treatmentacne · 1 year
How to Get Rid of Back Acne in Teens and Adults
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Back acne is a troublesome condition causing a lot of discomfort and irritation. Then again as a teenager, your clothing style can be severely limited due to this condition and cause a lot of psychological distress to teens and adults alike. The cases of acne vulgaris and cystic acne are especially ungainly and they need to be treated by a professional doctor.
If you are living in Singapore then you can get the best and most advanced back acne treatments in aesthetics clinics run by qualified dermatologists. Here you need to remember, that although the methods to treat acne on the back can be standardized, but there is no one size fits all method. The treatment of this skin condition needs to be customized according to the problem faced by different people.
People suffering from severe back acne are often unable to go out in the sun or in humid weather. The acne also causes irritation when they indulge in exercise or other physical activities. Severe back acne can also stain clothes and cause embarrassment in public places. This is why people with back acne are looking for methods to get rid of it.
Of course, there is a difference between facial acne and back acne and the doctor treating them both should be able to understand this. From among different methods of treatment, the most effective is laser treatment. With the help of this treatment the bacteria causing the acne are killed and even the skin layer can be rid of acne scars.
You can also get rid of back acne with the help of topical applications containing retinoids or benzoyl peroxide are useful for home treatment if the problem is mild. However, for severe back acne treatments you should consult a qualified and experienced dermatologist who can choose among the different methods of treatment including laser.
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treatmentacne · 1 year
Which Treatments for Acne Scars Are Popular in Singapore
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Singapore is a country with a harsh tropical climate and as a metropolis it also has its fair share of challenges like pollution, hectic pace of life along with other issues. These factors aggravate already bad skin conditions, especially prevalent in people prone to acne. Serious cases of acne can leave behind ungainly scars and this is where treatment for acne scars Singapore comes into the picture.
If you too are suffering from this problem then it is a good idea to consult a professional specialising in acne scar removal. Usually patients go through a gamut of home remedies and hacks before they actually do the right thing by consulting a dermatologist. These qualified doctors will use different treatments in order to eradicate the scars left behind by acne.
Some popular treatments for acne scars
Laser – ablative and non-ablative
Ablative laser removes the topmost layer of the skin which in turn removes the scar. On the other hand, a non-ablative treatment like that done with Pico lasers involve stimulating the production of healthy new collagen which enhances the overall beauty of the skin.
Medical peels
Also known as chemical peels, these treatments remove the outer layer of skin with the help of chemicals. However, chemical peels are not recommendable for people with a darker skin tone as it will leave marks of depigmentation or stimulate post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation.
Micro needling
This therapy is especially recommended for people with scars that are deep within the skin. The top layer of the skin is punctured and it triggers the production of collagen and elastin enabling the healing of the scar and giving the patient a smooth skin.
However, these methods of treatment for acne scars Singapore or elsewhere need to be done by qualified and trained professionals and you should stay away from quacks who may end up causing more damage.
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treatmentacne · 1 year
When You Should Consult A Dermatologist for Acne
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Acne is a relatively common skin ailment that develops when the patient's hair follicles become clogged with too much oil and dead skin cells. The hair follicle may become infected with bacteria and turn red and swollen. Even though acne most frequently affects teenagers and young adults, it can affect anyone, making it challenging to determine when you should see a dermatologist for acne.
Generally speaking, the milder types of acne can be treated with over the counter medicines. However, if the acne is still persistent after 10 weeks of treatment then you should see a doctor. Even cases of moderate to severe acne which is getting worse require immediate medical attention. In most cases such acne leaves behind ungainly scars, hence it is better to consult a dermatologist and take treatment for the problem before it causes irreversible damage to the skin.
Of course, mild acne during teenage is quite common, but during your adult years if you suddenly develop acne, then there may be a hidden cause for it which should be examined thoroughly by a general physician along with a dermatologist. The worse effect of acne especially in teenagers can cause depression or the teen may become a social recluse. In such a situation it is imperative to consult a dermatologist and ideally the teenager should also see a counsellor.
There are many treatments of acne depending on the root cause, and a qualified dermatologist for acne will be in the know of all these treatments. There are some beauty salons who claim to treat acne, but you should depend on them only if they have employed a dermatologist for the treatment of acne. As we have discussed that mild acne can be treated with simple OTC medication and you can go to a beauty salon for such acne.
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treatmentacne · 1 year
More and more people are becoming beauty conscious and these people include savvy men in big cities like Singapore. In particular, skin problems due to inappropriate eating habits, lifestyle habits, harsh climates, etc. are increasing.
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treatmentacne · 1 year
Pimples and pimples have become very common these days, not only among teens but also among adults. This is especially true for Singapore, which has a tropical climate and high pollution levels.
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treatmentacne · 2 years
What You Should Bear In Mind Before Taking Laser Treatment For Scars
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Removing scars on the face or elsewhere on the body has become very popular nowadays. As a result, many half-baked people have joined the band wagon and you need to steer clear of them. This is the reason that you need to conduct a thorough research before you approach a clinic specializing in laser scar removal.
The first thing that you need to bear in mind that laser may not be able to completely get rid of the scar. If the scar is really bad, then you may need other treatments like chemical peel or dermabrasion etc. along with the laser treatment. The skin clinics that provide scar removal treatment will customize your treatment to ensure that you get the best result from their treatment. Hence you can understand that there is no one size fits all treatment for any kind of skin treatment.
Of course, the major step that you need to take before you opt for any strong skin treatment like laser or others, you need to consult your doctor. Opt for the skin clinic where the doctors make it a point to understand your skin type the characteristic of your scar and your overall health. It is necessary to discuss with your dermatologist if you get cold sores often or you have any medical condition – especially diabetes. You also need to tell them if you are a habitual smoker or you are taking any medication or supplements.
It is necessary to tell the dermatologist what you expect from the laser scar removal treatment. You should be honest and so should your dermatologist, who should tell you by how much percentage they can provide the results that you expect from them. Once you have clarified all these things then it is advisable to go ahead with your scar treatment. It is very heartening to get rid of a visible scar on your face and after removing it there is bound to be an improvement in the level of your self-esteem.
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