doneffect64 · 6 months
Me, writing a traumatic scene:
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Me, having to draw that traumatic scene over the course of days:
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asherisawkward · 1 year
What's your stance on the whole "Belos is a colonizer" argument? Do you agree? Is he? And if so, was he based off of real people?
I disagree that he was a colonizer. The actual definition of colonizer is “a country that sends settlers to a place and establishes political control over it.”
Philip does not send any settlers into the Boiling Isles to take over it. He takes over with three people: himself, the constant Grimwaker at his side, and the Collector (who is basically a ghost that can’t interact with anything). And, I suppose we could include the dynamite and artificial magic if we really wanted to push it.
Aside from that, the culture of the Boiling Isles is already incredibly Euro-centric and reflects most of the clothing and behavior of the time. It’s not really destroying their culture if the only thing that he changes is “Hey, let’s practice things utilizing specialization as opposed to everybody doing everything.” Rulers have made more drastic changes to their own countries.
As for on Earth, Philip was a child/grandchild of colonizers but not one himself.
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honestlyobsessed · 2 years
So I've been a wee bit dry on ideas, but I have been puzzling over how exactly Grimwalkers work.
Here are some questions, let your imagination run wild:
Is the reason Grimwalker's eyes are red because their eyes contain the blood of the one they are made out of?
When a Grimwalker emerges, how old are they and why?
Do the core Ingerdiance of a Grimwaker Become flesh during incubation?
If so, what may cause the flesh to turn back into its core material?
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erabundus · 2 years
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rules:  bold  what  consistently  applies,  italicize  situational.
does  your  muse  while  fighting  …
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fight  honorably  /  fight  dirty  /  prefer  close-quarters  /  prefer  range  /  chat  during  /  go  silent  /  low  pain  tolerance  /  high  pain  tolerance  /  attack  in  bursts  /  attack  steadily  /  go  for  the  kill  /  aim  to  disarm  /  fight  defensively  /  strike  first  /  provoked  easily  /  provoke  their  opponent  /  tease  /  get  visibly  frustrated  /  shout  while  attacking  /  use  strategy  /  focus  on  their  battle  /  experience  conflicting  thoughts  during  battle  /  rush  in  recklessly  /  reads  their  opponent  before  fighting  /  fight  wildly  /  fight  calmly  and,  or  apathetically  /  fight  with  anger  /  fight  with  excitement  /  fight  because  they  have  to  /  fight  because  they  want  to  /  fight  without  regard  to  wounds  /  run  away  when  wounded  /  hide  wounds  /  take  a  blow  to  protect  another  /  prefer  a  blade  /  prefer  a  gun  /  prefer  to  use  their  ability  /  prefer  a  bow  /  prefer  a  shield  /  prefer  a  pole  arm  /  prefer  a  personalized  weapon  /  prefer  magic  or  spells  /  prefer  their  fists  /  their  greatest  weakness  is  physical  /  their  greatest  weakness  is  mental  /  their  greatest  weakness  is  emotional  /  transform  for  battle  /  fight  as  they  appear  /  rely  on  strength  /  rely  on  speed  /  use  everything  they  have  /  hide  their  full  potential  /  exhaust  quickly  /  high  stamina  /  doubt  their  strength  /  proceed  with  caution  /  behave  arrogantly  /  brag  after  landing  a  hit  /  belittle  their  abilities  /  use  psychological  tactics  /  use  brute  strength  /  avoid  civilians  /  strike  down  civilians  /  damage  surroundings  /  avoid  damaging  surroundings  /  signature  fighting  style  /  making  it  up  as  they  go  /  mastered  skillset  /  learning  their  skillset  /  use  improvisation  /  fancy  footwork  /  sloppy  footwork  /  messy  fighter  /  elegant  fighter  /  accept  defeat  /  refuse  defeat  /  beg  for  mercy  /  compliment  their  opponent  /  insult  their  opponent  /  use  flamboyant  movements  (flips,  twirls)  /  move  efficiently  /  barely  move  /  prefer  to  dodge  /  prefer  to  block  /  defend  their  blindside  /  has  no  blindside  /  use  all  available  advantages  /  strictly  use  one  main  method  /  play  around  /  hold  back  /  fight  ruthlessly  /  show  mercy  /  wait  for  opponent  to  be  ready  /  strike  when  opponent  isn’t  ready  /  fear  death  /  fear  pain  /  fear  killing  /  has  PTSD  /  avoid  fighting  /  has  lost  a  fight  /  has  won  a  fight  /  has  killed  /  refuses  to  kill  /  want  to  die  standing  /  would  succumb  slowly
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TAGGED BY: @grimwake ( thank you so much!! ) TAGGING: @momijiba @cuileincat @custosavis @ironbloodcd @vixlenxe @ruinlost @cryoexorciist @drolliic @icynun
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boyheros · 8 months
I've said it once I've said it a thousand times I wish we got more grimwalker time. like I wish we got more everything time but you know me. the clone guy. anyways as someone with non-golden guard grimwalker OCS it's a little difficult because. we never find out whether Hunter's lack of magic stems from grimwalker-ness or being a clone of a human? like either is plausible I think. humans don't have bile sacs so it could be that. But also humans don't have pointed ears and hunter most definitely does, so we may be able to assume that's a grimwaker trait: even if the ortet species is one way some other grim-traits could bleed through. which makes me think his lack of magic could also be a grimwalker thing. like sure he's made up of a bunch of magical materials but I think that magic goes towards making him alive, not for casting. he has a galdorstone for a heart, of course there's no bile sac attached to it. If grimwalkers could be capable of using the stone for magic (besides illusions, I guess) then theres no reason him being a human clone should affect that? he has the stone. if it could be used to do magic then it would be, irregardless of the bile sac status of the ortet. in my opinion.
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lost326 · 2 years
s02e18 – Labyrinth Runners
At time 04:02 you see hunter has 3 books on grimwakers, so I guess he is robbing the school library.
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cryptidkey · 2 years
I wonder if Flapjack knows about the other Grimwakers.
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nona1323 · 2 years
Okay, just a funny thought.
What if Darius wasn't looking for Hunter because Rain convinced him that the boy would stay with Ida? I can quite imagine that. And so, at the end of the last episode, Darius is like, "Okay, where's the little prince?" And Ida "What little prince?" Darius: Well, Hunter. And Yes: I haven't seen him since he escaped from the owl's boma after traveling into the Emperor's mind. And Darius is just a *panic* Rain! You promised me! Where is my little prince! * parental instincts to the maximum* And at this time Hunter is eating Gus's sandwich, reading books about Grimwakers
I just find it funny. And then, Eberford, in order to calm Darius, goes in search of Hunter with the help of his abilities.
English is not my native language, sorry for the mistakes
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doneffect64 · 2 months
Aaaa I meant post on here yesterday, oops..
Season 2 Premiere dropped yesterday! Here’s the link:
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doneffect64 · 6 months
Some of my fav expressions from my webcomic’s first season finale + my fave bit (1st pic)
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[If you’re interested, it’s called GrimWake, available on Webtoon]
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doneffect64 · 6 months
A Quiet Crisis
[Song: One - Harry Nilsson]
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doneffect64 · 6 months
One might say I overdo the details in my webcomic…
Did I have to reference an 11mm camera lens for a robot’s iris? (11mm is within the median range for the typical human iris diameter)??
Absolutely fucking not.
Did I do it anyway?
Uh, yeah. Why tf not??
I mean, their entire design was made after hours of research in subjects like general robotics, animatronics, robotic-powered prostheses, and more. So like, ofc I’m going to make their eye a fuckin camera lens.
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(Note: I do not know lens stuff that well anymore so it could very well be inaccurate, and I’m very aware of that. I just wanted to say that, I just know someone will try to cook me if I’m wrong. It’s whateves.)
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doneffect64 · 1 month
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Can’t believe it’s been two years already. Thank you all for your continued support.
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doneffect64 · 2 months
Really random quick tidbit for those who read GrimWake: You might notice that season 1 episodes 4/6–16/17 that uh, everything kinda seems to be stretched out..? i.e. character’s faces are built long.
Was it a skill issue? Well, sort of..
I made almost all of season 1 on a laptop, placed on a shorter desk and I sat in taller chair, so everything was wonky height-wise. During episode 17’s production, I got a laptop stand so it was finally at eye level.
I found that the distortion would occur cuz, before the stand, my laptop screen was not in a relaiable line of sight, plus evidently my screen was tilted (I never closed it)
I wondered why everything got silly-putty stretched when it uploaded onto Webtoon. Haha, nope, that was a me thing. Oops 🥲
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doneffect64 · 2 months
GrimWake’s Season 2 premiere is still set for Aug 2nd at 4pm EST! Here’s a sneak peek of what episodes are to follow..
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doneffect64 · 3 months
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*Jojo music plays in the distance*
Static would 100% do this btw
[Saw a vid with this pose, couldn't resist. Credit to himaniia on TikTok for the inspo]
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