#rudeness can bring me down but i bounce back🥴
myherowritings · 4 years
For real if someone touches sof, ima go full fucking cryptid dont tempt me you dont wanna know what that means. Sof is a goddamn gift unto this mortal plane and we are merely the dirt that gets to revel in the presence of such a wonderful beautiful person, catch these hands you nasty ass people
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HFJDHGF 😭😭 omg y’all 😭 i literally love and appreciate u so much thank u for ur kindness 🥺 i know sending asks off anon can be hard so taking the time to send ur support even off anon means a lot to me 🥺❤️ don’t worry we don’t need to fight anyone fhjshg ,, i just block the haterz so we can move on and be happy and share our love for bnha together ;)🥰
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