#ghesties for life
copias-juicebox · 11 months
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Another year around the sun for our resident author extraordinaire and spooky queen, Leah! May Asmodeus bring you everything you desire today, including the Copia from this gif set.
Love you, girl!
- your girls @fishwithtitz and @copias-juicebox ♡
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grubbin22 · 20 days
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magma doodles ft operator
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my-jewish-life · 4 months
I have seen so many Christian and Muslim Ghost fans so this made me curious, where's my Jewish Ghost fans at?😄🖤💜
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belle--ofthebrawl · 11 months
A very warm (hot, even) thanks to @coffeesforcatchers for picking embers out of my hair on this spectacular night of ghosts and ghouls.
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odetokeons · 1 year
29.05.2023 ⸸ Milan, Italy
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copiousloverofcopia · 2 years
New image: new profile picture and header! Love it Sister ♥️
✨ Thank you so much!!! ✨
My new profile photo was a Ghristmas gift from my ghestie @meowsaidmissy and I absolutely adore it. It's so very special to me that I can even put it into words 💖😭
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My header was done by a wonderful artist @a-toothy-grin cause I love Cardi so much and wanted something cute with my sister and him 🥰
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Choosing between two very different but equally life changing arrangements is extremely difficult.
But in doing so I am choosing to go on living. It means that I am choosing to fight through the hard days and embrace the good.
While I feel like nothing right now is working in my favour I am doing everything in my power to remind myself that this can't last.
Everything is temporary. The good fades into the bad and the bad gives way to new and exciting beginnings.
I have the right to live to know a brighter and more joyful existence.
My friends have been an unending support system for me. Even when I've tried to push people away they refuse to let it happen. They sit and they listen and they validate my emotions. They empathize and even when the days are so blindingly painful that I find it increasingly difficult to express the pain I'm feeling .... they still sit with me, they let me cry - and sometimes cry with me - they remind me how much they love me and they remind me of why I'm here and why I should push through the pain.
I had a friend call me the other night and she sat on the phone with me while I sobbed for an hour. She helped me feel validated and love and cherished. So I want to continue living for the good days and simply breathing through the bad.
Life is complicated and nobody said it would be easy. We just never expect to lose our homes and ourselves at the same time. Yet we push forward.
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i. i am so happy rn
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iamtheonelascivious · 2 years
Go meet your online friends.
Ghost has unintentionally led me to meet and become friends with so many people, people that i otherwise would’ve never had the chance of crossing paths with. We all live such immensely different lives, only Ghost could’ve brought us together.
This year alone I’ve met 10 online friends in person. We drove for hours on end from all directions to meet each other in person. First at an Airbnb, second in Asheville (to see Ghost together!) and third to an amusement park?!
Moral of the story: life is weird and shorter than you think. Meet your friends, go places, try new things, put yourself in uncomfortable scenarios in order to make these things happen (like a 12hr car ride or sleeping on an apartment floor.)
Thank you Ghost for making 2022 one of the most enriching years of my life ❤️
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Of course be entirely sure they are who they say they are, and maybe this is bad advice to share with the populace of tumblr. We had all spent many many hours talking in discord, voice chats, video calls, video GAMES, etc. I’m also basically 30 years old, too, so I’ve been around long enough to be sure in these decisions lol.
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tinytinyrat · 2 years
It’s a Darkness At The Heart Of My Love night
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copias-juicebox · 7 months
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Tobias Forge for MetalXS episode 11 x
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ghouliebabies-art · 1 month
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Y’all are insane. 500??? This is unbelievable, thank you all so much. I’m so happy our ghoulie family is growing more each day <33 The past few weeks haven’t been the easiest with a breakup and school and blah blah blah, so this really brightened my day. Thank you all so much. I don’t know how to express how grateful I am for y’all and how you, honestly, changed my life. I’m selling original art and commissions now, my art is going to be on freaking t-shirts… I wouldn’t be here without all of you. Y’all are my world. I love you, thank you and…. STAY SPOOKY!!! 💜🫶🦇✨🎃
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writingjourney · 3 months
PSA about RHRN
Until the last screenings on Sunday/Monday end I will not be posting any spoilers about the movie. I will be around come Thursday night after I've watched it in case any of you want/need to chat in private about what we all saw. After that, I am not sure about posting, I am kind of hoping we'll be hearing about a physical/digital release soon and see from there. If I should post any spoilers on this blog come next week I will use the following hashtags:
#rite here rite now
#rite here rite now spoilers
#ghovie spoilers
I urge you all to do the same and not immediately spoil the fun for other ghesties by at least tagging your posts. You all know Tobias wants us to have a great time, to immerse ourselves in the footage and the music and the whole cinematic experience that he and eveyone involved so meticulously crafted. I know many of you are anxious or concerned but please allow yourselves to enjoy the ride – this is incredibly special and something that other music fans can only dream of. Seeing this on big screen is a beautiful privilige and once in a life time moment. Trust their vision ♡
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ghulah · 2 months
Papa Emeritus, Terzo and the weight of the Mitre.
Due to popular demand, here is my Terzo analysis. It has been significantly cut down(if you do want the uncut analysis, here) because most of it was bullet points and unhinged notes I made. To be completely transparent, this was inspired by @cityofmeliora's own Terzo analysis post as well as several other analyses which I will be linking (also some headcanon stuff the wifecule had cooked up together lol).
These are all the posts (1 2 3 4 5 ) I used as resources and this compilation of Ghost interviews, as well as the Metal Myths part 2, because that's sort of required viewing at this point, isn't it?
I'll be splitting this analysis up into sections, first are brief descriptions and explanations of my understanding of the different aspects of Terzo - as Papa, as a Cardinal and as himself.
As for my sources, I won't be inserting the direct quotes here(because this post would be the longest ever) and they are all available in the aforementioned links.
Anyway, onwards, Ghesties!
First of all, What is Papa?
This is in reference to Papa, the entity, the image - not the person. Papa is a character, he's a mask, he's a façade. He is an image and an idea and the face of the Clergy. He is everything and he is above all yet he is not. According to mister Ghost-man himself, he is a stereotype, he is someone you know from somewhere and often than not he's old, charismatic, maybe a little bit bitter. He is sort of nebulous, he is a concept.
All whom take up the mantle, the Mitre, live up to this to a certain degree, it's part of the job! It also might be part of the bloodline, but y'know.
In that case, who is Papa Emeritus III?
The character of Papa III, the performer, the leader, the one to show us the way. Papa III is the face of the Ministry, he is a showman, a diva who is perfect for the role of the Satanic Pope who is not only theatrical, but also charismatic and fun and ambitious! He is artistic and outspoken. He knows what he's doing, he loves having a good time - drinks, partying, sex! He encourages it, as long as everyone is safe. He wants to bring about a new age, something to thrive. He will lead us all to damnation!
Papa III cares for his people, he makes sure they are safe and sound even in the midst of the chaos of the Rituals. He is, after all, the messenger that leads the audience through the hero's journey - a guide.
Cardinal Terzo
Let me be clear, this is all derived from Bishop Necropolitus Cracoviensis (who is representative of the album artist Zbigniew Biela) testimonial on Terzo when they were buddies back in Poland.
Cardinal Terzo was a slutty slutty, party man with a revolution in mind. He actually had a lot of visions and ideas to keep the Ministry going and modernizing it. He seemed super, well, locked in. He also likes Futurism, which aligns with his Art Deco and German Expressionism in his box of early 20th century art movements. He saw a future and he wanted to bring it to life, he held the same sins as his brother, Vice, Lust, Greed - but he had Ambition (credit to user cityofmeliora for this epiphany). That's what set it all off. Cardinal Terzo had that joie de vivre.
But who is Terzo?
Terzo Emeritus is a man of many pleasures - it's just those pleasures don't often involve people. He likes early 20th century fashion, he likes early 20th century art movements, he likes theater, he participates in it. He does have a pleasant personality, perfectly charming and joyful and teasing - but, he's not 'on' all the time. Or rather, he might not genuinely feel that way unless something or someone actually interests him. He might not be as slutty as everyone thinks he is. He moves like a fucking cryptid when he isn't performing, which is even funnier considering how open he seems to act. He wanted to do so much as Papa, he cared a lot. He had so many ideas, he wanted to take care of his flock and wanted to spread his ideas and cement the Ministry as a real power by opposing all those mindsets that keep holding society back. He was a revolutionary taken out too soon for another agenda at play, which is his true tragedy.
If anything, his charming Papa persona is what draws people in - but it's untouchable, because it's an idea, a face he puts on. Terzo is most likely the mellow, a toned down version of that face. Secondo influenced him, not enough for him to be exactly like him, though, so.
On a very real level - he's sort of like that 'when your circle small but y'all are crazy' meme. He has only a few people who are truly close to him and know what he wants and who he is while everyone else is on the outside looking in. He seems to keep people at bay, even the ones he approaches first. It's the people who either stick around and play along long enough to catch all his little ticks or the ones who saw through it all in the first place who get close to him.
That self hatred and hatred of everyone came a little later, when everything started to not fit into place anymore. He had restrictions on him, he couldn't bring his vision to life - he began to resent that idea. He knew that he was expendable, it was inevitable that he would be gone soon. He was still Papa, he cared, he wanted better for the Ministry. But it was, to a point, all for nothing if he was going to be stifled.
Ambition and hubris being his downfall is just a repetition of every Greek Tragedy we've been told. And much like the Bringer of Light, Terzo was brought down to Hell. Thanks Sister Imperator.
Sorry if some of this sounds a bit silly, it is quite self indulgent and made when I was sleep deprived. But also, I love character analysis and I love Ghost so!
Bonus tidbit: All that talk of separate travel made me think that Terzo might like sightseeing as a fun headcanon. So in my mind he might have a film camera stashed somewhere to take with him. It fits with the idea that he is quite a recluse and takes time to himself, he doesn't need to socialize to go out and see things and take pictures. Of course this is also extrapolated from his nerdy film and art interests. (this part was inspired by a convo with @3hroo)
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dantesunbreaker · 10 months
Hey Ghestie! If you are currently taking requests, may I please have some headcanons for how Copia & Secondo (individual headcanons for them ofc) act as father figures to a Sibling of Sin 🥺 preferably one w/anxiety and is touch starved totally not projecting
Fatherly Papas
Of course Ghestie! Though I took the liberty of doing all the Papas because I also could use some fatherly Primo in my life. Also I'm posting this while on mobile so I am scared to see what it looks like when I get back to my computer 😅
There are many days spent working in Primo’s garden together. Not only just because Primo needs help with the physical labor in his older years, but because it is a quiet relaxing activity that gives you time to bond with each other
Physical touch is often, ranging from small reassuring pats on the hand to warm heartfelt hugs pulled tight to his chest. Primo wants you to physically feel the promise that he will always be there in your time of need
Sits and listens to you troubles as an active listener, asking questions that get to the root of the issue and then offering what advice and comfort he can if and when needed
Primo knows the signs of when you are getting burnt out or straining yourself too much while working and will bring you tea or treats that help you relax
Is beyond touched and flattered should you ever give him gifts on Father’s day, might even get a bit emotional. Will thank you by pulling you in for a hug followed by a chaste kiss on either the cheek or forehead. There is no toxic masculinity in him, so Primo is very open to giving kisses in non romantic relationships
Secondo told you that you were always welcome to come to him in times of need, he never really expected much to come of it
On occasions that Secondo catches you in the halls or in public and notices you displaying signs of anxiety, he is quick to step in and help. Starts with a call of your name as to not spook you before putting a firm yet comforting grip on your shoulder
Even Secondo will admit he is not the best at comforting others, especially with his words. But that does not mean he will not give it his all
Brings you to his office so you have a private place to let go, sitting in silence as you let out whatever has been causing you to struggle
Once you have gotten everything off your chest, Secondo will pull you in for a tight hug, paying no mind to whether or not you are soaking his robes with tears
Will hold you for however long you need, a warm and comforting embrace that makes you feel safe and accepted 
As you are pulling away from the hug, Secondo will look you in the face while telling you how proud he is of you. Tells you that he sees everything you do, how hard you work, and he could never feel anything but pride at that. Success or failure, does not matter, Secondo will also support you and always be proud
Absolutely wants to be seen as a sort of  “fun dad”, and always tries going out of his way to keep you smiling even when you really don’t feel like it
Terzo is very open about all sorts of physical affection and never holds back. Will give you as many hugs as you need, will brush your hair if it helps you feel calm, greets you with a kiss on each cheek, anything that you need Terzo would try to give you
Always wants to be caught up on whatever is happening in your life whether it be big or small things. If something important happens that Terzo doesn't know about it kind of crushes him because he will feel like he is failing as a paternal figure
Good active listener when you come to him needed to vent, responds with concern and empathy and always asks if you want advice for the issue or simply to get it out
Whenever Terzo catches you having anxiety attacks or getting over worked, he stops everything to whisk you off to do something more fun and relaxing. Sometimes this means impromptu trips to theme parks
Totally also gives you extravagant outfits for your birthday and Christmas
Equally touch starved, expect that when Copia provides comfort that it will entail a fair amount of physical affection
When walking together, Copia will place a hand either on your back between your shoulder blades or on your opposite shoulder 
Copia is also not always the best at comforting with his words, but his awkward ramblings and signature Copia noises are comforting enough at times
Makes you promise to come to him if you are ever struggling with anxiety or any other mental strain. Does not matter what time of day, Copia will always set everything aside to be there for you. Whether you just need someone to vent to or if you are seeking advice, he is there to offer what help he can
The times you come to him crying, Copia will hold you tight to his chest and softly reassures that you can get through this and that he is with you every step of the way
Honestly, the type of guy that would also treasure anything you ever make for him. Instead of hanging drawings on the fridge, he will hang them in his office. Also the type that would cry at your plays or dance recitals should you ever have anything of that nature. The ghouls go with Copia to keep him from making too much of a scene
Introduces you to the rats as “their much larger and less hairy sibling”, immediately feels nervous about it and will give you a look that says he is waiting for your response. It will make his day if you are on board with being a big sibling to his rat children
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copias-sewer-rat · 10 months
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Second part of this recommendations thingy! This time, I tried to expand the recommendations to other areas and platforms. Please go check everyone out! They deserve the best!
previous part | my masterpost
As always, check the tags and if you are a minor do not interact with +18 fics. All these writers are amazing and deserve so much more recognition, please go read their stuff and follow them!
@ghulehunknown follow also on Ao3 please go read Caught by Papa, Punished by Papa, Cardi Confessions and everything she has written because it is so fucking hot damn!!!!
@dewymorningstar I leave you with their masterlist, please go read their scenarios with the ghouls, they are absolutely adorable.
@youwouldntlietopapa Ao3 CannedBread: Fiore ???!!!! PEEPAW PEEMO WE LOVE YOU!! And all the Secondo ones... oof!! (My Secondo) go read them all pls.
@fishwithtitz I also leave you with their masterlist and Ao3, but please go read The Five Times I Hooked Up with Mary Goore (and the One Time I Couldn't) because I WANT TO EAT THAT FIC like *nom nom* it is so good.
@angellayercake Ao3 Angellayercake GO READ Banchetto, When True Love's Kiss AND The Diary of Cardinal Terzo I ASSURE YOU THEY ARE SOME OF THE BEST THINGS YOU ARE GOING TO READ. (Especially if you love Terzo).
(needed break so Tumblr doesn't freak out on me)
@m0rbidmacabre I leave your with their masterlist BUT PLEASE GO READ THEIR KINKTOBER STUFF and ongoing series, heck, read it all, it is all so good! Check her out!
@themratts I followed them for their art until I realised they had an Ao3???? And I instantly started reading and I fell hard for their OC Alena *gently holds*. Please go read Dear Red Biretta and the rest of the fics for their oc, it is absolutely fueling my days.
@deetz-ghuleh is a mastermind???? No Lies is one of my fav fics ever? Secondo yes please? and Reverence??????? *screams so hard she goes to the moon*
@sweatandwoe I found them on Ao3 first and they have so many amazing spicy fics, my personal favs: Blasphemy, Life Eternal and Forever Yours.
@mastercopia I needed to add her because That Little Coffee Shop was the first Ghost fic I ever read and I remember it with such love... But please, go read anything of hers, she is so skilled and talented, you won't be disappointed.
Other platforms (please if these people have a Tumblr or any other social media, please, let me know.)
@/CardenalPlushia on Ao3 and x, lovely ghestie, so creative, go read her Who's Your Daddy? oneshot, please, red-haired freckled CC has my fucking heart.
@/casstayinmyass I found them on Ao3 as well, and there is a user on Tumblr with that name, I am not sure if it is the same because they don't have their Ao3 linked or anything (if anyone knows please let me know and I will edit this). I was recommended one of their fics a while back and I wanted to reread it, I still love it lol: When In Rome (but they have SO MANY GHOST FICS it is insane).
@/SoleraLove on Ao3 also has a fic I wanted to reread: Since Eden in need of hurt/comfort? Go read it asap.
@/Keggy_Chaos on Ao3, if you want a lengthy Ghost fic, go read Stay and Burn, you'll love it.
@/luciferscowgirl on x and Wattpad, another dear ghestie that has amazing Copia nsfw fics, go check her out!
I am in love with all these beautiful artists, please go follow them all and support them with likes and reblogs, they all deserve it!)
@themratts (again because I love their OC art so very much)
@samdunn aka the amazingly talented artist behind so many official ghirts designs (insane stuff, so talented!!!)
lastly, a mention to my dearest ghestie @/lilchopin1 on x because I adore her and her art is so cute and nice and I love her so very much, go check her out! (AND HER COVERS ARE ALSO BEAUTIFUL PLEASE I ADORE HER)
@panthermouthh please go read The Descent, it is incredible!
* GIFs - Do you want to see your favourite Papas/ghouls moving, shaking their ass and being horny on main? Follow these lovely creators who us such beautiful gifts (pun intended)
@ghuleh-recs you want more fics to read? Go follow! GO GO GO GO GO GO!!!
@resin-popia - an amazing project of our dear cardi, the dedication that goes into it is insane, be sure to follow because it is insane and gorgeous!
@/conclaviconterzo or CnClaviCnTerzo; another of my dear x ghesties she posts there and on tiktok and she is SO FUNNY, please check her out for unhinged Ghost content!
THAT'S IT FOR NOW, PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF YOU KNOW OF MORE CREATORS THAT DESERVE MORE RECOGNITION OR IF YOU WOULD LIKE FOR ME TO CHECK YOUR STUFF FOR FUTURE ENTRIES! (I am planning on expanding this to more areas such as cosplayers and interesting profiles on other platforms, so please let me know your fav Ghost related content creators!)
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