#heart fankids
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artist-heart83 · 5 months ago
⭐️ Sleepy Marware Family ⭐️
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Also an alternative version, more bright to see it more clearly
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blu193 · 5 months ago
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I caved and made a Shroomy fankid for no other reason than that I am allowed to draw. Will I draw them later on? Maybe.
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Anywho! Silas and Sasha were created by the lovely @bear-boi-5 and Inocy was created by the dear @artist-heart83 !
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the-leftover-rice · 2 months ago
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🔮✨ Illustration for My Mind Turns Your Life Into Folklore by @fairytales-and-folklore
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lunar-eclipse-bunnies · 2 months ago
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zosan kids (Roronoa Sora, Roronoa Zee, Vinsmoke Kuina) and their various christmas celebrations. oh and today (the 24th) is zees birthday so. tell him happy birthday
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p3achj3llyf1sh · 5 months ago
alas, I am merely a bitch for domestic family fluff.
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autisticsonic · 1 year ago
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Her powers came in not only early, but at full force
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dissvicious · 2 months ago
Alone in Wano - 2 / 2
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A/N: THANK YOU SO MUCH for how y'all welcomed the first part of this little flic, I was SO nervous about it and I'm really really happy that it made you feel things! here is the second & last part, thanks again @a-killer-obsession for beta reading, platonically kissing you on the mouth buddy ♥ No content warning but maybe don't read if you're not comfortable with pregnancy & delivery stuff, and KidLaw is mentioned as a joke, maybe light Wano spoilers too
Part 1
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Law looked up at the ceiling, passing a hand on his face and taking a huge breath. He pondered for a moment if he could just leave the abandoned house and leave Nina on her own without checking her up. He rubbed his temple, looking down at the small woman in front of him, and tried to calm his nerves.
“Stop acting like a moron, Pinky-ya. You've lost a lot of blood, and I have more important business to attend. Just let me check if the baby's doing well, and I'll leave you alone.” 
Nina pouted and crossed her arms - a face she used to make to wrap men around her little finger. However that somehow had no effect on this stupid depressive doctor. Maybe her big pregnant belly blocked her cuteness aggression abilities? Maybe he was just an ass. She tilted her head, studying his face. By some ways he reminded her of Wire, which made her nostalgic.
That's not how things were supposed to happen. When Killer - at least the man she'd mistaken for Killer - hit her with his scythes, she lost consciousness and barely remembered anything then. She woke up in the small cabin she shared with Hiyori and Toko, curled in her bed, an immense pain radiating from her lower half. Hiyori did what she could to stop the bleeding but it was clear she needed a doctor to check if the baby was alright. By chance, running to the flower Capital, they bumped into Law, who was looking for his crewmates. Roronoa pushed her against the black haired guy like some kind of heavy packet with a mumbled “needs a doctor for pregnancy shit, Torao” before walking away, leaving both of them flabbergasted, and here she was. 
However, she quickly made clear that in no way Law could approach her, let alone touch her or look between her legs. Each of his attempts to do so ended up with him being hissed at and insulted, her nails threatening to claw his eyes out. There was a persistent rumor running through the new generation that Law and Kid had a quick fling at Sabaody, and even if it was long before Kid and Nina met, even if she never met Law before and even if Kid always denied it, it was enough to fuel her jealousy and hate towards this stupid ass doctor and his stupid ass poseur tattoos and his stupid ass spotted hat. 
“Come on, Pinky-ya,” Law insisted, looking at her with all the softness he was able to gather - which wasn't a lot, “just let me do a quick check up and I'll leave. I'll use my power, I won't have to touch you. Let me check if the baby is ok, at least.”
Nina hesitated, nipping her lips. She caressed her belly and thought for a moment. As much as it cost her to admit it, Law was right. She was worried sick about her unborn child. Since the attack, she suffered from heavy cramps, and she had lost a lot of blood. Tired and worried, she decided to put her ego aside and gave up. She lied on her elbows, uncrossing her arms, silently agreeing to let him do so.
Law closed his eyes and mentally thanked whatever god was listening to him for her cooperation, impatient to be done with this feral girl who seemed to hate him for no reason - not that he cared a lot. He conjured a room and used Kikoku to inspect Nina's body. Immediately, he frowned. 
“What? Something's wrong?” Nina asked in a surprising soft voice.
“How far along are you in your pregnancy, Pinky-ya?”
“About 7 months, why?”
Law put down Kikoku and looked down at her, understanding at the moment that he was far from being done with this girl. 
“You're in labor,” he said bluntly, looking her in the eyes. 
Nina sat up immediately, gritting teeth as she felt an intense pain in her lower abdomen. 
“No,” she cried, “he's too small, he wouldn't survive.”
Law sat on his heels, pondering his options. They were alone, in an abandoned house. With his devil fruit he could stop the labor, but he wasn’t experienced enough with pregnancy to trust his abilities to do so safely. Not to mention the mother lost a lot of blood, and the probable placental abruption the hit induced. There wasn't any good choice in this situation.
“7 months, he has good chances to survive,” Law said, trying to be reassuring.
Nina shook her head, putting her hands on her belly as to protect it from him, tears flooding down her cheeks. “No, no. You’re a doctor aight? And you have some shitty doctor power, so use them to stop the labor, I can’t deliver now, I can’t do it.”
As Law looked down at her, he suddenly felt a wave of pity for Nina. With her hands on her belly and the mix of anger and fear in her eyes, she looked like a feral creature protecting her cub. At this moment, he understood that behind all this though girl attitude and aggression, she was probably deeply scared and anxious.
“Pinky-ya,” Law said with a stern voice, looking right in her bright green eyes, “right here and now the best option for you and your baby is to deliver. If he stays in, with the blood loss and without any good hospital around, I can’t ensure his survival. I’m not sure, but I think your placenta broke. If you deliver, though, I could use my ‘shitty doctor power' to check for any issue and heal them if necessary.”
Nina shook her head again, closing her eyes as tears flooded down her cheeks. She was terrified at the idea of delivering alone without her lovers, without her family, on a dirty floor in an empty house. “I … I can't do this I need Kid and Killer, I can't -”
Law grabbed her knees and looked down at her with a stern glance. “You can, and you will. I won't let you nor your baby die.” 
Nina held his glance, and something in his face provoked a change in her. For the first time she felt that her anger toward him might have been misplaced. It was clear that he wanted to do everything he could to save her baby, and that’s what mattered. She nodded weakly, tears flooding down her cheeks.
“Alright Trafalgar. I trust you.”
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Next hour felt like a torture for both of them. 
Nina was lying on her back, gritting teeth and crying, following Law's instructions as he was trying to help the labor, looking between her legs, trying to fight the urge to run out of the house and vomit on the ground. He saw a lot of body horror in his life but it was the first time he helped with birth giving and to say the least, he wasn't comfortable with the whole thing. If it wasn't to save an innocent baby's life he would have left this shit behind him. 
After trying different positions to help the labor, he gave up and looked at her. “It won’t work. You're too weak after bleeding this much. We need to do a C-section”
Nina whined and looked down at him “Again?!”
“You already had a C-section?”
“Not much of a choice when you're 5’0” and have to deliver a 16 pound baby…”
Law winced. Two C-sections, in a short amount of time… that was risky. But with his powers, he could manage to make it safe for her and her baby. “Pinky-ya, do you trust me?”
Nina surprised herself when she realized the answer was yes. They didn't appreciate each other, that was clear. However, he still went out of his way, stopped as he was going to look after his men, because she needed help and he was the only one able to provide it. Her eyes met his, and a silent comprehension passed between the two of them. Law stood up and raised up his hand.
“Room,” he said with his deep voice, the house around them suddenly glowing in a blue light. He looked down at her, trying to locate her womb and the baby in it with as much precision as possible, using both his devil fruit and his Haki to help him do so. It was the first time he had to do something like this, and he was a bit nervous. 
He took a deep breath to steady, before turning his hand, fingers pointing up. “Shambles.”
What happened next mesmerized both of them. Without any pain or suffering, a round hole opened in Nina’s belly. Her baby, wonderful, amazing, the size of a regular baby despite being preterm, flew up from it, umbilical cord still attached to both of them as Law created a protective bubble around him to replace the amniotic bag. 
For a moment, the whole house went silent, Law and Nina both transfixed by the sight in front of them. The baby already had a mess of blonde hair on his head, leaving little to no doubt to who his father was. For Law it conjured bittersweet images, images of someone he used to know and loved like a father, in another life.
After a few moments, Law snapped back to reality, and used his powers to cut the umbilical cord, proceeding to check for any issues in the newborn before giving him to Nina. 
“I did everything I could,” he whispered, a hint of worry in his voice, “now, he has to scream.”
The silence that followed was deafening. Nina held her baby against her, cradling him softly. 
“Please,” she whispered, “please sweetheart please. Please scream. Please.” 
After what seemed like an eternity, loud screams and cries echoed in the house. Nina burst into tears, hugging her newborn baby, holding him carefully as if afraid to break him, humming the scent of his head, peppering kisses on his little face. 
She looked up at Trafalgar, who was sitting on the ground, catching his breath as well.
“Thank you” she whispered.
“No problem” he answered, and Nina could swear she saw him smile.
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aquared · 1 year ago
midnight crew based / inspired kids or something
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i have been spinning them around in my head like a microwave for 3 days now and they make me so happy
their names are jack ( original i know ), coby , dean , and hyde respectively methinks
EDIT : IF U SEE THIS DONT REBLOG THIS ONE REBLOG THE RESPRITES FROM MY ALT THEYRE WAY BETTER !!!! WAY WAY BETTER ! https://www.tumblr.com/apochryphalantithesis/740274504979382272/i-love-editing-their-outfits-theyre-like-little
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leavemebetosleep · 6 months ago
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mama I'm a big girl now
wanted to draw grown up Minx for a change
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blue-jester-art-blog · 18 days ago
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Bee + The Witch and the Voice of the Opportunist
[I imagine Oppy was trying to talk his way into being Bee's favorite uncle unaware that Witch trained her before hand to Bite Him. Dw they're just playing. Bee has little kitten teeth. Her claws however are literal razors]
Hi sorry it's been awhile since I've drawn Bee I got sidetracked </3- still drawing Bee with every voice+Vessel tho!!!!
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adoralea · 10 months ago
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Stellar the Hedgehog and Camellia the Cat belong to @emthimofnight
Fun fact: the jackets that they're wearing are the same ones Amy and Shadow wear in my Hearts of Chaos AU.
Why do Camellia and Stellar have each other's favorite colors in their designs? Oh nothing special. Shipping
Putting a read more cause I'm gonna go off and it might be a little long.
For a very general rundown of what Hearts of Chaos is, I mish-mash Sonic and Kingdom Hearts together. Amy is the protagonist and she gets to have a keyblade. She essentially becomes a magical girl keyblade wielder. That's the bare bones explanation for now.
Just for fun, I'm gonna make a pocket AU of Hearts of Chaos where these two exist (because I can and I love these two a lot). I'm gonna be focusing on Camellia a lot, so stay with me on this.
Since Amy is a keyblade wielder in my AU, that means later in the future, she becomes a master. When her and Blaze do make it official and have Camellia and Thistle, Camellia becomes the next keyblade wielder. And who is her teacher? Amy. Thistle can't have a keyblade yet because he's not old enough (not old enough according to Amy). With Camellia being able to wield a keyblade, it makes travel between the Sol dimension to Sonic's much easier than having to rely on the Sol Emeralds.
However, Camellia has competition. Another hedgehog; Not Shadow, not Sonic, not Silver. Another hedgehog who looks similar to her mother. Another hedgehog who has her mom's pyrokinesis.
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artist-heart83 · 6 months ago
The two side of doing fankids
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@ominus-potato I love this creature and the inspiration hit for drawing him with my marware fankid (Stella), just to show the contrast
And he’s cute (in some way)
Also this silly doodle that I made when I was searching references, get duct taped
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blu193 · 5 months ago
SMG4tober Day 14: Trick or Treat!
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Hops, Hank, and Viktor in their Team Dark costumes are @artist-heart83 's SMG4 fankids!
Punchy giving out King-Sized Candy bars for Halloween!
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scribble-pillar · 10 months ago
fuck it- i saw another artist post their fankid design and that reminded me that i havent posted any artwork of mine. so here!
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i drew these a long time ago. shes my baby and i love her so much!!! her name is honey pillar and shes a little ball of fuzzy sunshine!!
((but now that i updated my character i feel like she needs a little update herself.... coming soon ig??))
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puttersmile · 18 days ago
Return of the Puppylove Kids
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There is nothing else to this. Just a sketch of my Dogday x Bobby kids. I think I'll have them be twins but the girl on the left was technically born first. So she considers herself the older, no, eldest sibling. (I might design a third. Maybe) At first I'd named her Rose Goldie but now I think her name will be Honey Grams Her brother on the right is named Tyke Sprite. Dogday nicknamed him Starpatch. He has super long ears that he keeps tied up so he doesn't trip on them.
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neostellarjpg · 5 months ago
im fairly certain im a knight of heart and it’s on of the most common self-classpects so I’m curious on how you’d interpret it
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very kind sweet gardener guy. subconsciously projects a facade of goofy cluelessness, but he knows what hes doing more than he lets on. unhealthily selfless. not opposed to the occasional well employed white lie. surprisingly decisive and stubborn. laughs and cries easily, but is difficult to take off guard. always thinking of how much he loves his friends and seems to constantly come up with new ways to appreciate them. super gentle, and good at pacifying people when they're at their wits' end. says things like "this isn't you :(" with 100% seriousness, and is probably right. i have no idea what to name him. eric maybe?
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