#yall b like give us realistic relationships
altf4d3lete · 2 months
Episode One this is single-handedly bringing back my obsession even though it never left
- its 2022. Why is everyone freaked out bc a girl wears all black. Like people do that on a daily basis nowadays
- “I want names” didn’t you JUST see them walking away from the locker
- Stop shoving him in a locker tied up is actually so mean wtf
- I see people use this piranha scene as justification that she’d be okay with murder, but really it’s justification that she wouldn’t be okay with people hurting her friends and those she cares about AT ALL. She’s trying to KILL these guys just for bullying their brother. Imagine what she’d do to Tyler for hurting Eugene and Enid.
- The intro is SO fucking cool
- Emma was so far down on the list of actors and now my girl is #3 behind Jenna and buscemi. She’s a main character now B)
- If I were Wednesday I’d be pissed too. I CANT with the parents. Like I love you but RIGHT IN FRONT OF HER 😭
- It’s five minutes in and I have so many notes
- Have to say again with the “terrible, they’d know I didn’t get the job done” that Wednesday is MORBID, not okay with murder unless she deems the person deserves it
- Ergh there is clearly so much discrimination against outcasts
- Weems and morticia r lowkey giving homoerotic rivalry…
- I genuinely can’t even like… I CANT WHY DID WEEMS PAIR HER WITH ENID 😭
- Guys Enid is SO cute holy fuck. She is UNPHASED bro, she’s just so excited to have a roommate she’s so cute I’m sobbing. She just wanted to accept Wednesday.
- Wednesday just lies about killing two kids to Enid and Enid just moved on like nothing happened.
- Also HELLO? THEIR BANTER? Enid takes NO shit 😭
- Hmm part of me wonders if those wolves howling were making fun of Enid.
- They’re literally leaning into each other wha
- “You better watch your back” and Wednesday is behind her that’s so funny
- How do you go from “cute but clueless” to “obsessed” enjax was lowkey forced whereas wenclair had chemistry from the beginning
- Wednesday being a housewife will NEVER make sense
- I know people hate the relationship between Wednesday and morticia but it’s very realistic. You can easily tell they still love each other despite the harsh words.
- YEESH THE HYDE TORE HIM APART (I think this works with my theory that the more Tyler is aware of the Hyde, the more controlled his attacks get. Which also means that he knew what he was doing when he killed Kinbott, leaving her alive to taste her fear. And he knew what he was doing in the forest when he tried to kill Wednesday and nearly attacked his father)
- when did Wednesday check out enid’s blog. How and why.
- THE LITTLE SCOFF BEFORE “you mean emojis?”
- Enid huffing is crazy girly is ANGRY
- The way they just stare each other down is crazy wenclair is SO full of banter I forgot how hilarious they are
- Bianca lowkey eating everyone up…
- Bianca is so aggressive in her fighting style, whereas Wednesday is precise. It’s really cool
- THE GASPING IN THE BACKGROUND AFTER “let’s see if you bleed in black and white.”
- Xavier scoffs so much in this show and every time he does it lowkey makes me hate him more
- “No good deed goes unpunished” okay elphaba
- Girly was smiling when she was about to die.
- “Call it instinct” shut up actually
- Bro she had NO clue who Xavier was 😭
- It bothers me that ppl think she cared Xavier was in the coffin. She just wanted to see the godmother come back to life fr
- I would be flabbergasted if my therapist read the equivalent of my journal before our sessions. She never should have been sent that.
- Ergh Tyler…
- The deep voice lowkey sounds really forced, idk what it is about Tyler’s voice but it bugs me. I think it’s the way his lines always kinda have the same delivery.
- Twenty bucks when he probably makes that in like half a day of work 😭
- The pilgrims look like such dorks bro who are they tryna scare 💀
- Why are they asking her if she’s “been with a normie” that’s so weird
- Her playing with the necklace means everything to me
- Damn the hiker was the third victim
- The sheet music doesn’t match what she was playing but that doesn’t rly matter
- Love that enid went from disgusted to things bff
- Their roof scene is so meaningful to me. They work so well together. Enid doesn’t need anyone but Wednesday and Wednesday doesn’t need anyone but Enid. Enid teaches her how to relate to others and feel empathy and Wednesday teaches Enid to unapologetically be herself.
- Nero :(
- Them bonding is so cute 😭 this is rekindling my obsession
- Notice the immediate disrespect from Tyler but Enid gets close with thing so quickly
- Damn Enid is suspicious. Bro has some killer instincts
- “Hint taken” and Xavier proceeds to KEEP talking to her
- So Wednesday gives Tyler a time and place and you’re telling me it’s just a coincidence that those three pilgrims show up at that exact time at place? Literally there WAITING? No way. Tyler had to have told them, sorry about it.
- I lowkey feel bad for Weems. She’s a little controversial but she was just trying to do her best for nevermore
- Nah man that was an absolute ploy. There’s no way they just happened to know where to be. Tyler was trying to keep her from leaving. He already knew who she was by then and that they needed her.
- Rowan was so conflicted he didn’t deserve to die. He was just trying to protect people
- The way she scrambled over to him even after he tried to kill her :(
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nonbinarypirat · 3 months
A rare post not about Iruma kun (yall im so stressed with finals and end of the semester, I haven’t even caught up with the newest chapters because I can’t focus on an on going story rn. Does that make sense? Sometimes when I’m stressed I can’t read or watch a story that hasn’t been finished yet. But I’ll be excited to finish then after the break.)
But anyway, I’m watching Tanaka is Always Listless and I’m enjoying it so far. Im almost done, only two episodes to go. I may make a an anime tier list soonish and this would go in B tier. Solid, not much happens (though it’s intentional) but cute characters. BUT what I don’t like is that Echizen is not canonically queer and in love with Miyano? (Spoilers for the anime going forward.) When she was first introduced, it’s subtly through Miyano. Miyano talks about her feelings on someone she’s in love with and that’s why she wants to be mature woman. And then later we meet Echizen and she’s like, idk why Miyano would want to be like you she’s perfect the way she is (to Tanaka). And then Miyano finally tells the characters (and the audience) that the person she loves is Echizen. And they both hug, fawn over each other, it’s adorable. So I was like, oh I love this cute relationship! What I liked was that it was simple but realistic. They just really like each other. And while not the main focus, the way it was addressed didn’t make a big deal out of it.
So this whole time I thought they were lesbians and dating afterwards. Just off screen. And we saw them separately or together since then and it only confirmed this for me since they often talked about the other. But then came episode 9 I think? Or 8? And Echizen thinks Ohta or Tanaka likes her. And she gets nervous about it. Which I was like, eh makes sense they are her two friends (?). And even after she gushes about it I was like, ok well they are both cute guys. Nothing wrong with feeling yourself and how attractive you are to have two people like you. Maybe she’s a bi queen. But then she starts imagining dating them and such and I was like… wait did I read the room wrong?? Because her and Miyano have so much chemistry and queer vibes for each other. They both want to impress or do/give cute things for each other. They always talk about the other. Overall, it’s super cute. So the crush on either boy felt so weird and out of place? I was really blindsided because I didn’t pick up on that energy (but then again I’m autistic so maybe I missed it?)
And now I’m in episode 10 and there’s the weird reminiscing about the past and Echizen being blushing and shy about Ohta and I’m just now realizing, oh no. It’s them giving the two main male characters a relationship. Because of course they must be dating someone, specifically a girl. Idk, kind of put me off and now I’m not liking it as much. It’s not that I think all stories need a queer couple (if only though) but it feels so weird to have it now when there hasn’t been a ton of scenes with them besides us knowing they are childhood friends.
Not to mention that I am just tired and annoyed with the trope that all leads must have a partner or romantic interest or potential romance (🙄) by the end of a show. Is this just me? But I see it over and over, the series feeling like it must have a lead character(s) date someone and I just don’t get it. Maybe this is the autism (the answer is always autism) or me being on the aromatic spectrum, but I don’t understand compulsorily romance. It feels like media is always so scared to just let a lead not date someone even at the expense of ruining a character, story, or even making sense. I don’t need the two leads to be dating someone, it’s fine if they don’t! I see this all the time (more so with girl or women main characters) and it’s so frustrating to see.
With all that being said, I know that the show is based on the manga and mangas typically can have more character depth, character lore, and stories than an anime adaptation. So maybe the couple makes more sense in the actual mangas. Just for me who only watched the anime, it’s so weird seeing her get paired with him when I didn’t get that feeling from her besides being embarrassed he knew her before she was “cool.” But I have two more episodes so maybe I was being to presumptuous? Or maybe they’ll find a way to explain it (idk how but it’s possible). So I may give more thoughts after I finish it. Idk, if y’all have read the manga do you recommend it and should I read it? Will it give me more context on the relationship between them? I’m not against the two dating, I just thought she was gay or wlw and liked her best friend. But if the manga can sell me of the ship, let me know and maybe I’ll read it (if , ya know, you don’t think the ending of the anime will make me think that by itself)
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i need advice yumi ☹
my best friend (long distance) hasnt been texting me lately, if i dont text her first she wont text me ☹☹ idk what i should do
it always hurts me whenever i find myself texting her just to get her to remember me. but it also hurts me when i stop texting her to see if she will notice my absence
and i understand that she has a life that doesnt revolve around me, but 6 days? 6 days of me having to remind her of my existence, of our friendship. not even a "hi" or "good morning" or "how are you" or "i miss you"
idk if im too attatched to her 😭 like is this a normal thing? is it normal for your best friend to be like this? what should i do bro this turned into a vent halfway
me who doesn't talk to my best friend for 6 months straight 🧍‍♀️
okay here's the thing- i have a few context questions bc i can't give advice without them but i feel like you're the anon who just moved? and was scared to part ways with their best friend? if you are then:
a) it's normal to not talk for days- it feels overwhelming for the person who moved bc the other person is living their life just like usual and they literally forget sometimes, and that's completely okay
b) if you've talked regularly but:
if you've always been texting first, they might have gotten used to just waiting for you to text first 🧍‍♀️ which means lack of effort from them for sure
or if you text each other but they haven't texted you in 6 days, it's prob that life happened. that's okay, it's always okay to text first and you know what's even better? communicating about this. communication with friends and like just talking about how your friendship if going to work
for example me who has decades old friends but we don't talk for 6 months straight (exchanging memes don't count) its bc we have acknowledged early on in our relationship that we have our own lives but we'll always be there for eo especially when we need it. communication is imp!!
also with long distance you might have to get used to not talking for weeks or even months. that will eventually happen, tho sometimes you really do talk regularly. whatever the case, it's imp to either talk or figure out on your own what kind of communication they want from you, how much effort are yall gonna put into your friendship. i feel like for you it's still too early to judge if this a sign that they dont wanna talk anymore (in case you're the anon who just moved)
i do have some bitter realistic advice too but i kept this friendly and hopeful LOL let me know if you want that but i'll need more context bc i suffer from goldfish memory and i feel like i know you but i can't be sure bc im also a certified clown :D
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noble-6 · 1 year
Wassup yall!
Luckily i remembered about the existence of this app. lol. Another life update entry i guess? Here we go ->
Life hasn't been that great. I mean yeah aside form studying, I've been having fun! Socialising, playing football, a bit of rugby. To be honest, this entry won't be a fun life update. Basically I'm here to rant. Can't do it on twitter cause all my friends are there. No one wants to hear my problem. You can say this place is a safe space for me (even if you read this you might be a stranger to me lol but feel free to read !).
Academic wise, I think i'm fumbling my degree. Yeah! I've started my degree last march. I'm in my first year first semester. At first I was excited ! Learning new things, coding, doing homeworks. No for real i did all the homeworks they gave me, for the first 3 weeks. But then it all sort of fell off like domino pieces because of Raya celebration. Don't get me wrong I love Raya, it's just that the holidays distrupted the college timetable A LOT. I mean replacement classess were all during the night or the weekends. Quizzes were held every week, assignments, crappy lecturers.
Tonight I just had my mid term test 2 for this one subject. It was at 8pm. While i was on my bed that evening(i slept after studying) my lecturer of said subject just released the score for quiz 4 of the subject. I actually tried my best for that quiz. I studied, rewatch the lecture recording, made notes. I had high hopes that i wouldn't get a score below 5(full marks was 10). You know what i did get? 1. 1 out of 10. After seeing the result, I honestly didn't know what to do. "Should i go and take the test that night? It's pretty much worthless if you think aboht it". I could say the feeling was worst than a heartbreak( i wouldn't know i've never experience it before). And then i started to think about this other subject at which my carry mark was also pretty low. Not only this subject has assignments to submit, it also has a final exam. So that's twice the headache i need to face for 1 subject.
I'm 24 this year and since this is my first year degree, I should be graduating when I turned 26. A lot of my friends has started working this year and here I am just starting my degree. Talk about being late. Now i have a mid-20ish-lif crisis(?). I'm starting to think I'm not smart. I mean all my life I thought I was average. Like yeah straight after highschool i played alot. But I've always thought if i really did focus on my studies, I'd be average. Now I'm not so sure. I think I'm 90% conviced that I'm below average. You know how theres smart students who scored straight A's, then there's above average students who scores 3.5 and above, and then the average students who scores 3.2 and above. I used to think I was average. Right now i think i'm just stupid. I studied, however i still didn't score. Like what does that tell you? You're not smart enough for this course.
So let's talk about my backup plan. As of right now, plan A is to finish this degree and get a job in the it industry. Plan B is work part time whilst studying this degree( to avoid me doing nothing at all). Plan C is to enroll in those google coirse where they give you a certificate upon completion(data analyst, web developer etc).
Plan C looks to me the more realistic approach given the situation I'm in. The only downside is I won't have a degree to my name. And that's bad for my future. It means it will be hard for me to climb the corporate ladder. I may be stuck in the same job position until i retire.
But let's be honest here, the only logical thing to do here is to finish the degree. Everyone else agree with this. Even you! Stranger who i don't know, reading my post somehow. I should just push through this upcoming 3 maybe 4 years of university life. It'll be over before i know it. I know i can do it. I just have to believe in myself again. Find that spark.
It all comes down to the basics of life you know? How my relationship with Allah is, with my family, friends. I need to do a lot of self reflect to become a better version me. Maybe not the best version, but just better than yesterday at least.
Wow! That's a lot of rant. Hahahaha. Yeah i just need to vent out you know. Maybe the next time I do my life udpate I'll be writing some good news! Maybe.... we'll see.
See ya!
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1938485748377575876 · 5 years
I just have to say about Wayward Son being a good middle book: I absolutely agree! I gavr it five stars because I had such a womderful time reading it but if I found out there wasn't going to be a continuation I'd probably have a change in opinion. Anyway Wayward Son is good and it feels like a lot of people who didn't like it only did so because they had different expectations for what was going to happen and could adjust them
you are so right, anon. i was also thrown off in the beginning but like, the book ended up being just so fuckin good kskdnfjgngs
anyway thank you for asking 💙
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idontblushsrry · 3 years
SFW Alphabet||Nanami Kento
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A/N: A lil sumn sumn for the Nanami stans, yall have impeccable taste. I was gonna release an NSFW alphabet, but since this one was requested, I’ll post this first. Featuring a bit of rambling (srry I’ve got Nanami brainrot ig + I was tired writing some parts) as well as Gojo and Mahito slander!! 
Ft. a gender neutral reader
Word Count: 2888
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A: Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
First thing is, he’s not big on PDA, while he does give affection liberally, especially when it’s through his actions, Nanami prefers to keep his gestures of love private. In private however, he shows his affection in a myriad of ways. One of his favorites being helping you with your hair, the act not only makes him feel closer to you but it also allows for him to take care of you, one of his favorite things to do.
B: Best Friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Nanami is definitely the best friend that is reliable. Sure he’s reliable as a friend, the two of you likely became friends initially due to this, but what makes you his best friend is returning that same energy. It’s draining to always be the one holding everything together, just once, Nanami would like to have a shoulder to lean on. Once you become that for him, it won’t be long before the two of you become best friends.
C: Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Cuddles with Nanami are so warm and safe regardless of if you’re the little spoon or not. His cuddles are also littered with kisses because when he’s tired, he gets a lot more open with his affection. He doesn’t usually talk when he cuddles but if he has a nightmare and you wake up to sooth him, the sound of your voice alone sets him at ease. 
D: Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Nanami definitely wants to settle down. It’s canon that he’s only working so that he can make enough to retire early. If you’re the breadwinner, or even if he somehow makes enough to retire, he’s going into full house husband mode and no one can tell him otherwise. If it were up to him, he’d do all the cooking, cleaning, and home upkeep while you go out and work. But alas, life is cruel, and as such, he still enjoys cooking and cleaning but the chores are split between you two. Cooking however, is usually a team project, either the both of you make a meal and clean it together afterwards or one cooks and the other does the dishes, either way, it’s perfect for the two of you.
E: Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Nanami is at his core, a very mathematical and precise person. His cursed technique is literally a ratio, because of that, he prefers to breakup with people as cleanly as possible. His breakups tend to sound like they’re following a script because of how to the point he is. When breaking up with you, he just bluntly states that he doesn’t see your relationship as beneficial going forward. Literally the most neutral way to break up with someone, how you’d choose to take it though is up to you.
F: Fiance(e) (How would they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Nanami is the type of person to just elope or have a small ceremony between the two of you. He doesn’t care much for the paperwork or ceremonial side of it, and he is definitely the type of person who just says “You know we’re getting married someday right?”. From that point forward (if you’re ok with it) he’d basically introduce you as his spouse, when questioned though, he just goes “Ah, we’re not married yet.” He’s not shy about commitment though, his dream life is just living in the countryside with his spouse and maybe some animals, he’s a simple man. Not to say that he’s not going to officially propose though, because he will once he finds something good enough to propose with, it’s just that the two of you are “married” before actually being married.
G: Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Nanami is a gentle soul deep down. He cares about those he loves very deeply and would throw his life on the line to protect them. Emotionally, Nanami is always extremely respectful of your feelings. Even things as simple as ranting feel safe, almost like his very presence is cradling you. He’s also very open with you in return, despite his usual deadpan tone, he never hesitates to tell you of his thoughts and feelings once you both trust each other. Physically, Nanami is also extremely gentle. He loves to lavish you in soft touches and kisses. His most common spots for kisses are your nose and forehead. 
H: Hugs( Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Depending on your clumsiness, this may topple you, but Nanami likes to lean into you when giving hugs. His shoulders decompress ad he unconsciously just sinks into you without warning. Now if you’re prepared/ stable enough, you might stumble a little but overall you’ll be fine. If you’re clumsy or not expecting it... let’s hope that there’s something soft behind you because Nanami’s going down with you.
I: I love you (How fast do they say the L-word)
Nanami is very slow to say that he loves you. It’s not that he’s oblivious or doesn’t realize he loves you, once he realizes, he just accepts that as a fact. It’s simply that he gets wrapped up in his own head, worrying about if you love him too, if he’s being too forward, etc. If you confess first, he’ll have a much easier time admitting it (although he may not immediately respond with ‘I love you too’), but if you leave it up to him...you’ll be waiting a while.
J: Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous)
Pretty much all of Nanami’s jealousy comes from the beginning of your relationship when he was a lot more insecure about the place he had in your life. When he would get jealous, he’d just kind of stew in it. It was obvious though that he was jealous and pouting at you and whoever was making him jealous. Later on in your relationship though, he doesn’t get jealous, try as you might. He knows that he’s your partner (a fact that the both of you have affirmed thousands of times) and that no one will come between the two of you. 
K: Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Nanami’s kisses are like melting butter, they’re so smooth and gradually they just get more intense until he pulls away and you’re left dizzy. He’s so firm with his kisses too, he always has to be touching you in some way. Whether it be holding your face or resting his hand against the small of your back, Nanami’s kisses may leave you weak in the knees, but he’ll catch you if you fall.
L: Little ones (How are they around children)
Nanami’s really good with children but in the dad way where you’ll come back and see him and the child both sitting on the couch watching TV. Not to say that he’s lazy with kids but he tends to just let the kid do whatever. If the kid wants Nanami to wear a tutu and do the chicken dance, why not? If the kid wants Nanami to list off animal facts while Nanami listens, sure. Hell, even if the kid just wants to use him as a tablet holder, he’s cool with that. He’s good with kids because he just lets them be kids.
M: Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Mornings with Nanami depend on what the both of you have scheduled for the day. In Nanami’s perfect world, he’d spend the day relaxing with you at home, however, he understands that realistically the both of you have obligations. If it’s a work day for both of you, he’s made a small breakfast and something to drink. If it’s his day off, he spends a little more time laying in bed with you, enjoying the time before you have to leave. If the both of you have the day off, he spends a lot more time on breakfast (not including the extra time he’ll spend in bed with you), plating and serving you before himself and then listening to you talk about your day as he eats.
N: Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Contrary to popular belief, Nanami prefers to come home at a reasonable time and spend his nights with you. Honestly, he’d prefer to just live the house husband lifestyle, but hey, rent in Tokyo is expensive so he doesn’t mind if both of you are working. But because of the fact that he’s working, when he comes home, he sticks to a routine. Said routine consists of either cooking dinner together or ordering takeout, watching tv, and ending the night with cuddling. He’s a simple man, even if you don’t stick to the routine, as long as he gets to hold you when it comes time to sleep, he’s good.
O: Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
It really depends; if you’re a jujutsu sorcerer or even just aware of the supernatural, you’d already either know or have a general idea of his abilities/the world he comes from. If you’re a non-jujutsu sorcerer however, Nanami gets kind of nervous because he doesn’t want you to think he’s crazy. Ideally, if you’re a non-sorcerer, he’d never tell you about that aspect of himself. It’s not like he doesn’t think you should know or even that he’s ashamed; it’s just that’s a chapter of his life that, unless relevant, he doesn’t think is important to know about. To him, it’s just a job, and he’d prefer if you thought of it that way too. 
P: Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Nanami is very patient. Not to say that he doesn’t get angry or upset, or even that he’s slow to feel these emotions, it’s just that he knows when’s the best time to express certain feelings. Even if he’s upset with you, he’s unlikely to lash out in an argument, preferring to cool down and then come back to talk it out in a constructive manner.
Q: Quizzes (How much would they remember about you?  Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Nanami is the most attentive boyfriend one could ever ask for. He remembers every small detail about you like it’s his full time job. He rarely gets the chance to show you all the little details he remembers about you, so he tends to do so in subtle (and practical) ways. For example, when shopping for furniture like dinnerware, he tends to get sets in colors that are either your favorite or that you picture in your “ideal” kitchen. However, when it comes to remembering details, nothing tops morning pre-work Nanami. He knows your morning routine like the back of his hand and he’ll have the coffee (or tea if coffee isn’t your thing) brewing before you can even wonder what’s for breakfast
R: Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
One night, Nanami came home from work dead tired. It was a shitty day overall, filled with deadlines that were suddenly moved up with no warning. As a result, he ended up coming home later than he wanted to, the thought of you waiting for him when he got home carrying him through the last round of paperwork. Everything was dark, and he’d assumed you went to bed. Imagine his surprise when he comes across a bath that you prepared for him with foam, flower petals, fragrances, all the works (it was still somewhat warm so you must’ve done this on his way back). All alongside a note that said ‘If you’re reading this, I’m probably asleep. But you’ve been working hard, take a break and enjoy yourself, Love you Ken.’ After a long day, your note put the warmest smile onto his face. He still keeps the note tucked away neatly in a box with other memories of your relationship.
S: Security (How protective are they? How would they like to be protected?)
Aside from the obvious, because of course Nanami would want you to be safe from curses, he’s protective of you in terms of privacy. Sure, being private about his relationship with you means less curses that would know to use you as a weakness against him, but more importantly, Gojo. It’s not that he doesn’t trust the man, it’s just Gojo knows too much about him that could 1) embarrass him or 2) make you uncomfortable (Gojo’s personality isn’t for everyone.) If you already know/ know about Gojo however, any Gojo warding that you do will be greatly appreciated. If you manage to distract the sorcerer enough for Nanami to slip away, he’s forever grateful. Sure, Gojo gets pouty about Nanami’s avoidance but in his opinion, anyone who knew what he looked like in highschool needs to never speak with him again.
T: Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
If it wasn’t clear from the moment you started dating this man, Nanami doesn’t half ass relationships. The amount of effort he puts into spending time with you/ getting gifts for you ties back to his attentiveness mentioned earlier. Don’t even get him started on daily tasks because he loves doing small things for you to make your day easier. Even if your day is hard, he hopes that his small actions bring a smile to your face regardless. 
U: Ugly (What are some bad habits of theirs? (I’m gonna add arguments here because they aren’t on the prompt list I found))
Nothing he’s the perfect man jkjk. In all seriousness though, Nanami has a tendency to come off as a “mother knows best type”. It’s never intentional and it usually comes from him just trying to help you, but at the end of the day, he has a bad habit of taking over different tasks/speaking over you. Sometimes it’s nice, like at restaurants, he’ll already know your order. Other times it’s overbearing, for example, if you buy something irresponsible, here comes captain Nanami to remind you about the importance of economic spending habits and if your purchase was really “necessary”. Like, love you but can you leave me alone.
V: Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
He’s very concerned with his looks. Nanami believes in a standard of appearance that he has to uphold, as such, although his general outfit/styling choices may seem simple, he’s extremely meticulous when it comes to his looks. He’s not the type for anything flashy but best believe he’s not wearing a three piece suit and $400 watch without being impeccably groomed and styled beforehand.
W: Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
No, Nanami doesn’t feel incomplete without you. He understands that the both of you are adults who had lives prior to this relationship. Not only does he enjoy his alone time, he’s also used to being without you for extended periods of time due to his job. All in all, Nanami is a firm believer in the phrase “hate to see them go, but I love to watch them leave.”
X: (E)xes (Any previous relationship experience. How does that factor into your current relationship?)
He has a few exes, all of them relationships that consisted primarily of sex or they were long-term relationships that didn’t go anywhere. After a while, he just kinda threw himself into work, so you’re his first relationship in quite some time. His past partners don’t really factor into your relationship aside from general lessons that he would’ve learned anyway such as; compromise, the value of alone time, showing appreciation for one’s partner.
Y: Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner)
In general, he hates Mahito There aren’t many qualities in a partner that Nanami dislikes that aren’t already expected in a relationship (ex. boundaries, healthy communication, etc.). Overall, he just wants someone that understands when to give him space and when to give him affection, find that balance, and you’re golden. In general though, Nanami’s not really the type to have a specific standard that he looks for in a partner, he does have a tendency to seek out calmer people.
Z: Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
Not necessarily a habit (although he did this a lot more before the two of you started dating) but Nanami is used to all-nighters, no surprise there. An unintended consequence of that is that once he goes to sleep, he’s going down for at least a day. When he knocks out, it’s the type of sleep that leaves you dazed and wondering if you time-traveled after waking up. When he finally does wake up, please bring this man food and water, he needs it.
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loverontheleft · 3 years
Long anon has thoughts and I’m here to reply but also I’m fucking wasted
Okay, different anon, but I love giving unsolicited advice (joking, joking... kind of), so I had to chime in. Plus I think I’ve read RtL like 2 or 3 times in full now (way more if you count all the times I’ve read a chapter because of the sex scene and then just kept reading after that), so I’m very invested. God you’re better than me. I didn’t mind chapter 30. It wasn’t my personal favorite scene (that’s just really not my jam, if I wanna revel in the angst, I prefer the later chapters), but with some tweaks I do think it was a good addition. Like, it did give the relationship a little more, I’m not sure if this is the right word, respectability? Realism? Weight? It showed that they’re not just clouded by lust or the honeymoon phase. Which is where I get into the conflict of fanfic imagine writing vs fiction writing. Most fanfic readers seem like they don’t want the plot and the character growth and the realism. The point is fantasy. I can do that short-term, but in a long-haul series like this…angst is necessary. Tension is necessary. Their relationship doesn’t exist in this perfect little bubble, it’s “perfect” because they’re really compatible, and that’s even more important than love in a longterm relationship. It showcased how much Brendon is devoted to his work, which is one of the reasons the reader loves him, but it has the real possibility of causing real issues that they need to address and work through. Now, again, it needs a little work. I don’t love that B basically accused the reader of being intentionally malicious, and I also don’t love that she was more of the victim rather than it being a two-way conflict. I think it could’ve had more of a build-up (I know you said you sort of wrote this without a plan so it makes sense that the build-up wasn’t as much as I think it needed to be, but, hey, that’s the beauty of rewriting it.) and oh rewriting it will be a thing eventually. Like she doesn’t love that he’s overworking and she brings it up a few times throughout like 3 to 5 chapters before nationals, and it sort of gradually goes from the reader going, “hey I think your hyperfocus on your job is starting to affect both your quality of life and our relationship” (obviously in a way that’s more writer-y and less information dump-y lol) to “I’m starting to feel like a toy you play with when you’re interested and completely ignore when you have homework.” And then Brendon’s responses starting at, “oh I’m sorry, babe, I’ll manage my time a bit better,” all the way to, “why don’t can’t you respect my career?” Then in chapter 30, it all comes to a head and they full on fight instead of the previous semi-passive-aggressive communication they had before. I like you; you understand what my brain is trying to do with this rewrite.
ALL OF THAT BEING SAID, as much I think fighting and arguing can be healthy and necessary, I HATED the fight in chapter 19 (at least I think it’s 19. The one where he’s like, “just talk to him, you’re being crazy”). No it’s totally bullshit I hate it too; even writing it I was like ughhhh. I love your work and I don’t want to be rude, but this is just how I feel about one chapter in an otherwise beloved series. It’s not rude; that was jammed in there for the plot and god I hated it then and I hate it now it’s just bad writing. It’s that I just think it was so out of character, for both of them to some extent, but especially Brendon it was. Maybe it’s just the reader projecting her ex onto Brendon when she’s feeling distressed, so that’s why he seems SO different from the way he was in previous chapters (hell, even earlier in that chapter no it took a sharp left turn it’s a bad chapter) and than every other chapter afterward which okay can we agree Chapters 18-26 are whaaaat is happening and 27-31 are ?? and 32 is steamy forgiveness and then 33-36 are smut but so little plot and…oh god I have so much to rewrite I’m gonna cry but he’s so fiercely passionate and protective over, not just the reader, but sort of everything that he cares enough to invest time into (teaching, music, the reader, lovemaking 😏😂, etc.) that don’t think he would’ve proposed talking to the ex at all, much less become all cold and calculating and downright rude when talking to her. I almost think it would be more realistic if she said, offhandedly, “maybe I’ll just talk to him, try to get rid of him, give him some money, I just want this over with,” and Brendon AT THAT POINT would be like, “no absolutely not, you’re being crazy/irrational .” And then it would turn into a big fight because the reader not only feels condescended and invalidated, she’s starting to feel controlled and smothered, which in conjunction with all the feelings that have been brought up with the ex in town, makes her feel like she just needs to get away from B. I guess that wouldn’t have the same effect later on at the end with the lockdown drill which I really want to cut, good lord Cece it was so extra wtf (full disclosure: at the time of writing, the school where I was a teacher had an active shooter in the area but not on campus, so I was probably processing that?? See my note below about writing as therapy), but it would still kind of work. Instead of B realizing that the reader was right about the ex, it would be the reader realizing that B really just cares for her wants what’s best for her, and ofc B would have to apologize for saying that the reader’s crazy because that’s sooo shitty. Actually, now that I think about it, that might be more effective. Other than that one argument, there wasn’t a big question of whether or not B respected the reader and her judgment, but with the ex showing up, the reader was getting scared about being in another serious relationship and being so dependent on someone else oh definitely. Doesn’t help I was using writing as my therapy since I was very out of a mentally abusive six-year relationship. I just peppered in my own trauma left and right (drunk Cece put left and write at first lmao) and left the characters to figure it out and that’s not fair to y’all so it would be much better narratively to confirm to the reader that she can trust Brendon and that he cares for her even if he messes up rather than to just have an argument that gets resolved. Which would work too if it weren’t for the fact that the characters and dialogue were so off, just maybe not quite as well. Lots of changes to be made; you’re not wrong.
Okay, I’m sorry for talking your figurative ears off omg no I love it this is a craft revision and I’m so here for it. Feel free to say I’m way overstepping because, well, I am, but I’m a fan okay!!! Idk if you’re overstepping I’m too drunk but I don’t deserve fans I’m crying yall are so wonderful And I overthink EVERYTHING, so there’s that too haha same though. These are just things to consider and jumping off points, so don’t let it change whatever you have planned. I’m sure it’ll be great, and frankly, I mostly read for the smut anyway so I don’t know why I’m so invested in the plot LMAO this is why I’m worried about Dulce being a slow burn y’all just want the smuuuut and @beautiful-tragic-fallout can tell you there’s a huge difference between my fanfic writing and my fiction writing though you’d think they’d be similar. Maybe I’ll just write it as a novel, never post it here, hope it sells, and one day y’all can be like “this book plot sounds familiar… I remember this slut who wrote a bunch on tumbl—wait, is this author actually Cece?!?” Because, reminder, Cece is an abbreviation of my second middle name and very few people actually know it at all and my published fiction writing isn’t under Cece (I’m mostly joking, but really, as long as the porn’s good, you could write anything well, thank you.) I’m sure this whole ask is riddled with typos and forgotten words and bad grammar (brevity has never been my strength), so I’d also like to apologize for all that. Listen I’m so drunk right now…I didn’t even notice. And my responses probably are too.
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penzyroamin · 4 years
Fix questions: 15, 18, 23, 30.
15. a hollywood producer tells you they want to film just one of your fics. which one would you want it to be?
i require editing time. but seriously, “davey, at any distance”. lord knows it would need rewriting and expanding. but if there would be anything i would allow to stand on its own as an independent project, itd be that. or “the art of slaying giants”. i think slaying giants works much better written, though. im overthinking this
18. give a DVD commentary for a line/scene you’re really proud of?
ooo ok. so yall know the legendary big fish au i wrote ella a year ago. its over 19k, i wrote it in two weeks, its my favorite thing ive ever written. love is a hell of a drug. this wont quite have The Power that it does in context but essentially, for context: everyones adults. les is like thirtyish, the rest of the gang are mid-to-late fourties. set in north florida. kath and davey are married so that davey could stay closeted to esther and mayer, who were deeply terrible. davey and les have always had a really strained relationship since les thought davey pretty much abandoned him for the majority of his preteens and teenage life. les finds out about jack and davey, assumes davey is cheating on kath, flies to santa fe where jack lives, knocks on his door, jack recognizes him,
“ “You wanna come in?”
Les barely managed to nod, caught off guard by how normal Jack was. He had pictured some kind of evil villain right out of Davey’s stories, with a mustache he could twirl and a wicked laugh. Instead, he saw a man with little bags under his eyes and a bit of a gut and graying hair by his temples. A man who was unquestionably mortal.”
so lets break this down. all through les’s childhood, davey told him these stories about magic and good and evil that were, essentially, fantasy versions of davey’s real life. when davey “left”, les stopped believing in his stories and tried to abandon him in his mind. we essentially have two of les’s core beliefs finally falling apart here:
a) this is where he realizes that he still views the world the way davey taught him to. he’s claimed over and over again to be the realist, the one who knows better, but this is when he realizes that he’s still looking for magic and wonder in the world, even though he claimed to abandon it. no matter how hard he tries, davey was still the person who raised him and he still subconsciously looks to davey for guidance
b) this is also where he realizes that everyone around him is just a person. his parents were just people who werent suited for parenting and became apathetic. davey was just a person trying to balance raising les and taking care of him with being able to have his own life and a healthy relationship. even jack, the person he’s tried in the last twenty-four hours to blame for every problem they have, is just a person. it allows him to come to terms with the fact that he can stop making endless excuses and stories and reasons-- everyone is a person, everyone fucks up, what matters is what you do to fix what you’ve done. it allows him to forgive some people, turn his backs on others, and try his best to continue forward
also, i just really like the idea of jack just being... normal. no massive burden on his shoulders. he’s just got a cute little house and a couple horses and a pretty consistent income and a long-distance partner with a REALLY fucked up family. he’s just a sweet dude trying to live a somewhat normal life
23. if you had to remix one of your fics, which would it be and how?
hmm. “their mistake is they got old”. write it from jack’s perspective instead of katherine’s. what does he have to say? why did he leave when he clearly never fell out of love with davey? why did he get married? did he love her? how did he die? what was his relationship with davey like before he left? that sorta stuff.
30. tell us an idea for a long fic you want to write in the future
i JUST started writing a soulmate, red-string kinda au that’ll probably be.. three chapters? maybe? i want to be really respectful of its origins in mythology and folklore but also look at what the concept would be like in a modern-day, world-wide situation. also, big old introspection into jack’s abandonment issues, davey’s unwillingness to let people do things for him, and the importance of maintaining healthy relationships!!!
wow this turned out long. i don’t know if i regret that or not
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themanicgalaxy · 3 years
SPN 5X1 Sympathy for the Devil
aight, lucifer's back, i got six episodes to catch up on(two weekends) AND YOU'VE BEEN THUNDERSTRUCKKKKK
yeah I see why tumblr likes it, it's the mainstream version of itself
not that that made sense, but IT'S SEASON 5 TIME!
oh this is a NICE lighting effect?
oo interesting transition?
ok so the beam kills the plane ?
why are they on the plane ?
ah yes the late 2000s sure were a Fun Time
no Sam's Totally not a Demon it's Fine
Cas? Dead?
boy you sure can try
oh good it's zach
"it's apocalypse now" feels like a reference to...apocalypse now heh
the vessel oho the planting and payoff
does...Dean know about Ruby
hey they said the roll credits
o Dean doesn't know about the voicemail
ASFPHSIHF i hate you people
ah Dean the "let's move on let's move on let's move on"
Oh ok the vessel
hoh that is a lot of blood
well this is a very nice portrayal of fans
jesus christ
i mean to be fair, there ARE some fans like this but still bad
what the actual HELL she's in the season premiere?
this is Strange
please god don't bring up the Fanfics
i do like the critique of their own show at least briefly
although it's being made fun of...?
"can you quit touching me?"
scene change scenE CHANGE
ah macguffin plot
Dean really wants to Not Think About it
B O B B Y ?
it's not Bobby, it's not, it can't be
look I get it they need support, but not being coddled is important
some middle ground ig
yep! not Bobby!
felt WAY too out of character
oo villain hero banter god I love having that
the flirting thing is weird ok fine do your fetish thing
B O B B Y ?
goddamn i love Meg
what the FUCK happened to exorcisms yall
aww the baby crying woke mina awwwwww
she's a protective fucker
oh the bloody crib imagery is FUCKED it's VERY nice
oh thank GOD they take him to a hospital
I thought castle said CASTIEL lol
also NICE imagery
ok lots of dead guys
"oh thank god the angels are here" pfftahaha
yeah Dean's the michael sword whoopsie
"wad of insecurity and self loathing" pfft
why didn't they just say vessel
oh the Bang and instant leg break is nice
"it is written" free will babyyyy
ah uses Bobby as leverage
altho angel power is INTENSE
"are we having fun yet" OH HELL
seriously hbo spn would be INTENSE body horror what do you mean no lungs
"no i carved it into your ribs" THE DELIVERY AHAHAHA
just doesn't answer ok then
~I'm an angel~
at least he flagged lucifer, I was hoping someone would
the angels rly do be "gaslight gatekeep girblossing"
i do find a lucifer plot line played straight interesting! who'd a thunk
ok seriously, it was TOO easy to find someone wronged by god
oo the don't lie thing, that's neat
jeez, they rly had the budget of Nothing
Bobby oh my God
"I got no idea, but I got a GED and a give em hell attitude, we'll figure it out" HAHAHA I L O V E H I M
look at least SOMEONE doesn't cut them off
"I deserve a medal for this" pffttt
hey they're framing Dean taller
"I don't think we can ever be what we were"
this feels Real and I HATE it
and they split up with a SHOT OF THE LAMP
god the glass is chewy tonight
1. God+Disillusionment. Ok here's the thing: the whole scene where Lucifer didn't even have to do much to convince Nick? I think? to go against God feels important. Like it feels as if God has abandoned us, and we want to get back at him. Absent Father narrative, mixed with a bit of ye old exceptionalism(you're all mighty and all powerful, why didn't you help me). It...obviously I don't know who's idea it was to go this way, or what lens they were viewing this through specifically, but that convincing(and what Nick believed so he could let himself be convinced) felt important both in the context(vague 2009, after the crash) and in the story. I feel like this theme will show up later.
2. clever Dean. Dean got like three clever moments this episode, and a good pep talk. And I really like the trade off! The "let's not think about it until it blows over I'm totally fine ahaha" fucks him up when it comes time to deal with his relationship with his brother, but this desire to move forward(and the actual intelligence to think ahead like damn) helped them actually get to places. and at the end, he does a pep talk! he's learned how people work a bit! like the nuance and the showing off his good skills makes me happy.
3. lucifer played straight. So I realize this came out like...a decade before the Lucifer show. but having a Lucifer that has quiet daddy issues and have them be played entirely straight wasn't something I thought would be as compelling as it was. The actress for Lucifer was very good, which probably helped, but to have Lucifer be Sincere(seeming) and actually believe in his point was interesting and a bit refreshing
also i liked that the name was recognized, feels more realistic
4. probably need a callout. Like I get it, they're the main heroes, they did their best, but they DEFINITELY needed a call out or at least a chat that wasn't the End of the episode. They did their best, I get not siding with the angels, but SOMETHING has to be done. You can't build the "everything is shit" narrative and say idk we're probably gonna fix it lol in the framing device you have set up. Where's ur power fantasy? what are you gonna do with him?
5. Bobby. Listen, I love Bobby. I can tell how you know it's just a Bit off. And while they did need a bit of chewing out, I do appreciate how Bobby's like "priority one, make sure they know I'm not gonna leave" like it makes him a good dad, if a not great hunter, and I really like that. I like how Bobby's weak spot is surrogate kids, that makes me happy.
7. the confrontation. Ok listen, I need that in there. The framing(like I said, they're framing Dean as a bit taller than they would in later seasons(possibly as writers shift their focus from Sam to Dean, a trend that seems to Keep Going)), it puts him a bit higher. The dialogue felt real, like to the point of, whether or not it was accurate to the story or not, it felt like two real family members talking. Like "I can't get rid of you, but we can't be what we were?" heartbreaking. I love glass. And yeah, that final shot of Dean walking away from Sam is pretty obvious HOWEVER Dean is shot with a lamp. It either means Cas or just the angels in general, and whether that's a "he's the michael sword and Sam's lucifer(invoked in this convo)" type thing or a "cas is on Dean's side, and as Cas is in the right so is Dean" type thing, it's Interesting to look at. And it's SUPER deliberate, this cANNOT have been done on accident.
8. Second Meg supremacy, first Ruby supremacy
ighty night night time to go pry the kitty off of me
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sapphicidols · 7 years
92 Statements
i was tagged by @whyclarke ily youre the light of my life
RULES: you must answer 92 statements and tag 20 people.
THE LAST 1. Drink: water 2. Phone call: katie !!!! 3. Text: “shes a cheating bitch i hate to use the b word on her but its the truth” [lmao i was texting katie about my ex when she sexted her ex] 4. Song you listened to: ease my mind by hayley kiyoko 5. Time you cried: about a week ago 6. Dated someone twice: lmao no 7. Kissed someone and regretted it: i mean ,, yeah  8. Been cheated on: yeah and it sucked ass 9. Lost someone special: not that i can think off no 10. Been depressed: still am a lil bit but im getting better  Gotten drunk and thrown up: nope and tbh im not planning to drink because of Horrible Things Ive Experienced When I Was A Child
LIST 3 FAV COLOURS (12-14): pastel blue, yellow, soft pink
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU: 15. Made new friends: yes !!! shoutout to maya who i made friends at the airport because she was wearing a panic! shirt 16. Fallen out of love: yeah 17. Laughed until you cried: for sure :’) 18. Found out someone was talking about you: y e a h 19. Met someone who changed you: you bet it  20. Found out who your friends are: yes and i have some pretty amazing friends tbh 21. Kisses someone on your Facebook list: LMAO FACEBOOK i fuckin laughed
GENERAL 22. How many of your fb friends do you know irl: facebook is for old people [i agree with em] 23. Do you have any pets: used too 24. Do you want to change your name: nah 25. What did you do for your last bday: went to ny with my daddo 26. Time you woke up: 7:00 am 27. What were you doing at midnight last night: trying to sleep while listening to tegan and sarah 28. Name something you can’t wait for: the nwsl game on sat 29. Last time u saw ur mom: ten minutes ago lmao love u 30. Last time u saw ur best friend: two hours ago 31. What were u listening to rn: taxi cab by twenty one pilots 32. Have u ever talked to a person named tom: ive talked to a tommy does that count
33. Something that is getting on ur nerves: my foot and having to lotion it i fuckin hate it so much         
34. Most visited website: this hellhole
35- 37: three fav albums!! (if they dont have questions im making them up)         self titled by top ; white noise by pvris ; ultralife by oh wonder                          38: Hair colour: dirty blonde ;)
39: Long or short hair: mediumish 40. Do u have a crush on someone: unless u count isabelle lightwood nah 41. What do u like about ur self: i think i’m a kind good person i guess 42. Piercings: nope 43. Blood type: i dont know man am i suppose to 44. Nickname: shan 45. Relationship status: single and ready to meet the love of my life @god im looking at you 46. Zodiac: aquarius 47. Pronouns: she/they  48. Fav tv show: shadowhunters 49. Tattoos: none but i want some !!! 50. Right or left handed: right handed my dude 51. Surgery: had to get my left bunion done and they had to put some screws in and i have to get the other foot done next summer rip 52. piercing: still no 53. Sport: soccer !!!! 54. Hobby: writing and listening to music 55. Vacation: going to ny [em !! when are you going omg]                                 56. Instrument: used to play flute but lmao it was three years ago
MORE GENERAL 57. Eating rn: had fritos a couple hours ago 58. Drinking rn: water 59. I’m about to: maybe finish this thing when will it end 60. I just: got on this hellhole 61. Waiting for: my mother to go into her room so i wont be sneaking around on this website lmao 62. Want to: fucking walk and run !!! god i wanna run 63. Get married: hopefully someday!!!! i wanna love someone 64. Career: my inner child wants to be a playing for the portland thorns in nwsl but being realistic im gonna be a psychologist but ive been thinking about doing psyco trauma
WHICH IS BETTER 65. Hugs or kisses: hugs !!! 66. Lips or eyes: eyes mmm 67. Shorter or taller: taller 68. Older or younger: for dating, older 69. i give up man 70. Nice arms or nice stomach: arms i guess  71. yall come up with it u got this 72. Hook up or relationship: relationship for sure 73. Troublemaker or hesitant: troublemaker but i dont do sketchy stuff okay trust me
HAVE YOU EVER 74. Kissed a stranger: nah 75. Drank hard liquor: one time i accidentally drank my dads wine because i thought it was dr pepper okay it was dark and the glass wasnt see through 76. Lost glasses/contacts: nah but i once broke my glasses does that count 77. Turned someone down: sadly yeah and i r e g r e t but i was in a relationship and im faithful so i did the right thing 78. Sex on the first date: depends if i like her a lot 79. Broken someone’s heart: i think my ex when i told her i dont wanna be friends anymore 80. Had ur heart broken: yeah bitch and now i have even more trust issues 81. Been arrested: lol nah but ive been to a jail before when i was younger long story 82. Cried when someone died: not really because im a stone cold bitch [jk but im pretty sure my emotions are fucked up because whenever something is sad i i smile ???] 83. Fallen for a friend: like a tiny crush
DO YOU BELIEVE IN 84. Yourself: yeah !!! 85. Miracles: depends on the mood 86. Love at first sight: nah 87. Santa Claus: uuuhhhh y e a h ??????????
88. Kiss on the first date: i mean if were both feelin it 89. Angels: i guess
OTHER 90. Current bf’s name: CURRENT BOYFRIEND YOU WISH SUSAN 91. Eye Colour: greyish blue 92. Fav movie: wonder woman owns my fucking ass
i dont know twenty people are u serious
whoever wants to do this no ones stopping u
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