#fuck u haterz
freakscenequeen · 1 year
i should format my personal website better so i can eventually like transfer all my posting there cuz i like the idea of like long form blogs but i wanna make it so twitter is phased out of use for me and tumblr is my main thing and then i also do either my substack or a blog.  but as it stands now my substack is kind of a joke and the only people subscribing to it are like people who i was friends with at the beginning of college and some internet friends which while that’s fine in it’s own right i guess isn’t really what i want to be using the blog for i think ??!  like silly sshitposting is fun and has its merits but i wanna have a place to be earnest online to at least some degree without it being like.  my twitter priv lol,  i also just want to make better use of my website because as it stands now it’s kind of like a carrd (or at least its kind of formatted that way).  i wanna upload my art and stuff there eventually and also do something music related with it like have a reviews page or a recs page or something??  i think if i just use it as a blog i could incorporate that into it somehow ???? that could work right????  now i just have um.   a bio page,  and a page that links to a bunch of random sites that ive listed out as like “favorite sites” or whatever and also ummmmm a WIP page for my art and the index page .  the only downside tho is that i have to format everything using html which is kind of a pain in the ass all things considered?? maybe i could figure out a way to like rss link my tumblr text posts or my twitter or whatever to my site so it’s like a cohesive mesh of everything that i do online!!!!! omgg this is a good idea wait i should actually do that :0 i think rss works like that??!!!?! rss readers are so fucking werid i really hope i can figure out how ti embed that im actually gonna do that righ tnow lol
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rewritingcanon · 7 months
noooo way we gotta throw the whole security council away this shit is not working no more 💀
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guideaus · 1 year
some tr*stamp fans using nightow's involvement in the reboot as evidence its good is really weird
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demonandbard · 1 year
when you take into consideration the fact that gamorra, a political narrative that’s borrowed from ANOTHER set of books that only recently merged into the dc universe, it’s like... what did you expect jay nakamura’s story to be about? sure, FINE, you don’t wanna see a story about superman saving a boat full of refugees, and maybe you just don’t care for this twink in a green mask that is clearly recruiting jon for some shady shit. and that’s fine! you can hate jay for being a pink-haired twink with shady underpinnings. totes fine. i still think hal’s a green fascist even after seventy years of character development, BUT THAT’S OK. we each have our no-no’s.
but then i see ppl talk about jon as if he’d an uwu bby boy who was so unjustly seduced by some pink-haired asian twink, and i think.... please tell me more.
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pls tell me how the most powerful heir on the planet, the son of superman the god himself, was so uwu bby boy seduced, hoodwinked, bamboozled, led astray, run amok, and flat out DECEIVED by some broke asian twink refugee with a podcast. actually, don’t. i’ve read enough twitter threads, reddit forums, and random commentary on youtube. i may be a fool for doing so, but i live for the drama, so i will read some more laterz.
like fine if u think jon did indeed get played, but i have to ask.... and what about it? even IF jon got played in the end, no one’s holding a gun to his head telling him NOT to fuck that damn gamorran. he’s fully consenting to smashing that twink, and by all the kissies, im thinking they are both very much enjoying their mutual shenanigans.
.... so why don’t folks like jon with jay? like really. be forreal.
and while reading LOSH, i finally got it! i thought about how, narratively, it makes PERFECT SENSE why jon and lor zod get married in the future, ESPECIALLY if the earth does get destroyed. if the earth is gone, then so are all of jon’s roots and ties to his human side. it would really only make sense for him to marry a zod, give half his dna to zod’s scientists, let them slap it together with lor zod’s, and thus produce children that could continue to help repopulate new krypton. plus, we know jonno’s stronker than his pops! a zod plus an el with those pesky human genes that makes him stronger? i know in my heart dru zod himself drafted the marriage proposal and took it to clark while he was just tryna have dinner with his wife and son. unfortunately, bc of this decision, mon el now exists. le sigh.
AND IT’S DURING THIS SHIT ASS LOSH RUN THAT I REALIZED... well of course jon/lor zod makes sense in the narrative. jon’s a plot device. he’s the most powerful fucker in the world, arguably. not yet fully realized, hella pretty, falls in love easily. it makes perfect sense that he’d give into an el/zod union if would make peace. and really, nobody really cares about bendis’ LOSH implications, bc it is such a stanky run, but it’s there. and apparently it’s ok bc it makes sense, bc hey, the zods are SUPPOSED to be evil, so why WOULND’T they try to rope jon into marrying their son so that they can be the universe’s power couple? it’s par the course for the zod famileh.
so why does it make people sooooooooo uncomfortable that jon is dating, in the current timeline, someone who is arguably just as politically inclined? what is it about some asian twink with a podcast that THREATENS fandumb’s delicate sensibilities, and i realized..... it’s cuz he’s literally not lois.
snake eating it’s own tail, jay is not lois!!!
by FUNCTION, he is lois, and is arguably, jon’s central and most important love interest. but jay is NOT lois. he is not even lois adjacent. he is a revolutionary. he’s a refugee. he’s asian. he has pink hair, and apparently that makes him effeminate. he sometimes dresses up like a ninja, but it’s the pink mop that makes him look like a girl lmao.
and, oh yeah. the haterz in-universe think he’s a terrorist. lex framed him as one. in-universe reddit and 4chan DEFINITELY thinks he’s a terrorist.  batman thinks he might be one too. his friends, aerie and wink, certainly were at one point.
so what happens when the son of superman the god, someone who’s supposed to do better and BE better even when the options are all garbage, starts dating a guy who is being touted a terrorist by a billionaire, a foreign government, AND people on reddit?
well, that’s just too woke now, innit? this is woke. this is what happens when kids learn CRT. they end up falling in love with terrorists. superman can’t love a terrorist!! siegel and shuster rolling in their graves.
except anyone Who Can Read and DID read KNOWS that, that’s not true, and the fact that lex, bendix, and the people in-universe FRAME the revolutionaries as terrorists is literally a meditation on how OUR world frames the question of the revolution, youth-led revolts, and anything not being shielded with rose-tinted glasses. it’s literally a common theme in fiction these days. it’s a common theme in LIFE.
and it’s FASCINATING to see how a thematic element in a comic book that’s geared towards 12-22 yr olds garnered such OUTRAGE, when that thematic element is played on like every other tv show and i think.... oh people are CRAZY crazy now. and not just crazy, they hate being uncomfortable, and dont like that jonno’s not in a traditionally white hetero romance that’s solely dressed in black in white in terms of morality and politics, like lois and clark are. and no, im not referring to the new anime where lois is racebent, this is not a factor in this convo. historically, and up until recently, the question of lois and clark has been and still is a deeply americentric approach at truth and justice, aka the american way. lois is the star reporter, the uncoverer of truths and part of the reason why justice gets served, but she does it the AMERICAN way, the way white people always have and always will find palatable. and that’s fine! these comics have a history. they have a pedigree, and ppl love them for a reason.
but jay doesn’t fit into that mold. he’s not even pretty to look at, in terms of conventional handsomeness, and that seems to be by design!
cuz it’s not just jay being brain smart that makes folks uncomfortable, but that he holds a Frame of Reference that even jon doesn’t really understand. his mom might be a military brat and his dad a refugee’s who’s DEEPLY assimilated into the land he was able to find refuge in, but jay is decidedly NOT assimilating. lord knows how many cops, armymen, and green lanterns we got running around, but jay’s not a lantern, and he’s certainly not US military. he’s the son of an ousted politician from an asian nation most ppl dont really care about. he’s got pedigree that’s decidedly NOT americentric. he’s NOT invested in truth and justice done the american way. he literally does everything unamerican, including seducing superman’s son, to make ends meet and make his revolution happen, and man oh man, that shit makes the intellectually conservative fandumb so damn UNCOMFORTABLE!!! his broke ass was able to bamboozle jon kent AND dick grayson! he went to take down a dictator the rest of the world saw as a hero! and superman joined him! and dick grayson funded the campaign!
superman fell in love with a terrorist. that’s what pisses people off 😂😂😂
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blueiight · 10 months
Your very recent meta on complexities of how iwtv addresses race and how for the longest time either black people weren't included in period dramas or were included in colourblind ways and how iwtv says "fuck you" to this very practice??
Good shit. Brilliant shit. Love it. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸
thank u so much for hearing me out lol was honestly expecting it to go bronze on this little app of ours ngl also ive seen ppl just say ‘oh louis & claudia is black now cry haterz’ while wanting them to be racially blind charas + ive seen others treat the racial themes of the series [particularly how it plays out in the interpersonal triad] as if its some narrative flaw that lacks coherency or as if race is extricable from gender in that way when its prolly one of the strongest parts of s1 imo… like in the books claudia saying ‘we’ve become lestat’s slaves & i’ll free us’ is a kiiii kinda cuz its v few things white ppl fear more than being treated like the blacks™️🤥 [s/o john lennon LOL] but in the show now its a black woman making that analogy its not just an ‘arrogant child’ plotting against her dad its an extremely lucid point on how the household dynamic degraded into such
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riellegaming · 2 years
its fine if u dont like lizzo's music i dont really like lizzo's music but i hate when people say it's shallow or bland or just like teehee love yourself fuck the haterz lol #girlboss like people who say that. don't know how difficult it can be to love yourself. lizzo being brazenly confident and self loving is really important to me.
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a1r-h3adz · 4 months
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HIIIII !! 0_o, this is GUMIE aka ur fav. we mostly post whatever the fuck we want.
TW: opinions cus your all haterz, cursing (bc ur a pussy), some violent um stuff, silly stuff
GREEN: Gumie
PINK: river
purple: neutral or updates lmao
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what well post:
pipe bomb up ur ass
updates on our boring lives
roblox conent
cool shit
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also reminder u all suck and were better than u >_<!! (/j if ur mad)
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saltminerising · 3 years
Chaptitr 1. AN: Special fangz (get it, coz Im goffik) 2 my gf (ew not in that way) raven, bloodytearz666 4 helpin me wif da story and spelling. U rok! criminal and ramsey ur da luv of my deprzzing life u rok 2! BOUNTY OF DA AILMENTS ROX! XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Hi my name is Ebony Drago’ness Dementia Effluvial Crow Way and I have a long ebony black kelpie mane (that’s how I got my name) with purple streaks and red tips that reaches my mid-back and Ice flight blue eyes like limpid tears and a lot of people tell me I look like P from Plague (AN: if u don’t know who they are get da hell out of here!). I’m not related to Galore but I wish I was because he’s a major fucking hottie. I’m a vampire but my teeth are straight and white. I’m xyz white cream and flaxen, xyz haterz get out!!!!!!!!!!!!. I’m also a witch, and I go to a magic school called the Beacan of the Radiant Aye in LiGht where I’m in the seven thousandth year (I’m seventeen thousand years old). I’m a dragoth (in case you couldn’t tell) and I wear mostly obsidian. I love Dragon Hot Topic and I buy all my clothes from there. For example today I was wearing a black renaissance shirt with matching night sky silks around it and a black aviator scarf, pastel rose thorn stockings and black aviator boots. I was wearing eldritch lipstick, moon foundation, obsidian eyeliner and sanguine eye shadow. I was walking outside the Beacan of the Radiant Eye. It was snowing and raining so there was no sun, which I was very happy about. A lot of skydancers stared at me. I put up my middle claw at them. “Hey Ebony!” shouted a voice. I looked up. It was…. Dragon Malfoy! “What’s up Dragon?” I asked. “Nothing.” he said shyly. But then, I heard my friends call me and I had to go away. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX AN: IS it good? PLZ tell me fangz!
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1938485748377575876 · 5 years
I just have to say about Wayward Son being a good middle book: I absolutely agree! I gavr it five stars because I had such a womderful time reading it but if I found out there wasn't going to be a continuation I'd probably have a change in opinion. Anyway Wayward Son is good and it feels like a lot of people who didn't like it only did so because they had different expectations for what was going to happen and could adjust them
you are so right, anon. i was also thrown off in the beginning but like, the book ended up being just so fuckin good kskdnfjgngs
anyway thank you for asking 💙
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okbutluke · 3 years
u guys remember the anti-luke war of 2016.  he just told all his haterz to go and get fucked.  good for him
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gyllenhaalstories · 4 years
that pic of jake in the hoodie with his middle finger up seems like it could be an Instagram post. Like hes wearing that hoodie with the hood up and hes got his left arm around you and his right arm is out with his middle finger up and some caption bragging about he managed to bad the best bitch of them all.
“some ppl say fuck the haterz and i say nah homie i’d rather fuck my bitch. give ur attention to someone who makes u roll ur eyes bc of their head game not bc of their stupid ass comments about ur bomb music toodles”
and then he tags you on his crotch.
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myherowritings · 4 years
For real if someone touches sof, ima go full fucking cryptid dont tempt me you dont wanna know what that means. Sof is a goddamn gift unto this mortal plane and we are merely the dirt that gets to revel in the presence of such a wonderful beautiful person, catch these hands you nasty ass people
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HFJDHGF 😭😭 omg y’all 😭 i literally love and appreciate u so much thank u for ur kindness 🥺 i know sending asks off anon can be hard so taking the time to send ur support even off anon means a lot to me 🥺❤️ don’t worry we don’t need to fight anyone fhjshg ,, i just block the haterz so we can move on and be happy and share our love for bnha together ;)🥰
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procancelled · 4 years
It’s Hard To Be A Diamond In A Rhine Stone World 2008
Something I’ve noticed is that the majority of BOTDF songs address the listener instead of a specific person in the song. This is concerning given how sexual the songs are and how young the fanbase is. 
Slash Gash Terror Crew Anthem!
-          Fandom name.
-          Violent
-          Anthem for the fanbase is very sexual despite fanbase is young.
Bend over
Shake those titties
-          Gross and demeaning
Pull over
Hello Kitty
Back it up like a U-Haul truck
Sock it to me
Rub my junk
-          Anthem for fanbase asks them to do sexual things to Dahvie
You’re a freak… like me!
-          Trying to connect to the audience and make them relate to him
 Save the Rave
You can talk
You stupid tricks
-          Demeaning to people who criticise him or come out with allegations against him
I’ve taken the pills
Giving into cheap thrills
-          Normalising drug use
I fell in love with a girl
At the dance club
She said what! As I’m kicking
Up the party drugs
-          Connecting relationships, ‘love’ and drug use
Shoot up this place
-          Violent
 S My D
-          A whole song dedicated to Dahvie’s oral sex fixation
I’m probably gonna lick
Feel you up until you drip
-          Oral sex fixation and overly sexual
Do you like my sexy hair?
-          Wig, shitty, mouldy, stinky wig.
I’m not wearing any underwear
-          So it’s easier to get your dick out?
-          Also, this is said in a very childish tone instead of trying to sound sexual
S my D
Pop it out like lipstick
-          Childish sounding when referring to his oral sex fixation
Take the bottles, pop ‘em out
-          Connecting alcohol with sex
Gimme gimme more on the dance floor
-          Sex in public, exhibitionism
Turn around, what the hell
Go real fast, break it down
Do it ‘til you touch the ground
Want it slick, want it sure?
-          Fast semi-violent sex
Bitch I know you want some more
-          Disrespectful and also sounds very rapey
So open me up like Christmas
-          Childish sounding which is very gross
S my D motherfuckin’ bitches
-          Disrespectful and demeaning
Suck it good
Suck it hard
Suck it right
-          Demanding
-          Oral sex fixation
-          If you want good oral sex then maybe you shouldn’t try to get oral sex from underage virgins, most of which don’t know or understand oral sex
 Ima Monster (Heart On My Sleeve)
-          Yes you are
I’m banging with the b-o—t-o-dizzle
With wiffles
-          What the fuck does this mean?
‘Cause I dribble like I’m rubbing on nipples
-          Obsession with breasts
-          Why would rubbing nipples make him dribble so much? He’s not seen boobs for the first time, he’s an adult
Gotta get out the pickle
-          Childish sounding and gross
Make it rain with the ripples
Let my candy rum trickle
-          Linking alcohol and sex
Get you buzzed with double triples
Getting head, in rentals
-          Oral sex fixation
-          Car sex again
Avoiding the parentals
-          Why would adults need to avoid parents? Because an adult should be having sex/a relationship with an adult so parents aren’t an issue right? Unless this is actually because he is avoiding parents because he intents to pursue a minor
They be hatin’ us
Cause we glamourous
They be hatin’ us
Cause I’m fabulous
-          Uses things like jealousy as the only reason he/the band are hated
 Can’t stop me once I’ve started
-          Sounds rapey as fuck
Baby got me retarded
-          Slur
Chop, chop, chop you up
-          Violent
Eat you like a cannibal
Spit you like an animal
-          Violent
-          Dismissive, uncaring and disrespectful
Slice, slice, slice you up
Cut you up, I’ll slice and dice
-          Violent
Serve you up as cold as ice
-          Gloating
Go ‘head girl, shake that butt
Make me freaking bust a nut
-          Overly sexual
-          Objectifying
Let’s get wasted, super UHW
Guess what honey, I’m a freak
I’m a freak, inside the sheets
-          Links alcohol and sex
-          Saying he’s a ‘freak’ is reminiscent of how he uses BDSM as an excuse
Rough, tough, naughty nurse
Rip it up, make it hurt
-          Normalising rough sex to a young audience that doesn’t know much about sex
-          Telling fans what he likes and what he’s like (supposedly) sexually
Don’t stop, get it, get it
Last for hours, not for minutes
-          Demanding
-          Yeah as if you could Dahvie
Open wide for my surprise
-          Oral sex fixation
Scratch and blow for your grand prize
Smear it on your plastic face
-          Rude
-          Marking who he’s with sexually
Leave you with a sweeter taste
-          He has told girls that his cum tastes like ice cream, young girls.
Super soaker on your chest
Let it drip down on your breasts
-          Breast obsession
-          At shows he would pour drinks on girls chests. He would also spit on them, mainly whichever girl he decided he wanted to have sex with
Haters make me famous
-          He indoctrinates his fans to think this way so whenever they see people criticise him or talk about what he did to them they will just replay that their ‘hate’ is just making Dahvie more famous
-          They aren’t haters and Dahvie is famous for all the wrong reasons
 It’s Hard To Be A Diamond In A Rhine Stone World
Slash Gash Terror what?
Slash Gash Terror who?
Slash Gash Party Crew
-          Violent name for fanbase
You know how we fucking do
-          Telling fanbase how to act
Pull over, that ass is so phat
You makin’ me clap
-          Overly sexual and demeaning
I don’t know how to act
-          He really doesn’t
I do it in the front
I do it in the back
Shake it down like that
Make that booty go clap
-          Overly sexual while sounding childish and not sexy in any way
Can’t knock it, I’m profit
-          Money obsession
-          Uses money and parents connect to the cops in his area to get out of any repercussions
I got paper to chase
I got money to make
-          By scamming fans
Squish, squish on your chest
-          Childish sounding
Rub those titties, super breast
-          Ah yes, one single super breast, the other one is mediocre
-          Breast obsession
Ah, ah lost my breath
Ultra sex you’re the best
-          Overly sexual
I’m packing
-          Doubt
I’m stacking
Some rated x action
Strawberry whip cream
We can be a sweet team
Bang bang choo choo train
Show me how you work that thing
-          Childish sounding while being overly sexual
This is how we fucking do
In the Slash Gash Terror Crew
-          Addressing fans
-          Telling fans how to act
 Keys To The Bakery
Haters block
-          ‘Haters’ = valid critics
-          Ironic since he blocks anyone who comments on his posts with the allegations against him
And snitches rock
-          Does he mean rock in some kind of bad way?
-          He calls anyone who confesses what he did to them as a snitch to make it sound bad so his fans go after them
Yo pass me the cup
I’ll drink till
I throw up
-          Unhealthy behaviour being normalised to a fanbase where the majority can’t legally buy alcohol
I get you wetter than Hurricane Katrina
-          Hurricane Katrina happened in 2005, three years before this album came out. People were still suffering.
-          Hurricane Katrina caused 1,200 deaths and $125 billion in damages
-          This line is said eight times in this song
Cuddle leads to trouble
When you’re up in my bubble
-          Sounds incredibly rapey
I don’t chase em
I replace em
-          It has been reported that over 100 people have reached out with stories about how they have been hurt by Dahvie
-          If Dahvie couldn’t get what he wanted from someone he would stop contacting them
-          He would also stop contact if he felt at risk of being exposed
Stackin’ hoes
Like dominoes
-          Disrespectful
Make a rumour
-          Constantly calls the allegations ‘rumours’ so they seem less valid, especially to people who don’t look into them further
Sense of humour
-          Nothing about rape or paedophilia is funny
Entertain with my life
Make me popular over night
To be famous is so nice
-          Acts as if the allegations just gain him fame. He is the literal embodiment of ‘HaTeRZ MaKE mE FaMOUs’
Reeses pieces butter cup
-          Random and childish sounding
Mess with me
I’ll fuck you up
-          Threatening violence
-          Many victims have said he is a violent person
This is how we party up
-          Saying the way he acts is normal
She licked it like a lolli pop
-          Childish sounding
-          Oral sex fixation
Don’t stop till you hit the spot
-          Demanding
You got me crazy or maybe
Get smashed
-          Linking sex and alcohol
I can’t stop
Till I pop
-          Sounds rapey
-          Only cares if he gets off, doesn’t care about the other person
There’s danger on the spot
-          Dahvie is the danger
Got money in my hands
Mad dough! Cash flow
Got the diamonds that glow
We be popin’ Champaign
Like we won the damn game
-          Obsession with being rich and flaunting that
-          He hasn’t got anything now. He’s poor and lives with his parents
Mosh and Roll!
When I step in the club
Everybody shows me love
-          No they don’t
-          And now some places, not just clubs, won’t let him in
I’m in the business of terror
-          Being honest there
More metal than Slayer
-          HA! HA! HA!
-          THE FUCK!?!?!?!?
I got money and hoes
-          Demeaning
In different area codes
-          Has victimised women in many states and even different countries
Cause haters make me famous
-          This stupid narrative again
But love will make you shameless
-          Dahvie doesn’t understand love and he also should feel shame
I’ll slash, gash this party bash
-          Violent
Gotta get that money cash
-          By scamming?
Up and down with no breaks
We as in, I’ll make you shake
-          Gross and overly sexual
We’re gonna burn this town
To the ground
-          Violent
I’m not a trend sweater
I’m a trend setter
-          This is an actual line that is spoken
Girl you better pop an umbrella cause
You’re making me wet drip, drip
I gotta get that lick
-          Oral sex fixation
For the centre of the tootsie pop
-          Childish sounding
You know I can’t stop
-          Sounds rapey
Shank you with my bling brass
-          Violent
Stacking up on my money cash
-          Obsession about money
 Do You Want To Be A Superstar?
Ummm… Mic check…
One… Two… Um… Fucking twelve
-          Again this is an actual line that is spoken
My fashion is so siq
-          He dresses the way he does so he looks younger
My fashion will make you lick
-          Oral sex fixation
Watch those panties fucking drip
-          Gross and overly sexual
Scene hair weave
-          Scene hair wig you mean
Scene attitude so fucking mean
-          Acts like being mean is okay and normal because of being part of a certain ‘culture’
Get on the floor
Get on the whore
-          Demanding and demeaning
Pull down your pants and drop your drows
-          Demanding
(Like Oh My God Dahvie you’re so obscene)
-          Acts like everything he does is just because he’s ‘obscene’ which is like him saying that how he treats women while he forces himself on them is BDSM
Bitch I’m the motherfucking war machine
-          Violent
Don’t give a fuck just bust your grill
-          Doesn’t care about being violent
Throw them hoes
-          Demeaning and dismissive
Throw these motherfuckers who get too close
-          Violent
Porn star bash
Porn star splash
-          Porn obsession
My porn star cash
-          Dahvie isn’t a porn star
Pretty damn stoned
-          Linking drugs and sex
Pretty fucked up? Yeah I know
-          Acts like everything he does is a big deal
Do you wanna be a super star?
Get fucked up and go real far?
-          Acts like if you’re famous you are going to get ‘fucked up’
Or do you want to be a porn star?
Fuck for money and go real far
-          Demeaning sex work
Wet from dreams
Wet from screams
Wet from sex and dripping with cream
-          Overly sexual
Double D titties
Double D pretties
-          Obsession with breasts
-          Objectifying women
Girl got them thighs
You’re pretty damn fine
-          Objectifying
I don’t give a fuck what I say
I don’t give a fuck I do it everyday
-          He literally doesn’t care as long as he gets away with what he does
Yes I’m different
Yet I’m unique
-          ‘Uwu I’m not like other predators’
Mess with me
I’ll grind you like meat
-          Threatening violence
Let’s get wasted, super fucked
Go head girl shake that butt
-          Childish sounding
-          Linking sex with alcohol
(Let’s get wasted)
Make me fucking bust a nut
-          Demanding
 Wet Dream War Machine
Operation get crunk, I'm in love with your trunk
-          Combines sex, alcohol and ‘love’
Get me fucking love drunk, baby girl I want
Drugged up like party monster, sexed up so grab the condoms
-          Links drugs and sex
Boom, Boom, Boom
In my hotel room
-          Raped underage girls in his hotel rooms while touring or would book a hotel room to take underage girls to
I'm the teenage bloody dream
-          ‘Bloody’ is he trying to be British or violent
-          He isn’t a teen and also shouldn’t be encouraging teens to want to be with him
Everybody fuck me
-          No
Getcha drink on
Take your clothes off
Let’s get down and dirty
-          Normalising drunk sex
-          Demeaning
 Mad Rad Hair
-          You mean wig
I'm fenny not a faggot!
-          Slur
With extensions so thick
-          It’s a wig not just extensions
You can suck my dick
-          Oral sex fixation
So get in my chair
Let me pimp your hair
-          Used cutting hair as a way to spend time with underage girls. Arrived at a time when the parents would have to go to work so he could be alone with the underage girl
-          He couldn’t cut hair. He called himself Dahvie The Elite Hair God on MySpace but he had not talent. I would think it’s the same with makeup. During this time his makeup wasn’t very heavy. It was only when Jayy joined the band and the band was more successful that his makeup got more extreme since he could afford a makeup artist, and Jayy actually can do makeup.
Let’s get wasted super fucked
-          Alcohol reference
My hair is better than yours
-          IT’S A WIG!
So just fuck me on the dance floor
-          Demanding
-          Exhibitionist
Everybody gettin' tense
Feeling up my body
-          Overly sexual
I love this filthy
Life to get CRUNK ALL NIGHT!
-          Linking alcohol and sex
My hair’s looking so tight
-          WIG!
In case you didn't know
I'm a really big deal
-          He wasn’t overly famous outside of MySpace at this point
So shut the fuck up
-          Demanding and disrespectful
And take your clothes off
-          Using fame to get people to have sex with him
Come' a MySpace whore
-          Demeaning
-          Telling his fans the kind of person he’s interested in
-          Being scene was a way for him to look younger and prey on young girls
Change your name to
-          He gave some of his victims their MySpace name
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fish-d · 7 years
"travis mcelroy is a RACIST!..." oh good lord no what did he do ? what happened? :( "...for LIKING HAMILTON and SUPPORTING LIN-MANUEL MIRANDA" nnnnevermind thats enough internet for me, social media was a mistake, hamilton's cross-genre popularity has shortened my lifespan by at least a decade
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salient-stitches · 4 years
Is 'don't shut up Luciano' your new talking tag? Because I agree wholeheartedly! Don't shut up! I value everything u say and I think ur wonderful. Like, ur followers are following u for a reason and if someone doesnt think ur cool enough to listen to then they can just leave! No skin off your back! Please chatter away and as much as you want fuck the haterz
I LOVE U anon
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meru90 · 5 years
whoa guys i didn't even get the chance to check out my inbox properly after that anon drama thank you all for your kind words (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`) 💕 💕 💕 im just gonna post sum of them under the read more 
it warms my heart to see that one hater equals 10x more love and support lol you guys are the cutest 
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hecking-good-shit schrieb an meru90:i dont understand how ur getting so much hate cuz ur a lovely person and a fantastic artist!! ily you fucking blessing to this world
it’s just ppl being bored i guess lol 
hmm-cats schrieb an meru90:I tried to report the justthebluegrass dude but tumblr said that if the dude wants to be reported fully, the person who had their art stolen needs to do it. (Sorry if I sound like an idiot, just thought I let you know😊) Also you don’t need to listen to cowards like that, it’s quite clear the dude can’t think straight, if he steals stuff from the left and right, plus can’t use proper grammar lol.
Anonym schrieb an meru90:Love how the reposter just went on anon instead of staying off it the cOWARD
honestly? it was peak comedy 
leandersluckylady schrieb an meru90:Geez! It never ceases to amaze me how people feel is perfectly acceptable to act like a dickhead when they submit something anonymously! 1. Your art is amazing! 2. Every time you post my day gets brighter! 3. I apologize for not expressing how much I enjoy your content sooner! I hope you’re having a lovely morning!day! or night!XOXO
same to you thank you so much 
Anonym schrieb an meru90:since SOME people are being annoying bitches im here to say that your art is beautiful and i luv u also take a glass of water and drink it (or use it to drown the haterz)
Anonym schrieb an meru90: Don’t listen to people that say your art is crap or any of the (frankly horrible) things they said! You’re art is amazing and I literally love everything you’ve shared with us! It’s amazing that you put your work online for everyone to see and I really admire that! Keep drawing great things and being awesome! 💕💖💕
Anonym schrieb an meru90:Hello? Your art gives me l i t e r a l joy. Thank you for your work💕💕💕💕
Anonym schrieb an meru90:Man thieves these days are damn gutsy huh? They get all kinds of arrogance from anonymity but wow have the tables turned for this particular criminal. Anyways Mo Dao is love, Mo Dao. Thank you for blessing me with your art and stay chill
Anonym schrieb an meru90:they created bubblegum flavoured what now? and here i thought mcdonalds could be trusted (somewhat)
Anonym schrieb an meru90:I don’t get it. Why are people being dicks to you on anon? Your art is lovely.
Anonym schrieb an meru90:Ur a good person with really good art. Don’t listen to the haters uwu
Anonym schrieb an meru90:Your art deserves all the UwU. I love all your work so much >.< it sucks that you have to deal with art stealers and haters thou :/
Anonym schrieb an meru90:You dealing with that mean commenter gives me life omg, good job
the best thing that rules this antis up is just to ignore the hate ahah 
daddydickpeach schrieb an meru90:Ily !!!! Have a nice day >:)
overmelted schrieb an meru90:Your art???? Iconic and beautiful and the best thing ever??? I love your work and also anon hate is so 2010
rly-not-an-alien schrieb an meru90:Don’t listen to haters, these people are so toxic that it is not enough for them to poison themselves with their bile, they throw it out on talented people to try to break them. Your art style is adorable and glorious!~❀
Anonym schrieb an meru90:Tell that awful anon to 1 v 1 me on minecraft I’ll take them down
Anonym schrieb an meru90:Hi! I love your art lots!!! Hope you get to continue it in peace!!!
lieskilledmyjournals schrieb an meru90:That was the funniest thing I've seen all day; I guess they forgot to make it anonymous
Anonym schrieb an meru90:Bro I love you so much 💕 your art is great
Anonym schrieb an meru90:*sees anon hate and anon forgetting to send their ask as anonymous” so anyways i want chocolate and i adore your art so keep being you, you’re amazing
Anonym schrieb an meru90:ur valid dont listen to that anom
boshberrysfanblogsfanblog schrieb an meru90:In👏this👏house👏we👏love👏and👏support👏meru
artist-on-edge schrieb an meru90:your art is a fucking drug that anon can eat a bag of dicks
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