#fuck kripke
cha-lii · 2 months
if it had been hughie the shapeshifter turned into, and annie that they tricked and raped and proposed to - there would have been monologue after monologue this episode about how violated annie felt.
and if hughie had blamed annie for even an instant for not realising it wasn’t him or for being raped or accidentally getting engaged to a person who had the same face, body, voice, mannerisms and memories as him - the amount of unholy backlash hughie’s character would face in the show and from fans would blow him away.
why are people (and the fucking shitty writers) so fucking quick to dismiss hughie’s trauma and accept annie’s wrongdoings just because he’s a man and she’s a woman? being a man doesn’t immediately make you the wrong one, and being a woman doesn’t excuse your mistakes. like, they both suffered huge amounts of trauma - why should either of them have had to apologise for what happened to them? and to the people saying “oh annie forgave him and they made up immediately after” no - she told him to get an std test and somehow that made everything okay again?? seriously?? roles reversed, how would that have felt coming out a man’s mouth to a woman?
fuck kripke so much
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supernatural is a bitch because if you watch it for a while when you're severely mentally ill you will never get rid of it.years later you will wake up in cold sweat thinking about how those two brothers were in love for real and you won't know what to do with that
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blindmagdalena · 2 months
and ANOTHER thing about sage!!!
'smartest character in the world' is always such a difficult trope to write because the writers can almost never make that pay off in a satisfying way. but it WORKED here. not only did it work phenomenally well from a plot perspective, they made it work so beautifully from a character perspective!
the fact that she's doing this for enrichment! just to prove she can! because for her entire life she's been disrespected and pushed aside and underestimated not only as a supe, but as a black woman? revolutionary. best character in the show. i'm in love.
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drulalovescas · 9 months
Remember when Castiel was in his bad bitch era?????
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angel-fruitcake · 2 days
S5 of the boys
Misha doing a terrible accent featuring Eric on the floor crying because of it and the email he just got informing him the masses want 7 more seasons. Jensen is blanking out and has forgotten all his lines because he is horny, cue 30 minutes of solid silent staring earning the episode a 9.8 star rating. Danneel shows up with a cowboy hat. In an effort to be realistic and because they didn’t like the look of fake sharks, they got real ones, this leads to Jared dying before he can play his character so they hire a mop instead. No one notices and the money he would’ve been paid instead funds the top two most reliable lgbtq+ charities. End scene.
who fuckin wrote this. reveal yourself immediately and somebody get prime video on the phone STAT
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sprimps · 3 months
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they're thinking about very different things
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mlobsters · 16 days
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supernatural s1e16 shadow (w. eric kripke)
No, bite her. Don't leave teeth marks though, I mean just enough to where—
dean is invested and ready to help 📝
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genericpuff · 2 months
that does it, i'm taking hughie away from eric kripke
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mxltifxnd0m · 3 months
tell me why i never put the pieces to together that in szn 4 when sam and dean are sent to that workplace AU by the angels that their last names are based on the gun company Smith and Wesson?!!
like me and my friend were talking about it and wondered why dean had a basic ass last name then we realized why it was like that
dean smith
sam wesson
Smith and Wesson guns
and then their actual last names are also based on the winchester gun brand 😭😭
eric kripke you will always be famous for this in my heart
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soullessjack · 1 year
going 2 bed now but before I do please take my kripke era jack again
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medusas-daughter · 1 year
Eric Kripke watched incels completely miss the point and fawn over Homelander, so he dressed Alexander Calvert in full Homelander stan gear and proceeded to hit him in the balls, explode his dick, and who knows what the fuck else just to make his feelings clear. And I respect that.
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crimsoncountess · 11 months
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this bit is driving me insane because emma said that cate tried to make luke forget sam by repeatedly wiping his memories of him but he just can't forget about him?!? luke's love for his younger brother transcended the memory wiping since he knew sam before his death. he undid cate's brainwashing just to rescue sam and bring him back, which speaks volumes about the strength of their brotherhood. luke was sam's hero and had him and only him, but then he lost him :(
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suncaptor · 5 months
Thousands are Sailing (The Pogues) // Supernatural (video w/ lyrics)
cultural fusion / liminality / home / psychic
video without lyrics
two years ago I found this post by @tiarnanabhfainni which became one of my favourite ever due to how it draws on the themes of home & liminality while fusing supernatural / emigration. this is one of my favourite songs of all time as well, and I hope even if you don't know it you're willing to give it a try! lyrics included.
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lambmotifz · 18 days
the siren telling dean “you can call me baby brother ♡” while dean is balls deep inside of him
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I'm finishing up my rewatch of season 3 of The Boys before I begin my SPN rewatch (got 2 more episodes left) and watching Jensen's performance as Soldier Boy just absolutely floors me.
It floors me because I've seen antis time and time again claim that Soldier Boy/Ben was essentially Dean in a superhero suit, that Jensen has one note acting, that he watered down the character by refusing to do scenes that made him uncomfortable (especially by one anti blog in particular who claims to be an acting expert, you know the one), and that his acting is very bland.
But in studying his performance because I'm studying the character (for writing purposes), these people couldn't be more wrong. I will admit that the only time I got a semi-Dean vibe from him was during the scene where Soldier Boy tells Butcher about his father. Which doesn't surprise me because Jensen himself said he leaned into the Dean/John dynamic for that scene.
But otherwise, I don't see anywhere where their claims hold any water. I mean, have you actually watched his scenes?
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This scene is so important. Annie is getting ready to face off with this guy and even though she knows he's dangerous (after seeing he results of one of his explosions up close and personal), but she has no idea how dangerous, not really. This isn't Dean. This isn't Beau. This is the dangerous side of Solider Boy and had Hughie not intervened, there's a good possibility shit would have gone even more sideways. Especially, with Ben coming off of the confrontation with Countess, her hitting him where it hurts the most (meaning she tapped into one of his biggest insecurities. That explosion wasn't an accident (like NYC or even at Herogasm with the Twins). Ben didn't black out here. That's shown to us by there being no Russian trigger, despite him learning that Countess and his team handed him over back in 1984 and didn't even get paid for it.
I mean, look at this expression right here. His body is moving but his eyes don't. He's getting into position, ready to take out the next threat. Only when Hughie steps in and Annie's eyes dim does he step away, assessing her as not a threat. This is the weapon that is deadly enough to take on Homelander and no matter where you stand on Jensen as an actor, he pulls it off here.
The physicality he utilized in this role speaks volumes. And it's not about Soldier Boy being a Supe or being in a suit or having to look pissed off all the time (minus the few times he's amused). It has to do with how he embodies that character, carries him, and if he pulls it off. Spoiler alert: he did.
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This scene exemplifies exactly what I'm talking about. I have watched it countless times and this part of it always sticks out to me every single time. Look at that expression, look at the eyes. Ben is not going all out to sell this belief let's call it to Hughie. He's giving him a look that says "this is the truth and you better believe it or else". He's not smiling for news cameras or doing propaganda or greeting fans of his movies decades prior. He's not selling the Soldier Boy is America's Greatest Hero image here. He's subtly threatening Hughie, and this is where he begins to have an issue with him. Because Ben wants to see himself as the good guy, something Kripke, Jensen, and the cast have talked about in promoting the season. In his own mind, he is the good guy; he's a legend in his own mind so to speak. He's bought the hype about himself. And anyone who doesn't see him that way is an enemy aka a threat.
It doesn't mean he doesn't know he's doing things that aren't right (as we saw in those outtakes of the 'Don't-do-drugs' commercial). He's very self-aware but he justifies it to himself because he's Soldier Boy and almost like Homelander always says, he can do what he wants. Not necessarily that he has a god-mentality that rivals Homelander's but everything is justifiable in his mind because he's a Supe, or more precisely the Supe, and he's protecting his country. And it also keeps that insecurity of being a disappointment at bay that he has from his childhood. It's all layered into his make-up so to speak. So not only is Hughie a threat (not physically obviously but to Ben's image of himself) but is also bordering dangerously close to reminding him of the very thing he hates: a mirror that reminds him that maybe his dad was right about him (not saying he was, I'm saying this is potentially what is running through his mind). So not only does it share a brilliant parallel between Hughie and Annie when it comes to Soldier Boy that eventually plays out beautifully in the Tower Scene in the finale, but it also is sewn into the issue between Hughie and Annie this season in their own relationship.
But the way Jensen plays that scene is phenomenal because if you watch it, you realize if Hughie says one wrong thing, he may be in trouble.
Which is then continued in this scene:
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In this scene, Hughie is mentioning there's a lot of people inside Herogasm and here we get Ben's reaction to Hughie saying that. Then he tells Hughie as long as the people stay out of his way they should be fine. But again, watch how he says it, his expression, focus on his tone, his body movement. He clearly is not happy that Hughie says this (it literally is a continuation from the hotel room scene) and again has that subtle threat vibe, even with Butcher standing there (because let's face it, to him, even with temp V, Butcher is no threat). And of course, we all know the slap scene and the punch scene that happens later. Not only does Hughie get switched out for Ryan later on who Butcher ends up protecting from Soldier Boy, but it all plays out beautifully as all of the connections, overt and subtle, unfold throughout the season.
But back to Jensen's performance. There is so much to appreciate in how he fully embodied this character. And that's not saying it through an AA haze of "omg he's so hawt!" or "omg did you see his ass?" That's appreciating the amount of work that he put into this role when the cameras started rolling. He literally became Soldier Boy and he embodied him even outside of the suit.
As an actor, Jensen is very nuanced. He consistently adds in these little things that help make the character even more multi-dimensional than what is written on the page or what is called for int he scene and how it's blocked. This is why there is a certain small group of people on here that repeatedly talk about Jacting Joices, it's not just related to Supernatural or Destiel or Dean. It's about Jensen as an actor, as a performer, and how much he actually pours into these characters he plays. Whether it be the way he moves (or walks), or the expressions he uses, his eyes (yep, he does that too, see above), with his hands, even down to the way he delivers a line. All actors do this in their own way obviously, lean into physicality as well as their performance, but he definitely has his own unique style that I just don't see anyone else replicating. I think there's a reason so many people say no one else could have played Dean the way he could have for example. And if you watch his characters, really watch them, you'll see what he does each and every time. Even smaller characters like Jason from Smallville or Tom from My Bloody Valentine or Alec from Dark Angel. It's all right there on the screen.
So I guess my whole long point is I don't get why antis rip him apart when it comes to this role of Soldier Boy (other than being antis I guess) or say he can't act or that has no idea how to properly analyze his character because he actually did put a ton of work into this specific character (as well as all the others he's done) and you can clearly see it as you watch his scenes in the show. While I wish we could have seen Homelander and Soldier Boy go at it a bit more, and see Soldier Boy truly unleash that Alpha-ness of being the original Supe like had been talked about in promotions and interviews, it doesn't diminish that this character was fascinating and he brought it to life from the script in a way that complemented his own unique style as a performer.
tl;dr Jensen crushed Soldier Boy and Ben (yes, two different characters to embody actually) and I cannot wait to see more of him in any future Boys-related visual story telling, on the show or others.
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jensenasskl · 3 months
guys i’m gonna be sick, as a longtime supernatural fan and a fan of the boys finding out that kripke has this view towards SA is just absolutely unhinged and sickeningggg. example : he made this comment about the hughie + teknight scene in episode 6 of the boys
“I love that it’s just such a perfect setup that he doesn’t know his own safe word. It’s just like a beautiful comedy setup that he’s trying to find it the whole time.”
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