#fx. you’re crazy
charmac · 7 months
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I’m fucking laughing man how is the rat seduction dance the best of their friendship!? That’s the only part of the episode they put in the compilation. Many such cases of their friendship in that episode, the seduction dance not being one of those.
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miredball · 1 year
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leahthedreamer · 1 year
Ngl it’s just funny that people still think Sydney and Carmy are still gonna happen when the cast, the crew and everyone else involved in the show said it’s not. Y’all have aspirational levels of delusion I’ll give you that.
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yellowharrington · 1 year
jaded -- chapter 2, carmy berzatto x reader
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pairing + fandom: carmen “carmy” berzatto x fem!reader (she/her pronouns used), the bear fx
warnings: smoking (both carmy and reader), mention of sexual content, a bit of angst. minors dni with this story please.
word count: 2k
a/n: chapter 2 is here! ty for reading and interacting w this story i very much appreciate it <3 this chapter is a bit angsty and a bit fluffy, pls enjoy!
summary: after you and carmy hook up, things change.
masterlist | chapter 1 | chapter 3
Carmy isn’t good at hookups. Especially after spectacularly fucking it up with Claire, a girl he knew deep down was probably his soulmate, he was feeling pretty fucking gross about the whole thing. He doesn’t deserve it, he doesn’t deserve any of it, and pumping his loneliness into his pastry chef probably isn’t a great idea either. It felt so good in the moment, his hands wrapped around her throat and in her hair, pouring it all out into the messy thrusts. He just thought about how he wasn’t good enough for this, and was just a broken, broken person. 
You knew it wasn’t supposed to mean anything, and you’d heard whispers about Claire in the kitchen between Carmen and Ritchie, and obviously there was a history there. You had tried to pry the story out of Sydney, but she was all tight-lipped about the whole thing, not wanting to “gossip” at work. In reality, you knew she knew Claire and had heard more about what had happened on opening night, and probably just didn’t want to repeat the story to anyone. You could respect it, but at the same time, you needed to know how deep this shit went before you started being your boss’s rebound.
The kitchen that afternoon when you come in for your shift is awkward, to say the least. You ignore him, he ignores you, but it’s tense. When he sees you, all he sees is your lips hung open, moans escaping against his skin, his loose gold chain between your teeth as he plunges into you, over and over and over and…
“Behind, Jeff! Fuck, what is up with you today? Your mind is somewhere else,” Tina breaks him out of his daydream, watching as you ice the dessert in front of you, focusing on the even layers of chocolate buttercream. And you’re not laughing, no, because you don’t know if he’s daydreaming about you or still has his mind on Claire, and even though you may have a big ego, it’s not big enough to think he’s distracted by you at work. It was one fuck, one night, one mistake between two coworkers that you’d never speak of again.
“Outside, now, chef,” he’s suddenly at your station, looming over you just as you were getting lost in the frosting. “I’m fucking busy, Carm-“ you started, before his hand came down on the stainless steel beside you, gripping the edge of the counter. “Now, chef. Please.” You place the offset spatula on the clean plate beside your cake, glaring at him as you walked out back. He immediately pulled out a cigarette to put between his lips, letting the chilled air hit the bare skin of his arms. “What the fuck do we do?” he asks, more into the air than directly to you. You tighten your apron around your waist, crossing your arms over your chest. “Probably fuckin’ prep for service and serve rich assholes some marinated radishes. What the fuck else would we be doing?”
“Don’t be stupid,” he says, and it’s sharper than he intends. “No, I mean,-“ “Look, you’re the one who left in the middle of the night, alright? You’re the one who snuck out and went home before I could say anything or we could come up with a game plan. I don’t care that we fucked, we can forget it, I won’t talk about it again. Swear on my fuckin’ life,” you grab the cigarette from between his fingers and put it between your own lips. “But don’t act like I’m crazy, or like it’s my fucking fault, alright?” There’s a beat as you take a puff of his cigarette, smashing it beneath the toe of your shoe into the concrete. “Sorry for leaving,” he says, finally, “Didn’ know what else to do.” You shrugged. “Whatever, Carm, it doesn’t have to mean anything, if you don’t want it to. I’ll live and let live if you will. Just be fuckin’ cool, don’t tell anyone. I don’t want people to know that I fucked my boss, or whatever.” He smirks, “Heard, chef.” 
And it all seems alright for a bit. The kitchen is back to normal, you’re back on pace, and you and Carmy are fine. 
The weeks pass and the world falls back into its natural orbit. There’s a hookup here and there, a few nights where he comes home with you after service, all under the guise of a drive home. You feel obligated to invite him up for something to eat (because God knows he hasn’t all fucking day), and before you can get in the door he’s already hot on your heels and breathing down the back of your neck. And there you are, breath hitched in your throat, struggling to get the door open, feeling his hand come around your front and slide into the waistband of your jeans.
Sometimes he stays, sometimes he doesn’t. It’s a toss up if you have to be in for service the next morning, and you usually hear him grabbing his coat from where it’s laid on the kitchen table, the jingle of his car keys in the right-hand side pocket being just loud enough to wake you from your deep slumber. Sometimes you’re coherent enough to ask him to stay, but he’s got one foot out the door and he can easily pretend not to hear you. And it’s fine, really.
A Saturday rolls around, the busiest day of the week, and there’s a few mumbles around the kitchen that Carmy’s in a bad mood today, and he’s not to be fucked with.
You were nothing if not nosy, so when Richie and Natalie are having a heated conversation in the dining room before prep starts, you can’t help but insert yourself. “What’s up, guys? Everything chill?” Richie shot you a look, but not before leaning down closer to your ear, sworn to secrecy.“Claire bitched out Carmy on a drunk phone call last night,” He starts, before Natalie can stop him. “No, it wasn’t-“ “Yeah, it was. It was gnarly. She finally actually got mad about opening night and let him fuckin’ have it, good for her,” he laughs, letting his hands plunge into his pockets. “What did she say?” Natalie’s sweet voice was a sharp contrast to Richie’s, low, and soft, when she replied, “He didn’t say much. Just that she called, and he had his stupid sad puppy dog eyes on, so obviously she must’ve said some… stuff.”
Carmy was scrubbing the floors of the kitchen, head down, obviously not taking any notice to the mini staff meeting in the dining room. “Just don’t mention it, ‘kay? I don’t think anyone’s supposed to know. He hasn’t heard from her in weeks and now he’s all fucked up over it, he’ll probably be a real bitch later.” “Heard, chef. Will try not to piss off Princess Carmy.”
The service isn’t so bad. Carmy’s mopey - downturned eyes, less yelling than you’d anticipated. It’s almost scary; seeing him rather calm, a little sad, reduced to a heartbroken boy who just feels fucking bad for himself. You try to stay out of his way, focusing on getting plates of custard and cake out in time, with no mistakes. It’s a lot of ‘yes chef, thank you chef, great chef’. You’d almost actually prefer it like this.
You find him out back having a cigarette right before you’re gonna head out. He hasn’t bothered to put his sweater or coat on, arms bare against the cold night air as he blows the hot smoke into a cloud above him. “Hey,” you start, sitting next to him. It feels a little odd to be close to him - intimate, in a way that you’re not used to. “You seemed off tonight. Is something up?” You put your hand out expectantly for a cigarette, and he obliges, with his lighter to follow. 
“No, chef,” he starts, dusting some salt from the street off his shoe. “Thank you though.” “You know I don’t have to be chef outside of that kitchen,” you bump a shoulder with him. “You’ve called me a lot of other names, God knows.” He stifles a laugh and looks at you again, with a softness in his features you’d never really seen before. “I just had a rough night last night, is all,” he finishes. “Just feels so fucking bad. I feel like I’m so bad at… this.” He gestures to the night sky around him. “I don’t know how to balance anything. I keep… I keep fucking losing people. People I like, people… people I fucking love. And like, what am I supposed to do about that?” You can see his face get hot as he lets the heel of his hand rub his eye. “You let it happen,” you finish, taking a puff of your own cigarette. “You do what you can and you let yourself feel it and you mourn and grieve until you can’t anymore, until it doesn’t feel right to anymore.”
He nods in agreement, letting you both smoke in silence. “Can I give you a ride home?” He asks, and you know what that means. “Yeah,” you agree softly. “Sure, thanks. Go get your stuff, I’ll wait here.” When he’s back, he locks the back door of the restaurant and lets you stand up first, following behind you.
When you make it back to your place, it’s different. He’s comfortable here now, having been in your space enough times to know where he was welcomed. Normally, it goes like, he’s panting down your neck before you can even get in the door, and once he’s put his stuff down, the back of your knees are hitting the mattress, wet sloppy kisses along your collarbones and neck, down over your breasts and down down down…
But he’s not being like that. When he sets his coat down, he finds his way to your couch. You pull a glass out of the cupboard to fill with ice and cold water, handing it to him before doing the same for yourself. “Can we… can we go to bed?” He asks, and it’s softer than usual. “Sure,” you smile, opening the door to your bedroom and watching as he strips bare, before pulling out a pair of grey sweat pants he had stashed in your closet. You’d stayed the night at his one time, so-affectionately wearing them in the morning to make him a cup of morning coffee, and decided just to wear them home. “Keep them,” he had said to you that day, “just in case.”
When he climbs in between your white sheets, he seems to instantly relax. He generally did after work, from what you saw - and even though he often had a hard time letting the day go, it seemed like whenever he was with you, he could let it go a little easier. You grabbed a pair of pyjamas for yourself and slid them on, before cracking the window slightly and letting the cool breeze in. The chain around his neck glistened in the moonlight, as he let his eyes flutter closed, just for a minute. When you let your hand brush over his arm, tracing the faded inky lines of his tattoos, he opened one eye slightly, eliciting a small laugh from the side of his mouth. “Feels nice,” he offered, soft against the sounds of the nighttime. “Would you be offended if we didn’t fuck tonight?” His eyes are still closed, and even though it seems a bit ridiculous to ask, you can tell it was hard for him to get the words out. It didn’t really mean that, it meant, can we just be here, together, and enjoy each other for a night? Do you want me here if not for that? 
“Of course not, Carmen,” you let your head hit the pillow, kissing his shoulder and letting your hand grasp his bicep. “You never call me Carmen,” he comments, voice soft, before he looks over at you. “I kinda like it. Only you, though.” You let the curls of his hair tangle around your fingers as he started to drift off, you following not long after. And it’s actually fine this time.
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Did Claire not wanna ride Carmy like a mad woman?
Everybody talking about how unsatisfied Carmy looked after sex with Claire. He seemed detached and disillusioned. He was so ill at ease the next day he had a panic attack and realized Syd is his peace and they had that metaphorical fuck under the table.
But can we back up to Claire. I’m sorry, she’s wanted this man for over a decade, sought out his real number, finally has sex and you’re telling me it just looked like cuddle time? You’re telling me she didn’t want Carmy to wreck her? You’re telling me she wasn’t going to ride him crazy?
Or they didn’t tell me, they showed me. I’m sorry, no. Carmy is so fine. Ain't no way you been wanting this man so deeply for so long and that sex was PG. I get FX may not be that kind of network but are you telling me this is as wild as it gets? With JAW in the lead role? We all saw Lip. We know what he can do.
So this makes me wonder. What are they trying to say by keeping the sex so tame? It could be a contractual thing or a creative decision to not be super graphic, but they could have keyed the primal passion in some way. And I can get if it wasn’t from his side, although if he’s supposed to have wanted that woman that long, more should be expected. But obviously he’s conflicted. But her?
What a waste. Somebody finally gets this man in bed and all we got was some wide eyed staring? They were so dry. And really I’m disappointed in this woman for not taking it up a level. You get your dream boy in bed and it was so lame. No, it wasn’t a naked, sexy thing. No it was not.
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gallapiech · 2 months
im held hostage to do this tag game
thank u @spookygingerr for making this week's tag game heeeheeee and thank you @lingy910y @sleepyheadgallavich & @creepkinginc for tagging me!
favourite nickname someone gave you: NOT GREG. hm, maybe Fernsie? People usually just call me Pie lol.
favourite thing in your room/house: my computer :3c
your favourite thing about a friend/partner/family member: the joking jokester you make me laugh so much for the next challenge we will be painting using mythica's blood
what is something you’re grateful for today? The people who ordered a keychain :)
what’s your favourite thing about this fandom? The creativity!!!!!
if one song could describe your day today, what would it be? I'm so ass at doing these kind of things uhhh
pick one of your pocket pals and tell them something you admire about them: I'm gonna do this one a little differently, and use it for my tags at the same time!
@ian-galagher I admire the fact that despite also being Dutch you still haven't come to my house and beaten the ever loving shit out of me, yet. ♥ Also the Africa fic is so good I love it and you.
@lee-ow ur ok ig.
@deathclassic Molllyyy I always get excited when our paths cross! I admire your work ethic because I would've exploded 100 times already if I had the same work hours that you do LOL.
@thepupperino I love talking to you sooo much omg! I manifest you having insomnia every morning just so I can catch you in the discord server :) Also your stories are always so crazy and amazing oh my god.
@deedala I love it whenever we struggle at trivia together <3 What's the dps number of the shit toilet in fallout 4? hint: 0 vowels @doshiart I admire your dedication to art so much!!! Your art is so fucking good and I love your backgrounds and rendering I got much to learn from you.
@roryonic I admire your work ethic and I love your fics sooo much, your dry sense of humor is also very funny. @jrooc Your big sister energy is ooffff the charts Jess I love talking to you and I always feel like you give me a safe space. Also your writing is bomb dot com I eat all your words up. @heymacy YOUR GIFS AHHHH tyheyre so amazing macy, I also love it whenever I can catch you in the server. I always feel like you bring the sun with you wherever you go. @transmurderbug Sky I love talking to you, seeing you fail so miserably with the snail race commands and then giving up. I can't wait to hang out again next netflix n chill.
I can go on forever so I'll force myself to stop here, LOL. If I didn't mention you then you probably already tagged me :3, or I'm too lazy to add you but i still see u and appreciate u muah muah muah
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hanasnx · 2 years
Ask and ye shall receive, so my take on this is that this is like 19-21 year old Anakin— possessive, jealous, emotional, horny horny horny, break the Jedi code to get my dick wet, falls in love hard, fast, and deeply—Skywalker, who went and caught feelings for his fwb. They were always firmly in agreement that it was "just sex," but it's never just sex with Anakin, he feels too much, so now that she's broken things off to get into a real relationship, he has to channel his all of his feelings into sex. It's not love, he just needs to fuck her one more time right? It's not jealously, he just thinks it's funny that he was fucking her on the side while she was dating this other guy. It's not possesiveness, he just knows he fucks her better than anyone else, even the man she fell in love with. One more time, just one more time, he'll make it so good, he'll channel every morsel of heartache into it, because if he can't have her he might as well make sure she can't forget him.
here's the version with subtle phone effects on the voice
And here's the version without
Also disclaimer he doesn't sound exactly like Anakin, and the audio itself doesn't take place in the SW universe, but I get the feeling we're the same level of delusional and can fill in the gaps mentally. Anyway I hope you enjoy it, I'd love to hear your thoughts 💖
link 1
link 2
spoilers to the audio under the cut cos omfg these lines got me lookin like :o
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☥ “… do you remember what happened next? .. i bet you do.”
☥ “does he know?” talking about fucking you after your dates with your now bf when you were unexclusive at the time that is my CRACK
☥ “fuck one more out of your system. you guy’s just started dating, it’s not even cheating. yea, baby, cmere,”
☥ “wonder if he thought about you during the week. overanalyzing every interaction. ‘oh, am i texting too much?’. maybe you weren’t texting back bcos you were begging for my cum.”
☥ “i cant believe i’m never gonna have that pussy again.” sounded so much like anakin’s voice i
☥ “but if you guys break up. you know where to find me.”
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👑, i casually ate 5 pieces of pizza listening to this bcos ur right hot damn he does sound like anakin and i couldn’t pay attention to anything else. i was seeing the whole damn thing. usually i’m not into these, but i think bcos it was a “voicemail” and there was no awkward waiting parts where he was expecting u, the listener, to answer— i enjoyed it thoroughly. you know what i mean about those awkward silent parts?
your take?? golden much like your crown, bcos my usual premise for his one shots is that you’re his fwb, and it’s easier this way to keep things separate. but yes, those underlying confusing feelings he pushes away are always ones of “it’s just sex. i don’t love her. that’s crazy.” or “i’m not jealous i’m just aggravated i can’t be jealous when she’s not really mine…”
yet here he is. fisting his cock to the memory of you. the suns gone down where he’s staying, and no doubt you’re asleep. but he had to try to call you anyway, some time when you wouldn’t be around your new boyfriend. it’s just his voice that sends through, too dark to record a hologram for you. talking that filthy shit to you in hopes you’ll remember all the good you two had. come back for more.
i love what u had to say so much i want it tattooed on my forehead bcos it’s so frustratingly anakin to twist his own words and confuse himself in order to avoid the truth. also to fuck someone and then go ahead and fall the hell in love??? so on brand.
“yea i can keep my feelings separate….
no, actually i lied about that entirely. here are my feelings, they’re your problem now.”
specially bcos i imagine in this fwb relationship you took his virginity—
this was all over the place but i fuckig loveeeee the jealous ex fwb knowing he has no business talking to you like this when you’ve got a bf, but trying it anyway. bcos the chance of filling you up one last time is greater than the possibility of you refusing to talk to him because both you and him know the silent treatment won’t last.
literally ur invited into my inbox anytime love. i love ur mind
edit: i should say i do not condone cheating i just have an infidelity fantasy
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beakerhoneydew · 17 days
Watching the pilot of Brian Jordan Alvarez’s new show on FX and it’s literally crazy to me that he’s not just the Caleb Gallo guy anymore. Like I know you’re mainstream successful now man but your biggest contribution to society will always be Freckle. To me.
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missfangirll · 1 year
☆°・:*:・。★ Writing ★ 。・:*:・°☆
★ 陈情令 | The Untamed ★
☆ Snow Angels (SL/XXC, fluff) ☆ i carry your heart with me (SL/XXC, fix-it, h/c, fluff, angst) ☆ Saving Grace (SL/XXC, fix-it, mild h/c, reunion) ☆ Sunlight (SL/XXC, fix-it, mild h/c, reunion) ☆ A Kinder Sea (SL/XXC, Yi City fix-it, canon divergence) ☆ Here we go again (SL/XXC, fluff, crack, modern au, mamma mia au)
  ★ 天官赐福 | Heaven Official’s Blessing ★
☆ Guiding Light (XL/HC, mild h/c, confessions, canon divergence) ☆ Of Gods and Ghosts (XL/HC, light angst with a happy ending, canon divergence) ☆ The Road Not Taken(FX/MQ, fluff, getting back together, modern AU)
  ★  二哈和他的白猫师尊 | The Dumb Husky and His White Cat Shizun ★
☆ we found love in a hopeless place:    1. as your shadow crosses mine (CWN/MR, h/c, first kiss, confession)    2. feel your heartbeat in my mind (CWN/MR, h/c, first kiss, confession)
  ★ 盗墓笔记 | The Lost Tomb ★
☆ A Port in the Storm (Xiaoge/WX, introspection, fluff, first kiss) ☆ Thunder in our hearts (Xiaoge/WX, fluff, mild h/c) ☆ the world is brighter than the sun (Hei Xiazi/Xiao Hua, crack, kid fic) ☆ all poems are lies, all poets liars (Hei Xiazi/Xiao Hua, fix-it of sorts) ☆ The Big Puppy and his Feisty Cat Liu Sang (Kan Jian/Liu Sang, fluff, smut)
  ★ 七爷 | Lord Seventh ★
☆ Don’t trouble a quiet snake (WX/JBY, fluff, first kiss) ☆ Butterflies in Love with Flowers (WX/JB, fluff, bonding, fix-it of sorts) ☆ When you’re gone (WX/JBY, mild h/c, established relationship) ☆ love by any other name (WX/JBY, fluff, first kiss) ☆ Nightly Hauntings (WX/JBY, fluff, crack, first kiss, sharing a bed)
  ★ 千秋 | Thousand Autumns ★
☆ Crossroads (YW/SQ, fluff, modern AU, getting back together)
  ★ 镇魂 | Guardian ★
☆ All the right places:
Snapped (SW/ZYL, fluff & crack)
Mended (SW/ZYL, fluff & crack)
Glazed (SW/ZYL, fluff)
☆ New Year’s Morning:   
You are my home (SW/ZYL, fluff)
Cat Fight (DQ/YZ, fluff)
☆ Ad astra per aspera: (SW/ZYL, DQ/YZ, fix-it, fluff, getting together) Chapter 1  ||   Chapter 2  ||   Chapter 3  ||   Chapter 4  ||   Chapter 5  ||   Chapter 6  ||   Chapter 7  ||   Chapter 8  ||   Chapter 9  ||   Chapter 10  ||  Chapter 11
☆ Unlikely (DQ/YZ, fluff) ☆ Learning to fly (SW/ZYL, fluff, kid fic, prompt) ☆ I will stay true (SW/ZYL, fluff, jealousy, prompt) ☆ Always (SW/ZYL, fluff, SW gets hurt, prompt) ☆ Will you shut up? (DQ/YZ, fluff & smut) ☆ The Light of the Universe (SW/ZYL, fluff, first meeting) ☆ One half of me is yours (SW/ZYL, fluff, pining, first kiss) ☆ Send noods (SW/ZYL, fluff, crack) ☆ Strawberries & Cigarettes (SW/ZYL, fluff, 4+1 things) ☆ Driving me crazy (SW/ZYL, fluff, crack, prompt) ☆ To be loved (SW/ZYL, DQ/YZ, fluff, found family) ☆ Bingo! (DQ&ZH, fluff, crack, prompt) ☆ Bite me (SW/ZYL, fluff, crack, prompt) ☆ Nightmare from Bright Street (GCC&CSZ, fluff, crack, prompt) ☆ Leave a Light on (GCC&CSZ, fluff, prompt) ☆ What we do in the shadows (DQ/YZ, crack) ☆ Curiosity got the cat stuck (DQ/YZ, fluff, crack, prompt) ☆ Our scars remind us that the past is real (SW/ZYL, fluff, first kiss, scars) ☆ To Do Unto You (SW/ZYL, fluff, caring for each other, prompt) ☆ I put a spell on you (SW/ZYL, crack, prompt) ☆ silver clouds with grey linings (SW/ZYL, fluff, established relationship, prompt) ☆ The Noodle Incident (SW/ZYL, crack, attempt at humor) ☆ Awakening (SW, sad, angst, introspection)
  ★ S.C.I.谜案集 | S.C.I. Mystery ★
☆ I miss you, I’m sorry (BYT/ZY, fluff and angst, prompt) ☆ Living love in slow motion (BYT/ZY, fluff, pining, getting together) ☆ Tie your heart to mine (BYT/ZY, case fic, angst with a happy ending) ☆ Let my heart be still a moment (BYT/ZY, case fic, angst with a happy ending)
                       ★ The Sandman ★
☆ My Brother's Keeper (Dream/Hob, fluff, getting together, Hob rescues Dream)
  ★ Thai BL ★
★ Until we meet again: ☆ A Broccoli and a Promise (Win/Team, fluff, getting together) ☆ Reasons to stay (Win/Team, fluff, sharing a bed, first kiss)   ★ KinnPorsche: ☆ Under your skin (Vegas/Pete, fluff, tattoos, post-canon)
  ★ The Eternity of Our Victorious Kisses ★
A Kiss Through Tears (BYT/ZY, fluff)
A Kiss To Claim (DQ/YZ, fluff)
A Kiss In Public (DQ/YZ, fluff)
A Kiss For Luck (BYT/ZY, fluff)
A Kiss On A Scar (DQ/YZ, fluff)
A Kiss To Shut Them Up (SW/ZYL, fluff)
A Kiss Out Of Love (LJ/SY, fluff)
A Kiss As A Promise (SW/ZYL, fluff))
A Kiss Because The World Is Ending (SW/ZYL, fluff, angst, fix-it)
A Kiss To Distract (SW/ZYL, fluff, Ye Olde Haixing Era)
     ☆゚・:*:・。★゚ You can always send an ask! ★ 。・:*:・゚☆ ☆
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Character: David Haller / Legion
TV-Show: Legion FX
Universe: Alternativ [?] X-Men Universe
Zitat from David Haller:
You know the most dangerous thing about schizophrenia? The most dangerous thing is believing you don’t have it. That’s the trick. The mind killer. Your disease convinces you, you don’t have it. So, for example, one day in the hospital, you meet a girl and she has some friends and they tell you you’re not sick. You have super powers. And more than anything, you wanna believe it because that means you’re not crazy. It means you can fall in love and live happily ever after. But you know if you believe it if you surrender to the hope and you’re wrong, then you’re never coming back.
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munchflix · 2 years
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Munch: This is, I say regrettably, my favorite franchise. That being said, my version of my favorite franchise ends abruptly at the fourth installment.
Biscuits: This your boy??? This your man???
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M: Yeah...I know.
B: This one took a while because...we had to watch the movies. I wish we hadn't. I wish I had not watched the movies. I will never forgive me for making me watch ALL OF THESE FUCKING MOVIES. Each one took years off my life span. I'd already seen the first four but...
M: They're bad. They're direct to video bad. They're 3 dollar bin at Walmart bad and I still want my money back. 
B: They'd be walk out of the theatre movie bad but you can't because most of them weren't in theaters. They're turn it off and watch some porn bad.
M: That being said...I am a huge Hellraiser fan. I love the lore, I love the mythology. I own the comics, I own the movies, I love Doug Bradley so much. Pinhead is my absolute favorite boi. But alas....we must review this shit. So here we go. PART THE ONE. A woman discovers the newly resurrected, partially formed, body of her brother-in-law. She starts killing for him to revitalize his body so he can escape the demonic beings that are pursuing him after he escaped their sadistic underworld. That's a weird version of things IMDB. 
B: Those are things that certifiably in the first movie, if you've never seen Hellraiser you're probably confused. 
M: The first, arguably the best, our introduction to the cenobites, to Kirsty, to the entire mythology and the Lament Configuration ( the iconic box ). My only gripe is that like so many of the Hellraiser movies, not enough Pinhead. The special effects, for 1987 are off the fucking chain, and they still hold up, honestly. This movie still looks better than most of the shit we watched. S tier shit.
B: The fx are really impressive for the time it was made and the fact that they didn't have much of a budget. You know what I liked about this movie? Stuff happened in it. There was a plot. The cenobites, the Lament, it was part of the plot. It was significant to the story.
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M: Well this one was actually made to be a Hellraiser story, unlike six others in this series. PART THE TWO. Kirsty is brought to an institution after the horrible events of Hellraiser (1987), where the occult-obsessive head doctor resurrects Julia and unleashes the Cenobites and their demonic underworld. This one is probably my favorite, ten times more crazy cenobite shit, way more Pinhead.
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B: We get to see their weird liminal space hell and Leviathan, the giant rotating space diamond. It's weird and out there, and that's pretty cool. Clive Barker created such a unique impression and aesthetic of Hell. So weird and distinct.
M: It's amazeballs, some more really iconic lines from our boy Pinhead, and nobody but Doug Bradley could say that shit and make it sound cool. We know, we've heard other people try. It's bad. Also S tier.
B: Yup.
M: PART THE THREE. An investigative reporter must send the newly unbound Pinhead and his legions back to Hell. This starts the eternal trend of fucking detective/investigator/reporter nonsense in this series.
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B: Like they couldn't think of ANY other plotlines. This movie is balls out, batshit insane. It's hard for me to delineate in words how bizarre this movie is. There's a guy who looks like Hulk Hogan who gets turned into a cenobite who kills people with his telescoping eyeball lens? There's Pinhead in a statue in a nightclub that just happens to be an art museum?? And Pinhead is just like, hey Nightclub guy you should just kill people.
M: It's fantastic. It's just utter chaos from the moment it starts. Pinhead spends half the movie trapped in a statue, he's so great. Sassy and unhinged Pinhead. The main character is some redhead named Joey who does stuff but we don't care because there's a fucking dude shooting cd's out of his cenobite mouth hole. I love this movie. Tons of Pinhead, tons of cenobites, some of the most iconic lines in the series here. S tier as well.
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B: That's understandable. I'm willing to put it in A tier, but I like it an S tier amount. I will acknowledge it's not a great film, but it's fun as hell.
M: PART THE FOUR. In the 22nd century, a scientist attempts to right the wrong his ancestor created: the puzzle box that opens the gates of Hell and unleashes Pinhead and his Cenobite legions.
B: I can't lie...this kind of H.R. Giger shit that happened in the 90's...I fucking hate it. It's so fucking visually boring. Alien movies were good but ugh, I watched Event Horizon and it was BORING. This movie falls into that trap and I don't like it. Compared to the other movies in this franchise after this one, this movie is great. It's high cinema.
M: You're entitled to your wrong opinion about Giger and Event Horizon. I love this movie. It's so stupid. Hellraiser in space, c'mon. Most of the movie is about LeMarchand and we don't really care, but Pinhead has some of the BEST lines in the whole series.
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B: " Do I look like someone who cares what God thinks?" I love how Pinhead is this like, very serious Hell priest but then at the same time is very sassy.
M: Sassy Pinhead is the best Pinhead. Unfortunately after this, everything went straight into ass tier. I'm not willing to S tier this. This is at best B tier. Compared to the rest, this is still like...the best movie.
B: B tier is fair.
M: PART THE FIVE. INFERNO. A shady police detective becomes embroiled in a strange world of murder, sadism and madness after being assigned a murder investigation against a madman known only as "The Engineer". This is the first one where they made an entirely different movie and then slapped Pinhead into it. No really, they did that for like four movies. It's also the second movie that centers around a fucking detective.
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B: I feel a visceral hatred for this movie. It is a GRUELING experience. At the beginning, I was like, I'll give this a chance. It's not going so bad, it might be alright. But no, it just drags on. It's so, so fucking boring. You stop caring about this detective like a quarter of the way in. And this is the movie that begins the HORRIBLE, AWFUL, I FUCKING HATE IT trend of having fucked up shit happen and then have it be like OH IT DIDN'T HAPPEN. It was a hallucination or something. That's half the movie, stuff that isn't happening!
M: The original movies had a ton of fucked up shit happening, but it was ACTUALLY HAPPENING. That's part of why it was so insane. This movie is....painful. It is blindingly dull. They bring in the chatterer but he's just a torso. They throw in the wire twins and some like...slenderman motherfucker but it's just the detective.
B: They quit making new cenobites after this, they just recycled the same ones. They got rid of chatterer and butterball and female cenobite, kinda rude tbh. There's barely any cenobites in this.
M: Pinhead is here for like...literally two minutes.
B: It's a four course meal of just Saltines. Bland, dry, and unfufilling. Hell tier. Piss hell tier.
M: Whatever the worst, lowest part of hell is, this movie belongs there. PART THE SIX. A shady businessman attempts to piece together the details of the car crash that killed his wife, rendered him an amnesiac, and left him in possession of a sinister puzzle box that summons monsters.
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B: At least this time, he's a shady businessman!
M: There are detectives tho. This movie brings back Kirsty, but like....she's a side character. The movie would have been way more interesting if it was about her. She manipulates her husband into the cenobites hands but WE DON'T GET TO SEE ANY OF THAT. It's all told from her stupid husband's point of view.
B: I remember him throwing up a lamprey but that was the only gross thing. If I wanted to watch a white guy lose his grip on reality I'd just go watch Hannibal. Or go look in the mirror.
M: SELF BURN. This movie is so boring. AND - it does the fucking this didn't really happen bullshit hallucination crap even more than inferno. It's slightly, and I'm measuring this is in millimeters, less boring than Inferno.
B: This one does have a lamprey coming out a man's mouth. It's still bad though. I have a hard time putting this is anything but shit tier as well. If I had to choose between this movie and staring at a blank wall for the same duration, i'd pick the wall, because then I could at least imagine a better Hellraiser movie. Still D tier.
M: I agree. It's awful. And now... PART THE SEVEN. Deader. A journalist uncovers an underground group who can bring back the dead and slowly becomes drawn into their world.
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B: The cover for this one also looks like ass, look at that fucking photoshop glow around the cube, now just slap that girl's face on it. Who's more dead?
M: Yet another fucking journalist detective and we don't know what's really happening and what's not.
B: This one actually feels shorter than the other ones. The pacing isn't quite that slow but it's better than the other things. There's one or two visually interesting things. The guy on the train was kinda interesting. The scene where she has the knife in her back is compelling, the stark white of the bathroom and the blood. The scene with the dead girl in the bathroom also has tension. That's more than any of the other shit movies in here.
M: You're gonna give a rank up for not feeling eternal??? It's still awful. It is slightly less awful, the plot is really out there, there are holes you could drive a mack truck through. This one, like the past two though was also just another fucking movie that they threw Pinhead into and called it Hellraiser. Like...why does Lemarchand's ancestor have the ability to raise the dead?
B: It has a bit more merit as a piece of cinema than Inferno, which has nothing. It's like that gold star meme that says - not as bad as you could have been.
M: But can we rank it above hell piss tier? I mean really. We have like two rankings here...the first four, which we can't even compare these to, and then the rest against each other.
B: Compared to the originals, it's not good. It could be C tier, I guess.
M: I'm willing to go along with that, but it's still really really bad. PART THE EIGHT. HELLWORLD. Gamers playing a MMORPG based on the "Hellraiser" films find their lives endangered after being invited to a rave, the host of which intends to show them the truth behind the Cenobite mythos.
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B: I'm almost willing to move Deader to C tier after remembering this one. This one is piss hell tier. Plot, that word doesn't apply to this movie.
M: The plot is....shaky...at best. This isn't remotely a Hellraiser movie. This is the WORST offender here.
B: The entire movie only has a Hellraiser themed party until the VERY END when Pinhead shows up for like a cameo and cuts a guy to pieces. It has nothing to do with hellraiser. The plot is a dude who's mad at his dead kid's friends because his son killed himself and he's seeking revenge.
M: It's more like a Saw movie tbh. Henry Cavill is here tho. There's a lot of banging and even more of the fucking this didn't really happen trope and also Pinhead is wearing a neck brace.
B: And at the end it's implied that a ghost used a phone to save his friends? There's nothing at all to do with Hellraiser. You could remove all the hellraiser iconography and it would still be the same movie. You could remove Pinhead and it would be the same movie.
M: Piss hell garbage tier. It's irredeemable.
B: These movies feel like being tortured by the cenobites in real life.
M: PART THE FUCKING NINE REVELATIONS JESUS CHRIST. Imdb won't load the synopsis. We already reviewed this one.
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B: Jerma cries a lot, the movie.
M: I hate that I have to elevate this absolute piece of shit in the rankings, but it's at least a Hellraiser movie??? It's at least about Hell???
B: This one at least has some moments that are funny bad and not just bad bad. The unnecessary baby murder.
M: That's funny??
B: It's so hamfisted, it's so edgy, it just becomes comical.
M: This movie was made entirely so that they didn't lose the rights to hellraiser. Clive Barker said - and I quote - "I have NOTHING to do with the fuckin' thing. If they claim its from the mind of Clive Barker,it's a lie. It's not even from my butt-hole"
B: The makeup is so bad. He looks tacky, like if I reached out and touched him, he would be sticky. I don't like sticky airbrushed Pinhead.
M: They also messed up his eyes, it's just weird. This movie is laughably atrocious, but at least it's laughable. You can't even laugh at Inferno. You're too busy pulling your hair out. Regrettably, C tier.
B: It's poopy garbage and I don't like it, but compared to the other fecal matter I've had to review, it's slightly better.
M: PART THE FUCKING TEN OH MY GOD. JUDGEMENT. Detectives Sean and David Carter are on the case to find a gruesome serial killer terrorizing the city. Joining forces with Detective Christine Egerton, they dig deeper into a spiraling maze of horror that may not be of this world. Hey guess what? Fucking detectives.
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B: This movie is really gross but it just feels way overdone. It loses it's shock value when you're being nasty 24-7. and I would know. A lot of these movies I was like - not nasty enough! This one...maybe build up a little.
M: This is a different kind of nasty tho, like there's barfing. A lot of barfing. And playing in barf. And drooling, and splashing blood on naked chicks and it honestly feels a WEE BIT FETISHY to me.
B: You're talking about Hellraiser, it's always been kinda fetishy.
M: I don't feel like it was Hellraiser fetishy, I feel like it was director fetishy.
B: They blew their load way too early. You can't just come out of the gate swinging like that. It's not as bad as some of the other ones. There's some Hell stuff in it at least.
M: I kinda like the Auditor.
B: I liked the weird butcher guy. The auditor guy is kinda cool but you can tell he can't hardly talk with that makeup on because he can't move his upper lip. I hate all the detective shit. There's no explanation of why this one detective guy went bonkers. I don't like the angel chick, she feel really out of place.
M: The Pinhead is at least better, though I wish they'd never showed the actor without the makeup. He also looks way overdone, like they hit him with some flocking.
B: Way too airbrushed. His lips are kinda blue. Blue lips, pale face, I hate the entire human race.
M: Still...in the grand scheme of things...not the worst. I still can't even go to B tier. I could go C tier.
B: B tier has four, we're not going there. It's still bad and I wouldn't advise that you watch it, but comparatively....it's better.
M: And the bar is SO LOW. Like we got excited that Deader didn't feel six hours long. That's how low the bar is. I will never forgive these people for what they did to my boy, MY BOY! But thank you Doug and Clive for giving me the first four. We are tentatively very excited about the new Hulu version.
B: "Look how they massacred my boy!" - The Godfather, 1972.
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m1ckeyb3rry · 1 day
LMAOO it’s so funny how both Rin and sae have the same number of letters in their name the censoring can work both ways
AHAHAH you fr just get possessed and channel the energy instead of kaneshiro or kiyora it’s aiku now maybe that’s why you have crazy rizz too
IM CRYING the way the TikTok is so specific and fits perfectly how did you just have that on hand (ig it’s a sign pursuit truly meant to be)
Wait spewpa fits so well another pokemon pairing W…I’ve also never watched either series I just know people memeing about it LMAOO BUT YEAH from what I’ve seen it’s just everyone’s kids THE WEDDING SCENE IS CRAZY no because the brides side is STACKED (Barou’s soul descends from the sky to shed some tears /j) omg Charles DOES give the bug kid energy guys…
I LOVE MIKAGES MUSTACHE LMFAOO the houndoom arcanine fusion is so funny it’s giving digimon (I think) you should just add a red noodle in the bg….one big squiggle….modern contemporary art we’ll know that it represents her red gyarados as well as the red string of fate tying them all together (insert the akshually nerd meme here)
THE DIAGRAMS the way that it’s all in cursive too has me sending because reading “fuckass butler coded” in cursive the vibes have me crying I love it though it’s so iconic (I’m ngl though my eyes moved too fast and I read that as butter at first so I was like huh….? Now imagine Karasu in one of those ridiculous Halloween outfits and he’s just a stick of butter with a hole for his face and his arms out on the side) ninja wannabe otoya is so real but the way that he makes Karasu carry all his shit is giving when a girl tells her man to carry her purse and bags LMFAOAOA long coat Karasu >>>> ok imagine his coattails are actually kinda shaped like wings though omg the bird motif goes hard I know some people don’t like long coats generally but I think it looks soooo good on him!! Wait ok I’m imagining he wears some like button up under the coat imagine him with rolled up sleeves and the gloves…..karasu the man you are….ok but i fr love the diagrams if you ever make more do show…
Side stories guys side stories…imagine you sandwich them between arcs like how they do beach episodes and fillers guys can someone actually pitch this to an animation studio (not eight bit) the mc slander is CRAZY LMAOO I love that dynamic to the reader and co group
Otoya acts cool but he’s so be fangirling over that like you know that one face he makes where he’s like happy/content and his eyes kinda turn into rectangles/lines and he’s throwing a like surfer hand thing (WOW this is why I don’t write) or like when anime’s add the like shoujo pink bright sparkly flower fx yeah that’s what I’m imagining but CRYING I THINK SO?? Prince being like wow Karasu you’re pretty strong! I immediately started playing the Justin Bieber that should be me audio in my mind congrats you’re now forever associated with him
LMAOO considering that even kaneshiro gave Barou some crack moments (maid Barou) id agree Barou and crack work so well im so excited to read about the goofy shenanigans im prepared to fr laugh my ass off
WAIT THE BUILD ME A PKMN TEAM IS GENIUS I gotta go brush up on my dex knowledge know and get prepared pursuit really opening up all these opportunities and ideas
That’s fr me anytime I use a non auto saving software like I’ll move my cursor an inch to the left and press save (Karasu over Isagi any day straight facts)
Wait no because I NEVER see Reo hate I actually usually only see Reo defenders/glazers and they like fully blame Nagi for EVERYTHING and I’m like are we gonna ignore the toothbrush scene /hj (I thought it was funny for comedic effect but people also take it way too seriously but also the dependency goes crazy) and fr!! Actually I think the sub idea is pretty good the copy ability reminds me of a character from Kuroko’s basketball who’s really good but not number one because of the limitations the copy has (he’s able to copy 100% but only for a limited time because stamina energy typical sports stuff) but I agree Nagi being a miracle is kinda his brand….
IM CRYING THE NAGI TIKTOK your fyp is actually insane ok but glad it didn’t delete the entire thing wait im gonna do a wc of this to see how long our responses usually are this one’s 797 words counting “are” as the end sooooo
LMAOOO Barou’s one insecurity is his tiny ass nose /j lowk I kinda like how ironic it is like you’ve got big angry ripped man with a cute little nose
- Karasu anon
LMAOO NO LITERALLY like it could really be either one but i feel like i tend to talk abt them very differently so even through the censor it’s kind of obvious?? like rin i at least acknowledge that he’s pretty and i’d like him more if he weren’t popular but sae…my opp fr /j /j sae fans don’t hate me
no because that’s literally how it feels like people will ask me for writing tips and i’ll just be like i wish i could help but my process is just be chronically online -> get inspo from a random tik tok audio -> get possessed by the character i’m writing for -> end up with a fully formed fic a few hours/days/weeks later LMAOAOAO it just happens
THE TIK TOK HAD ME CRYINGGG i saw it and was immediately like omg pursuit reoy/n…pursuit references are everywhere it’s a sign from the universe that it needs to happen fr!!
shoeliver best duo and HAHA no because that lowkey fits…i know in hindi it’s a common thing for mom’s to threat to throw a shoe at their kids when they’re mad (it sounds better in hindi i fear) which lowkey is giving barou??? and liver -> lover and aiku is a lover of many women fr
CHARLES THE BUG KID OF ALL TIME the wedding would be so crazy imagine nagiy/n’s son looking at kiyora like “twin 😟 where have you been ⁉️” honestly that mixture of personalities in one room is just crazy work…why not throw in grandpa chris prince sponsoring the wedding while we’re at it /hj HAHAAH grandpa lavinho as the dj…grandpa noel noa the officiant…grandpa snuffy the only one who doesn’t get drunk and helps clean up…😭😭😭
the funniest thing is mikage doesn’t even have a mustache like that in canon?? like he has slight stubble but he was giving too many aiku vibes so i decided to drip him out and give him the full villain stache FBXJSJSH omg gyarados as nagi and reader’s red thread you’re cooking here…nah because we were talking abt how chaotic the nagiy/n daughter + charles wedding would be imagine the tullireo and nagiy/n weddings absolutely INSANE work 😨
okay because hear me out maybe when he’s just training karasu takes the coat off and rolls the sleeves of his shirt up to his elbows and undoes the top couple of buttons of his shirt 🤤 i have a very specific vision of him post-training with reader sitting on a log or smth and he’s slightly sweaty (enough that his hair is just a bit messy but not enough that he’s gross yk) and he has the gloves on and his fletchling is sitting on his right forearm and he’s scratching it for doing a good job KFHCISJS KARASUUU we mustn’t fold…nah because why are both of reader’s brother figured such baddies bro forget being y/n and getting w nagi i need aegislash to isekai me in there so i can get with her brothers ‼️ /hj
nah because get pursuit to pokémon studios fr the plot goes so crazy i’d single-handedly revive the anime with it (jk or am i??) and yes i think that’s the plan!! like toss in the side stories in between interconnected arcs and relate them to the previous arc (so not after every arc but for example after the arcs where reader and co meet up and where they meet manshine trio there can be a mini side story of nagi getting his growlithe or smth)
PLEASEEE THE SHOUJO FLOWERS meanwhile otoya’s wearing his all black emo coded fit the duality >>> literally chris prince sees karasu’s talonflame and as the fire type elite four member he’s like “wow that’s a great pokémon you take great care of it” and karasu’s like “heh thanks man 😅” maybe this is what inspires otoya to sign up for the chris prince scam egg gift program that gets him his ninetales HFJSDKSJ
barou is so fun because you can see him in a more serious role like pursuit but he also works well in a crack situation!! he’s such a versatile character we love him for that…like for example shidou and aiku i would mostly only write in those lighter situations whereas almost anything i do with nagi ends up leaning towards more serious just because I’M serious abt him (jkjk) barou can do it all that’s why we must stan
RIGHT I THINK IT COULD BE REALLY FUN AS AN OPTION i’ll def see if i can think of anything else but this is def a strong contender!!
THAT’S WHAT I’M SAYINGGG all i see are reo and chigiri fans slamming on nagi where are the mysterious nagi fans that hate on reo or don’t acknowledge chigiri??? maybe it’s a twitter thing but all i’m seeing are nagi haters nowadays 😒 tbh i think that’s another reason i forgot i liked chigiri HDKSDK his stans are crazyyyy either they overly feminize him, gas him up toooo much at the expense of every other character (yes he consistently slays but at the end of the day when things are said and done i don’t think he can compete with a fully motivated/unlocked nagi SORRY), or both 😭 REMIND ME WHO GOT REPLACED IN THE U20 MATCH 🤔🤔🤔🤔 all jokes ofc i do love chigiri and yes he’s currently carrying manshine but i thought we all agreed that this is just a character development arc for nagi…anyways…
PLS THE TIK TOK WAS SO GOOD sometimes you just have to laugh 😭 and speaking of tik toks i found another barou edit hehe the intro is wild i lowkey lost it at the spongebob JFDJSKA also i’m sorry i don’t have any other friends into bllk so you get all of my silly videos HAHAAH
LMAOO no i agree it’s very cute it fits his off field personality!! his isn’t as tiny as karasu’s in the trailer either omg karasu’s is so tiny…not in a bad way though i kind of love it i think it’s adorable…anyways i think i’m the only person who’s not wigging out over the trailer literally everywhere i go it’s just people being insane over it like y’all PLEASE relax i think we will be okay!!
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blackcatcabin · 21 days
Alright y’all. Let’s talk foundation. My entire life I have always been pink. I was not blessed with the gene that many of my friends have to not immediately fry when left out in the sun…for all of 3 minutes.
So number one for everyone living in hot weather - sunscreen, sunscreen, suncreeeeeen. Say it with me, sun-screen! Cannot emphasize how important this is for just even going to get your mail. Put it in your hair too, I had to remind my northern girlfriends when they came down, heat protectant in your hair is important so you don’t fry. End of my PSA - Back to our scheduled foundation talk: 
I have found myself always using matte everything, since I’m a millennial, natural moisturizing was my enemy. St Ives apricot face scrub terrorized us all, and I scrubbed my face off with it every day. That being said I love that product, I still use it sparingly now, I don’t care, it smells great and like nostalgia from when I didn’t have to pay taxes. 
My go to everyday is Estée Lauder’s double wear. The entire line is great honestly. I know a lot of people see it as “grandmas make up,” but realistically the foundation does not leave your face. (We’ll get into the double wear line and their color pallet in a later post) Now proper skin prep is always needed. Go through your skin care routine and use their pink bottle for primer it’s the dewy/glowy one. (Specific I know sorry. I’ll update this promise.) This lasts me all day in the heat, doesn’t oxidize, and comes in a lot of shades. Forewarned, it absolutely needs a translucent powder over it after. It can get tacky on your face. But, I think all foundations need a translucent powder if you’re using a liquid foundation. It just makes it more comfortable on your face and helps it last longer. 
My personal rule of thumb is to use primers and powders within the same brand. Ie: foundation is from NARS use their setting and primers. Normally products are formulated together which makes them work better. 
I say this with the urgency to use caution though you may find something that works amazingly and not in the same brand. Milks new primer is great under my Estée Lauder but not under my glossier foundation. Which is just the name of the game is trying everything out. And I drove myself crazy doing this so you don’t have to!
If you’re a natural finish type of person. Which I was not until I was a recently converted glossier girl. (Im so late to this being trendy but who cares.) If your skin is super dry, I highly recommend NARS, their foundation is hydrating, gives a light weight natural finish, and is more cool toned friendly than other brands. For cool toned people, some brands may lean in too much on the pink undertone, and it changed the shade. NARS has it figured out. Their foundation was a dead ringer for my skin tone, the color match was perfect but sadly, I am oily as all hell. It slipped right off my face and my cousin benefited from my purchase since we’re pretty close in skin tone. The natural finish product that did work for me though was glossier. The formula is light weight and if you use it with their primer, it absolutely lasts all day without the need for a touch up. I will say their setting powder doesn’t last too long so try a tried and true powder you love. For me that’s fenty the powder press, or mac. Macs powder is sweat proof and won’t fail you it’s a classic. 

Also recently tried Cover Fxs line since it was half off. And because I have what I lovingly call “fish brain” (shiney so we bought it) I purchased the whole foundation line. Honest opinions its a great dupe for the esteé lauder double wear. The coverage was insanely good, I almost thought it wasn’t a shade match due to how full coverage it was. All of the red in my face was just gone in seconds.
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foxglove-official · 4 months
SE1E2 "Aorta"
NEW KID: (shrieking) I didn't sign up for this! 
NEW KID: (V/O) Yes, I signed the contract, but a guy’s gotta eat, and the roles and responsibilities didn't include becoming target practice! That’s gotta count as fraudulent misrepresentation, right? 
RED HOOD: ‘Sup, small fry? 
NEW KID: (V/O) Are my pants soaked because I fell in a puddle or is it just my piss? 
RED HOOD: Don’t sweat it, I ain't gonna hurt you. 
NEW KID: (defeatedly) I find that hard to believe, given all the bodies you’ve dropped. 
RED HOOD: That’s the plus side to decapitation. Relatively painless, and I'd argue too merciful of a fate for scum like you. 
NEW KID: Thanks, I suppose. 
RED HOOD: You are most welcome.
RED HOOD: Who threw….You.
HULI: Told you I’d only borrow it. 
RED HOOD: And I told you I’d bag you – Where are you going? 
HULI: (Off) Not in a bag! 
RED HOOD: You aren't even going to fight? 
HULI: And not only lose, but lose my head? 
RED HOOD: Points for self-awareness.
HULI: (out of breath) Don't I get any points for not cutting your throat when I had the chance? 
RED HOOD: (catching breath) Any points you got for that were canceled out when you threw my own knife at me.
HULI: You’re wearing a helmet, aren't you? 
HULI: Why what? 
RED HOOD: Why do you only steal from me? Why not cut my throat when you had the chance? 
HULI: I have a ploy. You're an important part of it. 
RED HOOD: I want no part of a partnership with an organ thief. 
HULI: I may steal hearts, Hero Complex, but you steal lives. You tell me which thief is worse. 
RED HOOD: I’m no hero. I’m here to do what’s necessary, and if that means committing a few necessary evils, then so be it. 
HULI: Control crime through fear and intimidation, and cut down the ones who aren't afraid. Effective and efficient. But only for the short-term. When you die, the control dies with you. The crime comes back to life. 
RED HOOD: (dryly) Been there, done that. 
HULI: (dryly) Happy rebirthday. 
RED HOOD: You think I’m crazy. 
HULI: I think I can be the method to your madness. Why spend all your time and money taking down these mobs from the outside, when you could conquer them from the inside out with their own resources, and then use the resources that remain…
RED HOOD: …To get to Joker.
HULI: You’ll have to excuse me.
RED HOOD: You are not excused –
HULI: Evening, Negroni. (pause) Yes, I have the delivery, and you’ll have it by nine. (pause) Yes, nine o’clock sharp. (pause) Yes, I am well aware of who you are, how sharp your knife is, and how it's sharp enough to skin me. 
RED HOOD: Negroni? 
HULI: Means ‘black’ in Italian.
RED HOOD: The fox mask…it’s from the False Face Society, isn't it?
HULI: I can get your foot in the door. You have until tomorrow to determine whether you’re willing to sacrifice a few toes.
BLACK MASK: Took you long enough, volpe. 
HULI: Thank you for your patience. 
BLACK MASK: There’s your cut, all in cash. 
HULI: This is five hundred thousand dollars. 
BLACK MASK: Bravo, you can count. 
HULI: I count a hundred thousand dollars extra. 
BLACK MASK: I tacked on a tad for taking the Hood off the new kid’s trail. 
HULI: There’s another new kid? 
BLACK MASK: Not for long. 
NEW KID: Give me a goddamn break!
LI: You’re not going to lay him off, are you?
BLACK MASK: No, I’m gonna lay him to rest. 
NEW KID: What did I even do?
LI: For what crime?
BLACK MASK: In the False Face Society, we live by a code of honor. Vendetta and omertà. Vendetta means you kill anyone who crosses La Famiglia. Omertà means you come crying to me, not the cops, when you have a grudge against another member. 
NEW KID: You gotta have me mixed up with someone else, sir. I didn’t do any of that –
BLACK MASK: (suddenly shouting) My million dollar kitsune nearly lost her head because of you, that’s what!
LI: Huli Jing. 
LI: Kitsunes are Japanese, she’s Chinese. She’s a Huli Jing. 
HULI: Or I could be Japanese, Korean, or Vietnamese, playing the part of Chinese to throw the cops off my trail. 
BLACK MASK: Whatever kind of fox you are, you made me a million dollars, and this cafone almost cost me it! And we’re all well aware of what that’s going to cost him…
LI: (flatly) His face? 
BLACK MASK: No, I’m gonna cut off his fingers – Of course, it’s gonna cost him his face, it’s called the False Face Society. Congratulations, consigliere, you can pick up on context clues!
HULI: (suddenly shouting) Leave her alone, loose cannon! You’re the Black Mask, the Crime King! 
HULI/CHARLES SIONIS: Why are you acting like a toddler who’s throwing a tantrum…
CHARLES SIONIS: (yelling) After all I’ve built for you, and you’re gonna give it up for some middle-class mongrel! 
YOUNG ROMAN: (yelling) She’s not a mongrel, she’s my fiance!
CHARLES SIONIS Suit yourself, you schmuck. I’m glad! I’m glad I won’t have to sully the Sionis legacy with whatever reckless, rabid boy that replaced my son! You’d be bad for business, anyway!
YOUNG ROMAN: Some father you are!
BLACK MASK: (seething) You’re lucky Lynns put in a good word for you, or those would've been your last words. You may be my million dollar kitsune, but you have no authority, and you are in no position to agonize over my anger issues. 
HULI: (strangled) Not anger issues, intermittent explosive disorder. It’s not your anger that agonizes me, it’s the way you waste your wrath on the wrong people. Worst of all, it’s a bad business model. 
BLACK MASK: What’s intermittent explosive disorder?
CHARLES SIONIS: (Off) Rabid, reckless!
HULI: Repeated sudden bouts of impulsive, aggressive, violent behavior or angry verbal outbursts. Caused by being conceived in an environment where explosive behavior, and verbal and physical abuse were common. 
CHARLES SIONIS: (Off) Bad for business, anyway!
BLACK MASK: (voice up) You said it’s a…bad business model. 
HULI: By all means, beat the hell out of anyone who crosses you, but you keep bludgeoning and brutalizing your own men, and they’ll come crying to your competitors. The rage that raised you up will take root in them, and soon, they’ll want to take you down more than they fear the consequences of crossing you. 
BLACK MASK: (voice down) They respect me for my rage. 
HULI: (sharply) Why do you doubt your ability to remain respected without your rage? Who wouldn’t respect you? You’re not a tantrum-throwing toddler. You’re the Black Mask, the Crime King, and you have your own family now. 
BLACK MASK: (strained) Li is my consigliere, not my companion.
HULI: I refer to Lynns.  
BLACK MASK: (sharply) Right, Lynns, the only reason I’m letting you live. 
HULI: You have a good night now, Negroni. 
BLACK MASK: Figlio di puttana. 
HULI: Say again?
BLACK MASK: That’s how you say ‘son of a bitch’ in Italian. 
HULI: You have a good night now, figlio di puttana. 
BLACK MASK: You, too.
HULI: (hoarsely) Welcome back, Mr. Lawton. 
DEADSHOT: (defensively) Who told you my name?
HULI: Penguin wanted me to pass this paycheck onto you. 
DEADSHOT: Why isn’t he here? 
HULI: He’s coercing – I mean, negotiating with Alberto Falcone. He wants him to tell Carmine to get out of the weapons business. He also tells me you’re the best in the biz. The man who never misses. 
DEADSHOT: That sounds about right. They tell me you’re the best bartender in the business.
HULI: That sounds about right. Do you play darts, by any chance?
DEADSHOT: You’re playing dangerously if you think you can stand a chance against me. 
HULI: Contract killers. So competitive. 
DEADSHOT: And what are the terms of our contract?
HULI: If you can hit the bullseye twenty times in a row, you get a round of shots on the house. 
DEADSHOT: You’re on. One, two, three, four…
HULI: Would that be a Baltic Porter, Mr. Buchinsky? 
DEADSHOT: (Off) Five, six, seven, eight…
ELECTROCUTIONER: I ain’t here to talk, I’m here to collect. I went through a lot of trouble throwing together that taser for ya. 
DEADSHOT: (Off) Nine, ten, eleven, twelve…
HULI: One thousand and five hundred dollars, comin’ right up. 
DEADSHOT: (Off) Thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen…
ELECTROCUTIONER: And, err, if you could throw in the Baltic Porter, too…
DEADSHOT: (Off) Seventeen, eighteen, nineteen…
HULI: On it. 
DEADSHOT: There, twenty! Hit me with your best shot. 
HULI: How about a kamikaze? Two ounces of vodka. Three fourths of an ounce of orange liqueur. Three fourths of an ounce of freshly squeezed lime juice.
DEADSHOT: Fire away. 
HULI: May I ask what kind of heat you’re packing in that shotgun?
DEADSHOT: Titanium composite hollow point bullets. 
HULI: Coated?
ELECTROCUTIONER: What’s that coating your collar? 
DEADSHOT: Is that concealer?
HULI: Penguin’s all about appearances. 
ELECTROCUTIONER: What happened to your voice? Why do you sound like the stinkin’ Firefly?
HULI: Didn’t drink enough water. 
ELECTROCUITONER: Hah, you’re a helluva bartender, but you’re a lousy liar. 
HULI: Have a good night, Mr. Buchinsky. And I’m alright, Mr. Lawton. 
DEADSHOT: I don’t buy it. 
HULI: I’m okay now. 
DEADSHOT: Bullshit. Your neck is bruised, isn’t it? 
HULI: (defensively) Occupational hazard. Not all the patrons are as polite as you. 
DEADSHOT: Damnit, doll, I usually charge fifteen thousand, but if you can’t afford it, just name your price, and they’ll never touch you again. 
HULI: How much if I don’t want him cold, but I want him…cornered? 
DEADSHOT: Why would you want him cornered when you could have him cold? 
HULI: Why don't you come closer?
DEADSHOT: You want me to do what?
HULI: Figlio di puttana. 
BLACK MASK: First of all, don’t ever expose me in front of my other employees again. Second of all, I can have the new kid cover for you if you can’t come into work tomorrow. 
HULI: You bruised my neck, you didn’t break my hands. 
BLACK MASK: I still strangled you. 
HULI: It’s fine. 
BLACK MASK: It isn’t fine, you should’ve been frightened. Why weren’t you frightened? 
HULI: (V/O) As a child, my father would make me wear a mask, too. 
BLACK MASK: (V/O) What kind of mask? 
HULI: One that simulated suffocation. I wasn’t frightened, not only because it wouldn’t be my first time being strangled, but because I feel like…
HULI/FIREFLY: …Like I’m being suffocated all the time. Smoke scarring and scalding my lungs with every breath I suck in. 
HULI: And the mask seemed to sear and sink into my skin. At first, I felt frightened by the sensation of this false face becoming my real face, but then I thought, faces of flesh can be false, too. 
BLACK MASK: That’s why I named it the False Face Society, because the truth is, we already live in a world filled with false faces. The false faces of my padre and madre, the false faces they forced on me. 
MRS. SIONIS: Do put on a smile, Roman. The Waynes are influential…friends. 
BLACK MASK: But no matter how well I played the part, now matter how much I tried to rid this rabidity and recklessness from myself, I’d never be enough, and it embarrassed me, and I’d embarrass them, and it exhausted me. 
CHARLES SIONIS: You’re worthless, Roman, worthless!
HULI: Your parents were never embarrassed of you, they were embarrassed of themselves, and they projected onto you to push down your potential. You never needed to be rid of this rabidity or recklessness, you just needed to redirect it. 
CHARLES SIONIS: Worthless, worthless –
HULI: Now you’re worth more than five hundred million dollars. 
MRS. SIONIS: Do put on a smile, Roman. Do put on a smile, Roman. Do put on a smile, Roman. Do put on a smile, Roman…
BLACK MASK: As Roman Sionis, I was weak, but as the Black Mask…there is no one stronger. 
HULI: That’s where you’re wrong. 
BLACK MASK: What the hell do you mean by that? 
HULI: Listen to me, loose cannon. The mask doesn’t destroy one identity while creating another of greater power, it uncovers the strength that has been suppressed within you all along, for too long. You were born with the Black Mask within you, but you can’t rise from the ashes if you don’t burn. 
BLACK MASK: (V/O) Yes, you…see. You see…me. 
BLACK MASK: I want to see you. 
HULI: Is this about me defending the new kid? I had to let him leave me to fend off Red Hood by myself. 
BLACK MASK: I can’t tell if you're insane or just an imbecile. Why the hell would you do that? 
HULI: You’ll see soon enough. 
BLACK MASK: I want to see you tomorrow at five p.m. in the Iceberg Lounge, four hours before your shift. That’s an order, not an offer.
HULI: You may be the Crime King, but you don’t pay like one. 
BLACK MASK: Don’t get your panties in a twist, I’ll pay. 
HULI: Noted, Negroni. 
BLACK MASK: First of all, call me Roman. Second of all, you’re my million dollar kitsune, not Penguin’s. You work for me now. And only me. 
HARVEY DENT: Why won't you stop? Do you know how many people have died because of you? Because of us? 
TWO-FACE: You’re the one with the conscience, Harv. You wanna go on a guilt-trip? Be my guest, but leave me out of it. I’m gonna have fun tearing this town apart. 
HARVEY DENT: The town, huh? This isn't about Gotham. 
TWO-FACE: Oh, really, Dr. Freud? And what is it about? 
HARVEY DENT: You know damn well what it’s about, who it’s about, but you haven't got the courage to face him, so you're lashing out at a more convenient target –
TWO-FACE: Oh, but I did face him Dr. Jekyll. Over and over and over and over, I let him lash me. For us. For you and because of you.
KID: (Off) Miss Harley?
HARLEEN QUINZEL: (New York accent) Yes, hun?
KID: How did Mister Yin-Yang end up looking like…Yin and Yang?”
HARLEEN QUINZEL: Heh, Yin-Yang. That's clever, but that’s not actually how alters work.
KID: Al-ters? You mean masks? Or faces?
HARLEEN QUINZEL: They’re not two faces of one person. They’re two fully-formed people trapped in one body. You should be referring to him as Mister Yin and Mister Yang. In fact, you probably shouldn't even be around him because of Mister Yin. I’ve never seen a system that can switch so speedily. 
KID: I wanna talk to Mister Yang.
HARLEEN QUINZEL: I can't let you do that.
KID: I wanna see his coin. It looks cool.
HARLEEN QUINZEL: What if Mister Yin takes over?  
KID: But alters form when the patient wants to protect themselves, right? So, Mister Yin isn't a bad influence. He's just trying to do his job, too.
HARLEEN QUINZEL: By killing people –
TWO-FACE: Who deserved to be killed. Why don't you all quit yapping about my system, and worry about your own?
KID: Hi Mister Yang! And Mister Yin –
TWO-FACE: You've got guts, I’ll give you that. If this wall weren't between us, they’d be spilling out of you by now.
KID: I like your coin, is that how you decide?
TWO-FACE: Decide what?
KID: Whether they deserve it or not?”
HARVEY DENT: You’re sharper than you seem
KID: I’m all skin and bones, and bones aren't soft, are they?
TWO-FACE: Heh, you should join my gang.
KID: What’s a gang?
TWO-FACE: You don't need to know what it is. Just that it pays well. Feeds well. You won't be skin and bones anymore.
KID: How much will I have to pay?
TWO-FACE: How about we play a game of heads or tails? 
HARVEY DENT: Choose wisely. Very wisely.
HARLEEN QUINZEL: I think that’s enough talking for today – What…what did you do to…
KID: Sorry about the sedative, Miss Harley. 
HARVEY DENT: Kid, kid, look at me. Look at my face, you do not want this life. 
YOUNG HULI: What life is that? 
HARVEY DENT: Criminal. 
YOUNG HULI: Who am I to judge? Who are they to judge? Their conception of ‘criminal’ is our normal. If they grew up in our circumstances, then they would comprehend us, but our case isn't theirs. Now, the choice is yours.
HARVEY DENT: It’s never our choice. 
YOUNG HULI: Whaddya say, Half-Face?
TWO-FACE: And that’s Two-Face to you. Don't tell me I’ll have to hold your hand. 
KID: No, but this seems like a good time for me to hand you this syringe.
HARVEY DENT: Don’t look. 
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atlanticcanada · 2 years
Canada’s best university basketball teams arrive in Halifax for national championships
This weekend marks the return of the U Sports Final 8 basketball championships for the first time since 2019.
From the University of Victoria to UPEI to the host St. FX, the championships are a national event.
Eight teams will play 11 games over the three-day event.
“I’m coming to all the games,” said Joe Chapman, who’s visiting from Alberta.
“I love basketball. I go to the U of A [University of Alberta] games. My kids went to U of A so I go to those games when I’m in Edmonton.”
Though no Albertan teams made it to the tournament, Chapman, who grew up in Halifax, has come home to take it all in.
“It’s a tradition for sure,” He said. “[I] love it."
Players recognize the tradition too.
“I’ve heard the crowd is crazy. I’ve heard it’s a great environment to play in,” said Kevin Otoo, a guard for the University of Ottawa.
“It’s a hard environment to play in, especially if you’re playing the host team, but I think it’s just fun.”
MBB / QF 2: OTOO AGAIN with three for Ottawa!! BBM/ QF 2: OTOO inscrit trois points!@uOttawaGeeGees : 74@Wesmenathletics : 52 pic.twitter.com/vR1PbKKlAp
— U SPORTS Basketball (@USPORTS_Bball) March 10, 2023
The women’s championships are also in Nova Scotia. For the first time, Sydney is hosting the event.
“It was a full house,” said Bower. “It was a great environment and they sold out the entire tournament.”
The Scotiabank Centre is nearing a sellout for Friday’s games when St. FX and UPEI will hit the floor for their first games.
The X-Men will play Queen’s, while The Panthers will tip-off against the number one seed, Victoria Vikes.
Some of the best snaps from Day 1 of the 2023 U SPORTS Women’s Basketball Final 8 ⁰ Certaines des meilleures images de la première journée au Tournoi 8 Ultime de basketball féminin de U SPORTS 2023 #ChaseTheGlory | #ViserHaut pic.twitter.com/unG7De6UQc
— U SPORTS Basketball (@USPORTS_Bball) March 10, 2023
John Bower, U Sports communications director, says the tournament has brought a buzz to the city.
“Getting in the hotel or even at the airport, the train station -- people know that the Final 8 is happening here in Halifax,” said Bower.
from CTV News - Atlantic https://ift.tt/9SvUDLi
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pinervisa · 2 years
Kaleidoscope lens
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This filter features different effects at. Case Included Hand Assembled in the USA GloFX Sacred Kaleidoscope Glasses will. The Prism Lens FX Kaleidoscope Filter is a 82mm rotating filter that creates a stunning Kaleidoscope pattern.
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Step 2: Cut out the cardboard circle and cut around the corners until the circle fits perfectly into the filter. These lenses can be broad conceptual frameworks, specific nursing theories. KEYWING Phone Lens Kit 9 in 1 Phone Camera Lens, Zoom Lens+198 Fisheye +0.35X Super Wide-Angle + 20X Macro Lens + 0.63X Wide Lens + CPL +Kaleidoscope Lens +Starburst for iPhone Samsung Android 4. Step 1: You have all the things on your table, so let's do it! First of all, you must cut out a lens from the glasses with a wide border around the lens. Beautifully finished classic wooden toy kaleidoscope, with brilliant colors on the outside as well as the inside. a polarizing filter/UV-filter or any other lens filter.Put all the things you need on your table and let's go! Detachable straps make this toy easy to bring along on all of your outdoor adventures. Credits: freakoftheweek Materials You'll Need Attach the pink lens and add a rose-tinted filter to your day.
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