#gemma oc
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pigeonwhumps · 1 year ago
Immortal Cannon Fodder masterlist
Taglist: @painful-pooch @i-eat-worlds @a-funeral-romance @extrabitterbrain @wolfeyedwitch @whumpinggrounds
At the age of eleven, Gemma was forced to attend a boarding school for powered children due to the potentially dangerous nature of her powers. Now she's eighteen and finished school, she's coming home.
CWs: referenced minor whump, past abuse, difficulty coping, fear of abandonment, mentioned abandonment, touch-starved, mentioned public punishment, past isolation, fear of punishment, very brief flashback
Gemma steps down from the coach, blinking rapidly as her eyes attempt to adjust to the harsh sunlight. It's July, the end of the school term, and she's finally leaving Meadows Ridge for good.
There's few people around at the drop-off point at the edge of the city. A gaggle of nosy onlookers, curious to see what the notorious 'school for heroes' has produced this year, and a few family groups. Not enough for everyone being dropped off though. A lot of families... don't want their powered child back.
And there'll be provision for those who have nowhere to go, for appearances sake, but she's sure it won't be nice.
She hopes her parents are here. Please, please let them be coming. They said they would, she wrote them a letter and they promised, but they could be lying, it doesn't matter how well they treat anyone else because she has powers and so they can treat her how they like and no-one will care. They never care.
Gemma clutches her parents' response tight in one hand and Sophie the stegosaurus in the other. They said they'd come. She has to believe that.
It's been seven years. Will she even recognise them? Will they recognise her? Will they just... not know it's her and go home and abandon her to even more of Meadows Ridge's care?
She swallows a sob. No. No, they can't do that, please, she can't spend another day there. They have a photo, right? Right?
But nobody calls her name. The coach drives off, leaving one of the teachers behind to collect stragglers, and still nobody calls.
She's distracted by an old, brown car sputtering up the hill. It's polished to a shine but it's not moving very well. She wonders if they'll have to get out and push.
They don't, the car eventually jerking to a stop in the car park, but it's close.
Both front doors open at once and a man and a woman exit, arguing. Their conversation drifts up to Gemma as they head for the payment machine.
"This is why we divorced! If that rusty, banged-up old box made us miss our daughter's homecoming I'll kill you!"
"You say everything was why we divorced, Jemima. Just let me finish paying for parking so we don't get a ticket."
"Screw ticketing, it's been seven years, I need to see my daughter."
Gemma covers her mouth with her hand. Jemima. That's her mum's name, she knows it is. And the car...
They went to ballet practice in it, once, and it broke down halfway. How is it still functional?
"Mum?" she croaks. "Dad?"
She thought she was quiet, but the man turns and– is it? Is it him, is it, is it?
He swallows. So does she. She's rooted to the spot, she can't move, stuck like she's in class and someone's power is holding her there. She can only watch as he drops his wallet and starts to run.
He almost collides with her, stopping at the last minute and placing his hands on her shoulders instead. She flinches, and he starts to withdraw but–
"Don't. Don't let go, please."
She barely recognises her own voice, it's been a long time since she's tried making a request to anyone her senior, but her dad listens. His hands are big and warm and she moves closer, letting him envelope her.
It's hard to keep herself from tensing, flinching, she can't see what he's doing but– it's her dad. And she sinks into his arms, trying to hold back tears.
It's been a year since Aisling left Meadows Ridge, longer since Ethan. And although she's happy for them, she hasn't had a hug since. They're the only two people in that place who ever touched her with affection, with something not carefully calculated to hurt in the worst ways.
"My little gemstone. Oh, I'm so sorry we sent you there."
Gemma shakes her head and cries. She shouldn't be crying, she's an adult now, she should be in control, she doesn't want to get into trouble, but there's absolutely nothing she can do to stop it now.
She was going to be strong for her parents. She was going to pretend that nothing's wrong, nothing happened to her, she's fine. But all that's out the window now.
Another hand touches her shoulder-blade, above her rucksack, and she jumps three feet in the air before remembering who's there. Her heart pounds.
"Sorry. Sorry."
"It's okay, baby girl," her mum murmurs. "I didn't mean to startle you. Shall we go home?" Gemma nods. "Do you have any more luggage?"
She shakes her head. This small rucksack is everything. She wasn't going to bring her school uniforms, aside from the one she's been forced to wear today, and she's not a fan of the regulation pyjamas or free day clothes either (not that she ever got many free days). There's a box with letters and homemade presents from Aisling and Ethan, and messages from her parents, and a copy of the contract she signed this morning, but that's it. She's carrying Sophie.
What would be the point in bringing home things she hates? It's not like she needs a notebook filled with school rules, painstakingly copied out in an empty white room with an ache inside her and heavy metal on her wrists.
She clings to her parents as they make their way to the car. She's an adult now, but right now she doesn't feel it, and she doesn't want to be taken away from them again.
The car is familiar, with that lingering old-smoke smell that still hasn't faded and the seats that are so soft but she knows have zero suspension. She climbs in the back and kicks off her shoes and socks immediately, the hated things, the itchy and scratchy blazer going next.
She's never wearing socks again.
Then she curls up against her mum's side, stroking Sophie. The stegosaurus is old and worn and very, very well-loved after all the years, the side she's currently stroking almost worn through with the constant nervous movement.
"Some of the family were planning to come for tea later, to celebrate your return, but we can postpone it," says her mum gently. "If you're not up to it, they can wait."
"It's okay. They can come." She can't refuse anything. She knows the consequences, even if they're not likely anymore. But anyway. She can handle it. It's only her family. It's not like a public punishment or anything. Just a few hours of eating and talking and whatever else.
It will be fine.
It turns out that it is not, in fact, fine.
Every laugh sounds like they're laughing at her. Every time someone raises their voice she thinks they're shouting at her. Every time the dishes clink too loudly, when someone drops a fork, she thinks someone's made a mistake, they're going to be punished, publicly, or she'll be punished in their stead if she speaks out. She tenses every time someone says her name, not used to it being called neutrally. The food is too rich, it has flavour, it's no longer beige, and she feels sick.
Someone proposes a toast to her, and she doesn't know what to do. She doesn't know what's expected of her. All eyes are on her, and she tries not to cringe away, to flinch from the chorus of voices. At least she manages not to break into a flood of apologies and pleas.
She can't even fetch a plate for herself, too worried about doing it wrong and being punished to try. Someone else has to do it for her, and she murmurs a thanks but doesn't really notice who it is. She can't speak loud enough to be heard either, not after seven years of being punished for it. Not that she's sure she wants to be heard. She mimics the facial expressions of those around her, hoping to convince them that she's doing fine, she doesn't need any help, they can stop looking at her weirdly now. No need to be hostile. No need to hurt her.
The tension thrums through her as she tries to cope. She's got to cope. Why is it so hard?
And this is only a buffet, in front of people she knows (thinks) (hopes) mean her well. How can she ever get used to being around people again?
She can't. She can't. She knows people will be disappointed (of course they will be, they always are, for someone like her disappointing people is the best she can hope for because at least it's not anger), but she slips away, up to what used to be her bedroom, what her parents say is again. The bed's too soft but the dark blue walls with the dinosaurs are nice and calming and she nests instead, climbing into the centre of the pile of blankets her dad helped her make earlier (when it was so desperately obvious what she wanted but she couldn't move to do it herself, she couldn't, the rules in her head wouldn't let her). She curls around a mound of dinosaurs and sobs.
She should've shut the door, but she couldn't bring herself to, that level of privacy isn't allowed, and she can hear the sounds of people still celebrating downstairs. Doesn't seem to matter whether she's there or not then.
There's footsteps on the stairs and she freezes. Step-clunk. Step-clunk. That's the sound of the dorm manager coming to get someone, a cane always on him. She wonders who it'll be and hopes, guiltily, that it's not her.
Someone knocks on her door. She doesn't respond. She doesn't really remember how. She's not sure it actually matters. Nobody ever knocks on the door of someone like her.
The knock sounds again.
"I'll leave you alone if you like, gemstone, but not unless you tell me that," comes a gruff voice. "Those schools don't teach autonomy."
Gemma jolts. She's not there anymore, is she?
"It's me. No company."
She scrambles to sit up, wiping the worst mess off her face. "Come in."
Her granda limps into the room and sits down on the edge of the bed with a groan. "After my son was forced to send you to that place, I had hoped they'd improved since my time. But your friends, and your face, suggest not." He eyes her critically. "You look terrible."
"Don't apologise, my girl. There's nothing wrong with actually looking traumatised."
Gemma doesn't say anything. She can't object, but she knows it's not true. Instead, she changes the subject.
"My friends? You've met them?"
"Met them? Gemstone, Aisling stays with us when she's not off learning to be a doctor. We haven't heard from Ethan for a couple of years though, of his own choosing. Your dad's gone to pick Aisling up from school so I don't know how long they'll be."
Gemma swallows. Ethan... she hopes he's alright.
"And– and you? You said you..."
"Aye. First generation to do so. Powers must've skipped a generation. If your parents had asked my advice I'd have told them not to get the prenatal power tests done, but alas." He sighs heavily. "At least we have you back now."
Gemma isn't entirely sure what he's talking about, and he doesn't seem to have realised. "Can I ask you something? Please? I don't want to, to annoy you or anything, sorry, I–"
"Go ahead."
"How did you recover? How do you cope? I can't even have dinner with normal people. Maybe I should've just stayed there, because I don't know... how do you not fall apart?"
He smiles, a little bitterly she thinks. "I do fall apart. Life is hard. But if you want advice from an old codger like me, take it slow. One step at a time. One day at a time. Get whatever help you need and don't be ashamed of that. Don't drown yourself in regret, it won't help, believe me. Don't be scared to do what you need to do, don't give up if you slip back sometimes, and never be ashamed of who you are."
Gemma's not much of a person to be proud of, by herself or anyone else, but she thinks that maybe she can manage not to give up just yet.
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arcathur · 9 months ago
Gemma woke up to the train, again. She managed to get enough sleep to get her through the workday, but only enough.
So much for getting a cheap apartment, They thought. Then their own words came back to them like a rubber band snap; 'I will take every opportunity to be grateful for my life.'
Gem looked around their cramped living space. The free couch she found outside the dumpsters. Her baby blankets from the domes she hung like tapestries. The rug they bought from their neighbor with her last bit of change. She sighed and got out of bed and readied herself for work.
The sun was already blazing at just 7am. Gem skated their way to Krak-On in their new roller blades. Off The Hook bumped in their earbuds. They felt like they were flying. Gemma's eyes closed for just a moment, soaking in the euphoria of the early morning. Almost immediately she felt her body suddenly stop and crash into another inkfish.
"Oh my starfish! I'm so sorry!" Gem cried. "Are you okay?"
The inkfish in question looked to be a Cuttling, about Gem's height, maybe a little shorter. She had rope-like tentacles tied up into a messy bun, and droopy eyes with green eyeshadow and lipstick. Her skin was a deep, reddish tone of brown. She had a round stomach that was complimented by her apron tied just below her breasts. This may have been the most beautiful individual Gem had ever seen. Her heart began to pound more in the couple seconds she laid eyes on her.
"Ah, it's alright!" She reassured Gem. "I didn't look before I walked outside, that's my fault."
She stood up and gave Gemma a hand to help her up. They scrambled up on their skates.
"I-I'm Gemma." They blurted. "I'm kinda new around here."
"I'm Pyra. It's nice to meet you. Come by the Happy Crab sometime for a bite." Pyra winked and grabbed the package that was resting outside the door, and walked back in.
Gemma stood there, her heart racing and face red.
It was hard to think about anything else during work that day.
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pigeonwhumps · 10 months ago
Ooh yes
i think my fav whump trope is the caretaker who learned to be so gentle from their own experience as a whumpee. nobody has any idea how much violence it took for caretaker to become so gentle, but they would sacrifice everything if it meant giving whumpee the love + care they never got themself when they escaped their whumper
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megthemariner · 4 months ago
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Hello friends! Enjoy an update on this WIP of Gemma Hawke & Fenris <3
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musicforastylesrestaurant · 7 months ago
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Family Bbq.
masterlist || ask me anything <3
my blurb masterlist is here.
authors note - hi everyone! after taking a couple of weeks off im so happy to be back and creating content for you all it truly is my happy place. thank you to everyone who reached out it truly meant a lot. so as a thank you present have this. fyi, even though we don’t know gemmas daughters name, for the purposes of this fic she is named willow. ☺️
word count - 2.2k
in which, with a rare day of sunshine in london, harry and the missus decide to throw a little bbq where all of the close family are invited, drinks are spilled, games a played and memories are created that last a life time.
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The rare sight of sunshine streams through your London window, bringing a smile to your lips.
Harry, always the planner, had seen the forecast and organised a family BBQ. He invited his family to stay for a few days, eager to make the most of the bright weather.
In the kitchen, you’re busy getting everything ready.
The countertops are filled with fresh ingredients, and the delicious aroma of marinating meat fills the air.
Since you told your two-year-old son, Jaxon, that his Nana would be coming, he’s been running around the house chanting “Nana’s coming!” with infectious excitement.
The sound of his little feet pattering around and his joyous cries fill your home, adding to the warmth of the sunny days ahead.
As you chop vegetables and prepare the grill, you can’t help but feel the anticipation building, knowing these days will be special with family together and the rare London sunshine.
Harry’s currently in the shower, whilst Jaxon plays in his ball out in front of you whilst coco-melon plays on the tv, his eyes hooked onto the dancing fruits.
You’re chopping vegetables when, about ten minutes later, you feel a pair of arms wrap around your waist.
The familiar tattoos lining the left arm and the scent of his aftershave make you smile. His damp hair from his shower brushes against the back of your neck as he leans his head into the crook of your shoulder.
“Need any help?” Harry murmurs, his voice warm and comforting.
“Everything’s almost ready,,” you reply with a grin, leaning back into his embrace.
He chuckles softly, his breath tickling your ear. “It smells delicious.”
As you continue preparing, Harry’s arms remain around you, a comforting presence. The anticipation of a family gathering and the promise of sunshine create a perfect blend of happiness, making these days feel all the more special.
Suddenly, the doorbell rings. Jaxon’s head pops up from the ball pit he’s been playing in, his eyes wide with excitement. Both you and Harry can’t help but laugh at the adorable sight.
“Nana?” Jaxon asks, his voice filled with hope.
Harry releases you and walks toward the door. He peeks out the windows next to it and smiles. “It is Nana, and more,” he announces, turning the knob and swinging the door open.
On the other side stands his mother, Anne, along with his sister Gemma, her boyfriend Michal, and their five-month-old daughter, Willow. The whole group beams as Harry steps forward to greet them. He hugs each one tightly, pressing a tender kiss to Willow’s head, making her giggle softly.
“Hey, come on in.”Harry exclaims, joy evident in his voice.
Jaxon, unable to contain his excitement, bolts from the ball pit and runs straight into Anne’s arms. She scoops him up, holding him close, their bond palpable and heartwarming.
“Hewwo, Nana!” Jaxon squeals, his face lighting up.
“Hello, my little love!” Anne says, her voice full of affection.
“Nana, you came!” Jaxon continues, clinging to her.
“Of course I did, darling. I wouldn’t miss this for the world,” Anne replies, kissing his forehead.
Gemma steps forward, hugging you warmly. “The weather’s perfect for this, isn’t it?” she says with a smile.
“Absolutely,” you agree, glancing outside at the bright, sunny day. “H has been planning this for days.”
Michal, carrying Willow, joins the conversation. “Smells amazing in here. What’s cooking?”
“Just getting everything ready for the BBQ,” you say, pointing to the countertops filled with food. “Make yourselves at home. We’ve got plenty of time to catch up.”
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A little while later, the garden is filled with the mouthwatering aroma of food cooking on the BBQ.
Harry and Michal take turns at the grill, and currently, it’s Michal’s turn to cook the burgers. He flips them with ease, the sizzle a satisfying sound in the warm afternoon air.
Nearby, Harry is playing bean bag toss with Jaxon. Anne sits on the grass next to them with Willow on her lap, gently bouncing her and cooing softly.
“Come on, Jax, y’can do it!” Harry encourages, handing Jaxon a bean bag.
“I Fwrow it, Dada!” Jaxon giggles, his small hands gripping the bean bag tightly before tossing it with all his might. The bean bag lands just shy of the target, and Jaxon laughs in delight.
“Almost there, buddy! One more try,” Harry says, clapping his hands.
Anne watches them with a smile.
“You’re getting so good at this, Jax,” she praises, her eyes twinkling with pride.
“Tank you, Nana!” Jaxon replies, beaming up at her.
Willow gurgles happily on Anne’s lap, her tiny hands reaching out to grab at the grass. Anne chuckles, adjusting Willow’s sunhat. “You’re having fun too, aren’t you, little one?”
Michal calls out from the grill, “Burgers are almost ready! Who’s hungry?”
“I am!” Jaxon shouts excitedly, dropping his bean bag and running toward the BBQ.
“Hold on, buddy. S’wait until they’re off the grill,” Harry says, following him and lifting him up so he can see the burgers cooking. “See how they’re sizzling? That means they’re almost done.”
“Mmm, smells so good, Dada,” Jaxon says, wrinkling his nose in delight.
You and Gemma were sat around the pool in the garden, sitting on some sun loungers.
“So, how’s everything going with you?” you ask, adjusting your sunhat.
Gemma sighs contentedly. “It’s been a busy few months. Between work and looking after Willow, things are non-stop. But it’s all good.”
“I can imagine,” you say, nodding sympathetically. “How’s Michal handling everything?”
“He’s been fantastic,” Gemma replies, smiling. “He’s really stepped up with Willow. It’s been a bit of a juggling act, but we’re managing.”
“That’s great to hear,” you say. “It must be nice to have some help. How’s Willow adjusting?”
“She’s doing well,” Gemma says. “She’s growing so fast and is quite the little explorer already. Every day is something new with her.”
“I bet,” you say, smiling. “I remember when Jax was her age, it goes by so fast honestly, and he loves having her around. He’s always so excited to see her.”
“It’s sweet seeing them together,” Gemma agrees. “They’re already forming quite the bond.”
“Definitely,” you say. “It’s wonderful to have family moments like this. I’ve missed having everyone together.”
“Me too,” Gemma says, looking around at the garden. “It’s nice to just relax and catch up. We should make sure to do this more often.”
“Absolutely,” you reply. “These days are precious. We need to hold onto them.”
“Food’s ready, everyone!”
You and Gemma stand up from your sun loungers and make your way over to the long table set up in the garden. The table is adorned with colorful plates, fresh salads, and a variety of grilled meats.
You sit down next to Harry, who’s busy serving up the food. He places a juicy burger and a piece of grilled chicken onto your plate, making sure you have everything you need. As he leans in close, his voice drops to a seductive whisper.
“And y’can have the sausage later,” he murmurs in your ear, a playful grin on his face.
You choke on your own breath, caught off guard by his cheeky comment.
“Harry!” you gasp, trying to regain your composure as a flush spreads across your cheeks.
He chuckles softly, his eyes twinkling with amusement.
“Just teasing, love,” he says, giving your hand a quick squeeze before moving on to serve the others.
Gemma glances over with a knowing smile, shaking her head in amusement.
“You two are something else,” she says, settling into her seat.
“What would you like, prince?” you ask, smiling and making eye contact with your little one.
“Chickie and ketchup, pwease,” Jaxon replies, his eyes bright with excitement.
You nod and carefully place a piece of grilled chicken on his plate.
“Okay, sweetie, I’ll get that for you.” You then grab the ketchup bottle and add a generous dollop to his plate.
With a smile, you start cutting up the chicken into smaller pieces. “Is this good, Jax?”
He watches intently, nodding eagerly. “Yup, tank you, Mama!”
“There you go,” you say, handing him the plate. “Enjoy your food.”
Jaxon immediately dips a piece of chicken into the ketchup and takes a bite, his face lighting up with delight. “Mmm, yummy!”
You chuckle, watching him happily. “I’m glad you like it, sweetheart. If you need anything else, just let me know.”
Anne lifts her glass of wine into the air with a warm, radiant smile.
“I’d like to make a toast,” she says, her voice carrying over the chatter.
Harry and Michal each hold up a bottle of Budweiser, while you and Gemma raise your glasses of wine. Even Jaxon, sitting at his spot, holds his sippy cup of fruit juice up high.
“To family,” Anne begins, her eyes sparkling. “To sunny days like today, and to making wonderful memories together. May we always find reasons to celebrate and enjoy each other’s company.”
With that, everyone clinks their drinks together.
“Cheers!” you all echo, raising your glasses and cups in unison.
“Cheers!” Jaxon shouts, grinning from ear to ear as he clinks his sippy cup against the edge of the table.
Everyone laughs.
“So, have you been watching the new season of Below Deck lately?” Gemma muses, stabbing her fork into a bit of chicken.
Harry groans softly and mutters under his breath, “Here we go,” knowing full well how much you love the show.
You laugh, catching Harry’s comment. “Yes, I’ve been keeping up with it. The new crew is something else this season. I can’t believe some of the drama that's happening .”
Gemma nods eagerly. “I know, right? The tension between the crew is intense. And the new chief steward is so different from the last one.”
“I’ve been hooked,” you admit.
Harry, shaking his head with a playful smile, adds, “I guess it’s good to know that Below Deck keeps you entertained.”
You turn to him with a mischievous grin. “Hey, H, since you know I love the show so much, how about you take us all on a super yacht sometime? It could be our very own Below Deck experience!”
Harry laughs and shakes his head. “Sure, I’ll just add that to the list of things to do. Maybe one day we’ll make it happen.”
Your husband pulled his phone out of his pocket and made himself a reminder to inquire about it later.
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It’s around three o’clock in the afternoon, and the sun is casting a warm, golden glow over the garden.
The table is still surrounded by the remnants of lunch, and the conversation has settled into a comfortable hum of relaxation.
You’re sitting with Anne, enjoying a peaceful moment as you sip your wine and chat about the latest family news.
Jaxon, having played around the garden with his father and uncle and enjoyed a hearty meal, wanders over to you with a soft, contented expression on his face.
He tugs gently at your sleeve and looks up with wide, trusting eyes.
“Mama,” he says softly, “milk pwease?”
You smile warmly at him, feeling your heart swell.
“Of course, sweetheart,” you reply. You lift him onto your lap, gently adjusting him so he’s comfortable. With a loving touch, you help him settle in, and he begins to breastfeed, his little hands resting on your arm.
Anne, recognizing the need for a bit of privacy, gives you both a tender smile and gracefully steps back, taking a seat at the far end of the table.
“I’ll give you two some space,” she says softly. “Enjoy this quiet moment.”
As Jaxon feeds, you stroke his hair and whisper soothing words to him. “You’re such a good boy, Jax. Mama loves you so much.”
He responds with a soft murmur, his eyes fluttering closed as he begins to relax.
“Luv you, Mama,” he murmurs, his voice growing quieter.
You continue to talk to him gently, your words flowing like a comforting lullaby.
“I’m so glad we’re spending this day together. Look at how happy everyone is. It’s perfect, isn’t it?”
Jaxon nods slowly, his tiny frame snuggling closer to you.
“Yup,” he whispers, his breathing steady and calm.
Harry, having finished chatting with Michal and Gemma, notices the peaceful scene and walks over. He carefully lowers himself into the seat next to you, glancing at the two of you with a soft, affectionate smile.
“How’s my little guy doing?” he asks quietly, trying not to disturb the moment.
You look up at him with a warm smile. “He’s doing great. Just enjoying a quiet moment with Mama.”
Harry reaches over and gently strokes Jaxon’s head, his touch tender and loving. “He looks so peaceful. S’moments like these that make everything worth it.”
You nod in agreement, your heart full. “Absolutely. It’s these simple, quiet moments that mean the most.”
Jaxon stirs slightly but doesn’t fully wake, his contented sighs the only indication of his presence. You continue to hold him close, enjoying the closeness and the gentle rhythm of his breathing.
Harry leans back in his chair, watching with a fond expression. “M’glad we could all be together today. S’been perfect.”
“I couldn’t agree more,” you say softly, looking at him with love. “It’s days like this that remind me of how lucky we are.”
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mysticalmallard · 8 months ago
Flower Crowns
🦆: Finally finished I really hope you guys enjoy it as much as I have enjoyed writing it
Pairing: Happy Lowman x OC (Katherine Morrow)
Warnings: A few swear words nothing else I think let me know.
Word count: 4,203
♥︎ MainMasterlist ♥︎
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Happy, standing amongst the other bikers of the club, surveyed the event with curiosity. As he looked at the various activities set up for the children, he spotted a flower crown making booth led by a young woman. She was helping the children make their own crowns, while teaching them about flowers in the garden. Her soft and nurturing nature seemed to draw all the children to her, her delicate features and light brown wavy hair adding an air of gentleness to her presence.
Intrigued, Happy couldn't help but take note of her. He had heard of her from the other members of the club, knowing she was the daughter of the club's president and sister to the VP. Her reputation for kindness and gentleness, contrasting with the rough and tough world of the Sons of Anarchy.
Unable to look away, he continued to observe her. He noticed the way she smiled softly at the children as they crafted their flower crowns. Her delicate hands gently guided them to weave the stems. There was a certain purity in her actions, a innocence that seemed untouched by the darkness of the club.
Sensing someone approaching behind him, Happy spoke without looking. Back.
"Shouldn't you be at your booth Bobby? Gemma will castrate you if u bail on another event brother"
"I'm on a break man get off my balls" Bobby replies
Happy chuckled as he turned to face Bobby, a smirk on his face. He crossed his arms over his chest as he replied
"A break, huh? More like avoiding responsibility as usual."
He teased Bobby, knowing all too well that he had a fondness for shrugging off his duties whenever he could.
Bobby rolled his eyes but couldn't help but grin. He knew that Happy was right, he had a reputation for avoiding work whenever possible.
"Hey, I'm entitled to a break every now and then, brother. Can't be on duty 24/7." He retorted.
Happy let out a smirk, enjoying the playful banter with his brother. He shook his head in amusement, knowing all too well that Bobby's excuse was as weak as his excuse to skip out on church.
"Yeah, yeah, keep telling yourself that, Bro. We both know you'd rather spend your time chasing women than doing your job."
Bobby feigned offense at Happy's comment, his hand going to his chest in mock hurt. He was well known for his love life.
"Hey, man, I'm just a man with...certain needs. Can't blame a guy for having some fun, can you?" He replied, a sly grin on his face.
Happy gave a hearty chuckle, finding amusement in Bobby's feeble attempts to defend himself. He knew all too well that Bobby had a wandering eye and a reputation for being a ladies' man.
"Yeah, just keep telling yourself it's all about your 'needs'. We all know you're just looking for the next woman willing to keep you warm at night."
Bobby let out a mock gasp, pretending to be offended but unable to keep the smile off his face.
"Hey, I'll have you know that I'm a romantic, brother. Not my fault these women just can't handle all of this" gesturing to himself.
Just then Gemma approaches "Hey Bobby Elvis!! There are kids wanting to take photos with you get your butt back to your booth or my boot is going up your ass"
Bobby chuckled and held up his hands defensively.
"Okay, okay, I'm going. Jeez, Gem, I was on my break!" He jokingly protested but knew better than to argue with Gemma. He shot another playful glance at Happy before heading back to his booth.
Happy snickered as he watched Bobby leave, amused by the way Gemma could always crack the whip. He had always admired her no-nonsense attitude and the way she kept the club in check.
"Hey Hap, have you seen the prospect around?? Katherine needs some more flowers from the van, but she can't leave the booth, and I ain't carrying them boxes in this heat"
Happy raised an eyebrow at the mention of Katherine's name. He had yet to have the chance to meet her properly.
"No, I ain't seen him for a while Gem"
"Clay better not have sent Half Sack off somewhere I need him later to tidy up.... You wouldn't mind getting them, would you?"
Happy shrugged and nodded. He wasn't about to decline a chance to get closer to the source of his curiosity.
"No problem, I can grab 'em for you. Where's the van parked?"
"Great, it's just round the back, its the only one that says florist on it you cant miss it" Gemma says, handing him the keys. "And don't drop any of them. Katherine wants them all looking perfect for the kids" she adds heading back in the direction of her chilli booth.
Happy took the keys from Gemma with a sharp nod, knowing better than to upset Gemma.
"No worries, Gem. I'll handle 'em with care."
He reassured her as he headed towards the back to find the van.
As Happy approached the van, his eyes scanned the area, taking note of any potential threats. The club's security was always on high alert, especially during events like these. Satisfied that there was nothing out of the ordinary, he unlocked the van and climbed inside.
He rummaged through the back, looking for the boxes of flowers that Gemma had mentioned. Finally, he spotted them, carefully stacked among various gardening supplies. He hoisted the boxes with ease, their weight insignificant to his muscular frame.
With the boxes in his arms, he closed the van door and started making his way back towards the community centre. As he walked, he couldn't help but think about the woman he was about to meet. When he had heard about Katherine from Gemma and the others, she was always described as kind and soft-hearted. It was refreshing to hear about someone untouched by the club's violent nature and he was curious to what she was like.
As he turned the corner, he caught his first glimpse of her working at the flower crown booth, her delicate features focused on the task at hand. His steps quickened as he approached her.
His heavy steps caught Katherine's attention, and she turned breaking out in a greatful smile, ready to thank whoever her mother managed to rope into helping.
When she locked eyes with Happy he got distracted. So distracted he stopped looking where he was stepping and didn't see the curb...
"MOTHERFUCKER!!!" Happy shouted as he lost his footing falling forward landing on the boxes crushing all the flowers stacked neatly inside. Definitely not the ideal first impression he wanted to make.
Katherine gasped as she watched Happy stumble and crash into the boxes of flowers, the colorful petals scattering everywhere like a colorful explosion. She quickly rushed over to him, concern etched on her face.
"Oh my goodness, are you okay?!"
She knelt down beside him, worry in her eyes as she looked over his condition. Her attention briefly shifted to the ruined boxes and the crushed flowers, but her main priority was making sure he was alright.
Happy grunted, feeling a mix of embarrassment and frustration as he sat up, nursing a slight bruise from the fall. He looked at the mess of flowers around him, a hint of guilt on his face.
"Ah, shit..." he muttered. "Gemma's gonna kill me for this."
The surrounding bikers couldn't help but burst out laughing at the scene. Seeing big, tough Happy fumble like that was not something they saw every day. Tig, Chibs, Juice, and Opie approached, all wearing grins on their faces.
"Dude, that was graceful." Tig snickered, teasing Happy like any good friend would.
Chibs chuckled, shaking his head in amusement. "Yeah, really graceful, mate. Smooth as silk."
Juice just shrugged, trying to suppress his own laughter while Opie smirked, clearly enjoying the moment.
Happy shot daggers at his brothers, clearly not amused by their teasing. He pushed himself up, dusted off his jeans, and tried to salvage what little dignity he had left.
He looked back at Katherine, who was still looking at him with a mix of concern and amusement in her eyes. He could tell that she wasn't judging him, but still, he felt embarrassed at his clumsy entrance.
"Uh shit, sorry about that," he muttered vaguely gesturing to the boxes.
"it's okay, it was just an accident. I'm sure some are still salvageable, and if not, I can just turn them into potpourri" Katherine replies kindly
Her soft voice and gentle smile helped to ease his embarrassment a bit. He shot another glare at his club mates, who were still chuckling in the background, before turning back to her.
"Yeah, sorry about making such a mess... I, uh..." he trailed off, not sure what else to say.
"Hey miss, can you help me? I can't get this daisy to stick on." One of the little girls from the booth called over.
"Sure sweetheart i'll be there in a minute ive just gotta tidy something up first" Katherine called back starting to collect the scattered flowers into one of the less damaged box.
Happy watched as the little girl asked for help, and seeing Katherine starting to gather the scattered flowers into one of the less damaged boxes.
He stepped forward, feeling the need to help after causing such a mess. Happy moved with a surprising gentleness as he collected the delicate petals.
The others also joined in, their rough exterior contradicting their careful handling of the flowers. Opie helped separate the still-intact plants from the damaged ones, while Tig and Chibs gathered the more salvageable blossoms.
Soon, the mess was cleared, and the club members stood around the now semi-organized boxes of flowers, looking a bit out of their element in the flower-filled environment.
Katherine's giggle caught Happys attention he noticed it was directed at him.
"What are you laughing at girl?" He gruffly asked.
"Sorry its just...erm..here let me just..." She reaches over and plucks a bright yellow daisy which somehow latched onto one of his patches.
Happy froze, his rough exterior cracking for a moment as he watched Katherine reach over and pluck the daisy from his patch. He hadn't even realized it had landed there, blending almost perfectly with his dark clothing.
"Uh, thanks," he mumbled, feeling a bit embarrassed at the unexpected move. "I'm not exactly the flower type, you know."
"Well I better head back to my booth before the kids start a revolt." Katherine says starting to reach for some of the boxes but the guys step in picking them up first Happy a little quicker than the others.
"Aye lead the way love well offer back up if the little shits decide to act up" Chibs heartily stated.
Katherine smiled gratefully as the Sons picked up the boxes, led by Happy. They followed her back to the flower crown booth, their presence overshadowing the delicate and peaceful atmosphere.
When they arrived, the children looked up in awe at the intimidating bikers carrying colorful boxes of flowers. Some looked a bit intimidated, but others seemed excited to have the tough bikers join the activity.
One little girl hands Opie her crown "can u fix this for me please? It keeps falling apart"
"Erm I don't know but I can try..."
"Thankyou" the girl answers cheerily
Eventually all the members start helping making the crowns some enjoying it not that they would ever admit it though
Happy chuckled as he observed the club members struggling with the flower crowns. It was a sight to see them, these tough bikers usually found in a bar or boxing ring, now carefully weaving daisies and baby's breath into delicate works of art. Opie in particular looked like he was enjoying himself way too much, while Chibs kept grumbling about "girly crap".
None of them noticed some of the parent approaching worriedly seeing their little kids surrounded by the bikers. They were fine with them being around but they didn't like the idea of them being around their kids.
As the parents started approaching, concern etched on their faces, Happy caught sight of them. He knew what they were thinking, that he and the other bikers were a threat to the little ones. Even though they were very wrong, all of them would jump in front of bullets for any kid, but he understood the club has brought alot of trouble to Charming.
The atmosphere changed as the parents started to pull their kids away. Happy felt a pang of frustration, knowing that their reputation was working against them. He looked over at Katherine, noticing her crestfallen expression as the booth once filled with laughter and joy was now deserted.
The other members also noticed the parents' reaction, their faces falling as the children were being taken away. They all knew how they appeared to outsiders, with their tattoos, rugged appearance, and overall intimidating aura. It stung a bit, but they were used to it.
Chibs approached Katherine, trying to offer some solace.
"Hey, don't worry about it, sweetheart. They're just scared of what they don't understand."
"Yeah, believe me, I know being the daughter to the scary biker gang president. I'm used to it, dont worry," she replies, trying to sound indifferent, but everyone at the table hears the sadness hidden in her words.
The guys exchanged glances, understanding the underlying pain in her voice. They knew all too well that their lifestyle had consequences, and in this case, it was affecting the daughter of their president.
Happy clenched his jaw, feeling a mix of frustration and guilt. He looked at Katherine, her dejected expression tugging at his heart.
After a long pause Katherine clears her thoat and speaks up "...would you guys mind helping me tidy up may as well start packing up now"
The guys started to slowly pack away the booth she spent days preparing and planning for the kids
"Hey er what's this flower called again?" Juice asked picking up the closest flower to him trying to distract her
Katherine looked up from packing away some supplies and observed Juice holding the flower. She chuckled, appreciative of his attempt to distract her.
"That's a snapdragon," she replied with a small smile. "It's known for its unique shape that resembles a dragon's head. You see, the flower opens and closes its mouth as it dries." she replies a spark of joy returning to her eyes talking about her favourite subject.
"Really?..huh cool. Does it have a meaning like the different roses do?" Juice asked inspecting the plant closer.
Katherine nodded, appreciating his interest. "Yes, it does. Snapdragons represent grace, strength, and resilience. They are often used to signify hidden feelings and can be given to someone as a way of saying "I'll try to understand your unspoken thoughts and desires."
"Really this wee flower says all that?" Chibbs adds catching onto Juice's idea.
Katherine giggles, nodding her head in affirmation "Yes, it does. Each flower has its own language, so to speak, like a secret code that florists use to convey emotions and messages. Snapdragons, with their unique shape and symbolic meaning, are one of my personal favourites."
Happy listened in, finding himself actually interested in the conversation. He knew about the language of flowers to some extent, but listening to Katherine talk about it with such passion and knowledge was captivating. He found himself admiring her even more, impressed by her unexpected depth.
The Sons finished packing away the last of the booth's items, the once vibrant display now packed into neat boxes. Though he wasn't one for sentimentality, Happy couldn't help but feel a bit sad that all her work had been for nothing. He caught Katherine looking at the now empty space, holding onto one of the crowns a kid left behind, her eyes filled with a mixture of resignation and disappointment.
He stepped closer to Katherine, feeling the need to say something, anything to lift her spirits.
"Hey, don't worry about it. I am sure those kids had fun while it lasted." He tried to sound casual, but his gruff voice betrayed a hint of concern for her well-being. His eyes caught sight of the flower crown she held, and he added "At least got that as a memento, right?"
"Yeah..I guess but they were made to be worn...and this one got left"
Happy nodded slowly, understanding her point. The flower crowns were supposed to be worn with joy, not left behind like discarded toys.
He paused, thinking for a moment, then an idea came to him. With a sly grin, he extended his hand out to her.
"Here, give it to me."
Katherine eyed him with curiosity but handed over the flower crown, wondering what he was planning. She watched as he took it in his hands, his rough fingers gently holding the delicate petals. He placed the crown on his head, a comical sight that contradicted his intimidating appearance.
"flowers suit you" she giggled
"Hey no fair I want one I thought they were just for the kids" Tig whines. "Here give it to me it will suit me better it's wasted on you" Tig goes to reach for the crown.
Happy swats Tig's hand away, a smirk on his face.
"Back off, man. I look good in it."
He retorted, adjusting the flower crown on his head, enjoying the ridiculousness of the situation. The other members snickered at the sight.
Clay and Gemma approach, only to find Happy and Tig locked in a comical struggle over a flower crown. Their faces were caught somewhere between disbelief, amusement, and annoyance.
The other members tried to hold back their laughter, but the sight of their tough as nails friends bickering over a flower crown was too much. A chorus of snickers and chuckles echoed around them.
"Hey don't break it...Tiggy I can make your own one what ever colors you want there is no need to fight over it" Kathrine says in-between laughter
Happy and Tig were broken out of their bickering by Katherine's offer. They both turned to her sheepishly, embarrassed by their childish behaviour. Tig scratched the back of his neck, trying to act nonchalant.
"Uh yeah, okay fine." He grumbled, secretly relieved to get his own flower crown.
"Oh I want one too with lots of yellow" juice chimes in.
"Well hell I'll have one" Chibbs adds "you got any blue and white ones left??" He asks opening the boxes looking for the flowers he wants.
"You want them now?" Kathrine asks thinking they weren't being serious
"Well yeah...wouldn't want these flowers to go to waste" Tig says nonchalantly
Katherine laughs at the unexpected turnaround, still wrapping her head around the fact that tough bikers were now requesting flower crowns like giddy schoolchildren.
"Alright, alright, I'll make all of you a flower crown," she agrees, unable to suppress her amusement.
Happy stands there, flower crown still perched on his head, a mixture of embarrassment and amusement on his face. The other club members, meanwhile, eagerly wait for their crowns to be made.
They all sat in the grass watching her weave the flowers and listing off all their meanings Opie left and returned with his kids and Donna, who looked on with a mix of curiosity and surprise at the scene unfolding. Opie, ever the peacemaker, felt that this was an opportunity to show Donna and the kids a different side of the club.
Katherine continued weaving the flower crowns, listening to the bikers' requests for different colors and flowers.
Soon they all wore crowns except her even her Dad took one after hearing about her booth being deserted.
Happy was sat on the edge of the group, awkwardly attempting to weave the flowers together. His large fingers were far from delicate, and the petals kept slipping from his grasp. He muttered curses under his breath as his attempts looked more like a tangled mess rather than a flower crown he wanted to make for her as she was kind enough to make ones for all of them but he could give her this it looked like shit compared to her ones.
The other members glanced over at him from time to time, enjoying the sight of happy struggling with the flower crown. they whispered and chuckled amongst themselves at the sight of their friend, known for being rough around the edges, attempting to make something so fragile.
Happy grumbled at the snickers and comments coming from the other members, his face growing slightly red with embarrassment. He knew he looked silly, trying to make a flower crown when his hands were better suited to wielding a wrench or a gun. Still, he persisted, determined to create something somewhat presentable for her.
Though he was trying his best the result was somewhat pathetic the flowers were clumsily woven together, the petals sticking out in strange directions. He looked at the other members' crowns, neatly woven and vibrant, then down at his messy attempt. He knew it was nothing compared to her artistry, but it was the best he could do given his limited skills.
Finally, he finished tying the messy crown together. It looked a bit lopsided and rough around the edges, but he was oddly proud of himself. As he looked up at the others, he braced himself for the playful banter and mockery that was sure to come.
Happy muttered to himself, trying to rationalize his actions. he told himself he was only doing this to make up for ruining her flower booth, nothing more. He clenched the flower crown in his hands, feeling foolish and out of place surrounded by colorful petals and laughter.
He looked over at her, seeing her chatting and laughing with the other club members as she continued making the flower crowns. The sight stirred something in him he couldn't quite understand. he couldn't deny the pang of guilt he felt seeing her joyous expression, knowing that he played a part in ruining her day.
Well it's now or never he wasn't sure how to go about giving her his attempt at a flower crown, he's never given none before so isn't sure what to do so decides to just reach over from behind her and place it on her head.
Happy swallowed, taking a deep breath as he mustered up his courage. He reached out from behind, gently placing the flower crown on her head. He held his breath, waiting anxiously for her reaction, hoping she wouldn't laugh at his pathetic attempt.
She turned her head, surprised to feel the weight of the flowers being placed on her head. She looked back at him with a mixture of surprise and amusement, a soft smile on her lips. She could tell he was feeling a bit embarrassed, and reached up to adjust the flower crown, feeling the soft petals against her finger tips.
Happy watched her touch the flower crown he made, noticing the way she gently adjusted the messy petals into place. He scratched the back of his neck nervously, waiting for her to say something, anything. But all she did was smile at him, her eyes sparkling with an emotion he couldn't quite place.
The other Sons chuckled at the scene in front of them, unable to resist teasing Happy about his sudden burst of chivalry. Tig whistled approvingly, while Opie and Chibbs exchanged knowing glances.
Happy shot a glare at his fellow Sons, silently warning them not to say anything. He knew they were itching to tease him about his flower crown gift, but he wasn't in the mood for their jokes. He focused his attention back on her, watching her admiring the flower crown he made, hoping she didn't find it too pathetic.
She caught him watching her, and turned to face him fully. Her eyes met his, and she smiled, a genuine smile that made her eyes sparkle and dimple her cheeks. She looked down at the flower crown, feeling the messy petals against her skin, then looked back up at him, her eyes softened, and said softly
"Thank you, its beautiful." Sensing his awkwardness about it she decided to leave it at that and turned back joining in on the conversation again.
Happy's heart skipped a beat at her words. He hadn't expected such a genuine thank you, especially since the flower crown he made looked far from perfect. He nodded stiffly, his usual gruff demeanor replaced by a sense of vulnerability.
He sat back down next to Chibs, trying to hide his relief and elation over her kind words. The other Sons couldn't hide their amusement, but for once they refrained from their usual jokes and instead gave him approving grins.
The evening carried on, and Happy found himself stealing glances at her from time to time, seeing her interacting with the other club members, her smiles and laughter lighting up the gathering. He felt an unfamiliar pang in his chest, a mix of pride and protectiveness seeing her fitting in with them, even if she was surrounded by rough-around- the-edge bikers.
If you want to read more of my OC Katherine and her time with the club click here
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Tags: @darqchilddaydreamz @ravennaortiz
Let me know if you want to be added to my future tag lists or if you want to be removed
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kankuroplease · 1 year ago
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Genma to the rescue during a failing errand run
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bahnloopi · 1 year ago
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The Gemmas (fan oc design) as a birthday gift to my homie, Genniax
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toasttt11 · 4 months ago
moving in
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September 6, 2024
Gemma smiled fondly at her mother’s worrying and just let her mother ramble while she hugged her.
Gemma knew her parents were sad and nervous with Gemma moving out officially, it was a bit different than when she was away from home because of hockey and staying with someone or her going to collage, she is officially moving out of her home and starting a new chapter in her life.
“Mom i’ll be fine.” Gemma softly reassured her mom, she knew her mom would be worried because she was just as worried last year when Adam moved out.
“I know.” Julia agreed cupping her youngest cheek, it still shocked her everyday how fast her kids had all grown up and that Gemma is already eighteen.
“I’ll see you in a few weeks.” Gemma reminded her parents squeezing her Dad’s hand.
Gemma was already confirmed to be on the team on the upcoming season and her parents were planning to come see her first game that would be in Prague, unfortunately Adam definitely won’t be able to go and Luca most likely won’t be able to either.
Julia nodded and pressed a kiss to her only daughter’s head, “Ti Amo my Gem.” Julia softly whispered to her daughter.
“Ti Amo Mama.” Gemma sweetly whispered back and politely ignored the tears in her mom’s eye and she hugged her Dad softly.
Giuliano pressed a gentle kiss to his only daughter’s cheek. They didn’t need to share any words just a look with a smile before he let her go and wrapped an arm around his wife.
Luca frowned feeling incredibly old that his baby sister is old enough to live in her own apartment with her boyfriend all alone in a new city, “Are you going to be okay Gems?” Luca asked worriedly.
Luca has always has hated how much Gemma has been alone because of hockey because for almost his entire life he always had Adam and when he moved away from home he had Adam with him but Gemma is always on her own.
“I’m gonna be okay.” Gemma softly reassured her eldest brother, she was looking forward to start a new chapter in her life especially with Macklin. She was about to start living out the dream she has had for years she was excited not sad.
Luca slowly nodded believing Gemma’s words, “Okay.” Luca pulled her into a hug, “I’ll see you soon.” Luca promised and hugged her tighter before reluctantly letting her go and ticking her hair behind her ear and giving her one more soft smile before walking over to their parents.
“Come here.” Adam opened his arms for his baby sister and hugged her tightly, “Have fun okay. Enjoy this you have earned it.” Adam softly told her rubbing her back and he kissed the top of her head.
They pulled back from each other sharing one more smile with each other before Gemma started walking them out
She leaned on the door watching her family get in the elevator as she waved softly at them. She thought she would be more sad but if anything she’s excited to be living with Macklin.
Gemma watched the elevator doors close, Macklin came up behind her wrapping his arms around and his chin resting on her shoulder as she closed their front door.
Macklin’s family had only left a few minutes before Gemma’s family after they said their goodbyes to Macklin.
“You okay?” Macklin asked her softly kissing her cheek softly.
Gemma nodded slowly, “Yeah i’m okay.” Gemma softly reassured him as her hand rested over his hands. Leaving for Chicago a few years was a lot harder for Gemma but she is use to being away form her family most of the year now, doesn’t mean she doesn’t miss them all the time but she is used to it.
Macklin nodded accepting her answer as he knows what’s she means as Gemma started walking to their couch with Macklin still holding her from behind.
Macklin reluctantly let go of her so they go sit together in the couch and they looked out at the windows of the beautiful view of New Jersey.
Macklin wrapped an arm over her shoulder as Gemma cuddled into his side with her legs draped over his lap and he grabbed the pink throw blanket that was on the couch and threw it over them.
Macklin and Gemma were almost fully moved in already as their family were there to help them unpack and they also don’t have a lot of stuff between them yet.
Macklin thought Gemma had done really well decorating their apartment not that he expected anything else.
Gemma kept it pretty simple in decorations but there are few pink accents decorations that Macklin loves because it reminds him of her.
“We should get flowers when we get groceries later.” Gemma told Macklin as she was looking around the living room, dinning room and kitchen from where she was sitting on the couch and she saw the empty vases that she wanted pink flowers in.
“Whatever you want.” Macklin smiled softly kissing the top of her head, he had already planned to get flowers when they went out later knowing how much Gemma loves to have fresh flowers.
Gemma hummed softly back and closed her eyes letting out a soft sigh as she leaned her head on his chest, “I love you.” Gemma softly whispered to her best friend who is also her boyfriend.
“I love you too my sweet girl.” Macklin softly whispered back rubbing her back gently, “I got you a present.” Macklin grinned as he saw her head look up for her to peak at him.
“What is it?” Gemma asked curiously.
“Let me go get it.” Macklin gently sat up letting go of Gemma and walked to his room real quick and grabbed the small box out of his bag and opened it grabbing the thing in the box and walked back.
“Close your eyes.” Macklin softly told her hiding his hand behind his back. Gemma smiled and closed her eyes.
Macklin sat back down on the couch and moved her hair off her back and gently laid the necklace down on her chest shutting it close. He pressed a kiss to the back of her neck, “Open it.”
Macklin smiled watching as she looked down at the necklace and noticed the charm, a small 17, “Since it’s our number now.” Macklin told her already loving seeing her in their number.
Gemma beamed touching the necklace gently, it was perfect, small enough she could wear it all the time even for hockey, she turned towards him and pressed her lips to his, “Thank you Amore.”
“Always.” Macklin flushed a little red as he smiled at her and kissed her again.
Macklin and Gemma’s NJ Apartment
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pigeonwhumps · 1 year ago
Faint at First Sight
Finally, I can share my entry for the Guys in Distress zine with y'all! You can still get leftover copies of the whole print zine and merchandise while they're available, as well as pdf zines until the end of the year, so please do if you want to, it's very good!
Thanks to @blackberry-bloody for beta-ing and for the title!
Taglist: @extrabitterbrain @wolfeyedwitch @zineofgid
Kai is kidnapped during his first mission.
CWs: hero whump, hostage, torture, captivity, bound and gagged, blood, burns, electrocution, shock collar, stress position, fear of abandonment, forced to watch, non-con nudity (non-sexual), dehydration, mentioned starvation, forced to stay awake, threatened drugging
"Got it!" hisses Lian, as the slot widens under his control. Kai stretches out a hand and the memory card comes flying out, almost braining him. Lian snatches it out of the air and examines it quickly.
"Definitely what we're after. I think. Now let's get out of here before–"
"Code red," says Morfydd in Kai's ear. "Solar Flare's down, they're heading your way."
Kai's body turns cold. Gemma. No.
Lian tugs at his arm. "Snap out of it, Wolfman, we need to go. Do your wolf thing and run."
Kai clenches his fists and transforms, taking a few tries but getting there in the end, senses sharpening, colours dulling. He lopes along, keeping pace with Lian, who knows the way out.
They turn a corridor and two of Moonstar's minions stand in their way. Kai uses his telekinesis to push one minion into the other, sending them both crumpling to the floor, and he and Lian run back the way they came. An alarm wails and the bulkhead doors slam shut as they re-enter the lab.
"Fuck," mutters Lian, "what do we do now? There has to be a way out."
Kai paces, looking around, and spots it the same time Lian does. An air vent halfway up the wall.
"Wolfman," says Lian slowly, "I'm going to climb on your back and open that. You can climb up when you're back in human form, right?"
Kai gives an affirmative bark and Lian uses a chair to clamber onto his back, ripping the air vent off the wall with all his superstrength. Kai stands as still as possible, moving furniture around the room to create a step for himself. They don't have time to wait while he does it. Moonstar or his minions could be here any minute – Kai can already hear someone cutting through the metal.
The grate falls to the floor with a clatter, and Lian pulls himself up into the vent.
"Come on, Wolfman. Your turn."
Kai transforms back to human, colour vision returning and smell and hearing diminishing as he does so, just as the metal screeches and bursts open.
Kai scrambles up onto the table, a little disoriented from the change, and jumps for Lian's hands.
He crashes to the ground with a thump and lets out a sharp gasp as pain shoots up his back. His tailbone. Fuck. He tries to get to his feet but someone grabs him and hauls him upright, holding his hands behind his back.
"Get the fuck off me!" Kai snarls, trying to wrench himself out of the minion's hands but the grip's like iron. He hears footsteps approaching and struggles harder.
Moonstar enters the room.
Kai gasps involuntarily, struggling not to get to his knees and proclaim his loyalty to the supervillain. Only the nagging wolf voice in his mind holds him back. Moonstar's powers of charisma and persuasion are legendary when he chooses to use them, and Kai suspects they're the only reason Gemma agreed to let him come on this mission.
"Interesting," Moonstar purrs, approaching Kai and tilting his chin up. "You're not immune. I always thought shifters were immune."
That's when Kai realises that he's standing completely still. He jerks his chin back, headbutting the minion, who lets out a yell. Moonstar's charisma switches off abruptly and Kai thinks he might finally have a chance of escape when Moonstar's hand flashes, the glint of light the only sign of the blade that was there and gone in an instant.
And the blood.
Kai watches as a line of blood wells up from a slash on his arm, bright red and glistening.
The room darkens and sways and far too soon he's out cold.
When Kai wakes, he's freezing. And it's dark. Not dark like a darkened room, dark as in there's fabric covering his face. He hears rustling, and he tries to move his hands or push himself up off his knees but he can't.
"Ah, the hero awakes." Kai's hood is ripped off and he blinks into the bright light, seeing Moonstar smiling down at him. He realises he's stripped down to his underwear, his hands and lower legs chained to the floor, and he tries to transform into a wolf but as soon as his vision starts to change, a jolt of electricity rocks him back with a cry. Moonstar tsks.
"Trying to avoid my hospitality already? That isn't very polite. And here I was, thinking you heroes had manners."
Kai swallows, feeling leather and plastic around his throat and flinching as– god. That's where the shock came from, wasn't it?
"Fuck you."
"Now, now. I'm trying to tell you something important, this isn't just a friendly chat. You see, that collar of yours is a shock collar, as you may have noticed, and the shock just now? That was the lowest setting. If you try to transform again, I'll set it high enough to kill you. Understood?"
Kai glares at him. Fuck him if he thinks he's getting an answer. But he continues staring, finger inching ever closer to a remote, and eventually Kai spits out, "Yes."
"There. Was that so hard?" He clicks his fingers and two minions step forward, unlocking his limbs from the floor. "Now you know the consequences, we can talk like civilised people. Maybe you'll even answer my questions, though I don't hold out much hope. So, shall we begin? One wrong move and you get shocked. And I haven't given my minions any fun for ages."
One man grins, holding up a… oh, god, is that a hot poker? Kai attempts to brace himself. He's not telling these people anything.
"First question. Where does the Hero League keep their stolen information?"
"I don't know."
One of Moonstar's minions steps forward and presses the poker to Kai's side.
The heat burns, lighting Kai's back up in agony, and he lurches forward, falling to the ground, vision tunnelling. "I'm telling the truth! I don't know! Please, I don't… I don't!"
When he stops screaming and pleading, panting on the floor, Moonstar raises an eyebrow. "I find that hard to believe. So we'll try it again. Where does your organisation keep its stolen information?"
Kai's not sure how long it is before Moonstar gives up on getting information that Kai doesn't know out of him and hands him over to his minions to have fun with, but it only gets worse from there. They burn his back with hot pokers and electrocute him, sometimes both at once if they're feeling sadistic enough, and when he's not actively being tortured he's left on his knees with a hood blocking out all light, white noise blasting over the speakers at random. If he even twitches a finger, whoever's on duty will shock him. He hasn't slept, eaten or drank anything since he arrived, and they've threatened him with worse.
It's worst of all when Moonstar comes to watch, taunting him. He can't block it out. He tries to hold out hope that his teammates are coming for him, but with every session that passes it's harder. They've probably abandoned him, it's not like he's very useful. He got himself captured.
On some occasions, the occasions that Kai hates most of all because they make him so disoriented and vulnerable, Moonstar directs his minions to cut Kai, forcing him to faint over and over again, until he can barely think.
And he can't do anything to stop it. They're already getting exactly what they want.
Kai wakes for the fiftieth time that session, or so it feels like, his head heavy and his body hurting. Everything hurts these days.
He lifts his head determinedly and glares at Moonstar.
The supervillain only chuckles, a smirk on his face. "It's like putting a budgie to sleep, only much more amusing." He sighs and stands, brushing himself off. "As fun as this is, though, I have something to organise. After all, if you won't give me anything, I'll have to find someone who will. Put him back to sleep in his corner when you're done."
The next day, two of Moonstar's minions pull Kai roughly to his feet, chaining his hands high above his head, forcing him to balance on his toes. Then they remove the hood and force a ball gag into his mouth, buckling it overly tight behind his head. He breathes through his nose, trying not to gag.
The minions stand back as the door swings open and Moonstar saunters in. He smiles upon seeing Kai.
"Oh yes, you'll do nicely. Just the perfect combination of injured and trapped. Got to send a photo to your team, after all. They should know about your… predicament."
Kai can't speak but he twists his hand carefully in his cuffs, sticking one finger up. It gets him a punch to the face, but he doesn't really care. Inside he's panicking. He doesn't want his friends to see him like this.
"That wasn't very nice, now, was it?" says Moonstar mildly, pulling out a phone and holding it up. "Smile for the camera now."
Kai glares at the supervillain and hears a camera shutter. Moonstar types something on his phone.
"I wonder how your friends will react to that. What do you think?"
"I think," Kai pants, "that you can go fuck yourself."
Moonstar sighs deeply and Kai's nerves light up. When he comes back to himself, dangling from the restraints, he hears a jaunty ringtone.
"Oh. Excuse me." Moonstar walks out of the room, his men following behind, and when the door slams shut Kai realises he doesn't know how long he's going to be left like this.
Well. That's okay. He can cope. He can.
In. Out. In. Out. He breathes shakily and tries to concentrate on putting his feet back under himself.
He's not sure how long it is before Moonstar returns, undoing the gag. It feels like a long time but it might not be.
"Hello again. How are you feeling?"
"Fuck you."
Moonstar tsks. "Manners, manners. Dear me, what is the world coming to? But that's not why I'm here."
"Why are you here?"
"I just spoke to your pathetic excuse for a team. They're not coming for you. Told me so themselves. You're not useful enough to bother with rescuing."
No. No, that can't be true. They wouldn't leave him here. Would they?
Moonstar roars with laughter, making Kai realise he spoke aloud. "Oh, this is just too good. You're so hopelessly gullible. Of course they're coming. You heroes, you always come. Negotiations are in a few days." Oh. Kai's face heats up with embarrassment and anger. "Now. Obviously you're going to be at the talks, to remind your people what they stand to lose. So the only question remaining is whether you'll behave or if I need to restrain you."
"I won't behave," Kai spits out, "I'm not going to obey you in front of everyone. Fuck you." He won't let his team see him obeying Moonstar.
The supervillain grins. "That's just the answer I was hoping for."
Kai shivers as he waits in the centre of the warehouse. The leather and metal restraints holding him in a kneeling position rub against his bare skin, knees pressed to the cold cement. He can barely feel them anymore. His jaw aches from the ball gag and his back's agony from where Moonstar's steel-toed boots press lightly into the burns there. He swallows against the thick band of leather, feeling the prongs dig in as a subtle warning. If he doesn't stay perfectly still, Moonstar won't hesitate to punish him in front of his team.
He never wants them to see him like that.
Moonstar had him restrained like this first thing, claiming that it would 'prepare him for the long meeting'. Kai's sure it's just to make him look worse for his team though.
Not that that's really necessary. After days of torture, he must look like shit anyway.
Kai's not afraid to admit that he's absolutely terrified. What if his team doesn't want him back? What if they decide he's not worth rescuing, not worth the price? He's not really and he knows it. No-one else on the team would've been captured so easily.
What if his team decides to abandon him here?
He takes as deep a breath as he can. They're– they're coming to negotiate, right? So they can't be planning on abandoning him.
But they still could.
Moonstar drags his legs off Kai's back, scraping the injuries as he does so, and Kai sees his boots appear in front of him before Moonstar yanks his head up by the hair. Kai's eyes water as he glares up at the supervillain. Moonstar only smiles.
"Ah, I see you're doing well. No point in pretending to be defiant, you know, I can see the terror in your eyes. The tears you're trying so hard to hide. Don't worry. If your team doesn't buy you, I'm sure we can find some… other use for you."
There's a crackle of static from Moonstar's communicator.
"The heroes are here, boss."
Moonstar drops Kai and takes a seat back in his plush leather chair, feet landing hard on Kai's back. "Well, what are you waiting for? Send them in."
Kai breathes through his nose, trying to calm himself. It's okay. He can do this.
His team walks in the door, escorted by two minions. They're unrestrained, but Kai isn't fooled. They can't attack with him here.
Unless that's their plan. Use this meeting as a trap to destroy Moonstar.
Gemma would never order the use of deadly force, but the Hero League higher-ups might.
Maybe they're going to destroy Moonstar and Kai with him. Because Kai isn't important to them, not really. He's not as useful as the others.
Gemma's eyes latch onto Kai and she takes a step forward, halting when Lian places a hand on her arm.
"Good choice, Solar Flare. See that collar around Wolfman's neck? I've been using it to control him, but if you make a single move to attack me I'll crank the voltage right up and let it run until your friend's dead. Are we clear?"
"Perfectly," grinds out Gemma. Lian and Morfydd both nod, Lian avoiding looking at Kai.
"Now, before we start, are you sure you want to negotiate? I'm quite happy to keep Wolfman here. He'd make for a nice little pet hero." Moonstar ruffles Kai's hair, and he trembles, fighting back a flinch.
"You bastard!" yells Morfydd, tears in their eyes, and Kai blinks. Morfydd very rarely yells, it hurts their ultra-sensitive hearing, even with their ear defenders. "Cer i grafu ti coc oen!"
"Now now. Don't get like that. You don't want Wolfman to get hurt."
"What the hell do you want, Moonstar?" asks Gemma angrily. "What do you want in exchange for Wolfman back?"
Moonstar smirks. "Well, that's the question isn't it. Or rather, what are you willing to give me for him?"
Kai lowers his eyes. Look properly pathetic for me, Wolfman, and I might sell you back for a reasonable price. He has to look truly pathetic if he wants a chance at going home, even if it eats at his pride to do so.
It's not a hard look to achieve. He looks at Gemma, stripping away the layer of pretence that's his only protection. She looks terrified for him, although she's hiding it well, and her hand twitches. "Name your price first."
"The drive you stole from me last week, for starters. And shall we say… £100,000? Nice round figure."
"£80,000," retorts Gemma.
"£100,000 or I keep your little hero as a pet."
"Fine. Deal. Now give us Wolfman."
"My drive and money first."
Morfydd digs into their pocket and throws the small hard drive at Moonstar's head. He plucks it out of the air before it reaches him.
"Now, now. No need for violence. And the money?"
"Silverclaw needs to transfer it across. Give her a few minutes and your details."
Gemma tosses a burner phone across the floor and Kai stares. Aisling? Their medic? She's involved in this too?
"And… done. Message sent. Ooh, got a thumbs up. That's all you need this phone for, right?" And without waiting for an answer he crushes it under his boot.
"Can we have Wolfman back now? We've met your demands."
"I suppose you have. Shame, I was looking forward to keeping him. Solar Flare, middle of the room, no further."
Gemma limps forward to the midpoint between her and Moonstar, rocking back and forth on her heels, clenching her fists compulsively, staring at Kai as if she can will him closer.
Moonstar wrenches Kai's head up by the hair and murmurs in his ear, "Crawl over to your leader. Go on, show her how pathetic you really are." As he unlocks Kai's restraints from the floor he lets the shock collar remote peek out of his pocket, and Kai swallows.
He starts to crawl across the rough, cold floor, scraping his knees as he goes. There's cries of indignation but he keeps his head down, not wanting to see their faces, not wanting them to see his humiliated tears.
He doesn't notice how far he's gotten until Gemma's hands are on him, scooping him up. She's so warm, it feels like he hasn't been warm in forever.
"I've got you, Kai. I've got you. Once the money's finished transferring we'll get you out of here. Stay with me, yeah? You'll be out of here soon."
Kai lets out a muffled whine and presses against her, trying not to see anything else. She runs her hand through his hair.
Several minutes pass, he thinks, before Gemma speaks again, louder this time.
"You have it? Can we leave?"
"Sure. Go. I have what I want, after all. Take Kai Bergström with you."
Gemma stiffens against Kai momentarily and Kai looks up, seeing Moonstar's malevolent grin. He can't muster up much more fear. The four of them follow a minions outside to a League car. Morfydd and Lian climb in the front, and Gemma's starting to help Kai in the back when the man stops her.
"A parting gift from Moonstar." And he slashes across the back of Kai's hand.
Almost immediately, the world goes dark.
When Kai wakes he doesn't open his eyes immediately. He doesn't want the dream of being rescued to end. The gentle hands in his hair will disappear if he opens his eyes.
"–his identity?" asks a soft voice, tight with anger. Morfydd.
"We'll figure out how to deal with that once we're back at HQ. Lian, drive us around the back, and Morfydd, pass me that blanket. I don't want people seeing Kai like this."
Kai groans as they turn a corner, and the car quiets.
"Kai? You're awake? Can you open your eyes?"
He doesn't want to, but for Gemma he will, and he peels his eyes open.
Gemma's looking down at him holding a big pink blanket, eyes soft and tight with worry, and he's still in the car. Either the dream hasn't ended, he's having a dream within a dream, or…
He works his jaw. No gag. No shock collar either.
"Not a dream?" he rasps hopefully.
"No. No, not a dream. We can't get the rest of the restraints off in a moving car I'm afraid, you'll have to wait for medbay. How are you feeling?"
"Okay. We're almost there. Let me wrap you in this blanket."
"Please," whispers Kai. Please, wrap him in something soft and warm, he needs that.
Gemma's as good as her word, wrapping him up snugly. The car pulls to a halt and he's lifted out, unable to see much over the end of the blanket. He closes his eyes, not caring much anymore.
"You made a Kai burrito," comments Lian.
"Yep. Come on."
The ride is bumpy, and Kai only opens his eyes when he's set down on something. The murmur of voices didn't register before but it should have, Aisling's right there above him along with a man he doesn't recognise. She says something he can't properly make out.
"Hey Kai. Good to see you again. This is Aaron, he/they, my newest trainee. Is it okay if he helps?"
Kai nods. This Aaron's a professional medic anyway, maybe it won't be too bad.
"Great. I'm going to take off the blanket now, and… oh, god. Aaron, pass me the scissors, I'm not taking the time to bother with the fastenings."
"How bad is he?" asks Lian impatiently.
"We won't know until we've examined him. Stay, talk to him. Keep his mind off things. Kai, do you have any broken bones?" Kai shakes his head. "Okay. Can you take off your underwear? I'll cover you with a blanket afterwards, and we'll get you clean clothes." Kai obeys and pulls the blanket up quickly, covering himself.
"I'm sorry," says Lian, looking him directly in the face for the first time today.
"F'r what?"
"Leaving you behind. I shouldn't have run when Moonstar caught you."
Kai sips at the cup of water Aaron's holding out for him. He has to fight not to gulp it down, the cool liquid heaven on his parched throat. "No. You should. I'm glad you're safe. That why you couldn't look at me?"
"No. I didn't look because I didn't think you'd want me to."
"Oh. Thanks."
Aisling's communicator beeps and she curses, looking down at it. "The higher-ups want to see us immediately. Morfydd, Lian and me."
"It has to be about the unauthorised negotiations," says Morfydd. "If they say we should've just left Kai there…"
"Nah, they'll want to know if Gemma coerced us, as team leader," argues Lian. "As if we can't make our own decisions."
"You know that's not what it's about," says Gemma mildly, as if she hasn't had shouting matches with their managers about autonomy more than anyone else here. "Go. I'll stay with Kai."
"Aaron, can you take over from me?"
"If you think I'm capable."
"Right. We'll be back as soon as we can, Kai."
Kai nods and watches them leave, feeling guilty. In addition to everything else, he's gotten them in trouble.
"Okay Kai, your front doesn't look too bad. Though, when was the last time you drank anything?"
"Aside from that cup of water… before Moonstar."
"Right. Since you're that dehydrated I'd like to put a drip in. Can you turn over so I can check your back first?" Kai does so, heaving a sigh as he takes his weight off the burns, and Gemma sucks in a breath. "Ouch. Let's clean your back and then I can heal some of it. You should take some painkillers."
Kai shakes his head, stomach turning. I could get the guards to give you something that'll make you scream properly. "I don't want any. They make me fuzzy, I'm already fuzzy, don't want to be more fuzzy."
"Easy. You don't have to have them, it's your choice, yeah? I'd advise them, but it's up to you."
"No, I– I can't."
"Okay. Take Gemma's hand and bite down on this. At least nothing looks infected."
Kai does as they say, gripping his mentor's hand tightly and biting down on the silicon… thing.
It hurts. Oh, god, it hurts as Aaron cleans his burns, his vision swims and he wants to be sick.
The waves of pain fade eventually to a dull ache, and his jaw is stiff around the silicon. He lets it go, just about.
"Are you okay?" asks Aaron. Kai nods. "Right. I'm going to heal as much as I can, although since you're so starved there won't be much energy to use, so most of your treatment will be done manually. That okay?" He nods again. Huh. Aaron has healing powers. Kai feels warm hands on his back. "Hold still."
A tingly feeling spreads across his injuries. It's not bad, exactly, just weird. He's never been healed before. It feels a bit like pins and needles. Hurts like it too, after a while.
Slowly that fades, though, and although the pain's still there it's not quite so bad anymore.
"That's it for the painful parts. Your burns don't need debriding now, that's good, I'll just bandage them and insert your IV. Later, when your body's settled from the healing, you can have some food. How's that sound?"
"Good. Thank you."
"Not a problem. I'm glad we got you back." He starts preparing an IV and there's silence for a few minutes.
"Where did you get the money?" Kai asks suddenly. £100,000… that's a lot. It certainly wasn't authorised from League funds.
"Your team's savings," replies Aaron. "I gave some too when they ran out."
Kai stares at his mentor for a moment, unable to comprehend it. "But… Gemma… you and Aisling were saving for your retirement. And you don't even know me, Aaron. I'm not worth all that."
"Neither of us are retiring yet. Besides, you are worth every penny and more, Kai. You're a valuable member of the team, but more importantly, you're our friend. You're family. My retirement is certainly not worth more than your life, don't ever think that."
Kai tries to swallow past the sudden lump in his throat, eyes filling with tears. "You– I–"
Gemma moves to sit on the edge of the bed, pulling Kai's head into her lap. She runs her hand through his hair, scratching his itching scalp.
And Kai can't hold it in anymore. He crumbles, sobbing into Gemma's lap. Loud, messy, gulping sobs that he can't quite stop.
"I was so scared," he says through tears, when he can speak, "so scared. I was terrified that you'd leave me there, that I wasn't worth rescuing. And Moonstar, he– he terrified me. He tortured me and he made me beg and I couldn't stop it. I didn't mean to, it just hurt so much. I'm sorry I got captured. I'm a– a rubbish hero."
"Hey," scolds Gemma, gently but firmly, "you're not rubbish. Heroes aren't infallible. Most of us have been captured at least once. And I'm sorry for making you think you weren't worth everything to us. The only reason we didn't come for you sooner was because my leg had to heal first, but I never should've made you think you'd been abandoned."
"It's not your fault," Kai sniffles. "I've felt like that my whole life, I know it's irrational. I've never been abandoned."
"I'm your mentor. Maybe your fear wasn't caused by me, but I should've reassured you. I should've known how scared you were and helped you. I'm sorry."
"It's not like I told you anything."
Gemma raises an eyebrow. "Just like you didn't tell me you still pass out at the sight of your own blood? You told me the exact opposite, actually."
Kai, who'd just been starting to feel a little better, wilts, hiding from Gemma's stern look. "I just– I wanted to go on an actual mission," he mumbles. "and I know you only took me because I'm not really affected by Moonstar's powers but you'd have left me behind if you thought I'd be so use– detrimental."
"No, Kai. I'd have made sure you had one of the new cut-proof full-body suits. And I still am going to get you one made. They'll ground us at least for the unauthorised ransom negotiations, we have plenty of time."
"Thank you."
"And we didn't just bring you for your powers. I wish you'd think better of yourself. You're brave, clever, resourceful. Besides, everyone has to have their first mission at some point." Kai snuggles up against Gemma. "Hey, are you okay? Well, you're not, obviously, but you're not usually this physically affectionate."
"I'm still scared," whispers Kai. He doesn't want to admit it but they agreed a long time ago that they'd only tell the truth in the medbay. "I keep thinking I'm still captured. If I close my eyes and I'm not touching anyone, it's like I'm still there. I mean, I know I'm not, but I'm still so cold and my body can't believe it. How do I do it?"
"You wait. Get some sleep, so you can think properly. Don't be too hard on yourself, you were tortured for a week, it's bound to stick for a while. And I'll stay. Prove to you that I'd never abandon you. I really am very sorry I ever let you think we would."
"It won't help to drown yourself in regret," murmurs Kai, finding Gemma's warm, calloused hand. He only spent a week there? She squeezes his hand tightly.
"Stealing my own words now, huh? Go on, go to sleep. I'll be here when you wake."
"I can't. I've seen you have nightmares, I don't want to remember what happened. I never wanted you to see me like that and I– what if I experience it again?"
"Then I'll wake you. You need rest. You could let Aaron give you a sedative?"
Kai shakes his head. "I won't be able to wake myself then." And he really doesn't want anything injected into him. It's like putting a budgie to sleep, only much more amusing. A needle might draw blood, and that would only make him weaker.
"Okay. Okay. Stay awake as long as you need to. Whoever comes over here next can fetch you some extra blankets, and let me give you a hug in the meantime?"
Kai nods and lets himself fall into Gemma's arms. She's warm, so warm compared to him, and he knows he'll fall asleep eventually but he really doesn't want to.
At least he's home, though. That's the important thing. He's home. He just needs to remember that and he'll– he'll be okay.
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witchthewriter · 3 months ago
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𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑪𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒔𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝑻𝒓𝒖𝒆 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝑵𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝑫𝒊𝒅 𝑹𝒖𝒏 𝑺𝒎𝒐𝒐𝒕𝒉
Pairing: Happy x OC/Commissioned
Word Count: 2k
The sunshine beats down on your body. Warming you up to the point of perspiration.
‘God where are these fuckers?’ You thought.
You were wearing a black shirt and heavy boots, with your hair down but that was the price you paid for style. With your phone in hand, you were allowed to take as much time off as you wanted to find Dallas (courtesy of Gemma).
Gemma. Gemma. Gemma.  Right now, she felt like a Gurdian Angel, but something in you old you she could be just as nasty as she could be decent. She was a Queen Bee. The ultimate. But right now you were on her good side – and you intended for it to stay that way.
It wasn’t long before you heard two motors racing down the street. It was as if you could feel the rumble inside you, around you, underneath your feet. It didn’t help that were a flurry of emotions.
Once you saw two bikers pull up – the anxiety and relief started wrestling with each other.
  And as they dismounted, a blossoming of tension appeared. Not between the men, but between … you and one of the bikers. Tall, muscular, with a strong, stocky build. His facial features are rough and weathered. He seems familiar. As does the other. The two of them helped you the other night. That was a good sign, right? You decided it was.
 The side of your mouth quirked up and your eyebrows knitted together. What were the fucking chances? Gemma could have chosen anyone from the club. But she chose this man.
As the pair walked towards you; the only person out on the strip. You realized that their presence brought a strange mix of hope. You watched as Happy took an almost too long moment to eye you down.
Your heart pounded in your chest. This was a situation you did not think you would be in. You knew Dallas didn’t have any family around here and that you were … her only hope. Plus, she was your best friend. You’d hope she would do the same for you if it came to. So, you knew that every second counted in finding Dallas. Now wasn’t the time to ogle or be ogled.
Even though he had his fair share of liquor the other night, he would remember this woman in a heartbeat. With her long; white and black hair, tattoos and those green fucking eyes. ‘No – he told himself. ‘Do not get attached. Gemma needs us to focus. So, focus.’
Tig walked up to her, took out his hand and shook hers. Introducing them both, properly.
   “I’m Annie, nice to meet you,” she said politely. The usually focused man could not keep getting lost in this woman. He noticed an air of anxiety surrounded her and then Happy remembered why they were here.
  “So, where are we at with this thing?” Tig led with.
“I-  um, well, Dallas my neighbour she’s been taken. Or something really bad has happened to her. I know her. And she wouldn’t of taken off like this.”
“When was the last time you saw her?” Happy’s voice was gravelly.
   “Um, before my shift … yesterday. She was babysitting my daughter. I came home. She was asleep on the couch. And then this morning she wasn’t there. She never leaves without saying goodbye. And then I went to her house –“
   “Okay, so she’s not just taken some time to herself?” Tig asked.
“No! No, she works for very strict people. Dallas knows her employers. I mean – if you ask me, they’re horrible pieces of shit. And she deserves way better, but she can’t really get away from them.”
  Both men shake their heads and glance at one another.
“I think we know where our first stop should be.”
You expected them to follow you to your car, but both turned back to their bikes’. Tig nodded for you to hop on behind him and you felt a pang of disappointment. But you swung your leg around the bike and wiggled until you were as close as you could be to Tig.
   With a mischievous glint in his eye, he told you to, “hold on tight honey,” and you couldn’t help but blush. This felt very intimate, with your arms wrapped around his torso, face nearly resting on his back.
  Tig smelt like cigarettes, sweat and sex. Probably balls deep in someone before he got called by Gemma. You blushed at the thought of it. But closing your eyes, you thought of Dallas, and how scared she must be.
As you all approached the address, there were still quite a few cars parked in the lot. The dark building had two floors and from the top it had pink and red lights flashing over a slew of three x’s.  It used to be an old warehouse, repurposed for some shadowy business that no one cared to question too closely. The kind of place where secrets were kept, and lives were controlled.
  “Are you sure you want to come in, we can take it from here?” Happy said, eyeing every possible chance of danger.
     “She’s my friend, I want to be there when we find her. I don’t think she would go with you – without me, to be honest.”
Happy nodded and ever the silent sentinel, took the lead, his eyes scanning for any sign of danger. Tig, always ready for action, flanked him, while you followed closely, your heart pounding wildly.
Reaching the entrance, you all paused. Happy gave a slight nod, and Tig pushed the door open.
      You three stepped inside.
  It was like another world. One where souls come to die.
The pumping lights tried to fill the space with a certain scene. But the energy was down, men sitting around were watching the women twirl and dance to the beat. There was something off about the dancers. Their smiles didn’t reach their eyes. There was no money tucked into their wear. The room reeked of despair.
"Stay close," Happy whispered to you, his voice barely more than a growl.
There wasn’t even a bouncer to stop you on the way in. A bad sign.
You moved through the corridors, each step taking you deeper into the heart of the building. The silence was oppressive, broken only by the distant hum of machinery and the occasional creak of the floorboards.
Finally, they reached a door marked with a simple plaque – "Office." Happy gestured for you and Tig to stop, then pressed his ear against the wood. Satisfied that no one was inside, he pushed it open.
The room was a stark contrast to the rest of the building, furnished with sleek, modern furniture and high-tech equipment. But it was empty, save for a single piece of paper on the desk.
You hurried over and picked it up. Pure and utter dread washed over you. Eyes widening as you read the words scrawled across the page.
  “She told us all about you, Annie. And your beautiful daughter. Couldn’t keep her mouth shut once we found out she had been skimming off the top. Break a few fingers and the birdie sings.       If you want to settle this, we require three million in three days’ time. We’ll contact you with further information. No police.”
Your heart sank. This had just turned into something much more horrifying.
 Letting the paper fall to the desk, you turned to the men, despair evident in your eyes. They nodded. Knowing. Understanding why Gemma had asked them to help. This wasn’t just help mowing the lawn or taking out the trash.
This was something deeper.
        And these men were known in Charming. But neither Tig or Happy wanted to bring that up.
"We need to find out where they've taken her," Tig said, determination hardening his features.
Happy nodded. "We will. But we need to be smart about this. Gather information, follow the trails. We'll find her, Annie."
Happy had taken the note and folded it; slipping the damned thing into his pocked.
You were on a warpath once your daughter was mentioned. And your next stop was obvious. Who the fuck did they think they were? Three million dollars, a threat to your daughter’s life and having to rescue Dallas? When did your life become a Blockbuster Hollywood movie?
    When the administrator called your daughter’s name over the intercom and she came skipping down, you nearly buckled with the relief. Some part of you had thought they might have already taken Kayleigh. But there she was. All curiosity and trying to figure out what the hell you were doing here.
Signing her out was a pain. They needed reasons, that came with so many questions that you nearly hauled your daughter over your shoulder and back to the car.
     But you didn’t.
Trying to be as calm as you could, it finally paid off when they ‘allowed’ you both to go.
    “Mom what are we doing? You never take me out of school!” Your daughter looked up expectantly, already knowing that something was going on. How could a kid her age picks up on emotions like this?
   “I’ll explain later baby, just go along with the ride!”
Back at the house, you locked every door and window while Happy and Tig stood guard. Once you were satisfied that all was secure, you turned to them. "Now what?"
"We're taking you to the clubhouse," Tig said. "Gemma said she'd be there. We need to regroup and figure out our next steps."
   You nodded. Wondering how the hell you were going to explain all this shit to Kayleigh. You did your damn best all these years not to bring on any trauma – and now you were in fear for her life. Going to a clubhouse, known for violence. Just to get your goddamn best friend back. God. When you saw her next…you felt like a good slap was coming. Why did she have to talk about Kayleigh?
The ride to the clubhouse was silent, everyone deep in their thoughts. When you arrived, Gemma was waiting as promised.
The woman gave you a hug, then bent down in her high heels and took in your daughter.
   “My, Annie is this the beautiful daughter you’re always talking about?”
Swallowing hard, you nodded your head, “it sure is.”
 “Well how about I show her some of the kids rooms and she can get comfortable? How about that?”
  You felt a quick sense of relief, but then it was snatched away when you saw more and more bike’s pull into the lot.
Men with the same leather kutte’s on as Happy and Tig moved toward the building. The one you and your daughter were going to be in for a few nights.
  But, your anxiety started to lessen when Happy stood next to you, an arm on your back and introduced you to everyone who walked by.
When they had all gone, Tig too, you turned to face Happy and smiled.
 “Thank you.”
       “I was always taught to have good manners. Otherwise, it was a shoe to the head.”
His comment made you laugh.
“No! Really?”
A small smile made its way onto his lips. “Yeah, the shoe was the least painful. Just took it right off her foot and threw it. Aim was always  on point.”
Another laugh burst from you.
   “I am so sorry, I don’t mean to-“
“It’s okay.”
And while your eyes closed for those split seconds, Happy realised that your laugh was the most beautiful thing he had ever heard.
    “I think we should go inside,” you said, a smile on your face. Your heart a little lighter. A little less worried than it was two minutes ago.
    “Lets go inside-“ Happy said, starting to walk, and looking behind to make sure you were following him.
Together, you entered the dimly lit room, the weight of the situation pressing down on you. But surrounded by the steadfast support of Happy, Tig, and Gemma, you felt like maybe this wasn’t the end of the world.
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imogenkol · 6 months ago
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it’s August and the warm wind starts to fade into a crisp breeze. Nothing feels right, but it hasn’t felt right in years.
it’s September and just when you think the sweltering heat has released you from its jaws, it swallows you whole and spits you out one final time.
it’s November and the ghost of snow hangs in the air. There’s mud stuck in the grooves of your soles. Something feels wrong.
Something is very wrong.
The unsolved disappearance of her childhood best friend leads Gemma Porter on an investigation of her own across the remote wilderness of America’s National Parks, revealing dozens of similar cases with mysterious and unexplained circumstances. Many theorize a creative serial killer or plain bad luck in the elements are to blame, including Gemma herself. Until she wakes up in the forest one day and finds that an entire month is missing from her memory. Gemma continues her investigation with more purpose than ever, putting together the pieces of what happened to her and the others and why she seems to be the only one to ever return.
tag list (ask to be added or removed!): @adelaidedrubman @florbelles @tommyarashikage @simonxriley @voidika @neonshrike @voidbuggg @inafieldofdaisies @statichvm @socially-awkward-skeleton @aceghosts @carlosoliveiraa @risingsh0t @unholymilf @thedeadthree @cassietrn @jackiesarch @a-treides @shellibisshe @loriane-elmuerto @katsigian @captastra @simplegenius042 @theelderhazelnut @g0dspeeed @strangefable @kanos @cptcassian @greenecreek
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artist-heart83 · 7 months ago
SMG4 New Gen AU!!!
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*clap* Okay! Let’s go with this
SMG4 New Gen is an Alternative Universe become parents (by accident or voluntary) and we see the life of their kids and some misadventures of them.
Soooo let’s meet this first batch!
🎀 Suzy: An extrovert and chatty 16 year old girl who likes to spend time with her friends, make new ones and really enjoy talking about her interests; kinda sassy and mean, she is a chaotic person.
😈 Ivy: Contrasting with her twin sister; she is introvert and quiet, a 16 year old girl who spends most of her time working in the cafe, enjoy playing videogames and writing in her diary; more mature that her sister.
🦑 “Tanker”: A 15 year old inkling very competitive and with a short temper, wants to be the champion in several Splatfest; besides that, he likes cooking
📒 Shion: A 18 year old person who fall down of the sky with other two people, they come from an otome game being one of the player friends; they’re very nice and clumsy, and like to write poems and read books.
💎 Gemma: A 17 year old Gerudo who works for Bob as her assistant and partner in crime (neither of them considers themselves as a family); very slippery and cocky, can make potions and likes to do little pranks.
🧸 Bobby: A 3 year old kid, who can’t talk for an unknown reason but he is learning how to write; very shy and a nice kid, Gemma babysitter him and he sees her as a sister, he also loves plushies.
🌸 Hinata: A 15 year old cheep cheep very cheerful and positive, loves drawing and watching cartoons, she also has a lovely voice when she sings; she and Suzy have been best friends since kids.
🍄 Inocy: A 18 year old mushroom leader of a scout troop which are seen as a nice person, which they are but at the same time is a dangerous menace; they like helping others and they’re good at fighting, can see guns or firearms in general because that how they become a violent person; Ivy is their best friend.
⭐️ Stella V: A 17 year old android with a charismatic, sweet and quirky personality, she is very creative and loves to make the costumes for their father's productions; somehow they can still see things even with their eyes closed, oh and their eyes are light blue.
This is just the first batch of fankids for this AU, there is gonna be a second one, at moment are four characters in there but there are ideas for two or three more, so yeah
I’m planning to do some comics and if any have questions about them my ask box is always open!
Close up!
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mysticalmallard · 8 months ago
Fun and Responsibility
Description: Jax wants to take his 4year old little sister for a ride on his bike, what could go wrong.
Word count: 2,230
Warnings⚠️: swearing and general SOA warnings.
Taglist: @aimkatsz @ravennaortiz @darqchilddaydreamz @arkytiorlecter
(If you wanna be added or removed from the SoA taglist just comment or message me)
♥︎ MainMasterlist ♥︎
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Jax carefully fastens the straps that holds his four-year-old sister, Katherine, against his chest, a small but proud smile playing at the corners of his lips. The other club members snicker and chuckle as they watch the scene unfolding before them.
Jax grins back at them, their laughter only fueling his mischievous nature. He climbs onto his Harley, the engine roaring to life beneath him.
As he revs the engine with a loud rumble, the sound seems to catch the attention of both his mother Gemma and Clay. Gemma comes running over, her eyes wide with horror.
"Jackson Teller, what on earth do you think you're doing!?" she demands, her voice rising in pitch with each word.
Jax grins back at her, the wind whipping through his hair as he prepares to ride off. "Just taking the kid for a ride, Ma. What's the big deal? She'll be fine," he calls back over the noise of the engine.
Meanwhile, Clay joins Gemma's side as he hears the commotion, his face darkened with anger.
"You know damn well what the big deal is, boy. You're not taking our daughter out for a ride," he snaps, his voice sharp and authoritative.
Jax just rolls his eyes, his usual cool demeanor wavering for a moment. "Come on. She'll be fine. I've done this plenty of times before, she loves it. Nothing has ever happened."
"What do you mean you've done this before!?!" Gemma glares
Jax shifts in his seat, trying to keep the bike straight as he faces his mother's anger. "I mean, I've taken her for rides before. It's not a big deal. She loves it," he repeats adamantly, refusing to back down.
"And what if something happens? What if you crash and she gets hurt?" Gemma's voice trembles as she voices her worst fear.
Jax rolls his eyes again, scoffing at her anxieties. "Nothing's gonna happen, Ma. I'm a good driver, I've been riding this bike since I was sixteen, I think I know what I'm doing. And I'd never let anything happen to her. I love her, too, you know," he protests, a hint of defensiveness in his tone.
Clay crosses his arms, eyeing his step son closely. "That's not the point, Jax. You're still young. You're 18 and you're still learning to be responsible."
Jax bristles at Clay's words, his pride wounded. "I am responsible. And I'm not a child anymore. It's just a ride on the bike, not like I'm gonna take her out on the highway or anything," he argues.
"It doesn't matter, Jax. It's not responsible to have a four-year-old strapped to your chest while you ride a motorcycle. It's not safe, period," Gemma bites out, her hands on her hips.
Jax clenches his jaw, his stubborn nature refusing to give in. "She'll be fine, stop being so paranoid."Jax revs and starts to pull off the lot
"Dammit, Jax, don't you dare!" Gemma yells after him, her voice shrill with anger and worry.
Clay moves to stop him, but it's too late. Jax speeds off with Katherine strapped to his chest.The other club members watch as Jax zips away, their grins disappearing as they anticipate the storm that follows.
Meanwhile, Gemma and Clay stand there, their faces pale and stricken. Their only daughter is riding away on a motorcycle with her reckless brother.
The ride is smooth at first, the wind brushing through Jax and Katherine's hair as they gain speed. The freedom of the open road is exhilarating, and Katherine's soft giggles and squeals of delight confirm her enjoyment. Jax grins, feeling proud to be the cool older brother who can give her this experience.
But soon enough, Jax starts to push the limits, weaving in and out of traffic and taking sharper turns than usual.The adrenaline rush is intoxicating, and Jax forgets the consequences, living in the moment. He pushes the bike to its limits, feeling the rush of wind in his face as they speed down the road.
Katherine, strapped to his chest, is blissfully ignorant of the danger, her small hands gripping Jax's arms as she laughs in joy.
They continue their high-speed journey, Jax growing more reckless with each mile. He knows he's pushing his luck, but the thrill is too good to pass up.
Suddenly, a sharp turn approaches, and Jax takes it at a dangerous angle. The bike skids slightly, but he manages to right it before it tips over.
Katherine lets out a frightened squeal, her grip on Jax's arms tightening. Jax's breath catches temporarily as he feels the bike's instability, but he quickly regains control. "It's okay, Kitty. We're okay," he tries to reassure his little sister and himself, his voice shaking just a bit.
Jax knows that was a close call, he slows down and he stops the bike at the side of the road, his hands trembling just slightly as he unstraps Katherine from his chest. He picks her up in his arms, holding her close, feeling a pang of guilt at having put her in danger.
Katherine clings to Jax, her small body trembling slightly from the fear she just experienced. Jax strokes her hair, trying to calm her down.
"I'm so sorry, Kitty. I got carried away," he mutters, his voice apologetic. He looks down at her and sees the fear in her eyes, and it breaks his heart.
"I won't do that again, okay? I promise," he whispers, cradling her gently. What could of happened playing in his head.
Just then, the rumble of other motorcycles fill the air, and Jax looks up to see the rest of the SoA pulling up next to him. Clay and Gemma are among them, their faces etched with anger and concern.
"What the hell were you thinking, son?! You could have gotten her killed!" Clay explodes as soon as he dismounts his bike.
Jax holds Katherine tightly against his chest, her small body trembling. "I... I didn't mean to get carried away. We're both fine, aren't we, Kitty?" he tries to defend himself.
"Don't try to downplay it, Jax. You took that turn way too fast," Tig chimes in, his voice stern but concerned.
Gemma pushes through the group, her eyes on her trembling daughter. "Give her to me. Now Jax," she demands, holding out her arms.
Jax hesitates for a beat. He knows he screwed up, but the thought of losing his little sister's trust and love is even more painful. Reluctantly, he hands Katherine over to his mother.
As Gemma takes her daughter into her arms, Clay gets into Jax's face, his expression hard as stone. "You're damn lucky she's okay. But you've pushed it too far this time, boy."
Jax grits his teeth, his pride wounded. "It was one mistake, okay? I got carried away. I didn't mean to scare her," he retorts stubbornly.
Clay's eyes narrow, anger and disappointment mixing in his gaze. "That's the problem, Jax. You never mean to. But you're careless and reckless, and it's gonna land you in trouble someday... or worse."
Jax's jaw tightens, the words hitting him hard. He's grown up in the Sons of Anarchy, surrounded by chaos and danger, and he's always thought he was invincible.
"This isn't a goddamn therapy session, Clay. I get it, I messed up. I'm sorry. It won't happen again," he snaps, his voice sharp and defensive.
Clay stands his ground, not backing down. "You're damn right it won't happen again. Because from now on, you're off the bike until you prove you can be responsible enough to handle it. And that includes taking your sister on joyrides."
Jax's eyes widen in shock and anger. "You... you can't do that. You know how much the bike means to me." he protests, his voice rising.
Clay crosses his arms, his expression still stern. "I can, and I am. You wanna act like a reckless kid, I'll treat you like one. The bike stays off-limits until you learn to respect and control yourself."
Anger and disbelief flare in Jax's eyes. The thought of being separated from his bike, his only freedom and escape, is almost unbearable.
"You can't do this, man. You're grounding me for one mistake? That's bullshit, and you know it," he protests vehemently.
"It's not about a mistake, Jax. It's about your attitude and your lack of maturity and responsibility. You put your sister's life at risk, and that's unacceptable. Until you learn to control yourself, your bike stays in the garage, Tig will go back to TM bring the truck round," Clay's voice is firm, not leaving any room for argument.
Jax's anger and frustration boil over. He feels betrayed, being held responsible for something he feels wasn't entirely his fault. "This is bullshit. You're taking away the one thing that matters to me. What am I supposed to do now? Sit around and twiddle my thumbs?"
Clay doesn't waver, his gaze unwavering. "That's exactly what you're gonna do. You're gonna sit, you're gonna think about what you did, and you're gonna learn some damn restraint and responsibility. You're 18 years old, and it's time you start acting like it."
Chibs steps forward, resting a hand on Jax's shoulder. "Come on, lad. This is for your own good."
Jax angrily shoves off Chibs's hand, his eyes ablaze with frustration and resentment. "For my own good? You've gotta be kidding me. You're all just using this as an excuse to keep me under your control. Well, newsflash, I'm not a goddamn kid anymore. I can handle myself."
"Look at your sister!, Jax look what you did..what you COULD have done..and tell me again how you are a responsible person" Clay shouts
Jax looks at Katherine, her small, shaking form still clutched in Gemma's arms. The fear in her eyes cuts through him like a knife. Guilt and remorse wash over him as he's forced to face the consequences of his actions.
He takes a deep breath, his shoulders slumping in defeat. "I... shit...im sorry i wasnt thinking i just wanted her to have some fun."
Clay's expression softens a fraction, seeing the remorse in Jax's eyes. "Fun is fine, but not at the expense of someone's safety. You need to understand that."
Piney steps forward, his voice calmer than the rest. "We're not trying to keep you under control, Jax. We're trying to look out for you and your sister."
Jax clenches his jaw, the fight in him slowly ebbing away. Deep down, he knows they're right, but his pride and anger make it hard to accept.
He runs a hand through his hair, his eyes flickering towards his sister, who's starting to calm down in Gemma's arms. "Yeah, I get it. I messed up."
"Now go give your sister a hug while you sit and wait for the truck...you will strap your own bike on...you will drive the truck back home and you will put it in the garage where it will stay until you prove you deserve to ride it again" Bobby adds
Jax feels like a scolded puppy, his pride wounded. But he swallows his ego and walks over to Gemma, who still holds Katherine.
He gently takes his sister into his arms, holding her close. "I'm sorry, Kitty. I was an idiot, and I promise I'll do better from now on," he whispers, his voice genuine.
He then looks at the other members of the Sons, his gaze filled with resignation. "I'll drive the truck back... and I'll keep the bike in the garage."
The Sons nodded, a mixture of relief and acceptance on their faces. They knew it wasn't easy for Jax to take responsibility, and seeing him do so showed maturity.
Clay pats Jax on the back, his expression softer now. "You better damn well keep your promise."
Jax looks at Clay, his expression a mixture of guilt, regret, and determination. "I will. Trust me."
He turns to the rest of the group, his eyes lingering on Tig. "Can we just get this damn truck now? I want to get her home."
Tig nods, his usual smirk replaced with a hint of concern. "Yeah, I'll go back now and grab it."
He heads off, leaving Jax standing there with the rest of the Sons and Gemma. An awkward silence hangs over them for a moment, the tension and anger slowly dissipating.
"Jaxie...bike bad?" Katherine says looking up at her brother. Jax looks down at his sister, her innocent question cutting through the tension. He feels a pang of guilt and remorse for what he's put her through.
He forces a small smile, his voice soft. "No, Kitty. Bike's not bad. I was bad, riding it too fast. But I won't do it again, okay?"
Katherine nods, seemingly appeased for now. Jax holds her close, his arms tight around her. He feels the need to protect her, to make amends for his mistake.
Clay and Gemma share a look, a silent conversation passing between them. Clay then turns to Jax, his voice firm but softer now. "We'll leave you to get her home. But remember, son. That bike stays in the garage, no exceptions."
Jax nods, his expression solemn. "Understood." He knew well enough that challenging Clay wasn’t going to change a goddamn thing.
He holds Katherine a little tighter, her small body pressed into his chest. "Let's get you home, Kitty."
If you wanna read more about Katherine and her time with the club click here
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anotherwvba · 4 months ago
Art Goal Achieved
One of my goals when I started drawing was to draw versions of my OC's that I was truly happy with. I finally feel like I've done that and I want to share the results. But first, I owe a few people my thanks.
@lukasdoodles, you've been an inspiration and mentor to me! I appreciate it and hope you don't mind my continued annoyances.
@sukipershipper and @cherryrollarts, working with you two, and with Lukas, on various commission orders has served to spark my creativity in a myriad of ways and I appreciate it a lot.
@ohshy, @maks-punchout-hyperfixtion, and @urlocaldemonthatlikeslemons, bouncing ideas around with you three is so much fun and I hope to continue doing that a lot more often.
And @cyrah-is-cool101, thank you for being my first big supporter, my "editor" helping me stay on track, and for allowing Star Mika to be a part of my fic. I genuinely can't think of my story without Mika being a part.
Alright, on to the art, after the break...
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l-r: Niki Binary, Cutie Hondo, Skye Ivy, Reina Adora, Gemma Golden, Star Mika (thanks @cyrah-is-cool101), Luna Doll, and Razor Sharp.
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arthroart · 7 months ago
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butch-transman solidarity!! (also we are both flies)
Art fight attack for @itsdannyfly !
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