#gia often loses
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ramshacklerumble · 1 day ago
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slow down, it’s a science / he’s been waiting / to bring you down / snake-eyed with a sly smile / he can hold you / and shake you, child
twst fic | 440 words
Gia peeked into the Mostro Lounge’s VIP room through the crack between the doors. The lights weren’t on, but an alertness humming through their veins told them the room wasn’t empty. They slipped in, quickly and quietly shutting the doors behind them before the lights and the noise from the lounge shattered the calm.
Stepping through the darkness with the deftness of someone unfortunately familiar with the room, Gia caught the dark shape of the couches around the coffee table. An even darker shape sprawled across the one on the left— a shadow over shadow.
Gia avoided that couch and instead slid into the empty one on the right. They’d barely taken off their second shoe when the darker shape chuckled.
“You’re skipping, too?”
Gia looked for a glimmer of gold from the shape and found none. The creature, despite acknowledging their presence, kept his eyes closed. “On break.”
“Mm…” He said and didn’t follow it with anything else. It was probably not a reply and more a hum born of sinking back into sleep.
With a soft huff— what Gia wouldn’t do to be able to fall asleep that easily— they laid on their side. Maybe they wouldn’t be able to take a nap, but their body would surely welcome the rest.
Their eyes snapped to the fluttering glimmer of gold now taking them into focus.
“C’mere.” said Floyd. They couldn’t see his smile, but they could hear it.
“You heard me.”
They didn’t get up immediately. Even though hearing their name in his voice hadn’t lost its novelty and always came with a shiver up their spine.
But they moved slowly off the couch, slowly around the coffee table and slowly sat on the edge of his couch. They sensed rather than saw his hand rise up and grab hold of their braid and start to tug down.
Likewise, he must have sensed the tension squaring their shoulders and balling their fists because he giggled. His weight shifted. His hand slipped around their back, pulling them down. Down. Until their head rested on his chest and they fit snugly between his legs.
Floyd shifted some more as if reaching for something over the back of the couch. Fabric rustled and weight fell on Gia’s back. His blazer. Another weight. His other arm.
Gia felt the deep rise and fall of his chest as he let out a sigh. Gia waited for him to say something else— he never did.
It was still dark, but Gia curled their fingers into the cloth of the blazer and pulled it over their shoulders, hoping to cover their face.
ngl i feel really self-conscious when i try to delve into the softer aspects of gia and floyd’s dynamic because when i look at floyd leech, i do not think ‘soft’ and sometimes i debate whether or not i’m delving into ooc territory, especially when i take in account that i wrote this a few weeks back when i just needed something self-indulgent. but like…listen. they’re in this weird place where they’re kinda testing out…whatever this is. gia is touch-starved and has secretly been thinking about this whole thing since it happened and floyd is…honestly just curious to see where this whole thing goes, getting under gia’s skin all the while.
tag list:
@cyanide-latte @inmateofthemind @tixdixl @winterweary @thehollowwriter @harryinramshackle
@theleechyskrunkly @skriblee-ksk @boopshoops @the-trinket-witch @twistedwonderlandshenanigans @kimikitti
@s-t-y-x @nightwingshero @water-writings @beneathsakurashade @oya-oya-okay @scint1llat3 @welcometomypersonalhell098 (dm to be added)
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inafieldofstarflowers · 8 days ago
jeremy. jeremy fucking knox. jeremy. holy shit. madi what the hell am i supposed to do now. oh my god. there is. so much. so much to unpack here and i’m stuck on “she’ll listen when she loses him”. five simultaneous jeremy rabbit holes have opened and idk which one to go into first
gia i don’t know what you should do because i don’t know what to do either. i’m stuck on jeremy watching the smoke rise from his cigarette and saying “Redemption, perhaps” how am i supposed to process everything else ?
i just keep thinking about the large-scale truth of the persona jeremy has created, because i think so much of it is genuine—not the part that’s a show for the public, but the part that cares for the trojans and loves a cardboard dog because it’s symbolic of his friendship with cat and takes care of his people—but i don’t know if jeremy believes it’s real (not because he doesn’t mean it or believe the things he’s doing, but because he can’t look at himself without seeing his fuckups, and because he lies so often and so completely that he’s lost sight of what’s true & what’s made up, and because behind every kind word he speaks he still hears the ugly thought “she’ll listen when she loses him”)
also i can’t move past the fact that his mom has all of his documents and he doesn’t have access to them ???? like there’s so much to unpack with his family but i can’t even begin to do that unpacking because his mother has his passport, social security card, and birth certificate and he has tried to find them and failed and assumes she has them in a safety deposit box because they’re not in the house
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andreal831 · 3 months ago
What’s your opinion on ElijahxCeleste? I kinda thought there was something twisted and intriguing about Celeste and Elijah and I always wished we got to see more of them.
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Celeste and Elijah are my third favorite Elijah ship. They honestly would have been higher than Gia/Elijah if they had gotten the same Aurora/Klaus treatment. I talk about that more here.
I wish we could have seen more of them when they were human. How they met, how they got together, etc. We don't even know how long they were together. I have a lot of headcanons for them that make me love them more, but a lot of people don't bother giving them any because the show didn't care to develop them at all. Once again, because if they had, it would be harder to brush aside Klaus having her murdered.
Elijah tells Hayley he was only in love twice before, one of them being Celeste. That shows just how important she was to him. He didn't allow himself to love, but he loved her so much that he was distracted from his family. This is something we only see with a few women throughout the show. For someone who is a thousand years old, this is not often.
Another reason the show didn't want to explore them they way they did every other main character's past ships was because they would have been a powerhouse couple. Celeste was an Elder of the New Orleans witches, so powerful the witches wanted to consecrate her to harness that power. Elijah is one of the strongest vampires to exist (especially before Klaus unlocked his hybrid gene). If Klaus had been smart, he would have left it well enough alone, same with Rebekah and the human. They would have had almost all the factions playing nice. Elijah isn't one to want power so he wouldn't have used his relationship with Celeste to overthrow him. We also don't see Celeste having any inclination to do this until Klaus has her murdered. By killing her, Klaus made a powerful enemy.
This is where I wish the writers were more courageous. It would have been so good to see Celeste and Elijah team up against Klaus. Let's be honest, he wouldn't stand a chance. They could have done it in the 1800s right after she was killed. Elijah was mad enough I think he would have sided with Celeste. But, to me, Celeste likely didn't see Elijah move against Klaus on his own and thought Elijah wouldn't side with her. I like to think he was just numb at this point. It's also the same time Klaus pushed Elijah out of Marcel's life and Rebekah was helping Klaus raise Marcel. Elijah would have been completely isolated after Celeste's death, he was in no state of mind to plan to overthrow Klaus. Which would have been great timing for Celeste to show up and turn Elijah even further against Klaus.
But another great opportunity would have been when Elijah showed up back in New Orleans in Season 1. Elijah was still angry at Klaus, especially as Klaus did everything to push Elijah further away. Between his anger at Klaus, his fear of what Klaus planned to do to Hayley/Hope, and seeing his love come back to life, he was in the perfect place to turn on Klaus. It would have been so good. Rebekah and Marcel likely would have sided with them as well. But again, the show couldn't do that since they could actually take Klaus down.
Elijah and Celeste were the OG Klaurora but had the power to actually take over. They didn't start twisted but because of Klaus it became a dark and toxic relationship. I hated how rushed it was. Even after Elijah is essentially forced to kill her and lose her once again, we quickly move onto Klaus and Rebekah attempting to murder each other. We never get a chance to truly just feel the impact of their relationship.
Thanks for the ask! I love talking about Elijah ships and just Celeste in general!
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tixdixl · 10 months ago
How about midnight for all 4 of your guys 👀
Thank you so much!!!
Oh this is a good one.
*cracks knuckles*
midnight: What keeps your OC up at night? Do they have nightmares? Fears? Anxieties? What do they do in the small hours of the morning when they should be sleeping?
Oisín: This answer honestly has 2 answers, so I will break them down in a way that makes sense.
To start, Oisín would never openly admit this, but after having a chance to develop very deep and strong personal relationships, they are afraid that they might do something to accidentally push them away or they might accidentally self-sabatoge their relationships. After spending so much time isolated and alone, and spending so much time fighting for a relationship that almost destroyed itself, they don't want to make the same mistakes again. They don't want to be alone again either.
Oisín also has to contend with nightmares that strike them as odd. I've spoken a bit about this here, but it's definitely an odd sensation when you are a creature of death and yet your dreams are plagued with visions of the past, with people you knew slaughtered, and with those you love now being brutally killed in front of you.
Being a creature of the night, whenever they need to clear their head (pun intended) they often go up onto the rooves of NRC and just sit and lurk, enjoying the evening solitude.
Kingsley: During his freshman year specifically - while he would never admit it - he is afraid of disappointing his parents and the consequences of what will happen if hw doesn't achieve their approval by the time he graduates. He's been tasked with "self-improvement" to become an "heir worthy of actually ruling". This actively drives everything he does until Jack, @cyanide-latte 's Copper, and @ramshacklerumble 's Gia start breaking through that absolutely steeled shell that this starts to change. By the time he reaches sophomore, junior, and senior year, that sort of changes to being afraid of letting his friends down.
If he needs to clear his head, he often will go out and do some target practice with his axes - much to Crowley's disapproval.
Emil: So this is a whole thing that actually leads to him going into Overblot. During his freshman and sophomore year, he starts searching for a way to prolong his younger sibling's life in order to buy himself time until he can find a cure for their terminal illness. When he gets the text from his mom that Riv is practically on their deathbed, Emil spirals. He stops eating. He stops sleeping. He starts skipping classes. And spends every waking hour working on trying to create a philosopher's stone... TLDR: He's afraid of losing his sibling.
Post-Overblot though, this is actually something I am in the process of sorting out. So I will definitely come back to this.
René: They don't exactly strike me as the sort to have many anxieties? But I guess the long and short of it is that once they get the taste of freedom, they are afraid that their father will metaphorically clip their wings. They become afraid of losing the freedom to be their own person. I don't think they necessarily have nightmares over it? But it does lead to them Overblotting.
Post-Overblot though, I think they have reocurring nightmares about the Overblot fight. About hurting the people they have come to love and cherish. (I sense a fic coming from this lol)
Thanks again!
Prompt List
Tag list: @cyanide-latte @simons-twsted-children @inmateofthemind @ramshacklerumble
@elenauaurs @rainesol (lmk if you want to be added)
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practically-an-x-man · 8 months ago
Which of your OCs has the most traumatic backstory, and why?
Oh man, now THAT'S a tough question... let's round up a few of the top competitors, and you can decide which is the most traumatic:
Ophelia: Grew up in a stable household with a loving family, but was forced to watch nearly every single member of that family die in a series of superpowered events. First it was Norman, who she viewed as an uncle or perhaps even a third parent in her life. Then it was her mother, then her father, then the man she saw as her brother. She got herself through college and graduate school but failed to maintain a healthy social life as she became utterly absorbed by her work. Her attempts at romance all failed due to her lack of emotional vulnerability and work/life balance, and the one partner she thought she'd stay with was killed in her sleep by a supervillain. Finally, she was killed in a laboratory explosion, and sent into the multiverse without knowing whether or not she would survive upon returning.
Gia: Watched her younger sister die of childhood leukemia. Entered a medical study hoping to prevent future cases of childhood cancer, which turned out to be a front for HYDRA. Was imprisoned and experimented on by HYDRA, had her life force irreversibly bound to a patch of clover, had her leg cut off, and was trained to be a supersoldier. Most of this was so traumatic that she doesn't even remember it. Came out of HYDRA incredibly traumatized and depressed, and had to pry herself out of that entirely on her own as she couldn't bear to come clean to her family.
Quinn: Was disowned by her parents after coming out as transgender, had to drop out of college due to losing their financial support, ended up at her lowest in an alleyway. Joined a parkour/thieving crew, met her best friend and love of her life while he was dating another woman, that other woman grew jealous and dropped them both off a twelve-story building during a botched mission. Sustained damage to her legs, pelvis, lumbar vertebrae, and brain in the fall, now lives with mobility issues, chronic fatigue, and hallucinations. Also had to recover on her own, all while believing her lover had died in the fall.
Eris: Was treated as a monster by others on Themyscira after his violent streak first showed itself. Was deemed a harbinger of strife and violence rather than being given support for their issues, was cold-shouldered from their family and everyone else around them, while those others refused to even use her given name. Eventually left, and spent close to a thousand years wandering the Earth, always following the biggest wars and battles. Had to watch each of their rare friends and even rarer lovers die as his regeneration kept him alive for hundreds of years.
Nikoletta: Grew up impoverished in New Orleans, though it was a reasonably stable life until her father passed away when she was a teenager. Left alone, she began running a voodoo scam for gullible tourists to keep herself afloat as she got herself through high school. After continuing this scam into her adulthood, she was captured by STAR Labs and infused with liquid shadows through a series of painful treatments. After a month in the lab, she returned to the streets, only to be captured and sent to Belle Reve for superpower-assisted B&E in multiple houses. She escaped once, but it was only a matter of months before she was captured again, this time for "disfiguring" several civilians with her shadow-touch. From there, she spent 15 years in prison, crafting an icy and reclusive persona known as the Queen of Belle Reve as a means of keeping herself safe.
Vivienne: Met her first husband, a sea captain, while he was at port between trips. Due to the nature of romance during her time period, it wasn't until after marriage that she discovered that he was a coarse, unfaithful, and abusive man, and she could not divorce him due to societal taboo and a lack of evidence for that abuse. He taught her to sail and often took her with him (as an extra crewmate that he wouldn't have to pay) on his ventures. While at port one night, she discovered him cheating on her with multiple other women, and intended to confront him the following morning. Instead, her husband waited until they were far out at sea, then tossed her overboard and left her to drown. Instead, Poseidon took pity on it, and turned it into a siren in exchange for never again giving its heart to a captain of the sea. This in itself becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy - while it does find love and marry another sailor, this one man who loves her and treats her right, he dies before he officially becomes the captain of his ship.
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crystalelemental · 7 months ago
Kitties update.
We've seen some funny stuff with Gia. For whatever reason, one morning she was super spooked and wasn't calming down too much, so any time we moved she'd startle and run away. One such surprise had her run to the window alcove...where Bond was. Gia froze and just stared at him, but refused to leave the window. Bond, for his part, looked up at her, hissed, then laid back down and went to sleep. Gia hesitated a moment, but did wind up leaving. It was just...very silly.
We also got the laser pointer back. Turns out, Gia loves the laser pointer. It's the only toy we've gotten her to respond consistently to. She had active big play, even with us in the room. This is great for Gia, but also for Coco, who has destroyed her rope stick. There's a toy with like a feather toy attached to a stretchy rope thing, which is then attached to a firm rod you wave around to make it move. Coco, ever the gremlin, loved chewing on the rod part. Which finally broke apart to the point that, while playing with it, it just snapped off. Fortunately, she likes the rope part too, but goddamn girl, must you destroy everything?
Speaking of bastardry, we've been waking up to various items pulled out toward the back door, near the guest room the cats like. We had kinda assumed it was Coco, given...well, everything about her. Until one day, my wife caught Gia picking up the sponge from the sink and running off with it. So it turns out Gia might be the hoarder. Her desired items include the sponge, the TV remote, my exercise bands, among others. I found their lost jiggle bell beanbag toy, and that seems to have momentarily reduced their tendency to play with things that are not toys. But they are a problem. They tore up an entire roll of paper towels! Stop destroying everything!
Bond has been getting better about Coco being present on the bed with him. He isn't happy about it and will chase her away if she gets too uppity, but honestly at this point I'm on his side. He's no longer getting annoyed about her presence, or even proximity. He's losing patience with her flopping around on the bed trying to play while we're sleeping. So like. Honestly dude, just slap her a little. Don't actually hurt her, but kick her ass just a little. I think he actually may have one time. She has not learned any lesson whatsoever.
We also have confirmed, live evidence of Coco Meows. A fly got into the house, and she got really excited about its presence. When I got up to take care of it, she gave a non-distressed meow. Prior, we've only heard her meow when she's scared or worried, like when we close her out of the room at night or we have to put them in the carry case. But it turns out, much like Gia, she has a very soft, cute meow. Which is...deceptive, really.
We're also finding out that Bond doesn't actually like almost anything but Chicken. We'd assumed he wasn't eating much of some of his dinners because he just doesn't eat much, and got him little half-portion meals. But then he ate none of it for anything fish-related. He only eats the chicken. Boy just likes his land animals, I suppose.
All three have started to learn timing in the schedule. Coco will come snuggle just before bed, Bond knows exactly when 5pm is for dinner and when the wife is set to get out of work, and Gia's pretty aware of her meal times. She'll kinda hover outside of the room starting around 6am for breakfast. I've had to rotate less demands in the morning for her. She doesn't like to approach for fear of getting picked up, so although she's used to it and calm, she doesn't like it. So I have to switch it up so she can't tell when it's going to happen. Which shouldn't be often, we just have a vet appointment in two weeks.
They're doing well. No major updates, but they are goofs.
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ciaossu-imagines · 1 year ago
So, for Day 11 of the event, I’m using prompt 4, #88 for Katekyo Hitman Reborn. Instead of using the prompt verbatim, I’m kind of spinning off on a theme the prompt could suggest, so I’m going with which KHR characters might have issues with premature ejaculation!
“Did you just…finish?”
So, I will say that cumming really quickly is a very normal issue for a lot of men losing their virginities or when they’re just really starting to have sex. I do think this would ring true for a great many characters when they did lose their virginity, so I’m not factoring that into anything and the thoughts are more about who consistently does face the issue.
From the Arcobaleno, I do see this being an issue that Verde faces, not all the time, but regularly enough for it to affect him. It’s just that he honestly doesn’t routinely have sex. He can easily go months, even a year (sometimes even longer) between having sex and having sex for the first time after so long is something that does ensure he doesn’t last really long. However, he does try to make up for it by either ensuring his partner reaches orgasm before penetration or getting them off afterwards and he’d be game for trying things that would help with the issue, both in terms of toys or medications.
Small Gia also had that issue during life, and as Bermuda never lost his virginity, that would be a pretty big issue for him as well if he ever did.
Oh, I actually see this being a huge issue for Simora. He gets really frustrated with it and his wife actually had extramarital affairs because their sex life was so unsatisfying. It was the main source of anger in his life, especially as he did truly love her more than life itself, which is why he always forgave her. His Guardians? Not so much.
Visconti has this issue ONLY when he and his lover are separated for a while. It’s guaranteed that at least the first couple times of being with his lover again after having been sexually dry for at least a month, that he cums quick. However, he does last longer the more often he has sex and is capable of multiple rounds a night so his partner doesn’t really complain about it much.
While not exactly ‘premature ejaculation’, it’s stupidly easy to make Haru orgasm, sometimes to the point of squirting.
Mochida struggles with this throughout all of his adult life and he uses cock rings a lot to help with the issue.
Levi A Than definitely has premature ejaculation issues and while he wants to satisfy his partner, his own orgasm makes him so lethargic afterwards that he can have issues with it. He’s also really embarrassed about this sexual tendency of his so his partner bringing it up can often cause some issues and fighting. However, he is the type who really cannot bear the thought of losing his lover, so if it does become enough of an issue where he thinks his partner might leave him because of it, he is willing to put his own pride aside to try anything they want.
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deceptivemorals · 1 year ago
Is there a line Klaus or another family member could cross that would cause Elijah to walk away from them for good?
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@malka-lisitsa || accepting ♥
send me questions you have about my character!
destroying their family. destroying their family / killing family members (apart from their parents – not rip) is something that elijah is not capable of forgiving. my elijah learned in the 1950s that klaus had dumped their incapacitated siblings into the ocean. it was no misunderstanding because it's what klaus told him himself. this led to elijah distancing himself from klaus entirely and serving his own interests only, namely klaus' destruction in recompense for his lost family. he didn't only walk away from klaus, he even plotted his death. and elijah would have followed through with his plan if klaus hadn’t saved himself with the truth at the last second.
it's also the reason why he has such issues with finn. i think finn/elijah never had such a great relationship solely because finn couldn't really love(?), like (?) his younger brother as he was still mourning the loss of freya. they didn't have a good connection although they tolerated each other. but at the point where finn decides to side with esther to plot their demise, take away their vampirism, etc., elijah loathes finn and does not consider him family. elijah did forgive him after he realized that he too did him injustice by letting him be daggered for 900 years without even attempting to free him.
forgetting him after he ☠. it's not in my canon but the way elijah's legacy was treated in legacies still annoys me. that man sacrificed his own happiness for his family over and over again, chose to ☠ himself although it wasn't even necessary, and then he gets that disrespect from his own family? his undoubtfully hand-tailored suits went to marcel who doesn't even wear suits that often (so can he really appreciate these suits?). his ashes weren't collected like they did with klaus'. the credit for holding their family together didn't go to elijah but to klaus who literally tried to sabotage their family multiple times. it was always just klaus klaus klaus (which i understand from hopes point of view) but no one ever really mourned elijah on that show. so yes, if he magically came back and figured out they had forgotten him in favor of klaus, he would definitely not make his return known.
killing the people he loves aka his partners. okay, that is a difficult topic because elijah isn't entirely consistent about it.
elijah loves very rarely so when he does, this person means a lot to him, and losing that person (not because of separation but because of death) tears him apart internally.
i think if any of his siblings aside from klaus were involved in one of his partner's deaths, he would completely go no contact. i think depending on who it was, he would also make sure they suffer immensely for their deed.
i think he is going to forgive rebekah eventually although that surely will take a few decades if not more than a century.
if it was klaus … well, he is the person elijah is not consistent about. klaus killed his partners in horrible ways. he drowned celeste, he made gia burn alive, he threatened to kill katerina in a horrible way, etc.
there's this canon quote: "i will consider it (forgiving you). when hayley forgives you, gia rises from the dead, and hell has frozen over." - the originals 3x03
i don't necessarily think he forgives klaus for these terrible deeds and he certainly doesn't forget. elijah is, however, capable of suppressing certain emotions and memories (the whole red door thing). when it comes to klaus, elijah is often driven by guilt which is why he isn't capable of going entirely no contact for a long time.
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bklynmusicnerd · 2 years ago
I want Taggert to stay Trina’s father because Trina is the only one not tied to a legacy family unlike Spencer, Joss, and Cameron. At least with Taggert, even though he’s not a part of a legacy family, he’s been on the show for years and is a well known character so she’s tied to history through him. With Curtis as her bio father, she loses that small historical connection since he’s a nobody.
I've heard this sentiment before, and I understand where it's coming from. But I do have some thoughts on the whole "legacy" thing that I want to express. To me, Taggert should be Trina's only father because he is very key to Trina's established history on this show. He has been established as one of her most important relationships and definitely the most important male figure in her life.
They have had years to convince us of what Curtis brings to Trina's life, and they don't have anything to show for it. We hear all the time about how great it would be for Curtis to have Trina as a daughter and how much it would mean for him. But they never took the time to show us what Curtis brings to Trina's life besides unnecessary paternalism and condescension.
Every time they've had Trina say she "loves" Curtis, I've really struggled to believe it because they haven't shown it. Meanwhile, I've never doubted Taggert and Trina's love for each other, and that's across recasts.
As far as legacy goes, yes, it makes more storytelling sense to mine the history that Taggert and his sister Gia have with the Cassadines, than it does to try to have the Ashfords comment on the Cassadines. I do wanna say though that Trina's value as a character is in no way tied to who her dad is, legacy or no legacy. Legacy is both a gift and a curse for the soap genre. It's a secret weapon to have all this rich history to mine.
But acting like legacy is the only thing that matters can be stifling and make the world of the show too small and homogenous. Trina is being put in the same conversation as thee Laura Webber Collins and she didn't need any strong legacy ties to do it. Legacy can help a character have impact but it's not the only way for them to.
And too often writers lean on legacy status and think that will make up for good characterization. Trina will be fine no matter who they make her bio dad, I just don't want it to be Curtis, because I don't want history that's key to Trina's characterization disregarded to make the latest Curtis agenda work.
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deltonhayesjewelry · 1 month ago
Jewelry Repair Near Me: Your Guide to Restoring Precious Pieces
Jewelry holds sentimental and financial value, making it essential to keep your cherished pieces in excellent condition. Whether it’s a broken necklace, a tarnished ring, or a missing gemstone, professional services can breathe new life into your jewelry. If you’ve been searching for “jewelry repair near me,” this guide will help you understand what to expect and how to find the best jewelry stores near you.
Why Jewelry Repair Matters
Jewelry is not just an accessory; it often carries memories and stories that make it irreplaceable. A family heirloom passed down through generations or a gift from a loved one deserves special care. Regular maintenance and timely repairs ensure your pieces stay in pristine condition. Ignoring minor damages can lead to further deterioration, making it more costly and challenging to fix later.
Common Jewelry Repairs
Ring Resizing If your ring doesn’t fit properly, resizing ensures it’s comfortable and secure on your finger.
Chain and Clasp Repairs Broken chains or faulty clasps can render necklaces and bracelets unusable. Professional jewelers can replace or mend these components seamlessly.
Stone Replacement Losing a gemstone can be heartbreaking, but experts can match and replace the missing piece to restore your jewelry’s original beauty.
Polishing and Cleaning Over time, dirt and grime accumulate, dulling your jewelry’s shine. A professional cleaning restores its brilliance and removes tarnish.
Prong Repair Loose or damaged prongs can jeopardize the security of your gemstones. Jewelers can tighten or replace prongs to protect your precious stones.
How to Choose the Best Jewelry Repair Near Me
When looking for a reliable jeweler, consider the following factors:
Reputation and Reviews
Start by searching online for “jewelry repair near me” and reading customer reviews. Platforms like Google, Yelp, and local directories can provide insights into a jeweler’s reputation. Look for stores with consistently positive feedback.
Experience and Expertise
The best jewelry stores near me will have experienced professionals skilled in handling various types of repairs. Check if they specialize in the kind of repair you need, whether it’s antique restoration or gemstone replacement.
Certifications and Credentials
Choose a jeweler certified by reputable organizations, such as the Gemological Institute of America (GIA). Certifications indicate a commitment to quality and professionalism.
Turnaround Time
Inquire about the estimated repair time. While some fixes may be completed on the same day, others might take longer. A trustworthy jeweler will give you a clear timeline.
Reputable jewelers often provide warranties on their repairs, giving you peace of mind that the work is durable.
Benefits of Professional Jewelry Repair
Professional services ensure that your jewelry is repaired using the highest standards. Expert jewelers use specialized tools and techniques to maintain the integrity of your pieces. DIY repairs may seem cost-effective but can lead to permanent damage if done incorrectly.
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Ask for Recommendations: Friends, family, or colleagues may recommend trusted jewelers in your area.
Visit Local Jewelers: Explore stores nearby to assess their customer service, facilities, and range of services.
Check Online Listings: Many jewelers have detailed websites showcasing their expertise, services, and customer testimonials.
Jewelry repair is an essential service that helps preserve the beauty and value of your precious pieces. Whether it’s a simple polish or a complex restoration, finding the right professional makes all the difference. Start your search for “jewelry repair near me” today and discover the best jewelry stores near you to keep your treasures shining for years to come.
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aryanaxeconsultancy · 6 months ago
How to Tell If a Diamond is Well-Cut
When shopping for diamonds, whether in an engagement ring, pendant, or even a pair of cheap earrings, the cut of the diamond plays a significant role in determining its brilliance and overall appearance. A well-cut diamond reflects light in a way that maximizes its sparkle, making it look more stunning, regardless of its price. In this blog, we’ll explore how to assess whether a diamond is well-cut, even when looking for affordable pieces like earrings.
The Importance of Diamond Cut
Why Does Cut Matter? The cut of a diamond refers to how well it has been shaped and faceted. While other factors like color, clarity, and carat weight are important, the cut is what brings a diamond to life. A poorly cut diamond will appear dull, while a well-cut diamond will dazzle with brilliance—even if it’s set in more budget-friendly options like cheap earrings.
Cut vs. Shape Cut is often confused with shape, but they are different. The shape refers to the overall outline of the diamond (such as round, princess, or oval), while the cut is about how well the diamond’s facets are positioned and polished to reflect light.
Signs of a Well-Cut Diamond
1. Light Reflection
A well-cut diamond will reflect light in three primary ways:
Brilliance: This refers to the white light that reflects from the surface and the inside of the diamond.
Fire: Fire is the dispersion of light into various colors, giving the diamond a rainbow-like effect.
Scintillation: Scintillation refers to the sparkle or flashes of light that you see when the diamond is moved.
Even in cheap earrings, a well-cut diamond will exhibit all three of these qualities. When shopping, examine the diamond under good lighting and observe how it reflects light. Does it look lively and brilliant, or does it seem dull?
2. Symmetry
Symmetry plays a crucial role in determining the cut quality. A diamond’s facets need to be precisely aligned for optimal light performance. You can look for symmetry by using a jeweler’s loupe or by simply inspecting the diamond with the naked eye. Check for any irregularities in the shape, such as uneven edges or off-centered facets.
3. Proportions
The proportions of a diamond—how its depth, table size, and angles are balanced—are critical to its sparkle. A well-cut diamond will have the right balance of proportions to reflect light properly. If the diamond is too shallow or too deep, light will escape through the bottom or sides, causing it to lose brilliance.
Here are a few key proportions to keep in mind:
Table Size: The table is the flat surface on top of the diamond. An ideal table size should be around 54-57% of the diamond’s width.
Depth: The depth refers to the height of the diamond from top to bottom. A depth percentage between 59-63% is typically considered ideal for a round brilliant cut.
4. Certification
One of the easiest ways to tell if a diamond is well-cut is by looking at its certification. Reputable organizations like the Gemological Institute of America (GIA) or the American Gem Society (AGS) grade diamonds based on their cut quality. Look for diamonds that are graded as "Excellent" (GIA) or "Ideal" (AGS). These certifications are available even for smaller diamonds used in affordable jewelry like cheap earrings.
5. Sparkle in Earrings
When buying cheap earrings, the diamond size is usually smaller, making it difficult to assess the cut in detail. However, even in smaller stones, a well-cut diamond will sparkle noticeably. In stud earrings or hoops, check how the diamonds catch light as you move your head. A diamond that shines in low lighting and daylight is likely well-cut.
The cut of a diamond is one of the most important factors in determining its sparkle, whether you're buying an expensive engagement ring or cheap earrings. By paying attention to light reflection, symmetry, proportions, and certification, you can easily tell if a diamond is well-cut. Even when shopping on a budget, understanding these details can help you choose earrings that look brilliant and beautiful without breaking the bank.
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etikajewelsdubai · 11 months ago
Are Lab-Grown Diamonds Durable? What You Need to Know Before Purchasing
In recent years, lab-grown diamonds have surged in popularity as an ethical and eco-friendly alternative to traditional mined diamonds. As consumers increasingly prioritize sustainability and transparency, lab-grown diamonds offer a compelling choice. However, one common question that arises before purchasing lab-grown diamonds is their durability. Are lab-grown diamonds as durable as their mined counterparts? Let's delve into this topic to help you make an informed decision.
Understanding Lab-Grown Diamonds:
Lab-grown diamonds, also known as synthetic or cultured diamonds, are created in controlled environments that replicate the natural diamond-growing process. These diamonds have the same chemical composition, crystal structure, and optical properties as mined diamonds, making them visually identical to the naked eye. The key difference lies in their origin: lab-grown diamonds are produced in a matter of weeks or months in a laboratory, whereas mined diamonds form over millions of years deep within the Earth's mantle.
Durability of Lab-Grown Diamonds:
When it comes to durability, lab-grown diamonds are essentially identical to mined diamonds. Both types of diamonds score a perfect 10 on the Mohs scale of mineral hardness, indicating exceptional hardness and resistance to scratching. This means that lab-grown diamonds are suitable for everyday wear and can withstand the rigors of daily life without losing their luster or brilliance.
Furthermore, lab-grown diamonds undergo the same rigorous testing and certification processes as mined diamonds to ensure their quality and authenticity. Organizations such as the Gemological Institute of America (GIA) assess lab-grown diamonds based on the same criteria used for mined diamonds, including cut, clarity, color, and carat weight. This ensures that consumers can have confidence in the durability and integrity of their lab-grown diamond purchases.
Benefits of Choosing Lab-Grown Diamonds:
In addition to their durability, lab-grown diamonds offer several other advantages that make them an attractive choice for conscientious consumers. One of the primary benefits is their ethical and sustainable sourcing. Unlike mined diamonds, which often have a controversial history involving environmental degradation and human rights abuses, lab-grown diamonds are produced with minimal environmental impact and ethical concerns.
Moreover, lab-grown diamonds typically cost 20-40% less than mined diamonds of comparable quality, making them a more budget-friendly option for those seeking a beautiful and sustainable alternative. This affordability allows consumers to purchase larger or higher-quality diamonds within their budget, without compromising on durability or beauty.
In Conclusion:
When considering the durability of lab-grown diamonds, rest assured that they are as resilient and long-lasting as their mined counterparts. With their identical chemical composition, hardness, and quality certifications, lab-grown diamonds offer a durable and ethical choice for environmentally-conscious consumers. By opting for lab-grown diamonds, you can enjoy the beauty and brilliance of a diamond while supporting sustainable practices and transparency in the jewelry industry.
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practically-an-x-man · 9 months ago
what are your OCs' favorite accessories, the one thing or type of thing they always wear?
Oooh thank you!!
Rae: A necklace from Warren, a metal feather on a leather cord.
Robin: Band t-shirts, some that are her own and some that she stole from Peter.
Madison: Do her knives count? Oh, and she loves to steal Alex's leather jacket, at this point she wears it more often than he does.
Ophelia: Colorful Converse, long coats, and round glasses with purple frames
Gia: Various novelty earrings (i.e. ones that look like flip flops, fried eggs, bubble tea, butterflies, pizza slices, mushrooms, etc.)
Jasper: Their leather jacket, or a bunch of chunky steel rings (at least when they're not working or at roller derby)
Kestrel: A bracelet from Warren, with a charm that looks like a globe, enchanted so that it can never be lost or broken.
Katherine: Has a set of overalls she always wears when painting or doing other particularly messy art projects, and gold hoop earrings that her mother gave her as a graduation present.
Quinn: Her getaway jacket - black leather on one side with the back patch painted to look like the King of Hearts card, burgundy suede on the other side so it can be reversed for a quick costume change.
Eris: Always has some kind of weapon on them, if that counts. And once Rick resigns from the military, he gives them his old dog tags, and somehow she finds herself in the habit of wearing them every day ;)
Nikoletta: Her gloves (black leather, a little worn). She wore them all the time while she was in Belle Reve, and even kept them stashed in her pocket for the first few months after losing her shadow-touch.
Jimmy: He's a ghost, so he's always wearing the same outfit. But even in his life, he always wore his father's brass watch (given to him as an 18th birthday present)
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moohnshinescorner · 2 years ago
Happy Release Day!!!
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Series: Ever After #4
Author: Lea Coll
Genre: Small Town Contemporary Romance
Tropes: Given up on Love, Best Friend’s Brother, Single Dad
Release Date: AUGUST 8, 2023
Rule No. 4: Don't sleep with your best friend's brother.
Finn’s my best friend’s brother and co-worker. He doesn’t believe in love and I’m a hopeless romantic. We clash about everything except our undeniable attraction to each other.
After one hot night on a hotel rooftop, we agree to a no-strings-attached fling.
The only problem is our boss has this rule against co-workers dating. As the newest wedding planner, I can’t afford to lose my job, and unlike Finn, I don’t have a trust fund to depend on.
But each day, I fall more for him and his little girl. I want to show him that anything’s possible, even a forever kind of love. But when everything comes crashing down, will I lose my chance at love?
Who would’ve thought that Aria would’ve been so adventurous. That’s exactly what she is in this book, although she is a bit stubborn and refuses help from anybody. But growing up, not having enough made her very independent
Finn on the other hand, I knew he would be a wildcard, self-proclaimed playboy, who never wants to get married. Having a rough childhood growing up tainted Finn’s outlook on happily ever after. Because of this negative outlook, Aria and Finn butt heads and argue a lot. But as we know, faith has other for these two.
This was a sweet story with some scary and sad moments. I always enjoy a stubborn couple finding their way together. The author does an excellent job of creating sweet and endearing stories filled with struggles and challenges. Her characters have many obstacles to overcome on the journey to happiness and these journeys are often soul searching.
I thoroughly enjoyed Finn and Aria’s adventures, but I am so ready for Silas and Gia’s story. I bet that one will be explosive. Patiently waiting….
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GOODREADS LINK: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/121283977-give-me-a-reason
Amazon: https://amzn.to/3BNPunn
Apple: https://apple.co/3xYZCsx
Nook: https://bit.ly/3SytqUs
Kobo: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/give-me-a-reason-9
GP: https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Lea_Coll_Give_Me_a_Reason
Lea Coll's Shop : https://leacollbooks.com/collections/give-me-a-reason
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AUTHOR BIO Lea Coll worked as a trial attorney for over ten years. Now she stays home with her three children, plotting stories while fetching snacks and running them back and forth to activities. She enjoys the freedom of writing romance after years of legal writing. 
She grew up in a small town in Pennsylvania and currently resides in Maryland with her family. 
AUTHOR LINKS Website: https://www.leacoll.com 
Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/lea-coll 
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LeaCollAuthor 
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/leacollauthor 
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/18533240.Lea_Coll 
Newsletter: https://landing.mailerlite.com/webforms/landing/v5z3m1 
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practically-an-x-man · 10 months ago
Rose, orchid, daisy, tulip, dandelion, lavender for Gia, Rae, and Robin?
Thank you so much!!
Flowery OC Asks
Rose - What is your OC's favourite form of self-care?
Gia: Maybe a home spa day :D A bath with a fancy bath bomb, re-bleaching/toning her blonde hair, doing a face mask, painting her nails... she doesn't do it often, but it helps her feel pampered and put-together.
Rae: Taking a day off her translating work and X-Men duties, taking a walk around and enjoying what's around her.
Robin: Her self-care is synonymous with vocal care, and usually happens during late-stage opera rehearsals. Vocal rest, some Throat Coat tea, a good hot shower for the steam, that sort of thing.
Orchid - What is your OC's biggest fear?
Gia: HYDRA, though that gets extended to a general fear of other people.
Rae: Having her mind affected in any sort of way (telepathy, drugs, alcohol, anesthesia, etc.)
Robin: For her family, particularly those that aren't mutants, to be hurt because of her connection to the X-Men (i.e. for them to be attacked by either bigots or supervillains)
Daisy - What inspired you to create your OC?
Gia: I was in rehearsals for Little Shop of Horrors and was thinking about the weird codependent relationship between Seymour and Audrey II, and started thinking about an OC whose life and success was linked to a plant as well.
Rae: I think I answered this before, but it basically boils down to me wanting to fix Warren's death in X-Men: Apocalypse, plus just liking him as a character and wanting to give him a spitfire partner. She was one of my earlier OCs, so I didn't have any super unique inspirations besides just wanting to write.
Robin: Also an early OC, but I wanted to explore a superhero whose powers were put at-odds with their disability (i.e. Robin having sonic powers, but being born Deaf), and putting her in the Cassidy family was a fun idea I wanted to play with.
Tulip - If you could say/do one thing to your OC, what would you say/do?
Gia: "Reach out. It'll be hard at first, but you'll feel so much better once you do."
Rae: "You're not responsible for every problem you encounter. It's alright to let some go, especially if it means you're out of your depth"
Robin: "Sometimes you are going to lose people. It hurts, but it's not your fault. Don't feel guilty for the ones you weren't able to save."
Dandelion - Does your OC get overwhelmed easily?
Gia: Absolutely. She's the human equivalent of a retired racing dog, just a big old ball of anxiety and PTSD.
Rae: Not usually, unless it has to do with her phobia. Most of the time, she'll tackle problems head-on whether she's prepared for them or not, but any though that her mind's been invaded or tampered with will shut her down in a heartbeat.
Robin: About as much as any normal person, I think. There are some things she's completely comfortable with (including some things that would overwhelm another person, like live performance), but she also can get overwhelmed by stress or emotion like anyone else.
Lavender - How does your OC cope with loud noises?
Gia: Jumps out of her skin, like she's expecting to get shot or something.
Rae: Tenses about as much as a normal person would, and looks around to find the source of the noise.
Robin: She's Deaf.
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abercrombiejewelrytx · 2 years ago
How to Sell Estate Jewelry in Austin Texas | Everything You Need to Know to Sell Fine Jewelry
Jewelry often holds great sentimental value, and when someone passes on, leaving you the option of selling their antique jewelry, it’s essential to ensure that you aren’t making any rash decisions. After all, you want to honor the memory of your loved one and ensure that their inheritance is put to good use.
We can help you sell estate jewelry at Abercrombie Jewelry for the best price. Whether you have an antique diamond ring or a 1970s necklace with excellent intrinsic value, we will ensure you get a good deal.
This post offers key tips for selling jewelry inherited from an estate.
Steps to Take for Selling Jewelry
The jewelry industry is a complex and ever-changing environment, so it’s easy for sellers to feel like a fish out of water when it’s time to sell vintage jewelry. Fortunately, we’ve devised a list of tips to help you know where to start.
Here’s what you will need to do to make a sale:
Step One: Have Your Antique Jewelry Cleaned
Before you show the piece to an appraiser or potential buyers, it’s essential to get it cleaned. Years of dirt and grime can cause the piece to lose its appeal. If you are selling a watch, now is an excellent time to change the watch’s battery.
We recommend taking your jewelry to a professional dealer to ensure it is not damaged during the process.
Step Two: Get an Appraisal (or Two)
The next step in selling fine estate jewelry is having your estate jewelry appraised by a professional. Although this may appear to be a needless expense at first glance, an appraisal will help you determine the value of your pieces.
We don’t recommend stopping at just one appraisal. Take your pieces to at least two or three dealers and consider obtaining a report from reputable institutes like the Gemological Institute of America (GIA).
When appraisers look at fine diamond jewelry, they will consider the following factors:
The precious metals used
The overall condition of the piece
Its historical significance
Step Three: Do Your Research
We also recommend conducting some research to understand the market value of your estate jewelry. This will come in handy when bargaining. Look for similar pieces that were recently sold. Great places to try are online marketplaces and auction houses. You can also go to a local dealer.
Step Four: Decide on a Selling Method
There are several ways you can sell your antique jewelry. The method you choose will depend on your personal preferences, the urgency of the sale, and the type of jewelry you’re selling.
Local Pawn Shops or Jewelry Stores
This is arguably the easiest and most fuss-free way to sell your vintage jewelry. However, ensuring you’re working with reputable establishments specializing in buying and selling jewelry is crucial.
When you choose Abercrombie Jewelry, you can rest assured that you’re working with the best in the industry.
Sell Your Eco Estate Jewelry Online
Another option is to use online marketplaces to make a sale. To do this, you’ll need to take a few high-quality photographs of the piece, craft detailed descriptions, and set a competitive price based on your research before you wait to hear back from potential jewelry buyers.
Try Auction Houses If You Have a Rare Diamond Jewelry Piece
If your estate jewelry is valuable, rare, or historically important, you could consider selling it through an auction house.
Estate Sales or Consignments
You could also choose to participate in estate sales or consignment arrangements. Estate sales involve selling several items from an estate. Conversely, consignment involves leaving your antique gold jewelry with a dealer to sell on your behalf for a commission.
Top Tips for Selling Estate Jewelry
Here’s some advice to ensure that you have a good selling experience:
Never Throw Out the Original Packaging
Include the original jewelry case with the item, especially if it is in good shape and comes from a reputable company such as Cartier or Tiffany, which will raise its value. Sometimes a vintage Tiffany box will fetch more money than the jewelry it contains.
Work with Reputable Jewelry Buyers
Although you could sell your piece on your own, we highly recommend working with a professional dealer to buy jewelry once held in an estate. Not only will you get professional service and a pleasant experience overall, but you’ll also get a reasonable price.
Another thing to remember is that antiques are often fragile, so it’s best to take them to a professional jeweler for cleaning rather than trying to clean them on your own, as they can break or end up with fine scratches.
Don’t Forget Security
It’s also imperative to think about security when it comes to antique silver or gold jewelry. While waiting for a potential buyer, ensure you have adequate measures to safely store the piece.
Moreover, take reasonable caution when meeting with buyers in person. Avoid accepting cash offers and use reliable payment methods. It’s also a good idea to meet buyers in public places.
Be Patient
Keep in mind that selling any jewelry can take time, especially if you have a sentimental or valuable piece and are looking for a buyer who will appreciate its worth.
Don’t Be Afraid to Negotiate
Negotiation is an important part of the selling process. A good tip here would be to do as much research as possible and present evidence to the potential buyer of similar pieces that sold at higher prices. This will give you greater leverage for negotiating a better deal.
Final Thoughts
Selling estate jewelry can be a fun and rewarding experience. With this guide and selling tips on hand, you can make the most of your antique jewelry and get the highest possible price for it.
The good news is that you’re not alone in selling – we are here to help!
Whether you require assistance with one eco-estate jewelry piece or need to wrap up entire estates, Abercrombie Jewelry will provide guidance at every step. Contact us today to sell your estate jewelry for the best price!
Frequently Asked Questions
In the section below, we take a look at some of the most-asked questions about selling estate jewelry.
What Is the Best Way to Sell Inherited Jewelry?
When it’s time to sell a vintage piece, there are many methods you can choose to make a sale. However, the best will depend on your preferences, time constraints, and the kind of jewelry you have.
An auction may be better if you have a rare and valuable piece, while a jewelry dealer may be the best option for fast sales.
How Do You Determine the Value of Estate Jewelry?
To determine the value of your jewelry, you will need to have it professionally appraised. Appraisers will examine the purity of the precious metals, the grade of diamonds and other precious stones, and the piece’s condition.
Is It Okay to Sell Inherited Jewelry?
Jewelry often holds many memories, so it may seem like a bad thing to sell it. However, pursuing the highest prices for something you inherited isn’t necessarily an unwise decision. After all, the person who handed it down to you would probably want you to put your inheritance to good use.
If you’re on the fence, you might want to consider the emotional value of the item and whether you have a financial need that may require you to sell it.
What Is the Markup on Estate Jewelry?
The markup on estate jewelry can vary significantly depending on various factors, such as its rarity, historical significance, brand, age, demand, condition, and the market in which it is being sold.
While some may only get a markup of around 40 percent, rare and valuable pieces may qualify for as much as 300 percent! Doing as much research as possible on your particular item is essential to determine a reasonable markup.
The post How to Sell Estate Jewelry in Austin, Texas | Everything You Need to Know to Sell Fine Jewelry appeared first on Abercrombie Jewelry.
Originally published here: https://abercrombiejewelry.com/sell-estate-jewelry/
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