#fusion unit
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teenagenutant · 1 year ago
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a bit more weird, wild, and less structurally stable than the 2-turtle fusions, here's bosch (raph+mikey+donnie) and machiavelli (leo+mikey+donnie)!
pure impulsive destructive excitement and 'what if your annoying little sibling was also the world's most acrobatic awful cat'
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soranatus · 1 year ago
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Neon Genesis Shin Godzilla By Daniel Douglas
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darkwingismycity · 7 months ago
Spreading the word through true love! 😍 Let’s stand with animation and against AI folks!!
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onlytiktoks · 3 months ago
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canmking · 7 months ago
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M i l e s
D a v i s
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kirbyfigure · 3 months ago
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ೀ ‧ ゚ ʚ . ୧ ‧ ₊ ˚ ⋅ . ✮ ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁
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driver270 · 5 months ago
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Megatron: Hmm. Yes. There's something about this.
Starscream: Heh... something to make sure that a fair fight is the other guy's problem.
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flagwars · 5 months ago
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National Pride Fusion Flag Wars: Round 3, Bracket 2
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dungeonsynthguide · 5 months ago
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Bubble Blade Vaporous Halls (2024)
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sshbpodcast · 3 months ago
Character Spotlight: Jonathan Archer
By Ames
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Just when you thought we were done with Enterprise, our character spotlight series returns somehow! And if our full watch of the series assured us of anything, it’s that Cap’n Jonathan Archer is an angry, ill-prepared, conceited, racist, little nepobaby. Now sometimes, that’s perfectly in character for a prequel series about confronting our first stumbling blocks into space exploration. And sometimes, it’s agonizing to watch how humans as a species were represented by a man who made the worst choices you could make, and then patted himself on the back about it.
But I’m getting ahead of myself! Your hosts here at A Star to Steer Her By can always find something that Archer did to gripe about. And even a couple moments we didn’t hate his guts. Check them all out below and listen to our diatribe on this week’s podcast (jump in time to 1:00:09) as we peruse the actions of our first Enterprise captain. Now back in the pool for some water polo!
[Images © CBS/Paramount]
Best moments
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Torturing prisoners = bad! I laugh because this sentiment will be entirely contradicted when we get to season three, but Archer starts out in “Fortunate Son” advocating NOT capturing and torturing pirates. The bar was low for us back in season one, and Archer meets it when he tells Mayweather that humans should display proper ethics in situations like the Fortunate’s dealings with Nausicaans.
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T’Pol’s had enough of your help. Stay away from her. After spending much of season one racially profiling every Vulcan he meets (more on that in the next segment), Archer meets a Vulcan that everyone is right to hate in “Fusion.” While he is way too quick to trust the V’tosh ka’tur just because they like having emotions, Archer deserves some credit for believing T’Pol about her assault and letting Tolaris have it, that asshole!
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Now is not the time for British gumption Archer may be the extrovert that makes us introverts uncomfortable, but it actually pays off in “Minefield”! Reed is pinned in the leg, and the captain is able to deal with both disarming the Romulan mine AND keeping his security chief alive when he is fully prepared to martyr himself at the drop of a hat. Their smalltalk keeps the tension in check and Reed mostly lucid.
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How much is that doggy in the incubator? One sympathetic trait that the writers were wise to build into the Archer character is his love for Porthos. It’s easy to connect with a dog person, so Archer is at his most humanized during “A Night in Sickbay” when all he wants is to be with Porthos during the beagle’s time of need. The rest of that episode, not so much, but how much he cares for his puppy is lovely.
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What if we trap them in an elevator together? Because Enterprise is a prequel, we know very well that Humans, Andorian, and Vulcans (and Tellarites eventually) will get along well enough to found the Federation. But right now, it’s baby steps and Archer’s goal is to just get them in a room together without actively killing each other in “Cease Fire.” So major kudos for getting Shran and Soval into a conference room.
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The House of Duras is without honor We gave Worf credit back when he did a similar thing back in “Reunion,” so we’ll have to count this one for Archer as well, and that’s killing the hell out of Duras. That whole Klingon line is just no good, so when Archer blows his ship to high hell in “The Expanse,” we are very pleased. The only good Duras is a Duras blown to high hell.
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I’m not leaving you In a spur-of-the-moment decision, Archer saves T’Pol from a wave of some anomaly or other in “Twilight,” even after she told him to save himself (or perhaps because he’s just so used to doing the opposite of everything she says). We learn non-chronologically that the anomaly that hits him because of this causes his anterograde amnesia, but it was nice of him to help his XO.
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You wanted to kill someone, kill me Not only does it take responsibility and honor to sacrifice himself when the Triannons force them to adhere to their dumb justice system in “Chosen Ream,” but it turns out to be a ruse when Archer tricks them into thinking the transporter is a disintegration device that kills people. Fools, it’s only that some of the time! We commend Archer for his really clever thinking!
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We’re talking about a one-way trip Speaking of Archer taking responsibility when the going gets tough, he is fully prepared to kamikaze the Xindi weapon in “Azati Prime,” even after both Mayweather and Trip have offered to do it (I guess Reed was out of earshot or he’d’ve begged to do it too). We’ll talk in a second about how bad of an idea this was, but hell, he was ready to get blown up to save humanity.
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If that’s what it takes to be advanced, I don’t want any part of it You’ve got to love when a captain calls out another race for absolutely bullshit behavior, and Archer is fully righteous when he tears the Organians a new asshole for treating other species like test subjects in “Observer Effect.” Plus, yet again he is ready to sacrifice himself for crewmates when he exposes himself to the contagion to try to save Trip.
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Loop-de-loop hole Archer is again attempting diplomacy in getting the Andorians and Tellarites in a room together without killing each other (this sounds familiar), and volunteers himself to duel in the Ushaan in “United.” It all conveniently works out because for some reason this fight to the death has enough loopholes in it to scare off a trypophobe. But it’s nice of Archer not to kill Shran.
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The final frontier begins in this hall. Let’s explore it together. Finally, the two-parter “Demons” and “Terra Prime” really succeeds at reminding us that we all need to overcome our prejudices and malice if we want to make our ways in the universe. Archer sums the whole thing up after defeating Paxton and his Terra Prime cult members. His speech at the end of “Terra Prime” really should have been what the whole show finale’d on.
Worst moments
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What’s all that mean anyway? You know I have to include Archer’s constant xenophobia against Vulcans because it really colored my perception of the captain, and “The Andorian Incident” is emblematic of that. Out of sheer racism, he forces T’Pol to bring him to P’Jem after she advises against it, makes a terrible impression on the monk who’s only doing his job, and then wrecks up the chapel room to expose an Andorian. Maybe ask first, dingbat.
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Correction, sir, that’s blown out We also just had to include this early example of just awful acting out of Scott Bakula. Though the bay is being rapidly decompressed, Archer somehow drapes himself over a railing and dangles over the side during his fight with Silik in “Cold Front.” Was he in any danger? Did he expel all the air from his lungs? Were there any consequences to being in vacuum? Who knows.
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Someday my people are going to come up with some sort of a doctrine This one will surely come up again in our Phlox character spotlight, but it was Archer’s word to permit the genocide by inaction in “Dear Doctor.” Not only is it morally reprehensible to wash their hands of the fate of the Valakians, but the science that Phlox easily convinces Archer is emphatically wrong. And the Prime Directive reference? The turd on top of this shit sundae.
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What else should I be? All apologies. Though we commended Jonathan for his devotion to Porthos in “A Night in Sickbay,” for the rest of the episode he’s an absolute pissant. All the Kreetassans want is for him to apologize for defiling their sacred tree with Porthos’s piss. You’d think he’d not have brought his filthy dog to their sacred site in the first place, but to act like such a prick about it is even more pathetic.
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On my world, when someone asks for asylum it has to be given serious consideration We’ve struggled with the messaging of “Cogenitor” from the get go, and apparently so has Archer. Charles requests asylum from the Starfleet crew and Archer forces them off the ship instead, back into the hands of their oppressive culture. And then Archer screams (screams!) at Trip about violating the non-existent Prime Directive. And he’s supposed to be right?
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Torturing prisoners = good? Most of Archer’s bad moments are rightly coming from season 3, an absolutely drek collection of episodes, and it immediately goes south in “Anomaly.” This is Archer’s first foray into torturing people, as he throws Orgoth, the Osaarian prisoner, into an airlock and threatens to space him just to get information. And the cap’n’s actions will only get worse from here…
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These are Trip’s quarters It’s a controversial choice for Archer to allow the simbiot to be created in the first place in “Similitude” just to harvest his organs. But that’s mostly a Phlox fault. What we’re harping on here is how terribly Archer treats Sim. Again, he screams at him (there’s a lot of Bakula screaming at Connor Trinneer in this show) for staying in Trip’s quarters and for, I dunno, wanting to live.
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How selective could this memory wipe be? A lot of interesting concepts come out of “Stratagem,” but then if you think about it for more than a second, you realize what Archer does to Degra is super messed up. Normally, when someone tampers with someone else’s mind to exploit them for information, it’s the villain of the show doing it. So it’s clever as a scheme, but Archer, my dude, you are the bad guy of this episode.
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Let’s torture the canary we took out of this coalmine One of the absolute worst things we see Archer do comes in “Harbinger” (you’re going to see a lot of “Harbinger” in this spotlights) when he tortures that Sphere Builder before he even knows who they are. He jumps to the wildest conclusion that this guy might have information, with absolutely no proof at first, and he tortures the guy. And this is the hero of the show, people!
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If that’s a problem for history, then history will have to suffer We may have just credited Archer with doing the honorable thing and wanting to sacrifice himself in “Azati Prime,” but it’s also absolutely idiotic. For once, Archer refuses to listen to Daniels who warns him that if Jon destroys the Xindi weapon, they will only build another one. Please, Archer, do the peaceful, diplomatic thing. No? Why choose now to be so unreasonable?
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Out of my way, I’m a motorist! We rag on “Damage” a lot because of the hypocrisy of it all. Archer finally thinks he’s crossing a line when he steals the warp coil from the Illyrians’ ship, despite all the lines he’s been crossing all season. And what a shitty thing to do to these people! He strands them in the expanse and we never hear about them again. Dude, at least send them an Uber.
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Even though you don’t wish to own me, I still wish to please you Because I feel like shitting on “Bound” at least a little bit, let’s shit on how Archer so easily gets tricked by the Orions all episode long. You can blame the pheromones for tampering with his senses, but dude, you couldn’t have put some female MACOs in charge once you knew the ruse? You didn’t smell something was up when space pirates wanted to do business? And god, that scene when he talks about sexual slavery is just so uncomfortable. Vomit.
Sorry, Cap’n, but someone needed to put you in your place. Will our other Enterprise character spotlights be a little more positive? Keep track by following along here on the blog! You should also keep up with our watchthrough of Discovery over on the podcast on SoundCloud (or wherever you listen to podcasts), exchange water polo gossip with us over on Facebook, and maybe scream at Trip a little less. Just a little.
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syppys-den · 5 months ago
So a friend of mine convinced me to start writing as a hobby, and I expected it to be a shitshow, and to some degree they are but... I think I may have cooked with this stinger... did I?
And so the Wild Robot would once again live up to her name, and her old friends were waiting with anticipation for her arrival
Little did either party expect however… that at that moment, something that would change the course of not just the island, but the world as a whole had entered the solar system… careening towards Earth was a swarm of irradiated debris of a destroyed civilization, and in the center… the vessel containing its sole survivor…
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sitishafiyyah · 1 year ago
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(benRex) I am a Fusion...
Oops! sorry. I'm got fix it, 😅
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marian-1122 · 9 months ago
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Mick Jones performs on stage with Big Audio Dynamite , United Kingdom , 1990 .
©️ Martyn Goodacre/Getty Images
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fiannalover · 1 year ago
One of my favorite Music Era interactions is Natsume and Ritsu because like. From Natsume's side, it's easy to see where it comes from. Ah yes, this is my nii-san's younger brother. Now that we are in the same company, I should look after him due to our shared connection and in return for all the times Rei-nii-san looked after me. Fair enough.
But here is the thing. Natsume and Ritsu have, at best, spent 5 seconds in the same room before this. And as events like, say, Setsubun, show, Ritsu (in spite of all his weirdness) has a Pretty Good awareness of what is normal and socially expected, being easily thrown off by sudden and off-putting responses.
The end result of all that is that Ritsu is consistently Freaked Out by this guy he never talked with popping up out of nowhere to give him some lotion and cryptic advice. And given how Natsume works, it's completely impossible to determine if he's aware of this and doesn't care or like, genuinely thinks they're bonding.
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ensemble-stories-archive · 3 months ago
Trickstar & Fine Fusion Live
Section 5-2 (Fine)
Characters: Eichi, Yuzuru, Tori, & Wataru
Trickstar -> Hokuto -> Eichi -> BIGBANG outfit -> BRAND NEW STARS!!
Fine -> Subaru -> Wataru -> Tempest Outfit -> FUSIONIC STARS!!
Trickstar -> Makoto -> Tori -> Halloween Party outfit -> FUSIONIC STARS!!
Fine -> Mao -> Yuzuru -> Magnolia outfit -> BRAND NEW STARS!!
Section 1-1
Section 1-2*
Section 2-1
Section 3-1 & 4-2**
Trickstar: [Hokuto] [Subaru] [Makoto] [Mao]
Fine: [Eichi] [Wataru] [Tori] [Yuzuru]
Section 5-2
Section 6-3
Section 7-2***
Trickstar: [BIGBANG outfit] [Halloween Party outfit] [Trickstar uniform]
Fine: [Tempest outfit] [Magnolia outfit] [Fine uniform]
Section 8-1
Section 8-3
Ending 1
Ending 2
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Missing sections are lives, meaning there was nothing to record
I didn't record when choosing the unit uniforms because the dialog was the same
*Section 1-2 is a video that contains flashing/rapidly changing images, not required to watch but recorded for archival purposes
**Sections 3-1 & 4-2 are listed together for easier viewing
***Dialog is completely the same, only the uniform worn is different
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ensemblesongs · 9 months ago
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