#give me more backstory dammit
all-mirth-no-matter · 2 years
“Different. But still beautiful. Just like the rest of you.”
Talia Hale deserved more. More backstory, more flashback, more representation, more respect. The whole Hale lineage did.
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mo-ok · 9 months
Buckle in folks i'm gonna talk about Lost Galaxy doing a shot for shot recreation of my favourite Gingaman scene and why i think PR missed the mark.
FIRST THINGS FIRST this scene goes for about 2 and a half minutes in Gingaman but is stripped back to about 50 seconds in LG. Gingaman gives this scene time to steep in its apprehension, it makes you hold your breath and WAIT. LG on the other hand is a rapid fire shot to the conclusion that leaves very little time to actually build up the emotion.
The first big cut we see is in how much time the big brothers are given to come into frame.
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We LINGER on Hyuuga coming up over the hill (where as Mike gets about 0.5 of a second). He's blurry, out of focus, framed by his brother and BullRiot as he stumbles over the hill. I'd love to tell you what Mike is doing, but the way Leo is holding the Magna Sword is just not working for the shot. It obscures Mike for too long, in a moment where him appearing is meant to be the reward for everything we've just been through.
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Both these guys have spent months being possessed/controlled by a vengeful alien and have only just regained control of their own bodies. Hyuuga's still getting used to walking again, every step a struggle but he's not stopping. Meanwhile Mike is walking slowly through the sand like a triumphant action hero, which is FINE, but this scene is meant to be bitter sweet. Magna Defender DIED so Mike could be here, its not meant to feel triumphant.
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Gingaman then gives us a great shot of Hyuuga, empty scabbard on his back (!!!), doing his best to keep staggering toward his team (very sad that LG cut this one out tbh)
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I dont have an issue with this shots recreation - in fact i think it kinda nicely shows the differences personality wise between the two characters. Hyuuga is apprehensive, he KNOWS what he's put everyone (particularly Ryouma) through. Mike is relieved - its over, he finally gets to be home. Where I DO have an issue with Mike's reaction though -
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is the complete disconnect between him and Leo. Leo missed his brother every single second that he was gone, he's still processing what he's seeing, and Mike just kinda... doesnt seem all that phased. It feels more like old friends seeing each other after some time apart, rather than brothers finally being reunited. Something else PR stripped from the scene was the camera angle differences. Ryouma is looking UP at Hyuuga, still not quite believing its really him - Mike and Leo are both on the same level.
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Again, Gingaman gives us time to linger, it makes us hold out breath just that little bit longer before finally breaking the tension (I had to cut out a significant portion of the build up to Ryouma's sprint/the amount of time spent on their hug). Whereas this is all Mike and Leo get - a nice moment, but overall lacking in emotional weight.
Thats the crux of the issue really - the lack of emotional weight. There is a Hyuuga shaped hole left in Gingaman. Every character has history with Hyuuga, he means something different to all of them, everyone misses him. Him coming back was a DREAM to them, something they all wanted but assumed they couldnt have. Meanwhile half the Galaxy Rangers barely know who Mike is, he means literally nothing to them outside of "guy who pulled out the Quasar Saber and then died". Like can you honestly tell me Mike coming back meant as much to Damon and Maya as Hyuuga's return meant to Hayate and Hikaru??
What sucks is this scene COULD have been just as impactful in LG, but they didnt do the groundwork or give Mike the build up he needed. I love Leo, I wanted to see him get his brother back, I wanted him to get that closure, but instead all he got was a hollow, lackluster recreation of one of my favourite scenes in the whole franchise.
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rosenclaws · 4 days
Hi again lol 👋
Here's the leopold idea I had:
The reader is a shy baker who lives next door to Stuart. Her and Stuart are friends, and sometimes she'll bring meals/baked goods over to make sure he's eating (she's soft like that). She also has a cat, Appa, who likes to visit Stuart. When Stuart takes Leo home, they get introduced to each other due to her cat coming over and finding Leo instead.
Leo and the reader build a friendship, and she introduces him to all the different cuisines/baked goods the 21st century has to offer. Over time, they start to develop feelings for each other but won't say anything to the other because they don't think the other likes them in that way. Stuart, our awkward wing man, informs Leo that the reader definitely likes them due to how much time they spent with them and may have overheard a conversation that the reader has with a friend about him.
They admit their feelings in a fluffy way and throw in a kiss and maybe like a timeskip into the future where they're married, and they're telling their kids how they met and all that fluffy goodness.
I'll leave the ending up to you. I was running out of creative juice on how to end it, lol.
Made With Love || Leopold Mountbatten x Reader
warnings: fem!reader, fluff, a little messing with the Kate & Leopold canon, me making shit up about Leopolds past, leopold is a girl dad
a/n: I love this request and it actually ended up being longer than I thought haha. I have also crafted this total backstory to Leopold's childhood and parents in my head so now that's gonna be a running theme in my leo fics i think. Anyways I hope you like it!! Also i made some little divider in canva in like 3 seconds im sorry its not very original sdfalkj
wc: 2.9k
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The sun shines through your balcony windows as another day begins, well for you the day had began at 4am. Preparing dough for the large order of baked goods you had to deliver today. It's a very small business, one that you run from your apartment but you love it.
"Good morning Appa, finally decided to wake up huh?" You wipe your hands on your apron and scratch his head softly. He stretches happily before heading towards the window. Appa is a very spoiled cat so you have no worries of him running off. He often travels to your neighbors, seeing if they're free to give him even more attention.
"Okay pretty simple order today." You check your list over before giving yourself a little time to rest.
A loud yowl makes you jump as you hurry towards the window. That's definitely Appa and you've never heard him make a sound like that. Peeking out the window you see him standing outside of Stuarts window, back arched and ears flat as he hisses.
"Appa what has gotten into you!" You climb over and pick him up.
"Sorry Stuart I have no..." When you look into the window it's not Stuart you see. A strange man is on the couch looking disheveled and confused and wearing really strange clothing.
"You're not Stuart." You hold your cat closer, debating if you should run and call the cops or not.
"I'm afraid not, he'll be back in just a moment." You slowly inch back towards your apartment.
"Um, okay. Who are you? Exactly?"
"Leopold. Do you know the man that lives here?" He gets up and walks towards you making you take a step back. Appa jumps out of your arms and scampers back to your apartment. The door opens and you spot Stuart and Bart.
"Stuart! What the hell did you do!?" You shout. Leopold stops in his tracks when he notices the nervousness in your voice.
"Dammit!" Stuart hurries over to the window.
"Now is not a good time, I'll explain later." He abruptly slams the window in your face.
You slam your fist against the window but the blinds go down, locking you out. You knew Stuart has had some, interesting ideas before. He's shown you but you never believed they could actually do anything. Just a work of science fiction.
Climbing back into your apartment you check on your baked goods. Taking a few sheets of cookies out of the oven you decide to grab a few and put them on a plate. Stuart could never resist your homemade chocolate chip cookies.
"Stuart! Let me in! I have cookies." You hear shuffling behind the door before it swings open.
"Not fair." He opens the door to let you in and you smile happily.
"So, who is he?" Stuart explains as much as he can. That he traveled back in time to 1876 and accidently brought back his great great great grandfather Leopold and now he has to get him back or else he'll disappear.
"You're kidding right? This is some elaborate prank?" Stuart shakes his head as he takes a bit of a cookie.
"I swear on my life." Your eyes drift to Leopold who was currently looking through some magazine.
A look of utter bewilderment on his face. He throws the magazine down and lets his head fall into his hands. To him this must be a nightmare. Not that you fully believed Stuart but you were willing to entertain the idea. You take the plate of cookies and place them in front of him.
"You want one?" He lifts his head to see you standing there. You actually start to feel bad. He looked stressed, upset, and genuinely lost.
"What is this?" He reaches out and turns it around in his hands.
"Have you never seen a chocolate chip cookie?" You ask with a laugh, though it quickly dies down as you realize he hasn't.
"Try it, it's good." He hesitates but takes a bite.
"This is marvelous. Did you make these?" He stands up abruptly, startling you just a bit.
"Yeah, have you really never had this before?' You ask in disbelief. Leopold finishes the cookie quickly, savoring every bite as the flavor takes over his taste buds.
"Never, I've had shortbread before but never something this rich and delicious." He compliments. You're slightly taken back, yes people like your baked goods but they aren't usually this forward about it. Or this charming
"Oh it's nothing, I make these all the time."
"Nonsense, the work of a baker is like art. Crafting such succulent breads and goods with your own hands is no easy task." The way he speaks is enchanting, maybe it's the accent but you've never met a man so well spoken before. Maybe he really was from the past.
"I can show you how I make them, if you want." You offer.
"It would be my honor."
“Hey wait a second,” Stuart interrupts.
“You said the next chance to get him home is Monday right? Well thats a week away so we have time. Bye Stuart!” You grab Leopold’s wrist and take him back to your apartment. He’s met with the smell of fresh bread as he steps foot into your place. It’s comforting, reminds him of his childhood.
“I have a couple orders that are getting picked up today, so can you help me roll out some dough?” You don’t hesitate to put him to work as you prepare the pie filling for your order. Leopold takes off his coat and rolls up his sleeves. You hand him five separate balls of dough for the five pies.
“You mentioned orders, do you run a bakery?” He questions as he watches you weigh ingredients.
“Not quite, I wouldn’t really call this a bakery. More of a small business.”
“A businesswoman?” You raise an eyebrow and stop mixing.
“What? Hard to believe?” You tease.
“Not at all. I find it very fitting.” You hum in response, finishing up the filling for the order. You turn on some music to fill the air and time goes by quickly. Leopold is a great help, the pies getting into the oven ahead of schedule.
"Now we wait." You say with a sigh as you stretch your arms above your head.
Appa jumps onto the counter and rubs his head against your side. He stares at Leopold for a moment before cautiously sniffing his hand. Leopold reaches and pets Appa's head, scratching his chin and smiling when Appa starts to purr happily.
"So, tell me Leopold, how did you get here from the past?" He sighs and leans against the counter.
"I haven't the faintest idea. One moment I'm about to announce my engagement and the next I'm falling off a bridge and waking up here." He looks around, staring out the window to look at what is supposedly New York.
"Engagement?" You say shocked, I mean he's a good looking guy so it's not too shocking but that's quite the information to dump. His face shifts to a look of annoyance.
"My uncle had decided that it was time to get married. We were running out of money and marrying a wealthy American was..."
"A means to an end?" You finish for him.
He nods, he smiles but there's sadness in his eyes. You couldn't imagine what it must be like for him. Having to marry for money instead of real love. Without think you start to play with your necklace.
"That's a beautiful necklace. May I?" He reaches out but waits for your okay. You nod silently and he gently holds the stone in his hands.
"It was my grandmothers, real diamond so she claimed." You joke, real diamond or not it belonged to her and you loved it.
"My mother had a ring like this. A beautiful ruby at the center." He gently places it back down against your skin. You suddenly become incredibly aware of how close he is. Your timer rings out through the apartment making you take a step back. You clear your throat and move to check on your pies.
"Tell me more, about your life before you came here." You ask, wanting to know everything about this man. He's like a magnet that you can't help but move towards.
"It's a long story." He says gently. You glance at the clock and shrug your shoulders.
"We've got time."
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The week passes by too fast. Way too fast. Leopold was over almost every day. Helping you with your orders and telling you wonderful stories.
He was a natural in the kitchen with you. For that he gave credit to his mother. His mother wasn't born royal, working in an orchard for her family. She was a wonderful cook according to Leopold. His father was the one with royal blood, like Leopold he was meant to marry for power, for status but he didn't. He fell in love with Leopold's mother, love at first sight. Soulmates that were destined to be together. Their love story is what made love so hard for Leopold. Love is a leap, that's what he said. Yet there has been no one worth jumping for.
You understood, there hasn't been anyone like that for you either. Well, not until Leopold showed up. You used to scoff at the idea of love. It feels impossible to find love these days, no matter what you tried there never was this spark. So you stopped caring for now, focusing on your business instead.
Then Leopold fell into your life and ruined it all. You want to tell him, to kiss him, to save him from a loveless marriage but the deadline looms over you like a cloud and the fact that he's told you he's never been in love suppress any real chance of you saying something. So you decide to enjoy your time with him now, hoping its enough to last you a life time.
Sunday night comes too quickly. He has to leave tomorrow. Leopold stares out at the city he's gotten to know. The lights are on in your apartment but he can't bring himself to go over. He has to say goodbye but he doesn't know how. He hears the window open behind him.
"She's home. I can hear her through the walls." Stuart nudges Leopold's shoulder. He glances over but stays put.
"I...If go now, I don't think I would leave. I love her." He looks down at his hands.
"She loves you too. I know it. I've never seen her light up around someone like she does with you." Stuart rests a hand on his shoulder in an attempt at comfort him.
"I'm sorry, I wish things were different." The light in your apartment goes out and he feels his heart clench.
It's too late. He sighs and heads back inside, laying on Stuarts couch as he stares at the celling. At least he's gotten the chance to know what love is.
Even if it's a fleeting moment, he knows.
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You knock on the door, a plate of fresh cookies in your hand. You want Leopold to have them one last time. You wait and wait but no one comes.
A pit forms in your stomach as you leave the cookies at the doorstep. You hurry through your apartment to the window. Your heart stops as you see a letter with your name on it sitting on your window sill.
Hello my love,
I apologize for not seeing you in person before I have to leave. The truth is I am a coward. I knew that if I had said goodbye, if I had seen your face that I would not have had the strength to leave. Though I return to my time, I must tell you that my heart is yours. It will always be yours. I love you.
Yours truly,
You wipe the tears that are forming in your eyes with the back of your hand. He can't be gone. He can't just leave like that. You love him. You love him so much. You fold the letter and tuck it in your back pocket.
"Appa!" You grab your cat and run out the door.
This is stupid, this is so stupid. You race down the street towards the Brooklyn bridge as fast as your legs could carry you. Appa clings to your shoulder as you weave through the people.
"Stuart!" You shout as you spot him across the street. He looks at you confused as you run through traffic, dodging cars to get to him.
"Is he gone? Is it too late?" You ask desperately.
"I...what?" Stuart asks in disbelief.
"Is it too late to go back?" Are you really going to do this? Go back in time to be with him? This is crazy, absolutely crazy. But Leopold told you that love was a leap and for once you want to jump.
"Are you sure about this?" Stuart asks as you both race towards the bridge.
"Yes, for once in my life I am sure." You stop on the edge of the bridge.
"I just have to jump right?" You hold Appa tightly as you peer over the side.
"Don't look down, it's going to be okay." You take one last look back.
"Thank you Stuart, Thank you." You give him a hug before take a deep breath and jumping off the side.
You feel the wind rushing past your face, you're falling and falling. Until you're not. Everything seems to stop. As you open your eyes you see cobblestone streets and people dressed in old clothing.
"We made it!" You look around for any sign of where to find Leopold.
Racing down the streets towards his home, he told you about it once. Pointed it out, he was shocked it was still there. You sneak your way past some people dressed in fancy clothes. Head's turning your direction as you stick out amongst the crowd. Your breath stops as you see him steps above the crowd.
"Sorry, excuse me." You push past a crowd of people to get his attention.
"Leopold!" His eyes dart around the room, searching for your voice. Perhaps it's a trick of the mind.
"Leo!" You push to the front, not caring that everyone is staring at you.
You're here, you found him. A look of pure shock on his face as he steps down. For a moment he doesn't think you're real. How could you be? You set Appa down and walk towards him.
"How could you leave me without saying goodbye?" You take the letter and shove it against his chest. He stands there, still stunned by your presence.
"I love you Leopold, I love you." He leans in and kisses you passionately.
One hand cupping your head and the other resting at your waist as he pulls you as close as he can get you. Your arms wrap around his neck, his nose brushes against your cheek.
"I love you." He says breathlessly. Without hesitating he gets down on one knee, taking his mothers ring from his pocket.
"Will you marry me?" You don't wait a second before saying yes. He slips the ring on and pulls you into another kiss. Nothing else mattered as you held Leopold in your arms.
You were home.
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"Tell it again!" Your oldest daughter pleads. She puts on her best puppy dog eyes. You laugh and brush the hair out of her face.
"Yes please!" The younger one joins in the begging.
"You've already heard it a million times." You say but they don't care.
"But it's such a good story. You're like a princess!"
"Actually, she's a duchess." Leopold says as he walks through the door. Your girls jump from your lap straight into Leopold's arms.
"How are my darling girls today?" They start to babble on about their day and you watch happily. Appa sits on the window sill, lazily sleeping in the sun.
"Alright go wash up for dinner." He gently sets them down and watches as they go running. You stand up and kiss him gently.
"How was the bakery today?" You ask as Leopold wraps you in a warm hug. He smells like bread.
"Busy as usual." When you got married it's safe to say his uncle was not amused.
So the two of you left and much to Leopold's dismay you sold your necklace. He tried to get you to keep it but you were set on it. With the money you opened up a small bakery. You tried not to mess too much with the past but somethings slipped through as your bakery became the biggest hit in New York. Now you live a nice life. Two kids and a loving husband. What more could you ask for?
"The girls say we're soulmates," You hum happily. Leopold kisses you again, and again, and once more for good measure.
"We are my love,"
"Through space and time." You add.
Looking back maybe it was crazy that you left everything behind so quickly. To leave everything you knew to be with him. But you loved him. It felt like there was this string pulling the two of you closer and closer, through all of time. You built a life with him. There's no regrets, no worries. Just Leopold.
He was yours and nothing else mattered.
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mamashenanigans · 21 days
I REALLY want the anime to add more to AFO’s backstory as they have been doing with various story points so far in Season 7.
I want to see more of the twins’ life on the streets. Did those guys beat up Yoichi before AFO attacked? A baby AFO crying out from an alley while people run by “No matter how much he cried and screamed no one paid attention”.
I want to see that startled look on his face when Yoichi’s blood splatters on him. Him frozen in place with his hand outstretched long after Kudo and Bruce escaped. Falling to his knees in the filthy water then Yoichi’s severed hand floating towards him. Him frantically embalming the hand. That morose look as he studies his hand at fucking dinner, a place set for Yoichi by his side.
I want to see Izuku’s realization of what AFO really is: a lonely man that was never a demon king. A flash to a scene he saw within the mindscape of AFO and OFA. A young child AFO sniffling and hugging Yoichi close to him in the gutter as the chaotic scene in the city goes on around them.
Give me extra dammit!
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the-anime-enthusiast · 2 months
I miss 2020 fanfiction where I could find the BEAUTIFUL AND SATISFYING fluffy, loving, full backstory, slowburn, gorgeously written, FULL LENGTH one could ever find. Now all I find is straight smut LIKE DAMMIT GIVE ME THE SLOW KINDLING PLEASE SLOW BURN IS ALL I ASK. I WANT A BACKSTORY DAMMIT NOT JUST
"looked into ur e/c orbs while he thrusted-"
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AO3 is not what it was, I have more luck on Wattpad finding a good full length fanfic now
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guywrestlingaddiction · 4 months
Humbled Hunks: Lon Dumont v Eddy Rey (bgeast.com)
You got to hand it to the guy, Lon Dumont has had the honor of facing off against quite a few hunks in his day and while challenging a hunk is one thing, it's another thing to humble a hunk, take for instance Eddy Rey.  
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Lon Dumont v Eddy Rey (bgeast.com)
SPOILER ALERT: I highly recommend viewing this match in its entirety before reading this post.
The Backstory
We open with 6 foot something Eddy Rey(band) staring down the much shorter Lon with a challenge.  
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"I will make you flex" spits out Eddy in both a challenge and a promise.  The big muscle hunk is both cocky and looks like he has the power to back it up, in other words, the perfect man to be humbled.  
Now we all know that Lon, professional body builder that he is, is used to taller men underestimating him and we are right about ready to see another titan of muscle become humbled and humiliated. 
The Action
Mighty Eddy is leveled within minutes of the match.  Sure there are a few comebacks here and there sprinkled in, but it's clear Lon will not let up and give him any ground.  Following a time tested strategy, Lon simply will not let his opponent get to his feet. 
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Oh you thought you could use that height advantage? Nope.
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Oh you thought your knee couldn't bend that way? Well it can. 
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You thought reaching for the ropes would save you? Not on your life.
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Then you thought cheating with a low blow would get you out of this mess...But sadly you were wrong cause you only enraged the tiny titan.
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And finally, you thought that all those hours in the gym, all that dieting, all those heads that you turn were worth something? Nope, in the ring, they don't mean shit. 
The Moment
Now I enjoy seeing a tall muscular stud trashed more than the next guy but we all came here for one thing, the humbling of our hunk and in this case, no humbling would be complete without humiliating your opponent by forcing him to flex for you. Not only does this show his submission but it makes a mockery of all that wasted muscle being flexed for your benefit.
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Eddy: *Groan* I submit... Lon: That's not good enough. Flex for me! 
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Lon: I already saw that one - something else!
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Lon: Ahhhh, there we go. 
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Eddy: [Flexing] please... I give up.
Now all of the pain and humiliation inflicted during the match, all leads up to the perfect flex in my opinion.  Making the drenched big man push himself up off the sweaty mat only to subdue him and force him to flex those jaw dropping Traps and Lats. 
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Lon: Come on. Show me those Lats dammit!
If this were ancient Greece, we'd all be writing an epic about this day.  You see it's only when that rough muscle hunk, that sweaty glistening god is your personal plaything, is that hunk truly humbled. 
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dorian storm or caleb widogast?
First impression
instantly liked him in exu and loved his story with the spider queen. thought he got a major downgrade in the main series when he came back with fearne and orym though :(
Impression now
robbie daymond i am so sorry i ever doubted you, thank you for bringing back your exu energy my man. i love him even more now
Favorite moment
ooough fuck. the moment with the crown and orym, the moment where fy'ra gives him a pep talk, every single interaction he has with laudna, his speech to his dad...
Idea for a story
dorian storm growing up in the silken squall backstory novel NOW MISTER MERCER
Unpopular opinion
asides from me thinking his 14 episode stint was noticeably weaker than his exu intro, i'm still so vindicated in my theory that dorian would return with problems of his own and not be bh's therapyboyfriend.
Favorite relationship
exu trio. him and orym alone doesn't hit the same if fearne ain't there. also him and laudna and him and chetney is funny. and whatever the fuck he has going on with ashton (🏳️‍🌈?)
Favorite headcanon
immunodeficient dorian and him growing up sick and kept away from everyone currently has my brain in a chokehold
First impression
assumed he was going to be my favorite character because i was under the impression he was a way more funny guy and the campaign was far more lighthearted than it actually was. dammit fandom. also scared the shit out of me when liam dropped the accent and used his normal voice for the first time
Impression now
i still like him! not my favorite but i think his story is the most well developed and satisfying in all of cr so far, but we'll have to see how campaign three ends because imogen may overtake him depending how it shakes out
Favorite moment
okay weird pull but him puking on the floor after veth screamed at him that "it was your people that did this! fuck them and fuck you!" and being consoled by caduceus is one of the most overlooked moments in campaign 2 to me
Idea for a story
um. idk put him in a walmart or something
Unpopular opinion
his accent reads way more austrian than german to me. also i sort of disliked how his backstory with the solstryce academy completely overtook fjord's desire to go there and that they never really did... anything with that?
(imogen and fearne kinda have the same problem with being ruidsuborns but at least matt's making sure fearne has a horse in that race with ludinus and zathuda trying to steal her away as of recent)
Favorite relationship
widobrave still the best 2024
Favorite headcanon
he's on good terms with astrid, she and essek just have really petty beef with one another that they keep hidden from him
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randomfanner · 10 months
Shadowheart Headcanons
I love Shadowheart, I love being her friend and I do plan on romancing this poor Sweetheart as a Selunite. But right now we are romancing the vampire(and bear) as a Moon Druid.
Going to be her friend in every play through though goddammit. Even the one I make everything go horribly, horribly wrong! (I am not excited for that play through but gods damn if I don't know exactly what kind of character I am going to play!)
Anyway, onto the headcanons!
TW: Religious Trauma, PTSD mentions and general warning that go with Shadowheart's backstory.
So there is not a person in this group who is not extremely touch starved and Shadowheart is the second most desperate to be brought in for some snuggles, right behind Karlach.
Shadowheart cannot and does not remember the last time she got a hug in her life. If you ask if she wants a hug she will deny it at first but "Wait actually it.... doesn't sound horrible I suppose."
(I want to hug everyone, I want there to be an option in friendships where you can ask if they want a hug. You can only do it after certain of their plot but god dammit let me hug them all. After I tell Shadowheart I think she did the right thing I want nothing more then to give her a hug every damn time.)
Shadowheart falls for puppy eyes so easy. Shadowheart will be eating her dinner and Scratch and the Owlbear will sit, stare with their big soft eyes and Shadowheart just gives them both some of her food. She vows it will be the last time.
It never is.
You can also pull this trick to get anything you want from Shadowheart. Whether it be a kiss when she is busy or to completely drag her away from other things, all you have to do is flash puppy eyes and any will she had to tell you 'no' breaks.
Shadowheart had a horse when she was a child and has a natural talent for horseback riding. It is something she long forgot about and her childhood horse did pass of old age, never knowing what happened to his rider. If you are able to save her parents, they tell her all about him.
It makes her cry, but she is glad to know this is something she used too. Shadowheart begins to learn how to ride as soon as she can and gets good at it instantly. It is like riding a bike and she begins to do it to clear her head.
After you both settle down she comes home with two horse calves and she is going to rise them and make it so you can go horse back riding together.
Shadowheart has begun to make a real effort to not pray to the Lady of Loss, however it is hard to stop doing something you have done in years and that has been ingrained into you. It is not as if she means too, and whenever she notices she utter her name, she instantly corrects them to try and follow Selune's prayers.
Isobel and Aylin are actually very good helps during the transition. Aylin knows what sort of disgusting habits the Wench of Loss instils and how hard it can be to shake off. She had seen it first hand after all. However Aylin does er... sometimes overdo it. Isobel is there to tone it down.
Isobel and Shadowheart become drinking and gossip buddies. I have nothing else to add here.
Shadowheart is bad at emotions and sometimes has no idea how to define how she is feeling. Even if it is a good emotion she doesn't always know the exact word for it... and she might begin asking you about it.
Talking about emotions is so beyond new to her she is nearly uncomfortable at first, but she likes to do it. She also begins to want to understand how you feel and hear how you are doing. She is bad at helping you if it hard times but she is going to try her best!
Content Warning for Below!
Shar brought back all the memories of suffering she had inflicted on others. And well Shadowheart doesn't think about it, she tries to not get lost in it... those memories plague her in her sleep. There have been multiple nights she has woken up screaming from memories.
She tends to hold onto your hand for as long as she will let her. She isn't sure if she wants to talk about it or not, sometimes she will sometimes she won't but whatever it feels like that night, by Selune is she glad you are there for her.
It means everything to her.
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Wondering about kuni’s backstory
I mean, I’m sure it is traumatizing cus it’s asagiri we’re talking about and dammit we can’t have nice things in this house-
I’m not sure about it, and didn’t think about details but feel like he grew up in strict household.
Like, not good strict, more like “there are consequences for every action(even though he’s child and learning)” and “I’ll give you a reason to cry for it if you keep crying” etc, etc. yk, thee toxic household where parents claims “we were just strict!” “If we hadn’t, he wouldn’t have succeeded like this!”
I think he learned to make schedules in his early stage of life because not following and forgetting things meant consequences for him.
Like, he thinks how he acts is normal. Yeah, it’s different, but in this agency we have “genius child-like detective” ranpo, “ex-assassin” fukuzawa, “child soldier” yosano, “demon prodigy” dazai, “f*cked up childhood” atsushi&kyoka and…tanizaki siblings(at this point I gave up trying to understand them)
He’s like, no, y’all had f*cked up/traumatizing times. You don’t count.
I feel like he doesn’t hide anything but also doesn’t actively talk about it.
Like, when he’s asked, he’ll be like “my parents are strict. I learned to make schedules to get everything right.” And everyone’s like, sure, makes sense.
then someday, when they’re talking about childhood, he just drops traumatizing(may not be most traumatizing, but still enough to make them horrified) story from his childhood, and just goes what? Why’re you looking at me like that? To everyone’s baffled face.
I mean, sure, ranpo would’ve known, but he never even thought about it! He just thought he had strict parents and stopped deducing at that.
The point is, I feel like he’s the person who doesn’t understand that his childhood wasn’t great. He thinks it was normal, and nobody corrected him cus he never shared his story this much before.
I mean, I would be happy if he has normal, happy childhood. But can you be sure that asagiri will give his character normal, happy story? *squint*
Eh, this was just my rambling, so if you have something to back up your opinion that I’m wrong, you’re probably right
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vampiritea · 4 months
since my sister @werewolfsmile made me guess Leverage episodes based on their titles the other day (and the result was pretty funny), I decided to make her do the same for 9-1-1!
Me: Heartbreaker Her: Something to do with Eddie because he's a heart breaker. It's gonna totally be season 2. Me: sips tea
Me: Alright I'm gonna give you an easy one. Me: Chimney Begins. Her: Gee wow I wonder what that could be about! It's where Chimney begins!! We get backstory, Kevin, it's beautiful. Isn't he also bleeding out at the same time? Me: Yep Her: Beautiful
Me: Fight or Flight Her: Ohhh I know that title. It's totally something to do with Eddie. Me: lol. No. Her: Dammit. So it's not a tsunami episode then? That would be like sink or swim, wouldn't it? … idk then. Me: It's an episode that you're always surprised by how early on in the series it happens. Her: Shannon dies?? Me: No, but someone dies. Her: Who else is there? Me: It happens in the snow Her: When are they in the snow?? All I can see is TK falling into that frozen pond now but that's not the right show. Me: There's BLOOD on the snow. Her: Oooh, I like that. Blood on snow... MADDIE!!! Me: Yes! Her: Yeah that is surprising it happens that early.
Me: Capsized Her: Oh gee I wonder! (If I get this wrong now…) That's where Bobby and Athena are on a cruise and the ship goes 'whoopsie'!
Me: Careful What You Wish For Her: singing 'cause you just might get it'. Is THIS the one where Shannon dies? Me: Yes Her: YES!! ... Now I'm sad for Christopher Me: As you should be
Me: Hero Complex Her: ….. Is that the one with the guy – steals the firetruck? And Eddie has to talk him down? Me: No. Her: No, cause that's Jinx isn't it?? Cause we watch that one all the time!! Ughh. [later] Her: Um. All I can think now is Izzy Chains. Can't think of anyone else who has a hero complex – aside from all the main cast. So it's Buck-centric then!! Me: 😂 No. Her: Are you sure?? Me: I'm positive. Her: Give me another clue! Me: It focuses on a character who doesn't stick around. Her: ... OH MONDAY!! He would hate me so much cause I don't remember his real name 😅
Me: The Taking of Dispatch 9-1-1 Her: Oh that's when Josh's nasty ex boyfriend comes in and is like 'surprise bitch I bet you thought you'd seen the last of me'
Me: Red Flag Her: ?? Nope, the bull is in lone star as well... It's not like an online dating one or something? What season? Me: 6 Her: I don't remember what happens in season 6... Me: It's a Bobby episode Her: A Bobby episode? 😍 The only Bobby episode I'm thinking of is when he gets high on brownies… Is it the one where he and Michael are spying on the neighbours through the telescope?? Me: No. Her: Damn. That's a good one. [later] Her: OH MY GOSH WENDELL!!
Me: The One That Got Away Her: Ummmmm. Is this like where Buck gets concerned about his sexual performance and so he calls up all his exes? Me: 😂🤣 Her: If I'm right I'm gonna be shook. Me: YOU'RE NOT 🤣 Her: Is it an Abby episode? Me: No. Her: Okay yeah cause I thought I'd remember the train episode title. [later] Me: It's one of the episodes where an old man dies to teach Buck something. Her: Not Red?? Me: Yes 😢
Me: What's Next? Her: Me: That's the title of an episode. Her: oH! Is this where Buck is suing the city or something and Eddie gets all grumpy cause 'Chris can't even see you 😭'? Me: No. [later] Me: smugly It's the train episode. Her: WHAT!!! Isn't it called something really cliché like derailed?? My life is a lie 😭
Me: Future Tense Her: ….. is that the episode title? Me: Yes Her: Oh boy. [later] Me: It has a funny Eddie scene. Her: Is this where Eddie's dating Ana and he has a panic attack? Me: YOU THINK THAT'S FUNNY???????? 😂 Her: NO BUT HE'S THINKING ABOUT THE FUTURE AND PANICKING. Me: Think less about the distant future and more 'the future is now'. Her: The Hildy episode!! 'We got him'! 😊
Me: Alright are you ready for the next one? Her: Probs not but let's go Me: There Goes the Neighbourhood Her: dramatically drops phone and frowns into distance Athena says that at one point. Is it s4? Me: Yep Her: There goes the neighbourhood... Like, I know it but I can't remember it. Me: It's one of your favourites. Her: Wow. Great. Me: ... You mentioned it earlier. Her: panicked laugh [later] Her: Something to do with Buck and Eddie Me: Incorrect [later] Her: You're gonna have to give me more clues. Me: There goes the NEIGHBOURhood. NEIGHBOURS. Her: I AM AWARE! I'VE BEEN TRYING TO THINK! [later] Her: OHHH IT'S BOBBY AND MICHAEL. I LOVE THAT ONE Me: I KNOW YOU DO! 😂
Me: Alright I'm gonna give you an easy one. Me: Treasure Hunt Her: Ravi! Gets there first! And then he's like, I'm not even with these guys. And they're all like 'probie say WHAT?'
Me: Under Pressure Her: Episode 1 of season 2 where Eddie arrives 😎
Me: You Don't Know Me Her: All I can see is that vine 'you don't know ME. You don't know ME!!' and that's not helpful T_T
Me: Defend in Place Her: That's what you do when there's a bushfire and you're like naurr I got this. Me: 💀
Me: May Day Her: A plane. Me: Hehe, no. Her: ...but??? What?? That's what you call if the plane's going down!! Mayday mayday!! Me: lol no. [later] Her: Another clue please. Me: May Day is two separate words. Her: oHHHH THEN IT'S ABOUT MAY. GRRRR Her: The one where the call centre is on fire and Bobby and May have that beautiful "I'll protect you my daughter" scene?? Me: Yep! Her: It's a good title for that episode!
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crime-soncloud · 4 months
I was recently introduced to, and downloaded, Limbus company, and I've decided to detail my current thoughts on the story and some of the gameplay per Canto. I had decided this in the middle of Canto 2, so I didn't do this for the first Canto, but I'll probably give my thoughts on it at some point in the future. This should go without saying but NO SPOILERS
Now first, I've got a pretty good team (2 star and 3 star identities) and so obviously I didn't struggle at all, and totally did not have two of them die on a single fight, after taking a big risk, and so couldn't fully engage with what I was probably supposed to do (/sarcasm) and also I was so close to winning the roulette event thingy, dammit don quixote you couldn't win just one last round
Firstly, this entire crew is so dysfunctional in yhe best way, I love how quickly the plan went out the window because half of them fucked it up. Between Don Quixote, Ryoshu, Heathcliff, Dante themself, and also Hong Lu and Rodion to a lesser extent, I am amazed they even managed to get the golden branch
Speaking of, I actually thought that the group would fail again, but based on what we saw I expect we'll get both the Sinners and rival(?) group swapping victories.
Now into the actual story. Firstly, I am really engaged with Sonya and the Yurodiviye, I think seeing a group actually trying to improve the standard of living, and essentially being communist revolutionaries is so cool! The theme of Action via words and policies Versus Action via... Well action, violence in this case, is done so well. The fact that both sides are shown as having advantages and disadvantages is really well done, and I think it's interesting seeing how Sonya and Rodion will go from here, especially since it appears the Yurodiviye are working with Hermann and the others. I assume the next Canto is about Sinclair since there seemingly was some ✨ foreshadowing ✨ for what is about to come.
This made Rodya very interesting to me, I was previously fairly neutral but now I'm interested in this. Her singing voice slaps, I think it was the same song that Gregor sung, and from a cursory Wikipedia glance I think I can see the parallels between her and her namesake
Overall really fun, loved getting to see some more stuff, and as for theories I'm not really sure. Dante is clearly important in some way, the characters at the beginning haven't showed up again, and I'm getting curious about Ishmael, i know she's the focus character in a future canto, and we saw Her make several references to spending half her life on a boat, if her backstory is as tragic as Rodion then I will be READY.
(@flextapeyeehaw and @zebrashork If you want to see my thoughts I'll post them here, thanks for the help in understanding this)
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ultraericthered · 9 months
King Magnifico: Reimagining A Good Baddie Into Disney Villain Excellence.
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I did not plan on doing another post about King Magnifico but dammit, the man just compells me. Since I recently drafted a revision treatment for the story of Wish, dubbed The Fully Fulfilled Edition, and it got me thinking more about Magnifico and the iteration of the character that I envisioned for my version of Disney's sentimental centennial tale. I've covered the troubles with the finalized official Disney character enough times already; I feel like the handling of his character and execution of his role as the story's villain was like a basketball wobbling along the rim before falling through the basket rather than a straight slam dunk. He's easily the most well-realized, enticing, entertaining, and developed character of the whole picture, the only one who comes close to being three-dimensional. But even he could've been better. If all the kinks were to have been ironed out in him, what might that actually end up looking like in practice?
Note that for this undertaking, I did not want to super drastically alter Magnifico's character to the point where he'd become completely divorced from what we got in the film and just be Magnifico in name only. I make just enough expansions, alterations, and fixes necessary to turn what I find good enough into what I'd consider truly great.
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For starters, his tragic origin story being told to us upfront right out the gate helps to clear the air early into the picture, when we've not yet met King Magnifico but are given the background information of the man who became King Magnifico, wed Queen Amaya, and built the kingdom of Rosas. In my take on the backstory, the young would be-King Magnifico's family lived in a harbor town, working slavishly on what's implied to be export and trade. It's said that one day the young man, wanting his family to be happier and have more time for him, made a wish upon a totem for his family's burdens to be lifted. Well, that ended up being a vague wish that in a way did come true, as the town was soon attacked by a band of greedy marauders. In the storybook images the town would be shown going up in green flames as young Magnifico takes a boat to survival. Unfortunately, the boat ended up getting wrecked landing on a desert island, and the story would tell us that the youth lost everything he had in the wreck...even though he'd clearly be holding onto something in the accompanying picture. It is then said that Magnifico understood well the value and the danger a wish can hold, which inspired him to learn the arts of sorcery and magic that can extract a heart's deepest and most precious wish as a tangible substance held within a magic orb. Eventually he and the loyal wife he'd married built a great kingdom on that very island Magnifico had landed on, the kingdom of Rosas, where the citizens wishes are given, protected, and granted in the benign rule of Magnifico and Amaya, the "long lived" king and queen.
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With that backstory and the reasons for why Magnifico founded Rosas and created the wish giving system established, the first in-universe look at the king we're given is in statues, in murals, in his face painted in various locations, even in the cookies Dahlia bakes. The face looks very kind, dignified, wisened, majestic, and above all gorgeously handsome. His presence is also subtly felt in what we'd be shown of the average Rosas citizens - some who are overly happy and enthused in a very cult-like manner and some who are only half-awake and half-heartedly trying to stay into it. This is heavily implicit as being a result of the system and society in Rosas, where the happier people are the ones who've had their wishes granted or have such good standing with the royals that they feel they're likely to have their wishes granted in the near future, while the lethargic ones are those who've given their wishes away, cannot remember what they even were to start with, and have been tirelessly waiting for when the time comes for Magnifico to grant them in a wish ceremony.
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So then when we’re properly introduced to King Magnifico after all the build-up, it'd be immediately striking how the appearance of the man himself doesn't quite measure up to what we'd seen depicted in the kingdom's arts and crafts. We were told he's beloved by all, yet the man we meet here would come off very...Stephen Strange-ish. He'd be very smarmy, disgrunted, irrate and patronizing towards Asha, visibly or verbally condescending to her and treating her like a silly, hapless child who he doesn’t believe will attain the position. However, he is coming off of another interview that ended poorly, so we think maybe he's just in a sour mood and we shouldn't assume too badly of him. If we hold onto hope for his better nature to win out, it seems to pay off when he appears to empathize with Asha after she's told him of her deceased father and all the ways in which he'd inspired her to dream big and to love Rosas; it's almost like the king sees some of his younger self in Asha, and through that, he's able to recognize that she could be a good fit for the job of working for him as his apprentice, someone he can shape into being more like him and following his ways. He'd do the "I too suffered great loss at a young age due to the selfish wishes and actions of greedy thieves and built Rosas as a place where that would not happen" thing like in the movie, but not only do we understand that more due to having been given the whole backstory, it'd also be more noticeable just how...calculated it feels. Like, Magnifico might as well say "I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. Y'know, my late son, Beau..."., y'know those shows of pseudo-empathy that political leaders love to do.
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Once Asha has the job and returns to the castle for her first day of apprenticeship, King Magnifico would show us that oh no, this guy might actually be worse than we'd thought he was before. He's now in full Handsome Jack from Borderlands mode, acting more giddy and animated because he just loves his apprentice's first days where he can "dazzle them with all his splendor, and win over all of their love and devotion and appreciation for all his royal duties." And he just acts completely unkind and insensitive to Asha, making her do all sort of minor chores the way Lady Tremaine would do to Cinderella. He lets Asha into his sanctum of wishes, where he holds, juggles, balances and caresses some of the various wishes in a way that seems unsettlingly possessive, akin to how Mother Gothel stroked Rapunzel’s golden hair, and as he does he sings these words:
If happiness was a tangible thing, it would be you If you'd have told me the feeling you'd bring, I'd think it untrue And people search for a wonder like you all of their lives You still amaze me after all this time You pull me in like some kind of wind Mesmerized by the hold I'm in Leave you here, I don't wanna I wanna promise as one does I, I will protect you at all costs Keep you safe here in my arms I, I will protect you at all costs At all costs
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Then the shoe drops. Magnifico reveals that he doesn't just collect these wishes to safeguard them and grant them in ceremonies: he uses the magical blessings cast upon the wishes as means of keeping his own magic powers charged every day, and it's also how he has sustained such slow aging and long living for himself and his wife. Yes, the royals feed off of the souls of their own subjects in order to keep their lifespan going, with the wishes extracted from the beautiful innermost part of those souls serving as convenient battery power for them. Unnerved as this makes Asha feel, the subject of a long life span naturally calls her almost 100 year old grandfather to mind, and she makes the dreaded "nepotism favor" request that the king consider granting Sabino’s wish at the ceremony. Magnifico, disappointed but not surprised, declines this request, rationalizing the wish could be too vague and might pose a threat to the kingdom. Asha then realizes Magnifico intends to never grant most of these wishes yet refuses to return the ungrantable wishes to their owners. She openly questions the king, telling him it's unreasonable of him to keep the most beautiful part of his subjects very selves from them if he truly has no inclination to ever grant them with his magic, and he should return those wishes to their owners so that they'll remember them and gain the drive to at least try to work towards fulfilling them themselves. Magnifico lashes out at her in fury ("I decide what everyone deserves!") and as consequence we get the ceremony where Magnifico pulls the spiteful fake-out with the wish granting just to shame and humiliate Asha, and let her know that her family's wishes will be kept by him forever, never to be granted. Also just barely noticable in the same scene would be that Magnifico reveals the wish of the person he grants it to and how it had been worded, but what he gives is notably a distorted alteration of the original wish. For all his high horsing about "be careful what you wish for, wishes worded too vaguely might go wrong when granted and that's too much of a danger risk", he himself exploits vaguely phrased wishes in order to twist them into something with benefits to the kingdom, his rule, and his image. For years, he's really only been using this system of wishes to make his own wishes come true, and has been routinely dishonest and hypocritical about it as he defrauds his people, committing theft by deception. What a self-obsessed bastard.
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After Asha's made her wish to the stars and called Star down to Rosas, Magnifico and Amaya, having witnessed the wave of magic it brought, fear an unknown magic source that might threaten their kingdom and the hold they have on all the magic and wishes, but they find no answers in their books and scrolls to what this strange light might be. Magnifico starts acting furiously paranoid, remarking about how much he hates craven thieves and traitors. Due to how things went over with Asha, she is his primary suspect who he fears is now out to usurp his power and might not even be acting alone. As he starts to be overcome by desperation, Magnifico turns to his tome of forbidden dark magic and goes to unseal it. Fortunately for him, Amaya remains level-headed and is able to talk him out of it, to which he gives a very transparently half-hearted "thanks", followed by the "I am a handsome king" bit when Amaya tells him that, as they cannot baselessly accuse and arrest Asha for treason, they use the people’s love of him as their monarch to get them to reach the truth for them.
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Of course, during the briefing with the public, people start asking how and why their wishes might now be in danger, which leads to questions about why Magnifico established the system the way that he did, which leads to deeper questioning such as why everything in Rosas is so tailored towards the king despite his role being to protect and provide for the people - like, why does the king need to have his handsome face plastered everywhere? When everyone feels the next wave of magic from Star’s evolution, it proves definitively what Magnifico told them: that this magic didn’t come from him, and that only creates a sense of disillusionment among the people. A furious Magnifico warns of a traitor within the kingdom conspiring to use this magic to steal all wishes and topple the monarchy, who must be found and punished, and that a wish will be freely granted to anyone who identifies this person. Then he shuts the doors back into his castle, frantically pacing about and looking to see if the magic came from somewhere within. Visibly aggitated, Amaya tries to soothe her petulant husband urging him to calm his mind and cheer himself up by gazing at his reflection in the mirrored walls. Which leads to....
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"This Is The Thanks I Get" (Revised version)!
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In between the second chorus and the bridge, Magnifico walks in front of the forbidden magic tome and vocalizes that in his years long reign, he has been far too soft on his people, spoiling them into becoming greedy, entitled ingrates who are all no better than thieves, so he needs to harden his heart and exercise more power “for their own good”, to tighten his grip over Rosas and preserve his power. So he unseals the book, opens it up, and gains power from its corruptive influence. And he made sure to do this when his wife wasn't around to stop him from doing so. This was his choice. He wanted this. In his desperation to not let his power over Rosas slip from him, he turned to what he knew as wrong primarily for the convenience of it enabling him to shed anything within himself that was restraining him before, and to grant to him more destructive, awesome power to squash all dissent with. This is what takes him from "big jerk" to "true villain."
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After being told by Simon that Asha was indeed responsible for Star's summoning and has been plotting against him, Magnifico goes to Asha's family's home and assaults Sabino and Sakina with magic that’s holding them down when Asha and Star return. Declaring he must arrest the whole family for both high treason and harboring a criminal, Magnifico also takes time to relish some cruelty towards Asha, not only stepping on Sabino's already broken lute in front of her but bringing out Sakina’s wish and using his new dark power to shatter it in his grip, making Sakina reel in agony as the energy from her wish, a sacred part of her soul, gets absorbed into Magnifico’s black magic. Realizing how much power he can claims from the wishes delights the vainglorious monarch, who says had he known this, he would've broken wishes ages ago! So now Magnifico has a singular goal: to absorb the magic of both Star and all the wishes in order to become an all-powerful tyrant, motivated purely by pride, spite, desire for retribution and control, and the power high he's on.
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Forging his new dark magic scepter, Magnifico addresses the public once more, revealing the traitor to be Asha and Simon to be the one to sell her out under the promise of having his wish granted. But be careful what you wish for, Simon! Magnifico twists the wish once again ("to be the king’s greatest, bravest and most loyal knight"), this time using his new dark magic to bewitch and brainwash him into a magitech knight. Magnifico then puts out the reward of another wish granting ceremony for the wish of whichever of his subjects helps the knights capture Asha and Star, with the added threat that the longer it takes for them to be captured, the more wishes he will break so that no one may get their wishes granted in the end, which makes the masses erupt into carnage and division between the fearful but still adoring loyalists to the king, and those who see this is not right and want no part in it. To quell this disorder, Magnifico unleashes more magic, desecrating the area and putting lives at risk, prompting a distraught Amaya to suggest he reign himself in better, and to her surprise, Magnifico points his staff at her, telling her to never again second-guess him or give him orders or else. He then orders all dissenters to be rounded up and thrown in the dungeon. So it's pretty clear by now that Magnifico is far gone, and this time the needless "looking for a way to save Magnifico from the thrall of the dark magic only to learn it can't be done" plot point is omitted, as this Amaya knows from the get-go that once you open the book and read from it even once, your addiction to the power it grants is unbreakable.
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At the climax of the story, King Magnifico ascends the castle’s tower, sucks the life out from every wish that has been released into the night sky through his sanctum's open ceiling, and absorbs it all, sending droves of people in the kingdom into agonizing pain, anguish and despair. With no wishes to charge himself with, he gleefully traps Star in his scepter to act as the new living magical battery for his power. He thanks Star and Asha for how they've challenged his rule, because if they hadn't, he'd not have ever learned how much more gratifying it was to take all that he wants rather than "pretend to care and lightly snack on the magic of those wishes only in desperate moments". Asha's attempts to stop him are easily overpowered, as he then KO's his wife with a magic blast for her betrayal, then uses his dark magic to block out the sky so that the citizens never again may wish upon stars, then creates magical chains from out of the ground that bind all the citizens in place, and when the knights rush to stop their mad king, he not only chains them too, but unleashes waves of dark magic that set Rosas ablaze with green fire, madly declaring that he will oppress the disspirited masses forevermore: "No more hope, no more dreams, no escape, no chance to rise up, no one to tell any tales, and no one to challenge me ever again! And I would gladly rather see my great kingdom burn and crumble to Rosas' soil than give up this awesome power I so majestically wield!"
What happens next...well, you all probably know that by now.
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So that's Magnifico's progression as the villain in my revision of Wish, but there's one last tiny yet hugely significant touch I'd add to fully bring his character together. A little before the big climax, Amaya would make reference to the fact that sealing the forbidden black magic inside “that heirloom” was among the first fundamental cornerstones of Rosas, but Magnifico has now totally backtracked on that and betrayed his oath to his people and their wishes. Hearing the book called an "heirloom" and then looking back at the storybook images of Magnifico's origin story at the start of the film makes the two pieces click together. That tome of forbidden magic belonged to Magnifico's family, the marauders sought it out and opened it up, which is what actually set the town ablaze, Magnifico took it with him as he fled to the boat, and it was the only thing he had that survived the boat's wreckage onto the shores of what would become Rosas. Throughout the story, Magnifico would have lines expressing his disdain for "thieves", "traitors", "cowards", "ingrates", and "weaklings". ...But this did not really come from just his trauma with the thieves. It's because he felt as though he himself, as a youth, was all of those things. He was a thief who stole his family's book, he was a traitor for making that vague wish that brought the marauders there, he was a coward and an ingrate for fleeing and leaving his family to burn, and he was a weakling for lacking the power to stop any of that from occurring and get things under control. To us on the outside looking in, it's easy to see how irrational it is for Magnifico to blame himself like that and have such self-loathing for boyhood mistakes and things beyond his control that were not really his fault. But tragically, no one ever told him this, not even Amaya. So what drove Magnifico forward in life was a pathological need to change his self image, to become someone greater and more powerful than that thieving little coward, to assert himself as the height of perfection, someone who could be loved and who could love himself in turn. He needed to be a king, for back in the day, a king was considered the only flesh and blood mortal human on Earth close to or secondary in power to the divinity of God Himself, for they had "the divine right to rule", the mandate of Heaven. So not only could Magnifico be that, but his magical power, the extension of his life via the wishes, and the system for taking the secret hopes, dreams, and prayers of the commonfolk to protect and decide which among them to grant, could put him that much closer to being a god among men. That is the core of what King Magnifico wanted; to feel like he was God, so as to erase his own inner pain over the fallability of being human. He was for years perpetually feeding his own power and ego, and yet it was never going to be enough. And he became so enthralled in his own God-and-Savior Complex, in playing at being the highest power in all the land, that he became a greedy, immoral, disruptive and destabilizing individual who brings suffering to the lives and wishes of others, like he'd once been the victim of; he became the very threat to Rosas that he’d been so wary of. And so, he got rewarded as such a threat deserves.
Dammit, now I'm low-key pissed at Disney! Say the line, Peridot!
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spaciebabie · 2 years
As a certified Springtrap simp, which backstory for William do you prefer: one where he was a good dad driven mad maybe by jealousy or the loss of his youngest child, or one where he was always an abusive narcisist that cared for nobody but himself?
i feel like the, "im evil so i must also abuse my creations and/or children" has been really overdone. like idk im just tired of seeing it personally. and the whole "haha!!! im craaaazy!!" thing we get in the comics also rubs me the wrong way b/c. thats not. how he's portrayed in the games at all. esp hearing him in sister location he feels like he would be a calm sort of madness. he seems like a rational guy. he doesnt talk like that. he doesnt act like that. it seems really contradictory
i feel like him being a good dad (or at the least caring deeply for his children) gives him more urgency and like,,,,makes sense w/what we're given. it aligns the most w/the theories we have asta why he started killing etc. i also just enjoy the tragedy of it. he started out as a good guy w/good intentions and then was twisted inta something unrecognizable b/c he was so focused on tryin ta reach his goal. personally my hc is that he was jelly of henry and then the death of crying child tipped him over the edge and started his whole killing thing. imo its better than, "hee hoo i was evil FOREVER!! im PURE evil and have always been EVIL!!!" like. okay. wheres the subsistence?? give him depth dammit
why would he build a robot for his daughter if he didnt love her. why would he tell crying child he would put him back together if he didnt love him (not really cemented as something he said, but i mean who else would say it?? certainly not michael he was a boy. i think as a fandom we assume its heavily implied). it makes the afton kid's deaths so much more impactful. the prospect of this man losing pieces of his life bit by bit and being driven insane by it is enthralling
i love a good chaotic descent. i love thinking abt him being consumed w/a need ta revive his own son becoming obsessed w/life and death as a result. oh the irony of loving your own kid so much you would take others children away from them, knowing how losing your own felt. and the twisting of emotions as he sees his son michael someone who he would've died for, try ta stop him. b/c hes not understanding, they need ta b together again. thats all hes tryin ta do. get his family back tagether. and all these fucking obstacles are in the way of his only goal. and the manifestation of hatred of his own son b/c of this. b/c hes getting in his way. like, talk abt juicy. i want that man ruined. it just adds a layer of psychological torture that i just adore. william fucking ruined everything. he ruined his own happy family, he ruined his own life, and if he actually mourns that? chefs kiss.
my thought is, why even have him have a family in the first place if they're just there ta demonstrate he's evil? seeing the afton family purely as a plot device, we already know afton killed kids. one can assume a person who kills kids is a bad person (maybe? see this is where the juiciness comes in w/him caring for his children. is it really bad from his perspective if hes trying ta save his kid? or is it noble?) so we dont need ta b demonstrated ta that hes a bad person again. if hes just pure evil from the get go it doesnt make sense ta me ta have the afton kids be prominent in the story (besides michael, but even then he could probably be replaced by one of the victims family members) when you could illustrate the same point by focusing on the kids hes killed and their families. why do the afton kids matter if he treats all children the same. why are we focusing so much on the afton family and what appear ta b major story beats in their story, especially since the children he has killed do not get as fleshed out as the aftons do. i feel like if his family wasnt important ta him we wouldnt hear abt it at all. you could achieve the same message by making him single and childless.
do u kno how many stories there are of "Righteous Child Of A Horrible Guy Who Hates Everything, Even Their Own Family, Goes Out Ta Stop Their Parent And Save The Day" there are? its b/c its too easy!!! its too easy for u ta assume that a character is the worst and has been the worst forever!!! its too easy ta assume that an evil character would abuse their family!!! its too easy ta assume an evil character wouldn't have traits besides jealousy, hatred and narcissism!!!!
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deuterosapiens · 2 months
Umm. Okay book. Chill out please.
I've obviously made a few errors in judgement. Ignored facts which would quite simply have been extremely obvious had I not been exhausted when I started reading. I do not intend to do that again.
I made a critical error in assuming the beginning of this book was Robbie's backstory, that these events took place prior to him joining the Bennett Pack. I've been proven quite wrong, which is making this entire thing so much worse than it already is.
Ezra is Robert Livingstone. Great. Excellent. Time to pull out a personal favorite of mine. First, I get to mark-off "Ezra will die or betray Robbie" from the Bingo Card. Second, say it with me Pack:
Fuck Ezra!
Got that out of my system, feeling better already. I'm at the roughly one-quarter mark which means that Robbie is going insane due to Ezra (if I have to continually distinguish Goodest Boi Robbie from Robert Livingstone in writing, I'll give myself a headache, so for the duration of Heartsong, he's Ezra, so that I can avoid the Robbie/Robert mix-up I'll inevitably slip-up on), and we have the Bennet Boys! Yay us!
Why did I have to find out the hard way, off screen, that Kelly and Robbie were officially mated? I wanted more awkward courting hijinks, dammit!
This reevaluation of the timeline, however, has the delightful side-effect of telling me that Brodie is safe, and he is not, as I had assumed, an earlier example of Livingstone's Tether corruption magic. That's a relief.
I'm also now required to reassess what's actually going on here with Alpha Bitch Hughes. So this obviously follows the Bennett Alphas' declaration of war, which makes her motivations with Robbie even more concerning.
Because I feel like I will not have a chance to do this again later, seeing Dale stripped of his magic does bring me joy. Because, as always:
Fuck Dale
Since I have to go to work shortly, I guess I won't be able to watch Robbie get his brain unscrambled, but that's the price we pay, I suppose.
Fucking werewolves.
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acreattaviacco · 8 months
My MLQC Experience Log#1
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Welcome to my somewhat reaction, I just want to gush about this game. I didn't know anything about this game but I like the art and premise so yeah!
I am not gonna get attached to these characters real quick no I am not
First time doing this let's go
First things first, hello our cute MC❤️
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I must admit I did not expect we would run a company let alone our parents died???? But glad to know we have a backstory for ourselves
Another thing that surprised me was that they did voice acting in English!
Unfortunately, we didn't meet Victor in person but the first one we did meet was KIRO!...Oh no....I'm in trouble
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Sir you smell like sunshine and that innocent smile is making me melt
You are literally shinning aaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh🔅
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Don't do this Kiro (Childhood) friends-to-lovers trope is my weakness so don't add more fuel to the fire but sure I can give the prize card inside the potato chips. He's so extroverted!! But he's so sweet 💕
After our separate ways, we try going back to our company and-
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Hello there Victor sudden entrance but thanks for saving me. (Wait what do you mean I am an Evol?) Sadly it was short but now it's Gavin!!!
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Wait!! Gavin!!...you just left
Okay new plan for the last episode of Miracle Finder instead of Kiro it's Lucien the Professor but
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Not only that he was really good at being cheeky and a tease I might have gone red from that conversation alone! Can you blame me? The man slowly whispered in our ear and hahahahahahaha😳
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Luckily He agreed to be on the show and I like this side of him as well
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aaaaawww 10/10 Domestic life Husband material
After finishing the last episode some good news!
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I didn't mention this earlier but the side characters have sprites, some even have voices which is really nice
Now we report the good news to our boss, negotiate and-
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Can we trick him with puppy eyes? Oh he's a cat person sadge : (
Okay, seriously both Lucien and Victor's voices are so soothing to hear can you record an audiobook for us? no wait I would sleep through it
Though this is funny
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I really like Victor, he's the right amount of tsundere that I like it's cute. Sadly he had the last laugh
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We are going through places so fast and this is chapter 2 But we get to meet Gavin now!
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You faced Victor you'll be fine...wait he works as a cop?
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But at the same time aaawww Gavin what happened? What blood-soaked letter? I need to know more!!! (Also that scar, he doesn't hide it)
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Hahahahahahaha I'm sorry why are you a lot cuter now? The fact we go to the same school and even after all these years? Shoot weren't we here on assignment?
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After that investigation, there is this
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It's sweet only to realize it's a tracker(Actually don't mind this, no I am not delulu) But hey the sentiment is there!
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Now to report to Victor! But if he was my boss in real life I swear to you unless he makes moves first I would just be talking business and nothing else
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I know we are in the entertainment industry but man our life is dramatic
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Dammit why do you have to be our boss, still would romance you though, and 0 to 100 real quick
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You call us from time to time and I wonder why Victor is so uh..."soft" to us. Don't stop though keep calling and texting even how much you deny it 💗
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After that Business deal, we went out and dun dun dun trouble
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Hooray! The sweet release of death! /j (Seriously I am joking but a lot of people want us dead)
Luckily Gavin (and Lucien's advice) saves the day!
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I know the main story is linear but I still feel spoiled by all these CGs it feels unreal
Also did not expect I would fall for Gavin this hard, look at that warm smile!!! :D
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It's nice to know we are still wearing our tracker, no I still don't mind this (Okay maybe I am a little delulu but let me have this)
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I will gush on you later my sweet Kiro for now I will add you to the list of my bundle of sunshine characters I love and adore(It's a small list but I adore them aahhhhh)
Chapter two is done!
That's about it I haven't even touched the dates and events heck there are so many I just wanted to focus on the main story, for now, I need to figure out the game mechanics and grind to level up my cards
I should have looked at a tutorial first but now I will!!
@jozhenji , @celiciaa must taggy tag you :D
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kitsunefyuu · 7 months
Do you prefer Yoichi or AFO?
As characters, people or story purpose? Well if I'm honest, and likely many might not agree, like truly honest for Character and Story purpose in the canon that would be AFO. Obviously in real life I would get along with Yoichi a lot better and like him so much more. But in the story he is more of a plot device then a character. STILL WAITING ON YOICHI POV OF HIS CHILDHOOD BUT STARTING TO THINK WE AREN'T GETTING IT.
We get more out of Kudou and Bruce, while Yoichi is just oh look he so tragic. But man isn't even allowed to speak his own story or express himself fully. 😭
Note I love Yoichi I do, but his personality is basically, heroic, first user and AFO little brother. He gives basically NOTHING for me story wise to work with at the moment. And when you aren't someone that into his ships that personality that makes him even harder to write with. You would think we get something in the back story right? But his role is still very much the same, heroic baby brother and AFO little brother. It never delved into.
It does allow more freedom to decide whatever, but I don't LIKE deciding whatever. If it isn't obvious when I write I only write using what canon has actually shown as evidence in their personality. And this is the thing I struggle with when writing Yoichi. We've been given crumbs on Yoichi EVEN THOUGH his life was just as shitty he seems... Fine???
I seriously doubt that but canon isn't showing me anything and he's so detached from AFO it kind of makes me go wtf you're so heartless. Like yeah he an ass but aren't you a little sad about him dying or just some pity- Closest thing was him talking to AFO and Kudou in that flashback but even that was from AFO AND KUDOU POV. Like are you serious? Give this man something!!!
And it means I struggle to write with him as don't have any introspection of him to work with along with his lack of talking point not involving his brother.
Doesn't mean I can't, as I try my best to make the closest assessment to his character as I can. But it why I end up more drawn to AFO when it comes to the stories I write.
I prefer AFO and he is my favorite character. Would I like the adult self in real life? Hell no, I would despise adult him but that natural as he still a bad person, but as a character and for a story he is amazing. He is someone that is shown many different layers among all the lies, falsehood, and denial. The backstory shown gave me so much to chew on because his childhood was a god damn mess. I can write tragic stuff because I know how he would handle it, basically not well at all with dissociating and denial.
It showed him surviving in a cruel world where those were power were scorned and hated. How he and his brother were neglected as well as ignored like Tomura were. The dead look in his eyes, how he struck out against those talking about attacking metahumans. How he tried to bond with Yoichi and related to the villain surrounded by people.
How he wanted everyone to be like Yoichi, aka someone he provided for and always looked at him. To be acknowledged always by everyone and relied on.
As people I adore Yoichi more. But for writing and story purposes, AFO is my god damn favorite poor little meow meow. As I love the tragedy and torture that comes into creating such a monster. To show my sympathies and pity for the man who couldn't be anything but this.
Now saying all that. Give me some Yoichi backstory from his POV god dammit. I'm struggling writing him and I'm doing my best with the scraps given.
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