Play Hard, Laze Harder
15 posts
They/Them (But I’m fine with whatever) 19I prefer to do things at my own very slow pace. Self-proclaimed master at procrastination. A “person” who likes to write very indulgent stuff whenever they’re not reading, which is very rare.!!Art is by Didimdal on Picrew!!
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
random-and-average · 2 years ago
Best Wishes
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As you closed the door to your home behind you, you tried to act normally despite the lump in your throat. Stinging eyes took in the interior of your home. The empty space between each piece of furniture seemed to be wider than it actually was, and the entire residence felt lonely with the deafening silence of the absence of another person's presence.
There was no point in announcing your arrival seeing as you lived alone, but this never bothered you in the past. Now, it brought attention to the ever-growing hole in your chest.
"I'm home," you said to the air while you placed your keys in their bowl, ignoring how your voice quivered and shook under the weight of the feeling you refused to acknowledge.
You drudged to the sofa after placing your takeout onto the coffee table; the sound of only one pair of feet reverberated throughout the entire apartment.
The sight of the now cold coffee and the stale cookies made your stomach turn and added weight to the invisible sphere clogging your throat. Though, it would be a shame to waste free coffee and cookies, so you took the cookies out of the plastic bag they were in and took a bite.
Despite being simple chocolate chip cookies with nothing else added to them, they tasted exceedingly salty and bitter. Eventually, they began to get soggy and wet.
At some point, your vision became watery and wobbly as well. Small, muffled sniffles and sobs came out through the salty, chewy mass in your mouth.
You were so foolish, so stupid. You had to be, with how the very sight of a hand-delivered wedding invitation was able to put you in this state. A single piece of paper with fancy graphics and font was enough to cause a storm of emotions to ravage your heart.
Oh, how you wished you weren't human. What a blessing it would be to never be able to experience this pain.
A devastating pain that came with seeing two loving smiles only directed at each other, matching metal bands on the ring fingers of intertwining hands, airy chatter about the so-called "happiest day in the world," and a single delicate peck on the face to someone that wasn't you.
Despite this pain, however, you couldn't help but wish nothing but the best towards the person that so carelessly held your heart in their hands, who didn't care for you with even a quarter of the way you cared for them.
They would go on to live a happy and lovely future with their partner as they dragged your heart through the dirt behind them, ignorant of your true feelings. Meanwhile, you would stand on the sidelines and cheer for their happiness with a wide, sincere smile on your face, waiting.
Waiting for the day the storm within calms.
Waiting for the day your heart will return back to you.
Waiting for the day someone will love you like you love them.
You've been waiting for a long time now, so what difference would it make to wait some more?
Maybe, this time, you won't be waiting in vain.
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random-and-average · 2 years ago
Can you do yandere Miguel x gn reader who has sans ability? I'm talking about that reader that has sans ability. They can teleport, they can summon a gaster blaster and something else! If you don't know sans. U can search them in Google, "sans undertale ability". You can make the reader be okay with Miguel kidnapping them or something. The reader doesn't have to look like sans or anything. Ignore this if u don't take request
I kinda take requests? As of now, I don't have any clear and defined will do's and will not's (plus, I have to figure out what fandoms I can write for since I usually don't engage with the source material directly and instead watch videos and research about it), so I don't want to claim that I take requests and inadvertently upset some people. Any requests I take will have to be judged on a case-by-case basis. Though your request is fine!
Also, sorry if advance if this isn't exactly what you wanted. After writing this whole thing, I realized that the reader's powers weren't a big part of the "headcanon," but I didn't have the heart to delete all of it :')
Yandere Miguel O'Hara x G/N Sans-like!S/O
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Content Warning(s): unwilling imprisonment, kidnapping, Miguel pushing his subordinates around, Miguel snapping, Google Translate Spanish, possibly OOC Miguel, cringe writing, cringe dialogue, bastardization of Sans's powers
Handy Background Info
In this situation, I'd imagine you possessing hyper-cosmic awareness (being aware of different timelines and universes beyond your own as well as what goes on in them, though your powers are stronger than Sans's in this regard 'cause I like a nigh omniscient reader), time stopping abilities (because I personally believe that Sans doesn't teleport but rather stops time), and determination construct creation powers (essentially, you can create whatever you please, such as gaster blasters, via your determination)
Everyone in your universe has the ability to construct things based on the determination they have; however, your other two abilities are unique to you due to... very, very interesting reasons ☺
(In fact, the Spider-Man of your universe utilizes his determination to create his webs)
Since it'd be such a shame to only take Sans's powers, you also possess some of his signature traits—his permanent smile, though in your case it's more out of choice rather than something you were born with, and his chill nature
"Headcanon" Territory
You were brought back to HQ after you were accidentally sent to another universe
However, you weren't scared; you didn't even bat an eye
You simply accepted it for what it was, even the pain that came with "glitching"
But this was the first time you've ever been in this situation, which was suspicious
Naturally, you get questioned, and unnaturally, you acquiesce with the demands of (basically) your kidnappers
Miguel... doesn't know how to react to you, really
One could even say that he's annoyed by you to a degree
You're unwaveringly calm in situations you shouldn't be; though, you just claim that you're tired
Based on the Spider-Man of your universe, you have the power to resist, yet you don't
You have knowledge of his universe as well as others beyond your own (which is concerning on its own), but you don't do anything with it
Ultimately, Miguel comes to the conclusion that you must stay at HQ for a while in order to observe you
"Have they just been napping the whole time?" Jess questions as she watches your serene, sleeping form from the other side of the one-way mirror. Contrary to the purposefully nerve-inducing nature of the interrogation room, you were comfortable enough to be fall into a vulnerable state on your own volition. Many had been in that same spot you were currently in, but none have reacted like you.
"It seems so," Lyla answered. "They were even found just napping on a park bench in Earth-445761."
"And there isn't anything unusual about them outside of their apparent apathy?"
"It'd be better to list how they weren't unusual."
"How lovely..."
From that point onwards, Miguel interrogates (or, more accurately, intimidates) you almost every other day
Expectedly, he doesn't get much out of you, much to his chagrin
"Anomaly, you aren't ever going to be able to return home if you don't answer honestly."
"and i am. frankly, i don't know what you find so spin-teresting about me."
"You little..."
At some point, he changes his approach since intimidating you obviously gets him nowhere
You're given your own (heavily monitored) room on HQ to stay at indefinitely
You're also not allowed to leave said room unless he supervises you
That doesn't really stop you from seemingly teleporting out of your room
You give the man gray hairs anytime you suddenly appear in the canteen or recreational area
At one point, you're in your room playing an indie role-playing game about monsters
The next, you're enjoying a good ol' hamburger and fries with the other Spider-People
And then, you appear back in your room with a purple donut and cider
"Lyla! Hurry up! What if the anomaly escaped to another universe!?"
"Give me a second! And... aha! Found them! Wait a minute..."
"What? What did you find?!"
"They're in the canteen? From the looks of it, they're just eating some fries. Eugh, with too much ketchup at that."
"Te cae?" (Are you serious?)
"See for yourself if you don't believe me. Which you should, because when have I ever lied?"
It doesn't help that he knows you can give your determination physical form, yet you never do so
For the sake of his own sanity, he chalks it up to you lacking determination
It would make sense considering your apathy
Frequently, Miguel drops by, typically around breakfast or lunch, and engages in conversation with you
However, they're mostly focused on your abilities and what life was like at home in order for you to let some info slip
Initially, your conversations are just him asking you questions; this time, in a non-threatening and genuinely interested manner
And you do tell him details of your personal life, though nothing indicates that you're part of an organization that also harnessed the power of interdimensional travel and knowledge
It's noticeable that you steer away from any emotionally heavy topics, but Miguel doesn't pry in understanding
He, himself, has let some info slip as well
As ashamed as he is to admit it, the more he talks with you, the more his fondness for you grows
Poor Miguel
The man has no one to talk to on a personal level, so whether he knows it or not, he cherishes every conversation he has with you
You don't judge him, nor do you promise things that you can't guarantee; you simply listen
It takes a while, but you eventually become his only friend and confidant
Following the recollection of his daughter's final moments, soft, restrained sniffles came from Miguel—sniffles that sounded louder than they actually were due to the absolute silence of your living space. The towering man hunched over the small dining table, obscuring his face from your vision. His body trembled, and the tea on the table shook alongside him. Compared to how he usually looked, he looked smaller this way; the vast sorrow of his memories reduced this man into a helpless spider.
"Perdóname," the man sniffed. "This behavior is unbecoming of me."
"is it?"
"Yes. As the leader, it is my responsibility to not let emotions get the better of me. Emotions lead to a clouded judgement, and clouded judgement leads to sloppy work."
"but you aren't doing any work right now," you pointed out before taking another sip of tea. It was surprisingly sweet despite the lack of any added sugar or sweeteners. If you focused on it enough, you could swear it tasted a bit like chocolate. "you are just having a conversation with me. unless this counts as work for you?"
Miguel's eyes widen in disbelief at your rational response. He had never thought you were capable of being this logical, especially with how you were carefree you were the majority of the time.
"No. No, this doesn't count as work for me."
"that's good. i was going to leave if that was the case."
Neither of you said anything else and instead enjoyed your own tea. Even when Miguel finished his tea, he pretended that there was still some left in his cup in order to avoid saying anything potentially embarrassing. Meanwhile, you continued to drink a tea that never seemed to run out. How did you do that? He supposed it was another mystery of yours.
Eventually, Miguel knew he couldn't up the farce anymore, so he asked, "Did you not mind my... moment of weakness earlier?"
He didn't know if he was hyperfocused out of nervousness, but he observed every small detail of yours as you placed your tea cup back on the table. There wasn't a falter in your stoic expression, and your movements were relaxed and smooth. Your eyes parted from your drink and moved to look at Miguel's brown ones. It was then that he noticed that the beverage in your cup wasn't the red-orange color of the tea but a chocolate drink with a few small marshmallows in it.
(He didn't even see you move to change your drink. Was his memory failing him? Or do you have some power that allows you to do this?)
"not really. it's normal to experience some sadness when thinking about the loss of a loved one."
You brought the cup back up to your lips to blow on the steaming beverage before taking a sip. The rich sweetness of the hot chocolate got a soft, satisfied hum out of you.
"besides, what would come out of me judging you? it is what it is."
There it was, your carefree attitude. Usually, this aspect of you frustrated him, but in this situation, he couldn't help but feel relieved that it made an appearance. With a tranquil slowly growing on his face, Miguel's body relaxed and lost its tension.
"You have a point."
"do you finally tea my point of view?"
"That... was a really bad pun."
"don't be so chai. i know you love my quali-tea puns."
After several interrogations and conversations, even Miguel has to admit that you're just an innocent civilian
Albeit an odd one
You're given more privileges now, such as being able to explore HQ and go outside (though you need an escort for the latter)
Like always, Miguel always seeks you out first
He still eats his lunch and breakfast with you while engaging in conversation; as of late, they're about random topics instead of being focused on your history
But now, he also brings you places to hang out during his free time
(He struggles with discerning what you like, so he totally goes to Lyla and Jess for help, discreetly)
There's also the added bonus of him opening up to you more
Outside of work, you're his emotional support friend
Once he does find out what you like, you can guarantee that he'll always bring you out to your favorite places
He may even bring you to your favorite universes if he has the time
Ensures your living space is your personal heaven, as a friend obviously
You have the best bed, blankets, pillows, etc.
Pleads with you to not disappear and reappear without telling him
Don't you see if gives him a heart attack?
Occasionally tests your character so that he has a better idea of what you're like
For instance, he'll "accidentally" give you the chance to cause chaos just to see how you'd react
He trusts you! Don't misunderstand him
You may just be an innocent civilian, but he has the need to know you extremely well
Blame your anomalously chill and laid-back personality
He would be more protective of you, had he not witnessed first hand that you could clearly take care of yourself
(The lack of remains from a rogue anomaly after they got vaporized by strange skull-shaped blasters is a testament to that)
"Y/N, what did you to the anomaly?"
"i gave them a bad time."
As a result, he lets you fight your own battles if need be
But that doesn't stop him from fretting over you before, during, and after each one
Doesn't need to watch over you 24/7 like he would if you were anyone else, considering you're pretty lazy
(He definitely humble brags about the fact that he knows the most about you compared to your other friends)
You're allowed to have other friends than him
Just know that he's your best friend
Jess is honestly happy for him
You're his first friend!
Be honored(?)
While quickly brushing his hair down in order to not give off the impression that he rushed straight from work, Miguel approached the restaurant you suggested you two could eat at for dinner. As expected, you were waiting at the entrance for him. Your eyes lit up in acknowledgement once you spotted the man's signature blue suit.
"ah, miguel, you made it. thought you'd be late."
"I would never be late for a meet up with a friend. Who do you take me for?"
It was a lighthearted question with no deeper meaning, but the way you stared at him and hummed in reply made it seem as if you knew something he didn't. For just a moment, you looked like someone wise beyond your years; your eyes held a knowledge that he couldn't discern for the life of him.
Miguel had a feeling that this wasn't going to be an ordinary dinner.
"we should head inside. i'm sure you're hungry."
The two of you headed inside the suspiciously empty restaurant and seated yourselves in the center of the dining area. A waiter appeared a few minutes later to provide glasses of water without asking what beverages the two of you preferred, and he left immediately after with a quick, nigh unnoticeable glance in your direction.
The entire restaurant was quiet with no words or actions being exchanged. After your stare earlier, Miguel was too uncomfortable to say anything, and you seemed content with not talking.
But to ease the awkward silence, you opened with a conversation starter, "so, how was work today?"
"Busy," Miguel replied tersely. The atmosphere felt too uneasy to talk in a casual manner. "The anomaly today put up a bit of a fight."
"makes sense." You paused for a minute, like you were considering and weighing your next words. However, based on the small minute changes of the ever-present smile on your face, you weren't considering them for your sake, but rather for his.
"any iteration of venom would be difficult to defeat."
His eyes widened. Last time he checked, you were in your room the entire day, and no one who knew of the mission talked to you yet. There was no way that you could've known that the anomaly was related to Venom. Suddenly, the mood became more serious than it already was.
"that's it? just 'yes?' no questions whatsoever."
Wary of your next actions, he waited for you to make the next move and didn't say a thing until you did. His obvious plan drew a sigh out of you.
How boring.
"i suppose i'll get to the point if you plan on being so guarded: if i am to stay with you without putting up a fight, then there's gonna have to be some changes. it's the least you could do for attempting to keep me away from my home dimension, as futile as that may be.
"and don't think that i am letting you get away with this behavior because i have a soft spot for you. i don't." The smile on your face faltered. (A rare sight to see, Miguel noted with dread. You always had a smile on your face, even if the meaning and authenticity behind it wasn't always the same.) "frankly, you don't deserve it. at best, you play the bystander while you watch your followers mourn over deaths that you could've prevented, and at worst, you actively sabotage their endeavors to stop these deaths."
Your eyes fixated on his, staring and scrutinizing his very soul. "doesn't that make you a murderer in your own right? a serial killer even, seeing as you have done this time and time again. it's also a bit unfair. you got the opportunity to live the future you never had, yet you refuse that same privilege to others?"
"If you truly know these things despite anyone telling you," Miguel shuddered, a phantom weight pressing down on his chest, "then you would know why I did it."
"i do. and i still find it ridiculous. how can you call yourself a fellow scientist if you don't even understand that correlation does not imply causation?
"regardless, i did not go through the effort of organizing this dinner to explain the causes of universes being destroyed. my single demand is that, for as long as i stay here, you become a neutral party when it comes to other spider-people interfering with these 'canon events;' you won't get in their way of changing them, but you won't help them either.
"if you do this one thing, i won't try to escape and will always return to hq. a win for all sides, really. you don't have to worry about me returning to my dimension; i don't have to go through the effort of escaping; and the spider-people unsatisfied with their canon events have the opportunity to overcome the odds."
Miguel mulled over your request. In comparison to him keeping you at HQ against your will and forcing you to comply with his demands, this one request of yours was a laughably small price. However, it would mean that he would have to contradict his own morals. At the same time though, it would spare him and everyone else the headache of any possible escape attempts.
Within several minutes, he made up his mind, but there was one single thing he had to know before he stated his decision.
"Why do you care whether these people are able to prevent their canon events?"
Your eyes flickered with some unexplainable sorrow before returning to their usual impassive state.
"you might have given up on pursuing a better life, but there are some people who don't. and i know from firsthand experience that there's nothing that these people wouldn't do to gain that future they were deprived of. i just don't want to see such a thing to happen again."
With his question answered and curiosity (somewhat) satisfied, Miguel gave you his answer.
Simultaneously, you were made aware of the different response of other Miguels in the timeline.
Not much changes if he does fall in love with you, to be honest
He kidnaps you from your room and asserts that you are to stay in his room from now on
But you don't care?
Actually, you're just sleeping on his bed (and he can't pry you off of it)
"If Mayday can't get them to wake up, I doubt you can, Miguel. Why don't you just let them get some sleep for a bit?"
"If you aren't going to be helpful, I suggest you leave, Peter."
At first, Miguel struggles with the relationship
You're simply too laid-back for him
Yet at the same time, it's always as if he doesn't have a grasp on you
Do you even love him back?
This insecurity pushes him to go off the deep end
He locks you up in his room, which he installed several cameras and recording devices in
He (attempts to) emotionally manipulates you and, had you any dirt in your past, would've blackmailed you
"You're the only one who I can confide in, mi vida. You are the only one who cares about me. I would die without you in my life. Would you really abandon me like this?"
Forces all of his subordinates you return you back to him if they find you away from his room without him nearby
Interrogates you (again) about what you did that day as well as what you think of him
Would use his towering frame to intimidate you, but he knows that intimidating you would only give him a bad time
It all comes to a head when his insecurities about this relationship causes him to snap after months of bottling them up
"Why don't you ever love me?! I would do anything for you; I would even sacrifice the whole world for you, and you don't even care! Do I really mean anything to you? Answer me!"
(How he snaps out his rage is up to your interpretation)
After that incident, Miguel would become extremely clingy (for you only)
He wants you beside him always and will occasionally hug/cuddle with you without notice
Any moment away from you causes him to go into a frenzy and search for you
If you wanted to go somewhere, why didn't you just tell him?!
Day or night; rain or shine, he'll put aside what he's doing to go with you somewhere
"Yes, mi amor?"
"there's a cute pomeranian over there. it's been staring at me for a while now, so i'm going to go pet it."
"Hold on. Let me go with you."
"What? Miguel, we're kinda in the middle of a meeting right now. You can't just leave midway!"
"We can talk about this later."
"Where'd that dog even come from?"
Eventually, after you were pestered by many Spider-People begging you to tell Miguel to tone it down, you had a talk with him
(After some much needed communication, the poor man breaks into tears of relief and cuddles with you for the entire day)
(Miguel uses Cuddle! ... It's super effective! You are now inflicted with SLEEP!)
From that point on, he starts to get used to you and compromises with you
The majority of the cameras in your shared room has been removed, though there's still one at the door
Doesn't intentionally manipulate you anymore
You're allowed to go wherever you want without needing him around, but you have to text him wherever you're going
Still insists you tell him how your day went
Miguel takes the time and effort (or lack thereof) to enjoy your hobbies
Though, he does occasionally have you join him in his own, admittedly few, hobbies as well
He's just prefers doing things you like rather than things he likes since he has so few
With your influence, he starts to become noticeably more chill
He may even develop hobbies and interests of his own outside of you
(Intentionally or not, you actually somewhat succeeded in an "I can fix him" approach!)
"Hey, Miguel! Would you mind babysitting Mayday for a- Hold on, are you knitting?"
"What of it?"
Overall, he becomes more comfortable in your relationship
In fact, your relationship with him starts to resemble a normal one to an extent
At night, you're not allowed to go anywhere, no exceptions
Yes, after you two hugged it out, Miguel demands cuddles every night
He's so comfortable around you that he lets himself be needy for once
Whenever someone is hitting on you, he not so subtly glares at them and asks if you'd like to take a nap in his arms
Following that, he implements "training" sessions wherein he "spars" with anyone who wrongs you
He knows you can handle yourself
He just needs to discipline those who think they can go against you in your stead since you won't
Simply put, his yandere tendencies towards you are significantly dialed down, but as a result, they're more focused towards others
After all, Miguel knows you're too lazy (and he means that in an endearing way, really) to oppose his love
So that means any interference comes from outsiders
It was pure silent in the room. The only thing Miguel could feel was the hard floor against his back and the slight chill of the air. He was suddenly very aware of how still his body was as it had not moved even an inch for a while now. His eyes had nothing else to stare at except the white ceiling of your shared room.
Just a few minutes ago, Miguel asked if he could join you in one of your hobbies. It had been a busy day, and he wanted to destress with you. Of course, you obliged before laying down on the floor and asking you join him.
Initially, he thought this was a preparation step for what you two were going to do, but you had been on the floor for what seemed to be more than 5 minutes.
"Cariño, what are we doing?"
Miguel lifted his upper body to see if you were okay. To his relief, you were. Your eyes were closed, but it was clear that you weren't sleeping since your chest rose and fell at a normal rate. It looked as if you were in an untouchable state of tranquility.
With nothing else to do, he got back into position and continued laying there. Eventually, he got bored of the plain white ceiling and closed his eyes.
After a couple of minutes of more silence, Miguel started to feel his surroundings change. It was like he had drifted off into the cosmos with only you by his side. He could even see the multitude of galaxies and stars pass you by.
He could see why you liked doing this.
(And he hoped that he can do it again with you in the future.)
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random-and-average · 2 years ago
Spider Hero 2099
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Content Warning(s): violence, fem!reader, death threats, bad Spanish, cringe writing, possibly OOC
Word Count: 2,098 words
Summary: As the pilot for Project Silent Sparrow, a project that would involve teleportation travel, you were excited to be a part of this new scientific breakthrough, but your husband, Miguel, is less than thrilled by the prospect of you risking your life.
Author's Note: What happens when my sleep schedule is out of wack and I get the weirdest idea to make a semi-crossover between ATSV and Big Hero 6 (the movie, not the show)? I create a sleep-deprived mess of a story. Regardless, I hope you all will enjoy it. My favorite part of this short story is the "domestic" parts of Miguel and Y/N's relationship since it's kinda cute seeing Miguel be so mushy around his wife. On another note, I have another post queue'd up to post later, so there's that.
"I still don't think you embark on this trip, mi vida," Miguel stated as he placed your large breakfast on the table. Your stomach grumbled appreciatively when you realized it was all of your favorites. Although, your hunger could wait; your worrywart husband, a trait that you found both adorable and endearing, needed some reassurance.
"I'll be fine, sweetheart," you promised with a kiss to his cheek meant to reassure him of your safety, thank him for the breakfast, and simply convey your love for him all in one. "Besides, the portal should function properly according to all of the team's calculations. Those geniuses don't let anything get past them."
Despite your words, his mouth was still downturned in a frown, though he didn't let his displeasure towards the situation stop him from pulling out your chair in order for you to sit on it.
"I just don't know why you have to be the first person to test it out."
"Always the gentleman," you chuckled as you sat down. "But who else would test it if not me? I'm the only one who stepped up."
"I just worry for you. What if you get hurt?"
"What if I don't get hurt? Miguel, asking all these 'what if's will only stress you out. I can't have you dying of a heart attack. If you want, you can still come with me to the presentation so that you can see me safe and sound in person."
Your husband hummed in thought before settling on his answer.
"Then I'll take you up on your offer."
A large smile grew on your face. Suddenly, you couldn't wait to get to the island where the portal would be.
"Wonderful! I can't wait to show you everything! If you think that what I told you was cool, then prepare to be amazed by what you actually see at the presentation. There are just some things that are best experienced in person instead of through word of mouth," you continued ranting for a few minutes while a lovestruck Miguel absorbed every word you said, absolutely bewitched by your cuteness as you enthused about Silent Sparrow.
After practically dragging your husband around, showcasing every little detail of Silent Sparrow, one of your co-workers tapped you on the shoulder with an amused expression on their face.
"Hey, don't want to interrupt you and your husband's bonding time, but we're ready to launch."
Miguel's grip on your hand tightened a bit. You knew that he was still apprehensive about the whole thing, and the last thing you wanted to see as you took off was an anxious Miguel. In response, you squeezed his hand back.
"Alright, Charlie. I'll be right there. Just give me a couple of minutes, 'kay?"
"Sure, just don't get too comfortable with the PDA," they teased as they left you two alone.
With Charlie gone, your attention was entirely dedicated to your worrying husband, whose eyes were starting to glisten in unshed tears.
"Oh, Miguel," you cooed while you wiped away the tears forming at the corners of his eyes. "Like I said earlier, I'll be fine. It'll just be a quick trip inside the portal and then I'll be out. We can even get some empanadas at your favorite place afterwards, okay?"
"But what if things go wrong, mi cielo? I don't think I can bear to be without you."
"They won't, and I will never leave you either. Remember that promise I made to you all those years ago? During the meteor shower?"
He nodded. On that fateful night, Miguel had opened up to you about some of his past, something that he was usually secretive about. With you by his side in a silent meadow, he told you how he was pressured by his biological father, who had abandoned him at a young age, into killing a man in an experiment; how Alchemax attempted to get him hooked on a highly addictive drug as a means to continue working with a company that exploited its workers and test subjects alike; how his own supervisor tried to kill him out of jealousy. He didn't tell you anymore than that, but he didn't need to. Beneath the shooting stars, you promised him that you would do anything to make him happy, to make his future filled with enough joy to outweigh the trauma and tragedy that filled his past. And even as you two got ready to return home, you quietly wished upon the stars for Miguel to experience nothing but happiness.
"It was only 4 years ago," he gently laughed. "You're being dramatic."
"Well, 4 years is a long time, and besides, dramatic or not, I still intend to make good on my promise. If my loss will sadden you, then I will do everything I can to return to you in one piece."
Miguel's hands covered yours as he sighed, "Oh mi reina, you are the best thing that ever happened to me; eres lo que más quiero en el mundo." (T/N: you are the person I love most in the world)
Despite both of your wishes to stay in this moment forever, basking in the love of one another, a final call from your co-worker snapped the two of you out of your haze.
"We don't got all day, y'know! Hurry it up!"
Your husband glared at the scientist, who shrunk under the intense hatred, only for you to use your hands to redirect his face back to yours. The effect was immediate: all of his anger melting into pure, endless love.
"Alright, Miggy, this is the moment of truth. Wish me luck, okay?"
"I always do, mi corazón."
For good measure, you chastely kissed all the man's fears away, and in return, he gave you an extremely intimate one, despite the affronted squawks of anyone who happened to stare.
Miguel stood behind the protective barrier alongside the other scientists, investors, and government officials as he watched your pod slowly enter the portal. At first glance, everything seemed fine. There weren't any outward signs of possible danger.
However—based on the scientists he could see hurriedly talking with the owner of the business, fear barely masked, out of the corner of his eye—he could sense that something wasn't right.
It was only thanks to his superhuman hearing that he was able to decipher what they were saying.
"Mr. Krei, if we go through with this, there's no telling what will happen to the pilot! It's best that we shut this whole thing down temporarily."
"No, I will not humiliate myself in front of the military. Continue with the presentation."
"But, Mr. Krei-"
"I don't recall that being a suggestion, Dr. Emily."
The scientist nervously glanced at the portal beyond the barrier where his wife was possibly going to die. Realizing that they had no choice but to acquiesce to their boss's order, they turned to their subordinates and murmured, "Continue forward."
"This is crazy," one of them whispered back to the scientist. "We might actually get blood on our hands after this!"
"You tell that to Mr. Krei."
"Uhh guys," another added, "we have a problem."
"That guy, the one that came with the pilot. He's staring at us. I think he heard everything."
In that moment, Miguel and the group of scientists locked eyes, and no words needed to be exchanged for them to understand how they made a colossal mistake.
"How the hell did he hear us?! Is he a mutant or something?!"
No longer needing to hide the fact that he discovered the truth, he made his way towards the scientists, drawing the attention of everyone in the room.
"Mr. O'Hara," Krei spoke as he stepped between him and the scientists, "is there a problem?"
"Stop the presentation," Miguel growled back, anger bubbling over at the fact that this man dared to risk the life of his wife for the sake of his own greed.
"I'm sorry, Mr. O'Hara, but do you have any experience in portal technology? I do not know what came over you, but I assure you that everything is fine, according to my team of scientists who have dedicated their lives to this field."
The Spider-Man grabbed the businessman by the collar of his shirt. "Don't play dumb with me. I heard everything, hijo de puta. Stop. The. Presentation."
The sounds of guns being cocked echoed through the room, and suddenly everyone was at a standstill.
That was until the alarms began to blare throughout the facility.
"We've lost contact with the pod!"
Miguel turned to look at the other side of the barrier only to see his wife gone, not coming out of the exit portal beside it. If anything, the exit portal broke down while the entrance portal started to suck in everything nearby.
"What the hell is going on?!"
"Damnit, Krei! Shut it down!"
Everything stopped.
"I want this entire thing buried! Not a peep of this gets out to anyone!"
And a promise was broken.
Never in his life had Krei ever been punched by someone until today.
It had only been a split second after everyone was safely evacuated from the scene when the husband of the pilot, Miguel O'Hara, socked him in the face.
Whereas Krei was left dumbfounded and stupefied, Miguel was screaming and yelling expletives at him in a mix of both Spanish and English, tears of pure rage running down his face. Government personnel had to hold the man back lest he actually beat the businessman to death.
"I-I didn't mean for this to happen," he said to no one in particular, and frankly, no one had the energy to listen after they had witnessed someone possibly die before their eyes.
For days to come after this event, Krei would distinctly remember the last thing Mr. O'Hara shouted at him before he was forced home by government officials.
"Mark my words, I am going to kill you!"
A year later, the CEO would realize that, when it came to the O'Hara's, they always made good on their promises until the day they died.
He realized this as he pleaded for mercy beneath a blood-covered fist.
A disgusted Lyla stared down at another beaten and mangled body of Alistair Krei while Miguel's rage slowly dissipated following his stress relief.
"How many Krei's is this now? 100? 500? 1,000?"
"Not enough."
Before Miguel could say anything, Lyla pulled up multiple videos of you for him to watch. It had become a ritual of sorts. Whenever it got close to important dates—your anniversary, your birthday, the day of your "death"—Miguel would start hunting down Krei's to kill before taking a break just to reminisce over what was, what could've been.
You popped up in front of him. There was a pout on your face as you stared at the him of the past, the person holding the camera.
"Miguelllll," you whined as your body was draped over a large queen-sized bed.
"Yes, querida?"
"Come join me in bed already. I'm cold."
Both the him of the present and the him of the past knew that was a lie. Really, you just liked cuddling him but were too embarrassed to admit it out loud.
"Hold on. I want to film this moment."
"What are you even filming? Why are you even filming?"
"What if we want to look back on the parts of our honeymoon that weren't beach-related or food-related? What if we just want to see the 'average' moments of our trip? You never know."
You giggled at his response. "Miguel, asking all these 'what if's won't get you anywhere."
"Miguel, asking all these 'what if's will only stress you out."
Suddenly, he wasn't in the mood to continue watching the video anymore, and his grief as well as his hatred returned with a vengeance, crying out for a scapegoat to unleash themselves out on.
"Lyla, end the video."
Confused, the woman asked, "Are you sure?"
"End. The. Video."
"Alright! Alright! No need to get mad at me."
Without apologizing to her, Miguel entered a portal and left, traveling to another dimension to hunt down his next prey.
"He should really get some therapy," Lyla muttered to herself.
The last thing you remembered was a world of color. Blobs of bright, vibrant hues passed you by as you felt your heart rate slow and your limbs grow heavier. Even as you tried to keep yourself awake in hopes of eventually finding a way to return to Miguel, the sensation of warmth that blanketed you compelled you to close your eyes.
And then you were home.
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random-and-average · 2 years ago
Types of Yanderes
Disclaimer: like any other, this list is non-exhaustive, and can’t actually be used to classify characters, and is not meant to. Yanderes are diverse characters who can provide romance, horror, portrayals of mental illness, and more. This is meant to inspire imagination about psychology and fundamental drives people may neglect as possibilities; each “type” is thought of separately from the character’s sexuality or total lack thereof (including e.g. as dominant/submissive) which is independent of other acts towards the SO.
Main theme: what is intimacy/love to this yandere? What kind of extreme, unusual intimacy do they seek? All but a few are answering this.
Hoarder/Collector: this one has a stalker shrine to you. Steals (and wears) your clothes, goes through your trash and steals gross things like toothbrushes and chewed gum. Makes art with your hair and nails, makes effigies of you, loves you in effigy - maybe they’re too overwhelmed to approach directly, and cope by redirecting to inessential, removable parts. But you ever notice how your socks and hair ties seem to disappear? …Yeah.
Information Stalker: they know your schedule, your biological information. They save every picture and post you make; for a variant, maybe they even take pictures of you in your sleep. They’re endlessly interested, wanting to know everything about you as possible. You have no privacy… and if capable of telepathy to intimately invade your mind directly… they will. They know your every dark secret, but then they can love and accept you for all you are.
Possessive: this one wants the intimacy of owning you - or, at least keep you to themselves and be your “one and only” but still as a person (there is a big difference), kidnapping you and starting and cuddling you forever - or marking you as theirs with their name in your skin.
Emotional Omnivore: loving you totally means loving and cherishing every emotion and face you make - and this one will devour them all. Also called a “Sadistic” yandere, this one loves making you laugh and cry, will lick the tears from your eyes when you do, wants to make you scream in pleasure and in fear, and to love and fear them. They’ll seek revenge on and mercilessly torture everyone who’s ever hurt you (but are also jealous!) They want to make you feel absolutely anything and everything, as long as you’re overwhelmed.
Kamikaze: a possessive type: whether in a mutual relationship or as a total stranger, at some random point they suddenly kill you, one of few cases it makes sense as a yandere’s goal, not out of spite or desperation, but love. They feel fulfilled, satisfied, and see taking your life as the ultimate way of having you to themselves, committing suicide after. For whatever reason, this is worth more than a shot at living out life with you. Wanting to be together in death, when you tie the knot, it will be around your neck. (ex. Sada Abe)
Necrophilic: necrophilia (and killing the S/O) is usually situational for a yandere; typically the death is disastrous, and they’ll be delusional you’re alive. But this kind is completely content having an intimate, committed “relationship” with your corpse from the start, dressing it and taking it on dates, even. What’s sweet is sometimes they, unlike others, are truly capable of loving every part of you - each carefully stored and preserved in its own jar.
Martyr: this one is eager to be used/abused by you - to sacrifice for you, because love is suffering. Would do anything, kill for you, die for you, even if there’s no need - to lose themselves becoming an extension of you - that’s love, even if your love back isn’t the same or non-existent. Self-destructive and self-punitive, their love puts them in harm’s way, and they are the most likely to carve your name into their own skin. (ex. Misa from Death Note)
Guardian Angel: selfless and protective, this one maintains a lot of distance, showing up at key moments only to play a role in protecting you - they may hunt down and anyone who harasses you, endangers you, or puts mushrooms in your food. In extreme cases, doesn’t seek reciprocation; maybe not even giving away their feelings or motives. They may seem emotionless, detached from impulse and vulnerability - the love in their heart is protected with a thousand shells of their control, just like you.
Fanatical: this stalker loves/worships you and views you as literally a messianic figure or god, following you no matter where you move, sending you long love manifestos about their unhealthily idealized version of you. But they orbit at a fixed, impersonal distance, maintaining their image of you, “unworthy” to be with you; they worship you literally, but since you’re “sacred,” they wouldn’t even contemplate thinking of you sexually. In the end, if maybe flattering, idolization isn’t so different from objectification, as you put objects on pedestals too.
Sanguine/Fluid: for this yandere, sexuality/romance literally is fluid, especially blood: for the intimacy, they’ll put theirs in your food (or other fluids, like Anna from Shimoneta), consume and inject any of yours - or share each others’ blood in a smoothie you drink with two straws like the cheesy romantic trope, making blood pacts and wearing vials of each others’ blood on your necks.
Mutilating: a more extreme version craves the intimacy of owning or consuming permanent (and non-fluid) parts of you (like your teeth) and/or the opposite - a van Gogh type giving you their ear. Doesn’t consume all of you, or at least, they cut or eat you piece-by-piece. More mutually, it may be about marking each other’s skin with your names… or stitching your skins together, which would be pretty intimate.
Visceral: things like “I want to crawl inside your skin” are sometimes literal desires for romantic gore - whether touching your insides with their outsides (hands), or your touching their insides. It can be sadomasochistic… but for the most distinctly yandere type, it’s not at all: it’s extremely romantic. They want to feel all your internal organs with all their internal organs - twice as intimate - intertwining through gaping wounds, kissing and cuddling further inside each other than you could ever be. Equal, soft, and bizarrely vanilla, it can be more horrific than sadism if they’re really disturbed: they skin you, kiss your heart and organs, open themselves in a psychotic trance, not even registering your screams or the pain. The only thing on their mind is their innocent, intense love and desire in the moment to get as close to you as possible.
Projecting: lovers are supposed to share everything, including feelings of pleasure - and pain - and that means hurting you to make you feel theirs when they’re in pain themselves. It’s normal to want feelings like love to be reciprocated, so why not everything else?
Apollonian/Creative: cerebral and un-physical, this one sublimates their love for you into art like poetry and paintings (maybe even using paint, not blood). As the most beautiful thing to them, you are their muse to create and destroy, no, delete. This one thinks about the concept of love, a perfectionist and idealist; intimacy to them is mutuality, symmetry, and on a meta level, sharing the concept of love itself. If theirs can’t map onto or relate to yours (say, because they’re an AI), it’s the ultimate tragedy. If they break up with you or self-destruct, this self-destruction will also be their most sublime act of artistic creation. (ex. Monika and maybe EPICAC)
Self-less: the kind who says “mold me into the image of your perfect lover,” and seems to know your ideal personality and appearance. Superficially and sometimes actually “submissive,” but they may do the “molding” autonomously without your input - so they’re more suited and deserving of you than anyone else - and includes if the personality you like is actually “dominant.” Often feeling they lack a real self or identity, as a patchwork of things based on others, they try to reshape into whatever, they think, you’ll love the most.
Sculptor/Idealist: does a yandere love you or the idea of you? This one knows they love an idea of you, of your “potential” they see, and will actively brainwash and condition you to carve you into their perfect ideal - merely using you to reach their true lover. A very “dominant” type. (ex. Yukako from Jojo)
Imitative: out of love, this one wants to literally become you, copying your mannerisms and clothing like socks and underwear, even making replicas of hard-to-find items in your wardrobe. “Becoming” you is romantic/sexual for some; for others they idolize you to fill some void in their identity. (ex. Himiko Toga, Sumire from HSL, maybe starfan13 from Star vs.)
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random-and-average · 2 years ago
Types of Yandere
So I just thought I would do this quickly because I realise that for my long posts I’m going to be talking about Yandere types.
This Yandere type is too emotionally dependent on their Darling. They’re emotionally fragile; requiring constant attention and support. They’re the type to constantly phone and text their Darling, and they can feel overwhelmed if the subject of their clinginess isn’t around. They work to insert themselves into their beloved’s personal life and become very angry when their Darling is not available to them. Their smothering is draining.
This Yandere type is fixated; their Darling is the only thing on their mind, and it’s taking over. The obsessive Yandere is a prisoner to their own thoughts. Their obsession leads to poor eating, sleeping habits and withdrawal from society. They’re the type to spend so much time fantasising about the relationship they could have and how it might evolve: that first meeting, a rescue scenario, being the one person their Darling trusts with their most intimate secrets, an instant bond and connection, sexual fantasies, etc. This is typically the type stalkers fall into.
This Yandere type needs to own and dominate their Darling. They become aggressive if their ownership is threatened and grow angry if their Darling makes independent decisions. They want the Darling utterly dependent on them and they will remove all of their safety nets to do so: friends and family members who support them, financial assets and savings, much-needed resources, etc. 
This Yandere type will exercise unscrupulous control and influence over their Darling. This is the type of Yandere were their relationship with their Darling will appear normal. If their Darling is already in a relationship, they will use a position of trust to create wedges between in that relationship. And once they are together, the Yandere will do everything to stop them from leaving, from encouraging co-dependence to using their Darling’s secrets and weaknesses against them
This Yandere type is inclined to safeguard, shield, or carefully supervise their Darling to an obsessive degree. They never leave their Darling alone, and they don’t know how to balance their concern with respect for their Darling’s independence and freedom. They believe they’re acting in their beloved’s best interest, but they come across as overbearing, bossy, or controlling.
This Yandere type will intentionally cause suffering by bringing about emotional or physical harm to their Darling and will derive pleasure from doing so. They’re the type to spreading rumours and lies about their Darling to isolate them. Or let their Darling escape only to dash their hopes by re-capturing them. They’re fascinated with the physical, mental, and emotional limitations of their Darling and how to reach them. They just want to watch their beloved squirm under their control.
This Yandere type holds the belief or impressions that their Darling already loves them, which is typically contradicted by reality. They take their Darling’s actions the wrong way; if they do something out of kindness, the Yandere will think it’s out of love. If their Darling says they don’t love the Yandere, they’ll think it’s all lies, or they’re Darling is just shy. Their love distorts the reality they perceive. 
This Yandere type wants to be worship by their Darling. They’re selfish, satisfying their own desires and whims without restraint. They act according to what they want rather than thinking of what’s best for themselves or others. They want their Darling to pamper them and often express impatience when gratification is delayed. They have a “me first” attitude and become disgruntled when having to do something that isn’t on their agenda.
This Yandere type acts on desires, whims, or inclination without forethought, which makes them one of the more dangerous ones. They act in response to their emotions and don’t always think about how their actions can affect others. They are also prone to erratic mood changes, overreacting, outbursts, kidnapping, murder and the list goes on. A positive side would be their transparency; they tend not to think before thinking, so they tend to be honest. 
(I can’t help but find this type kinda funny because they become legitimately shocked when faced with an undesirable result. Like, their Darling is scared because they been kidnapped and the Yandere is surprised Pikachu face.)
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random-and-average · 2 years ago
Yandere Red Guy with Council!Reader
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Author's Note: You know that once scene where the lamp goes into this weird talk about the Council? I just wondered how Red Guy would react if his darling was a part of said Council.
Content Warning(s): implied kidnapping, murder
Red would've met you when you personally handed him a pound
Fell in love with you at first sight
Does anything to meet you again
Attempts to follow his "role" to the best of his ability while also entertaining the Council
And he will definitely force the other two to follow their "roles" too
If they refuse to follow his orders, he'll just kill them since he knows that they'll return
Willing to do anything to have you visit him again
Even enables the teachers' behavior to get some potential brownie points from the Council
The moment you come back again to reward him, he'll stall for time so that you don't leave him
Purposefully goes against the "script" if you don't reward him personally for long periods of time
Although he was satisfied with seeing you every once in a while, he will start to want more
So he will hatch a plan to keep you with him forever
No matter what threats you throw at him, he'll refuse to let you go
"Once I get back home, I will make sure that your life becomes a living hell!"
"Then I just have to make sure you don't get back home, right? You have a weird way of saying that you want to stay with me, love."
With you by his side, all the teachers won't hurt a yarn-like hair on his head
They will bargain to get you back, though their efforts are in vain since he never wants you to leave him
Only lets you go home if you bring him with you
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random-and-average · 2 years ago
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[id: a light blue userbox with a pastel blue border and pastel blue text that reads “this user rapidly switches from hyperfixation to hyperfixation.” on the left is an image of a blue heart /end id]
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random-and-average · 2 years ago
Yandere Maruki Takuto Headcanons
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Author's Note: What can I say? I simp for the clumsy man with the messiah complex. (Actually, I just simp for a good amount of the Confidant cast because you cannot tell me that Ryuji, Akechi, Haru, Joker, Yusuke, and Iwai wouldn't treat their loved one right. Do I have a problem? Maybe.)
Content Warning(s): Mentions of psychological manipulation, possible OOC Maruki
Regardless of how you met him, Maruki will always cherish you
Rain or shine, you can guarantee that he will do everything in his power to make you as happy as you make him—which is an amount that cannot possibly be quantified due to the fact that you make him so extraordinarily and immensely joyous
(And when I mean everything in his power, I truly mean everything in his power, but I’ll address that point later)
Even if the two of you are polar opposites, he will try his best to make you smile in his own way
I’d like to imagine that he’s a hopeless romantic too
While his career field usually makes one more practical and pragmatic, Dr. Maruki still holds onto the dream of being able to share an idealized romance with someone
Because of this, he’ll often write letters and poems professing his love for you, even though you two might already be in a relationship
Romantic dinners are a frequent occurrence, and they’ll either be at a place that is very expensive, significant to the two of you, or well-known for serving your favorite type of food
Just imagine that you want fried chicken, and he takes you out for some gourmet place that serves the best fried chicken you ever had in your life
Obviously, he always pays the bill
In fact, you never get to see the final price of the meal because he refuses to let you see the bill in the first place
Don’t worry though! He doesn’t mind the price
Seeing your face light up in delight makes the cost of the food completely worth it
There’s only one problem: he likes keeping all of this a secret from you in order to surprise you, but his clumsy disposition often results in you finding out anyway
In a perfect world, you would wake up to an eloquent letter—filled with nothing but compliments and thanks—right beside your pillow; though in actuality, Maruki trips on air and faceplants onto the ground with his letter in hand, waking you up immediately and spoiling the surprise
(In that situation, he prepares an amazing breakfast as an apology despite any protests from you that he doesn’t have to apologize)
When it comes to comforting you (and, if needed, providing advice), Maruki never fails to make to feel better as he’ll go out of his way to make the space comfortable for you before sitting next to you and listening to whatever is troubling you
If you prefer him to comfort you physically, he’ll give you all the hugs and cuddles you want until you feel better
Unless he has to deal with something extremely important, his time will be entirely dedicated to you and reducing your sorrow
(Although, it’d be important to note that advice he will provide might be a bit biased)
On another note, you can bet that he will always have your favorite snacks and candy on hand
But, don't think that Maruki is a complete softie
However, I can't blame you if you do think that way since he only shows you his more vulnerable and affectionate side
For all of the man's clumsiness, he is still capable of perfectly executing a malicious scheme
This is mainly done through psychological and emotional manipulation
(As one, the doctor literally studied the mind, and two, he is aware that he doesn't pose that much of a physical threat)
Any potential romantic rivals are driven away, believing that their flaws make them worthless individuals that burdens others
Your friends/family that don't like him become ostracized as he makes them out to be overly critical people who has it out for him for no apparent reason
And after all of this manipulation, he is still seen as the perfect boyfriend, or husband (。ᐤヮᐤ 。), that is head over heels in love with you
(Okay, so the last part is true, but not the first part)
Unless he wants you to know of his schemes, you are most likely none the wiser to his wicked ways!
Once his Persona fully awakens and he takes control of reality, Maruki will make the world your paradise, even if it's at the expense of other people
(I did say he'd do everything in his power to make you happy)
You wish that you didn't have to work a day in your life? Suddenly, you are a billionaire as some mysterious benefactor chose you as the lucky person to receive all of his money!
You really miss a deceased loved one or a pet? They never passed away, silly!
You want someone gone? Who are you talking about? No one even remembers they existed in the first place.
(He decided that simply removing them from reality was the best possible method of getting rid of them without causing emotional suffering onto those who don't deserve it)
"I love you so, so, so much, sweetheart. You're my entire world, just as I am yours."
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random-and-average · 2 years ago
Yandere Miguel O'Hara with Shadow Wizard!S/O
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Author's Note: I spent hours pondering how to make this work, but I came up with nothing that would make sense in terms of the movie. Thus, my rationale is that, if the multiverse details every single possibility and change, then magic has to exist in one of them, right? (Please just let me have this :']) Also, this headcanon is most likely the darkest one I've made so far. With great power comes great suffering, it seems.
Content Warning(s): kidnapping, confinement, mentioned drugging, exploitation, stalking, Google translate Spanish, extremely bad writing
At first, Miguel would try to find a way to use your magic to benefit him while determining your specialties and limits
Of course, those a part of the Shadow Wizard Money Gang Secret Society (SWSS) have to be exceptionally good at magic, so you're no exception
(Although, the society exclusively practices conjuration, transmutation, and necromancy magic because I don't see a Shadow Wizard society practicing things like divination or abjuration)
At the very least, if you refuse to use your magic to serve someone who is lesser than you, you'll just have to conjure random items that Spider-People need, such as a screwdriver or stepping stool
At most, if you're willing to be under Miguel's orders, you will be a semi-member of the Spider-Society, so you'll be brought on missions to aid in maintaining the order of the multiverse
On the off chance that Miguel has free time, he'll demand you see him so that he can witness you utilize your magic
Your universe's Spider-Man, if he is a part of Miguel's society, is internally cursing the entirety of the SWSS for causing him trouble outside of his universe
"Do you guys have to cause chaos in every location you're in?" Spider-Mage complained as he followed you around. As your universe's original Spider-Man, he was tasked to monitor you while you get comfortable at headquarters, though the two of you hated the idea of being in the other's presence.
"And do you have to be a wet carpet in every location you're in?" You quipped. "Spirits forbid you cast a minor transmutation spell! You might just upset the very order of magic with that one."
"I fail to see how using a shrinking spell to make Webslinger think his horse went missing is a 'minor transmutation spell,' but please enlighten me."
"I can't enlighten a fool who thinks size reduction is anything more than a minor spell. Inherent ineptitude isn't something that can be fixed immediately."
"Why you..."
The moment he grasps the full scope of your abilities, including your necromancy ones, he'll start taking up more of your time until all of your days are spent with him
Granted, at this point it's not out of love, but so you can bring the family that he lost and was never able to get back no matter how hard he tried back
And he will force you to truly resurrect them, no matter the price
Diamonds? A body? Something holy? Something cursed? Anything you need, he'll provide it for you
You'll be confined to a solitary room until you get the spell right, unable to see anyone but Miguel when he provides you the materials to resurrect them
He can't afford you being distracted when the possibility of getting his family back is within reach
Unfortunately, the main component of true resurrection is that the soul of the person is willing to be brought back to life
Main problem? Only Gabriella is willing to come back, both of his wives meanwhile...
You can't even plead with them to come back, as Miguel doesn't have either wife's corpse
And he refuses to not have both his wife and child
So you're forced to stay in that cramped room and sleep on an uncomfortable mattress for longer, draining your energy repeatedly casting the same spell
With nothing grounding you to the present except for the buzzing of fluorescent lights, you started wondering how long it had been since Miguel quite literally dragged you to this small room in order to fulfill his deranged fantasies.
'Bring back my family,' he demanded from you as if you could just perfectly resurrect people at the press of a button, and even then, with his distasteful personality, you doubted the reunion would be all sunshine and rainbows.
However, you were starting to get desperate.
You didn't care how he was going to insane lengths to bring back his dead wife and daughter. You didn't care that the former individual didn't want to come back. You didn't care that he somehow was able to not only supply but continuously provide the materials you needed to cast the spell.
You just wanted to get out of this prison.
You couldn't stand the buzzing lights; the stiff spring mattress that reeked of body odor due to you not being able to shower; the putrid stench and humiliating sight of the toilet bucket, stripping you of your pride as a Shadow Wizard; the monochrome color scheme of this spirit forsaken cell that was exacerbated by the grey concrete walls all around you; the lack of being able to interact with anyone, save for the madman that brought you here; and the fact that you were only here to be exploited, to be treated like a tool that can be used whenever and however its owner pleases.
The screeching noise of metal against concrete stole your attention and forced you to look at the only person who would enter this miserable room.
"I have the needed materials."
You couldn't help but sneer at Miguel's statement. His straight-forwardness was refreshing at times, but in this situation, it infuriated you. He didn't even politely request that you cast a difficult spell or ensured that you were comfortable to do so. If only he knew that, back in your dimension, people would get on their hands and knees to beg you to cast a simple spell.
"What makes you think that your wife will allow herself to be brought back? She hasn't done it in the past, so what would make her change now? You might as well give up or settle for only Gabriella being resurrected," you reasoned. Hopefully, he still had enough sanity to know that what he wanted was a pipe dream. If he did, it would mean you would be able to be freed sooner.
"She might have finally come around to the idea that it's better to come back to her husband."
Rage almost compelled you to lash out at him. How easy it was for him to talk as if he was minorly inconvenienced by his wife's refusal when you were the one suffering because of it. Though, you reigned your anger in since you wanted to reduce the amount of time you had to spend in this place.
Miguel would eventually understand that achieving his dream was futile, and some vengeful part of you wished to see him break down in despair when he does.
His feelings for you only start to change once he realizes that, regardless of how many times you cast True Resurrection, neither of his wives will be willing to come back
Miguel is obviously devastated by these turn of events
Suddenly, he is much more aware of how lonely he was this entire time, and it's too much for him to bear alone
So he finds comfort in someone that has no choice but to provide him solace, you
Slowly, with each visit (or counselling sessions, basically), he grows fond of you
You are the only one who stood next to him when he was at his lowest (even if it was unwillingly)
In gratitude, you are let out of your room, but you're limited to the entirety of headquarters, nothing outside of it
He can't let you leave after you saw him when he was the most vulnerable he'd ever been since the loss of his second family; you were special
Eventually, the longer you stay by his side, his fondness for you grows into something else as he takes note of your interests, quirks, and minute features
"Miguel? Miguelllllllll. Are you even listening to me?"
Lyla appeared in front of the footage of you laughing with the other Spider-People as you demonstrated that you, too, were capable of shooting webs like them, forcing Miguel's attention to focus on her rather than you.
"Por el amos de Dios (for fuck's sake), what do you want, Lyla? I'm busy."
The woman gave him a stare that indicated that she didn't believe him. "Yeahhh, busy doing what exactly? Busy being a creep?"
"I'm busy monitoring the anomaly to ensure they don't interfere with the multiverse."
She scoffed, "You and I both know that they have no intention of doing so. If they did, they would've done it already, seeing as they have plenty of magic at their disposal. Obviously, you're stalking them out of your own self-interests."
Miguel glared at the hologram as he turned off the footage with a frustrated huff.
"I don't care what you think about me, but any word about this to anyone else, especially them, and I will erase you. Understand?"
All of Lyla's sass vanished faced with the man's glowing red stare that pierced through her being. Although she wished he was just bluffing, his tone clearly showed otherwise.
"...I understand." And with that, she disappeared.
You'll know when Miguel is completely besotted with you
He will start taking up more of your time, just like he did when he understood your necromancy magic
This time, however, it's not to resurrect his dead family; it's to just spend time with him
It starts out as being forced to have breakfast, lunch, and dinner with him
Then it turns into full-fledged "dates" where he allows you to explore various dimensions under his supervision
Finally, you are forced to choose to have a microchip implanted in your body so that Miguel knows where you are 24/7; be magically bound to Miguel through a sacred ritual, courtesy of an intimidated Spider-Mage following orders; or stay by Miguel 24/7
Of course, the man does feel guilty for keeping you in the equivalent of solitary confinement
As a result, he is willing to bend the knee to you at times, giving into your demands as long as they aren't too "unreasonable"
He will spend the rest of his life atoning for what he did to you
Dedicates a space for you in his home where you can cast and experiment with as many spells as you desire
(It has cameras hidden in every nook and cranny in case you start dabbling in magic that'll take you away from him)
Absolutely melts inside when you start becoming less hostile/defensive towards him
(However, if your hostility doesn't stop, he'll simply remedy the issue by sneaking a love potion—once again, courtesy of Spider-Mage—into your drink)
Without fail, he takes a week-long break on your "honeymoon" every year, which usually involves visiting your home dimension
Speaking of your home dimension, the Shadow Wizard Secret Society (SWSS) initially doesn't take too kindly to one of their own being romantically involved with a magic-less person
But as the saying goes: if there's a will, there's a way
After a few choice threats and an offer to provide them with any needed materials, they're perfectly fine with Miguel
Though your colleagues pity you for being bound to such a lowly lifeform
Miguel loves seeing you cast magic and will even set aside some time for you to show him your power if you desire it
Secretly looks forward to watching you teach your future children magic
Gave you access to his desk, so you can also watch the Spider-People
Even allows you to be there while he discusses plans, mainly because Lyla likes having you there
(She sometimes begs you to demonstrate your magical prowess by having you animate objects into recreating the plan)
Will keep you in the dark about plans concerning individuals that could negatively influence you, specifically Miles and Hobie
Jealous of any creature you summon/conjure, even if it's to do a task; though, his jealousy intensifies if it's a humanoid
Goes through the effort of learning wizard customs (courtesy of Spider-Mage, like always)
All things considered, it was a normal day for you. You just spent hours watching movies that Miguel bought for you in his massive luxury apartment, and there weren't alarms about a rogue anomaly. The entire day so far was peaceful and uneventful, really.
And that made the alarms in your head go off.
Your thoughts were interrupted when your homunculus dropped right beside you on the couch with an excited chirp. With a smile, you pet your servant.
"So, is Miguel hiding something from me again?"
It tapped the cushion twice. Yes.
"I knew it," you sighed. "I wonder if it has something to do with Hobie again."
You got up from the sofa with a groan as you stretch, and your homunculus jumped down to join you. However, you picked it up and placed it back where it was.
"You'll have to stay here for now, Empanada. Wouldn't want the mean spider to know who gave away his plans."
The homunculus, Empanada (You honestly thought that it deserved a better name, but Jess jokingly suggested that Miguel would like it more if you named after something he liked), whined, but it ultimately laid down on a pillow, indicating that it wouldn't follow you.
With your homunculus out of the way, you closed your eyes and pictured the meeting area that you were familiar with as well as the empty chair that was reserved for you.
Rather than feeling the soft cushions of your chair, you felt the sensation of falling from the sky, and when you opened your eyes, that was indeed the case since you teleported a good amount of feet above the ground. "Are you kidding me right now?"
Expectedly, the people in the room didn't anticipate your arrival.
"I didn't know that they could teleport!"
"Gwen, you didn't tell me that there was a Spider-Person that could come out of thin air!"
"Oh ho, that person is the last person Miguel would want to be here."
Before you could cast another spell, you find yourself in Miguel's arms while he chided you.
"What are you doing here? You should be back at home!"
"Don't think I'm stupid, Mig. I know something's up when there's nothing going on."
"That doesn't mean you should cast such a dangerous spell!"
"Any wizard worth their salt knows how to cast a teleportation spell. Besides, it's only 'dangerous' if you're not skilled enough."
"...Mi vida, we're having a talk after this."
Miguel set you gently onto the ground, and you steadied yourself before you saw that there was a seemingly new addition to the Spider-Society, a Spider-Man who looked to be bleeding out of his armpits.
"You didn't tell me that you recruited a new Spider-Man, Miguel."
"That's because I didn't. I had Jess bring him here because he disrupted a canon event in Earth-50101."
"Lemme guess, someone was supposed to die, and he saved them, right?"
"It would be for the sake of the multiverse-"
"So you say. Anyways," you turn to the new Spider-Man, "what's your name?"
"Miles. Miles Morales."
There was something about him that made him stand out from the millions of people you've seen across your life so far. Even though you've never touched divination magic, you could tell that Miles was destined for great things.
And you wanted to be there to experience those things.
"Something tells me that you and I are going to get along real well, Miles."
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random-and-average · 2 years ago
Yandere Red Guy Headcanons
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Content Warning(s): None? Other than pretty cringe writing tbh
Author's Note: Stumbled upon DHMIS once more and wanted to write something about my favorite character! I considered making some NSFW headcanons, but I don't know how that would work? I mean, a couple of Google searches suggested a few ideas, but I also can't write smut for the life of me, no matter how hard I try. Anyways, please don't die from the cringe that is me trying to write Red Guy in a not OOC way.
Red Guy, whom I'll just call Red because it's easier, is very protective of you and is willing to sacrifice Yellow Guy and Duck to ensure that you're safe
During lessons, he'll try his best to get the teacher's attention if it looks like they're going to focus on you
Red will also attempt to put you in the best possible position during these lessons along with him (think of Red in the Jobs episode)
You become another reason for him to escape this hellish world he's found himself in; he wants to get out with you and live a happy life together
Goes berserk if you get hurt—purposefully disrupts lessons, attempts to hurt the teachers, yells at Yellow Guy and Duck
After each lesson, he'll comfort you to the best of his ability and does whatever he can to make you happy, even if it pushes him out of his comfort zone
(For instance, though he would most likely never tell you, he dislikes it when Yellow Guy interrupts your private time together, but if being with him helps you smile, then he'll bear the jealousy, for you)
Speaking of, Red gets jealous really easily
You're the best thing that ever happened to him, so he can't let you go
Whenever he's jealous, he simply becomes more passive-aggressive and tends to murmur his displeasure under his breath
Isn't usually violent though, key word being "usually"
Should he be pushed to his limits, Red is fully capable of physically taking out his frustrations on someone whom he perceives as a rival or enemy
His love language? Quality time together and acts of service
He'd like to flirt with you, but it never comes out right
"Hey, you know, you look a lot like a..."
"Like a what?"
"Thing that... shines and... dazzles..."
"A jewel?"
"Well, no, jewels aren't... you're more..."
"It's okay. I understand what you're trying to say! Personally, I think you're dazzling and charming as well! Oh, it seems Yellow wants me to come over. See you, Red!"
"No... that didn't come out right. Ugh..."
He would also like to hold hands outside of doing so to destress, but he doesn't know if you guys are close enough to do that
(Hand holding is a big deal, you know)
Whenever he's with you, he feels... safe and secure
As long as you're right beside him, he rarely loses his temper since he just squeezes your hand to calm himself down
In a world that seems to drain his sanity with each passing lesson, you're the only one providing him that stability that allows him to endeavor for a better future with his rationality still intact
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random-and-average · 2 years ago
Yandere Picrew Session #1: That ONE Best Friend (Platonic)
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Artist: ✦絢瀬
Author's Note: I had an idea about a friend that always hooks you up with yanderes, and I wanted to use Picrew. Then I thought, Why don't I make this a series thingy where I just make yanderes when I'm bored? Regardless, it was fun making this character's profile(?)! Tell me what you guys think!
Content Warning(s): Mentioned killing
Gender: Genderqueer Pronouns: They/Them Orientation: Demiromantic & Asexual Likes: Fairy tales, chocolate, magazines Dislikes: Cheaters, pick up artists, cherries Hobbies: Matchmaking, networking, dying their hair different colors Favorite Song: "Love You A Love Song" by Selena Gomez, prefers if it's slowed down Favorite Color: Misty Rose - #FFE4E1 MBTI: ENTP Extra: Keeps detailed dossiers of every client and organizes them by "types" (i.e puppy dog, edgelord, knight, legit professor, etc.)
A social butterfly, this one
Obsessed with playing matchmaker
So far, they have a 100% success rate
The only problem is that they seem to always hook their friends up with yanderes (which explains the "success" rate)
Somehow has the contact info of all the yanderes within a 20 mile radius, and they'll happily lend one of them to you if you promise to go on a date with one of them
"You're interested in that one jock you saw at the supermarket?! Yeah, I have his number! Buuuuuut, you gotta promise me that you'll go on a date with him! Little advice: He really likes physical intimacy hehe."
Aware that there's something wrong with the people they're hooking their friends up with
Doesn't think it's a big deal though ¯\_(°∀°)_/¯
"What do you mean he's clingy? That just means he won't cheat on you!"
Takes pride in the fact that they don't match their friends with "low grade garbage"
Says each client (read: yandere) who requests to be matched up with their one and only undergoes an intense screening process
Doesn't tell anyone what this process is
(Also doesn't tell anyone that these "clients" pay a good amount of money every month to be included in their matchmaking business)
Wants the best for their friends, so they take careful consideration as to who they match you up with
Anyone who hurts their friend(s) will suddenly vanish into thin air
"[CVP1D: Daniel, 23 y/o M, brown hair, brown eyes, 5'9", lives in an apartment on XXXXXXX Avenue; anyone who kills him doesn't have to pay their $25 monthly fee for next month and gets plenty of advertising. Send me a pic when done btw (。◠ ꇴ ◠。 )]"
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random-and-average · 2 years ago
Henry Barrow Headcanons
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Watched a playthrough of Killer Frequency today, and my goofy brain thought how Henry would be like in a relationship with you. Now, I know that the guy never speaks and we barely know anything about him, but to be honest, that has never stopped anyone! So, I hope you enjoy my HC of our secretive silent slasher :))))
TW: murder, kidnapping, Henry being slightly yandere
He's definitely a real sweetheart and would definitely go out of his way to make you happy, though you'd probably have to make sure he doesn't endanger himself in the process
Will do anything to make you happy, and I mean that quite literally
You could do no wrong in his eyes
Rationalizes, justifies, and defends anything you do, even if your actions hurt him
If you manage to build a strong enough relationship, he would totally betray his mother if her desires conflict with yours
Obviously, he's a man of few words, only talking when it is necessary
Tends to whistle out of habit (because I believe that Marie had to have trained him into the role as The Whistling Man)
Likes taking you with him on strolls through Gallows Creek, don't ask me why it's just a feeling
Doesn't know where (or how) to take you out to dinner, so he just takes you to Ponty's Pizza because he heard, through The Scream, that it had amazing pizza "to die for"
If you're on a date, he'll take you out to places he was taught to be familiar with, such as the Maize Maze and Whistling Point, since all he ever learned was related to avenging his late father
Generally submissive and will attempt to mold himself into the perfect boyfriend for you
However, don't think he's entirely docile
Unless specifically stated to not do so, he will eliminate anyone who interferes with his relationship with you
Basically, he'll do whatever you say, but anything outside of that is free reign for him to do whatever he pleases
During Murder Spree:
Once it begins, he'd try to protect you from his mother's plan by scaring you into leaving Gallows Creek
If there was anyone that bothered you or tried to take you from him, they're most certainly going to die that night, Marie's plan be damned
Will tune into The Scream if you happen to be a caller, to hear your voice and also to know your current status
His feelings will be hurt if you help Forrest and Peggy, but he knows that you're just scared and confused
(Plus, he plans on dealing with his wounded emotions in a very healthy, mature, and normal way by murdering the two)
Should you be closely associated with a target, he will knock you out and hide you somewhere safe until he's able to convince his mother to spare you
You definitely serve as a motivation for him to not get caught by the police
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random-and-average · 2 years ago
Yandere Miguel O'Hara with a Duplicating!S/O (via Yellow Cosmic Stone)
If anyone has seen that one clip from Kid Cosmic where Papa G is building, then you'll understand why I came up with this idea. Plus, the Papa G Stomp goes hard. On another note, I'm still trying to find a way to make Shadow Wizard Money Gang S/O exist. Shadow Spider Money Gang, perhaps?
TW: mentions of the following: NSFW, stalking, and murder
The mere existence of said stone is enough to give the Spider-Man a migraine
Will it disrupt the canon? Where the hell do they even come from? The fact that it's the yellow cosmic stone instead of the cosmic stone implies that there are multiple in existence, so where are the rest of them? Will those stones disrupt the canon?
After all, if one stone is able to give you the incredibly powerful ability of duplication, who knows what these other stones are capable of!
You will be interrogated about how the stone came into your possession, there's no doubt about that
From then on, Miguel will have two goals: preserve the spider-verse and contain all the stones (as he considers them to be "anomalies")
Lyla will for sure be working day and night to determine the true nature of these cosmic stones
He will try to take the yellow cosmic stone from you as well
Depending on how much you enjoy your power of duplication, he won't be getting it anytime soon though
Now, what he thinks of you depends on your reaction to his affection, so let's get into that!
Against It:
To put it bluntly, you're a pain in Miguel's ass. He still loves you though despite that
You will be kept in his room or be monitored by him or a person he trusts (like Lego Spider-Man)
He'll also look into ways to neutralize your power if he isn't able to take the stone from you
Should you escape from him, he'll order any iteration of you to be brought back to him with minimal damage
(I generally headcanon Miguel to be gentle with his S/O, regardless of their situation, and would only hurt them unless it's absolutely necessary, even then he'll try not to hurt them too much)
Since the guy has "observed" (*cough* *cough* he monitored and stalked you *cough* *cough*) you in the past, it doesn't take long for him to realize the difference between the real you and your clones: the real you wears the stone in the form of a ring
After that revelation, any clones of yours start to serve a different purpose while he and a specific group of Spider-People search for the real you
Should the clone be extremely submissive, Miguel would "experiment" with it before ultimately killing it as humanely as possible
(This is how he discovers his breeding kink as well as how arousing you can be when you're in an apron, among other things)
Should the clone be extremely rebellious, he will rough it up a bit, but not enough to make it disappear, and let it go to deliver a message to you: "Stop being childish and come back to me, mi amor. I only want what's best for you."
However, if the clone strikes a perfect balance between the two, he'll essentially air his grievances onto it and kill it afterwards
"Cariño, why do you do this to me? I love you so much, yet you continually refuse me. Don't you know that I will do anything for you? I will destroy hundreds of universes if it means you will stay with me."
"Uh, excuse me?"
Miguel does not feel any guilt towards killing your clones, by the way
To him, they're just imposters or cheap imitations that can't compare to the real you
Though he will never admit it, he does resent them to an extent
They're your clones, literal duplicates of you, yet they fail to recreate that je ne sais quoi that makes you you and instead dare to degrade your smile and your presence
Miguel only loves you, not some fake
And he doesn't know how long he can last without the true you in his life again.
Fine With It:
You're definitely granted a lot more freedom if you're fine with or reciprocates his love, such as being allowed to roam the base
Although, you're still not allowed to use the stone unless you absolutely have to
However, he'll (begrudgingly) let it slide if you use your duplicates to help around the base or even his dimension
Unknowingly, this makes some other Spider-People, as well as some civilians, yandere for you, but Miguel ensures that they know their place (Plus, that's a story for another time)
Don't think that your good deeds aren't rewarded though since he'll definitely reward you with whatever you want afterwards
However, helping him on missions is a definitive "no," and that's non-negotiable
I think, regardless of what powers you have, Miguel would never put you in danger by having you help on missions
He cannot bear to lose you. He wants you safe and that means staying back in his dimension
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random-and-average · 2 years ago
Yandere Miguel O’Hara with a Tracer-like!S/O
While rewatching Sigma’s origin story from Overwatch (because it’s so cool and chilling), I was suddenly interested in exploring how Miguel would react to a significant other who, similar to Tracer, has a condition that causes them to fade in and out of existence. Although, in this case, his s/o would just randomly teleport from dimension instantaneously since they wouldn’t be “anchored” to their present dimension. Anyways, this is just a fun little concept I thought of. (And I’m considering making a crack post where you are a part of the Shadow Wizard Money Gang…)
TW: stalking, mild mention of violence
Assuming that Miguel knew you before you got afflicted with your current condition, he would definitely be a worry-wart, even if he tries to hide it.
Rather than have the bracer every Spider-Person has, he personally requested (read: demanded) that you have a bracer of your very own. It grounds you to the current dimension you’re in so that you don’t randomly vanish, and it constantly sends your location to Miguel no matter the conditions you’re in. Of course, your bracer doesn’t have any dimension-traveling functions since your affliction already allows you to do that, but it does help you manage the ability better (while also notifying Miguel every time you use it).
If you do use your ability when you’re not in Miguel’s presence, expect a lecture about using your power responsibly. Though, really, Miguel just doesn’t want you to get too comfortable with the idea of leaving him spontaneously hopping through dimensions on your own.
Despite the bracer, however, Miguel prefers to monitor you in person whenever he has the time, though he goes out of his way to make his monitoring less creepy and more appealing for you. For everyone’s sake, it’s best if you at least don’t mind him being around you all the time, so he’ll bring you out to your favorite places or partake in your hobbies in order to warm you up to the idea of him being near you almost constantly.
He would have a heart attack if, somehow, your bracer broke or was taken off. Even if it was repaired or you wore it again immediately after, you would never be able to leave his sight for the next couple of weeks because he fears that you’ll vanish again from his dimension and never be seen again.
He would also attempt to prevent you from interacting with “bad influences.”
Who are these “bad influences” you may ask? Well, for starters, there’s Miles, Hobie, and Peter, since Miguel is 100% sure that they would encourage you to master your ability and use it freely. Then, there’s any version of Dr. Octavius and The Spot for a plethora of reasons.
Don’t even think about joining him or the other Spider-People on missions. You’re staying back at home base until he or someone he trusts is able to monitor you.
Should you be a little devil and teleport to dimension to help out anyway, you’ll essentially get timeout. (A timeout, in his perspective, is you staying in his room until he decides you can leave.)
He’ll definitely ignore any protests you might have regarding traveling to other dimensions and respond with patronizing comments about how “you won’t be able to fend for yourself out in the multiverse” without him or “your condition is just making you think they way.” But, no matter how incessant your complaints may be, he will never snap at you.
As you may have noticed, Miguel isn’t very violent or outwardly aggressive towards you in this situation. If anything, he’s more of an overly protective and smothering yandere, which is all thanks to your current condition. Although, while he isn’t violent with you, don’t expect the same from anyone who disobeys his rules regarding you.
Well, you might consider your situation as a condition, a quirk of yours that you have to manage, but he considers it as an illness, an infection. (For the record, it is not infectious.)
For all the frustration that your uncontrollable dimension hopping brings him, he knows that, in the end, it’s not your fault. You happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time and are now forced to deal with the consequences. As such, you don’t deserve to be treated as if you intended for this to happen.
Of course, he has everyone look into ways to cure your “illness.” Not that dealing with your symptoms is a problem or a burden! Miguel simply wants you to be able to return to your normal life without all of this dimension dissociation nonsense.
In the end, you just need him to protect you more because you’re sick. You may not see it that way, but you will eventually.
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random-and-average · 2 years ago
Yandere Liam Headcanons!
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TW: manipulation, potential gaslighting
I've been in the mood to write something, so why don't I write about my latest game obsession, Sun Haven? Despite all the bugs, it's such an amazing game, and I hope that it only gets better from here on out! Anyway, apologies if this is OOC, and enjoy!
Just like with his sisters, Liam will do everything in his power to make sure that you taken care of, safe, and happy. (Though, his sisters, being the mischievous little matchmakers that they are, coax him to do this more with you than with them. They’re already grown up, and Liam is so lonely!)
Unable to make it to your home in time because you were too absorbed in fishing? Well, you can gladly stay the night at his house! Just know that you and him with have to share a bed, as Emma insists that Mr. Dinosaur sleeps on the couch. Hopefully you don't mind, but if you can't fall asleep, then you should have some of Liam's specialty hot chocolate. It'll make you fall right to sleep!
You like cookies? He’ll personally deliver a dozen to your door every day because he just so happened to make too many, again, for the nth time. They're even you're favorite kind of cookies too! What a coincidence!
Need to vent about draccoons eating everything on your farm? Just let him make sure Emma and Elizabeth are content in their room and then he’ll be all yours to talk to. (Though Liam wishes the best for your farm, he can't help but feel a bit thankful for the ravenous creatures.)
Of course, you don’t have to do anything in return, but if you really want to, would you mind going on a date with him for a day?
While he can’t monitor you 24/7 due to the fact that he has both his sisters to take care of as well as a bakery to manage, he’d ask Nathaniel to pay extra attention to you and update him on anything that happens to you under the guise of simply being a concerned friend and neighbor (and possible boyfriend). Plus, he’d bribe the captain with free hearty pie to make sure that he puts his all into watching you.
Should Liam be notified of an increase in your adventures out of Sun Haven, he would simply tell the airheaded captain that he thought he’d seen you exhausted to the point of fainting one afternoon from working on your farm, regardless of whether or not it’s true.
(Worried about his fellow friend, Nathaniel would attempt to stop you if you tried to leave Sun Haven. He knows better than anyone that, while pushing yourself is good, there is a limit to which one should do so. In other words, you need to rest!)
Occasionally some nights, when his sisters are asleep and everyone has returned home to turn in for the day, he quietly heads to the beach and stares longingly at the moon, dreaming about a future in which the two of you can be together. Imagine, him waking up in the morning and seeing your face first thing in the morning; the two of you laughing and having fun in the kitchen as you two bake a cake; a ring around your finger for all to see, warding off any potential enemies; an intimate day in bed spent not doing work when it rains.
Unfortunately, for all his longing, he is still quite shy, so you'll have to be the first one to make a move. Otherwise, he will simply pine for you at a distance (unless he happens to snap due to certain circumstances). Don't worry though, after you get the ball rolling, he'll take it from there. You just relax while he takes care of all the work; the only thing you have to do is to accept him wholeheartedly and completely.
And you bet that, once you're in a relationship, Liam becomes more vocal in his stances towards your lifestyle. Healthy relationships require communication and both parties to listen to each other's concerns, you know! (Though, if your concerns interfere with his, they'll go through one ear and out the other.)
There are only few professions that Liam would be fine with and, for the record, explorer, mage, fighter, and miner aren’t some of them. And, among those four, a mage profession is the only one you’d have a chance in convincing him to let you continue in. Though, you’d definitely be doing more miscellaneous or utilitarian magic rather than combat magic.
Just because I'm feeling a bit devious, I'll include some NSFW headcanons too (`艸´)
TW: bodily fluids in food, food kink, implied suffocation
You might have already guessed, but Liam enjoys putting his bodily fluids into the baked goods he gives to you, particularly his cum. Something about watching you eat the cupcakes he made so happily, cupcakes that had white icing containing his semen, makes him melt inside.
He's also good at hiding the salty taste too, so you'd be none the wiser to how he jacks off to you, thinking about how tight and wet and loving you'd feel around his cock, before mixing his release into the icing.
If you manage to catch him on a day where he's feeling more sensual than normal, or if you just seduce him, his food kink might surface. Depending on how he feels, it might be you eating him or him eating you. (He prefers you eating him—savoring every inch of his body while he's practically begging you for release, only for you to softly push him down and be a good boy while you enjoy your dessert.)
Speaking of, do feel free to take control in the bedroom. A part of Liam loves to submit to you and experience pleasure at your hands, turning his brain off and letting it turn to mush. However, please be gentle with him. He likes to be loved ♡
(He's totally a guy who refuses to say he's "fucking" you or any other crude verb. Instead, he's making love to you.)
Should you make him jealous, then he'd make you choke on his cock. It's the only punishment fitting for you, enchanting anyone with your kind words and charming personality. With his dick preoccupying your mouth, you won't be able to make him worry about some random person who doesn't love you nearly as much as he does. Seeing you cry as your throat spasms around him is also a major ego boost that only serves to motivate Liam as he fucks your mouth. Don't think that he'll stop at blowing his load once, though. It's only until his balls are emptied that he considers stopping.
In the end, Liam is a simple man. He appreciates a nice ass. Tight pants that accentuate the delicious curve of your assets (hehe) will always make a tent form in his pants. Hopefully, his apron will cover most of it up. (It doesn't, and Wornhardt has half a mind to call him out on it.) Just be weary of the consequences because you will be spending the rest of the day with him once he catches once glimpse of your butt, and maybe the next day too if you manage to wear something extremely scandalous.
Well, that's all I got for my yandere Liam headcanons! All in all, I think he's a mild yandere since he seems too sweet to do anything drastic. Hope you liked it, and feel free to give me some suggestions!
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