#female fertility
bpod-bpod · 2 years
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Egg Timer
Our cells are replaced every few weeks as they accumulate damage. But there’s one big exception: egg cells. In a seemingly high-risk strategy, women are born with all the eggs they will ever have, yet an egg may wait decades before creating healthy offspring. So how do they avoid the damage that other cells are subjected to (image shows a human egg cell (crescent shape) surrounded by granulosa cells which nurture the egg cell)? They go into ‘standby mode’. Cell damage is often caused by reactive oxygen species (ROS), which are created in the mitochondria, specifically in a compartment called complex I. In egg cells, this complex is inactive which creates less ROS and reduces the chance of developing damaging mutations. By adding a dye to the eggs, researchers saw that their mitochondria are less active (green) compared to those of the surrounding granulosa cells, which are producing more damaging ROS (red).
Written by Sophie Arthur
Image adapted from work by Aida Rodríguez-Nuevo and colleagues
Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG), The Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology, Barcelona, Spain
Image originally published with a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Published in Nature, July 2022
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separatismor · 1 year
i saw your tags and did the research, that's really cool! i hadn't read that before about growing new eggs. it makes me wonder how common it is, like is it all mammals? is it it all women? how often does it happen to an individual? you learn something new every day
Great questions! I'd love to know the answers, too. It's certainly an interesting finding. It's nice to think that we were once part of our grandmother, but it's pretty neat to find out we may not be right!
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Navigating female fertility can be challenging, but Dr Mazen IVF in Dubai is here to help. Specializing in personalized fertility treatments, he and his team offer advanced solutions tailored to each woman's unique needs. From fertility assessments to cutting-edge IVF treatments, their compassionate approach ensures a supportive journey towards parenthood. With a high success rate and a commitment to excellence, Dr. Mazen IVF is your trusted partner in female fertility.
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daniel419 · 7 days
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Introducing NuviaLab Female Fertility: the ultimate 19-ingredient supplement designed to naturally enhance female fertility and reproductive health.
Crafted with premium plant extracts, essential vitamins, and vital minerals, this powerful formula supports your body's natural fertility processes and promotes healthy sexual activity.
Experience the benefits of consistent use, including improved cell division and reduced fatigue and tiredness, helping you feel your best every day.
NuviaLab Female Fertility is the perfect choice for the modern woman seeking a natural, effective way to support her reproductive health and overall well-being.
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Unlocking the Path to Enhanced Female Fertility
Are you longing to embark on the beautiful journey of motherhood but finding it challenging to conceive? Understanding and enhancing female fertility can be a pivotal step in realizing this dream. In the bustling city of Delhi, one name shines brightly in the realm of reproductive medicine – Dr. Shivani Sachdev Gour. With her expertise in IVF treatments and deep understanding of female fertility, Dr. Gour has helped numerous women turn their dreams of parenthood into reality. How Can You Boost Your Fertility
Here are some invaluable insights from Dr. Shivani Sachdev Gour on how to improve female fertility:
Healthy Lifestyle Choices: Dr. Gour emphasizes the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle to optimize fertility. This includes regular exercise, a balanced diet rich in nutrients, adequate hydration, and sufficient sleep. Avoiding smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and recreational drugs is crucial as these can adversely affect fertility.
Regular Health Check-ups: Routine health check-ups are essential for identifying any underlying medical conditions that may impact fertility. Dr. Gour advises women to undergo regular gynecological examinations and fertility assessments to monitor reproductive health.
Understanding Ovulation: Knowledge of ovulation patterns is fundamental for optimizing fertility. Dr. Gour educates her patients on identifying signs of ovulation, such as changes in basal body temperature and cervical mucus consistency. Tracking ovulation can help couples time intercourse effectively to maximize the chances of conception.
Managing Stress: Stress can exert a significant influence on female fertility. Dr. Gour emphasizes the importance of stress management techniques such as yoga, meditation, and relaxation exercises. Counseling and support groups can also provide valuable emotional support during the fertility journey.
Seeking Professional Help: For couples having trouble conceiving, seeking guidance from a fertility specialist like Dr Shivani Sachdev Gour is crucial. As a leading IVF specialist in Delhi, Dr. Gour offers personalized treatment plans tailored to each patient's unique needs. From diagnostic tests to advanced assisted reproductive technologies, she provides comprehensive care to help couples achieve their goal of parenthood.
Exploring Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART): In cases where natural conception is not possible, ART procedures such as In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) offer hope. Dr. Gour utilizes cutting-edge technologies and state-of-the-art facilities to perform IVF with high success rates. Her compassionate approach and commitment to excellence have earned her the trust and admiration of patients worldwide.
Maintaining Emotional Well-being: The fertility journey can be emotionally taxing, with its highs and lows. Dr. Gour emphasizes the importance of open communication between partners and seeking support from loved ones. Counseling and therapy can also provide coping mechanisms to navigate the emotional challenges associated with infertility.
In conclusion, enhancing female fertility involves a holistic approach encompassing lifestyle modifications, regular healthcare, stress management, and, when needed, expert medical intervention. With Dr. Shivani Sachdev Gour's guidance and expertise, couples can embark on this journey with confidence, knowing that they are in capable hands. Remember, the path to parenthood may have its obstacles, but with determination, support, and the right medical expertise, it is indeed possible to fulfill the dream of starting a family.
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lozyworld2 · 4 months
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vrindafertility0145 · 4 months
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Embark on your journey to parenthood with Vrinda Fertility, your premier destination for IVF Specialist in Noida. With our commitment to turning dreams into reality, trust us to fulfill your desire for pregnancy. Experience compassionate care and expert guidance every step of the way. 🌱👶🌟 Visit@ https://bit.ly/3u2DmPA
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unikenutra · 7 months
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enlhot · 9 months
LactiFresh Gel
This product has a great protection for female.
BUY NOW HERE Best expert guidance for LactiFresh Gel for female LactiFresh Gel is often used to maintain vaginal hygiene and manage conditions like bacterial vaginosis. It’s essential to follow the product’s instructions and consult a healthcare professional for personalized guidance and usage tips. They can provide the best advice based on your specific health needs and concerns. LactiFresh…
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theovacare · 11 months
Fertility Clinic in Thane
OVA Fertility and Women Care is a team of passionate doctors working together to provide excellent, ethical and affordable healthcare to patients with the help of advanced technologies. OVA division is dedicated to women care with the goal of providing “complete woman well being under one roof."
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smarteatinghabits · 1 year
Nurturing Female Fertility: Top Foods and Habits for a Healthy Reproductive System
Unlock the secrets to female reproductive health with nutrient-rich foods! 🍎🥦 From balancing hormones to enhancing fertility, these delicious options will nurture your reproductive system. #FemaleReproductiveHealth #NurturingFertility
An even and nutritious eating regimen assumes a significant part in supporting in general wellbeing, including the reporductive framework. Whether you’re attempting to imagine or essentially intending to keep up with ideal conceptive wellbeing, integrating specific food sources into your eating regimen can have a huge effect. In this article, we’ll investigate ten stalwart food varieties that…
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ladywellcare111 · 1 year
Starfruit After An Abortion For Fast Recovery | Carambola
Starfruit After An Abortion For Fast Recovery | Carambola #Starfruit #After #An #Abortion #For #Fast #Recovery | #Carambola #starfruit,carambola,averrhoa #carambola,carambola #tree,carambola #star #fruit,growing #starfruit,starfruit #abundance,carambola
A Nutrient-Packed Fruit for Fast Recovery After an Abortion Starfruit After An Abortion, it is crucial to prioritize your physical well-being and support your body’s healing process. One way to promote fast recovery is by incorporating nutritious foods into your diet. Among the many options, Starfruit stands out as a fruit with remarkable health benefits. This article will explore the healing…
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audubonfertility · 1 year
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Explore the benefits of an integrative approach to female fertility treatment at Audubon Fertility. Our comprehensive methods combine cutting-edge technology with holistic care, aiming to enhance your fertility journey. Discover how our individualized fertility treatment options can help you in your path to parenthood.
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rhiannonvs · 1 year
My Miscarriage
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Starting a family has always been something that has weighed heavy on my mind. My mum lost two children; my sister who was born before me died during labour, and my brother who was younger than me had a rare genetic condition causing him to pass away at three months old. I remember visiting my brother in Yorkhill Hospital and I can remember not having a wee brother any more but I was too young to understand, and I didn't truly get the weight of what had happened until I was much older. I have always known my mum is an incredible woman. She is my best friend, but as I get older I am constantly overwhelmed with how much strength, resilience and stability she gave me at some of the hardest moments in her own life.
As a new researcher in television I looked into female fertility for a show I was working on. I became aware that while the white middle class feminism I was consuming at the time was teaching me I could do and have it all, it wasn’t being honest about the timeframe I had to do it in, and because of my family history, having children before I was thirty became personally important to me.
When Rhys and I started trying I very quickly fell pregnant. I was extremely excited but also nervous. Close family members had experienced a miscariage and I was well aware of the risks involved in early pregnancy. 
Rhys and I made the decision to tell people as soon as we found out at 5 weeks. This is  actually only around 3 weeks into the pregnancy as it is officially calculated from the first day of your last period, and your fertile window follows about two weeks later when you can conceive. Most of our friends knew we were trying and we were so happy that keeping it a secret just seemed silly, the white lies about why I wasn’t drinking or feeling sick were pointless. Everyone was overjoyed for us, but some were also uncomfortable at us telling people so early.
At eight weeks pregnant I went to SNP Conference, I was standing for Equalities Officer and spent a full day talking to folk, handing out my leaflets and participating in a hustings for the role at night. I was exhausted and felt lousy so I had an early night but I soon woke up incredibly ill. We had guests staying with us who’s baby boy had been hospitalised the night before with sickness and diarrhea and I had caught it. I spent the night at the hospital and asked everyone I could about the pregnancy, but two separate doctors assured me that it would be fine. I was meant to go on holiday a few days later so for peace of mind we went for a private scan to check that everything was ok. Unfortunately it was not. The ultrasound couldn’t find a heartbeat, and the scan suggested that the pregnancy had failed. This then had to be confirmed by the NHS via an internal scan which can pick up any heartbeat much easier, but sadly there was no heartbeat.
The midwives were incredible, they spoke kindly but frankly about my options while giving us time to process and talk through what Rhys and I were feeling. I could take pills that would bring on the miscarriage, they could remove the failed pregnancy surgically, or I could go home and wait for it to happen naturally. The thought of something or someone working inside my vagina while I was unconscious was completely out of the question for me, and having spent the last two years of my adult life closely following my natural menstrual cycles in preparation to conceive I decided to go home and wait for it to pass naturally. The midwives followed up with regular phone calls and I had frequent internal scans to ensure that there was no risk of infection. I carried the failed pregnancy for almost four weeks before it actually happened.
That night was traumatic. I wasn’t prepared for the pain, the amount of time it would take or what would actually happen. I thought it would be like a very heavy period but it was nothing like that. The pain itself wasn’t unbearable but after enduring it for eight hours I couldn't cope any more. I couldn't lie down or sit anywhere other than the toilet because of the amount of blood and womb lining I was passing. It came out in the biggest clots I have ever seen, about the size of my hand. 
The midwives had prepared us that we may see the fetus and told us that we could do what we wanted with it once it had passed. We decided we were going to bury it in our garden at the family home on the Isle of Bute and had a little tupperware box ready to put it in to transport it home. We had been prepared to see something that resembles a small white jelly baby but also told that because of the length of time I had carried the failed pregnancy it may have started to disintegrate already.
This was the scariest part for me, that I would come face to face with what could have been. We had been to see the Circ du Soleil show Ovo the day we found out I was pregnant. When we found out Ovo was Portugese for ‘egg’ it stuck and we called our wee fetus Ovo from day one. Ovo was not a child, it was not a baby, but it did represent the start of our wee growing family.
When it started we would diligently scoop out what was in the toilet and sift through it all to search for our wee Ovo. As the pain became more intense, my entire abdominal area was involved, I got intense diarrhea and started vomiting. What a sight. After hours of sifting through the toilet I had resigned myself to the fact Ovo may have gone already and we searched less and less. Eight hours in, I became quite delirious and panicked. I have a strong personal yoga practice and I spend a lot of time rooted in my own body, I lost all of that. Rhys called NHS 24 to ask for advice, the cocodamol wasn’t cutting it, I had lost my breath and I was at the very end of my tether, I wasn’t coping mentally or physically with what my body was doing.
Rhys drove me into the New Victoria Hospital where I had, what I call now, a minor meltdown. The doctor we saw gave me an injection to help my muscles relax which I felt the benefit of as soon as I got home. When I got in I went straight to bed with big Tenna Lady pants on and I finally slept. The midwives had warned me that when I felt like giving up it was probably coming to an end and this was definitely true, nothing else really passed after the hospital and the bleeding reduced to a very heavy period, although I did wear Tenna Ladies to work for the rest of the week. 
When I woke up much later in the day I was determined that life had to go on and we met friends in the Chip on Ashton Lane for a large glass of malbec, where there were tears and lots of soulful conversations about life. Speaking with friends was the one thing that got us through that time, realising we were not alone, that the emotions we were feeling were normal and our grief was shared. 
I am eternally grateful for the many women that reached out to me at the time to tell me I was going to be ok, for the couples who shared their experience with us and for our friends that stayed with us and listened. I have walked away from that time with a deep understanding of the healing power of sharing the female experience. There is far too much that society makes it taboo to talk about, and miscarriage is just one part of that. In sharing my story here in my own words and on my own terms I want to add my voice to the conversation about miscarriage, to try to normalise talking about early pregnancy, and to smash the stigma that causes many women and couples to go through it alone.
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theancientwayoflife · 1 month
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~ Female Fertility Figurine.
Place of origin: Türkiye
Period: Neolithic
Date: 7th Millennium B.C.
Medium: Ceramic
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vrindafertility0145 · 5 months
Your Pathway to Parenthood at the Best IVF Centre in Delhi | Vrinda Fertility Embark on your journey towards parenthood with confidence at Vrinda Fertility, renowned as the Best IVF Centre in Delhi. Trust is at the core of our approach as we commit to treating you with the utmost care and compassion every step of the way. Our comprehensive services encompass IVF, male fertility treatments, and female infertility solutions, ensuring personalized care tailored to your unique needs. With Vrinda Fertility, rest assured that you are in expert hands, and together, we will navigate the path to parenthood with unwavering dedication and support.
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