#give me new episodes
itstivan · 2 months
where were all these influx of fanfics back in 2022-2023?!?
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 3 months
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Alas, this beautiful dream could not last.
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strawbie-doodle · 4 months
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havent drawn all of them in a WHILE ✸
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stilitrash · 10 months
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Fionna was so damn h0rny in this episode and I completely support her <3
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witchofthemidlands · 1 month
my mum recognised the actor who plays the barmaid in “73 yards” from something so i looked it up & it's the same actor who played one of the main cannibals in countrycide & seeing as one of my first thoughts about ruby heading down into that town & towards the pub was a visceral reaction that bombarded me with flashbacks of jack, owen & gwen barricading themselves in a desolate pub in the swansea countryside to fend off the cannibals i have been laughing about this for the last 10 minutes.
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morganbritton132 · 2 years
A Tiktok comes across Eddie’s FYP of a girl saying that her toxic trait is that she fuels Tiktok drama by convincing her mom that their uptight neighbor down the street is her friend. She pans away from herself to Diane baking in her kitchen and says, “Mom, do you think the Munsons would like some gingerbread men?”
Eddie stitches the video with one of Steve stuffing his face with gingerbread men while mid-rant about the insinuation that he’s not taking care of his family and needs someone else to feed them. Also a little ableist to just assume that because Steve gets confused sometimes that he’s not baking for his husband. Eddie tells him that he doesn’t think that’s was her intention and Steve tells him to shut the fuck up, “I’m baking you a cake tomorrow.”
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haunted-xander · 2 years
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...I just like Mili a lot, okay?
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humanmorph · 10 months
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therapy, huh
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bardicious · 1 month
It is very much a headcanon, but I would love it if Robert April, who was commander of the Enterprise during 2246, would be the Captain that came to Tarsus IV after the massacre. There's something about Jim seeing the Enterprise come out of the sky, after all that monstrosity and despair, and feeling hope for the first time in months that just appeals to me.
Jim who is a master of survivor's guilt, seeking to be that person for who comes and saves the day, and maybe becoming someone who can arrive before it's too late. Saving not only other people, but little parts of himself.
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the-patrex · 6 days
I have seen a LOT of discourse about the finale so here is my final opinion on it: I Liked it I thought it was Very Bad
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kaiiscottage · 5 months
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Arajin appreciation post bc I genuinely like him <3
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cutter-kirby · 7 months
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this is how the episode ended right
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riemmetric · 2 months
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And oh, poor Atlas The world's a beast of a burden
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jessmalia · 3 months
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Mal's Avatar: The Last Airbender rewatch: The Storm 1.12
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indelicateink · 1 month
And even though Lestat isn't really there with Louis, Anderson loved filming all their scenes together because it's such a different relationship than what they shot in season 1.
"Something I really liked about their dynamic this season, which is weird because it is not really them, it's Louis' idea of him, and it's something that I wish that we had more of last season, is them just sort of hanging out," Anderson says. "You see them as friends or people that just enjoy each other's company way more in season 2 than you do in season 1, talking about photos or what are we supposed to do about our daughter? These sort of domestic vignettes. I've really loved doing that stuff."
—Entertainment Weekly
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Yeah! The memory of the person that he chose to be with, aside from the vampire bond and the sensuality of their relationship — there was always something else there. They could make each other laugh. It's a real relationship that has layers to it, and it's nice that you kind of get a glimpse of that at least.
Totally. Without all the violence and gore.
[Laughs] Yes, exactly. Sam and I have talked about how nice it would've been to have had a little mini-series where you just see Lestat and Louis just hanging out in New Orleans.
Being happy?
Yeah. And not even necessarily hunting, just like walking, sitting on a bench, chatting, really like the norm.
— AMC blog
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i just want us to jog back for a mini gentle season 1.5: The Honeymoon Years. they deserve a soft epilogue series of one-offs
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peevishpants · 9 months
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when my sis visits me she's a Mr. Shakedown kind of menace
when i visit my sis i'm a Phoenix Wright Cross Examiner kind of menace
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