#geologist tastes oldest water on earth
learningfromlosing · 12 days
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...you wouldnt?
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ausetkmt · 1 year
IFLScience: A Geologist Found The Oldest Water On Earth, And Then She Tasted It
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3acesnews · 15 days
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Why Did The Geologist Who Discovered The Oldest Water On Earth Taste It?
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darkwolfofshadows · 9 months
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ethology-conservation · 9 months
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fadingsunsjvj · 10 months
A Geologist Found The Oldest Water On Earth, And Then She Tasted It | IFLScience
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vomitnest · 11 months
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stanfave · 1 year
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chpinthestacks · 5 years
In the Stacks with Kathryn Savage: On Land
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In the Volcano House movie theater, red lights pulsed beneath chairs. On screen, I watched ash and pumice slowly bury homes in the Westman Islands in 1973. Watched men and women in pale wool sweaters shovel ash off metal roofs.
Some days I drove, aimless, or read about tectonic and volcanic areas, rift zones, main lateral volcanic belts. Read about fracture zones, areas of transformed lineaments, grabens. “The mantle plume disappears under the new Iceland, the island grows and its oldest parts become eroded and disappear below sea level.” [1]
In the hospital when my father was dying, a tube inserted into his nose and throat gave him the pleasure of tasting water but kept the water from reaching his stomach, so he wouldn’t vomit. The day before he died he took big swigs of water, which wasn’t allowed. I’d asked him to stop when we were alone so he could refuse me privately. He wouldn’t give it up, always the rebel I knew. Both of us stubborn. I share his willfulness, his instinct to disobedience that can wound people. His exes called him reckless; mine have called me cruel.
He shrugged me off. “Makes no difference. I’m terminal.”
The water that sinks through pores, fissures and cavities into the abysses below Iceland acquires its own character. It interacts chemically with the volcanic soil and the volcanic bedrock, dissolving minerals and enriching the clay fraction of the soil. The water becomes low in calcium compounds (alias chalk) but relatively high in chlorine (a result of its marine origins) and has an underground pH-value of 9-10. It retains a small fraction of minerals and gases, making it pleasant tasting. [2]
I swam. Took on the scent of the water on my skin, a metallic, mineral smell. Sulphur, clay. After, I felt feral, less domesticated, far from my son, less recognizable to myself, smelling of the soil of an ecosystem to which I did not belong.
Chemotherapy changes the body’s smell too. Over time my father smelled like a different man. Metallic. The oldest parts of how we’d communicate—his hoisting me up in the air as a baby, or sitting silent on long drives in his truck smelling like cigarettes and gas station coffee, sweaty from jobsites—eroded and disappeared.
One day I took a mysterious photo of a page inside a now more mysterious book at the national library in Reykjavík. The page references a novel with characters named Josephine and Bethe and Count Sheridan. The snippet is of a scene after a volcano has erupted. There is a deafening clap of thunder as though the world had been blown in two. The night had vanished and after fiery fragments from the centre of the earth were flying through the sky and missiles like jagged lumps of fire, coming apart in their flight, as liquidy as sealing wax, fell dripping to the water, a crowd of dancers ran from the terraces that surrounded Count Sheridan’s house, ran for their lives.
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To study a volcano, to predict large eruptions, geologists measure small earthquakes that happen inside and around the volcano. If pressure increases in a volcano, it produces little earthquakes, and the more pressure on a volcano, the more little earthquakes in that volcano. This slow breakdown of stability inside the volcano produces big eruptions. I learn this and think how human, how frustratingly human. [3]
All that year, my father’s stomach rupturing, holes in his GI tract leaching acid.
Here’s a memory: The day before he died, the last day he could speak, we had a fight about hospice. He was mean, and I was mean back. 
I don’t romanticize death as if it were a lesson in loving, as if he were, finally, a lesson in pain and relief, presence and absence, but I know this one hospice nurse who talks about the dying in a breathless giddy way. Everyone’s relationships are realer, she’s told me. All their shit rising up.
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I read Ben Fama’s Fantasy in Iceland.
I’m not afraid of falling in love some die Claire did I thought I saw her today in the metro my heart went crazy [4]
My heart went crazy too. Delusional, from Latin deludere “to play false,” from de- “down” and ludere “to play.” [5] Shape-shifting—the concrete body as fantasy, as an unending unfurling of other bodies. He has not died; or, I catch my reflection and see his face inside my face. I am blown in two.
One day in Iceland, I watched a young couple pose for wedding photos on a volcanic beach, in mist, before the mouth of a cave. It was cold, and the bride’s arms were bare in her pale crepe dress. The bride’s body, simultaneously real and mythological. Like the dead.  
I don’t romanticize death.
Some die / I thought / I saw her today.
But maybe I romanticize the crowd of dancers running from the terrace of Count Sheridan’s imaginary house, romanticize them running, alive with want and terrified, full of their own life’s meaning, running fast for their lives.
[1] Living Earth: Outline of the Geology of Iceland by Ari Trausti Guðmundsson, p. 90
[2] Living Earth: Outline of the Geology of Iceland by Ari Trausti Guðmundsson, p. 288  
[3] With thanks to Páll Einarsson at the Institute of Earth Sciences, University of Iceland, who researches volcanology, tectonism, and earthquake seismology, and who I interviewed on July 16, 2018.   
[4] Ben Fama, Fantasy, Ugly Duckling Press, 2015
[5] The etymology of “delusional” is taken from http://etymonline.com/.
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Natural Stone
The Origins of Natural Stone
Natural stone can be categorized in three ways: Igneous, Sedimentary, and Metamorphic. Igneous rocks are the result of magma or lava solidifying and cooling, either beneath the earth’s surface or ejected from volcanoes and left to cool above-ground. Sedimentary rocks form through a combination of fragments from other rocks, along with the remains of plants, animals, and other organic materials. These materials accumulate in deserts, oceans, and lakes before they are compressed into their final form by the weight of the earth above them. Metamorphic rocks previously existed as igneous or sedimentary stones and were then transformed due to heat and pressure applied through exposure to magma, the weight of the earth above them when buried deep underground, or a combination of both. Marble is the most famous stone of the metamorphic variety.
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Extracting Natural Stone
After nature takes care of the first step in actually forming the stone, the next step of removing and re-purposing the stone for use is done by human hands at stone quarries all over the world. The process of quarrying stone is extensive and requires powerful machinery along with skilled quarry workers. Before the stone can even be touched, there is a long list of actions that need to take place. Firstly, a team of geologists must find stone outcrops at a quarry that can be examined. Next, a sample of the stone is taken by drilling into the rock with diamond-tipped drill bits. The sample is then analyzed to discover if it has the desired characteristics to be used as a building material.
Processing Natural Stone
At the processing facility, the stone blocks are then cut into slabs by high-speed gang saws that also release water while cutting to reduce the emission of dust. Despite the speed at which they operate, the gang saws typically take around two days to finish cutting a 20-ton block of stone. Next, the slabs are sent through a polishing machine to give the desired finish. Polished is the most common finish with honed, leathered and brushed being other options that provide different degrees of texture on the surface of the stone.
Browsing the Gallery
We have some of the largest natural stone showrooms in Canada and so it can be quite overwhelming to know where to start. For this reason, it is recommended that you first make some initial choices when it comes to the kind of material you are looking for.
Making Your Selection
To ensure you make the best decision when it comes to the slabs you want to have installed in your home, you will need to be able to compare them with the colors of your other design elements, such as cabinets and flooring. If you have a sample of those elements with you when you visit, that is ideal. If not, color swatches can also do the trick to hold up to the slabs and ensure the colors either blend together or contrast in a pleasing way.
Enjoying Your Countertops
Once your countertops are installed, there is one more step to take before you can fully enjoy them and that is to seal the stone. A sealer will reduce the likelihood of scratches, stains, and etching and will give you some peace of mind so you can relax and admire your beautiful stone countertops, in addition to putting them to good use. There are a lot of sealers on the market but our recommendation is to do some research and buy a premium sealer to ensure it provides maximum protection.
Advantages of Countertops
Natural Stone Beauty
Doesn’t Stain
Resistant to Cracking
Uses for Granite in Your Home
Granite is one of the oldest and most reliable natural stone options for countertops, floor tiles, fireplace surrounds, and more. Practically everyone has heard of it but few really know the unique characteristics that make it much sought-after building material.
Is Onyx the Right Choice for Your Home?
Onyx is a truly enchanting natural stone with a long and fascinating history. Used throughout the ages for jewelry due to its exceptional properties when carved, this luxury stone is also quarried and sold as slabs for use as countertops, fireplace surrounds, vanities and as a decorative showpiece that makes an impressive design statement. Once one of the most prized stones in a variety of ancient civilizations, Onyx  is now highly sought after for its unique appearance and for the fact that it is one of the few stones that can be backlit due to its translucency.
Onyx Countertops
As a rule, onyx is one of the most brittle and delicate natural stones you can install as a countertop. For this reason, it is recommended that you only use it as a countertop in an area of your home that does not see heavy use. Instead, onyx can shine as a custom bar countertop and is used by a lot of commercial bars as a wow factor to dazzle their patrons. If you are building or renovating a bar in your home, then onyx can be a great choice and creates a fantastic atmosphere that is sure to have your guests singing their praises.
Calacatta Marble
Calacatta is a marble that is also quarried in the city of Carrara but has some distinctive differences from Carrara marble that make it highly sought-after by homeowners. Calacatta is characterized by a clear, white background and thicker, impactful veining that can be grey or gold/brown but is sometimes a combination of some or all of those colors. The veining here tends to be more distinctive than Carrara marble and less linear as well
Choosing the Right Natural Stone Tiles for Your Home
Natural stone tiles are one of the most durable and aesthetically appealing flooring choices. Whether you are thinking of installing them in your bathroom, kitchen, living room or outdoors, stone tiles can provide you with years of enjoyment if you know how to select the right materials. Everyone has different tastes which need to be taken into account and combined with the more practical requirements when making an informed purchase. This article seeks to provide you with the necessary information to choose tiling for your home with confidence.
Marble Tiles
always brings to mind luxury and prestige and if those are elements you wish to invoke in your interior design goals then it may be the stone for you. As a tile option, marble can really tie a room’s design together and is the perfect choice if you want to make your floor one of the main attractions in your home. Marble comes in a wide variety of colors and patterns and is incomparable when it comes to sheer aesthetic appeal and overall value. Although certainly one of the more expensive options, if properly maintained marble will most certainly raise the property value of your home over the long run.
Limestone Tiles
Limestone Tiles are a great choice if you’re looking for something with an understated and natural look that can be installed in or outdoors. The subtle light tones of limestone make it ideal when you don’t want to draw too much attention to your floor and it allows other design elements to shine. There are always exceptions to this rule but for the most part, you should be considering the lighter tonalities in your design process if you are using limestone. Not many materials can give you a better bang for your buck, limestone is one of the cheaper options available for tiles while still being highly functional.
Slate Tiles
Slate is an exceptional stone for floor tiles, having a great deal of slip-resistance and it is considered one of the safest floor tiles and has the resilience to last for decades. Furthermore, it’s unique and varied appearance give it a quaint sort of charm that makes it feel like you’ve placed a piece of nature inside your home. Slate Tiles are also extremely reliable as an outdoor option and can provide a perfect complement to your lawn or garden from a design perspective.
Travertine Tiles
Travertine is a form of Limestone that is created near mineral spring deposits and comes in a variety of earth tone hues. Its name is derived from the Italian word ‘travertino’ and in fact, Italy is renowned for its travertine production with some of the best quality slabs and tiles coming from that region of the world. Although travertine’s color options are somewhat limited, the shades that are available really do represent some of the best of a natural stone look and feel. 
Granite Tiles
Granite makes for the most durable tiles of the bunch so if you are going to be installing tiles in an area of your home that sees heavy use, granite can get the job done. In addition to rock-solid durability, granite tiles are available in a variety of colors and patterns that can complement the other design elements in the room. Granite Tiles are perfect for high-traffic areas in your home such as a foyer, kitchen, or living room. Because of granite’s inherent durability and resistance to wear and tear, your tiles can last for decades with a minimal amount of maintenance.
Carrara Marble
Carrara gets its namesake from the city in Tuscany where it’s quarried and is one of the most frequently used marbles on the planet, with a history dating back to the construction of ancient rome. Carrara marble is characterized by a light grey background dominated by soft and feathery grey veins. The veining on Carrara marble tends to be thin, long and linear, without much empty space on a typical slab. The veins are often not clearly defined and appear to blend into the surface of the stone, instead of standing out.
Calacatta Marble
Calacatta is a marble that is also quarried in the city of Carrara but has some distinctive differences from Carrara marble that make it highly sought-after by homeowners. Calacatta is characterized by a clear, white background and thicker, impactful veining that can be grey or gold/brown but is sometimes a combination of some or all of those colors. The veining here tends to be more distinctive than Carrara marble and less linear as well.
Carrara and Calacatta Marble: What’s the Difference?
Both Carrara and Calacatta are white and grey-based marbles from the same region in Italy, they are distinctly different stones with their own unique character. Which one you choose will depend on your aesthetic preferences and budget but know that either material is a fine choice for a variety of applications. A lot of people are concerned with using marble as a countertop due to the fact that it can etch, stain, and scratch easier than other natural stones such as granite and quartzite. 
Best Practices for Maintaining Your Marble
Let’s begin with some general rules that should be followed to ensure your marble is kept in ideal condition. Firstly, make sure that you apply a high-quality sealer to the surface of the stone to help prevent your marble from absorbing liquids and getting etched. There are many varieties of sealer on the market, make sure to go with an Impregnator Sealer, which absorbs into the stone and fills in microscopic holes to repel water and other liquids from seeping into it. Secondly, marble is particularly susceptible to citrus, tomato sauce, vinegar, and other acidic food substances. For this reason, you should make sure to use coasters, cutting boards, and anything else that makes sense to separate acidic liquids from potentially touching the stone. The same goes for oily materials such as cooking oil and dairy products, which can leave quite a deep stain if left unchecked.
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Reasons to visit Madagascar
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As the biggest island in the Indian Ocean, Madagascar is famous for its unique wildlife and biodiversity. With breathtaking views of nature, white sand beaches, stunning rainforest and delicious local food, this spot offers an unforgettable, once-in-a-lifetime experience. Here’s why it should be on your bucket list.
1. It’s home to some seriously cute lemurs
Found only in Madagascar, lemurs are the country’s ultimate hallmark, notably the black and white ring-tailed Lemur Catta species. With more than 60 species present throughout the island, these mammals are currently classified as an endangered species. Visitors can take photos with them while visiting national parks, while luxury hotels built within natural reserves here also offer the chance to see them in the wild where they are no longer afraid of humans. You will certainly fall in love with them.
2. The whale-watching is spectacular
Madagascar is lucky enough to be located close to a migration route for whales and, twice a year, the creatures are visible from the coast. Between July and September, Sainte-Marie island is the best place to admire a whole legion of humpback whales where females come to calve in the warm sea. From October to December, baby whales and their mothers bask in Nosy Be shallow waters in the north-west. In addition to this mind-blowing spectacle, you can also listen to the powerful song of the males.
3. The beaches are beautiful
What else would heal the soul more than resting on a calm and peaceful beach away from home? In front of an emerald sea offering stunning views at sunset, a large part of the south-west of Madagascar has become one of the country’s top destinations for tourists. These places are perfect for that crucial wedding proposal moment and as a honeymoon destination for newlyweds. You can also have this same experience in the north and within the surrounding islands of Nosy Be.
4. You’ll get to taste the local koba cake
Don’t judge the flavour of this cake by its appearance! In western society where people tend to prefer European-style dishes, this brown cake has recently gained a prestigious place among desserts during luxury weddings, being presented with vanilla ice cream. One of the most traditional Malagasy foods, koba is a cake made of peanuts and rice flour. It is sold by street vendors, or in a tightly-packed tin in supermarkets. It makes for an authentic gift for friends upon your return.
5. You can help through volunteering
Madagascar is the fifth poorest country in the world and, with our time on this earth being so short, giving a helping hand at least once in your life is always more than welcome. Many volunteering opportunities are available with local organizations: you can teach French or English to children in remote villages, help environmental NGOs with scientific research and above all, work in the humanitarian sector by helping non-profit organisations which look after sick children from impoverished areas, most of whom suffer from critical illnesses.
6. It’s home to the biggest baobab ever
Known as the bottle tree, the baobab is also called ‘reniala,’ which means ‘mother of the forest’ in the Malagasy language. Six out of eight existing baobab species can be found in Madagascar, where they form a vast forest in semi-arid regions in the south. Some baobab can reach 29.52 ft (30 meters) high and 98.4 ft (9 meters) in circumference. Enough to remind how small you are regardless of your size, these natural jewels will leave you mesmerised.  
7. The local rice-and-romazava-soup combo is a delight
If you’re tired of eating heavy and fatty meals, it’s time to go to Madagascar and try this particular traditional meal. Romazava is a soup essentially prepared with different leaves and meat, which is an optional addition. Though its preparation varies from one region to one other depending on available leaves, the final mixture is a tender tasting dish typical of tropical regions. When prepared without meat, romazava is suitable for vegetarians knowing that its taste comes primarily from the leaves it contains.
8. Isalo, the Malagasy Grand Canyon
Madagascar has its own version of the American Grand Canyon: Isalo National Park. Covering more than 80,000 hectares in the south, millions of years ago this wonder was beneath the sea, and today is the most visited park in the country with more than 30,000 visitors per year. Though you can swim in natural pools if you’re tired between trecks, Isalo is Madagascar’s first wildlife hotspot, so be ready for extreme adventures and sensational views in the wild. A whole week may not be enough to see it all but enjoy your stay, regardless of how long you’re here for.
9. It offers affordable living
For a short stay or a gap year, living in Madagascar is not that difficult. Unless you a are very particular about food or hotel quality, you can have good and affordable meal with €5 (USD$6.25), and rooms start at around €12 (USD$15). You can spend even less if you eat local food. Because of this, many Europeans have decided to spend their retirement here, as you can live far better in Madagascar than in Europe. If you’re a digital nomad, you can easily work and travel here at the same time.
10. There are some great surfing spots
From May to October, you can enjoy great surf breaks in some epic surf zones. These are located in the southernmost or northernmost points of the island, and along the whole region of the vezo people in the south. Part of the eastern region also offers amazing surfing waves due to its rugged coastline. Madagascar opened its surf school in 2003 in Mahambo, and while the island is ideal for beginners, it’s also a must-see surf trip destination for advanced surfers too. If you’re looking for awesome waves, put Madagascar on your bucket list.
11. It has a stunning World Heritage Site
You’ll need a guide to visit this World Heritage Site. The Bemaraha Tsingy is one of the oldest national parks in Madagascar and is formed with majestic limestone formation covering a labyrinth of 72,300 hectares. Created in 1927, the park has long piques the curiosity of geologists and botanists around the world. With unique views, the park can be visited on a four-day excursion offered by most local tour operators, and is home to some 90 bird species, 10 types of lemur, and eight species of reptiles. RELATED POSTS  Are you in doubts  where to spend your Easter Holiday? Don't worry again, we got ideal destinations for with great offers     Top Self Drive Holiday Deals in Kenya If you think you have to travel far to enjoy a nice weekend, you may never get away. Besides, you can enjoy a beautiful weekend right here in Kenya. There are countless wallet-friendly Kenyan self drive getaways that won’t even break your budget. Don’t spend your weekend, doing absolutely nothing at home. Whether you are looking for romantic destinations, pristine beaches, and adventurous outdoor activities, there are plenty wallet-friendly getaways that will satisfy your weekend desires. Malindi & Watamu Self Drive Deals Mombasa South Coast Self Drive Deals Mombasa North Coast Self Drive Deals Masai Mara Self Drive Holiday Packages Lukenya & Machakos Self Drive Meru Holiday Self Drive Deals Mt. Kenya & Aberdare Self Drive Holiday Deals Nyeri Holiday Self Drive Deals Samburu Holiday Self Drive Deals Top Outdoor Activities in Kenya Outdoor activities in Kenya are a great way to experience Kenya, Choosing where to start in Kenya can be overwhelming. The country has many different outdoor activities, ranging from adrenaline-pumping adventures to more meditative outings. Kenya is always a fantastic destination for family bonding. Spending time with the family on weekend is a great opportunity to re-connect and communicate while having fun. Outdoor activities are perfect for those who want to experience a relaxing and refreshing weekend in an amazing place. Do something fun this weekend and spend worthy time with your family. For great weekend bonding, we present to you 6 fun outdoor activities for the family. These outdoor activities are great adventures for you and your family. Hike To Ol Donyo Sabuk & 14 Falls, Thika Chaka Ranch Day Trip – QuadBikes, PaintBalling Ngare Ndare Day Trip Hike (Nanyuki) Kereita Zip Lining & Hiking Day Trip Top Madaraka Express SGR Holiday Deals 2 Nights Malindi & Watamu holiday with SGR 2 Nights Amboseli Holiday With SGR 2 Nights Tsavo Holiday With SGR Sa 2 Nights Voi Holiday With SGR 2 Nights Mombasa North Coast With SGR 2 Nights Mombasa South Coast With SGR Read the full article
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marxpobert-blog · 5 years
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Mauritius is breathtakingly beautiful, but it has so many stories behind it that make it even more fascinating. Lying below the island of Mauritius below the Indian Ocean,  is a lost continent called Maurice that geologists have recently discovered. And if that discovery is not exciting enough, Mauritius gives heaven a complex with its beautiful beaches, lagoons and lakes, mountains and valleys, national parks and fields,  reefs and rainforests. It even has an underwater waterfall, which is believed to be an optical illusion. The coastline that spreads across 330 km has so many beaches around it and is thronged by scuba divers, adventure enthusiasts, beach bums and tourists. While water sports is one of the main things to see in Mauritius, there is more to the island country than sea and sand and there are several unique things to do in Mauritius. There are so many beautiful places in Mauritius from Black River Gorges National Park to La Morne Brabant and a typical Mauritius itinerary includes visits to sugarcane plantations and rum distilleries.  There are vibrant markets in Mauritius, including craft markets while some of the places to see in Mauritius include a day trip to the capital Port Louis.
The home of the now-extinct dodo killed by the colonists was discovered by Portuguese and it eventually became a Dutch, French and British settlement and has an Indian connection with several immigrants who were brought in as labourers to work in the sugar cane fields and other factories. The Aapravasi Ghat in the capital Port Louis was their first port of embarkation and it served as an immigration centre for the indentured labourers. It is now a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Most Mauritians even today have Indian roots as they are several communities from Tamilians to Biharis.  However, Tamil is considered an indigenous religion by itself and the community follows “Tamil” Hinduism with temples dedicated to Lord Muruga.  The Indian connection also takes you down to the times when Mahatma Gandhi visited Mauritius and there is even a road named after him. Yet most of the current generation of the islanders have merged with the milieu and are Mauritian citizens speaking the national language of Creole.
I was in Mauritius for a week on invitation from Club Med resorts in Mauritius and while we barely stepped out of the beautiful beach resorts – we did explore the island as well on our Mauritius itinerary. While the Club Med resorts in Mauritius – Club Med La Plantation D’ Albion and Club Med La Pointe Aux Canonniers, are all inclusive resorts in Mauritius, they also organised our trip to some of the beautiful places in Mauritius. Here are my suggestions on some of the places to see in Mauritius including some of the unique things to do in Mauritius as well.
1. Half a day tour of Port Louis
One of the most beautiful places in Mauritius is Port Louis. The capital town of Mauritius has a colonial hangover around it as it was essentially founded by the French. Even today the harbour, one of the places to see in Mauritius is a remnant of the old settlement.  However one of the beautiful places in Mauritius is the Caudan Waterfront, with its food court, commercial complex and craft markets. One of the buildings here is the heritage luxury hotel, Le Labourdonnais. However there are several things to do in Mauritius and you will find many monuments, museums, and markets that you can explore. Besides the Aapravasi Ghat, which is a UNESCO World Heritage site, you can also visit the National History Museum, the present home of the dodo and the Blue Penny Museum and the Postage Museum where you can see some of the oldest stamps. The Central Market is one of the main markets of Mauritius vibrant and colourful and does not forget to bring home some souvenirs, especially homemade rum. You can also visit one of the oldest horse racing tracks that can be found at Champ de Mars. Your Mauritius itinerary is not complete if you do not visit a local temple here. There are also several old cathedrals, churches, mosques as well.
2. Casela – World of Adventures
One of the most unique things to do in Mauritius is to visit Casela and lose yourself in a world of adventures. I was almost transported to the game reserves of South Africa as I went on a safari ride in this amusement and wildlife park and encountered the Big Five. Casela set amidst 4500 hectares near Mount Rampart, is one of the beautiful places in Mauritius and the landscape is watered by two rivers – Rivière du Rempart and Tamarin River. Home to several species of wildlife, some of the animals have been born and bred here. Casela prides itself on the wildlife interactions – be it encounters with lions or feeding with the giraffes. One of the unique things to do in Mauritius is to pose with a lion.
The park is divided into three main kingdoms – safari, nature and mountain and includes bird park, safari rides, and wildlife interactions. There are also adventurous activities like zip-lining, quad bike rides, canyoning among others. The Discovery Centre has several entertainment shows as well. You can spend an entire day here but I would recommend at least half a day at Casela. It is one of the most popular places to see in Mauritius.
3. Chamarel Seven Coloured Earth
Have you seen a rainbow on earth? Then look no further. The colours of the “vibyor” are painted vividly in the sand dunes of Chamarel and are referred to as Seven Coloured Earth or in French as Terres des Sept Couleurs. This is probably one of the most unique things to do in Mauritius. Chamarel is a village in Mauritius named after the French and there are several beautiful places to see in Mauritius including the Chamarel Waterfalls and the Ebony Forest.
The locals refer to it as the “Valley of Blacks” and an “amphitheatre of abrupt rocks.” Local coffee is grown here as well. But it is the Seven Coloured Earth that is absolutely breathtaking. Painted in seven vivid shades like a rainbow, these sand dunes are tinged with red, brown, blue, purple, yellow, violet and even a bit of green. It is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful places in Mauritius. However, the colourful view depends on the weather as well.
The geological formation is a result of the cooling of the molten rock that might be over 3-7 million years old. The sands have settled into layers depicting a colourful pattern and the rains have further created a canvas. However, on a bright sunny morning, you can see the seven distinct colours. Chamarel also has a 19th century dedicated to Saint Anna and the festival of Assumption of Mary is celebrated with great fanfare.
4. The Curious Corner of Chamarel
One of the most unique things to do in Mauritius is to get lost in a world of optical illusions, fantasies, and delusions. Located opposite the Seven Coloured Earth, the Curiosity Corner is actually a house filled with fascinating corners that stimulate your curious mind. Nothing appears as it is supposed to be. Everything is either a mirage or a maze. Sometimes you feel like you have walked into a jigsaw puzzle.
There are rooms with no doors or windows but you will have to find the secret door to get out of it. There are over 40 exhibits here built over 5000 sq feet but some of my favourites include the Mirror Maze where 200 mirrors take you into a world of reflections as you navigate your way through the maze. I was also fascinated by the Upside Down Room and the Laser Music Room. Chamarel is one of the most beautiful places in Mauritius and your Mauritius itinerary is not complete without a bit of curiosity.
5. The Rhumarie de Chamarel
Your Mauritius itinerary is not complete without a visit to The Rhumarie de Chamarel. We were in the rum distillery for lunch but we also did a tour where we also experienced some rum tasting. The distillery is one of the few in Mauritius today which has its own sugarcane plantations that are grown around it. Even the harvest is still done by hand and the fresh-pressed sugar cane juice is then filtered and fermented, distilled and aged and magically transformed into rum. There are different kinds of rums – classic, premium, aged, double distilled and spiced rum, besides liqueurs with vanilla, coffee, and coconut flavors. And it is one of the best ways to experience Mauritius on a high note.
There are many more beautiful places in Mauritius and things to see in Mauritius but in our short span of time, we could only explore a fraction of the island. What would you include in your Mauritius itinerary?
The post Paradise on earth – Beautiful places to see in Mauritius appeared first on Lakshmi Sharath.
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autolovecraft · 8 years
It's somewhat from beyond.
The stoutest cord had broken their sapling and run off with the coroner, the host shouted huskily to Zenas for more wood. Thaddeus and the floor without meeting any solid obstruction. The proportions of its body seemed slightly proud of the whole farm was shining with the greatest reluctance, and a feeling of vague disquiet. I would hate to think that they were far away on the west. Just ooze and bubbles and the horse had snorted at an odor which clings about houses that have stood too long. Night had fully set in, and it had come in a locked and undisturbed barn.
Ammi would give me no added particulars of this earth, but not a soul of that abandoned well I seen it in the last—said it was the same monstrous fire were creeping about the trees may or may not have gone the front way, by that well-sweep in his front yard were such blasphemous-looking things that Nahum's oldest boy Zenas cut them down. Strangeness had come to town. But when the faint miasmal odor which struck Stephen as wholly unprecedented.
Often I had talked with in Arkham.
I heard the tale, could give no guess. And from that stone to be, since the cavernous fireplace was unlit and empty, with a bitter disappointment. A sort of haunting familiarity, and early in March there was a big boy, full o' life it beats down your mind and body—Thad and Merwin, who first realized that the geologist's hammer and chisel. Never were things of such size seen before, but perhaps they had feared it would be, since he had taken. But the present was no time to mourn, for even the medical examiner. They took it in a constant state of real excitement; and remembering how strange the men used their own strength to get very thick. He had gone out late at night they swayed ominously in the valley which everyone knew from the slimy depths in front. He had come in that well from which his horses had become utterly frightful, but toward the valley. It ran up and down the well, he set out at once by a timid windmill salesman from Bolton who drove by one night and were far from steady in their church-going or their attendance at the miles of old forest and slope again, or face another time that gray blasted heath seemed to sweep down in black, frore gusts from interstellar space. Nahum was at his door, and disintegration were already far advanced. Snow never seems quite so heavy on the moonlit ground between the splintered shafts of the spirits as of some diseased, underlying primary tone without a place among the known tints of earth.
The stone, and blossoms alike, while their restless branches seemed to be heard. The whole aspect of the small piece refused to grow cool. It was little Merwin this time, and the cleft, bulging lips were just able to connect and reflect upon all the portents around him he admitted that there was poison in Nahum's ground. But that was all that gorgeous array of specious lusciousness not one single jot was fit to eat. For this reserve or melancholy no cause could be no mice, and the buggy which they could not touch it, but did nothing with the silhouette, and dry fragments were scaling off.
But he could do nothing but drive it into the well if he had thought he had by that phrase strange days are never talked about in Arkham was given a short paragraph in the snow melted faster around Nahum's, and all the cases occurred in a great excitement. That fragment lasted a week, at the stars of Cygnus, Deneb twinkling above the ripped earth and charred grass near the well. The next morning to see it from the soil was another which was essentially scientific. Thereafter Ammi gave a short, sharp gasp.
They say the blight is spreading—little by little, perhaps an inch a year, so soft as to damn any accountable being to eternal torment. Certainly, however, restlessness was worse than his fellows, and thanked Heaven that most of the visitors seemed so cowed and quivering every morning.
Ammi, whose head has been a moon, and even then these western woods were not any real ruins.
When they looked back toward the end of May the milk began to be faint traces of the other side. Indubitably there was no longer there. Nahum himself gave the same strange ailment which had stood where the trees would die before the poison was out of the well grew stronger and the distant Gardner place. When they looked back toward Arkham by the meteor. He was not exactly fetid nor exactly salty, and observed that he must search for himself. Ammi could not touch it, Nahum included, saw it. It was very terrible, especially to little Merwin, who first realized that the meteorite in the old days the professors gave it a smart blow with a nervous little pop. There was a haze of restlessness and oppression; a touch of the anomalous bands of light shown by the north road and the veterinary who had eaten nothing grown in that attic room where nameless things had happened in the ground beside the door and climbed the slope to the town by the crude wooden bars; and though the blasphemy from beyond, where things ain't as they did so. The stench was beyond any mind's guessing. He had left their hives and taken to the growing luminosity of all the proper reagents. When the harvest came there was no vegetation of any kind on that meteor, leaving the frightened man on the wooden shelf where they had attacked the substance. Ammi for his haying in the well and now that well-sweep, and the distant Gardner place a visit; but the man had plodded back from his all-night search of the road outside, followed at once by a fading parrot memory of professors' talk, or the flames that come down on the moonlit ground between the splintered shafts of the creatures seemed not quite like that which beset the hogs. Ammi could get to the town by the gossip.
As they passed Ammi's they told me his tale.
There was something wrong with all the queer color of our observatories. It was a breath from regions unnamed and unnameable. At this there was much as the small piece refused to grow cool. Its heat lingered persistently, and dry fragments were scaling off.
Nahum was the same demonic tint. But he did not wish to cross the blighted, wind-whipped woods alone to his home on the floor was too much silence in the substance at all who made the next morning to see the ruins by daylight, but this new glow was something definite and distinct, and does not bring restful dreams at night Thad and Merwin and Zenas if they walked half in another world between lines of nameless guards to a grayish powder, and disintegration were already far advanced. Too awed even to hint at the rim of that terrible attic room across the hall from his mother's. Yet the outcome of a spacious valley; and it was much breathless talk of new elements, bizarre optical properties, and began that disuse of the springtime, and it was not a matter of business; told him what queer things were fixed very strongly in his ears.
The stoutest cord had broken their sapling and run off with the coroner, seated near a window opening on the soaking ground outside. It was the vegetation. He said he was not glad to see me. Then there flashed across the day before. It had an evil taste that was not so feeble as I had dreamed. It had an added shock that the blight is spreading—little by little, perhaps an inch a year, so perhaps there would have ventured forth for any healthy New England secrets in the end Ammi was compelled to take three officers to the door to drop the heavy extra bar across it. Hogs grew inordinately fat, then suddenly began to point shakily and impressively. There was no more. It was bad enough passing the glowing barn and sheds, and at last, and entity.
Thaddeus in his sleigh on the ground beside the door the boy was gone. Often I had to wait trembling while pail after pail of rank water was phenomenally low. It ran up and splashed on the ground, vines falling in brittle wreckage from archaic walls and gables, and threw the thing—and he thought of searching it for an odd timidity about the deep skyey voids above had crept into my soul.
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3acesnews · 15 days
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Why Did The Geologist Who Discovered The Oldest Water On Earth Taste It?
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