#get rekt darknesses
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they’re called Player cause they’ll play ya
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tiny-elf-of-doom · 11 months
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Like & comment for more insulting memes.
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londonskies · 1 year
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fantasyfantasygames · 11 months
40 Parsecs
40 Parsecs and a M.U.L.E, Steamroller, 2021
(No relation to 40 Degree Fever, another game on my review list. Also no relation to the antique computer strategy game M.U.L.E.)
The name is, as you hopefully guessed, a reference to "Forty acres and a mule". For those who don't know Starcraft, a M.U.L.E. is a mining machine that you can call down from orbit.
I love alternate imaginations of the future, especially when they're on the optimistic side. 40 Parsecs is an afrofuture reimagining of Starcraft and it's amazing.
Instead of the Terran Dominion's fascist monarchy, the Umoja wa Galaksi (Galactic Unity or something like it in Kiswahili) is locally-run, multi-faceted, and multicultural. Every planet has its own unique ships. Some of them are fused with Protoss psychic crystals or Zerg biotech, because, like humanity, the Protoss and Zerg are not presented as monocultures! There are overminds who embrace peace. "Dark Templar" isn't frightening or an insult. There's an assumption that everyone has a little Protoss or Zerg (or both) going on and is tapped into a shared psychic network.
The PCs are citizens of a community (there's a community-building flowchart that the whole group uses) who have pledged to defend it. You see, there are still Terrans who are fascist, Zerg who don't like anyone, and Protoss who do want to telepathically control you, and they're trying to sneak into your territory. You find them, root them out, and defend your people.
Character types let you mimic the medium-scale characters from SC1 and SC2, though without their trademark gear until shit goes down. Terrans can be Enlisted (Marine, Firebat, Reaper, etc.), Agents (Ghosts), Construction (SCVs), Pilots, and Commanders. Protoss can be Priests, Scientists, Zealots, or AIs. Zerg can be Queens, Warriors, Overseers, or Corruptors. All of those are broad categories rather than the exact unit type.
The rules for 40 Parsecs are concise and effective, with a medium amount of "swing" to the rolls. Most of it is 3d6 + bonus vs. target number. A lot is handled through opposed rolls. Combat involves a neat die-swapping trick that lets you "steal" good dice from your opponent's failed roll to add to your attack roll to get your damage. Matters of scale are handled by adding large bonuses - a battlecruiser has +40 scale, for instance, whereas Marine armor gets +10, so doing even a small amount of damage takes an amazing shot.
Ability scores include the usual sci-fi set (Str, Agi, Sta, Int, Psy, Per) plus three cultural ability scores (unique to each culture) that map to each other in the game's most complex interactions. I'm not 100% sure how well those work in practice, but they sound cool and I like the approach to culture-as-a-defining-part-of-character. You can also borrow skills through the psychic network.
The art for the ships and units is pretty good, though the character art would have benefited from a professional artist rather than the writer's cousin. Bonus points for not using any of the video game art, though!
As you might guess from the name this one's on itch - or it was until ActiBlizzsion sent them a cease-and-desist and the page disappeared. You can occasionally find a copy on file-sharing services. Be warned that for some reason it's a touch over 3.4 GB. I suspect that the image compression went badly, badly wrong.
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denizenhardwick · 9 months
i do feel bad for heli because yeah, he couldn't be fully honest with her and that's not his fault, it's a matter of safety for him and his friends. but also. bro. you did not have to offer to let her bite your neck, especially right after she mentioned the significance of that act to you. the extent to which he gained and then damaged her trust is his fault.
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raniform · 11 months
So I started a new ds2 run to get the miracles achievement and long story short I’m rushing getting to the Sunlight Covenant as quickly as possible. On my way to the Bone Lords something magical happened.
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I backstabbed this dude’s head into this bridge.
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elise-the-blind · 10 days
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I lied, get rekt
theres another theory goin round about how Tom might be killed by Shadow, its something i doubt but ya know if you gonna kill a kid why not kill a dad aswell?
Dark sonic anyone? finally the return it deserves
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Fragments - episodes 19-22 author notes
You can find similar breakdown posts on older episodes in my pinned!
Obligatory ShB spoiler warning.
First off, the two panels that took a silly amount of time just because I wanted to reflect Vivi’s impressions on the city.
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Episodes 18, 19, 20 open up with Vivi being concerned with the most pressing matters:
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Can’t fight if you ain’t pretty (or got just 1-2 outfits to be pretty in, that won’t do either)
I still really like the panel above, especially their pose. Episodes 19-22 show how they gradually get rid of physical boundaries. They didn’t even touch back when they first met (episode 15).
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Vivi’s casual about physical affection with friends, just one of his core things.
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Of course Vivi would trust and choose the company of a pixie, a supernatural being, over a (presumably) human who only reinforces Vivi’s worst opinions on humanity at that point in time, concealing himself and swimming in secrets. Get rekt nerd.
At least Vivi isn’t openly hostile, just.. Dismissive? I saw some other WoLs who outright hate Exarch for abducting the Scions and almost getting themselves, the WoL, killed at Ghimlyt Dark. Vivi, however, just wants to be left alone.
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Tfw the love of your life is being stolen by your dear friend. Or vice versa? Or both at the same time? Anyway, Vivi and Feo Ul form a new cool kids' club and Exarch isn't invited.
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Can't relax in your favorite secluded spot for a godsdamned moment without some pesky dragoon randomly popping out of nowhere.
While I hc Exarch being able to sense living presence around the Tower, imagine doing that 24/7 for every person. I like to think that he learned to filter it out, turn off/on at will. And while he's in a public place, with his glamour up, he doesn't need to upkeep the "radar", he's just chilling and is possibly lost in thoughts, and that's why Vivi startles him.
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This scene bears more symbolic meaning than plot importance. And, uh, some foreshadowing? Forelighting? x'D While Vivi doesn’t fall (heh) for his savior, he’ll reflect upon this at a later time.
Vivi’s normally careful and stately. Yes he’s an elf but he do be carryin’ himself like a cat. There’s a lot of control and assertion behind his trademark nonchalant posture. So, NORMALLY, this wouldn’t happen. Maybe he got distracted by the shiny? And where’s Feo Ul?
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Exarch, however, the man that chokes on air unprompted, in a moment like this acts before he could think. As some people correctly noted, the old man’s QUICK. The “screentime” stretches out as Vivi’s life almost begins flashing before his eyes, while for Exarch it's gotta be a mere second or two.
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I’m extra proud of the colorwork here. As if blood’s gone from Vivi’s face, as if his entire body went cold, but life slowly returns to him, starting with that hand. You bet this’s brimming with subtext.
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Exarch uses his left hand over the right, for better friction and probably because he doesn’t like the attention to his right hand.
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I like that this panel’s caused confusion, it worked as intended :9 An all too vague dark joke that almost cost Vivi his life. In his head it went like “yeah anyone can fly once, when they’re about to go splat”, but he wasn’t only preoccupied with the jumps, but also didn’t KNOW yet that he HAS TO speak with a fae like almost with a child, or a lawyer. Simplest terms. No ambiguity. EVER. They’ll misinterpret you unwittingly, or on purpose.
And so they did. Or didn’t? Feo Ul’s spent a long time offscreen, but whether they chose not to help, or even gave Vivi a little push, will forever stay a mystery because why not.
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Lesson learned.. On both sides.. Hopefully. Also, fret not, Exarch WILL say fuck one day, one day~
Vivi's lucky. Incredibly so. He's aware of it, doesn't see it as anything special, like you don't see anything special in being able to read this. Perhaps jumping up an unknown structure while being accompanied by an exceedingly curious and mischievous creature is risky even for his kind, but Vivi's so used to getting away with so many things that he doesn't stop to consider it for the tiniest moment.
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The first genuine exchange of smiles.
Silver lining: now they have better chances at getting along and returning to that world-saving duty.
Update from January 2024: I came back here to tell you something that took me so long to realize about episode 20′s description:
And all he saw was the Light, and then he knew that Death wore white in this world.
I randomly popped off with this prose, which on itself is a cool thing, but now I realize the extra meanings it could take on. Thinking about 5.x and Elidibus has me feeling unwell in the best way. THAT VIVI ALSO WEARS WHITE HERE IS UH. A coincidence. But it also kinda works as the Warrior of Darkness becomes somewhat of a local Reaper in the First, and then, well, then we have that Light corruption arc :3c
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Vivi's calm and tender enough for a pixie to trust him with their wings.
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Feo Ul ate and drank several times their size, and all that hero talk.. Ugh. Time for a nap.
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Drawing this made me yawn at least 3 times. You’re not immune either.
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He’s activating his scanners :>
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Vivi's definition of nice is "not nagging, begging or preaching, and using bare facts and logic to convince the hero to do the hero thing".
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Literally the next page if you’re reading in order :’> Riiiiiiiiight. That hero thing.
We don’t question whether Vivi invited his loveliest branch, or if they invited themselves. The fact is, they’re there and Vivi’s totally cool with it.
Exarch must be watching. And probably foaming at mouth as Feo Ul keeps leading in the race for Vivi’s heart. They don’t only earn the hero’s trust, but get in his bed and, gasp, brush his hair.
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Vivi's getting comfy in his role somewhere between a disney princess and Feo Ul’s pet.
A writing-related tangent incoming, but, since you’re here, I assume you’re already somewhat interested in this kinda stuff.
So, there’s the script, the plain text that waits to get illustrated. The screenplay, if you will. I don’t just sit down and draw enough random things to fill a few pages, I approach this as an actual cohesive serialized story.
I changed a good half of this episode when I began storyboarding it. In the initial script from some months ago, Vivi said "I slept so well". Something about this didn't sit right with me. It’s the most basic mistake of telling instead of showing. I asked myself, would he, a person who takes good sleep and dreams for granted, say that out loud? Nah. I removed that bit, and drew him stretching deliciously. He also asked Feo Ul if they guarded his dreams, they smiled vaguely but warmly just like in the finalized version, but then Vivi simply muttered "I could get used to this" and gave them headpats. I decided to elevate this scene by adding this tiny rollercoaster, which brought Feo Ul's greyness to the forefront, and thickly hinted that Vivi doesn't only sleep well, but has nice dreams that he probably starts cherishing after this.
To be fair, this isn’t super important for the main plot, I just wanted to highlight the difference between Vivi and Exarch, the latter being in a hate-hate relationship with sleep. Vivi’s affinity with dreams is a door I like to keep open for the possible future story (talking post-EW events).
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Now you know this’s the face they make before going apeshit.
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Imagine if this prank didn't exist and instead Vivi simply said "I slept so well, this's so important to me". I’m proud of the writing muscle I’m growing on the fly ;w;
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Ardbert's chance to act and feel normal, thwarted in the next few seconds.
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I'm so glad that people are picking up on this!! “Hey man” is Vivi’s way of providing whatever comfort he could. An illusion of normalcy. He’s emotionally intelligent when it matters.
..But he should’ve also considered that Feo Ul can and will ruin the vibe :’>
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Another screenwriting thing: this episode lacks an establishing shot, i.e. the obligatory zoomed out view on everyone in the room, but I think this’s a rare case of “less is more”. Along with the light vs shadow, it reinforces the feeling of separation. Vivi and Feo Ul are shown together, interacting, doing cute stuff, while Ardbert’s alone. Sorry not sorry for the hurty :’>
This’s all I’ve got for now. Thanks for reading and paying so much attention! People start to notice and analyze the things I’m weaving in, and it’s the best kinda interaction I as a creator could wish for.
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mychlapci · 3 months
Honestly broodmother megs getting up, clearly with a lot of strength behind lifting that weight, joints creaking and floor creaking, various liquids dripping out of his gaping valve... sounds a lot like the start of a dark souls boss hfshsjhsjd someone is gonna get rekt
It's like that scene in Aliens (1986) when the xenomorph queen detaches from her egg sack and becomes a million times more dangerous.
No one angers momma.
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thispatternismine · 5 months
Playing DMC5 on Legendary Dark Knight mode is amazing. Just diving into the middle of a crowd of demons & slaughtering the lot of them with wild abandon. Can't even see what I'm doing a lot of the time, just vibing
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5 seconds later: Get rekt, bitches
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So much fun!
Except for these fuckers
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And these
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Absolute bastards. They can go jump in a volcano
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noowayybroo · 1 year
Master-list! (...Is that what these are called?)
I write fics! I don't write a lot, but I'm already losing track of what I've written! And you might be losing track too! For your finding pleasure, I'm gonna list all my fics here, and organise them!
P.s - I have been stolen by a university!!! So, will I keep up with this blog? Probably not! :( Thanks for all of the support so far though! I love you all you guys are crazy!
Vampire men:
Long Male Vampire Drabble (NSFW (violence not sex)) - Gn! Human or Vampire Reader meeting solitary powerful vampire man with several soft spots. I really enjoyed this actually so please lmk if you want more. Very fluffy!
Link here
Resident evil:
Albert Wesker:
Unfair (NSFW) - Wesker Brainwashes n makes a pet out of a GN Reader:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Leon Kennedy:
Needy Leon HC (SFW) - Leon wants your attention!
Link here
Leon gets Pierced (SFW) - Leon STILL wants your attention!
Link here
You give Leon sloppy (NSFW) - It gets SLOPPY.
Link here
Bite Shift (NSFW) - Corrupt Cop Leon tries to assault a vampire reader, only to get absolutely rekt.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Leon Hurt / Comfort Fic (SFW) - You help Leon escape a horrible relationship
Part 1
Part 2
Leon Hurt / Comfort Fic (SFW) - Leon Helps comfort and convinces GN! Reader to Leave Abusive GN!Partner
Link here
Valentine's (SFW + NSFW) - Leon asks you out basically
Part 1 (SFW)
Part 2 (NSFW) (never tbh)
Give the Dog a Bone (SFW + NSFW) - Dogman! Leon and you get freaky!
Snowed In (NSFW) - Yeti! Leon saves you from the snow and warms you up inside!
Link here
RE2, RE4 and grandpa (lol) Leon react to you being some scary creature thing (SFW) F!Reader lightly implied.
Link here
Sometimes, I draw:
Puppy/kitty/normal Leon
Some things I want to write:
Fem reader (sorry) Lactates n Leon uhm... uh.. uahm...
Lots of sex!! But I don't know how to write it or what you want!!!
Here me out: 2 new ideas:
Demon / vampire reader + Sub / switch hunter leon ! (again!)
I crazy idea I have for a creature wesker but it's kinda very dark idk hmmm
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sapphic-woes · 2 years
When You Met Her pt.6
A/N: Usual warnings. Also get rekt lmao MINORS DNI
Word Count: 2k. AO3 Link
Sevika walks.
No, that's an understatement. She trudges, she stalks–muscles pulled taut and hands balled into fists, a shadow on her face like it's the dead of night. Her steps are heavy and each breath she takes is like a machine–in and out, inhaling and exhaling, oxygen rumbling in her chest in a desperate attempt to keep herself calm.
They tried to rip it away from you–the very ability to have a bond. For seven years. 
"Dammit!" Sevika stops dead in her tracks, cursing at no one but herself. She reaches to pull out her hairband, and dark strands fall to frame her face. Her fingers are like firecrackers, tingling with the desire to do something. They brush through her short locks, pushing stray hairs out of her eyes. 
The hair falls back into the same place, so Sevika does it again. They fall back the moment she withdraws her hand. She pushes it back again. 
She should tie her hair back up, but her head is pounding like a drum. She needs it to ease up. She wants it to stop. Forget you in her mind, your tears and your scars. The image of what you went through is clear as day in her mind. She doesn't have to imagine–she's seen it before. The blood and the flesh, the sick squelch of skin tearing apart, your cries for some kind of mercy, only to be met with the terrible cra–
Sevika's knuckles throb. But she doesn't really feel it. She hardly even registers the hole in the wall. Sevika breaths out, and it's frosty. She feels vicious. Like one wrong move is all it'll take. One more push, and the glass shatters.
Sevika keeps walking. Faster this time.
She can't be out and about like this. There are other omegas in this facility–since it was designed for them after all–and an angry alpha stomping around won't help. But Sevika also can't seem to steady her emotions. Her neck is tight, so tense the veins bulge. Her headache is strong, it's a hammer knocking guilt into the back of her head. 
Your nape had been ripped apart. The most vulnerable part of you, riddled with scars. The very place she longed to sink her teeth into had flesh carved out of it, and surely your neck was only tied to torturous memories. 
"An item for public use can't suddenly become exclusive." Sevika hadn't been able to function after that. Didn't know what to do other than grow furious. The words weren't your fault–god, they weren't your fault–but they did something mean to Sevika. They made her mean. Made her want to guard you every second of the day, bare her fangs to anyone who so much as looked your way.
But that would scare you, so Sevika retreats. It was better than making you misunderstand anyway. Besides, the alpha had left knowing what was important anyway.
That to you, there's no beauty in bonds. It has only brought you misery, and now that you actually have one?
Sevika doesn't want to think about it.
The alpha walks with no destination in mind. She drags her feet, she heaves her shackles. There isn't anywhere she thinks is safe to bury her thoughts. Not really. She finds herself at his door anyway.
"Sevika. You're letting off your anger in…waves." The words simply state an observation. Vander makes no comment on the why. He knows now that Sevika isn't one to be pried open. At least, not unless she wants to be.
"...I know." Vander nods. He gestures for her to sit. She drops down onto the only other chair in his little office. Elbows on knees and head hanging like it's on its last thread. Silence follows. It lingers.
She hates that he's still her anchor. Sevika doesn't want to be a child in his eyes anymore. She can do shit herself, she's been doing shit herself–just ask Vi. 
But Vander. Fucking Vander. He sits. He stares. He waits, and the anger dwindles. 
Vander's scent is as calming as ever. Steadfast like a river's current, yet strong enough to pull you under. Sevika closes her eyes, she inhales and exhales. The first time she took in a deep breath of his scent, she'd been calmer. Detached. They don't talk about it much. 
Vander feels his stomach contort, housing a pit of snakes. The sight before him is nauseating, even for someone as experienced as he was. The kid stood alone, calmly staring up at him. Couldn't be older than ten, maybe twelve. Ragdoll in one hand and a shattered beer bottle in the other, with the prettiest red painting her clothes.
Blood drops from the bottle. It falls with the weight of the world.
The child lifts it up. She points to the man on the ground. She talks real slow. Three words like it's all Vander needs to know.
"He hurt ma."
Sevika lifts her head to stare at the bobblehead on Vander's desk. It's a monkey, spray painted with eye-straining colors. That lousy kid. Sevika scoffs.
"I need you to take care of her." There's no need for clarification. Vander raises his eyebrow.
"And why is that?" Her jaw locks.
"She's been in there for seven years. She needs good help, steady surveillance. Top-class medical treatment–"
"You live just outside the facility." 
"But like I said, surveillance–"
"You're more attuned to her scent than any of us combined. If anyone is best suited to watch over her, it's you–"
"Bullshit." Sevika abruptly seethes, gripping the handles of her chair hard. The wood splinters, and she ignores Vander's mutter of "again?" 
"I can hardly keep myself under control. I keep wanting to break something. Get her a room here." Vander takes her outburst in stride.
"I can see that…but your reaction is fairly normal. She's someone tied to you, and that string is stronger than most. Unless you're scared of attacking her?" Sevika recoils.
"Then, is there something else?" Sevika can never tell when Vander is teasing her or when he's serious. He has the same grave expression 24/7, as if he's in an eternal state of agonizing gloom. 
"...I'm on edge. I'm restless–one glance at her and I want to… She's hardly woken up. She just escaped an illegal brothel. Yet here I am." Sevika grumbles, and Vander nods.
"Here you are." The tone of his voice leaves something to be missed. Sevika waits, Vander continues.
"Sevika, whether you like it or not, she's your bond."
"I get that, but–"
"And you're hers. To shield her. To let her know she's safe. You said it yourself, it's been seven years. She'll need everything we've got. The facility, all of us staff, and especially you." Sevika shakes her head, growling deep in her throat.
"I'm the last person you need. I've saved half of the fucking omegas in this facility, yet not one isn't flinching when I'm near. They look at me, and they see everything they've learned will hurt them. They see an alpha." Vander sighs.
"You think they don't do the same to me? I sit through entire sessions without some of them speaking. Others can't even look me in the eyes. There's a reason I'm also considered exposure therapy, Sevika." The smaller alpha shrugs, eyebrows furrowed.
"But you know what to do. You're…trained to help. Even the worst fucking cases." A beat of silence follows. It heavy and draining, and Vander's fucking gaze doesn't help. It brings out an old feeling in Sevika. A weakness.
"I've never been soft. Not for a long time."
"She needs care. She's delicate. She's small. Violence is the only thing she's known, and it's the only thing I know to do. Always has been." Vander grimaces. The older alpha is full of emotions he wishes to express. But scars run deep, and he knows Sevika has too many to count. Too many that overlap in twisted, caging vines.
Did she ever leave that house? Perhaps physically. But he wonders where she stays in her mind. 
"Only difference between the alphas who hurt her and me is that my violence is now sanctioned by the law–" Vander finds himself unable to take it anymore. Sevika had a knack of hitting right where he'd tick. 
"Sevika." Vander's jaw locks, and his glare is suffocating. Anyone else would panic and assume Vander was planning out their funeral, but Sevika had seen that look before.
She knows what it means, but it still makes her squirm. Vander's concern always made Sevika uncomfortable, and she'd prefer the funeral.
"There's nothing similar between you and those alphas." But isn't there? Sevika commanded you so easily before, and she can't stop wanting to taste you. Your plush lips and sweet skin, feeling your body tremble under her hands. You who were terrified of her. You who were barely able to call her by her name. 
I'm exactly like them. Sevika doesn't respond. Not to that at least.
"Get her a room." Her heart is tired and her words are desperate, albeit covered up in a calm drawl. But Vander. Fucking Vander. 
His eye twitches, and he snarls, and Sevika freezes as Vander shifts into a full on lecture mode.
"You're giving up before you even try! Were you always this spineless? Your bond has suffered without you for years, the least you can do is be there for her now." The words are full of venom, anger, and dominance. It makes the air toxic with tension. Normally, two alphas' scents mixing like this was enough to cause a fight. Sevika takes a breath of his rage, from the sheer potency, she knows she has to make a decision. Vander isn't giving her another chance to make a choice.
Now, it's a test of will. Of dominance. Sevika can either agree and stand down, or resist Vander's will to obey. Similarly to her standoff with Vi, it's control, or be controlled. The only problem is, Sevika doesn't know how to handle you. 
Vander wants her to help you, but Sevika only knows how to handle an omega physically in danger. She could carry you out of the brothel to safety a hundred times, but she wouldn't dare touch you afterward. 
Yet, apparently she needed to do just that. To…be there for you? When her presence was usually a warning, and her body was used to put terrible people six feet under. To you, it was safe. 
So why does she look at me with those eyes? 
Sevika hated your fear. It was so rich it practically dropped from each tear in your eyes. Diamonds she found no happiness in. Diamonds still worth more than her own life. Sevika would gladly spend the rest of her days keeping you safe by the sidelines. Any closer, and she was certain your porcelain body shatter, and the alpha was never good at putting things back together.
Sevika's instincts make her want to snarl. For her fangs to bare and claws grow. To lunge at Vander until his neck is exposed for her to scent. She doesn't wanna. She refuses. Can't he see she's trying to protect you? The alpha growls right back at Vander, but it's weaker than his. Vander raises an eyebrow.
"Sevika." Again, it's full of power that makes her want to curl up. Fucking Vander. Stupid fucking Vander and his lectures. Her movements are slow, and it's hesitant, but with a tsk Sevika tilts back her own head.
"Fine. I'll take her under my wing." Submission doesn't come easy to Sevika. It never does. But even if she wishes he wasn't, Vander was right.
Sevika was running from you.
Vander's anger fades as he rises. It shifts into his usual, welcoming scent as he comes towards Sevika. It becomes like syrupy blueberries when his nose brushes against her neck, scenting her.
Full of worry, full of concern. A constant whisper of love, love, love. It's a feeling of belonging. The warmth of a pack. Sevika's eyes screw shut, she lets out a shaky breath.
"We're all here, Sevika. You aren't going to go through this alone. Neither of you are." Vander wraps his arms around her and Sevika lets him. She sinks into his warmth like she's a pup all over again, and she lets out a weak whine she wouldn't dare make before anyone else.
The kid stands there by the door, designation results in her hand. Her eyes are cloudy voids, and Vander feels his heart break.
"I'm an alpha. Just like him. I'm…" Vander can smell her emotions. A swirl of despair and repulsion, hatred and anger and pain all mixed into one. It makes him struggle not to gag, he can hardly breathe. He'd never seen someone surrounded by such a cloud, yet not break down.
Sevika stands still as if she is dead. Eyes an empty canvas.
"I'm just like him. A monster."
"I know Vander…I know."
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icedragonlizard · 8 months
Imagine if King Dedede, Meta Knight, Marx, Dark Meta Knight, Daroach, Magolor, Taranza, Susie, the mage sisters, and Hyness were to all be in a group gathering.
Then imagine they all just make fun of each other for being bested by a toddler in combat.
It'd be an amazing instance of throwing stones in glass houses!
Essentially a whole bunch of losers taunting each other over the same general embarrassment that they've all faced.
Taranza brags about how he never actually got physically beat up by a toddler like the rest of them, and so he thinks he can be all smug against everyone else. But then the others all tell him "That's because you knew you would've gotten rekt if you tried to throw hands at him. You're a coward that's always had others do the fighting for you. At least we had the balls to actually fight him ourselves, despite losing."
^ That and he still got his schemes foiled and he still got bested by the toddler. Sorry Taranza, we love you but you're absolutely still in this group of utter humiliation like the rest of them. That's not even getting started on how he DID get rekt in an alternate universe, in the Clash games, LOL.
But anyways, yeah. Imagine this overall hilarious scenario. All the characters listed above can all be considered to be losers in a way, considering they uhhhh all got their butts kicked by a kid much younger than them. And so I think it'd be hilarious if they had this gathering where they all ironically mocked each other over that fact.
Imagine if Kracko were to be added to the gathering, though. Oh boy... LOL. If he were to be apart of this hypothetical gathering, he'd get clowned on the hardest by far because of his enormous hatred for Kirby. I think Kracko is by far the most embarrassed of them all over being rekt by a kid, and so everyone can easily make fun of him for it.
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Season 2 Ep 6 liveblog reaction notes (spoilers behind the cut)
Run, Arondir, run!
He is just that cool.
Doing okay there, Celebrimbor?
Mirdania: Early-onset dementia is a really bad sign for an immortal, boss.
Annatar trying to talk about having the creative Flow State but evil lmao
"As you wish." Oh yeah the fandom will love that.
Lol the Sauron theme quietly playing after he agrees to see about the mithril.
"Pray that he finishes this work before it finishes him." Oh I hate you.
Annatar is such a creeeeep. Stop touching herrrrr.
Awkward Dinner Party time!
At least none of the food appears to be made of Man...?
Sam as Adar has such a good screen presence. They chose well for the recast.
Ooh Dutch angles have made a return?
Galadriel loves getting offered armies, it is true.
Interesting to offer Adar children. Can we go back to the FA and hear that convo?
Ooh stabby crown!
I was there, Gandalf. I mean, Galadriel.
Her hair is half in the light, half in the dark here. Interesting.
Adar, stop spoiling the plot of Season 1! /s
Ughhhhhhhhhh leave Elendil aloooooone.
Yeah I'm angrily sewing today. Fuck all of these people.
Sure would be nice if Anárion showed up.
More rhyming.
My poor Harfoot wives ship! Ah well. This one is cute, too.
Lmao the predicted kiss was from the ship pretty much no one expected it from. Take that, trolls.
Not Tom Bombadil basically parroting what was said by the Guru in S2 of AtLA lol.
Nice gold you have there. Sure would be a shame if anything happened to it.
Prince Durin wants to call him a bitch sooooo baaad.
Stop using "precious"! I have a visceral response to it ;_;
Yay, we are gonna get a reference to the mithril armor from LotR!
Lady Macbeth viiiibes
lol wut they summon the monster a la Dune?
Bit too late for that, Eärien.
Not my sad tragic shiiiiip :(
More emphasis on faith this season!
My shiiip ;;_;;
"The sea is always right" coming back to haunt us all again.
Disa: Surprise bitch. Bet you thought you'd seen the last of me.
Ok but you both could use Elrond. Pls. I beg. Where is Elrond?
At least Elendil has plot armor for now?
Míriel noooooo :'(
Haaate this, haaaate this
Soft touching but I'm sad about it :((((
Ossë be nice pls
I have regrets about a quote I made earlier this week. Sorry in advance whenever the queue spits it out :/
Get rekt Pharazôn.
So this is how they force the first cousin marriage? Hmmmm.
Pharazôn, you'd live longer if you stopped doomscrolling 4chan. Just saying.
The Galadriel x Adar shippers are gonna love this episode.
Yah ok, sorry Adar girlies but I think he just sealed his fate with that.
Sauron: In my divorce era. Skin clear, crops withering, rings growing.
Sauron: Pushing me is gonna get you turned into a banner, buddy.
Ohhh. He's dream sequencing him. Lovely.
Charlie loves that he can be the one to title drop so much this season. Also. Annatar. Stop saying "precious". I'm seriously twitchy about that word aughhhh.
Feänor must be rolling in his grave rn that Sauron touched his hammer.
Quite a way to end the episode lol.
Battle two-parter starts next week, wahoo!
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greenyvertekins · 2 years
I remember one of the complaints about Sonic is that he's too boring cause he doesn't have big reactions, but i always thought that made him interesting. At first he seems like an open book but then you realize that he doesnt let certain emotions show. Its interesting cause you gotta read between the lines to see that hes not as open as he lets on. But unfortunately, ppl see it as him being someone who doesn't care or some weirdo who can't feel negative emotions.
A character doesn't have to have "big reactions" to be interesting. Look at the way Sonic's expressions are portrayed here;
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Notice how Sonic's neutral expression immediately changes to a grimace of anger when Chip mentions that it's Eggman's fault why he and Dark Gaia were released too early, causing the former's amnesia.
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How about his looks of discontent when Jet forcibly questions Amy in Zero Gravity?
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Or this instance in SatSR where he looks momentarily.... downtrod? Upset? At Shahra's distress. Consistent with his dislike of tears as stated by ST?
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Hell, he even looks like he's consigned himself to getting rekt by Dark Gaia here, too weak to move after it rips its final fragment out of him.
Just because he isn't over the top in expressing emotion doesn't mean he's not emotive.
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mirkodoesstuff · 2 months
My TV's Gijinka!
Well... It's been a long time since I last posted something there, hasn't it? It's been... What, months now? That's crazy! However, I came back with something, that I guess you would to see! A gijinka, or rather an Anthro-Object... Or Objectheads? Nevermind!
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Original creation date: February 15th, 2024
So, yeah this is a pretty old picture, however despite it, I still want you to see it too! Originally, I wanted to post it alongside his headcanoned family, however... When I realised I might not do that, I just decided to upload him first, however don't worry - I will upload my other Gijinkas/Object Heads (or Anthro-Objects? I have no clue what to call my designs!), so I promise ya won't have to wait that long for me to post something again!
Headcanons below!
Warning, there are mentions of bullying, mental health problems and death, so read at your own risk!
Family headcanons:
He was born on October 8th, 2000, exactly one year after Schulkie - the last cat guard, died. His father, the Announcer, was worried that it could be a sign of some sort of bad luck, however nothing bad really happened.
His biological family is the Announcer and Jasmine (my OC, who is a smartphone), who are his parents and Remote, who's his older sister (she's 40). He has fostered brother - Donut and fostered mother - Cherry Jam (@classypartynerdpalace OC).
What happened with Jasmine is a mystery to everyone outside his family (and his friend circle), however some speculate, that she died when he was too young to remember her (though it is often debunked, as he does mention her, however not by name, but by her description, and also some people say, that they know Jasmine personally [Jasmine is pink smartphone woman]), or that she left the Announcer because of their love between each other not being "genuine" [it is often noted, that they were never happy together, that they were married, because of the Announcer's father - Rekt wanting him to get with someone rich, and Jasmine appeared to be rich enough]).
Speaking of the Announcer's parents, Rekt (TV's grandpa), who is a Dark Red Speaker Box, and Kotl (TV's grandma), who is an azure speaker box, never met their grandkids, due to them meeting "early fates"
TV and Donut, despite them not being related by blood, treat each other as siblings (they often play games together, spend time together, either by talking, listening to music, watching cartoons together, competing, etc.)
Despite having completely opposite personalities, he and Remote have pretty good relationship with each other, however TV is closer with Donut.
He has distant cousin - a silly television called ZickZack, who is related to him in an unknown way (however, most people speculate, that he is related to him through someone from Jasmine's family, as the Announcer was the only kid to Rekt and Kotl, and he himself confirmed he "Doesn't know if he does have any family relationship between speaker boxes, and even if he had, they didn't get to the Earth")
The surname to him and his whole family is Aurelious (Taken after his father). He feels pretty content with having Aurelious as his surname.
His mother, Jasmine, had a surname of Baird.
From his father's side, he has the cosmic background, from his mother's side - he has Scottish and Italian background (just like his sister - Remote).
Relationship headcanons:
Despite not showing it often, he does hate Golf Ball for the things she did to him, when he was younger, and how she never apologised to him (though he doesn't know, that she does regret her actions and wants to make amends with him).
He does hate Pencil and Match too, especially the first one, for mistreating and bullying him, when he was young too.
With other Freesmart members, he is on good terms with Book and Ice Cube (especially with Book, as both of them deal with the same mental problems), is neutral towards Ruby (he finds her annoying, however not to the point of hating her), and has a thing going on with Bubble (they're dating).
He has a thing going on with Tennis Ball too (they're dating)
He is QPP with Pen and Pie.
He dates Liy, Bottle, 8-Ball, Tree, Snowball, Basketball and Robot Flower too
One of his most controversial decision was to date an Algebralian, or rather two Algebralians - Two and Seven
He is secretly having a relationship with Evil Leafy
He is friends with Fanny, has a neutral relationship with Firey and Leafy (he doesn't hate them, but doesn't like them either)
Whenever he does hate someone, he shows it, as being constantly sarcastic, doing allusions to how he was treated by them, or just avoiding that person, whenever there's a chance (ex. he avoids GB, Match and Pencil)
He is interested into mechanics, engineering and creating stuff, so that's why he went to study engineering, and started to try to to help 8-ball into his own laboratory.
He sometimes helps Basketball with stuff too
He really, really loves going to the local beach, whenever he has the chance, as viewing the waves moving towards the land, or even seeing the biggest waves during the fall in Goiky, or seeing them being caused by something else, seeing the local Goikian birds being there and there, listening to the noise of the waves and seeing the sun, makes him calm down, whenever he's in bad mood.
He does love to go to the Evil Forest, not because he loves facing Evil Leafy, but because he feels... He feels like he DOES belong there, that he would feel great living there, that he would fit in there (this is related to him feeling heavily connected with the Evil Forest and with Evil Leafy in general),
About video games, he loves all types of video games, whether those are RPGs, shooting games, however his favourite type of video games are definitely horror games, especially the psychological horror genre. The reason is, he finds them extremely relaxing, they help him calm down his nerves, and he can relate to ALL struggles the characters are going through.
He does try to create music, however he's still bad at it.
He is a pretty neat cook, to be honest, however he's not a master chief.
He does like listening to music, especially if the tone of the song is completely opposite to the lyrics. Why? Probably due to him knowing, that the world does try to sell him messages, while doing the opposite of the said message.
He is interested in science, however, unlike Golf Ball, he doesn't want to take it to the EXTREME.
He sometimes streams various games on some sort of Object version of Twitch, or Youtube. His nickname there is "SCOTTISHGAMER2000"
He rarely goes to the parties, and if he goes to one, he prefers if it is a small party, not a 100-200 hundred people parties (he hates, when there's too many people in one place)
He does love drawing a lot, however his paintings and art is often... Disturbing, to said at least. Some of them show disturbing images, such as people dying, the planet being destroyed, forest burning etc.,
He does write too - he writes either the most heart-wrenching stuff ever, or some of the most heart-warming stuff. There is no in between.
Other headcanons:
Due to little to nothing information about his personality, I imagine him to be someone, who is often melancholic, lonely, creative, however can show his side (ex. being sarcastic, being sneaky little bastard), who tries to try to find positivity in this world. He is also that type of person, who despite struggling with mental health, who experienced a lot of bullying, when he was younger, he still wants to help people, especially the ones he cares the most about.
He can sometimes be a really sneaky bastard, if he wants to.
He can sometime isolate himself from others, due to him having "worse days", and not wanting people to worry about him (which does the exactly opposite, really),
He is diagnosed with atypical autism and depression,
His real name is Sean, however he prefers, when strangers and people, who don't know him well, refer to him as TV.
He relates to Book's past and often feels, that she does understand him, as they both went through a lot, went through a similar experience, and that they could be friends. Great friends.
His partners and QPPs are aware of his relationship with Evil Leafy, and tries to keep anyone else to not know it, due to possible backslash related to who Evil Leafy really is,
Sometimes, he questions himself, if he is real, if everything around him is real,
He wants to keep going, however there are moments, where he wants to give up,
He acts like a cat a lot of times, for example he can purr, he can stretch himself as much as possible, he can curl up into a ball, and sleep in that position, he can see in the darkness, he can "loaf" too.
Speaking of acting like a cat, he does like to be pet under the chin, just like how most cats like to be pet there!
Sometimes, he wishes he could be healthy, he could be able to keep stable relationship with people around him (he tries his best)
He attends therapy weekly, and his therapist is Candle (from III)
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