#girl cyborg
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Cover art by Ed Emshwiller
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sully-s · 1 year ago
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Listen, if I had the time I would just make Justice Leauge the mockumentary, lol.
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transhuman-priestess · 1 year ago
EDIT: 1/1/24: turning off reblogs for this because it's made my activity page fucking hell.
The poll is over, and I'm exhausted with explaining to people over and over again that my fantasies exist outside of capitalism and that i am in fact quite aware of the current moment re: technology and intellectual property.
It's was fun, but now it's not, so it goes bye-bye.
P.S. I am genuinely sorry for forgetting to add "spine" as an option.
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forged-in-kaoss · 5 months ago
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Straw Hat appearances in One Piece Fan Letter
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pinkiemachine · 19 days ago
Design touchups and final fittings are here! May I present, the Mighty Teen Titans in their spreadsheet form ✨
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shithowdy · 2 months ago
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rotating my blorbos in my head isn't good enough i need to manifest them physically !!!
i spent upwards of two weeks working on these, and i'm really happy with them! it was a bit like putting myself in character design boot camp because it forced me to rethink how i do everything from a more "intentional" angle rather than just arbitrary choices.
i may do some future single-layer ones of other characters, but... i need a break.
emil's ass better watch out because it's only a matter of time before he gets some horrible left side disfigurement, apparently
linking an imgur folder with the static jpegs in the comments vvv
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dummy-dot-exe · 2 months ago
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by ゆにまる@YU2MARU
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timbit-robin-art · 4 months ago
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Here’s a fun idea I’ve always had: Teen Titans Junior High.
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whereserpentswalk · 3 months ago
Reblog to receive your transformation, look under the cut to find out what it feels like to transform.
Vampire: You can feel it, slowly changing you since you were first bitten by that creature. You felt stronger at first, not needing to eat, not needing to sleep. It was like the burdens of a human form were lifted from you. The only thing you needed was to drink blood, which isn't that hard to come by. Then the physical transformations began, your body becoming slenderer and more androgynous, until soon you barely are recognizable. One day you wake up and your eyes are pure black, slowly your mouth grows sharp teeth, and special joints and seams in your flesh that allow you to open it into a massive mess of fangs and teeth but close it back up into something humanoid if you want it to. As the last of your humanity goes away, your sex characteristics and body hair entirely disappears, leaving you feeling wonderfully smooth. Perhaps in the past this body would be disturbing to you, you barely look like yourself, but now, looking at yourself and feeling so much more confident, this just feels like you, like what you are meant to be.
Incorporeal: You've lost yourself. You can't feel anything. No skin, no blood, no organs. You can only really sense the vague nature of the room your spirit is inhabiting. If you want to move you just think of yourself as going to that location, and if you want to pick something up you just think of yourself as lifting it. Even your appearance is no more than a sort of hologram, able to be changed at but a thought. You feel strangely comfortable this way. Nothing can hurt you now. It takes a bit of time, you have to focus on how you look a bit to look in a way that feels really you, but it eventually feels way more like you then anything in your old body did. It's weird, your old form just felt like a vessel that you needed, but in leaving it you feel entirely free, like you just don't need that type of body anymore. You look at your old body, lying dead upon the floor, and you can't help but know that that just isn't you anymore.
Lycanthrope: It was slow harnessing the changes. The werewolf who bit you didn't tell you much when she passed on her curse. It's something you can work will, you slowly figured out how to harness small changes, modular yet more modular as time passes on. You can just give yourself the eyes, or ears, or teeth, or feet, if you need to by now. Decide exactly what is wolf and what is human. It's more normal not that you realize how fluid your body is, that every part is just a single state that part can be in and not it's permanent fate. You can choose how much of a wolf you are at any time and that's fine and normal now. And sometimes you like fully being a wolf, like how it feels to run on all fours, how it feels to taste meat freshly on your teeth, how it feels to howl at the moon. You also like being a full human at other times, especially now that that doesn't constrain you anymore. Most of the time you're just something else though. Most of the time you're just you, not wolf or human but something your own.
Cyborg: You can feel parts of your body being cut away. You don't know why but it doesn't bother you as much as you thought it would. Your legs being painlessly sliced off, those legs that hurt when you walked on them. You can feel your torso having it's organs slowly drained out of it, no more stomach pain as you have no more stomach, no more shortness of breath as your lungs become medical waste. Your fat and muscles and bone are cut from your body, leaving your body type null. A mask of sorts is closed over your skull as the skin of your face, a face you were once stuck with for your entire life, is finally taken away. And in your discarded body parts place new mechanical parts are added, and these parts are finally your own, you picked out the designs, you control exactly how they look, the art style that your new body will be drawn in, the form your form will be able to take. And if there's anything you dislike, it can always be replaced, you can't be trapped in your body anymore, and you can't be hurt by it now.
Melted: You can feel your new form, slowly writhing like the slimes you felt before did. You have no distinct parts, no bones, no limbs, no organs. All you have is the form. It feels weird, you see and feel so much differently now it can barely feel like seeing or feeling at all. It's like playing with goo in your hands, but you don't have hands anymore. Slowly but surely, you sculpt yourself a new appearance, allowing your body to be something to thrive in instead of just something to survive within. You can't control your color but everything else is up to you. It's like sculpting, even limbs and heads and eyes are all metaphors when it comes to this new universal substance that is your form. You're not sure how others will see you when you're something so strange, but you like what this means for yourself, at least for now.
Flight: Your arms have slowly been stretched out, each of your fingers longer than your entire arm once was on both hands, and this strange tight skin between them. Your body is strong in some places, but weirdly skinny in others, it all feels so different, so new. Your feet have been changed to work more like hands, now that your arms can't be used to grasp, and walking is no longer as much of a requirement for you. You feel weird, like everything is there, but it's hard to see how it all fits together. Still, now that you do get to fly it's wonderful, seeing the ground below you, seeing the sky above you, feeling so free while you're completely in the air, seeing how impressed everyone is looking at you doing that. Maybe it was worth it. Despite how much it takes getting used to you don't dislike how any of it feels, and despite what some people might think of it, it feels so nice to be able to just go through the air like that without anything restraining you anymore. You wouldn't go back at the very least.
Mind upload: You can't feel anything. But you can see, the image of what you'd expect a computer monitor to display take up the totality of your vision. You can't feel a mouse or keyboard or anything, but you can move the cursor as much as you once could move limbs. If you hadn't asked for this it would seem like the worst of punishments, but this was your desire. You can look at any website you want, and no longer do you have to worry about time, about food, about sleep. You can contact anyone online just as you once did, without any breaks. The mortal world is no longer your worry.
Limbs become longer: You know you won't be like the other giants; you'll be somewhat in-between, you're not sure if you are thankful of that fact or not. It's a lot to deal with either way. You can feel you skin and bone stretching oddly, your arms and legs doubling then tripling in their length. It hurts but you can think of all the ways you won't be human anymore. You won't fit into most spaces; you'll need certain accommodations. But you still want this despite everything that it implies. It feels strange when your torso changes, with your limbs it's just bone that's moving, but with this you can feel your organs extending and changing. Too late to change things now. You wonder how people will see you? Will they be scared? Maybe that's what you want from them now?
Pyromancy: You can feel the burning inside you now. Even when you don't focus on it in any way it's in you, your warmth, your blood always hot, the feeling with every breath that you could shoot out fire. Other people with powers need to learn how to extend them to be actually useful, not you, you had to learn how to keep yours under control. It just feels right, to be able to use fire, to feel the fire as part of your body whenever you pass by any. You find yourself fidgeting with it easily, letting the fire move alongside you, because it's just so natural. You'll light up a bit in your hands, or around your face, in the middle of conversation. It doesn't burn you anymore, it feels good, it feels better than almost anything else you've felt in your life to feel fire on your body now. A few people are afraid, but you try to keep yourself calm. Even so, it feels so good to let it burst out of you, to shoot balls of fire into the air, or breath it from your mouth, it's hard to go a long time without doing something like that. It's not just something you have but it's part of you, it's part of you that was always meant to be there perhaps.
Frog: You slowly feel yourself shrink down. It dawns on you that you're going to change a lot. But you've said your last goodbyes to your humanity either way. You can feel your hair and teeth falling out, your bones reshaping and getting smaller and more delicate. Your biology completely changing. It's a lot to get used to and it all happens within a few seconds. For a moment you're worried you'll lose your human mind, but it just doesn't happen, mentally, emotionally, you're entirely the same as you always were. But you don't have to worry about human things anymore. Frogs don't have to work jobs, or pay taxes, or pay rent, you're allowed to finally just be. When you choose to go naked, and walk on all fours, you don't even have to let on that you're human at all anymore. You can exist in peace as long as you exist and forgo the responsibility of human things unless you choose to want them.
Demon: You feel the last of your human blood get replaced with the blood of that creature. It hurts for a moment, but then you stop feeling such pain, you feel a tyle of prowess you haven't felt before. Your eyes glow, you can just feel that they glow now. Your human form begins to change, perfectly growing into your ideal body type and look, and everything feels so right. And then things go beyond just that human form. Horns grow from your head, and your teeth grow sharp, you can always feel them, even when you aren't paying attention, and it makes you feel so very cool. Your reproductive organs are replaced with a neck and head of a serpent, completely genderless, but more able to feel pleasure somehow. Wings grow on your back, and you flex them, feeling the strangeness and wonder of having new limbs and joints. You grow a scorpion like tail from the base of your spine, that equally feels so strange and wonderful and new to move. You can shapeshift back into any human form when you need to, you can even effect what people do and don't recognize as your old self, but this form, your truly demonic form, that's what truly feels like it's you.
Murder: you can kill now. No description needed.
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evileyedoll · 1 month ago
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I Saw An Angel From The Other Side
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transhuman-priestess · 11 months ago
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nestedneons · 1 month ago
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By madkat
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pinkiemachine · 1 year ago
Did a Disco Doodle :)
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Yes, I do ship Beast Boy and Terra ;)
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astridellejo · 3 months ago
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Kitab - Robot Girl
So where does the desire to become a robot girl come from? Well...
Transcription below the fold:
1. I'm in my Baroness stealth armor (I don't really have Baroness stealth armor, but anything is possible in comics.) and addressing the reader. Me: What kind of weirdo would want to become a robot? Me: Um … me.
2. Artistic rendering of a scene from Superman III when Vera gets assimilated by the supercomputer. Me: The television debut of Superman III happened in the spring of 1986, and there was that scene toward the end… Me: You know the one.
3. Little kid me sits in front of the television and takes in the robot girl visions. Me: I was 11 years old and awash in the hormones of puberty. Young Me: Okay, that's … scary. But also weirdly kinda hot.
4. Little kid me sits in the theater, MST3K silhouette style, looking up at Arcee on the silver screen. Me: Later that summer, Transformers: the Movie hit theaters, and I was introduced to Autobot girl Arcee. Young Me (excited): Girl Transformer!
5. Assimilated Seven of Nine in her Borg alcove, illuminated by the green zappy behind her. Me: Then there was the Borg and their heavy rubber kinky cybernetics. Specifically Seven of Nine.
6. The glossy white Björk-bot from her video for "All Is Full Of Love". Me: Björk's "All Is Full Of Love" video did things to my brain. Me: That was the same year I came out as transgender.
7. Sepia-ish black and white artistic rendering of Maria the robot girl from Fritz Lang's Metropolis. Me: With the help of the early internet, I discovered the original robot girl of cinema, Maria from Metropolis.
8. Speculative glossy white robot me with pink and blue highlights. Me: How cool would it be to be a girl and a robot?! Hmm! Girl Transformer! Arrow Text: Design still in alpha.
9. Back to me again, looking a bit forlorn in my Baroness stealth armor. (Which is still awesome, don't get me wrong!) Me: Sadly, at age 50, I'm still made of meat. Arrow Text Left: Sexy, jet black, body hugging stealth armor Arrow Text Right: doe create a passable robotic look.
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nymse · 11 months ago
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Commission for @robot-hellpuppies 🖤
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