#this is normal behavior in fandom
bibuckaroo · 2 months
absolutely hilarious to me that that side of the fandom think the buddie side is the delusional one because of the tim interview when the man himself CLEARLY stated that he had NEVER seen the fandom behaving this badly in all of his years working in the business and the only difference from all the other years to this one is the bt fandom, like genuinely lol.
he also stated about people coming to talk to him and using what he said when there are prints out there of their fandom doing this, like it’s not all of them obviously, just like there are parts of the buddie fandom who can be disrespectful too, but as someone who recently joined the fandom and saw the comings and goings through the years, i can safely say when a fandom is being too much on the disrespectful side and i saw that behavior way more on that side, honestly.
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shardsofmarxx · 7 months
god i can't keep doing this
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lexumpysfunland · 5 months
Question, what makes Insaine!Narrator/Walter so "Insane?" I'd have 'em as a roomate tbh! /hj
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I don't know, you tell me- /j
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uranium-city · 11 months
ASC Thunder Spoilers
some of y'all are fuckin weird about Squirrelstar/Brambleclaw
by that I mean the few people that viscerally hate Squirrelstar as if she personally killed their mother, plan to boycott the series until she dies, & are trying to pass off Brambleclaw as a completely innocent, misunderstood, wounded uwu baby with an annoying, naggy wife whose sympathy from the fandom is undeserved.
like i get it's just a fictional series about cats but the way some people try to justify Brambleclaw's abusive traits, claim that Squilf deserved to be mistreated by Bramble for one reason or another, act like those abusive traits aren't actually that bad, that they don't exist, or that they're just normal behavior creates some really horrible implications about the way people recognize & sympathize with those in abusive relationships. they may be fictional cats, sure, but passionately ranting about how badly you want the abuse victim to die & how innocent, misunderstood, & "overhated" the abuser is is very uncomfortable idc.
i'm not saying people can't dislike Squilf or even that they can't like Brambleclaw as a character, but when talking about these very real abusive traits that affect people in real life, if your first reaction is to try to justify them & pretend like they're not actually abusive traits that is genuinely disgusting & has really scary real life implications.
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spacedlexi · 2 months
the post about the mirrors between the Kenny & Jane fight and the Minnie & Clem fight just reminds me of all the similarities between Violet and Kenny. like obviously they’re different characters, I just find it interesting how they share so many traits (being very loyal, may or may not sustain an eye injury, like fishing even if one is rod fishing and the other is spear fishing). there’s some more similarities I forgot to mention but I’ve been patiently waiting for someone to draw Violet and Kenny fishing wearing “women love me, fish fear me” hats or something.
oh yeah, ALSO. they both have moments where you can fight them and calm them down (Kenny on the train, Violet in the ending where you didn’t save her).
this is just so interesting! wish other people acknowledged it.
anon unknowingly unlocking my beef with kenny defenders who hate violet
vi was one of the first characters for me where i realized that a female character can have all the traits people will defend in their favorite male character(s) and yet theyll still find a way to absolutely despise her for some reason
kennys #1 defense is that him losing his family is what drove him to the brink and its soooo understandable for him to act out the way he does (brutally killing people, abusive even if it comes from a place of wanting to protect "his group"). but violet, who acts the way she does (isolationist loner) because.... she lost her family... is a disloyal bitch for some reason 😐 even while shes nothing but loyal to clem regardless of choice (people are quick to defend louis' actions in ep 2 as well and his behavior never makes Him disloyal for some reason 😐 "he lost his best friend!" and vi lost her best friends/gf because of marlon so?), and only has a lapse in judgement after you (determinately) "betray" her 💀 AND she apologizes for it if you do!!
if nothing about violet changed besides her pronouns the fandom reception to her would be so dramatically different and i refuse to believe otherwise
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strixhaven · 4 months
there’s always some weirdos on ace posts going on a tangent about how so many asexuals are actually sooooo kinky and love smut and are totally cool with sex and while that’s true for some people. truly it just reeks of people desperately trying to grasp at the straws of acceptability and palatability to allos and trying their hardest to look normal but to like, terminally fandom-brained dipshits fsr. it’s just bizarre. to say nothing of the fact that actually a lot of us hate that shit and that is also fine too. you guys do remember romance and sex repulsed aspecs exist right.
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gimmeyoursnacks · 3 months
"Just letting you know that the person you reblogged from ships this problematic ship-" yeah sorry champ, i forgot to go clawing through their posts to see if their shipping habits are virtuous and god honouring before I hit reblog :( won't happen again
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virtualcarrot · 2 years
[DE] musing abt the limits of superficial acab discourse and the way fandom deals with moral discomfort, I guess
“ACAB”, “the only happy ending should be leaving the RCM”, “you’re a terrible person if you draw/write these characters enjoying the sort of corrupt cop stuff that they canonically do in-game” discourse is killing meeee
God forbid you don’t performatively remind everyone that you do hate cops, actually; and god forbid that you don’t find that True Healing and Happiness for Disco Elysium’s characters can only be achieved by leaving the force.
Metas could be written about how Kim and Harry are actually deeply flawed people who enjoy wielding some form of authority in a way that they actually feel best working as cops
(is it healthy? no. is it Good™? no. Is it true to their character? this is where media interpretation comes in)
Metas could be written about how that doesn’t mean ACAB isn’t real, that just means they’re the kind of shitheads (that we, the players, still love) who enjoy being cops
Metas could be written questioning the amount they’d have to change to adapt to a life as civilians, how much and what kind of a push they’d need to go for it,  if it’s change they could even manage, if they could financially survive it, if they could find fulfillment in any other career, at their age
But no. Why waste time on that instead of easy slogans. I mean, we like them, these characters, and we don’t want to feel guilty for liking them, because what does it say about us, then, that we like flawed cops?
(nothing it says nothing it says we played a good nuanced extremely well-written game that skillfully made us like the sort of character whose past actions include sequestering some woman and beating a dude into disability. that’s what it says. i’d even argue that discomfort is part of the point)
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freewayshark · 2 days
Actually I really do think a lot of the problems in this fandom stem from the fact that there are a lot of people here who actually don’t enjoy fandom at all and should maybe just stick the talking about the show with their friends in a discord group or something instead of being here making everyone else miserable for just having a good time
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eddiegettingshot · 3 months
literally think white europeans should be gagged the moment they try sharing their shitty opinions about race. maybe even executed by firing squad
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imreallyloveleee · 1 year
do you guys remember where you were the day you found out a deranged BA fan successfully catfished a legitimate media outlet into thinking they were lili reinhart
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shardsofmarxx · 7 months
this pic lives rent free in my head. LOOK AT HOW THEY'RE LOOKING AT EACH OTHER???!?!?!!!!?!?!
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fromtheseventhhell · 1 year
People think Arya is so inherently unworthy that they've even demonized her relationship with her father all because he showed concern and kindness toward her
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cordwaner · 1 year
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I was thinking about improving my sona's color schemes to be more memorable and unique and did some more postcard designs for my boyfriend in the process (We send each other very deranged postcard
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sir-meows-a-lot · 3 months
every month or so my twin gets obsessed with a fictional man (As dubbed: White Boy of The Month) and changes their pfp on TikTok to a bbg edit of said character.
let’s just say I’ve influenced her and now their White Boy for now is Evan/HABIT (though they say with her chest that he doesn’t like habit at all. I have my doubts) He likes him (/them cus plural cus two different people??? Whatever) so much that she made not one, but TWO bbg edits.
These are those edits:
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Such talent, yeah?
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spongeybubbles · 9 months
so hard being a patbob girl in a squidbob world..
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