#get grandson-adopted idiot
yo-yo-yoshiko · 2 months
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A little love for Necrom...
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Man... when Alain has a Big Feelings I also have a Big Feelings.
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struggling-author · 2 months
Imagine a spy x family au of clark Kent (Superman) as yor forger and Bruce Wayne as Loid
lmao that actually works surprisingly well!
I am tempted to make this for WonderBat but I will resist
So Bruce is still Batman in this universe, but the villain he is currently after is Ra‘s al Ghul, who never shows his face in public except for at the private school his grandson attends.
Since he is also still Bruce Wayne, getting in won‘t be a problem but well… he needs a kid for that, and unfortunately he is fresh out.
Luckily, on the day Ra‘s trail leads him to the school, he runs into reporter Clark Kent who is writing a piece on Eden College. As they talk, Clark mentions how his son Jon dreamt of getting into the school, but unfortunately he couldn’t afford it, so immediately a plan forms in Bruce‘s head. He and Clark will pretend to be married so he can use his Wayne money and influence to get Jon in. Clark of course refuses because he can’t ask that of someone he just met - though in that very moment his super senses pick up on something, Bruce has been followed (he’s not as careful in this Universe I guess, bear with me I need this for the story lol) and a sniper is about to shoot him. Clark reacts on instinct throwing himself at Bruce, pushing him out of the way, then takes his hand to run into an alleyway. Some shots hit Clark but he is unaffected and Bruce pretends not to notice. The sniper catches up to them from the roof above, so Clark knowing nothing else to do takes a pebble and throws it with just the right speed to knock him out without killing him (assume this is possible, Idk). His excuse is:
„I used to be pebble throwing champion at the eagle scouts, I have a badge to prove it“ (he actually does lol)
Bruce is not an idiot and doesn’t buy it, but he seizes the opportunity to say that now after Clark saved him he is in his debt, so he will help his son get into the school. Clark still tries to interject, but Bruce stops him by pulling a clip from his pocket (usually used for grappling lol) and grabbing his hands.
„I swear to you, for saving my life, I will do everything in my power to get your son into Eden College, and until my debt is paid, I will be your husband and this ring shall represent my promise.“ as he puts the clip on the finger of a very flustered Clark.
And so it happens that Clark and Jon move into Wayne Manor and Bruce gets Jon into Eden, where Jon meets Damian and they become immediate rivals.
Shenanigans ensue as Bruce tries to get Jon closer to Damian without being too obvious, while also trying to figure out wtf is up with his new husband and adopted son because they are clearly not human and very bad at hiding it. He gets struck by Loid Forger loveblindness though, so he never makes the connection to Superman (who he knows exists but has probably never met) and over time he starts caring less and less about it because he has always wanted a family and it feels so good after being alone all his life and he doesn’t wanna ruin it it’s just for the mission anyway and Clark is clearly too good a person to be a threat so it doesn’t matter. Or maybe he figures it out immediately and spends the rest of the story pretending to ignore the blatantly obvious ways in which Clark reveals himself and nodding at all his ridiculous excuses. (I might prefer this one tbh 😆)
There‘ll probably also be an arc where Bruce learns Damian is actually his biological son and has an emotional crisis.
Clark spends all his time badly hiding his identity, all the while never realizing his partner is actually Batman, despite him sneaking out every night and coming back with bruises (he knows that from his powers but he thinks it’s not his business what Bruce does in his private time, so he tries not to think about it)
So both still go on their superhero missions and if you want they can meet as heroes too and then you basically get Miraculous Ladybug lol
Maybe they also adopt Krypto for Jon.
Oh and I‘m imagining Lois died at some point when Jon was still very young, so him and Bruce really bond over that and Bruce remembers the reason for his mission, so that no child would ever have to lose their parents again (which gets complicated as he still fully plans to leave them once he has captured Ra‘s)
Franky is Alfred btw so Jon still gets a cool Uncle.
Maybe there is also a subplot where Clark spends his whole time fending off enemies trying to attack his completely normal civilian husband (how weird of them, right?) because the sniper managed to escape and leaked his identity. Luckily most his villains don’t believe such a ridiculous conspiracy theory (I mean spoiled billionaire Bruce Wayne as Batman? how laughable!) so only some local gangs come after him.
That’s all I got for now, feel free to add on lol and thanks for the ask.
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impulsivefanwriter · 1 year
Ninjago Fic Rec Week — Day 1: Canon &/or Lloyd
https://archiveofourown.org/series/1441819 — The Grass is Always Greener (Series)
A fantastic series by the extremely talented @sunnylighter (go shower their blog in love) featuring a crossover between the show and movie with many amazing instalments (and a great Monkie Kid crossover fic too) that includes elements from S2-S4 and a ton of great head canons, jokes, moments to laugh or cry, and an overall great time
https://archiveofourown.org/series/2178393 — Green Empathy (Series)
Love movieverse Lloyd and think he's a sad little meow meow? Then this series featuring him with empathy powers is perfect for you!
https://archiveofourown.org/works/20742584 — Oh, haven't you heard?
A fantastically hilarious movieverse fic featuring our beloved (secretly) son of a warlord vs. the crack of Buzzfeed Unsolved
https://archiveofourown.org/works/29490180 — Home Is Where You Are
Movieverse Lloyd gets stabbed and his cousin Morro wants to stab people as a result
https://archiveofourown.org/works/30888539 — Who’s the New Guy? He Looks Awfully Green
Even more Movieverse Lloyd being a sad little meow meow, this time with him finally finding friends and hoping to his grandfather they don't find out he's the Lloyd Garmadon
https://archiveofourown.org/works/26722576 — Kind
A bawler in the most wholesome way; a movieverse fic featuring the "words people think about you appear on your skin" AU, staring Lloyd Garmadon, AKA the second most hated person in the city. Seriously, this one shot fic is amazing and is so worth the read
https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13626984/1/The-Idiots-Guide-to-Not-Despising-Your-Cousin — The Idiots’ Guide to Not Despising Your Cousin
Lloyd takes his reformed 'cousin' Morro on a road trip of hell to recreate the scene from Sharknado. Hilarious shenanigans and begrudging cousin bonding ensues, complete with an emotional shouting match, a rocket launcher, and a stolen shark
Lloyd & Canon
https://archiveofourown.org/works/41654502 — Let's Dye This World
Lloyd wants to dye his hair pink. What could go wrong? (Nothing. Nothing at all)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/36502231 — And the Vocab Word of the Day Is...
Someone's taught Zane a word he shouldn't know, and thus we have this hilarious one-shot
https://archiveofourown.org/works/26238865 — An Impromptu Little Brother
You want RG siblings fluff? You've got it! This adorable fic showcases the sweet bonding of S1 Kai and Lloyd
https://archiveofourown.org/works/44929669/chapters/113050273 — On the Outside
You want even more "Lloyd gets adopted by his siblings and finds a family" fluff? Well, this one also includes some angst, but in a hurt/comfort way, and includes bonding with the entire team
https://archiveofourown.org/works/13837338/chapters/31823022 — All I Want for Christmas is You
Lloyd has never celebrated Christmas before, and is desperately trying to hide it
https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13548435/1/Warning-Fire-Hazard — Warning: Fire Hazard
As the favourite great-grandson of Firstborne, she decides to teach him a fun dragon trick... fire-breathing. Obviously Lloyd uses this new trick responsibly
https://archiveofourown.org/works/25916767 — Cool Down
A fantastic fic about Zane's element as a counterbalance to Kai's in stressful situations, and how a hug can go a long way
https://archiveofourown.org/works/43938129 — Cold Hands, Warm Heart
Zane's never been in a snowball fight before, and Kai & the others decide this will not stand. Fluff ensues in this beautifully written adorable found family fic
https://archiveofourown.org/works/28433430/chapters/69674970 — Nature vs. Nurture
S2 Megaweapon shenanigans with the OG4 getting turned into kids again after Child's Play... but this time, without their memories
https://archiveofourown.org/works/32716111/chapters/81165256 — Habits of Home(lessness)
A "5 times + 1" fic about Jay being incredibly concerned and confused by the mysterious habits of his team
https://archiveofourown.org/works/27700081/chapters/67792351 — Your Mistakes Are Yours to Keep (BEING REWRITTEN)
Post Skybound angst my beloved <3
https://archiveofourown.org/works/28467426 — For When You Need Love
So many platonic kisses; an amazing collection of small 1-on-1 bonding moments between every member of this team of found family ninja. This is one of my comfort fics
https://archiveofourown.org/works/15544857/chapters/36085881 — powersurge
What would an outburst of elemental power look like? A fantastic collection of short stories featuring each of the ninja in a stressful situation and a boatload of interesting headcanons, that's what
https://archiveofourown.org/works/35446993/chapters/88356208 — *Wu voice* "Ah, gotta get my kids."
A great fic (and amazing prequel/summary animatic by the very talented @a-big-chicken-nerd) featuring Sensei Wu helping his students after each lose control of their elemental powers on what should have been normal patrols across Ninjago
https://archiveofourown.org/works/39091860/chapters/97792278 — Walk a Mile
A fun bodyswap fic featuring Kai & Jay learning to tolerate each other
https://archiveofourown.org/works/47781802/chapters/120452491 — Real Life (Dragons Rising S1 spoilers) 
Can't really say what it's about for spoilers but it's a new character bonding with an old one and it's sweet <3
https://archiveofourown.org/works/12407508/chapters/28232733 — Chips and Salsa
Good ol' Glacier shipping at its finest in this wonderful fic; a secretly pining Cole brings his crush Zane to his house while trying to get over said crush. Lou knows his son's attempts won't be sucessful. Shenanigans, dancing, pining, and apology pancakes follow
https://archiveofourown.org/works/28905537/chapters/70915611 — Between the Scenes
A collection of great stories between episodes and pre-pilots to 'fill the gaps' the show doesn't cover
https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13520844/1/There-s-Insurance-For-That — There's Insurance For That
A hilarious fic about Skylor learning all the places the ninja are banned from and the reasons for said bans
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gx-gameon · 6 months
Part 7 of Yugi raising Jaden
Adventures in the afterlife.
Start - previous - next
“You have a son?” Atem’s question hung in the air.
Yugi smiled gently at his partner before nodding “ya I do.”
Atem had so many questions. How? He wasn’t gone long enough for Yugi to have a child, unless he truly lost track of time. Or had he missed something this big durning his time with Yugi! No, there was no way Yugi would have kept something like this from him. No, it had to have happened after he left. But if so who was the mother?
While Atem was spiraling Kaiba wasn’t doing much better. There was no way he missed something so huge. Téa wasn’t pregnant the last time he saw her. He couldn’t think of any other women who Yugi was close enough with to have a child. Who was it? Where had this child come from?
Yugi was unaware of just how badly the two men in front of him were spiraling. He could tell they were shocked but didn’t realize the extent of that shock. He was going to explain to them who Jaden was when he was interrupted.
“Son? I have a grandson?” Yugi turned to see who spoke and found himself looking at a tall, older man who he had never seen before. Mahad and Mana flanked the man, Mana giving his a happy wave.
“Father this child isn’t your grandson.” Atem finally found his wits enough to speak. Yugi realized that the man in front of him was Atem’s father, Aknamkanon.
“Of course he’s my grandson.” Aknamkanon insisted. “Ever since you returned to us, you’ve talked nonstop about Yugi and your friends. Considering how much you wanted a younger brother in life, I figured the gods blessed you with one as a host. You’ve even called this young man your brother before, so that makes him my son, and his child my grandson.” The older pharaoh explained his logic gesturing to Yugi whenever he spoke of him. He then pointed at Atem. “Don’t deny me the joy of grandchildren.”
Yugi’s cheeks warmed with embarrassment but he smiled all the same. It was nice to know Atem had told his family and friends all about their adventures. “Would you like to see pictures of him?” He asked pulling out his phone.
Atem’s attentions snapped back to his partner immediately. “Nothing would make me happier.” That wasn’t true, he would be happier if he could meet the child and be a part of his life. But as it stood now, he would not get the opportunity to met Yugi’s child until the boy passed away, something he hope would take a very long time. This might be his only opportunity to learn about this boy.
Yugi smiled as he pulled up the first picture on his phone. He could see Kaiba coming over to look over his shoulder at the picture, while Aknamkanon, Mana, and Mahad push closer to Atem waiting for Yugi to flip the phone around.
He found the first picture he wanted to show. It was a picture he took on the day he brought Jaden home. He was held in Grandpa Solomon’s arms and the two were smiling brightly at the camera. Jaden’s new Hero cards proudly displayed in his hand.
Kaiba looked over Yugi’s shoulder and froze. He had expected to see a baby, but instead the boy looked to be around four. How could this be Yugi’s son? Unless….
Kaiba snatched the phone from Yugi’s grasp making the shorter male turn around to chase after it. “Kaiba.” He called out in surprise.
“Kaiba!” Atem echoed Yugi’s cry, the two still perfectly in sync, though his tone was full of rage. How dare Kaiba take Yugi’s phone when he was about to share photos of his son with them. Kaiba was going to return to the land of the living. He would get to meet the boy, Atem would not have that luxury.
Kaiba ignored them and stared at the young boy in the photo. “Yugi, why did you adopt this kid?” Kaiba wasn’t an idiot. There was no way Yugi hid a biological child for the past four years. Plus they had only just graduated high school, and as far as he was aware Yugi didn’t have any friends four years ago. So this kid wasn’t his biologically, meaning he had to have adopted him. And Kaiba had a lot of feelings about adoption. He needed to know Yugi’s reasoning for his action.
“Adopted?” Atem questioned and he could hear his friends murmuring in confusion as well. Yet that made far more sense than any of Atem’s prior theories on how Yugi became a father. Now he was just as curious as Kaiba. Why did his young aibou adopt a child.
Yugi reached up and snatched his phone back from Kaiba. “It’s a long story. So I’ll give you the condescend version.” He explained as he handed his phone over to Atem. The pharaoh taking the devise with great care, looking at the familiar image of his aibou’s grandfather, and the brand new face of his aibou’s adopted son.
The boy was adorable with a bright smile and two tone brown hair. His big brown eyes shining with excitement. Atem could hear Mana cooing over his shoulder, and he had to agree, the kid was adorable.
“There are more pictures, that’s in the middle of the album.” Yugi let him know, he knew Atem knew how a phone worked. As Atem started flipping from picture to picture he could hear the shock from his father and friends at the technology in his hand. He ignored them in favor of paying attention to the different pictures of the boy. Some were of the boy alone, smiling up at the camera, others were of him and Yugi together. Each image made Atem’s heart ache more, knowing that he would never get to be a part of his aibou’s new life with his son.
“His names Jaden.” Yugi informed them, “I met him when I was coming home from college…” and Yugi proceeded to tell them about Jaden. The lonely little boy he had met, who had a heart of gold and was already an incredibly duelist. Yet everyone seemed to be afraid of the boy, it was the strangest thing. Yugi had thought the boy at least had a family to go home to and when he discovered that was not the case he made the decision to adopt the boy.
“Why?” Kaiba asked. He had been oddly silent the whole conversation but couldn’t help asking this question. He had to know. Had to know if Yugi was training his successors like Gozaburo trained him.
Yugi turned and looked up at him and smiled so gently. “Because he’s a great kid. Who deserves to grow up knowing that he’s loved and cared for. I wasn’t looking to adopt him when we met, but once I got to know Jaden and learned about his situation, I realized I had come to care for him. I love him. He was mine far before I adopted him, I just didn’t realize it until the option was in front of my face.”
Kaiba’s world was rocked, he couldn’t understand. “But this is going to make your life so much harder.”
Yugi’s eyes hardened at his comment. “You’re right. Being a father is going to make my life harder in many ways, but Jaden’s already brought so much joy and light into my life, that I don’t really care. As long as he’s happy and safe I can deal with any consequences.” Yugi knows he’s put himself at a disadvantage by having a kid this early, one that’s came with unexplained trauma to boot. It would make it harder to date, find jobs, and moving out would take way longer as he was looking to house two instead of one, but Jaden was worth it. He would rather be Jaden’s father than be ‘worry free’ in his 20s. Yes, it was a harder path, but it was his choice.
Kaiba was looking at Yugi in awe. He didn’t know what to say. He didn’t know people adopted kids because they wanted what was best for the kid. He thought all adoptions were like Gozaburo, where people only adopt children so that they could get something out of them or use them.
But he should have known Yugi was different. Yugi was always different. The fact that he had come after Kaiba was proof of that. Even after everything he had put Yugi through the young man still saw the best in Kaiba and tried to help him. Even when Kaiba didn’t want his help, practically spat at it, Yugi was always willing to lend him his hand.
Maybe it was about time Kaiba started reaching back. After all Yugi was going to need help raising a kid, Kaiba had practically raised Mokuba, he knows how difficult it can be. Yugi wanted to give Jaden the same thing Seto had always wanted to give Mokuba, and that he could respect Yugi for.
Yugi had turned away from Kaiba a while ago go to speak to Atem and his family, but Kaiba couldn’t help looking upon his rival a little more fondly.
“As long as he’s happy and safe I can deal with any of the consequences or struggles this will put me through.” Yugi had just finished telling Kaiba that Jaden was far more important to him than any hardships his adoption might bring him, and Atem had never been prouder of his partner. He thought the end of the Ceremonial Duel was the proudest he could ever feel of his aibou but here his aibou was, surprising him all over again.
“What else can you tell me about him?” Atem asked grabbing Yugi’s attention away from Kaiba. “I want to know everything about your son.” Yugi practically beamed at him.
“Agreed we need to know everything about my grandson.” Aknamkanon concurred placing one hand on Yugi’s back and one on Atem’s, gently guiding the two boys deeper into the palace. “I know you need to leave soon but please indulge us. Isis and Mahad are working to fix our scrying pool, but it will be a while until we are able to look into the land of the living again. I’d love to know everything about my grandson.”
Yugi smiled at the man and Atem, he would love to tell them all about Jaden, but he didn’t want to worry his boy. “I’d love to, but Jaden-”
“He’s with Mokuba right?” Kaiba cut in following after them. Yugi turned his head to catch Kaiba’s eyes over his shoulder.
“Ya he is.” Yugi told him. “Joey and Mokuba are watching him while I’m gone.”
“Mokuba is more that capable of keeping Jaden alive for a few hours while you catch up with the Pharaoh. Though I don’t know why you invited Wheeler along. Though if you were looking for a guard dog I guess I can understand your logic.”
Yugi glared at him for the backhanded compliment to Joey, but kept his mouth shut. After all a back handed compliment was better than Kaiba’s normal open disdain for his best friend. He could also tell that in Kaiba’s own strange way he was trying to reassure Yugi that Jaden would be fine. But Kaiba didn’t know the whole situation.
“Alright, but I have to get back before night fall.” Yugi said agreeing to Aknamkanon and Atem’s request. His statement immediately caught Atem’s attention.
“Why is that?” It was only an hour away, and while Atem had order Kaiba to go home for a month now he found himself desperately wish Yugi would stay for as long as possible.
“Jaden has awful nightmares, but he never remembers them when he wakes up.” Yugi paused and worried his lip between his teeth debating the next words he was going to say.
Atem stopped walking, making the group stop as well, as he turned to face Yugi. “Aibou what’s wrong?” Atem always hated when Yugi kept things from him. He had been the boy’s protector for years, and while Yugi was strong enough to protect himself, that didn’t stop the way his heart froze at the idea of Yugi or his son in trouble.
Yugi looked at him and seemed to cave under the worry in Atem’s eyes. Atem had always been a pillar of strength for him. If there was anyone that he could bare his heart and his fears for Jaden to, it was Atem.
“I think that they are more than just nightmares. Jaden can’t remember them when he wakes up, but all of my duel spirits react when he has one. And there’s this presence that seems to envelop him when he has them. I don’t know what it is, but it’s hurting him.” Yugi revealed the information that had been terrifying him since he brought Jaden home that first night. Something was coming after his son and he had no idea what.
Atem moved quickly to pull Yugi into a tight hug. “We will figure this out. No harm will fall upon your son. I promise.”
Yugi returned the embrace holding Atem close. “I’m afraid there’s not a lot you can do Atem.” Atem was dead. While it was so comforting to be with him again, there was very little Atem could do to help Jaden.
Atem tightened his arms around Yugi. He hated to admit it but Yugi was right. There was precious little he could do. Except…. Yes, that he could do. “I can do more than you think.” He made sure his voice was confident, there was no need to worry Yugi over him. Yugi pullled back to look at him. “I’ll send Slifer’s spirit to protect him. Whatever is reach out to him won’t get past Slifer.”
“Atem don’t be foolish. The amount of energy that would take would leave you with barely any energy for yourself.” His father argued.
“Well I’m already dead I don’t need that much energy.” Atem played it off with ease. This is something he could do to protect Jaden and Yugi. He’d sacrifice anything for them.
“My Pharaoh allow me to go first.” Mahad step forward. “I will put an end to this threat. There is no reason for you to waist your strength.” He knew just how important Yugi was to Atem. It was just as much his duty to protect Yugi as it was to protect Atem, and now that protection extended to Jaden as well.
“Mahad I-” Atem started, he wanted to protect Jaden. He wanted to help Yugi. But he was cut off.
“I don’t want you to do anything that could put you at risk.” Yugi cut in. “I left the Silent Magician with Jaden, if Mahad joins them I can’t imagine any spirits being able to get by them.” Yugi looked at his friend with pleading eyes. He didn’t want Atem to disturb his hard earned rest just for him.
Atem let out a breath, Yugi was one of the few people he would bow to. “Mahad please go down and keep an eye on Jaden.” Mahad smiled transforming into Palladium Oracle Mahad. “But Mahad if that thing gets by you I need to know immediately.” If this creature gets past Mahad then Atem was sending Slifer after it.
Mahad bowed. “It will not come to that. I’ll be back in the morning.” And with that the magician disappeared.
Aknamkanon placed his hand on Yugi’s shoulder drawling the young man’s attention to him. “You should stay until morning.” Yugi was about to protest when Aknamkanon cut him off. “I know you want to return to your son as soon as possible, believe me I understand.” He said giving a warm look to Atem, before directing his attention back to Yugi. “But if you wait until Mahad returns he can inform us on what he found tonight. You will have a better understanding of the foe you are facing.”
He could tell Yugi was reluctant to stay be finally the boy nodded his head. “Alright. That does sound like the best decision.”
Aknamkanon was over joyed. He got to spend more time with his son’s true brother and learn more about his grandson. Truly the best outcome.
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jtficprompt · 11 months
A Young Outlaw's Guide to Hitching a Ride Home
Prompts for a series of fics I'll likely not get around to ever writing.
Feel free to adopt and adapt, using as little or as much as you like.
Wonder Woman; Tim Drake; Ferdinand the Kithotaur (title ideas: "Tell an Adult" "Doing what needs to be done")
Batman is on a plane somewhere over the Atlantic. A slow civilian plane, that definitely isn't big enough to fit the BatPlane in the hold.
Which isn't kind of plane Batman takes when he knows Robin is being hunted by the Joker.
Superman looked half dead in the news footage. He was barely walking by the time parasite was arrested.
The Titans seem to be off world. Tim has no idea how to contact the Flash.
That means Wonder Woman. Which means Tim need to get to the Themiscarian Embassy in DC as fast as possible.
(Also featuring: Cooking lessons and discrete child neglect assessment questions with Ferdinand the Kithotaur.)
Roy Harper (title ideas: "Friends in Low Places" "The Corn Pollen Path" "First Step")
You don't stop shooting up because heroin stops feeling like heroin. You stop shooting up because you find something more important than the next score.
Roy Harper finds that in a seedy bar in eastern Kasnia, when he hears two thugs he recognizes as Joker henchmen talking about "the boss" going bird hunting in Ethopia.
He may be an addict. He may be a has-been. But he was a Titan, and he will be damned if he scrounges for his next score while another Titan falls into that clown's trap.
Even if it kills him. (He tries not to hope too hard that it does).
Veronica Vreeland; Roxy Rocket (title ideas: "Ronnie & Roxy's Rescue Service" "I'm the Cool Aunt")
"Roxie! Darling! I need a ride! I have to get to Ethopia so I can kill Harley's ex."
Roxie knew Veroinca Vreeland was crazy. She regularly encouraged Harley to kidnap her "for brunch." She dated the Penguin. Voluntarily. Before today, she just didn't know that "crazy" extended to HALO jumps from a rocket plane on a mission to kill the Joker. … Maybe Ozzie has good taste after all.
Jordan Hill; Barbara Gordon (title ideas: "Someone who's been there before")
"I'm not an idiot, Babs. I've known you and every single member of the Wayne family since we were kids. We don't have time for this. I don't care what you all get up to at night: Jeckko is hunting Jason, and I'll be damned if I let that asshole hurt another kid."
Garth of Shayaris (title ideas: "Tagging in" "The-Batman's-an-Asshole-Phone-Tree")
"You're telling me that Vic has a program running that goes through the entire internet to sort out if I'm doing 'something weird'."
"I mean, it used to track Dickie-bird. But yeah."
"Because if Dick was doing something weird, it means B was an asshole."
"Obviously. He's still an asshole, right?"
"Yes. And there is a phone tree for this. For when B is an asshole."
"Aren't you supposed to be King of Atlantis right now? Seems like you should have shit to do. Besides following my ass to Ethopia."
"Acting King. And if Arthur can be an asshole and dump all his work on me without asking, I can definitely take a personal day."
Ra's Al Ghul (title ideas: "Ra's Al Ghul is many things")
"Sir, he has the boy."
"Where is the Detective?"
"He's on his way. But, sir, he won't make it there in time."
"I should never have allied myself with that madman."
Ra's paused and gazed out the window. Talia wondered how may people besides her would recognize regret in her father's face.
"Then I must go in the Detective's stead. Have the hangars ready our fastest plane, then fetch my armor and swords." Her father did not turn from the window as Ubu rushed out to see to his orders. He simply stared out the window until he spoke again.
"Talia. Prepare the pit while I am gone. His father will not thank me for it, but if my folly comes to its worst end I will not deprive my grandson of his brother."
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fandommothlady · 5 months
What if future Michelangelo accidentally sends his soul back in time as he disintegrates? But he can't exist without a physical body so he latches onto Mikey? So now Mikey has an angry old man in his head that he really doesn't want to tell his brothers about because they're all still recovering from the Trauma Extravaganza of 2022 (Extended Edition)?
Like there's so much we can do with this. Mikey now has a teacher to help him with his mystic powers. Said teacher also doubles as an emotional support grandpa that refuses to allow his newly-adopted grandson/sweet-tiny-childhood-version-of-himself take any shit whatsoever. Dr. Delicate Touch, but fully grown and no longer hiding under the veneer of a "persona." Plus three overprotective older brothers, one equally-overprotective-but-refuses-to-admit-it older sister, and two trying-to-be-better-and-kind-of-succeeding-at-it dads, all of whom have no idea what the fuck is going on.
Mikey can float now. When did that happen? Didn't they specifically tell him not to use his mystic powers until they know more? Where is all this new stuff coming from? And so on and so forth, and when they confront him about it, they come off as overly controlling and aggressive (because they're worried), and future Michelangelo snaps back (because fuck you, mini-me could pound you into the dirt you overgrown cabbages), and Mikey eventually blows up himself (because he's stuck between these idiots), but that just worries his family even more, and- and-
And it's a mess.
And Michelangelo can talk to Mikey about things. About how he doesn't need to hide his anger for the fear of being hated for it. About how he shouldn't have to put on a mask to be taken seriously. Dr. Feelings and Dr. Rude, and Delicate Touch and Positive, and any other character he comes up with, those are all valid parts of himself that he should embrace with pride, not cling to in fear.
And it all sounds nice and flowery and all the good things, except future Michelangelo is a cranky old man who stopped giving a shit about three decades ago, so in practice it's more like:
"Tell him to go fuck himself."
"Ignore him! Tell him he can take his opinion and shove it up his sweaty asshole!"
"This is such bullshit - Mikey. Mikey, tell him it's bullshit. Tell him! No don't passive-aggressively boil his soda; you need to talk about these things- goddammit- Mikey!!!!"
AND. Angst. Like so much angst. Future Michelangelo is literally in Mikey's head now, which means all his memories are too. Dreams about the not-future could easily turn into nightmares - Mikey getting visions about the horrible things Michelangelo witnessed in his own timeline, and Michelangelo feeling so guilty about it. Here he is trying to help this kid and instead he's hurting him even more. It sucks.
When future Michelangelo looks at Mikey, he doesn't just see a younger, alternate version of himself - he sees what he used to be, what he couldn't have. He feels angry, and it's a selfish kind of anger. He wanted better for himself - wants better for himself. He wants his family and his home and a happy childhood and respect that wasn't earned through bloodshed. So he looks at Mikey and he feels protective - that kind of cagey, snappy, volatile protectiveness over one's self that comes from being hurt one too many times. Like a wounded animal in a cage.
When these younger versions of his brothers - children - question Mikey's abilities, his wellbeing, his resilience, his mindfulness... They're not just questioning Mikey. They're questioning Michelangelo. Michelangelo's abilities. Michelangelo's mindfulness and resilience. It feels like an insult - like they can't acknowledge just how fucking strong he is and how strong he's always been.
It wasn't just the war. It wasn't just the violence and the pain and all the horrible things he had to do to survive. Those things toughened him the hell up, sure - taught him a lot about himself, absolutely - but Michelangelo has always been strong. Michelangelo can be strong without being monstrous. And he's going to fucking prove it.
And that's why he's so immediately defensive of Mikey - there's a hefty amount of self-projection going on (which, to be fair, makes sense given that it's literally him), and helping his younger self is therapeutic to him. (But even with that, they do eventually form a bond that's more than just self-projection on Michelangelo's part and a need to prove himself on Mikey's.)
Also, something worth reiterating: Mikey is angry too. Like he has so much internalized anger that it's actually concerning and Michelangelo knows that - both because he's been there and because he can literally feel it given his current position. So it's not future Michelangelo encouraging Mikey to be pissed off; it's future Michelangelo encouraging Mikey to be openly pissed off. To express more of himself than just the parts that are palatable to other people.
And yeah. Something about old, been-through-it-and-learned-from-it Michelangelo teaching life lessons to child Mikey, and doing so in his gruff, cranky, old-man way, just feeds my soul.
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starry-blue-echoes · 1 year
No thoughts head empty just rotating Joseph and Trish’s friendship in Star Swap
because like. Joseph knows he needs to be careful, he’s not an idiot and he’s knows a bit about the underground with Uncle Speedwagon’s guidance and instruction. Joseph knows enough about the American and English mafia that it translates decently well into how to navigate the Italian one, so yes he knows not to be stupid or say anything that would get him killed or get too much attention drawn
but at the same time…… he’s able to see through Trish’s mask. Joseph’s spent his whole life picking people apart whether he’s meant to or not, and he’s grown up around high and mighty upper class assholes who would lie and cheat and deceive to get what they wanted. Joseph knows people, and with what he knows about Trish is a relatively easy picture to put together
Joseph’s adopting stray kids thing aside, he honestly does get what she’s going through. Of having your whole life getting uprooted because of shitty family drama you want nothing to do with, being forced into life threatening situations where you and the people around you could very well lose their lives, of being stuck around people who you’ve never met before and being forced into working with them so you don’t die……. He’s able to see Trish before he sees her as the Boss’s Daughter, just like how he’s Joseph before he’s Jonathan’s Grandson
And this paints every interaction he has with her. He’s not scared to talk to her like a person, when she tries snapping at him her ribs at her right back, he treats her with respect but no more than one would a stranger
when she asks him questions, he's not afraid to answer and doesn't hide anything from her. He explains what limited things he knows about Stands so she can understand what they're up against, he offers to teach her a way to protect herself, and which he does keep his past secret, he always explicitly tells her he doesn't feel comfortable sharing instead of awkwardly tip toeing around the subject
Joseph is like a breath of fresh air and makes her feel like a person. Like there's a light at the end of this nightmare
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okay i actually have a strong-ish idea for an original project that i want to talk about bc i have thoughts and feelings and excitement for it. see below for gay arthuriana and Two Bastards In Love!
so as a known liker of fate/typemoon, i spend a lot of time thinking about what we can loosely call "canonical arthuriana" (there's not really a set arthuriana canon). and as i was looking at the galahad wikipedia page for the umpteenth time and thinking about his supposed chastity and definite lack of love interest, i thought about it for a second and was like "...okay so he's totally gay, right???" and is there canon evidence for that? not really, but i think it would be interesting, so it's canonical to me now. i just think that opens a lot of interesting doors! his whole character in the canon is very...bland, in the sense that he's just the Best Knight Ever and not shown to have much internal struggle, but bastard son of the Best Knight In The Land dedicates his whole life to being holy and perfect and proving himself worthy to wider society? that's something, especially when you add in the stuff about "i am judging my father for the sin of extramarital sex (which is not really what happened between lancelot and galahad's mum elaine, but he doesn't figure that out until way later) when i am a full blown homosexual, which is seen as just as bad in our society." there's a judgemental and hypocritical and bitterly self-righteous side to this stubborn idiot, but also he's so earnest. so serious. thoughtful and introspective and gentle. a defender of the defenseless. a bit of a goofball and an airhead, once he lets his guard down. galahad du lac has Layers to me.
and as i was thinking this, i knew any story with him needed a love interest so that some of the queer stuff could be unpacked with another person. i was thinking maybe percival because canonically they're pretty close, but you know who else is the bastard child of a famous member of arthuriana who craves external approval and status while also being fundamentally transgressive in one way or another? mordred!! and mordred is a hothead of epic proportions, impulsive and moody and mean as shit when he wants to be. he's also very passionate, confident, a jokester and a guy in love with being alive who will always help someone in need (even if he's calling you a moron the whole time). he feels every emotion all the way through, and does what he thinks is right no matter the cost.
as far as backstories: galahad is raised in corbenic as a bastard whose father is officially Unknown (but everyone with eyes knows it's lancelot), half in his mother's castle with her and her extended family, and half in an abbey run by his aunt. after some shenanigans (baby galahad runs away from home when he's locked in a room in the abbey; this happens because lancelot is recovering from one of his canonical insanities in corbenic and everyone agrees that seeing baby galahad would make it worse), the lady of the lake finds out that this is lancelot's kid swimming in her lake and officially adopts him as a grandson and makes him galahad du lac. the lady of the lake is easily the most normal adult in his young life. everyone else says stuff like "god told us he's the special grail boy so we should send him up to the mountains to slay the local dragon without any weapons." galahad's a grandma's boy for real. he doesn't eat fish because his grandma, the lady of the lake herself, personally cares about every fish and he's not going to eat his grandma's friends. he gets the lady of the lake's blessings, of course, and insists that being adopted as the lady of the lake's grandson is unrelated to lancelot being her adopted son in public. in private? he knows, and is pissed as hell that lancelot refuses to acknowledge him because his father should own up to his mistakes. <-thoughts of a guy who doesn't know what elaine of corbenic did to lancelot) and mordred? the result of arthur falling in love and having an affair with one of the nine sisters of avalon during his engagement to guinevere (a woman he's met all of once at this point; later he is genuinely in love with her). morgan, the head of the sisters, queen of orkney, and also arthur's biological half-sister, agrees to raise mordred as one of her sons. king lot formally adopts him and thus mordred grows up as a prince of orkney, but everyone knows that he's not biologically an orkney royal. morgan gives him the lo down very early on and he's convinced that by earning his place at the round table and being the bravest, coolest knight on earth, arthur will accept him as son and heir and make him prince of camelot. this...is not going to happen, lol.
mordred and galahad meet during shenanigans, after which galahad leaves home to be his squire. they bond while traveling and after some deeper conversations about their aligned sense of justice and the fact that they're an iconic comedy duo and about being bastards, they become a certified team. mordred is going to help galahad fulfill his grail destiny, which will also obviously fix everything with his parents, and galahad is going to help mordred become prince of camelot. that's not going to go according to plan, of course, but they're still in it together.
i have so many other ideas (did you know the holy grail here isn't actually holy? this ruins galahad's perception of his life btw) but i'm going to stop bc it's late and i need to work tomorrow. to separate them from their fate counterparts, galahad stuff will be tagged galahad du lac and mordred stuff will be mordred le fae, but i think the context will make it obvious when i'm talking fate or talking about this. i really need to name this wip stuff, but later. not now. i am so sleepy now.
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stargazer-sims · 2 years
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Ji-Soo: Ryu, why didn’t you tell me that Ji-Hyun was sick?
Ryu: I didn’t know he was sick until just before you got here. He was with Taiji and Haru for most of the evening, and nobody said anything about him not feeling well.
Ji-Soo: You’re the oldest. It’s your responsibility to take care of everyone here.
Ryu: I would’ve done everything I could if I’d realized. You know that.
Ji-Soo: I’m sorry. I know. I’m just upset, and I’d like to know why my baby brother is passed out on your sofa and looks like he was dragged backwards down a flight of stairs.
Ryu: Maybe we should ask Haru.
Haru: Excuse me? What do you mean. ‘ask Haru’? What makes you think I know anything about it?
Ji-Soo: Do you?
Ryu: You and Taiji were with him all evening.
Haru: Maybe you should ask Taiji.
Ji-Soo: We’re asking you, Sakuharu.
Haru: All I know is, he said he was going to the bathroom, and he was gone for a while. I went to find him, and he wasn’t looking good all of a sudden.
Ji-Soo: And do you know why?
Haru: No idea. I don’t even know why you think I would.
Ji-Soo: Because you have a reputation for trouble.
Haru: Seriously? You must believe I have evil superpowers if you think I can somehow make people get sick.
Ryu: Maybe it’s something going around.
Ji-Soo: I don’t know…
Haru: Yeah, it probably is. I think Senjirō is sick. Keigo yelled at us earlier for allegedly disturbing him while he was resting.
Ji-Soo: I hope it isn’t something going around. I don’t want all of you to get sick.
Ryu: If Ji-Hyun and Senjirō already have something, we’ll probably all end up with it anyway.
Ji-Soo: What are we supposed to do?
Ryu: There’s not much anyone can do at this point.
Ji-Soo: No, I suppose we have no control over it if you’ve already caught it. I mean, obviously I should wake Ji-Hyun up and take him home and look after him, but if you guys need something and I’m not here… Maybe I should call Sarah.
Haru: Uh… I don’t think that’s really necessary. Like, we’re here without supervision every other night, and we’re okay.
Ryu: Haru’s right, actually. None of us are sick yet. Well… maybe Senjirō is, but I’m pretty sure Keigo can handle things with him. The rest of us can keep an eye on ourselves and each other.
Ji-Soo: All right, but I hate to think of you suddenly coming down with something and not having anyone around to help you.
Haru: Would you like, soothe his feverish brow, or whatever? Like in those stupid historical romance movies Senjirō always wants to watch?
Ryu: Don’t be an idiot, Haru.
Haru: What? You wouldn’t like Ji-Soo’s hands on your—
Ji-Soo: Haru! This isn’t the time or the place. We’re having a serious conversation here.
Ryu: Ji-Soo, if you’re really that concerned, you and Ji-Hyun could just stay here with us for the night. We wouldn’t have to tell Sarah. Ji-Hyun can sleep in the extra bed in my room, and we’ve got a couple of floor mattresses, so you could use one of those.
Ji-Soo: I’d have to go home and get some things, if I’m going to stay with you.
Ryu: I’ll stay up and wait for you to come back.
Ji-Soo: Okay. If this is the plan we’re going with, though, we’ll have to get up early so Ji-Hyun and I can leave before Sarah gets here to take you to your appointment. And you’ll have to text me if any of you aren’t feeling well enough to go out, even though I’ll know anyway.
Ryu: We can do that. I always get up early anyway. But, I thought you’d be coming with us for our physical exam, too.
Ji-Soo: Yes, but it’d look suspicious if I was all settled in here with my shoes off when Sarah arrived, wouldn’t it? Not to mention how we’d explain Ji-Hyun being here when he’s supposed to be at school.
Ryu: What if he can’t go to school tomorrow?
Ji-Soo: He can stay home. I can ask our next-door neighbour to stay with him while I’m out with you. She adores him, and she calls him her adopted grandson, so I don’t think it’ll take much convincing to get her to agree.
Haru: Wow… you two are really scheming over there. And you say I’m always up to no good.
Ji-Soo: It should go without saying that you aren’t to tell anyone about this, Haru.
Haru: Would i do that?
Ji-Soo: Pardon me if my personal experience warns me not to entirely trust you.
Haru: Listen, I’m not in the habit of telling on myself. I’m not trying to stop you, so technically that makes me complicit, doesn't it? If I said anything, I’d likely be in trouble too, right?
Ryu: Don’t worry. If he says anything, I’ve got enough on him that I could tell Sarah, that’d keep him in trouble till he’s in his thirties.
Haru: Hey! That’s like blackmail or something.
Ji-Soo: I believe it’s called ‘extortion’.
Haru: Whatever.
Ryu: It’ll be fine, Ji-Soo. While you’re gone to get your stuff, Haru and I can set up the mattress for you in my room, and we’ll get Ji-Hyun tucked into bed. If you're going to be complicit, you might as wall go all-in, right Haru?
Haru: Uh... sure?
Ji-Soo: Okay.
Haru: *thinking to himself* Holy crap… I can’t believe how easy it was to dodge that bullet.
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boss-the-goofball · 2 years
So after some thought and seeing an anon send you answers one of their OCs gave for that Questionnaire, I figured it would be a fun idea to use one of my OCs for this
Specifically Akatani Min who is....a fun choice for a lot of reasons~
1. My eyes are brown, but if it helps I do have white hair. Traits my own son inherited, while he got his father’s Quirk. Though one of my parents did have green eyes, so it’s very likely a recessive trait.
2. Surprisingly it is despite my age. But I would rather not let that blasted Garaki even think about touching me. That old coot will be getting a face full of cane if he even looks at me funny, especially since I’m obviously the superior medical professional around here.
3. If you knew even a lick about genetics then you would know there is a possibility of a child between the two of us having green eyes if you also have a gene for green eyes. Or did Garaki fill your brain with his crackpot bullshit theories?
4. Oh I put a tracking device on my son ages ago. I wouldn’t be surprised if he figured it out by now, but I doubt he minds because he knows me well enough as a mother. Though it has gotten difficult keeping up with him with how fast he can get, but I think he’s finally starting to slow down.
5. It depends on who makes more money, and I sincerely doubt you have as much capital as me. Who knows...
6. I’ve already adopted before, so I can adopt again. I have plenty of room in my house.
7. I have cooks for that, but I do know how to make dumplings. My son absolutely adores them, same with my dear granddaughter. Now she is the absolute cutest! I say that even though she is probably in her 40s by now, but still absolutely adorable with her round pinch able cheeks, I hear she has a son with similar cheeks. If only I could meet him...
8. I have finished reading hundreds of stories in my long life. Some endings are pretty lackluster however, especially the one from those Captain Hero comics. But that will get me rambling like an old lady and my son always begs me to stop.
9. My late husband used to wear ties, but I was always neutral about them. A man shouldn’t be defined by what he wears.
10. Design wise I would have to say the Demon King, but his actual character left much to be desired. You would think he would be some type of mastermind, but instead he focused too much on fighting Captain Hero that he lost sight of his goals. What a waste of potential.
11. Never! In fact, I’m going to include a picture of my son at the very end of this little questionnaire.
12. My house is large enough to fit plenty of people
13. I would adore having someone like him as a grandson-in-law. Such a shame my granddaughter chose to marry some idiot businessman who only cared about appearances.
14. My son’s hair can look a little spiky sometimes, but he knows to clean himself up when he comes home for a visit.
15. I do have a couple bank vaults in my home, but those are purely for storing valuables.
16. I have seen the times before the Hero System came to be, and I would rather see something better be formed than outright destroying it.
17. Obviously the answer is B, I know the gap between my husband and I was fairly large though. But that’s unavoidable when you have a type of Longevity Quirk, no?
18. My son is actually a Hero, though he should be retiring soon enough. I would not be opposed to a new child wanting to be a Hero, but only if he has the right tools for it.
19. I know there were times when I had to discipline my son, and I hear he took some of my lessons to heart when dealing with his best friend’s child. I will admit I was a little harsh on him, but I’ve grown wiser and if I were to have a new child than I’d probably spoil them rotten. I know I did that with my granddaughter.
20. Not a lot of options? Well better than naming him after that quack of a doctor you seem especially fond of
21. If we’re in my house then I will have my butler suffocate you with his Quirk. But if we’re at your home then I will just leave.
22. No thanks
23. I would be very hypocritical if I were to judge you for being a criminal or villain.
24. I technically did not pick Option C, but I will say my preferred color of choice is actually red.
25. Well I haven’t resurrected my last husband, so that should be an easy answer. And no, I don’t need your life insurance or money.
26. I only filled this out for fun, I truly do not like you at all. But my beef is more with your doctor friend as I consider him as my personal rival.
But as promised, here is a picture of my son!
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isn’t he simply the cutest?
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Just wanted to say, thank you for your detailed defense of Elwing and Eärendil in some posts I've seen recently.
I've been going nuts listening to people bash them without really considering and or understanding what was actually happening to them.
These Fëanorian apologists, in their quest to find the tiniest shred of redemption in the Kinslayers, needlessly villainize their victims Elwing and Eärendil for the innocent and somewhat naive decisions they made under immense pressure in the worst of circumstances.
It's a relief to know I'm not the only one out there who recognizes that!
No problem, happy to help :) I think I know what post you're talking about - unfortunately the OP blocked me when after I said Maglor didn't actually save the twins so I don't think you can see it anymore. I'm planning on writing a full length post reconciling the different Silmarilion version and their contexts.
It really annoys me when people go "Yeah, Maglor had no choice but to adopt Elros and Elrond or they'd have died" and often imply (especially in fics and snippets) that Elwing and Earendil were such terrible parents and while the third Kinslaying sucks, the twins were better off because of it.
Like, how do you so massively leave out the fact that there were survivors of Sirion who were able to informe Gil-Gilad and Cirdan of the twins being, and I quote, "taken captive" (how would they know if the twins had been left alone to be "rescued"?). And, you know, Balar was a few hours away + Ulmo guarded the waters, safeguarding them from the orcs. The twins would have been fine had they been left with their people and even the biggest Maglor/Maedhros fan cannot say they were better parental figures that Cirdan.
Also, Tolkien himself said the twins were "taken captive" and had no further interaction between them and Maglor - as you might imagine there would be Elrond really considered him his true father. On the other hand, Elrond was proudly half-elven, appears to mention his lineage with pride and named his sons with the family -El (or just straight up "Evenstar" lol).
The - sadly rather common, I've discovered - idea that the Maglor found the twins abandoned in a cave is completely false and the result of what I assume was some kind of Reddit Chinese whispers. Tolkien wrote once in a LETTER that Elrond and Elros were so named because they were carried off by the sons of Feanor and were found LEFT in a cave. He later changed the origin of their names (to honour Menelrond and Doriath instead). There is no version whatsoever (trust me, I just went through every version of Quenta Silmarilion in History of ME AGAIN) wherein MAGLOR found the twins in a cave, only one where he left them in one.
Could/Should Elwing have sent the twins away as soon as the Feanorians found out the jewel was in Sirion? Yes, definitely.
But was she an idiot for not doing so? Not really.
The only place of safety left was Balar (Doriath, Nargothrond, Gondolin and the Fallas were all gone), a small war camp of an island barely a few hours away. It wasn't a leap to assume she could sent the twins away quickly if that ever became a necessity.
Did Elwing have valid reasons for not assuming they would attack immediately? Also yes. Maidhros sent letters of friendship and attacked even before Earendil could return - basically in the midst of negotiations. And while some may say "The Feanorians attacked Doriath! It should have been obvious they'd attack Sirion", Sirion was the first time the Feanorians had killed Noldor. Unto that point, the kinslayings had been of Teleri and Sindar/Falathrim elves - it was a decent assumption that they wouldn't attack their own people, especially not the ones ruled by the grandson of Turgon (their previous High King).
I think the problem is that a lot of people read LOTR and then skim the Silmarilion (fair, some parts can be a LOT) and get a lot of their information from online sites, which while super fun and informative aren't always the most reliable. Especially with Tolkien's work, it's easy to mix up the different timelines and versions of events, especially when you want things to be a certain way.
And since the earlier drafts of the Silmarlion (from before Tolkien even wrote or conceptualised LotR) present a far more sympathetic Maidhros and Maglor, it's tempting for fans to bring those versions of their favourites into the final version. The problem is, things were so different and so many characters didn't exist in the original that TOLKIEN changed thing - for example, there's a quote from the old Quenta Silmarlion that says Elrond stayed with Maglor for a while - pretty strongly in favour of happy kidnap family, right? Well, that version of Elrond was also supposed to become the high king of the Noldor! He was also a single child since Elros didn't exist - neither did Gil-Galad, Galadriel, Celeborn, Thranduil and Celebrimbor (Cirdan went missing and was presumed dead after the Havens fell to Morgoth). Elrond and Maglor were basically the only elves of any note left in ME.
It's pretty inaccurate and kinda dishonest to mash that version into later, more fleshed out ones.
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Don't get me wrong, I like Maedhros and Maglor (mainly Maglor actually), but I also like Elwing and Earendil and Gil-Galad and Cirdan and I'd like if we could not shit on the later characters and their relationships.
I, personally, prefer to think of the twins and Maglor loving each other but having a very complicated relationship - one that acknowledges the messiness of the past and doesn't try handwaving it away. Especially because the twins weren't with them for long enough to really move past that past - ten/fifteen years max (and that's only if the Feanorians didn't fight in the war of wrath - again, unlikely, because they were part of the camp when the war ended - so it's probably closer to 6/7 years).
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automatismoateo · 2 years
Don’t let fascists trick you into believing their revisionist history! The founding fathers OPPOSED a national religion (it’s in the First Amendment, ffs) and strongly supported immigration! via /r/atheism
Don’t let fascists trick you into believing their revisionist history! The founding fathers OPPOSED a national religion (it’s in the First Amendment, ffs) and strongly supported immigration!
Neo-nazis, white supremacists, anti-abortion crusaders, and other far right-wing extremists often push the Big Lie that our nation was founded as a "Christian nation." They want insist that all Americans follow the rules of whatever obscure sect of Christianity (among the thousands of versions of Christianity practiced in the US) they themselves just happen to follow. Time after time I’ve heard the false claim that the Founding Fathers wanted this country to be founded on a religion – it’s a bald lie, and I’m sick of hearing it.
In reality, the early settlers traveled thousands of miles across the ocean to found settlements in a dangerous, isolated place (early America) to escape that kind of religious intolerance. The Founding Fathers were also ardent supporters of immigration, recognizing it as the key to America’s greatness. You just can’t “Make America Great Again” by building a wall and banning immigration.
The Founding Fathers were the sons and grandsons of immigrants – and some of them were immigrants themselves. Alexander Hamilton was born on the Caribbean island of Nevis, and immigrated to New York at age 16. Over 95% of Americans today are descended from someone who crossed an ocean to get here.
Until the past few years, the U.S. has always been remarkably tolerant of religious diversity. In 1789 the U.S. embraced religious freedom and declared it a constitutional principle that there would be no national church.
Even if some of them were religious church-goers, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, James Madison, and many other founding fathers elevated reason over Scripture, and were deeply critical of orthodoxy. Thomas Jefferson wrote against religious coercion, and decried the fact that coercion turned the coercers into religious hypocrites.
After the victory against the British, John Adams noted that the fight was won with the help of Catholics, Episcopalians, Anabaptists, Presbyterians, Methodists, Moravians, Lutherans, Calvinists, Universalists, Independents, Congregationalists, Horse Protestants, Deists, and Atheists.
The Founding Fathers deliberately refrained from making the Constitution a religious document or from establishing a single official church for the country. The Founding Fathers believed that free religious choice was the best way to avoid sectarian strife in a pluralistic society.
In 1791 the First Amendment was adopted, formally prohibiting Congress from establishing a national church and protecting the free exercise of religion. You should counter all those “2A” ("Second Amendment") idiots with some “1A” bumper stickers and t-shirts of your own - spreading the word that the first amendment protects citizens from the tryanny of a national church, and protects freedom of choice in religion.
In 1799, the U.S. announced to the world in the Treaty of Tripoli, “The government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian Religion...it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion or tranquility of Musselmen [Muslims].”
George Washington touted that one of the best things about the American model was that everyone enjoyed “a liberal policy – a policy worthy of imitation. All possess alike liberty of conscience.”
George Washington saw religious liberty as a fundamental right, not just a favor granted by those in power: “It is now no more that toleration is spoken of as if it were the indulgence of one class of people that another enjoyed the exercise of their inherent natural rights, for, happily, the Government of the United States, which gives to bigotry no sanction, to persecution no assistance, requires only that they who live under its protection should demean themselves as good citizens.”
Thomas Jefferson: "Christianity neither is, nor ever was a part of the common law."
James Madison: "Religion and government will both exist in greater purity the less they are mixed together."
Benjamin Franklin on immigration, in 1783: “Every Man who comes...and takes up a piece of land” added to the nation’s strength. He believed immigration was the key to American success.
So did Thomas Jefferson: “Nature has given a right to all men to leave the country in which chance, not choice has placed them” to seek out a new home.
While Europe struggled to prevent emigration of skilled workers to newly independent America, Americans did everything they could to attract migrants with technological expertise. Towns in the U.S. offered free land and even “cash awards” to immigrant families, particularly those with iron or glass skills, sometimes even including support payments for the families of immigrants in their old countries. Early America was so very pro-immigant that some other countries passed laws making it illegal for any foreign power (such as America) to try to “recruit” people to migrate.
[Credit: Much of the above is adapted from the work of Amy Chau, a Professor of Law at Yale Law School, in her work, “Day of Empire.”]
Note, I share this as a believer myself – I go to church, I love God, and I love America – but I oppose the fascist, so-called “White Christian Nationalist” movement and recognize it as a copy of the intolerant German Nazi party of the 1930s. But make no mistake: if you are Jewish, if you are Muslim, if you are Catholic, if you are an atheist, or if you are a member of one of the other 40,000 sects of Protestant Christianity that doesn’t happen to be the same one as the particular fascist group making the false claims about religion's role in our laws - never forget that those kinds of politicians and fascists hate you, are incapable of coexisting with you, and want to suppress your religious freedom and impose laws based on their own particular minority religious sect within Christianity. There is no one, uniform Christian religion: there are over 40,000 sects, and we often can’t agree on even the most fundamental rules about the Holy Trinity, sin, social justice, etc. Any politician trying to tell you there is one single Christian identity is a liar. Anyone saying our country was founded as a religious nation is a liar, tyrant,and fascist.
As a Christian, I am deeply offended by the fascists’ depictions of Jesus wearing a MAGA hat, by their use of the term GEOTUS (God-Emperor of the United States), and their use of Christianity as a weapon to perpetuate their lies about immigrants, social justice, religious freedom, and the founding of our nation. As fascists learned from Hitler, all it takes to alter “reality” and revise the truth is to repeat a Big Lie over and over. Eventually, once idiots hear it enough, they’ll begin to believe it. Don’t let them revise our history: never forget that our country was founded by people escaping religious intolerance, and was built by immigrants.
Submitted November 30, 2022 at 03:05PM by Kind_Throwaway1989 (From Reddit https://ift.tt/WUlqrcJ)
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evita-shelby · 2 years
Hi !
Can you do one where you are married to tommy but he still hung up on grace and treats you badly and pushes you away , but overall your still smiley and your tge only thing to make the arrow house warm and kind .
Tommy starts to yearn for you and try to take you to his bed and hold , but what distroys him is when he finds you sleepibg with a man ( or woman your choice ) but still he prefers to live in denial than you leaving him.
Why do i always request angst ? ITS A DESEASE
Okay so I cranked it up to a ten and holy shit , I think imma need a break from writing angst.
Grab your kleenex, your handkerchief or your sleeve cuz this one is going to crush your soul.
I know because it crushed mine as i wrote it.
Tw: miscarriages,mentions of blood, child loss due to illness, cheating and unending suffering.
Gif by @littlegirlinvisible
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The Curse
You knew why he had married you.
You had no problem with that, well you used to but you outgrew that naivety when you found a ledger with all the whores he paid for whenever he was away.
With all that fucking you think he’d make a fortune as a gigolo.
With all that incessant pining over a woman who died a decade ago you’d think he’d never touch a woman after her.
But he had your precious Ruby was proof of that.
She was your everything, she was his everything. Especially when the MacMillans came and took their grandson away.
Turns out Saint Grace of wherever the fuck she was from had been a fucking idiot who had lied and said Charles was Clive Macmillian’s son to save face in a society that laughed at her in her stupid face.
Charlie had never been legally Tommy’s it seemed and the loss of that two-year-old when he met you at Churchill’s office was the reason you ended up replacing Grace.
You’d come to know that Thomas had fucked over Section D who then realized he had not adopted his boy. A boy he had gone through hell for, a boy that was his in blood but would never be his again.
He’d found comfort in her, friendship and sex. Three things that resulted in Ruby, Pearl and Amber.
You loved him and you thought he felt the same.
How wrong had you been.
So, when you had asked to remove Grace’s things and her portraits out of the foyer and into a sitting room no one used, he had grown angry.
Angry that you’d remove all traces of his love for Grace.
Angry enough to shout terrible things at you that made Pearl come too soon.
The doctors had warned you, Esme Shelby had too. The doctors said no stressing, no strong emotions, your pregnancy was high risk already without your husband making things worse for you.
Esme had told you that Grace’s ghost needed to be exorcised out of the house or she’d hurt you and Pearl.
But Tommy Shelby loves Grace and her malignant presence more than he loved his own baby daughter.
You swore you saw Grace Helen Burgess smirk when the blood began dripping down your thighs as he shouted things at you.
Grace Shelby hadn’t died because of a curse; Grace Shelby was a curse.
You came to hate her after that.
You hated her for the hold she had on your husband.
You hated her for killing your Pearl.
Ada hated her too.
Freddie’s lungs had been hurt when he was beaten within an inch of his life in prison because of Grace.
Freddie’s torture at the hands of Chester Campbell had left him unable to give Ada more children.
It was in your mutual hatred for Grace that you found solace in each other.
Ruby was born in 1928, three years after Pearl bled out of you because her daddy loved a dead woman more than her.
You had given up on your husband, you tried to make him love you, but he was impossible.
You threw away his drugs and booze when you found out you were pregnant. You went away and gave birth in your father’s estate because Grace can’t get Ruby there.
Ada had stayed with you the entire time. Held your hand when you gave birth and baptized Ruby even if she is Jewish now.
You loved Ada and she loved you.
You kissed her and she kissed you back, what you felt for her was real and she felt it to.
What you wouldn’t give to take Ruby, Karl and Elizabeth, and runaway together.
But then Tommy, like the dark cloud he is, showed up and you were forced to be Mrs. Shelby again.
You used to love him, but his fucking indifference turned the paradise you made for Ruby a hell for you.
But the two of you poured your love into Ruby and you had Grace’s portraits removed the second he left.
Its November 1934 when he finds out you’ve been doing that.
After Polly died, he became stone.
Stone who could only fuck, lie and make money. Even poor Ruby suffered his indifference now.
But the two of you had Ada, Karl, and Elizabeth.
And if Tommy had let you go to your childhood home, you would’ve had Amber.
Instead, Grace took her by pushing you down the stairs when Tommy came home from some work trip abroad.
He had seen it too, but still he let her do what she wanted. Feast on your suffering and his and the souls of your dead babies.
Amber was to be your last, your miscarriage had been so violent and so awful you were left unable to have any more children.
But he loved that parasite more than he loved his children.
More than Pearl.
More than Amber.
Stupid of you to think something would be different after a decade of hell with him.
But you had Ruby still, no one was more precious to you than Ruby Elizabeth Shelby.
Ruby is six when the doctor tells you she’s had cancer all her life.
Ruby is six when Zilpha Lee and Bethany Boswell do their best to save her, but in the end Grace wins.
Grace always wins.
Grace always takes what she wants.
And you die with your girl in that vardo.
And you are dead in spirit when he forces you to live on as his wife.
You hate him.
You hate him for all he’s let Grace do to you.
So, you take a knife to Grace’s portrait in the foyer.
So, you take everything he refused to let you put away and you make a bonfire with it.
Its 1935 when you finally rid your house of its curse.
Only Ada is with you that night, your fucking husband is seeking solace in the arms of a Nazi whore, so you fuck his sister in the bed you used to share with him.
“He’s dying, you know, only has months to live.” She tells you after the guilt of loving you returns vigorously that morning.
Let him die, let him join Grace in hell, you want to say, but you say nothing.
He comes home later that morning.
He isn’t angry, not yet anyways.
But you don’t care.
“Y/N!” he shouts for you when he doesn’t find you.
Its different this time. There is emotion and that tone that lets you know your fucking husband has finally taken his head out of his ass.
But you don’t care.
You want to destroy him for what he did to you.
You want to leave him in your past and never look back.
He wants you like you had been begging him to want you for the past fucking decade.
But you don’t want him anymore.
In fact, you want him to run here and see you love his sister, a woman who is so like him and so unlike him at the same time.
And he does.
And you feed on his hurt like Grace fed on yours because he loved her more than Pearl, Ruby and Amber.
“It’s too late, Thomas, you chose her so many times and now you will know how it feels.” You say with all the loathing he’s made you feel for him.
An outline that i had planned for part two but won't write
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aurumacadicus · 2 years
Ok, so random but I went to a yarn group today (I cannot crochet just embroidery but I thought it’d be fun to go) anyways!! I am now imagining Tony picking something like this up (crochet, embroidery whatever) and being in one of these groups could be an AU or maybe he picked it up to have something to do with his hands when bed bound because of getting hurt. Like someone literally just brought him the stuff “you are driving me insane learn how to do this and stay in the damn bed” kind of thing?
Anyways!!! So he’s in the group and for some damn reason Bucky (I’m leaning Bucky) didn’t know he did this, and some older ladies who are in the same group convince him to come after meeting him at a park or something (it’s therapeutic!) but tony is out of town or some reason? So Bucky goes to a few of these meetings, and these ladies won’t stop talking about sweet little “Anthony” and Bucky is sure someone’s talking about a grandson, gotta be someones grandson and how Bucky would get along with him so well and he’s like “oh someone is trying to set me up with their grandson.” Except these women know who Bucky is. Of course they do, he’s been on the news and stuff (if going with superhero’s). But manly because Tony won’t stop talking about him so they know tony has a crush on him, but won’t ever, ever say shit because “oh he hates me” so like old ladies getting them together.
A bunch of getting together shenanigans. Old ladies making it happen. Neither man knows these ladies are doing this. All the fun shit that comes with it you know?
I feel like I didn’t put this together well so I hope it makes sense?
It's perfectly understandable! And it gives me everything I crave, which is: Tony and Bucky being oblivious idiots, and fiber arts.
The Stitch and Bitch adopted Tony during physical therapy. He'd been urged to take up something to get the use of his hands back after his accident, and his Rhodey had dropped a hank of yarn and some sticks in his lap, and an hour later Mama Rhodes had arrived to teach him how to use them. She took him to a coffee shop where old ladies people met weekly to show off what they were working on and give advice when they struggled. Tony made a really ugly, lumpy scarf that Rhodey still wore proudly, and also found himself sort of bullied into continuing to attend so he could make better, beautiful scarves.
He figured he was there to stay when he started learning how to make lace shawls.
Tony didn’t get to go the meetings as often as he’d like, but he was always welcomed back with open arms when he could. They especially liked hearing about him vent about the rest of the Avengers, because, "Coffee grounds! In my garbage disposal! Bucky, at least, isn’t a neanderthal and puts them in the compost bucket where they belong." It’s very humanizing for the entire team.
Also one time Tony came in steaming mad because "I thought I had finally house-trained the team but apparently Natasha has just been stealing the coffee grounds to turn her hydrangeas blue and she’s on a mission for the next week and THERE ARE GROUNDS IN MY DISPOSAL AGAIN. I AM FIRING THE TEAM. No, Agnes, I didn’t know she kept hydrangeas, I am absolutely fucking boggled by how she snuck them in when they’re like fifty pounds what do you want from me."
Of course, everyone noticed that one James Buchanan Barnes was carefully left out of Tony’s extensive bitching. "Why would I complain about the only other member of the team who knows what’s compostable," Tony had scoffed when they brought this up to him. Then when they tittered about the fact he was blushing, he just sank in his chair and sighed, frowning down at his motionless needles as he said, “It doesn’t matter. He hates me anyway. He probably only composts because he’s scared I’ll yell at him like I do everyone else.”
“Anthony, why are you so obsessed with compost,” Myrna asked to take his mind off it, because he got this kicked-puppy look that everyone hated when he went into one of his forlorn moods.
“I’m not fucking obsessed with compost,” Tony snapped. “I’m obsessed with the fact that my entire team apparently thinks they live in a frat house. If I find another half-scrubbed plate in the cupboard again, I will blow the team clear out of the tower.”
“As you should,” everyone agreed, nodding.
Bucky was adopted into the group when some of the members noticed him watching them at the park. He had sort of a resting bitch face, but they figured that just meant he was made for a Stitch and Bitch. They tried him out with knitting, but he hated the way the needle felt in his metal hand, so they swapped his needles for a hook and taught him to crochet instead.
He powered through three washcloths and a blanket before he discovered plush toys, and the rest, as they said, was history.
“You should come to our weekly Stitch and Bitch,” Myrna told him sweetly. “We think you’d be a great match for our little Anthony.”
Bucky sincerely doubted it, because the average person was not made to deal with a semi-brainwashed, dangerous former assassin. “I don’t know.”
“Just think about it,” Agnes said gently, remembering what Tony had said about Bucky not reacting well to orders and having to word everything as suggestions. It was best not to push too hard, he’d said. “I think our little Anthony would just enjoy having someone around his own age to talk to.”
Bucky did not say he was not Anthony’s age, he was almost a hundred, but he sort of wanted to, just to see them squawk. “He’s on the younger side then, huh?” he said instead.
“Oh yes,” Agnes and Myrna assured him.
Bucky still wasn’t sure about meeting ‘Anthony’ and the group at large, so they promised him that the next Stitch and Bitch would just be the main group; Anthony would be out of town for work, so they would be able to ease him in. “Everyone is very friendly, and you can always bitch about how the boy you like doesn’t notice you to fit in,” Myrna added.
“He’s not a boy,” Bucky said, scowling a little.
“The man you like who doesn’t notice you,” Agnes sighed, rolling her eyes.
Bucky scowled a little more. “Will everyone make fun of me like you two do?”
“James,” Myrna moaned, frustrated, before Agnes cheerfully added, “Of course!”
“Pass,” Bucky said, but somehow got wheedled into it with some judiciously wielded Grandma Guilt.
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ibijau · 3 years
Hey, time for some more Encanto AU! this time, I blame @robininthelabyrinth​ for it
to put it shortly, JGS is a dick who abandoned pretty much everyone to be slaughtered by the Wens, only ‘saving’ people he thought he could control (mostly the children, and also lqr because jgs is an idiot) and then he only kept as his own family the children that seemed promising, so he promptly dumped JC on some random people while keeping wwx and jyl (because his wife forced him to keep their son’s fiancé)(Yanli remembers having had a brother, a little baby with the same lotus flower birthmark as all her family, but thinks he’s dead)
of course down the line, jc turns out to be a much more appealing asset than planned, so jgs decides to organise a marriage with one of his adopted sons
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Of course JC brings along the little orphan he’s adopted as his nephew. No one is quite sure were A-Ling comes from. The kid just appeared one day. All that’s certain is that A-Ling doesn’t want his Jiujiu to marry some random pretty man, so he accidentally helps nhs ruin the proposal. And then, fearing he’ll get scolded at home, he hides in the house and follows Nhs into the ~scary~ wwx’s den, where they learn a few secrets
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Secrets like the fact that Jiang Yanli’s son with Jzx, who died at birth, might not be so dead. See, due to a series of misunderstandings, jgs came to believe that his grandson would cause his downfall, so wwx just took the newborn baby and disappeared with him.
And now, forced by nhs and A-Ling, wwx makes a new prophecy
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jgs better watch his steps because the crybabies are coming for him
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ramzawrites · 4 years
Just a day with MICHAEL and wine aunt y/n?
Babysitter Y/N Is On The Case
Pairings: none
Characters included: Ranboo, Tubbo, Michael, Fundy, Philza
Warnings: While this is Gender Neutral, Reader refers to themself as Aunt/ gets referred to as aunt by others
Series: a request drabble!
Summary: Y/N was asked to play babysitter for Michael so of course who would they be if they didn’t bring some toys with them or tell him some funny stories about his parents.
Words count: 3103
Authors Note: I’m sorry I wasn’t sure what kind of pronouns you wanted me to use so I stuck to Gender Neutral but Reader still gets referred to as Aunt. 
I also was really excited to write it but lost steam halfway through, I apologize but it did help me get back into writing after being stuck with studying so much! So thanks for that!
Ranboo was sitting on the ground. Busy watching Michael draw with crayons on scraps of paper. He was currently making his own rendition of a family portrait and Ranboo couldn’t help but be amused with the way he drew him, Ranboo, and his best friend Tubbo.
He was tall, sure, but seeing how Michael drew clouds right next to his face was for some reason quite comical to him.
Tubbo was pacing the room up and down. His thoughts lingering on something else. Foolish was currently building their new home, a mansion to be exact, and he needed their help to map some stuff out.
At first the two wanted to bring Michael with them but Foolish brought up that a construction site might not be the safest place for a toddler. So, the two had to find a babysitter. It would be the first time they entrusted someone else with their adopted child and it made both of them nervous to say the least.
This place didn’t have the best track record when it came to important things like that and yet they still found someone who they felt like they could trust.
It was none other than Y/N.
Y/N did help the two numerous times. They were always there when trouble arose and they made their best effort to help the two through it. Both Tubbo and Ranboo felt close enough to them to even consider them family.
Ranboo mentioned this off handedly the day Y/N first met Michael and they looked shocked but also as if they were about to melt right then and there. It was this reaction that reaffirmed to them that, yes, they could trust Y/N.
A knock made Tubbo finally stop pacing and instead he practically sprinted down towards to the front door. Ranboo wanted to roll his eyes towards Tubbo’s agitated state but he felt similar. He just had more experience on how to hide it.
When Tubbo finally opened the door he was met by a smiling Y/N. They were holding a small bag in their hands as they gave Tubbo a short hug as a greeting.
“Hello, Tubbo! Babysitter Y/N is here and ready to take care of my little nephew Michael.”
A bit overwhelmed Tubbo let them in and closed the door, shutting away the cold winter air “Nephew?”
“Well you two told me that I’m somewhat like family to you, so, that would make Michael my nephew, definitely not grandson. So nephew.”
Tubbo just stared at Y/N for a short moment “I- I guess?”
Frankly he was a bit confused with how enthusiastic Y/N seemed to be about this whole situation. On one hand it was proof to him that Y/N did indeed take this somewhat serious and on the other hand this seems like it could somehow spell trouble.
Shaking off his confusion Tubbo began making his way up back into Michael’s room, closely followed by Y/N.
“Ranboo! How are you!” Y/N greeted the Enderman Hybrid as they softly put down the bag.
Michael looked up from his drawing and let out a happy squeak as soon as he noticed Y/N. He slowly got up and stumbled his way towards them and effectively hugged their leg as a greeting.
Y/N giggled as they slowly knelt down and put one hand on his head, ruffling through his bristle like hair “Hello, Sweetie. I’m happy to see you as well.”
“So, um, we need to go then. We made some extra food and put it to the side. Please don’t give Michael too much cookies or too much from the cake. He likes to-“ Ranboo begun to ramble off but Y/N interrupted him.
“Don’t worry, Ranboo. You won’t be gone for weeks. It’s only a day, probably even just a few hours. Nothing will happen to him. I’ll make sure of that.”
“Okay, but don’t let anyone else close to him, okay? Especially not Fundy. He has threatened him before!” Tubbo added.
Y/N put their hand above their heart “I hereby swear that I will protect little Michael with my life and make sure no harm will come to him while you two deal with your own business. Now, go.”
They were now physically pushing the two towards the stairs.
“You are awfully forceful today.” Ranboo noted, now worried after all that they chose Y/N as the babysitter.
Even so the two begun making their way down away from Michael’s room, all the while Y/N would continue push and poke them towards the door.
They scoffed “I’m not being forceful I’m helping you guys out. Besides, do you want to let poor Foolish waiting?”
“Alright, Alright! We are going! But should anything bad happen to Michael… Just saying, I have extra nukes.”
But Y/N just rolled their eyes “I know. Don’t worry. Really. You guys have been good to me so I want to repay your kindness. Besides I have gotten quite attached to the little gremlin as well.”
Finally the two seemed to relax and grabbed their jackets as they walked out of the door. Y/N waved them goodbye and softly closed the door once they couldn’t see them anymore.
Now with the two parents gone Y/N made their way back to Michael, not wanting him to be alone for too long.
Back in his room Y/N found Michael staring out the window, probably watched as his parents left the home without him. Usually at least one person would stay behind so it must have been a surprise for him to see both of his parents leave at the same time.
He let out a few sad squeaks as he desperately tried to jump around, hoping he could somehow find his parents again if he just took a better look.
“Hey, it’s fine. They’ll come back and while they are gone I’m taking care of you, alright?” Y/N begun speaking, hoping he would turn his attention towards them instead the outside but he ignored them.
Y/N stepped closer, sitting down on the ground next to him while he was standing on the tip of his hooves, holding on to the corner of the windows with his hands.
Carefully Y/N stretched out a hand to Michael’s shoulder in order to gain his attention this way and it seemed to work. He let go off the window and instead twisted around to look his babysitter in the face. Both his eyes wide and glossy. Michael seemed to be close to tears.
“They will be back soon I promise, alright? In the meantime we can hang out!”
He still seemed to be close to tears and sad squeaks where still leaving his mouth so Y/N decided then and there it was time for their special weapon.
As Y/N got back up they held their hand out for Michael who slowly put his hand into theirs. Together they walked towards the brown bag Y/N brought with them.
An almost mischievous smile made it’s way on their face as Y/N opened up the bag in a way that Michael could look inside.
His expression immediately lightened up. The gloss seemed to disappear and instead he looked like he was in awe. He took his hand out of Y/N’s and moved it inside the bag only to stop and look Y/N into their eyes. Obviously asking for permission.
Ranboo and Tubbo really did a good job when it came to teaching Michael manners apparently which surprised Y/N a tiny bit. For some reason they suspected that Ranboo played a bigger role in this than Tubbo though.
Y/N nodded “Go ahead. I got them for you after all.”
Excited Michael almost dove into the bag as he got the little toys out. They were just simple wooden toys like horses, people and the like but still hard to come by around in this place. He sprayed them out on the ground only to take a closer look at the figures that seemed to represent certain people.
There were four of them. One looking like Ranboo, Tubbo, Michael and of course one looked like Y/N. They had to admit part why they did this was to bribe Michael but only a tiny bit. He was adorable and they did get kind of attached to this young Pigling as well so giving him gifts like that was only natural, right?
He grabbed all four of them and hugged them close to his chest, his gaze once again on Y/N’s face with a pleading expression.
“Yeah, they are yours! Just remember who got you them.” It felt like their heart was swelling up in their chest as they watched Michael hugging the piece that looked like them.
To Y/N’s sudden surprise Michael softly put the wooden dolls down, got up only to crash back into Y/N, hugging their body with his tiny arms. His previous sad squeaks exchanged by happy grunts.
“Alright. You want to play a bit? Read something? Or would you want me to tell you stories about your parents? Don’t get me wrong they are amazing but they are also idiots.”
Curious Michael looked back up which gave Y/N the chance to boop him on his little snout “Embarrassing stories about your parents it is then.” Which resulted in Michael to let out a sequence of grunts that mirrored a giggle.
Michael moved back away from Y/N and sat down on the ground. Grabbing the figure that represented Y/N as well as a brown horse.
“What could I tell you about... There is so much. Oh, if I tell you about that I think both Tubbo and Ranboo will kill me. Then again. You can keep a secret right?”
Without hesitation Michael nodded enthusiastically as he continued to play around with his new toys.
“Let’s start then.”
For the next hour or so Y/N begun telling stories about Ranboo and Tubbo. At first they only wanted to tell him about the little embarrassing things they did but it soon turned into a bit of a nostalgia trip for them. Briefly talking about how L’Manberg started, Tubbo’s presidency, Ranboo’s first day in the SMP and all the hijinks in between.
They made sure to let out the bad parts and mainly concentrated on the funny bits and pieces in between all the stressful situations and wars they have been through. That was something they didn’t feel like they had the right to talk about. Not without talking with Ranboo and Tubbo about it.
During all of that Michael was patiently listening though he was still rolling around on the ground playing with his new toys. Whenever Y/N thought he might not be listening anymore he let out a few squeaks urging them to keep on going.
The two new parents probably have never talked much with Michael about what they have been up to before they adopted him. To them there was a lot of pain connected to their past so instead they tried to work on their future instead. A future that involved Michael and hopefully a happier one.
For Y/N it wasn’t that different to be honest. They were right there at the beginning of it after all but when it came to the two parents they could tell Michael probably better than they themselves about the funny little bits in their past.
The time went on and at some point Y/N stopped telling stories and instead joined Michael in him playing with his new toys. He was also very adamant about the fact that Y/N used the Y/N-Doll while they played out scenarios like fighting off zombies.
It has already been after mid-day when Y/N came over to babysit so it didn’t take long for the sun to slowly set, soon the world turned dark.
When Tubbo and Ranboo first talked with them about Y/N babysitting they also made sure to tell them that once the sun is down it’s bed time for Michael which was a rule Y/N tried to follow at first.
“It’s bed time Michael. You can play later with the dolls but this is one of the rules your parents set up for me.”
He just put his arms in front of his chest and huffed out an annoyed grunt, still holding on to the toys.
Y/N smirked “Man, you sure are lucky that cool auntie Y/N is here. Let’s move bed time another hour or two but if your parents come home soon you have to get in bed asap?”
Once again Michael was enthusiastically nodding.
When Tubbo and Ranboo did finally came home again they heard a ton of noise coming from upstairs as the door fell shut. They were tired from the visit to the mansion since it took longer than expected. Foolish took the chance with them there to properly map out all the rooms. And with properly map out it really meant thoroughly.
He was so happy to see them since apparently having to build all this while having to guess how to build the rooms was a stressful endeavor. So, as much as they missed Michael and worried for him, they felt the need to stay and help out Foolish as much as possible.
He really seemed to be on the edge of losing his mind.
Though now they were curious why in the world they heard a rumbling from upstairs and Tubbo, determined as he is, climbed up the ladder as fast as he could.
Though all he saw in the room were toys strewn around, Michael in his bed with his eyes closed, clearly taking in deep breaths as if he was just running around while Y/N sat next to the bed with a book open upside down in their hand.
Ranboo was now joining the group as well, his expression showing his confusion to this situation.
“Ah, uh, hey! How was the day with Foolish? As you can see I got the kid some toys, I hope that is alright.”
“Michael?” Tubbo asked and to Y/N’s detriment his ears twitched for a moment and he clearly squinted his eyes even closer shut.
Now Tubbo turned to Y/N with his hands on both of his sides, his eyebrows turned down into a frown “Y/N!”
“We told you he had a strict bed time!” Ranboo chimed in.
Y/N set the book down and got up “Yes, you are right. I should have listened. I am sorry. He was just so happy with the toys! Anyways, I have to go now as well. Hope you guys aren’t too angry with me since babysitting him was a ton of fun. If you need my help again don’t hesitate to ask me.”
And with that they made their way out of the house. Ignoring the call outs from the two. Effectively fleeing.
While they were not thrilled that Y/N let him stay up way past his bedtime nothing really bad happened to him hence why in the end they had to admit that Y/N was a good choice for a babysitter.
So whenever the need for a babysitter arose they still asked Y/N to fill that role.
Of course whenever they appeared they would bring in more presents. Either more toys or things like books and building blocks. Over time Michael seemed to be mostly interested in the little dolls that depicted actual people from the SMP so Y/N made sure to at least bring always one little doll over whenever they visited him.
Telling him fun little stories about them and who they were. At some point this turned into their favorite little tradition with the Piglin kid.
This seemed to also be the same case for Michael judging by one little instance.
They were visiting Michael once again, this time carrying a Ghostbur-Doll with them only to meet Philza and Fundy at Tubbo’s and Ranboo’s place. They were all deep in a discussion concerning Michael which Y/N used to sneakily hand him his new toy which he happily put next to his others.
Both Philza and Fundy have visited Michael a few times already as far as Y/N knew but not as often as they themself did.
“Oh, good that you are here, Y/N. I ‘ve been wondering something.” Fundy suddenly approached them, missing the subtle gift exchange just beforehand.
Y/N raised one of their eyebrows, somehow sensing trouble from him “Hey, Fundy. Hello Philza, Tubbo, Ranboo. Sorry that I’m late? Didn’t expect to see Fundy and Phil here.”
Ranboo scratched the back of his neck nervously “Yeah, we didn’t as well. It just kind of happened.”
“I get that. Either way it’s nice to see them. What is it that you were wondering about Fundy?” Y/N turned back to the Fox Hybrid at the last part.
He had a mischievous smile on his face which didn’t seem to only worry Y/N but the other residents in the room as well “You have not been the only one visiting Michael from time to time, so we have to settle one thing. Who is the better aunt or uncle.”
“Just ask him then.” Philza threw in, sounding somehow tired of Fundy already.
This seemed to pull Michaels attention back towards the adults. Ignoring his new toy for now but still holding on to it.
Y/N didn’t want to show it but a satisfied smile appeared on their face. They had it on good authority what Michael would probably go for.
Fundy knelt down on the ground, so Y/N followed suit.
“Hey little guy. Uncle Fundy has been wondering who you like more. The super cool fox dude? Or the boring Y/N?”
Normally Y/N would have said something against it but instead they just rolled their eyes and made sure to put on a soft smile for Michael. No words were needed.
When Michael looked at bit unsure on what to do Tubbo let out a weary sigh, probably tired of Fundy’s hijinks “Go ahead Michael. Don’t worry no one will get mad it is just a question.”
“You- You don’t need to answer if you don’t want to.” Ranboo tried to further calm Michael’s worry down but before he even properly ended the sentence the kid was already on the move.
Without even hesitating he ran into Y/N arms. Y/N put their arms softly around him and ruffled through his hair “Yeah! Suck it Fundy! I’m the better one! Hah!”
“Y/N!” both Tubbo and Ranboo exclaimed angrily at the same time but Y/N just continued to snicker as Fundy got back up and begun sulking in a corner. Philza was of course busy laughing.
There was no way that Fundy even stood a chance against Y/N from the very beginning.
“This was unfair! They clearly bribed him! Look at all the toys he got from them!” Fundy exclaimed angrily.
“All is fair in love or war, Fundy.” Philza reminded him between him laughing.
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