#get a grip 911 fandom
amerie-wadia · 2 years
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imakatperson22 · 5 months
Them: Wait, so, you think Tommy’s closet joke was actually hysterical and made you love his character even more instead of hating him?
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evans-kinard · 5 months
Tommy-antis are literally frothing at the mouth at the thought of anyone shipping Buck with him over Eddie.
But seriously, insulting an actor because he kissed one person from your ship and accusing fans of racism because they now ship Buck with Tommy instead of Eddie is just weird. Go outside and touch some grass.
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bibuckaroo · 2 months
absolutely hilarious to me that that side of the fandom think the buddie side is the delusional one because of the tim interview when the man himself CLEARLY stated that he had NEVER seen the fandom behaving this badly in all of his years working in the business and the only difference from all the other years to this one is the bt fandom, like genuinely lol.
he also stated about people coming to talk to him and using what he said when there are prints out there of their fandom doing this, like it’s not all of them obviously, just like there are parts of the buddie fandom who can be disrespectful too, but as someone who recently joined the fandom and saw the comings and goings through the years, i can safely say when a fandom is being too much on the disrespectful side and i saw that behavior way more on that side, honestly.
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I really don’t understand why people hate Tommy so much? Like. It’s okay not to like the guy, but if you think he’s just a temporary love interest anyways then literally why do you care???
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apdreadful · 5 months
As a long time passenger on many a fandom ships. Some of ya’ll seriously need to harness your intensity and stop being so toxic about 911. Some of what we have seen posted about Tommy, and Bucks storyline with Tommy is completely unhinged.
JHFC forget fan squirrels some of ya’ll are a snowstorm away from hobbling someone with a sledgehammer.
Calm TF down.
You’re actually making people dislike buddie because ya’ll are being so ugly. I have friends who were just getting into the fandom running for the hills because of the lunacy.
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slipsnslides · 5 months
I'm going to say this one time and leave it alone. I've been back in the fandom for two months, and it's still as ridiculous as it was when I left. You can't ship wars me when you're more concerned about a fictional racist (which I don't think he is) rather than the actual racist that makes up the second half of your ship.
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nattetheshipper · 4 months
Guys all the new stills is giving me heart palpitations 😀
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bananabirch · 1 year
Y’all I have to come clean… I have no idea who Marisol is like she was in a previous episode right? Which one? I have no clue
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eowynlyra · 6 months
I did not expect to check Tumblr and get a post about how hard it is to watch 911 as an Israeli Zionist, because a firefighter's decision is getting questioned on the show and that's just as unjustified as the questioning of the actions of Israeli soldiers.
My jaw was on the floor.
You are not the victim here for watching a show.
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philtatosbuck · 2 years
some of you only see / treat chris as a prop for buddie and it’s always been clear but never so much until now lmao
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mercy-misrule · 4 months
911 ABC spoilers
There is a comedy amount of people who are pearl clutching about a g rated daddy kink joke between two queer men in a relationship
I need you to understand that the hunter green hanky, the daddy/boy flag is the one sold out on so many fetish sites
And maybe if a g rated sex joke causes you to freak out in 'disgust', maybe examine your homophobia, internalized or otherwise because holy shit, get a grip on reality and the way actual queer men talk to each other, rather then the weird cookie cutter, sanitised, hetero stand in shit that can infest fandom.
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diazpatcher · 1 month
the 911 fandom falling apart bc we got confirmed Bi-Buck with a side character which was crucial in a way for the 118 to become who they are is insane.
like tf are you so mad for.
its a fictional story, the key word being Fictional.
i usually dont engage in discourse cause I want to mind my shit and be happy within my fandoms but god fuck, after that shit w /killkInard and all the other awful things people have said about Lou/Tommy is insane.
Like get a grip, its not that serious.
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love-hub · 1 month
Multi-fandom Prompt! — ⭑.ᐟ You sigh with satisfaction as you can finally take off your shoes, tired after your hellish work hours as you’re finally home, walking inside and hearing someone… else? You live alone, that can’t be anyone you know, can it?
— ⭑.ᐟ You pull out your phone and keep 911 dialled in, slowly walking to your kitchen and taking a kitchen knife; you’re gripping in so tightly in your sweaty palm, you can feel your hand shake from the pure force of your grip. Your breath quickens against your will as you slowly creep up to the source of the sound; your room. You’d press your ear to the door but it’s already slightly ajar, you peek in as you can’t stop a gasp from escaping out of your mouth, the knife still gripped tightly, the sight before you makes your stomach churn with disgust and… something else?
— ⭑.ᐟ Your co-worker, who’s always the worst fucking bully, the one that has made the desicion to make your already miserable life even worse, never leaves you alone, deliberately bumps into you, steals your shit like your used post it notes or some shit to throw you off of your workflow.
— ⭑.ᐟ Now though, they’re here, sniffing your used underwear and fisting their cock, whimpering you name as their hips buckle, you want to say something but your gaze is transfixed as you watch them put the underwear over their cock; moaning your name as they cum all over it…
— ⭑.ᐟ You involuntarily jerk back as the door moves and it makes a noise that catches the attention of them, turning their head in shock to your own shocked face, looking at you and the knife in your hand,
“This… isn’t the way I thought this would go, how irritating little bird, can’t even get off anymore hm?”
What would you like to say/do next? [ask box is open for any character on my pinned~]
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carlos-tk · 11 months
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Ok here goes!! I’m new to the 911 LS fandom and thus this is my first addition to Seven Sentence Sunday (let us all ignore that it’s already Monday in my timezone) I’ll be asleep when this posts due to that! Please enjoy this graphic I cooked up on a whim because I totally forgot that was a thing until 5 minutes ago!
Extremely nervous to post this as it’s really the first foray back into writing in years. This is part of a as yet unnamed colleagues AU that I’ve been working on
Thanking some pre-tags from earlier this week @rmd-writes @welcometololaland @celeritas2997 @inkweedandlizards 💗
This is also definitely more than seven sentences but I digress
“You know you should totally fuck me against that nice big window,” TK announces as he roams around Carlos’ new office, fingers dancing along the windowsill, sparing a glance outside, raindrops pelting heavily against the glass, the storm clouds shielding most of the cityscape below.
Carlos fixes him with an unimpressed glare. “TK we’re at work,” he groans, “could you at least try not to be crude.” TK turns from the window, circling back to strand in front of Carlos, before leaning against the desk behind him, shrugging plainly, “I’m just saying,” he whines, reaching out a hand to poke his pointer finger into Carlos’ abdomen.
“Is it the promotion making you so uptight?,” he asks, absentmindedly tugging on the lower buttons of Carlos’ shirt.
“I am not uptight,” Carlos refutes, shoving TKs hand away.
“Are you sure? Because I seem to recall a time when we did very naughty things, very often, in this very building,” he smirks, his hand once again ghosting across Carlos’ abdomen, his pinky finger dipping beneath the waistband of his slacks.
Carlos bites back a moan at TKs tone and innuendo, the touch of his hand against his body, “and now I can’t even make a suggestion without you scolding me, that doesn’t seem fair baby.”
Carlos bring a hand up to rest between the gap where TKs neck meets his clavicle. “I’m just saying don’t get your hopes up for any repeat performances, I’d actually like to keep my job.” TK huffs a breath, retracting his own hand from Carlos’ body.
“Killjoy,” he mutters under his breath, a pout forming on his lips. “Also you just proved my point,” he exclaims. “By saying I wouldn’t sleep with you on the premises,” Carlos asks, quirking an eyebrow at him. “Yes,” TK replies in an instant.
“You’re seriously telling me you have your own private office now, that also has a lock might I add, and you’re not going to fuck me in it.” His pout deepening. “Last month you had me on my knees in one of the unlocked restroom stalls, and now you-,” he doesn’t get to finish his sentence.
Carlos tugs him forward, grasping his wrists, twisting both behind his back. He presses himself as close as he can with the intrusion of their joined hands between them, biting down on TKs earlobe, breath hot against his ear. “You’re being a terror.” TK inhales sharply, still trying to keep his cool, “Am I?,” he asks, sounding only mildly pathetic.
“You need to behave baby, or you won’t be getting fucked anywhere,” Carlos warns, voice rough, his grip on TKs wrists tightening.
“What,” TK cries out in disbelief. “Do I need to repeat myself,” Carlos asks, though he knows the answer already. “No,” TK lets out quietly. “Good boy,” Carlos praises, and it takes all of TKs willpower not to grind back against Carlos at the endearment.
I have no idea who to tag but I’m just going to add some people whose work I admire @strandnreyes @three-drink-amy @orchidscript @reyesstrand @carlos-in-glasses @birdclowns and anyone else who’d like to join 💗
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satashiiwrites · 3 months
Family, Familia, ‘Ohana: Chapter 14: The Eddie Will Go
Title: Family, Familia, ‘Ohana, Chapter 14: The Eddie Will Go
Fandom: 911, h50, SWAT
Pairing: Buddie, McDanno, platonic Deacon/Hondo
Fic summary:
When one family seems lost another comes back from the past. But does Buck want to return to the past or live in the present? And does his present lead to a future he wants? Only he can answer these questions but Steve at least will be there to support him.
Chapter summary:
In the days after their first night, Buck shows Eddie Oahu while Steve and Danny grapple with a tough decision. Meanwhile, the Eddie must go.
Warnings: explicit sex
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Waking up wrapped in Buck is the best thing ever. Limbs sleep heavy, Eddie is only partially awake when Buck shifts in his grip, the room lowly lit by the predawn light coming in the window. He wants to luxuriate in the feeling of waking up like this, the bedsheets tight around them until there’s no space, bodies warm from shared heat. By preference, Eddie would sleep until noon on his days off.  
Buck, however, rises with the sun, as does Christopher. 
“Cariño,” Eddie protests as Buck stirs, shifting around in bed. “Another hour?”
Buck grunts and settles for a moment before Eddie hears it. 
Knock. Pause. Knock-knock. Pause. Knock. 
“It’s Steve. We usually go for a swim before now,” Buck whispers, hand rubbing Eddie’s shoulder soothingly, but he doesn’t make to leave.  
“Yeah,” Eddie says weakly. Buck mentioned that his daily swims work out a lot of his anxiety and that the routine has been helpful. 
“I can stay,” Buck assures him, the words teasing the hairs on Eddie’s nape from where Buck is using his shoulder as a pillow. “Steve’s just letting me know he’s going.”
“If Steve’s here, then Danny can’t be far behind,” Eddie points out, still only half awake but knowing the blonde won’t let his seal out of eyesight for very long based on their conversation yesterday. 
Buck shrugs, the move causing their bodies to slide teasingly together, but Eddie’s not an exhibitionist, and he knows Buck gets a lot out of his morning swim. 
Letting Buck go for a swim would also let Eddie sleep in another hour or so. 
“Do you want to go for a swim?”
Buck hesitates. “Kind of.”
“Yeah?” Eddie prompts, waking up a bit more at Buck’s tone as he becomes more alert at the hesitancy. 
“I’ll do better all day if I do,” Buck confesses reluctantly. 
“Then you should go.” It’s as simple as that. Eddie will give Buck whatever he needs; if it’s a morning swim, then Buck should swim.
“Eds, I—“
“If you feel better, then you should go. I’ll be here when you get back.”
Buck shifts just enough so he can see Eddie’s expression. Eddie can see the urge to go for a swim, warring with the desire to stay in bed written on Buck’s face. “You’re okay with that?”
“I want you to have a good day. If going for a swim makes you have a better day, we can cuddle later.”
Buck frowns as he thinks, sticking his lower lip out and chewing on it, which Eddie shouldn’t find adorable but does. “But it’s our first morning.”
“Then maybe you should go for your swim and then crawl back into bed with me. You can wake me up?”
“The water is a bit cold this time of day,” Buck teases. “You could warm me up after?”
“I’d love to warm you up after,” Eddie agrees. “Go before Steve leaves you.”
Read chapter 14 here on AO3
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