#fresh outta the cinema
internutter · 1 year
Some Rando Has Thoughts
Just saw the latest Miles Morales movie and I have some thinks about it. Spoilers under the cut
I. Fucking. LOVE. Spider-Punk. He’s gorgeous.
Nice to see some disability representation on the screen. And she had lines!
Whatshisbutt from Earth 2099 [sorry I can’t remember his name] places the blame on Miles instead of Spot and Doc Ock. Apparently not the first time a Spidey has been blamed for a crime they didn’t commit.
Kind’a disappointed that preggo Spider-woman’s motorcycle didn’t shoot things. Blatant toy reference could have been added at no extra charge.
We are not supposed to ask where Spider-Punk got the extra bracelet after he threw his away when he quit.
[Showing my age here] I had VIVID fucking flashbacks to a cartoon called Dune Buggy when Peter Parkedcar turned up. ISTG I’m the only person on this hellsite that remembers it. Ask me about it if you’re ready for a long fucking post about shitty animated TV from the 1970′s.
THE FUCKING GOD DAMNED MEME SPIDER-MAN! [Talk about shitty animated TV]
The fact that every Spider-bean has their own art style actually ALLOWS live-action to be RIGHT NEXT TO animation and NOT look jarring.
Also, all the clips from all the past live-action Spidey films, an animated series or two, and maybe that weird Japanese Super Sentai thing?
I blinked and missed the trans references SEVERAL times because I was too busy watching the foregrounds. Not evil, just dumb.
“Canon events” ... pffffft....
This has been yet another work of art in the Miles Morales series of films and it is GLORIOUS.
I’m going to be watching it several bajillion times as soon as I get my hands on a copy.
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dreamergirlatpaddock · 7 months
Some of my favorite stories, writers you are amazing
crazy | c. leclerc ‘magic hour’ & ‘one chance’ & time & delicate & karting queen versace | c. leclerc sentimental (actress!reader) champagne ○ champagne lips unplanned babies and bahrain good night ○ good morning burnt cruel foolproof moonlight (prince!au) our song cinema black cat uncle darling Petal Homesick A reason more Outta My League Part 1 || Part 2Home Race And Heartbreak Hot Shot Driver The Real Deal I’d Move Mountains For You My Girl, My Everything, My World Charles Leclerc x Gasly Twin Reader Tradition Cherry tomato? Everything shower Revenge • Part 2 Pick me up • Part 2 Supersede Part 2, Part 3 Flushed Duty • Part 2 Wrong guess Subjectivity in art A fresh start • Part 2 Fluffy child hair tie down bad world champion is he? hard liquor, hard launch muse fall out to the world paddock greetings hype man biggest fan relationship release
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strigital · 1 year
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i convinced a friendo to go watch John Wick 4 in theaters (haven't gone to a cinema in like 10 years so i am excited af!) so here's a quick sketch of The World tarot card / cover art for my SilverV fic that I've been wanting to start writing for quite some time now (prelude chapter already on AO3 👀) inspired by the movie's poster i saw in the city
EDIT: fresh outta cinema and boyyyyys that movie was
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filmforager · 1 month
Kneecap: Review
Straight Outta Belfast
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From Belfast to Hunger, Irish cinema has its fair share of films about The Troubles. But a film about a disruptive Irish rap group? Pretty much unheard of. That is, until Kneecap. The debut film from Rich Peppiatt, this is a refreshing real-life story that comes out of the blue and hits you like a kick to the, well, kneecap.
While an explosive opening sequence gives a quick run-through of The Troubles, the film is more interested in the screw-up 'ceasefire babies' forced to deal with the aftermath in Belfast. Set in the present day, we join Naoise and Liam Óg, two troublesome youths who spend their days slinging drugs and writing raps in their native Irish. But when they cross paths with unassuming school teacher DJ, he encourages them to write songs to preserve the endangered Irish language. Out of his garage they form bracing rap trio 'Kneecap', or what one disapproving copper calls 'The Beatles, if they were shite'.
You might not know what to expect from this spirited, surprising film, but that's part of the charm. In many ways that starts with the casting - written with help from the rap trio, Peppiatt makes the bold choice to have them play themselves. and it's one that pays off massively - these guys are an instantly likeable bunch. While Naoise and Liam Óg impress as the wild and obtuse teenagers, JJ is the standout as 'DJ Próvai', who hilariously wears a balaclava to remain anonymous with his students. They are supported by strong performances from Michael Fassbender as Naoise's maybe-dead father, an iconic IRA figure, and Simone Kirby as the long-suffering wife he left behind.
As Kneecap's confrontational lyrics see them soar in popularity and gain unwanted attention from the police (and some disgruntled ex IRA members), the film makes moving points about the importance of clinging onto your identity, and following your own calling in spite of tradition. Sure enough, Peppiatt's film has identity and style to spare, with a frenetic energy and unrelenting comedy to match the considerable level of drugs the trio take and dish out on stage.
While the chaotic energy and drug taking recalls Trainspotting, Kneecap has a sense of imagination entirely of its own making. Sumptuously shot by cinematographer Ryan Kernaghan, words frequently pop out on screen, there are trippy drug-fuelled performances galore, and there's even a hilarious dip into stop-motion. It's a film that rarely stops to take a breath until the end, by which time you'll already be Googling the group's catchiest songs.
One of the most delightful surprises of the year, Kneecap is a breath of fresh air, with abrasive comedy, charming performances and punchy tunes that'll have you you nodding your head long after the credits roll.
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avanatural · 3 years
Sweet Cheeks
Part 4
Summary: Y/N occasionally hunts with the Winchesters. Dean has been wanting to make a move on her for a while now, and he could have sworn that she’s into him as well. But what happens when Dean finds out that his brother has a crush on her, too?
Pairing: Dean x female Reader
Series category: Angst, fluff, smut, 18+
Word count: 1.9k
Warnings: Lies, arguing, betrayed Sam, Dean’s self-hate
A/N: Whew, we almost reached the end! One more part to come! This part is heavily focused on Sam and Dean. The series is written from Dean’s POV. 
Part 3 | Series Masterlist | Dean Winchester Masterlist
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Dean’s POV
“Hey. You, uh, wanna catch a movie or something?”, Sam asked me, appearing at my door, “It’s been a while since we’ve done that…” His brow furrowed. “Wait… Are you packing again?”
My gaze followed Sam’s to the duffle bag on my bed. We’d just come back home from a case. I was currently exchanging my dirty clothes from the hunt with fresh ones. I wanted to quickly pack a bag and go see Y/N – not exactly subtle, but her and I hadn’t seen each other in a month. 
Y/N and I had both been super busy lately with slicing and dicing monsters. All I wanted was to go see her and curl up with her on a bed to watch some lame ass tv. For the first time, we were gonna stay at a nice, clean hotel.
I was a good liar, but my mind went blank when Sam asked me if I was packing. I had told my brother so many lies already. ‘I’m going to the bar.’ ‘Cas needs my help.’ ‘I had a one night stand. Don’t remember her name.’ ‘I found a small hunt. Can be done solo.’ ‘I just wanna take a drive.’
“What? No,” was my reply. Worst reply I could have thought of. I bit the inside of my cheek. What the hell, you dumbass?
Sam narrowed his eyes at me, clearly wondering why the hell I would put clean clothes into my duffel bag right now. “So… You wanna catch a movie?”, he asked again.
No. “… Alright.”
“Great. So, I’m gonna look up which movies are on.” He smiled at me, while still looking at me kinda funny, and walked down the hall on his endless legs.
I gritted my teeth. Crap. What had I done? There was no way I was getting outta this one. With a defeated sigh, I sat down heavily on my bed and grabbed my phone to text Y/N.
Hey Sweetheart. We got a problem.
It only took about a minute for her to answer. When hunters got a text about a problem, they got back to you fast.
Y/N: What is it? Are you okay?
Yes, don’t worry. But I’m kinda stuck over here with Sam.
Y/N: Maybe you two should spend some time together, you know.
I had everything planned out for tonight. Shit, I’m sorry.
I released a heavy sigh. I knew she meant well, but not getting to see her annoyed me. It annoyed me more than I’d like to admit. I pocketed my phone and trudged into the library. Sulking was childish, I knew that, but I was bummed and angry with myself. What kind of brother was I?
Sam was sitting at the library table with his laptop, presumably searching for movies we could watch in the cinema. 
“You sure you wanna go to the movies?”, I asked, “We could just call it a night.”
He looked up at me with amusement. “What happened to my fun-loving brother? Age taking a toll on you, old man?”
I crossed my arms in front of my chest defensively. Rule number one: leave the age outta the game. “You can’t blame me for being tired after that hunt and driving four hours straight to get back home.”
“It was a simple salt and burn, Dean. And you love long car rides. What’s up with you?” Sam looked up at me with confusion.
“Nothing.” My phone buzzed in my pocket. I instinctively pulled it out, looking at the screen. Y/N’s message was telling me that it was okay. That I should hang out with Sam and have a good time, maybe talk to him about, you know, us.
“See, I don’t believe you, Dean.” Sam stood up from his chair. “You’ve been acting weird for months. You’re always making excuses to leave the bunker and you’re always on your phone. What’s going on?” 
I felt caught, like I should just spill it all. But against my better judgment, I tried to keep my poker face on.
“Are you seeing someone?”, Sam asked.
Well... “… Yes,” I replied, chuckling awkwardly, “Yeah, I’m seeing someone.”
“Wow.” A smile appeared on Sam’s face and I could have kicked myself when I realized that my brother was happy for me. “Who is she?”
“Oh… Uh, you know, it’s still pretty new…”
Sam scoffed. “New? Dean, you’ve been sneaking around for months. In your book, that’s like years.”
I tilted my head and pursed my lips. Couldn’t deny he was right about that. “You know, she… She’s awesome.”
“She has to be, if she can tolerate you,” he joked, “How’d you meet her? Is she a hunter?”
I shook my head. “Come on, Sam. No chick flick moments, you know that.”
“Yeah, but this… This is great, Dean. Why wouldn’t you wanna tell me about her?” His forehead wrinkled, his eyes twitched, and I could tell he was still onto me.
“Because things are complicated, okay? Turn it down a notch.” I didn’t mean for it to sound as harsh as it did. I just felt cornered. To be fair, I’d gotten myself there.
Sam looked taken aback for a second. Then, I could see something flash in his eyes that I couldn’t pinpoint. Son of a bitch, next thing I knew, my phone was frigging snatched outta my hands!
“Hey! No. Give it back,” I demanded, holding out my hand. You know that feeling of your blood suddenly running cold? When you feel like your soul leaves your frigging body? That’s what I felt in that moment.
“Why? Dean, you’re clearly not telling me everything. I finally wanna see what you’re hiding from me.”
“No, you don’t. Come on, man. Privacy!”, I called in a weak attempt to make him back down. But siblings don’t back down, let me tell you that.
Sam unlocked my phone and scrolled through my chat with Y/N.
I surged forward, trying to snatch the phone back, but he used his free arm to keep me away. It turned into a struggle. He fought to read the messages and I fought to keep him from it.
“Sam, I’m warning you,” I growled. I wasn’t in the mood to play games any longer.
But it was too late, his eyes were skipping over the chat quickly. Damn, he’d always been a fast reader, even as a little kid. 
Sam’s eyebrows shot up and I could only imagine what he was reading. “Dude, you sent, like, a thousand messages.” It didn’t take long for my brother to start imitating my voice. “You looked drop dead gorgeous today. Man, this gets emotional, too. I wish you were here. I miss you. Wow, Dean. Man, this woman must be special…“  
Sammy was grinning, ready to tease his player of a brother for dating someone.
Until he stopped in his tracks, his eyes glued to the upper spot of the screen.
Instantly, I could tell what he was staring at – her name. Crap, in all this time of sneaking around, why had I never bothered to change her name?
“Y/N,” he whispered, keeping his eyes on the screen for a while. Then he looked up at me, disbelief evident on his face. “Dean… Which Y/N is this?” His voice was threateningly calm. I knew that voice. Shit was about to hit the fan.
We both knew perfectly well I didn’t know any other Y/N.
I could see his jaw tighten. “Don’t tell me…”
“You promised me there was nothing going on between the two of you. You encouraged me ask her out. You better tell me what’s going on. Right now.”
“I… I’ve been sleeping with Y/N,” I replied honestly, averting my eyes.
His eyes were full of anger. “Yeah, obviously! She… She left a freaking year ago, and now I find out you’ve been hooking up with her? While I was worried sick about her!”  
I sighed and ran my hands down my face. There was no going back now. “The last time she stayed with us… I wasn’t wrong, Sam. She did try to seduce me. She came to my room, and I told her we couldn’t do that because you liked her.”
“You told her?” Sam dropped my phone onto the table next to him. 
“Yeah. I was trying to be respectful, you know. I was interested in her, too. She left because she didn’t want to make things weird between you and me.”
Sam crossed his arms over his chest and gave me his bitch face. “But that didn’t work out so well, did it?”
“I ran into her at a bar a couple months ago. We got drunk and… Ended up in bed.”
“And then you just never stopped sleeping together?”, Sam snapped, ”While also not considering telling me she was okay?”
“I like her,” I confessed firmly, “I wanted to end things, but… I couldn’t.”
“So, you’re a couple.”
“We’re exclusive, yes.”
Sam scoffed. “I can’t believe you.”
“Well, I’m sorry I hurt your feelings, okay? But she’s important to me. Quit being selfish.” The second this came outta my mouth, I knew I had it backwards. My mouth tended to be faster than my mind when I lost my temper.
“Selfish? Me? She was one of the most important people in my life and you let me think she left us for good. You let me think she left for no goddamn reason. Just so you could sleep with her behind my back. If she’d rejected me, fine. So what? But you hid all of this from me, Dean. You lied.”
My shoulders and chest sank. I could literally feel myself getting smaller as I backed down. He was right, I was such an asshole. “Sam, look…”
“No, Dean. You should have told me the truth one year ago.” With one last disapproving look at his disappointment of a brother, he stomped out of the library.
The next morning, I sat at the kitchen table, feeling like crap, staring at my phone. I wanted to make things right with Sam, but I couldn’t focus on that.
I was worried. Y/N hadn’t texted me back all night, and she also hadn’t sent me a ‘good morning’ text, which she did every day. It wasn’t like her at all, not getting back to me. 
Sam walked into the kitchen, not sparing me a glance.
I bit my lower lip in frustration. Finally, I had something good going, and everything was going to hell. 
My brother was about to leave the kitchen with his cup of coffee in hand, but he stopped by the stairs and gestured towards my phone. “Y/N again?”
I knew that was his way of asking ‘You went crying to your girlfriend, huh?’ and it set me off. I glared at him. “This isn’t funny, Sam. I haven’t heard from her since yesterday.”
He nodded slowly, keeping a distance. “You’ve really been texting her every day, huh?”
“Now’s not the time. What part of I haven’t heard from her don’t you understand?”, I barked.
His brow creased, and I knew he was giving it another thought. He was figuring me out, understanding me. He tended to be so goddamn observant, I couldn’t comprehend how I ever expected I could fool him in the first place. “You’re worried,” Sam noted and stepped closer to me. 
“Yes. A friend of hers asked Y/N to back her up on a case. Y/N told her to ask someone else because we had plans. But…”
“You never got around to those plans,” Sam finished. 
“What if she went on that hunt?”, I asked, looking up at him.
My chest tightened. I had a bad feeling about this. And my gut feeling was rarely ever wrong. What if something had happened to Y/N?
Part 5
Tag list: @eevvvaa​ @flashxspn​ @myloversgone​ @deandreamernp​ @akshi8278​ @lyarr24​
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shtern-and-art · 3 years
"Skeppy will probably cry" "Bad will probably cry". Bish, screw, that I am crying!!!
This whole thing was bloody gorgeous and I wasn't expecting that ending. I had no clue what ending to expect but that was definitely better than any I could have hoped for. Forest spirit to soulmate your honour!
I was terrified that you were gonna leave it at the point where he loses the spirit and becomes mortal again. If you had I would be actively sobbing!!!! And oh my god, the art!!! I still can't get over how wonderful your style is.
Imma ask fun things because if I don't I'll sit in a puddle of emotion all night:
What's the first tech thing Bad will buy and how annoying will he be about it? Poor Skeppy trying to answer 101 questions about something he doesn't really use XD.
Is no one concerned that the odd couple from a town they never name has a pet wolf??
Do they immediately go over to a different town or do they wander for a while. Find hidden creeks and befriend bears?
Does Bad still have a connection to nature and animals, like are creatures naturally more trusting of him?
Do they ever visit the og town again?
Does Skeppy still cause absolute chaos in other towns or has he learnt his lesson and only causes minor trouble now?
Does Bad ever try and study again? If he did what would he study and would Skeppy try to study as well?
Does Skeppy steal? I dunno, he just give off the vibe of a naughty lil trickster who'll pocket something if the owner refuses to sell it him.
Immediately after leaving the forest what the first 'argument' they have (not including the car one)?
Would they ever ride horse? If yes, how terrified would Skeppy be?
Skeppy falls outta tree. I don't know why but my mind keeps telling me that this man has great balance until he climbs trees. They are his mortal enemy and Bad finds this both hilarious and terrifying because he is going to hurt himself.
I had waaaaay more questions than I intended to have. My bad '^_^ but this story was way too much fun to read and you are entirely to blame for making it so engaging!
Make sure to take care of yourself and do stretches after and during drawing. You don't wanna hurt yourself <3
AaaaI’m so glad you liked it! :D And, dang, man, I cried while writing that part too :D
And I promised a nice ending for the main story, I did, and this one also makes the most sense narratively! For the story I wanted to tell, at least. Bad can’t really become human again, he’s changed to much. He can only move on, and do something with what he is, and has. And he did! :D That’s really nice and inspiring, this story will always have a place in my heart, heheh <3
Being a guardian spirit connected to a person and all, Bad may be not as strong as before, but he can’t die unless Skeppy dies first. And Skeppy can do that, but he’s pretty sturdy, and his lifespan operates on a whole other scale than human ones. And Bad knowing Skeppy’s real name balances it all out, makes them equal in the power and influence they have over each other.
So hellyeah, soulmates for the win :DDD
I’ll answer all questions under the cut, and this close up from one of the pages!
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1) What's the first tech thing Bad will buy and how annoying will he be about it?
Probably a pager! Because it’s a more feasible thing to get than a wholeass computer Bad actually wanted :D An it means Skeppy will have to get one too, and that Bad will be having the time of his life texting him and everyone he can get a number from, even if they’re still in the room with him.
Poor Skeppy indeed, he can learn to appreciate the pagers, and later phones, too, and computers, but he really has 0 idea on how it all works and why Bad is so fascinated by it all.
2) Rat and regular people
Oh, she can shapeshift, just like Bad! If they’re out with people around, she takes form of a puppy, and Bad can pass her off as a weird mix breed rescue doggo.
3) Do they immediately go over to a different town or do they wander for a while?
Oh, since they have no end destination in mind, they can ride around for a bit, go visit some cool places and roadside attractions. Sadly, Skeppy is probably not spiritually or morally ready to full on befriend wild bears yet, and they do need money for gas and snacks. So, at some point they will have to stop somewhere and find work – at least for a bit, to save up. Life’s gonna be a bit complicated with all that, until Skeppy figures out his treasure-finding abilities :DD
4) Bad and nature and animals
He is definitely still in tune with all wildlife! Even more – Bad could become a proper guardian spirit for Skeppy in part because, in a way, Skeppy himself is part of the nature.
So yeah, Bad can understand animals (and plants) and communicate with them; they’re just more free to not take his shit, and Bad’s emotions do not “possess” them unless he makes an effort to do so.
He doesn’t like doing it, tho.
5) Do they ever visit the og town again?
Hm, I think they will completely forget about it for a while, until, like, 30+ years later they will be going somewhere, and find themselves around those parts. And they try to not appear too often in the areas they’ve spent a lot of time in already (they can be pretty recognizable, and also barely show signs of aging). But it’s been a long time, and the town’s really different now… So they make a stop, and spend a day there. They walk the unfamiliar streets between the new buildings, check out the popular hiking trail, the advertisements for hot springs and winter activities. The old cinema is still there, and is hosting an all-night marathon of classic horror movies of the last century.
Bad and Skeppy leave the town after sunset – the day was nice, but they have nothing more to do there. They ride through the forest on a well paved road, with radio playing something barely above the whisper. And in the dark of hot summer night, Bad can see the white stag running between the trees alongside their car. Shadows dance over the shimmering light of it’s fur.
Somewhere after the towns border, the stag disappears back in the forest. But the air in the car stays light and fresh, saving the smell of old pines and dry leaves all though the night.
6) Skeppy and chaos
Well, after the whole mess in the main story, Skeppy definitely learned some lessons, especially about not being a dick :D
But the thing is – he can’t really help the fact that things tend to stir up around him a lot. He naturally brings in chaos into everything, because he is, in part, a personification, or an outlet for it in the world. And so, to feel, well and good, and himself Skeppy gotta do stuff that disrupts balance, and creates some mayhem. And in gave him a lot of trouble in early life, but in the course of the main story he learned that he can chose were he lets that chaos to take hold, learned what can come of that chaos, apart from utter misery.
Like, where it can help dismantle something destructive, and where – bring in the more positive change, that was already brewing, possible, but is stagnant for some reason.
Soooo, I can’t say Skeppy causes only minor chaos in his life, but he sure learns even more about not being a dick :DDDD
7) The studying
I think Bad will want to get a higher education at some point, because he wanted to, and because it’s already new millennia and all that. Bet he’ll go for something very technical and/or literature. Maybe he’ll start by piking up some classes in small time colleges, when they stop in one place for a while, and later get into an online program, because why not.
Skeppy is not a college guy at all. He’ll listen to Bad talk about it, read textbooks if he wants to, can research stuff, buuut going to classes and doing homework is definitely not his thing.
8) Stealing
Well, you’re right, Skeppy can and will steal stuff out of spite! And will be scolded by Bad for it, and will not feel (that) sorry about it. But real stealer between them will be Bad himself :D
It’s just… he has the corvid tendencies, and a hoard (a box) of sentimental mementos from different people and events, and the thrill of stealing something small and harmless is very exciting. Bad is very proud of his little collection. Skeppy finds it very adorable, a bit hypocritical, and kinda creepy. Like, that pretty box he gifted Bad at some point is now full of stuff like:
- pressed flower from the clearing they had a picnic at on their anniversary
- the button the waitress lost that one day the storm caused a black out in the whole town
- some small animal bones
- couple pretty rocks Bad stole from Skeppy’s pockets
- penny that was once glued to the ground
- a handful of teeth people (and not people) lost in fights with Bad
- pen from some fancy hotel
- rainbow dash keychain that belonged to a child
- the list goes on
9) Argument
Oh, that same day they’ll fight over whether they should stay at the really crappy and suspicious looking motel, or go sleep in a perfectly fine forest near the road. Ironically, Bad wanted to try out the motel (because, yay, first time spending the night back in civilization), and Skeppy was the one insisting on sleeping in nature (because the motel looks like it could give you 10 diseases if you even stand near it, and sleeping in the forest is kind of nice, and means they can cuddle).
10) Horses
The guys will probably ride them at some point. Well, Bad will ride, and Skeppy will sit on his horse and hope it knows what to do and where to go, because trying to make this giant thing do something seems dangerous. If they’ll have to actually go somewhere fast, Skeppy will not survive that day, his butt (and legs) will be dead for days to come.
And riding with Bad on one horse may sound romantic and nice, but all romance dies when the gallop starts.
11) Skeppy and climbing
Skeppy is more down to earth kind of guy, more of a “rocks and caves” kind of creature, real-life lizard person or something. Up on the trees and in the air – not really his element, yeah. But it doesn’t mean that Skeppy will accept this fact easy. The embarrassment of never managing to safely make it down a tree is too strong, he just has to do it all over again, and again. And again. Because, clearly, he was distracted this time. And the time before that Bad was teasing him, and it “disrupted his flow”. And, really, maybe these trees here just do not like Skeppy much, and make him slip a lot. Yeah.
So, more often than not, if Skeppy climbs a tree, he will not stop climbing it until he falls, or the tree ends. Bad had to take him off high branches couple times, forcefully, because, of course, Skeppy was sitting there for 2 hours just to properly enjoy the sunset. He can climb down at any point, he just Choses not to. The view is amazing. The bark is literally part of his skin now, not because he holds on tight, no, he’s just Than Much one with the nature )<
Don’t apologize for the questions! It’s always so fun to answer them, and it makes me think more about stuff I may have skipped, or didn’t think about before. It’s really nice :3c
Again, thank you for the ask, and for being here for this story! <3
(And I’ll try setting timers for rest breaks while I draw, mb that will help)
In The Dark - masterpost
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riddlemesharks · 2 years
"TANGO!" the green critter yelled, marching into the mayor's office. They stepped to the purple clad man in front of them, violently wagging their tale. "BOWLING ALLEY! TEAMS! NOW!" they spewed out as Oliver followed them into the building.
"Sup dude! What my partner means to say is that we need another person to go bowling with us so the teams are even, you in? I'm Oliver by the way." He extended a hand to the violet man.
Tango accepted his hand in a handshake before responding.
"I would love to!!!" Tango paused, thinking about the offer. "But, I do have to finish work and I don't think Mayor Mingus would let me just have the day off!!!"
"COME. LETS ASK HER (:&lt;" Gingi skittered to her office.
"How do you even make that noise?" Oliver asked, following Gingi.
"Wait!!! We probably shou-" Tango didn't get to finish his sentence before Gingi barged into the mayor's office.
"MINGUS." Gingi all but yelled.
"GOD WHAT DO YOU WANT NOW?!" Mingus matched Gingis energy, if not a bit more angry.
"CAN TANGO LEAVE EARLY PRETTY PRETTY PLEASE???" they begged, trying to scramble onto the mayor's desk.
"You don't have too!!! It's fine if you don't I couldn't stop them I'm so sorry!!!" Tango yelled out as Oliver grabbed Gingi from the desk.
Mayor Mingus thought for a second before sighing and shoo-ing them with her hand. "Go have fun Terrence, you've completed all of your work for today anyway."
"W-wait, really???" Terrence asked confused.
"Yes, just go." Mingus muttered as the three left the room. Oliver and Gingi walked with Tango down to the bowling alley where the others were waiting.
"Howdy, what can I get y'all?" Asked a 5'9 man with a southern drawl from behind the counter as he was sorting the bowling alley shoes. Tango and the stranger locked eyes as he turned towards the counter before quickly looking away from each other.
"6 tickets my good sir!" Oliver said pulling out his wallet.
"You can't be thinking you're paying for all of this, right?" Karen inquired, the two then argued about the payment for a good bit before they got interrupted.
"Alright, alright listen. We got a 2 for 1 sale 'ere for new customers, so printer lady can pay ten and fez man can pay ten. Cool? That good with y'all?" The attendant asked. Oliver and Karen exchange a look before agreeing and getting bowling shoes for everyone.
"Do uh," Tango hesitated "Do any of you know that guy???"
"Oh yeah!" Oliver tossed picked up one of the bowling balls. "That's uhhh Pete? Petey? I think it was Petey." Oliver threw the ball, he seemed to be surprisingly good at bowling. "Him and some of his friends come down to the cinema from time to time! Lets see I think it's him, this small guy with a motorcycle helmet head who I think also works here, and I think some others I can't remember off the top of my head."
"Hold on jus' a second, did you say theres a guy with a motorcycle helmet for a head? What would ya' even get outta' that? Protection for a non-existent head??" The cosmic cowboy asked as he stepped up to take his turn.
"No idea, but he might be here right now! He works here, I think anyway." Oliver refuted. "Why'd you ask about him anyway Tango?" he turned to the violet phone.
"Well I-I um," he looked back over to the front of the alley. "He just seems, kinda cool y'know?"
"Oh you like him, go ask for his number then." Karen said, gesturing to Petey.
"I don't like him!!! He just seems like a cool guy to be friends with!!!" Tango retorted, looking everywhere but at his friend. "I'll just talk to him when we take a break." And with that the group continued to bowl for a good bit with Norm, Gingi, Oliver, and Rex eventually beating Karen, Randy, Capri, and Tango.
After that, they decided to get some food and sit at one of the booths in the bowling alley. Tango approached the man behind the counter, as Norm went outside to get some fresh air. The rest of the gang remained inside as they ate, waiting for the other two to get back. Once they were, the gang finished their food and left. Norm drove Gingi, Oliver, and Karen home while the others found other transportations.
ay, Ay, AY
The links for what takes place with Norm and Tango will be linked here when I publish them
Also character Rex was made by the lovely @artisticphrog
4 notes · View notes
ddarker-dreams · 4 years
Malaise. Yan Fugo x Reader [Implied x Giorno]
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word count: 6.3k warnings: implied sexual relations, angst later on notes: i wouldn’t say there’s super heavy yandereness going on here, but given the context i figured yandere would play out a bit differently. it’s more like slight yandere if anything ...
Interacting with someone so close to your own age shouldn’t be this miserable. Bucciarati is far easier to converse with, it’s not even a close competition. He’s a pleasant conversationalist, humoring your ideas and offering valuable input. If you had it your way, you’d only be speaking to him and not… this bratty teenager who turned his nose up whenever you were around. As if your mere existence is the highest insult to his own. You’ll never forget how he looked from you to Bucciarati with a quirked eyebrow when you were introduced, the awkward encounter forever burned into your mind. 
You blow a strand of hair out of your face, nose scrunching up at the current dilemma. Bucciarati had asked, more like softly nudged you, to get along better with Fugo. You’ve been trying, ever since he introduced you two that fateful day. In the back of your head, you wonder if the same task was assigned to Fugo in private. Though seeing as he’s remaining nose deep into his book, sitting as far as humanly possible from you on this couch, you doubt it. The phrase “avoid like the plague”, doesn’t even scratch the surface of Fugo’s attitude towards you. He’d sooner embrace the Bubonic Plague than you, should prior encounters be recalled.
“Was there something you needed?” 
Speak of the devil. He must’ve seen fit to grace your presence with his most sacred articulation, filling the tense air with some much-needed conversation. The words aren’t malicious on a surface level, seemingly a reasonable inquiry considering you’ve been staring at him for a solid ten minutes. It’s how his voice is strained, knuckles whitening as he grips the book tighter, which gives him away. Fugo’s too easy to read at times, the same can’t be said when it comes to dealing with him. This might be the most difficult task Bucciarati ever assigned to you. 
“Need isn’t the word I’d use,” you decide to ignore the not-so-subtle irritation on his features, pushing your strained luck as far as it can go. Linguistics aside, you put your cards on the table. “But, I was hoping to get to know you better.” 
With the ball now on his side of the court, all you can do is wait, for whatever rebuttal Fugo decides to dish out. When Bucciarati isn’t around, Fugo’s preference is to act like you’re no more than a fly on the wall. Buzzing around his head and making it impossible to focus on anything that he does in his rare downtime. Honestly, he can’t comprehend why Bucciarati felt so desperate as to pluck you from whatever hole he found you in. You don’t even hold a candle to his own intellect, taking a naive, happy-go-lucky approach to life. Sure you’re a Stand user, and while it’s not a useless Stand, Fugo couldn’t picture you making the choices necessary in a fight to stay alive. The fact you haven’t been reduced to a bloodstain on the pavement is the only thing he finds impressive about you so far.
His eyebrow twitches at your pesky insistence, face settling into a grimace. “Am I right in assuming that if I don’t humor this pitiful attempt, you’ll continue to stare at me and disrupt my otherwise peaceful evening?” 
You place a finger to your cheek, considering the proposition, before nodding your head. “It looks like you’ve got a better understanding of things than I expected.” 
Fugo lets out a long sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose. So be it. He’ll wait until you fall asleep to finish his book, mentally noting the page number and setting it by his side. The act of surrender takes you off guard. You were fully anticipating a snarky one-liner, or for him to disregard you in some other way. Instead, he looks at you with disinterest, arms crossed over his weird swiss cheese shirt. You learned never to mention your inner critiques of his fashion sense, as it once earned a plate of parmesan being narrowly dodged at Libecco. Scary stuff.
“Now that I have your undivided attention,” Fugo winces at this like he heard nails on a chalkboard, “What do you like to do? Y’know, hobbies and stuff.” 
It’s as good a start as any. Finding out a person’s interests unravels the essence of who they are, what they believe is worth their time and effort. Fugo gives your question an unexpected amount of thought, probably sensing you’ll call him out for a lackluster answer. Which you would, of course. For all his stubbornness, he’s gotten good at reading you. Maybe you should try shaking things up a bit to rattle him, keep him on the edge of his seat… 
“Honestly, you couldn’t pick something more original…? I don’t know. I read, and I can appreciate a good movie.” 
You let out a hum of acknowledgment, considering his words. A very safe, Fugo-like answer. It didn’t take a seasoned detective to assume Fugo liked to read, but the movie detail is a new bit of information that you will take full advantage of. He strikes you as the type to be snobby about his tastes in movies. Most likely only watching them if they’re popular with critics and saying the general population has no appreciation for the fine arts, too busy consuming braindead action flicks instead of true cinema. Not that you have any intention of voicing this conclusion to him, seeing as you’re trying to worm your way into a friendship.
Fugo snaps his fingers in front of your face, bringing you back into unfortunate reality. Maybe that statement earlier this morning about you zoning out too much holds some merit. Before he can berate you as he’s taken an apparent liking to, you speak up. “That’s good and all, but I need specifics.” 
“Care to elaborate?” 
“With pleasure,” you lean forward, waving your hands enthusiastically to emphasize your point. You get the sense that Fugo regrets asking for clarification, but neither of you are willing to back down now. “How about this. If you could only watch one movie for the rest of your life, which would you pick?” 
“Is this some kind of job interview?” Fugo murmurs to himself, massaging his temples. You shrug your shoulders and offer a bright smile, and he knows sarcasm isn’t gonna cut it. “It’d need to be something interesting… maybe The Silence of the Lambs.” 
He somewhat defied your expectations, not listing some obscure black and white flick filmed on a Blackberry. Maybe you jumped the gun on your initial assessment of Fugo Pannacotta, and he isn’t as grandiloquent after all. This confrontation is going better than you ever anticipated, and you almost feel guilty for selling him too short.
That is, until he sees fit to present an unnecessary addition to his previous statement. “Was that bit of English too much for you?” 
So much for that. Once an asshole, always as an asshole. Shakespeare may have said something similar, but your reimagining is far more of a pinnacle in literary achievement. You deflate back into the couch, huffing at his indignant comment. Well, might as well burst his bubble now. It may be the only bubble Fugo has that you’re capable of the aforementioned bursting, so you’re going to savor every second of it. The entire reason you’ve never mentioned this facet of yourself is that you never viewed it as imperative. Bucciarati knew, you knew, that’s all that mattered. Until Fugo decided to dig under your skin and rub salt on the wound in one fell swoop. Figures he’d do that.
“You know English is my first language, right?” Your voice is more of a deadpan than anything, tilting your head to the side as if it is the most logical conclusion. The hypothetical cogs in Fugo’s head begin turning. There was that time you stumbled over a Naples exclusive dish, sfogliatella, Bucciarati kindly offering the proper pronunciation after you stumbled on it. Or how you have the slightest of accents, sometimes referencing pop culture that goes beyond him. He always wondered why muttering “cazzimma” to you only earned a light reprimanding from Bucciarati, and never offended you as more common insults would. He just thought you were some type of misfortune idiot. Whoops. 
Not willing to throw in the towel yet, Fugo takes a posture of defense. This is a hill he’s willing to die on, you have to be playing some kind of cheap trick. “I don’t buy it.” 
“Should I start reciting the entire Star-Spangled Banner by heart, or talk about how much I love fast food and baseball? Did you think my Stand would be a bald eagle that shot out apple pie? If that’s the case, you’re fresh outta luck. I’m living in Naples for a reason.” you respond in fluent English, flexing your hypothetical muscles. Fugo recalls his English classes from years prior to roughly translate some of your words, scowling at the realization you’ve proven him wrong. By god do you wish you had your phone with you to snap a picture, print it out, frame it in every room of this apartment, make it your lock screen, and send it to Bucciarati. 
You’ll settle for drinking in the moment instead, Fugo muttering curses underneath his breath. Much to your surprise, from this moment forward, Fugo earned just an ounce of respect for you. Not that it says a lot, seeing as the cup of [First] respect was drier than the Sahara desert until recent times. 
It’s still a step in the right direction.
Neither of you says a word.
Coming down from your individual highs, you feel how your hair sticks to the sides of your perspiring face. Your bare chest heaving with every labored breath, Fugo in a similar state of disarray next to you. Now that it’s all said and done, you’re unable to look at him out of embarrassment. Instead, you seek solace in staring at your ceiling, thoughts scrambling to rationalize the previous events. 
It all started innocent enough. The two of you had been growing closer, becoming more comfortable in each other's presence. Even Narancia, who could be notoriously poor at picking up on subtleties, could sense your connection and even pointed it out. Until Fugo told him to knock it off (in far more vulgar language), saving you the shame of saying it yourself. You felt content with the state of things with Fugo, after months of getting him to come out of his shell with you. His words were still pointed, but not full of ill will. Even when three more additions were brought to your little group, Fugo remained the person you prefer the most. It might be wishful thinking, but you think he feels the same towards you. 
Tonight had been like all the ones that came before. The two of you sitting on the couch, talking about pointless endeavors. Mista and Narancia were out at the time, leaving you all on your lonesome. For such a sizable couch, you didn’t realize how close Fugo was sitting next to you. Your thighs practically touching, occasionally brushing over one another. To combat the summer heat and mediocre air conditioning in your apartment, you were wearing short shorts and a tank top. Seeing as everyone else could walk around shirtless at their discretion, no one ever made a point to call you out on the less than modest choice. Even if they felt the itching, you’d shut them up without a second thought.
Fugo found himself focusing less on the words coming out of your mouth, and more on your glossy lips. He could smell your strawberry chapstick, the choice so tempting he found it offensive. Mixed with the chocolate gelato that you stole from Mista’s “hidden” stash, Fugo was bewitched on a level that shouldn’t be possible. Your skin, slightly glistening from the summer heat, eyes full of passion as you explained why you hated pretentious movies. At a certain point, you must’ve noticed how Fugo stopped responding to your impassioned rant. All he could think about was how much he wanted to kiss you, to feel every inch of your body.
So he did. 
It was far from suave, an amateurish clashing of teeth and tongue. You let out a surprised noise at the unexpected events but melted into it. While the kiss didn’t go as smoothly as he pictured in his head, you seemed to savor every second of it. He still remembers how eagerly you responded to his every desperate touch, how you wrapped your arms around his neck and brought him even closer. The scent of your floral perfume and the sweet noises that left your lips almost made him drool, prompting him to go even further. Fugo’s brain almost shut down when you lowly whispered into his ear to come to your room, bodies soon falling onto your bed in a heated embrace. 
You feel sore, but it’s not so bad. 
Fugo’s the first to speak up after some painstaking thought, breaking the silence that’s resonated ever since he climbed off of you. “Are you… are you okay?” 
It’s so unlike him to be this unsure, not knowing what to do or say. His heart still pounds in his chest, cheeks flushed and lips bruised. Suppressed emotions came crashing down over him like a tidal wave, drowning him before he could make sense of it all. You didn’t push him away or seem offended by his advances as he’d feared you’d be. Instead, you accepted all of him. Allowing him to carry out his pent-up yearning for you, in a state of bliss by how you called his name out. 
Shameful as it may be, Fugo had envisioned this scenario in his head numerous times. He’d always hated himself for it, thinking he’s no better than a common pervert for the way he thought of you. All the ways he pictured you, in all the lascivious situations, only to see you bright and early for breakfast the next day. When you smiled and told him good morning, all he could do is look away in disgrace. Not that you ever knew about this, or that you ever needed to find out. 
You let out a carefree, light giggle at his serious inquiry. Fugo’s eyebrows scrunch together into a scowl at your sudden laughter, finally working up the courage to look at you again. Any frustration melts away like winter snow in the spring at how breathtaking you look, your skin iridescent and eyes softening. They aren’t softening just for anyone, it’s for him and him alone. Does he deserve to be the one you look at with all this adoration? And should he even bother with the self-deprecating thoughts, when losing himself with you is so much better?
“S-sorry, I’m not laughing at you, it’s just,” you cover your mouth with the back of your hand, the skin underneath your eyes tightening from the wide smile. “I never took you for the sappy, pillow talk type.” 
Fugo’s nostrils flare, huffing without any malice at your teasing. He doesn’t have the slightest idea of what he’s doing, improvising as he goes. Everything that happened, every shared touched you shared, felt so surreal. Cheesy as it may sound, it was like a dream come true. What is there to say after a passionate encounter like that? He’s still rushing to get his bearings, hating the sensation of being this out of control. How you make his stomach erupt into a swarm of butterflies with every action, from the simple fluttering of your eyelashes to the cute way your nose scrunches up when you’re concentrating on a task. Fugo knows what this could be, in the back of his head. A quiet, hard to push down voice tells him what he’s been dreading to hear. That he’s a fool, deep in the throes of love. 
It takes a few minutes for you to calm yourself down. Fugo’s observant, much to your chagrin, having picked up on your nervous tick of laughing when you’re unsure of what to do. It’d make sense, seeing how you just slept with your teammate who frequently called you an idiot a few months ago. You prop yourself up, bedsheets covering your bare chest. “I’m fine, thank you.”
He looks away, despising how your revealed skin makes his face flush a bright red. Even without looking at you, he can picture the knowing smile on your angelic face at his embarrassment. It’s the same smile you have when Narancia tells a particularly funny joke, when Mista goes on a silly tangent about his latest concerns, when Bucciarati says you’ve done a good job, or when Abbacchio chooses to sit down next to you when everyone else is being too annoying. Most importantly, it’s how you always look at Fugo, even when he didn’t think he deserved it. 
You poke his cheek, murmuring his name. Fugo’s violet hues flicker back to you at the unprecedented action, perplexed countenance betraying his inner thoughts. He knows he shouldn’t be thinking like this. That the occupation you two are involved in is too dangerous to sustain a relationship, and that death is a possibility every day. It’s too late for him to nip these feelings in the bud -- that opportunity passed long ago, as he let it -- but he can’t allow it go past the point it already has.
Fugo lets out an inaudible gasp when you make yourself comfortable against his bare chest. Here he is, being torn on the inside between desire and duty, and you’re snuggling up without a care in the world. It’s the stark contrast that separates you, the same one that has him so hopelessly enamored. You have no intentions on making this easy for him, do you? He knows the answer when he sees your eyelids closing, threatening to fall asleep. 
All is comfortably quiet until he hears your muffled voice speak up. “You didn’t push me away.” 
Fugo’s own response isn't the schooled, thought-out string of words you’ve come to expect. It’s a kneejerk reaction to a confusing observation, that he’s having trouble rationalizing in his head. While never the most forthcoming with his emotions, he was essentially ravishing you like a man possessed a few minutes prior. You can’t be that dense, can you? Scratch that, the more he thinks about it, the more it makes sense. Even if not many got to see that side of you, there are still insecurities that weigh heavily on your heart. In the same way he struggles with self-worth, you fight a similar battle. The thought tugs on his heart, lips set into a deep frown. Everyone’s got something to deal with.
“I wouldn’t do that,” Fugo responds in a harsher tone than he intended. When he feels you tense against his chest, he curses himself, intentionally softening his next set of words. “But, uh, do you really want me to stay? The others might be back soon.” 
You let out a hum of acknowledgment at his concerns, promptly waving them off. It’s not like Narancia and Mista are capable of sneaking into your shared residence, it’s ridiculously loud when they come home. “Just a few more minutes.” 
He expected an answer like that and still has trouble relaxing. Truth be told, Fugo would prefer to lay here with you forever. To see what you look like when you sleep, to feel the gentle rise and fall of your chest in sync with his own, to kiss your forehead and whisper goodnight. In an ideal world, that’s how it would be. Reality is a lot less forgiving, and there’s too much on the line. Being this close to someone else is vulnerable, painfully so. To hurt and be hurt, the opportunity now having the room to manifest. He knows all this, and he still can’t bring himself to mention the full force of his anxieties. Would you hate him? Think he was using you and then ditching you? 
Fugo decides to be selfish, more so than usual. While there’s no way to push down all of these emotions, looking at you puts him at ease. His fingers ghost over an area on your neck he learned was sensitive, almost smiling when you lean into the touch. The way he feels with you is addicting. From your quick wit that matches his own, never being afraid to challenge his positions, it’s like he found his match. While he’s always found you begrudgingly cute, even when he was colder to you, it’s evolved into something greater. More serious and heartfelt. It’s horrifying and exhilarating all at once.
“Does this mean we’re dating?” you ask what’s been troubling you, hearing how Fugo’s heartbeat ramps up in speed. It’s a rational conclusion, seeing how comfortable you two are with one another. You don’t know if what you feel is love, not just yet, but you want to give whatever this is a shot. Fugo’s hesitation says all you need to know, though you wish it isn’t like this. 
“I… I don’t know if I’m ready for that just yet.” Fugo answers honestly, the words so quiet you struggle to pick them up. It’d be a lie to say you’re not disappointed, though you don’t want to push him into anything he’s not ready for. Fugo has his own emotions to work through, and the last thing you need to do is jump into a relationship and ruin everything. So you lift yourself up, looking him deep in the eyes, Fugo blinking at the abrupt movement. 
“Then I’ll wait.” 
He doesn’t notice how close to crying he’s been this entire time. The world through his view goes blurry, a lump forming in the back of his throat. Fugo takes deep breaths to steady himself, and instead of berating him, you wipe away his tears with the pad of your thumb. Whispering reassurances into his ear, combing through his tousled hair with your fingers. Fugo wipes at his eyes furiously, cursing himself for breaking down in front of you of all people. He’s overwhelmed with gratitude when you decide not to comment on it further, to save him the embarrassment. Your words echo within his head like a holy mantra, a promise that he’ll hold onto. 
If there were ever a reality where you looked down at him with disdainful eyes, he’d hate himself. 
Wandering aimlessly isn’t the worst part.
No, that’d be letting himself off too easy. It’s not the sleepless nights, tossing and turning while his stomach churns, or even the tear-stained pillowcases. When walking around Naples, all he can do is submerge himself to the shadows. There’s shame in the act of hiding, and it’s all he’s come to know. Seeing the light of day feels too good for someone like him, someone who had been abandoned by everyone he cared about and was too cowardly to prevent it. It’s a suitable punishment to wallow in his own self-pity and loneliness, cursing his entire existence for the mistakes that haunt him every day. 
It’s always a mistake to come to this café. This is your favorite café, and on days like this, all he can do is watch from afar. There are times he stares at the spot you frequent for hours, waiting to see if you decide to stop by that day or not. In a way, it’s almost better when you don’t. He doesn’t get a taste of what he’s missing out on, a forbidden fruit that he’s too ashamed to reach for. Most of the time you come here alone, with your favorite pastry and coffee, scrolling on your phone or laptop before leaving. He’s seen you meet with Mista a few times, even Trish once, but it’s mostly Giorno who accompanies you. 
Today you’re on your lonesome, speaking to someone over the phone and then hanging it up with a smile. Fugo can’t help but wonder, who is it that makes you smile like that? As he sits from afar, drowning in his anguish, it’s what plagues him the most. That used to be the smile he saw on a daily basis, the one that made him fall head over heels in love. Now he’s too afraid to approach you, in fear of what you may say, or do. Even what you wouldn’t do would hurt. Would you look at him in pity, or curse him for his cowardly actions? Condemn him for not joining you on that boat, or ignore him all together?
Is it possible… that you’ve simply forgotten all about him? It has been almost two years since the worst day of his life. While he’s caught up in the past, you’ve moved into a brighter future. He doesn’t know how he feels anymore. Surely you deserve any happiness you can get after all the suffering you went through, but the thought of you being happy without him stings. It digs talons into Fugo’s heart, ripping it out of his chest. One of these days, he tells himself, he’ll work up the strength to speak to you. Even if it’s but a moment. 
Though some part of him knows he’ll never be able to face you. Not anymore.
It’s early in the afternoon. Chatter from other patrons reverberates off the tastefully decorated walls, in a restaurant that Fugo’s been to numerous times. This particular visit is different than the ones years ago. Instead of the bustling atmosphere he’d grown used to, there are only two people at the table. Where laughter and lighthearted conversations before work used to occur, there’s nothing but silence save for some polite discussion. Fugo’s throat feels persistently dry, no matter how much water he gulps down. 
Giorno sits across from him, legs folded and nursing a glass of iced tea the waiter brought seconds prior. Maintaining eye contact with the revered Don of Passione is no simple task. It’s a daunting experience, regardless of Giorno’s insistence on no formalities being necessary when interacting with one another. Fugo holds immense respect for him, otherwise, he wouldn’t be willingly sitting here right now. Still, his mouth is set in a straight line, leg bouncing underneath the table. Respect isn’t enough to snuff out the uncomfortable memories that appear up in this room, suffocating him from the inside out. 
“Is there a reason I’m here?” The words come out more forcefully than he intended, Fugo’s eyes darting around his familiar surroundings, looking for something he won’t find. Someone he won’t find. He’s grateful to Giorno for his benevolence, as speaking this way to someone who’s technically his boss isn’t advisable. Someone as sharp as Fugo knows this better than most, but he also knows Giorno. While not understanding him entirely, his actions make logical sense in the grand scheme of things. 
Being in Giorno’s position means being busy. Every second of the day has to be taken advantage of, whether it be discussing with other mafioso about recent happenings or plans, making multiple phone calls, and plenty of other headache-inducing tasks. So it doesn’t make much sense to Fugo why Giorno called him this morning, asking to meet him in person for lunch. While the two aren’t on bad terms, he doesn’t feel deserving of the specially allotted time. And in his gut, he feels there’s a hidden justification for the meeting that he’s yet to uncover. A few unpleasant theories come to mind, but they only serve to unnerve Fugo further, so he stuffs them down. 
“I wasn’t sure of the best way to deal with Purple Haze. Your Stand… you’re already aware of the potential consequences it could’ve posed, so I won’t rehash it more than necessary,” Giorno begins to offer his insight into the matter, finally revealing the true reason Fugo was called out here today. “There were a variety of methods that could’ve been used, with varying degrees of success, but I took a gamble. Ultimately, she didn’t want you to suffer anymore.”
Fugo feels his heart drop, jaw slackening despite his best efforts. “Who… who do you mean?” 
At this, Giorno quirks an eyebrow up. As if to wordlessly say, you know who. 
“It might not be my place to delve into your past,” Giorno continues with a serious air, contrasted by his closed-mouth smile. Fugo never knows for certain what Giorno’s plotting behind that smile, and a part of him wants to remain oblivious. “But for you to overcome it, and in turn gain total control over Purple Haze, it must be addressed.”
He can guess where this is going, and he doesn’t like it. Giorno gives him a moment to consider the words, briefly glancing at his buzzing phone and then returning his attention back to Fugo. It’s a subtle change in body language, how Giorno’s shoulders stiffen just slightly as if he’s anticipating something. Fugo loosens the tie around his neck, the pair returning to tense silence. While the Don made valiant attempts in loosening him up, it only served to make Fugo more suspicious. All of his fears are confirmed when he overhears two voices from the room over, one of them sending his heart racing.
That’s… that you and Mista speaking to one another. He knows your voice better than he knows any other sound on the planet, even if it’s been years since he’s heard it up this close. Fugo still dreams of you, the way you used to stumble over certain Neapolitan lingo, or how wonderful it sounded when you graced his ears with a laugh. Now, he’s unsure of what to feel when hearing the muffled conversation between you and Mista. The sound grows closer, and with it, his dread. After rejoining Passione at Giorno’s behest, Fugo knew this reunion couldn’t be avoided. Nothing could prepare him for it. 
There’s a telltale gasp when you turn the corner, spotting the back of someone you haven’t seen since you were a teenager. Someone who you used to hold in high esteem, who practically fell off the face of the earth after betraying the old boss. While Mista had hastily given you the details on the car ride over, it still felt too surreal, like a cruel joke. There’s a lot that weighs down on your heart, like stones wrapped around your ankles, dragging you into the depths. The details Giorno gave you about Fugo’s whereabouts were purposefully vague, most likely in consideration of your past feelings. 
You’re by his side before he can even process it, bending down and wrapping his stiff shoulders into a warm embrace. He doesn’t reciprocate it or stop you, his thoughts not capable of rationalizing what’s going on. Fugo can’t bring himself to look up at your countenance, in fear of what he’ll see staring back at him. That you’re even hugging him means you must pity him, viewing him as a scared little boy who was too weak to do what was necessary. It’s the only explanation that makes sense to him, and why he can’t return your affections. While it’s no longer his place to desire anything from you, not after all his shortcomings, he silently prays. That there may be some part of you that still cares for him, in the same way he has loved you from afar. 
“I’m so glad you’ve come back.” you sniffle, emotions swirling and enveloping you. You lift your hand, using your finger to swipe away forming tears. That’s when Fugo sees it. It doesn’t hit him at first as one would expect. No, it’s a prickling sensation that starts from his chest and spreads throughout his body like a virus. His body feels ice cold, like a corpse clinging onto shreds of life, consumed from the inside out by sorrow. Nausea comes in waves, tempting him to flee from this heart-wrenching scene and never look back. Your hand falls back to your side, and Fugo’s eyes follow it with precision, unable to look away.
There’s a rose gold band on your ring finger. 
Of course. Looking at you here, it makes sense why this would happen. Your body has filled out, beauty like that of an angel. The ability to draw people in and befriend them like a glowing aura has always been your strong suit, it was warm enough to thaw the ice around Fugo’s heart. It’d be a fool’s prayer to beg God to keep you for himself, and still, he had tried. Now that leaves the burning question, who? Who was the person that erased himself from your mind, taking the place that was carved out specifically for him? He looks at your beaming face, searching for answers he won’t find outright. 
Your perfume is the same as it was before. Light and floral, but mixed with a hint of something new. Of someone new. It sickens him, the scent dizzying as it taunts him. Where has he smelled this before? It’s on the tip of his tongue, fizzling out before coming into fruition. The words you speak next are drowned out by Fugo’s throbbing head, too absorbed with dark thoughts to process them. He needs to know. He has to know. Fugo looks over your shoulder to Mista in search of answers, the gunslinger holding an uncharacteristically grim expression. They hold eye contact, Fugo staring at him with potent intensity. 
Give me a hint. Anything, please.
Not everyone gives Mista the credit he deserves for being observant. Fugo must’ve looked like he’d seen a ghost, Mista swallowing at the pale complexion and vacant eyes. Believing that his intentions weren’t clear enough, Fugo almost looks away. Before he gets the opportunity, Mista offers a slight inclination of the head. Fugo closes his eyes, all his strength going into holding himself together. Picking up the shards of glass that maintain his emotions, hands growing bloody in the process. It’s a subtle movement, though there’s no denying in what direction it went, as much as Fugo wished otherwise.
Towards Giorno. 
You move towards your seat, realizing Fugo must be going through a lot of emotions of his own. The last thing you need to do is suffocate him when it’s clear he’s processing the unfolding events. “I don’t know the last time you came here, but they recently added more desserts. I’m partial to the zeppole… it’s so light and fluffy.” 
Mista walks over, taking a seat next to the befuddled Fugo, and speaking up to ease the uncomfortable silence that resonates in the room. “I’m starving, haven’t had anything to eat all day. Let’s get the waiter over here.”
While he flags down a passing employee, Fugo’s eyes follow your form. The table is different than how it used to be. Abbacchio would be sipping on wine, no matter the time of day. Bucciarati wouldn’t always be sitting down for long, seeing as he had lots of work to do, but he always made time for a good meal. Narancia loved conversing with you, seeing as you had lots of knowledge of the English music he was so partial to. You always sat next to Fugo, who’d lightly reprimand Narancia for being more passionate about rap than his studies, or telling Mista to knock it off with the unappetizing conversations he loved to start. 
Now, you take the chair next to Giorno, who had pulled it out in kind when you walked over.
You said you’d wait for him, and Fugo fooled himself into believing that statement would last a lifetime. He always had regrets about not joining his team on the boat that day, too many to count. A new one has sprouted up like a weed, strangling his heart. If he had joined you, would it have been him you’d have married? Would it be him that you’d look at with that dazzling expression instead, the one that he had grown used to seeing? Now that he knows the full extent of the truth, Fugo wonders how he could have ever been so blind. Even Giorno -- who often smiled just for show -- had unmistakably lightened up as soon as you entered the room. 
This… This is Fugo’s despair.
The rest of lunch goes as smoothly as it can. He forces himself to speak when spoken to, Mista kindly filling the room with conversation to prevent any awkwardness. This can’t end fast enough. He needs to get out of here, to excuse him before he does something truly stupid. A serpent whispers temptations of evil into his ear, and he doesn’t want to tune them out. Not anymore. Now isn’t the time to pull any idiotic stunts, so he remains still as a statue. When all is said and done, Fugo can’t get up from the table to dismiss himself any faster. He pays the necessary respects to his Don, swiftly offering his goodbyes. With his back turned, he hears your voice call out to him in the darkness.
“I’ll see you later, right?” you ask in between bites of your dessert, the words meaning more for him than you. He doesn’t know. He’s not certain of anything anymore, even after making up his mind on returning to Passione. The situation has taken a turn for the worst, in a way he couldn’t stomach any longer. So for now, he’ll offer up an unconvincing response, not capable of looking back at you. 
At the reminder of all his failures.
“... Of course.” 
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king-finnigan · 4 years
5 times Geralt failed to ask Jaskier out and 1 time he somehow managed
Yen calls him immediately after he’s sent her the text. “What’s going on? You said it was an emergency?” She sounds slightly worried, and Geralt realizes that ‘Need help. Emergency.’ does sound like something to be worried about.
“I wanna ask Jaskier out.”
She lets out a long-suffering sigh, and he could swear he hears a ‘fucking finally’ muttered away from the receiver. “Cool, sure. So what do you need my help for?”
“Asking him out.”
She laughs softly. “Seriously? You’re a grown-ass man, surely you can ask someone out, right? You’ve done it before.”
He keeps quiet, and blesses all his lucky stars that she isn’t here to see shame rise red to his cheeks.
“Wait-“ He hears her let out a startled laugh. “You’ve never asked someone out before?”
His silence is confirmation enough.
“How the fuck did you manage to go your entire life without asking someone out?” She doesn’t wait for an answer. “Whatever. Alright, so, here’s what you gotta do-“
He’s waiting outside the doors of the cinema, bouncing on his heels a bit. Jaskier’s always a bit late – fashionably late, as Jaskier himself calls it – which is fine under any other circumstances, but the movie won’t wait for them, so it sets Geralt’s nerves on fire.
Finally, Jaskier shows up. With Triss and Sabrina in tow. To what was supposed to be a date.
“Hi!” Jaskier greets him brightly. “Hope it’s alright that I brought Triss and Sabrina. A movie is just much more fun when there are more people, you know? Hope you don’t mind?”
Geralt smiles tightly, and shakes his head. Later, after the movie, he rereads the text he sent Jaskier a few days earlier, and realizes he maybe didn’t really make it clear that he intended it as a date. Great. Something to remember for next time. Though he’s not gonna ask Jaskier on a movie date again. Firstly because Jaskier apparently likes it better when it’s not just the two of them, and also because they stumbled into their seats ten minutes late, and he doesn’t think he’s gonna survive that kind of embarrassment again.
Okay, so clearly Yennefer’s plan didn’t work out. Maybe he should ask someone else.
It takes a while before Eskel picks up, but Geralt immediately relaxes when he hears his brother’s voice. “Yeah?”
“I wanna ask Jaskier out. I need your advice.”
Eskel breathes out something that sounds suspiciously like ‘finally’. It’s quiet for a while, as Geralt gives his brother time to think.
“Flowers,” Eskel eventually says. “Jaskier likes flowers, right? He seems like a flower kinda guy. So give him flowers.”
“Okay, thanks,” he says.
“By the way, can I borrow your drill? I’m making a shed and mine broke.”
“Yeah, sure.”
“Okay, thanks. Bye.” Eskel hangs up, and Geralt drops his phone on his bed, thoughts mulling over how best to handle this.
He shuffles from one foot to another as he waits for Jaskier to open the door, one hand in his pocket, the other holding a bouquet of different types of orange flowers. It had caught his eye at the florist, because of its obnoxious colours, and he figured Jaskier would love it.
Finally, the door opens. And immediately slams shut again, Jaskier’s high-pitched shriek muffled from behind the wood. “Fucking shit!”
Geralt frowns, and knocks on the door. “Jaskier? Are you alright?”
A muffled sneeze, followed by: “No! I’m allergic to flowers.” Another three sneezes, in quick succession. “Very.”
Great. Just his fucking luck. “Uh… r-right,” he stammers. “I’ll- I’ll throw them away, then.”
He apologizes for it later, and Jaskier tells him not to worry about it, though he’s hardly able to string the sentence together through several sneezes and wet sniffles, eyes red and swollen.
Okay, so no movie date, and definitely no flowers. Maybe he should call someone else. He considers calling Lambert for a second, but he knows that would probably be the worst idea of his life – Lambert would either laugh in his face and hang up, or he would suggest something ridiculous like a bungee-jumping proposal or some shit like that.
Instead, he calls his dad. He’s always been able to rely on Vesemir for advice, so he supposes this time won’t be any different.
“What’s wrong?” his dad asks as soon as he picks up the phone.
Geralt frowns. “Nothing. I’m calling for advice.”
It’s quiet for a while. Then: “Alright, but disposing of a body is a lot harder than you think it is. Just take that into consideration before you go through with it. So first you gotta-”
“What? No, I wanna ask Jaskier out.”
Silence. “Oh. Who?”
“Jaskier. You met him last Christmas. Brown hair, blue eyes.”
“That loud-mouth that kept following you at the party?”
It’s quiet for a few seconds, and Geralt could swear he hears a muffled ‘thank the gods’, as if Vesemir is holding his hand over the receiver. “Try flowers.”
“Already tried that. Nearly killed him because he’s allergic.”
“Hmm. Take him to a nice restaurant.”
Geralt nods, and he realizes embarrassingly late that Vesemir can’t see him. “Alright. Thank you. But, what you said about disposing of a body, what-“ The line clicks. Vesemir’s hung up.
“Hey, there’s this new restaurant, a few blocks away. Di Mare, I think it’s called. Wanna go there, maybe next Saturday?”
Jaskier snorts at him, incredulous expression on his face. “That place? No thanks, way too fancy for me. What do you take me for, a rich person?”
“Jaskier, you’re literally royalty.”
“Nah,” Jaskier continues, ignoring him, “let’s just order take-out. Have a little movie night.”
Geralt nods, hope shining in his chest. “Yeah, sure.”
Jaskier grins at him, pulling his phone out. “Cool! I’ll text Yen and Triss, let them know. Been a while since we all hung out together.” Oh, fucking brilliant.
“Triss? I need your help.”
“Sure, what can I do?”
“I wanna ask Jaskier out.”
“Oh, yeah, Yen told me about that. So I figure you still haven’t managed?”
“Clearly.” He doesn’t mention the fact that so far, she’s come between his plans twice. He doesn’t want to hurt her feelings, and she’s obviously not doing it on purpose.
It’s quiet for a while. “Uh… Flowers are a big no-no, he’s allergic to those.”
“Figured that out by now.”
“The hard way?”
“The hard way.”
“Yikes. Hmm. Restaurant?”
“Fuck, then I’m fresh outta ideas, chief. Wait, no. There’s this new coffeeshop just around the corner. Jask loves coffee, no way you can go wrong with this one.” Geralt highly doubts it, but thanks her anyways and hangs up.
The barista makes heart-eyes at Jaskier the entire time they’re ordering, and when they go to sit down, Jaskier turns his cup and finds the guy’s phone number written on the side. He immediately pulls out his phone and sends the barista a text. Geralt tries and fails not to sulk.
He blinks, then frowns at his five year-old neighbour who’s blocking the exit of the apartment building, looking up at him with a glint in her eyes that she always gets when she’s about to drop snowballs through people’s mailboxes.
“… Hi.”
“Heard you were trying to ask your boyfriend out,” Ciri says.
“He’s not my boyfriend. And how’d you know that?”
“Gran-gran says the walls are thin and you talk loud when you’re on the phone.”
“… Okay.”
It’s quiet for a while, her gaze intent on him the entire time, and he starts to feel uncomfortable, shuffling on his feet. Sure, the effect may be mollified by the fact that she’s missing her front teeth, but she’s still very unnerving.
“… Ciri, can I leave n-“
“You should ask him out.”
“That’s why I’m trying t-“
“Just ask.”
“Give him alcohol. Grown-ups like alcohol. Then ask.”
He sighs. “If I promise to do that, can you please let me pass so I can go to work?”
She holds up her hand, pinkie finger extended. “Pinkie promise.”
He hooks his little finger through hers. “Pinkie promise. Now can I please go?”
She nods solemnly, and steps to the side. He’s halfway down the stairs when she calls out to him: “Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind, and therefore is winged Cupid painted blind.”
He looks back, sees her staring at him, face blank and grave, and he turns back, getting out of there as fast as he can. What the fuck?
Geralt’s walking to Jaskier’s door, two cups of coffee in his hands. Sure, the giving-Jaskier-alcohol part of Ciri’s plan wasn’t the greatest, but he couldn’t deny that simply asking Jaskier on a date might be effective and solid, because it’s so simple.
Except, just his luck, as he walks to Jaskier’s door, Jaskier barges out of his apartment, and smashes into Geralt, coffee spilling over both of them.
“Oh, for fuck’s sake!” Jaskier exclaims, throwing his hands in the arms exasperatingly. He sighs, his foul mood evident on his face. “Guys and coffee seems to be a deadly combination for me, lately.”
“I guess it didn’t work out with the barista, then?” He somehow manages to keep his hope out of his voice.
Jaskier sighs and shakes his head, fishing a paper tissue out of his backpack to wipe at the front of his shirt. “Yeah, no. Total hipster, and he couldn’t stop talking about himself. Like, yada-yada-yada, you like old music, we get it, now can we please talk about me?” He sighs, seems to give up on saving his shirt. “Guess I’ll have to go back inside to get a new one,” he mutters. “Anyways, why are you here? Is there something going on?”
Geralt swallows, shakes his head. “No, just wanted to bring you some coffee. Sorry about uh…” he waves his hand a bit “that. Gotta go.”
He rushes out of there, ignoring Jaskier’s inquiring “Geralt?” behind him.
 + I
“So you’ve finally turned to me for council,” Lambert says in lieu of greeting when he answers the phone.
Geralt sighs.
“I want to hear you say it, Ger-Ger. I’ll help you but I need to hear you say it.”
“Don’t call me Ger-Ger.”
“Say it.”
He sighs again, a headache starting to form behind his eyes. “Fine. I need your help.”
He can practically hear Lambert’s self-satisfied smirk. “Lucky for you, I’ve got just the idea…”
For some reason, Geralt doesn’t exactly feel lucky.
The first pebble he throws misses its target, and he cringes as it nearly hits Jaskier’s downstairs neighbor’s window. He tries again. This time it hits its mark, but there’s no sign of life from Jaskier’s apartment. He tries again. No response. And again. No response. He throws three pebbles against the window in quick succession.
Finally, a light turns on and Jaskier opens the window, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. “Geralt? It’s one in the morning, what-“
He looks down at his phone, frantically searching for the song that Lambert recommended- fucking Lambert. He never should’ve agreed to this, and he’s going to kill his brother once this is over. Finally, he finds the right song. It’s the same one as in that one movie Lambert told him about where this guy held a boombox over his head or some shit – ‘something Jaskier will have definitely watched’, his brother had reassured him. Finally, he finds the right song, and holds his phone over his head, volume as loud as possible, and-
Geralt closes his eyes in horror as the ad continues playing, several lights turning on in the windows of the apartment building. Jaskier on the other hand, is- gone.
Geralt frowns, turns the ad off, and looks at Jaskier’s window, painfully empty. Suddenly, the door to the building opens, and Jaskier comes staggering out, wheezing and clutching his stomach as he makes his way towards Geralt.
“That-“ he says between giggles “that was the funniest and most adorable shit I’ve ever seen.” He hiccups, starts laughing uncontrollably again. “What…?”
“Lambert’s idea.”
Jaskier laughs again, desperately holding on to Geralt’s shoulder as to not keel over. “Of- of course it’s his idea, oh gods-“ He hiccups, finally calming down a bit. “Isn’t this from that one movie?”
“Isn’t it a romantic movie?”
“Are you trying to ask me out, Geralt?”
“… Yeah.”
Jaskier smiles softly. “I accept. But please- next time, you can just ask. There’s no need to go through all this trouble.”
Geralt resists the urge to smack his palm against his face. “Alright, I’ll remember that for next time.”
Jaskier looks back, sees multiple lights on in the windows, sees some neighbors frowning down at them angrily. “Better wrap this up or they’re gonna call the cops on us.” He leans forward, pressing a soft kiss against Geralt’s cheek. “Goodnight, Geralt.” He turns around and makes his way back to the apartment complex.
“Goodnight, Jaskier.”
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thatsystemerror · 4 years
the best things about The Umbrella Academy
*spoilers ahead*
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the soundtrack (where have you been livin’ if you don’t know that by now though?)
“he got 7 of them”
Reginald Hargreeves having a shit personality but a nice house
also getting an ape butler just because he could (and don’t get me started on the mom)
the fandom collectively agreeing on hating disliking s1 Luther
“dAD sEnt Me tO THe mOon”
Klaus Hargreeves
and his outfits
and him being dramatic in general
like when he basically killed himself Fresh Outta Rehab™
Diego being the embodiment of “I don’t wanna be here” at all times
Five being a 58 years old in a 13-year-old body (and behaving like it)
“the kid wants coffee, black”
“Run Boy Run” playing during a shot of a boy running is still *PoETiC cINeMA*
also “Dancin’ With Myself” while he’s fighting himself in season 2
“what a disturbing glance into that thing you call a brain”
“you know what your problem is?” “really hopin’ you’ll tell me”
Killer Dude x Donut Lady
Klaus and his soldier boy
and everyone’s favorite ship: Five x Dolores the mannequin
“the healthiest long term relationship in this family was when Five was banging that mannequin”
*sips coffee* “I said uh... we died.”
Ellen Page lowkey looking like a Tim Burton character
“ask me again and I’ll burn you with the cigarette lighter”
Ben “patrick-swayzeing” Klaus
*finding out there’s a nuklear war going on* “the hell did we do now?”
“Quit those assholes. I don’t owe ‘em the fuss of my peaches.” (RIP Hazel)
Five finally getting a decent cup of coffee in the 60s
Time-Fashionista-Lady getting degraded (about time!)
Luther apologizing to Vanya in season 2
Allison fighting for her fucking rights!!
Yusuf Gatewood once again proving that he’s one of the best yet most underrated actors of this generation and we all need to see more of him!!!
“family BBQs are about to get real weird”
Vanya = on a farm and happy, Diego = nuthouse, Klaus = cult leader
Team 0 vs young Reggie Hargreeves at the Tiki lounge restaurant
Diego being a mama’s boy
“unharm my wiener”
“you know some say the greatest luck is to die at the 8th time”
Diego insisting on burrying Elliot
The Resistance™ lol
the siblings deciding to help Vanya after all
“kids sit in the back”
“which one’s the girlfriend?”
“love shouldn’t have to hurt this much” *gag noises*
Ben saving Vanya
“he traded his life for mine and saved the world in the process” “show off”
“50 bucks if you leave him here”
In conclusion, we love it, I aspire to be Five, want a friend like Klaus, and we want more. Don’t you dare cancel this Netflix (I’ve been hurt enough)!!!!
the best things about - masterpost
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luvneedsnosyt · 5 years
My Favorite Albums of April 2019
Here’s my monthly list of albums released in April I was feeling. Excuse my tardiness getting this up.
My Previous monthly lists from 2019: January, February, March
You can find my list of my favorite albums of 2018 here And my list of my favorite EPs of 2018 here
Anderson .Paak - Ventura Genre: Hip Hop / R&B
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Proof: Chosen One (Feat. Sonyae Elise) / Jet Black (Feat. Brandy)
Ashe - Moral of the Story: Chapter 1 EP Genre: Pop
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Proof: Figured Out / Bachelorette
backbear - ANONYMOUS Genre: alt-R&B
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Broken Social Scene - Let’s Try the After (Vol. 2) EP Genre: Alternative / Indie Rock
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Proof: Can’t Find My Heart / Wrong Line
bülow - Crystalline EP Genre: Pop
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Proof: Sweet Little Lies / Wake Up
Cage The Elephant - Social Cues Genre: Alternative / Rock
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Proof: Social Cues / Dance Dance
The Chemical Brothers - No Geography Genre: Electronic / House / Dance
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Proof: The Universe Sent Me / We’ve Got To Try
Circa Waves - What’s It Like Over There? Genre: Alternative / Rock
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Proof: Sorry I’m Yours / Be Somebody Good
Dinah Jane - Dinah Jane 1 EP Genre: R&B
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Proof: Heard It All Before / Fix It // Bonus: Retrograde
GRiZ - Ride Waves Genre: Electronic / Synth-Pop / Dance
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Proof: I’m Good / Maybe (Feat. Yoshi Flower)
Gus Dapperton - Where Polly People Go to Read Genre: Synth-Pop / Indie pop
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Proof: World Class Cinema / Fill Me Up Anthem
Jade Bird - Jade Bird Genre: Alternative / Indie Rock
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Proof: Lottery / Uh Huh
Jai Wolf - The Cure to Loneliness Genre: Electronic / Synth-Pop
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Proof: Still Sleeping / Better Apart (Feat. Dresage)
JOHNNYSWIM - Moonlight Genre: Pop / Soul
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Proof: Souvenir / The Last Time (Feat. Michael McDonald)
Kevin Abstract - ARIZONA BABY Genre: Hip Hop
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Proof: Joyride / Mississippi
Khalid - Free Spirit Genre: Pop / R&B / Soul
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Proof: Right Back / Outta My Head (Feat. John Mayer) // Bonus: Talk (Disclosure VIP Mix)
Lizzo - Cuz I Love You Genre: Hip Hop 
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Proof: Cuz I Love You / Tempo (Feat. Missy Elliott)
LSD - LABRINTH, SIA & DIPLO PRESENTS... LSD Genre: synth-Pop / Electronic / Dance
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Proof: Angel in Your Eyes / Thunderclouds
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Proof: Orange Trees / You
Nick Murphy - Run Fast Sleep Naked Genre: Indie Pop
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Proof: Sanity / Dangerous
Olivia O’Brien - Was It Even Real? Genre: Pop / R&B
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Proof: Just a Boy / Love Myself
Omar Apollo - Friends EP Genre: R&B / Indie Pop / Funk
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Proof: Ashamed / So Good
Ruti - Racing Cars EP Genre: R&B / Neo-Soul
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Proof: Racing Cars / The Swan
Seven Lions - Ophelia Volume 1 Genre: Electronic / Dance
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Proof: Start Again (Feat. Fiora) / Dreamin (Feat. Fiora)
SOAK - Grim Town Genre: Indie Pop / Alternative
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Proof: Everybody Loves You / Maybe
SOB X RBE & Hit-Boy - Family Not a Group / SOB X RBE & Marshmello - Roll the Dice EP Genre: Hip Hop
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Proof: Chosen 1 / Can’t Fold // Roll the Dice / Don’t Save Me
Tiësto - Together Genre: Electronic / House / Dance
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Proof: Can’t Get Enough (w/ MESTO) / Trouble (w/ 7 Skies Feat. Micky Blue)
Tory Lanez - INTERNATIONAL FARGO [Mixtape] Genre: Hip Hop / R&B
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Proof: TOAST (Feat. Koffee) / SOCO (Feat. Melii)
Various Artists - For The Throne (Music Inspired by the HBO Series Game of Thrones) Genre: Various
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Proof: Power is Power - SZA, The Weeknd & Travis Scott / Chloe x Halle - Wolf at Your Door
A couple projects I missed and a re-release with a remix album of one of my favorites from 2018
Broken Social Scene - Let’s Try the After (Vol. 1) EP Genre: Alternative / Indie Rock Released: February 2019
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Proof: Boyfriends / All I Want
Elohim - Elohm (Deluxe Edition) Genre: Electronic / Synth-Pop / Dance Released: April 2019
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Proof: Hallucinating (Gigamesh Remix) / Half Love (Born Dirty Remix) // Bonus: Buckets
Kito - HAANI EP Genre: Electronic / Synth-Pop / Dance Released: October 2018
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Proof: Ego / Love Hurts (Feat. Tara Carosielli)
Aldous Harding - Designer, A1 - Turbulence, Bassnector - Reflective (Part 4) EP, Casey Veggies & Rockie Fresh - Fresh Veggies [Mixtape], Devin Morrison - Bussin’, DREAMERS - LAUNCH FLY LAND, The Drums - Brutalism, Intellexual - Intellexual, Jacob Latimore - Connection2, Jaden - ERYS IS COMING EP, Jasmine Thompson - colour EP, JOHN.k - if we never met EP, JOHKOY - 404, Kelsey Lu - Blood, Kevin Abstract - ARIZONA BABY EP, Kevin Abstract - Ghettoboy EP, Kevin Morby - Oh My God, Lissie - When I’m Alone: The Piano Retrospective, Local Natives - Violet Street, Lolo Zouaï - High Highs to Low Lows, Loyle Carner - Not Waving, But Drowning, Matt Maeson - Bank on the Funeral, McClenny - I’m Not Here EP, Mickey Kojak - Coming Together EP, Mr. Carmack - Demolish [Mixtape], Norah Jones - Begin Again, P!nk - Hurts 2B Human, Priests - The Seduction of Kansas, PUP - Morbid Stuff, Reptaliens - VALIS, Rico Nasty & Kenny Beats - Anger Management, Rhys Lewis - In Between Minds EP, Sara Bareilles - Amidst the Chaos, ScHoolboy Q - CrasH Talk , Shy Glizzy - Covered N Blood, The Tallest Man On Earth - I Love You, Tayla Parx - We Need To Talk, Tech N9ne - N9na, Tink - Voicemails, The Vamps - Missing You EP, Wand - Laughing Matter, Weyes Blood - Titanic Rising, 03 Greedo - Still Summer in the Projects
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If you ever see a dunkirk post with over like 100 notes it’s probably from the golden ages when the movie was fresh outta the cinema
Nowadays your post gets 35 notes? Good job you’ve reached the entire fandom and then some
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nottswitch · 7 years
Kinda Outta Luck
A story was requested for Billy Russo, including him and the reader being fwb and him wanting more, unlike the reader, with a probability of a happy ending. I’m a sucker for happy endings so that was good news. But how happy the ending actually is, that’s up to you to decide :)
It's obviously my first time writing for Billy Russo and I hope I didn't do my worst :) Thank you, dear anon, for your request, I hope you’ll enjoy!
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“Aren’t you tired of all that shit?” sighed Billy, taking a swig from a bottle of whiskey. He was standing in front of the window with a towel wrapped around his thighs, his hair still wet from the shower. You heard his voice trembling a bit.
“You should consume a little less alcohol, Russo, you start sounding like a high school teen on a first date when you overdose.”
You were lying on a huge bed, black sheets covering your completely naked body. A similar bottle of whiskey, just a little fuller, was standing on a bedside table and you were currently guiding your hand towards it.
“And what exact shit do you mean, may I ask?”
You felt a cold glass on your fingertips and with great pleasure opened the bottle, feeling the smell of your favourite high quality whiskey which could have only be found at Billy’s place somehow. Taking a sip, you felt it immidiately warming you up and giving life to your exhausted — in a good way — body.
“You should consume a little less alcohol, Y/L/N, you start being oblivious to such evident things when you overdose.” Billy copied you, grinning, but there was also something sad in his words. You didn't pay attention to it though and kept drinking, closing your eyes from unbelievable satisfaction.
"There's a lot of shit going on if you didn't notice," you said after pulling away from your whiskey. "I just need clarification."
Billy didn't reply.
"You know, I can't answer a question if it's so abstract." You put the bottle down to the table and leaned back against the softest pillows you've ever felt. Sometimes you thought you come here again and again just for those pillows.
Billy finished his whiskey and turned around to see you. You looked up at him and noticed for God knows what time that he was still as handsome as the day you met him. He approached the bed and put the bottle down near yours. Then he lay down next to you and opened his arms, inviting you for a hug. At first his actions were greeted by an open-eyed look of yours but then you surprised yourself with accepting his invitation. You rested your head on his chest while he wrapped his arm around you and started caressing your shoulder. You felt his heart beating really fast but blamed it on whiskey.
Usually you both weren't a kind of lovers to cuddle after sex or even spend any time together, it was just tonight that something went wrong. Usually you would dress up and leave while Billy was taking a shower and the next day you wouldn't speak about what happened at all. It was a type of relationship that you both agreed on having — friends with benefits kinda thing. You both were totally okay with it, sex was great after all. A weird difference was today though, you've never seen Billy acting like he was now.
"What kind of mood are you in tonight, Russo?" you asked, breathing in the minty smell of a shower gel coming from him. You've never felt it before — perhaps because you've never stayed.
"Sentimental," he simply answered.
This was very unlike him. He never did anything romantic to you, not a single thing — you didn't insist, of course — and now he is "sentimental" all of a sudden.
"Is something wrong?"
Silence was an answer. Billy was nervous, you could feel it, and you stopped understading what's happening at all.
"Hey, if you won't tell me what the fuck is going on, I'll..." you hesitated, not knowing what to say. "I'll leave and never come again!"
"How childish is that!" Billy made a short laugh. "You know you would."
He was right here, no matter what you said, you'd always come to his place to have another night with him whenever he wanted. But the fuck was with him anyway?
"Whatever, just explain!" you were running out of patience already. "Can you do it?"
He just sighed and scratched his head, thinking about something.
"It's complicated, you know," he finally said after a while. "I don't think you'll understand."
You couldn't believe your ears. It was him who asked a strange question! It was him who acted all fucking romantic without any explanation! You told Billy so and got nothing but a look with an expression in it that you were unable to identify. Then he moved closer and looked down at your lips, biting his lower one. Although you were pissed off, you just couldn't resist and slowly pressed your lips against his, feeling a strong taste of whiskey on your tongue. He however stopped the kiss and you almost heaved a disappointed sigh when you felt his lips on your neck. His hand was pulling your hair off slightly so that he could see more of your beautiful body.
You wanted to be angry at him. You wanted to keep the conversation going. You wanted a decent explanation of his behavior. But as it turned out, you wanted him more.
"I wish we were something bigger."
"You... What?!"
It was very late at night when this short dialogue happened between you and the man who was now intensely staring at you, clenching his hands.
"Sorry, I might have heard you wrong, but you want what?!"
You actually thought that you might have disheard Billy's words as it was impossible that he meant exactly that.
"I want more than just fucking!" Billy couldn't help but shouted, furiously leaning back at the soft surface of the bed. He brushed his fingers through his hair, closing his eyes. "Got it this time?"
Have anyone ever heard such words from Billy Russo? Probably no one in this whole world before that moment. You didn't know what to even think, how to react, what to do. You were just lying there, your face expressing kind of a shock. Billy lifted himself a bit and looked at you worriedly. This reaction was precisely what he was afraid to get after his confession.
It was obviously hard for him to accept the fact that he, Billy fucking Russo, has fallen for you, his friend who he has sex with from time to time. These feelings were unnatural to him — a long term relationship with responsibilities wasn't his thing at all. But somehow he wanted it with you. Not immidiately, a few dates, cinemas, pubs and restaurants would do for a start, but something close to an actual romantic relationship was needed. Billy often caught himself thinking that maybe another man is in your bed right now and it, at the very least, didn't make him happy. He wanted to have you all for himself.
All those thoughts crossed his mind at the same time as he was watching your face changing its expression from shocked to — surprisingly enough — satisfied. You turned your head to face him and grinned.
"Did I just have a declaration of love from Billy Russo himself?" you mockingly asked, raising your eyebrow. "Goddamn, that means I'm not a complete shit in this life."
Now it was Billy's turn to be surprised. At first he thought you were going to yell at him, then leave and was ready to live with a thought of him destroying everything between you two. But now you were... joking and what even the fuck?
At the meantime you found a fresh bottle of whiskey that was, very handy, standing on the floor near the bed. You opened it and took a big sip, missing some drops and feeling them running down to your chin.
"And that's it?" Billy asked, looking straight in your eyes. "Are you going to say nothing else?"
"What was I supposed to say, I wonder?" You pulled away from the bottle and put it back down. "Was I supposed to die from unbearable joy or what?"
Billy ignored your sarcastic comments and looked up at the high ceiling of the room. He wanted to know only one thing.
"No, but at least response with something decent."
"What's counted as decent?"
Mutuality, Billy thought.
"Any clear and obvious answer would do."
"Can you please clarify, what exact information do you want to hear." You didn't really like playing those games as you were unable to understand hints and all that.
"I want more."
"I heard that, Billy," you were running out of patience. "Don't think I'm stupid. What the hell do you want to hear from me?!"
"Do you want more?"
Here, it's said. Billy tried abandoning your eyes and looked in the window. A full moon was emitting dim light and watching it he kinda wished he was a werewolf and now just changed his essence and ran away.
You weren't ready to answer this question now. It fell on your head unexpectedly and your slightly drunken mind wasn't working in a right way. Did you want anything more than regular sex with Billy Russo? Never before had this question bother you. You were satisfied with what was going on between you two and nothing else was necessary.
You touched Billy's shoulder and he twitched slightly but calmed at the moment he saw your face. You took his hand in yours and intertwined your fingers. Your inner sarcastic bitch disappeared somehow because you've never seen Billy Russo so vulnerable before — and hoped to never see again. You weren't sure, however, that your answer will completely please him.
"Sorry for keeping you waiting," you said, climbing on top of him to see his face more clear. "I don't want to mess around so I'll say straight away — I'm not sure."
A sparkle of hope appeared in Billy's eyes and he held your hand tighter, almost leaving marks with his nails.
"So there is a chance?"
To be completely honest, you didn't want to take another step now. Your current relationship with Billy suited you. But you thought that you could definitely try later.
"Yes. But a small one only," you added.
"That's probably the first time I got semi-rejected by a girl," Billy said, smiling, but rather unhappily. "I'm usually more fortunate, believe me."
"I guess, you're just kinda outta luck today," you replied, getting up and heading to the door. "But you can still join me in the shower, I'm accepting losers sometimes." You winked and went out of the room, teasingly moving your hips.
Billy's face lightened up with a grin. He willingly followed you, catching you up and pressing you against the wall. Serious talks could've waited a bit, there was something more important to do now, and precisely — you.
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paniccord-ff · 7 years
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I won’t even front, I don’t like changes and I loved how my home was set out but now Rylee is here she is really changing it. Touching the top of my head seeing the empty living area, I want this done quickly so the workers have started now, seeing Rylee talking to one of the workers near my car. Let me check what she is doing now and then I am off to my video shoot, I have all four of my bodyguards here because this is an open house right now with the workers “what’s good?” creeping up behind Rylee, she jumped a little “was just speaking to him, we could make this a play area” blinking at Rylee several times “my car stays here, no way. This does not move just like my clothes in the garage don’t move” she really wants to move my baby out of the home “it’s not a living thing Chris, it’s not normal to have a car in the home” the worker is laughing “see with these women they don’t know about cars, it’s just not any type of car! This car needs to be in the warmth of the home, it stays. Our son will appreciate this” I am right on this “you both know the sex of the baby?” the worker asked “yes” I quickly said and then Rylee said “no” at the same time “why are you lying, he is assuming it is” Rylee side eyed me “fine, the stupid car stays” she spat, touching the side of my car “she didn’t mean it babe, she is just angry” Rylee scoffed “we have other rooms, stop trying to pick on her” Rylee rolled her eyes walking off, I am annoying her so much.
I know it will look nice once everything comes together but it’s a little everywhere, it’s so sweet though. Rylee paying out for things, she came home after having bought things and I was like it’s your money stop it. We even getting higher walls around the home, changing the gate, the door too so this is a big change. The walls around the home is not very tall, it just needs a little more height to it, I just want my family to be safe. Just so I can leave my family at home or even have my kids play outside without thinking things “bossman, erm I couldn’t stop her” Joe looked at me all guilty and moved to the side, sighing out seeing my mom and my sister “y’all some dumbasses, talking about I can’t stop her. What do you want?” I really hate my own mom “she found out the gate was open and she came, I tried to tell her no but she wouldn’t listen to me” my sister said “what the fuck do you want now?” my mom is looking around my home “she is changing everything” she said in a whisper “you right Rylee is because we are getting married, out with the old and in with the new. What do you want?” I don’t want her here.
Rylee didn’t look impressed when seeing my mom “where is my grandbaby? I want to see her, you cannot hide her away from me” Rylee walked to the side of me “I know how mentally unstable you are, even Nia. I mean look at me I get it from you so I made sure she is safe, Royalty is not here mom” my mom looks like she is about to cry “where is she Christopher!? You cannot hide her away from me, I love that chid like my own. Stop playing around now!” I shrugged “can you please tell her Tootie that she is not here, even if Royalty was then she wouldn’t be able to see her. My daughter is safe now, she is safe from any man just walking into her life. Don’t worry mom, she is happy” I don’t like to make my mom cry but she hurt me enough “I want you to forgive me Chris, I am sorry” shaking my head “Joe, walk my mom out now. Thanks” turning around, I don’t want to see that shit “please Rylee, please tell him” why is she even asking Rylee “now you want me to help you?” Rylee retorted “he listens to anything you say, I am sorry” grabbing Rylee’ arm to walk off, nobody want to hear that shit.
Walking out to the back yard “my mom is so fucking psycho, just coming here like that. I am so glad Royalty is not here, you clever for that shit” turning to Rylee “well obviously the home is so open, Royalty runs around too much so I thought Mijo will take good care of her, she can play with the kids too” Rylee actually said it to me and it’s a good thing “I can rest easy but what about you? Are you staying here? I am not sure how long I will be at the video shoot, go to your brother’s. The bodyguards will be fine here” Rylee waved me off “I want to make sure everything is going to plan, just come home when you can because I already miss you. I feel a little horny too so come back” raising an eyebrow “well I have time” looking down at my watch, slowly walking over to Rylee “no, there is too many people here, do me a favour though. Eat some fruit today, your cum tasted so good last night” I froze half smiling at her, Rylee’ cheeks went red as she giggled turning around to walk off “wait, wait, wait” grabbing her hand “you telling me you enjoyed swallowing? Why you are getting shy for?” Rylee shrugged “stop it, I should have text you now. God, I feel so embarrassed, I am just craving it oh my god” she snatched her hand away walking off “I will be sure to eat extra fruit babe!” I half shouted laughing.
Dapping Keeis, Aaron, Robb, Fresh and Sinko “y’all good, ain’t seen y’all in a minute though” turning around to my barber “what trim are you thinking of today?” sitting down in the chair “I don’t know bruh, erm I was thinking about going blonde but I don’t know” my barber shrugged “anything you want fam” seeing the drinks at the side and all of the candy I can have “aye, can one of you niggas get me some fruit? Just get me a whole lot of fruit” there is too much unhealthy shit here and Rylee won’t be impressed “the hell you want fruit for?” Fresh asked, rubbing my chin laughing “wait” I paused saying, turning the chair around to the boys “women are cleaver” this all comes together, Rylee has been giving me fruit, a whole lot of it, but I eat it because it’s there and she been making me these fruit smoothies, everything healthy and she has been giving me head a lot more, I just didn’t think “that is all I am saying, just get me fruit” I need the fruit.
I didn’t do my hair blonde, it takes too much time so I thought fuck it “put these shades on” EJ said as he passed me the shades “cool” putting the shades on “how come you didn’t bring my girl here anyways?” he asked “we getting the home done and she didn’t want too, if I told her you was here she might have you know” looking at myself the mirror “tell me I am beautiful EJ” EJ scoffed “nigga fuck you, I ain’t telling you shit! Now get out with the other ugly ass monkeys out there” seeing the apple on the side, I might as well eat it anyways. Taking the apple from the side “so shall we go?” seeing a bunch of girls walking onto the set “yeah bruh, let’s go. You healthy eating or some shit?” Aaron asked, shaking my head “just like the taste” I lied, I rather have had gummy bears but no, Rylee wants fruity cum she going to get it. Laughing to myself biting down on the apple “random, how is little queen Roro anyways?” nodding my head “she is good” I kept it minimum, I ain’t letting my family get too close in regard to Royalty.
Sitting on the edge of the car, there is a whole bunch of half naked girls here. I am really not interested so I don’t care, I just want this shit over with. Fixing my chain waiting to start the video “so if we have you sitting here, just next to Chris” the director said pointing at the side of me, smiling at the female as she sat next to me all clothed, it’s like the playboy mansion “so if we can have you walking away from the girl and heading over to the door, the phone will ring and you answer” he passed me a phone, nodding my head. Licking my lips “no dialogue in this just walk, and action!” pushing myself off of the car and making my way to the door, one of the half-naked females ran by me and I had to double take, the phone started ringing but I missed the whole thing. She looked back at me “the fuck” I said a loud “cut!” the director shouted.
I don’t understand why Bailey is on the shoot, what the fuck. She knew I would be here “Sinko, I said what I said get her now. I want her here” drinking from the bottle of water “is everything good here?” the director asked, “I don’t know yet nigga” shaking my head, I am not happy at all. Mean mugging him, I am so fucking annoyed about this “Mijo is calling” Aaron held my phone out to me, taking the phone and picking up the call “bro” answering him “bro, Royalty wants to talk to you” he said, hearing Roro in the background “baby girl, what is up?” I sound all annoyed now “daddy!” she yelped “daddy I miss you” a smile formed on my face “is that all? Aww baby, I miss you too. I will see you tonight” she is so cute “bye!” she screamed “wow, your daughter said to me she had some important shit to say, she fooled me anyways” seeing Bailey behind Sinko, couldn’t she put some damn clothes on “talk soon” disconnecting the call.
Sinko sat down next to me “what are you doing here? You knew I would be here” she shrugged “it’s work, I don’t care if you are with Rylee. Clearly you have the issue” she right I do have an issue “what happened to the baby?” clearly that has disappeared “had her” nodding my head “a video hoe now? Is that what you are? That degree didn’t really do anything for you, I am about to call Rylee and if she says no then you go, I don’t want a snake bitch like you near me either” the boys laughed “I don’t know what Rylee sees in you, you’re a dick” she walked off “me? You the one walking around half naked you stupid bitch” I spat “all the homies fucked that ass bitch, you wanted me but you wasn’t about to get this dick. Now fuck off outta here” who the fuck she calling dick.
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Hugging Maria “thank you for coming over, don’t mind the mess. We can go into the cinema room, that is the only place not being destroyed right now” walking off “very busy ain’t it, I can’t wait to see the end product. Wow Chris really got a car in the home” this is why the car doesn’t belong in here but he won’t listen “yeah, oh yeah you never been here. Just ignore that until the home is officially done” opening the door and reaching over to put the light switches on “ok I will try to ignore the fact you have this car in your home” sitting down on one of the seats “that bodyguard out there stopped me at the gate and I was like it’s me? I am Maria, he knows me” shaking my head at Joe “I think he is tired, he has been so grumpy. Chris has the bodyguards with us just because the home is so open, so anyways. As you can see I am not moving but I wanted to ask if you would like to kind of work for me?” I don’t know how she will feel about this “me?” she pointed at herself “I can’t do much though?” she looked at me all confused “you’re my friend, well my only friend I can trust, I just want you with me as part of my team. I will pay of course but you can just be you, maybe help me sometimes, what you think?” I thought since I am making money I will snatch Maria up before she gets a job “if I am doing this then I want you to be good too” Maria jumped at me hugging me “of course I will oh my god, thank you” she kissed my cheek which made me laugh.
Placing a Dorito in my mouth “I have been so put off sex, I don’t want it. I told him to use his hand” Maria said pulling a face “I wish I was like you, I have done nothing but eat and have sex like a fat bitch I am. I swear I know I be looking a mess on top of him, you know Chris is skin and bones I must squash him” Maria hit my arm laughing “girl be quiet, I know that is a lie. You barely big, look at me! My ankles are bad, you need some growing to do” I don’t really want to grow anymore looking down at my stomach “I have a new thing, I recently been getting the taste for sperm” Maria’ eyes bulged out “fuck off!” she said in shock “no, listen to me. I just love the taste and the texture of it, it is not bad but I just enjoy it” Maria waved me off “I hate swallowing, that shit be making me gag. Nasty as hell” I shrugged “Chris is on a fruit diet which he didn’t know about but now knows, it tastes delicious. I would have it on my fries” Maria busted out laughing “Chris has turned you out hoe! Look at you” laughing with Maria.
Rolling my eyes walking back over to Maria “I hate feeding those dog’s, one bitch is pregnant too” those dogs are lucky that Chris loves them or I would have sold them “I guess that dog is taking your shine and you ain’t happy?” Maria knows it “I forgot to mention, you look so happy. Like glowing happy, I see so much difference from the previous Rylee. This happy in love Rylee is what you deserve, this life is what you deserve” I cooed at Maria “stop it, all I wanted was to be loved. I was so scared of men so to get over that is a blessing” walking back inside “oh your phone has been pinging and buzzing none stop” Carlos passed me my phone “I was actually looking for this” I always leave my phone somewhere and forget where I put it, looking down at my phone screen, I have been tagged in some posts. I sometimes want to delete this shit, unlocking my phone. Tapping on the post, see what drama has happened now. Waiting for the video to play, the video finally loaded and seeing Chris’ side profile “me? You the one walking around half naked you stupid bitch” Chris shouted, frowning at the video “oh shit breezy” the video ended “what the hell?” I said looking at my phone, scrolling down to see the BallerAlert caption ‘Chris Brown once again back to his old ways, he is caught cussing a female out on set’ this makes no sense “the blogs out here making up garbage again” Maria said, I shrugged not knowing. I am confused on why Chris is cussing anyone out on set of a video shoot.
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hileywwe · 7 years
Justice League 🎉✋🏾🙉💫💫👯💁🏾 REVIEW
Tbh. I wasn't so sure I was gonna make this review cause I ain't a big DC fan which is why I choose not to make that much reviews on their films (I'm marvel trash leave me alone 😫😫) but this movie was actually surprisingly good! Which is why I decided to give my two sense on the whole thing....so this is the points that stood out to me in this film. . Ezra did a FANTASTIC job as the flash! ⚡️ he had that comedic timing down whilst also not making the character overly annoying. And he was just a good breath of fresh air amongst the seriousness of everything which I loved. So well done man! . My Samoan brother Jason (GOT native) did brilliant as aqua man (if I didn't know any better I would say his playing himself) he had that cool badassary I don't give a flying fuck attitude going on and I lived for it. And Thais shirtless scenes 💀💀💀💀💀 . The story was a bit predictable....I dunno what I was expecting but it seemed to me that I blinked then it was suddenly over. No big shocks or twist (everyone knew superman was returning come on! He is in the opening credits of the DC logo!) .Speaking of....DC...what are you doing man? Why tf did Henry look CGI af 😂😂😂💀💀💀 I'm so dead. People were laughing in the cinema and that ain't good. I dunno why he looked like a gaming character whilst standing next to Bruce looking more REALISTIC then him but it needs to stop lol. . Dunno what I was looking for but I thought Aqua man would be I dunno...more powerful? But he ain't Poseidon so I need to chill. . Dunno why some people bitched on his character so much...the cyborg guy actually did well for the plot and was really badass. We got a little backstory which was cool and I loved what he did for the team so awsome... . AFTER CREDITS: I swear...when I saw the guy that looked EXACTLY like dead pool I was saying (if I see Ryan renolds under that mask I'm walking out) 😂😂😂😂😂 cause of how 0 sense it would make....but thank god! It wasn't. VILLAN: basic...didn't do anything for me. So random and came literally outta thin air. Was kinda like any text book Villian but it's ok. Was he evil enough meh? But for this movie he fit well. Overall I give it a 8.5 CGI superman outta 10 CGI superman. It had its faults but what still a brilliant movie.
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nicksilveirart · 5 years
(SING!) Story Not Told, Chapter 13 – Let's Face the Music and Dance
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 (MATURE)
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Click here to read chapter 13:
"Pick up!" Ash was starting to get worried. According to Miss Crawly, Buster was not doing okay after the whole theatre collapse, and the fact all papers in town were talking about him didn't help. And now, he wasn't answering her calls. In front of her, Tara laid out fresh orange juice and pancakes. "Dude, chill. If he's like that old lady said, he's still sleeping now, and that's good." "Buster doesn't sleep in, Tara. I've never seen someone so energetic." "Maybe he's busy, then." Ash tossed her phone to the coffee table. "At what time she told you to be there?" "An hour from now." She rested back, rubbing her forehead. "There we go, see? Just another hour until you see how good he's doing." The other girl looked at her with a disbelieving look. "Or not! The guy might as well be a wreck. I'm just saying you shouldn't stress out that much, it isn't healthy. Just chill, eat your pancakes while they're still warm- I got an extra set of keys here." She flipped a small keychain to her friend. "Take them with you, as I know you won't crash in boyfriend's friend's house. I'll probably be out late today." She rested back on the couch, folding her arms behind her head and closing her eyes. Ash smiled as she examined the small key holder. An old-fashioned camera, with the word 'Cinema' crafted on the back. A graduation present, she figured. "You love, live, and breath movies, don't you?" "Well, well, well, seems we got a Sherlock Hamster around here." Both girls shared a laugh. Ash quickly got back to thinking. "How would you feel if you saw your studio crashing right in front of you?" The other girl popped an eye open. "Along with everything you worked so hard to build, all your equipment… How would you feel?" "Maybe how Moon feels right now. Unmotivated and plain… I don't know, depressed? That'd be a good word for it." Ash took another bite of her pancakes, listening intently to her friend. "But I'd end up putting myself together. We all do. Take you, for example. You put yourself together after that piece of scum you dated before Buster. It was hard? Yes, but you did it. And so will he." She sighed. He had picked himself up from his problems in the past. "Yeah… I guess you're right." "I know I am. So relax. And lock the door when you leave." She rested a towel upon her head. "I'm gonna try and sleep another hour." "Wanna turn the TV off?" "Don't bother. I like the sound." She yawned. "Sleep tight." Ash went back to eating. It was a good 15 minutes subway ride to the theatre. Walking towards the sink, she started doing the dishes. "Hey, don't you wanna move in? I got a spare room and hate doing the dishes." Both laughed. "I thought you were asleep." "Getting there." She turned over on the couch. Ash shook her head, and resumed the task. Not long after, she patiently waited for the subway to arrive. She was running late, the dishes had taken a bit longer than she expected. She braced herself to what she might see. The possibility of putting together another show so remote, she didn't bother taking her guitar along. A few minutes passed, the subway arrived and Ash hopped in, humming to songs along the way. As she expected, Buster's hideout was the same house from the day before, but now it looked more like a bomb shelter. All blinds were closed, and there was a weird feeling in the air. "Ash, over here." Miss Crawly whispered, and motioned for her to come over. All faces from the competition, in expect for one annoying mouse's, were near the house. They all waved at her. "You all know why we're here, I was just expecting this last one." "How exactly are we gonna do this?" Meena said. "I mean… Happy go lucky Mr Moon, if he's down enough not to put the competition up…" "I've known Mr Moon since he was this tall." She held her hand out not farther from the koala's current height. "Not a big difference, I know." The cast laughed. "He just needs a little push. You want this competition to sing with your hearts, and not for money or fame. The one who did it for those reasons didn't bother coming here." "So let's get going! It's going to be spicy, no?" Gunter, the most cheery of the competitors, said. The five laughed at the pig. He had a way to lighten people's moods. "Yeah, we gotta do this, I left the garage with no one there." "It won't take long, Johnny. Don't worry. Let's go." The group followed the seemingly ancient lizard. Ash was growing anxious by the minute. Miss Crawly knocked on the door. "Mr Moon?" No answer. Ash took a step forward. "Come on Moon! You can't just hide in your buddy's pool house!" "Yeah, we just wanted to make sure you're alright, that's all." Rosita added. Buster went to the door, and slowly pulled it open, not once facing his cast. He looked devastated. Ash looked at him worriedly, and wanted to hug him, but stopped herself. Taking a peek inside, she saw the same sheep from the other night snoring away in the couch, and briefly wondered how the conversation between him and Buster had went the past night. "Hey, Mr Moon." The pig mom said, worriedly. "You okay?" Johnny asked, taking a quick peek inside. Not once looking up, the koala started to stutter, embarrassed by what he'd pulled. "Guys, I'm sorry about what happened, and the prize money and-" "Oh, it's okay." Rosita assured. "No. None of this is okay." He quickly interrupted. Ash spoke up. "At least we're all in one piece." "Yeah, and you know what, I bet we can find some other place to put the show on. Right?" Rosita reassured. The cast agreed. Buster smiled sadly. "The show? Guys… I'm done." "Are you serious?" "What do you mean you're done? Come on!" Lifting a hand up, he quickly scooted a newspaper from the ground, reading it out loud. "Didn't you see this? Huh? It says I'm a danger to society-" Gunter interrupted him, and he lift his hand higher. "A deluded, washed-up charlatan who never had a hit in his career." He bowed his head. Ash's heart broke for him. He believed every and each of those words. Much like herself had believed Lance's. She, however, proved him wrong, and was going to make sure Buster proved them wrong. "You don't believe all this!" Rosita said, bewildered. "Yes, I do." He went to close the door, when Johnny stopped him. "Listen. You're not the only one who lost something 'ere. We all did. I mean, I lost any chance of ever speaking to my dad again over this show-" "I'm sorry." He tugged on the door, finally shutting it. The cast exchanged glances. Whilst Gunter was plain confused, all other cast members were upset. Even Miss Crawly held a sad frown on her face. But it was mostly Ash, hands up. "Come on, let's get outta here." She wasn't going to give up without a fight, but just going inside the pool house would raise suspicion. Bidding goodbye, the cast started to scatter. Meena, however, stood her ground and Ash could make out her trying to persuade Moon to put the show together. At this point, she was just outside hoping the elephant'd leave soon, and when she did, the rocker went ahead and opened the door. Buster was laying down on his inflatable mattress and had his eyes shut tightly. She merely rested against the door, hoping he'd address her. When he didn't, she spoke up. "Yesterday, you were just ready to talk, and now you don't even pick up my calls." He looked at her. "I don't even know where my phone is." "Did you drink?" He shook his head. "Then it's probably in your jacket." She took a seat in front of him. "Ash, I'm not gonna put the show together." "Yes you will. This is just the moment speaking." "I'm not! Ash, I'm tired! I'm-!" She jerked back at his outburst, and he calmed himself down seeing his friend move in the couch. "Tired of all this! I've been trying to save the place for six years! I'm not putting the show back together! I don't-" He took a deep breath. "I don't want to. I thought I could handle it, I thought I could make the theatre a place of wonder and magic, but I don't have what it takes." Of course you do, you big idiot. Regaining her composure, she moved closer to him. "Does you friend know? About… Us?" Buster looked at her confusedly. "Yeah, he does. I told him." "Good. Then it's fine if he catches us doing this." Thrusting her lips onto his', she pushed him back on the bed. He returned the kiss just as intensely. It was an urgent kiss. Both were holding tight onto whichever they could grab hold of, that being either fur or clothing pieces. Ash straddled him, slipping his arms to her waist, while bringing her hands up his neck and the back of his head. They parted lips with a wet sound, both breathless and smiling. "Wow… The last time I was kissed like this, I was a teenager myself." Both laughed lightly at the colocation. "The good part of dating one, you get kisses like this." "I'm still not doing it." "Fine by me. It just seemed like you needed one of these." "I really did. Thank you." She kissed all the way down his jaw to the base of his neck. He shuddered, letting out a small gasp, and bringing her yet closer to him. She cradled him in her arms, smiling seeing him lean into the hug. "Ash, if you knew how much I love you…" "I love you just as much. And that's why I don't want you to sit down in an airbed all day listening to people call you a failure." She turned to face him, his eyes were half shut. "Come on, get up. Do anything! Just don't… Sit around." "May as well get a job." He chuckled lightly. "Or do that. Do you want help finding a job?" "No… I know exactly what I'll do." "Want help doing that?" She traced up one of his arms. He shook his head. "I don't want to destroy the image you have of me. Don't say anything." She held her hands up in surrender. "Thanks. I just gotta… Get some stuff before I start. It won't take long." She nodded, and got off his lap. "You're gonna be okay on your own?" "Yeah I will. Don't worry about me." He sat up, and slid his pants on. "Maybe… We can hang out tonight. Just you and me. We can grab a couple sandwiches and just sit outside, maybe go swimming a little." Tugging on his pants' pocket, he pulled out his phone. "Promise to answer if you call." She laughed lightly. "If I'm feeling better… I'll call you later, when I'm done." Ash nodded, and went to the door. "Are you sure you don't need help?" "Yeah, I should be fine." Walking up to her, Buster planted a sweet kiss on her lips. "I see you tonight." "I see you." And with that, she started walking ahead. She knew he wasn't gonna call. And also didn't miss the moment he grabbed hold of his father's old car-washing bucket. She could only imagine: A slightly-older-than-in-the-pictures Buster polishing cars and throwing water bucket after water bucket in windshields. She laughed lightly at the picture, until realizing what it meant. She turned back, and faced him before he could close the door. He quickly dropped the bucket, like he didn't know why he had grabbed it in the first place. She looked into his eyes. "Remember a few days ago, when I thought I couldn't write a good song and the one original I had got sucked?" He looked up reflectively, and nodded. "You kept saying how good I was and how I could do it. And I ended up putting a song together, that original doesn't sound as bad. I don't care how many times you say you can't put the show together, I will always tell you you can. And when you do it… You'll be surprised at your own result." He laughed sadly. "You have what it takes. I don't." "Funny you say that." Taking a step ahead of him, she picked up the bucket. "Because I used to tell myself the same thing. Until you came along. Funny, right? Good luck in your car wash." She handed him the metal piece, and left. Buster pondered over her words for a little while, until he realized. She had him dumbfounded with her words. That, whoever, wasn't enough to make the koala reconsider. Calling up his doddering assistant, he resumed his plans of re-opening his father's old open air car wash. Arriving at Tara's place, Ash looked around. The crazy otter wasn't back yet, and that meant she had the house to herself for a few hours. She took that time to clean up, (She could swear her friend hadn't cleaned the place up in months) listen to songs, watch some TV and even going to the market. Knowing her parents, she figured she'd have to stay for a while at Tara's house, and of course she was going to help with the shopping. Mainly because the house didn't have anything edible. She looked up at the clock. Nine into the night. She plopped herself onto the couch, and proceeded to watch whichever crap was on TV, carefully avoiding any news program. She started getting drowsy, and fell into peaceful sleep. The following morning, her phone started ringing. She woke up in a jolt, and saw she had covers upon herself, probably laid there by her friend. Ash moved over to grab the phone, smiling as she saw the number. "Hey there, Full Moon. What's up?" She yawned, still half-awake. A situation that'd change the second he said those words. She excitedly kicked the covers off. "You are what?!"
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