#fucking hate know it all customers
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dittolicous · 2 years ago
the next fucking customer who tries to fucking act like im being snappy or they know my job better than me is going to get dragged in here to do it themselves
if i tell u i cant make fucking change, i cant fucking make change because assholes like you keep coming over and giving me 20s or 100s then acting like im an idiot when i tell u i have no smaller bills
literally customers keep badgering me when i tell them i have no 5s or 10s and very few 1s, like 'what u dont have a safe in theres' YEAH A SAFE TO PUT MONEY *IN*. NOT TAKE OUT. BECAUSE THATS NOT HOW MY STORE WORKS. CONGRATS STUPID. and i finally snapped and told them that much (without the stupid part) and they got all sarcastic asking why i was being so short over them explaining. and its just like. lady. lady stfu. you arent the main character of the world, i know, WILD. this may shock you, but ur not the only fucking asshole to hassel me over change as if im a fucking idiot.
and this was just after another guy got short because i wasnt sugery sweet after he jumped in to 'help' me explain something to another customer which resulted in me having to speak over him to finish the first order. he got on to me about apparently not liking my job amd shit. and its just like. dude. shut UP. this isnt the fucking suffering Olympics and i was only aggravated becuz u fucking got in the way of my job. literally a case of 'i wasnt upset until you told me to stop being upset'.
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fightwing · 1 year ago
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bruce immediately asking if he hurt dick after days spent infected yeah okay dc i see this and i raise you: 😭😭😭
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hunysckle · 1 month ago
almost reblogged a post with an entirely unrelated rant in the tags and realized my mutual and op don't need that in their notifs
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13lizardsinatrenchcoat · 6 months ago
The fact that inscryption wont let me delete my save file on switch to start a new game even though i havent played in a year and a half and therefore have 0 recollection of the lore or the gameplay so im hitting a wall against an end game boss and not having fun is. A choice.
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thetimelordbatgirl · 10 months ago
Ngl youtube videos suddenly got me slowly turning into a Justin Russo hater.
#like mainly later seasons him#early seasons him is fine#but like i guess plot wise you could argue he becomes more iffy because you know the competition will be soon#and justin does want to become the family wizard#as for some reason this show still never fully tackled the fucked up shit of the idea that wizard siblings have to grow up studying magic#only for one or two or whatever number siblings to lose it to one sibling in a competition#like stevie was the closest we got to that#but like it still dont make it less bad with how justin was#like the worst example i can name is him literally refusing to save alex whose his sister btw and shes always dropped shit to save him#because he wants to project onto her that she purposely fucked up his chances to get back into the competition via#pushing the students to take the test only for them to be failed because bad guy being bad guy in reality#and basically blames her for the failure and such as a result and acts like its all an act when she is mad on the students behalf and shit#and his students have to drag him kicking and screaming just to save her from the bad guy's shit#and there's also the competition itself where harper and zeke get grabbed by a creature during it#but alex has to convince her brothers to save the two and thats just cold already on justins end with zeke#but cause they took too long they all lose the competition and magic#and both brothers especially justin proceed to treat alex like shit even during work hours meaning#fucking over family business just to get at alex#and when the dad ultimately almost sells the place justin STILL blames alex#like she was the only one working fully max was being max and justin was being a little bitch to her#aka the infamous refusing to make her orders only max's and when he does he throws the sandwich at her#and cause she was holding drinks at the time and didnt see it coming the drinks went on a customer#and also throwing table trash into her already full bin shes carrying around while cleaning tables#and therefore messing it up for her like#and alex's logo...well from sounds of shit thats just justin again being a hateful bitch to his sister with zero consquiences#even one commenter pointing how he sadistically smiled while telling her all her friends hate her#like dear god if the show was doing this to make everyone root for alex its working i hate later season justin#gonna be interesting if hes matured or not as an adult
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toonagi · 7 months ago
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looklooklook it's my first fan character since chai the flareon and that one kingdom hearts oc i made in high school
paprika as a concept has been bouncing around in my head like a dvd screensaver for a couple months now, i just wasn't able to draw them until recently. they're a pacific octopus and an extreme gear racer & mechanic and also a huge dweeb who wears pants over a wetsuit like a FREAK. everyone say hi paprika
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fuzzy-robot · 21 days ago
😩 the company owner installed cameras with mics in our main building and literally drove up here after an employee shit-talked him, this man needs a damn JOB
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anxiously-awaiting · 2 years ago
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four autistic men fight for their lives trying to understand modern social customs (original screenshot under cut)
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jocelynships · 2 months ago
This is petty af but I’m already upset lmao
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ilkkawhat · 3 months ago
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canisonicscrewyou · 2 years ago
I need to think longer on individual regenerations. But. For the Master in general just….
Ungodly amounts of caffeine. Especially when he learns what to order. Like. A large uncut cold brew with x3 shots of espresso, no ice, and an unsettling amount of chai concentrate pumps. (Like, to the point where that shit must BURN. it’s spicy if you don’t mix it with anything.). No milk. Maybe an extra syrup. Cinnamon or toffee most likely. If there’s ice in the drink he chews it while he drinks it. It’s bitter and spicy and yet too sweet. There’s also a not-insignificant-amount of ginger juice in the chai concentrate, so I imagine it might give him at least a BIT of a buzz too. A bonus.
Extra Large Cold Brew, No Water, No Ice, 5 Blonde Espresso Shots, 20 Pumps Chai Concentrate, 10 Pumps Toffeenut Syrup. He can and will make you remake it if he’s in an even remotely bad mood. You know it’s a terrible no good horrible fucking dogshit day if he orders mocha syrup instead of toffeenut.
A large cup of whipped cream or cold foam on the side is not unheard of from the Master either. You’ll watch him drink both drinks separately. He won’t sit down, he won’t stay in the lobby long. Just enough to down his fucking concoctions and maybe hate on a barista who’s vibes he doesn’t like.
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tardis--dreams · 10 months ago
Some of those doctors make hating oat milk their entire personality. I hate them. Cannot pretend to find them funny or like i give a shit. Fucking pretentious assholes
#also my colleague (the girl i had my shift with) is the exact opposite of me in all aspects. asked me if I'd ever worked in customer service#because i couldn't care less about being fake friendly to assholes and don't care if they like the service or not#like bitch those people don't have any other choice but drink our fucking coffee it's not like I'm competing with anyone#or like they pay us in any way. i get paid for doing the dumb work i have to do not for stroking some dumb ass doctors' egos#they come out of their rooms once an hour to get coffee and we have the cups on the table and i wouldn't even Think of#HANDING them the cups and smiling sweetly at them and asking 'coffee? tea?? :))'#I'll just assume these grown adults will get their stupid coffee or tea when they want some. it's not like they don't know where it is#(and i AM friendly and smile when someone is coming in our direction but why the fuck do you need to get so disgustingly friendly with them#if someone held up a cup asking if i.want some coffee I'd leave immediately even if i came just for coffee. it's creepy)#anyway. she's nice. I'm not.#there's normal people who will get their coffee and maybe ask if the milk in the little jug is cow milk to which I'll happily reply 'yes#:)'. then there's the other people who see the oat milk and make it clear they are the most insufferable people on the planet#(and i pity their patients so much. not much to choose from i guess but if i had that as a doctor I'd happily just die)#like everyone who took oatmilk could do it without making a fuss about the cow milk on the table. the cow milk lovers could never#'the oat milk is in front of the actual milk. this is unacceptable. i hate such healthy bullshit' lol okay#'OAT milk?? I'll leave this to the horses! THANK GOD you have actual milk!'#my favorite was the one who really took personal offense with its sheer presence. as if it had killed half of his patients lmao#'we had 50 patients with xyz problem. ALL of them drink oat milk. they cannot see the connection. it's really unhealthy'#at this point i just said i didn't care and stopped paying attention and he started complaining to his doctor colleague about how#oat milk is advertised to be healthy and how it's actually the opposite and i just find that very funny compared to the first comment#from that one guy who doesn't like such healthy bullshit. you guys need to find a consensus on the oatmilk issue i think. no one takes you#seriously if you contradict yourself like this. also i couldn't care less about the healthiness of the milk alternative of my choice. bitch.#next week I'll end up killing someone. i hope they all die from their cow milk. (but not the ones who took cow milk and didn't say anything#about the oat milk. they can continue living as they didn't annoy me)#void screams#some of these doctors were actually quite nice (most of them even). one even brought an applicant to us telling her to get some coffee#(which we are not allowed to give to applicants. but i don't care. I'd rather they get something than some of the asshole jury members#who hate oat milk (which is not the issue. the issue is them making it everybody else's issue that they don't like oat milk))
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joelletwo · 1 year ago
duuuuuuuude i had a dad come in late asking to be walked thru getting a fish tank setup for his daughters bday and immediately im like. god. fuck. gonna have to scare him off. ask him what fish hes thinking he says well between goldfish or angelfish. uh oh! [big complicated guys*]
but hes already done so much research and is on board with a proper sized tank and even goes for a bigger one when i suggest it and is generally open to everything i tell him about goldfish care and is already planning on cycling it WELL ahead of time and is so so so niceys and knows how big and long lived they get and is like well even if my daughter outgrows it ill enjoy having it around so thats fine! and im like. crying. sir i love u can u come in every day forever. fantastic customer to almost close out the night.
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undistortedworld · 11 months ago
literally how does a-yao not go apeshit constantly. how does he put up with shit treatment for so long i am one bad customer service sunday away from committing atrocities
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the-hawkeyes · 1 year ago
yes, sure I was the one obssessed with relationship RP with the one character in the FC.
Watching everyone around me hook up all of their characters with everyone else's in some sort of relationship and not me.
That's the only way I felt I could actually get to know people, to get to talk about characters, etc, etc, etc
they kept saying it was i wasn't "communicating" enough and not diving into people's DM's to talk about character stuff and plans but
no one was doing that back to me
roleplays a two way street, we can all agree on that right?
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hellfireeddiemunson · 1 year ago
finally having time to myself since 3pm yesterday (it’s 11pm rn) and i want to stay up and relax and watch stuff so i can have a nice time by myself before having to work tomorrow but i am EXHAUSTED and also want to sleep so bad😭😭😭
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