jawline which is so tense right now but it would look sharper when he is laughing at you on some silly jokes. Everything is just like the same but your relationship which has only fall apart.
Woo noticed you to be lost in thoughts when his hands moved past your cheeks slightly brushing the lips and to pat on your head. Your eyes are the weakest aspect for him and when this thing is hurt and weak, well he knows he can’t leave you right there.
“If you are sorry then why did you even leave me that day?” You are trying to stay strong when the vulnerable hot tears rolling down your eyes.
“I know what I did was really childish. My assistant really made me trust her that day by showing some proofs to make be believe your and San relationship. At first, I didn’t want to believe but the way, you both were becoming so close and she always trying to convince me made it difficult to take a hold of myself and get to know the truth.” He looked at the side to the city view with a grimace look and again returned to face you and smiled.
He continued, “I never once in a life doubt you and not even San but the drunk me that day made a mess. I shouted on you. I accused you of the things which you never did. I hurt you when I promised you and myself that you are the only hope in my life. I’m sorry Y/N.”
“Woo….” You whispered his name and hold his wrist where his fingers were continuously brushing your hair. He is still trying to give you the comfort you like, he knows how you like brushing your hairs slowly whenever you are overwhelmed. You don’t know what to say him now but all you can think is not to end this moment here and get back to darkness again.
“I can’t cheat on you…..” you finally let yourself to cry in front of him. What’s the use of hiding it that how much he has broken you down. He needs to know what he left behind.
He hugged you tightly and felt you are clutching his coat to bury your face more “I know. When I left that day San tried to explain me but all I did was ignore him and locked myself inside my house. The next day when I came to sense, the only thing playing in my mind was your last look that how it was tired, confused and …..hurt.”
“I was hurt. I was tired. I was lost and you know I’m still like that.” Your muffled voice made him hold you tighter and brush your hairs again to relax you from crying so much.
“I know. I contacted my assistant and San to a café after few months and then found out how she was head over heels on me and tried to frame you. San told me the other day that he literally sees you as his younger sister and that day he was just comforting you because you were stressed of the overtime works and then upcoming meetings. The selfish me never tried to listen to you. I never dared to approach you then because I knew how I made you hurt. Every time I tried to make my way to you, I could see San was already there. You were happy with him and I didn’t want to see you hurt again.”
“I was never happy without you all these times. Spending time with him only makes me forget everything temporarily but then again pain comes back to me in the end of the day.” You moved a bit back to take a look at him. His hands fall to his side but one moved up and softly wiped the tears from lower region of the eye. He brushed back the loose strands of the hair from your face. He does not want to get lost in life for losing but to get lost in your eyes for loving you.
“When I got the invitation to this party, I thought you will also be invited but will not come because I know how you hate being in these parties. I guess in all these months, you have really changed.” There is sad glint in his voice and in his look.
He is just the same he was but do you really changed? He always thought about you every moment in all these past months for you not to get hurt, he hid himself from you. He feels guilty to accuse you and for having doubt and stalking you on his assistant remarks.
“I still hate it but I thought it can ease me with a change of environment. I was aware you could be here so I prepared myself how to ignore you if I ever come across today but it didn’t happen.”
Standing in front of is Jung Wooyoung, for him every girl is on the line to just have one line speech and they will be claiming that they have spoken to their prince charming but that man without getting into another relationship in this one year still waited for you to show his guilt in front of you.
“I saw you the moment you entered the place but I can’t help admiring you and feel jealous when people were staring at you for looking so beautiful. You are looking like the Queen of this mansion, my love.”
His.This nickname, he called you by this name again. All this year how much you craved for him to come back and call by his given name. This makes you shiver from the name and cold at the same time.
Wooyoung frowned for a second when he suddenly moved back from you and took off his coat to hang it over your shoulders. You got surprised by his action that his love for you is still the same as before all that happened. You still love him but how can you show him that all his doings right now is melting your heart and how badly you just want to say him that you still love him from the core of your heart.
He holds your face with both the warm hands and smiled at you and then his gaze stopped on your lips. The gaze flickered between your teary eyes and the soft lips when he suddenly bends forwards and locked his lips to you.
Your eyes go wide with shock but then you close them to feel the moment which you longed for past months. His hands traced all over your upper body from your hairs, neck, your back under the coat. You are melting under his touch but you need to let him know that he is being forgiven. He is still loved by you, the missing broken pieces of your soul is him and only him.
So, you kissed him back and put your hands around his neck which makes the coat to fall from your shoulders. It’s okay, you don’t need a material warmth in this situation when you have  the comforting warmth, the warmth of a home. Both of you were kissing as if devouring yourselves on each other to get back all you have lost in one year. Despite having so much of crave for each other’s love, the kiss is not rough but a longing passion where there is no fight for dominance but to feel the inner heat radiating both of your body energy. The lips are recognizing the owner’s heat to make it more intense.
He tilted his head to feel that moments again when you were always meant to be each other’s. You both have kissed before even more heated but this kiss feels like it’s your first. It’s not like your body forgot the touch but this feeling is new, the feeling of hate into love with that old taste of kiss. You don’t want to open your eyes as if he will disappear from the scene if you did. He holds your held to feel your kiss more deeply before detaching himself from the heat. He rested his forehead on yours remaining his eyes closed before an apology escaped his lips.
“I’m sorry.”
 You opened your eyes slowly just to meet him directly and loosened your hands only just to brush your thumbs on his cheekbones. 
“No need to be sorry Woo. I have forgiven you a while back when you said sorry for the first time because I felt how guilty you were, how much you meant it.” You smiled at him, the very first smile he gets today from you. This is the genuine smile you are giving him maybe the genuine one in the whole year.
“I missed your smile Y/N. I missed you.”
“I missed you too Woo. I hated you in the beginning when I came to know how you had stalked me and doubted my every move but still I wanted to run to you. I am lost without you Woo.”
“I will never let you get lost again my love. If you are lost without me, I will forever be your map and guide you to my paradise that I have built for you. I love you Y/N.”
“You are my paradise Woo. I love you too. I meant it really!”
“I know you meant it. Do you know why?” His smiling lips and eyes looking like the brightest thing in that dim surrounding of the terrace.
“Your eyes never lie.”
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littlepikmins · 30 days
Details about Lux!
Above is my fic about Lux!
Lux was originally a magic item hidden away in a dungeon. It was rumored that this item held a great and dangerous power left behind by an ancient civilization.
When Magna and Luck first come across Lux, the magic item causes an explosion upon being touched and in its place is a white bright glowing orb.
This was Lux's original form, but they would eventually take the form of a human child with traits similar to the most important adults in his life who Lux sees as their parents - Magna and Luck.
Inspiration for Lux came from Fushi from To Your Eternity. Lux is nonbinary and often goes by they/them pronouns, although I have been thinking of them possibly being okay with she/her and he/him pronouns as well.
Lux is essentially a being created from mana and has a vast amount of power for this reason (although later they learn this power is not limitless like they initially think.) Lux's main magic is explosions of light similar to fireworks. At a certain age, Lux also discovers they can change their form at will, although this takes a substantial amount of mana.
This is Lux's design (the square marks on their cheek is like a birthmark and is always present even when they change forms)
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The glasses are from their Dad Magna and the necklace is a magic item their other Dad Luck gifted them.
Here's art I've done of Lux with their parents.
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I'll also post some screenshots of tweets about Lux.
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Wondering if this is sentimental or morbid. So there is a glass blowing place close by to me that offers a service to turn loved ones ashes into glass artworks. One of the products is a necklace with a glass orb you can put a pets ashes in. Thankfully, my pets are all healthy and will live long lives, but I often find myself thinking about how they eventually won’t be here and if I would get the glass orbs. Someone I know got a doll based on their cat after he died and I suddenly wondered - what if someone got a doll based on a pet and they got custom eyes made with the glass made out of the pets ashes? Would that be a sentimental and nice thing or weird and creepy and potentially haunted? I can’t decide, and I don’t like thinking about it too much because I hate the thought of my pets dying too much to think about that much.
Mod: I feel like this one needs a vote:
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bebemoon · 2 years
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galaxythreads · 9 months
Honestly I always just assumed that it was only the power stone that could vaporize you by touch (because it’s the *power stone*) but everyone always says that it’s all the stones. So I’m wondering if there’s any time where another stone hurts someone just by touching it? I haven’t been watching any mcu recently, especially not the newer stuff, so maybe that’s why I didn’t know?
no worries! When Fury touches the outer casing of the Tesseract in Avengers 1, he is visibly in pain and he has to shake his hand to get rid of the numbness.
(do not have gif of this, but it's when he's putting the Tesseract in the suitcase before Clint shoots him in the chest and Loki says "please don't, I still need that")
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^ Red Skull is vaporized when he tries to break the Tesseract in Cap 1:
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^ just lightly touching the mind stone activates Wanda's innate magic 3000 + gave Pietro his powers
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^ ULTRON won't touch the mind stone
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^ Raw energy of the tesseract gives Carol her powers
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^ CONTACT ALONE with the power stone is enough to make Thor scream
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+ the scene you were talking about from gotg1 with the power stone
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^ an enormous plot point of TDW is that hours after getting possessed by the infinity stone, Jane is on the brink of death. Is it instant vaporization, no, but I think that's only because it's not in one go, she's taking it in her body like a fluid, so there's more skin to absorb the power, if that makes sense?
+ other examples I'm too tired to think of. Like vaporization is only shown with the Power Stone on screen, but all of them clearly have an adverse effect when you touch them and we know that even though they don't state it explicitly because of the WAY the infinity stones are presented to us. ALL of them (except the soul stone) are encased in something to make it easier to touch. That was done on purpose, not just convenience. if you watch mcu infinity saga closely, you'll notice just how much care was put into making the infinity stones visibly powerful without ever having to say anything about it. People use the magic from them, but they rarely, if ever, actually touch the stone.
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the scepter ^
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^ an entire magic spell has to be cast in order to OPEN the necklace that holds the time stone, let alone USE it. it's dangerous to touch, so they have it locked away
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^ he's USING the time stone, but look how much effort was made into NOT touching it
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when he gives Thanos the time stone he makes an effort NOT to touch it
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^ the reality stone is consumed by Jane, but any time anything tries to touch her, a magic shield appears that protects it from threats (Also couldn't find a gif of this, but again, massive plot point of TDW is that they can't get the aether out without Malekith's help)
HOWEVER. you are right. People do touch the Infinity Stones with what is basically bare hands a lot, but not really until Endgame/Infinity War
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So...rules are fluid? I guess? Personally, I just don't understand why so many infinity stones would be encased in such powerful objects for protection unless it WAS dangerous to touch them
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The Tesseract was put in shatter-proof glass that survived centuries, the Soul Stone is...under some sort of spell via God(?)(unclear), the aether was broken into pieces so it's evil kool aid (which is a protectio device because you can touch the bits of the aether without it killing you, rather than the entire infinity stone), the time stone is in a necklace you have to use magic to open, the power stone was hidden in an unbreakable orb and the mind stone was encased in the scepter (Thanos might have done this himself, also unclear)
The point is that I think MCU didn't really decide one way or the other, and even if they DID, thanos is intended to be a bit sturdier than the average human, so him making contact wouldn't vaporize him instantly, I think.
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megalizardon4736 · 1 month
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Katrina Caliente Makeover 💗
Defaults -
Beetle Eyes 2 by squeamishsims
No EA Lashes by Kijiko
Hair -
Whispy Hairline by RheallSim
Trevor Hair by joshseoh
Theo Hair by joshseoh
Eyebrows -
Updated StretchSkeleton Eyebrows by whoismae
Eyes -
Eyes n5 by northern siberia winds
Skin Details -
Soyun Skin Overlay by sims3melancholic
Full Body Mask by sims3melancholic
To The Bone Nosemasks by Pyxis
Full Body Moles by lamingtonsims
Body Kit No. 2 by miiko
Forehead Wrinkles N1 MM Overlay by northern siberia winds
Eyelids No. 8 by poyopoyo
Eyebags No. 4 by poyopoyo
Neck Shadow N1 by northern siberia winds
Blush N7 by northern siberia winds
Highlight MM by sims3melancholic
Back Tattoo by Valhallan
Makeup -
3D Lashes No. 3 by TwistedCat
Orb Face Gloss MM by peachyfaerie
Eyeliner N8 by poyopoyo
Annihilation Nails by Pralinesims
Nails n18 & n03 by Pralinesims
Lipstick #10 by sims3melancholic
Glow Lipstick by TwistedCat
Stockholm Gloss by crypticsim
Star Girl Lip Kit by crypticsim
Clothes -
Simberleen 2023 Necklace by Trillyke
Megumi Dress by Sentate
Torn Tights by Trillyke
Catarina Boots by Serenity
Calliope Gloves by Sentate
Earrings 2 by oydis
Quinn Necklace by arethabee
Ursula Dress by Zeussim
Nicole Jacket by Caio
Legging Pants by Caio
Star Sneakers by Simandy
Morticia Robe v2 by Serenity
Amber Garter Only v1 by oydis
Inessa Stockings by Sentate
Promise Choker Necklace by Pralinesims
Party Outfit by Trillyke
Simberleen 2021 Tights by Trillyke
Shoes 05 by Regina Raven
Miranda Swimsuit by Serenity
Spring Day Glasses by Pralinesims
Jessica Top by ice_creamforbreakfast
Lillian Skirt by Trillyke
Champagne Heels by Caio
Sheena Top by Sentate
Flannel Skirt by Caio
Knit Tights by Trillyke
Zoom Boots by Trillyke
@twisted-cat @poyopoyosim @pralinesims @sims3melancholic
@lamingtonsims @northernsiberiawinds @valhallansim @miikocc
@pyxiidis @thepeachyfaerie @rheallsim @zeussim @trillyke
@caio-cc @sentate @serenity-cc @ice-creamforbreakfast
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