"And the universe said; "I love you, because you are love."
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
Vax x Reader x Percy
Warnings - swearing, descriptions of blood and wounds, the works, etc
"Vox Machina's (least) favorite Sorcerer.", Vax x Reader x Percy
[F/N] - Family Name
Lady Mystra - Goddess of magic/The weave
The weave - How raw magic is tapped into by spellcasters
Uriel - The guy who runs Emon
Envonium - The name of the city you are a noble to (Sorry, couldn’t avoid it)
The walk to the small ‘town’ ahead was a quick one, and the smell of the burnt wood and cloth was strong. It contrasted the smell of the wet wood and the muddy ground. Percy splits off from you and joins Vex in an ‘investigation’ into what happened to the town.
A little awkward with everyone else, you follow Vax around like a lost dog, like you had done numerous times in school when you were a child. You don’t know what to think of the memories of following around whoever smiled at you, assuming they wanted to be friends, when, in reality, they only felt bad for your awkwardness. Which was rare, considering you didn’t understand any norms with them.
You shake the memory away as Pike is asked to bless a house for protection against whatever evil is against them. She awkwardly agrees, walking up and muttering something quickly under her breath. She backs away and quickly says that the house will be in ‘tip-top shape’, and the mother of the family Percy and Vex are currently questioning thanks her for her effort in a motherly kind of way, understanding her awkwardness despite not having any context.
The son of the family walks up to Vax as he does an impressive trick with a coin. The small boy asks him if he’s a wizard, and you let out a snort by accident, quickly covering it up with a cough as Vax kicks you lightly in the shin, assuming you were laughing at the boy; you were laughing at him. You smile as he continues to do the trick, explaining it's all in the fingers. He pulls it out from behind the boy’s ear, handing him the coin after. He tells him that it is now in his, encouraging him to learn coin tricks. The boy awes, and his sister walks up to him to see what is going on.
A smile creeps onto your face as you watch the sweet gesture Vax makes towards the young boy, admiring his gentleness with children, which contradicts the bar fight you had met him through. It was a funny thought, in which you let out a small laugh too.
“That's real silver. Keep it safe. There's a monster roaming about.” He warns them, but the girl promptly corrects him.
“..You mean flying.” She comes closer.
“What's that?” He replies quickly, urging her to explain what she means.
“Something flew over us. It knocked down the big tree on the hill..” She points towards the tall hill. “We heard wings beating, but we couldn’t see it in the storm.”
Her brother chimes in; “It was big. Really big.” She agrees with a soft ‘Yeah.’
Vax looked over to the hill in which she pointed, and the party promptly went there.
It was a grueling uphill walk led by Trinket, as he sniffed out tracks of the monster we were searching for. What tracks Trinket did find, Vex explained, were too muddy to discern, so we continued south.
The tracks were hard to follow- even for Trinket. They were erratic and went in several directions until they finally stopped. When they did finally stop, they were human tracks.
Vex cups her ear in discomfort, wincing before she warns us- “It’s close. Everyone get ready!”
You draw your quarterstaff out, as does Keyleth. Percy draws his gun, Vax readies his dagger, and Scanlan.. readies his.. guitar.. Grog pulls out his axe, and Pike summons a shield. The bush shuffles violently, and Vex rises to her feet and draws an arrow against her bow.
Anxiety kneads itself in your stomach as you prepare for the worst- until a lamb pops out of the bush. Grog laughs.
“Get the fuck out- you’re telling me a wittle lamb caused all this mayhem?” He giggles through his sentence, but the anxiety in your stomach only kneads stronger than before. Vex falls to her knees and grovels in pain as she covers her ears, groaning.
Loud footsteps boom in front of you, and out from the fog, a giant, scaly foot steps onto the miniature lamb, the lamb splattering all over the foot and the ground. Stepping forward, the sight of a massive blue dragon reveals itself to your party, and Scanlan nervously curses, but none of you run.
It breathes a massive hurl of lightning out of it’s mouth, and you quickly drag Vex to her feet and run with her out of the way of the bright beam. Keyleth, Trinket, Vex, and you all run behind a tree for cover, watching as Grog and Pike are flung into a tree from the force.
Scanlan is yanked behind a tree by Vax as the dragon cuts down the forest with it’s strong jaws. Bright electric blue runs up it’s tall neck as it breathes in, releasing a spew of pure lightning out of it’s mouth. The trees are lasered down, and the branches catch fire. Several birds are seen flying away from their now-destroyed homes. Crawling out of the burning forest, the party regroups hurriedly.
“I suggest we run. Right now!” Percy logically commands us, not suggests to us, only to be quickly told no by Grog.
“Fuck that. We fight!” He screams, charging in towards the dragon as everyone follows. You stay behind with Keyleth, frantically casting low-level spells that merely bounce off the dragon’s electric skin.
As quickly as Grog makes it to the dragon, he is flung away with only one leg before he is able to strike. Scanlan makes a complaint about Grog already being down, but you can’t hear it beyond the chaos and panic currently affecting the entire party.
Everyone seemingly unloads every useful item they can think of, several magic arrows flying toward the dragon, followed by many bullets, all of which bounced right off.
“Keyleth! A little magic might help?” Vex yells at Keyleth from on the floor after being blown away by another blast from the dragon. You glance between Keyleth and the dragon, giving her a quick nudge and a ‘We’re all gonna die’ look. Keyleth glances around nervously as Percy shouts as he fights beside Pike and Vax. Vex grabs Keyleth once she recognizes you are too busy casting a spell to snap Keyleth out of it. She quickly apologizes, and begins to cast.
Your last spell flies towards the dragon as Keyleth’s spell affects the clouds in the sky. The clouds swirl in a strange pattern that covers the moon as you all gather by Keyleth for what you hope is protection. A strike comes down from seemingly the moon and directly hits the dragon, but it only makes the dragon stronger.
“Did I just make it worse?” Keyleth shouts, panicked.
Pike jumps in front of the group and enlarges her shield. She lowers it when she realizes the dragon is aiming to cut down the mountain above you. Rocks collapse above you, piling onto the entire party painfully.
The dragon sniffs the boulders and rocks to see if everyone is dead, and sniffs closely to Grog’s bloody hand that sticks out of the pile, it flies away, seemingly deciding Grog’s hand was enough evidence of your death. It flew away with a strong push of it’s wings that shook the earth beneath you, and Scanlan began to complain about being stuck under Grog.
Everyone slowly climbs out, hurt from the battle, but unscathed from the vines Keyleth quickly commanded to protect the party. Once untangled from the rest of the party, Vax gives you a helping hand and pulls you off of Percy as you mutter an apology to him.
“At least we’re still alive. Thank the Everlight.”
“And thank Keyleth for the giant shrub.” Vax responded to Pike as he cleaned off his dirtied clothes. “But did you have to make it so thorny?” He pulls a thorn out of his side.
“We almost died.” Keyleth sputters out nervously and Pike returns to her side, holding her hands and reassuring her in some way.
As you talk to the rest of the party, Keyleth acknowledges Grog’s wounds.
“Nah just a flesh wound, no big. Question- is this normal?” Grog waves away Keyleth’s concerns but uncovers a very much rapidly gushing wound that nearly splashes onto Vax. Everyone takes a large step away from Grog as his wound spews blood. A wave of ‘Oh no-’ and ‘Holy shit.’s are followed.
“I’m gonna throw up.” Scanlan airly speaks, discomfort in his voice prominent.
Pike quickly heals him with a bright, beautiful light that emits from her hands. “That.. took a lot out of me.” She falls over, and Scanlan catches her.
“I got you.”
“Uh, thanks. You can.. put me down now.” Pike awkwardly asks Scanlan and he does, awkwardly agreeing.
“Alright. Fuck Uriel and fuck all of this.” Vax says, aggressively giving up.
“Must I remind you we gave our word to the council? That should probably mean something.” Percy angrily retorts.
“Oh who gives a soggy anus about the council? The only word I care about is Scanlan Shorthalt. And yes- I know thats two words but you know what I’m saying!”
“Yeah! What have those fuckity fucks ever done for us? Except give us a job and a bunch of gold and treasure and stuff.” Grog argues but seems a little lost.
“It’s not about the dragon- or the council. It’s about the people. They need us. We can’t just run away.” Pike encourages the party.
“This is why I hate traveling with holy people; they're too goddamned good.” Percy complains half heartedly.
“That’s rude, Percy.” You give him a soft shove as you speak under your breath to him.
“Pike. This creature is beyond us. When Vax and I were young, one of those monsters killed my mother. I studied them my entire life to find who did it- I can feel when they're close. A horrid pain in my head.”
“Then it’s settled. We’ll return to the palace and get out of the contract.”
“You don’t understand, Percy. I felt it there too. At the palace.”
“Y-you’re just telling us now?” Scanlan asks Vex angrily.
“I’m sorry.. I wasn’t certain until the dragon.. it's been years since mother..” Vex trails off, her sentence jumbled up in a confusing spew of reasons.
Vax comes closer to comfort Vex, putting a hand on her shoulder. “Are you sure, Vex’ahlia?”
“I am sure. Someone on the council must have been in contact with the dragon or.. I don’t know but I’m sure that it was real.”
“Then it’s not worth it, you’ve all heard her. One of those monsters could be working with the council. Lets just get the hell out of here and never step foot in Emon again.” Vax backs up Vex.
Vax walks away, and the entire party follows him back to the small town in the rain, only to find it charred and burnt down to a crisp. The wood supports of nearly every house had broken under the pressure as they burned, crackling in the rain.
Vax runs to the house of the family, and everyone follows him slowly, still slowly looking at the houses in shock.
“They wiped them out.. all of them..” Pike speaks softly and mournfully, as if she had known the people her entire life.
Vax runs through the curtained doors to find the family burnt and bloody. The mother held her daughter protectively in their last moments. A tapping can be heard from a wooden box, and Vax quickly runs to open it alongside Grog.
“Pike! Get over here!” Vax pulls out a bloodied boy- the son of the family that he had given the coin to. He groans weakly in pain, as Pike’s light flickers, her spell fading and failing to heal the boy.
“We could have stopped this. We should have.” Vax’s voice is emotional, unlike any way you’ve heard him speak before. Even when he was comforting Vex it wasn’t like this.
Scanlan tunes his guitar while leaning against the door frame.
“Scanlan- what the fuck are you doing?” You look at him angrily for disrupting what felt like a moment of mourning for the party.
“Thinking of a rhyme for ‘dead dragon’ ‘cause I guess we’re killing one.”
“I’m in. I mean, I’m terrified out of my mind, but I’m in.” Keyleth explains, as the rest of the party changes their mind and chimes in with several ways to say they’re going to kill the dragons alongside everyone else.
They all turn to you, waiting for your confirmation, which you had forgotten to say.
“Of course I’m in.” You come closer to the group as they all begin to surround one another.
“You all realize we’re going to die a truly gruesome death, right?” Vex scoffs at the party’s ambitions.
Before standing to join the group, Vax pockets the coin he gave the boy. “Perhaps, sister. But we will die truly glorious deaths- and we’ll kill a fucking dragon.”
“Seems your band of fools have gone missing. Safe to say you’ve sent Vox Machina to their doom?” The council’s adviser, a drow, was currently speaking about the concern of Vox Machina’s untimely deaths that were bound to happen.
“DOOM? We don’t know the meaning of the word.” Scanlan loudly spoke in what you thought was his attempt to sound fancy to mock the drow, and you cringed at his attempt.
“Uh. I certainly don’t.” Grog replied to Scanlan, being genuinely confused on what it meant.
“Sovereign! Hold onto your goddamned crown- We’ve discovered that the dragon is none other than a blue dragon!”
“We know.” They all spoke in unison, shooting down what Scanlan thought to be a revelation.
“Did you kill it?”
“I wouldn’t say kill really.” “We’re still kinda working on that part.” Pike and Keyleth awkwardly explain to the council
“I can’t believe you made it out alive! How did you survive?”
“Trade secrets! Can’t share ‘em.” Scanlan lied.
“We hid and it flew away.” You and Percy both retort to Scanlan’s lie very quickly.
“Wait, how did we survive that?” Grog had begun giggling, but paused to question your party’s survival.
Vex holds a hand over her ear as the drow continues to speak.
“Fools are useless, sire. Perhaps if we made an offering to the dragon, gold in exchange for peace?” The drow persuaded.
“Why don’t we shake it’s hand and offer it a fucking pint while we’re at it?”
“A Dragon cannot be bartered with- If it desires Emon’s destruction, it will not relent.” Vex and Vax both rebuttal the drow’s illogical thinking.
“You heard her, sire. You know what must be done.”
“But what if it attacks the city? We’d be sitting ducks!” Kima argues.
“What would you have me do? Let it burn more farmland, slaughter more innocents?” The sovereign slams his fists on his chair, and stands.
“No. We will bring the fight to it- on our terms. General, you may move our soldiers at dawn.” He addresses General Krieg firmly.
“But sire, you know as-” “I have made my decision Lady Kima,” The sovereign cuts her off aggressively. “This council is adjourned.”
“All right, you heard him. Clear out.” A group of guards begin pushing your party out of the room and through the doors, the drow watching distastefully, not turning his body to fully view.
“Don’t kill it before we do! Y-your offer’s still on the table, right?” Scanlan shouts out, but his asks falls on empty ears as you shove the guards off yourself, and pat their imaginary ‘dirt’ off your clothes. Guards like them are nursed and spoiled- never going to the battlefield and only residing by rulers inside of their tall castles or mansions. You knew their type- rude and demeaning, generally abusive of what little power they had.
Cooing is heard just beyond the doors, and when it opens, it abruptly stops. Trinket looks between the two guards who now stand stiffly, confused.
“I felt it again. That same feeling I had around the dragon. There must be a connection,” Trinket leaves the guards and moves through the group, and pushes his head into Vex’s hand, begging to be pet and he does so. “One of them is working with that fucker.”
“Uh-huh, uh-huh. I knew it. I bet it’s Allura. I never trust anyone prettier than me.” Scanlan stands next to Grog proudly with his revelation, as Grog nods and pretends to understand.
“You must not trust a lot of people, Scanlan.” You snarkily reply to Scanlan with a short laugh before Vex and Percy cut into the conversation.
“No, you dipshits. Fince.”
“The creepy one. Looked like a withered piece of scrap leather?”
You raise an eyebrow at Percy. “..Or maybe he's just a drow?” You speak, half offended for Fince, but half knowing the description was true.
“Ohh! I didn’t catch anybody’s name.” Grog laughs and nods.
“So, what do we do next?” Keyleth asks, unsure.
“Vax and [name] go to Gilmore’s, buy us a weapon that can kill a dragon.”
“Uh, with what? We’re flat fucking broke.” Vax asks Vex, his elbow resting on her shoulder.
“Please. With the way that man dotes on you, I’m sure you can work something out.” Vex mocks Vax for even asking as Pike silently giggles behind you.
The two of you group together and begin walking down the stairs.
“The rest of us will split up and search for Fince. If you find him, don’t let him out of your sight.” Vex orders the group.
“That sounds like a plan, but you’re not the only one with ideas, Vex.” Scanlan tilts his head.
“Is that so? Please, Scanlan tell me your’s.” She leans on Trinket and he silently growls at Scanlan.
Letting out a yelp, he walks away. “I’ll tell you.. When I have one.”
Vax points out Gilmore’s to you and drags you along. He pushes the draped cloth door out of the way for you, his arm slightly above your head to avoid messing with your hair by sweeping over you. You duck under his arms and enter the shop- met with distinct aromas, a warm and soft lighting of lanterns scattered about, and the sound of beads clinking together.
“You have entered a realm of mystery, of magic, of marvel. Welcome to Gilmore’s Glorious goods! Enchanted curials and magical artifacts at discounted prices. I take gold, silver, platinum,-” He gasps when he turns to meet Vax’s eyes. “Why if it isn’t the mysterious Vax’ildan?” He chuckles. “I was hoping you’d swing back through again” He feign kisses Vax on both sides of his face as Vax laughs, what you can only assume is a normal greeting between the two. You decide to let Vax do the talking and explore the shop yourself to find whatever items may be needed to make use of what little time you have.
You try to ignore their flirting, and for a while you succeed, until it becomes too much, and eventually clear your throat as Gilmore playfully pushes Vax. They both look at you.
“..HI.” You speak awkwardly, trying to make your presence known as you slowly flip through a book.
The shop looks unorganized to the untrained eye(your’s), but Vax seemed to have no problem navigating through the junk and magical items scattered about when walking towards Gilmore. Several books catch your eye as you stop to read them, recognizing their magical origin. Opening the book you cough and wave dust particles out of your face, now realizing this book hadn’t been touched since it was brought here. A shame, considering it’s fruitful information.
However, as you walk on, it becomes apparent not every book here is magical. A book left wide open by Gilmore is very clearly smut. You double take and look at it again in confusion as the two of them speak.
Gilmore offers a rather expensive lance that looks more for show than for dragon slaying, and Vax explains the party can’t afford it.
“Maybe a smaller price for a bit of advice?” Vax offers.
“Hopefully what you’re offering isn’t too tiny.”
You offer up two silver coins, being stingy on your money knowing Vax could charm his way into the tiny advice anyway.
“I… suppose size isn’t everything..?” Gilmore awkwardly speaks, staring at the tiny sum.
Vax leans in. “We need to know if blue dragons have any weaknesses.”
“Weaknesses, eh? Well- to start they’re ego maniacs. They hate being insulted and have tremendous vanity,” He chuckles. “Not that I can relate.” Vax and Gilmore both laugh with each other.
“Hi! Still here. Is there any way to stop them?” you ask, pushing Vax slightly out of the way to get Gilmore back on track.
“Honestly, there’s no simple way to kill a dragon. Even in tomes of old, legends of their destruction are largely poetic drivel.” He pulls out a book and blows the dust off of it, the particles waving in your face as you cough and wave it away. “Ah- The Wyrm shall only find defeat in the gorge where the twin rivers meet. See? Cute but..”
“Useless.” Vax cuts in.
“Gods, did a dragon write this?” You trace the words of the pages with your finger complaining, trying to make sense of the old pages, but nothing comes to you.
“While dragon anatomy is a topic for many scholar, anyone close enough to find out seems to get themselves… snapped up.” A purple magic hue brushes into Vax’s face and he grunts in response.
“Sorry I couldn’t be more helpful, but you get what you pay for.” He plays with a silver coin in between his fingers.
“Gilmore, this is all very useful, even the bullshit. If we survive this, I owe you dinner.” Vax’s voice is low.
You raise an eyebrow to this speech, now very doubtful and confused of their relationship. Were they a fling? Are They a fling? Your thinking is cut short when Gilmore cuts back in.
“You owe me more than that, my handsome half-elf.”
Definitely were a thing.
“All right you two, foreplay’s over, let's go. We should probably go find our friends.” You walk out and Vax follows, leaving to find where everyone has gone. The interaction had turned your mood sour, just about done with talking to anyone for the day.
Grog eats a sandwich as the rest of the party attempts to unlock the door that the drow, Fince, was seen walking into.
“..Sturdy lock. Nothing a magical song can’t handle.” Scanlan sings an obviously dirty song in an attempt to unlock the door. It fails. “Damn, that usually works.” He looks to you.
“What? Why are you looking at me?” You raise an eyebrow in confusion as he motions for you to take a try at the door.
“I’m not yet powerful enough to cast knock- you should know that. Try someone else.” You deny helping and cross your arms, watching as Keyleth takes a turn at it.
“What if I heat the metal and melt the lock?” She heats the metal, but only lights Scanlan on fire.
“What the hell, Keyleth? This is imported silk!” Scanlan complains as he pats out the smokey fire on his shoulder.
“The lock doesn’t seem to be magical.. I’m not sensing anything.” Pike strains as she casts detect magic.
“Can you people do nothing right? It’s just a damn door!” Vex complains
“I’d like to see you try.” You quickly snap back at her expectantly, mostly defending the others, but deep down you know you’re trying to defend yourself too.
Vax takes the toothpick out of Grog’s sandwich and quickly picks the lock.
“All it takes is a little finesse. Amateurs.” You roll your eyes as Vax opens the door, and tosses the toothpick to the floor.
You turn when you hear Grog complain.
“That was my toothpick.” A squelch follows as about three-fourths of his sandwich falls out. You feel a little sorry, but there isn’t much to be said.
“This must be Governor Krieg’s place..” You speak, eyeing the rather large portrait of the man.
“Oh, shit. I bet Fince is here to assassinate his ass.” Scanlan quickly replies, looking around.
“Oh, you think? Lets split up. Keyleth and Percy will search up stairs, Scanlan and Pike take the attic. The rest of us-”
Vex is interrupted by a creak.
“Or.. maybe we could all start here.” Vax motions towards the wooden latch on the floor, and the party promptly crawls in.
The party is met with Fince with his back turned, scavenging through the library held in the hidden basement. It was dark, and admittedly a little damp. Fince likely didn’t mind, though. 120 feet of darkvision must be rather useful. Thank living in the underdark for that.
“Aha! We caught you blue handed chicken humper!” Scanlan yells out and you kick him in his shin slightly, an annoyed face he likely could not read in the dim light.
“What is with you lot and prejudice against drow, gods above! Manners!” You complain, not breaking your focus on the spell you’ve prepared, still aiming it at Fince.
“Drop your blade, Fince!” You yell at him after scolding Scanlan.
“What? No! No, You don’t understand! I’m not stealing anything.” Fince defends himself quickly, his words spilling out of his mouth, the same way a river is occasionally stopped by rocks in it’s flowing path.
“Of course you’re not! Just like how that sword isn’t to murder General Krieg with, either right?” Pike shouts back, adding her few cents into the mix.
Grog squats down to whisper.
“Pike.. I think it is.”
“You must listen to me. These documents are evidence. General Krieg is planning-” Fince’s voice is panicked, but his voice is quickly cut short as blood suddenly gurgles in his throat and a sword slices from his abdomen to his chest. He falls, and the blade falls out of his body, a shadow stepping forward.
General Krieg.
“Krieg!” Vex and Vax both shout out, in shock.
“Nice bloody technique,” Vax praises, showing he obviously ignored what the drow had to say. “How do you stay so quiet in that armor?”
Vex gasps in pain and falls backwards, Vax catching her.
“He’s the one! In league with the..”
“Of course it was me. I championed you because you’re a bunch of witless oafs who no one gives two shites about. You’ve been lucky so far, but you have no idea what you have gotten yourself into.” Krieg’s thick irish accent spills out as he mocks your party, and you can’t help but have an angry face- not on account he called your party witless and unnamed, but on account he called you witless and unnamed.
“I’ve got him.” Vax quickly lunges forward, throwing knives at him. Krieg deflects them and runs back into the hall.
“Finesse, huh?” You question Vax mockingly before chasing after Krieg.
“He’s.. gone.” Scanlan speaks, shocked.
“Quite the keen observation, Scanlan.” Percy mocks Scanlan. You let out a small laugh to Percy’s quick response.
“There must be a hidden exit or trap door. Fan out. Look for some kind of Fulcrum.”
“Wait- a fuck room?” Grog asks, confused.
“I mean, that’s what I heard.” Vax plays along.
“Fulcrum- the pivot around which a lever turns. A lever or a button.” You correct and explain to them snappily, not meaning to do so in such a manner.
“Just.. stand over there, Grog. And don’t touch anything!” Percy instructs Grog to move towards the nearly nude portrait.
You listen to Percy’s instructions but seem to stick to him as he searches, not knowing who else to be beside. It’s not like you wanted to walk around aimlessly by yourself- you’d rather look lost than look awkward. Just Percy’s presence is enough to feel normal and at home again.
“Whoaa.. You guys, everything in this room is magical. Where do we even start?” Pike exclaims.
“This guy really has a thing for dragons..” Keyleth comments, awkwardly looking around. She peers down at the dragon spiral- five dragon heads on a carpet. Well- not heads? Dragon necks and heads? Whatever.
“Grog.. it’s rude to stare” Keyleth corrects Grog, disregarding the fact it’s a painting he’s goggling at. “Grog, you’re being gross!” Keyleth tosses a book at Grog and hits his head, the book bouncing off and going straight through the portrait.
“Oh! Keyleth you found it! It’s a portal!” Pike’s excitement is evident as she points at the portrait/portal happily, practically bouncing.
“Nice work,” Vax praises Keyleth with a shocked breath. “Brilliant really.”
Keyleth blushes in response, tucking her hair behind her ear. “Oh.. It was nothing.”
“She threw a book at a head, it was nothing.” Vex cuts into the conversation aggressively correcting the two of them. Thanks Vex. Does Vax just flirt like that with anyone??
You question yourself, but listen to Vex’s speech.
“Listen- if we’re gonna fight Krieg, we have to do this as a team, all right? Organized. As one.”
“Please, we… we don’t do organized. Look at us! We’re Vox Machina We fuck shit up.”
You butt into the conversation. “You don’t get it. We’re potentially fighting a General and a blue fucking dragon. If you want to die, have at it, but don’t expect me to go down with you.” You stand beside Vex, who stands in the middle of you and Vax as you look at the rest of the party ready to jump through the painting.
Vex nods her head in agreement and quietly thanks you under her breath for backing her up. “Can we at least try?”
“Can we atleast go already?” Vax complains, walking toward the portal with disregard for what Vex and you were practically begging the party to listen to.
You two follow suit as Vax pushes Grog through the portal. Vex lets out an annoyed groan and walks through the portal with the rest of the party.
“You know what guys? Goodluck. I’m just gonna keep a lookout from here.” You hear Scanlan’s voice timidly speak through the portal, and you quickly yank him through.
Keyleth shivers. “It’s so cold.. Where is this place?”
“High in the mountains, I’d say.” Vex responds, shivering too.
“Wherever we are.. we’re far from Emon.” Vax comments as you walk through the cold, blue cave, overlooking the shiny gold scattered throughout that gives a small gleam from the small amount of sun peaking through.
The gold glitters gorgeously as the sun hits it just right, and Scanlan lets out a pleased gasp. “No way.”
“Gold.” Vex breathes out in shock, taking in the mass amount of gold.
Grog, Pike, Scanlan, and Vex all run ahead to grab it.
“Seems excessive for a council member.” Percy remarks.
“Seems excessive for anyone.” Vax replies, and follows the rest of the party as they run for the gold like eager children.
You stand by Percy anxiously as the rest of the party shovels gold into bags, daydreaming of the alcohol they can buy with all the gold they’ve ‘found’.
“This is weird. Why are we so eager to take the gold? Aren’t we still trying to kill the General?” You question quietly to Percy as he hums, about to speak but stops when Vex realizes too.
“Wait! Wait wait wait- this gold didn’t fall out of the fucking sky. This is a horde! We’re in the dragon’s lair!” The party promptly drops their gold in shock as Vex yells.
You turn quickly when you hear Keyleth gasp suddenly.
“Intruders.” A loud, dark, ominous voice echoes through the cave. The rock Keyleth was looking at crumbles apart in seconds
“I didn’t do that! Did I do that? I don’t think I did that.” Keyleth questions herself, but the attention quickly turns to Vex as she folds over with hands over her ears, groaning in pain.
“I must say, I’m impressed. To tell you the truth I was certain you would die the moment you met the mighty Brimscythe- But it seems some vermin are harder to kill than others.” A recognizable irish accent shouts from above at your party with disdain.
“You-you wanted Uriel to send the entire army out of Emon.. So your dragon friend could wipe them out!” Vex shouts angrily up at Krieg.
“The Age of Man is coming to an end. There was a time when dragons ruled all of Tal’dorei! When we ruled the entire world.”
“Did he just say we?” Percy asks, reiterating what he heard to the party.
“I’m pretty sure he just fucking did.” You quickly reply to Percy, but in an instant, Krieg shapeshifts into a mighty blue dragon.
“Didn’t see this one coming, did you Vex?” Scanlan shouts at Vex.
“I fucking told you! What are we standing for? Run!” You counter Scanlan, recounting your argument for going in unplanned before. Krieg flies to the top of the cave, hanging onto spikes, and blows lightning at the party. The party quickly scatters about, and Vax takes your hand as you retreat for cover, dragging you along to safety.
The two of you watch from behind a rock as Grog is shocked, and falls to the floor.
“Are you alright?” Percy shouts.
“Uhmm.. no.” Grog replies with a groan.
Krieg blows lightning again, scattering the party more than they already were. Rocks topple on Vax, which you disintegrate with a quick chromatic orb. You hear the sharp whistle of an arrow flying towards Krieg- to which it quickly stops.
“A tickle,” He laughs out. “Let me return the favor.”
“..Shit.” Vex curses as Percy jumps out and quickly drags her away from the oncoming danger as the dragon blows another powerful burst of electricity onto the battlefield. He chases them down, Krieg’s tail smacking into Pike and knocking her into a rock, the air effectively knocked out of her lungs.
“Fools! I’ll devour you all!” Krieg roars out in anger.
Scanlan runs from yet another beam of energy that follows him closely, shouting for help from Pike. She jumps in front of him with her shield, blocking the energy effectively for mere moments before they’re blown away into more rubble.
Krieg flies up and looks for targets, and he quickly aims for Keyleth as she emerges from her vined dome. She lets out a swear and jumps out of the way.
Percy begins shooting the dragon and missing as it flies around. “Vax! Did Gilmore give you any insight on how to kill this thing or did you two flirt the whole time?” Percy shouts angrily across the battlefield, a hail mary in hopes Vax could hear him among the commotion. Truly brave to say such a thing in the near death situation at hand.
“Shit. Right, right. Uh- Dragons are vain, arrogant and hate being insulted!” Vax shouts out in a panic.
“No you fucking idiot! To kill them! The river thing!” You shout back, shaking his shoulders slightly, as if trying to shake the answer out of him like a gumball out of a gumball machine.
Krieg dives in between us, quickly splitting the two of you apart as we jump away from one another to avoid being hit. Grog lets out a scream as he jumps up and slashes in an attempt to hit Krieg, but misses.
“It doesn’t matter. We can’t do shit if it’s in the air!” Pike shouts out.
“Wheres the twin rivers meet.. The neck! You see that? We have to get it on the ground! Vex, do you hear me?” Vax shouts out to his sister.
“Yes! This way. I’ve got a plan.” The party follows Vex and Vax, frantically jumping over rocks to listen to her plan.
“Aw, another one?” Scanlan complains.
“Shut up!” Vex shouts angrily at him.
The dragon breathes out more lightning, and Vex tells the party her plan as they run away from it.
“Look, okay, for once, you were right. Maybe we don’t fight as one. Maybe we do what we do best.”
“What? We have no best!” Keyleth shouts in shock.
Krieg cackles and the party hides behind the temporary safety of a rock.
“So, what do you want us to do? Run out and yell ‘Hey, dragon man, we don’t know what the fuck we’re doing’?”
Vex nods.
“You have to be fucking kidding me.” You groan out distastefully for the plan, realizing what it was.
The party positions themselves around the cave, you hiding behind a rock, focusing on an illusion spell.
“Ha! You think you can hide in my lair?” Krieg laughs out, his steps pounding on the floor as he walks closer to your illusion.
The fog clears atop the rock and reveals Vox Machina- minus you.
The illusion of Grog pushes past Percy. “Hey, taint smear!”
“You’re in my way again, you ape!” The illusion of Percy spits out at Grog.
You imitate Vox Machina’s banter atop the rock, bluffing as the illusioned party breaks into shambles as they argue. You giggle to yourself as you imitate Percy, your giggles heard through the voices of the illusions, very quickly.
“If the two of you would shut up already and let me kill this inflated windbag!” Your illusion of Vex spits out, aiming her bow at Krieg.
“Kill me? I am the iron storm. You are nothing but insects!” He growls, and lets out another massive and powerful ray of thunder through his mouth, directly hitting your illusions, and they remain standing- but are shrouded in the smoke of the blast. You hold your head in pain, but stay silent to avoid revealing the illusions.
He laughs out. “Pathetic.”
As the mist finally clears, the illusions reveal themselves unharmed.
“What? Impossible!” Krieg shouts in anger as a purple mist surrounds the illusions, finally dissipating them.
Scanlan clears his throat. “Gotcha.”
“Now!” Vex shouts desperately as the party begins running out- Keyleth holding down Krieg with vines, Percy shooting down the cave’s ceiling spikes which fall into Krieg’s wings, Vax runs through the rubble as rocks follow around him, and Scanlan’s magic hand punches one that would have fell and crushed him. He quickly picks him up and throws him at the dragon.
“Scanlan’s hand!”
Vax jumps onto the dragon and runs his dagger down it’s neck and all the way to it’s throat, slicing it in one swipe. It splashes and sputters blood out, letting out a groan of pain.
Pike casts guidance on Vex, “Light him up Vex!” She shouts, as Vex promptly shoots several arrows at the now exposed throat.
Krieg falls to the ground in a fit of pain. “I will sunder your bones!”
“Look who’s nice and low?” Vex tells Grog, to which he sneers and runs towards Krieg.
“I would like to rage!” Grog shouts, now entering a state of absolute enraged blindness, moves closer and closer to Krieg.
Grog slams Krieg’s head into the cave floor and a large shock of electricity runs through the cave- in the death of the dragon.
The party looks towards Grog- who stands in front of Krieg’s sliced in half dragon head.
Grog groans with one eye closed, which probably got blood in it. “Uh. Is he dead?”
Keyleth laughs in relief. “We did that! We did that right?”
“It seems being a bunch of assholes has it’s merits.” Percy replies, just as relieved as Keyleth.
Still leaning against the rock you summoned the illusions on, you don’t notice when Vax sticks out a hand for you, as your eyes were closed and you were resting your head in pain.
“Come on. We did it, mostly thanks to you.” Vax speaks wholeheartedly to you, and you grab his hand with a weak smile, stumbling as you stand. He lets out a worried ‘oh’ and puts his hand around your waist as you put your arm around his shoulder- the same way Percy had caught you at your first encounter with Krieg. The two of you stumble back towards the party.
Grog pulls out the dragon’s tooth.
“Souvenir?” Scanlan asks.
Grog laughs. “Proof we killed the scaley turd.”
“Huh. You know, you’re a lot smarter than we give you credit for Grog.”
“Yep. I’m a genius.”
The cave suddenly starts falling apart from around you, obviously shaken from the battle fought. A portal opens, and Vax quickly changes the way he holds you- sweeping you off your feet and running with you, an arm under your leg and an arm supporting your back as your arms wrap around his neck tightly.
“Exit strategy?” Pike shouts.
“Run!” Vex responds.
“Wait! The loot!” Scanlan runs, carrying several spell scrolls and piles of gold. He trips, and Keyleth quickly grabs him with her vines, throwing him through the portal.
Vax quickly flicks a coin into the cave. “We got him, kid.”
“Vax! Please, lets go!” You pull on him, trying to persuade him through the portal, sorry for interrupting the sweet gesture, but not keen on losing your life over a coin.
Walking through the portal, the party arrives back at the portrait.
“Vax. You can put me down now.” You tell him, his grip on you still tight.
“Oh- Right. Sorry.” He responds awkwardly, realizing what he was doing as he delicately sets you down.
“You know it was just my head that hurt right? You didn’t need to pick me up- I’m sure I could have stumbled over.” You question him.
His face is powdered with only a faint blush. “Well.. there was no need to run that risk.”
“Vox Machina,” Uriel’s voice booms through the room. “For your selfless heroism, I proclaim you all protectors of the realm.. And honorary members of the council of Tal’Dorei.”
The entire party widens their eyes in shock, but you smile. You could only hope this tale would be heard back to Envonium, and your parents would be proud of your journey thus far.. Of course, you would have to hope that you were considered part of Vox Machina first, but that will come with time.
“I know. I can hardly believe it myself.” The council laughs among themselves.
“Oh how I’ve missed respectability.” Percy sighs out.
“Oh how I’ve missed it!” You respond giddily, shaking him in the same way you did Vax, but this time with a huge smile on your face. It was nice to have something in common with someone in the party- and always nicer for it to be a childhood friend. You go from shaking him to a tight hug with a small squeal of excitement. You let go quickly once Vex starts talking, still smiling.
“Yes, yes, yes, that's all fine and good but where is the-” Vex is interrupted as they place the thick, heavy, golden box in front of the party. “Ah. There we are.”
She opens it happily as Scanlan chuckles. “Payday.”
Their smiles disappear when they’re met with parchment and keys. “Keys? Parchment?” Scanlan questions. “Where's our reward?”
“You’re holding it,” Uriel responds. “They deed to your new keep- here in Emon. We need our protectors close at hand to, you know, protect.”
“Uh-huh. Uh, hypothetical question- if we sold it, how much do you think that.. Okay.” Scanlan stops talking when he’s met with the disgruntled faces of the council.
Vex takes the paper from Scanlan.
“Sister.. We have a home.” Vax says somberly.
“Wait till I tell my father! Oh, the Ashari will never believe this. I bet.. I’m ruining a moment right now aren’t I. Yep. I’m just gonna go over.. here.” Keyleth awkwardly walks away from Vax and Vex, and walks to you, where the two of you are practically(and literally) jumping for joy over your accomplishments, and how your people would react.
“As protectors, you must understand that the threat is far from over.” Uriel begins again. “We suspect Krieg may have been part of a larger plot. As such, I have arranged an important banquet to discuss the security of our realm. It’ll be quite delightful, really. We have a wonderful cook.”
“We trust you will all attend. In fact, several dignitaries should be on their way as we speak.” The blonde human council member beside Uriel explains.
I turn to Percy happily. “Do you think Envonium got invited? Ugh, it’s been forever since I’ve seen my auntie, father, and mother!” You list your family members happily, holding Percy’s hands in your hands thinking about it happily. He seemed to be uneasy from the conversation, so you quickly dropped it with a smile, and followed your party back to the dusty keep.
#x reader#percy de rolo#vox machina#percival de rolo#percy de rolo x reader#the legends of vox machina#vax'ildan#vax x reader#vex and vax#the legend of vox machina x reader#love triangle#i tried#wrote while half asleep#the people crave percy#and sometimes Vax i guess#percy x reader#vax'ildan x reader#PERCHANCE LOVE?
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Hello darling! Is it okay to request a Vax x F!Reader x Percy (love triangle) one-shot? Where the reader is a human sorcereress from a noble family and somehow ends up with Vox Machina, only for Percy and Vax to develop feelings for her (or them, if you are more comfortable) a year later and become rivals and try to impress her.
I hope this isn't too weird! And it's fine if you don't want to do it! Have a wonderful day/night! Stay safe! 🤗💖
OH MY GOD YESSSSSSSSS i actually love this idea so much
It's awesome you clarified gender! i only do non-b pronouns when someone doesn't specify the gender. Otherwise I am happy to write for male or female!
sorry im getting excited
Vax'ildan x Reader x Percival
Warnings - idk probably gonna lean towards my bbg percy, not so obvious love triangle, swearing, im literally gonna be using f/n and shit, I'm literally rewatching to remember how to write them as I write this so good luck reading my poor memory of characters, I will use she/her, FUCK I HAD TO USE [name] IM SO SORRY, timeskip because oh my god this is so long,
"Vox Machina's (least) favorite Sorcerer.", Vax x Reader x Percy
[F/N] - Family Name
Lady Mystra - Goddess of magic/The weave
[Name] - I was too embarrassed to use y/n
Envonium - The name of the city you are a noble to (Sorry, couldn’t avoid it)
Twinned spell - A sorcery thing that allows a sorcerer to make one spell turn into two to attack two targets, never the same one twice in a row.
You come from a very rich cultured, religious, well mannered, prestigious and otherwise very dependent on magic kingdom. It only makes sense for such a huge part of the culture surrounding the beautiful city known as "The city of the weave", purely for its well known prestigious academies of magic, to have a generally magical culture. Many everyday tasks require magic, or it is commonly frowned upon to do some actions without it.
As a noble sorcerer yourself, your parents couldn't help themselves but give you the education you needed to become stronger as a magic wielder. They began your education at a young age, which proved a struggle for you to connect with companions and school partners who surrounded you. You were always disconnected from the reality of the lives of non-nobles. Other students seemed to feel the same way, and instead of adapting for you or explaining culture to you, they excluded you, making you an outcast in your own kingdom.
Lucky for you, your parents had many allies and peace treaties with those they were more powerful than or equal to, which happened to include the de Rolos. Once they learned of their children, one of which happened to be your age, Percy, they urged them to allow you, their only daughter, to meet Percival and his siblings.
Sadly, your exclusion in school made you awkward around him, and the two of you had trouble holding conversation for a very long time during your visit to Whitestone. It wasn't until your parents mentioned to Lady and Lord de Rolo the education they put you through so you could become a stronger sorcerer, that Percy warmed up to you and began to ramble about sorcery and wizardry, of which you knew much of both.
His curious personality led to conversations that lasted hours only asking the weave, which was tiring. When you began asking him questions back, he could not help himself but go on rants about science, history, and anything he remembered learning, which was a lot. The two of you had a rivaled education.
"That's... not really how the weave works. Where did you even hear that? That's absurd." You'd quip back at his stupid questions(At least, to you, they were stupid.), that you assumed were common knowledge.
"Well- in this book- it speaks of manipulating and changing the weave to cast spells." He was always defensive, quoting books directly and going as far as showing you the page.
With a sigh, "That book is decades old. You don't manipulate the weave, you pull it. Not even pull! It is a very delicate process." You knew it would be hard to explain, because you didn't quite understand it yourself yet.
Every summer, you would visit Whitestone until they suddenly stopped responding to letters, in which your parents cautiously chose to cut ties with the kingdom, without telling you. Whenever you'd ask about it, they'd hush you or change the topic. It confused you, but deep down, you knew they knew something about it.
Of course, this lets you down. You had begun to develop feelings for the boy who showed you kindness and bonded with you over something you were very prideful in. However, you eventually had to give up asking your parents questions about this, and continued your education in the weave.
Of course, your demanding parents practically begged you to practice your magic in real world experiences so you could be truly prepared. When you showed hesitation in doing such a thing, they only pushed harder- in fact, they packed your bags for you. They gave you a lot of gold for the road, a magic bag to hold everything needed, a change of clothes, food for a few days(Bread, cheese, water.), and a map. Not much, but they knew you were more than capable of making due.
Obviously, being a noble of the [F/N] family gave you a target on your back, but it wasn't much of a problem. It seems people underestimate you because you aren't armed with anything but a quarterstaff, but it takes no less than a chromatic orb or a fireball to kill them within seconds.
With background check over, you sit in a tavern.. :3
A group of loud, drunken, lowly mercenaries are shouting across the bar and asking for trouble with several strong looking city dwellers. You can tell they have no real experience in fighting other than bullying people for their money based on their muscles and lack of scars.
You try to ignore the banter, trying to get lost in a pint of beer as you sip on it, the woozy drunk feeling freeing you from an emotional state you get late into the night when left alone to think of your family, your people, and more importantly, all the books you had to leave behind to come here.
You're brought out of your thoughts as a table goes flying over your head, followed by a mug that hits your head, wetting you with the remaining alcoholic liquid left in the cup.
You quickly snap around, rubbing your now pounding head. You ready yourself to cast a spell strong enough to rival the sun against the dirty drunken party, but you realize it was one of the burly men who like to pretend to be tough who threw the table at you. You quickly change the direction of your twinned spell, making quick work of both of them as they fall stunned to the floor. The bar fight ensues as you knock the two of them out, an elf with dark and long hair defends you as another drunken man swings at you with a makeshift weapon. It seemed like it was a leg to a chair, but you couldn't tell in the blur of the quick paced fighting.
Once the quick turned fight ends, a female ranger announces to the barkeeper that 'Vox Machina' will pay back their tab in due time. You roll your eyes, and with a groan, you begrudgingly hand up a small bag of gold to cover their tab and look at the elven woman with an extremely annoyed face. She looks back, surprised you paid their tab, and even more so surprised you have the audacity to look at her with such a face.
A white haired, taller man looks at you with extreme shock. His face is familiar, but you know better than to stare, something he must have forgotten. Your face shifts into a less disgruntled face as the barkeeper speaks to you, thanking you for kindly paying the group's tab.
With the showy smile you were taught, you give him a soft and polite 'You're very welcome. Thank you for your hospitality.'
Your conversation with the barkeeper is cut short when the brunette, elven woman loudly asks you "And who the fuck are you?"
It sounded much more like actual curiosity than impoliteness, so you choose to not respond with the same tone, instead introducing yourself.
"[Name] [F/N]." (Guys im actually so sorry for having to do that, it feels taboo bc no one likes it) One side of you hoped they knew your family name for the sake of fear or authority, but the other hoped they didn't for the sake of having new beginnings.
Their gnome cleric seemed to be working your name out, familiarity reading on her face. You can tell it clicks when she looks up at you thinking of what to say, but she instead introduces herself and the rest of the party.
"Hi.. I'm Pike, this is Grog, the two similar looking elves are twins, Vex and Vax. The druid is Keyleth, and.. Scanlan is the guy pissing on the sign right now." As she speaks you can hear the encouraging smile on her face in her voice, her friendly introduction and personality persuading you to not judge or speak ill of Vox Machina.
You smile at all of them as she introduces them, except for Scanlan, your face rests in disgust watching the half nude gnome piss on a sign, then accidentally piss on a guard of the kingdom.
You turn expectantly to the one Pike seemingly forgot to introduce, the look of disgust still on your face. He seems startled you gave him the sour face, and you quickly fix it. You wave a beckoning motion at him to introduce himself.
"My name is Percival Fredrickstein Von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III'' You finally realize who he is, and your face contorts to curiosity, but there's a small amount of disgust evident in it as well.
You have no clue what his family might have done to your’s for them to cut ties with his, but it couldn't have been good. Your mother always fought your father to keep as many allies as possible, and it was very rare for them to both agree on cutting ties.
Rolling your eyes at his long introduction, you cross your arms. The wisp of cold night wind swishes through your hair, as you feel it on your neck. You look up at him like scum under your foot, standing a distance of around 4 feet away from him.
"Do.. you guys know each other?" Pike asks you awkwardly, the rest of the party staring at the two of you awkwardly as well, noticing your repulsed face and Percy's face of surprise.
You scoff. "Know each other? No no.. we're only childhood best friends of neighboring kingdoms." Your voice seethes in sarcasm, your gaze not leaving Percy.
A new voice enters the awkward situation, the elven rogue, Vax, who protected you earlier.
"Yeah, you two really seem to be bonded to the core." His sarcasm matches your's, and you laugh softly, finally turning away from the silent Percy.
Walking towards him to converse, your face changes to a more smug than angry expression, your eyebrows still turned downward. The two of you banter for a moment before Scanlan awkwardly reveals a request for mercenaries.
"You guys wouldn't mind if I joined you, right? It's been a long while since I've been part of a party, and even longer since I’ve seen Percy." You ask Pike, who you assume is the leader of the party as she seems most responsible.
"It never hurts to have a few extra hands!" You can tell she's still dwelling on your interaction with Percy, as her tone is sensitive and her words practically dance around what just happened.
(Timeskip because theres literally a gap in writing in the show BECAUSE I DONT FUKCING KNOW WHAT TO DO HELP)
Waking up in the morning and climbing the stairs up to the ruler of Emon was a struggle, and you couldn't help but cast an ice spell to soothe the headache you currently had. Percy had tried to talk to you a few times, but you had shrugged him off at every opportunity. He opted to walk in the front of the group, conversing lightly with Vex and Keyleth.
It was nice talking to Vax so casually, as it wasn't an opportunity given to you often to speak informally. He gave you a few confused glances whenever you slipped up and started speaking formally, and you'd let out an awkward laugh and wave your hand in front of your face to try and get him to ignore it.
"So- what brings you to Emon?"
"My mother and father pushed me out of the kingg..domm.. I just want to practice my sorcery. I haven't really used it outside of learning it in practice." You trail off, when he gives you a weird look after mentioning your home.
"Oh. Really? That sounds.. wonderful. You seem a truly powerful sorcerer." He replies to you with an awkward smile on his face, trying to keep the conversation flowing with you as best as possible.
Once the party reaches the doors, Trinket, Vex's pet bear, stays on the outside of the doors with the guards. The party all make an awkward introduction, and you attempt to quip that you aren’t part of Vox Machina perse, but Scanlan quickly spoke over you in song, and went over you quite quickly, introducing you as “The sorcerer princess of the city of the weave!” And honestly? You had to admit it was better than anything you were expecting him to say about you, even if he had gotten some facts wrong.
A ‘punch in the gut’ feeling washed over you as you remember that you are a high status noble walking among a group of barfing, hungover mercenaries, and you look just as hungover as the rest of them. You quickly straighten yourself out and push around Vax with a soft ‘Sorry..’ and stand next to Percy, hoping to look better next to him, another noble. He seems surprised but ignores it, letting Scanlan bullshit you guys through the ‘meeting’ you had interrupted by walking in. Eventually, Emon’s ruler and a few advisers approve of your group saving the kingdom, in exchange for a very large box presumably full of gold coins.
You all quickly board the boat like aircraft, shuffling to stand near the railing, you find yourself standing next to Percy after not wanting to interrupt whatever was going on between Vex and Vax, opting to not seem rude or nosy. You of course, keep your space between you and him, and lean on the rail, debating on starting the conversation.
And you do.
“So.. what could the de Rolos have done to have angered the [F/N]s?” You ask, sarcastically, but genuinely curious.
Percy turns and looks at you with a face of bewilderment. “What did we do? What are you talking about?” Percy’s voice has anger lacing through it, and he wasn’t trying to hide it, but it’s not like he was trying to show it either.
“I mean, what did you guys do? Lord de Rolo stopped responding to my mother’s letters, and one day both mother and father refused to speak of Whitestone. It was like you guys did some horrible offense against lady Mystra, or, I don’t know, maybe betrayed one of our stronger alliances?” You dig deeper under his skin unknowingly, your face only showing confusion.
Percy’s stance changed, and he turned his body to face you. “My father stopped responding to your mother’s letters because he was murdered. They.. were all murdered. I ran from my kingdom, barely escaping my attackers, and I assumed you did your’s?”
Your mouth drops ever so slightly in shock, but you quickly close it. “I’m so sorry, Percy. I had no clue. I wish I could have convinced my parents to do something.. And no, I didn’t run from Evonium. My parents sent me away to become stronger.. I finally graduated from my academy.” Your eyes are glossy, as if hurt for Percy for what happened to his family. Your expression was soft, and pitiful. It almost completely contrasted the look you gave him at the bar, if it weren’t for that same pitiful look that knitted in your eyebrows as the wind blew against your face.
He turns away, unwilling to think about the look you had given him. He sighs. “It’s quite alright. I don’t blame you for assuming our families crossed one another. If I was in your position I would have done the same.”
You scoot closer to him, but leave room to breathe. You felt selfish for wanting to heal your relationship so fast, so you would let him choose when the wound was closed.
You felt eyes burning into the back of your head, but you tried ignoring it. Unaware it was Vax, you choose not to turn, and hope it was nothing. It seems he doesn’t want the wound to close at all, and he has a face that reads jealousy. He turns back to Vex, continuing their conversation and trying to shake off the feeling he had about you and Percy.
The ship shakes, and quickly levitates to the ground, a small wooden town ahead of you. The tents were torn, and burns were evident in the wood that kept the cloth up. It didn’t look like the work of a reckless wizard or sorcerer, and it seemed like it came haphazardly from above. You slowly walk down the aircraft beside Percy in silence. Scanlan makes some kind of sexual comment to the woman who brought us here, to which she ignores and promptly leaves without a word. You can’t help but roll your eyes at him.
You and Percy walk awkwardly behind everyone else, as Vax walks beside Keyleth, Pike next to Grog, and Vex next to Scanlan, which she was visibly upset about. However, she didn’t seem too upset as the two bantered sarcastically back and forth. The trail to the tents begins to go down hill, the path muddy and slippery. You try to hold onto Percy’s shoulder as you walk down, in which he drapes an arm around your waist in response to, trying to help support you, but it only brings you flashes of your childhood crush on him, and you fail to pay attention to the floor, despite having a staring contest with it.
You slip, falling backwards for only moments before Percy’s hand grips your hip, his arm already behind your back to support you, and pulls you back up. It was a pull with quick strength that was more of a reflex than an action, and it pulls you nearly face to face. You blush, and mutter a quick ‘Thanks, Percy.’, and he looks away with a quickly spoken, flustered, “Yeah! Yes. Of course.” as if he was trying to pull himself together. You pull away, but keep your hand on Percy’s shoulder until fully down the slope.
Vax turns around to look at the commotion, and he catches a glimpse of you blushing at Percy. He can’t help but scoff at it, and turns back around to talk to Keyleth, only really half talking to her, and her only really half talking to him.
#x reader#percy de rolo#vox machina#percival de rolo#percy de rolo x reader#the legend of vox machina#vax'ildan#vex and vax#vex'ahlia#pike trickfoot#scanlan#vax x reader#vax#vax'ildan x reader#critical role#female reader#love triangle#percyxreaderxvax love triangle#percyxreader love triangle
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May I request an angsty Vax (vox machina) x reader, where the reader likes Vax but he doesn't know it especially paired with his feeling for Keyleth at the time. But when he figures out he rethinks his feelings, but by then the reader feels like the Second pick. (It can have a happy or angsty ending, whatever feels right to you)
GUYS IM BACK!!!! have this and two others im keeping on the burner to write. There were five, so if you don't see your's pop up anytime soon, its because I didn't know how to write it. Loved the ideas, though◡̈
Vax'ildan Vessar x Reader
Warnings - None
"An option, never his priority.", Vax x Reader
The fire whips in the direction of the wind and crackles in defiance against the small pellets of snow fall onto it, burning the firewood, which was already charred on nearly every side.
You sat next to your best friend, Vex, who had known about your love for Vax for months now. All she could feel was pity for you when she watches you stare off into the dark and starry night, looking anywhere except the two people in front of you.
Vax and Keyleth. Vax shot empty flirts at Keyleth without any reaction from her, as she blankly looks into the fire uninterested in him.
From the corner of your own eyes, you can feel Vex looking at you with a look on her face that you hated. It felt embarrassing for her to give you that look of empathy for so long, and it brought you back to the moment.
Taking a deep breath in through your nose, you held it for just a second. You let it out through your mouth and watch the air fog for just a moment. You look at Vex through the side of your eye, making eye contact, and she quickly looks away.
You sigh. The silence between the entire group was killing you, and you caught second hand embarrassment from Vax flirting with Keyleth like no one could hear them.
To be fair, no one but you and Vex were paying attention. Percy was tinkering with something that you couldn't be bothered enough to ask about, Pike and Grog were fast asleep. How could they fall asleep so quickly in this cold?
You slid off the log you sat on, the rough texture of the bark along it pushed against you and the snow crunched under your feet when you stood. Without looking around, you simply walk away into the snowed in forest.
"If you get lost just give us a shout." Vex's voice ringed through your ears, and you gave her a nod without turning to look at her.
Snow continued to crunch under your feet as you trudged into the forest. It was extremely dark, and the trees made you feel crowded. The trees rock as you push the pines out of the way, feeling the snow piled on them seep into your mittens, creating a soggy feeling on your hands.
Turning to an opening, you see a few logs turned to one another. It seems another group of travelers had passed through here once or twice before too. The world is really small, anyway. Not too hard to think about. You cast a fire spell on their old fire pit, watching the charcoal burn again. You sit down on a log, and stare into the sky, enjoying lonesomeness.
(third person POV switch)
Keyleth awkwardly stood up and followed you after a few minutes of awkwardness with Vax. She tightly gripped and wrapped her faux coat around herself. Vex and Vax make eye contact, and glance between themselves and Percy. Vex shrugs and speaks.
"You know she doesn't love you. Quit bothering the poor girl, Vax."
Percy glances up at the siblings, but opts to continue fixing and cleaning his trinket.
Vax sighs, and turns his face away from Vex, not saying a word, waiting for her to say something he would choose to continue off of.
Vex scoffs at his stubbornness to the conversation. "Have you ever paid attention to how they look at you? YOU guys would work out. Not you and Keyleth!" Vex's accent gets thicker as she continues to voice her complaints about Vax's irony to not notice anything around him.
Vax pauses, and looks as if he's thinking to himself and piecing together evidence in his head.
"...You mean to tell me, that this whole time, all those gifts, and all the times they've been flustered without reason, was because they're in love with me?" Vax mumbled to Vex, still putting it together.
Out of the corner of her eye, Vex could see Percy rolling his eyes to their conversation. It was obvious he could tell too, in fact, him and Vex had spoken about it a few times when they had nothing better to do.
Now, it's Vex's turn to roll her eyes. And that she did. "What do you think I just said to you?" She scoffs after her sentence is stated.
Silence falls over the two and only the wind, the crackling fire, and Percy's tinkering can be heard. Soft crunching and talking can be heard from the forest.
(3rd person POV switch)
I softly laugh with Keyleth as we step back to the group's makeshift firepit. Before I can sit, Keyleth sits next to Vex, which forces me to sit next to Vax. Before I do, Vex waves me over and whispers into my ear.
"I told him"
I give her an annoyed look and she smiles smugly at me. I quickly turn before anything can be insinuated between the others and sit next to Vax.
This time, Vax seemed to be nervous to sit next to me. He was drooling over Keyleth just a second ago, You couldn't understand how he could change his mind so fast.
You close your eyes and decide not to think about it, trying to sleep quietly. It was late, and you were too tired to talk after the grueling work done today, which had to be followed with miles of walking to do the next morning.
When Vax notices this, he wraps his arm around you and pulls you in to rest on his shoulder. While his touch his warm, and something you've yearned for, you didn't like it. You didn't welcome it.
It wasn't what you yearned for. It felt forced.
The vibrations of his voice rumbles on his chest, and you could feel it in your head, but your hearing was muffled. It felt like you could hear their conversation in another room. You felt him hesitate when talking to Keyleth, but he spoke to her in that same tone.
He was settling for you.
You could feel an unsettling sense in your stomach, it made you uncomfortable, and it made you squirm.
You didn't want to be his second choice.
#x reader#vox machina#the legend of vox machina#the legends of vox machina#vax'ildan#vax x reader#vex and vax#vex#vex'ahlia#angst??#angst#second choice#settling#vax'ildian x reader
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Can u do a rengoku x reader pretty please pookie 😢
this has been in the oven for WEEEEKSSSS LMFAOOOOO Finally getting to it because I want to write more. Rengoku x Reader Warnings - injury, but no description
"Candles share a flickering flame.", Rengoku x Reader
You slowly stumble over your steps, grunting as your feet hit the ground over and over. You keep your eyes open, mumbling things to yourself as you slowly feel yourself lose consciousness. You wouldn't let yourself. Not when you're already so close to the butterfly mansion. You knew they didn't search the outskirts of it, so if you wanted to live, you'd have to continue stumbling. Your feet dragged painfully against the rock filled dirt path, and you felt painful jolts in your back as you walked and remembered certain battle wounds during your journey.
"Hashira! Lady Shinobu, they're alive!"
The sound of tiny foot steps likely from the triplets was etched into your ears, as they sound of sand scratched against their small shoes.
"Liege! You're on the verge of death! Please, come this way.."
Small hands wrapped your body, and tugged you in one direction. You silently prayed and hoped that you weren't hallucinating, and you had finally reached the mansion.
You had shut your eyes, thanking the daylight cycle for being easy on your eyes. The sky swirled above you in darkness, a relaxing tone that would put ease to someone not dying.
You're guided to a bed behind your thoughts, and you feel a hand holding your's as your wounds are treated. It was warm, soft, calloused on the edges. It was something that told you 'I'm here.'
You begin to fall asleep, relaxing to the gentle and assuring feeling of stinging alcohol and constricting bandages provided by your caretaker. Before you fade to your sleep, you hear two voices discussing something above your head. "Will they be alright?"
The first voice wavers, and sounds scared. Not for himself, but for you. As if a crash of realization that you might be in danger made them feel like they were in that situation themself.
"It looks like it will be a slow recovery. They took on multiple staggering wounds, its a miracle they even had a sense of direction to the butterfly mansion."
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ��₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
When you wake up, you keep your eyes shut. You try to go back to sleep and fail.
You hear crashing by the door of your room, and you shoot up, much to the shock of the person who was sitting next to you.
"Up and moving so quickly already?" A honey voice spoke to you, and you suddenly felt the soreness from moving quickly. You groaned and fell back to your bed.
"Not now that you mention it.." You take a deep breath and heave a deep sigh, mentally analyzing your wounds.
You rub your hands softly, and un-blur your vision, peering up to Rengoku.
"Did you stay here the entire time? I remember you being here when I was being treated.." You tiredly mumble to him, your voice straining.
"I did! My priority will always be my allies." His voice ands words etched into your brain, patiently waiting for any further explanation to his words.
When no explanation came, there was a soft moment of silence. You could feel Rengoku's eyes faintly hovering your face. You could feel that he was tense, but he refused to say anything about it.
You unfold your hand, and reach for his. He holds your's in his own for a moment, and his muscles slack.
"Liege. How did the mission go? I am sure you managed to do something to leave even the heavens itself in awe." His words seemed to bubble over and spill out to you, and your head turned to face him.
"There were demons attacking the village women.. five total. They were pretty strong, but nothing like a moon. It was the amount of them and they way they worked together that stunned me."
Rengoku's face contorted curiously.
"Please! Tell me more." He politely followed up your story.
"It was weird.. you know that.. yellow haired demon slayer who recently joined? He's adventuring with Tanjiro and the pig.. he would have cried if he saw. He's scared of spiders, yeah? Well, they were wrapping all the girls up to eat them later.. I'd hate to be in the cocoons. They were slimy. Like an egg."
Rengoku nodded his head with a smile, listening to you speak of your mission, his thumb softly rubbing your hand.
The two of you stare into each other's eyes. His vast and passionate iris perfectly his optimist personality.
You slowly sit up, supporting yourself as you did. You feel his hand slip behind your back, carefully avoiding your stab wounds and applying pressure to the spaces where it wouldn't cause you pain, he sat you up to face him.
The position the two of you were in currently could be easily mistaken for one of a romantic couple about to confess to each other for the fifth time. His left arm wrapped around your torso, and his right hand held your own. He was slightly leaned in, and you could feel his soft breathing tickle the air.
Your face burns a soft hue of pink, and you feel your own ears heat up as you attempt to lean back from him, but are caught in a web of his arms. Instead, you stand up, and he wraps both arms around you. They softly snake around your torso yet again and secure you.
You softly cup his cheek with your hand, and his mouth weakly falls open. He attempts to say something, but no words leave his mouth.
You teeter on your feet, standing on your tippy toes, your lips slowly connect with his. You run your fingers through his hair. You can no longer tell if it's the pain-meds that were provided to you talking, but it felt right.
it felt good.
You pull away, and stand flat again. You peer up at him, and rest your hand.
"I..." Rengoku begins to speak, but he stops. The two of you softly laugh against each other and pull in for a hug. The hug was as warm as he was, or maybe you were just really cold.
its really fking cold in the butterfly mansion..
"I know, Rengoku. Me too."
#rengoku kyojuro#rengoku x reader#kny rengoku#xreader#oneshot#x reader#demon slayer#gn reader#rengoku x gn reader#fluff#angst??#hes such a cutie#kny
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Hello! if you're still taking request could it be a crossover headcanons of vox machina x mha, were there member is like shoto todoroki or vox machina x one piece were there member is like nico robin. Which one do you prefer? Its okay for me.
Hiii! I'd be more than willing to write a "fire/ice curse" headcannon ;)
Vox Machina x Reader Head Canons
Warnings - none?
"Cold shoulder.", Vox Machina x Reader
Okay, so the entire team has their own negatives that everyone seems to like.. make a good thing and use it to their advantage?
Obviously, for plot reasons, you have Shoto's family trauma too.
They have NEVER seen your ice/fire curse as something to be looked down upon, but they never really tried to convince you it isn't.
I feel like they'd be too awkward about it knowing the background LMFAO
Because of this, you just kind of thought they were equally as ashamed of you as you were with yourself.
It's some powerful magic shit so they try to tell you to be careful about it, you took it the wrong way
You eventually end up talking to Keyleth about it, and she started squabbling about it to you nervously because she thought she offended you
In all actuality, they all love you and enjoy your company.
They think its cool when you do ice tricks.
It obviously took you a while to warm up to them with fire magic, and its always nice to have around winter.
Pike specifically asks you to warm a lot of stuff up for her, since you figured out how to just make your hands warm.
Usually things like socks, blankets, food, drinks, or for you to boil water in the middle of no where.
It's always a funny conversation to have with her.
"Heyyy.. uhmmm... You mind-"
You take the item and already start heating your hands up.
"No. No I do not."
You love being helpful to them ˙◠˙
Percy likes to bring you to his little workshop and make you his assistant, he finds its much easier to make weaponry or contraptions with someone who can help him bend metal.
You stick your hands out, and he places a long, thin, spiral of metal on them.
"Thank you." You hum. in response to him.
Percy is so thankful to you out of all of them. He says thank you for every little thing.
if you feeling a little romantical about himm... he says thank you when you hold his hand in the cold or his face in the cold #cuties
Grog doesn't get it.
I mean, if I was him, I wouldn't either.
With all honesty, he's just worried for you.
At one point you overheard a conversation with him and Pike.
"Are they okay Pikey??? They just lit on fire and shot ice at the same time..˙◠˙"
"Yes, Grog, thats just they're magic.."
(At that point, Pike tried explaining it 13 times to him, and it was 4am)
Vex and Vax are utterly ridiculous about it.
Least petty twin siblings, honestly.
Vex asked you to light her arrow on fire so she could shoot Vax's coat 'accidentally' and burn it.
To be fair, in her defense, he asked you to freeze her gold chest lock so he could steal from her..
At one point, when you were still learning, You froze one of Keyleth's plants, and she got a brain freeze for a solid 15 seconds.
"Oh my GOSH! Keyleth I am so sorry oh my gosh.."
"No-no.. its okayy.. he was almost dead anyway.."
She said, holding her head, groaning from the severe brain freeze she suddenly got.
Req pt 2 if this gets popular, but add who u want more of ;)
#percy de rolo#x reader#vox machina#fluff#percival de rolo#percy de rolo x reader#the legend of vox machina#the legends of vox machina#keyleth of the air ashari#vex'ahlia x reader#vex and vax#vax#vax'ildan#vex'ahlia#xreader#grog strongjaw#pike trickfoot#pike x reader
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I saw the Vox Machina with an Eda like reader and liked it, can I get a platonic one for Reader who is like King?
Not human thinks they are something related to monsters (but it turns out they are powerful creatures), are basically like a kid who gets frustrated when something doesn't go right and releases a squeak of rage, and is on a journey to find their family.
Waitttt I actually love this idea?
HEY!!! YOU!!!! my comms r open!! please request me!!
PartTitan!Reader x Vox Machina
warnings - none
"Temper Titan", Titan!Reader x vox machina
everyone at once (devil emoji)
Nobody really quite KNOWS what you are, but they know you're part.
Referencing to the title, Percy has said he thinks your part titan, but due to advancements, there is no way to know for sure.
Because of that, Vox Machina had become known for having a "Temper Titan."
It's kind of embarrassing, at first when you heard of it, but you are pretty terrifying when you're mad.
Much like King and other titans, when you stomp or yell, the ground shakes and often things that should be strong enough to be stable such as a boulder, break.
Vox Machina also calls you this… but.. at least they accept you?
Anger issues goes crazy as a titan. you're real sensitive, but you can often end up sad instead of angry when they try to wind you up mid-battle.
Scanlan often tries to make fun of you during a battle but instead he just tugs on your strings and makes you cry.
A little upsetting when it happens, and you end up not talking to Scanlan for a while.
called you a whole loser dude
He was MEANNN man.
Of course, your cries are just as powerful if not more powerful than your stomps and yells.
he likes to pretend you couldn't drag him with and without magic
Sadly, when you do have a temper, Keyleth can feel it through her plants.
Its a downside, so when you're going nuts, Keyleth is down and coping with the fact the ground and plants are in pain.
its also a battle field issue a lot.. thankfully Scanlan's bard magic can always lift them up, but, it makes them a big, chunky target.
You being a little kid they don't want to be up too long without you.
Percy is especially careful about this.
Vex and Vax on the other hand could not care LESS.
swim or drown in their little world.
Keyleth scolds them about their carelessness for you, but when it comes down to it, they are the first ones to dive in and save you.
Vax especially.
They both see you as a younger sibling.
They try to keep your temper under control, but it doesn't work out sometimes, and you guys end up having to run away while in public
Like.. literally mid tantrum they'll just pick you up and put you on trinket.
sent away for poor behavior!!!
Vax buys you literally anything you want and its crazy..
its not even because he doesn't want you to be mad, its because he wants you to have what he didn't in his childhood, but Vex has a different view, and still wants you to grow up and be a responsible person.
she often likes to take you out to nature just because
her connection to it makes her feel you have one too because they all think(know) you're a titan.
its really nice because you'll literally just lay there and you'll feel vines and grass growing around you comfortingly
like a big ol' blanket
Sometimes, you'll go out to her little spot without her, and you'll literally just be there for HOURS.
You gave Percy a heart attack.
he kinda scolded Keyleth for it so you started crying.. and.. titan tantrum.
he kinda just sighed and picked you up and brought you home with Keyleth
Grog is also low-key protective of you???
a lot like how he is with Pike
Pike might have told him to protect you, but either way, he is quite the man for the job.
consider him a body blocker
not for religious reasons, just to help you calm down sometimes.
She's super sweet to you man.
mama pike
usually the one cooking for you because she strongly believes you should not be eating all the crap Vox Machina eats because they're all raging alcoholics with mommy or daddy issues(most of the time both)
#x reader#percy de rolo#vox machina#fluff#percival de rolo#percy de rolo x reader#the legend of vox machina#keyleth of the air ashari#keyleth x reader#pike x reader#pike trickfoot#child reader#titan reader#the legend of vox machina x reader#the legends of vox machina#vox machina x reader#legend of vox machina#headcannon#vax x reader#vex x reader#vex and vax#grog x reader
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Hello, if you're still taking request could it be headcanons with with Vax, Percy, and Vex. (Separately)
Where the S/O is a lot like Yor Forger.
Oh my gosh, I love SpyxFamily! right away xx
Reader x Vox Machina
Warnings - None
"Scarlet paint on their face", Assassin!Reader x Various
Okay, so, weird thing about both Vax AND Vex, they're extremely stalkerish.
the very MOMENT they thought you were acting even slightly suspicious, they immediately discussed it with each other.
"Vex-" "Yes, me too."
they most def hear EVERYTHING you do.
They had a little book that had information about everything you did.
your fault, why aren't you home by the mandatory curfew (that they implemented that nobody in fact listens to) of 8PM sharp?
You'll usually feel Vax's eyes on you when you come home after a bounty, but you choose to pretend you're oblivious to it so you can continue acting clueless.
HOWEVERRRR he eventually cornered you and confronted you.
you walked in and he was just like.. leaning against the wall all nerdy.. so you kinda just.. side eyed him and walked by..
"Where have you been?"
your heart dropped to your asssssss, him confronting you was so much scarier than it needed to be.
"What are you talking about?"
"We know you've been sneaking out. You're never home by 8."
"..Nobody follows that anyway, Vax.. not even Pikes home right now. Who are you, my dad?" You raised an eyebrow at him as you spoke down to him for asking you what's been going on.
"Vex told me you went to a washers covered in blood. What's that all about?"
"I don't know what you're talking about. Maybe don't stalk random people, it's creepy, Vax." You scoff, and storm off to your room.
You sit down in your bed and heave a sigh, letting the knife drop that was hidden between your arm and side under your oversized blouse.
Vex was the first one to actually confront you and get an answer.
(all combined head cannons above for vax btw)
she low-key scared tf out of you when you turned the corner and saw her.
full on mom stance, arms crossed, face seething..
"If you won't tell Vax, you better tell me now."
Now, mind you, it was like.. 2am.. and you tried sneaking back in because you didn't have time for a outfit change.. so you did in fact look very incriminating with a knife in your hand, drenched in blood.
You have no clue to get out of it, so you fake cry xx
You drop your knife and start crying into your hands, mumbling.
Vex's face DROPS, and she goes to you and holds you, rocking you in her arms.
"I'm not MAD, I'm just upset you didn't tell me.."
After the little cry, she helps you clean yourself up from them on because OBVIOUSLY what gf wouldn't help.
she was honestly just mad you didn't tell her..
(sorry her's is so short!! I'm like super duper tired rn)
lmfaooo Percy been knew
the two of you have always just kind of
not talked about it?
of course, you both are aware that the other KNOWS,
it's just Percy wants to make sure he doesn't say something rude to you
he loves u too much xx
He frequently stitches you up, cleans your wounds, and washes your clothes when you come home after killing someone.
Of course, he understands you're very dangerous and skilled, but the fact you're his s/o comes before your large bounty.
"Again? Seriously? You're getting too injured to endure this job." he sighed out to you, frowning at your dampened physical state.
You did not reply, but you looked away, towards a a window opposite of him. You matched his face, frowning.
You flinch back as he applies alcohol to your wound, hissing slightly to your pain.
"Sorry." He mumbled out, and he lifted your shirt more.
He bandages the wound, sealing it so it doesn't become infected. He then pulls off your shirt, and sets it aside to wash later, handing you a new, clean shirt of your own.
he literally loves you so much please assure this boy you'll be fine
#percy de rolo#x reader#vox machina#fluff#percival de rolo#percy de rolo x reader#the legend of vox machina#vex'ahlia#vex'ahlia x reader#vex and vax#vax'ildan#vax headcanon#vax x reader#yor forger#assassin#assassin reader Vox machina#assassin reader
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I like your headcanons. Can I be self-indulgent and ask for headcanons of married life with Soldier 76? (I'd like male!reader, but idk if the gender will even really come up much in this topic lol)
thanks<3 This is the last fic of the night. I've been trying to clear my asks lololol. The last one in there is vex vax and percy, so if thats not your's, i have politely rejected your idea. Sorry, i love you for asking anyway!!<3
Soldier 76 x Reader
Warnings - none
"Husband76", Soldier 76 x Reader
oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my goshh
As a worker of overwatch, you were usually scheduled with him for missions when you two first met
When they realized you two worked well together, you were paired up VERY often
to the point where there was teasing towards the both of you
"You sure that's not your 'honey munchkin scurdel'?"
they would say anything to embarrass him its crazy
that implies that they totally knew he had heart eyes for you from the start
he didn't even tell them is the worst part
he just follows you around like a lost puppy
BUT enough of that
MARRIED life??
so so sweet.
yeah you guys are totally old working in an army
but the moments alone at home?
it makes an eternity seem like bliss
he really likes to hug you from behind and bury his face into the nook of your neck
so expect to feel his bristle beard a LOT
his voice is still totally dead, but the words that glide of that tongue? pure sugar.
"Are you okay, dear?"
"You always look amazing. Your beauty never left you from the day I first laid eyes on you."
"Did you need something?"
All of that was said with a smile on his face.
A pure, sappy, genuine smile
he literally smiles whenever he sees you
you are his SUN
you go out, he goes out
At headquarters, the teasing died down, but the sound of the younger overwatch members cooing at you got 10x louder
"Aww it's 76 and 77 again! How are you two?"
just smile and wave
You two are definitely called relationship goals constantly
"I wish my boyfriend treated me like that."
(^said after Jack literally does anything romantically standard to you)
They all have low standards
(Save them)
He'd buy you anything you looked at.
Saw something in a window you pointed out?
whatever holiday is closest, he buys it for your gift.
even if it's just april fools.
"April fools!"
"Jack this isn't what you get someone for April fools."
it followed with a laughing fit between the two of you and you thanked him for whatever you pointed out
(he does it just to see you smile)
Sleeping in the same bed will always be the right kind of warm
summer or winter he is holding you
very closely
what if someone steals you in his sleep man??
If it's too hot he turns on the AC just to hold you
hes lowkey crazy for it
old age is getting to him
maybe both of you
Expect many dates
no matter how old the two of you are, he wont ever stop being romantic to you
if you guys ever get into an argument??
He is immediately working it out with you
"Love, what's upsetting you?"
Apologizes for whatever it is
and get this
he LISTENS bro
one time he asked you if he could pick you up
and you said yes
and he legit carried you around everywhere bridal style for a week
hes crazy strong
romantically strong
he'd die for you before he could even think twice
which is why the two of you WILL be together until the end of the world
holds your hand CONSTANTLY.
its like the fucker is glued to you
he has really rough hands
you made him start using lotion though
not as rough anymore!!!
thank god
oh my gosh he loves u sm bro
#soldier 76 x reader#soldier76 x reader#soldier 76#soldier76 husband#soldier 76 husband#soldier76 husband x reader#soldier 76 x reader husband#husband76#fluff#overwatch#overwatch2#ow#overwatch soldier 76#ow2#overwatch x reader
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Don’t know if you’ve done this one yet but it’d be AMAZING to read an enemies to lovers story about Percy<3
Great stories btw!! Love them all💖💗💝
Awww thank you!! sorry it took so long to get your work out.
Percival de Rolo x Reader (oneshot)
Warnings - mentions of death
"Burn in hell(But not really).", Percy x reader
You dart up from your pillow, your hair whipping behind you. The curtains behind you sing a song as they slip between the wafts of wind from the dark, cold, harsh night. Holding yourself lightly, you attempt to ground yourself.
"Its okay. It was just a dream. Pike, Keyleth, Vex, Vax, Scanlan, Grog and Percy are all okay. They're fine." You whisper to yourself, trying to reassure your own mind everything was going to be all okay, but your mind never settled.
You decided you would prove to yourself that they were all in fact okay. Alive, well, and hopefully thriving in this environment.
You rise from your silk sheets, moving the puffy white blanket off of your body, scooting off your bed. Your feet hit the hard and cold stone floor, you shiver, but find reassurance in the fact that you know you are awake.
You tip toe out of your room, your feet cracking and freeing air as you did so. The sound of your footsteps were not heard as you creaked your wooden door open, and started down the hall.
Keyleth and Vex, Vax and Scanlan, Grog and Pike, and Percy.
That was the room pairings. Percy and you never got along, so everyone decided that it was best neither of you shared a room. Even if you found his antics and smart wordings annoying, you still feared for his safety. He was part of your family.
You slowly opened the door to Keyleth and Vex's room. Two lumps on the opposite beds gave you a welcoming smile and knowing knowledge that your friends were in fact okay.
You continued down the hall to the next door, only needing to hear the snores of Vax and sleep talking of Scanlan to know the two boys were safe and sound. You couldn't help but let out a small giggle to the fact that they were so loud in their sleep. How has everyone even been sleeping all this time?
Continuing forward down the hall, you reach Pike and Grog's room. Instead of calmness, you hear giggling. Both Pike and Grog were letting out small, suppressed giggles about who knows what. Their laughter was enough for you as well.
Rubbing your cold, goose bumped arms, you continue down the hall to Percy's room. You heard no tools whirring, no tossing and turning, no sleep talking from his room. Maybe he finally found peace in his dreams in exchange for your fright.
You slowly creaked open the door, knowing your lie to yourself about him sleeping wouldn't be enough. You see no lump so you walk closer to the bed, only to find no Percy at all.
You couldn't help but feel your nightmare rush back to you. The feeling and knowing of his death floods you as your eyes begin to blur with tears and strain with red.
You hold yourself tightly, rubbing your arms, comforting yourself, speaking about how he was smart enough than to get himself into a situation where he was punished for his mistakes.
You walk out of his room, when you bump into someone. You flinch, and back up, looking upwards to the tall figure.
"What in Everlight's word are you doing in my room?" Percy snarls at you, looking down. His expression softens when his eyes meet your frightened and hurt gaze.
You can't help but embrace the man who you thought was dead when you see him. Your arms wrap tightly, but not too tight, around him and under his arms. You tuck your face into his chest, shaking, and quivering, slurring words about how you're sorry, and how you would never want him dead.
Percy, confused, wraps his arms around you, embracing you. He takes his left, more metallic hand, caresses your head and you welcome the feeling of cold to your hot, burning face.
Despite not having a clue on what you're saying, or why you're in his room, he understands that for some reason, you, the person who told him to go to hell the first day you two met each other, is crying about his death which hasn't happened yet.
Eventually, when you catch up on your breath, and your breathing is even, you keep hugging him. You continue to shake, but you hold him like the world will collapse and everything around you will implode and it'll all be your fault.
"Tell me, what's wrong?" Percy speaks softly to you, still petting your head slowly.
When you don't respond, he sighs. He feels as if he is comforting a toddler, but he mentally slaps himself for thinking that of you.
"How does some fresh air sound? Hm?" When he feels you slowly nod against his chest and pull apart, he smiles. He wraps his arm around your waist, holding you close and reassuring you that he's staying with you and won't leave anytime soon.
He leads you outside, the fresh and cold air softly hitting your tired eyes. The two of you sit down on a bench and look at the moon. He holds you close to him still, as you lean on him.
Your eyes stay peeled open, not wanting to let him leave you. If he were to leave you, he surely would have died.
"Do you want to talk about it, dear?" Percy's words danced off his tongue, slowly, like he was trying to catch an animal, afraid his loud words would scare it away.
"You died." You paused.
"Everyone died."
"And I didn't do anything. I stood there. It was all my fault. What if there really was a life or death situation, and I just froze? What if i just let you all die? I would have nobody, and I wouldn't be able to live with myself, Percy."
Percy thought for a moment. He thought and he thunk and he thinked. He traced his finger up and down your arm, comforting you as you ranted about how you felt guilty.
"We all know you wouldn't do that. We depend on you, darling. And we depend on you because we know you are capable."
Percy's words reassured you and calmed you more than the cold air ever could.
"Would you make sure nobody gets hurt, even if I freeze up?"
"Of course I would. I would die for you if you asked."
#percy de rolo x reader#percival de rolo#percy de rolo#percy x reader#x reader#the legend of vox machina x reader#vox machina x reader#the legends of vox machina#legend of vox machina
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can you make headcannons abt ramattra from ow during the unholy 🙏🏻🙏🏻
god it'd be my pleasure
Ramattra x Reader
Warnings - NSFW!!!!!! lol
"Robot dick?? dont mind if i do." Ramattra x Reader
i've been waiting for this one ong
Now, for the sake of these head canons, he does in fact have a omnic dick.
You were his first fuck, so when he first came into you, he rebooted
crazy sensation for him
obviously circumcised
6.8, dark purple, tip fades into light purple
feels really silicone like because duhh its fake
but boy is that dick game real
probably does quick fucks to get stress relief but can defo be caring if you asked
His frame literally cradles you when hes fucking you
full on whimpering in your ear
ever used mei's slush, ashe's bomb, and ana's bullets on him?\
thats what i meannn
He has like? fake cum?
Whatever it is, its still white, sticky, and safe to be in you so win win.
Whoever coded his ass wanted him bad
sensors on his groin and chest is crazy
Very sensitive??
like, he can last 10-15 mins but that entire time he is ready to spill all over you or bury himself into you.
only if you say its okay though, he loves consent
he loves begging even more though.
"Please, Ramattra, fuck..-"
"Resorting to begging, slut?"
degradation kind of guy
Defo holds your hands above your head while he fucks you
loves watching you squirm against him
literally fingers you just to watch you squirm against him
He'll legit just fuck you anywhere???
of course, not in front of people, he understands social norms
At one point, the two of you were in overwatch head quarters for a meeting or something and he dragged you into an empty room
you pulled off your pants n underwear and he picked you right up
anndd slid you onto his cock
loved watching you choke on your moans so no one knows where you guys are
if someone DOES walk in, he'll position the two of you so the person who walks in can't see you/your naked body
literally made him want to do it more
his little wire hairs??
tug on them.
he loves hair pulling
(If you're a girl)
he loves your boobs
no reason behind it
mm squishy and warm
Aftercare is crazy good
above and beyond in any situation
Bath, food, drinks, you name it he'll do it
he loves you dearly, so really, whatever he does in bed doesn't ACTUALLY reflect himself as a person fully.
he loves u
#ramattra#ramattra x reader#ramattra x reader smut#x reader#overwatch2#ow#ow2#overwatch#overwatch x reader#overwatch2 x reader#omnic#head canon
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Sort of, but not really, a crossover between The Legend of Vox Machina and The Owl House
Headcanons for how you think Vox Machina would react to having a member who is a witch (that suffering from a curse like Eda’s) from the Boiling Isles? Rather it’s about learning more about their magic or helping them manage their curse?
I love this idea, and i'm also trying to get through all the requests in one day so watch me do a magic trick guys
Vox Machina x TOH Magic Reader
Warnings - none
"The fuck do you mean you have a bird curse?", Vox Machina x Reader
Head canons!!!!
OBVIOUSLY when they first learn about it they're all like
"Is there a cure??"
"Does it hurt you:(?"
(Only Pike Vex and Keyleth ask if it hurts you..)
(It's okay cus the boys are immediately asking about how to make the potion)
Once they realize that since you've settled for the potions, it's usually top priority to restock your potions when they go shopping.
"You sure you have enough?? We might not get another chance to shop!"
They're too caring for their own good sometimes
When your curse DOES erupt, Keyleth keeps you down with vines while they bottle feed you the yellow liquid.
Sometimes they'll purposefully not give it to you when you guys are going on some dangerous adventure so your curse snaps during battle.
real clutch when you guys are all about to die
Grrr woof woof
OTHER than that, you're a wild witch, so you have all kinds of magic.
Percy is he only one who's even heard of the boiling isles, unsurprisingly.
"Is it really a titan you all live on?"
"Yes. It is."
So so so many questions about it all.
You have a small amount of sludge with you for abominations, so you've been letting them simmer so they get bigger.
A lot of times they think you're weird for it, but you have to explain it for a few times till they have a "ohhh" kind of reaction
Scanlan defo bonds with you over your bard magic.
":O???? YOU TOO???"
You just kind of look at him confused until you laugh at his hand magic.
expect duets during battles so he can pitch in more.
Keyleth likes how connected you are with animals, she feels like it gives you two more to connect about
"Have you heard about what happened to Benard?"
"Which one? The wolf or the rabbit?"
"The rabbit. He cheated on Lani."
They also have you fix stuff a lot around the house just because you can control mud n stuff.
you 100% throw mud at them when they say stupid shit
"Yeah so this girl I f- god damn it- why?!"
Scanlan hates it, everyone loves it
You also lend a huge hand when it comes to healing.
literally pike 2.0 with your shields n stuff
you trick them with your illusion magic.
"Wait- i thought you were going to the woods?"
You look at Vax, staring at him for 5 seconds.
"Not again!"
They learned about your psychic ability recently when Vex asked about your necklace.
"What's that, birdy?"
You touch your necklace, rubbing the glass orb on the centerpiece.
"What are you doing?" (You said it in sync with Vex.)
"Its a Oracle orb." You smiled and went on a little rant about it.
they all call you birdy because of your feathery curse.
They defo make you predict battles and ask what theyre supposed to do about losses.
"Why would I know? Change it yourself, duhhh"
Keyleth loves your plant magic because when she speaks with your vines, flowers, grass, or trees they all sound and act like you.
"They're like your little babies! haha.."
lots of smiles and laughs from her.
You teach them how to make certain potions because you think it'll help them.
For example, you gave Vex a potion that'll make her more charismatic and she cleared a tab for all of you guys for free.
Could have been her natural charisma, but who knows.
i forgor about grog oops
#vex'ahlia x reader#vex'ahlia#vex and vax#vax x reader#vax'ildan#percy de rolo x reader#percy de rolo#scanlan shorthalt#pike trickfoot#pike x reader#scanlan x reader#vox machina x reader#keyleth#keyleth of the air ashari#keyleth x reader#head canon#the owl house#TOH
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You know what would be really cute? The boys teasing Percy about his crush on reader. Telling him he should teach her how to shoot so he’d have an excuse to wrap his arms around her. Bonus would be the girls teasing reader.
writers block rn, so sorry
Percival x Reader
Warnings - vulgar language lol
"You're not funny.", Percy x Reader
"No way! You're totally into them! PfffHAAHHA!" Scanlan cackled loudly at the ex-noble, bending over and holding his stomach.
"That- that is absurd. Where on earth did you find that assumption?" Percy's face dusted with blush, swinging his head to the side, avoiding eye contact.
Vax's eyes swayed between the two men in the room, cogs slowly turning in his head. His lips curved into a smile, evidently holding back his laughter.
"You just realized Scanlan? Percy stares at them with heart eyes whenever they're in his view!" Vax stifles a giggle, looking over to Percy, waiting for his reaction.
Percy glares at Vax, still red and embarrassed.
"That.. that is not true." He sighed out slowly, giving up denying it after the statement.
"Yeah right Percival." Vax patted his shoulder, laughing. He pulled Percy down with the weight of his lean, and Percy tumbled forward, but regained his balance by tugging back on the slightly shorter man.
Scanlan wiggles his thick eyebrows and smirks upwards at Percy.
"So whats your first move gonna be lover boy? You gonna wrap your arms around them romantically under the stars or something?" Scanlan mocked and choked a laugh after looking at Vax's growing smile.
"Thats- not exa-"
"Percy! You should do that.. when will we ever get a better chance to fix their aim and for you to make a move?" Vax pulled Percy down to level with Scanlan as they discussed what they planned to make Percy do.
"No. I am not doing that, Vax." Percy pulled away from their circle, stunned.
"Percy," Scanlan piped up. "Trust me, as a man whose slept with like, a million women, this is the perfect way."
Both Vax and Scanlan had evil smiles on their faces, visibly hiding their laughter.
Percy stood up tall, and turned. Vax pushed him forward.
"Don't mess it up!" Vax snickered, watching as Percy hurriedly walked away.
You sat at a table with the rest of the girls. All of the chitchatting about what color goes with what item, what tea was better, and why we should probably keep a closer eye on Grog. (He got in the cookie jar.)
You let out a sigh as you day dreamed about what life would be like if you hadn't joined Vox Machina. Your mind settled on a life in a farm, caring for various animals and crops. You obviously decided you were glad you joined Vox Machina. Such a mundane life was not your style.
Keyleth's head turned to you, and you felt her eyes burn into the side of your head, as you stared into space. You could almost smell smoke from how hard she was looking at you.
"Hm?" You turned to Keyleth, asking her to explain why she was looking at you.
"Something on your mind?"
You now felt the rest of the table's eyes on you, including Grog's. (Who was now sat in a corner for eating the cookies.)
"You know who is really cute?" You smiled, waiting for Keyleth to offer you to continue.
"Who?" Keyleth purrs out curiously, entertaining your statement.
"What? Really? I thought you would have totally said some kind of Noble or something." Keyleth rested her head to her fist, thinking about what you just said.
"He is a noble, Keyleth?" You giggled at her interpretation of Percy. It is easy to forget your close friends are something more when you feel afloat around them.
Pike laughed at your correction.
"Wow, you just know so much about Percy, that's a little creepy if you ask me." Pike giggled out.
"Everyone knows that, though!" You insist, but Pike keeps laughing, calming herself to say one more thing.
"Not Keyleth, though." She started laughing again, Vex following in suit.
Vex looked at you with a smile. See, unknowing to you, she had discussed with Vax in the past on how to get the two of you together.
"Say, why don't you just ask Percy for aim training? You do need it anyways."
You glanced at her with the side of your eye.
"Actually, I don't. But that'd be so embarrassing! What if he holds me or something?"
Vex laughed- "Thats exactly why you should do it! Don't you think that'd just fulfill your little romantic imagination?"
"Aww! That'd be so cute!" Keyleth purred out, smiling like the sun.
"It's not just an imagination, Vex.." You spoke, deflation shown in your voice.
"Then prove it to me, darling." Vex stood from her chair, walking to you, and pulling you out of your's.
You sighed, holding her hand in your's, and looking up to her waiting for her to tell you she was joking. When she didn't respond, you let go of her hand, and walk out of the room to the hall. You fix your posture and take a deep breath.
You march down the hall, occasionally trailing your fingers against the windowsill's ridges. Your shoes clicked against the wooden floor as the wind picked up out side, pushing the curtains inside, flown toward you.
Pushing them out of the way, you walk directly into Percy.
Percy, who is apparently sick, had a red face as he apologized rapidly.
"Oh- I'm so sorry, I didn't see you there." Percy spat out.
"It's okay! I was actually just looking for you." You smile, looking up to him.
"And why would that be?"
"Well, Vex was making fun of my aiming record, and I was wondering if you could help me out because you are the only other person here with a gun?"
Percy laughed, realizing Vex and Vax had set the two of you up.
"Well, I don't quite see why not."
Walking closely by your side, the two of you make a turn down the hallway into the courtyard so he can help you practice aim.
"Why do they look untouched, Percy? Do you secretly suck at aiming?" You giggled, glancing towards him.
"No, I'm just so good at aiming that I never need to practice." He smiled at you, obviously mocking your attempt to poke fun at you.
"Yeah right. You totally suck."
He flicked you in the head and you stumbled, falling behind him. Walking to position you in front of the unmoving target, he puts his hand out to you.
"Well? Where's your pistol?"
Your mouth opened to an 'O' shape, reaching to your pocket and handing him the gun.
He spins the small pistol in his hands, inspecting it.
He stands behind you, towering over your body. His lengthy arms reach to yours, snaking into your hands. He places the pistol into your hand, and reaches for your other hand, placing them together and putting the correct grip on the gun.
"What you want to do is make sure that your right hand is being braced by your left. If you don't, you might as well just be trying to break your wrist. Your right hand needs to stay on the trigger's loop when you're not firing. When you do pull the trigger, make sure you grip tightly on your right hand with your left to avoid dropping the gun."
(A/N - Don't trust my gun advice. I am not a professional, and this is all a guess. All fiction. Not true.)
All you could think about was how close he was to you at the moment. His chest pressed to your back, and his arms wrapped around you gripping the gun with you. He braces your arm as he aims for you.
"See that little line? On the pistol? Thats the line of where your bullet is gonna go. Go ahead and try to hit that target. If anything goes wrong, I will be right behind you to help direct you."
Percy's left hand rested on your hip, and you felt his stare.
You fired, and missed.
"What went wrong?" You spoke with a frown.
His left hand moved from your hip to your shoulder, patting you softly.
"Just your aim was off. Try aiming a little lower."
His right hand moves upward, lowering your arms so it lines up more with the head of the hay-bale target.
You fire again, and this time it hit.
You cheered, happily doing a small dance about the fact you hit a target from such a distance.
"There we go. We'll only be here for a few hours with that kind of luck." Percy laughed at you, watching your posture slouch slightly at the realization that you have to aim practically all day.
Totally not because you're gonna be held by your crush all day long.
#tlovm#the legends of vox machina#the legend of vox machina#percival x reader#keyleth#keyleth of the air ashari#pike trickfoot#scanlan shorthalt#vax'ildan#vex'ahlia#percivl x reader#percival de rolo#percival de rolo x reader
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Instead of Cassandra being taken by the Briarwoods from the acid chamber, reader tosses her back out with Vax and instead they both get hypnotized. Percy fighting his (not yet confessed to) love interest. Or he could fight her and Cassandra but that may be a bit much.
OH! Sylas makes Cassandra and reader try to kill each other in front of Percy.
i would LOVE to.
Percival de Rolo X Reader
Warnings - Cursing, violence, implied murder, control, kidnapping
"Please excuse my pathetic act of a rabbit.", Percy x Reader
(A/N - Reader is not a doe. I just don't know how to address them.. doe basically means "A beautiful, delicate, sweet person.")
You walk distanced from Percy, sensing now likely wasn't the time to be excitable around him. The silence between Vox Machina was unbearable, and the air was thick.
He walked behind a women with one hand, who you had watched in shock, being held at gunpoint just moments ago. Percy achieving closure on who wronged him in childhood was something you saw as a positive, but you were on edge from the way he acted so quickly on it.
Yeah, sure, you had killed, and you've seen him kill before too, but it was different. Of course, the literal demon possessing him when he found someone who wrong him, such as Anna Ripley, was really the only time you froze when you watched him hold a gun to someone's head.
God that weird crow thing scared the fuck out of you.
All you could feel was anxiety swallowing you whole, a dark pit developing in your stomach. The team opting to not talk on the walk under the castle only ate at you more.
Of course, there was bickering between the group, but you tuned it out. Your arms encircled your body, as you tried to focus back on what was going on between the group.
You had all grouped into a strange room, that looked like it was used for what used to be a pool.
There's a box of white substance, sand like. Scanlan runs to it, threading his fingers through the potently smelling clump.
"We just hit the Jackpot! Does anyone have a pipe?-"
He lets out a groan when he's met with a slap in the back of the head from Percy.
"I'm fairly certain that would be a unpleasant trip. This is residuum. The pipes must carry acid for it's refinement process."
"It looks like they're making a lot of it." Vex pipes up to Percy's response, quick to conversation.
You subconsciously followed Cassandra, hoping she wouldn't be as awkward as her brother in the situation at hand. You walk up the stairs with her, and turn to see your group of friends with their backs to the two of you.
Percy was looking at his gun, seemingly shocked when you looked at him.
"Cassandra, do you know what this room is for?" You turned to her, expecting an answer. Instead, you make a 80 degree turn to the sound of Percy's shout, a sharp feeling of whiplash in your neck from your quick turn.
She turns to you, the color in her eyes gleamed. Her arm stretched to a small button within the large, open wall. "It's a Vat of acid." She places her free hand on your shoulder, and scoots you backwards, into the hall that led forward from the room. You stumbled backward, grabbing onto air in an attempt to stop your fall.
Falling onto your ass, you begin to stand up, watching as she presses the plate. The doors slide close, dramatically slow.
"Cass! What are you doing?" Percy exclaimed, hands against the wall, his eyes flickering from you and back to his sister.
Chills run down your spine as you feel a hand on your shoulder. Percy feels his voice emptying when he sees the man behind you. Sylas Briarwood.
"Excellent work, dear."
Percy scowls at the voice, but remains still, knowing he can't do anything.
You quickly turn, and sharply elbow Sylas. Before you can do so, you feel your body reanimate. You no longer control yourself, and you go limp.
"Bit of a slow learner." Sylas laughed in your face.
You, or more like something, turns your body, to face Cassandra and Percy.
"Why are you doing this?" Percy cried out to his sister, still praying for her to turn back on her heels and tell him she would never do such a thing to him.
"You did this to yourself, Percy. The day you left me lying in the snow, choking on my blood like a hunted animal." Cassandra's voice strains, sounding like she's on the verge of tears.
You feel your posture straighten. Your hands fall to your sides, and you blankly stare towards them. You can't tell what you're looking at, but you know you can at the same time.
"My brother abandoned me." Cassandra squeezes her eyes shut, and turns with a scoff, storming towards you and the Briarwoods.
Percy stares back at his sister, mouth agape, and his eyebrows knitted together in sorrow, as she remained unflinching when their childhood torturers walked closer to her and you.
You continue watching Percy. Your eyes do not follow Cassandra, and that seems to be the only thing you maintain the right to. Your own eyes.
You watch him with sorrow in your eyes. You see him fall to his knees, hand to the glass, letting out a groan. He was defeated. Bested by his own emotions, he let out a cry. His tears fell, your stomach dropped.
Oh, how you wished you could run through the glass, hug him, and tell him it was all gonna be okay. Hold him to your chest, softly stroking his hair, whispering in his ear. But you couldn't. You weren't allowed to.
The Brairwoods rest a hand on Cassandra's shoulder, pushing the two of you together like they were standing for the 'world's most monotone family photo'. Sylas's hand on your shoulder, and Delilah's rested on Cassandra's.
"But they.. they welcomed me. They would never do what you did, brother."
The Briarwoods turned with Cassandra and walked away. Your feet stood, glued to the ground, undirected. You continued to look at Percy, begging the Everlight, to allow him to look into your eyes.
Your pleads were met. He looked up to you. You stared back at him, hoping he could read your emotion with just your eyes. His hands applied more pressure to the glass, but did not lift.
"Come on, little doe. We have a very important purpose for you today."
And with that, you forcibly turned on your heels. You walked naturally, as if it was to your own will that you followed these monsters.
Without Percy in your view point, you lost the strength to fight your animation. You slowly but surely began to lose focus, and just let the possession guide you to your demise.
(A/N This is Percy's little story without you(✯◡✯))
They stared at him, and he stared back. Their eyes were scattered, and they were scared. A last resort call for help, unable to use their own body. They turned on their heels, and walked with the Briarwoods.
Have I not lost enough, Lady Moirai? (A/N - plural goddess of fate)
The pipes begin clicking, and rats scatter from their homes within it. He continues watching them walk away. Waiting for them to turn back on their heels and tell him they would never do such a thing to him. That's all he asked for.
"Uh.. guys?" Keyleth panicked, watching a rat fall apart by her feet.
"There has to be a way out of this. Does anyone have a plan?"
"Why are you looking at me? I don't have a plan either!" Vex scoffed, panicking.
"Percy? A little help here?"
He remained unmoving, oblivious to his surroundings. All he could think about was how he let the both of them slip out of his fingers all over again.
"Right." Vex sighs. "Well.. stop the acid!" Vex desperately points to the pipes.
When twisting it with vines doesn't work, everyone panics as the acid rises higher. Scanlan brings his magic hand out, and everyone piles on.
Grog yanks Percy onto the the hand, as the acid rapidly rises.
(A/N back to you because I LOVE reader and 100% not because I don't want to write word by word)
You climb the thousands of stairs to the top of the ziggurat, your legs feeling like they would give out at any moment. But, you didn't stop. You couldn't.
"Little doe." Your head shot up towards the name, eyeing Delilah Briarwood.
"Step closer to me. I need you within the center of this circle. You are our sacrifice."
You walked towards her without exchanging words, stretching your arms out forward to her, wrist side up.
She took out her knife, and watched her clock move. She slowly and deeply cut into you.
The pain seared. You wanted to yank away, cry, scream, and kick like a toddler resisting their bedtime, but you couldn't, in fact, you didn't even feel your tear ducts swell. You remained resistant to the pain.
You showed no emotion towards the continued cutting. You hated it. It was deep, long, and would surely bleed you out like a lamb.
Delilah's head whipped to the left of her, eyeing the rapid footsteps climbing upon the stairs.
"God damn it. Those pests were supposed to be dealt with. You said they would be gone, Sylas."
"Don't worry about them dear, I'll take care of them. In fact, why don't we have little doe beloved and little sister beloved go in to take care of the last standing de Rolo?"
Delilah lets out a laugh, and brushes her hand upwards, pointing towards Percy.
You turn to him, waiting and watching as Sylas corners him. You jump down from the overview of him, between the two, prepared to body block a hit for Sylas.
Instead, you feel your body drag itself to Cassandra.
(A/N - Percy pov i need angst lol)
I pull out my pepperbox, aiming it upwards to the Vampiric monster dead ahead of me.
I'm met with his hand grabbing me, and tossing me to Cassandra and our reanimated cleric. They were butting heads. Their hands tightly locked into each other's, force differing as they pushed, kicked, pulled, and head butt.
"No! Stop this at once!" I fought against Sylas, pushing and pulling to no avail. His hands tightly gripped my arms together behind my pack, and he pushed me to his chest as he held my head with his free hand towards the most important people I held dear to me.
I'm a horrible person for not doing anything. If either of them spoke to me after this, I will have been dreaming.
I abandoned my sister again, and I couldn't protect the one I need by my side to cherish and adore.
They were fighting and bleeding in front of me, and I was useless to them.
They bled from head to toe. Their knuckles covered in both their own blood, and their opponent's blood.
Cassandra hacked up blood as the opposer punched her in the gut, releasing air, spit, and blood all over the fighter.
Cassandra gagged, like she was gonna vomit. She breathed and stared back at 'little doe'
She tackled them, bringing them to the floor, tagging multiple punches into them. Their face swelled and bled, while their mouth seeped blood.
Yet I couldn't do anything but beg pathetically for them to stop. For someone to make them stop.
"Please, either of you, now is not the time for this! Snap out of it!" I pleaded, struggling against Sylas.
Then, Sylas dropped me. The beloved and the Endeared stopped fighting, Endeared falling to her knees, and my beloved falling on their ass.
Both of them coughing and heavily breathing, they were suddenly conscious. Wide-eyed and shocked that they had lived to see the moment where they were freed.
Then, they looked to what Sylas was headed toward. Fucking Keyleth casting the sun inside of a cave.
The beloved lets out a cough as they laugh, hacking up more blood.
"Do you have enough energy to heal yourself, cleric?" I quickly begin fixing up Cassandra and they begin using their magic on both of them.
Breathing heavily, the cleric looks at me. Tears swelling in their eyes, they wrap their arms around my neck and let out a sob. Their whole body shook as they shifted their weight onto me.
"It's all going to be alright now. We'll be out of here free of sacrifice in just a few seconds."
The light emanates, casting upon Sylas as he burned away fighting Grog.
Cassandra stands up on her own, running after who could only be Delilah.
I pick up the wounded divine healer bridal style, holding them close as they hiccup and sob into my neck, scared to death.
I'll kill her.
Smoke wafts from my body, seeping to the ground. The scent of iron and gunpowder wafting anyone and everyone's nose.
"Per-Percy. No. Stop. Plplease." They pleaded to me, begging me to stay outside of the ritual room Delilah just entered.
I look down at them, my thoughts floating away. I sit beside the door, sliding against the wall, still holding them close.
My arms wrap around their body, holding them in a protective stance. Never allowing harm to come their way ever again.
"I'm so sorry I let this happen to you." I quiver, remorse and regret evident in my voice.
"I love you." They respond, suddenly. It wasn't at all what I expected, and I paused for a moment.
Rubbing a circle into their back, I softly whisper back.
"And I you."
#percy x reader#percival x reader#percival de rolo x reader#percy de rolo x reader#x reader#vox machina#vox machina x reader#fluff#angst#percy#percy de rolo#percival de rolo#oneshot#the legend of vox machina x reader#the legends of vox machina#the legend of vox machina#gender neautral reader#meow#im tired#goodnight guy#s#goodnight guys#eat up my percy lovers#percy lover food
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Ok but. Percy’s idea of romance is most definitely from his parents. Traditional romance, courtly love and chivalry. Him sending flowers to reader as a secret admirer and her not getting it at all because they’re all single flowers that are very different. Until she drags Keyleth into it and they do some research. Look up “Victorian Language of Flowers” for inspo.
“Undying love” “true beauty” and all kinds of sweet meanings behind each flower. He’d get Keyleth to help because she’s a romantic and number 1 shipper.
HEY guess whose back xx
Percival de Rolo x Reader
Warnings - cussing lol, sharp objects????
"Victorian ways of loving.", Percy x Reader
(A/N - very thankful thank you to leopard for giving me the silly little flower sites for this!!!)
Recently, you had gained a secret admirer. Overall? Weird. But.. entertainment wise? The most interesting mystery you've put yourself up to in a while.
Of course, it wasn't just you who was "solving" the case of a seemingly allergy-less admirer, it was Keyleth helping you. Knowing she worked so well with plants, who else was there really to go to?
Every time you received a new flower on your windowsill, your doorstep, or handed to you by someone on the street, you giddily sped-walk to the druid's ivied library she hung around daily.
"You'll never guess what I got this time, Keyleth. A single violet."
"..That's not a violet."
Taking the delicate flower from your hand, she rotates it clockwise and counter, careful not to touch the petals. She smiles. Still looking at the flower, she speaks;
"This is an Iris flower. Isn't she so gorgeous? Whoever gave you this, has to be thinking into something a little more than just flowers. I mean, I've personally never seen someone just give less than a bouquet of flowers to a special someone, have you?"
She shakes her ideas off onto you, still analyzing the flower. You lean against the table she was just sitting at, and watched her explore the library with the Iris.
"Where you going?"
"To get a book on Victorian flowers, of course. I remember my mom telling me something about Victorian flower meanings being something heavily carried throughout the years."
You followed Keyleth on her heels, sticking close to her and watching her actions. Her finger glides against the cloth covers of books, as she whispers, 'Victorian flowers, Victorian flowers, Victoriannn..' She lets out a small gasp, and leans the book out of it's place.
"Here it is! C'mon. Let's sit."
Sitting down, she heaves a sigh.
"So. Tell me all about those flowers you've been getting." She raises her eyebrows, flipping through the pages of the book, the scent of aged paper wafting faintly into your nose. She flipped, occasionally turning back for the table of contents.
"Well.. there've been a few. The first time I got one from them? It were these yellow little pansies. It was wrapped with a thin purple ribbon. I bit the stem, it was a little sour."
"Why would- Iris! Well, reads here that your little lover here is trying to say they think you're smart, and they put faith in you. Isn't that just so romantic?" Keyleth smiles, reading the words with her fingers.
"Well- what about the pansies?" You scoot closer to Keyleth, eyeing the book next to her.
"Hey, while I find flowers, why don't you keep telling me about the little expressions of romance you received?"
"Oh! You know what? There was this pair of flowers I got three days ago. Cute little white and pink daisies. It had a lively sense to it."
You listened to Keyleth flip through pages, double checking the contents, book marking pages with her fingers. You watched her read the page numbers to herself.
"Okay, pansies and daises right here! Lets read?" She turned a smile to you, bringing the book to the middle of the two of you. She points, she reads.
'Pansies. A flower commonly traded between secret lovers, but evolved into a flower that expresses to the receiver that the giver has been thinking of them.' She stops.
She reads again.
'Daisies. A flower that belongs to the 'Aster' branch. With a variety of colors, they were used to express differentiating terms. Most commonly for romance, white and pink were used. The white flowers expressed true, and pure love. The pink daises were often associated and linked to gentleness, romance, and love.'
Keyleth lets in a sharp breath. She had read all that in one go, and you didn't blame her for needing air.
"Isn't that so cute? Agh! You guys would be so cute together."
"We don't even know whose giving me these, Keyleth. What if it's like- some super betrayal from some random guy who hates us?"
"Uhm. It wont." Keyleth shined a toothy grin to you, and turned back to her book, to the contents.
"Well.. two days ago I got a bush heliotrope. It had a note in it. I think I remember it saying something about the sun. Super weird and poetic."
Keyleth leans forward, sitting her head up on her hand.
"Why don't you go get that for me, then? I don't think that's a flower in here.." She frowned.
"Yeah! Of course." You pushed your chair back, pushing yourself up with the table.
You frizz Keyleth's hair before continuing out the library. You open the beautiful spruce door, clicking it behind you. You sped-walk, trying your best to not make Keyleth wait for you for too long. It was sweet of her to help you with your romantic predicament.
You make a sharp turn into a hall, and you walk directly into a wall. You yelped in shock, stumbling backwards with the unexpected change of interior.
Before you fall flat on your ass, you're wrist is caught by another hand, and you're pulled up.
"Oh- I'm so sorry. I didn't notice you. Are you hurt?"
It was Percy. Oh how humiliating. Your small little fun crush on the man grew during your ventures with him, and you couldn't help to be stunned at the inconvenience of the moment.
You took his body language in. His face was tucked with guilt and concern for you. His hand gracing your face, cupping it. He brushes his thumb upon your cheek softly.
"Yeah. Thanks. I would have fell if you didn't catch me. I genuinely thought you were a wall for a few moments." You changed your stance, releasing his hand. You tucked one hand under the other, crossing your arms under your chest.
"Wait, you thought the keep had just- suddenly changed so you walked into a wall?" You watched his face dissolve from concern to a humored smile.
You turn your face, studying the wall that was to your left, and not in front of you. You hear him emit a small laugh, so pure and gratifying you couldn't help but smile too. You fought it, but you smiled.
You feel his other hand drop to your waist. You felt the hem of your shirt slightly lift, your sensitive skin jumping at the cold mechanical hand.
"Hey, don't be like that. Not the nicest thing to not look at someone talking to you, is it?" His hand that rest on your face turned you to look at him.
You looked back up to him, ruffled by his confident move. Mouth slightly ajar, your hand moves to his face. You drift closer to him.
Both of your eyes closed.
"Now.. as much as I enjoy your company, de Rolo the third, I'm afraid I have something to do."
You let go of his face, you pull away. You walk down the hall, your hand outlining his arm, and picking his hand up with your's, letting go when you're out of his reach.
You walk up the stairs, and close your door and listen to it creak shut, slowly. It clicks. You slide against it.
"Oh my god."
You deeply inhale, knowing you wasted the opportunity of kissing the Noble who lingered in your dreams. You stand, fixing your dragged hair, and open the nightstand next to your bed.
Shuffling through pens, papers, feathers, beads, knife sharpener, switch blade, nail filer, and other trinkets you kept roughly tossed in the drawer, you find the note you received with the flowers.
Your hands softly traced the neatly and delicately assorted letter as you read;
'My love,
You are the beaming sun that I turn to like heliotrope. Without you as my stream of light, I would be lost. You as my guide, I require no assurance that all will turn peacefully. Even with my name that of which is untold, I stand with you devoted, infatuated, and confidently regardless to your obliviously and curiosity. Please, allow all the flowers I send to sink to your heart and be remembered, kept, and admired for all your prosperous life.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ PFvMKdR |||'
Although romantic, the sign off was tragically confusing. You smiled, and tucked the note into your pocket. You rush down the stairs, jogging to the library.
You open the door slowly, and crack it enough to not make noise.
You could hear Percy and Keyleth talking, and you couldn't help but eavesdrop.
You snaked yourself around the libary, reaching a shelf that covered you, and was close enough to hear what they were saying.
"Percy. I won't be making orchids, or any flower in that matter, if they aren't to actually express yourself. No more notes!"
Keylath bantered Percy, complaining of how shy he was.
"Okay. If you make me these orchids, I'll.. tell them I love them."
"Yes!" Keyleth cheered, swiping the pot filled with moss, bark, and dried root. She worked her magic, and out came the loveliest orchid branch anyone could ever lay their eyes on. If only they were to be received by you instead of whomever the gunslinger showed interest in.
"Thank you Keyleth. I'll forever be in your debt."
"Pay me back by being super romantic."
Keyleth raised her voice as she watched the noble walk away, and exit through the door.
You rose, and walked back to the table, smiling at keyleth.
"Guess who got the little paper back super duper fast?"
"Aw, thanks. Lemme read."
After reading the note sighs. not having a clue what to do with the meaning.
"Hey, do you have any idea what that little sign off means?"
Keyleth lets out a knowing laugh. "Yeah. I bet they could be the initials of somebody."
"No one could possibly have initials that long, Kiki."
She picked a ink felt pen up from the table, spelling out the name.
"P - Percival. F - Fredrickstein. v - von. M - Musel. K - Klossowski. d - de. R- Rolo. See those little lines? Those stand for 'the third'."
You watched her map out the name on the love letter. You turned to her, waiting for her to say something more.
"What are you waiting for? I didn't make a bunch of flowers for nothing!" She laughed, and pulled you up from the chair, dragging you to the door, and shoving you out.
Before she closes the door, she peaks her head out.
"Oh, and make sure to not tell Percy I told you. He'd kill me." She let out a tired, and oddly terrified laugh.
The door slams. At least someone's eager?
You treaded slowly through the hall, your steps swift and quiet. You listened carefully for Percy throughout the keep Vox Machina collectively lived in. It wasn't late at night, so everyone was still up.(Not like it being late would stop any of them from being awake..) Regardless of this, everyone walked in their own distinctive way, and if they didn't, the weight of their steps revealed who was walking.
Eventually you heard the door to the yard of the keep open and shut. You assumed it was Percy, and it was best never to doubt some things.
You ran after the sound, opening the keep yard door when you reached it, and softly shutting it behind you.
You turned, softly taking in the scenery. It was sunset. The sky was a soft glow of pink and orange, and the sun was kissing goodbye. You smiled.
Shaking your head, you return your thoughts back to Percy. Or.. you could let his 'super romantic' confession play out on his own terms?
You walked through the yard, your feet rustling against the short and soft blades of grass. You spot Percy, pacing back and fourth, with a pot of Orchid Branches set on the bench beside him. The pot was a beautiful off white, with golden rims, a matching design of pink flowers bloomed on the center.
You walked towards him timidly, debating if you should turn back on your heels and go to sleep.
too late.
Percy stops pacing, his eyes locking on your's when he hears you.
You take a seat on the old bench, patting the seat beside you. Percy accepts the direction, and sits beside you. He sits on the opposite side of you, eschew from touching you.
You scoot closer to him, leaning into his side.
"Who are the flowers for, lover boy?"
You spoke softly and teasingly to him, head leant on his shoulder, inner arm hold his inner arm.
"They're.. they're for you."
"Did Keyleth tell you what they mean yet?"
You hummed curiously.
"Rare and delicate beauty. That's exactly what you are to me."
There was a moment of unmoving silence between the two of you. Not awkward silence, or a gross silence, but quiet.
It was a moment of knowing peace between the two of you. The truth of who your bouquet arranger is, and Percy gaining the sense of acceptance and wellfare sitting next to you.
"That's nice of you, Percy." You tenderly spoke again, interlocking your fingers with his. You used your free hand to circle small shapes into his hand.
"And so were all your other flowers. They were very gorgeous, Percy."
Percy rested his head against your's.
"Thank you."
The two of you leaned into each other in the warm weather, watching the sun kiss you goodbye.
#percy#percy de rolo#percival de rolo#percival x reader#percival de rolo x reader smut#x reader#vox machina x reader#oneshot#fluff#flowers#tlovm#the legend of vox machina#percy x reader fluff#percy x reader flowers#percival x reader flowers#percival x reader fluff#percival de rolo x reader fluff#percival de rolo x reader flowers#keyleth of the air ashari
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You wanted NSFW? here you go. Percy kinks and Headcanons, go!
I'd love to!! Minors DNI. Or don't, I literally cant stop you lol
Percival De rolo x Reader Head canons
Warnings - Sexual themes
"Attraction of a Bloomed and Robust Carnation.", Percy x Reader
He 100% tries to take it slow with you until you've told him it's okay to go fast
First few times? as romantic as it gets
Makes sure you're as comfortable as possible
"Pillow?" "Need a break?" "You alright?"
buzzes in your ear like a fly trying to make sure he's not hurting you
OF COURSE, after a few months of easing into your intimate parts of your relationship, you guys get a little rougher.
or. he gets rougher.
He 100% will hold your hands above your head with one hand and your leg up with the other
Being an inventor, he obviously has you test toys for him.
He loves watching you squirm when he's burying himself in you, or when you use the toys in front of him.
Of course, traveling in a group as your only constant, you guys have to be quiet, so there'll be the occasional "Suck on my fingers while I fuck your brains out" moment between the two of you so Vox Machina doesn't pretend you two don't exist for the next day or so
Fidgeting with his gun all the time, his finger game, HAS to be on point bro
playing you languorously like delicate strands to a violin he can and will make you finish on his fingers
will make eye contact with you while he licks his fingers off
he knows where the clit is, so, you're welcome for that
but if ur not a girl ignore that
the gunslinger is a chest guy because I said so
or thigh
he just loves your body, so everything counts
just esp your chest
Loves cockwarming.
He'll have you on him while he works at his desk, grunting at your occasional adjustment and dropping on him
Generally just loves the closeness of it, though
sweet Percy at heart
then, of course, he'll occasionally flip you over and practically ram you into the fucking workbench
occasional mask play,, if you asked
He'd use the silly little Plague Doctor mask duh
Definitely thought it was weird at first
it grew on him
a lot
Since you're the only one he let's in his workshop without knocking, there are often times where your little bursts of sexual intent occur
Like. You'll be throat deep on him and he'll just be working on a repair/upgrade on his gun
You don't move much on him though, he wouldn't be able to work on his gun otherwise
Definitely the type of guy to tuck his face into your neck while u gripped his back, whispering how good you are when you're about to snap
"Thats right.. just like that, dear."
"You're so gorgeous.."
"Fuck.. so good for me."
He also enjoys having his hair played with
Feel free to tug it when he's going down on you
he'll be so into it i swear
Oh, and he'll definitely drop a joke or two balls deep in you just to make sure the atmosphere isn't awkward and he didn't know
"Soooo.. how's the weather..?"
"Percy, wha-what the fuck??"
of course the both of you were giggling about it for a long time after
#Vox Machina#tlovm#the legend of vox machina#vox machina#smut#percy x reader#percy de rolo#percy de rolo x reader#percival x reader#percival de rolo x reader#percival de rolo#x reader#head cannon#fluff???#percy de rolo x reader smut#percy smut#percy x reader smut#percival x reader smut#percival de rolo x reader smut#percival smut
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who would you want to write for in tlovm?
Anyone!! I could do everyone, too. Head canons for the whole group as js a short scenario would be so so cute.
Grog would be tricky though. i don't know how to write for someone with shallow character knowledge, and sadly, I haven't watched all of tlovm S2 yet. ˙◠˙
#x reader#tlovm#the legends of vox machina#vox machina#percy x reader#vex x reader#vex'ahlia x reader#vax'ildian x reader#vax x reader#vax#vex#pike trickfoot#pike x reader#scanlan#scanlan shorthalt#scanlan x reader#oneshot#fluff#angst#head cannon
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I love your writing. I have more Percy ideas if you want. You can add as many Vox Machina characters to this as you want but I mainly want Percy. Him and acolyte background reader (they just need to have been a part of some temple, can be whatever class you want) are in that shy, flirty, mutual pining stage. While out at a tavern with everyone someone hits on reader rather brazenly and they just go "I'm sorry, but my faith demands I remain a celibate and solitary life." Meaning no sex or dating. After the guy goes away dejected and everyone is like why didn't you tell us that reader just goes "oh no I can do whatever, but people tend to leave me alone quicker if they think I've taken a vow of chastity." I know it's really specific but the idea of Percy's thought process is adorable.
I love your requests!! thank you.
Percival x Reader
Warnings - Alcohol, Sexual implications
"Moths to a flickering light", Percy x Reader
After a long, tiring attempt of an adventure and capturing a bounty, Vox Machina decided they wanted to blow it all on a larger tavern tab.
Obviously, who could say no to a tradition so engraved to your ragtag crew that it's expected we do so? So, the whole group went without argue.
You guys should definitely figure out a new way to cope.
Upon entering the only bar left in Emon the group wasn't banned from, the group sat down at a table by a window. 7 seats. You sit on the windowsill built by the table, and Percy lean beside you.
"A round of drinks for the large group of weirdos in the corner, hun."
The wife of the bar owner told her husband, monotone surprisingly cold for someone who looks so bright. Lost the color over the years of a loveless busy marriage hmm?
Well. That sucked. You pitied them, but you couldn't do much. But, you could drink it away and pretend you never saw it.
Pushing off the wall, you decide you actually do want a drink. You walk through the bar, your footsteps light, but every noise drowned out by another within the loud clammy bar.
'Sorry. Excuse me. Oh, I'm so sorry!' You repeated these words as you pushed through people, hoping they'd understand they didn't really need to be standing in the middle of the bar. Chairs please.
"Hey, you mind if I get a beer?" You slid over the charge for the drink, quickly grabbing the frothed drink made for you. Taking a sip, you sigh.
you make a 180, and start walking back to the table you found your favorite scruffy pockpick, Vex'ahlia.
"Hey, what'cha doin without the group?"
"Whatever the hell I want, darling! We have funding that'll last us till the world falls!" She laughs, smiling, leaning, revealing a pile of drink cups on the table already.
"Alllrighhhtt.. you do that, Vex." You scoot pass the girl, likely to pickpocket 7 people by the end of the night.
"Still no drinking for you, Percival? You'd think you'd warm up to the drinking by now, truly." You took a large swig of your drink, sighing after swallowing.
"No, None for me. None of you can think straight, or at all for that matter, when drunk. You'll thank me one day."
'Tight-ass.' You whispered to him, giggling softly.
He looks at you from the corner of his eye, eyebrow raised. He shuts his eyes and he lets a smile peak.
"You know, one day you will get on my last nerve."
"Nah. Definitely gonna be Scanlan who makes you lose it. Speaking of Scanlan, where is he? Is he already balls deep in some random girl?"
"Uegh, likely. Don't get me started on him." Percy brings his hands to his face, fixing his glasses and pushing them farther on his nose ridge.
You let out a laugh, "I personally think he's funnier drunk, but I also think anyone can be funnier drunk, so take it with a grain of salt."
"..I think he's just.. odd." Percy retorted, expressing dislike for the poor habits of the bard.
"Maybe just a little. We all are anyway. Keyleth is an exception though. I wont make fun of her. She's normal."
Percy gave you a weird face before picking up the conversation you lead.
"We are all weird. Some of us less weird."
"You and Pike are definitely the most normal. Pike is our little morality compass, and you're just too polite for your own good. Sometimes you know when to be a dick, though."
Percy laughed.
You finish off your drink, and grab one of the group's table. They can't say no, you live off everyone collectively anyway.
"Ever been romanced, Percy?" You sip off the foamy drink, looking up to him as you did so.
"What? Oh. No, I guess I never had a chance to seek nor fall for sappy relations yet."
"I guess." You groaned out, growing bored of conversing with an garrulous man.
You take another drink out of your mug, and set it to the table, with a Grog, Pike, and Vax all collectively trying to come up with a reason to why it would be a good idea for Grog to take a bite out of one of the mugs.
'Ouuhhhkayyyy i'll ignore them, Percys' got it.'
When you turn around, you're met with a women directly behind you, practically literally breathing down your neck.
"Oh- do I know you?" You lean your body backwards, shifting your weight to the table behind you, your arms stretched to reach the table.
Her hand pushes a hair dangling in front of your eye behind your ear, and leans in to the uncovered ear.
"No, but I'd love to learn more about you, doll."
You shiver. Major bad vibes.
"My faith demands full purity, and celibate or abstention from the acts you're insinuating towards me."
You put one hand to her chest, pushing her off you. She groans and shuttles off.
"Oh, you didn't tell us you had to be deep in the purity thing before?" Pike babbles quickly, probably not understanding herself either.
"Not really.. I'm allowed to do whatever I want. People just leave me alone if I tell them I took a vow of chastity until marriage. Drunks aren't the most romantically interested, per se."
Pike, Vax, and Grog turn back to each other, now conversing on why the Tooth Fairy is very real and very dangerous. What did she do to them? Take the tooth and leave? Uegh.
You pause, figuring out what you're gonna do. You go back to the windowsill, sitting next to the Chaperoning Percy.
"Ever been romanced, 'Vow of chastity'?" Percy mocks your excuse to shake off the women.
"Yeah yeah whatever. I bet you're just jealous I actually have dated people all round' the clock." You looked away from him, rolling your eyes.
"You have?" Percy asks, a bit surprised and just the tiniest pinch of envy in his voice.
"..No." You stifled a laugh looking at the face he was making towards you. He cleared his throat.
"You're a good liar. Maybe it's just your poor drinking habits."
"Probably. I'd never lie this hard otherwise."
"Yeah right, let's all forget the time you tripped Grog purposefully and pretended it was an accident." He scoffed.
"You vowed to me you'd never talk about it again!"
#Percival de rolo#percy de rolo#percy x reader#percival x reader#vox machina#the legend of vox machina#x reader#pike trickfoot#grog strongjaw#vex and vax#tavern#fluff#alcohol#drinking
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