#gen 1 synths
lucilleandherrobots · 4 months
Look, I know we like to stick to the pre-60s aesthetics in Fallout, but CONSIDER...
The Institute developed synths that can see the world through the style of 90s to early 2000s graphics and interfaces. Information looks like the early Internet and program windows.
All this to say, Nick sees the world like we see abandoned mmos and the windows brick maze. He sees gaudy colored windows with case info pop up when he's recalling info from a case.
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Is it just me or do gen 2 synths look like crash test dummies?
Pre-war Institute made crash test dummies this is my headcanon now
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deus-ex-mona · 25 days
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w. well. the parents’ silhouettes do match up with mochiaka’s pretty nicely…
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psybrepunk · 2 months
Does anyone have like, ref images of gen 1 synth faces from different angles? I want to be able to choose a ref image of Nick Valentine, and a ref image of a gen 1, from the same angle, and use the gen 1 ref to draw Nick with significantly less skin covering his face.
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dykedvonte · 3 months
I think i dislike the idea gen 3 synths have any noticeable mechanic parts besides the component (and probs brain tissue) due to the horror of it all existential or not.
It's almost canon that not many wastelanders know about the synth component and if they do they don't know how to get it out without killing the individual making synth hunts risky. They too think when they kill a synth they will see gears and coolant and wires and something distinctly telling them that this thing is not like them.
So imagine a group so excited cause they caught a synth, they caught a synth and plan to execute it. The synth is begging for it's life either denying that it is a synth or promising to never bother them again if they just let it go. But they don't and they line up and they fire and they are expecting grease and oil and the distinct sound of metal piercing metal but they get none of that.
They get blood and guts and lots of it. Lots more than they expected from something they didn't expect to have it.
At first, they think it's a trick of the light or lack thereof. That the liquid pouring out of the multiple new wounds they created isn't what they think. That the metallic smell is just from whatever scrap it was made of. So they poke around it more and it's sickening. There are bones and tendons. Blood and meat and it's so real but they know it was a synth.
He admitted it when they stormed into his home, the house he had welcomed them any plenty of times in they days leading up. When he was dragged through the town that he helped build and put before a kangaroo court. Even when he was begging to keep his life. To keep on living just as he was, as they were.
"But he was a synth, he..." And they realized they stopped calling him it and they realize that they didn't just kill something but someone.
There would be something in the air. They knew but did they really know? He said it but wouldn't you admit to whatever you're accused of when cornered and scared and just wanting it to stop? He was a synth but what does that mean now? Did it matter that much to do this to someone they once called a friend? Now that his insides were forced out and the only inhuman thing they found was how it happened.
But that's how it goes and they clean up even though their consciousness is anything but. They look at each other and they know they stopped another one of them from being taken and becoming like him. They know they are staring at another human and that's all that matters...
Or that's what they keep telling themselves.
#like this is especoally worse and sadder and scarier when the synth doesn't know or was replaced and genuienly believes they are real#like all your friends want you dead and you find your not human but there is no real difference#or you killed a synth expecting components like gen 1 2s or early gen 3s and only seeing what you got and having that moment#that reflection that you took life no matter if you thought it was an insult to yours#anway gen 3 synths are blood and flesh fortified and only like their brain is odd and techy and thats pushing it#i like think synths bodies are more effected by FEV than tech like a supermutants where it is the perfected formula but the catch is you#must build the person so its intertwined with their DNA instead of rewriting it like with supermutants. Their brains are weird but mostly#organic and would have nodes in them that connect to their synth component that works as their initial programming/activator that connects#to the nodes when they first wake up only for the actual neurons in the brains to fire and start devolping human like experiences and#personality that the institute crushes through inputs to the component threats and etc... Ergo if the component was gone you'd never be abl#to tell besides DNA and the synth runs no risk of going berserk as the activator can never trigger.#again psa the synth that attacked in diamond city was still a prototype and not a full gen 3 synth as those bleed and need like regular#humans.#fallout#fallout 4#fo4#synths fo4#fo4 synths#i should just wrtie a fanfic cause what the fuck is this
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There's got to be a mod out there that replaces all the gen 1 synth dialogue with furby voices, would that be fucked up or what
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vault81 · 6 months
doing the railroad side quests and I’ve already gotten an idea for a new fo4 oc…
all ik about them so far is they’re a pre-war ghoul who used to work for DIA and is now a Railroad agent (code name is either Whisper or Charmer not fully decided yet)
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wetsocksinbed · 4 months
in light of Fallout being popular again, this is a list of things I wish Bathesda had done in Fallout 4:
made a way to side against the railroad without having to kill Deacon. Even if you send him to the most distant settlement, he still spawns in the RR HQ and you MUST shoot him. I don’t like it :(
have the option to remove Danse from power armour after saving him from the BoS. It doesn’t make sense that he’s an enemy of the BoS and still walks around in their power armour. Especially since the armour he wears until Blind Betrayal becomes yours if you side with the Brotherhood. It’s physically impossible for you to own it while he’s wearing it.
on that note, I wish Bathesda had written Danse’s dialogue differently once he’s revealed as a synth. He’s still calling himself a solder of the BoS/acting like he’s a part of the BoS months after the BoS kicked him out and literally said they’d kill him on sight. It doesn’t make sense for him to keep speaking that way. I know he sees himself as a solder, but the things he says counteracts everything you do in Blind Betrayal
adding more to that, I wish some of Danse’s romance dialogue was…nicer. Spamming “Thoughts?” only gives you TWO romance lines and they’re both very vague. Nick says nicer things to me and he isn’t even a romance option
make Synth Shaun a companion 🥺
dialogue between Codsworth and Synth Shaun about pre-war life/Codsworth talking about Nate/Nora (whichever spouse died) to Shaun
i wish you could REPAIR NICKS FACE??? Like Nick has the same face as the Gen 1’s, and you kill plenty of them. How hard would it be to remove a Gen 1 face and give it to Nick so that he isn’t falling apart. You’re telling me that DiMA looks absolutely fine and Nick has to stay looking like someone threw him into a shredder? Bullshit.
personal quest for Hancock, that includes a decent amount of dialogue if you’re romancing him
interactions between the character you’re romancing and Synth Shaun, specifically them treating him like family
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lordsammichsilas · 11 days
I've been working on some comic stuff and decided to take a moment to write another piece about my favorite tin can soldier.
I've noticed a lot has been made about how Danse's vocabulary and how he speaks. A lot of fan wikis online attribute it to his being a synth. Piper even mentions it after the initial conversation with Maxson at the beginning of Blind Betrayal. MacCready will mention Danse is about as emotional as a bag of hammers, assuming it's due to Danse's synth nature.
The thing is, his being a synth isn't the reason he's like that. It's the Brotherhood.
Think about the other synths in Fallout 4. Nick, Sturges, and Magnolia for example. They speak like regular people. It's because they live among regular people of the Commonwealth. The only synths who speak in a robotic fashion are gen 1 and 2 synths. Gen 3 synths are indistinguishable from humans and get socialized as such.
Danse was in the Brotherhood where he had been a paladin for at least a decade. The most recent years of that are in Maxson's Brotherhood. Arthur Maxson and most of those loyal to him do not like outsiders and do not want the Brotherhood fraternizing with outsiders. Fiction and entertainment are contraband on the Prydwen, something that alienates soldiers from the people of the Commonwealth even more. It's the reason Danse calls movies a “moving picture show” and comics “illustrated manuscripts”. The Brotherhood is what alienates him from humanity, not his being a synth. If you only know existence as a soldier and you don't take interest in human things with other humans, you end up speaking like that. (Think about a lot of right wing weirdoes online talking about the objects of their moral panics and how they sound.)
Edit: another point I want to add here is that not only is he isolated from the rest of the populace due to being in the Brotherhood, but there’s a chance he’s isolated from the lower rank soldiers in the Brotherhood itself. In a structure with a strict hierarchy, I wouldn’t be surprised if high ranking officers fraternizing with knights and initiates is discouraged. You get the feeling that he’s never confided in anyone since Cutler died when speaking to him as the Sole Survivor.
Danse held a fairly high rank in the organization. One could expect him to be pretty literate and have a decent vocabulary. (There's also the common critique that the military is a cult in its own right and just mindlessly following orders turns you into a soulless robot to a certain extent). Danse is intelligent, but not particularly charismatic. He will openly admit he's not good at talking to people on a personal level because he has no experience with it. Also being a field commander of soldiers and being responsible for their lives requires you to keep a level head and not show emotions.
What I find interesting are the reactions all of the companions have to his being a synth. Even though he was kind of a dick to everyone during companion swap scenes, all of the non-humans (except Strong) are not only against executing him but seem all but willing to throw hands on his behalf. He was horribly rude to Nick and Hancock in particular, however Nick goes out of his way to empathize with Danse and Hancock basically tells Maxson to go do it himself.
With the human companions, MacCready and Cait support executing him. Piper is sympathetic, but still leans on a stereotype to make a comment about how he talks. Preston and even Deacon are against killing Danse, but their commentary after that scene are more about the nature of the Brotherhood itself rather than Danse's wellbeing.
This just goes to another reason I find the writing for FO 4 incredibly frustrating because the storytelling here is excellent. There's a lot of nuances and you actually learn things about the other companions and the world they live in from doing an entirely different companion's story. The solidarity the nonhuman characters show for a synth that was part of an organization that wants to eradicate them and he himself was pretty rude to them while the human characters' reactions are far more mixed is something we need to talk about more.
I'm not normally a huge supporter of redemption arcs mostly because I think they've become a bit overused and not every character necessarily deserves one. I think Danse does because he is someone who means well and fell in with the wrong group in the process. This could have been the start of a really satisfying character arc, but instead all development just stops after your last affinity conversation with him.
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General Masterlist (links lead to more lists) of the Blog
Seriously This is Lore
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Nick as The Shroud
Valentine Detective Agency Branches
List of Lucille Shenanigans
Tom Foolery but Original Tom Foolery, Nonetheless...
Incorrect Quotes
Power Armor Punch
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media-illiterate · 6 months
Fallout 4 Alternate Timeline
Because @datura-tea asked about my tags on this post, and I already have it sitting in my wips folder, I thought I'd post my alternate timeline of events for Fallout 4! It always bothered me that the Commonwealth is still so underdeveloped while the West Coast has trains and a working electical grid. So I tried to come up with a coherent narrative of how it could have backslid into its current state.
Timeline under the readmore because it is, not short.
2077: The Great War occurs. The surviving students and faculty of CIT take refuge in the institute’s underground particle-physics labs, locking the rest of the wasteland out. They live in fear of being discovered by other survivors and raided for their tech, making them paranoid and isolationist.
2097: Building on prewar research, CIT survivors complete development of their Mass Relay teleportation device. Dubbing themselves simply as The Institute, they fully wall themselves off from the surface world and embark on an ambitious plan of underground expansion, scavenging what they need from the surface.
2131: The Institute develops gen-1 synths to act as surface operatives, mostly removing the need for Institute personnel to go to the surface. Now mostly insulated from violence, the Institute much more callous and combative towards surface dwellers.
2163: The Institute isolates samples of FEV from the air, and begins a program of carefully controlled mutation. The resulting supermutants are found lacking, and the program is put on hold.
2176: The Commonwealth People's Government is formed from several prominent settlements. The new nation takes steps to protect its people from the Institute’s aggressive scavenging methods, earning its ire. Though the institute takes steps to try and destabilize the CPG, their new gen-2 synths prove insufficient for the task.
2177: Reactivating their FEV program, the Institute begin producing supermutants from kidnapped wastelanders and releasing them into the commonwealth with the intent to destabilize the CPG. Through careful false-flag attacks using disguised synths, they manage to spark a state of war between the mutants and surface humans that will last for more than a century.
2180: The newly formed Commonwealth Minutemen, a volunteer citizen’s militia created by the CPG, help drive off the initial wave of supermutants from central Boston.
2180-2224: Tensions between the Institute and CPG continue to escalate. Though the efforts of the Institute’s FEV project hampers the young nation’s expansion, the supermutants are too disorganized and scattered to topple the government. Faced with an increasingly cohesive and rapidly developing CPG, the Institute begins work on its Gen-3 synth infiltrator project.
2225: The Institute discovers information on Vault 111. Preparations are made for an expedition to recover a pristine pre-war genetic code from one of the pre-war vault dwellers in cryostasis.
2227: The part where they murder your spouse and steal your kid happens.
2229: An early model synth infiltrator "malfunctions" in downtown Diamond city, exposing the existence of Gen-3 synths to the world. The cause of the malfunction is never found, though escaped synths often claim that it was an intentional suicide-by-cop.
2230: Realizing the security threat posed by the new Gen-3 synths, mid-ranking members of the CPG's nascent spy corps founds the town of Covenant over top of an abandoned tunnel network. Posing as a new settlement, almost no one outside the project know its true purpose: the town is actually a front for researching a method to discern humans from Gen-3 synths.
2233: The Institute begins its infiltration of the CPG using upgraded Gen-3 synths, killing & replacing key individuals at all levels of power. Though paranoia about synths continues to build, most fail to anticipate just how far the tech has advanced.
2235: The Institute finalizes development of an advanced model of Gen-4 synth, dubbed Coursers. Incorporating FEV and cybernetic enhancements, Coursers form an elite corps of assassins that eliminate anyone who learns about the Institute’s plans.
(Side note: I think coursers should have been so much weirder)
2237: Having completed their infiltration of the CPG, the Institute kicks off their plan to topple the CPG.
August 4: The Executive Chair of the CPG council, Robert Gray, is assassinated by his secretary in broad daylight. During the assassination and subsequent arrest, the secretary loudly declares that the Chair has been replaced by an Institute Synth.
August 12: Scandal breaks out as evidence of massive financial corruption is leaked to the public. Protests occur across the commonwealth as the full scope becomes clear.
August 26: A special election is held, and voters elect minister of transportation Patricia Weiss as Chair. She delivers a hawkish election speech warning the Institute to back down.
September 10: A portion of the CPG stages a coup, using claims of mass election fraud as justification amid mass public unrest. They capture most of the CPG council members, and declare them traitors to the people of the commonwealth. Weiss escapes and sets up a government-in-exile out of Quincy with the remaining CPG military. She issues a two week ultimatum to the coup’s leaders, demanding that they release the counselors and surrender.
September 20: Before the date of the ultimatum passes, the CPG council is executed via mass firing squad in the CPG council chambers. Public dissent boils over into active civil war. The Minutemen quickly declare neutrality, but their attempts to protect outlying settlements are hampered by the widespread violence and lack of volunteers.
October 30: Under the guise of a ceasefire negotiation, the coup regime arrests Weiss. She is put through a kangaroo court and hanged as a synth infiltrator, to the shock of the public.
November: Multiple settlements withdraw from the CPG as the violence escalates, Bunker Hill and Goodneighbor first among them. The CPG civil war begins to peter out as both sides lose support, and numerous CPG military units defect to become raiders in search of pay.
December: Loyalist forces gain the upper hand, begin a reign of terror style purge of the remaining CPG officials, and declare the coup defeated. Weakened by the withdrawal of numerous settlements in reaction to the violence of the purge, the Loyalist government promptly collapses. Remnants of the rebel CPG forces attempt to declare a new government out of University Point, but fail to attract any major settlements.
2238: The CPG totally collapses. The remnants of its military forces, both loyalist and rebel, defect to the gunners en masse; many, disillusioned with military life, become raiders. Only the Minutemen command staff, operating out of Fort Independence, remain cohesive.
The collapse of the CPG ushers in an era of violence lasting decades as raider warlords exploit the chaos to carve the Commonwealth up into bandit fiefdoms.
Rumors begin to circulate that several of the key players of the CPG’s collapse were secretly synths. In truth, the entire chain of events was planned to a T, and leaders on all sides had been replaced. Only the Minutemen were overlooked, being seen by the Institute as just ragtag volunteers.
Several synth infiltrators defect from the Institute, seeking a way to free themselves and their peers. The organization they found will eventually grow into the Railroad.
Covenant, its secrecy miraculously intact, becomes radicalized by the fall of the CPG. Their methods become more desperate and more barbaric as time goes on.
2240's: The Minutemen begin rebuilding support for the CPG among the populace, striking back against the raider warlords and defending settlements from their depredations.
2250: Supermutant attacks increase sharply as the Institute releases more and more mutants onto the surface in an attempt to stop the Minutemen from reforming the CPG.
2274: After weathering two decades of freaquent supermutant attacks, Fort Independence finally falls at the hand of a mirelurk queen; unknown to anyone on the surface, this was the work of the Institute, who used their advanced signals technology to drive the creature into a frenzy.
2282: General Becker dies, leaving the Minutemen leaderless. The militia quickly declines, becoming disorganized and factional; raiders quickly exploit the chaos.
2285: Disgusted by his role in the Institute’s FEV program, Doctor Brian Virgil sabotages the program, mutates himself, and escapes into the glowing sea with the accumulated research. Distraught by the sudden lack of new reinforcements, the commonwealth mutants face an extinction crisis. Many begin to question their way of life, among them a mutant named Strong.
2288: The Sole Survivor wakes up.
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therightrighthand · 2 months
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And Pt.2 of the Fallout-Delv-erse lore! Because honestly, I couldn't pick between soft lovable herbo, and murder hobo, so we're getting both.
D.31-A, rouge Courser jerk of the Commonwealth.
Follow on from Dee & Rolls
[???] "Audio recording, date [REDACTED] between Doctor Langstrum, Senior Institute Bio Division, and myself [REDACTED] regarding project D.31-A"
[D] "Again, I am going on record to state that there was plenty of oversights on project D.31-A and-"
[???] "Please Doctor, let keep to the questions. How about we start with what D.31-A is, and it's history."
[D] "Hmmph ... Fine. -sigh-, well we may as well start at the beguining with the Synth Program. After the sucessful test run of our 3rd generation Synth in the Capital Wasteland passing undercover as human in 'Rivet City', full production of next gerneration syths were approved for masss production."
"And whilst the topic of Synths seemed focused on under-cover intigration, security was also a keen concern. Our second genration synths, though tough, were far from subtle, and a militerised third generation synth seemed nessasery. The goal was to create something with a bit more bite, a single agent, rather than dozens of gen-1's and 2's littering the commonwealth."
"D3.1-A was the answer to this, our first official prototype of the Courser's we know today."
[???] "Why was D.31's biodata used for the Courser program? And can you explain in detail why they were so well equipped for a prototype?"
[D] "Well, obviously, D.31's DNA proved to create a natural resistance to radiation, so it only made sense to base D.31-A on their genetic makeup and memories, as we had done with Gen-3 synths so far."
"As for their ... 'equipment', you must understand that in the early days of testing, D.31-A wasn't built like our truly synthetic Coursers. They were designed to combine the most physically powerful elements of our Gen-2s with the outer fleshy coating of a Gen-3. Machine, wrapped in flesh."
"At the time, we believed Courser's would be going toe-to-toe against Death Claws and super mutants, so we ... built them to durable, strong and-"
[???] "Exessivly costly?"
[D] "Effective. We built them to be effective. However, as time went by, we realised that less was more, and discreet agents worked more effectively than super-powered assassins."
[???] "Can you tell me what led to losing D.31-A in the field?"
[D] "... again, I want to stress the oversight wasn't just on myself or my team at the tim- ok ok, fine."
"After successfully activating D.31-A and testing them rigorously for months, we felt it was time for a field test in the Commonwealth. So we fitted her with an old raider outfit, had her infiltrate an encampment, and simply let her get to work."
"Needless to say, she was effective—almost ferocious, in fact, if you could call it that."
"But, unfortunately, during the fight, a nuclear device was launched, which knocked out our communication with the Synth handlers observing the experiment. After several hours, we deployed security teams and mercenaries to scout the location and report back. There was no sign of D.31-A ... or her handlers, whom we believed to have been killed by D.31-A"
[???] "What led you to believe it was D.31-A?"
[D] "The entire team had been torn apart and stapled to a concrete bunker with steal poles through their chests and their power systems removed. The working theory is that the blast may have ... damaged ... D.31-A's hardware and left them to go-"
[???] "On a five-year-long murderous rampage of Institute assets, including research centres, 23 mercenaries, 12 staff members on the field, and 18 Courses?"
[D] "... Look, it's been months since we've heard from her, and this speculation that she is helping the railroad is preposterous. It's more than likely that her power core has started to falter, and any information on the institute has been damaged in the process."
[???] "Which brings us to the point of this interview: to uncover the lack of oversight that led to a hostile agent that we cannot stop with information on our most sensitive security protocols. What makes you so sure that information has been destroyed?"
[D] "Because I built her [REDACTED] and if she still had access to our location, our relay, and our defences, we would have been dead a long time ago..."
-- Find my Discord and other sites: linktr.ee/The_red_right_hand Do not use, repost or claim (rp) my art/character  Art © The-Red-Right-Hand
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beentobeetle · 3 months
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New Fallout oc just dropped
His name is Foster,, they’re a gen 1 synth who keeps trying to convince himself they’re just an average human guy <33
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dustyratt · 2 years
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5 outfits
teen - elder
for male | for all
15 | 15 swatches
all LODs | maps | morphs (except for generation 1)
custom thumbnails
HQ compatible
base game compatible
Fallout 4 conversion
Full sized 4k preview : here
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Generation one :
Jaw is flexible. Body and head are separated. They can be combined freely. Eyes will acquire the same look as the chosen lenses.
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Generation two :
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(early access, public 01.07.2023 | JAN 7)
@sssvitlanz 💙
Credits :
Lips, nose, face gloss by @o--b-s-c-u-r-u--s
Synth eyes by @gen-sim
Doll skin by S_club
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irradiatedpiratebooty · 5 months
Gen 1 synths have the same vibe as a dog that has no idea what it's doing, it's just happy to participate
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sirmanmister · 11 months
One headcanon I have about synths is that they’re entirely organic except for two things: the plastic chip in their head, and their TEETH, which are made out of ceramic, and every single set is cast from the same mould.
Normal human teeth are already weird enough, so when you’re actively fucking with genetics I imagine things very easily go haywire with their jaws and mouths and it causes a lot of pain/is “unsightly” so the Institute just decided fuck it and instead of messing around with whatever needs-braces gene they gave the synths, it’s easier to just remove the organic teeth and implant new ones. But there’s no reason to make more than one mould, so every single gen 3 synth has the exact same set.
So theoretically somebody could identify every single synth out there with a 100% success rate, but 1) wasteland dentistry is in the GUTTER, and 2) who the hell would compare teeth?? Even if somebody did a full body examination and learned the teeth are ceramic, there would be no reason to compare to those of another synth.
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