#freshman college student
cecenyss · 1 month
Maybe I haven’t been making friends at college but I have been gathering a cohort of acquaintances with whom I awkwardly smile at in passing and otherwise ignore, which I think is just as valuable
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i-am-a-secret-ssshhh · 5 months
As someone who will be finishing my first year of college in a few weeks, allow me to offer you some advice that I'm probably unqualified to give:
You don't need to go to parties to make friends. Your friend group might be smaller, but it's just as good.
Join clubs. It's not easy, and there may be scheduling conflicts, but it's usually a good way to make connections or have an outlet for some stress you're having.
Don't be afraid to ask for help from teachers and TAs (but if you are there are other people you can ask questions to, like classmates)
Your notes don't need to be neat. And they don't NEED to make sense to anyone else. My current Bio exam notes (that I'm supposed to be taking right now) are completely scatter brained, and probably wouldn't make sense to anyone but me, but they make sense TO ME and they're helping me remember and study.
If someone offers help, for the love of GOD take it. Please. Even if you don't super need it, you never know what kind of advice they may offer.
Talk to your roommate before you meet them in person at move-in. Even if it's just through social media messaging or texting, or even the housing portal. TALK.
Side-note to that last one: If you're an out-of-state student, it might be best to find an out-of-state roommate. I find most people who go to the college I live at are more than happy to ditch the college as soon as the weekend hits, so you might be lonely if you're an out-of-state student with an in-state roommate.
Communication is fucking key. To everything. With teachers, advisors, roommates, friends, significant others, even club members.
Take advantage of all the facilities provided man. You're paying for it, might as well use it.
This is targeted, but if you get into an argument with your friends, don't get your parents involved. Ask them for advice, yes, vent, yes. But don't let your parents get involved in your disagreements, it comes off as immature and childish.
Failing a class isn't the end of the world. It isn't fun, certainly. And you'll need to retake it, but it isn't going to end your time at college, and it certainly isn't like you're the only one.
If you don't want to go to office hours, at least at my school, they offer extra help for science and math classes in the library.
Try something new. A new hair color, a new hair cut, a new sense of style, a new style of makeup, a new activity.
Make the time study. It's important. It is, really. Everyone says that, but it is.
I struggle with that last one. I'll admit, I was homeschooled, so I literally didn't know how to study. I got help late into my second semester. But the fact that I reached out at all, is a major milestone for me.
Don't be afraid to go get food in your pajamas, or after classes when you're exhausted and look like a mess. No one cares. We've all been there. Trust me. If anything, the people you think are judging you are sympathizing.
Hyperfixate on stress relievers. Since mid-March, I have put over 24 hours onto a game I bought on mid-March. When I have nothing to do, and I'm stressed, it's really nice to just boot up that game and play it.
You will lose friends, just as much as you will make them. You'll make realizations about yourself, and about others. It's all a part of growing.
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tanglepelt · 10 months
Dc x dp idea 169
Danny took astronomy or some other space related class as an elective for school. It’s his finals week and he is running on energy drinks and coffee.
So. To finish his space based project he decided to go bug a hero or villain who is not human. They’d know right??
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specialagentartemis · 8 months
Writing advice for college students:
In an essay, a declarative thesis statement is nearly always going to be stronger than a rhetorical question. "What can we learn from these artifacts?" "What if this trash could serve as a time capsule, preserving fragments of the past for future generations to decipher?" "But what does it tell us?"
That's what the instructors who assigned the essay are asking you! You tell us!
When I grade essays, I see this all the time in students' writing. It comes very naturally. But it creates a weaker essay - it sounds like you either don't know and are still thinking through the answer, or that it's empty padding for space.
For every rhetorical question in your essay, especially in your introduction, try replacing it with a declarative statement answering that question. Instead of "What can we learn from these artifacts?" write "These artifacts show ____." Instead of "What if this trash could serve as a time capsule?" try "This trash serves as a time capsule." Instead of "But what does this tell us?" just tell me what it tells us!
You will sound more confident, your argument will be stronger, your thesis will be clearer, and you will have a better essay at the end of it!
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aiden-artsy · 2 months
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College [Freshman]
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yghjlei · 1 month
I had coffee 3 times straight yesterday, hoping it can help me not to get sleepy and productive. Today, I'm having a stomachache and my homework is still not finished.
Not demure nor mindful.
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mokboss · 1 year
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tamagotchi-cage · 19 days
i need teachers and professors who have mandatory attendance to not take your class for “fun walks” and think like 30 seconds about disabled people
i’m not going to have the energy to do my homework tonight or go to the dinning hall because my professor who has 2 class hours in the day has decided we’re gonna walk around for both class hours
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kimberly-spirits13 · 3 months
Do y'all have any advice on school supplies for college? I'm aware that if there's anything the professors really want us to have, they'll put it on a syllabus or something but I have no idea where to start other than some pens, pencils, calculator, and notebooks for classes (I like handwritten not computerized). Is there anything else you'd recommend?
Edit: also for communal showers, how do you store your dry clothes? I was thinking a shower caddy and then using a draw string bag or something to store new dry clothes
Update: thanks for the recommendations!
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imahumashipper · 2 months
I leave for college tomorrow!!!!!!!
( kinda don’t wanna go☹️)
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hopeful-medstudent · 1 year
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Studying in the anatomy departament every day, I might as well just move here atp 🙆‍♀️
(Honestly, working with anatomy specimen is the only way to go, no matter how many books you read- theory can only take you so far ;) being able to see how certain structures look like in real life is really helpful and I’m extremely grateful for every minute I get to spend in the dissecting room 🩷)
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femmefatalevibe · 1 year
hi i just started my first year of university (it’s been two days since i moved into my dorm), and i’m wondering how do i make friends or at least leave an impression that makes people want to get to know me. i’ve always been a shy and awkward person and i hate how i don’t really know how to properly socialise. i can’t help but look longingly at other first years who already found friends and are more social than me. :(
Hi love! Honestly, just strike up a conversation with people you see in the halls/in your dorm/at welcome week parties/orientations, etc. Everyone is looking to make friends during their first week/semester of school.
Say "Hi!" Offer a compliment if you're feeling shy
Just introduce yourself; Ask them how they're doing/if they're a freshman too (the answer will likely be yes in these spaces), what they're planning to major in/what activities they're attending during the day
Invite people to your room for some sort of game night/getting ready occasion, etc.
If you find someone with a mutual interest, exchange numbers and send them something relevant to this shared interest (article/product or book link, etc.) and ask to go to a related event/grab coffee
Try to join clubs relevant to your desired major/interests. Make relevant conversation about the club topic or generally just get to know them
This is the time to put yourself out there. No one knows you well enough to judge – you're all in the same boat. One of my best friends to this day just walked up to me to say hello at a party and texted me to get coffee a few days later, and 7 years in, we talk almost every day.
Don't overthink it! Everything will likely work out just fine. 3-5 or so of my closest friends are one I made during my first semester of college
Hope this helps xx
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okayto · 1 year
it's library student worker hiring season again, what will we come across this year?
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fuimustroes · 6 months
(slaps stack of twenty aubrey/maturin novels) this bad boy can fit so much american college d1 ncaa swimming au material in it
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yghjlei · 27 days
I'm tired.
I'm tired of what I'm doing. But the thing is, I don't even do my best so why would I get tired?
I don't put any effort into what I'm doing and I still feel drained? That's so fucking scary...
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bi-pandoras-box · 1 month
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