#give the poor man a break
homoeroticgrappling · 19 days
At this point OC has gotta be wearing the sunglasses so people can't see the tears in his eyes 24/7
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pizza-tower-fracture · 11 months
( Spoiler alert : game ending )
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I’m-a not sure how long I stayed in this forsaken tower, but let-a me tell you, all the stress I endured during my whole stay was worth it, when I saw John giving Pizzahead the probably biggest uppercut in his entire career.
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I can understand John. I would‘ve been-a angry too, if I was cloned and used as some kind of pillar for an old tower.
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…I mean…I got cloned too (still processing that), but at least I was not forced to stay in there to hold the structure of a whole-a building. John surely deserved a good hit on Pizzahead after all this…
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For me, this whole tower nightmare was thankfully over…and I was eager to return to my old life.
But it seemed like destiny had other plans for me.
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Sometimes I really wished I‘d never picked up this forsaken amulet…but here I am.
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Santa Maria…Peppino, what did-a you get yourself into?
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A mysterious voice is ringing out to you.
Your prying questions will soon be answered. Just have a little patience, my friends. Two more...then our voices will reach him..
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tourmaliney · 3 months
So much happens to Rung just in like the first five issues
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snowynb · 11 months
I found a really old TikTok sound and decided it had the spot written all over it, so I made this.
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What else did the knights do to entertain themselves around the campfire?
Imagine Arthur forcing Merlin to play the ukulele and sing.
Imagine Gwaine throwing people's socks into the fire and amusing himself by watching them burn.
Imagine Percival and Elyan spying and eavesdropping on Merlin and Arthur, their coin pouches passing to and fro.
Imagine Lancelot rolling himself into his blankets until he became a sushi.
Imagine Leon internally crying about why life threw these idiots into the world.
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ichiwashername-o · 2 months
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Wicked Master Post Here
Meeting Dorothy
Meeting the Tin Man
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teruriii · 7 months
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he rlly brings that 'honk shoo honk shoo mi mi mi' vibe to the luofu
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beriiblast · 1 year
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“If Gegg turned into Gegg nuggets, then will you like Gegg?”
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makalyta · 10 months
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Seeing Brynjolf alone at the Ragged Flagon as he brushes everyone off, stating that he's busy when he is clearly not, is... frustrating. I had to give this behavior an explanation, so I put myself in his position: Brynjolf has just handed over his life and afterlife to a Daedric Prince. Was there really no other choice to avenge the Guild, did he really have to sacrifice his freedom forever, even after death? Empty chests can be replenished with gold, a new Guildmaster can be elected, but he will never have his future back. Maybe he even starts to understand Mercer Frey's choice to betray Nocturnal. There at the tavern, drinking ale and keeping his face hidden to conceal the pain, Brynjolf realizes that there is no escape from the fate he was forced to accept.
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imthursdaysyme · 5 months
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steve harrington and his father
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starchbean · 2 months
Xie Lian being a bad cook is a matter of perspective.
Almost everyone's current perspective, but still. I do have a point to make here:
He has been around eating food for 800 YEARS. He has tried literally everything possible from the fanciest fare to the lowliest.
The reason Xie Lian's cooking is "Bad" is because he's trying to make a taste he hasn't had before. But he has had everything a normal person would eat. So he experiments. He overdoes things. He tries the bizarre, the unusual, just to have /something/ that won't bore him. Maybe something boiled down to nothing but ashes and then reconstituted is unpalatable for a normal person, but it's better for Xie Lian than having Chicken Noodle for dinner for the 5 millionth time.
My hot take is that one day Xie Lian is going to accidentally cook something incredible and completely alien that immortals can't get enough of. Who's gonna be laughing then? Definitely Hua Cheng, since he'll be the first one to eat it.
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dangerousdan-dan · 1 year
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I love Batman, but I also love when others call him out on his nonsense.
Clark is done with your bullshit, Bruce.
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marysoulpainter · 7 months
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finally I made Stanley into a babygirl just like he was meant to be /silly
(thx to @lotuschronicles for the idea in the first place!)
some closeups:
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legobenkenobi · 2 years
Rex: as much as i love General Skywalker, i’m really looking forward to working with the 212th and getting a break from his stupidness over Senator Amidala
*boards the Negotiator* *sees Obi-Wan blush over something Cody just said, causing Cody to also blush*
Rex: ….fuck.
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blazing-arsonist · 8 months
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The sillies!!!!1!1!/111!
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blueteller · 1 year
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