#fuck gay super hell
Dream a Little Dream of Me
Inspired by Aceriee’s Art
My name is Dean Winchester. I'm an Aquarius, I enjoy sunsets, long walks on the beach and I have always believed, firmly, that I will meet my end staring down the barrel of a gun. 
And, well, not that I haven’t. I’ve had my fair share of death by a gun. Dare I say, more than the average Joe. But those never seem to stick in our family. Anyways, I digress. 
If not a gunshot, then I was absolutely sure that it was gonna be a heart attack! My very unhealthy eating habits aside, I figured there’s only so much stress a heart can take before it gives up. I mean, how many apocalypses would I get to prevent, and/or stop before the sheer terror got too much? 
And then of course, there was the obvious choice. Death at the hands of a monster. This one I always tried to avoid thinking about. First, because it was bad juju, and second, because I thought myself better than that. 
But, here we are! At the age of 41, I have finally met a foe strong enough to defeat me. 
Heart, meet rebar. And just when I had found the perfect dog! 
I mean, really, I blame it on the poor judgment of whoever thought this would make for a good interior design. Who goes around leaving rebars out of walls? I have worked construction before, I know the safety codes, and if it isn’t obvious by my state right now, this is so against most of them. 
SAM: Alright. Let's go find those kids, get them outta here.
Oh boy! Sam doesn’t know yet. As Donna would say, hooftah! Hmm. How to break this to him?
DEAN: Sam...I don't... Mm.I don't think I'm going anywhere buddy.
I should tell him to remember to take Miracle for a walk when he’s done here. Preferably before burning my body to ashes. That takes too long and my boy is too tiny. I just cleaned the bunker. 
SAM: What? What are you talking about?
Dammit Sam. Must you choose this moment to go dumb? 
DEAN: There's something in my...Something in my back. It feels like it's right through my heart man. 
Finally! That gets Sam to stand directly in front of me, still a few inches away and he reaches around to my back. Don’t know about him, but I’m not surprised to see his hand come back bloody. Too much blood. He better not get blood on the bunker floor either. 
DEAN:Oh, God.
SAM: Alright. Um… Hold on. Okay. Uh, I got you.
The fuck does this fool think he’s doing?
DEAN: No, no, no, no, no. Don't... Don't... Don't move me. 
Ugh, how many times do I have to repeat myself before he hears me? I’m literally at my deathbed and the kid still hasn’t learned to listen to me. 
DEAN: Don't move me.It feels like this thing's holding me together right now. Just give me… Just give me a minute.
SAM: Yeah. Um... alright. I'll call for help. I'll get the first-aid kit.
Might be the bloodloss, but time starts to stretch as I watch Sam take out his phone and move to walk away. I do remember what I said to him earlier today. 
The whole “I think about 'em, too. You know what? That pain's not gonna go away.Right? But if we don't keep living, then all that sacrifice is gonna be for nothing.”
The thing is, I lied. I do that. And honestly, if Sam believed that bullshit, it’s on him. Anyways, yeah, I lied and though I always hoped for more dignity in my death, truth is, I don't want him to get help. Not gonna do anyone any good, even if by some miracle they get me to survive this. 
DEAN: Sam, Sam! Sam… Stay wi… Stay with me… Can you stay with me, please?
SAM: Okay. Yeah.
Huh! Can’t believe that actually worked. Maybe he is learning to listen to me. Better put it to use. First thing’s first. 
DEAN: Okay. Okay. Uh... right. Alright. Listen to me. Um… You get those boys and you get them someplace safe, alright?
SAM: Dean...We are gonna get them somewhere safe.
Bless his heart. My little brother. 
DEAN: No. We knew it was always gonna end like this for me. I mean, maybe not exactly like this, not the kinda penetration I’m into really, but It was supposed to end like this, right? I mean, look at us. Saving people, hunting things… It's what we do. What we’ve always done. 
SAM: No, no. Stop, okay? Just... Just stop.
But I’m tired. How do I tell him that I’m so tired? How do I make him understand this is happening because of the sleepless nights I’ve had these past few weeks, escaping images of nothingness taking away all the light in my world? 
DEAN: It's okay. It's good. We had one hell of a ride, man. But I’m done… 
SAM: I will find a way, okay? I-I will find another way.
DEAN: No, man. No. No. No, no, no, no. You’re not hearing me! No bringing me back, okay? You know... You know that always ends badly.
SAM: Dean...
DEAN: Sammy I’m done.. I can’t do this anymore.. Not without him… 
God, please let this be enough for him. Please let this get him to let me go. 
SAM: P-Please… what about the beach? Our feet in the sand, drinks with tiny umbrellas, Dean, you… you said it yourself! You said if Jack… you PROMISED ME!  
Oh Jesus, here come the fireworks… how do I make him understand, if I can’t have matching hawaiian shirts with Cas… What the hell am I supposed to do without his pretty ass there? How am I expected to just go on, when I know Cas is surrounded by darkness? By nothingness? By the empty…
DEAN: I'm fading pretty… I'm fading pretty quickly, so... there's a few things that I need you to hear… Come here. Let me look at you. Yeah, there he is.
Ok, Winchester. Take a deep breath. You can do this. You can make this ok for your little brother. 
DEAN: I'm so proud of you, Sam. You know that? I've always looked up to you. Man, when we were kids, you were so damn smar... smart. You never… You never took any of dad's crap. I never knew how you did that… And you're stronger than me… 
Yeah kid. You lived your life unafraid of what he would say. You dared to love and you … not like me. You never let it get too late to say… I wish I had told him Sammy… I wish I could tell you what really happened that night in the dungeon… I wish I could tell you how Cas was brave, and selfless and the best goddamned thing that ever happened to me and I was a coward, I was scared and selfish and to nobody’s surprise I let both of us down… 
DEAN: Hey, did I ever tell you... Did I ever tell you that night that, uh... that I ca... That I came for you when you were at school? You know, when dad hadn't come back from his hunting trip? I must have stood outside your dorm for hours... because I didn't... I didn't know what... What you would say… I thought you'd tell me to... to get lost or get dead…
I know I could never bring myself to tell you about him Sammy. Even if I wasn’t choking on my own blood, I still would never have enough time to tell you about how he made me wanna stay alive… He was it for me, and I can’t tell you that… But I can tell you about you! 
DEAN: And I don't know what I would've done... if I didn't have you. 'Cause I was so scared. I was scared, 'cause when it all came down to it, it was always you and me…
Sam is crying now, and well, what’s one more thing for me to hate myself for, right? 
SAM: Then don't leave me. Don't leave me. I can't do this alone.
DEAN: Yes, you can.
Because I need you to… 
SAM: Well, I don't want to.
Well, ain’t that a bitch? Kids feeding me my own words from all those years ago. Well, if there’s one thing I’m good at, it’s bullshitting. Hunting used to take the first place but after this colossal mess, I can’t really give myself that. 
DEAN: Hey. I'm not leaving you. I'm gonna be with you… Right here... every day. Every day you're out there and you're Li... And you're living and you're fighting, 'cause you… You always keep fighting. You hear me? I'll be there every step. I love you so much. My baby brother.
Oh, man. I can’t believe I’m crying too. Shit. I used to think at least when I die, I’d get to spend the rest of it with Cas… Not that I would ever be caught dead admitting it… Oh, well, doesn’t seem to matter now anyways. 
DEAN: Well, I did not think this would be the day. But it is. It is, and that's… Man... that's okay. I need you to... I need you to promise me. I need you to… To... to tell me... that it's okay. I need you to tell me that it's okay… 
SAM: No! 
Sam don’t look away from me. Please brother, I need you to let me go. Shit, what if I become a ghost? I mean, does never getting to say I love you to Cas count as unfinished business? Sure as hell sounds like it to me! Shit, Sam better burn all my stuff just to be sure. 
DEAN:  Look at me. Look at me. I need... I need to go Sammy… and I need you to tell me that it's okay. I need you to tell me… Tell me it's okay.
SAM: No, goddammit Dean! No. I will never!  
Uh-oh! Sammy’s letting go of me and I just don’t think that’s such a good idea. Should I tell him I can’t really feel my legs? Would be nice if I could be spared the embarrassment of a faceplant pre-death. 
SAM: JACK! Jack, you better get down here and help me or so help me, I will make a way up there and… JACK! You fucking promised this wouldn’t happen! You said you would be a better god! 
Ok, this might be a good time to tell Sammy to stop yelling and get moving, but the light behind him is pretty distracting and shit, man, I used to be able to focus before… 
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“Sam! Sam, I am here. There is no need for you to yell. What’s goin…” Jack finds himself in the middle of a barn, dead bodies of what seemed to be vampires littering the floor, and it’s not until Sam moves towards him that he spots the reason behind his calls. 
“Oh Dean…” Just as he moves towards the older Winchester, Sam gets a hold of his shoulders and Jack feels his heart break for him. His eyes look hollow, as if it was him who was on the edge of death. 
“Please… you have to do something! You have to save him! He’s not… please Jack!” 
“Hey, Sam, Sam! If you let me take a look at Dean, I can try and help.” 
Sam takes a few deep breaths, trying to compose himself, then nods once before stepping aside and Jack finally gets to look at Dean. It hasn’t been long since he left the brothers on earth and went to sort out the universe, but Dean seems to have aged decades. 
“Dean?” He calls out once, but just as he thought, Dean’s out of his reach. At least, physically. He tries not to imagine all the self-deprecating jokes Dean must have come up with over being impaled by a rebar in a bar. 
He tries and fails. Winchesters. 
“Sam, help me pull him off the rod.” He knows just as well as Sam, that he does not need any help moving Dean’s body. They’re both aware of the pity he takes on Sam, letting him do something before he loses his mind for good. 
“Ok, yeah, gently on the ground.” And before Dean’s body hits the ground, he is healed. He ignores the voice in his head, metaphorically speaking, accusing him of ignoring his own rules. What happened to being a hands off God? Well, this is DEAN! 
“Jack, what are you waiting for? Heal him! Bring him back!” 
“I have healed him, Sam.” 
“Then why isn’t he waking up?”
Yeah, Jack was never a fan of the on brand Winchester’s lack of anger management. He pushes his annoyance aside and reaches for Dean’s soul. 
Huh. Interesting. He’s fairly new to being God, but he’s got a good track record with resurrections and he’s pretty sure no soul has ever resisted being pulled back so hard. 
Typical. Leave it to Dean fucking Winchester. 
“It’s like he’s resisting his body’s pull. Sam, what happened here? What am I missing?” 
“I… shit, Jack, I dunno. We were on a hunt, and we just rescued these kids and, he just wouldn’t let me get help, and he kept saying this is good, and he wants to go, and I … I didn’t know what else to do Jack…” 
“Ok, ok, Sam, look at me. I need you to go and take care of the kids. I am going to try and find out where Dean is.”
He leaves the second part of that sentence unsaid. Why does he not want to live?
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The sky is a beautiful blue/green, as Dean and Cas watch the sun set. Dean pushes his sunglasses up on his head, then holds Cas’ hand in his, and relishes in the sensation of their arms touching. Cas’ hot skin against his, contrasting with the ice cold drink in his other hand, makes him feel dizzy. Or is it the blood loss?
“What?” He asks, not really sure who he’s talking to. 
“I didn’t say anything.” Cas replies. Taking a sip from his martini. The blue shirt brings out the ocean blue in his eyes, breathtakingly infinite. 
“You know, you really do look good in floral patterns…” Dean’s not really sure why his heart aches at the exclamation. This has been the most flawless day, a long overdue vacation for just the two of them. Then why does it feel cold?
“Well, you don’t look too bad yourself, Dean.” Castiel studies him, and Dean immediately feels warmer. “I like your tan. And your sunglasses on your head. It makes it easier for me to see your eyes.” 
The sheer openness with which Cas talks to him is enough to make Dean want to run away. But not here. It’s safe here. Why? 
It’s almost easy for the words to fall out. “Yeah? What about my eyes?”
“They never lie to me… never have, never will…” Dean resists the urge to shy away. 
“And what are they telling you now?” 
“I’m sorry Dean, I will not make it that easy for you… If you want to tell me something, you have to say it yourself.” Cas says in a cheeky tone before looking away again. 
“I know, I know that! I just... Ca–” Dean is interrupted by a sudden shock of pain. He drops to the floor, clutching his chest, crying out in pain. No, this wasn’t supposed to happen here… not here… 
Castiel is staring at a figure behind him.
“What? That’s impossible Cas!” But even as Dean’s fighting to get the words out through his pain, the world around them gets eerily darker, and all of a sudden they’re back at the bunker.
Cas grabs Dean by the shoulders and tries to guide him away. But Dean’s legs are cemented into the floor. He knows exactly where this leads, and he is not about to relive it. 
“My heart... I can feel her.” He hears himself say. No, no no no. Go back to the beach. Please. 
“Come on, Dean. We gotta go. Come on.”
Castiel pulls Dean away, almost carrying him through the bunker as Dean gasps and grunts in pain. Hold on to his arm. 
At the bottom of the stairs now, Billie’s following them slowly. 
“It's you, Dean. It's always been you. Death-defying. Rule-breaking. You are everything I lived to set right. To put down. To tame.”
Dean collapses beside the bookshelves just out of view, gripping his chest. Castiel looks over his shoulder where Billie still approaches.
“You are human disorder incarnate.”
No. I was ok to go this time. Please, I wanted to go… I was… 
In the downstairs hallway now, Castiel's supporting Dean's weight with Dean's arm over his shoulders as he hurries him through the bunker, away from Billie. Dean clutches his heart, groaning in pain. Please, Cas, I don’t want to do this again… I can’t… Please, just let me go with her…
But nothing comes out of Dean’s mouth. 
“I've got you Dean.”
They round another hallway corner, but not far behind them is Billie, still holding her scythe.
“Come on, Dean. You can't escape me.”
Dean wants to say he’s not trying to. He wants to scream and ask her to just take him. Anything to stop them from entering the dungeon. But Cas keeps dragging him, and Dean is not in control here.
Billie drags the blade of her scythe against the tile wall. 
“Don't you think it's finally time? Time for the sweet release of death?”
Yes, I do… 
Around another corner, Castiel guides Dean into basement storage room 7B and closes the door behind them. Dean coughs, still holding his chest as he doubles over. No no no no no.
Castiel finds a pocket knife in Dean's back pants pocket and uses it to cut his own palm. He uses the blood to paint warding onto the door. Dean wants to die. 
Castiel turns towards him.
“It blocked her grip on you.”
Billie pounds her fist against the door. It shudders. The warding crackles, but holds. The slow pounding continues.
“Dean, she said that wound was killing her. Maybe we can wait her out.”
Yes, please, that’s a fantastic idea, let’s just wait her out. 
“Yeah, and if we can't?”
“Then we fight.”
Yes, I will fight till my dying breath for you, just don’t go…  
“We'll lose. I just led us into another trap, all because I couldn't hurt Chuck. Because I was angry and because I just needed something to kill, and because that's all I know how to do…”
“It was Chuck all along. We shouldn't have left Sam and Jack. We should be there with them right now. Everybody's gonna die, Cas. Everybody.” You’re going to die… and “I can't stop it. She's gonna get through that door.”
“I know.”
“And she's gonna kill you, and then she's gonna kill me.”
Dean wishes he was already dead. He wishes he’d never said those words… He wishes… 
They share a look. Castiel agrees, their situation is hopeless, but he can't bring himself to say it.
“I'm sorry.” and Dean’s never said any truer words. 
“Wait, there is... There's one thing she's afraid of. There's one thing strong enough to stop her. When Jack was dying, I made a deal to save him.”
Dean wants to be mad at him, he really does, but he would make any deal, in a heartbeat, just to stop Cas from doing this. Who’s Dean to blame him? 
“You what?”
“The price was my life. When I experienced a moment of true happiness, The Empty would be summoned, and it would take me forever.”
Dean Can’t breathe. 
“Why are you telling me this now?”
“I always wondered, ever since I took that burden, that curse, I wondered what it could be? What my true happiness could even look like. I never found an answer because the one thing I want... It's something I know I can't have. But I think I know... I think I know now. Happiness isn't in the having, it's in just being. It's in just saying it.”
Then just stay and be goddamnit! Dean should have just hit him in the head hard, should have knocked him out cold. He should have stopped Cas, right there and then. 
“What are you talking about, man?”
“I know. I know how you see yourself, Dean. You see yourself the same way our enemies see you. You're destructive, and you're angry, and you're broken. You're daddy's blunt instrument. And you think that hate and anger, that's... That's what drives you, that's who you are. It's not. And everyone who knows you sees it. Everything you have ever done, the good and the bad, you have done for love. You raised your little brother for love. You fought for this whole world for love. That is who you are. You're the most caring man on Earth. You are the most selfless, loving human being I will ever know.” 
Cas is crying and Dean is paralyzed. He’s as paralyzed as he was the first time around. And as paralyzed as every night ever since, lying in bed, reliving this moment over and over and over again. 
“You know, ever since we met, ever since I pulled you out of Hell... Knowing you has changed me. Because you cared, I cared. I cared about you. I cared about Sam, I cared about Jack... I cared about the whole world because of you.”
Yeah, and look where that got you… 
“You changed me, Dean.”
Fuck you for doing this to me Cas… 
“Why does this sound like a goodbye?” Please don’t say goodbye like this…  Don’t say it…  
“Because it is.”
It still lands like a punch to his guts, and Dean inhales, ready to argue, but Castiel confesses before he can.
“I love you.”
“Don't do this, Cas.” I love you too. 
There's a wet noise from behind Dean and he turns to see black goo from The Empty squeezing through the bricks in the bunker's wall as a portal begins to open. They both know what this means. No more matching hawaiian shirts, no more tiny umbrella drinks, no more mix tapes, no more cowboy dressups, no more running away from their profound bond. 
There are tears in Dean's eyes as he turns back to Castiel. Castiel is still smiling tearfully. I wish I could hate you… The warded door busts open. Billie stands behind it with her scythe. There's no more time.
“Cas…” don’t go… please just don’t go… I can’t go on without you… 
Castiel puts his hand, bloodied from when he'd cut it for the warding, on Dean's shoulder. Right where he had laid hands on him for the first time all those years back in hell, and he might as well be throwing Dean back in hell with this. 
“Goodbye, Dean.”
Castiel shoves Dean aside. He hits the floor beneath the portal. A handprint of Castiel's blood remains on the shoulder of his jacket. Billie enters the room. Castiel looks at Dean one last time, smiling, and inhales as the black liquid tendrils of The Empty wrap around him. The Empty crashes against Billie, pulling her in along with them. Dean wants to get up, wants to run over and hold on to Cas’ hand, keep him here, or go with him dammit, but instead he watches in shock as the portal to The Empty closes, and he's left alone, panting, stunned, gutted, heartbroken, empty.
Dean, who is still alone in the basement of the bunker, still sitting against the wall where Cas had pushed him. He’s impaled on the wall. He holds his cellphone in his hand as it vibrates, ringing again, and again, and again, he looks at it. "Incoming Call: Jack" He stares at it, then looks around, tears in his eyes. He drops the phone, leaving it to ring on the stone ground as he buries his face in his hands and begins to cry.
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“DEAN!” Jack tries to break the memory again, reaching for Dean, but his father seems to be lost to his sorrows. He seems to be stuck in this horrible loop, and Jack had no idea what had really happened the night that Cas was taken. None of them did. Dean refused to talk about it, and Jack knows why now. 
But if Dean just opens up to him, if he just picks up the phone and answers, Jack can reach him, and then he can tell Dean about where he’s been. He could tell Dean where he was when Sam called for him. 
He could tell Dean that Castiel was back. That it had taken them weeks to help him get through the worst part of his trauma, but he was back, and he was safe, and he was recharging his batteries as Dean would say, and that he would soon be ready to come back to Dean. 
But Jack needs Dean to make that choice, to take that leap, and to answer his fucking phone. 
He’s not sure how many times he’s watched Dean go through his loop, sunset at the beach, then The Empty, how many times has he cried and felt his heart break for his dads, before he folds and accepts that Dean’s just not going to open up to him. 
It’s not Jack that he wants. 
And it’s not Sam. and it’s not Mary, or John, or Bobby, or anyone else. 
It’s Castiel. 
And when it comes down to it, it has always been Castiel. 
And maybe, just like the first time around, it would take saving Dean from this hell, for Cas to find himself again. 
“Hold on just a little longer Dean…” He says as he leaves for heaven. He has the perfect plan. 
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Dean holds his cellphone in his hand as it vibrates, ringing again, and again, and again, he looks at it. "Incoming Call: Castiel". He stares at it
The hell? Didn’t he just watch Cas be swallowed by The Empty? Doesn’t that mean he’s now in Gay Super Hell? Don’t be weird about the name ok? His brain’s been through a blender.
This has never happened before. Dean’s been through this loop a million times over, his own personal hell, and it’s always either Sam or Jack, calling and calling and … 
But it says Castiel on the phone now. Dean puts the phone down, tries to take a deep breath, and pickles it up again. 
 "Incoming Call: Castiel"
He pinches himself. His tears have dried up, he feels the pinch, stares at the screen, still says Castiel’s name, he takes another deep breath. 
Well, he’s been wanting a chance to change how it happened right? 
Guess this is his brain taking pity on him. God(huh) knows he doesn’t deserve it, but fuck if he cares. 
He’ll be damned before letting this chance go. 
So he slides his finger on the phone, and puts the phone to his ear. 
“C… Cas?” 
Lights explode in his eyes, and he opens them to a familiar scene. 
Well, mostly familiar. 
He’s lying down on the barn floor, close to where the rebar is poking out of the pole, and right in front of him is Casfuckingtiel in his stupid trench coat, with his stupid perfect hair and his fucking blue eyes and he’s staring at Dean with all the worry in the world, as if it wasn’t him that was just swallowed by the fucking empty right in front of Dean’s very own fucking eyes. 
“Dean?” Castiel barely gets the word out, and just like that, Dean’s zapped into movement. He feels wired, live electricity running through him, and he pointedly ignores Sam and, is that Jack, AKA God? 
“Dean? Really? DEAN? That’s all you have to say to me? After putting me through… through that?” He’s only faintly aware of the fact that he’s on his legs, wobbly, he was literally stabbed in the back give him a break, and he steps forward, standing dangerously close to Castiel. 
“No! You’ve said all you had to say! It’s my turn you sadistic bastard!” 
“Uh, Dean…” Sam tries to cut in. 
“Shut up Sammy!” Back to Cas. “How DARE you! You don’t get to pull that shit with a human being Cas! You don’t get to wait ten whole fucking years, put them through the slowest burn of history, drag them along the whole god damned earth, in multiple universes, and declare your love in a selfless act of bravery and fuck off to the empty before said human gets a chance to reply! You hear me?”
“Dean, I understand you’re upset…” 
“Upset? You selfish son of a bitch, you… I …”
“You do NOT get to call me selfish Dean! I sacrificed EVERYTHING for you! For YOU! And what do you do with it? You go around and get yourself killed on a hunt! A fucking vampire hunt Dean? Really? It hasn’t even been a year! Couldn't you have given my memory that little bit of respect and kept your sorry ass alive at least a year?”
“You just fucking left me there Cas! On the ground! With NOTHING! I had nothing! You didn’t even give me a chance to say it back, you asshole! WHat did you expect to happen? The fucker I’m in love with says the big I love you and then immediately is sent to Gay Super Hell and I’m left to pick up the pieces! How was I supposed to live with that? Did you even consider how that affected me Cas? When you made that deal, did you even for a second stop to ask yourself, what about that poor son of a bitch who’s been head over heels in love with me for the past decade?” 
See, Dean has this bad habit of running his mouth when he’s angry. And it always gets the best of him. And it’s only when the silence falls that he realizes what he’s said. Well, shouted. 
You know what they say, when in Rome… 
“I love you, you stupid son of a bitch!” He clarifies, just in case Castiel missed it in all the shouting. 
“What?” Castiel looks pale. Yeah, take that! Not so nice when you’re on the receiving end, is it?
“I love you! And I don’t want to be alive without you! You’re it for me Cas!” Dean’s not even sure at this point if this is life, or death, purgatory, heaven or hell, or the fucking empty. He just knows for some reason, somehow, Cas is standing in front of him, and it’s not a memory or a wish. 
All of a sudden, Castiel launches towards him and before Dean knows it, his lips are pushed into Cas’ and oh my GOD, this is absolutely heaven. 
He kisses Cas, for all the times he didn’t, all the times he wished he had the guts, and he kisses Cas with a vengeance. It takes a while, drunk in the feel and taste of Cas’ mouth, in between the sorrys, and the I love yous, and the I thought I’d never see you agains, before he decides that he needs to know. 
“Cas… Is this real? Are you… are you real?” 
“Yes, Dean. I don’t think I have ever been more real than I am at this moment…” Of course he has to make this sound romantic. Big doofus. 
“But how?” 
“Jack got me out… I, I wanted to come to you sooner but I wasn’t sure if you… Dean I didn’t know how you’d feel about me after what I said…” 
“Well, I will be yelling at you some more for that later, but for now all I need you to know is I love you… and I need you to always come back to me Cas… Always!” 
“I think I’d really rather stick around for good instead…” 
“Well, that’s fine by me…” 
*the end*
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ferretwhomst · 11 months
alright guys. poll time
just wanted to ask because from what i can tell the gf fandom doesn't really seem to have a general fandom-wide consensus on this ship. rbs would be appreciated!!! also feel free to elaborate in the tags which option you chose and why! i'd love to hear people's reasoning :-)
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gorespawn · 20 days
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also while we're here i would like to share the two iterations of tumblr user gorespawn that have existed since i abandoned this blog back in like early 2021. Who wants me
#i grew my hair out so i could twirl my hair while giggling about bald men#and also t.o.p of bigbang#and short men i see at the grocery store who honestly make me feel light-headed with raw and unbridled Want#but that's just a joke. i am. Lesbian#''no ur not'' I AM#anyway i used to be so ripped and hunky but now i am frail and sickly#what getting a job can do to a mf#thankfully i quit my job last week YIPPIIIEEEEEEE so now i will work towards becoming an absolute hunk again#wish me luck#ALSO#if anyone is obsessed with me and remembers all my lore i used to be transgender and i still am like lowkey on the down low#but in a new exciting way#anyway i used to be a gay man and then a stone butch dyke (as seen above) but now im practicing being a girl#it is very difficult but it is also fun. ive never been a girl before so it's a lot#anyway i bought two super cool sexy dresses yesterday for the first time ever in my life#sexy dresses meaning up to my neck and down to my feet and past my elbows. kind of like a wardrobe straight out of the handmaid's tale#from (to quote my friend) ''*The* old lady store'' thanks man. well i think theyre pretty and its v exciting bc ive never been a girl befor#anyway#who wants me#i still use the name emil online btw and i honestly always will i think it's just so me and also i do still answer to he/him dw#in a man way not in a he/him lesbian way#''he's LGBTQA+'' what. all at once?#yes.#i have mastered them all i have collected all the genders and all the sexualities and ive never been ''wrong''#it just keeps switching. which is fine. well im a girl now. in a detransitioning man way. who is insanely attracted to men#but you will have to tear this lesbian label out of my cold dead hands#''you can't call urself lesbian if u have sex w men'' well first of all fuck you and second of all i am celibate so you dont need to worry#''what the hell are you talking about'' nothing. now look how hot i am#im just joking around i hope that's fine w y'all
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dj-crack · 8 months
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Happy November 5th to those who celebrate
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a-sketchy · 5 months
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god, the double L in the same fucking conversation
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thorxthunder · 11 months
If I had a nickel for every time an angel and his rugged, badboy lover who doesn’t care what hell does to him confessed their feelings after pinning each other for years and then the angel immediately goes to super hell/heaven because metatron fucked up everything, I’d have two nickels which isn’t a lot but…
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(Guys I’m sobbing right now, I don’t think you understand)
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blackbackedjackal · 2 months
GW2 is one of those games I've been playing for so long that it's just a comfort space for me. I love the game and I love talking about it, but you gotta push the hyperfixation button in my brain otherwise I'll hardly mention it.
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holisticdogpark · 4 months
cannot stop thinking about leverage season 5 episode 3. why did they do that to that man
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anotherpapercut · 10 months
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#submission#I actually have seen this meme because someone sent it to my supervisor at some point and she showed it to all of us ajdbkajs#working with a bunch of gay autistic math nerds fucking rules lmfao y'all have no idea#one of my bosses is super into sci fi and is also a math teacher and puts star trek and firefly and buffy and hitchhikers guide etc etc#references in EVERYTHING he makes. I took a math class from him once and all of the test questions were about some fuckin show#whenever he runs meetings he asks us questions based on star trek usually. recently in a meeting he asked us to choose the best captain#I'm one of only like 3 people who watches all of this shit so I looove going to meetings when he runs them#bc he'll ask some fuckin question like who's the best star trek captain. and the 3 of us who knows what's going on will just start arguing#while everyone else looks around like what the fuck is going on right now (this one always gets the newbies)#my ALL TIME favorite Jake moment tho was when I was there one night and there were no students so we were all just hanging out#and Jake walks out of his office and he looks kind of annoyed. and he's a big dude like super tall and broad and loud as hell#so I can hear him like mumbling shit all annoyed and I'm like hey Jake what's up? you doin ok?#and he sighed and was like no. the schools internet filter started blocking my FAVORITE board game forum#and now when I have a thought I can't just look it up to see if anyone's said anything about it. and that's like ALL I do. it's so annoying#and I was like Jake maybe that's why they blocked it akddjkansbdjsdbebs#god I love that dude. and this barely mentions my other supervisor who is autistic and pansexual and married to a woman#and both of them foster several kids. Jake has like 10 fuckin kids or smth bc he was fostering a couple of kids and then he got married#and she already had children and then they had a baby together. idk he's got like a whole baseball team they're very cute
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demadogs · 2 years
i hate people who think theyre so cool for not liking or refusing to engage in insanely popular things like has it occurred to you that it might be insanely popular……… because its good?
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lovelyabyss · 10 months
the one piece live action soundtrack AB SO LUTE LY F U C K S
honestly prob shouldnt be surprised at this point tbh but damn. i mean i already loved the opening theme hook thing bc it's rad as fuck, and saving the 'we are' moment for the first time they sail away on the merry like damn
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chadsuke · 7 months
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Books Read in 2023:
Humankind: A Hopeful History by Rutger Bregman (2019)
Luck in the Shadows by Lynn Flewelling (1996)
The Last Sun by K.D. Edwards (2018)
The Little Book of Lykke by Meik Wiking (2017)
American Cozy by Stephanie Pederson (2018)
The Queer Principles of Kit Webb by Cat Sebastian (2021)
The Conscious Closet by Elizabeth L. Cline (2019)
My Happy Marriage Vol. 1 by Akumi Agitogi (2019)
Silent Spring by Rachel Carson (1962)
[ID: Covers of the aforementioned books. End ID.]
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andi-o-geyser · 1 year
I’m so sorry but I think that the funniest thing they did in Top Gun Maverick was the fact that to try to beat the “Top Gun is really fucking gay” allegations they paired Mav up with a different woman this time but in doing so accidentally validated an entirely new gay ship. It’s like. Hey. Lean in real close. Hey. Mav’s got a new girlfriend this time and they’re exes with a fraught past but over the course of the movie make up and get back together, isn’t that so romantic? And then five feet away from all that shit Rooster and Hangman are just straight up saying they have an history with each other and they hold an intense rivalry before they eventually get over their differences and become friends and all the while Rooster is telling Hangman he looks good for the fiftieth fucking time that day and they keep playing romantic songs to piss each other off. The most hilarious thing is that the writers constantly use Maverick’s romances from both movies and basically parallel the only straight relationships with Rooster and Hangman’s relationship, and it’s like? Is this intentional? Is there something you want to tell us?? Because those two have STRONG hostile ex boyfriend energy if i’ve ever seen it, and if the writers want to convince me they’re straight they have another thing coming. If parallels with the only romance on screen then why no canon ex boyfriends. If parallels with both couples from both movies then why no gay. Hmm. Riddle me that Tom Cruise 
#tom pls take a break from your scientology bullshit the aliens can wait i want to know if this was fucking intentional or not#because the evidence is not super subtle#these naval aviators are fruity as hell#i literally feel like im losing my mind bc like?? if not meant to be romantic then why parallel the other romances??#im sorry ive been going literally insane over this movie for the past week#also glen powell writing literal fanfiction on twitter.com does not help the case that they arent 10000000% a thing#mr ''yeah miles and i send each other stuff of people wanting rooster and hangman to get together''#actually. who tf are you fooling#that man did not need to fucking specify who was on the top bunk and who was on the bottom. like#pulling my hair out they fucking know what they were doing. publicly declaring nickname headcanons and top/bottom dynamics?? what the FUCK#sry to all my mutuals who arent neck deep in the top gun movies but ive been having a fantastic time#top gun fucking slaps and everyone should go see it because its a stupid amount of fun#specifically top gun maverick#the first is good but the cinematography and action in tgm is fucking outstanding#the action senes are so well shot and it makes me want to willingly get into a fighter jet for some goddamn reason (plane go vroom)#not in danger of susceptibility to military propaganda but also consider. gay bitches in planes#top gun#top gun maverick#top gun: maverick#pete maverick mitchell#hangman#rooster#jake hangman seresin#bradley rooster bradshaw#hangster#sereshaw#movies#andis thought geyser
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shima-draws · 1 year
Kirito: Hey welcome back. What took you?
Eugeo: Well uh.
Eugeo: I think
Eugeo: I just got proposed to?
Kirito: Oh neat good for you
Kirito: Wait, WHAT,
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spontaneousspirit · 21 days
Having the worst time rn
(My political and religious views are fighting so fucking rn help)
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imaginary-land-scapes · 4 months
truly the only time i miss twitter is on oscars night. I have THOUGHTS about these red carpet looks (and I can't be arsed to find and reblog pictures with commentary lmao)
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