#free Palestinian means freedom from Hamas
houseofpinkboombox · 5 months
This WP article is wild front to back.
Now one would think that all they did was criticize Israel the way this was written right?
No they have to admit at the end of the article that she was the fucking bitch ripping down signs of the hostages and claiming that Israel kidnapped their own people. Twitter account Stop Antisemitism called them out by their name and they got rightfully fired as they were working as a therapist.
Imagine being Jewish and that's your fucking therapist being unhinged and supporting Hamas openly.
"She misspoke" bitch no the fuck you didn't.
So of the other bangers in this boy boys are "doxxing has a chilling effect for on line activism!" Then in the next paragraph "anyways here is the tax returns of the Stop Antisemitism CEO!"
Like didn't even try and hide the biases and folks are gonna eat this up.
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zorciarkrildrush · 11 months
I think the essence of what drives me crazy about current Enlightened Online Leftist Discourse Regarding My Life Personally And Whether This Time Killing Me Is Morally Correct (as in, commentary about the latest episode in i/p violence) is this:
I want a free Palestine.
I don't personally know a lot of people that don't! They might bristle at the tagline, because it's co-opted by people who do in fact want them dead, but as soon as I lay out why it's in literally everyone's best interest, how a non-free Palestine is horrific both to the people of Israel and to the people of Palestine, how pragmatically ridiculous the occupation of the west bank and the siege upon Gaza are (and I am a very pragmatic person), they get it. And I don't mean I debate people online about it - this, too, is a ridiculous concept - I mean having, time and time again, the deradicalization conversation with my friends, and colleagues, and my family. Obviously not only now - I've always been a very principled and argumentative Jew, ever since I became an adult - and I've been alive for, I don't know, a dozen flashpoints and operations and wars at this point, and I don't stop being argumentative and loud in peacetime either, but especially now.
But that's not what "from the river to the sea" means.
When you, gentle soul from across the sea, echo this slogan, you are either:
By apathy or will, ignoring that the sentiment cheers for the mass expulsion and killing of Jews. Indeed, any non-Muslim present from the river to the sea. This doesn't even begin to cover how even Muslim arabs still will not be safe under Hamas rule - and trust me, I don't care if a Hamas apologist told you different. A victory for Hamas (And we're ignoring the fact they do not have the military capacity for it - I hope you are aware of the privilege inherent to not understanding military conflicts) means exactly that. No "rule by the people". No socialistic, Palestinian utopia to be had, which is a fantasy I'm seeing alluded to a lot recently. Just an extension of the horrific power structure in Lebanon and Syria, where Hezbollah - friends and allies to Hamas - have been playing a tango for decades of both refusing to participate in actual government and betterment of civilian lives, while still draining their resources and controlling them with no real contest. "From the river to the sea" is not a sentiment for freedom fighting - it's a sentiment for a final solution to the people living here who are either Jewish, or for some Very Strange And Weird Reason would rather not submit to Hamas rule. You know - Israeli Arabs, secular and Muslim and Christian, Druze, Circassians, Bahai, take your pick. Their suffering, and my suffering - you know, a person who made the strategic error of being born in Israel while Jewish, which is inherently problematic and not okay of me - don't matter to you. Just the fantasy of an easy, morally correct cleanse of the land.
Are well aware of all of the above! You just don't care. You either smugly chuckle that I, and anybody else who will die, deserve it - or that it's an acceptable loss for the aforementioned fantasy. "Decolonization is an inherently violent process", you'll say to me, chillingly, before implying I have a summer home in Brooklyn I can just retreat to when things get tough. Israel is basically Rhodesia, a very popular blog here mentioned flippantly, so what's the issue with all of those lily-white Jews fucking off back home before the righteous freedom fighters strike them down? Well. This might be the part I urge you to open a book, or even Wikipedia or any god damn thing that will explain to you these upsetting, dense things you clearly struggle with.
It's easy for me to discount islamophobes. Like, very easy. It's very easy for me to discount insane evangelistics who "advocate for me" simply because I'm a pawn in their religious rapture. It's easy for me to fight against Israeli and Jewish fascists - I have been long before this news item came across your feed, as did the insinuations that some civilian deaths are okay, actually.
It's easy for me for me to see promotions for donations to non-political aid in Gaza. It's easy for me to see the sentiment that hey! Palestinians deserve safe, healthy lives. That they have deserved an independent state, and were unfairly denied one, for decades. It's easy for me to see people saying "You know, the Israeli government is shit, actually, and their actions endanger and promote to the misery of innocents". Because that's right! I wouldn't be voting and protesting and donating for all of these sentiments otherwise!
It's not easy for me to see people, who I honestly held in high regard and saw having well thought out opinions on important matters, inadvertently echo the sentiment that my death is acceptable. That a terrorist organization, who rule over their own territory with fear and violence, are righteous freedom fighters, vox populi, only out to establish a free state. Like hey, their manifesto said otherwise, so it must be all there is - right? That Jews are just hysterical, they can easily live elsewhere - ever since that nasty holocaust business everything's fine abroad. Besides, it was just so long ago who even cares stop talking about it. Hamas, Hezbollah, ISIS, the Ayatollahs in Iran, the fucking Islamic Jihad - are not interested in freedom. They aren't, and echoing their slogan tells me you are either ignoring that, or support them anyway. If antisemitic rhetoric, half truths and lies by omission work on you today, they would have in any period of time. I'm sorry this makes you uncomfortable. I'm not, not really.
So finally:
Know what your fucking words mean. Have a cursory glance at the history of the MENA and why it's so fucked, one that doesn't boil down to "The Jews, with American help, rolled into where they don't belong". This isn't even a joke. I've seen this braindead, history-revising sentiment repeated so many times, both online and in actual textbooks, that I feel I'm going insane. So many well-meaning people handwringing and assuring each other that repeating genocidal slogans is fine, that calling the i/p conflict "a simple problem" (which means it has a simple solution, right? Just kill the Jews.) is a well-adjusted and intellectual take. That "only the Zionists should die! The rest will be fine :)" I dare you to say that and also give me a correct definition of what Zionism is. Why I, a Jew that advocates for Palestinian statehood and rights and safety and always have, won't also face the wall in your little fantasy.
Freedom to Palestine. Peace in the middle east, fucking yesterday.
A curse and a plague on those who don't want either of those, and just want to cheer on the death of "the other side".
A curse and a plague upon you, when you tell me, smugly, from somewhere safe and far away, "from the river to the sea".
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xclowniex · 4 months
The depressing thing about I/P is that it's shocking quite easy to take a stance on the matter without being viciously bigoted as hell, and yet people just swan-dived straight into vicious hatred and cruelty on pretty much the flip of a switch:
Netanyahu's government and Hamas are the main bad guys. The former because he was already a far-right wing crook who was in big trouble prior to all this, and now he's using the war to stay in power and out of jail. He's a genuinely evil man who needs to be in prison, and there are people within Israel trying to hold him accountable. Netanyahu absolutely detests Biden because the latter is less beneficial to him for his own cruel goals (Though justifiably your mileage may vary on Biden's actions and whether they're the right thing to do or not), and Netanyahu would greatly benefit from having Trump in power...which would be the exact opposite of helping Palestine.
Hamas is a terrorist organization being bankrolled by Qatar billionaires and who wouldn't hesitate to use Palestinians as cannon fodder for their goals. They aren't freedom fighters by any stretch of the imagination just because the government opposing them is led by an evil man and his far-right cronies, and regular Palestinians are being oppressed by them.
Both Israeli people and Palestinians have a long and complicated history that hasn't been resolved in centuries, and trying to pretend as outsiders that we somehow know the correct solution (of killing or driving out all of one side) is incredibly arrogant and extremely cruel, and basically turning two very diverse and complex peoples into props for our own ego trips.
Israel's and Hamas' governments have both committed immense atrocities and war crimes, and those involved DO need to be held accountable in order for a proper peaceful solution to exist, but that does NOT make their respective peoples responsible for their actions. So constantly trying to treat all Israeli and Jewish people as being responsible for genocide is stupid and grossly bigoted, especially given that in many other cases, we don't treat other nations who've committed similar crimes and evils the same way.
Likewise, Palestinians aren't people's personal props for their revolutionary fantasies or weirdly para-social guilt complex either; just because people in the West are deep in denial about their own nations' history of horrific mistreatment of minorities doesn't mean they get to turn two entirely different independent countries (with vastly different sociopolitical and racial histories) into a balm to sooth their own guilty consciences.
Like, this is still somewhat of a gross simplification, and feel free to correct me if I missed something, but it's still incredibly disturbing how many people can't seem to do this base level of thinking.
Nah you are so right anon
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the-library-alcove · 9 months
One consistent insistence by Antizionists that has repeatedly puzzled and confounded many Jews and Israelis over the last few months since 7/10 is the often-repeated assertion that there are "Jewish Palestinians under attack by Israel in Gaza" in its full formulation, or more concisely, that there are "Palestinian Jews".
At first, most of us waved this off as simply an indicator of complete ignorance of the conflict and history of the region, and assumed that they were referring to A) "Jews who are part of the Palestinian nation-people", who exist in extremely, extremely limited numbers through intermarriage and the like, B) some kind of misconception on pre-1948 Jews who were residents of the British Mandate of Palestine, and before that the Ottoman province, or C) Jewish residents of Gaza who self-identify as Palestinians.
C seemed to be the group that was most understood as correct upon cross-examination of people making these assertions, but, being blunt...
There are no members of Group C.
All Jews were removed from Gaza by Israel in 2006, many by force, and the territory was handed over to the Palestinians entirely. There are approximately 1000-2000 Palestinian Arab Christians in the Gaza Strip, with the remaining 99.8% of the population being Sunni Muslim. The only Jews currently in Gaza are hostages held by Hamas and the IDF soldiers who are deployed there, and none of them identify as Palestinians.
But despite this topic being repeatedly and easily debunked, the claim persists among antizionists. The question is why? Not that there is disinformation in play--this entire conflict has been the subject of concerted disinformation campaigns that can be easily disproven by a glance at Wikipedia without any need for deeper research. The "why" here is "what propagandistic/narrative purpose does this claim serve?"
And the primary reasons we can come up with are less than great.
First, claiming that there are "Palestinian Jews" in Gaza allows for the invention of a perfect ideological victim being persecuted by the "racist, White Supremacist, fascist" state of Israel--i.e. they undermine the Israeli claim that the state exists for the protection of Jews.
Second, related to the first, they allow for the Antizionist promoting the theory to avoid facing the antisemitism endemic in the Antizionist movement--by positioning themselves as acting in defense of or advocacy for a (fictitious) Jewish Palestinian, then they can't be antisemitic, just "antizionist".
Third, by claiming that there are Palestinian Jews, it means that Jews are welcome and free to practice their religion in Palestine (and ties into the belief that Judaism is "just a religion"), meaning that "Zionists" are overly paranoid White Supremacists moaning about "the Great Replacement" and "White Genocide" like all other White Supremacists out there, and their concerns about Jewish survival in a hypothetical post-Israel Palestinian state under the governance of Hamas or the PFLP are unfounded and thus there is no need for Israel.
Fourth, and most disturbingly, if there are Jewish Palestinians in Gaza under Hamas' governance, then that proves, to the antizionist, that Hamas truly are freedom fighters working to expand and free their idealized multi-racial, multi-religious democratic Palestinian State from the White Supremacist Racist Zionists who are oppressing everyone, including Jews. (Instead of, you know, terrorists who oppress Gazans and want to kill all Jews everywhere).
In essence, it's a Big Lie. It seems absurd, outrageous even, to just... make up an entire demographic of people for political/ideological purposes, but the fact is, there are concrete and understandable reasons for why people both make it up in the first place, and spread it afterwards...
And those reasons boil down to, "Because we want to believe it, and it fits with the way we want the world to work."
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notaplaceofhonour · 10 months
What Does “From the River to the Sea, Palestine Will Be Free” Mean?
Gentile Americans keep telling me it’s a call for a single state for both peoples, where neither are subjugated or displaced and both have equal protection & representation in government (aka the One State Solution for Two Peoples) but Jews keep telling me it’s a call for the entire region to be ruled by a specifically Palestinian state, i.e. a one state solution for one people, not two (aka the One Palestinian State Solution). So which is it?
Since it’s a Palestinian slogan, I figured I’d ask actual Palestinians what it means: does Palestine, from the River to the Sea refer to One State for Two Peoples or One Palestinian State? Fortunately I don’t have to do the hard work myself, because AWRAD (a Palestinian research group based in the West Bank) already polled Palestinians living in Palestine on their opinions about the war, and what their preferred solution would be:
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Table from AWRAD’s Wartime Survey: “WB” is West Bank, “GS” is Gaza Strip
When presented with the One State for Two Peoples solution that Americans keep saying Palestinians want, Palestinians overwhelmingly say they do not want that, and demonstrate that “From the River to the Sea” is most closely associated with one option for them: a Palestinian State, explicitly differentiated from a state for both peoples.
This is a phrase that is also widely used by militants, rooted in the assumption that every inch belongs to Palestinian Arabs, the refusal to recognize Israel, or Israeli’s right to live anywhere between the river and the sea. Most often when militant groups say they want to liberate Palestine from the river to the sea, this is what they mean:
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October 7th—a massacre of more than a thousand Jews—is what Hamas means by liberating Palestine from the River to the Sea.
Not all Palestinians want that. Although a minority in Palestine, 25.3% of them say they support other solutions, most notably a Two State Solution. Outside of Palestine, there are Palestinian citizens of Israel who are active members of Jewish-Arab groups advocating for peace, freedom, and democracy for all, who advocate for ending the occupation (#FreePalestine) but understand that pairing that sentiment with the phrase “From the River to the Sea” necessarily implies the claim that the entire land from the river to the sea (including all of Israel) is Palestine, and thus “freeing Palestine” would mean removing Israel entirely.
Elsewhere in the Palestinian diaspora, there are Palestinians who also recognize this:
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Far from stemming from anti-Palestinian sentiment or an assumption that Muslims and Arabs are inherently violent, the recognition of what this phrase implies and how it is being used as a dogwhistle to call for the subjugation, removal, or death of Jews stems from the context and how it is being used in practice—and this is an implication most Jews and Palestinians, especially those in Israel and Palestine, recognize.
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apollos-olives · 9 months
hey, so, someone linked me this article, to "prove" to me that i should "condemn hamas". as a non-palestinian i was told there is no way i can refute this, since it comes from a gazan. i was wondering if, as a journalist and a palestinian, you would mind writing a rebuttal that i could show to people? if you have the time and energy.
okay sure let's go through this together
first thing i urge you is to be weary about propaganda. this person may be getting paid, blackmailed, or just genuinely might be brainwashed, in order to write this.
second is that this article might genuinely be this persons opinion 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️ and if it is, i urge you to come and analyze it with me in order to point out it's faults
third, let me say that NO ONE is forced to support hamas as an entirety. but as this person's article states, he is against hamas even as a freedom fighter group, so i'm gonna walk you through some of his bullshit okay :)
one thing i noticed is that there is a LOT of propaganda that was debunked in the past that is still being used in this article
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the actual number of "civilians" killed was 900, most of which were actually killed by the iof as they shot at their own "civilians" and soliders. so the author of this article may not be as educated as he might make you think he is.
he's saying that the attack on oct 7 wasn't a "legitimate armed resistance to occupation" but it literally was. there are like a billion un resolutions that state that armed resistance against an occupier is allowed. hamas has every right to fight back against israel. and what? you think armed resistance isn't going to get messy??? of course it will. it is already messy. people are going to die no matter what. that is how you fight against your oppressor. people will die. that's the whole "armed resistance" part. this person is utterly ignorant if he thinks that we can free palestine by a few peaceful protests (which i will come back to soon!)
and yeah what is wrong with "contextualizing" the attack by telling people that gazans are living in a concentration camp?? because they are. and they have every right to fight back. hamas wasn't the only one who was resisting that day, and more than one palestinian resistance group were there as well. condemning only hamas for this shit is idiotic and honestly grouping ALL palestinians, even ones who were not part of hamas, as hamas is... well do i gotta say it? racist.
this author is using a lot of words like "horrific nature" ...... palestinians who fight against their oppressors have a "horrific nature" ???? doesn't that sound... racist to you? and what "numbers" are involved ???? 900 "civilians" that were killed by their own army???? yeah. what massive numbers that hamas killed ooohhhhhh 😰😰
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bruhhh this shit sounds like the whole "hamas is their new fandom" bullshit 💀💀💀 also where is he seeing this stuff???? how are bulldozers, paragliders, and motorcycles showing support to hamas?????? maybe they're just people who support palestine in general and mean to use them as symbols of resistance. mocking the "underprivileged fight back" hmmmm that sure sounds so inclusive and supportive of you mister palestinian author!!
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this guy brings up international law when LITERALLY THAT IS THE WHOLE POINT. BY INTERNATIONAL LAW HAMAS AND OTHER PALESTINIANS ARE ALLOWED TO FIGHT BACK AGAINST THEIR OPPRESSORS. BY "ALL MEANS NECESSARY" - ughhh this is exhausting. and the fact that they call hamas enthusiasts (💀) "inhumane" ... wowwww what happened to the whole "stop dehumanizing poc and the oppressed" ???? this guy is a fucking weirdo.
and again with the "civilians" dude seriously???? israeli civilians are illegal settlers. there are no innocent israelis except for the children, and any harm that may come to the children should put the parents to be held accountable for bringing/settling their child into a land that isn't theirs anyway.
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why would you equate being jewish with israel?? yeah a lot of israelis are jewish but pro-palestine jews have repeatedly told us that we should not and must not equate judaism and israel together, and that doing that is antisemitic because it's equating judaism as a supporter of genocide.
and why are you, as a palestinian, calling what's happening in palestine a "conflict" ??? even after years and years of palestinians begging for people to stop seeing it and calling it a conflict and name it for what it is, systematic ethnic cleansing and genocide ?? this guy's wording is ridiculous and so full of that "both sides" liberalism shit it's so exhausting.
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wow we love the blatant propaganda. you could tell that the hostages were comfortable enough to wave or handshake the members who released them. they were smiling, no one was forcing them to do that. no one was threatening them harm. many family members have spoken out and have told the media that hamas has treated the hostages well, even if the conditions weren't very glorious.
and AGAIN with the whole "women and children" as if men weren't victims too. you are trying to push for the safety of israelis but disregard the men ???? hm
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wow calling palestinians terrorists that's totally not racist at all!!!!
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ohhh my god how many times do we have to say that peaceful protests DO NOT WORK !!! no one is listening to us. we've TRIED peacefully protesting. gazans tried peacefully protesting a few years back and HUNDREDS got killed and THOUSANDS got injured!!!! peaceful protesting isn't going to work alone. we need action!! we need to start fighting back!!! we need to make a difference!! palestinians have been begging for people to do this for years now!!!
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what "slogans" ????? "from the river to the sea" ???? is that a dangerous slogan, mister palestinian author ?????? don't make me laugh.
and there is a FINE line between anti zionism and antisemitism. yes a lot of zionists are jews but also a lot of christian zionists are antisemites as well. we are allowed to call out and fight anti zionism without being antisemitic. but i guess you would know SO much about that huh, mister palestinian author.
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wow what a totally normal thing to say!!! linking palestinians to their constant suffering under the occupation and linking them to be forever tied to their oppressors. "millions of jews will forever be part of the land" YES !!! PALESTINIAN JEWS !!! WHO WERE FOREVER PART OF THE LAND !!!!
ok that's all for the screenshots but i DO want to mention that not once did this guy say ANYTHING about how hamas was bad for gaza. he did not say anything or show any proof about gazans suffering under hamas' rule, and only talked about the "poor israelis" ☹️☹️☹️ who were huwt becawse they wewe illegal settlews on a land that's not theiw's :((((((
this guy was probably paid or blackmailed or something. or just brainwashed.
many palestinians ARE anti hamas as a whole. but we DO support their fight for our freedom.
i hope this helps. keep these arguments in mind next time you're reading an article.
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jewishvitya · 11 months
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@turgidturnip I hope you don't mind me replying to this on a different post.
This is about "from the river to the sea" and the claim that it's an antisemitic rallying cry, calling to ethnically cleanse Palestine from Jews.
There's a misconception that this slogan comes from the Hamas charter, but it predates Hamas by, I think, a couple of decades. It's been used this way by more militant groups, and by Iraqi leadership at some point, but before that it's been used to call for a democratic secular nation state.
The reason you see these claims of antisemitism from Jewish people online is that this is the context where most of them will have seen it. Both because it is part of the history, and because that's how antisemites use it against Jews.
Both "Free Palestine" and "from the river to the sea" are thrown at random Jewish people, who are completely unrelated to Israel, to tell them essentially "You're not wanted anywhere and we want you gone."
This abuses the cause of the Palestinian people to weaponize against Jews. It's wrong and violent, but doesn't make the desire to be free in their homeland into something genocidal. And I'm not willing to just give antisemites this, but even if I was, I'm not Palestinian and giving up on a slogan because antisemites are abusing it is not my call to make. It's pretty obvious Palestinians don't want to put it away. Any slogans Palestinians might create can be used this way against Jews, because antisemites will always look for ways to be hateful towards us. But it doesn't make the antisemitism inherent in the desire for freedom.
Recognize where it's used in an antisemitic way from context: if someone uses those slogans to throw at a random Jewish person, or if it's used to disrupt a conversation about antisemitism, that's a misuse of it that does a disservice to Palestinians in favor of harming Jews. That's when it has genocidal intent applied to it.
Otherwise, don't let antisemites steal a slogan of a group of people who have been facing ethnic cleansing for over seventy years. Their real ethnic cleansing takes priority over the hypothetical one we're supposedly threatened with.
I'm not trying to tell other people what their liberation should look like. But when I talk to Palestinians, so far what I heard was a desire for one state that isn't an ethnostate. A civic state that tries to be safe for all the people within its borders. As far as I could see, Palestinians have been saying for a while that what they mean by this, is a state that will be free and equal to everyone.
The assumption that Palestinians will pull some sort of reverse ethnic cleansing against us is racist. And this assumption is the reason Israelis feel comfortable calling the carpet bombing of a civilian population "self defense." Killing them based on this is not self defense, it's a racially motivated crime against humanity.
Gaza is experiencing a genocide. This is because Israel wants the land - without the people. The manufactured Jewish majority can't be sustained if they're made equal citizens. Palestinians are risking the ethnostate by being alive.
So far Israel is the one practicing the genocidal interpretation of "from the river to the sea."
Palestinians deserve to be free on every single part of this land.
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This video is for everyone who supports Palestine. If you don't support Palestine, you can scroll.
What's Palestine? I am dead ass requesting you to tell me what's Palestine. Do you know who you're chanting for, and what you're chanting?
When you say "free Palestine" you are not talking about Gaza. Do you know that? Gaza is not Palestine.
"From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free." It is calling to end the existence of Israel. From the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea, which includes the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, and the entire state of Israel. The only Jewish state in the entire world.
7 million Jews and 2 million Arabs live here in peace. With your "free Palestine" idea, where do you want us to go? Where do you want us all to go? What do you think is gonna happen the day Israel stops existing? Do you not think that if Hamas takes over, if the damage they are already doing, having full control, full complete control over the tiny area that is Gaza, what do you think is gonna happen the day they have full complete control over the state of Israel?
What do you think is gonna happen to you? Chanting "free Palestine" in the streets right now. If you want freedom for the people of Gaza who, by the way, you guys are categorizing together as Palestinians, you have no idea who lives there. If you want freedom for these people, you stand with Israel to end whoever is actually occupying them.
Israel has never attacked Gaza unprovoked. Israel has never, ever, ever targeted the Gazan civilians during any war or any attack that we have inflicted upon Hamas and their terror targets, the places they hide their rockets and guns and ammunition, which are civilian homes, hospitals, schools.
The people of Gaza can't speak themselves against Hamas cause they know they'll be killed. You, from the comfort of your home in your Western country think that you can speak for the people of Gaza about who is inflicting terror on them.
500,000 Gazans cross to Israel every single day to work. Let me make something very, very clear. Since Israel left Gaza in 2005, Israel does not owe shit to Gaza. "The electricity, the water..." Why isn't Hamas providing those things to Gaza? Where is all the billions of dollars they are being sent constantly? We don't have to let Gazans come and work here. We don't have to give them food, electricity and water. We don't have to warn them to go out of their houses when we attack Hamas targets. We don't have to do anything. And somehow we are held to the standard that we do?
Hamas kills their political opponents. They have not held elections since they've been elected in 2006. Even after they have GoPro'ed a massacre of 1,300 people, not people killed by rockets - massacre by hand - you still don't know who they are. You still don't realize they do the same thing to the people of Gaza. You still support these people.
If you want Gaza to be free, you support Israel annihilating Hamas and freeing them of the people of Gaza. Once Gaza is free of Hamas, there will be peace.
Don't you think that if Israel was truly controlling Gaza and occupying Gaza, this wouldn't have happened. We would know what was going on there.
Wake up already. These terrorists are using your values against you. They are hiding in their terror tunnels right now alongside 199 hostages. These are not freedom fighters, these are bloodthirsty monsters.
Stop chanting these empty, empty slogans and wake up to see what is right in front of you.
"The siege, they have a fence around Gaza..." Have you seen what happens when they make one hole in the fence? Have you seen what happens in less than five hours to 1,300 people when they break through this fence?
This will never fail to amaze me. "Gaza's under siege! The fence around Gaza!" Do you mean the border? Somewhere that is not our territory? Same border that 500,000 Palestinians cross to make money here in Israel? The same border they can easily cross if they don't affiliate with Hamas or carry any weapon? The same border they have with their Egyptian brothers who do not allow them anywhere near their country?
And if after everything I said, you still support Hamas, there is no other way to say it: your values align with Hamas. And I'm being very, very gentle.
If you truly want peace, you stand with Israel.
Hamas is Gaza's Taliban. Hamas is Gaza's ISIS. Hamas is Gaza's Boko Haram. Hamas is Gaza's Iranian Regime.
Oct 7 was Israel's Mahsa Amini moment. Israel is doing this not just for the Israelis, but for the Gazans, who live in a terrorist regime.
If you rooted for the collapse of the Iranian Regime with #WomanLifeFreedom, then you root for the extermination of Hamas. Because they are the same exact problem.
How have people gotten so confused after only one year?
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eretzyisrael · 9 months
Israel’s Enemies Tell Five Big Lies
Following the worst massacre of Jews since the Holocaust, antisemites mount a series of vicious attacks, threats and malicious lies against Jews and Israel
With no shame or sign of humanity, the enemies of Israel have doubled down on their insistence that Israel is an illegitimate state that must be destroyed and that the savage slaughter of 1,200 innocent Jews was justified—all based on five “Big Lies” about the Jewish state.
What are the facts?
The world for Jews and Israel will never be the same. Wellesley College students receive official messages saying Zionists (i.e. most Jewish students) are not welcome in the school’s dorms. Hamas official Ghazi Hamad in a TV rant swears Hamas will repeat October 7 over and over until Israel is annihilated. West Bank Palestinian activist Ahed Tamimi says “What Hitler did to you was a joke—we will drink your blood and eat your skull.”
While Hamas’s October 7 atrocity shattered the hope of many Palestinian supporters, causing them to rethink their positions, the event only ignited an explosion of hate from other of Israel’s enemies. Tens of thousands of demonstrators made clear they no longer support two states living side by side in peace. Rather they demand “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free . . . by any means necessary”—meaning, clearly, slaughter of civilians.
Power of Big Lies: Though Israel was the victim of a mass murder of innocent Jews, its enemies blame the Jewish state—not only for the Hamas massacre, but also for responding in defense. The reasons many blame Israel for the atrocity are based on five Big Lies. Big Lies were used by Nazi leader Goebbels, who noted that if he told an outrageous lie often enough, people would begin to believe it. Alternatively, if you use truth as a basis for your judgments, you may these facts useful:
Lie #1: Israel is a colonial state that stole Palestinian land. A colonizer is a foreign nation that conquers and exploits another nation. First, the Palestinians have never controlled any land in Palestine: They were also never a nation. Nothing was stolen. Second, Jews are the indigenous people of the land of Israel. They have lived there continuously for 3,000 years and had two commonwealths for over 1,000 years: They are not foreigners. No colonial state.
Lie #2: Israel commits genocide. Genocide is the intent to destroy a national, ethnic, racial or religious group by killing its members. Israel does not, nor has ever, targeted innocent Palestinian civilians for killing—no mass murders, no pogroms. All Palestinian civilian deaths have occurred as collateral damage while fighting terrorists who hide in residential or other public areas. Tellingly, the population in in and around Israel has mushroomed since Israel’s founding in 1948—from about 700,000 to seven million today: Zero genocide.
Lie #3: Israel practices apartheid. Apartheid is a system of legalized racial segregation in which one racial group is deprived of political and civil rights. Israel has no laws or policies separating or limiting the rights of any of its citizens—including two million Arab-Israeli citizens—nor any Palestinians outside Israel. Political and civil rights of all Palestinians outside Israel are controlled by their respective dictatorships, who allow virtually no freedoms, such as speech or the vote. No apartheid.
Lie #4: Israel is committing war crimes. War crimes include torture, hostage taking, acts of terrorism, rape and intentional targeting of civilians. While Hamas committed all these acts on October 7, Israel commits none. Though some media bristle at what they consider excessive civilian deaths during Israeli military efforts, in fact, Israel attacks only military structures and personnel—never civilian-only targets. Unfortunately, Hamas places its fighters in dense residential areas or in tunnels beneath them, endangering civilians. No Israeli war crimes.
Lie #5: Israel brutally oppresses the Palestinians daily. Oppression is the malicious exercise of power to discriminate against some groups. Because Israel completely exited Gaza in 2005, it has no power over of the daily lives of Gazans. However, because of Hamas’s continuous terror, especially efforts to kill Jews and destroy the Jewish state, Israel and Egypt have placed Gaza under a strict blockade to prevent terror attacks. Likewise, because of the Oslo Accords, Israel and the Palestinian Authority share governance of Judea and Samaria (the West Bank). Thus, Israel plays virtually no role governing Palestinians daily lives and only enters Palestinian-controlled areas when terrorists flee to and hide in them. No oppression.
Above all, Israel and the U.N. have made numerous offers of land for an independent Palestinian state. Unfortunately, the Palestinians have turned down five offers of land for peace since 1948, three of them over the last 23 years. Apparently, their dream of conquering Israel “from the land to the sea” is more important.
The bestiality of the October 7 massacre shocked us—beheadings, incineration, rape, torture, heartless executions, brutal kidnappings. Even worse, the gates have opened to unlimited Jew hatred on American streets and campuses—to condoning savagery with the excuse of Palestinian liberation . . . based on utter lies about the Jewish state. But Hamas and the haters should know that “Never Again,” means fighting and defeating evil forever.
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phantom-of-the-memes · 10 months
And just the parallels these people are drawing, trying to insult me, an Irish person, when I’m talking about freeing Palestine. They’re sooo telling.
All these people demanding Palestinian activists tell them whether or not they “condemn Hamas”, which is just such bullshit and a bad faith question. I highly recommend watching the interview the Palestinian ambassador gave on the bbc, just completely obliterating this question. But yes these people will then turn around to me as soon as I speak on Palestine, and ask “do you condemn the IRA!?!?!”.
Once again asked by people without a shred of knowledge on the history of Ireland or Palestine.
First, on the IRA. The IRA (Irish Republican Army) was formed in 1917 from the members of the Irish Volunteers and the Irish Citizen Army. Notice the key words “volunteers” and “citizen”. It was never an army, just a volunteer resistance force of Irish citizens. They didn’t even have weapons at the start. They would train in the woods holding hurls to substitute guns. It wasn’t until the risings when they received weapons donated by other nations supporting the Irish gaining freedom.
More Irish people (who didn’t have the army training the British forces had) were killed and imprisoned by the British, than they killed the British. Various risings and civil wars continued until the Republic came to be in 1948. The six counties of the North are still of course under British rule.
My point is, people (*cough cough* Americans) who “love” Ireland and are so happy that Ireland gained freedom, then turn around and ask us to “condemn the IRA/ Hamas”…
I’m not even going to go into the fact that the IRA has since splintered off into a million different factions and some of them are involved in organised crime, blah, blah. Because again, “condemning the IRA” for gaining freedom for the republic because of the later actions of SOME of them, is just bad faith!
People looovvvee Ireland and Irish culture and are glad the republic exists and are “sad” for the North, but don’t want to acknowledge that we’ve only come this far by violent resistance! If we could’ve just asked real nice for England to fuck off, in the 700 years they occupied us, we would’ve! Peace talks don’t do shit when one side is a colonising power that doesn’t want to leave the other alone!
And again, it’s assuming that colonisation and apartheid states aren’t violent themselves. In both Palestine and Ireland, our oppressors subjugated and forced us into unimaginable conditions for so fucking long. Then when people try to oppose them, they’re called terrorists?
I mean shit, you Americans even have your 4th of July where you celebrate how you guys violently overthrew the English and gained independence. Do we condemn those soldiers for killing British soldiers? I mean every Independence Day of every country involves form of violent rebellion… that’s how shit gets done.
Hamas is a small resistance group. The IDF is a literal army with actual training and the world’s best weapons provided by the biggest powers of the world. EVEN IF somehow Hamas was a big scary terrorist organisation with military grade weapons, what Israel is doing has nothing to do with Hamas. They are bombing fucking children, hospitals, refugee camps, journalists!! All of which are fucking war crimes.
Israel is flooding social media with propaganda about how the hospitals were “Hamas headquarters”. Taking pictures of a board with the days of the week in Arabic and claiming it’s “Hamas terrorist plans”.
This is what the English depicted us as, and it’s what Israel will depict Palestine as. Of course we’re going to support them.
A great quote from on of my favourite films (Pride, 2014) is: “I don’t believe the papers when they talk about us, why should I believe it when they talk about them?”.
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boreal-sea · 4 months
The conflict isn’t really between Israel and Palestine. It’s not even really between Israel and Hamas. The conflict is between Israel and the surrounding Arab states who were against Israel’s formation for multiple reasons.
Firstly, these states are antisemitic. Places like Iran have not been welcoming to Jews. Ignoring the incredible level of hate for Jews in the region means you’re not going to understand what’s going on.
But secondly, they opposed Israel because it is a foothold of Western power in the Middle East. I think if you’re not aware of this larger political friction you’re going to misinterpret a lot of what has happened over the past 70 years. There is a reason the USA is such a staunch ally of Israel. It’s political.
And that’s where Hamas comes in. Hamas does not fund itself. Where do you think they are getting the thousands of rockets they’ve fired into Israel? Where do their leaders hang out? Hint: it’s not Palestine. Hamas is funded and armed by countries like Iran, Qatar and Turkey. Iran also funds Hezbollah. Countries like Iran know it’s a bad idea to declare outright war on Israel, even though that’s what they want. So they use Hamas instead.
And that’s what makes this conflict look one-sided, makes it look like it’s the overwhelming military power of Israel against a small rebel group.
But that’s not the actual situation.
Hamas was founded by Palestinians, but it is being used by Iran and others as a political tool. These other countries do not actually care about Palestinians: they care about torturing Israelis, ands keeping the region unstable. These countries don’t allow Palestinian refugees. They don’t particularly like Palestinians. They do not care about the fate of Palestine except to use it as a political tool. A treaty between Palestine and Israel would be a terrible blow against these other countries, so they are invested in preventing that peace.
Now. I don’t like how Israel was founded. I don’t think the Nakba was justified. I fully support the Palestinian right to form. I don’t like Israel’s current actions in Gaza. I want them to stop. I want them to find real peace with Palestine. I want the illegal settlements to stop. I want Netanyahu out of power. I want everyone there to be free and safe.
And if you also want peace, you need to stop treating Hamas like they’re freedom fighters. They’re not. They are funded and armed by people who do not want peace, who have political reasons to keep Palestine and Israel at war. Hamas brutally oppresses the people of Gaza - their own people - and they are violently antisemitic. Nothing they have done is justified.
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hussyknee · 1 year
Let me make this very clear right now.
Israel is not a legitimate state.
Zionism is no longer an abstract belief in a Jewish homeland but the ideological battleground of pro-Israeli colonizers.
Bombing two million civilians in an open air prison in retaliation for the actions of the underground militia you empowered by invading a country and killing civilians for decades is still genocide.
If you believe objecting to the razing of Gaza means supporting Hamas's attacks on Israeli civilians you are simply justifying genocide.
Look up the bombing of Warsaw 1944
The US has elected to support this open war crime.
Which is what the US's entire military history has been about.
If you try to whitewash or apologize for Biden to stop the USAmerican left splintering in next year's election you are a racist imperialist scumbucket who's already proving you will never hold your leaders accountable.
None of this excuses going after vulnerable Jewish minorities in the rest of the world, in fact, the more you harrass and endanger them, the more you will shore up support for Israel, because scared people have no choice but to circle their wagons around the only people offering them refuge.
This is exactly what happens to Palestinians with Hamas. Persecution of minorities leave them no choice but to support whoever will defend them.
For people to make better choices they must have the freedom to choose.
Support for Palestine must be unequivocal, because peace only happens when you take the chainsaw away from a maniac trying to kill people with it for throwing rocks at them.
This is not a fight against Jews but against the violent colonial apartheid state created by USA and Britain because they didn't want to deal with the Jewish refugees and but wanted a foothold in the Middle East. It meant they could frame the Jewish diaspora as people that belonged to another country and manipulate them via a state over which they had no representation or political agency. It is effectively a Sword of Damocles they have been dangling over the heads of Jewish diasporas disguised as support for a Jewish homeland.
Fascism knows no race or religion. It's about fear and power sold as the price of stability and safety. No group of humans will ever be inoculated against its lure, no matter how keenly they have suffered.
No human being is acceptable collateral. If you fire on a human shield you are as much murderer as those holding them up and must answer for it.
I will be treating any discourse on this as a free blocklist. My people, the Sinhalese, did exactly this to Sri Lankan Tamils. There are no variations in the ethnofascist playbook. The blood on our hands will never wash away, and it will not for you either.
"Yeah but Palestinians elected Hamas in a free and fair election—" y'all elected Bush twice because a handful of Saudis killed 3000 people in one attack. So maybe understand that terrified people who are actually being genocided also want to be led by the biggest bully, and shut the fuck up.
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matan4il · 10 months
Daily update post:
Rockets continue to be fired at Israel, at least one person was injured, a 64 years old man. Here's a reminder that this is what it looks like AFTER Iron Dome has intercepted a rocket from Gaza, as the rocket's debris falls over the residential area that the terrorists fired it at, and debris can surprise people by landing up to a few minutes after an interception:
And this is what it looked like when a girl happened to be outside when the siren sounded, and she didn't have enough time to get to a bomb shelter:
I've mentioned 77 years old Chana Katzir before. She was held hostage by Palestinian Islamic Jihad, the second biggest terrorism organization in Gaza, which released a vid with her and another captive kid, and then claimed that she was killed by IDF fire. She then turned out to be alive, and was released by Hamas on the first day of the hostage deal. Her family said she was healthy when she was kidnapped, but she returned from captivity with heart problems. Her condition deteriorated, and she is not hospitalized, with a real threat to her life.
This is Chana in the vid:
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(the Arabic subtitle reads, "I am Chana Katzir from kibbutz Nir Oz")
And this is her with her family:
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Chana's son Elad is still in captivity.
The IDF continues to expose constantly how Hamas uses civilians areas, including schools and kindergartens, for its terrorist activity:
The US Congress discussion on Antisemitism at college campuses was even more shocking than I thought it would be. It was evident that they would claim that certain phrases are disputed in meaning, and therefore protected by freedom of speech. I did NOT think that three presidents of prestigious higher education institutes would sit there, and not be able to bring themselves to say clearly, that an EXPLICIT call to genocide the Jews goes against their schools' code of conduct.
As a gay, Jewish and disabled woman, I think the following vid is incredibly important. It shows the "free speech" line of defence is applied selectively, it's used to allow harassment of Jews, while speech that is offensive to other marginalized groups is NOT allowed.
The answers (obviously coordinated, because these presidents are parroting each other, down to using the same terms) claimed that as long as this call was "just" speech, not conduct, it was not a violation of their code. I just wanna point out that the way we get to hateful conduct, IS by allowing hate speech. Also... what does that even mean, "if it turns into conduct" in the context of a call to genocide? Jews have to be massacred (with intent to destroy the whole nation) on UPenn's college campus, for the president of this university to finally think it constitutes harassment of Jews? Plus, harassment is absolutely one of the crimes that doesn't have to be an action. Sexual harassment has long been recognized to include speech, so why is harassment of Jews treated differently to harassment of women? Does anyone think that a Jewish student, who hears dozens of students on campus calling for the genocide of the Jews, is not feeling harassed?
And at the same time, House resolution 894, condemning antisemitism, passed with over 300 votes in favor. Which is good. What bothers me is that there is even a single person who would vote against it. And it turns out, no less than 14 people voted against it. Not to mention those who voted, "present." This should be an eternal shameful stain on the records of every single one of the people, who couldn't bring themselves to clearly say no to Jew hate.
This is 20 years old Assachalo Sama.
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He's one of the Israeli soldiers killed in Gaza since the fighting resumed. He was mortally injured, and for two weeks, doctors fought for his life, before he succumbed to his wounds. The people who served with him said he was the heart of the unit. May his memory be a blessing.
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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floralcavern · 9 months
All right I’m finally doing this.
Name’s Flora. I’m a straight woman. This is my side blog. I write fanfics on there. Or you can check out my AO3 account!
I’m 17 years old. I’m in a ton of fandoms, my main ones being The Song of Achilles, Percy Jackson, The Owl House, Wings of Fire, many different Webtoons, TBHK, and many others. I’m Catholic, so don’t talk shit about my religion to me, I’m so tired of it. From that one country where people eat way too unhealthy and likes freedom 👍 I am the embodiment of stressed and depressed, but well dressed. I really like writing and world building. If you wanna check out some of the stuff I’ve written, sort through the tags on my blog by putting in ‘Writers on Tumblr’ Here’s my Spotify account if you wanna check out my 200+ playlists:
I’m an Israel supporter and pro-Zionism. Sooo.. ya. I don’t give a shit what you think about me. But please know that this does not mean I do not care for the citizens of Palestine. The real threat is Hamas.
My opinion on the IDF (because it’s a lot more complex than you think)
Do you really know what it is you’re chanting?
Important 2
Important 3 (extremely fucking important)
Important 4
Important 5
Important 6
Important 7
Important 8
Important 9
You guessed it. Important 10
Important 11
Important 12
Oh wow! Important 13!
News on the hostages
Hamas doesn’t welcome Christians
Your antisemitism does hurt people
Fuck Hamas
They have security for a reason
Hamas’s war crimes
Al Jazeera is not credible
So much misinformation
Antizionism is antisemitism
The side of everything that no one sees online
Your movement is turning into a death cult
Have it make sense
This is no where close to genocide
Israel has tried peace over and over again
But-But Israel hates Muslims!
I fucking swear, if I see one more person say the hostages were treated well, I will scream
I’m afraid ignorance is contagious
“The hostages said they were treated in well!” You are gullible as hell..
Y’all can support the existence of Palestine without being racist toward Israelis
This is war, not genocide. Also, Hamas are liars
Get your savior complex out of here and learn to hold people accountable
Free the hostages, holy crap.. (t/w for blood)
Confuse them in their own bullshit!
Ignorance.. ignorance everywhere
You’re actually harming your own cause
The casualty numbers are FAKE
It’s the appropriation of Jewish history for me
Oh wow. Al Jazeera. Lying? Who would’ve thought?
Hamas aren’t freedom fighters
Actually extremely interesting
This literally is a war, no matter how much you deny it
Wait until they learn they’re reciting KKK and Nazi propaganda
Hamas do. Not. Care. For the Palestinians
Experts, people who have studied this shit for years, agree that this is not a genocide
Palestinian origins
The reason Palestine hates Israel and Jews (surprise, surprise, it’s because of Hamas)
Palestinians are taught to hate Jews
Wait until you learn that those “Palestinian hostages” are prisoners who were arrested for horrendous crimes (t/w for description of torture)
What the fuck, oh my gosh, this is awful.
Fuck Hamas and fuck the UN
Other people providing links of info
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Free the hostages
Uyghur Muslims in China
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the-garbanzo-annex-jr · 4 months
By David Adesnik and Ahmad Sharawi
In English, protesters call for Palestine to be free.
But when their chants shift to Arabic, they often call for the whole of Palestine to be Arab — an explicit call to dismantle the Jewish state and dispossess its people.
A video from February shows a crowd gathered on the steps of Harvard’s venerable Widener Library.
A woman with a bullhorn is teaching the group to chant,��“Min al-mayah lil-mayah, Falastin arabiyah!” 
The literal translation of that: “From the water [the River Jordan] to the water [the Mediterranean], Palestine is Arab!”
At MIT last week, another bullhorn-wielding protester led the crowd in exactly the same chant, then improvised a new ending: “Al-mawt la-sahyuniyah!”— “Death to Zionism!”
There is a campaign afoot to persuade Americans that “From the river to the sea” is not a call to erase Israel from the map.hamas
Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D), the Palestinian-American from Michigan, called the slogan “an aspirational call for freedom, human rights and peaceful coexistence.”
The Arab-American Anti-Discrimination Committee likewise insists it’s “a demand for democratic coexistence between Jews and Arabs.”
This is a willful distortion of history, which shows that the animating purpose of the slogan is to reject Jewish control of any sliver of land between the Jordan and the Mediterranean.
The phrase has its origins in early the days of the Palestinian national movement in the 1960s, though early examples of its usage remain elusive.
In 1980, Yasser Arafat declared, “The victorious march will continue until the flag of Palestine is raised above Jerusalem and above the whole area of Palestine from the River to the Sea.”
The flag of Israel would have no place.
When Arafat led his Fatah party and the Palestinian Liberation Organization into a peace process with Israel in the 1990s, his critics deployed the slogan to signal their complete rejection of Arafat’s readiness to compromise on the question of Israel’s existence.
Upon his release from an Israeli prison in 1997, Sheikh Ahmad Yassin, the founder of Hamas, told his followers, “Palestine is still occupied and the Hamas will not stop the holy war until the liberation of all Palestine from the river to the sea.”
In 2003, Yassin’s deputy, Abdel Aziz al-Rantisi, led 100,000 demonstrators in a pledge to continue their jihad until Palestine reached from the river to the sea.
Leaders who did favor negotiations even described “from the river to the sea” as the position they rejected because of its excessive ambition.
Abdallah Darwish, the late Arab Israeli leader, said in 1993, “Every Hamas backer has the right to dream of a Palestine from the river to the sea,” but that is unrealistic.
While Palestinians understood that Israel could not exist if their state occupied all the land between the river and the sea, protesters on American campuses began to dispute the plain meaning of the slogan as early as 2003.
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pettytiredandjewish · 2 months
To the pro pal and anti zionist crowds… (once again)
- hamas is not a fucking resistance group. They are a terrorist organization that wants to k*ll all Israelis and Jewish people- along with the Palestinians that don’t agree with them. They don’t give a damn about Palestinians and their safety.
- why are y’all defending Hamas? And other terrorist groups? Y’all will go on rants about how they’re not evil or they’re just protecting themselves and all that BS. These groups don’t give a damn about the civilians- hell they do more harm than good to the civilians. Honey supporting these types of groups is really messed up and morally fucked up.
- (the fact that I have to say this is mind blowing but-) r*pe isn’t a form of freedom fighting. And the fact that some of y’all are denying that the hostages were r*ped- despite all of the evidence, or even justifying the r*pe- claiming that they deserved it is just… really messed up and disgusting.
- since most of y’all don’t even know what Zionism means, please leave it out of your vocabulary. And another little reminder but anti Zionism is antisemitism.
- protesting outside of synagogue, schools, museums and businesses isn’t freeing Palestine. You pulling this type of shit is just letting us know that y’all hate Jews.
- defacing and fire bombing synagogues and Jewish grave yards are also isn’t gonna free Palestine. Once again it’s just letting us know that y’all hate Jews.
- harassing random Jews (on the internet and in person) and attacking them/ making threats to them is not freeing Palestine. You know what is does though? It just proves that y’all hate Jews.
- just a quick question but how does harassing Jewish kids help free Palestine?
- antisemitism is on the rise and it’s getting worse every single fucking day. And the only ones that gives a shit is us Jews and our allies. But y’all would rather turn your face away from it or just deny or even justify it.
- another question but uh y’all do know what INTIFADA means right?
- Israelis are not their fucking government.
I could keep going but I hope y’all get the point. And if you still don’t get it then… welp I guess it’s a loss cause.
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