#fuck the confederacy
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crazygnomenclature · 2 months ago
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The Flag (pt. 1-6 of 6)
"Ohhh, way down south in the land of traitors..."
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nando161mando · 11 months ago
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Minority cops are still cops
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victusinveritas · 16 days ago
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dontmean2bepoliticalbut · 8 months ago
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charlesoberonn · 6 months ago
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thebellekeys · 4 months ago
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pedropascalito · 19 days ago
To offer my experience to this fandom with the Confederacy and the Confederate flag:
I think most people know my mom is Chilean, that I am mixed race Caucasian and Indigenous through her, but my dad’s ancestral family settled in Texas during the Civil War because General Sherman burned their plantation in Mississippi. They owned enslaved people prior to fleeing to Texas. I have literal ancestors on my dad’s side who died fighting for the confederacy.
I DO NOT HONOR THEM IN ANY WAY. I DISAVOW THEM. They were wrong and deserved everything they got. I am ashamed I have their bloodline in my DNA. There is no place for “it’s history, it’s culture” etc. It was morally evil* then, it’s morally evil now, and if I ever met them face to face, I’d tell them the same thing.
I inherited records from my dad about their lives, their wills where they bequeathed literal human beings along with their furniture. It’s horrifying. I’m researching university academic libraries to donate these materials. They deserve to be seen for what they are: people who committed evil acts against other human beings for their own benefit. I want their evil deeds to not be forgotten so they don’t happen again!
Fuck the confederacy, and fuck that flag signifying their hate and racism and evil acts.
*I’m not religious. Evil for me is moral, not religious.
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proudchildlesscatlady · 2 months ago
Permission to Rant!!
I will rant about something that involves United States history so this rant might confuse non-American Legendborn fans.
Also there will be spoilers so if you have not read nor finish Legendborn then ignore this post.
Towards the end of Chapter 8 where Bree talks about growing up Black in the South. She talks about how certain buildings, streets, or spaces were originally build for white people only. Bree mentioned a plaque dedicated "to the 'boys who wore gray' or a Rebel flag flying high out front." Reading that part triggered me.
The 'boys who wore gray' refers to the men (traitors and losers) who fought for the Confederate States of America during the American Civil War.
The Rebel flag refers to the Confederate flag.
***Bree lives in North Carolina which was a Confederate state during the Civil War.***
The Confederates want to protect the institution of slavery.
The United States (The Union) were planning to end slavery. Those losers and traitors (the Confederates) responded by crying like a bitch and separate from the United States.
Thankfully the Confederates lost but they were not punished severely enough for their treacherous actions.
Some [stupid and racist] Americans in modern times will argue the Confederates fought for "state rights" and it has nothing to do with slavery which is a load of horseshit and untrue.
Unfortunately in today's time, confederate flags and confederate statues still exist. People still fly confederate flags despite knowing the fucked up history behind it and what it stands for. In my personal opinion, people who fly confederate flags are either evil pieces of shits, stupid, or a mix of both. I have zero respect for people who own and fly confederate flags.
Rant over
I love how Tracy incorporates some aspects of American history in the Legendborn Cycle series and it is important because in the United States, many politicians even the soon-to-be president want to either censor or down play the horrible parts (ex: slavery, segregation, etc.) of American history.
If I said something that is incorrect please do not hesitate to correct me. I will appreciate it.
Thanks for listening.
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silvermoon424 · 1 year ago
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for real, we need to tear down Confederate monuments and replace them with Sailor Moon and Pokemon ones
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onetruefool · 8 months ago
Ok so there's good news and there's bad news.
The bad news is that the synthetic kryptonite we made doesn't work as intended. Instead it just makes superman mindlessly horny. Like I'm talking 5 stars on the boner scale. No thoughts head empty all the blood is in his dick.
The good news is uhh... well, he's fucking the confederate statues. Like he sees general Lee and puts his dick in it like a butter knife through Jell-O.
What do you mean "how is it good"? City's are gonna take down their fucked statues! And if they don't, that's not really a problem because now they're not really confederate statues anymore. They're Superman Sex Statues. I don't see Stonewall Jackson (was he a confederate?) I see the night Superman had fun.
What do you mean why do I care?? Just because I'm evil enough to make synthetic kryptonite doesn't mean I'm a confederate asshole.
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breadboysteals · 2 months ago
Everytime Americans have a problem we just take a song and make it our bitch
The British: Yankee doodle went to town riding on his pony and he put a feather in his hat and called it macaroni 😂🫵
Confederate scum: southern men, the thunder mutters
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nando161mando · 11 months ago
Greta Thunberg arrested by Dutch Police at a climate protest in the Hague
'Dutch police using controversial bokkepootje wrist bend on 4’11” Greta Thunberg for protesting climate collapse and genocide at The Hague'
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victusinveritas · 2 months ago
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dontmean2bepoliticalbut · 1 year ago
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originalleftist · 10 months ago
I mean, when you put it that way...
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tommy-288 · 11 months ago
One of the biggest things I hate about the Lost Cause Myth (the whitewashing is horrible) but also the name?? Like if it was such a Lost Cause why did you continue fighting? Or even attack Fort Sumter? Like….
“Men, we’re going to lose this war, and the south will suffer for years. It will be horrible, violent, and the casualties will be incomprehensible. But let’s go on ahead and declare war anyways…”
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