#get dressed idiots.
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k66-official · 2 years ago
before giroro changes back we NEED him in a cute outfit. actually all of them. all of them need a cute outfit
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I'm telling you, a scar-faced soldier in an outfit for toddlers isn't cute, it's just pathetic.
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valtsv · 4 months ago
that shitty thing some people do where they compliment something about you, only to take it back and reveal that it was meant to be a joke at your expense when you sincerely thank them for it, used to bother me until i realised that you can just. keep it. refuse to hand that power back to them. they are never prepared to deal with this.
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hairmetal666 · 5 months ago
Eddie survived the Upside Down. The bats. Vecna. And after the hospital, the town recovery, the shady government agencies clearing his name, after all of that, he has the best year and a half of his life. A lot of it is due to Steve and Robin. Well. The whole group of them, really, but Harrington and Buckley specifically.
Except that, you know, he survived extra-dimensional horrors and now he's going to die anyway, brought down in his prime by his devastating crush on Steve Harrington.
It's a stupid way to meet his end. Even worse than going at the hands of a demented telepathic wizard named after a DnD monster. Though...it's not like he didn't see the crush coming a mile away. Eddie may not have any practical experience in matters of the heart, but he knows he likes a pretty boy and Steve is the prettiest of them all.
There is no dimension where his feelings are requited, so he flirts and he pines, and knows it means nothing when Steve matches him quip for quip, touch for touch. He keeps getting himself in these situations where he thinks--maybe--but Steve is straight, constantly goes out with pretty, bubbly girls.
The pining may kill him, but he's determined to leave this world with a little bit of grace.
Until Steve's Halloween party.
It's a whole thing. All the kids, the rest of their own group of young adults, plus the Hellfire Boys, and the actual adults. It's a weird mix, but Eddie figures that, well. It's a family thing.
Halloween is his favorite holiday, one he plans for all year, but this year he decides to take it easy, electing to do a take on the vampire gang from The Lost Boys. The party is in full swing when they walk in, Wayne quickly spotting Hopper and making his way to the kitchen, but Eddie doesn't see Steve in the chaos of kids and Jonathan and Argyle's dual Frankensteins.
He grabs a beer from Robin who keeps giving him this look all knowing and sparkling and he doesn't understand it, not until he hears delighted laughter and shouts in the main room.
Buckley squeezes past him, and he takes the moment alone to close his eyes, brace for whatever fresh, unwitting, torture Steve has in store for him tonight.
He steps into the living room and time freezes.
Steve's in the shortest shorts Eddie's ever seen, thick, muscular, bitable thighs on full display. He's wearing a pink sweatshirt, neon fingerless gloves that very distantly Eddie recognizes as belonging to El, and gold hoop earrings in both ears.
Eddie has to sit down.
Wham! Isn't his kind of music, and he finds George Michael grating because of it, but--he's seen men dressed like that in magazines he steals from bookstores in Indianapolis, had wondered if George Michael was gay too. And now here Steve is, looking like a fantasy ripped direct from Eddie's brain.
Before he can make an escape, someone turns on the Monster Mash. The two Frankenstein's lurch into the room and start dancing. The rest of them are quick to follow, even Wayne and Hopper, after some light cajoling from Joyce, Max, and El.
It's silly fun, the perfect way for Eddie to forget about Steve and the way his ass looked in those shorts. They dance and goof around, and Thriller comes on, so they all try to do the dance, him and Nancy laughing until their stomachs hurt with their stiff-limbed moves.
The song switches to Material Girl, making El and Max screech, and the next thing he knows, Steve is in front of him, shimmying along. It's the closest they've been all night and now Eddie can see the faint eyeliner smudged along Steve's lash line. Something low and hot tightens in his core.
Steve grabs his shoulders, pulls Eddie closer. "C'mon, Munson, even you have to dance to Madonna!"
He laughs through his breathlessness, can't believe he and Steve are dancing together, not with Steve looking like that, somehow innocent, sexy, and ripe all at once.
Their eyes meet and Steve smiles all slow and dangerous, knotting up Eddie's stomach with a wild kind of anticipation. He doesn't have time to stop himself feeling it, can only give himself over to the shrinking distance between their bodies, the way Steve is warm and muscular against him.
Eddie's not hearing the music anymore, unaware of all their friends dancing close by. He's hypnotized by the dark heat in Steve's hazel eyes, lets himself clutch at Steve's hip, drag their bodies together. He feels Steve's breath escape in a quick burst, and it's a crash of cold water.
He disentangles himself, rushes out the patio doors. The night air is bracing as it chills his heated skin, his burning lungs. He takes a cigarette out of his jacket pocket, lighting it with a shaking hand.
That was too much. He let himself feel too much; want too much. Got swept away by Steve in makeup and earrings and tiny shorts. On the street, he hears children laughing, music thumping from a passing car, tries to get lost in that instead of his embarrassment. It makes him miss the slide of the patio door opening again. Doesn't realize he's not alone until he hears Steve say, "Eddie? You okay?"
He nods, but doesn't turn. "Just needed some air." He lifts the smoldering embers of his cigarette before dropping it and stomping it out.
Steve stands close enough that their shoulders bump. Eddie forces himself not to flinch away. "What are you doing out here? You'll freeze." It's not all a deflection.
"I'm fine," Steve says. "Sweatshirt." He wiggles the sleeve in Eddie's face.
"Yeah, but your legs, man. C'mon." He pulls his jacket off his shoulders. "At least cover them up a little."
Steve gives him an annoyed smile, but takes the jacket, trying to settle the leather around his legs. It's kind of a losing battle, but it makes them both laugh.
"I'm sorry," Steve says. "For back there. I shouldn't have pushed."
"Pushed?" Eddie feels like he missed a couple of stairs on his way down. "You didn't--"
Steve runs a hand through his hair. "Yeah, I did, Eddie. And Robin said," he sighs. "Robin said to just talk to you but I'm shit with words, so."
"So?" He faces Steve now, completely perplexed about where this is going. "I'm the one who pushed too far."
"Of course you didn't." Steve laughs a little. "I wanted to dance with you. I wanted to be close to you."
Eddie takes a step back, nervous smile on his face. "Is this some kind of weird joke?"
"What? No! Why would it be? I'm trying to say that I like you, man."
"Wha--But you're--"
"Don't--don't say popular or a jock or any of that. I'm--you know who I am, Eddie, better than most people."
"I was going to say straight."
Steve stills, blinking. "I told you I was bisexual."
"You did not!" Eddie yelps.
"I did! After went to see The Lost Boys!" He grabs Eddie's leather jacket. "I said I thought Kiefer Sutherland was sexy!"
"I thought you were being hyperbolic!"
"I wore this for you!" Steve wiggles his naked calf in Eddie's face.
"I don't like even like Wham!"
"You stared at a picture of George Michael in this outfit in one of El's Teen Beats for fifteen minutes!"
"I did NOT!" Except now that Steve's said it, Eddie has a pretty good memory of doing that very thing. "Wait. You were trying to seduce me by dressing as George Michael?"
"Like you weren't doing the same with the whole hot vampire biker thing?"
"I didn't expect it to work!"
He doesn't--will never--know who closes the distance first, but they crash together in a clash of mouths and teeth and noses. Steve's hands fist into Eddie's t-shirt, Eddie yanking at Steve's belt loops, until nothing separates them.
The kiss breaks as Steve mouths along his jaw, down his neck, and Eddie's fucking helpless at the turn of events. Never in his wildest fantasies--
"Stay tonight?" Steve asks, voice muffled against Eddie's skin.
"Are you kidding, sweetheart? I'm going to tear these shorts off with my teeth."
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willowser · 1 year ago
katsuki blames the alcohol for making him stupid.
really stupid.
not that he's had a lot, but his tolerance is low for a guy of his size, and he can feel the edges of his inhibitions dulling with every drink of whatever denki has shoved in his hand. it doesn't taste like absolute shit, which is rare enough to have him indulging, just a bit, for the agency halloween party.
another sip has his head feeling a little swimmy, and before he knows it, his eyes are trailing across the room until they find you. again.
whatever the hell you're supposed to be tonight—a witch, or something else in a pointy hat—is really fucking with him, and has since you walked in. the costume isn't revealing in a sense that it's inappropriate for a work event, but it's...hugging you in all the right places. in every single one of them.
without tights, it would be on the too-short side, but—and no, katsuki can't fucking explain this—something about them is making everything worse. and your calf-high boots ain't helping, either.
it's just—your fucking—hips.
katsuki couldn't tell you what song is playing, but you're swaying back and forth to the tune and one of his canines digs into the plastic of his cup, so deeply that it makes a terrible creaking sound and dents beneath the pressure—and that's when a sharp elbow is delivered to the center of his chest.
mina is at his side when he looks, and her wide, freaky eyes scan his face before narrowing in her little shit-eating way.
"you're a pig."
katsuki chokes, and the little freak takes that as an admission of some kind.
"oh my god," she gasps, mouth falling in all her disgust and awe. "you can't even deny it!" and then she laughs, high and chirpy, and there's no way you can't hear her. "oh, you're down bad."
"cram it," he snaps, sinking his scowl into his cup. "i dunno what the hell you're talkin' about."
"you know i really thought better of you," mina sniffs effectively, turning her face up and away. "not the type to be blantly checking out somebody's ass."
katsuki bristles, and his aggrivation growns until the plastic in his hands starts to melt. "i wasn't—"
"i'm kidding!" mina snorts before flicking him in the nose, narrowly dodging the hand he swipes out at her. "quit being a baby and go shoot your shot already."
"piss. off."
but the hero is unaffected by him, simply scrunching up her face in response before turning on her heel to disappear further into the party.
she's wrong, katsuki thinks, because he's not a pig like sero or fucking dunce face or even kirishima, from time to time, who gets red in the face over a low cut shirt and a pair of tits.
fucking ridiculous, katsuki thinks, because he's way better than that.
it's just—the alcohol. that's making his lids heavy and his thoughts dark and his face hot. has him peeking at you over the lip of his cup, has him picturing you in his head when he's forced to look away.
and, well, maybe, the short cut of your dress has a little something to do with it, too—but he's keeping that shit to himself.
taking it to the grave, even.
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khairosclerosis · 2 years ago
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🚔 ' come on barbie, let's go party ! '
(drew these a while ago for the meme lol but might as well post em now; happy barbieheimer day ! >_0 💫 original under the cut)
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sunnyaliceart · 1 year ago
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Minovember: Snowfall
Stay warm out there!
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knbposting · 9 months ago
aomine is the kind of guy to only ever accidentally look scary in the way that he dresses. he's a puffer jackets, big fluffy hood, sometimes monochrome white outfit kinda guy. he has a few leather jackets, and he likes wearing them with black because he thinks it looks cool, but he isn't dressing to look badass or scary or anything. he thinks about his fashion choices more than he'd ever admit to (because he doesn't want people thinking he and kise are at all alike)(because he's stupid btw)(and mostly to be annoying to kise).
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uhbasicallyjustmilex · 1 year ago
every time i rewatch the miracle aligner music video i am just flabbergasted. FLABBERGASTED. like. they really chose to make it like THAT. and by 'like THAT' i am specifically referring to:
1) “an attempt to extract the truth... approximately" *cue rosepetals and intense eye contact*
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2) THIS being the opening shot of the two of them
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3) miles legitimately spending the first minute of the entire video blatantly checking alex out
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4) literal rainbow lighting around them
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5) endless hand holding and twirling
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6) that moment where miles's hand reaches ever so reflexively for alex's neck
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7) the fucking closing scene?????????
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lenamiyabi · 27 days ago
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i am ashamed.
(cough cough @lemonade-tree7 @kindred-spirit-93)
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Buck tries to go to both Chim & Maddie's Bachelor/ette parties even though they're on at exactly the same time across town from each other. He gets a taxi back and forth 27 Dresses style. Buck gets progressively more bedraggled looking as the night goes on (but no-one really notices because they're all pretty tipsy). The burn on his trouser leg is from when he was running back to one of the parties' and tried to vault over an open fire pit outside the restaurant. And one of the times when he gets back to Chim's he full on collides with Eddie (who might've started to wonder where the heck Buck's been rushing off to & come outside to find him but shh) & they go tumbling onto the grass- Eddie spills an entire bottle of wine over his shirt (hence taking it off) and Buck's suit leg.
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baylardian-1 · 1 year ago
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the kind of couple to technically be "in secret" about their relationship but the whole fleet knows the fleet commander is rawdogging voyager's captain
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dinosaurcharcuterie · 1 year ago
Me: Hey, I finished that dress I've been planning to make since last May.
My mother, silently grateful my first summer dress of the year is not covered in manic cartoon animals: Oh that looks lovely... Though don't you think you put a bit much fabric into your skirt? You could have used half and had enough left for a second dress.
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Me: It's more comfortable this way. Not as clingy. And it's cut to be low waste, so you get a lot of bang for your buck.
Mom: ... How much is in there?
Me: Only like 4 meters.
Mom: Of a low waste pattern.
Me: Yup.
Mom: Give me one reason you need that much "bang for your buck".
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bonefall · 10 months ago
good lord, eon mentioned in 2024
(sudden flood of comments of people recognizing Eon/Eona in my inbox)
Well! Guess that duology wasn't as obscure as I thought! Never actually met other people who had read them, lmao.
Full disclosure that I haven't read those books in like... good lord, 15+ years at this point. I do remember it having some super uncomfortable plot points, especially when it comes to Eona's romantic relationships.
I would explicitly tell any minors 16 and below to steer clear of Eon/Eona, for that reason. There are some VERY heavily sexual topics in this book, along with extreme ableism and misogyny. A baby is also killed on screen as part of a coup.
(Also prepare for very messy 2000s depictions of queerness. And an ending that is very abrupt.)
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hkpika07 · 1 year ago
*throws santa costume on gordon*
now he goes with his son all of his other kids can even be reindeers too dont worry james rudolph is the most important reindeer -trainblogging anon
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Congratulations you've caused him great indignity ♡
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coquelicoq · 6 months ago
i fucking love prereading. getting documents about what's going to be discussed in a meeting and reading them and then going to the meeting and having context for all the things that are happening. if i could do this in all areas of life i would. send me a list of the words i'm going to need the definition of in order to understand what you will be talking about. give me a rundown of what topics might come up during this social encounter. provide detailed documentation of what to expect in a new setting. i will read the fuck out of that shit.
#me getting off meeting 2 for a project but this time i read their paper first because they sent it in advance: waaowoaoaowaw#you are not just saying words next to each other. these words have meaning#my posts#f#i went to get new glasses the other day but it was a failure because i forgot everything. forgot my prescription most notably#(idk where my brain is lately but it does not appear to be inside my skull)#but actually i ended up feeling fine about it. because it allowed me to scope out the place. figure out how it works#a little dry run. a little dress rehearsal. now i know that when i do it for real i'm going to go to the third floor#i'm going to go up to the ticket machine and press the button on the touchscreen and get a number#i'm going to go right inside and start looking at frames instead of sitting in the waiting area which is actually for a different departmen#i didn't know any of that and it was stressful but now i know and next time i am going to look and act so normal#also i was able to find out what my actual benefit is and it's really stupid. it's something i wouldn't have guessed in a million years#so it's good i had the opportunity to ask about it during a time when it didn't matter because i couldn't use it anyway#getting glasses is stressful enough because you have to stand around trying on frames like a tool#if there is any other aspect of the process that also makes me feel like an idiot it's just too much to bear. this time i got to spread it#out over two encounters. so hopefully next time the only embarrassing part will be the frames fashion show
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virtualfungus · 1 year ago
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