#from the summer game fest stream
bamsara · 4 months
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felassan · 4 months
Jeff Grubb said the following a few hours ago on his show, Jeff Grubb's Game Mess, "Perfect Dark and Summer Game Mess update":
"But, for Dragon Age: Dreadwolf, that, this is one that I've mentioned before, is coming out this year [2024]. And, hey, will it be at the Summer Game Fest or around that time? Yeah, they've said that themselves over at EA, so that's not some thing from me, that's them, but, I, that would be my expectation because, yeah, still sounds like that game is coming out later this year. So, where would they announce it other than Summer Game Fest? They could hold their own thing, but my expectation is they'll have - well, if they hold their own thing, I think it will be part of the Summer Game Fest orbit, so that's what I mean, like, Summer Game Fest or somewhere else. This point, it seems like we should see that game at Summer Game Fest, or around that time, and they should have all of the details for that thing, because, everyone seems really happy with that game. They're pretty pleased with how it turned out. And the plan is to launch that this calendar year, so not EA's Fiscal year, not before March 2025 or anything like that, this year, and I don't think you're gonna have to wait too long after this thing gets announced to play it. But we'll see. We'll see for sure here pretty soon. As it stands, I'm just gonna say, coming out this year. I have it on my Fantasy Critic draft, like, it's one of my games, because I'm pretty sure it's coming out this year."
[source, two. the second source link is the original video, with timestamp]
(bolded emphasis mine).
there were no further mentions of DA:D or BioWare in the video.
SGF timings & events info:
June 7th 2024: Summer Game Fest 2024 opening live show. 2pm PT / 5pm ET / 9pm GMT. A 2 hour ‘what’s next in gaming’ showcase streaming live. I think Summer Game Fest 2024 itself runs from then til June 29th, with the majority of events happening by June 13th [?]. The Xbox Showcase and the PC game showcase are happening on June 9th. Also it’s rumored that in May 2024 PlayStation will be doing a showcase or state of play event. in the video linked above Jeff commented on the PS event as well, saying, "I still think the May [PS] showcase is happening, I think it's a showcase, still could be a State of Play or some event of some sort, but probably a showcase."
edit/update: post has been tidied up and the word for word transcript added.
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boeing-787 · 4 months
most of the summer games fest stream is whatever aside from horizon lego adventures and Neva but then the space marine thing
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thats a fucking PLANEDRAGON? straight up flapping wings and moving tail and everthing?
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man i wish the rest of the trailer actually showed something substantial because hello what
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ohgodimafraud · 8 months
Streaming t//diapt - Uru//shihara
Hi. Idek what to say about this one
summary: ur//ushihara makes a discover about his strteaming audience and his roommates demand that he capitalizes immediately.
The summer heat continued baking down on Sasazuka, and it was the perfect excuse for Urushihara to stay put in his closet, the one sad fan whirring and blowing warm air against his damp skin. The laptop continued generating its excessive heat which was decidedly preferable to the resident NEET to the fresh summer air. As Urushihara scrolled through the bountiful sea of videos, he recognized a familiar screen name: his own.
Darklord666 Clip 1
So he’d gotten popular enough to have fans clip his best hits. A smirk spread across his face. So much for his streaming hobby being a “fruitless endeavor.” 
3.k views. One week ago.
Damn, that’s more than ten times the amount of followers he had last time he checked, and this video had gotten this many views in the span of a week. He clicked the video and adjusted the volume and leaned in to watch which one of his builds or jokes had taken off.
“Oh this sucks. The hair colors are so limited.” Urushihara pinched the bridge of his nose and sniffled. “Guess you guys will have to point me towards some…cuhh-uh…hKSHhh’ieh! tssch! Ugh. wait” 
He adjusted his headset before reaching around offscreen until he produced a tissue. “HehkShhhieh! Ihhshhh’ihh!”
“Rec me sombe custumb condtedt,” he amended. “Oh…yeah, it’s ndot a—hYSHhh’ieh! ndot a cold, just allergies.” He blew his nose.
“Wait, I can get it through the game? Is it free?” He sniffled. “Oh and thanks.”
dandelion222: what is he allergic to
S.finder: @dandelion222 He said later in the stream that it’s dust
snzgirl: bless him <3 
sneezy123: god hes so sexy
supersnzr: the video quality is so bad but the content def makes up for it ;)))
Okay that was odd. He can’t see what was particularly sexy about that clip. He’d been sneezing for half of it. He frowned and clicked the next recommended clip.  
Darklord666 Clip 2
“hyhSHhh’yyu! Tschh’iu! hpt’chhhu!” 
Urushihara fixed his headset that’d been displaced during the sneezing fit and gripped it as another sneeze shook him forward. “hh…hehhh….wa-waihht…ihhgKSHhh’ieh!” 
He wiped the screen with the hem of his raglan shirt. “Ugh,” he sniffled, “fail. You didn’t see that.” 
Urushihara’s frown deepened. What the fuck? Why did this one have even more views. He skipped over the comments in favor of clicking the next video.
Darklord666 Clip 3
“Yeah I wanted to do hh- rags t-to…wait…hehh…” Urushihara abandoned his sentence and squinted his eyes, nose scrunching in the lowlight. “HehhkSHhhihh!” This time the spray was visible and he hadn’t bothered to turn away from the laptop this time. “IhhSHhhiehh!”
“Oh hey thanks for the gift sakurablossom7.”
asters_in_bloom: heyy good find but maybe you shouldn’t put their screen names on these clips…
S.finder: @asters_in_bloom Others have commented the same thing. Going forward I’ll be sure to fix this.
asters_in_bloom: @S.finder ok but you didnt????
Dustyboi: i need him. im subscribing immediately. id pay him sm to sneeze all over my—
Urushihara stopped reading. Immediately. That didn’t stop autoplay from playing the fourth clip. The closet door abruptly flung open and he nearly tumbled out again, but managed to catch himself this time. He let out a groan of disdain before the inevitable scream fest began. 
“Urushihara!” Ashiya pointed at him as if he’d finally tracked him down. “Please stop talking to your friend “Chat” and come help me fold the laundry for once! Or if you’re going to sneeze nonstop, perhaps you should dust this time.”
“You’re just gonna complain that I’m doing it wrong,” Urushiahara complained, removing his headset. The sound of the clip did not stop, and it was then that he realized his headphones weren’t even plugged in. He blushed and paused the video.
“Why are you sitting here watching video tapes of yourself?”
“I’m not.” Urushihara shuddered and closed the computer. “Just figured out why I got so many gifts last stream.” 
Oh he’d fucked up. Royally. He could feel the way the atmosphere in the room had shifted, the way Ashiya’s mind had shifted into budget mode. “Gifts?”
“And why is that? How much money did you make?” 
This was humiliating, and yet something about the situation warranted sharing. He should want this to die a secret, but there’s a certain catharsis in discussing it. Without moving his eyes to meet Ashiya’s, he finally answered, “Apparently people like seeing me sneeze.”
“There are people who enjoy—”
“Like, dude, you don’t understand. They really really like it.’
Ashiya furrowed his eyebrows and opened his mouth as if he was going to ask him to get off his ass again.
“I don't even understand,” Urushihara added. “Like I made 1,500 yen last stream.”
“What do you mean they really like your—”
“You know how Sasaki Chiho looks at Maou when he does literally anything? Or how Sariel looks at—”
“Please speak no further.” Ashiya sighed and tilted his head. He raised an incredulous eyebrow. “To summarize, people are giving you money because of your incessant sneezing?”
Urushihara nodded.
“And you’re sure Chat is not paying you to cease and desist?” Urushihara opened his laptop and showed Ashiya the comment bold enough to make not just one but two demon generals blush. “No…further evidence requested. Excuse me.” 
Ashiya left the apartment. Perhaps it was all too much for him. Though Urushihara had at least eight thousand years on the guy, Ashiya had always been more old fashioned. Explaining that there in fact other people out there who would spend their free time watching other people play a game rather than playing it themselves had been a headache in itself. It was much easier to let him think he’d been video calling some guy named Chat. 
Urushihara quietly decided he was done streaming for the foreseeable future and ordered another delivery of a few bags of chips and a bottle of iced tea he could easily hide in the closet. He would’ve completely erased all memories of today were it not for what happened when Ashiya returned. 
“Dude, what the hell?” Urushihara cried when Ashiya yanked the closet door open once again. He was holding a bouquet of flowers with a sticker with a brightly marked down price. “What the fuck.”
“Do you remember the incident when Miss Sasaki brought his highness lilies?” Ashiya asked. A dark aura spread across the devil’s castle as his eyes zeroed in on the fresh chip bag in his hands. “I see you ordered delivery while I was out.”
“You’re a demon! Why are you trying to pimp me out to the sneeze fetish community?” he whined, fighting against Ashiya’s grasp on the door. 
“You call Chat this instant! It’s time you started contributing financially!” 
This was a mistake. All of it. Urushihara’s eyes were already starting to water from the putrid scent of the flowers Ashiya was continuing to wave in his face. 
“It’s time you learned the value of money. His majesty slaves over a hot grill all day, serving the people of Sasazuka, and he does not do it so you can waste all his—”
Speak of the devil. Maou entered the apartment. Surely he’d stop this human rights violation. 
“Dude, help!” Urushihara called out. 
Maou looked between his two demon generals, one holding lilies up to the other one's face as he shrunk back into the closet.
“Did Chi send those?” he asked obliviously.
“Ashiya is trying to pimp me out to strangers online!”
“He is exaggerating!”
Maou’s posture sagged. “What’s really happening?”
“Welcome home. As it happens, my liege, though his phrasing is crude, it is not far from the truth.” Ashiya moved a step back from the closet and faced Maou. He briefly explained the situation to Maou while Urushihara tried not to sneeze. It was becoming more difficult by the second. He brushed a few bright yellow flecks off of his shirt as Ashiya explained Chat’s sadistic tendencies.
“Okay, that…” Maou sighed and shot Urushihara a sympathetic glance. Hail Satan. “I get that we need the money, but—”
“He spent a day’s wages on Sims expansion packs.” Ashiya handed him a folded receipt from his pocket. 
“You’d better fuckin call Chat!” Maou hissed, pointing at him. “You think I’m made of yen?? I was saving to take Alas Ramus to the movies damnit!”
Urushihara sighed and opened the streaming app. He had indeed acquired another fifty followers since his last stream. 
“Dude, pleaseeee—”
“Let’s go, tech squad. How much yen can you make in one stream?”
“My record is uh…”
“2,000 yen, sire. I’ll bet with these he can double it.’
“Don’t come out until you’ve made at least 2,000,” Maou sighed. 
“Hi and welcome back to my channel. How are we doin’, chat?” He glanced up at the two demons standing over him and accepted the bouquet from Ashiya. He didn’t even have to take a whiff for the onslaught to continue. The scent alone was enough to drive his nose crazy. He couldn’t keep from scrunching it and sniffling, though each sniffle would bring in more of the sickly sweet odor. “So I got some of the expansion packs y’all rec…recommended. How about I make the, uh…cat—wait, I’mgonnasnNDSChhh’iuhh! H’KSChh’ieeh!”
Maou handed him a tissue pack, glare still intact. 
“We had a cat once. I was really allergic to it.” Urushihara blew his nose into a one-ply tissue before continuing. “No, that’s not why I’mb sneezing now. ‘Mb allergic to a lotta stuff apparently. Anyway…hahhhkSHhh’iew! Anyway, thangks for the gift, uh, Dustyboi…”
Save me, Dustyboi.
“Mby roombate can really stretch out 500 yen, y’kndow. Thanks, s-sakurabl-...hehYSHhh’iehh! Ihhpshh! Tschh! heh’ESCHhh’yew!”
Ashiya had moved on and went on to make dinner in the background. Maou sat in front of the TV with the volume on zero but with the captions on, though he seemed far more interested in Urushihara’s performance. 
Urushihara blew his nose again, knowing he’d have about a minute before he’d have to blow his nose again.. “Sorry guys, I’mb ndot gonnda be…able to…hh…st-stop sneezi’gg. Hehh’KSHhh’iehh! Mby roombate got flowers that I’mb allergic to. Yeah it’s that…it’s that bad. Anyway, here’s Silverfish the cat. We’re gonnda—H’ESCHhh’iew!—add himb ind…”  
Urushihara finalized the Devil’s Castle on the Sims and sniffled and wiped the tears from his eyes. “Yeah, Ashiya’s throwi’d himbself at Maou again. Just like in real life…”
“What did you say, you creatin?” Ashiya yelled from the kitchen which was, of course, part of the same room they were all in.
“Yeah they’re both hombe,” Urushihara said into the mic casually before losing control of the sneeze he’d managed to keep back for almost a full minute. “h’ESHhhu! Fugk…Ugh, thank you for the gifts. Mbaybe I cand afford better tissues now.” 
“Oh no, he has to pay off his debt first. Otherwise he’ll have to sell some of this streaming equipment,” Maou called from the living room portion of the room.
That did it. If Maou understood one thing about this world, it was appealing to the consumer. 
“Thangks for all the gifts, guys. Wow. Three-thousand yen!” Urushihara coughed and sniffled again. “Btw guys, I’m gudda be uploadi’gg a recordi’gg of this streab to mby chandel and all future streams. I’mb gudda…sndeeze…ah-agaid…Ehhshhh!-KShhh’ih! H’KSHhh’iew!”
He muddled through another twenty minutes of gameplay before people started expressing genuine concern in the comments. Suddenly there were about ten people regularly writing “bless you,” and “are you okay?” in the chat along with others calling him “poor thing.”
“H’KShhhieh! It’s okay, I’mb used to it. This is—hah…ieSCHhh’iew! KSHhhh! dothi’gg cobbared to whed we had the cadt I swear.”
In the background, Ashiya began setting the kotatsu for dinner. Somehow between the horny viewers and the sympathetic ones, he’d made five-thousand yen. 
“Okay…sorry guys. I godtta go. I’ll…I’ll be back tomborrow.” He gave a peace sign which he knew was ironic coming from him, but nobody needed to know that. 
“Five-k yen is gonna drop tonight, okay?” He then walked the bouquet to the trash can. Ashiya got up and stood in his way. 
“Save this one for tomorrow. He pulled a single lily out and left it on the table.” 
“Doesn't it suck busting your ass to make money only for someone else to spend it?” Maou asked with a smirk, crumbs sticking to the inner corners of his lips. 
Urushihara shrugged and went to wash his swollen face in the bathroom knowing that eventually the video of the stream would surely gain some income and exposure too. Next he’d report the accounts stealing his clips and make his own video compilations. And then nothing will come between him and owning his very own Switch. 
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hollowtones · 1 year
TONIGHT'S STREAM - June 17th, 2023
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Friends of the stream @friendlyfrankenstein and @goosterbold join Puzz & I as we wrangle up some trailers and showcases from:
LIVE ~8:30pm Eastern!!
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demifiendrsa · 3 months
Monster Hunter Wilds - 2nd Trailer: The Hunter's Journey
Japanese version
Monster Hunter Wilds will launch for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC via Steam in 2025.
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Key visual
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Latest details
Latest Trailer
The latest Monster Hunter Wilds trailer, “The Hunter’s Journey,” gave Summer Game Fest live stream viewers a deeper look at the Hunter’s foray into the Forbidden Lands, including the colorful characters and a mysterious crescent-shaped mountain players will encounter as story moments seamlessly blend into gameplay. As the hunter delves deeper into unknown territory, local wildlife including the treacherous new Balahara Leviathan monster demonstrated how hunters must adapt and harness new techniques to coexist in the Windward Plains region’s volatile conditions. In the ferocious lightning storms that herald a change between the harsh dry season and abundant monsoon season, an even greater threat was glimpsed bolting behind the billowing sand clouds.
Cross-Play and Next Trailer
Monster Hunter series producer Ryozo Tsujimoto joined Geoff Keighley on stage to confirm Monster Hunter Wilds will support crossplay across PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC via Steam. Please visit the official site for more information. Tsujimoto also notified fans eagerly awaiting the highly anticipated title’s 2025 release that Capcom will debut its next trailer at Gamescom Opening Night Live, and Monster Hunter Wilds will be playable for the first time on the Gamescom 2024 show floor.
The Wild Beauty of the Windward Plains
While traversing the sandy dunes of the Windward Plains, hunters and local wildlife alike must be cautious of falling victim to the quicksand traps of the newly revealed Balahara. The Forbidden Lands play host to multiple packs of large monsters such as the Balahara, who can be seen in the trailer tracking and overwhelming the previously announced Doshaguma. These Leviathans secrete mucus along their serpentine bodies to deftly maneuver through the earth, hurl attacks at their foes, and create pitfall traps capable of shifting the sands of battle in their favor. As these formidable monsters seek to scrape out a niche within this harsh ecosystem, territorial disputes with other large monsters can erupt at a moment’s notice. Hidden within the region’s frequent sandstorms, a mysterious apex predator lurks, waiting to shock its prey with an electric fury.
A Seamless World of Extremes
Monster Hunter Wilds seamlessly flows from story sequences to gameplay to tell the dynamic and engrossing story of the hunter leading the Forbidden Lands Research Commission as they explore vibrant ecosystems filled with monsters and extreme environments. After stepping off their ship headed for the Windward Plains, hunters begin to unravel the many mysteries contained within Forbidden Lands, such as the massive crescent-shaped mountain dominating the landscape. That journey will compel players to team up with other Hunters to discover the relationship between this world and the people who inhabit it, standing shoulder to shoulder against new and fearsome foes.
Playable at Gamescom 2024
More information regarding Monster Hunter Wilds will be revealed at Gamescom Opening Night Live, alongside the title’s first playable demo on the Gamescom 2024 show floor.
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satoshi-mochida · 4 months
Metaphor: ReFantazio ‘Awaken’ trailer; ‘ATLUS Exclusive’ introduces Archetype job system - Gematsu
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Publisher ATLUS and developer Studio Zero have released the “Awaken” trailer and a second “ATLUS Exclusive” showcase video for Metaphor: ReFantazio.
During the showcase, Metaphor: ReFantazio director Katsura Hashino explains how Archetypes, or jobs, branch and evolve throughout the player’s journey. There are 14 basic Archetypes—such as the Magician, the Thief, the Seeker, and the Monk—which each have a lineage that expand to more Archetypes that unlock as the game progresses. In total, the game features more than 40 Archetypes, including the Masked Dancer, the Summoner, the Berserker and many more.
Metaphor: ReFantazio is due out for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series, PlayStation 4, and PC via Steam and Microsoft Store on October 11.
Watch the trailer and showcasee below, including a full transcript.
Awaken Trailer
Atlus Exclusive 2 Showcase
Hello everyone, I’m Katsura Hashino, the director of Metaphor: ReFantazio. You may know some of my previous work, including Shin Megami Tensei III and Persona 3, 4, and 5. At Summer Game Fest held in Los Angeles, California, we announced there are 14 Archetype lineages, which amount to more than 40 Archetypes. Understanding the various Archetypes is crucial to mastering this title’s battle system. In this edition of the ATLUS Exclusive 2 Metaphor: ReFantazio Showcase, we will dive deeper into the different types of Archetypes and how to use them. For those who haven’t watched in our previous Showcase, we introduced the overall game flow. We will continue to reveal new content on Metaphor: ReFantazio on our ATLUS YouTube channel, so please be sure to subscribe. Let’s get started!
First, let’s review the battle system introduced in the previous live stream. Metaphor features a turn-based and action-oriented battle system where enemies of lower rank are defeated through real-time action, allowing you to proceed at a quick pace. In this innovative battle system, against higher ranked enemies, players can use the real-time action to enter turn-based combat with an advantage.
Metaphor incorporates tactical planning through action into its established systems, along with a high degree of party composition freedom through job changes. Central to this approach are the game’s new job types known as Archetypes, which players can equip to their protagonist. To prepare these Archetypes for the protagonist, it’s crucial to first introduce the facility known as the “Akademia.”
In the early stages of the story, the protagonist gains access to a mysterious location called “Akademia.” As you can see, it’s a place adorned with a plethora of books, giving it the atmosphere of a sanctuary of knowledge.
The individual in Akademia has high hopes for the protagonist’s awakened Archetypes. He is well-versed in Archetype knowledge and will lend his support to the protagonist’s journey, helping him to awaken Archetypes.
Archetypes are managed in lineages such as this one, branching out as they are acquired during the journey. This is a game screen from the early stages of the story, so right now we only have access to the initial Archetypes with basic skills, but once you’re able to swap Archetypes, the real game strategy begins.
Details on how the protagonist comes to visit this place will be shared in detail in subsequent updates, so please look forward to it.
Now I’d like to introduce the types and characteristics of Archetypes, as well as details about the related battle system, including some that have not yet been revealed.
Archetype Lineage
In the last live stream, we introduced the different types of Archetypes, including some of the foundational ones.
The Versatile Seeker, who is a well-rounded Archetype; the Mage, who can exploit the enemy’s weak points with powerful magic; the Thief, skilled in abilities like robbery; the Brawler, who excels in physical attacks using their fists.
In terms of other initial Archetypes, we have the Warrior, who excels in sword attacks; the Knight, with outstanding defensive skills; the Healer, who specializes in recovery; the Commander, with skills related to formation and support; the Gunner, who can shoot from a distance; the Merchant, who can use money-related attacks; and the Faker, with tricky moves.
As the game progresses, players can unlock evolved Archetypes such as the Masked Dancer, whose skills and resistances can be fully changed with equipment; the Summoner, who is perceived as a highlight in job change games with its power to summon monsters; and the Berserker, who has tremendous destructive power.
There are 14 basic Archetype lineages, and when the variations of each Archetype are added up in total, there are more than 40 Archetypes available.
Each Archetype gains experience through battle and learns various skills. There’s a wide variety of skills with different attributes and ranges, such as buffs, recovery, and passive skills to improve abilities. Mastering these skills allows players to gain an advantage in battles. Furthermore, as Archetypes evolve through growth, players can advance to higher-tier Archetypes.
While the Archetypes like the ones introduced earlier are unlocked as the base Archetype of each lineage, progressing them through battle and strengthening bonds with supporters encountered on the journey is crucial. This system unlocks conditions for acquiring even more advanced Archetypes, providing substantial depth and party development for players to enjoy and experience.
For example, the Seeker, which first awakens for the protagonist, is a lineage in the Seeker category. And by deepening the bond with the supporter who controls this lineage, the character can evolve into the Magic Seeker, who wields powerful wind magic as well as reinforcement support and passives, and then onto Soul Hacker, who has powerful magic such as additional MP recovery effects and penetration resistance.
The Gunner, who can shoot from a distance, is a heroic figure in the ranged category, and can evolve into Sniper, who is good at all target attacks, and then onto Dragoon, who can trigger attacks with various magical attributes by deepening the bond with the supporter who controls this lineage.
Each Archetype variation is uniquely crafted with dedicated artwork and the appearance of each character changes based on the equipped Archetype, so I think you will enjoy the work very much.
Guest Artists
This title was created with the cooperation of guest creators, including Koda Kazuma for the background concept art, and Ikuto Yamashita for the gauntlet runner design.
The Archetype designs, boasting over 40 variations, are not only designed by Shigenori Soejima, who is in charge of character design for this title, but also by Yuji Himukai, the character designer for the Etrian Odyssey series, who is likely familiar to ATLUS fans. The Etrian Odyssey series is a dungeon-crawling RPG based on creating characters from a large number of jobs and organizing them into parties, and the fact that we have incorporated the ideas of the creator who has consistently been in charge of the design of the series is not only impressive, but also an appropriate element for the 35th anniversary title of the ATLUS brand, so please look forward to it as well.
Archetype Battle SYstem
In the last live stream, we explained the Archetype system that allows you to transform at any time during a battle and activate their skills, after entering a turn-based battle with the squad button. Today I would like to introduce the Archetype battle system in more detail.
Against higher ranked foes, players can stun enemies with fast action before engaging in advantageous squad turn-based battles. However, if attacked by enemies first, the turn-based battle will begin with a disadvantage. Players who prefer certainty in their attacks or struggle with action sequences should not try to take on the enemies through fast battle, but rather use the squad button to engage in turn-based combat. Depending on the situation, players are encouraged to adapt between high-risk high-reward combat and low-risk low-reward strategies.
The squad battle is a turn-based battle system adopted from Shin Megami Tensei III. In this system, the number of actions per turn is determined by the number of party members, and the number of actions increases if the enemy’s weak points are exploited. So, strategize your next move wisely. You can eliminate enemies unilaterally without giving them a turn. However, this system is a double-edged sword, since this also applies for the opponent. If enemy attacks exploit your party’s weaknesses, then your party’s turn may not come for a while, leading to challenging battles. Metaphor is an evolution of our command battle system that has been cultivated over the years, and its innovative Archetype system is unique to this title.
In command battles, players can change the party formation front and back, and each Archetype has its optimal position of strength. For example, the Mage can cast magic from the back row to compensate for its weak point, low defense, to some extent, maintaining its attack power. The Knight can withhold its attacks and attract enemy attacks from the back row, and therefore induce enemy attacks with minimal damage. The Gunner, who can use shooting is an Archetype that specializes in long-range attacks from the back row. The Commander can change the formation of all members with its skills, allowing each player to freely create their own strategy.
There is a special technique called Synthesis that differs from normal skills. Synthesis, which means integration in psychological terms, is a system that allows Archetypes to combine with other party members’ Archetypes. It can activate a special technique that is not available otherwise. To perform this skill, it consumes more than a normal action as it consumes an additional action from your ally’s turn as well. This technique is more powerful for that reason.
For example, while a Mage and Healer can only target a single enemy with their attack, with the use of synthesis, the target can be changed to all enemies. The Seeker’s main attack is wind magic. But by using synthesis, the seeker can use attacks with attributes that are normally unavailable to it, such as light or strike. In addition, Warriors are good at physical attacks. But if many of the same Archetype are placed in a party, the attack characteristics will naturally be skewed. However, the special Synthesis attack that can be unleashed by three Warriors can do a surprising amount of damage even in the early stages of the game.
This system is an important element of the strategy, and if used properly, it can eliminate the enemies all at once. The activation conditions change depending on the combination of the party, so it is a fun element to try out different configurations and discover new synthesis combinations.
Party Configuration
Moreover, the development team has worked hard to ensure that the diverse range of Archetypes remains engaging even in the later stages, allowing players to enjoy different compositions. We aimed for a balance to avoid a situation where players’ party compositions become similar as the game progresses, or where only certain Archetypes are used. When players change from one Archetype to another, they can inherit the skills they have already mastered to the new Archetype.
The command battle system not only includes action count strategies, but also formation tactics, special moves called Synthesis, and a skill inheritance system, providing numerous ways to creatively configure Archetype strategies in the party. While the party consists of four members initially, it can expand to seven as the story progresses. All members can equip any of the 40-plus Archetypes, so we hope players enjoy developing their unique strategies.
Fast Battle Actions
Now that we have explained how to use Archetypes in command battles, let’s discuss how Archetypes abilities come into play in other ways.
Weapons change depending on which Archetype is equipped, and this also affects the real-time action fast combat that can be used before entering turn-based squad battles. For example, the Seeker’s one-handed sword allows for quick, successive strikes to deal damage to enemies. Let’s change the Archetype of the protagonist to the Unlocked Warrior. You can change the Archetype of your party members as well from each tree, but the fast action is a move specific for the protagonist, so we want you to try out not only the command battles, but also the strategic action.
In the case of the Warrior’s Great Sword, its large swing delivers powerful blows, and while swinging it, the user is not susceptible to preemptive strikes from enemies. In the case of the Mage’s Staff, the attack range extends not only forward, but also around the user, making it effective in situations where the player is surrounded by multiple enemies. It can wipe out many monsters when outnumbered and outclassed.
Additionally, there are Archetypes that can use ranged weapons. The Faker can throw knives, and the Gunner uses a crossbow, allowing attacks from a safe distance. Enemies roaming the field also have various characteristics and weaknesses. For instance, you might use a Gunner with long distance attack range to take down flying foes. However, if you choose the protagonist’s Archetype focusing mainly on fast action, you will fight with that Archetype when you enter a squad battle. You cannot swap Archetypes in a squad battle, so it’s important to plan ahead of time.
We hope that everyone will enjoy the fast and squad combat.
Dungeon Progression
Let me also talk about the dungeons. There are various enemies in the dungeons. Many familiar creatures from fantasy worlds are recreated in a modern design. Some enemies that ambush you, some that hide underground, and some that appear in a groove. There are no dungeons that require a specific type of Archetype party, so please enjoy trying out various party strategies of your choice.
Although there are tough enemies and bosses that force you into battles. When this happens, the type of party you bring will affect the battle. Monsters called “Humans” are especially tricky to face, so beware. We think you will enjoy planning strategies for the battles ahead.
Moreover, the degree of freedom and party formation, and the fact that the difficulty level varies depending on which quest you conquer first, can affect the perceived difficulty of battles, and a slight error in judgment can be fatal in this battle. The difficulty of the game can be changed at any time, and by using the Retry feature, you’ll be able to return to the top of the battle and take on the challenge again with other strategies you might have thought of. So please rest assured that this game is made in a way that ensures all players can confidently take on the challenges.
Additionally, a Network feature allows players to view the party compositions used by other players who’ve cleared the same dungeon, available to view at any time. With the press of a button, you can instantly switch to those compositions, making it easier to adapt and strategize. I’m sure there are players who remember playing classic job change games based on the recommended information of specific party setups for certain dungeons. This Network feature is like a modern version of that kind of playstyle. Above all, we wanted players to be able to see firsthand how other players are progressing in the dungeon they are currently conquering, using their own party composition and ingenuity, even though it is a loosely connected aspect.
So, what did you think? In this video, we have introduced the various types and uses of Archetypes. We hope that even those who are unfamiliar with past ATLUS titles will be able to easily enjoy this fantasy RPG based on its unique job system, which is a staple in fantasy RPGs. We’ve added various unique features into Metaphor, from the system and volume to its visuals, and we hope that you will enjoy this fantasy RPG.
Metaphor is launching on October 11, 2024 and is open for pre-orders. Starting today, you can also pre-order the digital version. If you are interested in Metaphor, please be sure to pre-order or add to your wishlist. Those who pre-order will receive pre-order bonuses, including the “Archetype EXP Chest Set” and an “Adventurer’s Journey Pack.” Both in-game item sets are useful for battles and party development. They are great value downloadable contents that you can get just for pre-ordering, so please consider them.
Metaphor will be available in both standard and special editions for physical and digital formats. The development team has come together to create a Collector’s Edition that allows everyone to celebrate ATLUS’ 35th anniversary. The outer box is designed by Mr. Soejima, and the art book is truly gorgeous, including art from various guest artists. We hope you will have a copy on hand to enjoy.
In the digital 35th Anniversary History Book, you will find a timeline of past titles, introductions to major titles, and a conversation with a very special guest talking about what makes RPGs so much fun to play. Additionally, this edition is filled with congratulatory comments from various creators in the industry.
The digital soundtrack includes an all-time best album that looks back on the brand’s 35th anniversary. It is a fascinating musical journey that gives both old and new fans a sense of the history of ATLUS’ sound.
In addition, we have included a cloth world map of the United Kingdom of Euchronia, a set of pins representing the Homo Tenta monsters, a SteelBook with dedicated key art, a two-disc Metaphor: ReFantazio soundtrack composed by Shoji Meguro, a digital costume and battle background music set, and a sticker sheet of national flags, Archetype designs, and more. This is a limited edition, so if you would like to take advantage of this opportunity, please consider pre-ordering while supplies last.
Thank you for your continued support and excitement for Metaphor: ReFantazio. We hope you will enjoy these special items and look forward to seeing you in the next Showcase.
We are happy to hear that so many people were interested in the battle system in the last live stream. So finally, next time, we would like to introduce not only the gameplay, but also the world setting, characters, and story that we have been elaborating in our first attempt at a fantasy RPG. This is a work full of twists and turns, so please stay tuned for the next Exclusive.
Metaphor is planned to be released on October 11. Be sure to pre-order and add to your wishlist. Thank you very much for your time today.
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lovebirdgames · 1 year
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Hope everyone is having a great summer! And to those of you in the trenches of band camp, I hope you are staying cool and hydrated!
Here are a few updates for how things are going. We've been chipping away at fixing a couple bugs such as the missing ending, the fact Poptart's CG only unlocks in the gallery in the bad ending, etc.
Progress is a bit slow since I had to save Hyrule from Ganondorf and now I have to raise a child on a farm, and very soon I will have to journey to a different planet on a rescue mission (don't you love video games). I also went to add in the missing ending and in true Taylor fashion crashed the whole menu, but Ross came and bailed me out.
Also: while going through voice lines to grab bloopers, my sister and I realized we missed a couple voice clips, a Tom and a Peter. Those rascals! I'll have to go back through the game at some point to program those in.
It's doubtful we'll get the updated game out this month, which has flown by. Otakon is looming and we need to start packing! Speaking of Otakon, this is my cosplay lineup. My dream is to meet a Band Camp Boyfriend fan in the wild one day. If you see me, please say hi.
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I will give you a business card with Poptart or Tom on it.
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Alex has a very cute Cadence cosplay, too. Maybe she will let me post a picture of her.
Alex and I have also been writing future blog posts, her on composing Band Camp Boyfriend's soundtrack, mine on the wonderful world of marketing. Keep an eye out for those on our website if that sounds interesting to you!
Finally, I mentioned in our June post about Visual Novel Fest and then saw Steam didn't want us to announce participation until like a week before...uhhh oops...I mean I didn't announce it, I just kind of mentioned it without any fanfare, right? Anyways we'll be streaming during the fest and we will have TWO SPECIAL GUESTS who were involved in the game. I will announce who closer to the date so keep an eye on our social media!
Okay that's all I got! Take care of yourselves, Bandits, and as always don't forget to leave a review on Steam or a rating on Itch.io if you enjoyed the game~ <3
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thelensofyashunews · 29 days
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Fresh off being named a coveted Apple Up Next artist, a 2024 XXL Freshman, and Billboard Rookie of the Month, Cash Cobain has shared his highly-anticipated sophomore album Play Cash Cobain (via Giant Music) — with an accompanying music video for his long-awaited Pop Smoke tribute, "Act Like", which made its broadcast premiere on MTV Live, MTVU, MTV Biggest Pop, BET Jams and on the Paramount Times Square billboards. The release follows this week's profile of Cash on The New York Times Print Arts Section Cover, who hailed him as an artist that's "changing the sound of drill." 
The momentum around this LP is at an all-time high following the release of his last single "Problem", a 15-person Slizzy mix bolstered by a prominent sample of Brooklyn newcomer Laila!'s viral hit "Not My Problem". The near-8 minute track boasted an insanely stacked lineup of features from the likes of Fabolous, Big Sean, Kenzo B, Lay Bankz, Luh Tyler, Anycia, Chow Lee, Kaliii, 6lack, Flo Milli, YN Jay, FLEE, Don Q and Rob49 –– calling back to a lost era of heavyweight-posse cuts of the 00's.
The all-star guest list doesn't stop there on Play Cash Cobain –– with him grabbing marquee features like Quavo, Don Toliver, Laila!, & 4Batz & long-time collaborators Vontee The Singer and Payroll. The 19-track album is a direct result of the lightning-hot run he's been on this year –– with a majority of the LP being made only in the past 8 months following a flurry of late-nights at the club, romantic rondeaux, and the makings of his "Slizzy Summer."
The artwork is a nod to one of Cash's biggest influencers and collaborators -– Drake, who added his inscription and signature on a fan's phone case, completing the 'PlayCashCobain' theme he's maintained around this release. Topping it all off –– Cash also announced his debut headlining solo NYC show, at the historic, newly-reopened Brooklyn Paramount next month (tickets available HERE). This is the follow-up to his iconic 'Slizzy Fest' birthday show at Irving Plaza, a night that boasted a stacked lineup of NYC finest which led to it being unfortunately shut down, only for Cash to lead his fans to Union Square for an impromptu performance in the park (read Rolling Stone review). In the words of Cash:
“I’m feeling sexy, slizzy — I’m just happy to give y’all this music finally. Thank you to all my fans and supporters, I really appreciate you. Been working non-stop on this album and I’m just so excited to share 'Play Cash Cobain.' It’s a Slizzy Summer!”Last week, Cash had an electric pair of performances on Ice Spice's sold-out NYC dates, with Rolling Stone noting -– "Cash is one of the coolest artists in the game, boasting a signature sound replete with a dance that simulates a flowing ocean current. The young crowd ate it up...". 
The hype has continued to explode, with Future & Metro Boomin bringing Cash out during their sold-out Brooklyn date and later that night, him linking up with Travis Scott in an impromptu DJ set. Play Cash Cobain serves as the exclamation point on a 2024 winning streak that includes the Ice Spice-assisted "Fisherrr" (feat. BaySwag) (40M Streams) remix, as well as a collab with J. Cole on “Grippy” (15M Streams), a new version of his 2023 track “Dunk Contest” (13M Streams), and a fan-favorite, "Rump Punch" (20M Streams).
With the success of Cobain’s smash singles, the Bronx superstar has skyrocketed to over 4M Monthly Listeners on Spotify and in the past year his streams have gone up 3,400% on Apple Music alone. Cobain has since hinted at collaborations with Frank Ocean, Travis Scott, Lil Yachty and more –– a sure sign that superstardom is soon to come. The rapper and producer also recently made his triumphant Billboard Hot 100 debut alongside Charlie Wilson on Don Toliver's single "Attitude"(100M Streams) [ read hisBillboard: 'Chartbreakers' feature], –– showcasing exactly why the outlet proclaimed, "The Summer of Slizzy is upon us".
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thessalian · 3 months
Thess vs Preparation
Why does preparation have to be so damn painful?
Groceries arrived, and it was ... a lot, but it was well-planned. I have emergency calories - raisins, peanuts, some yoghurt-coated raspberry things I like because they were on sale. I have tinned fruit because the fresh stuff goes off so fast - peaches because cheap own-brand, and fruit cocktail because, again, on sale. After much searching, I found some soups that aren't thickened with wheat flour, and got some of that for when I'm too tired and sore to even move and too ragged to have an appetite. Fixings for smoothies and some breakfast cereal, because maybe skipping breakfast is a bad idea. That shit is important.
I also have menu plans. I found a recipe for gluten-free cereal bars, so I'll be making those. There's some cooked chicken in the freezer that will go into risotto, and that'll last me quite awhile. I also have plans for chicken stew and beef stew. Well, the chicken stew can be immediate but the beef will have to wait a little because a substitution by the grocery store means I have less beef than I needed. But that's okay, because when I go out to get more, I can also get fresh green pepper and courgette for the bolognaise I'm planning. Basically this month is going to be a lot of batch cooking and a lot of stuff going in the freezer. With the way this month's been, having a variety of stuff I can just put in the microwave feels like a good idea. If it keeps getting hotter, I won't feel much like cooking.
However, all of this preparation? OW. Putting it away is one thing, but I also had to do a little bit of a clear-out of the cupboards. Because they're a bit high and fairly deep, I have a hard time reaching to the back of them, so there was some stuff that needed to be binned. But of course, since I do have a hard time reaching to the back of the cupboards, that was also made of ow. I already hurt when I got up today but now, just ... ugh. Still, everything's all set up tidily, and all I need to do is take the stuff that needed binning out to the trash. That's not going to be fun either, but the trash needs to not be in the house.
Preparation is also expensive - the sticker shock on the grocery bill, even when budgeted for, and even when it is an overall savings, is painful. But then again, everything is expensive. At least I can arrange the budget to do that and afford to replace my ancient Blu-Ray / DVD player, which I got second-hand from the parentals ages ago. The old one works, more or less, but makes wonky noises if I try to play Blu-Rays in it, and half the stuff I want to get (as I rebuild my video library because I no longer trust the streaming services) are more easily available on Blu-Ray. Thus, new player. And possibly a little left over to make a bit more of a dent in my Steam wish list, given the Steam summer sale. (Because I need more games, right? Yeesh. Someone needs to keep me away from the Steam Next Fest next year; giving me access to demos is bad for my bank balance.)
Not that there aren't reasons to be cheerful. The groceries? I will be making things with all that. Soup - as well as my usual potato soup, I will be attempting sweet potato soup, because I have become quite the fan of sweet potatoes lately, and soup is good to have around. The stew and bolognaise and risotto. Cereal bars. I might even attempt brownies. I do enjoy making things. As for the new Blu-Ray / DVD player ... well, for those times when sitting in the desk chair is unthinkable, at least I'll have entertainment.
So ... it's worth it. I just have to remind myself that it's worth it. Otherwise, all the pain and expense and everything just gets depressing, and I can't afford to be depressed on top of everything else.
On another note: Scarlet Hollow. Hoooooooooboy. Glad I sprang for that one, I have to say, but ... creepy. Which is good - I like creepy.
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thedinanshiral · 3 months
The time is nigh.
We´re nearly there. we got news this week.
Say goodbye to "Dreadwolf"
Dragon Age: Dreadwolf is now Dragon Age: The Veilguard, and while the name change isn't horrible, insiders poking at it merely hours before BW got to reveal it was particularly annoying. Insiders are good to expose issues, harrassment and other bad practices in the industry, not spoiling game details barely a moment before official news! While we were all waiting for the Summer Games Fest on Friday, "insiders" spoiled the game would have a name change. Soon after BioWare confirmed this with a blog post, but i'll take a moment here to say this is a game many of us have been painfully waiting for ages, there's unimaginable anxiety and expectations involved on all sides and just when we're right around the corner some people popped up to stir a pot that doesn't need any more stirring, considering the dev history of this game i'm sure many people read these insiders' "i know something you don't tee hee" posts and streams and feared the worst, again. Completely unnecessary. Fortunately the news were rather inocuous but what insiders did at such a last moment was still annoying. They did the equivalent of telling an excited kid at Christmas that they got socks right before they got a chance to open their present, at least it feels like that.
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Moving from that, many people feel the name could drop that "the" and be just Dragon Age: Veilguard. It'd follow the pattern of DA games having three-words titles (Dragon Age Origins, Dragon Age 2, Dragon Age Inquisition), and personally i think it rolls off the tongue way better without "the" in the middle too. This name change brought with it the acronym issue, and a sad goodbye to all the DA:D jokes. Now people are deciding if it should be DA:V, DAtV, DAVG. Former DA dev and writer David Gaider has already expressed his wish we all just don't go for DAVG, one presumes because it's too close to his own name. DAD jokes are quickly being replaced by Dragon Age TV and Dave ones, and others about DAD going to get cigarrettes and never coming back. I'm already fond of DAV or simply Veilguard.
The name change is already applied to platforms like Stream and console stores, where it's been possible to add the unreleased game to the wishlist since the latest trailer from last year. This one is from the PS5 store:
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As BW explains in their blog post, the name change follows a need to change the focus due to this story's particulars. Yes, Solas is an antagonist, a big bad wolf, he's the Dread Wolf! BUT he's not the only threat we'll face this time, there are others, possibly bigger and more urgent matters to deal with. The Veil is quite the protagonist in this game, seems it's the last barrier between Thedas and utter annihilation, and as BW says, "the Veil needs guarding". DAO had the Grey Wardens, DA2 had Hawke & friends, DAI had the Inquisition, and now DAV has the Veilguard, a group of individuals from various backgrounds tasked with guarding the Veil. Pretty straightforward.
Gameplay details
BW has so far revealed we'll meet 7 new companions from a variety of factions and backgrounds, that we could romance any of them and that got everyone excited.. but we can only take 2 at a time to join the party, and combat will include a wheel menu to pause and strategize. This detail has people anticipating combat this time around will be much more like Mass Effect, with only MC and two party members the player might not control but send commands to instead, while some think BG3 and its success may have influenced some decisions as well.
This comparison reminded me of Mass Effect Andromeda, a highly criticized game many threw under a bus quickly and undeservedly (yes, undeservedly) . While it had its flaws it was a good game and its combat was possibly the best ME combat to date, and i think BW may have taken that for DAV. The one redeeiming grace from their last released game before DAV could have very well served as a base for it.
As for the different factions our companions may come from, it has all been teased before in concept art and side media, namely the Tevinter Nights anthology where we were introduced to entirely new factions as well as shown old ones more in depth. Antivan Crows, Mortalitasi, Lords of Fortune to name possibly the most anticipated ones. And we know the action this time will move all over Thedas, exciting new locales like Antiva, Rivain, Tevinter, the Anderfells, Arlathan Forest..
Lore trove!
On top of all these exciting news, just think of the lore, THE LORE. If Solas is not the main threat, if as BW says there are other gods we'll have to deal with as the Veilguard, who are they? Are we finally getting a double Blight? Are those other gods the last two remaining Old Gods OR is it the remaining Evanuris pushing from the other side of the Veil? Just how many fronts will our party be fighting on to save the world? And what ancient mysteries will come to light as we explore northern Thedas? In The Missing comics we learned there are areas of Arlathan forest that are twisted in time and space, paths too dangerous to traverse where spirits may take control of you, and gods know what else is there, what long forgotten horrors are waiting in the shadows of a history very few may remember. Could one of our new companions be an ancient elf? Many questions and the imagination is flying so high and far ..
But i'd like to focus on a small detail. Remember this? The little red book. It's where my avatar comes from! Here's a bit more on that. I remember back then i quickly edited it trying to get a clearer image
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The tower on the cover first reminded me back then of the figurines seen on the map in Inquisition, then the protagonist of what we now know is Veilguard was said to be named Rook (possibly a codename), so there it is. The Warden, Hawke, the Inquisitor and now (the) Rook. A chess piece in the Dread Wolf's board. I think that's what the mystery red book's cover is hinting at. So when i read we'll be getting 7 companions my mind went straight to chess. This game will be about strategy, moving the right pieces the right way, specially if we'll be fighting on multiple fronts. The protagonist Rook and 7 companions.
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Also reminded me of Solas' banter with the Iron Bull where they were playing a chess match mentally on the go. Here's a great recap of it. I don't understand chess, never really got to fully learn it, but i appreciate its symbolic value and of course, this will be a race of wits.
Solas, the other gods, the politics, the manipulations and revelations, everything Thedas has to offer is getting closer by the minute. Today it's the Xbox Showcase, in a couple of hours, we're all counting on some kind of reveal after the SGF gave us nothing. I hope for a cinematic trailer and introduction of companions, maybe if i could be so greedy even a release date or the possibility to pre-order, or a date for it. If not, we still have Tuesday 11th for a confirmed and announced by BW 15 minutes long gameplay reveal.
A gameplay reveal, fiften minutes!! It's real, it's happening, we're going home.
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faefarm · 1 year
The Fae Farm Hype Train Is Leaving the Station
The latest roundup of Fae Farm news and FAQ!
Hello Fae Friends!
We’ve had a ton of new announcements for Fae Farm the last month, beginning with the incredibly fun Summer Game Fest stream where we announced our Pre-Order window along with the September 8th release date! But wait, there’s more! 
We also just unveiled the pre-order goodies you’ll be able to grab for players who pre-order Fae Farm! You'll be able to add the Cozy Cabin Variety Pack to your game once you’ve landed in Azoria’s shores.
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While we’re riding this hype train, we wanted to take the time to answer some frequently asked questions about Fae Farm! If your question isn’t answered below, please feel free to send us an Ask and we’ll answer if we can! 
Now let’s get down to it!
Let’s Talk Questions
What platforms will Fae Farm be on?
Fae Farm will be available on both the Nintendo Switch and on PC through Steam and Epic Game Store!
When will Fae Farm be available? 
You can Fae Jump into Azoria beginning September 8, 2023! 
Is Fae Farm digital-only or will physical versions be available? 
Fae Farm will have a physical Nintendo Switch release and can be pre-ordered through major retailers. The game will be digitally available through the Nintendo eShop, Steam, and the Epic Game Store. 
What languages is the game available in?
Fae Farm is playable in English, French, Italian, Portuguese (Brazil), Spanish (Spain, Latin America), Chinese (Traditional, Simplified), Japanese and Korean.
Can players create their own character in Fae Farm?
Absolutely! Once you start up the game, you’ll be able to create your own unique character, choosing from a variety of body sizes and shapes, skin tones, hair, facial features, and pronouns. Once you’re in the game, you can continue to collect different outfits and dyes to further customize your Fae Farmer. You’ll even be able to unlock a mirror that allows you to change your appearance whenever you want! 
Can players establish relationships? 
What’s life without a little love? You’ll be able to befriend a number of denizens in the world of Azoria, and some of them will be romanceable too!  Experience the joys of both romantic and platonic love and forge strong friendships as you progress through the game!
Is multiplayer required to enjoy Fae Farm?
While playing Fae Farm with friends is always great fun, it is fantastic to play solo too! You can build your homestead, tend to crops and animals, progress through the game, and even complete the epic experience solo! We want you to enjoy the game YOUR way.  
Does Fae Farm have online or co-op gameplay? 
Fae Farm can be enjoyed with friends and family either online, or locally via the ad-hoc wireless feature! You can invite anyone who owns the game to visit their homestead and help them grow their farm, traverse dungeons, and progress through the game together. Variety is the spice of life, so you’ll be able to have multiple save options for different playthroughs! 
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Next Stop: Summer Fun
We hope we’ve been able to shed a little more light on our upcoming game! Don’t worry, we’ll have tons of fun events coming up to keep you entertained until September 8th rolls around! If you want to play with wisps and the farm animals of Azoria, you can drop by our Instagram page!
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Join us
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icharchivist · 1 year
nonnie who knows next to nothing about gbf here
i got curious about the cosplay show fights u were talking about a while back and-
well the first result on yt is just belial aka crotch guy getting it on with sandalphon dude
nobody prepared me for this huh
also the random killing people in the audience???
And HELPP i think i know exactly the one fight you mean, i think we all absolutely lost our mind over this one (i even posted the video here)
Okay so basically the thing you need to know is that Granblue has a lot of festival in Japan. 3 of them are livestreamed for a few days (usually, the New Year Festival, the Anniversary Festival (in March) and the Summer Festival), and then the rest of the festival happen elsewhere and we just get to learn about it via pictures and videos and such.
The general festivals have cosplay shows in general, but i think the rest of the features from the livestreamed festival are heavily cut down, but, here's what to expect from a Livestreamed Festival
-Reproduction of sets from the game
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-a coffeeshop selling goods themed after the game
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-general merch -some gaming display
-Official Cosplayer roaming the convention hall. Those cosplayers are trained to look and behave like their characters, they're real pros
-Fashion show of those Cosplayer where they wear special outfits from special artworks
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-Small fight shows. Those happens even in general festival. This is where we get those beauty:
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-In the New Year Festival, we get a massive 1 hour long Cosplay show: In here all the major cosplayers get to replay some of the events that happened this year (and we replay wmtsb still because we love it). I also posted Marionette Stars' show (that amazes me bc seeing a cosplayer doing backflip is amazing me) and Strength to Wield (with subs!). The audio comes from the gamefiles, the cosplayers are lipsynching to the audio files.
for example here's a link to the 2023 livestream with a timestamp to the Cosplay show
-Interviews with 3D characters. There are boots you can visit with 3D characters. some streams come with general interviews:
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or this
the 3D characters also end up talking to the seiyuu presenting the whole show it's a delight. last time Belial told Lowain's seiyuu he was down to fuck him. It was great.
So every big festival seiyuu meet up to talk about game news, and then they play games themed around events that happened this year, and if they win those games we get rewards in game
here pictured: Shirai Yusuke winning a round of Red Light Green Light
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also redirecting you to when they had a "who does those man-tits belong to challenge" 1, 2, 3
they also discuss popularity polls and game stats
-Concerts from the Soundtrack people
-Seiyuu Concerts where they sing their own song or even do song swaps
-Hologram concerts:
-Backstage show for Merch presentation by seiyuu, and Seiyuu reacting to what's going on in the audience:
(if there's one videos in this post to watch it's this one it's so funny. mood.)
And so much more that i'm forgetting.
Honestly it's extremely impressive, i tune in to most of the fest when i can because it's just so damn cool (and then you end up having a parasocial relationship with seiyuu, not because they played your fav characters, but because they are silly. or because they feel your pain as granblue players. and also a parasocial relationship with the cosplayers)
So this is so impressive, i love the festivals so much.
And yeah, so, when the festival isn't livestreamed, generally it's mostly small cosplay show and it's where we try to go on twitter to scout for pictures of the small shows in questions.
But the big ones are always so cool.
the more you know. welcome to the great world of Granblue Festivals.
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Okay so it turns out youtube music saw us being jealous of the spotify users and I too now have a wrapped! Or a "recap", but whatever. Check it out:
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So that's neat! I don't know if I have a top 100 playlist for all those ask games; I'll have to poke around a bit and see. *Some time later* Okay I have poked around and I do have one! Ask games here I come! (Probably on blagueofchaos though, in the interest of keeping this one tidy.)
I must say I don't remember listening to a remix of Naked, just the normal one with the music video*; I'm not sure if this is a youtube vs. youtube music thing -- most of the time I listen on just plain youtube so it's possible this is only accounting for the slice of my data where I'm using my phone*? I'm not positive, but it's nice to have statistics, or ones that actually seem to reflect my listening habits.
To be completely honest, I did technically have a spotify wrapped too, but the only things I listened to on there were the official Riot Fest playlist and some of Jon Walker's stuff because he did specifically ask people to stream it on there and I was like, alright, fine, but only for you Jon. Lol. But because of the Riot Fest playlist, I didn't even recognize most of the songs on my wrapped, and the top song was one I listened to twice, so like I said, these stats are definitely much more reflective of what I actually listen to.
Although, I will say, it's curious that it tells me my % ranking for MCR but not for TAI when they were my top artist this year? Idk, struck me as odd I guess. But yeah it's a decent % I suppose, although I guess I'm not even competing with most of the people on here since it seems like most people on here use spotify. I also can't help wondering whether I truly listened to Same Blood exactly 100 times or if it rounded the number for me. If I genuinely did that just by like instinct or whatever, that's amazing, but I can't help being a bit suspicious there.
*Interesting update -- when I look in my top 100 playlist, it is indeed the standard music video version of Naked, so I'm not sure where the part about it being a remix came from. Based on the full playlist, though, I do think youtube is accounting for things I listened to on the website on my laptop as well as in the app, so this is indeed a pretty solid reflection of my listening habits I'd say.
Also, youtube made me top 50 playlists from Fall, Summer, and Spring, so if you want to ask about a song from any of those lists, you can too! Also there is a 2021 top 100 on there! Not positive how I missed that last year or if I just forgot, but it's interesting to see. I hadn't found TAI yet then so it's a pretty different list, haha. This will probably be my most TAI-heavy year ever, come to think of it, because goodness knows I binge things most when they're new to me... Funny to watch the trends in my own taste.
But yeah, this was fun :) I might add some more of the other cards about my listening personality on a reblog on blagueofchaos too. Happy spotify wrapped and a merry youtube recap to all! ;)
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goombasa · 3 months
A Casual Comparison in Formats for Gaming Presentations
Quick peek behind the curtain, I generally have several blog posts written in advance so that I don't have to worry about not having something written for each week and I can afford to miss a week every now and then. However, I'm actually making an exception this time since I really wanted to get my thoughts on this down while it's still relatively close to the events in question.
So last week at the time that this is being posted, we had the whole Summer Games Fest event, and there were a LOT of presentations this year. Not just some of the big names showing up again like Xbox and Ubisoft (Sony's State of Play was a week before the event and Nintendo, at least at this point, still hasn't announced when their Direct is taking place), and the returning PC Gaming and Future Games show, and a few very large games are even getting their very own spotlight directs, like Black Ops 6 and Dragon Age: Veilguard.
However, there were a LOT more shows that were much more independent game focused that weren't put on by a single corporate entity and that weren't covering massive studio releases; The Access-Ability direct, the Guerrilla Collective, the always terrifying and comedic Devolver Direct, the Wholesome Games direct, the Latin American and Women-Led Game showcases, there were so many of them this year.
And of course I went and watched them all, and my wishlist for upcoming releases has heavily ballooned as a result. With that being said, as I was watching all of these shows, I couldn't help but notice a very big difference from the way that they were handled. Granted, these differences, looking back, have pretty much been there the whole time, but I feel like the difference this was was far, far more staunch. Even at the very start, comparing the feeling, the pacing, and the way that games and devs were shown off during the Geurilla Collective compared to the main Summer Games Fest stream, it's rather amazing to see just how devoted to JUST games the former was compared to the latter. I'm not saying that every game was a banger, or that it was totally free of advertisement, but it was very much kept to a minimum, and the games were always front and center, the main attraction.
I compare that to the Summer Games Fest stream where, yes, they had a lot of really good announcements, but much like how the Awards of the Game Awards always felt sort of secondary, the games themselves felt more secondary compared to the brand or the prestige of the stage show. In that way, Summer Games Fest's main show feels like a direct continuation of E3, for better and for worse.
Again, I saw things during the show that I thought were definitely worth checking out, but compared to the absolute deluge of just rapid-fire new game announcements that a lot of the indie showcases were showing off, I found my attention slipping a lot more, just because there was a lot more talking, a lot more sponsorship spots, a lot more attention paid to the fact that it was a show on a stage. There was also a lot more in-person developer talk, which don't get me wrong, it's nice to hear from the devs themselves, but I think that's something that should come out as a supplement after the show is over. The Cozy Gaming Show and the Geurilla collective handled this, in my opinion, the best. There was plenty of dev talk, but it was presented over gameplay meant to demonstrate and enhance what is being told to us, rather than a cinematic or a very cut up and choreographed gameplay segment. It just gives me a much better idea of how a game would feel to play compared to a trailer that is made to get me hyped more than anything.
Maybe I'm just getting boring as the years go on, and I do like a bit of hype now and then, but I really prefer my game trailers to be more straightforward. No dev talk, just a clear indication of what sort of game it is, what it's about, and maybe a bit of intrigue to get me interested in its overarching story or characters. That's all.
I will actually give Microsoft credit for that (not for much else, though, we should still be holding their feet to the fire for how they bought up and then shuttered several studios because of bad deals THEY made). Their show this year was actually pretty good about putting the games front and center. Most of the trailers did still have a feeling of being a more idealized presentation of the games themselves, but all things considered, it was not nearly as bad as the future gaming show or the PC gaming show, where the host banter was especially bad this year. Nothing against the hosts themselves, just that the scripts they were working off of were absolutely insufferable, and there is nothing more uncomfortable and off putting to me than bad gaming banter.
All this being said, it's really a minor quibble in the grand scheme of things. We got HUNDREDS of games announced this year, far too many to reasonably play or even just try in a reasonable manner, but it is important to remember, first impressions tend to matter a lot, and if you want me to take a look at your game after it's been introduced to me, I want to know what I'm getting into.
It can be a very difficult balance to hit, this is true. You don't want to reveal too little, that's just a teaser. Revealing too much can be off-putting as well (Nintendo) because you rob players of the joy or surprise of discovering something for themselves. Again, I think a lot of these indie showcases definitely strike the best chord for that, and the fact that they go out of their way to cram just, so, SO MUCH into those shows is also a massive plus. Even the shorter indie showcases like the Women-Led showcase did a great job of primarily sticking to showing off as many games as they could, putting them in the most interesting light possible.
And at the very least, those shows always have the absolute best variety possible. If I had more time in my week, I would probably go out of my way to list every game I was interested in trying, I'd probably be writing a novella-sized list right now. I love the fact that independent developers are getting more and more of a spotlight and if the trends continue in the direction they have been, I'll be real happy to see things like the Geurilla Collective and Cozy Games direct becoming the standard in the future.
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satoshi-mochida · 4 months
Monster Hunter Wilds ‘The Hunter’s Journey’ trailer, screenshots
From Gematsu
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Capcom has released the second official trailer and new screenshots for Monster Hunter Wilds dubbed “The Hunter’s Journey,” which introduces the new Balahara Leviathan monster.
Get the latest details below.
Latest Trailer
The latest Monster Hunter Wilds trailer, “The Hunter’s Journey,” gave Summer Game Fest live stream viewers a deeper look at the Hunter’s foray into the Forbidden Lands, including the colorful characters and a mysterious crescent-shaped mountain players will encounter as story moments seamlessly blend into gameplay. As the hunter delves deeper into unknown territory, local wildlife including the treacherous new Balahara Leviathan monster demonstrated how hunters must adapt and harness new techniques to coexist in the Windward Plains region’s volatile conditions. In the ferocious lightning storms that herald a change between the harsh dry season and abundant monsoon season, an even greater threat was glimpsed bolting behind the billowing sand clouds.
Cross-Play and Next Trailer
Monster Hunter series producer Ryozo Tsujimoto joined Geoff Keighley on stage to confirm Monster Hunter Wilds will support crossplay across PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC via Steam. Please visit the official site for more information. Tsujimoto also notified fans eagerly awaiting the highly anticipated title’s 2025 release that Capcom will debut its next trailer at Gamescom Opening Night Live, and Monster Hunter Wilds will be playable for the first time on the Gamescom 2024 show floor. The Wild Beauty of the Windward PlainsWhile traversing the sandy dunes of the Windward Plains, hunters and local wildlife alike must be cautious of falling victim to the quicksand traps of the newly revealed Balahara. The Forbidden Lands play host to multiple packs of large monsters such as the Balahara, who can be seen in the trailer tracking and overwhelming the previously announced Doshaguma. These Leviathans secrete mucus along their serpentine bodies to deftly maneuver through the earth, hurl attacks at their foes, and create pitfall traps capable of shifting the sands of battle in their favor. As these formidable monsters seek to scrape out a niche within this harsh ecosystem, territorial disputes with other large monsters can erupt at a moment’s notice. Hidden within the region’s frequent sandstorms, a mysterious apex predator lurks, waiting to shock its prey with an electric fury.
A Seamless World of Extreme
Monster Hunter Wilds seamlessly flows from story sequences to gameplay to tell the dynamic and engrossing story of the hunter leading the Forbidden Lands Research Commission as they explore vibrant ecosystems filled with monsters and extreme environments. After stepping off their ship headed for the Windward Plains, hunters begin to unravel the many mysteries contained within Forbidden Lands, such as the massive crescent-shaped mountain dominating the landscape. That journey will compel players to team up with other Hunters to discover the relationship between this world and the people who inhabit it, standing shoulder to shoulder against new and fearsome foes.
Playable at Gamescom 2024
More information regarding Monster Hunter Wilds will be revealed at Gamescom Opening Night Live, alongside the title’s first playable demo on the Gamescom 2024 show floor.
Monster Hunter Wilds is due out for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series, and PC via Steam in 2025.Watch the trailer below. View the screenshots at the gallery.
2nd Trailer: The Hunter's Journey
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