#fresh finds polska
quinnnn-savko · 2 years
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yellowmanula · 2 months
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harrison-abbott · 4 months
Polska - Travel Memories
I haven’t been there in such a long time but
For some reason I often still think about one
Particular image that reminds of the nation.
The strawberry kiosks on the street corners.
Folks selling fresh strawberries on the ends
Of the roads, and the blood red intensity of
The berries … And, the ironical mix of the
Alcohol shops dotted around the streets, mixed,
Almost door to door, with the pharmacy shops.
So, you would see the neon lights of the alcohol
Stores in one place and then twenty yards down
The street there would be the green neon beam
Of an APTEXA sign. Health and poison aligned.
But there are far many other visions and memorial
Content, too. It’s just that they are swirled up
In a type of dreamland that I rarely want to
Go back to, because I miss this country so much,
And the person that I used to visit there with –
I miss her as horrifically as any mental pain
I can describe in any of my writing. But, I
Suppose that by writing about this country
It can be a type of therapy. And so here goes.
The city I spent the most time in was Lodz.
A huge town with a population of around
700 000 people. And we would head through
The city on the wasp coloured trams that
Dinged and danged with their bells, along
The streets that were often filled with weeds
And under the tall buildings that were often
Left cracked and dilapidated. Sometimes
Because nobody was living in them and
Other times because they were still ruins
From the war. And, on so many walls nearby
That you glanced, there was football graffiti.
Or, other slogans that I didn’t know the
Origin of. Whenever you walked out on the
Street you were aware of high rises in the
Distance. Some folks find them ugly but I’ve
Always found them pretty in an off key way.
Those were hard fat bulky Soviet buildings
Of concrete that yomped up way high in the
Sky and there must’ve been hundreds of
People living in each domino set that you
Looked at: and they were dazed and delirious
In the central European sun. We would
Ride out to the outer parts of the city and
The flats would just go on and on into the
Distance. And whenever we rode on the trams or
On the train it always took thirty minutes to get
Anywhere – the town was that huge. Industrial.
We went to museums of textile works, ex-factories.
There was the sense that this city was one of
Working people, of GDP, of output. And yet it
Was still obliterated by warfare and mass crime,
Even in the late quarter of the 21 century.
We went to the Jewish cemetery, far, far away
From where we were staying. And it remains
One of the largest cemeteries in Europe.
For reasons that I don’t need to explain.
And most of the graveyards were surrounded by
Lofty trees in full bloom. Was a sunny day
When we went there. And the graves weren’t
Proper graves. They were merely little
Placards that stung meekly out of the soil,
And most of them didn’t have names. Just bodies,
Under the earth. Skeletons. … And, my girl
And I went travelling out of Lodz a lot, too,
Between Warsaw and Opole and Krakow.
Thus, I witnessed much of the dense countryside
Between the cities. And the fields were rich
And lush and they almost didn’t belong to the
Hard urbanity of the towns. There were still
Houses by the farms, but most of it was a series
Of long landscaped fields, flat and dazed in blue
Yellow, and hooker’s green. … And I remember
One time walking with her, and her parents,
And her mother said, “There was a great battle
Here, back in the war. Against the Nazis.”
And, we were literally just walking through
This angelic countryside. It was surreal
To hear her mention the Nazis so casually.
That they had been on this very turf,
70 years earlier, with their Blitzkrieg rage.
Her mother and father spoke only in English
To me; but I tried a few times with Polish,
And they found it funny, because my accent
Was so awful. But, when they were all speaking
In their own tongue, I liked the sound of their
Language and how it crashed and thrashed
With noises I couldn’t understand. It had
A rough, clumsy, dance-like quality to it:
That Slavic thing that I wished I knew how to
Speak. But there was very little chance,
Considering all of their cases, and so on.
Or, maybe I wasn’t smart enough to learn it
Properly. … But in those summers, too, there
Were the football tournaments. And, because
Polska are usually a decent football team,
They were often involved in the competitions.
This was unusual for me, since I come
From Scotland. And so the city squares and
The main streets would be filled with folks
Wearing soccer shirts, and there would be
Huge public TVs; and there was steaming pierogi,
And gaudy piwo [which is always high strength
In Poland, no matter which brand you pick]
And there would be an eruption whenever
There was a goal. Even though it was unlikely
That Poland would win the tournament it
Was still glorious to be involved.
When the games were over we would head
Elsewhere in the city and sit by the thick river and
Dabble at those intense beers. Yeah, I remember
Being in Warsaw by the Vistula and it was
Maybe eight in the evening and still piping
Hot and Poland was still throbbing and pulsing
With hundreds of other folks lacing the steps
By the bankside. The nation had been through
So much mayhem throughout its history,
And yet it was still here: there was a whole
Generation here by the banks of this mammoth
River: and even though I was a foreigner,
I still felt a part of the generation.
No, I wasn’t Slavic: but I loved this nation indeed.
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caluski · 2 years
Ok czasem dobrze jest posłuchać fresh finds polska
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mariacallous · 2 years
The ruling party has been losing ground in the last months and a tough winter lies ahead. Yet the democratic opposition has more work to do to convince voters of its unity and ability to govern.
For the first time in years, the Polish democratic opposition is giving off a less downbeat vibe. With a year to go before the next general election, its polling numbers are looking up too.
According to an aggregated poll by Ben Stanley, associate professor at the SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities, the only plausible parliamentary majority at the moment is an alliance of the three largest opposition forces: Civic Platform, Polska 2050 (the centrist party founded by Szymon Holownia) and the left-wing alliance Lewica. While the ruling Law and Justice (PiS) party allied with the far-right Konfederacja comes close, a united opposition is more likely to form the next government, according to the latest numbers published by Stanley.
Stanley’s aggregate, which is based on 14 different individual polls conducted by various research institutions, shows PiS’s support has been on a slow downward trend since early summer, weakening from around 38 per cent to 36 per cent. If this continues, the sociologist writes in a text for the weekly Polityka, “PiS’s aura of untouchability might quickly disappear.”
Reversing the tide is not going to be easy for PiS. In addition to the natural erosion in support for parties in long-term power, additional pressure is coming from surging inflation and energy costs, which are only likely to get worse as the cold season begins.
Furthermore, political commentator Galopujacy Major points out PiS has lacked any ability to come up with a fresh campaign theme that might rally its supporters behind the party. “PiS still can’t impose a narrative and each new attempt is unsuccessful,” Major tells BIRN.
“They already tried to start a scapegoating campaign against trans people, to accuse the opposition on the issue of war reparations, and now they’re trying to impose their narrative on the issue of the Vistula Spit canal,” he says, referring to a canal over the Polish section of the Vistula Spit that would allow ships to avoid the currently used Russian strait.
“That’s a controversial investment because it cost 2.5 billion zloty [525 million euros] and yet it turns out that larger boats can’t use it,” Major says. “That might be dangerous for PiS, because each billion lost in these times of inflation is a poke in the eyes of voters.”
Preserving living standards
Despite the challenges PiS faces, however, Major cautions it is not yet time for the Polish opposition to uncork the champagne.
PiS might not have been able to present an attractive new offer to the electorate, but in times of such extraordinary economic pressure the most important battleground is likely to be whether the governing party can maintain its traditional promise to voters, that of safeguarding their living standards.
While the opposition describes the current economic situation as disastrous, Major points out that unemployment is still low, medium and large companies are reporting profits, inflation is to some extent being mitigated by hikes in salaries, and the economy is not yet in recession.
On top of that, PiS has already announced that the minimum wage will be raised twice over the 12 months, reaching 4,000 zloty (850 euros) a month in 2024.
The government is already offering some subsidies to make up for the rise in energy costs and it could always pull new ones out of the bag as the election approaches.
“PiS is the most vulnerable it’s ever been since 2015,” Anna Wojciuk, a political scientist at Warsaw University, tells BIRN. “But that doesn’t mean it is weak or that it has lost.”
Wojciuk points out that PiS need only return to 38-40 per cent in the polls to find itself back in a winning position, which is both doable and something the party has achieved before.
“Nobody knows if PiS are capable of regaining support or not. But what we know for sure is that for them winning is priceless,” the political scientist explains. “That means they will not hesitate to spend as much as is necessary in order to win back voters.”
She also warns the governing party has previously shown it is not averse to resorting to more nefarious means to win support. In previous elections, for example, it engaged in surveillance of the opposition using the Pegasus spyware.
“It’s an increasingly uneven playing field,” is how Wojciuk regards the state of democratic elections in Poland.
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The Paediatrician
an original story I won a competition with :]
words: 2000-2500
tw in tags!
[wersja polska]
Lightning behind the window, snap of thunder and silence. Repeat, a bit faster. And again, and again. Between the series – sobbing and screaming. Sobs of pleas and words too distorted to be understandable. Screams cause shivers down your spine, pinning into your bones like biopsy needles. So loud and full of despair that causes the wide smile on our face, crooked with a promise of hours spent on repeated slashing moves and screams, screams, screams...
A beat of a heart. First, second, third. Short break. And again, relentless rhythm inside the chest, seemingly synchronised with the thunder. Hand move, sharp but precise. Surgically precise. Clean cutting tendons connecting the bones of the wrist. Another scream. Shivers run down the spine. A crack in the branches behind the window. Lighting abruptly gives bright light to the run-down surgery room covered in blood.
The lamp flashed and the glow lamp keeps buzzing. Annoying sounds of the medical machinery, surprisingly new. Sudden quiet lacking the sobs and pleas, screech of wheels of a small table full of tools. Screech and silence again.
– Do you feel attached to your ears? – unexpected question, first in hours.
Manic head nodding and chopped sobs. Thunder, lightning, scream. Quieter than before, raspy. Oh, music is ending so soon... Well, he’ll just have to work faster.
He took the scalpel, perfectly sharp, left just for this occasion. Insert and cut, fast enough to not elicit even a scream. Blood shoot out of the fresh wound, ear fell into the formalin.
– Please – quiet moan, almost unheard in the loud clap of the thunder.
Another insert, cut. Blood seeped erratically, and ears lay in the jar.
– Beautiful, right? – He asked, holding the jar in the line of sight of his newest experiment. – Oh... I forgot you can’t hear.
Frenzied laughter was lost in the thunder. Abrupt silence behind the windows and joyous humming creates a harmony of macabre with the jarring screech of the wheels...
White flashing lights, birds chirping, and sounds of photos being taken started his day. He rubbed his face with his hand and looked around at the situation surrounding him. Deadman laying on the operating table, a pool of blood under him. He didn’t have a chance to see him up close, yet. Killed during the night, found by dawn, and he wasn’t laying there for long, the pathologist said there won’t be any livor mortis, he lost too much blood.
– Porten, here you are! – someone called behind him.
He turned around and saw his boss crossing the room towards him. He stopped right in front of him, chest heaving with short breaths.
– I thought I’d manage to catch you in the station – he panted. – Another paediatrician, fresh out of school. His name was Arnold Maurice, we’re looking for his family.
– May I finally check him out? – he sighed and stepped closer to the body after receiving affirmation.
His brain was flooded by the sight of tortures conducted on the man. Each stab of the blade, how each of his body parts was cut off. He winced when he saw how brutally were the wrists tugged off but continued his vision, as they called it. Sometimes he laughed that he’s just like Will from Hannibal, getting in murderer’s brain and recreating every move..
– First, they cut out the kidneys, then left foot, wrists and ears – he said loudly, looking at his boss. – They played with him for at least three hours.
– At least?
– Ye, that’s just judging by the wounds. You’ll know more when you send him to the lab.
He waved goodbye and left, seen out by everyone’s sight. He probably stepped into blood, he could feel his shoes sticking to the floor. He didn’t want to care, he’ll just clean them in the snow later to not dirty his car. But first he’ll find a way to step on the roof, he loved to watch people walk below him, people seemed so small, their problems, too. Of course, he knows it’s just an illusion, but he liked it, it’s just... simple and that helps, sometimes. His insignificant ability to recreate the moves of the Paediatrician – as the media named the killer – kept pushing him closer to the edges of breakdown. For a few months now he tried to find the killer just to finally rest in peace.
With a shaky hand, he lit up the cigarette hanging from his mouth. Smoke filled his lungs and he felt himself getting back to the reality he knew before the murderer showed up. Small towns had their petty crimes but this... Documents said there wasn’t a killing since the 50s. Doctors fled the town, leaving them with just one retired cardiologist.
He blew out the smoke for the last time, stepping on the butt thrown on the ground. During those few minutes, almost all cars disappeared from the scene, only his and his boss’ left, the latter standing on the ground looking straight at him. Was he waiting for him? Why? He quickly got down from the roof.
– I thought you stopped smoking – he heard when he stood next to his supervisor.
– Tom, you know it’s not that easy, especially in my situation.
– I know, I know, easy. – He looked around. – Are you going to the lab now or later?
– Now, I have nothing to do.
Dead hands covered in ulcers and halfway skinless grabbed at him, petted his hair, face, neck... They were cold, icy cold, bony, and left dirty residue on everything they touched – greasy, disgusting brownish stains full of skin. Everything smelled like rot, he tried to hold his breath but he couldn’t as if they made him breathe in what was left of them. Then Arnold stepped out of the shadows and holding his cheeks in his hands kept repeating: why did you do this to me? He didn’t understand, maybe he became the murderer? He looked down and didn’t see the body. Arnold made him look up tugging his head with force to make him look into his dead eyes full of anger, wrath, even. He held his head in his hands that he didn’t have, fresh blood still sipping out of the wounds, he felt it drip down his face and neck. He asked louder, demanded an answer, spit flowing out of his mouth staining bloody-red lab coat. He wanted to scream an answer: I don't know! But he couldn’t, his mouth shut as if he didn’t even have it.
He was scared, his eyesight covered by mist and red. He choked. The god-awful smell and hot liquid dripping down his face slowly began to drown him. He let it be, floating on the ingot of calmness and peace it came with, he suddenly felt. If he could, he’d let out Yes, yes! Finally free! But he couldn’t. Without hesitation, he tipped his head backwards and let the...
– Luke! – someone shook him with a raised voice.
He opened his eyes. He was laying on his desk in his office. In front of him stood one of the pathologists, Julie? He tried to focus his eyes on her and shake off the remaining memory disgusting touches.
– Luke, we heard you in the lab... You were screaming.
– Not- Not important. – His voice was quiet as he rubbed his face with his hands. – It’s just the Paediatrician.
– Larson called, they found a new body.
– So quickly?
He didn’t get an answer or maybe he didn’t hear it? He left the building in hurry and got to the address that was sent to him via text without even zipping up his coat. The house stood on the edge of the forest, almost one with the surrounding woods.
– Who is it? – he asked Tom, not bothering with a greeting.
– Woman, around thirty, probably just moved in. We’re searching the database for identity.
The body lay in the living room, almost completely rotten. He winced when the stench of the body got to him, she was there for a couple of days for sure. He looked around the walls and floor – everything was covered in blood, even the ceiling. Windows were covered by dark curtains, if not for lamps set up by the police he’d see nothing.
– We have the name – said some policeman entering the house with the phone in his hand. – Tessa Ruiz, a cardiologist from next town over.
Cold, cold, then abruptly warm. His hands didn’t shake anymore, not like they were the first time. He winced mentally at the memory of the first cut he took to his victim’s hand. He took the current victim’s head in his hand. Cardiologists weren’t his style but he couldn’t help himself, she was so... defenceless. The last woman he killed was so boring, not worth his time, he just took her internal organs and sewed her up with no care to leave her to slowly bleed out to her ultimate death.
Now her... She was supposed to be a true feast for his senses. She begged for mercy when he just looked at her, he didn’t even get to plug her into the cardiograph, barely caught her and dragged her into the unknown. The forest bunker was a dangerous place, he could be easily discovered by teenagers traversing the woods but the thrill of danger went down his spine as he thought how quickly he’d expand his collection if the victims came to him instead of having to look for them.
He made some marks under the skull of the crying woman using a sharpie and cut them with a scalpel deep, reaching the muscles. The women screamed, and screamed, throwing up some half-coordinated words keeping the silence out of the closed room. He listened to prayers, pleas and curses, he adored them, and they were more beautiful than any melody in the world. And with every listen, it became better.
He slowly cut the skin off the woman’s face, taking it off like a silly silicone mask, he ravelled in tears falling down his fingers and blood dripping down his lab coat. Somewhere in the background the cardiac monitor was beeping, signalling the elevated heartbeat but he couldn’t care less, all that mattered were skin and scream and blood and-
As he revelled in the feeling of the mask, partially hanging off his hands, the doors fell of the hinges with uncoordinated yelling. He pretended as if he didn’t notice them and continued taking off the mask and put it on the prepared earlier mannequin. It looked beautiful.
– Hands behind your head and turn around to face me – he heard a known firm voice behind him.
He did what he was told with a smile on his face, looking haughtily into the eyes of his supervisor who told one of the armed policemen to take the surgical mask off his face; he probably didn’t even consider he might see his friend and the best employee. Looking into Tom’s surprised eyes he listened to the sounds surrounding him – he heard rain, furiously hitting the ground; he heard the trees rustle; he heard shallow breaths of women laying on the table; he heard beeps made by the cardiac monitor and hurriedly composed questions leaving Tom’s mouth.
– Could you repeat the question, Tom? – he asked the policeman.
– Why did you let us chase after you for so long?
– Why... For fun – he shrugged. – And I had to keep an eye on you, so you wouldn’t find me before I finish my collection, would you like to see it?
The view of shelves covered in jars full of formalin and random bits of bodies was both beautiful and horrifying.
– Honestly, I didn’t know I was the Paediatrician at the beginning – he said into the darkness where he knew Larson stood. – I realized when I was dealing with Tessa, then the rest came easier.
– Easier?
– When you know what the police are looking for it’s easier to hide. For example, have you found the first body? It’s right in front of you.
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itsashvision · 5 years
Brands that are NOT testing their products on animals.
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It is important to know which companies are cruelty- free and to buy their products. We are living in world where money rules  and till now it was not easy to find eco options that will not cost us a small fortune. Even few years ago choice of those products was poor and quality was not measured by their price tag. I am so happy that now going to store I can actually buy cruelty- free products without sacrificing half of my paycheck.
Below is the list of the companies which are offering products that we all want to use.
A.T.W. AA Oceanic AA Prestige (AA Oceanic) Abercrombie & Fitch Ahava Ajurveda Alba Botanica Alcina Cosmetic (Alpecin, Plantur) Alepia Alkemie Alima Pure AlmacaBio (Hedera Natur) Almkraft Aloe vera of America Alterra (Rossmann) Alva Alverde (Drogerie Markt, DM) Amorepacific Amla Anastasia Beverly Hills Andalou Naturals AnneMarie Börlind Antonio Banderas Fragrances (PUIG) Apart (Global Cosmed) APC Cosmetics Aquolina Argiletz Argital ArtDeco Asda Astonish (Being Eco) Aubrey Organics Aura Cacia Avalon Natural Products Avalon Organics Avemi Azzaro (Clarins) Babydream (Rossmann) Badgequo Ltd (Body Collection, Technic, Tomorrows Girl) Badger Balm (WS Badger) Balm balm Bandi Barbra Cosmetics Barry M Bath & Body Works Beauty Without Cruelty Bell Bella Benecos Berg Line (Hedera Natur) Biały Jeleń (Pollena Ostrzeszów) Bielenda Kosmetyki Naturalne Bi-es Bil (Libella) Bingo BingoSpa Biochemia Urody Bioderma Bio-D BIONIGREE Bionorica Bio-Oil Bio-Pac Biorepair (Coswell) Biosilk (Farouk) BiosLine (Biokap) Biolaven (Sylveco) Biotone Blanx Bobini (Global Cosmed) Bonne Bell Börlind of Germany Buff’d Butterfly (Verona) Cafedirect Cannabis Carmex Carolina Herrera (PUIG) Casswell – Massey Catrice Cattier Celia (Perfecta) CHI (Farouk) China Glaze Christy Cosmetics Clarins Cleanic Clever (Clovin) Clochee Clovin Collection 2000 Collistar Comme des Garcons (PUIG) Conair (Rusk) Crystal Body Deodorant Cyprys (Libella) DaburDavid Yurman (Clarins) Decleor USA Delia Dermalogica Dermika Distal (Libella) DM (Drogerie Markt) Dr Beckmann (Werner & Mertz Delta) Dr Bronner Magic Soap Dr Duda Dr Irena Eris Dr Nona Dr. Hauschka Skin Care Drammock International (Beauty Formulas) Dzidziuś (Pollena Ostrzeszów)E.L.F. Cosmetics E.O.S. (Evolution of smoothness) Earth Essentials Eco Cosmetics (Venus) Eco Tools Cosmetic Brushes Efektima Elfa Pharm Polska Ekosens Enzymat 83 (Pollena Ostrzeszów) EO Products Equo (Hedera Natur) Essence Estetica Eveline Everyday Minerals Eyes Lips Face E.L.F. Cosmetics Faith in Nature Farfalla Farouk Figs&Rouge Florame Flos – Lek Föllinge Nature of Sweden Forever Living Products Forte Sweden (Mrs Potters) Freeman Frosch (Werner & Mertz Delta)
Gaia Creams Glamshop- glamshadows Global Cosmed Go Go Beauty Goldwell Cosmetics Gosh Hard Candy Hean Hedera Natur (AlmacaBio, Equo, BergLine) Helan Heliotrop Hello Kitty Hesh Pharma Inglot Inter Fragrances Inter-Beta Irving IsaDora Isana (Rossmann) Iwostin Izo (Global Cosmed)
Jason Natural Cosmetics Jelly Pong Pong Jeffree Star Cosmetics Jiva Ayurveda Joanna John Masters Organics Joppa Jordan Kanu Khadi Kinky Curly Kiss My Face Kobo Korres (For Kings&Queens) Kret (Global Cosmed) Kryolan L.A. Colors Lakshmi L’Angelica (Coswell) L’anza (Re Balance, Curls & Color) LaRocca Skincare Lauro Lavera Lawendowa Farma Lawendowe Pola L’Biotica Le Petit Olivier Lierac Lily Lolo Lirene Liz Claiborne Cosmetics Logona Lolita Lempicka Lorenz Lumene Lumiere L Madara Malwa (Global Cosmed) Makeup Geek Mango (PUIG) Manic Panic Mann & Schroeder Marks & Spencer Marion Martina Gebhardt Naturkosmetik Massimo Dutti (PUIG) Mehron Method Products Mistano MIYA Cosmetics Montagne Jeunesse (Model Secrets, Chantelle, Fab Face Food) Mors (Polin) Moschino MySecret (Pierre Rene) NABLA Cosmetics Nads Natracare Natura (Drogerie Natura) Nature’s Answer Neobio Nina Ricci (PUIG) NOA Lab Norel Nuxe NYX Organique Organix Cosmetics (Skincare) Organix Haircare Orlane Orly Oxy fresh ush
Pacifica Paco Rabanne (PUIG) Paese Palmer’s Paloma (Unicolor) Pangea Organics Pasante Patrichs (Coswell) Paul Mitchell Payot (PUIG) Pharmaceris PharmaCF (Venus, Missy, Seria Kwiatowa, Dermafresh, Bond, Korsarz, Football, No. 36, Bye Bye Mosquito, Golden Sun, Fri) Phenome Physicians Formula Phytomer Pierre Rene (My Secret) Plantana Polin (Mors, Efekt, Rosa, Rondel, Ritmo, Nornik, Poppy, Veness) Pollena Ewa Pollena Malwa Pollena Ostrzeszów (Dzidziuś, Luxella, FF, dr Reiner, Impet, BHP, Komfort, Meteor) Poppy (Polin) Porsche (Clarins) Prada (PUIG) Primavera Primer Provida PUIG Pupa Pur Cosmetics Queen Helene Real (kosmetyki) Real Techniques Rejuvi Renato Balestra (Coswell) RFSU RHEA Richards & Appleby Rival de Loop (Rossmann) Rockford (Coswell) Sanoll Sante Scandia Cosmetics Seboradin (Inter Fragrances) Sensique Seventh Generation Sesa Shakira (PUIG) Skin Food SKIN79 Sleek Sofin (Global Cosmed) Sonet/Sonnet Soraya Stargazer Stella Cadente (Clarins) Stila Sylveco SULWHASOO SV Tarte Tautropfen Naturkosmetik Tea Tree The Ordinary The Secret Soap Store (Scandia Cosmetics) Thierry Mugler (Clarins) Tołpa Too Faced Trader Joe’s the Balm Tuli mydlarnia Twinings Under Twenty Unicolor (Paloma, Tanita) Urtekram Valentino (PUIG) Venita Vianek (Sylveco) Victoria’s Secret (Secret Gardens) Vipera Vittorio Belluci (Verona) Vollare (Verona) Weleda Werner & Mertz Delta (BUFALO, Esmal, Rorax, Tuba) Wet’n’Wild R
Yes To (Carrots, Blueberries, Tomatoes, Cucumbers) Youngblood Minerals Zara (PUIG) Ziaja Zielone Laboratorium Zoya Zoeva    
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lady-nightmare · 2 years
Zbrodniarz z Buczy zgubił w Ukrainie telefon. "Oni już wiedzą, że są znani na całym świecie" - WP Wiadomości
Google translation:
The criminal from Bucza lost his phone in Ukraine. "They already know they are known all over the world"
Anyone who was outraged by the Russian crimes committed against the inhabitants of the Ukrainian cities of Bucza, Irpień and Hostomel, can personally convey the message to the Russian commander, Col. Azatbek Omurbek or his wife Ekaterina, who also serves in the army. The colonel's phone number and the details of over a hundred Russian degenerates subordinate to him were known thanks to the fact that sergeant Petr Zakharov, a participant in the massacre, lost his cell phone on the battlefield in Bucza.
Colonel Azatbek Omurbekov, commander of the 64th motorized rifle brigade, whose soldiers massacred Ukrainian civilians in Bucza, has a 75-meter dacha in the city of Chebarkuł and an apartment in Chelyabinsk at ul. Postyszewo 6. He drives a Chevrolet Niva with registration numbers X189KE174. He has unpaid speeding tickets and non-compliance with traffic signs.
It is known that before going to war he was blessed "for a crusade in Ukraine" by Archbishop Metropolitan Khabarovsk himself. Colonel Ekaterin's wife also serves in the military. The spouses' passport numbers are already known, which is why the British entered them on the list of people subject to sanctions.
This is only a part of the findings of the members of the InformNapalm group, who investigated data on the commander and over a hundred Russian soldiers responsible for crimes in towns near Kiev. We've already published the first 50.
Knowing such details would not be possible without the surprising gift. Sergeant Petr Zakharov (Omurbekov's subordinate) lost his phone in Bucza, containing 13 gigabytes of photos, videos and various documents.
There is a cell number for a Russian colonel. "You can call"
Information from the phone and saved documents is an additional confirmation of information collected from public sources. We will show many of them as evidence. These photos helped us confirm the commander's data, identify more than 100 companions of sergeant Zakharov, who in March 2022 were active in the Kiev region of Ukraine and are clearly directly involved in war crimes committed in Bucza, Hostomel and Irpin - says Irakli Komaxidze, one of Wirtualna Polska, from the leaders of the InformNapalm website. It is a community of intelligence and analysts revealing the backstage of the Russian war in Ukraine.
It tells how the commander of the Russian unit was tracked down. - Initially, we only received a list of units operating near Kiev from the Ukrainian intelligence. We did not know who was currently in command of the 64th brigade. I found the trail when I found the report from the Victory Parade on May 9, 2021 in Khabarovsk. The announcer mentioned the name of Omurbekov, who was a fresh commander at the time. The anti-war activist from Khabarovsk, who recently served in the 64th brigade, helped us a lot, says Komaxidze.
Now we even have the passport numbers of Omurbekov and his wife, as well as many soldiers. The colonel's phone number is +79143948515. If someone wants, he can even contact you in person. I know that the 64th brigade has already been transferred to Donbas, but the colonel's phone was logged into the network in April. I didn't call, I wouldn't have anything to say to him. Anyway, he already knows that he has become famous in the world and probably will not answer - adds the interlocutor of the Polish Army.
We checked that the colonel's phone did not answer. His wife blocked the possibility of sending messages via VK messenger. The commander did not react to the message asking if he knew that he had been indicated as a criminal and if he was afraid of the revenge of Ukrainian soldiers.
A typical Russian sergeant. He beats subordinates, makes porn with his wife
Irakli Komaxidze emphasizes that Russian intelligence services already know about the activities of InformNapalm. They hurriedly delete various local Khabarovsk publications and soldiers' social accounts, which would identify their names and photos. For example, the data of intelligence captain Dmitry Degotyi (64th brigade) was deleted from the Internet. However, earlier InformNapalm "scouts" had secured the archives. They say "there is still a surprise waiting for the captain".
Therefore, the lost phone of the 30-year-old sergeant Petr Zakharov, who, being a contract soldier, served in the unit's reconnaissance, became a valuable source. It contains photos, reports and documents confirming the preparation time and the first days of the invasion. By the way, they say a lot about the mentality of a typical Russian soldier.
At home, Zakharov liked to drink with his mother-in-law. They later sang and danced merrily in the kitchen. He also had a series of videos documenting sex with his wife on his phone. "Disgusting and nauseous," intelligence agents report. In turn, a video recorded during the exercises last year proves that the sergeant was beating with the fists of his subordinate soldiers who reported various problems.
This explains the low morale of the Russian army. There is no brotherhood in arms, everything is based on coercion, fear and humiliation. That is why Russian soldiers, when they have some good opportunity, drop their equipment, give up or flee the battlefield, sums up Komaxidze.
InformNapalm announces the publication of a database of Russian soldiers who signed contracts just before the "exercises in Belarus". They probably already knew the purpose of the exercises.
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toddlazarski · 3 years
Wioletta’s Taste of Poland
Shepherd Express
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For a city with the fourth highest Polish American population in the country, a town where I know of not one, but three unrelated people with the surname “Lazarski,” Milwaukee has a serious pierogi shortage. Look no further than Wioletta’s auspicious opening weekend earlier this month, where there was a run on Polska market fare like it was toilet paper in March ‘20. They sold 1500 pounds of meat in three days. Not to mention everything else. Walking in on day four of business operations I was met by apologies, empty shelves, and reduced to pity buying nothing but some cream-filled Caramelo-like chocolate indulgences that made me reschedule a looming dentist appointment so that I could get in one more week of scrubbing. Apparently having one Polish restaurant, Polonez, and one Polish deli, A&J, isn’t cutting it by way of demand. 
Now we have Wioletta’s, from husband-and-wife team Adam and Wioletta Bartoszek, who both hail from the area around Lodz, Poland’s third-largest city. Wioletta, a trained chef, ran deli shops in Warsaw, Poland’s largest city, before moving to the U.S. Now, the couple’s Howell-and-Howard outpost sits on a dated but promising business corridor that many Milwaukeeans still only consider as the last few blocks before you reach the airport to leave Milwaukee. 
Next to the venerable greasy spoon Copper Kitchen and across from the unfortunately-shuttered Soup Otzie’s, a feel so spunky and bright feels refreshingly out of place, in a way the southside neighborhood likely hasn’t seen since the opening of Hawthorne Coffee in 2013. Such a spiffy rehab of a long-vacant True Value might hint at the area’s untapped potential, in a scope outpriced Bay Viewers and prospective Bay Viewers may start to realize if they just keep going a bit, keep matriculating, further south.   
Restocked by day five, picked over again by day 10, Wioletta’s shelves seemed to be finding their stock groove by about the middle of week two of operations, especially on a pre-rush morning. Here, in front of the baked goods case, you might stop and think donuts are but an easy way to let yourself off the hook, to give up on the day before it starts. But then you might think, these are not donuts, they are paczki. Which you will most likely mispronounce at the counter. But it is all a learning opportunity, also a chance to take one of the pillowy frosted plum or pudding or raspberry pockets down the street to pair with a fresh pour over from Hawthorne, in a combo making for the best possible start to a morning under the planes in Town of Lake. 
Also there are fresh rolls, beautiful still-warm soft white beds that act as canvas for the butcher case’s bounty of multiple hams, irresponsibly buttery smoked turkey, roasted rolled bacon with spices (a bold cold cut that makes one wonder on the pig’s tender side), and aggressively overgrown kielbasa that resemble shriveled little league bats. The Weselna, or wedding sausage, looks like a formidable implement of self-protection. Double smoked, as fragrant and fatty as an offensive lineman, it seems meant to be sliced and dunked in mustard and binged while watching whatever is the afternoon game.    
Pierogies, frozen, ship from Alexandra’s in Chicago, and span the flavor gamut between potato and cheese to meat to kraut to mushroom to sweet cheese—all the indigestion-inducing comfort fare corners are covered. Fried or boiled, your home is set to be filled with the smells and feels of grandma’s house, of holiday time when you want to eat as fortification against winter and as reward, for, well, maybe just living. Topped with fried onions, possibly sour cream, these little protein delivery devices represent at least one healthy reason to need to sleep in a different room from your significant other for a night.     
Likewise, take heed of the fresh Polish sausage, when you can, continuous Facebook page checks necessary it seems, at least for the time being. The slick links assert their stinky personality from the time they get positioned on the front seat of your car, and really start commandeering olfactory matters if they get more than a few hours in your fridge. A batch recently made for an ideal grill season opening day, smoke plumes billowing over the neighborhood like it was a religious ceremony, links sizzling and ready to be paired with one of the aforementioned rolls, some kraut, some Koop’s, and whichever beer was closest and coldest. An extra thick casing begs for a hot grill sear, the snap countering yieldy insides that are redolent of marjoram and garlicky Eastern European soul.     
The latter is impossible to forget at Wioletta’s. A corner is dedicated to the giftshop-like doling of Polska t-shirts, sweatpants, doodads of the sort you usually grab at the airport in a last ditch effort for a present or to remember a visited land. A glimpse of the white eagle, the red and white, seems to mean something different these days though, stirring a kind of nostalgia and belief beyond thoughts of Riverwest’s Polish Falcon bar. Of course, as a logo, it looks good, regal and bold and nobly able. But, really, the country has a newly prominent place in the geopolitical sphere, situated on the front lines of whatever you can call the current devastating calamity of Ukraine. Via an email interview Adam spoke not only of hope for “more Polish businesses” and advocating for “the younger generation to help keep the heritage and traditions alive,” but of partnering with the Polish Community Center for collections for families taking in refugees. Whether pierogies or sausages are in stock, whether you know where to begin with the sprawling smorgasbord of seasonings and pickled things that time and curiosity will certainly reward, whether you have the sweet tooth or enough kids to keep pace with the glut of sugary temptings, it clearly seems the time to celebrate our city’s, and the world’s, Polish heritage.  
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triladroid · 8 years
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Even when I stay at home the whole day studying or working, I always go for a walk for at least for 30 mins. And I often find something beautiful outside 🌺🌺🌺 🌺 🌺 🌺 #flowers #spring #march #mood #nature #walk #fresh #grow #plants #green #garden #yard #park #perfect #perfection #travel #travelgram #instatravel #instamood #instagood #instalike #travelling #europe #poland #polska #wroclaw #igers #lovely #saturday (at Wrocławski Rynek)
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fidg3ty-blog1 · 6 years
Luxury Www Castorama Fr Catalogue
Luxury Www Castorama Fr Catalogue
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pursehouse-blog1 · 6 years
Luxury Www Castorama Fr Catalogue
Luxury Www Castorama Fr Catalogue
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theblackshit · 6 years
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Artists: Ursula Biemann, Dora Budor, Roman Buxbaum, Julian Charrière, Daniel Gustav Cramer, Martin Creed, Peter Dreher, Elmgreen & Dragset, Cécile B. Evans, Felix Gonzalez-Torres, Rodney Graham, David Horvitz, Tehching Hsieh, Sophie Jung, On Kawara, Kapwani Kiwanga, Ragnar Kjartansson, Kris Martin, Agnieszka Polska, Pope.L, Barbara Probst, Laure Prouvost, Pilar Quinteros, Raqs Media Collective, Sophy Rickett, Mikko Rikala, Dieter Roth, Stéphanie Saadé, Michael Sailstorfer, Taryn Simon, Slavs And Tatars, Smudge Studio, Gernot Wieland, Pedro Wirz
Exhibition title: Zeitspuren – The Power of Now
Curated by: Samuel Leuenberger and Felicity Lunn
Venue: Kunsthaus Centre d’art Pasquart, Biel, Switzerland
Date: September 9 – November 18, 2018
Photography: Gunnar Meier, Anita Vozza / all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Kunsthaus Centre d’art Pasquart
Note: List of works can be found here
Through installation, video, photography, performance and painting, ZEITSPUREN – The Power of Now examines the aesthetic and cultural significance of time within contemporary narratives and its impact on how we structure our lives and experiences. In their work, the 34 international artists selected for the exhibition explore the temporal nature of labour and leisure, politics and power, the body and representation or technology and memory. Due to the complexity of the concept of time, the exhibition is divided into four thematic groupings: Time and its Discontents, Sculpting Time, Capture: Staging the Live, Speculative and Planetary Time.
Time and its Discontents introduces us to the intersections of labour and social time. The works in this section build critical and playful narratives around current discontents of standardised living, work and leisure time. An early figure in the development of durational performance art, Tehching Hsieh displays in One Year Performance (1980–81) the documented evidence of a performance that chronicled a year of the artist’s life. To make the work, Hsieh followed a strict routine of punching a time clock every hour for 12 months, before presenting the individual images as a six-minute film with other forms of documentation. The tedium of industrial labour highlighted by Hsieh’s performance reinforces the dominance of western time structures that is investigated in Ragnar Kjartansson’s Scenes from Western Culture (2015). This employs six looped single-channel video tableaux to demonstrate Kjartansson’s fascination with the superficiality of cultural norms. Meanwhile David Horvitz’s The Distance of a Day (2013) breaks with the normal passage of time by juxtaposing videos of a single day made in different locations and time zones.
Sculpting Time examines the material processes of historiography with focus on the role of research in artistic methodologies. Artists revisit historical artefacts in order to draw out new meanings and associations. Kapwani Kiwanga’s Flowers for Africa (2014, 2017) reveal the artist’s interest in archival imagery of postcolonial independence celebrations. Finding that floral arrangements are a motif common to many of these photographs, for each venue where the work is exhibited Kiwanga commissions a local florist to recreate the bouquets as closely as possible. Flowers for Africa entertains a subjective response in the making and re-presentation of history. Similar manifestations of connectivity extend across many works in this section. Stéphanie Saadé’s Accelerated Time (2014) treats time as a physical property, making a mystery of the work’s broken fragments and the forces which produced them.
Capture: Staging the Live foregrounds the body as a site for expanding our perception of time, focusing on approaches to performance-based work. Pope.L’s practice takes the form of durational and endurance-based performances. The Great White Way, 22 Miles, 9 Years, 1 Street (2001–2009) is one of the artist’s best known «crawls» investigating exhaustion, in which he wore a Superman costume with a skateboard strapped to his back as he travelled the full length of Broadway, Manhattan’s longest street. Drawing frequently on sources from pop culture or philosophy, Sophie Jung produces marathon-length performances. For Come Fresh Hell or Fresh High Water (2017–18) the artist will activate different parts of her installation by reciting texts from memory, as well as employing stream-of-consciousness improvisation. Jung’s performance plays on the slippage between language and objects, transforming what the artist describes as a skewed format of « show and tell».
Finally, Speculative and Planetary Time analyses how digital connectivity and computerised technologies have radically shifted our experience of time. Works in this section reflect on deep time – time beyond the human – to speculate what new worlds might look like. Agniezska Polska’s My Little Planet (2016) combines animated daily-use objects floating in the cosmos with a humorous voice-over as a comment on the ways in which consumer culture dominates our world. The large-format photographs in Julian Charrière’s series First Light (2016–17) address the histories of nuclear testing at Bikini Atoll, making visible an atomic landscape within idyllic tropical island scenes. Where Charrière’s work turns our attention to the existence of radioactivity, Daniel Gustav Cramer’s Old Tjikko (2017) profiles «Old Tjikko» – the world’s oldest clonal tree located in Sweden’s Fulufjället National Park with roots thought to be almost 10’000 years old. Cramer explores how Old Tjikko functions as a myth deeply connected to the landscape and a symbol of endurance for our precarious planet.
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fallout76polska · 6 years
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The hype for Fallout 76 has been as infectious as its rendition of “Country Streets.” As of this year’s E3, director Todd Howard said that there will be a beta prior to the game’s release on Nov. 14.
Bethesda Game Studios released on its online community that the beta for Fallout 76 begins in Oct. Beta testers will be arbitrarily picked and the pool begins out small, but develop over time prior to the game’s formal release.
To be able to get into the pool of beta testers, you must pre-order Fallout 76 and then discover the redemption code on the pre-order receipt or verification email. Following that, go to Bethesda’s recognized site and sign in or create a fresh account to type in the code. The entire FAQ and instructions are available on Bethesda’s Fallout site.
The entire version of Fallout 76 will be accessible on Nov. 14, 2018 on Computer, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. To find out more, check out everything we realize about Fallout 76.
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twistedredladybug · 7 years
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Health in a jar = Twoj zdrowy sloj You can find them over at #krakowbusinesspark today. The specialty of the day consist in hot pumpkin and oranges soup. There are also salads and sweets. I choose the #sernik 💗 all natural and fresh and healthy. Throw those burgers away and come try this new idea in a jar 🐞 #twistedredladybugrecommends it! #discoverpoland #discoverkrakow 🐞 #krakow #polska #igerskrakow #igerspoland #kbp #corpolife #healthyfood #foodinajar #masonjar #nowaste #twojzdrowysloj 🐞 @twojzdrowysloj_foodtuck 💗 (at Twój zdrowy Słój - Food truck)
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Right here's an additional recommendation: don't forget to have a look at taking a trip times. The initiative instructs at-risk youth regarding the office and assists fill up entry-level openings at UPMC Hamot. The Oceanside family members was struck with strange events over a few months starting back in February. This could be made use of by an assailant to subject delicate information from the Bluetooth processthat may additionally have security keys of Bluetooth interactions. A 91-year-old lady was eliminated in a car crash Friday early morning in Windermere, inning accordance with the Florida Highway Patrol. The main altar, with the late-Gothic figure of Our Woman of Ludzmierz wirth the Baby Jesus, likewise called the Queen of Podhale, was placed in the new temple. The Recent Graduates Program manages developing experiences in the Federal Federal government intended to promote feasible careers in the public service to people who have actually lately graduated from qualifying universities or programs. Listed below you can find extra technical information, photos, AIS information and last 5 port calls of MV PODHALE found by AIS. Sidewalk deal with Cherry Road in between 15th as well as 12th streets has actually limited website traffic to a single lane. Weather condition Nowy Targ - one of the most secure and exact forecast for today, tomorrow as well as for 2 weeks. This paper introduces a brand-new methodology for official confirmation of technological systems with smartIflow (State Equipments for Automation. We had a wonderful time at Beata ´ s cozy cabin home. She ´ s a wonderful host, she revealed us where to walk around the area as well as told us where to get fresh milk and also eggs from neighbor farmers. The agency has to offer each Fellow a minimum of 80 hrs of official interactive training each year, and also must offer each Other with at least one 4-6 month growth job throughout their 2-year fellowship. Is a network of leading companies worldwide of varied media, news, and information solutions. Various other hemostatic" tools utilize a comparable technique to address surface injuries. When Monica Street and her infant kid returned to the Orlando Fire Division terminal where the baby was brought back to life, it was a pleased get-together Thursday early morning. Breeders have actually been utilizing it in Europe for some time before we started utilizing it in the USA. By utilizing this site, you consent to the Regards to Usage and Privacy Policy Wikipedia ® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation, Inc A costs is advancing via Congress that would make it unlawful for the head of state to unilaterally create a U.S.-Russia cyber system without notifying Congress, reports Reuters In July, Trump tweeted that he and Russian head of state Vladimir Putin had actually personally talked about producing a bulletproof Cyber Security unit"- an idea that scared the heck out of virtually everybody in Congress. They will certainly GIVE IT to all your various other dogs and felines if you are sent a pup with it. Zaktualizuj Web Explorer lub pobierz inna najnowszą przeglądarkę i ciesz się serwisem eskaGo. The vulnerabilities disclosed by Armis influence all gadgets running on Android, Linux, Windows, as well as pre-version 10 of iOS running systems, regardless of the Bluetooth variation being used. This gives the site visitor with lots of chances for learning about Polska, whether you take pleasure in the many monoliths, historic churches or buildings, background of locations, or even more contemporary attractions, you will certainly find something that suits you. Unfortunately wifi barely works in the same way, furthermore, as the GSM coverage. A court recently accepted a negotiation that mandates a marketing group and also numerous cruise ship lines pay up for their outbound telemarketing calls. Trening dla profesjonalnego sportowca czy starszej osoby powinien różnić się tylko obciążeniem i stopniem intensywności, a nie rodzajem. Amanda Lee Myers, Associated Press Thursday, Feb 16, 2017 9:45 AM UTC 0. The host was extremely pleasant as well as answered swiftly to every question. Transforming the SketchUp versions as well as preparation for X-Plane: Christer Haeberli. This pupil really did not have house internet, so he could not do research. In 1986, a resurgence of The Royal Shakespeare Company's 8 1/2- hour production of The Life and also Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby opens on Broadway. President Donald Trump intimidated to close down the federal government unless Congress funds his recommended boundary wall. It still continues to be higher than the nationwide rate, which enhanced one-tenth of a percent to 4.4 in August. MONDIAUX - L'Autrichien Marcel Hirscher a réalisé le meilleur chrono de la 1re manche du géant, vendredi matin à Saint-Moritz, en battant kid compatriote Philip Schoerghofer de 0" 26 et le Français Alexis Pinturault de 0" 35. How friendly the team are and also a lot more when guests remain at the property they examine out exactly how peaceful the space is. The Recent Grads Program is provided mainly by each working with company. The MIDS program attracts intelligent, imaginative information professionals who benefit leading firms in computer software program, money, and wellness treatment. belongs to The Priceline Group, the globe leader in online travel & relevant solutions. MMKS Podhale Nowy Targ put on play in Gloss League. Using particular qualification requirements for entryway into your agency's Pathways Programs. He bought a ring from the man that stated he was from Florida and also shed every little thing in Hurricane Irma. The host family is wonderful, service minded as well as online for your service 24/7. Anita Earls, executive supervisor of the Southern Coalition for Social Justice, claims 'it's completely feasible' to attract maps that deal with the gerrymandered areas. In the inmost snow, they prepared a bon fire for us just outside the cabin for the evening as well as warmed the water in the excellent exterior barrel bathroom - which we suggest you use! Would recommend this area for those that pertain to trek in Tatry hills! Zapisz się na zajęcia lub przyjdź do klubu, a my wprowadzimy Cię w świat CrossFitu. You could additionally take a look on previous matches of your favored team and see match stats and also many more. Fabulous place to stay, a suitable getaway from the busy life & good base to nowy targ discover the region. The Patio Feast brought in 9 neighborhood music teams to take over the front patios of residences in an old downtown Erie neighborhood. Just like gauze plasters designed for surface wounds, that's indicated to produce a barrier to blood circulation, offer a big surface area for clotting, and also use stress to the injury. Polecam Góralską Strawę w Nowym Targu, tuż za miastem, przy wyjeździe na Ludźmierz. Images have actually been uploaded of locations Irma caused one of the most damage, primarily on the west side of the state. The Tony-winning actor will donate his time to benefit the American Theater Wing. Six people were required to the medical facility Monday after a college bus rammed an automobile north of Cutler Bay. Nowy Targ along the Dunajec River, situated in the valley beneath the Gorce Hills, is the resources of the area. OPM is restricted by regulation from entrusting these functions to any agency. Well, I guess we'll just have to wait and see if Hoover bother to earn anything out of that last declaration. As well as a lot of these credential holders have well-paying jobs. Zajęcia przeznaczone dla osób, które chcą rozpocząć przygodę z regularnym treningiem. If driving from Krakow, then comply with the indications for Chyzne till you run out Krakow when traveling number 7 going southern. Location great for undemanding skiers that do not such as groups on the inclines and wish to stay clear of the lines for the lifts. It's been two days given that Cyclone Irma made landfall on the Florida shore, and also gradually residents are getting the items. Our work looks for to advance real responsibility as well as human rights work through the release, development, and also use of high-value data sets.
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Simply reserved in Zakopane: 36 guesthouses like Pensjonat Podhale were just scheduled on our site. Neighboring are excellent areas for walking and Nordic walking, cross-country winter sports. We regularly receive ask for information concerning our customers and their Apple gadgets from police. It resembles you simply tried to go into a non-countryName phone number. Your house is beautifully enhanced and also totally outfitted with every little thing you require. A former Grandview High School security guard, Broderick Lundie, deals with 3 charges in link with sexual offense claims including a trainee at the Aurora college. Eleventh hour booking after a termination near Zakopane. We were happy to discover Nowy Targ and also treking routes close to the city. It's likewise very easy to find video clip highlights as well as news from the most prominent sporting activities leagues on the planet. If you reserved with us and also intend to leave a testimonial, please check in first. Every little thing was terrific, other than wi-fi at times did not function appropriately. Chief information officer David Webb will be changed by Mark Rohrwasser, that has led Equifax International IT operations considering that joining the firm in 2016. The defect allows the aggressor to send out a set of crafted requests to the web server, triggering it to divulge memory little bits in response. Nations create approaches around a variety of reforms and investments most likely to enhance people's lives from universal education and learning to satisfactory roads, from quality health care to boosted administration as well as inclusive financial growth. Newly built wood mountain hut located on a green glade in Gorce, in a close distance from Nowy Targ and also 20 mins own from Zakopane. The strike does not need the targeted tool to be paired to the attacker's device, or perhaps to be established on visible setting. Promotional material will be gotten rid of and problems worrying's solutions need to be directed to our Customer care or Lodging Solution groups. For instance, if an agency is filling a Petroleum Design Trainee setting, which upon conversion would certainly require that the Intern had actually completed specific courses in design, then the company could show that just pupils who have actually completed or are presently taking some or all those needed programs will certainly be eligible for the Petroleum Engineering Intern placement. The most recent released records reveal greater than 2 billion Android, 2 billion Windows, and also 1 billion Apple devices in operation. The susceptability could be leveraged by an aggressor to acquire remote code execution in a high-privileged context (the Bluetooth procedure). Register for our newsletters to be the first to learn about damaging news and also even more. The rocks undertook funeral diagenesis at a steady geothermal gradient similar to the contemporary worth of 21 ± 2 ° C/km. Classification ranking- like procedure - Under 5 CFR part 302.105, firms might develop their own systems for using experts' choice gave that such a system leads to preference qualified applicants receiving at the very least as much benefit as they would certainly under the mathematical position or unranked option methods. Brows through to Nowy Targ have recently upturned acquire your ticket now! Polish national cuisine shares some similarities with other Main European and also Eastern European traditions as well as French as well as Italian resemblances. These factors, which have to be videotaped, include reasons accordinged to the standards for clinical disqualification under 5 CFR Part 339, reasons based upon the standards for making viability resolutions provided at 5 CFR 731.202, or various other reasons thought about by the company. Our pleasant customer care agents are here to offer you 24 hours day to offer support and answer any kind of inquiries that you may have concerning booking your Nowy Targ journey. When the Intern is converted to a placement in the affordable solution, Time invested on a SCEP appointment will certainly be creditable to profession tenure. It was provided by one of the marked monks for the abbot. Remembering ASME Past President Richard Rosenberg. Despite extensive thermal energy extraction, temperature level and stress drop are forecasted to be at a really low degree. The liberation of Nowy Targ came rather as a shock as the Russian military shocked the German forces by coming from the instructions of Gorce Mountains entering the community without any significant resistance, and the occupying forces surrounded without dealing with. Uwielbiam te hale, te szyty, nawet turystów i tłok lubię:D. The choice eligible (or his or her agent) is qualified to a copy of the firm's reason( s) for the overlook, after request.
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