#get ready for the slow burn
gracieheartspedro · 8 months
gonna post the prequel to “your needs, my needs” this weekend. I have the prequel set (just needs some fluffing and editing) then I have the next two chapters outlined. i’m so so so excited.
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mintaikk · 8 months
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bloomingdarkgarden · 1 year
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Elain Confronts Rhysand
Snippet of the confrontation between Rhysand and Elain regarding Azriel, coming up in a few chapters. In the second half of this story, Elain is going to find some hellish agency and I can't wait for her thorns to come out.
Violet eyes met her own in a calculated calm laced with power.
“What I did,” Rhysand responded slowly, “was for the safety of this court. For the safety of you yourself-” 
Elain unleashed herself.
“You know NOTHING of me” she cried out across the room, her voice piercing the silence of the hall. It rang out clear and high.
“- of what tethers me to this realm.”
Feyre's hand moved to cover her mouth her shock, in response to hearing such a sound from Elain.
“He was my friend” The honesty, the emotion, in her tone, rippled through the room. Elain’s voice began to break at that thought, at the loss, at words never spoken.
“He was the only one, of all of you who saw,” the confession spilled out of her, the first time she had ever admitted it aloud. To Azriel. To herself even.
“He saw what I was,” she did not falter,
“Beneath it all, beneath the nightmare cauldron Made me into, he saw- ” she threw a wild hand behind her towards the shadowsinger.
Elain took in a great shaking breath, and brought her hand back to clutch her own heart.
“He found me in my darkest hour, and every day, every moment with him, brought me to light.”
She knew what she would say next. She looked into Rhysand’s violet eyes and pushed true intention into her gaze.
“You know what it is to share that with another.”
Elain turned her eyes to Feyre’s face, tears brimming her sister’s grey eyes as she listened, pain laced there.
Yes her gaze whispered to her sister, this hurts this hurts anyone who has ever felt such a thing.
Rhysand’s violet eyes finally flashed with a trace of quiet realization.
Elain could feel her voice breaking with emotion but she didn’t care.
“He was perfect to me,” almost a whisper,
my lovely, fragile, lethal belladonna
“and you took him from me like a thief in the night”
Rhysand parted his lips to say something but the loneliness and need and want that lingered within her for a year shook the walls.
“I have asked for nothing, nothing from anyone in all my life,” a breath, "except to have my own choice.”
The deafening need in her voice, the truth in that statement, that request, and how little it was to ask, hit Elain like a jolt to the heart. She felt it ring true throughout the room, and ache in the eyes of her entire family.
“It was the truest thing I have ever known” she whispered, knowing they could all hear.
“And you took it from me and made every moment ash in my fingers.”
Tears fell down her cheeks. Each one fell heavy, each weighted with truth. Elain could feel herself unravelling. But she would not break, not now with it all on the brink. So instead of unravelling, she steeled herself and allowed something cold, something like pity, to replace the sorrow in her eyes.
“how very little of love you must know to do such a thing." she said quietly.
Rhysand’s violet eyes guttered out and Elain knew she had won the battle.
How easy it was Elain thought in that moment.
How easy it was to bring a High Lord to his knees, not with any magic, not with any weapons, but with only the trueness of her own unblemished heart.
What Bloomed in the Darkgarden by ehoney on AO3
Multi-Chapter, Canon-Compliant, Updated every Monday.
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poisonouspastels · 8 months
I need to talk about Minecraft AU for a sec and how the difference between our world and their world makes for some of the most humorous but also interesting differences in how people act about certain subjects.
Like the trans thing right. Steve and Rana are both trans I've talked about that before. And neither of them are on hormone replacement or anything (there is an in universe explanation as to why Steve has a beard though I promise I can talk about that if anyone wants) but like that's fine bc it literally Doesn't Matter to them or anyone else. Like as spawned players they already don't have any pre-existing gender roles or ideas of what something "should" be so gender and presentation is what they make of it and there's no real solid idea in anyone's mind about how a "boy" or "girl" behaves or looks like. These are labels that exist but they barely mean anything. It also helps that any preexisting culture that WOULD have ideas of this was almost entirely destroyed like 5000 years ago (thanks Groda) so it matters even less than it already did.
And its funny bc the only two people alive from that era, White Eyes and Groda also just don't care. Groda maybe asks why Rana's voice sounds deeper once and nearly gets torn apart by Alex bc of it (Rana isn't offended or anything she just has a defensive girlfriend), bc she doesn't really understand because she never experienced anything like this first hand but very quickly comes to understand it and accept it. And on the other hand White Eyes is just like "I've seen weirder things than this" which yeah. Yeah honestly I think the person who was previously one with the undead would not care about gender in the grand scheme of things.
And then u have Kai which I've joked before that they may as well have been spawned in nonbinary. They rlly just said "I'm not really anything" and everyone was like yeah makes sense I vibe with it. Good for u.
Steve and Rana are both fairly open about having been the opposite genders previously (because that's how they view their experiences and that's valid!) and don't really shy away from the subject but also never really have much reason to talk about it since there's rarely a need to. In the modern day pretty much everyone who met them had met them post-transition. Even Alex had met them just before Steve started growing in his beard. The only people who ever knew them as Adam and Eve were Efe and Sunny but they never really thought it was weird or anything. Like the weirdest part to them was Steve saying he got his epiphany from seeing some guy in the distance on a foggy day who looked vaguely like him but that's its own subject manner that they aren't going to pry on.
Also Steve did DIY top "surgery" previously with a sword but we aren't going to talk about how messy that was for everyone involved.
#minecraft#minecraft au mastertag#apologies for my trans ramblings. how i get to approach these subject matters in the AU is just fun#and i needed to get some thoughts out#unrelated fun fact that i think most people here dont know: Steve and Alex were actually the first two to be in a committed relationship#not Steve and Rana like most would (rightfully) expect#this is because despite the fact that the two have literally know eachother for their entire lives#they're both really bad at being honest with themselves.#for years it was 'i like this person but i dont know how to tell them'#to 'well maybe i only FEEL like i like them because i dont know anyone else that well'#to 'well maybe they dont feel the same and it'd be weird to bring it up now'#you've heard of slow burn now get ready for what those two had going on#Alex when integrated into the household and months had passed actually had enough confidence to ask#here's the funny part though. she had assumed that Steve and Rana WERE dating already (and was cool with it obviously)#they were not.#so u can imagine how funny it is for Steve to hear 'Your girlfriend is pretty' out of Alex's mouth bc of that#She's more shocked that they're NOT dating already they live in the same house they've known eachother for literally their entire existence#they are like so stupidly affectionate with eachother to boot#'And you've known her for how long??' 'I mean... about 10 years?' 'DUDE.'#its actually agonizing but on the bright side it is what got the polycule started eventually#I would not be surprised if Sunny and Efe placed bets on if/when it would eventually happen
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greatgaspiads · 1 year
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What lurks below?
Babes Week 2023, Day 4
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if you title this you could post the first few chapters already!!! (for the wip ask game lol)
WIP Ask Game! tw: abuse implied
But Christian isn’t looking at her face. His gaze is currently fixed on Satine’s wrist where—Satine notices as if in slow motion and with a lurch of her stomach—the sleeve of her coat has ridden up and a nasty purple bruise is on full display. Unable to adjust her sleeve with her hands full of coffee cups, Satine rotates her arm but it’s too late; the damage has been done. “Are you alright?” Christian asks, reaching for her arm. His touch is as warm as Satine remembers but she flinches back from it as if it’s scalding hot. “I’m fine.” “I’m sorry, did I hurt you?” Christian asks, searching her eyes. “Not at all,” Satine hastens to reassure him, realizing too late that she probably should have taken that excuse when it was offered to her, that flinching away from something that didn't hurt is suspicious while flinching away from something that did is reasonable. “Nothing to worry about,” Satine tries next, “just one of the hazards of live theatre. The show has a lot of lifts and I bruise easily. You’ll see tonight—the dancing is incredible,” Satine says, trying to get him back on topic of opening night.
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Nemesis (Vergil x Reader) - Chapter 3
Pairing: Vergil x Reader
Summary: The Abyss opening is a rare occurrence. In his youth, Vergil wanted to harness its power, but never thought he would meet his greatest adversary along the way. Years later, the Abyss is once again open and that might call for some rather unlikely alliances.
Chapter 1 (Prologue) | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 (you are here!)
Age restriction: 18+ - there’s a lot of blood, violence, cursing and all those things people want to forbid younger audiences of seeing. Also, cosmic horror is a thing here. Procceed with caution.
TRIGGER WARNINGS: Deals with trickster entities and death omens :)
Special Thanks and Credits: @furyeclipse is the wonderful creator of a very main character in all this plot, Ovid - the trickster being the reader will be dealing with and who will have many interactions with the crew. Fury helped me to write some of Ovid's key moments, their realm, their appearance and their mannerisms - after all, it was all Fury's creation and I'm just honored to be able to share such a rich character and worldbuilding!
Thank you so so much for allowing me to add your character to Nemesis and for being such a wonderful friend!
You can check Fury's work on their Ao3, which you can find here: FuryEclipse Ao3
Strongly suggest you guys reading Devoid of Purpose, where you can understand Ovid better ;)
Author's Notes: It took me a little while for this one and I do apologize, but my health isn't the best currently. I will have to go through some medical exams in the upcoming weeks and I'll start taking some meds, so I might have some delays/disappearances from writing. But I will ALWAYS come back to post Nemesis!!
This was a very fun chapter to write. I do enjoy Ovid a lot and their interactions with the reader are 10/10 based on knowledge seeking. Get ready for fighting (and annoying) Vergil on the next chapter, though ;)
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Chapter 3
The city reeked of blood and destruction.
After so many years from your city’s incident, you never expected your memories to feel so alive. But there they were, haunting every corner of a new disaster – ghosts of a past you longed to forget, back to cling to your slivers of sanity like demons burying their claws in human flesh.
That city had fallen into chaos. People were crying, screaming, running around in despair looking for solace – for something or someone to save them from whatever the Abyss had attracted.
They first looked at you with hope and admiration – only to change to fear and horror when they realized that, even if your victims were demons, you were a killer after all.
And a very skilled one. Behind your footsteps, no demons were allowed. To fall into your protection meant to be safe; to find salvation amidst all that hell. Even if people feared you and your bloodstained hands, they were grateful for being their only hope of survival.
“Is everyone out of the city already?” You cleaned the blood that spilled on your face while walking towards the captain of the city’s guard, in charge of the evacuation.
Even the soldiers looked at you with a certain unease in their eyes. No one would want to get into a fight against you.
“The last two safe buses are just ready to go.” The captain, though, was the only one able to look into your eyes without hesitation. He could use a soldier like you. “Next one is for me, my crew, and you, y/n.”
“Thank you, but I’m not going with you.”
Your comment sent a wave of whispers among the soldiers. Before the captain could answer, you explained yourself.
“The Abyss is far more dangerous than we know. Someone has to stay behind and make sure it’s going to close without anything going in or coming out.”
Of course, you’d never say it was the only place you would certainly find the blue coated devil who almost killed you back in your city. You were certain he would be there but, so far, no blue demons crossed your view.
And you were especially aware of it.
“Well. You have a good point there. Just make sure to come back alive, alright?”
“Will do. I have to help a friend with laundry next week.”
No one understood your comment, but they also wouldn’t ask. You swinged your silver blade to get it rid of the blood and paced back into the city.
It was time to meet an old enemy.
As your steps echoed through the streets of the abandoned city, you had this uncomfortable feeling at the base of your stomach. It seemed like eyes were fixed on the back of your head and hands rested heavily on your shoulders.
But no one walked those streets except you.
Keeping your silver sword in hand, you didn’t stray from your path. The Abyss was close: you had learned to discern between how demons and the Abyss felt like as you started working as a devil hunter. While demons were certainly unnerving, the Abyss had something of… Uncertain. A sense of unknown – and the knowledge of what that was could be worse than fatal; probably better left in the realms of shadows.
But there was a… Third energy. Something else you couldn’t quite pinpoint its origin. It was unnerving, yes, but it felt… Old. Older than whatever demons you could’ve met.
Your steps approached an ancient building – probably a public school; you couldn’t exactly tell what it was. And you would’ve remained focused on your main objective if you hadn’t glimpsed inside the building.
A pair of eyes observed you from the shadows. It stared at you before disappearing deeper into the darkness, but you could swear those eyes were yours.
“What gives…?” You murmured to yourself, barely feeling your feet unconsciously following those eyes, as you crossed the derelict entrance.
You should be going towards the Abyss. That was the reason why you were there, it was the main purpose of you being hired that day. But… How come you saw a being with your eyes inside that building? As you entered the main hall, you found nothing but a reception desk and paper tossed around, ripped and burnt as people fled. Observing into the darkness, that place was a library.
Infinite rows of old mahogany seemed to go deep inside the shadows – until your eyes could barely make out any shapes. It was all probably in your head: dealing with demons made one prone to hallucinations, sooner or later.
As you prepared your feet to leave, you heard a scratchy metallic noise – faint, in the distance, but still there. Turning around, you stared into the shadow and you could swear your eyes picked up something moving.
You couldn’t tell what it was – if it was a demon, a creature or a human. But it was someone. If it was a human, it needed your help. If it was a demon, it deserved to die.
You decided to let your steps follow the sound.
Upon entering the rows of destroyed bookcases and rotting books, you kept on following that light metallic noise – like gentle knifes scratching at the floor, wood or any surface it could touch. Your eyes caught glimpses of a shadow, but never its full form. You turned your head around, your feet followed with precision – your curiosity leading you further and further into the labyrinth of old pages and decaying wood.
When you reached what it seemed to be the center – a round open space, surrounded by aisles and aisles of mahogany bookcases – your white rabbit seemed to have disappeared. There was no other indication of which path you should follow to find it, and you couldn’t deny you were certainly lost inside the library.
Your steps circled the room, slowly, trying to find your way out or the creature leading you further inside. Perhaps… Perhaps it was him. The devil who defeated you that fateful day, the one you longed to rematch. Maybe it was his way of leading you into a trap – and, if it was, you would be ready. Holding your silver sword with certainty, you wouldn’t be caught by surprise.
That library certainly looked like a proper place to defeat him and hold your sword to his neck, while one of your feet held his chest down on the floor, keeping him in his place. No demon was superior to a human, and you would prove him that.
The metallic tapping brought you back from your thoughts, dissipating the image of you finally subduing the blue coated demon. Turning around, you found your eyes again at the end of a long, dark aisle. With resolute steps, you plunged into the darkness, without flinching or thinking twice.
The eyes disappeared as soon as you started to follow them – but, upon reaching the end of the aisle, you found a great wooden door with an old plaque by its side. Cleaning the dust to see it better, you read what it was: “Forbidden Session – Entry allowed only upon authorization”.
Indeed, the door had an old black iron lock, probably requiring an iron key to enter. You tried to force it open a few times, but it was to no avail. With a deep, slightly frustrated sigh, you turned around to look for a way to open it – but your search wasn’t needed: as soon as you rotated on your feet, you found a great, heavy iron key waiting for you in one of the shelves filled with dust.
It didn’t escape your eyes the key was clean despite how abandoned the place looked.
Without questioning, you took it on your hands and finally opened the heavy door. Its hinges complained as you pushed it open and your steps entered the room.
Your heart slightly jumped inside your chest for a couple of quick seconds. It seemed like your eyes got used to the darkness, but soon you realized that session of the library was lit in a procession of warm candles that seemed to never really burn out. The door behind you was closed, and the reception desk had an old, heavy guestbook ominously waiting for you between two candles lit with purple flames.
You didn’t let go of your weapons. Strengthening your grip around the silver, you walked over the guestbook – finally noticing your steps weren’t the only sound to be heard: a faint, albeit calm, piano song filled the air. You didn’t know where it came from, but it was weirdly… Soothing.
“Traveler from afar, if you wish to drink upon the knowledge of forbidden and forgotten books, you must let go of your protections and sign your name. Only then, the library will welcome you among its pages and endless words. Beware, though, not to get lost in other worlds: some writings are tricky and the search for knowledge might claim your soul.”
Those were the words written on a blank, old page of the book waiting for you at the reception. Let go of protections and sign your name. Both conditions were tricky and asked too much of you: the protections were your weapons, and your name could be used in ancient spells for many purposes. The book asked you to be completely vulnerable and you weren’t comfortable with that.
“Hmmm…” You wiggled your nose while thinking, murmuring to yourself. That presence remained around you, but there was no reason to believe someone was really watching you. And, if there was indeed a being following you, they could at least try to answer any questions. “I wonder if this place has information about the Abyss…”
As you muttered, something seemed to fall in the inner part of the round reception desk. There was no one to receive you, so you took the liberty to inspect what made that noise. You found another book on the floor – this time bigger, older, and seemingly infinite: clearly a product of magic. There were no doubts you had crossed into another realm and, even if you didn’t know how to go back, your curiosity was bigger than your fear.
Taking the leather cover into your hands, you leaned the book in one of your arms, opening it with your free hand. Your eyebrows raised in delight as you realized you were staring into a library Index: all books and their subjects were noted down in beautifully crafted calligraphy, with a note on their location inside the library.
You turned page after page in what it seemed like an endless passing of time – as if Time itself didn’t exist in that wonderful realm of books and knowledge you had found yourself into. That presence seemed to keep watching you; intently, carefully… Curiously. As curious as your eyes running on the pages searching for more knowledge on the Abyss.
“Aha…” You finally found what you were looking for. The Abyss and other Ancient Realms – that was the only title on that theme. It was in the Restricted Session, and that could only indicate you would have a price to pay for that knowledge. “Alright. Let’s find the Restricted Session then.”
As you murmured those words, a path of purple flames lit the way to said Restricted Session. You wouldn’t have to worry about becoming trapped or never finding your way back: the library would show where the knowledge you needed was – your will would have to bring you back.
With a deep breath, you let go of your silver sword, leaning it on the reception desk. You placed your guns by the side of the guestbook, taking an inking pen and, after dipping it in the deep purple ink, you signed your name in the old, yellowish pages.
You were completely vulnerable, but you could use your arcane knowledge to your advantage. You had tested it before in several situations: the blood spell you did on your silver sword was very efficient in bringing it back to you in dire need. The blood inside it felt the calling of the blood in your veins, it didn’t matter the distance. It could take some time, but your trusted sword would be there to protect you – and that gave you some peace of mind.
The Restricted Session was less ominous than you thought it would look like. Behind the black iron bars of the gate that kept curious hands at bay, lied an obsidian box that could keep just one book inside, framed by the light of many sparkling purple candleflames.
“You who search the oldest of secrets must leave something in return.”
An old, golden altar stood beside the bars of the Restricted Session, keeping you between the knowledge of the Abyss. It was at your hand’s reach, so close and yet, so far away. You wanted it with your whole heart, but that altar was a warning and a deal: you had to sacrifice something if you wanted to learn something new.
No small offering would be enough for that book – no, it had to be a big one. Something beloved, something cherished. Something your heart would break to part.
Your guardian angel’s deep blue shawl.
You touched the soft fabric, your heart jumping inside your chest. Of everything you were willing to part of, that was your most prized belonging. It was the only thing that reminded you of some protection, of some gentleness. You didn’t want to let go – you wanted to keep the memory of your guardian angel close to your heart forever.
But you could never attain the knowledge you needed without making sacrifices.
You closed your eyes, taking a deep and slow breath. It was stupid to cry over a piece of fabric, so you wouldn’t – even if your heart wanted to weep. Unwrapping it from your neck, you once again opened your eyes, carefully placing your beloved shawl in the ancient golden altar. The purple flames reflected a beautiful dance in the only memory you had of your guardian angel… Of you being cared for and remembered, at least by someone.
With your heart sinking in your chest, a heavy click opened the gates of the Restricted Session, allowing you to go in.
The obsidian box was open, revealing a big, ominous book with a deep blue leather cover. The Abyss and Other Ancient Realms – the letters were in silver, slowly fading with time, but beautifully crafted inside a gothic frame of vines. You took it into your hands, the weight almost heavier than your sword. It shouldn’t be, but some books held more knowledge than others. Some enchanted books, with infinite pages, impossible to run out of space in its binding.
You left the Restricted Session, looking over your shoulders one last time to catch a glimpse of your cherished blue shawl. It seemed like leaving a piece of your heart behind, but you took a deep breath and kept on your path back to the reception desk – you wouldn’t cry, at least not with your eyes, and you wouldn’t turn back once more either.
What was done was done. You had made your choice, and you wouldn’t go back.
As you approached the reception desk once more, though, a dark figured towered around it – and the eyes. It had your eyes.
It looked like a Eurasian Eagle-Owl, feathers in deep purple and black, glistening with the trembling candle flames. Its chest carried a blood red glow, faintly able to see under its jet-black wings. It stood tall, far taller than you, smart eyes mimicking yours as it followed your every move with interest and mischievous curiosity. Only when your careful steps got close enough you were able to see it had two sets of wings – one close to its body, another resembling the mannerisms of human arms.
You had your eyes in it – carefully drinking its every move. You didn’t know if it was friend or foe; if it tried to attack you, your sword, peacefully laying behind it, would have to make its way to your hand.
“If you’re looking for that white rabbit, he’s not here.” Its voice reverberated through walls and the floor, catching your ears and your heart. You’d say it was a demon, but something about its energy was… Different. Ancient. “But I sense that you seek a knowledge that is worth pursuing to the darkest depth of the Underworld to find it.” As it finished speaking, a small laugh followed the words, clearly enjoying your curiosity that led you to that realm. “How will curious little Alice accomplish such a dangerous feat?”
“With courage. You have to be curious in order to be brave.” Your answer was certain albeit careful. Never before you had encountered a demon that resembled the creature standing before you – and the Codex Daemonica had no information about that. “I wonder. If I was led here but there’s no white rabbit to be seen, who am I talking to? The Cheshire Cat?”
Once again, that laugh reverberated through your chest, while its feathers shook with delight. Of all creatures you had met, that was the first who made you unsure. As far as your knowledge went, you could be talking to a trickster, like the ancient Norse deity, Loki.
“Alice should know better that names are not to be given so lightly.”
You just stared back into your own eyes, a small unsatisfied smile coloring your lips. You had signed your name; you had given it already. But words have power, especially the ones voiced by one’s own lips. If you wanted its name, you had to give yours – you had to voice it so it could voice its own. An eye for an eye, a hand for a hand, a name for a name.
“Y/n. My name is y/n, as I signed in the guestbook already.” You said after a deep breath. You could be making a huge mistake, but the book in your arms was worth whatever price. You had already left your guardian angel’s shawl – there was no going back now.
“It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, little Alice.” The creature bowed its head slightly, making you mirror its chivalry. “You can call me Ovid, master of this realm.”
“You certainly have a wonderful library, Ovid.” You couldn’t keep secret the fact that you had a Restricted Session book in your arms: Ovid probably knew what you had given up for it already and you had every intention to check that book out. For good or for bad. “With knowledge that even the best arcane libraries in the human realm only dream of.”
“Indeed, y/n, indeed… How far would you go fur such knowledge, little Alice?”
“As far as necessary, dear Cheshire Cat.”
Its eyes reflected the same fire that burned in yours – but you didn’t look down. You had already met that stare before: years ago, when fighting the blue coated devil, it was that sort of glance that commanded you to give up and made you only ignore it and remain stronger in your own will.
It was rare for Ovid meeting such a strong-willed human. A journey alongside you could be quite interesting, after all.
“I see you have already accessed the Restricted Session…” Ovid murmured back, glancing quickly at the book in your hands. “To check out such knowledge, in the other hand, there are a few conditions.”
“As I said before, I’m willing to go as far as necessary. I already gave up something dear to me.” It was rare for you to put yourself in such a vulnerable position, but there you were. That book was worth much more than you could ever dream of and, if you needed to, you would fight that creature for it – even if you didn’t know what it was.
“And you can read it in my realm whenever you see fit, as long as your offering remains in the altar.” Once again, it bowed its head slightly, only to turn those bright, cunning eyes back to you right after. “But in order to return constantly, I shall need something in return.”
You smiled. There was always a catch. That’s how it was when dealing with demons.
“What is it?”
“For which purpose does little Alice needs such a book so desperately…?” You could hear it in its voice: they knew you had a goal, that you needed that book not only for curiosity, but for something else.
You had to be honest and vulnerable – something you avoided with all your strength. There were no cards left up your sleeve and the only thing you had in your advantage was that you could summon your silver sword at any moment – unless Ovid had sensed that spell already.
“There are no books in the human realm with knowledge on the Abyss. Whatever it is, I need to know more about it to keep it from destroying entire cities like it did to mine.” You took a deep breath, never lowering your eyes from Ovid’s cunning stare. “I will write a Codex Abyssae, just like there is a Codex Daemonica, so other hunters may be able to protect other people. This…” You looked down at the book in your arms, furrowing your brows. “This is the best source I found to this day. I can’t let it go.”
As your eyes went back to Ovid’s, you could swear it was smiling – after all, you knew how your eyes looked when you were doing so.
“Well, well, little Alice…” There was a tinge of delight in its voice, and you couldn’t refrain your heart from being wary. “It seems that the Fates brought our paths together, then. This book can only be read on my realm, however you might be able to come and go as you please for your research as long as you keep its information updated.” Those eyes, your eyes, glinted with a smart burst of energy of something that hadn’t had that much fun in centuries. “You see, my collection, sometimes, gets obsolete. Inside this book, you will find everything you need to know on the Abyss, but I’m afraid there is so much more yet to be discovered. It will be an honor harboring a copy of your Codex Abyssae along my many pages and oceans of words.”
One of their wings pointed back at the book. As you observed the cover, The Abyss and other ancient realms title disappeared, only to give room to the carefully crafted, gothic silver words of Codex Abyssae.
That was your book. That was your research. If you accepted it, all that knowledge, all that power would be yours – and you would get to update it, as well as write your own version for the human realm. It was really a lot more than you could have wished for, even if it bounded you to that creature you knew so little about.
“What happens when I am done?”
“You cannot return.” Ovid’s voice was calm, acting as if it was just another day in their eternity. Their eyes, though, glinted with delight. “The Codex will return to its safety in the Restricted Session. Your shawl will be returned. You will have your knowledge, and I will have mine. Our deal will be over.”
Of course, it was a deal. Something like that always had a price.
And you were willing to pay it.
“How do I access the library to read the Codex when I need to?”
“You can always summon me with one of my feathers, dear Alice.”
It seemed like you hadn’t noticed it before, but right by the guest book, there was a golden dish with a silky, long black feather in it. Like you imagined before, you would be bound to that creature to a certain extent, as long as you kept your part of the bargain. They would give you knowledge if you delivered knowledge in return.
It was a small price to pay, in your point of view.
“Well, then. You have yourself a deal, Cheshire.” You took a deep breath, declaring your will out loud. “I will keep the Codex Abyssae updated as long as I can come and go from the library and read it for my research, Ovid. Deal.”
That laugh reverberated through the library once more as you reached for the feather. You could finally leave the Codex on the reception desk, knowing you could come back any time and spend hours and hours reading it to your heart’s desire.
“I have to finish the job I was hired to do, but when I want to come back…”
“I will be there to guide you into my realm, little Alice.” Ovid made a small signal with their head, making you slightly bow in return.
“Thank you for allowing me to have access to your library, Ovid.”
“Thank you, little Alice, for giving me such knowledge to build upon, but do be careful on the road ahead.” Their warning caught you off guard, making you stop as you were ready to get your weapons once more. “You have been close to death once before, I can see that.” As those words filled your mind, you furrowed your brows. “Before you go, I shall give you a piece of advice to mull over. The next time you end up on death’s doorstep, it will take you without hesitation. So, live a fruitful and fulfilling human life, with the time you’ve got left. Death does not give second chances lightly.”
That warning placed a heavy weight on your heart, taking your breath away for a few seconds. You had defied death once but, as it seemed, you wouldn’t be able to do it twice.
With so much left to do, you kept that warning in a place you could think about later. You struck a deal. It was done. You couldn’t turn back now.
As soon as your feet left the door that got you inside the library, you found yourself back into the derelict building that led you there. You glanced back, hoping to see the purple flames and the reception desk once more – now with your weapons back to your grip and the feel of your trusted sword hilt calming your heart – but you only found an old empty room, with books and paper scattered all over the dusty floor.
You were back – and it all seemed like a lifelong dream. You would consider it all to have been just your imagination, if Ovid’s feather didn’t weight inside your coat’s pocket. Checking once more, your fingers found the silky touch of the feather and you knew; it was all true. You had struck a deal with a trickster, maybe a demon, maybe something older – you weren’t sure. But you had done it for a knowledge and a power the strongest demons could only dream of.
Your steps quickly led you back to the round hall surrounded by the labyrinth of mahogany aisles, lit only by a sheer light that entered through the cracks in the walls. Soon, you would find your steps away from that building, back to your job, to make sure the Abyss would close, and nothing would be able to go in – or get out.
“This time, I will not allow you to go any further… Little human.”
That voice. It was his voice. You were certain of it.
Turning around, you smiled as you saw a very well-known silhouette lit only by the stray rays of light, framing his shoulders and his conceited head held high in the air – the sword on his hand, ready to attack; the smirk framing his arrogance… His eyes, defying yours with a fire burning in silver. The blue coat gracing him as a frame.
You smirked back, holding your head high and staring back with your burning eyes.
“Long time no see… Demon.”
To be continued...
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doneffect64 · 2 months
Aaaa I meant post on here yesterday, oops..
Season 2 Premiere dropped yesterday! Here’s the link:
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mirai-desu · 6 months
Them retooling Miss Scarlet & The Duke to cut out the Duke has hit me really hard and not just because of them splitting up the ship--it's also because deep and rich a character William really is. And there was so much more to explore. He really was half the show. It's right there in the title.
In fact, he was a linch pin between the worlds of the show, uniting Eliza and Scotland Yard. But also there's the connection with her father and his mentorship of William, and then in turn William's mentorship of Fitzroy. The opening and closing scenes in 2x05 proved how much he was a part of the community, and looked out for those less fortunate, given his upbringing in the workhouse and living on the streets as a teen. He gave back, just as Henry did to help him. He's responsible and looks after the people he supervises. Ivy is right: William is a good man.
Yes, at first William did write off Eliza's desires to be a detective, as most men would in the 1880s. But then he grew to accept it, and then not only that, but encourages her. He does grow to view her as an equal, giving her cases, and feeling bad when he cannot. He respects her opinion (even though don't they didn't always see eye to eye), and defends her when other men do not. He supports her and tells her what a good detective she is, and that she can always make it work because she always does. And it's these words that she remembers when she decides she has to reopen her agency.
So many times he put Eliza before himself, and often at the detriment of his own career. In fact, where we left off, things were him poised for him to give it up in order to be with her. Because he loves her. It's a shame that we won't continue what what was set up, and it's a shame that that they've chosen to abandon the original premise for whatever the real reason for this mess is.
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quietlyblooms · 18 days
the question is!! i suppose!! would anyone want something spicy from chiyo
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chirpsythismorning · 2 years
Want to know what I'm most excited about for byler endgame?
All the gays who didn't see it coming.
Like there are plenty of queer ships out there with huge fanbases. And unfortunately, yes, a lot of these ships over the years weren't canon and were very clearly queer-bait going nowhere.
A lot of fans have been here before, many times. Looking for crumbs, looking for the bare minimum, and so it's not even about the pairing actually getting together in the end, it's about appreciating all the moments in between. That's valid and honestly as good as it gets most of the time and so I don't really blame them.
Which is why I think, when it comes to Stranger Things, despite the canon queer characters, SO many queer viewers who haven't even watched the show or only watched it maybe once casually, are just not picking up on any of the subtext, despite picking up on stuff from shows where it was almost entirely accidental.
And it is fascinating!
Hearing fans of other queer ships that are confused about why byler was #1 on Tumblr this year and even just coming off as sort of condescending about it, I can't even be mad.
Because from their perspective this is just another mainstream show with horrible queer-bait, which is why they haven't even allowed themselves to genuinely consider it.
And so I cannot wait for their reactions when they find out they were wrong. That they thought they would be right because they've been wrong so many times before about queer ships that didn't end up together. Except this time they'll be wrong for assuming they wouldn't end up together...
Then, that's when they'll finally allow themselves to go back and watch it and pay attention, without worrying they're being tricked like they've been every other time before... and they're going to lose their shit.
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crybaby-bkg · 1 year
writing a slow burn enemies to lovers fic is. a lot harder. than I had expected.
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blindingspark · 2 years
A downpour over Thanalan's region urges the warrior of light and their companion to hunker down for the evening; personal revelations are wont to come to light in the ember glow of a warm hearth. Rating: Mature-ish [Brief mentionings of their love lives... or lack thereof] Pairing: Zenos/WoL Notes: A VERY lengthy revision of an older fic in the 'nebulous adventurer au', packed with emotional constipation, soul searching and most definitely rolling w/ my headcanon of Ace!Zenos [more specifically Demi but choo choo on the ace train] I hope you enjoy this labour of love!
A rare downpour had begun to cover the arid landscape of Thanalan, aided by the steady rumbling of thunder in the distance and putting a pause to the travels of two adventurers.
Tucked away in some forgotten little settlement, an au ra quietly padded around their chosen home to wait out the storm, using a spare rag to dry their rain-soaked hair, mind turning as they periodically looked to the front door. As if waiting for someone…
It had been a half a year since they began their travelling partnership, the contrast between the Warrior of Light and their towering ward had more than their fair share of trials and victories in such a short span of time; yet in spite of knowing his prowess fully, the mage still found themselves fretting over him-
The sound of the heavy door opening caused Auri to jump, magenta eyes wide as they looked to the entry- shoulders then relaxing as their partner ducked slightly to enter, pulling the hood back after closing the door and locking it,
"Not a soul for malms, save for a few starving beasts." The drawl of the garlean's voice seemed disinterested as always, reaching up to undo the clasp on his cloak and shrugging it off his shoulders to hang it beside Auri's smaller one,
"You were away for some time, I was beginning to worry you had wandered off somewhere." The mage teased lightly, turning to watch the former crown prince as he went about the process of disarming himself, noting the faint smirk on his lips,
"Alas, tempting though it may be, we are simply passing through this land," he glanced over, idly undoing the buckles and shedding the bulkier pieces of armor as he did so, "Our arrangement notwithstanding."
Auri nodded, watching him for a few moments more and letting the quiet within the house settle in before they spoke once more,
"I'm glad you're safe, regardless."
Zenos paused, only for a moment, and set the last of his armor aside. It was a strange and delicate dance between them even months into their partnership; Auri had lost count of the lingering looks exchanged, the small gestures from nestling into the garleans side during a long carriage ride to feeling his hand resting on the small of their back during their rare visits to resupply. The moments of battle when he practically surrounded them like a fortress, the tandem back and forth utilizing their respective skills of magics and pure might to a seamless point… all of it had served to deepen the rather strange bond they shared.
It was during the moments like these, however, in the late hours of quiet and safety that seemed to unearth the untouched aspect between them.
It was no surprise to Auri that his was an upbringing and life of distance, apathetic coldness and violence; such traits had made him a force of reckoning upon the battlefield- their past duels also serving as a testament as such. 
Their travels, as the mage would come to discover, had served to slowly begin chipping away at an otherwise impenetrable front the garlean had lived with; much remained the same, from his eagerness for a challenge and the thrill of a 'hunt' to his restlessness when they negotiated terms and haggled for goods, yet the changes that could be noticed seldom slipped the au ra's eye. Lingering on tomes and art rich with tales of eld, salvaging a piece of treasure that glistened that he would offer to them- oft under the pretense of 'not needing such a trinket himself'- and a certain air of domesticity when they would settle for a time in their travels…
Auri's attention was drawn back upon hearing their name called, blinking owlishly and craning their neck as he stood no more than a few ilms away, hands on his hips and with a look that they could daresay bordered on curious,
"Wh… yes?" They muttered, watching his head cant to the side slightly,
"Ah, you didn't hear me after all," he sighed, "How long has it been since your last meal?"
"My last…" their brows furrowed, "Back in that encampment, why?"
"You were staring as though you were faint."
"I-" they then huffed, mirroring his stance while their tail flicked with faux offense, "I learned from your last grousing, sir!"
A sly smile then appeared on his lips, reaching up and brushing a few stray damp hairs from their face,
"Good. I'd rather you not collapse during our travels a second time." Zenos said simply, knowing full well his gesture was leaving the mage flustered, "What then, pray tell, had you lingering so, hmh?"
Auri's mouth opened to respond, then shut, pressing to a firm line as they thought and settled on a small shrug, 
"Planning ahead, since it seems we're safe for a time we can take a breather, no?"
The garlean hummed, glancing at the nearest window at the low, crackling thunder outside their temporary home before turning his attention back down to his companion,
"For the night, at least."
"Always in a rush," Auri tutted, reaching up to ruffle their hair and sighing, meeting his gaze and offering a smile, "I suppose I'll go rest up in that case, and I trust you'll do the same, hm?"
Zenos looked them over, taking their word as rhetorical and making his way over to the nearby chair situated by the fireplace within the main living space and settling down- a silent addition to their arrangement was the garlean ensuring they slept on the bed wherever they settled, while he fully contented himself to sleeping in a chair. Lingering as they watched him begin unbuckling his greaves, Auri's attention quietly shifted to the fitted under armor which- much to their own surprise the first time- left little to the imagination, the slight flex and relaxation of muscle in his arms and shoulders briefly made them wonder what it would feel like to run their hands along the expanse without the bulk of armor in the way- 
"Did you have something to ask of me," he inquired, never turning his attention away from his task as he moved to the other armored boot,"Or am I to escort you to bed as well?"
"I- of course not, worry about yourself for a moment!" Auri squawked, wringing their hands and muttering a softer 'Good night' to him as they sought out the house's bedroom.
Closing the door behind them the mage reached up and rubbed their face, letting a low groan leave them before trying to ready themselves for the night, shedding their gear and changing into a more comfortable tunic to sleep in- a momentary pause as they slipped it over their head, remembering the previous owner of the spacious shirt, the previous owner who was currently in the other room… slowly pulling it on and feeling a warm fluttering in their chest as they recalled him handing the shirt to use as an easy sleep tunic, though the 'why' was lost to them.
Only within the last month or so had they noticed their attention lingering on him in such a fashion; during their moments of closeness, exploring the other with their hands, the tentative exchanges as if to test the boundaries of their bond and arrangement; wondering what it could be like if they crossed those lines, though a hesitation remained ever present if there was more they simply had yet to experience with the other.
Auri clambered into bed with a sense of self-contained frustration, letting out a huff as their attempts to focus could have burned holes into the nearest wall,
Gather yourself, Auritel, he was assigned to be your ward as the condition for the Alliance sparing his execution for a time, what would they possibly think if they knew the depths of your bond with him? You feel safe around him, but the fact remains it simply cannot be-
Squeezing their eyes shut, the au ra shifted onto their side and attempted to clear their mind, idly chewing on their lip at a passing thought and hugging the pillow to them, a faint scent that lingered in the fabric of their sleeve drawing their minds eye: metal and leather, a hint of fragrant, floral oil that was subtle unless at a close distance, a familiar combination… the mage subconsciously buried their nose in the cloth and held the pillow to their face, quietly indulging in the ingrained scent. The intention of not letting their mind wander failing as they imagined the warmth, the solidity, the near-overwhelming presence of the man who had become an unexpected comfort during their travels surrounding them- nearly swallowing them whole like a vast sea.
Their eyes opened to slits as the lingering, uncertain feelings stewed within them while they stared at the rumpled sheets, listening to the pitter-patter of rain and soft rumbling thunder outside… and finding themselves no closer to sleep.
Slowly pushing themselves up from the bed, Auri's gaze settled on the door- listening for any signs of restlessness from their companion. Their brows knit together, noting instead the strange level of… quiet there actually was.
With their attention on the entry the au ra's legs swung over the edge, allowing them to stand and quietly pad over to the door, doing their utmost to open it with at least some modicum of delicacy.
The door creaked slightly as it was pulled open, granting the mage a glimpse into the living space and settling on the garlean by the fireplace. Illuminated by the fire within the otherwise low-lit room, Zenos seemed to have his gaze fixated on the flames, cheek resting atop his knuckles while his elbow was perched on the arm of the chair, one leg crossed over the other and appearing almost statuesque-
"Is rest eluding you as well?" The inquiry caused Auri to wince, startled out of their little dip into voyeurism as Zenos turned his head slightly to address them.
"I… suppose it is," they murmured, opening the door further to slowly cross the room, gingerly sitting in the seat opposite of his and suddenly feeling quite bare.
Of course they would notice the way his gaze dragged over them in this state, wearing only their smallclothes and the shirt he had given to them, the look feeling faintly akin to a scorching caress before his attention returned to meeting their gaze,
"I take it a strange dream has haunted you, or perhaps it is simple restlessness?" asked the garlean, his tone giving no indication as to what belied the look he had given, watching the mage shift in their seat with their hands loosely clasped atop their lap,
"Restlessness, for certain," Auri said, giving a faint grin, "I ah, I never did get to say… thank you."
His brow perked, though he remained silent,
"When I fainted, I mean. You reminded me that I never thanked you when I came to…" their hands began fidgeting with the hem of the shirt, "You could have easily abandoned me to the elements for such a lacking foresight-"
"I am your ward, abandoning you would simply bring down the executioner's blade that much faster. Though I care naught, I would at least wish to see to the end of our hunt before such a time."
"Ward or no…" they sighed, "You carried me to safety in spite of it, so I feel it's only necessary to thank you for doing as such." 
A brief silence settled between them, with Auri's shoulders relaxing at the small nod he gave them. Apologies and gratitude were foreign to someone like him, that much had become plain in their travels, though the moments where he could accept and return such things were treasured, rare as they were,
"I'm certain your Alliance would clutch their pearls if they heard you say such things," Zenos said, the faintest signs of a musing lilt to his voice; Auri blinked with slightly wider eyes, "Just as they would upon seeing you in such garb, or lack thereof."
Bare feeling, and suddenly very warm.
The au ra stiffened, pausing in their fidgeting with the edge of the shirt,
"I… perhaps," they shifted in their seat, finding it hard to look him in the eye as his attention remained unwavering upon them, "Though it is not the Alliance's place to pass judgment on my choice of sleepwear or where I rest."
"But of course," he replied, "I only say as such given how you have chosen the tunic I had given you more than once… Surely you would wear any other if given the chance?"
Auri's tail flicked as they swore a switch had occurred while they weren't looking, now faced with a seemingly returned deeper attraction beyond what they had already explored. The small voice in the back of their mind reminding them of how poorly this could all end should the Alliance find out, having already tested their limits with their shared affections, 
"I could. Yours simply gives me…" they chewed on their lip, "Comfort. A feeling of safety, even."
At their admission Auri waved a hand dismissively, as if swatting away the flushed feeling creeping up the back of their neck, "But, ah, if my wearing this bothers you in any way, I can surely find something... something else."
"Truly?" He smirked, "You flatter me."
Cool blue eyes lingered on them, almost observant in place of the distinct heat from before, as though he had yet to witness his companion in such a state of dress. Even after growing as close as they had with him during their secret meetings within Gyr Abania and now in their travels, Auri could readily admit they still found themselves startled at times at the sheer intensity of his gaze, even in a relaxed setting such as this; the au ra shifted again and curled their tail into their lap,
"You seem especially focused," quietly teased the mage, moreso to alleviate the lingering air of awkwardness they had felt manifest, "I know your mind turns in fascinating ways, perhaps you could… share your thoughts?" 
A small hum, and his attention moved at last from their being to meeting their gaze in return, the faint scrunch of his brow indicating something had begun to gnaw at him,
"Have you ever been intimate with another?" Zenos's tone remained steady, watching as his companion gawked at the question,
"I…" Auri paused, briefly chewing on their lip as they considered their answer, "I have… only twice, however, with the same partner."
They then gestured to the lounging garlean, "And you? I'm certain there were many in the Empire who find you attractive and would have loved to share your bed…" the words dipped into a moment of nerves as they wondered if they were treading too far-
"Hmh… no." He said simply, earning an owlish look from the mage, a silence settling between them briefly before he continued, "There were many who vied to share my bedchambers in the palace when I came of age, some for their own gain, others who claimed similarities to find common ground and leaving much to be desired when pressed; I had sent away nobility and consorts alike… though I hardly remember just how many faces came and went in all that time."
Auri's expression softened as they listened, carefully fidgeting in contemplation, "I'm sure the pressure was its own annoyance… most royalty and noble folk I've heard tales of would take any to bed who caught their eye simply because they could."
A small huff of acknowledgement came from the  former prince, "I could scarce understand this apparent need that so many claimed to harbor. I had been taught at a young age the purpose of intimacy for royalty: 'Twas simply for ensuring heirs, any additional pleasure was coincidental. I did not wish to sire and I felt no stir regardless of who was put before me, much to the apparent disappointment of many." He replied, turning his head to look at them more directly, noting their solemn expression, "Does that answer displease you?"
Auri winced, attention snapping up from their wandering thoughts and shaking their head, "N-no! It's not… that, per se, I've no reason to doubt or be disappointed by your word, I suppose it's simply… not what I had expected." They said quietly, sighing and examining him, "Between your striking appearance and place in the Empire's hierarchy, I had imagined a few would have caught your eye, but after an answer such as that… I must admit my heart aches."
"Aches…?" Zenos repeated, "For what reason?"
A moment of hesitation was soon followed by the mage letting their hands go slack and pressing them to the cushion on either side of them as if to steady themselves upon the seat, "Having to deal with such things… the expectations set upon one to uphold even if they care naught for it," their head tilted faintly as they looked at their companion, "Though… albeit with less severity, I'm sure, I suppose such things are another similarity between us."
The garlean was silent, though the faint scrunch upon his brow remained; wordlessly pressing them to continue. Auri exhaled through their nose, attention lowering to trace the swirls of the woodgrain in the floorboards, "When I was first deemed the Warrior of Light all manner of folk wished for my hand, especially as time went on and my travels took me far and beyond my simple beginnings with thaumaturgy."
Their expression hardened the longer they stared, "I discovered the fine line early on between who wished to bed me for their own gain and who seemed to have an earnest attraction, the latter being less… frequent." 
"It would seem that snakes make their nests in any place that provides." He said, a slight distance present in his tone, "They would think themselves proud hunters when they are no more than shallow opportunists."
They snickered half-heartedly, "Aye, that they are… my already limited trust was further strained regardless. I've gained a stronger resolve for myself since then, which has been a pleasant boon in its own way."
A flash of lightning brightened the room, pulling their attention to the windows and listening as the rain endured, thinking of the time and wondering how long idle chatter had occupied the two of them; a passing thought drew them back to the former prince, a request… if they could give voice to it.
"...Zenos? If I may," His level gaze remained on them, silently accepting their unknown query, "It's rather late, and…"
The caster chewed on their lip upon choosing their next words, slowly standing and making their way over to stand before the garlean with fidgeting hands. Hands which then reached out to him, "Would you… accompany me to bed? It would be more comfortable than that chair, at the very least."
A faint knitting of his brows was the only response he deigned to give at first, eventually looking to their hands and rising from his own seat- feeling them tentatively grasp his hand and holding it between their own smaller ones.
The travelers studied one another in the firelight and occasional lightning flash, with Auri offering a sheepish smile to him,
"I assure you there is no deception in my offer, and I'm glad you are accepting it…" they said, stepping back and tugging his hand to lead him back to the bedroom they had otherwise claimed for themselves.
Zenos looked to the bed upon entering, a rather skeptical scan of such an aged piece of furniture yet obliging his friend all the same; crawling onto the plush surface which groaned beneath him as he settled on his side and looked to the warrior of light, noting the way they hesitated briefly before slowly moving to lay on their side opposite of him. Another bout of rolling thunder sounded outside and coaxed the au ra to speak,
"It's far from the most comfortable of beds, but 'tis enough to serve its purpose for tonight…"
"I have certainly slept on worse."
The feeling of him reaching to brush some of their hair from their face startled Auri from their spiraling thoughts, meeting his gaze with widened eyes, "I… my apologies, I was…"
Auri chuckled at his blunt reply, giving a conceding nod and adjusting to make themselves more comfortable before the two resumed observing the other in the limited lighting, the thoughts from earlier slowly creeping to the forefront of Auri's mind again at such close proximity. They had entertained the idea more than once even before they were granted permission to venture out into the wider expanses of Eorzea, yet the uncertainty of how he would respond to further affections gave them cause to hesitate.
Would it be too much?
Would all they had cultivated together crumble when stepping past the boundaries of the other?
They had spoken on such things here and there on their journeys, their bond as companions absolute, and yet…
"Drawn to the musings of your mind again," he muttered, "Perhaps you would share which pulls you away at such a time?"
Their cheeks bloomed with warmth, chewing on their lip out of nervous habit until they slowly reached in return, resting their hand upon his cheek and feeling him still,
"I have been… thinking. What… is this? What do we have between us?" Auri asked at last, watching as he studied their face yet retaining his own unreadable expression,
"I suppose such an inquiry would be best answered by you," Zenos replied, "What would you call this?"
A long pause settled between them, "I… suppose," the au ra sighed, "Companionship on the surface… something more deeply intertwined beneath a simple partnership? Driven by a bond we had formed from being tools of those who would use our skills, culminating in what transpired in the gardens in Ala Mhigo…" 
Their hesitation returned, "I have… grown to understand how I feel, about this- about you, and yet… I am afraid we see the other the same but through different lenses."
This time the garleans brows knit together faintly, "You're afraid I would reject further affections…"
They winced, "...Aye."
He uttered a faint hum at that, taking his hand away and hearing the sharp inhale from his companion before he came to rest an arm around them and pulled the mage close, tense as though bracing themselves for whatever came next,
“I know naught if there is a means to answer your query, yet I know that ours is a bond forged from the inferno upon the battlefield, and I intend to maintain it beyond even the grasping claws of death.”
"I have viewed courtship and similar rituals to be trite, an attempt to rattle the tedium of life with worthless embellishments… pursuing that which was ultimately meaningless if it were not for one's own gain," he said, "I saw no reason to indulge in something so fleeting when I looked to those around me."
Auri found themselves grasping at the material of his shirt, eyes down as they listened and felt the tense coiling in their gut remain steadfast while the tip of their tail flicked with their thoughts,
Their eyes widened at his words, looking up at him and finding their voice caught in their throat, “I…”
The mage’s lips pressed to a firm line, taking a deep breath and reaching to draw his attention and meeting his gaze briefly as they pulled him closer, unsure of what drove them as they tentatively pressed their lips to his briefly; as they realized their impulse decision the au ra pulled away with a string of hushed apologies, scarce noticing the look upon his face as he stared before he pulled them back in.
His inexperience with such a gesture revealed itself in his haste, hungrily chasing after another kiss and then another, only steadied upon Auri’s fingers tangling in the length of blond- his particular talent for swift learning soon revealing itself again as he eased and slowed in their exchange as a result.
When they next came up for air the garlean pulled away slowly, face mere ilms from Auri’s own with widened eyes and the faint dustings of flushed skin upon his cheeks and chest. A flustered chuckle bubbled up in the mage when the butterflies settled at last, noting how their companion had shifted and now loomed over them in their excitement,
“That… I…” Auri swallowed hard, loosening their grasp on his hair to run their fingers through it again, settling on cupping his cheeks, “I believe that answers my question.”
The riled look upon his face softened to a familiar and smug smile, lowering to steal another kiss as he settled on his side again,
“Good… I would rather there be no uncertainty with what we have.” he uttered after a moment, pulling his companion close again, a certain satisfaction manifesting within him as the tension had since released from their shoulders to hold him in turn.
The storm continued beyond the walls yet had eased in its intensity, allowing the moon’s glow to shine through more easily and illuminating the room, a softened hum leaning Auri as they nestled against their companion… their lover,
“Perhaps this storm was a boon to us after all.” they muttered with a smile, his radiating warmth and steadying heartbeat had granted newfound ease which pulled the weary adventurer down to a restful lull.
The worries of the world could wait until the storm passed.
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Pat. Darling. Why are you giving such open dialogue. Like unless you have the intention to get back with this man DO NOT GIVE SUCH A FLIRTY REPLY
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And then he actually took it 😭
Like I know next ep is probably gonna be like hand it back and then be like blah blah I don't like you. But my dude you HAD to shot that down instantly.
Cuz at this point I just feel bad for Put like honestly if they wanted me to hate his character they should've made him a cheater or something, but what, his big crime was that he was young and scared? Like he wasn't even that bad of a bf and hell hes a good man now, I honestly hope Kao has a cameo just to show that Put gets a happy ending cuz he doesn't deserve this... But maybe I'm being too soft cuz it's Up and I love him.
And as if this wasn't complicated enough they throw in another man
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And Pat instantly thinks of it as a date looking all cute and then gets caught up in a pyramid scheme which was lowkey funny but still like!! Please we're on episode six and Pat is acting shy around every new guy whilst Jeng is literally heart eyes every scene 😭
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akatsukirites · 8 months
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Excerpt from Chapter 40: Twenty-Three
“You gonna make me take another day off?”
Her lips upturn in a smile. A real smile. One that finally reaches her eyes. She walks in front of her desk.
“No, it’s nothing like that.” Her face turns mischievous. “Although you should take a day off.”
Kisame rolls his eyes. Konan points to the couch where there’s a long wooden crate; the top popped open and protective packaging strewn across the floor. It strikes him as something the military would issue.
“I want to give you something.”
Kisame pushes the lid the rest of the way off. What lies inside makes him speechless. He blinks and looks to Konan for answers.
“It may still need adjustments, but I think you’re going to enjoy this.” She tilts her head and smiles again.
(Read the full batch update on Ao3) Rating has increased from Mature -> Explicit
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tvrningout · 9 months
impulsivity has me contemplating a shipping call
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