#fucking skittle
thepressanon · 10 months
hoooow was ur date with sparkles?
it was amazing! we fell asleep on eachother afterwards and-!
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cheekyboybeth · 17 days
imagine this:
Barty’s anigmus form is a bat and whenever he gets really tired during the day, he’ll turn into his anigmus form and shove himself into Evan’s hoodie pocket
everyone asks Evan, “what’s with the lump in your pocket? What’s in it?” And Evan just pulls out his sleeping bat boyfriend and the people get scared bc what kind of freak just has a bat?
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swimmingclass1978 · 5 months
What if reg was an animagi and he could turn into a duck.
Imagine walking down the hogwarts corridor and you see james and sirius being chased by a duck with a wand in its mouth.
Idk just something about fussy duck reg sitting on top of james' head quacking at everyone
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a-great-tragedy · 6 months
I’m glad that J.K. Rowling has never written about the marauders and that no company has made a marauders film adaptation because 1, it would be boring (and straight) and 2, what’s great about the fandom is that we made the whole thing up. Some names were mentioned once or twice in the book and we gave them full on personalities. Everyone has different opinions on different characters and I think that’s the best part of this.
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Regulus: I am at a loss for words!
Barty, voice over: Despite being lost for words, Regulus yelled at me for the next 45 minutes.
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moonyswarmsweaters · 4 months
Snivllus: Fuck gay people
Barty: Oh I do, every single day
Evan: Amen
Dorcas: Truely a pleasure to do, will recommend
Regulus *grinning*: My boyfriend has the same to do list
Pandora: No self deprecating thoughts out loud go away
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i-need-of-a-hobby · 4 months
james is a wolfstar shipper in that he makes plans w pete so sirius and remus would be left alone together, wing-manning for both of them and giving them advice, opening windows during the winter so remus will give sirius his sweater or vice versa, he just wants his two best friends to be happy fr
regulus is a rosekiller shipper in that he goes around hexing barty in the halls and saying he'll stop once barty confesses to evan, takes random stuff from school books to clothes from evan promising to give them back when he just kisses barty for fucks sake
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genderflouiid · 6 months
marauders as things my friends have said
james: what’s your red flag?
regulus: um, i don’t kno—
james: i think you’re mean
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wildoceanstarz · 4 months
Kleptomaniac Evan Rosier x Pyromaniac Barty Crouch jr. that’s it. thats the post.
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wolvesandshine · 6 months
Regulus: Sleep is for the weak
Regulus: On an unrelated note if you don’t shut up in the next minute I will kill everyone in this room and then myself
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wastingawayinmyroom · 2 months
@rosekillermicrofic - prompt: liar - word count: 320 - warnings: mentions of alcohol, slightly nfsw (?)
"I've never blushed, actually." Evan leaned back in his seat, club music blaring disgustingly loudly in his ears. "I don't think I'm capable of it."
"Really?" Barty asked, setting his drink down. Of course he would take this as a challenge.
Well, then. Evan wouldn't give him the satisfaction of winning.
"Really," he said, dark eyes narrowing on the other boy. Barty smirked. "Mind if I try to change that?"
He scoffed. "You'll fail," he said, matter-of-factly, but Crouch only looked amused.
There was no way he was going to blush. Especially not for him.
He was vaguely aware of Pandora and the girls giggling behind them, but he kept his focus on Barty as he inched closer, closing the gap between them across the table until they were face to face.
Evan could smell the alcohol on him, sweet and spicy. "Like what you see, love?"
Evan somehow managed to keep a straight face. "Not working."
He didn't see Barty's hands until it was too late, finding their way under the table to the bottom of Evan's shirt, toying with the fabric. It felt so good, Evan had to resist the urge to yank him forward and kiss him senseless.
"Better?" He was so close, god damn it, this was getting hard. Evan's cheeks heated up, but he forced the feeling back down. God, he hated Barty. He shook his head, but his resolve was fading.
And then. Then he fucking did it. Barty had the audacity to slip right under his clothing and press his warm hands to Evan's stomach, and Evan squirmed.
Barty smiled, looking a lot more smug than Evan wanted him to be. "We'll pick this up later, Rosier," he whispered in Evan's ear, and now Evan was sure he was blushing like a maniac.
Barty leaned back. "You're a pathetic liar, you know," he said, gazing at Evan almost hungrily. "You are capable of blushing."
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cheekyboybeth · 5 months
Marauders incorrect quotes
Regulus: I don’t know what’s wrong with me
Regulus: I can’t eat, can’t sleep, maybe I’m coming down with something
Pandora: oh I know what you’ve got! The L word
Barty: yeah, leprosy
Pandora: no Barty, it’s four letters, starts with L ends with E
Barty: ah ha! Lice
Pandora: no!
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sillyboybeth · 4 days
@rosekillermicrofic - October 16 - rude - word count: 474
“hey, Rosier”
Evan tore his gaze away from his sketch book to look at his fellow Slytherin. “Hey”
He hated Mulciber. The guy was so rude, annoying and incredibly bigoted. He was also nasty to his twin sister, so he was immediately disliked by Evan and his friends. He didn’t know why Mulciber liked talking to him. It was obvious he hated him, so why he spoke to him so often was a mystery.
“What are you doing?” Mulciber asked
He wanted to punch the guy, but refrained from doing so. “Not much, just drawing”
“Something weird I bet”
It took all his might not to yell at him to go away or even beat him up, but he needed to stay calm.
With an obvious pissed off tone, Evan replied, “Yeah, something like that”
All Evan wanted to do was sit there alone in the common room, draw, and rest. He did not want any assholes like Mulciber to bother him. The other slytherin sat down next to him, making him itch with an uncomfortable feeling. He even smelled like the piece of shit that he was.
They sat there in silence for a few minutes until Mulciber decided to talk again. “What’s with that big lump in your pocket?” He was asking about the full front pocket of his white hoodie and it gave Evan an idea of how to get him to leave.
Slowly, he placed his sketch book and pencil onto the cushion beside him and reached into his pocket, gently. Mulciber watched his movements, probably wondering why Evan was taking such a slow pace. His eyes widened at the sight of a dark, little creature. It was a bat.
“Fucking Salazar! Why do you have that?!”
“Shhh! Don’t scream, you idiot. He’s asleep” Evan violently whispered.
“You’re so fucking weird, Rosier” And with that, he left the common room.
As Mulciber left, Evan just smiled and looked down at the bat in his hands and whispered “He doesn’t like you, Bee, but that’s okay. He’s just a prick”
He could see the slight smile on his sleeping boyfriends face. He loved when Barty would snuggle him in his anigmus form, it truely was one of the most calming things they did together.
(Inspired by this post I made on my main account)
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jamie-potters · 1 month
Italian barty who learned from his father how to make his famous pasta
Italian barty who learned the recipe but learned it through verbal abuse and physical abuse
Italian barty who never told anyone his trauma
Italian barty who's friends ask for the pasta not knowing when he does it he relives the tramua of his father
Italian barty who finally gets together with evan and one night confesses about his father
Italian barty who wakes up with evan nudging him to make pasta
Italian barty who feels like crying because he thinks evan doesnt care
Italian barty who gets up to make the pasta and evan who follows him
Italian bary who starts making the pasta while evan holds him and kisses him to try to make him forget about who made him learn the recipe
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siriussslut · 1 year
Please Please Please
Evan Rosier just absolutely destroying you in front of reggie and barty. They are just jerking off while watching you and all of them degrading you 😖 Bonus points if Evan cuddles and kisses her after (lots of praise)
Thank you love (if you do write it). No worries if you don’t! Either way I love your writing gorgeous 💕
yes yes here u go!! also sorry i haven’t been posting for a bit!! i always get less horny before my period so i wasn’t in the mood to write lmfao😭 and tysm!!!! i hope you like it <3
edit: oops just realized i didn’t include the after stuff. might do a pt2!
warnings: voyeurism, use of “slut”, “whore”, and “daddy”, crying
you feel as though you’re being split down the middle, pussy ripped apart by evan’s cock. he’s huge inside of you, dick so deep he’s probably mingling with your organs. his hand is kneading the soft flesh of your ass, while his other grips your sore tits.
you’re leaning against his desk, bare stomach pressed to the hard wood. barty and regulus stand beside you, watching hungrily. the two of them are naked, clothes lying in a pile on the floor as they pump their cocks to the sight of you. their gazes are slightly animalistic as they take in every crevice of your bare body.
“fuck, evan,” barty says, voice gruff. “she’s such a fucking slut.”
evan thrusts hard, pubic bone slapping your bright red ass. “all she needs is my cock,” he says, lips pressed against your ear. you nod dumbly.
“you’ve got her dripping,” reg teases, gesturing at your sensitive cunt. he’s right. you’re dripping down your thighs and onto the plush carpet of evan’s bedroom.
you jerk forward to rub your clit against the table’s edge, pussy begging for more friction.
evan pulls you back, squeezing your ass. “what are you doing?”
you stay silent, building tears fogging your vision.
“hm? what are you doing?”
you can hear barty and regulus laughing, and you think you see one of them reach for the other’s dick out of the corner of your eye, but you simply don’t care enough to look.
“s-sorry, daddy.”
“you’re so fucking needy, need a table to make you feel good?”
“no, daddy.” tears stream down your face.
he slaps your ass, then thrusts into you again. “such a fucking whore, can’t just take what her daddy gives her.”
you hear a wet noise as barty comes onto the floor, groaning. you look away from the boy, disgusted.
evan twitches inside of you at the sight of his friend. he grips your tits harder, dick jerking around. you scream as he comes inside of you, losing all sense of self-control. regulus and barty quicken their hands at the sight of you, and as evan fills your insides, they paint your back a matching white.
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moonyswarmsweaters · 5 months
David Tennant would fully approve the cuntefication of Barty crouch Jr
He was a perfect casting, but at what cost?
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