#future pregnancy
drforambhuta · 11 months
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Freezing one's eggs in their 30s can be a prudent investment in future fertility, but it's crucial to consider the following factors:
Financial Considerations: Egg freezing can be a significant financial commitment with variable costs, encompassing initial egg retrieval, freezing, and ongoing storage fees.
Emotional and Physical Demands: The egg retrieval process can be emotionally and physically taxing. Being prepared for hormonal treatments and a minor surgical procedure is essential.
No Certainty of Success: While egg freezing enhances the likelihood of future pregnancy, it doesn't guarantee it. It serves as a precaution against potential fertility issues.
Legal and Ethical Aspects: Understanding the legal and ethical dimensions of egg freezing, including local laws regarding frozen egg storage and use, is crucial before proceeding.
Post-Thaw Viability: Not all frozen eggs survive the thawing process, affecting overall success rates. Discussing this with your fertility specialist is vital.
Timing of Thawing and Usage: Decisions regarding when to thaw and use frozen eggs should align with your family planning goals and the advice of your medical team.
Exploring Alternative Fertility Options: It's important to note that egg freezing is just one of many fertility preservation options. Depending on your situation, embryo freezing or other methods may be more suitable.
You can consider undergoing egg freezing and subsequent assisted reproduction methods under the guidance of Dr. Firuza Parikh working at H N Reliance Hospital in Mumbai. She considered to be the finest gynecologist and fertility specialist in India.
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lazylittledragon · 8 months
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did somebody say dadkarios
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kathaynesart · 9 months
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And now watch it all fall apart.
Thank you everyone for your patience as I recuperate from Covid. I tested negative and am now just recuperating from the lasting effects. Honestly, this update is one I probably could have skipped, but I love me a good heist plan. Plus I just wanted to have some fun with this holiday special and if that means extending it a bit longer, then so be it.
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narumi-gens · 6 months
dreams aventurine x f!reader
18+ minors/blank/ageless blogs dni, 2.1 spoilers, pregnancy/parenthood
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aventurine has never thought of himself as a man who dreams of the future, not beyond a certain point. but there's something about you that makes him doubt himself.
because when he looks at you, when he's near you, when he's inside you, he can't help himself. he thinks about what would happen if he didn't pull out and cum across your ass, your tits, or your stomach, painting your skin in white spurts like he usually does. he thinks about what would happen if he buried himself deep enough for you to feel him in your throat and spilled himself inside of you for once.
what if he didn't climb off of you as soon as he caught his breath. he thinks about what it would be like if he instead stayed there even as he softened, cradled between your thighs, while your arms wrapped around his trembling form to hold him close, your fingers gently running through his sweaty strands, your touch alone doing more to calm his mind than an orgasm ever could.
there are times when he allows himself to imagine beyond even that, but only in his weakest moments when he decides to spend the night, always under the pretense of the late hour, or the bad weather, or how comfortable the bed he bought you is. it's a pretense that you see through, but never challenge him on as you know that doing so would make him leave.
it's only once he's sure that you're deep asleep and he can turn his unguarded gaze to your features in the dark that he dares to let his mind wander beyond the bounds he normally sets. he imagines your stomach swelling as the months pass, of your hand grabbing his to press his palm to your belly to feel the fluttering of new life from within.
he imagines a small bundle pressed to your bare chest, skin-to-skin. you're crying, but so is the newly born infant that you hold so dear. so is he. sometimes, the sunlight shines through the windows of the hospital room, and other times the rain is deafening against the glass.
likewise, sometimes when the baby in your arms opens their eyes to take in the world for the first time, their color mirrors yours. but more often than not, it's his own pink and blue irises looking back at him, promising a life of good luck.
he imagines the feeling of a small palm pressed flat against his own much bigger one, as a young, tiny voice stumbles over the words he tries to guide them through.
he pictures the smile on your face, both adoring and soft, as you watch with tear-filled eyes as he teaches your child the blessing of their people.
as long as you are alive, the blood of the avgin will never run dry.
no matter how many years have passed since he was taken from sigonia in chains, he'll never forget his sister's final words to him. but when he looks at you, when he's near you, when he's inside you, they feel like more than just a memory.
it feels like she's speaking to him across the years, to him now, trying to guide him towards this single future with you instead of any of the infinite other futures he bets everything on.
maybe, if he chose to listen to her, there could be another avgin for gaiathra to bless. maybe, if he ever chose to give in to his weakness, to your warmth, to your softness, to your love, the avgin wouldn't have to live and die with him.
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boytumms · 3 months
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Hey guys! This is a little collab I did with @let-me-fill-you, they've sent me many wonderful prompts in the past and I liked one so much I asked them to expand one so I could draw something for it!
Although it is a fine summer's day, you are cold, beneath the earth. For several minutes, you have followed the abbot into the bowels of the monastery, far deeper than you believed, deeper even than the catacombs. Thankfully, it hasn't been a single spiralling staircase all the way down, or else your head might've twisted off from sheer dizziness. But there is a growing pit of unease in your stomach. Where is the abbot leading you? And why now, immediately after you took your vows? Every time you think to ask, the words catch in your throat or the abbot speaks first, "This way." You are grateful for his guidance, at least. It's a maze down here - and the architecture has taken a turn for the unfamiliar, making the darkness all the more unnerving. Could it be that the monastery was built atop an older structure? The order is old, dating back centuries. You haven't the slightest notion of what might've come before. But you have a growing suspicion you're about to find out.
Soon, you see light ahead, stronger than the lantern borne by the abbot. You see a barred door, flanked by two members of your order... but they're not dressed in the monastic habit. Instead, they are clad in fine armor, made of what appears to be... silver? It gleams in the fire-light, lustrous and covered in filigree. No, not filigree, you realize as you draw closer. Runes. Protective spells. Your eyes drift from one's cuirass to his belt, and what you see isn't a cudgel - as expected of simple monks - but a blade, slender and deadly. Your blood chills, on the verge of becoming ice. You look to the abbot in trepidation.
The abbot's expression is grave. "Now that you are one of us, bound by oath, it is time you learned the truth of our order - our shame, and our obligation." He beckons you closer to the door - a great, heavy door, barred not once but twice. You hesitate to move from your spot, but the abbot is patient (and insistent). As you step forth, you console yourself with the knowledge that a door like this is not easily opened, and you are not alone. You should be safe. Should be...
Once you're close enough, the abbot slides open a slot for you to peer through, into darkness - but you hear it before you see it, whatever it is. You hear... moaning? It's dull and low, but clearly in pain. It's enough to raise your hairs; you feel the urge to pull away before something lunges out of the darkness, but you also feel the abbot's gaze boring into your skull, locking you in place. So you continue to stare into the darkness, until your eyes adjust.
And what you see is... a boy? Pale and thin as bone, his face veiled by a head of unkempt hair. You cannot tell if he's conscious, but his lips are open, from which the moaning emanates. He is chained to a rock, jutting out of the ground like a crooked tooth, kept halfway between standing and laying. His wrists, locked tightly within manacles bolted into the stone itself, are starkly red and raw from chafing. You imagine his ankles are similarly bound, but you cannot see them because, well... his stomach is in the way. You cannot believe your eyes. This isn't a gut swollen in hunger, but a sack of flesh, bloated like a fat mosquito, hanging from his skeletal frame all the way down to the rough stone floor, obscuring the entire lower half of his body. His belly, though it feels inappropriate to call it that (it doesn't look like an extension of himself, more like he is attached to it) is huge and ugly - shaped like a droplet from some great weight inside it, and wider than his shoulders, stretched perilously thin and marred with unflattering stretch marks and spider veins. Chains crisscross the gravid expanse, again not made of iron but hallowed silver - and wherever these hold tight, there seem to be burn marks.
Your stomach curdles. What could possibly necessitate this barbaric treatment? Then, as if in direct response to your thought, you see it - something huge and powerful, squirming and shifting within the boy's belly, pushing this way and that, recoiling from the silver, protruding in between the gaps. This isn't a silent affair - you hear the boy's skin creaking as it is stretched to its utmost, you hear sloshing (of amniotic fluid?), you hear sizzling as the tortured skin makes contact with the silver, and worst of all you hear a muffled growling of something vicious and hateful, and you hear the boy's moaning increase...
But it's cut off by the rasp of metal, as the slot is shut in front of your face, startling you. Refocusing on the abbot, you blink a few times, readjusting to the lantern light on this side of the door.
The abbot's expression has not changed, but did he always look so tired? Perhaps it is you who has changed, from the person you were just a minute ago, before you saw that. You look deep into his eyes for answers, a justification of any kind.
He tells you, with solemn cadence, "You must bury whatever sympathy you have for that boy. He contains Armageddon - a monster so terrible that, had it been allowed to enter our world, would have doomed us all. It is trapped in there, but we must remain vigilant. So long as he carries that monster, it will not allow him to age. And he must not die, or else that thing will be free to find another host, another womb to bear it. It may seem cruel to keep him like this, but remember your vows. You have a duty to your brothers and sisters, and the world beyond these walls. You must close your heart to his suffering. In the days to come - not today, or tomorrow, but soon - you'll be expected to feed him, to give him water. It's a heavy burden we share between us, so the onus does not break any one of us. And when that time comes, he will speak to you. He will cry, he will beg, he will howl and scream for the slightest of accommodations, a loosening of his shackles, anything to alleviate his pain, and you will know in your heart that his pleas are genuine. You must not listen to him. The devil does not speak through him - it has nothing to say to us - but it will use our better angels against us." The abbot places a heavy hand on your shoulder. "No one is deserving of that boy's fate. But he must suffer it all the same."
After that, the abbot leads you back to the surface, back into the warm light of day. But you remain cold.
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supercalime · 6 months
The amount of digging, stalking and over analyzing that required for yall to now say “it was obvious” and “we were right all along” is one of the reasons they never went public with their relationship before actual marriage, just like Joey Richter and Lauren Lopez getting engaged and Keith and Becky habersberger out of nowhere telling they had a baby.
I’ve been a fan of smosh for like 12 years and the shipping (yes, I know they said they don’t care, but even if they said to stop yall wouldn’t anyway) and nitpicking every single interaction between cast members (I’m not even gonna get into the fanfics and inappropriate comments) were why I kept my interaction with the fandom to a minimum.
Im happy they’re married, really. I’ve been happy for other influencers before. The issue was never denial. I did wish it was a prank because I knew this exact response was going to happen.
This feels like fans were trying to out them when they weren’t ready. If they truly felt safe making the relationship public, they wouldn’t have gone to lengths they did to hide it. Poor Courtney probably had an engagement ring that she couldn’t wear because of fan reaction. I mean, I remember seeing proof of them together through reflections on a glass! It isn’t normal.
A similar situation has happened in a fandom before. Remember when fans were speculating about a Malec wedding in the shadowhunter finale? Finding every single piece of evidence on social media, bts footage, etc? And in the ending the characters got married? But you know why that wasn’t weird? They were fictional characters, made to entertain us, with story arcs. No actual person was at stake.
And you know, I love smosh and obviously this rant isnt directed towards the fans who are just surprised and happy for them (which I am too, congrats to them), but it still bother me.
Publicly, they were coworkers in a comedy channel who made jokes, played characters, played games, etc. Smosh has never been about romantic relationships between cast members and it saddens me that the fans made most of it about shipping when they have so much more to offer.
The point is, we are not entitled to information about their lives and speculate about it. Too bad this can’t be a learning experience because congrats, yall were “right all along”.
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chaoscontrol50 · 2 months
Art for chapter below. SPOILER WARNING!‼️
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Angola🇦🇴 + Russia🇷🇺
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huntquinlan · 2 months
thinking about elain’s story and bodily autonomy. i think sjm was very intentional in using elain’s powers to introduce us to vassa and koschei. how vassa’s body was corrupted against her will by koschei, and how her existence is now defined by the changes he made. thinking about how koschei has a lake full of swans who were once women who’s bodies he changed against their wills as well. thinking about how elain was changed against her will by a cruel king to teach a lesson to somebody else. how she was reduced to a body and then a tool, a means to an end (to demonstrate the power of hybern against her sister but especially people she barely knew). how even the tool used to change her, the cauldron, which once belonged to the mother and symbolically can be connected to the womb, was appropriated and used forcefully by the king of hybern.
i think about how canon suggests that the cauldron loved elain, that perhaps it gifted her the powers it did because it loved her. maybe the cauldron recognized then, that this poor girl was like it, and sought to give her the power to prevent what was being done to her, and what had been done to countless other women and girls by making her a seer. let’s not forget that elain’s vision of vassa helped them turn the tide of the war against hybern and that it was elain that struck the killing blow against the king of hybern in defense of her sister, another who was denied bodily autonomy. ultimately bodily autonomy, especially given the current political climate in the US is a really heavy theme to deal with, but i sincerely hope that this thread is continued, and that we will get to see an elain who is empowered, and empowered on her own terms. an elain who reclaims her body and her future, and helps others do the same.
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mittysins · 7 months
I really liked that one art about Asper, can I get more of your faun, being cute and pregnant? 🙏🙏🙏
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Wow, wasn’t expecting Asper to be getting this much love, he was originally a one-off character for a renaissance faire costume!
Fun fact: because his antlers are an enchantment, they’re always velvety and never fall off!
(Imagine this guy sounds like 2D from gorril@z idk something adorably dorky)
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mychlapci · 16 days
I think about this a normal(lie) amount for Primus and Unicron. Because these mfs are so fucking huge, they have nothing to brace against except each other and their own gravity cores. In fact, I like to think that Unicron has to clamp onto Primus' limbs and drag him in while firing his thrusters whenever he spikes his brother. And Primus would have to disable his gravity well and succumb to his brother's pull.
Maybe to compensate from the inertia, Unicron's spikes (plural because I bet he has more than one model) definitely have prehensile self thrusting mechanisms to pound Primus' pussy, which would have magnets and rollers to drag that fat cock deep inside for sure. Maybe they'll find a stable orbit around a star before they settle down to fuck, or maybe they don't give a shit and just fuck while drifting through the universe, obliterating whatever insignificant poor bastards in the trajectory while they're lost in their lust.
Another headcanon I have is that each meta class of Cybertronians actually experience the passing of time differently. So a regular mech's vorn is like a quartex to a titan. This would mean that a single round of sex between two cybergods may outlive the lifetimes of multiple stars before either of them even cum, so it's not that Primus is taking forever to birth out their babies; it's that the babies are growing up so quickly, mommy is literally still in labour by the time they've faced multiple incidents of Armageddon and threats of extinction-🔌
aaaah yes I love that actually... their zero gravity planet sex takes down stars and galaxies, they're just so huge they barely register anything around them... Unicron and Primus just live for so long, mommy hasn't even stopped giving birth and the babies are already all grown up and scuffling. Poor little things, only alive for what seems like a few hours or days to Primus and already so silly with their civil wars, so strong.
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yams-here · 7 months
Pregnant wife, or something like that
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valewritessss · 22 days
I’ve seen someone say that Sally was selfish and inconsiderate for telling Percy they need his room for Estelle???
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blackpilljesus · 1 year
Pls elaborate how Y works like rabies I need to know
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The `/ chromosome is a parasitic-like virus. It cant be "caught" per se but it operates similarly to rabies. It manifests itself as a host and seeks to reproduce itself to cause more terror. The end goal of the `/ chromosome is reproduction & destruction; this post will focus on the reproduction aspect. Once a part of it gets into another body the process begins all over again. Similar to how rabies gets into a new host to make it's way to the brain to spread.
I mention rabies particularly bc some symptoms rabies exudes makes it spread easily and difficult to combat. For example, fear of water (to reject being washed away), foaming at the mouth, nocturnal animals out in the day and appearing friendly to humans (when they otherwise wouldnt be), animals that are typically reserve attacking others, etc. The `/ chromosome takes a mutated form of human -well woman- & wants to reproduce itself through women. Anything that threatens its chances of reproduction is ruthlessly cut off.
Note the obsession moids have with wanting sons (and used to name sons after themselves) & how sons are typically born in cases of tragedies like rape? Y chromosome mutation. A big part of ♂️inflation occured as most women were raped multiple times & had no autonomy or way of fighting back so from these conditions more moids were born because I dont believe the gender ratio was ever meant to be 50/50 -consider that despite all the femicides, having to live in a maIe centric world, and son preferences, the overall gender ratio is roughly 50/50 give or take a few points.
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I saw this the other day, pregnancy is not the happy go lucky romanticised bs that women are indoctrinated into; their bodies are taken captive to reproduce on a biological level. The y chromosome is fighting to be reproduced and will take whatever it can -born or unborn- to do so. The womans genes are trying to fight back. I believe a big reason why sons are born from tragedy more often is because the womans body has already undergone stress so theres not enough energy to fight back the `/ chromosome invasion. Remember the sperm determines sex.
Genetics arent perfect however there's sometimes often outliers for example an xx is born despite the Ys effort. My 2 theories is either a mutation on the y chromosome part (causing it to be weaker) or the mothers body was strong enough to fight off the y chromosome. Now I'm no biologist or geneticist all of this is just rough speculation.
Also recommend reading trust your perception blog about the y chromosome.
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laz-exe · 5 months
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silly doodle idea (∂ω∂) sorry it’s so messy! (。ŏ_ŏ) too much dialogue, not enough visuals hahah ❤️💖
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pushing500 · 6 months
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Against all odds, asexual Buckeye and reduced-fertility-gene Magic Man have managed to make a baby! However, because Buckeye is Animakin, she needs to plant the baby in soil... And there is no soil in the ocular forest where Monster's Basin is. Only red sand and red dirt and other nasty red stuff, which apparently doesn't count.
So, we have unexpectedly had to up and move in order to give this new baby the best possible chance of survival! We were hoping to be able to prepare a bit more first, but desperate times call for desperate measures. We'll leave everything behind for the sake of one of our own if we must.
However, moving means it's time for another (rather rushed, I'm afraid) colony tour! Presenting: Monster's Basin!!
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Here's the whole thing from above. If I had to describe it in one word, I would say "red".
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Here is the central room, the kitchen/dining/ritual room. Next to it, we have two bathrooms and our freezer. Magic Man is already packing some of our human leather kneel sheets, as you can see.
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Some bedrooms: Top left is Vasso and Laursen's room, top right is Euclid and Socks' room, bottom left is Dire Wolf and Pro (and formerly Bella's) room, and bottom left is Magic Man, Buckeye, and Dopey the razorjack's bedroom.
We also have a small, utilitarian hospital.
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Up above the bedrooms and the main room are our dinosaur museum (we can't go without a dinosaur museum) and our research laboratory. Also a better view of the freezer.
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Our farms and a huge stack of red bricks that we'll never get to use.
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Here's a nutrient-paste barn that we got from a prefab some traders sold us. Mostly so we could see what it was, but our animals seemed to appreciate it.
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Bella's room that she was given when she grew up into an adult, the sauna, and Blackdragon, Duchess, and Night Stalker's room.
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The wardrobe, the chemfuel room, the miscellaneous devices room, the hot spring, and the small place where we attempted to plant Buckeye's sapling child before we realised it didn't work in this biome.
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Finally, our animal pen/archery range. We were very fond of the moose named All-Powerful (she fell out of the sky), but we'll probably release her into the wild (along with a self-tamed hare and three baby wolfchickens some traders gave us) to help us conserve food on our abrupt journey.
And that concludes the tour of Monster's Basin! I wonder where our caravan will take us. Hopefully, somewhere with plenty of fertile soil for a growing sapling child...
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