#vongola sesto
ciaossu-imagines · 7 months
So, for Day 11 of the event, I’m using prompt 4, #88 for Katekyo Hitman Reborn. Instead of using the prompt verbatim, I’m kind of spinning off on a theme the prompt could suggest, so I’m going with which KHR characters might have issues with premature ejaculation!
“Did you just…finish?”
So, I will say that cumming really quickly is a very normal issue for a lot of men losing their virginities or when they’re just really starting to have sex. I do think this would ring true for a great many characters when they did lose their virginity, so I’m not factoring that into anything and the thoughts are more about who consistently does face the issue.
From the Arcobaleno, I do see this being an issue that Verde faces, not all the time, but regularly enough for it to affect him. It’s just that he honestly doesn’t routinely have sex. He can easily go months, even a year (sometimes even longer) between having sex and having sex for the first time after so long is something that does ensure he doesn’t last really long. However, he does try to make up for it by either ensuring his partner reaches orgasm before penetration or getting them off afterwards and he’d be game for trying things that would help with the issue, both in terms of toys or medications.
Small Gia also had that issue during life, and as Bermuda never lost his virginity, that would be a pretty big issue for him as well if he ever did.
Oh, I actually see this being a huge issue for Simora. He gets really frustrated with it and his wife actually had extramarital affairs because their sex life was so unsatisfying. It was the main source of anger in his life, especially as he did truly love her more than life itself, which is why he always forgave her. His Guardians? Not so much.
Visconti has this issue ONLY when he and his lover are separated for a while. It’s guaranteed that at least the first couple times of being with his lover again after having been sexually dry for at least a month, that he cums quick. However, he does last longer the more often he has sex and is capable of multiple rounds a night so his partner doesn’t really complain about it much.
While not exactly ‘premature ejaculation’, it’s stupidly easy to make Haru orgasm, sometimes to the point of squirting.
Mochida struggles with this throughout all of his adult life and he uses cock rings a lot to help with the issue.
Levi A Than definitely has premature ejaculation issues and while he wants to satisfy his partner, his own orgasm makes him so lethargic afterwards that he can have issues with it. He’s also really embarrassed about this sexual tendency of his so his partner bringing it up can often cause some issues and fighting. However, he is the type who really cannot bear the thought of losing his lover, so if it does become enough of an issue where he thinks his partner might leave him because of it, he is willing to put his own pride aside to try anything they want.
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colorfullcast · 4 months
KHR! N-> Dictionary
[DISCLAIMER! This section is very spoiler heavy, so read at your own risk]
The Nuvella Famiglia
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The Nuvella Famiglia is a mafia family almost as old as the Vongola itself with now 8 generations going. It is known for being a very secretive family with not much public presence, however a lot of connections in the dark. They are known for never rushing any of their movements and rather waiting out the right moment than making any compromises on their plans. They have been openly and vocally opposing the Vongola since their first generation, as the family was founded by a former Vongola heir, Vongola Terzos younger brother who opposed his ideals and decided to build his own family. This is why the family has the same 1 Boss 6 Guardians structure.
There are many rumors and legends about the Nuvella, one for example, that they were responsible for the assassination of Vongola Sesto, however it could never be confirmed, but definitely hightened the tension between the two families. However it has never come to an open violent altercation on a family wide level, though many individuals have clashed with each other.
It is also said that they have ties to "the Serpents", an underground organisation, that deals in the dirtiest and most heinous of crimes, even being responsible for toppling politicians in other countries.
Eight Generation
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Vero Nemesi (Boss - Sky)
Vero Nemesi is the eight Boss of the Nuvella family, being the oldest of two children of the former seventh boss Francesca. He is known for being rather cunning tho it is unclear which exact crimes can be attributed to him, due to the Nuvellas secrecy. However he is responsible for many attacks and leaks regarding the Neo Vongola transfer to japan and has weirdly enough not made any attempt to hide this.
He seems to have a particular dislike of Tsunayoshi Sawada and Vongola Nono, blaming his mothers death on Timoteo and his guardians.
Possible and confirmed involvement
The sudden spike of Vongola Nonos Dementia (unconfirmed)
The attack of a Bat Amalgamation Monster on the Varias Squad 4 (confirmed)
Leaking information regarding Tsunayoshi Sawada transfering the Neo Vongola to japan (confirmed)
Financing the build of the Mosca models (unconfirmed)
Leaking information about Vongola whereabouts in the Future (partially confirmed)
Leaking Ekaterina Bugakovas assassination to Anatoli Bugakov (confirmed)
Leaking Basils whereabouts to the Varia during the Ringbattle Arc (unconfirmed)
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Cho Nemesi (Information Networker - Cloud Guardian )
Cho Nemesi is Vero Nemesis younger brother and the eight generations Cloud Guardian. He is the head of the Nuvella Information Network, the probably biggest strength and weapon of the Family. He is very loyal to his older brother and works close with their Tech Specialist Beanie. He overlooks the information that they gather and then presents them to his brother who then decides what to leak to whom and if to possibly even sell information. The Vindice has been keeping a close eye on him as he has shown interest in gathering information from the "Atlantis" Bar which has been the secret information pool of the Vindice.
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Carmen Serpine (direct comand assassine - Sun Guardian)
Carmen Serpine is the Nuvella eight generation Sun Guardian and the older sister of Mayar Serpine, the boss of the Serpents. She has been the Nuvellas assassine since the former generation, but only under Vero has she been made a Guardian and given a more stable ring for her flame. Under the former Boss Francesca she has been responsible for multiple deaths among the Varia and specifically the eye impairment of Zarria Albo whos left eye she ripped out of her skull. She sees Zarria as her personal enemy; why is unclear, but she has been going for her specifically.
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Valencia (Lightning Guardian)
Valencia di Loma is the eight generation Lightning Guardian of the Nuvella Family. It's said that in her past she was part of a church based in rural south italy, where she was raised in believing the divinity of gods punishment. Believing that her boss Vero is a messenger of the Lord himself she has seen every of his orders as a direct command from God itself, following each command no matter how deranged or evil it may be.
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Maribella (Mist Guardian)
Maribella is the Nuvella eight generation Mist guardian and regarded an academic genius. She constructs her illusions from the ground up, using her knowledge to make them as realistic as possible, so any attempt at deconstructing them or find fault in them would be unimaginably difficult. She puts rational thought above feelings, which has led to her following Vero as she believes his ideologies to be the ones with the best outcome for italy.
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James (Storm Guardian)
James is the Nuvella Famiglia eight generation Storm Guardian and shrouded in mystery even for the Nuvella. Nobody knows where he came from or what his deal is, but he has proven himself to Vero and became his storm guardian. He is truly just here to fuck shit up and have a good time, ready to mess up others for shits and giggles. It's said that he might've been a convicted criminal from another country and it's rather obvious that James is not his real name, however this is mostly irrelevant as neither James nor Vero disclose any information about his background.
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Hermeas (Rain Guardian)
Hermeas is the Rain Guardian of the eight generation of the Nuvella Family and an old friend of the Nemesi family. He has been a sort of uncle to both Vero and Cho, ever since they were born and has been incredibly protective of them. He was also the one who first suspected Vongola Nono to be responsible for Francescas death and is still guilt ridden for not being able to protect her when she needed him. This is why he swore to protect her two kids and became the eight generations Rain Guardian, on top of being their bodyguard and closest family member. He disliked Tyr, but always saw Carmens obsessiveness with Tyrs executioner as completely overdrawn.
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Beanie (Technic Specialist)
Beanie is the Nuvella families specialist for anything involving technology and internet. He works closely with Cho and has been the one to perform most of the hacking operations for information. He is as much a staple of the Information Network as Cho is.
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Mayar Serpine (Boss of "The Serpents" - Mist flame)
Mayar Serpine is the current Boss of the Serpents, an underground organisation that deals in illegal activity in and outside of italy, mostly involved in blackmail, extortion and political plays. The Serpents work closely with the Nuvella for a while now andd Mayar himself has shown to be impressed by the way Vero leads the eight generation. He is Carmen Serpines younger sibling and a formidable illusionist who uses mostly mindgames and psychology to trick his opponents into an opening. He has been opposed to the way the Vongola has been operating for a while, the entire organisation having always been a more opposing force to them than an ally or just neutral party. It's said that the founder of the Serpents even had contact with Giotto Vongola and back then had already been unhappy about the way Giotto led his organisation. Right now he provides the Nuvella with financial and resource aid while playing a big part in the current political landscape of west russia and nort italy.
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moonraven1412 · 7 years
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“And like a pearl, the family took generations until they reached their final shape.”
Perla Famiglia’s first generation. Never found fulfillment but left their legacy to the future generations. (ages mentioned are when they broke off from Vongola)
I think that the Flame famiglia is pretty closeknit community, thus I think the relations that i describe here are entirely possible.
Dante Pittore: Heavenly Mist, originally the youngest son of Vongola Quinto, as a Mist he was uneligble to inherit and before Sesto was even established, he left the country at age 16. His name was dragged through the mud due his refusal of becoming his brother’s Guardian and causing his friends to scatter, thus depriving Vongola of strong Flame users. He went to Denmark and joined the army. Eventually his grandson went to Finland where Aarnio family are his descendants.
Lucille Fontaine: Sunny Rain, Information broker, liked to use guns despite them being unladylike. Went back to France at age 17, never married but had two children, eldest of them taking her name. Of the descendants only the eldest child of her eldest’s line takes her name and contacts. Others have married and forged their own routes. Descendants include Angelica and René Fontaine, Leila Kannas and Colonello.
Aurelio Cavallone: Electric Sun, left to Japan at age 18 while his cousin became Cavallone Quinto. Liked to use Bec de Corbin as a weapon though preferred to use his wits in fight rather than brawn. Irie Shoichi is his descendant.
Antonio Pisani: Heavenly Storm. Born from a bastard line of Vongola Secondo. Violent and arrogant but honorable fighter. Preferred knives in fights. Only one out of “Pittore Sextet” who remained in Italy. Was 17 when scattering happened. Xanxus is descended from him.
Giulio Scutese: Stormy Lighting. Originally from Scotland and named Julian Clifton. Returned back there during the scattering when he was 16 years old. Used to be a blacksmith and preferred to use swords and axes that he’d made himself during fight. Dahlia Williams and Spanner are his descendants.
Valentina Travesi: Misty Cloud. Youngest out of Pittore Sextet, only 15 when scattering happened. Used to travel across Europe but settled in Finland where her son married a local girl. Eventually the family name shifted to Sariola. Out of her descendants, only Saana uses escrima sticks like her. Saana also married Eemeli Aarnio, descendant of Dante Pittore and had Aada Aarnio. Also, Saana’s brother came to be known as the Immortal Skull de Mort.
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insanescriptist · 7 years
How's the curse gonna go for Nono, the curse is probably a long term thing given Dorea wants him to suffer but will it be showing the effects immediately?
Curses tend to mean business, so it’s showing. Not in terms of Nono’s physical health but in lots of little things that are bad for him.
-He and his ‘son’ aren’t talking, aren’t on good terms and it’s blatantly obviously so because they left before the drinks were even delivered
-His Lightning Guardian has had Concerns and taken them to his Don and his friends. He obviously can’t say anything but He is Concerned
-Also, what sort of bonded Guardian wants to be away from their Sky? Is Very Alarming.
-Nono’s other relationships are deteriorating; Visconti drifting towards his mother and her apprentice is a sign and that segment tells that they don’t have the connections to the younger men, the foot-soilders that they used to.
-Nono burned any bridge at the Varia he might have had between the phone-harrassment, general behavior towards their Boss (past and present) and other things.The Varia has a long memory.
-Nono as Don Vongola has favored a ‘Vongola first’ policy among his people and subordinates. Which has not earned him friendly consideration among the older generation.
-Nono’s failure to parent his sons, so that they ended up dead is also not looked on favorably by their contemporaries. Enrico talked a good game but couldn’t fight his way out of a wet paper bag, Massimo was a spoiled brat of a man and Federico was obviously taking pages out of Sesto’s book of man-whoring without making pre-cautions such as siring legitimate offspring.
-Or the younger generation, because now the Vongola is in a succession crises and the Vongola falling to pieces will wreck the local economy and even on a world-scale somewhat. They’re trying to avert a mafia war in the making and putting a foreign squeaky figure-head of a Decimo on the Vongola Throne is going to ensure that there will be one eventually. Because they’re not expecting him to last.
-The initial CEDEF report of Tsuna’s abilities that Erica leaked to Squalo who passed it to Pantera has long since made its rounds. It’s going to get brought up again.
-Because, Reborn, you’ve been around Tsuna for eighteen months now. How have you not started serious training or teaching prior to this? What the hell has he been doing? Clearly not teaching, so obviously he’s been playing bodyguard.
And all this is just off the top of Izzy’s head. There’s other things that raise flags alone but send up burning signal flares’ when put together.
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ephonajizabel · 11 years
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more transparent Vongola bosses!
Vongola Quarto (Fork Guy), Vongola Quinto, Vongola Sesto Simore
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