#girl poems
tiredlakes · 24 days
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i see you through your persevering eyes,
a different kind of blood but our heartbeat’s entwined;
my braided hair, your dirtied fur,
your piercing gaze, you starving fox,
a slaughtered dove right at my feet,
i think you’re ought to speak to me,
even if you turn out to be ridden with fleas,
the heart inside of you beats and beats,
i know you’re yearning for more
and i think you just need love, like me
i could name you if you’re nameless,
i will feed you if you let me,
we both eat at the same rot
and i see life behind your eyes
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braindeadpoet20 · 5 months
I’m trying my best to keep going. I’m working hard to see myself as you do. But how can I see myself as someone worth it all when all I’ve ever felt was nothing? How can I believe it when that reality has always seemed a fantasy? How can I force myself to see reality when my mind in clouded with the delusion that I am nothing?~someone who can’t see their own worth.
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lexsal23 · 30 days
No, not curiosity killing the cat - longing stoning the dreamer
It was all one sided, in fact - never even considered
Wearing my best dress and pearls, I accept my sentence
"Perhaps in my death," I whisper in your ear, "you shall find your penance"
That is all I say to you, on the walk to the shore
I feel you want to ask for forgiveness
But to do so - is all but to confess
Your heart - as heavy as the whore’s
I lay on the sand without protest -
Judgement needs to be carried through
I have a final farewell to the rest -
A venom soaked cry out to you
"Witches have burned unjustly - this death I forged thoughtlessly,
I let you cast your stones on me...
Like you - I've found myself guilty
Yet you - get to wash your hands clean
Of the dreamer you built … only to beat"
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prettygal-posting · 9 months
nice deadlift bro, he let me hit because i said he was pretty
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The peonies in the window
Reminded me of you
I walked past them and thought:
There’s nothing I can do.
✿ ✿ ✿
The peonies in the window
Reminded me of you
I stopped to look at them and thought:
I’d do anything for you.
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Why can speaking with my mom never not be an act of violence
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waitingforlostsouls · 2 months
Pretty Girl
I watch the attention come flooding in The youngest child, I always wanted to be noticed I got called by my sister's name from people who already knew it I was starving for love, I was growing thin They told me I was too quiet, that I was unfit For the spotlight, to exist So I grew distant, and watched myself get paler skin Until one day it finally happened
They all started pointing and gasping The quiet girl, who a year ago had transferred in Finally showed her face to the public And from that moment she's been known as "pretty girl" ever since
I know I should be greatful, I'm told it's a privilege But now they only know me by my outward image Still just as left out, just as resented
Their shallow view of me still firmly cemented The welcoming hand was never extended Tell me, how am I supposed to look back on it and not fully resent them?
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(Photo from Pinterest)
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veeswift · 2 months
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it hits different, it's more painful and real
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evansisasadist · 11 months
I'm 7 years old and I'm crying because my tights aren't right
My mum says their right
But their not right
They don't feel right
She says theres nothing she can do because they look right
But they don't feel right
Am I right?
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lovelywritinglady · 5 months
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New Blog!
Hey! I made a poetry/rant blog if anyone is interested. I’m still posting on this account, I just wanted to expand a bit. I also have a Wattpad if anyone is also interested in that.
Second blog: @braindeadpoet20
Wattpad Link- https://www.wattpad.com/user/LovelyWritingLady?utm_source=ios&utm_medium=link&utm_content=share_profile&utm_campaign=invitefriends&wp_page=home&wp_uname=LovelyWritingLady
As always, thanks for reading💜
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Reading Gone Girl
Taking a medical class
learning languages
all things I do
to make myself forget
that I don't have you yet
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tiredlakes · 18 days
it took a lot of anger to become this gentle
my kindness is a gift that i will not let go of
but i am afraid i will crush it in my strengthened fists
i am afraid it will slip through the cracks when i am not looking
to fuel my resentment and indignation towards everything that led me here
if i have ever loved and forgiven, i am afraid it will take nothing to return to what i once was
my mothers womb will welcome me and i will scratch at her until i get what i deserve
i deserve to start anew
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braindeadpoet20 · 5 months
I miss you…
Your heart no longer beats but I can still feel it.
Breath no longer leaves your lungs but I can hear it.
You can no longer make sound but I can still hear your laughter and listen to your sweet voice.
You can no longer move your arms but I can feel them wrap around me.
Your legs can no longer take you away where but I can feel you waking with me.
Your soul is no longer on this earth but I can feel your presence as though you’re here with me.
You can no longer express your love for me but I promise that I will feel it everlasting.
And if I should see you again, then I will tell you of all the things that I missed about you…
For you were the one I loved the most…
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lexsal23 · 14 days
The Wayside Beach
I watched you walk into the sea, you asked me not to follow
The sand buried in my knees, I’ll stop waiting here tomorrow
The sun is setting where I lost sight of you
Restless, regretting - a foolish girl turning blue
You marched away to water, yet it is I who drowned
Lungs filled I ponder, what’s lost, what’s found?
did you find what you were looking for?
… have i?
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bambiali · 6 months
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Lost Unicorn
Pieces of 🩷 her 🩷 story
Were 🖌️ etched 🖌️ upon her skin
The 🌏 map 🌏 to her ❤️heart ❤️
Was 🎨 sketched 🎨 along
Each part wearing thin
Leave her with the 🤫 silence 🤫
She needs to 👃 breathe 👃 it in
Let her exhale the 🌀 chaos 🌀
Buried among her 🖤 darkest 🖤 sins
Embrace this 😍 beautiful 😍 mural
An inked up beautiful 👧 girl 👧
A pretty little lost 🦄 unicorn 🦄
Trying to somehow feel the 🕯️light 🕯️
In this 🖤 darkened 🖤 ugly world.
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