A journal of self discovery and figuring out why I like the erotic wrestling things I like. For more content, check out: https://guywrestlingaddiction.blogspot.com/
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Brandon Aldrich (bgeast.com, movimuswrestling.com) / Dragonfly (bgeast.com)
As is often the case, I was lured in by this performer's hot body and then won over by his awesome wrestling. The first match I saw Brandon Aldrich in was against Justin Pierce in his wrestling spotlight on bgeast.com. And while I'm sure most were drawn to Justin's smooth and perfectly sculpted body, I much preferred Brandon's taller, in-shape but less chiseled look.

Brandon Aldrich (bgeast.com and movimuswrestling.com)
Brandon's performances however, truly won me over with his next appearances that balanced the perfect proportion of suffering (when up against Vinny Trevino) and seduction (versus Lance Jeffers, Dino Sierra, Jarret Cole). The suffering, by the way, with Brandon strung up on the ropes by Vinny is shear sex.
Later to my surprise, I found Brandon on movimuswrestling.com up against a number of hot jocks. Although chronologically, he looked a bit younger in these matches than his appearances on Bgeast, he still had that same hot body and damn could the boy wrestle! I watched Brandon in two matches on this site and while great, my only complaint is that with all freestyle wrestling, the pace did not get to show off Brandon's hot, lean body enough for my liking.
If that weren't enough, Brandon's body of work was not done, as one day I came across him by accident as The Dragonfly on Bgeast. It's funny how I didn't recognize him earlier, as this match had been out for awhile and there was no doubt that this buff, imposing superhero was Brandon. I particularly loved how the tall stud (billed as 6feet tall, although he seems larger) is manhandled and overcome by a much smaller fighter. Simply nothing is better in my mind than a stud putting out a terrific performance, like Brandon, gingerly walking the line between suffering and seduction.

Brandon Aldrich aka Mr.Suffering and Seduction
Appearances [Not all shown]
1. Brandon Aldrich (bgeast.com)

Wrestlespotlight: Justin Pierce - Brandon Aldrich v Justin Pierce

X-Fights 29 - Brandon Aldrich v Jarret Cole (bgeast.com)

Clobber the Jobber 1 - Brandon Aldrich v Vinny Trevino (bgeast.com)
2. Brandon Aldrich (movimuswrestling.com)

Brandon Aldrich v Justin Roberts (movimuswrestling.com)

Brandon Aldrich v Bobby Bigelow (movimuswrestling.com)
3. Dragonfly (bgeast.com)

Superhero Heels 4- Dragonfly v Black Spider (bgeast.com)
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Reese Wells (bgeast.com) / Brody Hancock (rockhardwresting.com) / Stinger (bgeast.com)
My tastes have definitely changed over time. Back when I first came out I only had eyes for a certain type of guy - skinny, buff, and above all cute. Reese Wells fit my past ideal type of guy to a T and so when I saw him years and years ago I purchased his match, Ball Bash 2 with Johnny Firestorm. Since then, my tastes have evolved to admire guys that are a bit meatier, hairier, and handsome, over cute.

Reese Wells (bgeast.com) and Brody Hancock (rockhardwrestling.com)
That said, Ball Bash 2, his first appearance on Bgeast (in terms of releases anyway) is in my opinion still his best performance and I suspect he owes a lot of this to Johnny. Johnny Firestorm, the consonant professional, was an excellent heel to Reese - throwing that light weight body around like it was nothing and punishing him in ways I haven't seen since. Later Reese put out some decent matches against massive Mitch Colby, brutal Jobe Zander, fellow twink Billy Lodi, and others, but none seemed to compare to his first release. His Bgeast wrestling matches peaked early in my opinion. Later, while I was still in my cute twink phase, I found this performer again on Rockhardwrestling.com, this time as Brody Hancock. Talk about cute city ... you would think I would devour each and every hot guy on the site, but low and behold I was let down. Perhaps my expectations were too high or I had moved on to prefer handsome over cute, but while the wrestling was fine, I was simply spoiled by the excellent work brought out by Bgeast and quickly lost interest in Brody.
The last time I caught up with this performer, he was squaring off in a superhero bout as Stinger v Cage Thunder and Lightning Rod in Masked Mayhem 9. This match definitely had potential for me (2-on-1, dirty tricks, humiliation) and I'd rank it just a notch below his first appearance in Ball Bash 2.
So on the one hand, I don't regularly visit these matches anymore as my taste in guys and wrestling performances have both moved on. But on the other hand, I did catch this performer while I was still in my cute guy phase and I got the timing exactly right here, so there's that.
Appearances [Not all shown]
1. Reese Wells (bgeast.com)

Ball Bash 2 - Reese Wells v Johnny Firestorm (bgeast.com)

Backyard Brawls 8 - Reese Wells v Mitch Colby (bgeast.com)It's not even a fair fight with the hulking Mitch dominating Reese

Sunshine Shooters 6 - Reese Wells v Billy Lodi (bgeast.com)
2. Brody Hancock (rockhardwrestling.com)

The Brink - Brody Hancock v Shane Lawson (rockhardwrestling.com)

Brutal - Brody Hancock v Zack Johnathan (rockhardwrestling.com)
3. Stinger (bgeast.com)

Masked Mayhem 9 - Stinger v Lightning Rod and Thunder (bgeast.com)
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Morgan Cruise (bgeast.com) / Morgan Cruise/Jason Rhodes/The Finisher (muscledominationwrestling.com)
I'm almost intimidated to write about Morgan Cruise, but I really need to otherwise this blog would be missing an incredible talent. My Morgan fandom began a few years back when I viewed this fresh faced wrestler squaring off against Lon Dumont in Rookie Wreckers 1 on bgeast.com.

Morgan Cruise (bgeast.com) and Morgan Cruise/Jason Rhodes/The Finisher (muscledominationwrestling.com)
What's notable about this match is that, this is the only one I could find on Bgeast where a shy Morgan acts the Jobber role with Lon completely dominating him. As I've mentioned a few times, I am fascinated by wrestling performances that evolve over time and how the performers grow into their characters. Morgan is a prime example; morphing from shy Jobber to over-the-top wrestling super villain.
I later found Morgan Cruise on the aptly named muscledominationwrestling.com site and all I can say is - wow! Morgan's steps up his heel performance, amp-ing up his super villain role times 100. Now typically I hold Bgeast's matches above all others however, in Morgan's case, I'd have to rank them as tied with his work on this site, much of which I still haven't watched yet.
Finally I do recall Morgan having his own short lived website that I can no longer find (Mastodon something) and while I did want to grab those matches, I was sufficiently gorged on his other content and I simply could not handle more and now they're gone forever.
But on the bright side, if you haven't seen any of this performer's matches (highly unlikely since you're reading this blog) or simply want to view them again for maximum effect, I'd recommend this order:
First Bgeast with Rookie Wreckers 1, then Strip Stakes 3,
Next I'd swing on over to muscledominationwrestling.com for Supermen 6.2 and 6.4 along with anything like his early work like Alpha Seduction 1. Then hit up Daddy's Home 7 for a change of pace.
And lastly, track back to Bgeast for WrestleShack 18, and ending on a high note, Tag Team Torture 16 for an epic 2-on-1 match.
Sometimes the wrestling pretty boys get all the attention but really where would they be if they weren't facing off against a talented villain? I really can't say enough good things about Morgan's performance. He truly takes his wrestling game to a whole new level and I can't think of any other wrestler out there who produces this level of quality.
Appearances [Not all shown]
1. Morgan Cruise (bgeast.com)

Rookie Wreckers 1 - Morgan Cruise v Lon Dumont (bgeast.com)

Strip Stakes 3 - Morgan Cruise v Damien Rush (bgeast.com)

Wrestler Spotlight: Morgan Cruise v Diego Diaz, Tony Law, Chace La Chance

Wrestleshack 18 - Morgan Cruise v Len Harder (bgeast.com)

Tag Team Torture 16 - Morgan Cruise v Christian Taylor and Skip Vance (bgeast.com)
2. Morgan Cruise / Jason Rhodes / The Finisher (muscledominationwrestling.com)

Alpha Seduction 1 - Jason Rhodes v Bryce Barrigan (muscledominationwrestling.com)

Supermen 6.2 - The Finisher v Magnifico (muscledominationwrestling.com)

Supermen 6.4 - The Finisher v Magnifico (muscledominationwrestling.com)
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Chase (bgeast.com, BG Enterprises/Can-am.com)
I have a special affinity for obscure, fresh faced wrestlers and Chase (one name only) completely fits this description. Moreover, he just had that look of some guy in college we all had crushes on and I was just waiting for that "meet cute" to get to know him better ... and I'm projecting again.

Chase (bgeast.com and BG Enterprises/Can-am.com)
My first time watching Chase in action was against another star I frequently revisit, Scott Rogers. Now Scott is clearly, 10 times the wrestler Chase is however, there is just something about Chase. He is good looking for sure and he seems good natured, but there is just something compelling about him that I couldn't stop watching. He later appeared in a number of matches, and I loved his attitude throughout his performances - kind of like "aw shucks, okay guys I'm here for some good clean fun .... whoa why are you doing grabbing me there?" I also found him in a solo appearance where he gets busy with himself, and while nice, my favorite appearance was Chase v Kid Leopard with that terrific ending involving his hot hairy legs wrapped around a helpless Kid Leopard. Talk about a shocker!
Later Chase also appeared on BG Enterprises against Thom Katt in Sexy Trio. Now I'm probably cheating here listing him as appearing in two different wrestling productions due to the similarities, but it does give me a good excuse to talk about Chase and that continuity in his performances is something I do like about him. When watching one of Chase's matches, you will get to see a cute guy with a fantastic body that reminds you of someone from your youth whom you wish you wrestled.
Appearances [Not all shown]
1. Chase (bgeast.com)

A Pro in Private 1 - Chase v Bryan (bgeast.com)

Private Bouts 50-53 - Chase v Kid Leopard (bgeast.com)I love this scene on so many levels. Although Kid Leopard wins the match, he is so turned on that he leaves himself vulnerable and is ultimately tamed by Chase!

Private Bouts 54-57 - Chase v Scott Rogers (bgeast.com)

Muscle Showcase - Chase (bgeast.com)
2. Chase (BG Enterprises)

Sexy Trio - Chase v Thom Katt (BG Enterprises)
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Everything Great About a Match: Bobby Horton v Jobe Zander (bgeast.com)
Everything Great About a Match: +8
Bobby Horton v Jobe Zander (bgeast.com)
SPOILER ALERT: I highly recommend viewing this match in its entirety before reading this post.
So let's begin: +1: The setup. Our match opens with a rivalry between America and Canada, experience (Jobe) versus Youth (Bobby), Heel versus Hero. I love that gay wrestling opens up with these stakes - it's not just a romp on the wrestling mats but a point of pride and the consequences are definitely real.

+1: Further underlining our stakes - Jobe makes everything personal. He makes it clear from the start that you won't just lose to him but you will be crushed, and crushed hard. You won't just submit, you will be broken. Hell this deserves a bonus point [+1] for how much these two commit to the performance and how complete our hero's destruction feels.

Jobe takes us there. Takes our hero to the edge of defeat.
Bobby struggles to open his eyes and wearily re-examines his life choices.

Ripping that mask off of Bobby is further humiliation.

And still more humiliation ..

This isn't pro wrestling but you are being destroyed professionally.
+1: Our guys get sweaty. Proof that wrestling is real. Jobe and Bobby get each other hot and bothered. Muscles strained, sweat glistening and accentuating each and every move. These guys work hard and working each other over is hard work!

+1: For the defeat. I mean can you top that defeated look on Bobby's face. The man is completely spent and subdued by Jobe's comically terrible villainy. Bobby knows how to job and Jobe knows how to crush it in the crushing jobber department.
Jobe goes from gently mussing up Bobby's hair ...
.. to conquest.
+1: A point for this move. Helplessly hung out on the ropes, Bobby is vulnerable and completely at the mercy of Jobe. Jobe by the way, simply shows no mercy. There's just something extra to the move that goes beyond just being tied up in the ropes. Bobby is hung out to dry and crucified in a way only gay wrestling can provide.

+1: For the payback. Bobby's not just going to lay there and take it. He tried the honorable way, to fight with integrity ... but that just won't work with a supervillain like Jobe. No, Bobby needs to fight dirt with dirt and boy does our man get dirty. Laying into Jobe not once but multiple times into his crotch.

You don't mess with another wrestler's gimmick and get away with it.

Our comeback is almost complete and Bobby knows it.
+1: For the triumph. Sure Bobby could win right now but he needs to show our villain that there are consequences to evil and sure it's fun too. He not only destroys Jobe's weakness but destroys it hard and with a brutality heroes aren't supposed to show. Part of the fun here is seeing our hero pushed beyond decency and embrace his own inner heel.

Bobby doesn't need a win anymore, he needs to embrace his inner heel.
------- Everything Great About this Match: +8
So there you have it. If Bobby and Jobe aren't on your radar, well you better get with it cause these two in their prime were a sight to see. Bobby looks incredible whether he's suffering at the hands of the over-the-top heel or dominating in his own right. Jobe is a real life super villain in the way he completely owns and debases our poor hero. I'm always trying to figure out why I love gay wrestling, it is the point of this blog after all, and I can't deny myself that this match has it all. Heartbreak, Redemption, Triumph. Gay wrestling goes above and beyond typical pornography and matches like this showcase why it's just so great.

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Jonah Richards (bgeast.com) / Travis (hbwl.net)
Some guys are attractive because they remind you of someone from your real life. That's how I feel about Jonah Richards. The instant I saw him I thought, "wow, that's a hotter version of XXXXX". And maybe I'm alone here, but don't we all have that one friend that we're not totally into, but always deep down wondered what it would be like to wrestle with?
Jonah Richards (bgeast.com) and Travis (hbwl.net)
And while the fact that Jonah reminds me of someone drew me to purchase his video - it was his performance in Undergear 13 with Devon Cade, that sealed the deal. Devon (also hot) provided awesome give and take with Jonah until the incredibly sexy climax. Needless to say, after viewing that match, I grabbed all the Jonah videos I could find on Bgeast and none have disappointed me yet. He had that handsome face, that sleek sexy body, and frankly he had some terrific performance partners as well. Bgeast did an excellent job pairing him with performers that brought out great work in each other.
A few years later I found this performer again on hbwl.net, this time as Travis. And while Travis/Jonah was still as handsome as ever, hbwl did have it's own unique style and I never really got into that action. Going back to my earlier thought, it helped me appreciate his work at Bgeast, and if anything made them even hotter to me in retrospect.
Appearances [Not all listed]
1. Jonah Richards (bgeast.com)
Undergear 19 - Jonah Richards v Rocco (bgeast.com)
Undergear 13 - Jonah Richards v Devon Cade (bgeast.com)
Raunchy Rookies 7 - Jonah Richards v Ken Okada (bgeast.com)
Taylor's Twinks - Jonah Richards v Christian Taylor (bgeast.com)
Raunchy Rookies 4 - Jonah Richards v Brett Page (bgeast.com)
Gazebo Grapplers 11 - Jonah Richards v Jeremy Burk (bgeast.com)
Matmen 20 - Jonah Richards v Len Harder (bgeast.com)
On a side note, Jonah has a great scene in the match: While controlling Len in a headlock, he can't help himself by teasing his opponent's nipple with his mouth and saying "your nipple tastes good".
2. Travis (hbwl.net)
Travis v Brad (hbwl.net)There were a number of Travis matches, but aside from the good looking guy, it didn't keep my interest.
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Landon Mycles (can-am.com, hardheros.com) / Marcus Mojo
There are some guys you just expect they'll be hot. I first experienced Landon Mycles on the can-am.com site, long before I first saw him on other sex sites, and I just knew from the cover of Pro Tag Team Sex Fights 1, that I'd be drawn to Landon. That hot build, those beautiful eyes, and that sexy ass. It came as a surprise to me later that Landon also had a well established library of existing sex films. I was doubly surprised to find out how great this match was. Landon put up a hot fight and Aryx/Brenden got a good performance out of him.

Landon Mycles (can-am.com) and Marcus Mojo (Falcon.com)
Originally I expected a short wrestling match with a focus on the sex, instead however, I got a sweaty Landon putting up a terrific fight and often getting double teamed in the process (bonus points for 2-on-1). His other Can-am matches were also well done, including Pro Sex Fight 1 and a few of his superhero performances. All and all, Landon produced some fantastic work and I love it when sex performers surprise me by putting out amazing wrestling performances.
Appearances [Not all shown]
1. Landon Mycles (can-am.com)

Pro Tag Team Sex Battle 1 - Landon Mycles and Jake Lyons v Aryx Quinn and Brenden Cage (can-am.com)

Pro Sex Fight 1 - Landon Mycles v Michael Vineland

Pro Sex Fight 17 - Landon Mycles v Topher Dimaggio (can-am.com)
2. Marcus Mojo (Falcon.com and other porn sites)

The Best of Marcus Mojo - Marcus Mojo and Rusty Stevens (Falcon.com)
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Cali-Boy (can-am.com, wrestler4hire.com, herohunks.com, undergroundwrestler.com) / Mic Long (thundersarena.com)
Watching professional wrestling as a kid, I was always attracted to the "Jobber". The sexier guy in the ring often suffering at the hands of the tougher wrestler. My friends and I would watch WCW every Saturday, and while they would obsess over the main heel, my full attention was on the Jobber. This brings me to my next performer; I first saw Cali-Boy on wrestler4hire.com - read complete Jobber material. And while he was extremely handsome, I never really got around to viewing his matches until he appeared on can-am.com. Watching his matches, I thought "well this is exactly what I expected" (in a good way). You see I expected Cali-Boy to be the jobber and play up the suffering on that long sleek body - he certainly did not disappoint.
Cali-Boy's many performances (can-am.com, wrestler4hire.com, herohunks.com, undergroundwrestler.com)

Mic Long (thundersarena.com)
He also appears as Mic Long on thundersarena.com. Same smoking hot body, same hot performance. Regardless of the name, I appreciate Cali-Boy/Mic Long's consistency in his matches and every single one I've downloaded has come out exactly as you'd expect. Watching him wrestle is comforting like Saturday mornings, well, as comforting as one can be watching a sex jock getting pummeled by an aggressive heel.
Appearances [Not all shown] Note - there's a lot of overlap with Cali-Boy across wrestling sites.
1. Cali-Boy (can-am.com)
Please - Not My Nuts! - Cali-Boy v Cal Bennet (can-am.com)
2. Cali-Boy (wrestle4hire.com/herohunks.com)

Steel Boy v Tsunami (herohunks.com)

Cali-Boy v Christian Thorn (wrestler4hire.com)

Cali-Boy v Chace La Chance (Guest Ref) (wrestler4hire.com)

Cali-Boy v Ace Owens (Best Friends Battle) (wrestler4hire.com)
2. Cali-Boy/Kid of Steel (undergroundwrestler.com)
Kid of Steel v Muscleboy (undergroundwrestler.com)
2. Mic Long (thundersarena.com)

Vegas Battle 55 - Mic Long and Scrappy v Vidar (thundersarena.com)

Vegas Battles 52 - Mic Long v Cap (thundersarena.com)

Vegas Battle 51 - Mic Long v Cason
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Nigel (can-am.com) / Miles (nextdoorstudios.com)
Guys with an "average" but fit build are always hotter than the muscly guy rat in my opinion. So while Can-am.com does have some hot wrestling performers, in the past these guys were just too buff and muscly for my taste.
So while I was browsing Can-am one day, I came across a guy I could throw my sex fantasies behind - Nigel was in good shape, not too muscly, and put out a decent performance. Although I was mainly drawn to his look, the wrestlers he was paired with also pulled out a good performance from him. He suffered well and his hot body took his punishment like a champ.
I found him later on a straight for gay site (nextdoorstudios.com), this time as Miles and while he had that same undeniably hot body - it didn't do the trick for me and I moved on.
Nigel (Room Service, can-am.com) and Miles (Naughty Neighbors 5, nextdoorstudios.com)
Appearances [Not all listed]
1. Nigel (can-am.com)

Room Service - Nigel and JC (can-am.com)

Tough Guys Try-outs - Nigel and Kriss Wood (can-am.com)
2. Miles (nextdoorstudios.com)
Naughty Neighbors 3 - Miles and Dallas (nextdoorstudios.com)
Naughty Neighbors 5 - Miles and Kiera (nextdoorstudios.com)
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Everything Great About: Matmen 15 Cole Cassidy v Mitch Colby (bgeast.com)
Everything Great About this Match: +11
Cole Cassidy v Mitch Colby (Bgeast.com)
SPOILER ALERT: I highly recommend viewing this match in its entirety before reading this post.
So let's begin:
+1: Mitch looks fantastic during this match! He's got one of the best bodies at bgeast.

+1: The match starts off strong with an opening scene featuring Mitch trapped and pummeled in the corner. The performance by Mitch is terrific!

+1: That first pin is fantastic. Mitch gets owned, then as he slowly limps away to the corner, to add to the humiliation, Cole sits on him to show him who's in charge.

+1: Then the inevitable turning point when massive Mitch goes all He-man on Cole.

"Get that outta here." "I said. Get that outta here!"
+1: I love the size difference in wrestlers. Massive Mitch is billed at 6'2" with Cole at 5'8". Unlike similar wrestling pairings, I totally believed that the formidable Cole, albeit smaller, could take on mighty Mitch.

+1: For this submission. Mitch looks amazing pulling off this hold. Cole can't help but submit to this.

+1: For this hold - Cole is forced to grovel-climb up Mitch's body. Just when he makes it to the top, he's punished further with a pec-claw. Hell this deserves a bonus point [+1].
+1: For the multiple bearhugs. Cole is down and forced to climb mountain Mitch only to succumb to multiple bearhugs. Climb-bearhug-submit and repeat.

+1: The heel turn was great. Predictable and yet not overly done or unbelievable. Again it truly shows the level of talent involved by both wrestlers.
+1: That ending with Mitch on the receiving end and forced to grovel-climb Cole. This whole scene could've been overdone or silly but they both made it work.

Total great things about this match = 11
So there you have it. Both performers look phenomenal and the wrestling action is among the very best in my opinion. They each put a lot of time and effort into this match and it clearly shows. I also love how each fighter plays to their strengths - Mitch's size and strength, Cole's experience and tenacity. This is definitely one of my favorite wrestling matches of all-time.

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Steve Kelly (BG Enterprises) / Steve Wiles (Bgeast)
Some performers come and go in an instant. I first saw Steve Kelly at BG Enterprises' Arena 15 on their stream per minute site. As is often the case, I ended up spending more per minute on repeat viewings than if I actually purchased the video. Initially I was all about Steve and how hot he was but over time, I realized how much I liked his performance, and as importantly, how good his co-star's performance was to get it out of Steve. It was in this video long ago, when I had my belated "a-ha" moment about jobber-heel chemistry.
Wanting more of Steve, I recall hours searching through the internet to find more of him but finding nothing. Then one day, out of the blue, Bgeast offered his match with Kid Leopard on their Arena site, it was like finding treasure on the beach - buried beneath the sand and uncovered by the waves, appearing without any work whatsoever. Spontaneous porn is by far the best porn.
Steve Kelly (Arena 15: Steve Kelly v Raw Deal, BG Enterprises) and Steve Wiles (Kid Leopard in Hollywood: Steve Wiles v Kid Leopard, bgeast.com)
Alas, other than these two matches, there doesn't appear to be any others that I came access. There is another match listed on Hollywood Muscleboy 1 (reference: gayeroticvideoindex.com) however, I can't locate that anywhere. Oh well, it does give me something to look forward to and perhaps one day I'll find it out of the blue and spontaneously it will make my day.
Appearances [not all listed - I hope!]
1. Steve Kelly (BG Enterprises)

Arena 15 - Steve Kelly v Raw Deal (BG Enterprises)
2. Steve Wiles (bgeast.com)
Kid Leopard in Hollywood - Steve Wiles v Kid Leopard (bgeast.com)
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What Turned me Gay (not really): Bgeast turned me gay
Bgeast turned me gay, in case it wasn't obvious enough. Bgeast transformed my casual gay porn viewing into an obsession. The company turned a minor interest into a full blown passion, and ignited something within me. Without Bgeast exposing me to the rich tapestry of erotic wrestling styles I'd be a very different person with a limited world view of guys having plain vanilla sex. And what a shame all that would've been.

The place that started it all for me ...
What turned me gay (not really) ... This post, inspired by the sidelineland.com blog, takes a tongue and cheek look into "what made me gay (not really)" and in thinking about gay wrestling, it's helpful to go back to what Bgeast gets right.

I'm still nostalgic for those older Bgeast catalogs

Bgeast was focused on the gay wrestling artform and less so on the porn It wasn't the first gay porn I found on the internet but somehow it was the last one that seemed to matter. Of course I had seen men having sex with other men on the internet and I had even seen other gay "wrestling" sites out there but Bgeast was something different. Something both real and fantasy come to life. It felt as though the creators of Bgeast had somehow downloaded all my desires, everything I defined as passion, and laid it out there for all to see.

I found can-am and while I loved Jimmy Dean and the studio's high production values, something was just missing ... Bgeast was different. Sex wasn't the main attraction, in fact, most videos didn't show nudity. Gay wrestling was the focus and it showed up with a singular devotion that suited me. Bgeast made me realize the importance that passion played in sex. Sounds strange right? So bear with me because I'm only realizing this about myself also.
A story told through wrestling While porn focused on just the sex and just getting your rocks off, gay wrestling told an epic tale of strength. Each match was a give-and-take of emotional highs and lows, making the ultimate payoff all the more worthwhile. Like a thrilling movie only showing me clips of the trailer, conventional porn left me empty and wanting more. The climax, if you will, was only satisfying if there was some conflict involved in the pay off. Who will win? How will the match end? Sure in all wrestling matches, the stories may all be similar, but there was just something I yearned for in those gay wrestling stories of lust, humiliation, and triumph. Other porn just seemed one dimensional by comparison.

Huge fan of Harley from Sean Cody but I needed more. To this day some people only focus on the sex and they are missing out because not all porn is sex.

Ryan was another stud I enjoyed in porn but was aching to see wrestle, even for a second.
Now Harley in the wrestling ring is something I could get behind! Not Bgeast but Nrw. Instead of guys rushing through their love making, gay wrestling offered a lot more intimacy - the struggle, the humiliation, the heartbreak, all contained with a match. I don't blame the guys of porn or conventional porn studios, but there was just not enough there to grab my interest. Gay wrestling told stories about all the triumphs of human emotion and Bgeast was story telling at its best. Take for example, Flyboy versus Jose:

Flyboy v Jose - Bgeast gay wrestling at its best and a masterclass in storytelling. We begin with two gladiators circling each other - Our men size each other up and we can almost feel the testosterone wafting between these two.

Our men test each other's strength. There can be only one winner and the one thing we can all be sure of is that the loser will be thoroughly humiliated.
*Cheap shot* Flyboy: You'll pay for that one ...
There's rising action between our two fighters and we wait breathlessly to see who comes out on top. While our story may be refashioned countless times, we are never quite sure who or how our victor will triumph.

A pin or submission closes our match and signals the alpha wrestler for us... or does it?

Bonus points for the double cross or a second climax with our heel stealing victory away from the hot young hero.

Falling action - how does our winner take what he wants and how far will the humiliation go? The last moments of our match cap off an incredible match and leave us sharing in our heel's satisfaction.

All of these factors were missing in conventional porn. Gay wrestling went beyond foreplay to excite my imagination and took it beyond its limits. Bgeast knew how to tell a good story and led me to places I never knew porn could take me.
Wanting what I can't have
Further teasing my thirst for wrestling was the fact that I couldn't have it all at once. Bgeast had been around for a minute so their impressive back catalogs were sealed away behind VHS tapes I had no access to, making me want them even more. Each week, every Thursday, I'd log onto the Bgeast Arena and pray that a long lost match would be available on demand. I waited years for a few matches to appear...

Derek DaSilva v Lukas Skott: I wanted a long time to see this match...
I have vivid memories of logging onto the site, scanning for a few select matches before being flooded with joy when I saw them appear. Matches from Flyboy, Lukas Skott, Chase, Marky Mark, and Tory Baker, were the ones I longed for. Then when I finally found them it was like Christmas morning ... another seemingly unobtainable match was found further completing my gay wrestling journey.
Troy Baker v the Sheriff Every Thursday I hoped to see this show up on-demand.
Marky Mark v Dan Donovan After years of waiting I finally found the match I had been dying to see.
Like a ritual, Thursdays were the day I prayed for the Bgeast matches I longed for to appear. When my prayers were answered, it was a feeling like no other.
Porn is a fling but gay wrestling is passion
It's clear when hearing the men of bgeast talk about their journeys that gay wrestling is pure passion. They say you only have one great love in your life, and for these guys, they’ve found it. Sure, wrestling might just be a job for some—even gay wrestling can feel like work—but when it’s done right, when every move clicks into place and the chemistry is undeniable, it’s as if this is what they were born to do.

Kid Vicious: Even while having sex with guys I'd be thinking about wrestling because that's what I needed to do to get turned on.
And finally, figuring out why I love gay wrestling is the whole purpose of this blog. Understanding why I’m drawn to the fight between men, why I see it as intimate as any kiss, and why the act of testing each other through wrestling resonates so deeply. As Kid Leopard once said, "It is the most intimate two men ever are with one another," and that quote echoes in my mind every time I crave that connection. In truth, my so-called guy-wrestling-addiction is much more than that—it’s a guy-wrestling-passion.
To share the immortal words of Mr. Shane McCall:
Shane McCall: ... they said I validated them in being who they were. They didn't feel weird. They didn't feel like a misfit or out of a community.
You see, it’s not really an addiction—it’s all connected. The intimate stories, the longing for matches just out of reach, and the undeniable passion that is gay wrestling. It’s a journey as unique to me as it is to all of you, and without a doubt, it’s something that shaped me (though not really turn me gay… or did it?).
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That Wrestling Moment: Proving you can fight - Michael Crowe v Devin (thundersarena.com)
Once in a while, a match will come along that turns your perception of gay wrestling on its head. Up is down, strong is weak, jobber bait can even be an alpha hunk. Today's wrestling moment is simply about proving yourself and being all you can be.
Michael Crowe v Devin (thundersarena.com)
SPOILER ALERT: I highly recommend viewing this match in its entirety before reading this post.
The Backstory
We begin with classic wrestling trash talk. Devin enters spouting about how he wants to hurt everyone. Veins bulging from his arms, he casually lays it out there that no wrestler, no man out there can stop him.

Devin is ready to devour all the pretty boys out there.

When in comes our pretty boy now ...The man is built like superman and puts other wrestlers to shame.

Michael: Not only am I pretty ... I came here to fight too!
The Action
Things go about how you would expect with Michael and Devin locking up. Michael my be pretty but the guy is still a big strong dude, a fact that Devin seems to have misjudged based on his groans.

Eventually though, our heel finds his footing and puts Michael away. There isn't a lot of back and forth in the match - Devin simply finds the best way to put that long, lean, model-esque body in pain and bam, there you have it. Fall one is over.

Michael tapped out and looking vulnerable.
Round 2 doesn't go Michael's way either. The lovable jock valiantly fights back only to be leveled with an atomic drop to the groin.

Michael vows to reclaim some of that big man energy.
Michael's impressive package is of course the target of attack.
At this point things seem personal for Devin. He doesn't just want to win, the big hulking brute wants to destroy the pretty boy. It's a story as old as time really. Handsome, strapping newcomer comes along and hopes to replace the old guard - well Devin is not having any of that.
Michael groans and helplessly flails those long limbs around
Now at this point you'd be forgiven if you mistook this for a squash job. Our helpless hunk, the personal trainer, the wrestling wannabe Michael really hasn't given us one reason to think otherwise. All we've seen so far is a jobber destroyed at the jealous hands of a bitter heel.

Looks like it's the end for our hero ... or is it?
Our Moment
Michael groans in pain as the vengeful heel stomps his gross foot on his chest. Devin's smile gave away his satisfaction at destroying something so beautiful. In Devin's mind, there was always someone prettier or better looking out there but today that handsome jock was getting owned and humiliated.
Michael fights back or how he finally "gets" gay wrestling

Michael works the advantage for all it's worth and mounts his opponent.
Our moment today is not when we see Michael pin or submit his opponent. No, our moment is when he proves he's got what it takes to stay in the match.
Devin attempts a cheap shot of his own. Punching dangerously close to our man's package.
Our moment is seeing our abused, humiliated, hero, limp to his feet and get ready for more beat downs.
Michael dry humped into submission
But not before a sweaty Michael is tossed on Devin's shoulders and thoroughly emasculated.
Right about now you're thinking that this is the end. Michael proved he can take the punishment and he's just about used up all his nine lives. Afterall, it's gay wrestling cannon to see a young hot jobber dominated by a older, stronger heel.
Michael summons the last of his strength, he overpowers Devin
So think again, if you bet against Michael Crowe's sweaty abs of steel, then you my friend are sure to lose.
You see those muscles aren't just for show. Those abs can take the punishment.

Michael thinking - is that all you got? His abs can take all that and more!

This is Michael Crowe - 200lbs of muscle and I own this mat!
So there you have it. In his debut, Michael proves his pretty face can take a punch sure but those abs, that incredible body, completes the total package and can take anything gay wrestling throws his way. Scratch what I said earlier about our moment being Michael taking his punishment - our real moment is when the man turns from pretty face into a gay wrestling action hero.
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That Wrestling Moment: Hunted - Mark Hunter v Clint Morgan (bgeast.com) - Part 2 (or the prequel)
Mark Hunter is back (or maybe his first match?) and this time he's facing off with Clint Morgan. Boy does Mark have a knack for fighting off alpha heels - BBW and Clint - no wonder the guy had a short appearance on bgeast. The poor guy was destroyed by the best!
Mark Hunter v Clint Morgan (bgeast.com)
SPOILER ALERT: I highly recommend viewing this match in its entirety before reading this post.
The Backstory
While the man only appeared twice, I have vivid memories of Mark Hunter matches. That tall, attractive frame was like cat nip to me and all the heels out there. I mean check him out:

I mean that smile ...
Now here comes Clint, a man you definitely do not want staring you down. I mean look at that face!

The man's face is a mixture of supreme confidence combined with being bored already with this kid.
The Action
Now I'm unsure which came first, BBW or Clint, but I could see his match with Clint as the prequel. A young fresh faced rookie, so eager to make his mark (no pun intended) that he signs up against Clint unaware of the guy's brutal reputation. Poor Mark is in for a rude awakening, consider the following:

The man doesn't even get the chance to get up before Clint mercilessly pummels him.

Clint showing off how much of a bad ass he is.
Our Moment(s)
But I did say this was a prequel to the BBW match and I'd like to think that midway through this fight, Clint had an idea. While rubbing up against this sexy jobber - he knew instantly that BBW would want to decimate this man.

Clint might be straight but even he can guess that this attractive, strapping man would be just the bait for BBW to let his guard down. And put down his guard he does, just enough for Clint to get in some cheap shots against this man.
Fast forward to the BBW-Hunter match and this was the plan all along. Use Mark to distract BBW and humiliate that heel!

A helpless BBW was the end game all along ... or is it?
But that's one way of looking at it... another is that this is the sequel and that after seeing Mark destroyed at the hands of BBW, Clint knew he had to crush anything his nemesis had touched.
Or was this the plan - use Hunter like a toy. Show BBW that what's yours is also mine.
You see, this Clint-BBW thing isn't just personal, it's primal. If BBW crushes a jobber, Clint needs to know that he can do it also.

You are nothing. Your manhood is nothing compared to mine.

This is my ring and you are my jobber.
You think BBW owned you? No, I can own you better.
I said it before and I'll say it again, gay wrestling really is a choose your own adventure for you - the audience. Whichever scenario you accept we all know the outcome - Mark Hunter was obliterated to the point that the poor man couldn't go on. His gay wrestling story was cut short which is a shame because his two wrestling matches definitely are classic.

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That Wresting Moment: The abs bash match - Kayden Keller v Carter Alexander (bgeast.com)
Gay wrestling doesn't have to be complicated. Sometimes all it takes is one jealous heel + one meat head jock, mix in some ab bashing and there you have a match. But looks can be deceiving and look beyond that pink pummeled mid section and you have another layer of gay wrestling subtext.
Kayden Keller v Carter Alexander (bgeast.com)
SPOILER ALERT: I highly recommend viewing this match in its entirety before reading this post.
The Backstory Enter Carter Alexander. The man gets an A for Alexander and an A for Abs. The man is built like an action figure I used to play with.

The Action
What's the story? Kayden sees a hot hunky Carter and feels a urge to break that tall jock. Carter looks like the kind of man's man that gets into bar fights and brags about his conquests to his bros. Carter is all alpha in appearance and Kayden needs to make him weak.
Carter: We're going to have a good clean fight right?
Kayden: Sure ... After a cheap shot to bring the jock down, we are immediately treated to the ab bash. There are simply too many ab bashes to keep track of.

The Moment
So what makes this match more than just an S&M bash fest? Sure there's more than enough pink and bruised abs to go around but like I've said countless times, Gay wrestling is simply so much more! It's not only about pounding away at your opponent. Kayden also has his fun. Gay wrestling is not about hurting, well not only about the hurt. It's about satisfying your heel.
We start with a reverse bearhug.
Then the Ab claw.
Kayden looks mighty satisfied in both. Let's start with the innovation. This move is new to me at least. What's it's called? The reverse ab-hug? Whatever it is, we need more.
It's all about the humbling of our hunk. Witness Carter, intimidating as he is on the outside, reduced to a groveling jobber begging to end this match by the time this is all over.

Kayden: Two words ... Carter: It hurts?! Kayden: Wrong ....
Next we have our handsome, hunky jock weak, tired, and helpless to Kayden's onslaught. Kayden is not holding anything back and we can see the toll it's taking on Carter. The man is built like steel but even steel has its limits.

And lastly, good matches need good endings. Kayden ends the ab abuse only when he's good and ready. Carter submitted a thousand times over and is clearly no match for him but his heel ends things simply when he's good and done playing with his toy.

Carter: *groan* *groan* Kayden: Now I say you're done.

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Everything Great About a Match: Kayden Keller v Christian Taylor (bgeast.com)
Everything Great About a Match: +9
Kayden Keller v Christian Taylor (bgeast.com)
SPOILER ALERT: I highly recommend viewing this match in its entirety before reading this post.
So let's begin:
+1: For the Kayden-Christian pairing. I love it when two of the men I obsess over get together and make gay wrestling magic happen. Is this a throw back? Maybe, but I'd like to think that somewhere out there is a young gay man "discovering" this match and sparking within him a love of gay wrestling. If that's you out there then I envy the journey you're about to take!

Christian: Am I supposed to be intimidated by this? Kayden: You will be ...
+1: For Christian. I've been a fan of the man since he started and this version is probably the hottest. The man is upgrading hard to "Twunk" mode and it shows. Those arms, that chest, those abs ... I'm not the only one that wants those, just check out the expression Kayden has in each scene; he's a fan too!

Christian Upright

Christian on his back.
+1: I love a ring match. Full stop. And as Kayden rightly points out, Christian has few of those lying around so to see our twunk in a ring/mat encounter is definitely worth a point. There's just something sacred about the gay wrestling ring with two men using all parts of that space to grind down the other man.

Christian: Welcome to the mat!
+1: For all the ab bashing. Those long, ripped abs are repeatedly destroyed. You really can't blame anyone I mean, they make a beautiful tempting target just begging to be tested. Surely something so perfect needs to be broken.

+1: For the pec claws. Kayden is taking those pecs for a test drive here. This Twunk, buff, sinewy version of Christian is reduced to a groveling twink after Kayden has his way.
+1: For Kayden tearing Christian to shreds. Like all artists, the man loves what he does and you can sense the passion in his work. Kayden uses every dirty trick to work Christian's strapping body from all angles revealing the sounds of groans, pink abused muscle, and the light tap of submissions to highlight his work. This brings us to another lesson today - Heels don't need to cheat. They cheat because they can.

Heels cheat because they can.
+1: The sexy signature move - Christian "The Kiss" Taylor. As I mentioned earlier, Christian knows how to use that kiss to his advantage. He may not be the biggest, baddest, wrestler out there but the man's kiss sure is powerful. He's taken down heels with that lip lock before and even Kayden isn't immune to this.

But wait there's more... this deserves a bonus point [+1] for turning the man's sexy signature move against him. Kayden is tempted but not swayed with lust, the guy's a true gay wrestling professional after all. He's turned on but doesn't lose his head. Can't say most of us would have that kind of will power.
And there's still more ... You see if turning your opponent's signature move against him isn't sufficient to prove how much of heel you are, how about adding a muscle worship twist variation to this? Definitely worth another bonus point [+1] for submitting your jobber with your bicep only to have him so turned on that he worships said muscles. Kayden's manly musk is so over powering that Christian can't help but worship the superior man.

------- Everything Great About this Match: +9
So there you have it. I don't use this compliment lightly but this match embodies everything I LOVE about gay wrestling. Now I'm sure we could all guess the outcome of this match from the start but the journey is what really sells this match. From Kayden's brutal beating to the little noises Christian makes whenever he transitions from agony to ecstasy; Two physically matched studs enter the ring only for one to be utterly taken apart and left a sweaty, submissive mess. In the end Christian was dominated and his opponent victoriously took what he wants.
Kayden's devious grin says it all. I. own. my. opponent. You see a victory isn't simply settled with a "pin" in this sport. No, the pin is just the beginning. A win in this sport is when you own the other man both physically and emotionally, and that my friends is the true heart of gay wrestling.

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That Wresting Moment: Sweaty Finale - Matt Houston v Greg Worthy (wrestlestuds.com)
The best part of any match is that sweaty finale. That scene towards the end of the fight when both men are glistening and pushing back exhaustion just to hang on. It's that moment when you know one man will be left an unconscious mess and the other the alpha champ.
Matt Houston v Greg Worthy (wrestlestuds.com)
SPOILER ALERT: I highly recommend viewing this match in its entirety before reading this post.
The Backstory
Matt enters the ring full of that first time rookie energy just begging for a beat down when and his opponent enters, looking a man hungry to deliver said beat down.

Stop showing off that strapping body rookie ... you're just adding blood in the water.

And here's our hungry heel.
There really isn't much more to this story. Greg is all attitude and mouth and Matt looks like he's fighting the urge to runaway.

One more tempting Jobber bait pose by Matt and we are off ...
The Action
Refreshingly, if you predicted this would be a total rookie squash, then you would be wrong. Matt can hold his own.

Then Greg suddenly remembers he's the heel and thrashes his jobber.

The Moment
So what is it about that ending when both men are fighting to stay on their feet that makes this our moment? What is it about that slow muscle bashing between two shiny sweaty men that turns a great match into perfection? While we all ponder about that, let's all enjoy these images of our two guys hard at work.

It's a knock down drag out until the end when one man stakes his claim over the match and declares there can be only one. It's my favorite part of a wrestling match for a good reason; It's that point in the fight when things slow down to almost a dance and we get to see every heartache, every humiliation, and every sexy emotion on vulnerable display.

Every masculine emotion on full display here fellas.
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