#fun tumbler
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aperfecthalosblog · 1 year ago
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Fall Vibes 20oz or 30oz skinny tumbler (Glow in dark option) This listing is for one 20oz or 30oz skinny tumbler ( Glow in dark option) Vacuum insulated tumbler with lid and straw. Drinks stay ice cold or steaming hot ALL DAY LONG. Perfect for hot coffee in the morning, cold drinks all day long, or wine at the end of the day. These are custom made and can be custom made for you with a process called sublimation.. Add a name or saying Since these are handmade the image maybe slightly different then pictured ** All tumblers should be hand washed and not placed in the dishwasher. There is no actual glitter the image make it appear like glitter.. Check out my other listings if you can't find what your looking for message me I can put almost any image on a tumbler..
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saydesole · 11 months ago
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African Waist Beads ïżŒ
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themostrandompolls · 8 months ago
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jazzzzzzhands · 1 year ago
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Wally brought you a cup of sugar!
Like a good neighbor!
He also has an egg in his pocket!
If you know, you know!
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ahollowgrave · 1 year ago
Send đŸȘ€ to see them with something they find hard to resist.
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of course, of course !
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Thank you for the ask @oneiroy!
][ Screenshot Meme ][
An additional shot, for all of us:
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oops-i-dropped-the-galaxy · 11 months ago
Ghostlights Prompt Event: Blind Date with a Prompt
aaaaah I'm doing it, I'm gonna post some of my work!
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My first time ever posting anything and it's ghostlights, typical. Anyway this was tons of fun to do and I managed to pump this out in like two days. I really hope the smaller details are easy to see bc I had a lot of fun doing things like Dukes heart blush and eyes and Dannys electric scars and it would be a shame if Tumbler crunchifed it too much like Insta usually did.
The prompt I got was Duke is Danny's secret admirer and sharing headphones (that's a lie, it was actually sharing headphones and 1930 but I had no clue how I would do that so I just rerolled and got lucky lol). I might end up doing some more idk I've just never been this inspired before :>
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sumi-sprite · 6 months ago
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I'm sure it's fiiiiine~
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aperfecthalosblog · 1 year ago
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Gumball machine 20oz or 30oz skinny tumbler (Glow in dark)
This listing is for one 20oz or 30oz skinny tumbler ( Glow in dark option)
Vacuum insulated tumbler with lid and straw. Drinks stay ice cold or steaming hot ALL DAY LONG. Perfect for hot coffee in the morning, cold drinks all day long, or wine at the end of the day.
These are custom made and can be custom made for you with a process called sublimation..
Add a name or saying
Since these are handmade the image maybe slightly different then pictured
** All tumblers should be hand washed and not placed in the dishwasher.
There is no actual glitter the image make it appear like glitter..
Check out my other listings if you can't find what your looking for message me I can put almost any image on a tumbler..
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kaylee68 · 7 months ago
My life became way better when I started blocking people I didn’t like.
Silly goofy post that was actually a horrendous take about my favourite character in disguise???
Pro shi—pardon me sir but you are blocked.
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transingthoseformers · 1 month ago
I still adore that one SG au where Tumbler (Chromedome) lamented how he kept accidentally matchmaking mecha he wanted a relationship with, and the camera turns to Rewind & Dominus Ambus (who have Tumbler to thank for their marriage) (ABD are trying to seduce him into being their third zggxgddg)
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themostrandompolls · 7 months ago
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comment for chaos
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nightmarerodent · 2 months ago
Man, sometimes I think of how cool all my moots are and how great it’ll be if I could gather them all up and move into one big house with them so I could finally have people near me with the same interests. And they could gather their moots and they could live next door and so on and so on, and we could all garden and hang out and play games and pet cats and make art.
And then I remember that’s how cults start and I probably shouldn’t do that.
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daydreamervalchen · 2 months ago
WIP It's time again Es ist mal wieder ein Mittwoch eingetroffen. Was lÀsst euch gerade nicht Los an Storyd, OC pder anderen Konzepten.? Tell us  about your current WOrk in progresses #sharewhatintheworks #ffmmff #workinprogress #fanfiction.de #sharingiscaring
Nachdem ich den Mittwoch gleich zweimal verpasst habe, komme ich nun auch endlich dazu diese Frage zu beantworten :')
Neben meinen OC Vivi fĂŒr good luck, Zad fĂŒr WindflĂŒchter und dem nĂ€chsten Kapitel zu meiner MMFF hamartia bastle ich derzeit an zwei MMFFs im One Piece Bereich herum, deren Ideen mir schon seit ein paar Jahren im Kopf herumspuken. Aber sie werden wohl nie wirklich ĂŒber den WIP-Status hinausgehen werden, weil schon mit einer MMFF etwas ĂŒberfordert bin ;) (Wobei WIP MMFF #2 immerhin ein vorhersehbares Ende hĂ€tte, dass man in einer bestimmten Kapitelanzahl abschließen könnte.) Die Leutchen aus dem One Piece Fandom warne ich gleich mal vor, dass #2 Spoiler fĂŒr das Kapitel 1095 enthĂ€lt, aber ich werde versuchen das unter den "weiterlesen"-Button zu verstecken. Draufklicken und lesen also auf eigene Gefahr! (:
Beide Konzepte sind noch nicht 100%ig ausgereift, aber ich hab derweil einfach sehr viel Spaß OC zu machen ohne einen Zeitdruck zu haben, weil sie nirgendwo eingereicht werden mĂŒssen xD Diese zwei Projekte sind sozusagen meine "Prokrastinier"-Projekte, wenn Steckbriefe gerade nicht wollen oder ich beim Kapitel keine drei SĂ€tze zusammenbringe. Aber nun endlich mal zu den zwei MMFF-Projekten und den OCs. Lasst es mich gerne wissen, ob an einem davon eventuell Interesse bestehen wĂŒrde :D
working title: nothing left but one another
type: mmff
tropes | (sub) genres: found family, oc shenanigans, drama, adventure, grumpy dads, frienship, unconventional family, criminals as co-parents, frenemies, fluff
warnings: my humor, probably death and gore, resuscitation, (porbably some more lol)
synopsis: Wie geht dein Leben weiter, wenn du deinen grĂ¶ĂŸten Feind besiegt hast? Was, wenn du dich dafĂŒr mit deinem verhassten Erzrivalen zusammenschließen musstest? Und was, wenn du den verfluchten Bastard irgendwie doch etwas leiden gelernt hast (zumindest so weit, dass du ihn nicht auf der Stelle meucheln willst)? So oder so Ă€hnlich ergeht es "Hexendoktor" Warwick, der eine Zweckgemeinschaft mit dem kĂŒhlen Hyƍrƍ geschlossen hat. Nun stehen die zwei Kriminellen ohne Ziel da und haben sich fast schon an die dumme Visage des anderen gewöhnt. Aber nur fast. Nach einigem Hin und Her wĂŒrden sich Warwick und Hyƍrƍ auch wieder an die Gurgel gehen, doch wie sich herausstellt hatte ihr gemeinsamer Nemesis ein Kind, dass die beiden jetzt wohl oder ĂŒbel an der Backe haben...nach einer durchzechten Nacht beschließen sie kurzerhand mit der kleinen Plage im GepĂ€ck durch die halbe Welt zu schippern um das Balg bei ihrer Mutter abzuladen...blöd nur, dass sie das alleine nicht auf die Reihe bekommen...
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·:*šàŒș ♱ ☠ ♱ àŒ»Âš*:·.
Warwick | "Der GehÀngte" | Hexendoktor | Rabenprinz
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Warwick, der GehĂ€ngte, seines Zeichens Doktor mit meiner makabren Faszination fĂŒr das Leben nach dem Tod und den gefiederten Todesomen, den Raben. Ein Quacksalber dessen kriminelle Machenschaften ihn schon hĂ€ufiger an den Galgen gefĂŒhrt haben, jedoch ist der komische Kauz wohl einfach nicht totzukriegen. Aufgezogen in einem, andernfalls rein weiblichen, Coven hat Warwick eine etwas fragwĂŒrdige Beziehung zu Frauen...Ihn als Arzt zu haben ist so eine Sache, die Chance, dass er einen ins Gras beißen lĂ€sst sind relativ hoch, aber hey auch nur, wenn er sich sicher ist, dass er dich wieder zurĂŒck ins Leben holen kann (:
>>You have to die a few times before you can really live.<<
·:*šàŒș ♱ ☠ ♱ àŒ»Âš*:·.
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Hyƍrƍ [æ°·ç‹Œ] | "Froststurm" | Kƍrioni [ă“ăŠă‚ŠéŹŒ]
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"Froststrum" Hyƍrƍ, ein Exil-Samurai aus Wano, dessen verschlungene Pfade ihn doch immer wieder zu einem verhassten Doktor fĂŒhren. Im Kampf ein ehrenhafter Krieger, der immer auf der Suche nach neuen Gegner ist, in der Hoffnung eines Tages in einem Duell zu fallen. Man munkelt selbst eine dampfende Tasse Tee wĂŒrde in seinen HĂ€nden gefrieren. Ein Mann, hart und kalt wie das Eis, welches durch seinen Adern zu fließen scheint, sein Moralkompass so verkommen, wie die Kriminellen, die er manchmal nur aus reiner Langeweile jagt.
>>The water hears and understands. The ice does not forgive.<<
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ăƒ»â”†âœŠÊšâ™ĄÉžâœŠ â”†ăƒ»
the child | a brat | a princess
just a little girl, or is she? pretty sure she is
ăƒ»â”†âœŠÊšâ™ĄÉžâœŠ â”†ăƒ»
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Start Idea nummero 2 (Ich glaube der "Weiterlesen"-Button tut nicht was er soll, deswegen nochmal die Anmerkung)
working title: manhunt
type: mmff
tropes | (sub) genres: survival (of the fittest), lovable misfits, slavery, freedom, kinda found family :'), karma is a bitch (for Azir), oppression [...]
warnings: again my humor, character death and gore, murder, doing basically anthing to survive...cause the theme is manhunt
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missjoolee · 1 year ago
Always Come Take Me Down
The barest hint of a snore coming from where Julie's head is resting against his thigh is what alerts Luke that she's asleep and no longer working on lyrics. He'd been so in his own head, humming melodies and jotting them down, that it was more an afterthought sort of processing of the fact that she had been quiet for a bit now. He knows it happened, but couldn't say when. What is he supposed to do? Leave her be? Wake her up? If it were Alex or Reggie, he'd let them sleep if they had just come from home, but definitely would wake them up with a wet willy. That's not an option this time! Not when it's the girl you most definitely have feelings for. Feelings that are complicated by the fact you are dead and couldn't even touch until a few weeks ago. Oh god, he's starting to sweat. Can ghosts even sweat?
The pen in Julie's hand shifts as her grip relaxes and he realizes something he can do. Reaching over, trying his best not to jostle her, he grabs the notebook that is still propped up against the makeshift easel that is her legs. Gently prying it from under hand, he sets it on the arm of the couch on his other side. Julie shuffles for a second, her head moving into a more comfortable position. Suddenly, all of Luke's panic dissipates. How can he feel anything but lucky? He lightly brushes his fingers across her forehead, trailing along one of the many curls that currently frames her face. It reminds him of the phone cord from the kitchen phone back home. The 90s version of home. It was one of the many things not still there that he'd had to get used to when he'd started visiting his parents. How do people do it? Make phone calls without the cord to entangle their fingers in. Memories of calling all the clubs (both music and book) he could think of while winding the spiral cord around an index finger just barely too tight so that it started cutting of circulation. The realization that more loops fit around it now that he's had a growth spurt.
Shaking off the memories, his eyes focus back on the studio. Looking down, he finds that he's wrapped one of Julie's curls around his finger like the phone cord. It's softer than the weird plastic, but not as smooth. He slowly unwinds his finger, marveling that he can even do that. They still don't know what happened that night that allowed them to touch. But he was given a third chance. He'd told Julie that he'd only had one real regret in life. How he'd left things with his mom. And he hadn't lied that night, that he still had no regrets in this life. Afterlife. Whatever. It all feels the same at this point whenever he's with her. But he does know he wants to do better by her than he had at the beginning of their friendship. He wants her to know he'll always choose her. He won't bail on her and cause her to cry again. It's just not an option.
A melody drifts through his head with those thoughts and he can't help but quietly hum along as he fiddles with the ends of her hair. He was nine when the song originally came out. It wasn't exactly his scene, even at nine, but you couldn't just escape a top 40 hit in the 80s. It was everywhere. At the grocery store with his mom, on the radio, at the arcade, the bowling alley, and Reggie's house before his parents started fighting. But the more he hums, the more Luke realizes how apt the lyrics are. Everything he wants to tell Julie, promise her. It's all there in the lyrics of this song that feels only seven years old but is actually... crap. Thirty-three years old. Is this really their life?
The lyrics slip out of him in a soft lullaby as he continues gently brushing her hair away from her temples.
"We're no strangers to love You know the rules and so do I"
He pauses at the next lines. Asking for a full commitment in their current state is probably too much, even if he does think he could give her better than any other guy. Her friend Nick pops into his head. He's been coming by a lot since the Orpheum. No, that's not the point right now. The point is communicating how he feels about her. He skips those lines.
"I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling Gotta make you understand"
Here he puts all his intent into the words, pledging them to her. Never again will he be the reason she feels alone and abandoned.
"Never gonna give you up Never gonna let you down Never gonna run around and desert you Never gonna make you cry Never gonna say goodbye Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you"
Slender fingers latch onto his and Julie lets out a deep, content, sigh. Her eyes peek open and look up at him and he can't help the smile that shines down on her.
Her own voice is low and quiet with sleep when she asks, "Did you just rickroll me?"
Luke's smile turns to confusion.
"What's a rickroll?"
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a-heartshaped-object · 2 years ago
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some warm up doodles because I wanna figure out how to draw these dudes
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istherewifiinhell · 8 months ago
okay i didnt have enough time b4 the ep but i MAINTAIN. having a fun drink IS a vital part of sts and anyway ive been doing ice tea experienments this week.
1. Pomegranate white tea.
SMELT GREAT. but so yucky did not even try completing it into a finished/sweetened drink. upon closer inspection the tea had hibiscus in it (i hate florals) and STEVIA?... just. IN THE TEA BAG... who does that??? now i know why it was on clearence....
2. green tea (jasmine? i think?) with lemon juice
i did have two cups of this but its complex... challenging.... the whole time i was just thinking... its kinda yucky. fhbgjdf. (i do like HOT tea, just fyi) even with a simple syrup (made with lemon zest and some of the same tea) added. but the lemon DID help
3. peppermint tea (tisane, for clarity, its one ingredigent and that ingredient is MINT) also with lemon
DRINK FOR THE LAST 3 DAYS. this is pretty delightful. also with a simple syrup made of. more tea. some lemon. and sugar. cold mint tea is ACTUALLY pretty okay on its own. its not like. sugar mint. more herby. and litttttle bit of lemon mades it... fresh? more lemon mades it. a fun lemon drink with. well mint but again. NOT like. eating mints mint. adjust syrup from anything to. cut the bitter/tart notes to full. this is a fucking lemonade treat.
futher planed experiements: just. regular sweet black tea (i doubt i will like this cold but i want to make SURE lol), wild berry zinger (is this even tea anymore?! i dunno. but its called WILD BERRY ZINGER. that sounds FUN)
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